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9/25 All About Animals—Birds
10/8 Charlas con Fogata
Do you love all things with fur, feathers, and scales? Join a naturalist to learn about different types of animals! We will hear a story, observe an animal, play a game, and create a craft. In this session, learn about birds and create an owl-themed craft.
Únase a un naturalista junto a una fogata para conocer uno de los fascinantes animales e historias del parque de Rock Creek Regional Park. Cada programa consistirá en un tema de naturaleza diferente. Siga las indicaciones hacia la fogata a la derecha del centro de la naturaleza. Los asientos en los bancos seguirán 6 pies de distanciamiento entre las familias. Siéntase libre de traer su propia lona o toalla para sentarse en el suelo. La seguridad es nuestra prioridad y los naturalistas ejecutarán el programa siguiendo las pautas de salud.
If program is adapted to a virtual format, you will use Microsoft Teams, a game-based learning platform, and some basic craft materials. Ages: 2-5 yrs • Free Course #90822 • Friday, Sep. 25 • 10:30-11:30am
9/30 Historias en Meadowside ¡Ven a escuchar un cuento de animales! Disfruta el aire libre del parque y los bellos sonidos de la naturaleza. Vamos a reunirnos en el área de la fogata de Meadowside y mantener 6 pies de distancia. Ages: 2-6 yrs • Free Course #87125 • Wednesday, Sep. 30 • 11-11:20am
OCTOBER 2020 10/1 Caminatas Silvestres ¿Te gusta explorar los senderos del lago y aprender sobre plantas y animales del parque? Únase a nosotros en una caminata con un naturalista que consiste en algunas paradas con actividades dinámicas. Cada programa tendrá un tema de naturaleza diferente. Este es un programa para niños. Tenga en cuenta que el grupo mantendrá una distancia de 6 pies entre las familias. La seguridad es nuestra prioridad y los naturalistas ejecutarán el programa siguiendo las pautas de salud. Ages: 6 & up • Free Course #87121 • Thursday, Oct. 1 • 9:30-10:10am
10/2 Friday Hike It Out It's Friday! Come chill and listen to the world's first DJ: nature. Enjoy a socially distanced hike, take care of yourself after a long week, and let your mindfulness in nature work its beauty. ¡Es viernes! Ven a relajarte y a escuchar el primer DJ del mundo: la naturaleza. Disfruta una caminata con distanciamiento social, cuídate después de una larga semana y deja que tu atención plena en la naturaleza te traiga belleza. Ages: 18 & up • Free Course #87126 • Friday, Oct. 2 • 4-4:45pm
10/7 Storytime at Meadowside Animal storytime is fun! Enjoy fresh air in the park and the beautiful sounds of nature. We will meet in Meadowside's campfire area and maintain 6 feet of social distance.
Ages: 12 & up • Free Course #87122 • Thursday, Oct. 8 • 6-6:45pm
10/9 All About Animals—Reptiles Do you love all things with fur, feathers, and scales? Join a naturalist to learn about different types of animals! We will hear a story, observe an animal, play a game, and create a craft. In this session, learn about reptiles and create a turtle-themed craft. If program is adapted to a virtual format, you will use Microsoft Teams, a game-based learning platform, and some basic craft materials. Ages: 2-5 yrs • Free Course #90825 • Friday, Oct. 9 • 10:30-11:30am
10/13 Nature Matters Virtual Series: NaturiotismTM NaturiotismTM is the patriotic duty to protect landscapes, waters, plants, and animals that have defined the American experience from prehistory to present day. Jason Beale, animal care program director at Penn State University’s Shaver’s Creek Environmental Center, will highlight the work of “Naturiots,” such as Rachel Carson, Rosalie Edge, Teddy Roosevelt, Aldo Leopold, John Muir, and Gifford Pinchot. Discover how their efforts challenged paradigms, inspired generations, and informed the conservation ethic that preserves and protects the unique biological diversity of the United States. We look forward to learning together again through the MS Teams video platform! The link will be emailed a few days before the presentation. Ages: 15 & up • $5 Course #88836 • Thursday, Oct. 13 • 6:30-7:30pm
10/15 Mother Nature: Baby and Me! Is your child enchanted by wild and wonderful things? Explore nature with your little one through stories and movement. Enjoy the fresh air, laugh, and make new friends! We will meet in Meadowside's campfire area and maintain 6 feet of social distance. Ages: 0-3 yrs • $5 Course #87129 • Thursday, Oct. 15 • 10:30-11:15am
Ages: 2-6 yrs • Free Course #87128 • Wednesday, Oct. 7 • 11-11:20am
Montgomery Parks: Part of the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission