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Earth Month

4/24 Earth Week Forest Bathing

Forest bathing promotes wellness through deepening our connection to natural environments. Based on the Japanese practice of Shinrin-Yoku, which translates as ‘taking in the atmosphere of the forest,” this 2-hour session led by Josh Schwartz (A Greener Mind Forest Bathing) will guide you through mindfulness-based sensory invitations to help you slow down, awaken your senses and reconnect with nature. Please dress comfortably with the weather in mind. We will be outdoors and moving slowly so you may want to bring extra layers. Depending on the weather, sunscreen or a raincoat may be necessary. Shoes should be something appropriate for walking in grass and on trails that may be wet and muddy. There may be times that you wish to sit so a blanket or mat may make your experience more enjoyable. Space is limited and registration is required for this free program. We will follow all best practices for social-distancing. Ages: 18 & Up Fee: Free Course: #105370 • Saturday, Apr. 24 • 9 - 11 am

MAY 2021

5/1 Teme Month: Gardening for Wildlife

When you plant for wildlife, nature begins at your backdoor. Learn how to be a better neighbor to birds, butterflies, and bees through virtual and in-person demonstrations, workshops, and tours of the beautiful native plant gardens at Locust Grove Nature Center. Registration is for the email of the months activities. Ages: All Ages Fee: Free Course: #105248

5/2 City Nature Challenge: iNaturalist Hike At Blockhouse Point

Explore the palustrine wetlands, river-rock outcrops, and upland forests of one of the County’s best natural areas. Blockhouse Point Conservation Park features rare plants, a diversity of wildlife, historic Civil War ruins, and grand views of the Potomac River and C&O Canal. We’ll make observations of plants and animals using the iNaturalist app in coordination with the City Nature Challenge. Join our expert Naturalists and practice your field identification skills of plants, insects, bird calls, amphibians, fungi, animal tracks, and more. Registration required for this outdoors-only program that follows all standards for social distancing. Please meet at the parking lot on River Road. Ages: 16 & Up Fee: Free Course: #105362 • Sunday, May. 2 • 9 am-12 pm


5/7 Harmony with Hummingbirds

It’s that time of year when hummingbirds start returning to Cabin John Regional Park! Learn about these tiny, busy, little birds and how you can attract them to your own backyard in this free session.This is a virtual program. The meeting link will be sent to registered participants only. Ages: 8 & Up Fee: Free Course: #105405 • Friday, May. 7 • 3:30 - 4 pm

5/8 Locust Grove Spring Native Plant Sale

Beautify your backyard and be a good neighbor to wildlife with native plants! Shop a unique selection of the highest quality local eco-types grown by Montgomery Parks’ own Pope Farm Nursery. Our spring sale features many early-blooming perennial wildflowers, as well as trees, shrubs, vines, and evergreens. All sales support educational programs at Locust Grove Nature Center.SHOP IN PERSON at our socially-distanced, live sale any time between 10am and 2pm on Saturday or Sunday. Free admission, no registration required. Please wear a mask.PRE-ORDER ONLINE and enjoy no-contact pickup. See our website for more details. Ages: All Ages Fee: Free Course: #105415 • Saturday, May. 8 • 10 am-2 pm

5/8 Migratory Bird Day Hike

Come and celebrate Migratory Bird Day at Cabin John Regional Park. Learn about the dangerous journey many birds make each spring and fall, and see migration in action on a Naturalist-led hike. Perfect for beginner birders and families. Bring your own pair of binoculars if you have them, or borrow a pair from the Nature Center.Please register all adults and children in your group. This outdoors-only program follows all practices for social-distancing. Masks required. Ages: 8 & Up Fee: Free Course: #105410 • Saturday, May. 8 • 2 - 3 pm

5/19 Gardening for Butterfies

What is the best way to attract butterflies to your garden? Join us for this free, virtual gardening workshop and learn the best ways to bring these colorful visitors to your backyard.This is a virtual program. The meeting link will be sent to registered participants only. Ages: 8 & Up Fee: Free Course: #105406 • Wednesday, May. 19 • 3 - 3:30 pm

When you plant for wildlife, nature begins at your backdoor.

Learn how to be a better neighbor to birds, butterflies, and bees through virtual and in-person demonstrations, workshops, and tours of the beautiful native plant gardens at Locust Grove Nature Center.

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