scientific journal of the modern education & research institute • The Kingdom of Belgium
scientific journal of the modern education & research institute • The Kingdom of Belgium
scientific journal of the modern education & research institute • The Kingdom of Belgium
15 September 2019 Brussels, Belgium
Scientific Journal
of the Modern Education
& Research Institute
ISSN 2506-8040
scientific journal of the modern education & research institute • The Kingdom of Belgium
In cooperation with our members:
scientific journal of the modern education & research institute • The Kingdom of Belgium
Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important.
Bill Gates
Which student is more knowledgeable: a wikipedied or a googled one? Technology is tightly integrated into teaching and learning and will not leave academic world anymore. There are many reasons why technology will increasingly penetrate our schools and university campuses.
1. Global social implications of the rapid technological change require integration of technology into higher education curricula. It is needed to at least ensure the connection of education with the requirements of employers whose production and management processes have long been automated. 2. Technology is designed to alleviate the ever-growing financial burden which is rising because higher education has become widespread and universal. In many countries, higher education is still free and the demand for it is growing. 3. Technology contributes to the growing internationalization of higher education institutions. For example, communication with foreign partners has become easier with Google Translate. Nowadays, colleagues working in the international departments do not have to be fluent in a foreign language, although this undoubtedly still remains a great advantage. 4. Technology-supported learning attracts so-called non-traditional students, such as working adults, residents of remote regions, or those who are studying at a distance for medical reasons. Let us recall an example of China. In 2017, 8 million retired people were enrolled in 70,000 colleges and universities in the country. No one ever counted on this category of students anymore. 5. Technology helps educators keep in touch with students both in real time (WhatsApp, Telegram for sending information), and asynchronously (via e-mail, through educational platforms, for example MOODLE). 6. High-quality educational content is becoming increasingly available thanks to technology. We have access to research papers, e-books, curricula of many universities in the world. 7. Technology serves to improve the quality of education in general and learning outcomes in particular. Technology allows to make training individual, corresponding to the needs of students.
Even ten years ago, one could still notice posters with advertising for the conference: «Globalization – yes or no?» Today, this question is no longer relevant. Despite the fact that many educators resist introduction of technology in their classes – and have legitimate reasons for this, it is no longer possible to stop this process. The critical question is not whether technology is useful or not, but what technology to choose and how to use it to create the optimal environment for education.
Ekaterina Tsaranok
Director Modern Education & Research Institute
scientific journal of the modern education & research institute • The Kingdom of Belgium
scientific journal of the modern education & research institute • The Kingdom of Belgium
CONTENT I. Conference «Modernization of the teacher’s profession: approaches, best practices, challenges» 27 March and 19 June 2019 1.
Duisenbekov Davlet PECULIARITIES OF LECTURING PSYCHOLOGY FOR MASTER DEGREE STUDENTS Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty........................................................................................... 10
Gumenyuk V.V., Abilova B.A. COMPETENCE APPROACH IN THE DESIGN OF EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS IN A TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY International Educational Corporation, Kazakh Leading Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Almaty........................................................................................... 14
3. Ivanov Anton Vladimirovich Modernization of Professional Activity of Professorial Teaching Staff: approaches, best practices, challenges Central Kazakhstan Academy, Karaganda.................................................................................................. 18 4. Kalandarishvili Maia, Iana Torchinava Pedagogical and Psychological Aspects of Inclusive Education in Georgia St. Andrew the First-Called Georgian University of the Patriarchate of Georgia, Tbilisi.................... 22 5.
Karpekin A.V., Mishkovskaya V.V. FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF ADMINISTRATIVE LEGAL RELATIONS IN THE ACTIVITY OF ATS IN SOVEREIGN KAZAKHSTAN Central Kazakhstan Academy, Karaganda. Karaganda Academy, Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, named after B. Beysenov, Karaganda...................................................... 28
6. Kozbagarov Rustem Ashimovich, Kulgildinov Murat Saparbekovich, Dauletkulova Aigul Utegenovna, Kamzanov Nurbol Sadykanovich IMPROVEMENT OF PARAMETERS OF ROAD MILLS FOR REPAIR WORKS ON ELIMINATION OF RUTS ON ROAD SURFACES Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after M. Tynyshpayev, Satpayev University, Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University, Almaty........................ 31 7. Makhmetova Narzankul, Vladimir Solonenko, Janat Musayev, Saule Bekzhanova, Bazanova Inna Amandykovna STRESSED-DEFORMED CONDITION OF ESCALATOR TUNNELS UNDER THE ACTION OF STATIC AND SEISMIC LOADS Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications, Almaty................................................................ 37 8. Makhmetova Narzankul, Berikbol Arkenov, Saulet Shayakhmetov, Kuralay Joldassova STUDY OF A STRESSED-DEFORMED STATE OF A THREE-WATER STATION UNDER SEISMIC LOADS Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications, Almaty................................................................ 42 7
scientific journal of the modern education & research institute • The Kingdom of Belgium
Matibayeva Ainur Ibraevna, Mukhtarhanova Rauan Buribayevna RESEARCH OF PROCESS OF ROLLING UP ANDRIPENING OF SOFT CHEESE FROM THE RECOVEREDFULL-MILK Almaty Technological University, Almaty.................................................................................................... 47
10. Musayev Janat, Vladimir Solonenko, Narzankul Makhmetova MODERN TECHNOLOGIES OF PRODUCTION OF RAILWAY RAILS Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications, Almaty................................................................ 52 11. Ukueva Аysalkyn Kalmurzayevna, Tursalieva Gulya Zhakypbekovna VALUE ORIENTATIONS OF STUDENT YOUTH AS ONE OF THE FACTORS OF THE INTERNATIONALIZATION OF EDUCATION on the example of Talas State University Talas State University, Talas............................................................................................................................ 60 12. Yestemessova Aхaya Sansyzbayevna, Serikov Aidarkhan Bolatbekovich Development of technology for production of heavy concrete using micro-dispersed active and inert mineral additives for pre-stressed piles JSC «Kazakh Leading Academy of Architecture and Construction», Almaty........................................ 65 13.
Zhanbirov Zhumazhan, Baiburaeva J.A., Abzhapbarova Ainur, Karsibaev Erzhan NATIONAL ENGINEERING TRAINING ETHNOPSYCHOLOGICAL BASES OF ARCHITECTURE Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communication Named After M.Tynyshpaev, Almaty................ 70
14. Zhanbirov Zhumazhan, Baiburaeva J.A., Abzhapbarova Ainur, Karsibaev Erzhan TRAINING HIGH-SKILLED SPECIALISTS – THE VALUE OF TRADITION Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communication Named After M.Tynyshpaev, Almaty................ 75
II. Philosophy of Education 1.
Key-note message: Turarbekova Laura A few words about the project «Multidimensional research of the history, problems and perspectives of implementation of international educational projects in the Republic of Kazakhstan» Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty........................................................................................... 80
2. Muzykina Yelena V. WHAT FUTURE WILL KAZAKHSTAN CHOOSE FOR TEACHING ETHICS IN ECONOMY? Qazaq Research Institute for Futures Studies, Almaty............................................................................... 83 3. Turarbekova Laura University 4.0 concept in Kazakhstan as a model of democratic society Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty........................................................................................... 89
scientific journal of the modern education & research institute • The Kingdom of Belgium
I. Conference «Modernization of the teacher’s profession: approaches, best practices, challenges»
27 March and 19 June 2019
scientific journal of the modern education & research institute • The Kingdom of Belgium
PECULIARITIES OF LECTURING PSYCHOLOGY FOR MASTER DEGREE STUDENTS Davlet Duisenbekov ( al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty
Abstract The article presents experience of teaching psychology course for master degree students of different faculties, its main goals and objectives, development of psychological knowledge through paradigms, importance of basic approaches, schools and categories of psychology as a science. The content of psychology presented in lectures and practical classes includes scientific principles, analysis of its components and functions, psychical processes and states. Key words: psychology, psyches, consciousness, activity, cognition, communication
In accordance with the policy of trilingualism held by the Republic of Kazakhstan in the system of higher education since 2011 Al-Farabi Kazakh National University began to teach a number of basic and special disciplines in English. One of such disciplines is psychology proposed for undergraduates of nonpsychological specialties studying at natural and humanitarian faculties The purpose of teaching psychology for undergraduates of non-psychological specialties is the need to master their knowledge about a person as a subject of psychical activity, psychical processes and states that have individual psychological properties, personal characteristics and social qualities. This knowledge can be useful both in terms of self-knowledge and in terms of mastering them with the necessary psychological competencies for successful teaching practice, as well as independent professional and research activities. One of the main features of psychology as a system of knowledge about the psyches, as a systemic aggregate of mental phenomena, is that a person studying it can observe its manifestations directly in himself and in other people. Actually, psychology, as scientific knowledge, was developed as an introspection, or direct observation by a person of the contents of his own consciousness and his subjective experiences, presented in various sensations and emotions, perception images and thoughts (J. Locke, D. Hartley) Another feature of psychological knowledge development is historical continuity presented in a sequence of stages of its formation: pre-scientific (antiquity, Aristotle’s doctrine of the soul), philosophical (religious-dogmatic, philosophical and ideological views of the Middle Ages and the new time) and the scientific stage itself (the emergence and development of associative psychology with the subsequent development of experimental psychology as an independent science). The paradigm character of psychological knowledge that developed by changing the paradigms of the soul, consciousness, behavior, activity, personality, and cognitive activity is connected with this. Methodologically psychology holds a special place among the sciences that study wildlife, man and society. On the one hand, the influence of strict scientific procedures developed in psychophysics (P. Bouguer, E. Weber, G. Fechner) and experimental physiology (I. Sechenov, I. Pavlov), on the other hand, the impact of evolutionary theory (Ch. Darwin), on the third part, the influence of new ideas and theories describing social phenomena and processes of mass psychology (G. Tarde, G. Le 10
scientific journal of the modern education & research institute • The Kingdom of Belgium
Bon, W. McDougall), contributed to formation of methodological principles of activity, development and causal determination in the system of psychical phenomena. Introduction to psychology of the method of experimental research and statistical methods of data analysis (W. Wundt) alongside with objective observation and conversation contributed to its transformation into scientific knowledge while preserving the potential of subjective introspection. The emergence and development of psychological diagnostics with its possibilities of predicting the development and changes of a wide range of personality and personality traits even more emphasized the special and dual status of psychology which is at the same time natural science and humanities. Particular importance is attached to the explanation of the causes and consequences of the first open crisis of psychology at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries which reflected the contradiction between experiment as a new method of studying psychic reality and the object of this science itself – consciousness, information about the content of which was extracted mainly by introspection as a form of subjective self-analysis. Further, the emergence and development of new schools of psychology, such as, behaviorism (J. Watson), Gestalt-psychology (M. Wertheimer), psychoanalysis (Z. Freud), field theory (K. Levin) and interaction (G. Mead) with various manifestations of reductionism, on the one hand, was a reaction to the preceding crisis, on the other hand, contributed to the development of a system of scientific categories that structure, develop and enrich psychology, as a system of scientific knowledge. Such basic categories, distinguished by M. Yaroshevsky, are: action (behaviorism), image (Gestalt psychology), motive (psychoanalysis), personality (field theory) and psychosocial connections or communication (interactionism). A.N. Leontiev substantiated more generalized categorical system of psychology presented by notions of activity, consciousness and personality. In the context of working out the sociometric approach in social psychology A.V. Petrovsky proposed a system of categories – activity, personality, collective (team). In methodological analysis it is important to distinguish between the object and the subject-matter of psychology study. If the object is the person himself, then the subject-matter of research is his psyches including the system diversity of psychical phenomena – processes, states, properties and features. One of the important issues that have not only scientific, but also world view significance is the problem of the emergence and evolutionary development of the psyches. In teaching conditions the evolutionary point of view is not accepted by everyone, especially by believers. Therefore at lectures and seminars it is necessary to analyze various approaches to the problem of the origin of the psyches such as panpsychism (animism), biopsychism, anthropsychism and neuropsychism, as well as an objective picture of the emergence of the psyches during evolution from irritability as a prepsychic form of reflection to sensitivity as a psychic form of reflection (A.N. Leontiev). In the context of the evolutionary approach it is important to distinguish and differentiate the stages of development of the psyche: elementary-sensory, perceptive, intelligence (manual thinking) and consciousness (A.N. Leontiev), as well as the evolutionary phases of behavior: instinctive, individual-changeable, intellectual and conscious (A.R. Luria). As in many other sciences in psychology a system approach is used to analyze the reality under study according to which the central phenomenon of the human psyche is consciousness, as the main subject and matter of psychology (V.P. Zinchenko). On the basis of consciousness, the functions of cognition, goalsetting, relations and self-consciousness are realized (S.L. Rubinstein). Consciousness combines a variety of mental phenomena divided into two large areas – cognitive and regulatory. At the same time, consciousness (including attention and memory) carries out the function of integration, perception (unifying sensations and perception) – the function of reactive reflection, thinking (connecting presentation and speech) – the function of active reflection, affect (including emotion and feeling) – the function of reactive regulation, will (connecting motive and action) – the function of active regulation (V.A. Ganzen). Cognitive activity is the basis for acquiring new knowledge, learning and mental development. Therefore in teaching psychology great importance is attached to the analysis of the mental processes of sensation, perception, memory, thinking, imagination, language and speech, as internal mechanisms of cognitive development. This emphasizes the special role of the development of sensorimotor intelligence (J. Piaget), the relationship of pre-scientific and abstract concepts in cultural-historical development (L.S. Vygotsky), the interconnection of various forms of attention, memory and thinking in information processing (F. Bartlett, P. Janet, P.P. Blonsky, J. Bruner). In modern conditions, the cognitive direction of psychology is reinforced and supported by new information from the field of computerization and neuroscience which arouses students’ constructive interest of in psychology and the prospects of its further development. 11
scientific journal of the modern education & research institute • The Kingdom of Belgium
The regulatory sphere of the psyches is represented in a variety of emotions and feelings, sets and attitudes, needs and motives, all kinds of volitional actions. Their relevance in teaching psychology is due to person’s constant interest to possibilities of self-knowledge, peculiarities of communication with others, development of emotional intelligence and his own volitional activity. The analysis of these states emphasizes role of needs, as predeterminants for various forms of behavior, emotions and feelings as value and activating experiences, attitudes and motives as unconscious and conscious regulators of activity and volitional actions as conditions for achieving a goal. At practical classes, students are interested in topics where they discuss their own emotional experience, the situation of transition needs in motives, subjective problems of implementation of volitional actions. Having access to Internet they find necessary materials for discussion, share them with fellow students and creatively use them while preparing independent tasks. Individual psychological properties of the psyches and personality features make up a significant amount in the course of psychology. Problems of studying temperament, character and abilities are relevant both from the point of view of self-knowledge and from the point of view of taking into account their features in communication and activity. The analysis of the content of classical theories of temperament (I. P. Pavlov, V. S. Merlin), the ratio of anatomical types and the corresponding types of temperament (E. Kretschmer, W. Sheldon) are supported by the study of general activity, motor skills and emotionality as sides of temperament (V. D. Nebylitsyn) and as natural predeterminants for character traits formation and development of abilities. The practical study of temperament characteristics, character traits and revealing of dominant abilities is facilitated by enormous psychodiagnostic material that offers a variety of tests suitable for performing in classrooms. The person is the subject of behavior and activity, cognition and intercourse considered in psychology as special forms of activity. Needs are realized in behavior then when combined with the subject of activity become its motives. Abilities, both general and special, are embodied in the activity so the study of activity in the course of psychology acquires special importance in terms of mastering skills and skills, achieving the necessary level in the profession. Cognition is a special activity aimed at the assimilation and transformation of knowledge. Intercourse also acts as a special activity consisting of the sides of communication, interaction and interpersonal perception. Peculiarities of individuality and personality are also very important in the course of psychology, as master degree students of their age correspond to the stage of adulthood, consolidation of communication and professional skills, active formation of worldview. Therefore, they are particularly interested in different approaches to the analysis of typologies of individuality, theory and concept of personality, its disorders and disorders. In addition, thanks to modern mobility opportunities, including academic, students are interested in the content of cultural and cross-cultural areas of psychology. Therefore, the experience of cross-cultural interaction is actively discussed at seminars.
References 1. Schultz D.P., Schultz S.E. A History of Modern Psychology. Eleventh Edition. – N.Y.: Wadsworth Publishing, 2015. – 425 p. 2. PSYCHOLOGY: Adapted Readings / Ed. by J. Kagan, M. Haith, C. Caldwell. – N.Y.: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1971. – 404 p. 3. Sanford Anthony J. Cognition and Cognitive Psychology. – New York: Basic Books, Inc., Publishers, 1985. – 435 p. 4. Benson C. The cultural psychology of self: Place, morality and art in human worlds. – N.Y.: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, 2001. – 263 p. 5. 5. Triandis H.C., Brislin R.W. Cross-cultural psychology // American Psychologist. 1984. V. 39. – P. 1006-1016. 6. Kalymbetova E., Duisenbekov D. Psychological peculiarities of university students’ professional adaptation. Abstract No.: 2544. //30th International congress of psychologists. Cape Town, July 21-28 2012. Final scientific programme. P.467. 12
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7. Леонтьев А.Н. Избранные психологические произведения: В 2-х т. – М.: Педагогика, 1983. Т. I – 791 с.; Т. II – 317 с. 8. Рубинштейн С.Л. Основы общей психологии. – СПб.: Изд-во «Питер», 2007. – 713 с. 9. Зинченко В.П. Сознание как предмет и дело психологии. – Методология и история психологии. 2006. Том 1. Выпуск 1. – C. 207-231. 10. Психология и культура / Под ред. Д. Мацумото. – СПб.: Питер, 2003. – 718 с.
scientific journal of the modern education & research institute • The Kingdom of Belgium
COMPETENCE APPROACH IN THE DESIGN OF EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS IN A TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Abilova B.A. ( Gumenyuk V.V. ( International Educational Corporation, Kazakh leading academy of architecture and civil engineering, Kazakhstan, Almaty
Abstract Modern education in the Republic of Kazakhstan has undergone major changes in the process of transition to the credit system of education and the selection of a national qualifications framework after joining the Bologna process. The structural and sematic changes required an adaptation of the competence-based approach to the organization of educational modules for the training of specialists. Key words: higher education reform, professional competences, educational programs, learning outcomes, educational module, assessment methods, teaching methods, credit system of education.
An analysis of the higher education reform in Kazakhstan after joining the Bologna process shows that the change in the educational paradigm that has occurred in the system has changed the approaches to the design of educational programs, which are the new models of personnel training. The educational model that has been in place for decades was focused on students acquiring a certain amount of theoretical knowledge and practical skills for pursuing professional career. However, the combination of such knowledge and skills did not adequately provide professional competence that would satisfy the employers. The modern time crisis revealed the discrepancy, which required radical decisions in the choice of approaches in designing educational programs at the structural level: the Ministry of Education and Science, the Departments of Education Management of the Republic of Kazakhstan [4]. A new approach to the design of educational programs was based on the principles of studying the socio-economic basics of personnel training: • What is the social and economic need of the program at the national, regional level? What are the methods for determining this need? • What are the requirements for the educational program of stakeholders (all stakeholders: employers, specialists, professional organizations, parents)? • How does the program meet the quality of education from an academic point of view? Are there any general guidelines defined? • Do we have the necessary resources for the implementation of the designed educational program? • What are the guarantees that the program will be recognized legally in other countries? • How is it coordinated with the ECTS credit transfer system based on the student workload? However, the most important objective is to design the learning results expressed in the competencies that the educational program should form for the students [5]. Another important issue is the identification of general and subject-related competencies that must be obtained in 14
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the program. The next stage is the structuring of the educational content into modules that will determine the approaches in teaching and learning, evaluation of educational activities, quality of education. In the structure of the educational program, there are five types of informative modules: 1. The basic modules that make up the core of the relevant science and the area of professional focus; 2. Supporting modules that form the informational context of the science and the area of professional focus; 3. Organizational and communication modules that meet the objectives of the formation of interpersonal competencies; 4. Specialized modules that expand and deepen the competencies in the chosen major (disciplines of specialization); 5. Transfer modules (practical component, term papers and qualification works) [3, 6]. The objectives of the modules should have the logical sequence and be associated with the results of previous modules. The national qualification framework of the Republic of Kazakhstan is basically identical to the world standards, the time period for undergraduate studies at a technical college is 4 years, approximately 240 credits, and a master’s degree – 120 credits [1, 7]. Teaching methods should support the formation of all competencies designed in this module. Each module of the program is created using the same technology and includes 3 required components: 1. The specification of the module, the development technology of which is based on the specification of the process of «translating» the language of the labor sphere into the language of the education sphere. For an employer what significant is what an employee can do, how he does it, how effective and efficient his work is? Accordingly, it is important to put the required concepts into the educational program, so that the student is recruited in the future. The program should include what needs to be taught, how a student can demonstrate the high-quality result that he has achieved, i.e. what competencies were formed by the educational program. Competences represent a dynamic combination of knowledge, comprehension, skills and abilities, relationships and values. The development of competencies is the objective of educational programs. The module specification includes the following components: the module name, the objective of the system, prerequisites, standard duration of study and learning outcomes, degree levels. 1. Assessment materials module. Assessment materials are developed based on the specification of the module and must ensure the validity of the assessment (objectively evaluate what should be evaluated), the reliability of the assessment (conducted by different examiners in different circumstances and provide the equal results), usability (the possibility to take one using existing resources) [2]. 2. Study materials of the module – the syllabus. Useful information that includes the existing educational and informational materials with reference to links, information resources. Here is an example of the evaluation expressed in competences at three degrees levels for an educational program in a technical college [7].
scientific journal of the modern education & research institute • The Kingdom of Belgium
Degree levels
Learning outcome
1 Cycle (level) of education – bachelor’s degree
Ability to identify and troubleshoot technological processes and technical systems
Know and comprehend: – the device and principle of operation of technological processes and technical systems and possible malfunctions; • the order of processes for designing objects; • modern technical automation tools and their operation conditions.
2 Cycle (level) of education – master’s degree
Be able to: • identify and troubleshoot technological processes and technical systems; • identify faults in control systems and eliminate them; • master the knowledge with new technical tools of automation; • accumulate experience in operating automation systems; • conduct the examination of technical documentation, perform the maintenance work to ensure the performance of automation systems; – keep records of metrological reporting by measuring tools; • determine the range of technological parameters that need to be measured in order to ensure the control quality and the facility management. Know and comprehend: • design features of the device of technical systems and technological processes, possible malfunctions and ways to eliminate them; • the impact of technological parameters on the quality of the product; • the difference between defects arising from changes in material properties, machine parameters, production processes, product designs. Be able to: • analyze the operation process of technical systems and identify possible malfunctions and ways to eliminate them; • to perform the composition and decomposition of technical systems of medium complexity with the identification of the main functional connections; – identify the most significant physical processes and patterns, choose adequate mathematical models in the process of analyzing technical systems.
3 Cycle (level) of education – doctor’s degree
Know and comprehend: • technological process maintenance methods, malfunctions prediction and development of new adjustment methods. Be able to: • conduct research in the field of technological processes and technical systems, as well as offer innovative methods of applying the latest achievements of science and technology.
Conclusion New approaches to the design of educational programs in a technical university have defined the principles underlying the content of the structure of training modules, the methodology for their assessment and expertise. The proposed research on the development of design mechanisms for educational programs based on the competence-based approach makes it possible to demonstrate an educational model for young specialists from technical colleges and to make a list of determining competencies that result in all training cycles.
scientific journal of the modern education & research institute • The Kingdom of Belgium
References 1. Abilova B.A. Credit educational system in the Republic of Kazakhstan. In the volume of the scientific-practical conference: «The contribution of the International Education Corporation to the formation and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 25 years of independence.»– Almaty, 2017, 297-299. 2. B. Abilova, V. Gumenyuk, A. Baisariyeva, R. Atagulova. The comparative analysis of preparation of engineering staff in the Central Asian countries. Volume of the Intl. science conference. «International conference of industrial technologies and engineering», 30-31, 2014г (SKSU, Shymkent). 3. Efimova S.A. Design of educational programs of professional education based on the module-competence approach: Diss. cand. ped. siences: 13.00.08 Moscow, 2006 183 с. РГБ ОД, 61:06-13/1642 4. Guidelines for the organization of the credit technology educational process. (Order MSE RK #152 from 20.04.2011) 5. Kennedy D. Writing and using learning outcomes: a practical guide. University College Cork (Ireland). 2007. Translated by Karacharova E.N. 6. S. Sirmbard. Design of educational programs based on the module-competence approach. http:// 7. TuCAHEA. Tuning Central Asia. Guidelines and Reference Points. Towards a Central Asian Higher Education Area. Printed by Dedalo. Pisa. Italy. 2016, p. 282.
scientific journal of the modern education & research institute • The Kingdom of Belgium
Modernization of Professional Activity of Professorial Teaching Staff: approaches, best practices, challengesY Ivanov Anton Vladimirovich ( Central Kazakhstan Academy (CKA) Karaganda
Abstract The article identifies modern vectors of development of the educational sphere of the country, considered reforms aimed at its improvement and compliance with international standards. Attention is paid to the training and retraining of teachers as the driving force of the academic environment. The mobility of teaching staff is an important component of the modernization of the higher education system of Kazakhstan. Key words: Modernization of teachers’ professional activities, innovative processes in education, new technologies.
Qualitative shifts in the modern economy demonstrate the fact that there has been a significant regrouping of factors and sources that determine economic development. This means that the system of innovation processes, scientific knowledge, new technologies, products and services should become the dominant in the development of the model of economic growth in the 21st century. Hence, the basis of the modern socioeconomic development of the country is its scientific and technical potential, which is a prerequisite for the transition of society into the post-industrial information age [1]. Scientific developments are becoming the main driving force of the economy – the base of the knowledge industry. The most valuable qualities are the level of education, professionalism, learnability and creativity of the employee. The main intensive factor in the development of post-industrial society is human capital – professionals, highly educated people, science and knowledge in all types of economic innovation activities. It should be noted that in modern society great importance is attached to the business qualities of the individual. The world recognizes the need for the development of «human capital» for the success and effectiveness of the formation of a «smart economy». Today, unfortunately, the education system and the level of knowledge of graduates of higher and secondary schools is far from the requirements dictated by the modern development of society. Obviously, poor knowledge of the literary normative language, the inability to competently and logically express one’s thoughts, poor knowledge of world and national history, history of culture and its values, economic, political and legal illiteracy, primitive knowledge of foreign languages. The lack of an adequate level of education means the loss of humanitarian values, immersion in total spiritlessness. And this is due to the fact that the higher school and the teacher have ceased to be the only source of information and knowledge. This is one of the most important moments. We all know what teachers used to be and how the people respected them, how they viewed the teacher in society. There are many other sources of information. First of all, the Internet, social networks, various courses, internships that can provide additional knowledge, using alternative ways of learning. Therefore, the teacher has ceased to be the center of dominance in the presentation of information. 18
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If we take the higher school and the role of the teacher in general, over the past two hundred years the school has not changed. The same audience, the same desk and the same teacher who is responsible for the knowledge of their students. But life itself has changed. Changed technology and new ideology. And the role of the teacher, accordingly, should be transformed. Surprisingly, some professionals say that academic knowledge is not needed today. The main thing is to have skills, critical thinking, plus to find and receive information from various sources. But professionalism and academic knowledge have not faded into the background and should not go away. A person with critical thinking skills is not a specialist yet. And not the fact that they will. Many say that high school in this form has become obsolete. But high school gives the main thing – a system of knowledge. The teacher gives basic knowledge, lays the foundation for all life. Today, Kazakhstanis cannot meet the scientific and pedagogical level of a significant part of the faculty of universities. It is necessary to toughen the certification, return the pedagogical elite to the universities, creating decent working conditions for it. Modernization of the modern Kazakhstan education system began with the accession of Kazakhstan to the Bologna process, which highlighted the problem of creating a European region of higher education as a key point for the development of citizens mobility, their relevance and the global development of the continent. The signing of the Bologna Treaty posed Kazakhstan the need for substantial reform of higher education. It entailed not only the optimization of the existing education system, but also the introduction of new educational forms and methods. The practical implementation of the Bologna Agreement at the present stage accompanied by the development of new methods of teaching, finding and developing their own professional paradigms, adapted to the modern concept of education in Kazakhstan [2]. Given these external and internal challenges, the education system is going through a period of deep and phased strategic modernization. And since the core and the basis of the educational process is the educational process, its restructuring always plays a key role. Therefore, the Kazakh education system is tasked with mastering modern methods and training programs, raising the level of teaching, teaching in-demand knowledge and skills, such as trilingual (Kazakh, Russian, English), vocational and technical training, analytical thinking, etc. The staffing of the industrialinnovative development of Kazakhstan will be guaranteed by the state for young people to receive technical education. It is necessary to carry out a qualitative reforming of the entire system of knowledge acquisition, the outcome of which should be access to world educational standards. In Kazakhstan, 149 universities operate in the higher education system, where more than 600 thousand students study. In order to improve the quality of higher education, the Concept of academic mobility of students of higher educational institutions has been developed. Last year, at the expense of the republican budget, 350 undergraduates traveled for one academic period to the countries of the Union of Independent States, Europe, and Southeast Asia. In addition, last year 1,493 foreign scientists and teachers were attracted to work in 27 higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan is intensively introducing credit technology of learning, modular education, distance learning into its educational space. The credit system of education is an educational system aimed at increasing the level of self-education and the creative development of knowledge on the basis of individualization, electiveness of the educational trajectory within the framework of the regulation of the educational process and accounting for the amount of knowledge in the form of loans. Modular training is a technology that allows you to switch to the subject basis of training and provides the student with the development of his motivational sphere, intelligence, independence, collectivism, aptitudes, abilities to exercise self-management of educational and cognitive activity. As is well known, distance learning is widely used in all developed countries. Increasing recognition, it receives in Kazakhstan. Distance learning has received recognition at the state level and is included in the State Education Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan [3]. The student becomes an active perceiver, a student, and acquiring the experience of continuous selfeducation on the basis of initiative and independence. Special skills and abilities are required from the teacher, the ability to work individually with each student. In this regard, traditional and new teaching methods are being developed. For example, in the classroom the following methods are used: group mosaics, interviews in groups, discussions, case-stages, presentations, business games, role-playing games, per19
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forming exercises (logical tasks), preparing reports, a ladder of conclusions – this is a model for making decisions and others. At the present stage of development, the educational sphere of the country is undergoing significant reforms aimed at its improvement and compliance with international standards. Special attention is paid to the training and retraining of teachers as the driving force of the academic environment. The mobility of teaching staff is an important component of the modernization of the higher education system of Kazakhstan. An important direction of the reform is the study of international experience on the basis of the world’s leading universities, the study of various models of higher education in the field of advanced training, but also the adaptation of experience in relation to the Kazakh realities and conditions of a particular university. Advanced Training Program for University Teachers «Competence-based approach and student-oriented learning. The introduction of innovative tools into the learning process «, which includes strategic sessions, practical lectures, workshops, an exclusive tour of the archives of the Royal Library of Belgium, practical training, a visit to the Parliamentarian, an open lesson of the program participants – all this is aimed at realizing the experience gained educational process that will allow you to be confident in the quality of educational services provided to students. The education system is designed to ensure a sufficiently high quality level of graduates, especially in the framework of the system of professional higher education. The determining factor in the system of depth and quality of such training should be an innovative process, which in its content is a complex, mutually influential and mutually enriching process. The choice of an innovatively oriented development path is capable of providing the education system with high quality training and increasing the level of integration of the educational services market into the labor market. This makes it possible to focus the modern system of higher education not so much on educational activities as on the knowledge-intensive technologically sustained system of training and retraining of specialists [4]. For higher and postgraduate education in 2019, work will continue: • to expand the academic and managerial independence of universities; • conducting an independent ranking of educational programs of universities and drawing up a register of the best educational programs; • organization and holding of educational exhibitions in foreign countries; • study the issue of opening representative offices of the Center for International Programs in China, India, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan; • continuation of work on attracting foreign students through the implementation of double-diploma education, the implementation of educational programs in English, • study of the issue of opening new universities in IT, pedagogical, medical, and technical areas; • development of 10 new programs in English. Experts point out both advantages and disadvantages of the reforms. Advantages of the education system reform in Kazakhstan: • it is assumed that the bulk of workers will be formed from bachelors, and from the masters – the intellectual elite. Bachelor education is aimed at a wide field of professional activity, masters – at mastering specialized knowledge and features of specific professions; • The Bologna system will provide an opportunity to combine knowledge: you can become a bachelor in one specialty, and a master’s degree finish in another. The undoubted advantage will be the emergence of mathematicians, economists, chemical chemists, lawyers, economists; • the two-stage education system is the best suited in our time, when knowledge tends to quickly become obsolete. The new education system provides continuing education, consisting in additional education programs for graduates [5]. Cons of educational reform: • not credible new knowledge assessment system. In many ways, it acts incorrectly, ambiguously and biasedly; 20
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a sharp change in the system of higher education in Kazakhstan led to a deterioration in the level of education; • only external components were adapted – loans, a multi-level training system. The internal components of the Bologna process – academic mobility of students and teachers – does not work. The lack of teaching materials in the Kazakh language complicates the task of developing the applicability of the national language in education. Another problem is the lack of English proficiency among students and teachers. The government is trying to improve these indicators, as international activity increases (international conferences, publications in leading world journals, etc.) In the Message of President Nursultan Nazarbayev to the People of Kazakhstan «Kazakhstan’s Way2050: Common Goal, Common Interests, Common Future» pays special attention to improving the quality of education. Of particular importance is the call of the Head of State to modernize the education system and bring it to the international level of development. The tasks set in it reflect the new stage of activity of the whole society and state to create the necessary conditions that should ensure the republic’s withdrawal by the middle of this century as Kazakhstan joins the 30 most developed countries of the world.
References 1. 2. Shaimukhanova S.D., Kenzhebaeva Z.S. MODERNIZATION OF EDUCATION OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN: CONDITION AND DEVELOPMENT PROSPECTS // Successes of Modern Natural Science.– 2014. – № 5-1. – p. 174-178; 3. N.A. Nazarbayev Message to the people of Kazakhstan «Kazakhstan 2050». 4. Shestakov A.L., Vaulin S.D., Fedorov V.B., Pantileev A.S. (2004), «Innovatsionnaya deyatel’nost’ – vazhneishee naprav-lenie razvitiya sovremennogo universiteta», Inzhenernoe obrazovanie, No2, pp. 134-139 (In Russian) 5. National report on the state and development of education in 6. Republic of Kazakhstan (short version). – Astana , 2011. – 75 p.
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Pedagogical and Psychological Aspects of Inclusive Education in Georgia Maia Kalandarishvili, Iana Torchinava ( St. Andrew the First-Called Georgian University of the Patriarchate of Georgia
Abstract The purpose of our experimental study is to assess the impact of inclusive education on the development of cognitive, motivational and social skills of Georgian schoolchildren with disabilities. There are such skills as: 1. The development of concentration of the attention; 2. The willpower capacity development; 3. The development of social skills. 4. The development of motivational skills. Participants in the survey are schoolchildren.10 disabled schoolchildren and 85 usual schoolchildren. There were four research methods used in the investigation. 1. Kurt Lewin’s Willpower Test. 2. Burton’s attention concentration test 3. Moreno’s sociometrist method of investigating interpersonal relations in the groups. 4. Projective drawing test: «my family». Conclusions. An individual plan prepared for the disabled schoolchildren is drafted adequately and positively affecting the development of psychological skills such as attention concentration, willpower capacity, motivational and social skills Keywords: inclusive education, schoolchildren with disabilities, the concentration of the attention, the willpower capacity, the development of social skills, studding motivation.
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Education is one of the most effective ways to break the cycle of discrimination and poverty that children with disabilities often face. According to the Convention on the Rights of the Children, education is the fundamental right for all of them. In every country of the world, children’s rights are strengthened in specific legislative, administrative and executive areas. Georgia– from 2007 is a member of organization «Global partnership for education (HEREINAFTER – GPE). From 2007-2015 period, Georgia has achieved significant success
The gradual increase in the number of participants in schoolchildren with disabilities actively revealed their rights and the issue of protection, norms relating to the norm. There is the idea of inclusive education, which should work with any person, taking into account that each person is different, and the difference between recognition should be in the segment of segment. A pupil with a special educational need is all students characterized by: 1. A violation of physical and mental development; 2. Visual and hearing impairment; 3. Violation of speech, behavior and emotional development; 4. Those, who need long-term treatment / hospitalization; 5. Representatives of national minorities; 6. those who are socially vulnerable and 7. Those who have trouble in studying the educational process are excluded from the educational process. The general education system of Georgia is aimed at creating an educational environment in which any student can acquire valuable knowledge and skills of the country and society. For the multilateral development of the student’s opportunities, the Georgian education system has developed a normative document on education – the National Curriculum. This document determines the necessary achievements, knowledge and skills that students have consistently acquired during each academic year. Each school considers it valuable to use the national curriculum in relation to each student, because it recognizes the importance of the goals in this document for the development of children and adolescents. The national curriculum is designed to create an individual curriculum for the student. An individual surgeon is a document created by the special educational needs of the student, which determines the individual learning goals and ways of achieving the goal. An individual curriculum is created for a particular student and is used as a guide for the student’s educational process with an educational need. It is extremely important that the individual curriculum is based on the National Curriculum and take into 23
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account its requirements as much as possible. The individual curriculum includes personal information as a student, and the individual curriculum contains information on children’s academic, cognitive, social, behavioral, emotional, motor and other fields. Individual curriculum is developed in accordance with the academic skills of each student. Each student with disability participating in our study has an individual curriculum for the students, during the academic year. The modern aspiration of the modern world is not only a whim to the construction of a democratic, equal society, but also a necessity, this is confirmed by many facts. Democracy pursues the norm of the usually called majority and is governed by the same majority. Here are representatives of the minority as the second side of the coin, and we must admit that their interests are not always possible.
The history of the research: In 2015, research was launched in cooperation with three educational institutions: • • • •
St. Andrew the First-Called GEORGIAN UNIVERISTY Of the Patriarchate of Georgia; SOKHUMI STATE UNIVERSITY; Private school « AISI»
About 10 pupils with disabilities participated in educational research, with the consent of their parents.
Psychological research was conducted in several areas: To study the positive impact of inclusive education and individual curriculum on the development of cognitive and social skills of the disabled school children, in particular the ability to concentrate of attention and willpower ability.
Definition of the research problem: According to the research objective, the hypotheses of the study are as follows: Inclusive education, which expresses in the specific inclusive academic curriculum, had a positive impact on the psychological development of the disabled schoolchildren, in particular: a) The development of concentration of the attention; b) The willpower capacity development. Based on the purpose of this study and the hypotheses of inspection, the following tasks were identified: 1) Assessment of the concentration of attention, for example, at the beginning of the studying semester and at the end of the semester on the test group with disabled schoolchildren and on the control group (usual schoolchildren) 2) Evaluation of the willpower at the beginning of the studying semester and at the end of the semester on the test group with disabled schoolchildren and on the control group (usual schoolchildren).
Methods of the investigation: There were two research methods used in the investigation: 1. Kurt Lewin’s Willpower Test for Children. 2. Burton’s attention concentration test for children of primary school age
Participants of the study The study was conducted in the private secondary school Tbilisi «Aisi». The first, second, third, fourth, fifth, ninth, seven groups from eleven classes were selected. Namely, 95 pupils. Gender of study participants: 54 boys and 41 girls Age: the age of study participants ranges from six to 17 years, Choice: participants in the survey are schoolchildren. 10 disabled schoolchildren (the test group) and 85 usual schoolchildren (the control group 24
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Description and analysis of results For data processing, we used Microsoft Excel 2010 and SPSS 21 statistical programs Comparative analysis of the results of the first (the beginning of semester) and second (the end of semester) phases of the investigation. Based on the comparison of the results, it was established that the individual plans clearly positively affect the psychosocial development of the disable schoolchildren. All the three skills were trained at the second stage and the better results were achieved at the end of the semester compare to the beginning of the semester. Attention concentration. Average level of 1st stage 41.39, 2rd.stage – 74.38 T-test -10.9 P< 0.05 Willing ability. Average level of 1st stage -– 59.5, Average of the 2nd stage – 81.3 T-test – 12, 5P< 0.05
Conclusion An individual plan prepared for the disabled schoolchildren is drafted adequately and positively affecting the development of psychological skills such as attention concentration, willpower capacity 2. To study the process of socialization and adaptation of the disabled schoolchildren in the class using various psychological and educational methods (Moreno, Sociometrist method, special fairy tape therapy and some psychological exercises for social adaptation, etc.); Socio-metric index. If at the first stage (at the beginning of the semester) all sessions of the sociometric index of each disabled schoolchild were zero, they did not have any choice. At this second stage (at the end of semester) the socio-metric index of each disabled schoolchild increased in each of each disabled schoolchild increased by two units., which is the was low level, but still positive social activity. The average socio-metric index is equal to 0.3 in the group of the disabled schoolchildren. (P< 0.05, the significant difference). 3. The influence of the family factor on the increase of motivation to study in the secondary school of the disabled children The purpose of our research was to assess how family attitudes impact on the level of motivation of schoolchildren with disabilities. The hypothesis lied in the following: a) If family members are educated about inclusive education and have positive views and attitudes about the studying process in the usual secondary school for disabled children, it has a positive effect on the level of motivation for the disabled children. b) The mothers of disabled children have a relatively greater effect on the level of the children’s learning motivation in the usual secondary school. Two instruments were used as the research methods in the study: the projective drawing test «My Family»9example 1and example 2) and the in-depth interview about learning motivation and family connect The sample of our research included 14 children with disabilities, students from «Aisi» school and children from school #5 in Rustavi City, 7 males and 7 females, aged from 6 to 11. Thus, there were 7 schoolchildren with disabilities (the test group) and 7 schoolchildren without disabilities (control group). The process took place individually. In particular, the participant painted the picture «My Family» and then an in-depth interview began Because of the analysis, we found out that our hypotheses were confirmed. In particular, our research found that the attitudes and opinions of family members affect the attitude and the points of view of children with disabilities; they also influence the motivation to go to school, learn and have relationships with the community. According to the research, it is found that mother is most likely to influence the level of motivation for disabled children. Studies have shown that mothers more often tell their children about school encourage them on the first day of school, and they are always around, they teach children to love studying and explain to them how important friendship and peer relationships are. 25
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Research of social adaptation in the class of the disabled schoolchildren with of Autism and Down syndrome; The disabled schoolchildren with Down syndrome easily adapt to a school environment than children with autism;
References 1. National Curriculum – 2011-16 2. Learn to Combine; Inclusive Education 2008; 3. The Ethics Guidance of Teachers; Professional Development Center 2009; 4. Teaching pupils with learning abilities; National Planning and Evaluation Center 2010 5. Inclusive education; Guide for Teachers 2009 6. Inclusive education; Guide to Teachers 2012 year 7. Peculiarities of Relationship with Parents 2012 8. Zimbardo F., Gerigi, «Psychology and Life», Tbilisi 2009 9. Laura Berk, «Development Psychology». Ilia State University, Tb.2005 10. Nadirashvili Sh. Development of Generalization at the Elementary School 6 «Pedagogical Psychology», Part One, Sh. Chkhartishvili edition of TB. 11. Nadirashvili Sh. «An Anthropological Theory of Attitude» TB 12. Svanidze, l. «Lectures on Cognitive Learning in Economic Psychology» 2011 Publishing House «Tsodna» 13. Uznadzed. «General Psychology» Tb. 1940 14. Uznadze d. «Psychology of the Child» 1998 15. Uznadze d. «Mental Psychology» Tb.1978 16. Uznadze d. «Pedagogical Works» Tb. 2005 17. Uznadze d. «Psychology of Psychology – School Psychology» Tb .2005 18. Kolbaia m. «Psychology of the Child» 1998 19. Chkhartishvili Sh. «Willingness and Upbringing» Tb. 1964 20. Chkhartishvili Sh. «Pedagogical Psychology» Second Edition Tb 21. Аромштам М. Со слов японской журналистки Фусаэ Хурагужи. 22. Калина И. И. Проблемы и перспективы развития дошкольного образования в Российской Федерации // Дошкольное воспитание. 2006. No. 9. 23. Лейтс Г. Психодрама: теория и практика.2005 24. Синалеев Ю. Образование в Израиле // Обучение за рубежом. 2000. No. 8. 25. Турченко В. This is the first time that you have access to the DOS. 2006. № 6. 26. Частные школы // Аргументы и факты. 2002. No 10. 27. Хеьлл, Д. Зиглер – Теории личности, Санкт-Петербург, 2000. 28. Bowman, B., Donovan, M.S. & Burns, M.S. Eager to Learn: Educating our Preschoolers. National Research Council, Washington: National Academy Press, 2000. 29. Shonkoff, Jack P. & Philips, Deborah A. (Eds). From Neurons to Neighborhoods: The Science of Early Child Development. National Research Council, Institute of Medicine, Washington: National Academy Press, 2000. 30. The Children of the Cost, Quality, and Outcomes Study Go to School. NICHD, June 1999, p. 2 and Karoly, Lynn, et al, investing in Our Children: What We Know and Do Not Know About the Costs and Benefits of Early Childhood Interventions. RAND, 1998, xv. 31. Vecchiotti, Sara. Kindergarten: The Overlooked School Year. The Foundation for Child Development, October 2001, p. 24
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FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF ADMINISTRATIVE LEGAL RELATIONS IN THE ACTIVITY OF ATS IN SOVEREIGN KAZAKHSTAN Karpekin A.V., Head of the Department of Public Law, PhD in Law, Associate Professor Central Kazakhstan Academy, Karaganda, Republic of Kazakhstan Mishkovskaya V.V., Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Theory of Management, Master of Law, Lieutenant Colonel of Police Karaganda Academy, Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, named after B. Beysenov, Karaganda, Republic of Kazakhstan
Abstract In this scientific article, the authors attempted to trace the formation and development of administrative relations in the activities of the Internal Affairs Bodies, as an independent institution of the branch of administrative law in modern conditions. Key words: administrative law, administrative legal relations, administrative activity, internal affairs bodies, law enforcement agencies, the judicial system.
Administrative legal relations in the activities of the bodies of internal affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as an independent institution of the branch of administrative law, are becoming increasingly relevant today. Formation and development in modern Kazakhstani science, as well as refraction through the prism of current legislation, represents a wide field for their further research. And as N.Nazarbayev, President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, noted in his Address to the people of Kazakhstan. January 31, 2017, «The Third Modernization of Kazakhstan: Global Competitiveness» «... we are carrying out reforms aimed at protecting private property, the rule of law and ensuring equality of all before the law. This work must be continued by Kazakhstan – a young multinational, confident in its future, dynamically developing state! We have passed the 25-year path of becoming. In the next 25 years, we expect even higher levels. Having gathered a unique rich experience in the creation of a state, we have entered a new stage. I am sure that no matter what difficulties we face, we will overcome them. Our main strength is unity. We will turn Kazakhstan into an even more prosperous country for our descendants! »[1], which once again confirms the need to improve all government institutions, where internal affairs bodies occupy one of the leading places, and administrative relations in their activities are in the first place. He priority task of building a legal state in the republic, in which a person, his rights and freedoms are the highest value, necessitates the reform of the entire legal system, including the activities of law enforcement and judicial bodies. President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev in the Message to the People of Kazakhstan «Kazakhstan – 2030. Prosperity, security and improvement of the welfare of all Kazakhstanis» in the third long-term priority determines: energetically continue the reform of the judiciary and law enforcement agencies; establish absolute rule of law and protect law-abiding citizens from crime. On the contrary, apply all the power of power and law to those who provide themselves a comfortable existence illegally [2]. Of course, this directly affects the development and improvement of administrative legal relations of internal affairs bodies. The above priority is contained in almost all annual presidential addresses. The message to the people of Kazakhstan noted that our society is on the threshold of a full-scale reform of the law enforcement and judicial system that meets the standards generally accepted in a democratic community [2]. Such a reform implies radical changes covering the entire law enforcement mechanism of our state. The movement to the rule of law is inextricably linked with the fundamental 28
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strengthening of law and order, with strict and strict observance of the letter of the law and the rules that restrict the rights and freedoms of citizens in one way or another. The solution of these tasks is directly related to the qualitative content of the normative nature of current legislation and transparency of legal relations. The concept of the legal policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 20, 2002 No. 949, indicated the need to further improve the norms of current legislation by filling in the gaps in legal regulation and deepening it in the most important spheres of public life. Along with this, before the legislator there is a requirement for a decisive reduction in the number of reference norms and the optimally possible specification of laws [3]. The formation of the rule of law, the strengthening of law and order require a constant increase in the efficiency of the work of the internal affairs agencies, whose administrative activities are aimed at regulating one of the most important areas of government. It is known that the content of the administrative activities of the police are administrative legal relations that develop in the course of this activity. Accordingly, state administration is carried out mainly through administrative legal relations characterized by authority and compulsory nature. Because of this, the analysis of these relations is the main condition for the penetration into the essence of administrative activities and management processes, carried out by the Internal Affairs Bodies. Considering that administrative scientists have developed more or less a single point of view on the concept of administrative relationship and its features, we see our task as to substantiate the existing point of view on the concept of relationship by additional arguments, to clarify the characteristics of the characteristics and elements of the institution under study. Often, any legal relationship, including administrative, in legal literature is defined as public relations, but regulated by a rule of law. Part of this relationship arises and exists as legal. These legal relations give rise to a special state of their participants – a state of connectedness with rights and duties, within which individuals of society and their formations in a civilized and reasonable manner subordinate their interests. At the same time, public relations take a legal form, and thus its content is concretized, as it acts in the form of the rights and obligations of its parties, in their relationship. And yet, according to OS Ioffe, «the problem of a legal relationship is one of the most complex and at the same time the least developed problems of legal science» [4]. The essence of administrative legal relations should determine the main features of both substantive and procedural administrative legal norms, i.e. management process and administrative procedure. The principal provision is that a citizen is one of the main participants in administrative legal relations, the most important subject of administrative law, which should provide the citizen with maximum legal opportunities in case of illegal actions of management bodies (officials) to protect his violated rights and freedoms. Administrative and legal relations are regulated by the norms of administrative law, public relations, emerging in the field of management. Administratively, the parties act as carriers of mutual rights and obligations regulated by the administrative law. Administrative legal relationship has a structure, which includes subjects, objects of legal relations and its normative content [5]. It seems that this is why traditionally considerable attention is traditionally paid to issues of administrative legal relations, not only in the theory of law, but also in the study of branch legal sciences, in particular administrative law [6]. In our opinion, it should be noted that for a more complete consideration of the structure of administrative legal relations, there is an urgent need to differentiate the constituent elements of legal relations in the context of the administrative activities of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan as the most convenient, in our opinion, sphere. The establishment of the above characteristics in administrative legal relations is a solid basis for their further development, identifying features and characteristics that are characteristic only for them.
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References 1. Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan. January 31, 2017 «The Third Modernization of Kazakhstan: Global Competitiveness» 2. 2. Message from the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan «Kazakhstan – 2030. Prosperity, security and improvement of the welfare of all Kazakhstanis» 3. The concept of the legal policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 20, 2002 No. 949 4. Ioffe O.S. Selected works on civil law. From the history of civil thought. Civil relationship. Criticism of the theory of «economic law.» –M .: Statute, 2000. – 710 p. 5. Bakhrakh D.N. On the structure of the administrative relationship. Administrative law: Textbook. – M., 1996. 6. Zhalburov E.T. Administrative legal relations in the activities of the internal affairs bodies (police) of the Republic of Kazakhstan: problems of theory and practice. Monograph. – Kostanay, 2009. – 336 p.
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IMPROVEMENT OF PARAMETERS OF ROAD MILLS FOR REPAIR WORKS ON ELIMINATION OF RUTS Kulgildinov Murat Saparbekovich, 2 Kozbagarov Rustem Ashimovich, 3 Dauletkulova Aigul Utegenovna, 1 Kamzanov Nurbol Sadykanovich 1
Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after M. Tynyshpayev, Satpayev University, 3 Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan 1 2
Abstract An experimental research method has been developed and a test bench with metrological equipment has been created for simulation of the complex process of bituminous concrete samples milling based on force and reference closing. As a result of the conducted research, regression equations were derived that describe the parameters of bituminous concrete samples milling. Key words: road milling machine, bituminous concrete, patching repair, cutting member, automobile road.
The Republic of Kazakhstan automobile roads rutting is one of the main causes of an increased risk of traffic accidents, and the resulting track gauge ruptures reach significant sizes, both in the vertical and horizontal planes [1]. At the same time, the requirements to the road surface blading technology, including the technical means for carrying out these works, namely, for automated road milling machines, have also changed. In this regard, improvement of the design and manufacturing parameters of automated road milling machines used to eliminate gauge tracks is an urgent issue requiring relevant solutions. Currently, uplifts milling technology is used as a temporary measure within a scope of repair work aimed at elimination of treads on road surfaces. Milling of uplifts (bulges) ensures the required surface adhesion coefficient and plane road surface. Thus, the problem of accurate milling of bulges and side uplifts within the track area is solved. But the technology of milling the track itself has not changed [2,3]. Usually, a track is filled with a patch repair mixture (cationic emulsion with stone chippings of 5-10 mm size) or is milled to a certain depth without any required accuracy and is filled afterwards with a road concrete mix and compacted. Accurate milling is necessary to ensure plane road surface and traffic safety. Milling tolerance shall not exceed 1-3 mm/m. Rotation axis position relative to the road cutter chassis and, correspondingly, to the road surface changes in the course of milling; so, vertical adjustment movement is necessary and shall be carried out. Let us call the distance from the cutting line to the cutter rotation axis the dimensional adjustment level, i.e. adjustment variables of the cutter position in vertical plane are used in the course of road surface milling [4,5]. The cutting line runs along the level of the initial road pavement surface outside the track area in order to prevent any traffic accident risks and to ensure compliance with the track repair project requirements. A bulge is a bituminous concrete mix mass with varying dimensional and mechanical properties (height, width, density, shape, hardness, cracks, chipping, porousness) squeezed out of the track area to the right or left side. Let us assume that the front and rear wheels of a milling machine run along a level road section outside the track area. New milling machines are controlled by computers
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and equipped with actuators and mechanisms. On top of that, new control circuits can be added independent of the main computer based on the microcontroller or an industrial computer. Vertical plane travelling drive control will be exercised by means of combining the signals coming in from the main computer and the milling size deviation correction circuit. It is recommended to use a milling cutter, usually of Wirtgen design type (Germany) [6], with freelayout milling teeth in the mounting body to reduce diffusion wear. The freely rotating cutting member is constantly shifted aside by the heated contact point outside the contact area and the cutter section has time to cool down. Therefore, no molecular diffusion exchange occurs and ordinary mechanical wear is significant for stiff-fastened tools. A BOSCH type non-contact laser sensor with an accuracy of 0.5 mm and the base length of 250 mm is used. It looks like a box with an optical eye of the receiving and transmitting system and a microprocessor inside with an access to computer equipment. Control system sets the parameters of the signal received from the sensor. The deviation of the signal from the set parameters results in deviations from the milling dimensions. The feedback control is used with the adjustment variables of the cutter level dimensional adjustment. In fact, it is proposed to switch from kinematic force closing to kinematic coordinate (reference) closing (cutter moment or incremental movement) mode since it allows for full-fledged implementation of the road milling machine numerical program control thus allowing for reduction of not only the current average deviation of milling, but also its spread (standard deviation, the square of which is the dispersion). The only problem that is solved is that of ensuring surface evenness; the problem of adhesion coefficient ensuring has neither been posed nor considered. Power take-off from the main engine or the use of an additional engine is inherent to the road building machines (RBM) of conventional design. In manual control machines, feedback is implemented through the operator’s adaptation to changing environmental conditions. Previously, the kinematic force induced closing was actually used (hydro-, pneumatic pressure power takeoff, or rotating elements’ power takeoff). In fact, this method of RBM control allowed only for following or reducing the initial deviations of the processed road surface in the course of milling. If the size or density of a bulge increased, the milling machine experienced additional vertical loads and further deviated upward from the cutting line, which resulted in further deviation from the desired milled road size, which, in turn, led to increase in the number of the traffic accidents. Changes in the size of these bulges may be 1–17 cm and may differ 5–10 times within the road repair section. Accordingly, the vertical component of the cutting force, caused by a change in the dimensional mechanical parameters of the bulge, additionally changes several times. Therefore, there is a task of compensating for undesirable additional vertical movements of the cutter and control of the level of adjustment of the cutter in real time. The preset road pavement surface mode is used as input information for determining the cutter dimensional settings. The existing cutters layout assume operation of the milling machine cutting members within the pavement profiler’s (road milling machine) coordinate system if the plane of interaction stretches through the milling cutter and the wheels or, which is even more advanced, through the mill cutter and the rollers running on the road surface outside the tracks’ area. As a matter of fact, the second method allows for road surface profiling within the coordinate system and without any other elements such as wheels. Power is taken off from the RBM only. But this does not allow for compensation of the mill’s cutting members wear, errors in settings and thermal deformations. Therefore, scanning systems build a digital model of the road pavement outside the tracks area and calculate the cutting line trajectory. Automatic or virtual alignment of the tools extension is carried out relative to that virtual line so that the tips of the tools could be at this representative line. Adjustment may be carried out manually. Previously, the control was carried out according to the instantaneous height – a mean value of the milling cutter dimensions deviation; but now, we, in addition to above, are engaged in reducing the spread of the milled surface parameters deviation. For the first time, precision control of milling specific elements of the road is used – eliminating the side floats along the track; the principle of the feedback based control of the road milling machine is used. It is necessary either to know or to determine and input environment data in real time in order to set a control rule in the numerical program control of RBM. Unpowered kinematical connections are widely used in automated road milling machines such as, for example, connections via wires or radio signals. Gear transmission was previously used. As a rule, new 32
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actuators can be operated with various types of kinematic closing, for example, based on speed, movement increment, moment, power (of the electric power used). The movement increment was selected as the main one for operation. Control principle is of importance for the unpowered kinematic connections. Control is considered to be based on the feedback and on perturbations. Feedback based control was selected. This type of control is based on the measurement of the output parameters, determining the milling deviations, multiplication by the adjustment coefficient and implementation of this adjustment variable increment through the milling cutter vertical movement drive (adjusting variable movement increment). For example, at the given point of time milling dimensions deviation is 10mm. Let’s multiply it by adjustment coefficient of 0.5 and we get 5mm, which is the value of the variable adjustment increment, then we add it to the current level of the milling cutter dimensional settings. Thus, we compensate for any accidental changes in the dimensional mechanical parameters of the track uplift and also compensate for changes in pressure in pneumatic tires and for cutting members wear as well as for the thermal deformation of the work member and the RBM itself. We also compensate for the change in the mass parameters of the milling cutter. We, actually, compensate for the deterministic (linear) and periodic (correlating) components making up milling process deviation sequence. It is impossible to control a random component.
1 – carriage with a bituminous concrete sample; 2 – diamond disk; 3 – dynamometer Figure 1. Test Bench for the Milling Basic Parameters Determining
Comparative simulation tests of the bituminous concrete samples cutting in the elastic and coordination (reference) closing modes. A method was developed for studying the basic milling parameters. The focus of the studies was on determining the relationship between the milling depth (h) and the velocity of the disk rotation (V) with the resistance to the disk movement (W0). Experiments were carried out on a specially made test bench (Figure 1). Disk rotational speed, which ensured linear cutting speed of up to 50 m/sec, was taken as a constant in this experiment. At the same time, the diamond disc travelling speed varied within the range of 1.8 m/min to 3 m/min, and the milling depth h – from 10 to 60 mm. Each experiment was carried out 3 times in accordance with the developed plan of factorial experiment presented in the table with the results of the tests. Mathematical relations were derived from the experiment results processing (relation of forward force Wo to the cutting depth h and forward movement speed V). Wо = 0,35h + 0,1hV. (1) 33
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Based on the derived relation (1), mean cutting resistance value qo was determined as: qо=W0/hB, (2) where: B – cutting width. qo value is 60-80 kPa and can be used for drive power N value. N = 0,5qо hBDw, (3) where D – disk diameter, w – angular velocity of disk rotation. Table 1. The plan and the results of experiments
№ experience
Plan in natural variables h, mm
V, m/с
1 2 3 4
10 60 10 60
0,03 0,03 0,05 0,05
6 7 8 9 10-13
77,68 35 35 35 35
0,04 0,023 0,047 0,04 0,04
Feed force Wо, kN
Core plan
3,8 20,6 4,2 22,7 2,6
Star points
Zero points
26,2 11,2 13,1 11,7 12,0
The test bench was built based on the vertical milling machine in the metal cutting machines laboratory. The vertical milling machine was changed over in such a way so that its cutting tool rotation axis became horizontal. Standard disk cutters of 110 and 230 mm diameter (metal cutting tool) were used as a pavement profiler model. The figure 2 below shows the procedure of a bituminous concrete pavement specimen deformation measurement using a universal magnetic measuring head. Two series of experiments with elastic and hard closing were conducted. In the first instance, a 5 mm rubber sheet was placed between magnetic clamping mechanism and the milling machine bench. In the second instance, magnetic clamping mechanism was fixed on the milling machine bench. The selected disk cutter and bituminous concrete payment specimen with uneven surface were selected. Cutting was performed toward the processed surface in the movement direction. Two modes were tested, namely: • with elastic element (rubber). Carpenter vise with underlaid rubber was used for the test specimen fixing on the bench of the milling machine. In this mode, increased spread in the values of deviation from the cutting sizes and approximately two-fold increase of the mean height of the processed surface. • when the test specimen of the bituminous concrete was fixed rigidly on the test bench surface, mean values were lower and the cutting size values spread was approximately twice as law as that in the elastic mode. The results of this test confirm efficiency of transfer to from force closing to the coordinate one or movement control. «Rosdortech» CNPC FGUP has been making bituminous concrete edge cutters since 1998. Two models of the bituminous concrete edge cutters KP-158 (Figure 3) are produced in lots. Machines consist of a chassis (1) made of rectangular section pipes with HONDA GX-340 (2) of 8.1 kW power, shielding container (3) with batteries for RBM starting installed inside. Tensional moment is transferred from the engine through a belt drive (4) to the axis with a cutting tool (5) installed. Cutter is lowered using a third wheel installed on the travelling beam (6) pivoted to the frame. Lowering depth is controlled by threaded couple (7) installed on the machine control lever and setting the travelling beam 34
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in motion through a drawbar. There is also a block with ignition lock (8) on the lever. Lever height can be adjusted using a telescopic mechanism. A 22l water tank (9) is installed over the engine on the bracket. This bracket is also used as a protection of the engine. Belt drive and the working mechanism are covered by protective shells. There is a mudguard on the shell (10) of the diamond disk (5) protecting an operator against mud. There is exhaust gas offtake with an air cushion (11) at the end installed on the engine’s muffler. This system allows for exhaust gas moving away from the operator and creation of a barrier protecting operator against spatter and dust from the cutting tool.
a – procedure of a bituminous concrete specimen deformation measurement using a universal magnetic measurement head; b – measurement of vibroacoustic oscillations in the course of cutting using vibration measurement system (USA) Figure 2. Measurement process
Belt drive of the machine’s working member is located on the beam and is covered with a protective shell. Cutting disk of 315mm in diameter is covered with a guard housing and can cut grooves up to 80mm in depth. Edge cutter KP-158-01 is equipped with a petrol engine HONDA GX-200 of 4.8 kW power. Working member vertical travelling control algorithms with the use of pulsing adjustments were simulated using this equipment. The developed method of experimental studies and the test bench with the metrological equipment allows for simulation of a very complex process of bituminous concrete cutting based on force and coordinate closing. Regression equations describing bituminous concrete specimen cutting parameters were derived from the experimental studies.
Figure 3. Scheme (a) and Photo (b) of the Bituminous Concrete Edge Cutter Used in the Experimental Study
Use of the present work results will allow for more efficient construction, repair and maintenance of automobile roads and to ensure the required transportation and operational parameters, roads and traffic safety. 35
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References 1. [N.A. Nazarbayev Kazakhstan – 2030. Long-term priority goals and implementation strategies. – Almaty: Bilim, 1997. – PP.148-155. 2. Zhelukevich R.B. The theory and practice of creating working bodies of construction and road machines with disc cutters. – Krasnoyarsk, 2015. – 354 p. 3. Machines for the maintenance and repair of urban and highways / Ed. IN AND. Balovneva. – Moscow-Omsk: SibADI Publishing House, 2015. – 528 p. 4. Kochetkov A.V., Susliganov P.S. The device of the rough surface layers on the pavement of roads and bridges: Roads and bridges. Issue 3. – M .: Informavtodor. 2015. – 100 p. 5. Nedorezov I. Forces Prediction of Underwater Soil Cutting by Excavating Robots // Proceedings of the 9 th ISARC. – Tokyo, Japan, 1992. – P. 759-765; 6. Prospect of the firm Wirtgen (Germany), 2018.
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STRESSED-DEFORMED CONDITION OF ESCALATOR TUNNELS UNDER THE ACTION OF STATIC AND SEISMIC LOADS Vladimir Solonenko ( Narzankul Makhmetova ( Janat Musayev (, Saule Bekzhanova ( Bazanova Inna Amandykovna ( Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications (KazATC), Almaty
Abstract The work is a numerical study aimed at studying the VAT of both the lining of the escalator tunnels of the metro and the surrounding soil mass in order to justify the construction of the lining of the escalator tunnels of monolithic reinforced concrete. Multivariate numerical experiments were carried out to study the VAT of the construction of the lining of escalator tunnels to the effect of permanent and seismic loads. According to the results of the research, recommendations were given on the selection of the area and class of longitudinal and annular reinforcement. The expediency of the construction of lining escalator tunnels in the conditions of the city of Almaty from monolithic reinforced concrete is scientifically grounded in order to increase rigidity and reduce stress values in annular sections of the lining on the basis of studying the patterns of stress distribution in the lining under constant and seismic loads. Key words: Stress-strain state, lining, accelerogram, stress, displacement.
The purpose of calculating the VAT of escalator tunnels when exposed to permanent, seismic and with a special combination of loads is the scientific justification for the construction of its lining from monolithic reinforced concrete in Almaty city conditions, which allows to obtain a significant economic effect compared to the cast iron tubing lining. It is known that the cost of one cubic meter of precast concrete is about three times less than the cost of one ton of cast iron tubing. It can be assumed that when using monolithic reinforced concrete, the economic effect will be even greater. In addition, the development of practical recommendations on the possible constructive-technological solution of the lining of escalator tunnels from monolithic reinforced concrete, taking into account the engineering and geological features of the city of Almaty. Modern methods for calculating stresses and their corresponding software systems allow us to effectively evaluate the load bearing capacity of the lining of an escalator tunnel and determine the VAT of the surrounding soil massif in the volume formulation of the problem. The use of FEM makes it possible, in full, to take into account the structural features of the lining in the three-dimensional formulation of the problem and to improve the accuracy of the results obtained. At the same time, the problem of changing the physic mechanical characteristics of soils, as well as changes in boundary conditions and loads, is relatively easy to solve. In addition, the FEM allows for the analysis of VAT from the main and special combination of loads. The study of VAT lining was carried out under the influence of constant loads and seismic effects. In the study of VAT lining from constant loads (static calculation) for the material of the lining of an escalator tunnel, the following physic mechanical characteristics were adopted: the reduced modulus of concrete of class B30 concrete was adopted Eб=35200MPa, Poisson’s ratio nб=0,2,
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density rĐą=2,585t/m3. For heavy concrete class B30, the calculated compressive resistance for heavy concrete class B30 is Rb=15,5MPa, the calculated tensile strength is Rbt= 1.1 MPa [1-2]. Calculations for seismic impact are performed using a two-component calculated accelerogram acting at a depth of h=59.0 m. Calculation and analysis of the results of a three-dimensional VAT on the lining of an escalator tunnel under the influence of constant loads â&#x20AC;&#x201C; its own weight of the structure and the soil mass. Tangential stresses on the inner surface of the lining corresponding to the calculated deformations are shown in Figure 1. The maximum tensile stresses are observed in the lower zone of the tunnel, in the tray and in the roof and reach . The largest compressive stresses occur at the level of the horizontal diameter the value . and reach a value The distribution of normal longitudinal stresses on the inner surface of the lining is shown in Figure and occur in the lower chute zone of the lining. The 2. The tensile stresses reach a value and are observed in a limited lower zone maximum compressive stresses reach a value of the arch (about 3.5 m long).
Figure 1. Distribution of tangential stresses on the inner surface of the lining (kPa)
Calculation and analysis of the results of three-dimensional VAT lining of an escalator tunnel under the influence of seismic loads. For the analysis of the stress-strain state of the construction of the tunnel lining as a whole with a seismic effect, selected time point t* = 5.19 s, which corresponds to extreme stress values. Figure 3 shows the distribution of normal tangential seismic stresses in the internal lining of the tunnel. in the lower On the inner surface, the largest tensile tangential stresses reach a value in cross section zone of the tunnel tray, the greatest compressive stresses reach a value perpendicular to the vertical direction in the support zone. 38
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Figure 2. Distribution of longitudinal stresses on the inside lining surfaces (kPa)
Figure 4 shows the distribution of normal longitudinal seismic stresses in the internal lining. On the and are observed in the limited outer surface, the maximum tensile stresses reach a value and occur in lower zone of the lining. The largest compressive stresses reach a value in a the tray support zone. On the inner surface, the largest tensile stresses reach a value in the limited support zone of the roof, the largest compressive stresses reach a value support zone in a diametrical section perpendicular to the vertical direction. In the remaining zones of the . tunnel, the longitudinal tensile stresses on the inner surface do not exceed
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Figure 3. Distribution of tangential stresses on the inner surface of the lining (kPa) at the moment of time t * = 5.19 sec
Figure 4. Distribution of longitudinal stresses on the inner surface of the lining (kPa) at the moment of time t * = 5.19 sec
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Conclusion Analysis of the obtained results allowed to establish that the maximum tensile tangential stresses on the outer surface of the lining are fixed in the lower zone of the tunnel at the level of the horizontal diameter , and on the inner surface in the lower zone, tray and roof . Seismic stresses constitute no more than 14–18% of the stresses at constant loads, moreover, they are confined to the same zones and the magnitudes of these stresses exceed the calculated values, and therefore require careful reinforcement. According to the results of the research, recommendations were given on the selection of the area and class of longitudinal and annular reinforcement. The developed recommendations allow to make a conclusion about the feasibility of building an escalator tunnel lined with monolithic reinforced concrete in the conditions of the city of Almaty.
References 1. Maccan S., Carrieri G., Grasso P., Pelizza S., Paagliacci F. The Pretunnel: A New Construction Technigue in Mechanized Tunnelling. North American Tunnellinq. – Washinqton. – 1996. – Р. 331338. 2. Mahmetova N.М. Experimental study of the stress-strain state of the lining of a typical station section // Bulletin of Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture. – 2012. – №3 (37). – Р.116-120.
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STUDY OF A STRESSED-DEFORMED STATE OF A THREE-WATER STATION UNDER SEISMIC LOADS Berikbol Arkenov ( Narzankul Makhmetova ( Saulet Shayakhmetov ( Kuralay Joldassova ( Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications (KazATC), Almaty
Abstract Work state is a numerical and theoretical study aimed at examining the VAT as a threedimensional lining subway station deep foundation, and the surrounding soil mass to reduce the earth’s surface sediment. Calculation methods and software systems for the study of the VAT system «lining – ground» with regard to geological and seismic conditions of the construction site. The regularities of the distribution of displacements and stresses in the lining of the station under the action of seismic loads which will enable lining for strength to withstand the loads of rock pressure and its bearing capacity. Recommendations on the selection of reinforcement area to ensure the reliability of structural elements station, reducing stress values on the contour of the station tunnels and stiffening lining. Reliability of the results justified the use of mathematical modeling, complex programs and proven satisfactory convergence of numerical and theoretical studies. Key words: Stress-strain state, lining, accelerogram, stress, displacement.
Creating reliable methods for calculating the stability of underground transportation structures under difficult ground conditions under the influence of seismic loads has been and remains an urgent task of the theory of seismic stability of underground structures. Under the conditions of the construction of a metro station in the zone of possible 9-10-point earthquakes, scientifically based recommendations are required to ensure seismic resistance. The practical implementation of calculations of transport underground structures on the impact of seismic loads is a complex task of the dynamics of underground structures. It is impossible to obtain an analytical solution of such problems, therefore numerical methods of finite element analysis are involved. The equations of dynamic equilibrium of the system «lining-soil» of finite elements at time t are written as [1] (1) где {R(t)} – вектор внешних сил, зависящий от времени. The decomposition in the forms of natural oscillations is reduced to the transformation of displacements of the nodes of finite elements in order to bring the equations of dynamic equilibrium (1) to a more convenient form for integration. The following translation transform is used. (2)
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where [R] is a square matrix, {C(t)}– is a time-dependent vector of order n. The transformation matrix [R] is unknown and must be found. The components of the vector {C(t)} are called generalized displacements. Substituting (2) into (1) and multiplying to the left by [R]Т, we get (3) Since the eigenvectors and [М]are orthogonal, we will have (4) where [R] is a matrix consisting of columns – vectors {ji}, and [W2]-diagonal matrix
(5) Using relation (4), we obtain the system of equilibrium equations for generalized displacements (6) A general view of the equilibrium equations (6) of the system of finite elements in the basis of eigenvectors {ji}, i = 1,2, ...., n shows that if we ignore the damping, the equilibrium equations are separated, and time integration can be carried out for each equation separately . The method of decomposition into its own forms is especially effective if we can assume that the damping is proportional, which is expressed by the relation [2, 3] (7) where xi – is the vibration damping coefficient; dij – Kronecker symbol. Therefore, using (7), assuming that the eigenvectors {ji}, as well as [С]-orthogonal, and the system of equations (6) is divided into n equations of the form (8) where The solution of each equation (8) can be accomplished by using the Duhamel integral: (9) where 43
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Let the system perform an oscillatory process under the action of inertial forces (10)
where – is the accelerogram of the earthquake, {A} is the vector of the direction cosines of the angles between the direction of the seismic wave incidence with the coordinate axes. The task is to determine the VAT of the structural elements of the lining of a three-dimensional station with a seismic effect of an intensity of 9 points on the MSK scale. Calculations for seismic impact were performed using a two-component design accelerogram acting at a depth of h=59.0 m and including horizontal transverse and vertical components. The accelerogram duration is 20 seconds, the number of points is 2000, the digitization step is 0.01 s. The components are scaled in such a way that the peak acceleration values are 1.0 m/s2 (≈0.1 g). The calculations were performed on the simultaneous action of the horizontal transverse and vertical components of the original design accelerogram, set at a depth of h = 59.0 m and causing oscillations on the ground surface corresponding to an earthquake intensity of 9 points.For the analysis of the VAT of the constructions of the lining of the three-dimensional station as a whole with the seismic effect, the selected moment of time t* = 8.72 sec, which corresponds to the extreme values of tensile stresses. Figure 1 shows the distribution of horizontal displacements for lining a three-vaulted station. The maximum horizontal displacements reach values ux=5.9 mm in the upper arch of the central tunnel. Figure 2 shows the distribution of vertical displacements for the three-vaulted lining. The vertical displacements of the uy design are within 1.0mm. Figure 3 shows the stresses on the inner surface of the lining of the three-vaulted station. The maxiand are observed in the zones of junction of the lower mum tensile stresses reach a value and upper tunnel arches to the pylons. The largest compressive stresses occur in symmetrically located . zones and reach a value
Figure 1. Distribution of horizontal displacements (m) in lining
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Figure 2. Distribution of vertical displacements (m) in lining
Figure 3. Distribution of normal tangential stresses (kPa) on the inner surface of the lining
Conclusion Based on the analysis of the results of a multivariate numerical experiment, it was established that seismic stresses constitute no more than 30-35% of the stresses arising under constant loads. In areas where the values of tensile and compressive stresses reach maximum values, it is necessary to perform reinforced reinforcement in order to ensure the bearing capacity of the structural elements of the shell of the tunnels.
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References 1. Clough R., Penzien J. Dynamics of constructions. M.: Stroyizdat, 1979.320 p. 2. Makhmetova N.M., Malbakova A.M. Seismic state of anisotropic array with a three-dimensional underground transport structure // Proceedings of the XXXV international scientific-practical conference «Innovative technologies in the development of the transport and communication complex of Kazakhstan». – 2011. – P.155-159. 3. Mahmetova N.М. Experimental study of the stress-strain state of the lining of a typical station section // Bulletin of Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture. – 2012. – №3 (37). – Р.116-120.
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RESEARCH OF PROCESS OF ROLLING UP ANDRIPENING OF SOFT CHEESE FROM THE RECOVEREDFULL-MILK Matibayeva Ainur Ibraevna (, Mukhtarhanova Rauan Buribayevna ( Almaty technological university (ATU) Almaty city, Republic of Kazakhstan
Abstract The article presents the results of the study of the process of coagulation and maturation of soft cheese from restored whole milk. In the course of the work, the influence of the concentration of solids in the recovered whole milk on the strength of thermo-acid clots, the transition of solids into the finished product and the organoleptic properties of cheese, the technological modes of production of soft cheese from reduced milk, the influence of the coagulation temperature of the reduced milk on the yield of cheese mass and its moisture-holding capacity, the process of maturation of soft cheeses from reduced milk and the technological modes of production of soft cheese from reduced milk were studied. Key words: Full– milk, cow milk, cheese, soft cheese, enzymes, lactose, ripening of cheese.
Среди большого разнообразия продуктов питания одно из ведущих мест занимают сыры. Мировая наука о питании признает сыр как высокопитательный, биологически полноценный, легкоусвояемый продукт. Он является незаменимым и обязательным компонентом пищевого рациона человека. В состав сыра входят необходимые человеку белки, жиры, углеводы и их производные, а также минеральные соли, микроэлементы, витамины и другие вещества. Белковые вещества сыра включают в себя комплекс аминокислот, в том числе незаменимые, которые не синтезируются в организме человека. Жир находится в эмульгированном состоянии, что обусловливает его хорошую усвояемость [1, с.80-85]. Следует отметить, что одной из основных причин, сдерживающих в стране развитие производства сыра, является уменьшение объемов производства молока в целом, и его незначительные объемы поступления в зимний период. Возможным путем нивелирования данного недостатка, может быть производство сыра из восстановленного или рекомбинированного молока. Другим научно обоснованным направлением стабильного круглогодичного производства сыров является использование в их технологии растительных белков, жиров и развитие производства мягких сыров, являющихся более экономичными и отличающиеся разнообразиями органолептических показателей при значительной пищевой и биологической ценности. Все это указывает на актуальность использования восстановленного молока при производстве мягких сыров. Целью работы является исследование процесса свертывания и созревания мягкого сыра из восстановленного цельного молока.
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В лаборатории кафедры «Технология продуктов питания» и аккредитованной лаборатории «Пищевая безопасность» АТУ проведены исследования процесса свертывания и созревания мягкого сыра из восстановленного цельного молока. В качестве основного молочного сырья для производства мягкого сыра было выбрано восстановленное цельное молоко. Увеличение выхода и снижение потерь является важной составной частью технологии любого продукта. При производстве сыра из молока с пониженной концентрацией сухих веществ часто возникают проблемы с образованием сгустка. Поэтому подбору оптимальной массовой доли сухих веществ в восстановленном цельном молоке уделялось в данной работе отдельное внимание [2, с.43] В ходе работы сухое молоко восстанавливали с содержанием сухих веществ от 13 до 19% (таблица 1). Таблица 1. Физико-химические показатели восстановленного цельного молока
Исследуемые показатели
1 2 3 4 5
СВ, % Жир, % Белок, % Лактоза,% Плотность, г/см3 Кислотность Титруемая, °Т Активная, ед. рН
6 7
Исследуемый вариант восстановленного цельного молока №1 13 3,4 3,5 5,3 1030
№2 15 3,9 4,0 6,1 1035
№3 17 4,4 4,5 7,0 1039
№4 19 5,0 5,1 7,8 1043
Из таблицы 1 видно, что увеличение концентрации сухих веществ в восстановленном цельном молоке приводит к равномерному росту всех показателей. Количество белка в восстановленном цельном молоке превышает количество жира на 0,1%. Соотношение жир/белок в данном случае составляет 0,98 и не изменяется при увеличении концентрации сухих веществ молока. Это позволяет получать из данного молока продукт с содержанием жира в сухом веществе около 40%. Результаты исследований по установлению влияния сухих веществ восстановленного молока на синерезис сгустка показали, что при повышении содержании сухих веществ в молоке объем сыворотки, выделившейся из сгустка, в результате синерезиса увеличивается. Влияние сухих веществ, на синерезис сычужного сгустка представлен на рисунке 1.
Рисунок 1. Влияние содержания сухих веществ на синеретические свойства сгустка
scientific journal of the modern education & research institute • The Kingdom of Belgium
Степень использования сухих веществ молока в сыроделии можно интерпретировать как один из показателен сыропригодности. В действительности выход сыра зависит от трех основных факторов: • процента жира и казеина в молоке; • процента составных частей молока, особенно жира и казеина, потерянных при приготовлении сыра; • количества воды в сыре. Эти три фактора определяют выход сыра всех видов. В дальнейшем определяли степень перехода жира в сыр в зависимости от концентрации сухих веществ в восстановленном молоке (таблица 2) Таблица 2. Степень перехода жира в сыр
Жирность молока, %
Переход жира в сыр, %
МДЖ в сыворотке, %
1 2 3 4
3,4 3,9 4,4 5,0
94,8±0,12 94,9±0,09 97,2±0,03 97,8±0,02
0,2 0,2 0,1 0,1
Из таблицы 2 видно, что увеличение перехода жира в сыр при использовании сырья с повышенной массовой долей сухих веществ происходит из-за того, что в сыворотке сокращается количество мелких частиц сгустка. По этой же причине в образцах ВЦМ с пониженным содержанием жира (3,4%) наблюдается уменьшение перехода жира из молока в сыр (94,8%) и увеличение его количества в сыворотке (0,2%). В образцах 3 и 4 показатели жирности в сыворотке составляет одинаковое количество 0,1%. Таким образом, на основании анализа проведенных исследований было установлено для приготовления мягких сыров использовать восстановленное цельное молоко с содержанием сухих веществ в количестве 17%. Хорошо известно, что процесс свертывания молока представляет собой одну из важнейших стадий производства многих молочных продуктов. Этот процесс представляет собой коагуляцию казеина и может быть вызван различными факторами. В молочной промышленности используются в основном кислотный и сычужный способы коагуляции. В частности, для производства сыров важен процесс сычужного свертывания молока, вызванный молокосвертывающими ферментами. Молоко представляет собой очень сложную систему, состоящую, грубо говоря, из трех основных подсистем: молочной сыворотки, представляющей собой раствор сывороточных белков, различных солей и лактозы в воде; коллоидного раствора казеиновых мицелл в сыворотке; эмульсии жировых шариков, взвешенных в коллоидном растворе казеина. Объектом исследований являлось восстановленное цельное молоко с содержанием сухих веществ 17%. Производство сыра включает два этапа – выработку свежего сыра и его созревание. Во время выработки сыра протекают важные биохимические и микробиологические процессы. К ним первую очередь следует отнести сычужное свертывание белков молока и синерезис сгустка. Они как бы предопределяют процесс созревания – от скорости свертывания молока, интенсивности молочнокислого брожения и синерезиса сгустка зависят дальнейшие более глубокие изменения белков, жира и других компонентов сырной массы. При производстве мягких сыров в восстановленное цельное молоко вносили закваску молочнокислых бактерий из культур str. Lactis, str. cremoris, str. diacetylactis в количестве 1,5-2 %, в качестве свертывающего фермента вносили сычужный порошок в количестве 2,5 г на 100 кг смеси. В дальнейшем в работе, было исследовано изменение титруемой и активной кислотности в процессе кислотно-сычужного свертывания смеси при разных температурах (в интервале от 25 до 400С) приведены в таблице 3. 49
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Таблица 3. Влияние режимов кислотно-сычужного свертывания смеси на активную и титруемую кислотность.
Температура свертывания смеси, 0С
Титруемая кислотность сгустка, 0 Т
Активная кислотность сгустка, рН
25 30 35 40
81±0,5 87±0,5 79±0,5 69±0,5
4,70±0,1 4,01±0,3 4,60±0,3 4,85±0,3
Исследования показали, что наиболее активное нарастание величины титруемой кислотности отмечено при температуре свертывание 300С. С увеличением титруемой кислотности (870Т) уменьшается активная кислотность сгустка (рН-4,01). Понижение температуры до 25 0С снизило нарастание кислотности (до 810Т). Увеличение температуры свертывания до 35 и 400С также привело к понижению темпа нарастания кислотности. Отмеченные изменения в динамике роста титруемой кислотности связаны с влиянием температуры свертывания на развитие молочнокислых бактерий, используемых в проводимом опыте. Формирование видовых особенностей сыра происходит главным образом в результате ферментативных превращений составных частей молока с образованием многочисленных соединений, создающих вкус и аромат, характерные для данного вида. Созревание сыра представляет собой сложный биохимический процесс, протекающий под влиянием энзимов молока, сычужного фермента и молочнокислой микрофлоры. Типичные реакции в созревающем сыре – ферментация белков, при которой образуются многочисленные азотистые соединения. Во время созревания количество нерастворимых белков уменьшается, но на любой стадии созревания мелких и крупных сычужных сыров их содержание остается высоким. Прирост азота отражает общий протеолитический процесс, служит главным показателем скорости созревания сыра и степени его зрелости. Особое значение в формировании сыра как специфического пищевого продукта играют заквасочные микроорганизмы. Под действием молочнокислых бактерий и их ферментных систем осуществляется ряд важных преобразований, в результате которых происходит формирование органолептических показателей сыра [3, с.1-4]. В дальнейшем в работе исследовали динамику развития микрофлоры в процессе созревания мягкого сыра из восстановленного цельного молока в сравнении с мягким сыром из цельного коровьего молока (контроль) (рисунок 2).
Рисунок 2. Динамика микрофлоры при созревании мягких сыров
Примечания 1. №1 образец – мягкий сыр из восстановленного цельного молока. 2. Контроль – мягкий сыр из цельного коровьего молока.
scientific journal of the modern education & research institute • The Kingdom of Belgium
Из рисунка 2 видно, что наиболее бурное размножение микрофлоры в образцах сыра отмечены первые 3 суток созревания. Последующие 2 суток их количество держалось на относительно высоком уровне, а затем до конца созревания наблюдалось резкое сокращение. В первом образце количество микробных клеток увеличилось с 8,5х108 в 1 г после прессования до 19,0х108 млн. в 3 суточном возрасте. В контрольном образце с 8,2х108 млн. до 17,5х108 млн. Значительно активно размножались бактерий первого образца. Также было исследовано изменение активной кислотности в процессе созревания мягких сыров (таблица 5). Таблица 5. Изменение рН сыров в процессе созревания.
Возраст сыра, сутки После самопрессования 3 5 7
Активная кислотность (рН) при созревании сыров 1 образец
5,12±0,05 4,87±0,05 4,93±0,03 4,98±0,01
5,21±0,03 4,94±0,03 4,98±0,05 5,10±0,01
Из данных приведенных в таблице 12 видно, что как в опыте, так и в контроле минимальное значение рН (4,87-4,94) сырной массы было на 3 сутки созревания. В дальнейшем рН постоянно повышался и к 7 суткам составил (4,98-5,10). В начальный период созревания уровень активной кислотности обуславливается интенсивным развитием молочнокислого процесса и наличием в сыре лактозы. Дальнейшее изменение рН в сыре связано с развитием биохимических процессов, в результате которых в продукте происходит накопление менее кислых веществ и разложение молочной кислоты. В результате более быстрого протеолиза к концу созревания, то есть после 7 суток активная кислотность исследуемого сыра (рН 4,98) даже несколько превышал активную кислотность контрольного сыра (рН 5,1). В мягких сырах реакция среды держится в начале процесса на уровне рН 4,87 затем повышается до рН 4,98 и в этот период происходят в основном все превращения сырной массы, занимая относительно короткий промежуток времени. Этим объясняется относительная быстрота созревания мягких сыров. Образование слизи на поверхности мягких сыров и развитие плесени также приводит к снижению кислотности и, следовательно, в сочетании с определенным содержанием влаги в сыре являются средством ускорения созревания. На основании экспериментальных исследований установлены основные параметры производства мягкого сыра из восстановленного цельного молока, процесс образования сгустка и созревания мягких сыров.
References 1. ОСОБЕННОСТИ И ПЕРСПЕКТИВЫ ПРОИЗВОДСТВА МЯГКИХ СЫРОВ Л.А. Остроумов*, И.А. Смирнова, Л.М. Захарова ФГБОУ ВО «Кемеровский технологический институт пищевой промышленности (университет)», 650056, Россия, г. Кемерово, б-р Строителей, 47. Техника и технология пищевых производств. 2015. Т. 39. № 4 с80-85 2. Коскуат А., Мухтарханова Р.Б. Маг.диссер «Разработка технологии мягкого сыра из сухого молока», АТУ, 2018г. 3. В.А. Логинов, Н.Б. Гаврилова ВЫБОР ЗАКВАСКИ И ИЗУЧЕНИЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ ПАРАМЕТРОВ ПРОИЗВОДСТВА ПОЛУТВЕРДОГО СЫРА Техника и технология пищевых производств. 2013. №2. 51
scientific journal of the modern education & research institute • The Kingdom of Belgium
MODERN TECHNOLOGIES OF PRODUCTION OF RAILWAY RAILS Janat Musayev ( Vladimir Solonenko ( N. Makhmetova ( Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications (KazATC), Almaty
Abstract The article contains material on new technologies of production of railway rails in accordance with the requirements of international standards. The basic moments of technological process of production of rail production are stated. Features of automation of production process and quality of production at production of modern railway rails are considered. Key words: railway rails, manufacturing, technological process, technological equipment.
The new major investments are therefore mainly focused in fields of production with higher technological intensity, like SBQ bars and wire, seamless pipes, rail stocks and structural profiles. ARBZ plant is an outstanding example of a farsighted plan to establish a new first-class production hub for rails and structural profiles in Kazakhstan, in line with the soaring demand of new infrastructures, including high-speed and heavy-haul rail tracks. The new targets for high quality products and the needed production efficiency – seen as flexibility, consistency, reliability, accuracy, cost-effectiveness of the rolling operations – call for evolved types of equipment and for sophisticated process control systems, while the economical context compels at the same time to a sustainable investment. Siemens Metals Technologies answers to such demands by developing for ARBZ a tailor-made compact plant layout, and by supplying the EVO-generation of the core-equipment (Blooming Stand, 3+1 Reversible Finishing Train with Universal Red-Ring Stands, Active Pre-Cambering Station and H-V Straighteners), the innovative idRHa+ Rail Hardening line, a modern in-line NDT station, a complete test and lab facilities for the product certification: the process know-how package and an integrated automation control platform complement the supply. The paper presents the main features of the rolling mill and of the core-equipment, with specific reference to the granted plus for the production of premium rails according to the main international Standards. An overall prospect of the rail market is also presented.
RAIL MARKET and LATEST TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS The production of rails in the world has reached a stable volume over 12 million tons/p.a., sustained by demographic, economic, political and technological drivers. The production plants overall capacity is quickly expected to approach the 15 millions tons/p.a. and there are strong indications for a further push of growth towards 20 millions/p.a. tons by the next decade. 52
scientific journal of the modern education & research institute â&#x20AC;˘ The Kingdom of Belgium
A network density close or higher than 0,05 km/km² is currently installed only in some limited areas of the world, but represents a possible medium-term target for many other areas in most of the continents. Beside such network extension, there is then an arising tendency for the installation of higher quality tracks, mainly linked to the developments of high-speed or/and heavy-haul transport lines. As known, the technical and the quality requirements of the rails are indicated in the relevant country or clusters Standards; the quick impulse of development of the rail technical qualities and performances, has therefore determined a parallel need of updating for many Standards. A clear example of this trend of updating of the International Standards, are the new European EN 13674-1:2011-04, the American ASTM A1-2010, the Russian GOST 51685-2013, the Indian IRS T12-2009 and the Chinese TB/T 2344-2012; it is worth to mention the new Kazakh Standard issued in 2013, which incorporates very updated requirements and introduces even new lines of technical evolution. The figure 4 summarizes the market split and the major process technologies nowadays available to produce rails; the capability for a rail plant to produce efficiently a wide range of grades-sizes-lengths with quick automatic setup operations, self-adaptability of use governed by an intelligent process control system and at sustainable cost, is becoming more and more a must to be flexible and reactive in the world market scenario. This fast progression of the technical and economical requirements of the rails, challenges the capabilities of the Plant-makers to evolve their portfolio of solutions with incremental innovations. The most efficient solutions applicable in a rolling mill for rails can drive to a significant containment of the operational cost (i.e.-15á20%, considering for instance the plus of the 3+1 Finishing Train and the in-line Rail Hardening system) while producing products of superior quality (i.e. narrow size tolerances, consistency and uniformity of technical and metallurgical features) with higher added value. Considering for instance the production of in-line thermal treated hardened rail, the plus price paid by market is, depending on countries, 8 to 20% higher than that of a standard rail and with an estimated saving in production cost by at least 10%. Another important competitive factor is the flexibility of production, necessary to grant always a proper utilization of the rolling mill and a wider market presence; by this, the extension of the ARBZ product mix to medium-size sections, e.g. beams-angles-flats-channels. Within the above described scenarios, the ARBZ rolling mill is a valid example of a focused and balanced investment: a compact layout solution, modern and efficient equipment and a tailor-made process know-how package, to serve in a very flexible way both the domestic and the export market.
ROLLING MILL LAYOUT AND PRODUCTION MIX The layout of ARBZ (figure 1) is composed by a walking-heart furnace, by an EVO-Reversing Blooming mill equipped with mechatronic turners and lineals, followed by a 3+1 Reversible Intermediate/Finishing Universal Mill using HD Red-Ring Stands, an in-line idRHa+ heat-treatment process, a cooling bed with an active rail pre-cambering system, a group of horizontal and vertical straightening machines, ancillary systems such as profile measurement PROSCAN, automatic hot marking, sawing and drilling units, stacking and binding, plus a complete station for in-line non-destructive tests. The overall footprint of the plant is of only 650 m, a remarkable compact solution for a production facility designed to process and handle rail up to 120 m. Due to the importance of the rail production, obviously the rolling mill has been conceived to optimize the qualitative and operational performances linked to the three crucial features above explained: dimensional accuracy, hardness distribution in the section and length.
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Figure 1. ARBZ Rolling Mill layout
For each of these, the key processing unit is herewith introduced: 3+1 Reversible Universal Mill for the dimensional accuracy, idRHa+ Rail Hardening for the head hardness and EVO Active Pre-cambering for the length deformation control.
3+1 REVERSIBLE INTERMEDIATE/FINISHING UNIVERSAL MILL ARBZ has a very modern configuration in the intermediate and finishing mill: it consists of a group of 3+1 stands closely arranged. The first three stands are typically arranged in configuration UniversalHorizontal-Universal (UR1-ED-UR2), and operate in reversible mode. They are immediately followed by a single final sizing pass applied by the universal finishing stand UF: this rolling methodology is used for rails, beams and channels, while a traditional full horizontal configuration is used for the angles rolling. The key advantage of this configuration lies in that the fourth stand is kept open (or off-line) during reversing intermediate rolling in the first three finishing stands, and it is closed (or moved in-line) only to apply the final single finishing pass (figures 2 and 3). All stands can operate either in fixed-position mode – i.e. the universal stands when rolling sections and rails – or in shifting-mode – i.e. the last finishing universal stand and the edging horizontal stand when in 3+1 universal rolling configuration or the complete group of the four stands such as when rolling angles all in horizontal configuration.
Figures 2 and 3. 3+1 Universal Mill and rail pass sequence
scientific journal of the modern education & research institute â&#x20AC;˘ The Kingdom of Belgium
Back to the 3+1 UR1-ED-UR2-UF rolling methodology, it must be highlighted that the reduction rate applied during finishing pass is low and consequently the rolling stress and the induced wear of the rolls are limited, which allows a longer useful life of the rolls with fewer required roll changes. If compared to the conventional simplified 3-stands UR1-ED-UR2 train (known as X-H configuration), the 3+1 configuration has a beneficial impact on the continuity of the operations and on the productivity: in fact, with the 3-stands X-H configuration where the final stand UR2 is used for both reversing and finishing rolling, the lifetime of its rolls would not normally exceed 1,000 tons, depending on the bar size, in order to maintain an acceptable quality of the finished bar. With the 3+1 solution, the rolls life in the final stand is instead expected to reach 2,000-3,000 tons. Now, as commonly rolled campaigns for rails and sections are in the average size of at least 2,000-2,500 tons, changes of finishing stand during the campaign become largely unnecessary when using the 3+1 configuration. The reduction of required changing stops with the consequent increase of hours availability (up to 4%) leads to an significant increase of productivity, which contributes to rapidly pay off the cost of the additional stand. For the same reason, despite the additional stand, the total number of rolls in the warehouse does not significantly increase. The utilization of a dedicated finishing pass working with low shaping reduction, allows also an accurate finishing of the product both as surface smoothness and size accuracy: this is especially important when rolling products of special classes, like the rails of class X having a tolerance field nearly half of the conventional one of the class Y. Furthermore, the possibility to have only three reversible runs through the finishing 3+1 group allows a better temperature control of the rolled stock (head-to-tail gradient and absolute value), with a consequent reduction of loads and of dimensional differences. The technological features of the 3+1 mill make use of state-of-art automation and the fully automated stand change protocol reduces the total change time to less than 30 minutes, while improving the safety conditions. The overall footprint required for the installation of the 3+1 tandem is very limited, as the fourth finishing unit is located immediately after the reversing stands. The type of stand used in the 3+1 mill is the Heavy-Duty Housingless Red Ring Stand, well known for its exceptional features in terms of load capacity and operability easiness. The rolling loads, both horizontal and vertical in case of universal stand mounting, generate a stress distribution in the components of the cartridge: the special compact tie-rods design allows to keep the stress path very short thus reducing the mechanical spring of the loaded components. From this the branding name ÂŤRed RingÂť, meaning reducedring of stress path (figure 4).
Figures 4 and 5. Red Ring Universal Stand concept and rolls-change station
The stand is composed by modules: a central cartridge with four tie-rods and chocks holding the horizontal rolls, two insertable side cartridges holding the idle vertical rolls and a three-pieces bottom holder containing the complete assembled group of the horizontal and vertical cartridges. The stands change operation is quick and automatic, in group or by single stand mode; the rolls changing operation is also automatic by mean of a dedicated robot-station where the cartridges are disassembled and the rolls quickly replaced by a new set (figure 5). 55
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A core innovation recently developed by Siemens Metals Technologies is the thermo-process system named idRHa+ (injection dual-phase Rail Hardening) developed together with Centro Sviluppo Materiali S.p.A. – Rome, the Italian Industrial Research & Technical Center for the Steel Industry, for the in-line head hardening of railway rails long up to 120 m. It is a technology that incorporates also the latest evolution in the field of the selective heating by electrical induction. The controlled thermal treatment idRHa+ is operated in-line on as-rolled rails with direct feed from the rolling train. The in-line process takes advantage from the residual rolling heat to grant higher productivity and significant economical advantages compared to the low-productivity off-line systems where the rail head has to be heated up again from ambient temperature. The flexible thermal treatment apparatus is composed by modules, and a group of modules creates a section. Each module is equipped with a set of cooling devices (spraying nozzles with mist-atomizers or, whenever necessary, air-jet blades). The rail entry temperature is kept in the range of 750÷850°C measured on the running surface, by using the residual rolling heat eventually integrated by a selective induction heating. The cooling is typically adjustable in the range of 0.5÷20°C/s as function of desired microstructure and final mechanical characteristics. The rail temperature at the apparatus exit is in the range of 450÷ 550°C depending on the treated grade. The process strategy (e.g. heating rate, cooling rate, temperature profile) is pre-defined as a function of the final product properties. The process control system, a platform named PROMOD, uses several embedded thermal, mechanical and metallurgical models: the pre-set cooling strategy is then fine-tuned during the hot commissioning of the line taking into account the actual parameters, measured or predicted with integrative data during the rail process route. A specific temperature drop in function of time is proposed in order to transform the austenite at the exit of the flexible apparatus in a percentage not lower than 50% on rail surface and not lower than 20% at rail head core. The figure 6 and 7 show a typical cooling path obtainable with the idRHa+ system for pearlitic rail together with the relevant modelled austenite transformation behaviour.
Figures 6 and 7. Cooling path and modelled austenite transformation curves
ProMod is the software developed by Siemens to simulate the in-line rail hardening process. It is a thermo-metallurgical model based on a 2D finite element simulator coupled with a routine for austenite decomposition into final product phases and subsequent latent heat due to phase change. The software can work both off-line or in-line. The off-line mode is aimed to permit the user to test different cooling strategies and to optimize all the process parameters. The in-line mode calculates the sensitivity of the system, compare the calculated results with the in-line pyrometric readings and automatically adjusts the pressure settings whether the temperature targets were not achieved due to changes in the nozzles behavior (because of wear or clogging).
IDRHA+ SYSTEM CONFIGURATION Due to its modular conception, Promod is very flexible and extensible. It can be easily adapted to any kind of plant configuration, having the possibility to input all the following components: 56
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• • • •
Plant sections, defined as the idRHa+ portions between two consecutive pyrometers and comprising some cooling modules. Control groups (CG), defined as ensembles of cooling modules sharing the same air and water pressure setting. Cooling modules, both air mist or air blade ones. Nozzles collectors, corresponding to rows of equal spaced or unequal spaced nozzles, with a proper orientation in space.
Upper and lateral cooling section positions determine the way the rail head is impacted by the spray. In order to have a good spray coverage ProMod furnishes a view of the surfaces directly impacted by the jet. This feature can be useful in order to decide a priori the upper collector height and then to optimize the jet impingement according to the simulated thermal paths. Laboratory trials carried out by CSM (Centro Sviluppo Materiali) at the pilot plant in Dalmine have permitted the evaluation of the HTC (heat transfer coefficient) of both mist nozzles and air blades. Cooling tests have been performed on real rail specimens and on an austenitic plate, equipped with several thermocouples. The samples have been heated up to 900 °C and then have been cooled down to ambient temperature using different nozzles pressures. All trials have been modeled by a commercial finite element software and related HTCs have been obtained by inverse modeling techniques. Air mist jet properties like water specific flows, droplet velocities and Souter mean diameter have been measured and a comprehensive HTC correlation as function of air and water pressures has been found in accordance to the following literature equation:
Figure 8. Spraying parameters graph
INDUSTRIAL APPLICATION According to the temperatures read by the in-line pyrometers positioned at the inlet of the cooling system, ProMod is able to estimate the rail incoming thermal profile; once the thermal map has been established, ProMod performs
Figure 9. HTC spectrum
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The pressures and velocities of air blade jets have also been correlated to the experimental HTC values. Calculations at different pressure settings for each control group, then simulates the corresponding thermal path and finally, after a few iterations, finds out the optimized one. Cooling path optimization is based on the following criteria: Very fast temperature drop at the early stages of the heat treatment. This choice guarantees to both control metallurgical transformations as long as possible inside the idRHa+ system and to obtain hard structures deep inside the rail surface. Increasing the surface temperature over the pearlite limit (PL) so as to avoid bainite start. Keeping the surface temperatures very close to a predefined target temperature until micro-structural transformations have finished. Adjusting the pressures so as to keep the rail straight. All the thermal profiles, cooling paths and calculation results are clearly displayed and can be easily queried by a mouse click. User interface is very intuitive and straightforward to use, getting the customer confident and autonomous just after a few minutes.
Figure 10. ProMod simulation output
Currently, ProMod rail hardening control software is used by ÂŤBaogang Iron and SteelÂť in Baotou (Cina). This thermo-metallurgical software has been employed for the first time during the idRHa+ hot commissioning in April 2014, giving valuable information about the possible cooling strategies and suggesting the applicable pressure settings for different rail shapes, materials, temperatures and process velocities.
Conclusions: The rolling mill supplied by Siemens Metals Technologies to ARBZ-Aktobe Rail and Section Works LLP encompasses some specific design concepts nowadays necessary for a competitive position on the market: the stringent and evolving technical requirements for the rail product together with the need of a balanced capital investment and of optimized operational costs, addressed the plant design toward a very compact process route. Despite this, the plant is equipped with top-edge technologies for the production of long premium rails, making ARBZ a new qualified player in the worldwide scenario for the present and the future times.
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References 1. Tribo-fatigue wear-fatigue tests methods; GOST30754-2001. 2. Makoto Ishida, Mitsunobu Takikawa, Ying Jin, Gauge Face Wear Caused with Vehicle/Track Interaction, Railway Technical Research Institute. 3. Raiway Gazzette International, Managing rail life to match performance and cut costs, August 2010. 4. J. Plu, S. Bondeaux, D. Boulanger, R. Heyder, Application of fracture mechanics methods to rail design and maintanance, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2009. 5. W. Wang, W. Zhong, J. Guo, Q. Liu, Investigation on Rolling Contact Fatigue and Wear Properties of Railway Rail, Advanced Tribology, 2010 (orientamento cricche) 6. A.Lainati, B.Kaskin ARBZ Rolling Mill: modern technological concepts for the production of rails and sections. Актуальные вопросы взаимодействия пути и подвижного состава магистральной железнодорожной сети. Материалы международной научно-практической конференции. Алматы, КазАТК, 2014г., с.21-31. 7. Musayev Janat, Zhauyt Algazy, Kassenov Yerlan, Abdish Nurshat, Akhmet Oken Characterization of tribological behavior of high performance rail steel. Vibroengineering PROCEDIA, Vol. 7, 2016, p. 118123. 8. Musayev Janat, Yelzhanov Yerbol, Aliyarova Madina, Yelemanova Aliya, Zhauyt Algazy Shock-impulse diagnosis of the railway. Engineering for rural development, Vol. 17, pp. 1618-1623, 2018. 9. Musayev Janat, V. G. Solonenko, N. M. Makhmetova, S. E. Bekzhanova, M. Ya. Kvashnin Stresses in elements of metal railway bridges under the action of the crew News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences ISSN 2224-5278, volume 2, Number 434 (2019), 159-165. 10. K. Mädler, A. Zoll, R. Heyder, M. Brehmer, Rail Materials – Alternatives and Limits, Deutsche Bahn AG, DB Systemtechnik, Brandenburg-Kirchmöser, Germany.
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VALUE ORIENTATIONS OF STUDENT YOUTH AS ONE OF THE FACTORS OF THE INTERNATIONALIZATION OF EDUCATION (on the example of Talas State University) JUkueva Аysalkyn Kalmurzayevna ( Tursalieva Gulya Zhakypbekovna ( Talas State University
Abstract The article reveals the essence of the internationalization of higher education as an object and subject of purposeful policy on the part of the state, focused on solving specific national, political, social and economic problems. The necessity of studying is indicated the value orientations of students in the context of the reform of the higher education system. Socio-political orientations are considered as a kind of value orientations influenced by the living environment. The study included a sociological survey of students from 2018–2019. Key words: education, internationalization, student mobility, socio-political orientation, sociological analysis, values.
At present, the internationalization of education is becoming an object and subject of a purposeful policy on the part of states oriented towards solving national, political, social and economic problems. Countries that have not previously considered the internationalization of education, as part of their development strategy, in a situation of globalization are forced to determine and find themselves in the emerging global educational space now. The universities are designed to become the main resource centers for society and the state, carrying out a social function. A socially responsible university contributes to accelerating the development of the region of presence, reducing political and social risks, strengthening international economic relations of the region and the country with partner countries, strengthening the reputation of the university, and investment attractiveness. [1, p.115] The social responsibility of the university is useful for the long-term success of the university itself and for society as a whole, therefore it must be an integral part of its strategy and long-term policy. It follows that each university should clearly define its mission, short-term and long-term prospects for its development, strategically decide on the process of internationalization of education. The internationalization of the university consists in training foreign citizens, attracting foreign teachers, in foreign internships, student exchanges, international studies, conferences, grants and an Englishlanguage website of the university. As a result of the ongoing reform of the higher education system, higher educational institutions of the Kyrgyz Republic received more freedom in choosing priorities in the areas of their development, but many of them, including Talas State University, are at the beginning of the ways to internationalization of education. The key point is the different opportunities of higher education institutions to internationalize education, and one of the obstacles to adapting existing or developing their own internationalization strategies, the presence of cultural barriers. 60
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Therefore, there is a great need to motivate regional students to get a decent education, be capable of self-development, be mobile and competitive. The principle of academic mobility, stated in the framework of the internationalization of education, meets the needs of the subject of higher education, and its implementation is very popular, but not sufficiently developing direction of the transformation of the education system of Kyrgyzstan. For this, in addition to the educational process itself, must be inculcated and promoted democratic and civil cultural values. The importance of the problems of formation of democratic and civil culture of students in modern society is determined by many reasons, the main ones are: • presentation of new requirements to the person generated by the changed modern conditions of market economy and democratization; • strengthening of lack of spirituality, changing the content and direction of education and culture of the younger generation, manifested in the deterioration of socio – moral and socio-political characteristics; • costs in the development and implementation of reforms, accompanied by deformations in the work with the younger generation, clearly manifested in the reassessment of the role of education and a clear underestimation of the role of education; In this regard, I would like to note that today there is an acute issue of improvement, and even revision of the methodological foundations of education, supply of educational products, ways to meet both educational and social needs of students, because the value orientations of our students depends on the future of the country.[2,c.124] There is still a lot of practical work to be done in attracting each student to participate actively in the socio-transformative activities and on this basis – in the fullest manifestation of its socio – political potential. In these purposes sociological study was conducted among the students of Talas state University, the sample of which was 200 respondents, 62.5% of them were girls, and -38.5%.Age parameters are :18 years – 28%, 19-20 years -50 %,21-23 years – 22%. According to the results of the survey, were noted the main values of students Talas State University, is value orientations one of the manifestations of the social status of young people (Fig. One)
Figure1. Rating of value orientations of students in %
The results of the study allowed us to establish two terminal values -family and health, successful training-only in third place, interesting work and material welfare in last places. This suggests that more attention should be paid to ensuring that students are focused on work, career and, accordingly, on material welfare through their work. In our study, we consider the concept of «social well-being» as an indicator of the integral indicator of social comfort. «Social well-being» of young people fully reflect their expectations and mood.( Fig.Two) 61
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Figure 2. Social expectations and well-being of students %
The study showed that it hopes to improve the situation in the country in the near future– 44%, to live for today without clogging your head – 38%, tired of the expectations of changes and unrealized hopes – 5%, do Not believe in rapid changes, but you can tolerate – 13% Also in Fig.3 presents the list of social problems, the most worrying for young people.
Figure 3. Social problems of concern to young people .
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Studying the interest of students in political processes, we received the following information (Fig. 4):
Figure 4. Students ‘ interest in political processes % To the question: «are you interested in politics» answered – 40% interested, 10% – apparently interested, 30% – difficult to answer, 20%– not interested.
Figure 5. The role of youth in the political life of Kyrgyzstan in %
30% of students see the influence of youth on politics by participation in rallies and protests, and 20% – through electoral activity, 25 %– through various public organizations, political parties. And the view of young people on the barriers in the country in the implementation of life plans is as follows:
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Figure 6. Barriers in the country encountered in the implementation of life plans of young people %
According to the results of the study, we noted a group of structural indicators that are important in determining the socio-political directions of students Talas State University . It should also be noted that the structures under consideration interact closely with each other and can influence each other. After analyzing the social well-being and political orientation of students, we came to the following conclusions: • the value qualities of young people in our region has its own characteristics and problems • knowledge of these problems, their causes and manifestations is the main condition for their solution • a student as a subject of internationalization of education has certain expectations regarding its results. In this regard, the change in external conditions, as well as the value orientations of students is a catalyst for the transformation of education and will be aimed at the development of democratization and to a large extent contribute to the development of the internationalization process.
References 1. Abdulkerimov I. Z., Esetova A. M. Features of management of integration processes in the system of higher education // Vestnik of Dagestan state technical University: Technical Sciences. – № 4 (19). – 2010. – Pp. 115-119. 2. Torogeldieva B. M. the Political culture of local communities of Kyrgyzstan as a factor in the efficient use of resources//Vestnik IOPCR, -2009. -№9.-P. 124. 3. Junusova S. O. Youth and entrepreneurship: attitude, orientation, and expectations: Dis....candidate. Sociology. Sciences: 22.00.04 – Almaty, 1998. 4. Kambarova K. W. the impact of the democratization of education on the value orientations of youth in terms of sovereign Kyrgyzstan: author. Dis. ....can. philosopher Sciences: 09.00.11 – B, 2007 5. Syrgabaev S. B. Socio – political orientations of young people in modern Kyrgyz society. Monograph – B.,2009. 64
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Development of technology for production of heavy concrete using micro-dispersed active and inert mineral additives for pre-stressed piles Yestemessova Aхaya Sansyzbayevna, Ph. D., Associate Professor, Dean of the faculty of construction technologies, infrastructure and management ( Serikov Aidarkhan Bolatbekovich, master ( Kazakh Leading Academy of Architecture and Construction», Kazakhstan, Almaty
Abstract The article presents the experimental data on the study of the effect of condensed silica fume and «Taurite» on the properties of modified concrete in the technology of pre-stressed piles. Key words: Modified concrete, silica fume, shungite filler, pre-stressed piles, modifiers, chemical additives.
The main sources of modification of concretes and solutions are additives of different kinds. The use of additives of a certain quality and in an optimal amount leads to the conscious management of the processes of structure formation and the creation of highly functional concretes [1-5]. Thus, the micro-filler increases the density of the cement stone, and nano-elements strengthen the contact zone. V.V. Timashov [6] showed that when the transverse size of the filamentous crystals of ettringite decreases, their strength increases. The structure of hardened cement stone consists of crystalline elements of different sizes and configurations. In accordance with the laws of solid-state physics and the probabilisticstatistical theory, the strength of such materials depends on the size of the structural elements, the nature of the porosity (with regard to cement stone) and the strength of the contacts between the elements of the solid phase. The influence of the cement stone structure on its strength was studied using an electronic scanning microscope and small-angle x-ray phase analysis. The use of chemical additives and different modes of hardening allowed changing the size of crystals and pores in the cement stone and, accordingly, its strength. The results of the study show that with a decrease in the average size of the crystals, the strength of the cement stone increases. Therefore, the creation of a dense fine-grained structure of cement stone is of particular importance for the production of high-strength concrete. The use of nanoparticles in fractions of percent of the total mass of concrete significantly improves the strength characteristics, increases the overall density of cement stone and improves the performance properties of concrete. Crystals and splices of crystals of hydrated tumors, the dimensions of which are within 10-7...10-9 m, provide the main strength of the cement stone. In the intervals between the crystals, hydration products are placed, the sizes of which are less than 10-9m. They clog the free space; glue all the tumors «together». The result of gluing is twofold. In such a hardening system, two processes are noted: the creation of the structure and its destruction, followed by its «healing». Moreover, all this is done at the atomic-molecular level. The continuity of the hydration processes, the accumulation of small submicrocrystals lead to the need to take into account the metastability of the resulting structure. The use of mineral additives in concrete improves its impermeability and chemical resistance, increases the resistance to cracking during heat treatment and tensile strength.
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Reinforced concrete piles in modern construction are very relevant, as they allow building high-rise reliable buildings due to a large increase of the population of the planet and the rise of the cost of land. With the help of these constructions, buildings are erected, the structures of which work in aggressive environments, in areas with a high level of groundwater or in water, under the action of seismic loads. Therefore, in order to study the influence of «Silica fume» and «Taurite» on the properties of concrete for pre-stressed piles, the calculations to determine the compositions were made. Samples of cubes with the use of high sulfate resistant Portland cement CEM I 32,5 H CC (production of MLP «Shymkentcement»), of crushed gravel mixture with fraction of 5-20 mm, natural sand with a fineness modulus of 2,34 were molded. Modifying additives that we used: superplasticizer based on polycarboxylate ether – MasterGlenium Ace 47 manufactured by BASF concern (Germany). Condensed silica fume of technogenic origin, obtained in the process of gas cleaning of technological furnaces in the production of silicon-containing alloys. It consists of at least 90% amorphous silica, which has the form of microscopic balls with sizes from 0.1-0.3 micrometers, with density of 350-650 g/dm3, produced by MLP «Tau-Ken Temir» (Table 1) and «Taurite» treated with stearic acid, produced by GRK «Koksu» (Table 2). Table 1. Mineral composition (%) of microsilica «Silica fume» produced by MLP «Tau-Ken Temir» (Karaganda) SiO2 94,62
Al2O3 0,2
Fe2O3 0,69
CaO 1,47
MgO 0,38
Fe2O3 0,25
K2O 1,82
Cl(PPM) 326
SO3 0,47
P2O5 0,174
Koksu shungite rocks (trademark «Taurite») are a unique formation. They are unusual in their genesis, in the structure of their carbon composition and the structure of the rocks themselves. The properties of shungite rock are determined by two factors: firstly, the properties of shungite carbon; secondly, the structure of the rock, the relationship of carbon and silicates. According to the composition of the mineral base, «Taurite» can be sodic and carbonate. Shungite occupies an intermediate place between the amorphous and crystalline forms of carbon, revealing signs of both substances. The consequence of this are the specific, sometimes unique properties of shungite and a wide range of its possible use. Due to the content of stearic acid, «Taurite» in this work is used as an inert additive. Table 2. Mineral composition of «Taurite», the production of MLP «GRK Koksu» (Taldykorgan) С 6-10
SiO2 75-85
CaO 0,35
MgO 0,67
Fe2O3 3,67
Al2O3 12,8
TiO2 0,78
K2O 2,0
Na2O 0,25
To determine the effect of mineral additives on the mobility of the concrete mixture and on the strength characteristics of concrete, a comparison and study of the modifiers with the control composition of the concrete mixture for pre-stressed piles was carried out. Modifiers used: • silica fume (as a mineral active type additive) + chemical supplementation of Glenium 47; • «Taurite» (as a mineral inert type additive) + chemical supplementation of Glenium 47. The hyperplasticizer was introduced into the concrete mixture in an amount of 4.4 kg/m3 (1% of the cement mass). Condensed silica fume and «Taurite» were introduced into the concrete in an amount of 5, 8 and 10% of the weight of cement. The concrete mixture was prepared in a laboratory mixer of forced mixing. The draft of the cone is constant and is equal to 10-15 cm for pre-stressed concrete piles. To determine the effect of additives on 66
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the strength characteristics of concrete, samples of cubes were made with dimensions of 100x100x100 mm. The samples hardened in normal humidity conditions and with the heat and moisture treatment. The compressive strength of concrete was determined according to GOST 10180 at the age after the heat and moisture treatment, 7 and 28 days. Hardening on the basis of heat and moisture treatment was carried out according to the regime: 1) exposure – 2 hours; 2) lifting – 2 hours to 60˚C; 3) isothermal heating – 3 hours; 4) cooling. The results of studies on the test of condensed silica fume in heavy concrete for pre-stressed piles in terms of strength index at the age of 7 and 28 days of natural hardening and strength after heat and moisture treatment, then 7 and 28 days are given in Table 3 and 4. Table 3. Strength of concrete samples after hardening in natural conditions with the use of «Silica fume»
Compressive strength, MPa
Amount of additive to concrete mix, %
7 days
28 days
Сontrol Сompositions 1
Composition without the additive
Composition with Glenium – 47 – 1%
Composition with MC – 3%
Compositions with 20 % replacement of cement by MC 4
Composition of MC – 3% + Glenium 47 – 1 %
Composition of MC – 5% + Glenium 47 – 1 %
Composition of MC – 8% + Glenium 47 – 1 %
Composition of MC – 10% + Glenium 47 – 1 %
Table 4. Strength of concrete samples after heat and moisture treatment with the use of «Silica fume»
Amount of additive to concrete mix, %
Compressive strength, MPa after HMT
7 days
28 days
Сontrol Сompositions 1
Composition without the additive
Composition with Glenium – 47 – 1 %
Composition with MC – 3%
43,9 32,29
Compositions with 20 % replacement of cement by MC 4
Composition of MC – 3% + Glenium 47 – 1 %
Composition of MC – 5% + Glenium 47 – 1 %
Composition of MC – 8% + Glenium 47 – 1 %
Composition of MC – 10% + Glenium 47 – 1 %
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Below are the diagrams of the strength gain of concrete samples under normal humidity conditions and HMT with the use of «Silica fume».
Picture 1. The influence of silica fume content on the hardening process of concrete (1 – in natural conditions; 2 – after HMT)
The results of studies on the test of «Taurite» in heavy concrete for pre-stressed piles in terms of strength index at the age of 7 and 28 days of natural hardening and strength after HMT, then 7 and 28 days are given in Table 5 and 6. Table 5. Strength of concrete samples after hardening in natural conditions with the use of «Taurite»
Compressive strength, MPa
№ Amount of additive to concrete mix, %
7 days
28 days
Сontrol Сompositions 1 2 3
43,12 45,86 41,16
Composition without the additive 29,4 Composition with Glenium – 47 – 1 % 33,32 Composition with «Taurite» – 5% 36,61 Compositions with 20 % replacement of cement by «Taurite» Composition of «Taurite» – 5% + Glenium 47 – 1 % 33,82
Composition with «Taurite» – 8% + Glenium 47 – 1 %
Composition with «Taurite» – 10% + Glenium 47 – 1 %
Table 6 – Strength of concrete samples after HMT with the use of «Taurite»
Amount of additive to concrete mix, %
Compressive strength, MPa after HMT
7 days
28 days
Сontrol Сompositions 1 2 3 4 5 6 68
Composition without the additive 37,7 37,7 Composition with Glenium – 47 – 1 % 46,28 42,4 Composition with «Taurite» – 5% 26,24 32,29 Compositions with 20 % replacement of cement by «Taurite» Composition of «Taurite» – 5% + Glenium 47 – 1 % 27,49 33,84 Composition with «Taurite» – 8% + Glenium 47 – 1 % 33,3 36,89 Composition with «Taurite» – 10% + Glenium 47 – 1 % 38,9 41,34
41,8 43,9 40,37 42,3 43,4 45,9
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Picture 2 shows a diagram of the strength gain of concrete samples under normal humidity conditions and HMT with the use of «Taurite».
Picture 2. The influence of «Taurite» content on the hardening process of concrete (1 – in natural conditions; 2 – after HMT)
From the results (Table 3 and 4), we see that the decrease in the consumption of Portland cement by 20% and the introduction of «Silica fume» to the compositions of concrete in the amount of 5, 8 and 10 % has a positive effect on the strength of concrete of normal-humidity hardening, and the increase varies from 5% to 11%. Thus, the strength of concrete with HMT shows the best results between 8 and 10 %, the increase in strength from 3 to 10 %. The results of the introduction of «Taurite» (Table 5 and 6) show that reducing consumption of Portland cement by 20% and the introduction of «Taurite» to the compositions of concrete in the amount of 5, 8 and 10 % also affect the quality of concrete. With a flow rate of 5 and 8% the slight increase is in the range of 2-3 %, with consumption of 10 % the increase reaches up to 7%. Thus, the results obtained on the use of «Silica fume» of technogenic origin, obtained in the process of gas cleaning of technological furnaces in the production of silicon-containing alloys, showed its effectiveness in concrete in the production of pre-stressed piles and the possibility of using untreated «Taurite» as an inactive mineral additive.
References 1. «Reinforced concrete piles are the basis for the construction of high-rise buildings and structures». Collection of materials of the XVIII annual republican scientific student conference «Student and science: a look into the future», Almaty, 2018, p. 262-264. 2. Batrakov V.G. Modified concretes. – M.: Stroyizdat, 1998. – P. 5-12. 3. Yestemessova A.S., Yeselbayeva A.G. Modified concrete with shungite filler. A monograph. Almaty, «KazNIISA» publishing house, 2017 – P. 174. 4. Kapriyelov S.S., Sheinfeld A.V., Kardumyan G.S. New modified concretes. – M., 2013. – P. 258. 5. Kalashnikov V.I., Belyakova E.A., Tarakanov O.V., Moskvin, R.N. High-efficiency composite cement with the use of fly ash// Regional architecture and construction. – 2014. – № 1. – P. 24-29. 6. Timashev V.V., Sulimenko M.M., Albats B.S. Agglomeration of powdered silicate materials. – M. – P. 3-80.
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NATIONAL ENGINEERING TRAINING ETHNOPSYCHOLOGICAL BASES OF ARCHITECTURE Baiburaeva J.A. ( Abzhapbarova Ainur ( Karsibaev Erzhan ( Zhanbirov Zhumazhan ( Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications (KazATC), Almaty
Abstract The inclusion of Kazakhstanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s education system in the Bologna process determined the issue of reforming the sphere of national vocational education. The work is aimed at the development of the national idea of Kazakhstan, which can be implemented through a deep theoretical understanding of the Kazakh way to support the training and development of technical personnel for the implementation of innovative programs at various levels. It will be provided with the creation of a complex of theoretical and methodological justification for the creation of a modern system of training of technical specialists, the development of a training program for the target audience and the program of the organization of the training center, the main objectives of which will be proposed specific principles. Key word. Education system, Bologna principles, national idea, innovation, educational program
Basis Improvement of the educational and methodical program of training of modern engineering personnel on the basis of ethnopsychological features with the national mentality is a requirement of the time. It is necessary to bring the system of education in higher education institutions in line with the Bologna process, accelerate and improve this issue. The work is aimed at improving the educational and methodical system, training programs for modern national engineers, implementing the programs proposed by the President of the country, including industrial and innovative programs.
Purpose Improvement of the program of modern national engineers in technical universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan to improve the intellectual potential of the country, the development and implementation of scientific and methodological support of training and advanced training and education of teachers and specialists. Methodical bases of research work are the humanitarian theory, system researches of future younger generation, axiological doctrines about value, valuable reference points and the relations, harmony with the nature and national features, bases of education of tradition, educational doctrines on the basis of ethno-cultural national pedagogics, methods of the domestic and foreign programs, the concept of self-knowledge in professional training. 70
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Novelty and significance of the work The innovative policy of development of society and economy of the country carried out by the Head of state imposes new requirements to system of professional education as a key factor of formation of the basic contract of ensuring transparency of economy and society. Currently in this area there are questions of inconsistency between the requirements of the innovation economy to a specialist and the procedure of its preparation in high school. To solve this issue requires qualified professionals with the authority to implement the investment in it. Scientific and technical development in the conditions of modern globalization requires the training of all engineers and developers of specialists required by society in accordance with modern requirements. This situation occupies a large place not only in Kazakhstan, but also in the countries with developed economies in the world, modern engineers are in great demand in the institutions of public administration, for the management of industrial-innovative economy, in this connection, the actual problem is the need and the amount of work of teachers and scientists working in technical universities. As the leader of nation said, Kazakhstan should be included in the list of 30 developed countries and has a full opportunity to review the education system in the country in accordance with the Bologna process, apply for the introduction of the best educational programs, and determine the need and value of the project, which will be implemented today. Unfortunately, the qualifications and skills of engineers receiving a diploma from the country’s universities cannot guarantee them admission to good jobs. It can be noted numerous shortcomings, including the discrepancy between educational and methodical programs and modern requirements, the absence or lack of special laboratories, the problems of the social status of scientists and teachers of higher education institutions. At the same time, in accordance with the Bologna process, obtained from foreign countries, the implementation of credit technology training has not brought the desired result, as each state University uses this process in its national mentality, depending on the characteristics of national education and the natural environment, the features of the economy. Another important issue-the rapid development of modern technology and their role plays, rapid change and further improvement should review the requirements and knowledge of modern engineering professionals and prepare them not only as a consumer of equipment and technologies, but also as a developer, researcher and Manager. The growing complexity of existing technical systems and structures between production structures, the growth of their functionality, the complication of competition between production structures make it necessary to create and improve the reliability of many complex systems, simplify management, apply failsafe solutions in their development. Therefore, for each employee of the company, Corporation, it means constant «external» and «internal» pressure. They are mainly necessary for the search of knowledge, fast and correct decision-making, change of management style, technological process and search of necessary information. From this value of knowledge grows several times. Education becomes one of the main funds of companies. Education at the level of Know-how ensures the success of the organization, which allowed it to remain one of the best in the market. The change in the functions of the engineering service depends on this and the requirements for professional and personal qualities of a graduate of a higher technical educational institution change. Therefore, today the main issue is to improve the quality of training of national engineers in the education system of the Republic. Moscow state technical University named after E. Bauman, the University of world-famous engineers, organizes a teacher training Center for the use of credit technologies in accordance with the Bologna process, which is headed by the former rector of the University, the current President academician Fedorov. Also at the Moscow state technical University of highways in order to bring the curriculum, educational and methodical systems in line with the Bologna process performed several major scientific and methodological works, based on which introduced credit technology training. It is worth noting that the rector of the University Academician V. M. Prikhodko was awarded the Moscow state prize on the results of scientific work under the guidance of the supervisor. Thus, the worldfamous manufacturing engineers Russian technical universities began to implement a new educational technology without copying it, using special research work in accordance with national characteristics. 71
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Modern educational doctrine considers higher engineering education as one of the multiple generalized systems of the target system of higher professional education, designed to create conditions for the formation of a new education of highly qualified specialists in the field of engineering, for which it is significant throughout life. Recommended within the project as a basis for determining the content requirements of engineering education and engineer: • development of system proposals of goals and values of engineering activities in the future; • taking into account professional knowledge and personal characteristics of a specialist engineer in an independent approach to the penetration into engineering culture; • promotion of self-improvement and self-development of professional creativity; • evaluation of the interaction of the curriculum of training engineers with the ethno-psychological characteristics of the individual providing quality training and retraining of teachers of technical universities. In this case, it is necessary to switch to an individual method of training, taking into account the specifics of the development of students and teachers of engineering specialties, taking into account the nonstandard capabilities of the education system and the national mentality, as well as cultural traditions. The study of all the features of Kazakhstan on this issue mainly has several scientific papers on improving the quality of teaching General technical disciplines at the University. (G.K.Nurgalieva, D.M.Zhusipalieva, T.O.Balykbaev, E.Y. Bidaibekov and so on.). The study provides recommendations for improving various individual aspects and individual methods of teaching certain disciplines of technical cycles in Higher education (S.S. Kunanbaev, K.S. Ospanov, O. Syzdykov, S.M. Sidorenko and so on). The following domestic and foreign scientists have contributed to the theory and practice of information technology development in educational systems: V.P.Bespalkov, A.P. Ershov, L.H. Zainutdinova, D.F. Lazareva, D.N. Nazarbaeva, and V.V. Serikov Z.B. Methodological and theoretical aspects of professional competence development are shown in the works of these people Д.Z. Raven, M.A. Holodnya, E.F.Zeer, A.K.Makarova, U.N.Petrov, B.B.Baimuhanov. Various forms, specifications and methods of competence formation are shown in the works of these people V. A. Degtyarev, N. A. Aminov, L. M. P. Bogolyubova (social competence); A.L. Busygyna, I.B. Bichev, A.S. Belkin, O.M. Gushina, D.N. Kolbaev, M.N.Karapetova (pedagogical competence); N.G.Vitkovskaya, I.M.Aksyanov, V.V.Lukun, A.V.Gushin, G.A.Umanov, A.T.Chaklikova (information competence); P.E.Shenderei (research competence). The study is mainly related to the analysis of pedagogical phenomena, the concept of modeling based on the pedagogical process, a systematic approach to the analysis of pedagogical creations, functional and integrative values, the theory of formation of the content of education and the learning process, etc. In addition, the direction of the national education system on national and universal values, the formation of the individual on the basis of science and practice and the creation of the necessary conditions for vocational education; the introduction of new innovative learning technologies and setting for the further development of the education system determine the rationale for this study.In addition, the directions of the national education system to national and universal values, the formation of personality on the basis of science and practice and the creation of the necessary conditions for vocational education; the introduction of new innovative technologies of training and staging for the further development of the education system determine the rationale for this study. It is important to develop a national doctrine for the training of technical specialists : • providing a high level of advanced training; • harmonization of ethnopsychological features and education of students in the psychology of education in higher education; • the use of research results in the educational process; • formation of students ‘ desire for scientifically-based creative solutions to technical problems; • creation of infrastructure economy of education as a factor of improvement of education and development of human capital. The aim is to train specialists taking into account the needs of the regions in technical personnel and psychological and physiological characteristics of the individual. 72
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Proposed goals and objectives of the educational process in technical universities: 1st year – formation of personality, preparation for the transition from General opinion to selfknowledge (General subjects «law of Kazakhstan», «regional studies»). nd 2 year – to learn to understand and analyze the contradictions (fundamental discipline, «Fundamentals Akmeologii, personal and social success»). rd 3 year – teaching the problem of thinking methods (vocational and economic education). 4th year – the student learning to go from dubious to indisputable (professional-managerial and social education). Master’s degree –training to act, work and live in conditions of misunderstanding (training of a specialist or a future scientific researcher and teacher). Doctoral studies – training to form their own opinions and not be afraid of clashes (training of modern top managers and scientists). Encouragement of teachers to quality and high education. To improve the quality of education of scientists and University teachers, it is necessary to change the system of remuneration and bring them in line with modern requirements. Secondly, in order for a scientist or a high professional specialist to work in an educational institution, it is necessary to have special pedagogical training. In addition, for the publication of teachers and scientists of educational and methodical, textbooks, scientific articles and the preparation of reviews on them should be paid a special salary. Without a review of the General system of remuneration in higher education, the words of the capital do not cease. The practical significance of the results of the research is associated with the implementation of systemic, technological and integration approaches in the training and retraining of modern national engineers and teachers of technical universities using information technologies that contribute to the development of information and professional competencies of future specialists and teachers and improve the components of clear, imaginative and activity thinking of students and improve the entire educational process. Therefore, the peculiarity of education is the implementation of the principles of the educational process in the form of a single scientific,production and educational space aimed at the goal, it is : • establish strong links between enterprises and businesses.; • to solve problems of compliance of quality of the let-out personnel to requirements of branch; to carry out purposeful preparation, in particular, with definition of the contractual relations between administration, organizations, institutes and trained.; • to improve the content of working curricula in the context of specialties, and in modern subjects and classes-taking into account the competence requirements of the organization for the current period and future.; • Creation of an optimal model of the educational process taking into account the Bologna agreements and the requirements for the level system of training of specialists of the enterprise (dual and monosystem) ; • effective use of existing funds and attraction of investment funds in education; • theoretical conclusions and practical recommendations can be used in the system of training and retraining of teachers of technical universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the training center, reorganized with the issuance of an international certificate in engineering pedagogy. Limited integration of science and education becomes essential as it defines the activities of the engineering universities of the world: • training of modern engineers and top managers in the conditions of invitation from economic globalization will allow to win new markets, effectively use national features, economic and human potential of Kazakhstan; • innovative economy and national culture, national mentality complicate the mechanical perception of Western methods of training engineers, and require the development of the theory of Kazakhstan’s professional pedagogy, it is possible to design national models of training engineers for industries based on Kazakhstan and foreign experience; 73
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The integration of the Republic of Kazakhstan into the world educational space is one of the main tasks in the key documents of the development of Kazakhstan’s education in Kazakhstan, which determine Kazakhstan’s educational policy. Kazakhstan’s accession to the Bologna process really shows the problem of regulation of the sphere of domestic vocational education, «working» only in the planned economy.
The specificity of the work is provided by the creation of a complex of theoretical and methodological justification for the creation of the proposed system of training and training of engineering and technical personnel and teachers, the development of a training program for the target audience and the program of the organization of the training center, the main tasks of which are: • improvement of methods of teaching technical disciplines; • development of training programs of practical importance and meet the requirements of employers and students; • the use of multimedia in the study of technical disciplines; • integration of the study of languages and Humanities in engineering education; • promoting the training of engineers in management.
Conclusion The inclusion of Kazakhstan in the Bologna process determined the issue of reforming the sphere of national vocational education. The work is aimed at the development of the national idea of Kazakhstan, which can be implemented through a deep theoretical understanding of the Kazakh way to support the training and development of technical personnel for the implementation of innovative programs at various levels.
References 1. Agranovich B. L., Popelkou U. P. Basic principles of the national doctrine of engineering education of Russia. // New educational technologies in the strategy of spiritual development of society. – Novosibirsk: SCRO, 2000. – Pp. 24-38. 2. Nuriev N. Ul. – M.: Science, 1978.N., S. Starygin D. Key skills support activities and formalized the conditions for potential competence of the expert/ / Vestnik Kazanskogo tekhnologicheskogo universiteta. – №5. – Kazan: Kazan publishing House.state UN-TA, 2007.– P. 26-36. 3. Grachev V. V., Zhukov A. P., P. Orlovka A. Competence approach in higher professional education //Pedagogics. Scientific and theoretical journal of the Russian Academy of education. – 2009. – № 2. – Pp. 107-111. 4. Kalashnikov, M. B. Formation of psychological competence of teachers / / Pedagogy. Scientific and theoretical journal of the Russian Academy of education. – 2009. – № 2. – P. 55-60. 5. Ganbarou G. V. V. Ways of improving the quality of training of modern engineers / / G. I. P. Bulletin of NTU to them. Satpaeva-2012. – №2 (90). – b.124-127
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TRAINING HIGH-SKILLED SPECIALISTS – THE VALUE OF TRADITION Baiburaeva J.A. ( Abzhapbarova Ainur ( Karsibaev Erzhan ( Zhanbirov Zhumazhan ( Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications (KazATC), Almaty
Abstract The well – known American psychologist A. Butter «creativity is a creative direction, inherent in all, but lost a lot under the influence of the environment». But fully agree with this opinion impossible, as be suspicious, can be contrasted with a fundamental understanding of the thoughts, the knowledge of the world and the resourcefulness, the creative capabilities of all people who were born like the blood of each person, for example, the words of the Kazakh ancestors «of the native and proven». Therefore, now in the context of globalization, we want to preserve our country, land, language of our people and remain as a nation, we must make extensive use of our traditions in the acquisition and education of the previous generation. Key word. Creativity, opinion, thinking, training, kinship, traditions, education.
Basis According to the previously planned system of the economy in any institution or production enterprise operated management system and technology, defined and installed for several years. Due to the fact that in the market and in connection with the trends of globalization, the level of production of products, services must perform every day efficiently and urgently. Consequently, the system and technology of management of any enterprise and production in the market space should be compact and rapidly changing depending on modern requirements. That is why there is a problem of stabilization of the specialists working at the enterprises and in branches, accumulation and distribution of their professional skills and knowledge.
Research part With the development of information technology every day becomes more difficult production, manufacturing, protection of technological features and innovations, confidentiality of products collected in the internal Fund. Another issue is ensuring the stability and conditions of responsible employees in the enterprise or in the workplace. If a responsible employee leaves work, the first thing he or she should do is find a qualified specialist, and the next question is to learn about the technological news and features of this industry. Therefore, it can lead to big changes and problems in competition in the market. For example, suppose that the specialist who supplied the process equipment with the necessary tools was dismissed, in this case there is no information about where and how to get the necessary
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tools, requirements for its quality and price. If it does not have good quality of timely processed chains, then the quality of the product may decrease or even the process chain may stop. Each specialist, professional worker, having developed at different times technological lines, has a special place. However, the change of professionals and professional workers, the departure of one, and the arrival of the other is a matter of life, so that it is the duty of those responsible for establishing a special fund to investigate, investigate and summarize the expertise and expertise of each professional, employee or institution. If this event is held regularly and carefully, then the change of people can easily continue to work on the management and organization of production through this Fund. Thus, the level and quality of generalization and generalization of the experience of specialists in the most critical processes in any enterprises, enterprises, will be the key to the competitiveness and sustainability of the enterprise or production in the market space. Consequently, the institution or enterprise ensures its internal capabilities and sustainability by summarizing and summarizing the skills and experience of each specialist working for it, and their effective use. In accordance with the needs of the market and tough competitors, all conditions should be created to retain key persons performing the most key processes in the technological chain, further develop their internal skills and improve the level of use. Highly qualified and knowledgeable professionals are the main factor and the most important resource that ensures the economic efficiency of an institution or industry. Moreover, the Fund of internal wealth of higher educational institutions is the scientific works of scientists and teachers working there. In this regard, the requirements of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan are very correct and meet modern requirements. If teachers and scientists of higher educational institutions do not conduct continuous scientific work, do not improve their skills, any teacher or scientist in the process of preparing future specialists, that is, using materials that do not meet modern requirements of the time, the specialist who graduated from this educational institution is not in demand on the market. Therefore, the stability of specific universities and the level of training of high-quality specialists should be assessed by the level and volume of novelty of scientific work of teachers and scientists. It should be noted that for the free entry of the country into the global market space during globalization, the need for highly qualified specialists is necessary. This issue is valid in all developed countries, including companies Salisbury and Plass consider it appropriate to consider the possibility of competition and stability within the organization or production in four stages: • exact qualification terms, special details and elements; • conceptual theories, models, fundamentals and relationships; • practice activities, algorithms, techniques and methods; • meta-cognitive-competence, learning, identifying and solving problems. The effectiveness and sustainability of the management system will be maintained if the questions listed and posed are properly supported and used. Thanks to such systematic organization and management, competition in the market is maintained, and the institution or production facility quickly adapts to the needs of consumers and is constantly evolving. In recent years, specialties of management and faculties have been opened in universities, due to social conditions, direct contacts with the public are held, and the systems of internal organization and management are changing. For many specialists and scientists, management systems conduct training work on management methods in accordance with the requirements of the new time, for which large funds are invested, otherwise the internal level of development is interrupted and on the basis that the consumer does not meet the market requirements. In particular, it is necessary to dwell on the issues of training engineers who need our country. Because the requirements for teachers and scientists for the preparation of engineering personnel will differ even from others. Its main features and reasons are as follows: • increasing the speed of development of modern technology; • Daily complication of equipment and technologies; • Increase in the volume and territory of application of information technologies; • reducing the level of development of modern students of fundamental subjects in the school walls; 76
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Discrepancy between the level of physiological and psychological development of engineering students to the requirements of the desired technical specialty; Lack of experience of teachers and scientists teaching students in real production and business; lack or poor quality of research work in higher education institutions; lack of material and technical capabilities of higher educational institutions or non-compliance with modern requirements.
In addition, one of the main tasks facing universities in recent years is the «intention»of teachers and scientists to the universities where they work. According to the «plan» of man, interest in his work, a deeper knowledge and learn. As well as funds invested in entrepreneurship, return on investment is measured at a profit; investment in a person depends on the «desire» of a specialist. As each teacher, a scientist deeply masters his profession and continuously works on the path of further development, thereby increasing the value of materials transferred to students, increasing their educational and methodical skills. And qualitatively prepared educational-methodical and lecture materials will allow to raise the level of education of future young specialists, to interest them and to prepare engineers on improvement of economy of the country. Therefore, in any workplace, the owners or the first heads of institutions should be able to interest them in order to fully take advantage of the opportunities of each employee. The second important issue is the relationship between employees and specialists in the team. With a high professional level and internal culture of the team members, such a team can solve the most important issues, but such a «Mature» team is not easy to assemble and it will take many years. At the same time, the fact that the «mature» team is directly linked to the professionalism and morality of the first head of a particular enterprise or institution. And it is impossible and unnecessary to have a limited mindset, work with the manager who does not respond to what he says, low level of professionalism, no public prestige assistants, and important issues. At the same time, each member of the team, that is, a person must constantly improve their internal culture, the ability to speak or think. To do this, it is necessary to study their knowledge of books and news, to follow the changes and news in the professional field corresponding to the modern field. After all, in any environment, depends on how a person is combined with the level of training, as a team, and from that time, in any. If each individual specialist, teacher or scientist studies and analyzes changes and innovations in the industry in which he works, then each time takes measures to prevent possible difficulties and prepare and prevent the management team, students. In solving the above problems, it is easy to implement training in the system of credit technology in schools that are currently implemented, that is, using various methods in pedagogy, for example: 1) passive – students act as listeners and viewers; 2) active – students analyze a specific issue and make decisions according to the given task; 3) interactive – two-sided debate and analysis of the actual situation. The peculiarity of this method is that the teacher learns to organize students in a playful way, which are often found in everyday life, and students become participants in this situation, to carry out the problem through their souls and make decisions. The teacher must act as the producer of this game and consultant of the participants, for which it is obvious that the requirements for the teacher are very high. The ability to properly and effectively organize the relationship between the teacher and the students corresponds to his professional activity and skill. Due to the fact that in any higher education institution there are typical educational and methodical manuals and rules specifically approved in technical and vocational schools, directly related to communication between the teacher and students or students, therefore it is necessary to constantly improve the creative skills of teachers who teach technical specialties in higher education. Each teacher must continuously replenish teaching aids and materials through their search and research work, to meet modern requirements. In this context, an important role is played by the possibility of professional thinking of the teacher, that is, the mastery of the lectures and tracking the development trends of specific technologies and techniques perfectly. General professional thinking corresponds to the General laws of human thinking in psychology, about that works of next people. F.N Gonobolin. U.N Klutkin. G.S Suhobskaya, N.V Kuzmin, in this regard, the concept of creative pedagogy should be given in connection with the concepts of «personality, creative specialist», which are now widely used. 77
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The basics of creative pedagogy are scientific and educational creative methods. Modern approaches in pedagogy, including to the present, can teach a student to independently learn to be creative, to independently identify problems and make decisions that are not similar to pedagogy, pedagogy of commitment. Creative teaching methods make it possible to use any subject, for which it is necessary to master the method of creative teaching. Creative learning is a science that teaches students to make creative decisions, that is, to investigate the problem, to identify, to make specific decisions. For this, the level of creative preparation and mastery of the teacher is not high enough; the teacher must be able to convey his knowledge to the students and teach them as a full-fledged participant in the real process. The main task is to organize the process of studying any subject as a creative work and to attract all students to it. In this area, many scholars in their writings made up scientific definitions, concepts, for example G.Wallas, A. Osborn, Gordon, J.P. Guilford, S. Parnes, E. P.Torrance, G.Davis, G.Altschuler and many others worked to improve the methods of creative learning, teaching students, students in General. Collection of methods of creative pedagogy: • Creative lessons; • technical derivative; • psychological derivative; • solving the problem of creativity; • Curriculum for creative orientation. In this context, the question arises whether the creative teaching and organizational skills from one teacher to another, that is, will be organized at this level and efficiency is maintained. However, there is no clear answer to this, nevertheless, the study of the connection with the possibilities of thinking to the professional training of teachers is a fundamental study of psychological science. General creativity is the creative ability of the individual, the ability to think and make decisions from others and to give away new works. Famous American psychologist said about this «creativity is a creative direction inherent in all, but lost by the majority under the influence of the environment» But it is impossible to completely agree with this opinion, and the reason for this is that all the people born are thinking about the ideas of the mind, the world of creativity and creativity, as well as the creativity of every human being, such as the genesis of the word «heterogeneous and infallible» of Kazakh ancestors [5] .
Conclusion Therefore, to prepare a modern creative person or a creative specialist who analyzes, it is necessary to give a deeper meaning to the concept of this kind. At present, in the context of globalization, we want to preserve our country, the land, the language of our people and remain as a nation, we must make extensive use of our traditions in the acquisition and education of the previous generation.
References 1. Strelkov Yu.P. Engineering and professional psychology. M.: Academy, 2001.– 360 p. 2. S. Gusev M. p. Dispersion analysis in experimental psychology. Textbook. – M.: Educational and methodical collector «Psychology», 2000. – 136 p. 3. D. Chernilevsky V., S. Morozovka V. Creative pedagogy and psychology. – MGTA, 2001. -301 P. 4. Bogoyavlenskaya D. B. Psychology of creative abilities. – Moscow: Academy, 2002. – 320 p. 5. Ganbarou G. V. V. Ways of improving the quality of training of modern engineers / / G. I. P. Bulletin of NTU to them. Satpaeva-2012. – №2 (90). – b.124-127
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II. Philosophy of Education
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A few words about the project «Multidimensional research of the history, problems and perspectives of implementation of international educational projects in the Republic of Kazakhstan» Turarbekova Laura ( Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty
Abstract The two articles below are written as part of the project «Multidimensional research of the history, problems and perspectives of implementation of international educational projects in the Republic of Kazakhstan» funded by the Ministry of Education and Research of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the years 2018-2020, the priority area «Scientific basis of Mangilik el (education in XXIst century, fundamental and applied research in Humanities)». The goal of the project is a research into the domain of higher education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as multidimensional comparative analysis of similar processes in the countries of the West Europe and perspectives of implementation of international educational projects in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The project touches not only pedagogical, but also political, economic, cultural aspects of this processes (this is why we explore «educational projects» instead of «programs» avoiding a purely pedagogical aspect). As a practical goal of the project we consider the execution of the cycle of international scientific events (conferences, seminars, round tables) devoted to the above-mentioned problems. These events aim acquainting with processes in the domain of higher education in Kazakhstan and in West European countries. The execution of 3 conferences, seminars and round tables per year is planned, with the invitation of leading experts from Kazakhstan and European countries, not only in the pedagogics area, but also in areas directly or indirectly affecting processes in higher education – e.g. philosophy, history, politics, economy, culture etc. Each of these cycles of events will have determined directivity – «Philosophical-political aspects of international educational projects», «Economical role of international educational projects in the global world», «Legal and administrative problems of creation of international educational projects and the ways of their overcoming». The project «Multidimensional research of the history, problems and perspectives of implementation of international educational projects in the Republic of Kazakhstan» provides an active transversal dialogue between representatives of the leading higher education institutions of Kazakhstan and Western Europe. This dialogue will create new precedents in the field of international scientific cooperation in the higher education. The novelty of this project, unlike already existing, is that it doesn’t set as the purpose exchange of pedagogical experience, but affects philosophical, cultural, economic, political aspects of education. Education in general, the higher and postgraduate education in particular, is the cultural phenomenon demanding a serious approach to his studying, and the deep, comprehensive analysis. Key words. The Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, internationalization of higher education and science, «Mangilik el». 80
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Modernization of public consciousness is impossible without modernization of all aspects of educational process: from the forms of communication taken in the Kazakhstan higher education institutions (ability to use the last achievements in the field of digital exchange of information, digital documentation, reduction and optimization of administrative procedures, etc.) up to use of new technologies in pedagogical process (the presentations, needs and borders of use of digital methods in the field of teaching, a role of Internet technologies and so on) and understanding of the sources and the place of education in cultural and public life. During the years 2018-2019, six scientific events were organized by the team of researchers included in the project. These include: The 1st Cycle of events «Philosophical and political aspects of international educational projects»
International conference «Philosophical theories on education and its role in the contemporary national concepts of systems of education» – June 2018.
International round table «Intellectual flows in the global world as a factor of transformation of systems of education» – September 2018.
International seminar «Transformation of systems of education under the influence of mass-media in democratic society» – September 2018.
The 2nd Cycle of events «Economic role of the international educational projects in the global world»
International conference «The influence of global economic processes on the educational strategies of the states of Western Europe and of the states of Central Asia» – April 2019.
International round table «Economic effectivity of the educational strategies of the countries of Europe and Central Asia» – April 2019.
International seminar «Intellectual capital of the Central Asia countries in the post-industrial world» – September 2019.
Each event was accompanied by the publications of participants in Kazakhstan’s journals and/or in the acts published at the end of the current year. Thus, during the period mentioned, the siding articles were published: 1. Турарбекова Л.В., «Национальное образование как публичное пространство», Педагогика и психология, №2 (35), 2018, стр.195-200; 2. Сборник «Материалы первого цикла международных научных мероприятий «Философскополитические аспекты международных образовательных проектов», Алматы, «Ұлағат», 96 с. ISBN 978-601-298-716-4. 3. Turarbekova L., « Les enfants du postmodernisme : théories philosophiques autour du projet épistémologique postmoderne en Asie centrale » («Дети постмодернизма: философские теории вокруг постмодернистского эпистемологического проекта в Центральной Азии»), Working paper, IFEAC, 01/10/2018 (; 4. Турарбекова Л.В., Ашимова Р.М., Карымсакова К., Маткаримова Л.К., «Қазақстан Республикасындағы ғылыми коммуникация: тәжірибені жаңғырту арқылы сананы жаңғырту», Педагогика и психология, №3 (36), 2018 г., стр.114-121; 5. Ferrando O., «The Shkolny Fond in non-state Language Schools. A liberal Practice under State Control», Педагогика и психология, №3 (36), 2018 г., стр.124-131. 81
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6. Turarbekova L., Karymsakova K., Ashimova R., Matkarimova L. « L’Internationalisation dans le domaine de l’enseignement supérieur en République du Kazakhstan », in Journées scientifiques SFERE Provence – Rencontres entre chercheurs inscrits dans les domaines « Apprentissage et éducation », 27/09/2018 ( ); 7. Taranto P., Turarbekova L., Kanagatova A, Saparova D., «From the transmission of knowledge to the digital transition: the great challenge of universities», Вестник КазНУ: Серия Философия. Культурология. Политология, №2 (68), 2019 г. стр. 194-202. Besides, the form of exchange of experience is an exclusively new form. Holding the international scientific actions with the invitation of foreign experts will help representatives of the Kazakhstan higher education institutions to analyze and introduce certain practices. The project team thanks MERI trainings for the possibility of this publication and invites all interested parties to participate in the development of ideas related to the processes of the internationalization of higher education and research in Central Asia and abroad.
To contact us: Turarbekova Laura, head of the project «Multidimensional research of the history, problems and perspectives of implementation of international educational projects in the Republic of Kazakhstan»
scientific journal of the modern education & research institute • The Kingdom of Belgium
WHAT FUTURE WILL KAZAKHSTAN CHOOSE FOR TEACHING ETHICS IN ECONOMY? Yelena V. Muzykina (e-mail: Qazaq Research Institute for Futures Studies (QRIFS), Almaty
Abstract Current trends in the world economy indicate that the center of economic power has been gradually gravitating from the West to the East. The conventional business system that has gone through several crises within the last decades does not fulfill traditional expectations. Considering the situation, one can notice the problem that signals and calls for special inspection – a lack of ethical principles in the contemporary economy. The paper presents some ideas on how this setting finds its reflection in business education and what solution can be found. The author concentrates primarily on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Islamic economics and finance. Both concepts incorporate an active ethical component that guides the decision-making process and actions in each case. The paper presents a brief history and overview of each theory and its inclusion in business education. Comparing and contrasting CSR with Islamic economics and finance, the author highlights the advantages and disadvantages present in each case. The conclusion in built up around a Futures Studies perspective that allows modeling a «preferable future» in Kazakhstan economy and business education, indicating a close link between these two social components. Only a new cohort of business leaders for whom ethics is an integral part of personal character and daily functioning can develop a new ethical economy. Key words. Ethics, Islamic economics and finance, Corporate Social Responsibility, Kazakhstan, education.
INTRODUCTION The Global Economic Crises – which is now being called the Great American Recession [1] – brought into a spot not the lack of strategic thinking or risk management but the lack of ethics in the financial services industry in the world’s largest markets. In the era of «instant everything» – starting from coffee and airline tickets to family1[2] and checkmate2 [3] – the instant gratification of the corporates quarterly earnings obsession does not look extraordinary. However, there is always the other side of the moon. The fraudulent mortgage activities of real estate brokers, casual ratings offered by the rating agencies to financial
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Instant Family is a 2018 American comedy film about parents who adopt three young children. Instant Checkmate is a public records search service that gives immediate access to people’s criminal records, arrest records, addresses, real age, and known aliases in the US.
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products backed by these mortgages, the deliberate oversight by regulators and many other scandals have revealed a severe lack of integrity and credibility in the contemporary economic system over the past ten years. The lack of ethics and a sense of responsibility haunted not only those who sold financial products, rated and regulated them, but also those who callously bought these products with their customers’ money. The ethical economy seems to become an oxymoron in the atmosphere of uncertainty and chaos so typical for our Postnormal times [4]. Therefore, in the situation when you don’t know when you’re going to have good economic times again, it is only logical to get yours while the getting’s good. However, everyone understands that such a way is devastating, and any complex society needs an ethical fabric to keep it functioning. The principles of an ethical economy do not emerge instantly but nurtured and developed; therefore, education of future business leaders should play a vital role in this process. The current paper is going to present two ways that can lead to building an ethical economy. Both are already taught and practiced in the world, but at different extent, and both can find their expansion in the educational system of Kazakhstan. The first part of the paper will focus on Corporate Social Responsibility and its critic, and the second one will consider Islamic principles of economy, their pros, and cons for teaching and implementing in Kazakhstan. The final remarks will be presented in the Conclusions.
1. Learning to Be Responsible in Society In the modern world of finance, one trend stands out catching the attention of a keen observer. Ethics that used to be as distant from the world of contemporary business as the sun from the earth has moved to the frontline forming corporate policy. The broader audience knows this tendency under the name of «Corporate Social Responsibility» or CSR that could be defined as a type of international private business self-regulation [5]. Initially, it has been considered a voluntary form of corporate self-regulation and voluntary decisions at the level of individual organizations [6], but over the last decade or so it has moved to mandatory schemes at regional, national and even transnational levels. The roots of the CSR concept have a long and wide-ranging history tracing for centuries evidence of the business community’s concern for society [7]. However, the recent growth and popularity shifts «social responsibility» idea mostly to the twentieth century, especially from the early 1950s up to the present time. Contemporary research activities caused the creation of this image because formal writings in the field of CSR are mostly a product of the previous century that started around the 1970s. No surprise that the topical interest has generated mainly in the developed countries and the United States had championed the field with a sizable body of literature accumulated there [8]. As for Europe, this part of the world has become captivated with CSR in the last decades, providing considerable evidence that scholars and practitioners are taking this social concern seriously [9]. A well-known classification of CSR history by Patrick Murphy identifies four CSR eras that embraced the period before and after the 1950s’ landmark in the popularity of the phenomenon [10]. The first period – up to the 1950s – Murphy calls the «philanthropic» era because that time companies actively donated to charities more than anything else. The second period – from 1953 till 1967 – is classified as the «awareness» era for it generated more recognition of the total responsibility of business and its involvement in the community life. The next period – from 1968 till 1973 – Murphy named the «issue» era when companies started to identify specific issues such as urban decay, racial discrimination, pollution problems focusing on them. The current fourth stage started in 1974-78, according to Murthy and marked the «responsiveness» era when companies began taking acute management and organizational actions to address CSR issues. These actions include examining corporate ethics, altering boards of directors, and using social performance disclosures. In one of the first books of that decade by Harold Johnson, the author points out the changing character of a company’s objectives and obligations in the new era. He states, «A socially responsible firm is one whose managerial staff balances a multiplicity of interests. Instead of striving only for larger profits for its stockholders, a responsible enterprise also takes into account employees, suppliers, dealers, local communities, and the nation» (Emphasis supplied) [11, p. 50]. This definition makes clear that the interests of employees and philanthropy-recipients are becoming an integral part of companies’ CSR initiatives from now on. We see that the long evolution brought the CSR concept to the point (but not the final destination) when it can be identified as a self-regulating business model that helps a company to be socially account84
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able, with an active ethical component envisioned there. Practicing CSR, companies become conscious of the kind of impact they are making on all fields of human life-enhancing society and the environment, instead of impacting negatively on them. Through CSR programs, philanthropy, and volunteer efforts, businesses can benefit society while boosting their own brands. The importance of CSR for the community now equates to the value for a company because CSR activities can help forge a stronger bond between employee and corporation. A particular significance of CSR is in boosting morale and helping both employees and employers feel more connected with the world around them. What can be more attractive for teaching at business schools and MBA programs? However, the CSR concept has a pressing flaw that might be not obvious at the first and even the second glance. This problem relates directly to the nature of the idea of «social responsibility»: while gaining popularity in business, it stays external and supplementary mechanism in the contemporary system of Western (world) liberal economy. While looking at the current business environment, it is easy to perceive low ethical standards, especially in the business community of Kazakhstan that is still going through a transition period. Therefore, there is a real threat that business school students might think of ethics as a constraint on profit. Usually, ethics is taught as a part of marketing for a few weeks. Such a curriculum situation can hardly stimulate students as future business leaders to be convinced that ethics should be an integral part of corporate strategy. This is the number one problem. The second relates directly to teaching ethics. Of course, there are many different ways to teach the course at business schools [12]. To name a few, for example, one is a purely case-based approach, with no academic rigor, but then analytical frameworks underlying things are missing. Another frequently used approach utilizes teaching ethics from the perspective of moral philosophy, but then students have to learn how to apply that knowledge to the real world. Therefore, choosing a teaching approach, it is necessary to remember that the main objective of the Ethics Unit should be to provide students with the tools that could help them to ask the right questions when they are in other classes. Then they can push professors and classmates to consider the ethical dimensions of finance, marketing, human resources, and other components of the economy. While teaching ethics at contemporary business schools, it could be helpful to organize it around disclosing three perspectives on ethics. The first one is the economic perspective that helps to answer these questions, «Are markets sufficient to guide ethical behavior? Why or why not? What are the conditions?» The second perspective brings us closer to a psychological approach and raises such a question, «Why do people in organizations behave ethically, and why do they not behave ethically?» The third, final one is the philosophical approach. It is the most alien to business people but the most profound from an existential perspective because it raises the question, «How can you determine whether a decision is ethical or not and by what criteria?» Overall, the mentioned above educational steps can help students to understand that being an integral part and the essence of the CSR strategy, ethics aims not to decrees but increase long-term profits and shareholder trust through positive public relations and high ethical standards, to reduce business and legal risk by taking responsibility for corporate actions. However, an ethical perspective is not a dominant paradigm in the modern economic world the graduates will step in. The truth is that even the most ethically trained people do not do ethical things when the situation forces their hand otherwise. Is there a solution to this morally depressing situation? Let us talk about that in the next section.
2. While Considering the Shari’ah Law A reliable alternative to Corporate Social Responsibility has been calling business attention for the last few decades. Its solidness is rooted in the fact that it frames not just a concept or a component but a comprehensive and overarching complex system called «Islamic economics and finance.» Ethics lies at the heart of this phenomenon that once had been intended as a model for wealth distribution across society, a mechanism to empower communities, a tool for financial inclusion and jobs creation. Its main objective is to create, develop, and support the real economy. If one wants to trace the history of Islamic economics and finance in its contemporary form and see its theoretical roots, she will need to go to the early years of Islam when the appropriate financial tools emerged [13]. The will of Umar ibn al-Khattab, the second caliph (634-644), established the Bayt al-Mal 85
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or the Central Treasury. Its primary duty was alms administrating, including the distribution of zakat, a form of obligatory alms-giving in Islam and its pillar. More fundamentally, the institution had to serve to the construction of compassionate society, which vision Umar derived from the Prophetic tradition centered on the protection of the weak and vulnerable. Welfare programs of the Central Treasury had to ensure equality and a basic standard of living for all citizens, providing for widows, orphans, the infirm, the unemployed, and the elderly. The mid-twentieth century gave a new boost to Islamic economics and finance accompanying the postcolonial identity seeking process. In 1963a profit-sharing institution in Egypt in the town of Mit Ghamr replicated the Umar’s experience. It neither charged nor paid interest, invested in local trade and industry, shared profits with depositors, and functioned less as a commercial bank and more as a vehicle for savings and investments [14, p. 135]. Later on, in 1975, the first multilateral Islamic development bank was created in Saudi Arabia and the first regulated private sector Islamic bank in the UAE. The last decade of the 21st century has seen a sharp rise in the Islamic economy, especially in its financial sector where banks have started to offer a real and attractive alternative to the financial instruments most customers got used to. This alternative economic system has grown to become a prominent means of financial management not only in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. Islamic banking has been gaining its stand in Western economies that have not typically been associated with it in the past. In 2013 at the World Islamic Economic Forum David Cameron announced that the United Kingdom would be the first western sovereign state to issue an Islamic bond (sukuk), and the Independent announced that the Prime Minister hoped that «London can tap into the rapidly expanding global market in Islamic investments» [15]. According to Thomson Reuters’ 2018 Islamic Finance Development report, the growth achieved by the Islamic finance sector over the past two decades has been striking [16]. In 2017, Sharia-compliant assets reached a total value of $2.44 trillion, up from $200 billion in 2003. Currently, around 1,400 Islamic finance institutions operate across 80 countries. More than that, Islamic lenders in the banking sector have outperformed conventional banks over the past decade. The forecast looks more than rosy: Shariacompliant financial assets can reach $3.8 trillion by 2023, averaging annual growth of 10 percent. What is attracting new players into this market that is governed by such a strange and even scary concept as the Shari’ah? Several key fundamentals govern Islamic economy [17]. Firstly, ethics stitches the whole fabric of Islamic economics and finance. Therefore, the whole system guides individuals to direct their actions and participate responsibly in economic transactions to improve the wellbeing of society. It is manifested, first of all, in the attempt to reconcile competition and cooperation that according to the fundamental sources of Islam (the Qur’an and the Sunnah) are two sides of human nature. Secondly, individuals capable of acquiring a more significant amount of property and assets through higher mental and physical capacities have greater responsibilities to share with others. Thirdly, recognizing contract law, Islamic economic system requires (1) all parties to honor their contracts; (2) build trust in partnership; (3) perform excellent and beneficial deeds to reap rewards; (4) develop righteous conduct directly linked to the rate of return on activities; and finally (5) if return is desired the principle of taking on liability leads to risk-sharing concept. Besides, Shari’ah law prohibits engaging in activities or transactions that are considered harmful to people, society, or the environment. This ethical approach is at the core of Islamic economics and banking; it requires avoiding transactions involving usury, speculation, gambling, or industries contrary to Islamic values. So for investors that share these principles, irrespective of religion, Islamic economics, and finance provide a range of options. However, despite all distinct social and economic advantages, on a global scale, Islamic finance is still small, representing just one percent of global financial assets. At the same time, this small percentage indicates the potential for growth in new and current markets such as Kazakhstan, for example. Financial experts consider the Republic «a rising star in the global Islamic financial services industry» [18, p. 10]. The history of the Islamic sector in Kazakhstani economy has been adding new milestones quite rapidly. The following dates can sketch it out [19, 20, 21]: • 1992 – Al Baraka Bank (Pakistan) opened its branch in Kazakhstan. • 1995 – Kazakhstan became a member of the Islamic Development Bank (IDB). 86
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1998 – IDB opened a regional office in Kazakhstan. 2009 – Some Islamic legislation was introduced to regulate the operations. 2010 –Al-Hilal Bank (UAE) opened its branch in Kazakhstan, and the first Islamic insurance was launched. 2011 – The government developed a legal framework for sukuk. 2012 – Kazakhstan obtained the 41-point plan «Road Map for Development of Islamic Finance by 2020»; DBK issued the first sukuk, and the National Bank of Kazakhstan became a member of the Islamic Financial Service Board. 2013 – The first ijara company (leasing or renting) began its operations; new fund for Islamic microfinance in the agro sector started working. 2014 – Review of previous legislation on Islamic finance took place; Kazakhstan became an observer member of AADIFI and IFM. 2015 – The government introduced a new set of amendments in the field of the economy including Islamic insurance, leasing, sukuk, and Islamic banking system. 2016 – Kazakhstan launched the first sovereign sukuk. 2018 – The Astana International Finance Center (AIFC) opened its doors not only for the international players to come and domesticate their business in Kazakhstan but to promote more aggressively Islamic finance in Kazakhstan and Central Asia. June 2019 – The AIFC Central Shari’ah Advisory Board is established.
Kazakhstan has been in the frontier leading Islamic finance development in the Central Asian region, and by 2020, the plan for Kazakhstan Islamic banking industry is to reach 3-5% of its total banking assets. In order to achieve this vision, the country needs to develop not only rigorous economic plans but adjust its business education to this new vision as well. The growing infrastructure of Islamic economy and finance needs new professionals who are qualified to put monetary and financial arrangements in a proper perspective. A new generation of business leaders should be familiar both with the general rules and trends of the world economy and the Shari’ah fundamentals that govern Islamic economics and its financial instruments. For this purpose, the framework of business education must focus, first of all, on sustenance as it makes life possible and enduring. Secondly, it should promote freedom of choice without which life would be meaningless. Thirdly, regulations that ensure peace, human dignity, and prevention of exploitation and oppression should be embedded in the learning process and glue activities of the graduate in real life. In contrast with the conventional business education that concentrates on growth alone, Islamic business training helps students to remember that an exclusive focus on growth without any commitment to sustenance with dignity for all is a sure way to economic and social failure. Implementation of these principles should be systematic, comprehensive, and interdisciplinary. Unfortunately, current business education in Kazakhstan provides students only with a unit or two on Islamic finance, giving them bits of information in an introductory mode. Opening of a faculty or a program on Islamic economics and finance can improve the situation contributing to the diversification of the Kazakhstan economy in the future. A few universities in the country have good potential to become a pioneer in the field. Among them are Narxoz University, KIMEP, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and others that have a long history of teaching economy. Now we have to wait which one will step forward and become a bridge to an entirely new economy of the 21st century in Kazakhstan.
CONCLUSIONS Choosing a way to teach an ethical economy now – either focus on CSR or Islamic economy or the third way – Kazakhstan is making a choice for its future(s) in economics and finance. The process calls for rethinking the entire economic system as well as promoting (self)-criticism and generating new ideas. While business schools in the Republic primarily deal with the CSR concept and reluctantly consider the 87
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inclusion of introductory courses on Islamic economics, the world trend has become more apparent – the decline of the West and the shift in power to the East [22]. This change may be accompanied by rejecting capitalism either in its radical modification or entirely, as an economic system. However, the most destructive products of western capitalism – inequality and the indignity at all levels – could require quite a time to overcome and eliminate their consequences. Along the way, an ethical economy that emphasizes equality, human brotherhood, and sharing (revenue as well as losses) is built up. Such a perspective in Futures Studies is called a «preferable future» or «what we want to have happened» [23, p.25]. It is a vision that identifies and tries to create a future that does not exist yet. This vision moves reality beyond the present toward the best that can be. The journey requires some actions. Therefore, the choice of a business educational model that Kazakhstan inevitably faces is the first step in the ideal direction.
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University 4.0 concept in Kazakhstan as a model of democratic society Turarbekova Laura ( Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty
Abstract The state program «Digital Kazakhstan» approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 827 12.12.2017 affirms that Industry 4.0 is one of the drivers of digital transformation industry [1]. The national education is one of the fields where digital communication skills need to be implemented at all levels. The digitalized national education proceeds by providing the goals of education, as well as adequate communication with the global academic world in the process of the internationalization of higher education and research. The article is written within the framework of realization of research project «Multidimensional Research of history, problems and prospects of implementation of international educational projects in the Republic of Kazakhstan» on grant financing of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Key words. The Republic of Kazakhstan, Digital Kazakhstan, University 4.0, national education, internationalization of higher education and research.
INTRODUCTION The education model reflects the true needs of society. The American philosopher John Dewey, considered as the father of philosophy of education, affirms in one of his works Democracy and Education: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Education (1916): «With the renewal of physical existence goes, in the case of human beings, the re-creation of beliefs, ideals, hopes, happiness, misery, and practices. The continuity of any experience, through renewing of the social group, is a literal fact. Education, in its broadest sense, is the means of this social continuity of life. Every one of the constituent elements of a social group, in a modern city as in a savage tribe, is born immature, helpless, without language, beliefs, ideas, or social standards. Each individual, each unit who is the carrier of the life-experience of his group, in time passes away. Yet the life of the group goes on.» [7, p.3] That is, education is not only a simple mechanism of transmission of indispensable information from one generation to the next one. The spontaneous and natural character of education as social activity detains a temporary connotation to the future explained in this concrete transmission. Dewey used this futurologist dimension in order to explain how the «experience» is translated by all kind of educational activities, and especially by communication activities accepted in society: «Society exists through a process of transmission quite as much as biological life. This transmission occurs by means of communication of habits of doing, thinking, and feeling from the older to the younger. Without this communication of ideals, hopes, expectations, standards, opinions, from those
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members of society who are passing out of the group life to those who are coming into it, social life could not survive.(…) Society not only continues to exist by transmission, by communication, but it may fairly be said to exist in transmission, in communication. (…) Not only is social life identical with communication, but all communication (and hence all genuine social life) is educative». [7, p.4] It means that not only a formalized process of teaching and learning which educates, therefore, but the whole process itself of living together. Education is for social life like nutrition and reproduction are to biological life and, i.e. a necessary, basic and primary activity for surviving society. Thus, this activity as all social activity is based on communication skills. These skills are like a mirror of the true needs of society. Communication and the model of transmission in everyday life reflect the whole social model and its necessities, «beliefs, ideals, hopes, happiness, misery, and practices». The subject of the research should be considered from this point of view. The question is how can these concepts of the philosophy of education be applied to the real situation of a concrete society? Let’s try to look at the main points of the «Industry 4.0» program: «Industry 4.0, one of the drivers of digital transformation industry, is the concept of production, where additional value is provided by the integration of physical objects, processes and digital technologies, in which physical processes are monitored in real time, decentralized solutions are adopted, as well as the interaction of machines between themselves and human». [1] This «interaction» mentioned by the program could also be treated as «communication», as a link between physical processes, objects, technologies and humans. This communication takes specific forms of digital communication. Education is one of those fields of social activity where digital communication skills need to be implemented at all levels. The «face» of knowledge has changed, and to understand the process of this change will help us to understand better the tasks and the goals, the present and the future of it.
Communication in «despotic» and «democratic» societies The academic digitized communication is, therefore, a priority in internationalization of the system of national education and research. Let’s try to assume that the relationship between an university model and an academic communication model give us an image of society as such. To understand this point, we return once again to the Dewey’s theory of the role of education in society. Dewey considers two principal different types of government. 1. despotically governed state 2. «the democratic ideal». It would be an error, he remarks, that there is no common interest in the type and model of government called by him «despotically governed». The despotically governed state partakes among its members common interest as all societies. But the main function of this type of communication is a «simply capacity for fear». The leading leitmotif in a despotic state is fear, and this is not the fear that makes us to take care of the future, of our health or to save money. This fear is an isolated fear, a fear as such. This isolated fear affects the forms of communication, including academic communication, the forms of communication that serve the transfer of knowledge, of information, of experience, that is the education. In such a situation where the fear becomes the first motivation for an individuum, the sense of his activities is completely absorbed by its emotion. There is no place to conjoined communicative experience, to exchange and to the mutual and meaningful interaction of individuals. Then, the communication takes a pyramidal and vertical (top-to-bottom) form of exchange of information (fig.1).
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Figure1. Pyramidal, vertical model.
In opposite of the fear as leitmotif of despotic communication, there are at least two elements that characterize a democratically characterized society and, consequently, its education and communication. The democratically organized society and its model of communication has more numerous and more varied points of shared common interest, and, at the same time, the greater reliance upon the recognition of mutual interests as a factor in social control. Besides, this type of government and communication means not only freer interaction between social groups (once isolated so far as intention could keep up a separation) but change in social habit, its continuous readjustment through meeting the new situations produced by varied intercourse. [7, p.100] The democratically organized society need more than other types of government to have a deliberate and systematic education, because of its form of a social life in which interests of its members are mutually interpenetrating. «A democracy is more than a form of government; it is primarily a mode of associated living, of conjoint communicated experience. The extension in space of the number of individuals who participate in an interest so that each has to refer his own action to that of others, and to consider the action of others to give point and direction to his own, is equivalent to the breaking down of those barriers of class, race, and national territory which kept men from perceiving the full import of their activity.» [7, p.101] The years 2000’s – 2010’s saw the appearance of a considerable number of researches that applied the theory of the rhizome and the rhizomatic type of interaction [6] to the theory of education as a practice of the digitized democratic society. [cf. 5, 8, 10 for example]. There is no place to the barriers to the free exchange and communication of experience in this «ideal» democratic society. The digitized model of communication is one of the most progressive forms of communication that corresponds to the ideal of modern and mobile democratic society without artificial barriers. This model has a «rhizomatic» form of transmission of information (fig.2).
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Figure 2. Model of rhizomatic communication.
This model corresponds to the aims of the program «University 4.0», that is to integrate into a single world a digital ecosystem and is a cyberphysical complex that includes simultaneously a real academic and research processes and their virtual counterparts [3].
The concept of digital academic communication model – University 4.0 in the Republic of Kazakhstan At the level of educational and scientific processes the main and inevitable consequence of the introduction of digital communications in university life will be a change in the style of academic communication in all its stages. The two main types of academic communication – formal and informal (including formal verbal and formal written, formal primary and formal secondary, informal direct, informal mediated communications) [2, 4] can take at least two forms: vertical (from higher academic instances to downline) horizontal (at the level «from researcher to researcher», «from teacher to student», «from department to department»), These two forms of communication correspond to the two above-mentioned models of communication (pyramidal / rhizomatic). The Kazakh universities are in need of development of the horizontal type of formal and informal communication. Ideally, the model «University 4.0» will help not only to modernize the working processes in the academic world, but also to modernize the process of communication.
Conclusion The so-called «University 4.0» is both a consequence and a cause of certain socio-political attitudes. Can we say in this case that the new forms of communication correspond to the concept of «hidden curriculum», which is so characteristic of the theory of democratic education? The essence of modern communication processes in general and academic communication in particular is in the ability to unrestricted exchange of information (that is, how we understand it at Dewey, «experience»). «University 4.0» is, from this point of view, a democratic model of the university, in which less 92
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space will remain for the negative costs of the educational system (such as the phenomenon of plagiarism, corruption, nepotism and others). The model «University 4.0» will serve as a basis and a way to further build a modernized, democratic Kazakhstani society, capable of being adequately represented on the world stage by future specialists, whom education is occurring right now.
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