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Technology Update: Entry management portal reduces risks for workers
Nisha Lathif, Honeywell Process SolutionsNisha Lathif,
Entry portal reduces worker risks
Industrial entry management helps protect workers against COVID-19, other infectious diseases.
critical infrastructure, entry management Entry management
programs can reduce worker risk and streamline on-site operations.
An entry management
program helps companies formalize and standardize procedures, processes and tools that help secure staff.
www.controleng.com/ manufacturer-healthwellness.
How can your facility improve entry? During periods of global uncertainty, industrial facility owners, managers and operations specialists must take steps to create a more protected and healthier workplace for employees, contractors and visitors. Digital technologies are helping with sensors, analytics, visualization and reporting. Industrial site professionals need effective solutions to prepare for occupant re-entry amid growing health concerns and changing regulatory requirements. Technologies for worker identity verification, contract tracing, real-time location tracking and other functions can help mange entry to industrial sites.
How can industrial organizations oversee the wellbeing of individuals entering and leaving their facilities? This includes industrial employees returning to work, contractors and visitors coming on site, engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) and expansion projects, production shutdowns and plant turnarounds. Without real-time entry enforcement capabilities, operators rely on manual efforts and processes, which are often time-consuming and may lead to increased health concerns and reputational risks.
According to the U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommendations, industrial facilities should consider developing and implementing a comprehensive screening and monitoring strategy aimed at preventing the introduction of infec-
Figure: A new breed of entry management “portal” can be used to establish a workflow process allowing for site pre-entry registration and efficient entry point screening. Courtesy: Honeywell Process Solutions
tious diseases into the plant or site. A new breed of entry management “portal” can be used to establish a workflow process allowing for site pre-entry registration and efficient entry point screening. The portal enables plant security staff to associate pre-arrival details with contact tracing and social distancing elements. These portable facilities are designed for fast and easy installation and can be deployed to meet specific site requirements.
Deploying the right technology
Entry management portals combine industry-leading technologies to support a protected plant entry and help improve the owner’s business continuity, vigilance and response. Delivered pre-loaded with digitized workforce management software, the portal may be equipped to provide pre- and post-entry management, identity verification, digital badge holder issuance, social distancing/contract tracing, real-time location tracking, digital video surveillance, elevated body temperature measurement via thermal cameras and entry visualization and reporting.
Administrators benefit from a customizable approval workflow process and flexible request support for temporary or permanent site access. They can customize clearance procedures to address specific business or facility needs, check access rights, log recent activity and pending tasks with one system.
As part of deployment of the entry management portals, in stage one, mobile units can be stationed outside plant ingress/egress points to conduct entry verification and rapid testing as needed. During stage two, business continuity and response solutions can be leveraged to manage pre-entry and build a secure profile that automates identity and screening verification. Finally, in stage three, ultra-wideband digital badges are issued to registrants to track site capacity and contract tracing patterns in real time.
Benefits include rapid deployment, with minimal infrastructure requirements, efficient pre-entry workflow for individuals accessing the controlled zone, compliant and streamlined entry process reducing queuing and the loss of productive time, accurate onsite location tracking, social distancing and contact tracing capabilities and more confidence in providing a protected environment. ce
Nisha Lathif, global marketing manager, Honeywell Process Solutions. Edited by Chris Vavra, web content manager, Control Engineering, CFE Media and Technology, cvavra@cfemedia.com.