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Advanced controls, linear programming, fuzzy logic





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COVER: Control Engineering Career and Salary Survey, 2020, asked respondents what skills they needed to succeed. See Career Update section, pages 24-30. The background image, courtesy of Emerson, is Solvay’s PVC polymerization plant at Tavaux, France, which has deployed Emerson’s DeltaV process control software and systems.


6 | Research: Poll results, week 2: Doubled adverse COVID-19 impacts 8 | Technology Update: Power conditioning to match power quality environment 12 | Integrator Update: 10 ways manufacturers can add COVID-19 preparedness Technology Updates 14 | How to operate manufacturing remotely 16 | Essentials of remote monitoring and control for operations 18 | How to quickly start a robotic pick-andplace application 19 | MESA smart manufacturing model to detail 8 areas 21 | Rugged smart wireless devices improve smart cities COVID-19 impacts 6, 12, 14, 16, 22, 23, 26, P1 www.controleng.com/manufacturer-health-wellness

NEWS 22 | COVID-19 developments and effects on engineers; ONLINE News 23 | Think Again: Impact on COVID-19

Vol. 67 Number 4

MAY 2020


24 | Control Engineering Career and

Salary Survey, 2020 26 | How COVID-19 is changing the engineering jobs, jobs market 28 | Education, attitude, communication are top tip topics in 2020 salary survey 29 | Career advice for engineers:

Step out of the comfort zone 30 | Five engineering career tips:

Set a vision and live it out 31 | Automation controllers, edge computing 32 | Open-source benefits for industrial controllers 34 | Edge controller, PLC, or PAC? 36 | Industrial controllers: past, present, future 38 | Combine Ethernet, fieldbus advantages, avoid limits 40 | Five ways industrial Ethernet can use TSN 42 | Industrial Ethernet is not office Ethernet 43 | Robot cybersecurity threats to watch 44 | Compliance for robotic companies 46 | Identify and mitigate robotic hazards

INSIDE MACHINES P1 | How to run virtual process hazard analysis meetings P2 | Advanced controls, linear programming, fuzzy logic

CONTROL ENGINEERING (ISSN 0010-8049, Vol. 67, No. 4, GST #123397457) is published 12x per year, Monthly by CFE Media, LLC, 3010 Highland Parkway, Suite #325 Downers Grove, IL 60515. Jim Langhenry, Group Publisher/Co-Founder; Steve Rourke CEO/COO/Co-Founder. CONTROL ENGINEERING copyright 2020 by CFE Media, LLC. All rights reserved. CONTROL ENGINEERING is a registered trademark of CFE Media, LLC used under license. Periodicals postage paid at Downers Grove, IL 60515 and additional mailing offices. Circulation records are maintained at 3010 Highland Parkway, Suite #325 Downers Grove, IL 60515. Telephone: 630/571-4070. E-mail: ctle@omeda.com. Postmaster: send address changes to CONTROL ENGINEERING, PO Box 348, Lincolnshire, IL 60069. Publications Mail Agreement No. 40685520. Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: PO Box 348, Lincolnshire, IL 60069. Email: ctle@omeda.com. Rates for nonqualified subscriptions, including all issues: USA, $165/yr; Canada/Mexico, $200/yr (includes 7% GST, GST#123397457); International air delivery $350/yr. Except for special issues where price changes are indicated, single copies are available for $30 US and $35 foreign. Please address all subscription mail to CONTROL ENGINEERING, PO Box 348, Lincolnshire, IL 60069. Printed in the USA. CFE Media, LLC does not assume and hereby disclaims any liability to any person for any loss or damage caused by errors or omissions in the material contained herein, regardless of whether such errors result from negligence, accident or any other cause whatsoever.


NEW PRODUCTS FOR ENGINEERS 52 | Industrial ac microdrive; Energy-monitoring device; Hybrid flexible coupling unit; Three-finger robot gripper; Software for monitoring, control operations; Server for network management protocol; Flow sensor with Bluetooth; Multi-function sensor beacon; Electromagnetic flowmeter; Ethernet-based I/O unit. See more at www.controleng.com/NPE. BACK TO BASICS 53 | Know the differences among a PLC, PAC and IPC A programmable logic controller (PLC), process automation controller (PAC) and industrial PC (IPC) have features and benefits that are blurring as technology becomes more sophisticated.

NEWSLETTER: COVID-19 Engineering Alert

• Signs of hope for manufacturing amid

COVID-19 • Engine emission researchers retool to identify effective N95 mask alternatives • Laser treatment designed to kill bacteria on metal surfaces • Self-sanitizing face mask project for

COVID-19 research receives NSF grant • Associations unite for COVID-19 recovery. Keep up with emerging trends: subscribe. www.controleng.com/newsletters. CFE EDU: New course on motors and drives

Register for our course, “Introduction to Motors and Drives,” and learn about topics such as how motor sizing impacts efficiency and maintenance, understand motor repair processes, review repair best practices to maintain and improve efficiency, and more. Learn more at https://cfeedu.cfemedia.com/courses/motors-and-drives

Control Engineering eBook series: SCADA & HMI eBook Spring Edition

Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems and humanmachine interfaces (HMIs) allow engineers to better perform tasks in a variety of industries. This eBook has articles on configuring intuitive HMIs, building a user interface and knowing when to migrate. www.controleng.com/ebooks

Oil & Gas Engineering helps maximize uptime and increase productivity through the use of industry best practices and new innovations, increase efficiency from the wellhead to the refinery by implementing automation and monitoring strategies, and maintain and improve safety for workers and the work environment. Read the digital edition at www.oilandgaseng.com. controleng.com provides new, relevant automation, controls, and instrumentation content daily, access to databases for new products and system integrators, and online training.

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