4 minute read
Photographer: Bögölyné Molnár S
Can you tell us a little about you? My name is Szilvia Bögölyné Molnár. I am a multipl e award-winning fine art children and family portrait photographer. I live n ear the Austrian border in Kópháza, Hungar y, with m y little daughter and husband.
How and when did you get into photography? I have been a fan of photography since my childhoo d. I have always wanted to capture ever y important moment of life. When my daughter was born, I decided to enrol l in a course so I could take beautiful pictures of her. Encouraged by my family and friends, I began to tak e photogra-phy seriously with great dedication. I have complet ed the official photographer training , but for me, learning never ends. Since then, I have been continuously at tending workshops and trainings to improve my knowl edge. Also, I follow the latest trends and apply the most recent techniques.
What does photography mean to you? I think, a new way of seeing. Through my pictures I can show how I perceive the world around us. Photography always re charges my batteries. Thanks to the diversity of my work, I can meet new people and gain insight into their liv es, where my task is to capture the moments they ar e happy to remember.
Please briefly describe your photography style for our readers. First and foremost, I am a fine art photogra-pher. I love art and creative work. Ever y photo sho ot is based on one main theme, I choose the locatio n, clothes and accessories accordingly. I like to color my pho tos and bring them to life. I avoid forced and adju sted poses. Instead, I ask the model or family to behave natura lly as if I weren’t even there.

Where do you get inspiration from? I constantly monitor the works of famous artists w ho are considered role models for me, as well as study different props, co stumes and styles to incorporate them into my work.
Do you think in advance what you want in the pictur e? I prepare for ever y photo shoot thoroughly. Firstl y, I gather as much information about the family or chil dren as I can (habits, favorite subjects, etc.) in order to create a familiar and relaxed atmosphere for them. Showing the connection between people is the most i m-portant thing for me, so that the photos reflect re al emotions.
Studio, on location or both? To take creative photos, there are a number of pro ps and clothes available in my own studio, which we select together during the pho to shoot. But the closest to my heart are the outdo or seasonal photo locations, each season has its own b eauty that takes you.
Would you consider yourself a hobbyist or a paid pr ofessional? I started photography as a hobby but one day I realized that this beautiful activity became an e ssential part of my life. Later I decided to set up my own studio and become a full-time photographer. It was the best decision of my life. I am grateful to my f amily for their support and I feel lucky to be able to do wha t I love most.

What has been your most memorable session and why? I cannot highlight one specific session because ev er y photo shoot is memorable and special for some reaso n, be it a family event or arrival of a newborn bab y.
Nikon or Canon? Favorite lens? I used to have a Nikon D750 with a 70-200mm lens, but my shoulder couldn’t bear that weight and I had to switch to a lighter m achine, so I opted for the Sony system. Currently, I use Sony 135mm 1.8 lenses outdoors and 50mm 1.8 and 85mm 1.4 lenses in the studio.
What is one piece of advice you would like to offer a new photographer looking to start their own busi ness? I wish all amateur or professional photographers th at they would never be satisfied with their knowled ge, dare to step out of their comfort zone, take the time to learn, get inspired, enter competitions and attend workshops.
What do you think of our new magazine? I find it great that your magazine provides an opp ortunity for talented and yet unknown artists to introduce themselves and their work. It is a great pleasure for me to be am ong these artists.
w w w.studiokophaza.com Fb: Studio Kópháza w w w.instagram.com/studio.kophaza.molnar.szilvia/


Kata - Márk



Szofia, Dress Judy Props

Szofia, Dress Zolilla