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Keep your system insight with affordable, cloud-based remote access and data logging


StrideLinx Remote Access Whether the job is down the street or across the country, with the StrideLinx cloud-based remote access solution you’re always on site. Simply install and connect the StrideLinx VPN router to your machine/system, set up an account and begin using the 5GB of FREE monthly bandwidth to securely monitor, program and/or troubleshoot your remote systems from anywhere, any time. Optional subscriptions are available to maximize your remote access capabilities: • Cloud-based Data Logging - Unlimited cloud data storage for up to 7 years with active subscription • Data Top Up - Increase monthly data traffic by 5, 15 or 50GB • Service Level Agreement - Guarantees 99.6% availability, 4-hour max consecutive downtime per router • Premium Branding - allows StrideLinx platform to be rebranded with custom company domain and contact/support information • NEW! Cloud Notify/Alarming - provides customized “alarm” emails and push notifications when control limits are exceeded on HMI / PLC devices connected to the StrideLinx VPN router

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the #1 value in automation


Data visualization, monitoring remotely


Jack Smith Editor

here is a direct correlation between improving data visualization and implementing cloud-based remote access, which is also the first step to implementing the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and Industrie 4.0 applications for said data visualization. The author of the cover story in this issue of AppliedAutomation discusses best practices for logging data to the cloud using suitable protocols, and covers functions such as math manipulations and notifications. He also describes a specific application about a Colorado-based system integrator that works on brewing, wastewater and other projects as an example to show how to get started with cloud-based remote access. The author writes, “Data storage in the cloud and access to it allows users to gain insight through data visualization. Configurable dashboards using widgets for remote viewing allow visualization of cloud-based data from any device connected to the Internet such as a laptop, a PC, a smartphone or a tablet. This data easily can be


shared with other users, and it can be downloaded for analysis as needed.” The authors of the second article in this issue make a case for offsite remote management and monitoring service support. They write, “Remote monitoring technology is not new. However, due to technological advances (e.g., open systems, wireless technology, smart manufacturing devices, high-speed network connections, etc.) over the past several years, the ability to remotely manage and monitor critical automation and control systems in real time has come to the forefront as a secure and costeffective means for manufacturers to improve operational efficiency and tap offsite resources for additional production support.” According to the authors, offsite remote service support can handle a variety of tasks and services including incident management, system backup and recovery, data analysis and retrieval, software updates and patches, and real-time software monitoring.

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Contents A8 Working with the cloud Using the cloud for data logging and remote access can improve operations, cut costs and simplify interactions.

A12 Managing remote monitoring Remote management and monitoring applications help keep operations up and running. External remote management and monitoring teams provide specialized operational knowledge to help with automation and control system issues.


On The COver: This AutomationDirect C-more human-machine interface (HMI) touch panel provides local data logging to an SD-card or a USB drive. Courtesy: AutomationDirect


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Applied Automation April 2019



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D ata v i s u a l i z at i o n

Working with the cloud using the cloud for data logging and remote access can improve operations, cut costs and simplify interactions. By Jonathan Griffith AutomationDirect


mplementing cloud-based remote access is often the first step to implementing Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and Industrie 4.0 applications for improved data visualization. This article discusses best practices for logging data to the cloud using suitable protocols, and covers functions such as math manipulations and notifications. A specific application to show how to get started with cloud-based remote access is discussed.

Data storage in the cloud and access to it allows users to gain insight through data visualization. Configurable dashboards using widgets for remote viewing allow visualization of cloud-based data from any device connected to the Internet such as a laptop, a PC, a smartphone or a tablet (see Figure 1). This data easily can be shared with other users, and it can be downloaded for analysis as needed.

Data logging

Data logging can be local, cloud-based or a combination of both. Many programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and human machine interfaces (HMIs) include Cloud advantages onboard memory for local data storage on an SD-card or a USB There are several advantages drive (see Figure 2). An industrial of cloud-based data storage and Figure 1: Cloud-based applications allow users to plant or facility also may have access systems as compared with access and visualize data from anywhere to gain network-based database servers on-premises systems. Worldwide insight to a machine or process. All images courmaintained by the IT department. cloud connectivity only requires tesy: AutomationDirect However, with data logging to the access to the Internet via a wired, cloud, the possibilities are much Wi-Fi or cellular link. On-premises connectivity is considerably more complex, particularly for greater. It’s possible to create and maintain a cloudbased data system, or to use an end-to-end solution users located offsite. offered by a service provider. Creating a cloud-based Cloud-based data systems can be set up in a matter of data system requires some level of IT expertise, albeit hours with little or no upfront capital expenses and can less than doing so on-premises. For example, Amazon be scaled up in minutes with relatively simple interacWeb Services (AWS) is a popular cloud services provider, tions with cloud service providers. By contrast, setting up offering many of the features needed for those wanting to on-premises data systems always requires substantial host their own cloud-based data systems. upfront capital expenses and information technology (IT) Another alternative is to subscribe to an end-to-end expertise, and scaling up can be very difficult, expensive service offering data logging with a hosted virtual private and time-consuming. network (VPN) (see Figure 3). These types of services Given these and other advantages, cloud-based data typically are offered on a monthly subscription basis with systems and other services are growing rapidly across costs based on the number of data points recorded. This a wide range of commercial and industrial applications. type of solution provides a quick road to logging data This rapid growth is causing prices to drop as providto the cloud and accessing it worldwide for visualization ers take advantage of economies of scale. Simply put, and other purposes. Although every data logging soluit’s much less expensive on a per user basis for a cloud service company to provide IT infrastructure to thousands tion does not have a VPN router, using one provides the required security along with remote access and programof users than it is for each user to design, install and a ming functionality (see Figure 4). maintain his or her own infrastructure.

A8 • April 2019

Applied Automation

Figure 2: This AutomationDirect C-more human-machine interface (HMI) touch panel provides local data logging to an SD-card or a USB drive.

Protocols and router configuration With the IIoT, there has been a great increase in the amount of available data, with corresponding demands to meet reliability and security requirements, possibly slowing data transfer rates and presenting other problems. While industrial Ethernet protocols have been advancing, some newer protocols such as message queuing telemetry transport (MQTT) are often a better solution. Many VPN routers work with the newer protocols as well as multiple common industrial Ethernet protocols often used on the plant floor while providing the required security. MQTT has become one of the most common protocols for data logging to the cloud due to its low resource requirements and excellent reliability, even over lowbandwidth networks. Instead of using a request-response system where clients constantly poll for new data from a server, MQTT uses a publish-subscribe methodology. With publish-subscribe, remote systems can publish data to a broker, and remote clients can subscribe to this data. MQTT uses a single broker through which all published and subscribed data flows. Multiple servers do not need to respond to multiple devices, reducing network traffic. MQTT provides superior security, using outbound communications only upon request. For users running their own servers or visualization platforms, a PLC or an HMI

with MQTT support is needed to publish data to the broker, while end-to-end solutions typically have this type of functionality built-in to the data logger or VPN router. One popular end-to-end solution uses a VPN router with support for multiple industrial protocols including Modbus TCP, EtherNet/IP, Siemens S7, OPC-UA, BACnet and others—allowing data gathering from any components supporting these protocols, such as PLCs and HMIs. Relatively few industrial PLC and HMI components support MQTT, but most all support one or more of these protocols. VPN routers with data logging often use MQTT technology behind the scenes so users can work with the most common industrial protocols, rather than converting them to MQTT first. Data logging is configured in the router by identifying the tags to be monitored from each component, with the router then logging the data to the cloud with no PLC or HMI programming required.

Data manipulation and notification Data often needs to be cleansed and manipulated before visualization or notification takes place. At the source, data often is cleansed to eliminate blips, and then sent to the cloud only upon exception; that is when it changes, greatly reducing the data traffic from a site to

Applied Automation

April 2019



Data visualization

Figure 4: These StrideLinx Remote Access VPN routers from AutomationDirect offer secure remote access with a subscription-based data logger and notification included.

Figure 3: AutomationDirect’s StrideLinx secure hosted VPN routers serve as a key component of an end-to-end remote access and data logging solution.

the cloud. If an alarm or event occurs, data transmission can be switched to send every reading to the cloud for a predetermined period of time to aid with analysis. Other methods of data cleansing or manipulation at the source often are employed depending on the application. Once the data is logged to the cloud, users need a way to visualize it. Many end-to-end solutions allow live monitoring and creation of widgets for data visualization. Dashboards often are used to add, remove, edit and view both live and historical data reports over a preconfigured time period. Live monitoring displays real-time data in the cloud, providing insight into how the machine or process is operating in near real time.

A10 • April 2019

Applied Automation

Widgets can be used to display live and historical data as a number value, or as a Boolean status such as true or false. Typical graphics available to help visualize data include a gauge to display the value within a configurable range and a graph to plot the data over time. Templates also are available to help quickly display cloud data. Tables with data tags and logged values and bar charts over fixed intervals are other commonly used widgets for displaying data. Data reports can be manipulated through use of formulas to customize the data view over a selected time period. Typical formulas include average, minimum, maximum, median, mode, range, sum, first and last. Alerts and notifications can be configured to inform users when parameters fall outside of a predefined range. For example, alarms can be configured to notify specific personnel when a machine breaks down, needs maintenance or when a temperature runs too high. Through simple configuration, users can enable a cloud notify function to alert workers based on predefined machine or process conditions. These notifications can be categorized as low, medium or high priority—allowing users to choose which notifications they’d like to receive.

The cloud for all The cloud works well for small, medium and large companies logging, accessing and visualizing data. The cost of entry is very affordable hardware and a data subscription (free or a monthly fee based on data usage and the service provider), and configuration is quick.

Figure 5: Fermentation vessel temperature data logged to the cloud is visualized as live graph data using AutomationDirect’s hosted VPN solution.

For example, consider Woodwest Controls, a Coloradobased system integrator. Led by owner and founder Chris Kregoski, the company works on brewing, wastewater and other projects. Kregoski started the company in his basement in 2014 and has quickly expanded the scope of the business to service Fortune 1,000 companies, while maintaining a commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction. Kregoski also owns a brewery and designs control systems from start to finish for himself and his customers’ breweries. In addition, his company supports malting companies that prepare the grain before it goes to a brewery. Microbrewing is a semiautomated process where the brewer is constantly checking temperatures on tanks and vessels throughout the day. Monitoring live data, receiving process completion alerts and creating historical data records of each batch can improve productivity, yields and quality control. Woodwest Controls uses AutomationDirect’s StrideLinx solution to monitor automation systems installed at their customers’ sites. The main components of these systems are typically an AutomationDirect HMI and PLC. The PLC controls temperatures in the fermentation tanks, and in the brite tanks when clarifying beer. These tanks need to be held at specific temperatures, which must be monitored closely by the brewer (see Figure 5). The StrideLinx is configured to log the temperature of the tanks and the support systems, such as glycol storage. Tank temperatures for the next day’s brewing uses the live monitor function on the StrideLinx platform, providing near

real-time displays of temperatures. The temperatures of 14 fermentation vessels and six brite tanks are monitored using one dashboard with two panels, one for fermentation tanks and one for brite tanks. With simple configuration, alarms were added to notify employees that a given step is near completion. These process completion alerts, when added to this semiautomated process, improved productivity and yields. Glycol alarms also were configured for high temperature or low pressure to ensure proper chilling of the tanks and improve quality.

Everyone’s IIoT When it comes to the cloud, think big—there is much that can be done with data logged to the cloud and accessed from it. This data can be used to improve efficiencies in machines and processes. Users can take advantage of these connections to stay informed about production volumes, process status, system alarms, raw material usage, energy consumption, maintenance needs and more. With the right technology, it’s easy to start small and experiment with remote access and data logging at one site, and then scale up and deploy to other production lines and sites. Jonathan Griffith is the product manager for Industrial Communications & Power Supplies at AutomationDirect. He has three degrees, all from the Georgia Institute of Technology: MBA, MSEE and BSEE.

Applied Automation

April 2019


R e m o t e m o n i t oR i n g

Managing remote monitoring Remote management and monitoring applications help keep operations up and running. external remote management and monitoring teams provide specialized operational knowledge to help with automation and control system issues. By Dawn Lewis and Evan Pederson Maverick


emote monitoring technology is not new. However, due to technological advances (e.g., open systems, wireless technology, smart manufacturing devices, high-speed network connections, etc.) over the past several years, the ability to remotely manage and monitor critical automation and control systems in real time has come to the forefront as a secure and cost-effective means for manufacturers to improve operational efficiency and tap offsite resources for additional production support. Offsite remote service support can handle a variety of tasks and services including incident management, system backup and recovery, data analysis and retrieval, software updates and patches, real-time monitoring of software and systems, and online automation and system programming. Key advantages manufacturers should consider when engaging a remote offsite team include: • Provides 24/7/365 support • Offers a broad platform-agnostic knowledge base to support a mix of systems • Reduces costs by helping prevent downtime • Eliminates the need to find and retain additional in-house automation expertise • Delivers positive return on investment (ROI) as benefits exceed costs for process improvements • Often results in lower cost than onsite alternatives • Supports flexible, customized services for specific facility requirements • Performs upfront assessments on new projects • Offers system scalability, flexibility and customization

A12 • April 2019

Applied Automation

• Builds a working relationship with automation experts who deliver continuous improvement and sustaining services support.

Workforce woes In today’s competitive world, manufacturers are having to transition from their traditional systems to more modern tools and strategies. Often, however, they find it increasingly difficult to justify, recruit and train automation personnel on new system upgrades or infrastructure. They also face workforce attrition and retirement, which places additional tasks on personnel who already have heavy workloads. They simply do not have the bandwidth or, in some instances, the level of experience to effectively diagnose system failures or deal with the daily process issues that arise, leading to the potential for equipment failure and downtime. To help ease the load, external remote management and monitoring teams provide specialized operational knowledge to help with automation and control system issues. Typically, legacy and new systems alike require original equipment manufacturer (OEM) expertise and support. However, due to equipment obsolescence, few OEMs are supporting the spare parts manufacturers’ source for their legacy systems. A platform-independent third-party automation solutions provider can provide operational expertise on a mix of hardware and software platforms, working with OEMs directly, based on your manufacturing facility requirements. They can deliver application support services and production optimization solutions, while helping to remotely maintain, continuously improve and prevent automation and control issues from happening.

Managing the unexpected Despite system or procedural warnings, situations can and do arise when manufacturers least expect it, especially during the weekend, evening, holiday or vacation hours. Often, a manufacturer’s in-house team can handle many of the day-to-day automation and control issues that come up if given enough time. However, who do you call when the unexpected happens and staff resources are stretched thin or unavailable? At any time, automation hardware and software issues (e.g., malfunctioning control valves, faulty wiring, poor

Case study: Loop performance optimization sweetens product quality


to each loop. The score of each loop was updated automatically. Threshold limits were defined, and triggers were set once a loop started trending toward an unoptimized state. Control room operators now are notified of critical loop trends. A daily report is compiled for the facility operations team that indicates unoptimized loops. On a weekly basis, the operations team receives a top 10 list. Figure 1: The PlantFloor24 global operations Many of the loop problems were center at Maverick Technologies uses best symptoms or indicators of more practices to work with manufacturers to important process issues. For remotely resolve issues and provide solutions automated wmonitoring systems to keep operations up and running 24/7/365. to be effective, the systems must Courtesy: Maverick Technologies be more robust than the systems they are monitoring. Several commercial software solutions exist. However, they are not Engineers in the Maverick Technologies well-suited for legacy automation systems and cannot accurately identify process issues. PlantFloor24 global operations center teamed with Simple repeatable solutions were the core of this our operation consulting group to mine the customer’s effort. In one case, a loop allowed periodic product loss extensive historical controls database to analyze due to poor tank level control. While the product loss trends and data patterns (see Figure 1). The team was important, the volume was not sufficient to make tested algorithms to create actionable reports, which were then verified to prove the underlying effectiveness the correction of the loss an actionable priority. Further investigation helped the team determine the product of the proposed solution. The team also analyzed the total time valves were in auto/manual mode, total valve loss was an indicator of a poorly coordinated process that was ultimately affecting product quality and signifitravel, the flow coefficient (CV) percentage of the valve cantly reducing the value of the finished product. and other relevant variables and assigned a final score emote management and monitoring of automation and control systems helps manufacturing facilities react quicker to situations to prevent unexpected events from happening. The following is an example of such an event. The customer needed an automated method to detect poor process loop performance in a legacy control system. Loops optimized during commissioning and startup quickly experienced performance degradation. The goal was to correct poor loop tuning before significant process losses were incurred and to monitor and to communicate loops trending in the wrong direction.

process loop performance, control system and software updates, data recovery and more) can quickly escalate and cause facility downtime, safety risks and increased operational costs. How long it takes your in-house team to respond is critical to personnel safety and the manufacturing facility. During these times, a third-party remote management and monitoring application support team can work with inhouse personnel to: • Ensure 24/7/365 immediate response and proactive support • Identify, diagnose and debug automation equipment issues (e.g., server failures or malfunctioning control valves) before they disrupt production

• Identify and monitor key parameters that typically indicate most failures. Examples include hard disk usage, percentage of used memory, warnings generated by the automation system, 24/7 network data and information related to equipment operation, such as vibration parameters, temperature readings, etc. • Diagnose, interpret and communicate current system code issues • Monitor faults and processors • Monitor network usage and connectivity • Perform daily routine system checks

Applied Automation

April 2019


R e m o t e m o n i t oR i n g upfront planning to prevent surprises from happening ultimately keeps costs from escalating later. Engaging a thirdparty partner early on in a project is key, as they become more familiar with your platforms, as well as intimately • Help perform routine system backups so operational knowledgeable about your specific product manufacturimprovements are captured and preserved ing process. Ideally, they can help write the process code needed for any future programming changes. • Supervise software updates and patches for Chain of command. Ensure both teams have the proper cybersecurity protection escalation protocols—a point of contact and knowledgeable staff available that can escalate issues for resolution. This is • Monitor key alarms. where on-call, 24/7/365, third-party remote operation teams are extremely important in off hours. Now that we’ve looked at some challenges and how Project tracking. Find someone who is flexible to your working with external remote teams can help resolve autoneeds and will use some form of ticketing system for mation application issues, let’s look at how manufacturers tracking calls and issuing reports. It is can choose the right partner and move important to document every call and past any uncertainties or fears about Manufacturers should incident for archiving purposes and their intellectual property. historical recall. have good security Documentation is key Costs. Cost is always a major factor for any business. If the remote As with any contractual agreement policies in place and services deliver a positive ROI, then between parties, it all comes down the benefits exceed costs for process to good documentation. Before the use best practices improvements. A cost savings also team lead signs on the dotted line, can be realized when you reduce the consider the following items when when working with amount of in-house personnel havlooking for and working with a trusting to perform or be trained on critical ed platform-independent third-party secure setups across automation tasks, which limits disrupautomation solutions provider or systions to their daily operational routines. tems integrator: the enterprise. Another factor to consider is the potential cost associated with system failure Safety. Before starting any project, or downtime, resulting in lost production and product both the manufacturer and remote partner need to be quality. Can you really afford to have a full-time employee aware of all safety policies and procedures. Any tasks can “on call” solely to field potential problems that arise? be performed in-house or remotely, with manufacturers Proactive third-party remote management and monitoring making decisions based on their specific circumstances. handles the problems for you and can prevent any safety When remote changes are made to a facility’s systems, lapses as well as increase efficiency saving costs in the both parties should follow precautionary measures to long run. mitigate safety risks and ensure the working environment The right third-party partner can be a major advantage remains safe at all times. for manufacturers who want to use the latest remote manSecurity. Manufacturers should have good security agement and monitoring tools and techniques as part of policies in place and use best practices when working their day-to-day routine. A trusted partner will answer any with secure setups across the enterprise. Depending on questions to remove any uncertainty and doubt from the where the remote monitoring will be performed, a manuprocess. A platform-independent automation solutions facturer’s highly-qualified information technology (IT) provider can provide unbiased remote management and personnel need to ensure a secure location to protect monitoring experience for a range of products and technolintellectual property (IP). ogies to keep facility operations up and running 24/7/365. They must also ensure safe and secure remote firewall access to systems, giving unique access via usernames and passwords to the third-party solutions provider. Security Dawn Lewis (dawn.lewis@mavtechglobal.com) is a senior project manager in the Automation Solutions Group for at coverage to prevent hackers is a two-way street in remote Maverick Technologies. With 17 years of experience, she setups, so high priority should be placed on it from both leads team efforts to provide high-quality and reliable projsides of the firewall. Manufacturers also should consider visiting the third-party ects in all realms of the business. locations to see first-hand what lockdown protections are in Evan Pederson (evan.pederson@mavtechglobal.com) is place, including building security. a senior engineer at Maverick Technologies and has more Flexibility/customization. Being able to have the flexthan 15 years of experience in industrial automation. ibility to customize and make changes on the fly is nice, but • Help get production going again more quickly after equipment failure

A14 • April 2019

Applied Automation

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