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February 2021 The Engineer’s guide to new products & design ideas

Chains with brains 18: Smart enclosures

32: Data networks

Developing standard enclosures for smart technology, IIoT & automation

Westermo helps Anglian Water upgrade its data network infrastructure


February 2021 The Engineer’s guide to new products & design ideas

Paige’s Page 04: Editor’s comment 2021: The beginning of the future

Cover Story: 06: Smart plastics

Chains with brains

Smart plastics from igus can prevent downtime

18: Smart enclosures

32: Data networks

Developing standard enclosures for smart technology, IIoT & automation

Westermo helps Anglian Water upgrade its data network infrastructure

Cover Story:

201016_9-6_Mill_DPA_UK_Snipe.indd 1

Sensors & Transducers 10/14/20 3:22 PM

With its smart plastics, igus has developed smart solutions for energy chains, cables and plain bearing technology. p.6 (Cover image: igus)

Special report: 08: Laser sensors Laser treatment


10: Function blocks Making light work of function blocks

Group Editor: Paige West paige.west@imlgroup.co.uk Assistant Editor: Sophia Bell sophia.bell@imlgroup.co.uk Publisher: Andrew Quenault andrew.quenault@imlgroup.co.uk Production: Holly Reed holly.reed@imlgroup.co.uk Design: Graham Rich Design www.grahamrichdesign.co.uk Head Office: IML Group, Blair House, 184/186 High Street, Tonbridge, Kent TN9 1BQ Tel: 01732 359990 E-mail: dpa@imlgroup.co.uk DPA ISSN 0965-4747 Copyright in the contents of Design Products & Applications, its websites and newsletters is the property of the publisher. The publisher and the sponsors of this magazine are not responsible for the results of any actions or omissions taken on the basis of information in this publication. In particular, no liability can be accepted in result of any claim based on or in relation to material provided for inclusion. Design Products & Applications is a controlled circulation journal, published monthly. Completed print or online registration forms will be considered for free supply of printed issues, website access and online services. Annual subscription for non-qualifying readers is UK £121, EU £215.25, Airmail £315 and single copy price is £18.60 monthly.

12: Haptic testing Haptic testing makes sure that it feels “just right”

14: 3D inspection Automated 3D inspection solution for hot metal forging applications

Enclosures & Panel Products

Special Report: 16: DIRAK-SNAP-Technology DIRAK-SNAP-Technology from FDB

18: Smart enclosures Developing standard enclosures for smart technology, IIoT and automation

20: Cable accessories Why systems accessories for cabling are indispensable

Machine Building & Safety


Technology Focus: 22: Machine safety

Safer operator-machine interactions through enhanced control of machine stoppages

24: Standard components Machinery building: The future’s standard components

26: Functional safety Digital demands of functional safety

Water Supplement: 28: Pharmaceutical manufacturing Pure water – quality monitoring is key to optimising pharmaceutical production

10,000 Average net circulation Jan-Dec 2018

30: Water equipment upgrades Dealing with changing water demands

32: Data networks Westermo helps Anglian Water upgrade its data network infrastructure

Circulation Tel: +44 (0)1732 359990 Email: subscriptions@imlgroup.co.uk

34: Pumps Two pumps prove better than four in Anglian Water upgrade project

20 dpaonthenet.net 3

Paige’s Page

2021: The beginning of the future W

elcome to the February issue of DPA!

Paige West, Group Editor

however, required the usual amount of

We will see the knock-on effect in in-

upkeep, plus extra services such as dai-

dustry. The future will see energy and

ly deep cleaning and even extra mainte-

resource consumption data applied

nance for equipment pushed to its limit

intelligently. Companies will be able to

In 2020, manufacturing had to cope

to meet spikes in demand or make up

develop a strategy focused on efficien-

with the consequences of a global

for lost productivity. To do all this while

cy, electrification, circularity, and decar-

pandemic, unpredictable markets, and

reducing on-site personnel, companies

bonisation, which they then can execute

political instability, all while dealing

have increasingly turned to robots, with

and iterate.

with pressing issues that were already

the consequence of stock prices for ad-

troubling the sector before, such as

vanced robotics soaring in 2020.

the need to form sustainable produc-

The recent government announcement of a 10-point plan for building back sus-

tion practices. However, the sector

This trend will likely continue in 2021,

tainably post-Covid is more evidence of

has proven to be not only resilient, but

with companies purchasing advanced

this. As we move into 2021 and beyond,

ready to adapt and eager to innovate.

robots to automate routine tasks while

big businesses have a responsibility to

As a result, strategies that manufactur-

continuing to comply with social dis-

be aligned with the sustainability plans

ers implemented merely to stay afloat

tancing regulations.

for any countries in which they operate.

last year might turn into the winning

The coming year, we will see industry

formula for a successful 2021.

5G’s time to shine

I’ve spoken to a few industry experts, who have offered me their thoughts, and

(Rafi Billurcu, Partner, Head of Manufacturing at Infosys Consulting)

here are four innovations that I think will

The development of Industry 4.0 has

take this year by storm:

slowed somewhat in specific verticals,

define its contribution to net zero efforts.

Autonomous vehicle (AV) development will continue to evolve

due to the economic impact of the pan-

(Jay Alexander, CTO at Keysight, and Jeff Harris, VP of Marketing)

Advanced robotics

demic deterring some manufacturers

The automotive sector suffered head-

(Neil Ballinger, Head of EMEA at EU Automation)

from investing in new technologies. In

winds due to the pandemic, however,

2021, however, we’ll see things speed-

production and manufacturing will come

In 2020, many manufacturing plants

ing up again as the industry tries to get

roaring back. As the number of sensors

found themselves with emptied premis-

back to pre-COVID levels.

powering in-vehicle networks contin-

es, due to shutdowns, the necessity of

ues to escalate, in-vehicle networks will

staggering shifts or moving part of their

From big data analytics to connected

need to keep pace. Electronic vehicle

workforce to remote working. Plants,

devices, 5G, in particular, will provide

(EV) sales will increase, yet they are only

the key building block to next-genera-

a small percentage (three percent) of

tion factories, providing the ultra-relia-

total automotive manufacturing. While

ble low-latency connectivity on which

traditional vehicle manufacturing stalls,

Industry 4.0 depends. Thanks to the

interest in EVs will pick up as countries

speed and reliability of networks provid-

face more stringent emissions stand-

ed by 5G, manufacturers will be able to

ards. AV investment will be modest in

move closer to their vision of the smart

the first half of 2021 but could pick up in

factory, realising the full potential of dis-

the second half – it will be more aggres-

ruptive and digital technologies.

sive in Greater China as this region is committed to phasing out conventional

Sustainability as a business model

gas-burning vehicles by 2035. The U.S.

(Mark Yeeles, VP of Industrial Automation at Schneider Electric)

development in 2021 with the change of

The Covid-19 crisis has been a wake-up

ports these technologies.

will become more focused on AV and EV presidential administration which sup-

call. For many of us, the fundamental

4 dpaonthenet.net

threat to the way we live our lives has

I’d be interested to hear other people’s

translated into a greater concern for the

thoughts on what this year has in store

impact of global crises, such as climate

for us! Email me at paige.west@iml-

change, on our reality.


Connect with us on LinkedIn. Join us on Twitter.

smart plastics Avoid unplanned downtime

Industry 4.0: smart plastics eliminate downtime Intelligent products give a maintenance alert ahead of time and can be integrated into standard predictive maintenance; smart plastics allow your equipment to run continuously as well as reducing maintenance costs.


Cover Story: Smart plastics

Smart plastics fro can prevent do and make it po schedule main


ystem failure or unplanned machine downtime are among the industry’s most significant cost drivers. Hence, maintenance engineers are demanding more condition-monitoring systems and predictive maintenance solutions to make it possible to schedule maintenance and prevent unplanned failures. With its smart plastics, igus has developed smart solutions for energy chains, cables and plain bearing technology.

6 dpaonthenet.net

The digitisation of industry started a

bearings, the motion plastics specialist

long time ago. A product can be bought

is increasingly tailoring its mechanical

online with just one click and produced

products for use in a connected and

automatically within seconds. However,

smart factory. The aim is to make main-

more data also means more machines

tenance and repair work more efficient

that allow an automated process. In the

and cost-effective.

worst case, just one component failure standstill. With the help of IoT (the In-

Smart components reduce the risk of downtime

ternet of Things) machines and compo-

According to a study by FM Global, the

nents are meant to connect and com-

most common reason for system fail-

municate with each other and display

ure is insufficient maintenance. A lot of

possible error messages, giving people

companies don’t take their plants out

the chance to react in time. igus offers

of service for preventive maintenance

the possibilities of this networking with

in times of thriving economy or crisis.

its smart plastics. As a manufacturer

This attitude bears a certain risk and

and supplier of components made of

only works until problems arise that

high-performance polymers for motion,

lead to expensive repairs, drops in

such as energy chains, cables and plain

sales and potentially to the loss of

can cause production to come to a

Cover Story: Smart plastics

rom igus owntime ossible to ntenance

carriage, function and wear tests are

Predictive maintenance planning with IoT

carried out very simply at the push of

If the maintenance is to be predictive

a button. A sensor that is integrated in

and hence possible to schedule, the

the bearing surface provides informa-

isense sensors can also be integrated

tion about the condition. The flash of a

via the icom communication module at

green LED confirms the uninterrupted

all times. It is smart networking of indi-

work process of the linear carriage, the

vidual components that creates the sol-

red one recommends the replacement

id foundation for predictive maintenance

of the bearing. igus uses a similar prin-

concepts. This data can be used to pro-

ciple in its iglidur plain bearings. How-

vide information about the status of the

ever, the measured data from the sen-

component in question, which in turn can

sors can be integrated by the machine

be used to derive precise maintenance

and equipment operators into their

schedules that address problems ahead

systems in different ways. igus offers

of time. Defects in elements are detected

three readout units for this purpose:

immediately – and even before they ac-

either the user can manually read out

tually arise. This minimises damage and

all nodes, or install a control unit with

reduces downtime. For integrating data,

a red/green display on the machine,

users can choose one of the following

which provides information about

options: either they embed the sensor

the condition of the plain bearings. A

data into their own company network so

further option is adding an icom con-

as to monitor the condition, or they use

nection, with which a radio module

the IoT and connect to the igus Cloud.

sends the sensor data wirelessly to the

That way, they receive up-to-date and

communication module. From here,

precise information and calculations re-

the integration of data to the IoT, the

garding the service life of the products

cloud system or to the customer net-

they use. Live data can always be called

work is possible. igus also relies on

up and viewed via a dashboard or per

sensors in energy chains and cables.

e-mail/SMS. Replacement parts can be

Energy chains that are used on cranes

ordered automatically with a connection

in ports, in steel works or in mining

to an ERP system. Maintenance can be

can be equipped with the new sensor

planned in advance and special mainte-

EC.PR. It measures the push/pull forc-

nance teams can be organised in time. In

es in gliding applications on long trav-

the long term, this not only achieves sig-

els and, in the case of an emergency,

nificant cost savings but also makes life

recommends a shutdown. Sensors of

easier for shift supervisors, maintenance

the EC.B series enable a breakage de-

crews and warehousing teams.

igus. With the new drylin isense linear

tection on the e-chain, EC.W sensors measure the wear of the crossbar and

“Predictive maintenance helped us avoid

market share, because the companies

sensors on the CF.P series measure

the replacement of a 240m e-chain worth

are not able to fulfil their orders due to

the cables’ tensile forces.

about £35,000 at Tata Steel in India,”

system failure. Hence, predictive main-

notes Leonard.

tenance is essential. igus has therefore

“By using smart plastics condition

equipped its e-chains, cables and poly-

monitoring, the system shuts down

mer bearings with optional sensors that

automatically and prevents expensive

Integration and maintenance service

can either monitor the condition or can

subsequent damage or total damage.

During the technical design and retrofit

be used for predictive maintenance via

The repair can be carried out quickly,

of a system with smart plastics, the igus

a data connection.

so that production can restart quickly,”

experts support users directly with the

explains Justin Leonard, igus Product

planning, design, assembly and integra-

Condition check at the touch of a button

Director for energy chains.

tion of the sensors and data. In addition,

While smart plastics monitor the com-

“That way, long and expensive system

nance engineers regularly check mechan-

ponents, they provide information

downtime can be avoided, at an invest-

ical functions, control bolted connections,

about their wear. They immediately

ment that is low compared to the price

assess wear-resistant parts, remove con-

report the occurrence of an unexpect-

of the plant.” The operation takes place

tamination and document everything.

ed operating status, turn themselves

without additional modules to process

off or sound an alarm. This is also the

external data.

case with the smart linear guides from

igus offers a maintenance service. Mainte-


dpaonthenet.net 7

Feature: Laser sensors

Laser treatm


ime-of-Flight laser sensors can reliably detect objects of various colours and materials, based on the time difference between the emission of light and its return to the sensor. Martin Wyatt, Business Development Manager at Carlo Gavazzi UK, outlines some of the benefits and applications for these compact devices.

Laser ToF sensors can also be used as a cost-effective alternative to ultrasonic devices on automated guided vehicles (AGVs), or service robots, where they can detect objects in the vehicle’s path. Similarly, they can be used for automatic door control and other proximity sensing applications.

Bats sense distance using sound. They

both the presence of an object and its

emit sound waves and receive reflected

distance from the sensor to be detected

ToF sensors can even be used in car tyre

waves. The time it takes for the wave to

and measured.

manufacturing plants because, unlike

bounce back provides the bat with in-

standard photoelectric sensors, the ToF

formation on both an object’s presence

Laser ToF sensors work regardless of

laser sensing technology is virtually un-

and its distance.

the object’s colour or surface charac-

affected by the tyre’s matt black surface

teristics, and they are unaffected by


Laser Time-of-Flight (ToF) sensors work

humidity, air pressure and temperature.

similarly. Instead of sound waves, Laser

This makes them ideal for applications in

ToF technology has developed rapidly in

ToF sensors measure the actual time for

food and beverage production facilities

the past decade. ToF chips are increasingly

a single laser pulse to leave the sensor

where ToF sensors can provide a low-

used for motion sensing in gaming devices

and be reflected from an object back to

cost and contactless means of detect-

and aiding the autofocus feature of many

the sensor’s receiver. Because light trav-

ing objects of varying sizes and colours

mobile phone cameras. Consequently, the

els at a constant speed, the time lapse

on a conveyor, for example, or measur-

controls industry is now reaping the ben-

between the emission of the light pulse

ing liquid levels in a flask.

efits of rapid technological improvements

and its return to the sensor enables

8 dpaonthenet.net

and large-scale chip production.

Feature: Laser sensors LD30 sensor to detect objects of any

mode, for example, long-distance de-

colour, material and surface finish at dis-

tection can be used to slow down an

tances from 50mm up to 1000mm in a

AGV while the short distance mode is

single, compact, cost-effective device.

used to bring the vehicle to a full stop. • Timer functions: on-delay, off-de-

A major benefit of Carlo Gavazzi’s LD 30 sensor, for example, is that it can operate in standard I/O mode and, when connected to an IO-Link master, it then

lay, one-shot leading edge or trailing edge • Logic functions: AND, OR, X-OR and SR-FF

switches automatically to IO-Link com-

• External input


• Logging functions: maximum temperature, minimum temperature, oper-

IO-Link is an open standard communi-

ating hours, operating cycles, power

cation protocol that allows for the bi-di-

cycles, minutes above maximum

rectional exchange of data from the ToF

temperature, minutes below minimum

sensor to the IO-Link master device and

temperature etc.

from the master to the sensing device.


Communication is point to point, not

Using the LD30 sensor in IO-Link com-

on a network, so each ToF sensor talks

munication mode enables the sensor

directly to the IO-Link master control-

outputs to be monitored, or its operating

ler. This master can then transmit the

parameters to be adjusted from virtually

sensor’s data over various networks or

anywhere, to enable operators to make

fieldbuses to make it available for im-

decisions based on real-time data from

mediate action or save it for long-term

the sensor to help improve efficiencies,

analysis in the future.

minimise downtime and, hence, costs. It also enables problems to be speedily

In IO-Link mode, the LD30 sensor be-

identified and resolved the moment they

comes an intelligent device, which is

are detected by the sensor.

easily customisable to meet an OEM’s requirements. Once the sensor is con-

Carlo Gavazzi’s LD30 Time-of-Flight

nected to the IO-Link port, it enables

photoelectric laser sensors are inde-

access to a multitude of configuration

pendently certified for compliance with

parameters and advanced functional-

CE, UL, ECOLAB, TüV and FDA stand-

ities. These settings can be stored in

ards. The compact device measures

The laser technology used in many ToF

the master controller and can always be

just 11 x 31.5 x 21mm and weighs less

devices has advanced significantly too.

changed if the need occurs, or they can

than 100g, making it suitable for use in

Carlo Gavazzi’s LD30 Time-of-Flight

be smoothly transferred to a new sensor

confined spaces. It is available in both

photoelectric laser sensor, for example,

in the case of a sensor replacement.

an ABS and in a robust stainless steel

uses a low-power Class 1 infrared la-

IP69 housing to withstand high-pres-

ser light source driven by a modulated

The LD30 sensor parameters that are

pulse. This makes it safe under all con-

adjustable via the IO-Link interface in-

ditions of normal use because the max-


For more information on how Carlo

imum permissible exposure cannot be

• Sensing distance and hysteresis

Gavazzi’s IO-Link enabled ToF sensors

exceeded when viewing the laser with

• Sensing mode: single-point, two-

can work for your business, visit www.

the naked eye. The laser enables the

point or window mode. In two-point

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About the author: Martin Wyatt is Business Development Manager at Carlo Gavazzi UK.

Feature: Function blocks

Making light work of function blocks I

f you’ve ever had to integrate an IO-Link device into any kind of automated system, the chances are you’ll have had to create a function block. Time savers as they are, function blocks are still rather a tedious part of the job.

Information capsules

I’ve had function libraries sent over to me

block as well as the full supporting docu-

Function blocks are capsules of informa-

that have been created in a rush by a col-


tion that simplify PLC programming and

league to help me solve a problem. Without

can even replace hardwired physical com-

the documentation to support the block,

Let’s imagine a production line, where there

ponents for common tasks like timers or

I’ve needed to spend considerable time

is a conveyor system with hundreds of di-


understanding how to incorporate it into

verter stations. You may want the sensors

my code. If specific types of data struc-

at each station to be used in very similar

To create a function block, an engineer will

tures have been used in the function blocks

ways. Using a function block ‘factory’ gives

write some code and specify the inputs

that are not already part of the library, then

us a chance to create the control code very

and outputs to that set of instructions.

you must spend extra time creating them

quickly for all the sensors, while still having

Then, the whole thing is compiled into a

before you can get moving with the project.

the ability to tweak each one’s exact opera-

library, along with any other supporting

tion, depending on the inputs selected.

files that help it to work. Once it has been

Time-saving innovation

fully tested, the function can be called on

New web-based software technology is

Critical data can be extracted from the sen-

repeatedly by the PLC without needing to

being developed that creates IO-Link func-

sors automatically via the function block. If

repeat the base code. The function block

tion blocks and integrates device data into

we monitor the level of dirt build-up, for ex-

must be fully documented so that anyone

a wide range of common PLC control sys-

ample, the data allows us to make very ac-

who uses it later also understands how it

tems in a matter of minutes. You can follow

curate predictions about how long we can


a step-by-step process in a web-browser

expect the sensor to perform at acceptable

dashboard and create a fully tested func-

levels, before it fails and we incur downtime.

tion block ready to use in your code.

We can schedule maintenance in advance

All this takes time, and that means cost. You might have invested hours, and more

to clean the sensors when it causes us the

likely days, depending on the task in hand

You don’t even need to be experienced in

absolute least downtime, so, throughput

and the complexity, to write and test func-

IO-Link and there’s no need to start search-

is maintained and efficiency increased. Al-

tion block functionality. Even then, you still

ing for parameters, indexes and data for-

ternatively, if a failure is imminent, the data

need to create the library and document

mats. You can download a library with all

enables us to intervene as soon as practical

the block.

the software you need to install the function

to prevent unscheduled stops.

10 dpaonthenet.net

Feature: Function blocks Function Block Factory SICK’s Function Block Factory is the first web-based service of its type that enables users to create function blocks automatically for most common PLCs. It will work for any IO-link device with an I/O device description (IODD), no matter what the device type or its manufacturer. To create a function block, users simply sign in to the SICK 24/7 web service, select the IODD file for the IO-link device and the chosen PLC system. The name of the function block can be edited to suit your naming conventions. Then, the IO-Link parameters and key features of the function block are selected, and it is ready to go. The function block handles the entire acyclic IO-Link communication, including data interpretation, index and sub-index resolution, as well as byte-swapping, if required. The data structure already contains all required variables, so the need for manual variable declaration is eliminated. The scope and content of libraries can be defined individually through a free selection of the available device parameters and can be adjusted at any time. Additionally, process data parser functions can be generated, speeding up PLC programming considerably, as well as helping to avoid errors. Enumerators (enums) replace meaningless numbers with names. This not only accelerates the development process as it’s no longer necessary to look anything up, but the source code becomes easier for third parties to read at a later point in time. A subindex access function reduces data loss and communication length. Instead of complete, complex variables, it’s possible to read out defined sub-variables or change them via a ‘write’ function. The entire record, therefore, doesn’t have to be transmitted back and forth; only a fraction of it must be transmitted, namely the sub-variable. All previously selected variables and parameters can be deselected with only one command with auto-deselection. This accelerates the definition of new read areas in the function block, and, since each selection doesn’t have to be deleted, there’s no possibility of overlooking one.

Scope for automation The potential to create function blocks quickly and reliably unlocks many more benefits for IO-Link integrations. It invites users to expand the scope of their automation projects and to try out new ideas. What will your next project be? www.sick.co.uk

About the author: Charlie Walker is Product Specialist for Presence Detection at SICK UK, providing customers with application and technical support for a broad range of sensors and sensing systems. Charlie’s expertise is particularly focused on real-world sensor integration, especially the implementation and application of IO-Link devices, working with common PLC control environments. A graduate of Lancaster University, Charlie’s broad career experience also encompasses running a production engineering department.

dpaonthenet.net 11

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Feature: Haptic testing

Haptic testing makes sure that i “I

f it feels right, it is right” was an old engineers’ mantra which was effective on relatively simple components but is no longer good enough to meet the demands of increasingly complex assemblies that not only must feel right but be right, consistently. Compare the “feel” of the controls and switches on a 1980s car, which were perfectly acceptable, with the “feel” of the controls on today’s cars to understand just

variations in the forces needed to operate

in the automotive sector, and machinery

how much the “feel” of the switches and

a component – be it a simple switch or a

outages must be avoided at all costs. In

other controls has advanced. Much of this

multi-function rotary actuator – precisely

all the years we’ve been working together,

advance has been market driven, espe-

and reliably over the long term.

we’ve never had a Kistler sensor fail.”

German company Schuhriemen Maschinenbau, a major supplier of test systems

Machines are replaced – but the sensors are kept

Haptic testing, a quantitive analysis of

to the automotive industry for over 30

The end-of-line testers developed by

“feel”, aims to minimise any variation in

years, works in cooperation with Andreas


the “feel” of mass-produced compo-

Borrmann, owner of engineering consul-

since 1989 have so far performed over a

nents. On many cars, several on-board

tancy, Ingenieurbüro Borrmann. Borrmann

billion haptic tests on vehicle control el-

systems, from integrated navigation to

says, “We’ve been using Kistler sensors in

ements. Schuhriemen also began using

air conditioning and radio, are controlled

our machines since 1990. The key ben-

Kistler sensor technology back in 1990.

by intuitively turning, tilting or pressing a

efits for us are overload protection, wide

“We’re highly satisfied with these prod-

single rotary actuator. To ensure the qual-

measuring ranges, rigidity and – above

ucts – so, until further notice, we shall

ity of these control elements, suppliers

all – long service lifetimes.” Hans-Ju-

be using Kistler sensors again for every

use automated end-of-line haptic testing.

lius Schuhriemen, CEO of Schuhriemen

new order. It’s clear that end customers in

Maschinenbau, added, “Plant safety and

the automotive sector are changing their

reliability are absolutely the top priorities

product versions more and more often. At

cially on “big ticket” items, as consumers correlate feel with quality and reliability.

Haptic test systems must identify small






Feature: Haptic testing

it feels “just right” present, an automated end-of-line tester

the haptic measurement of the tilting

will be in service for seven or eight years.

movement is performed on the test

After that, the machines are scrapped be-

bench. What design challenges had to

cause converting them is not cost effec-

be overcome here? “The rotary actuator

tive, but the sensors are removed first and

is considerably larger than on previous

placed in storage for maintenance.”

products. So, when horizontal movement takes place, the disruptive transversal

A recent project involved designing an au-

forces acting in the vertical direction are

tomated test for the tilt-turn-press move-

compensated by vertical compensation

ment on the rotary actuator of a central

elements,” Andreas Borrmann explains.

control unit. The automated tester built

“A design of this sort is extremely difficult,

by Schuhriemen Maschinenbau GmbH

so we’re pleased that Kistler offers a wide

comprises eight stations that capture up

choice of many different product versions

to 450 test characteristics. Based on a

and installation options.”

revolving transfer table, a test cycle lasts about 20 seconds, corresponding to an

If any one of the eight stations returns a

annual output of over 300,000 actuators.

value outside the defined limits, an as-

Kistler’s piezoelectric force or torque sen-

sembly error or material defect is indicat-

sors are used in three of the eight stations.

ed and the product under test is rejected.

At station four, a piezoelectric torque sensor with a resolution of up to 0.1Nmm

The aim of end-of-line automatic test-

tests the number of “clicks” and the

ing is to ensure that any variation from a

torque when turning the rotary actuator.

defined tolerance is detected with absolute surety, without causing damage to

At station five, vertical compression is

the component being tested. When an

tested using Kistler force sensors with a

eight-station test system based on a re-

resolution of 0.02N and displacement sen-

volving transfer table completes a cycle

sors with 0.002mm resolution. “High reso-

in just 20 seconds, there is no room for

lution and accuracy are critical reasons for

error. Schuhriemen Maschinenbau relies

using Kistler’s products in our machines,”

on Kistler sensors to provide the highest

says Hans-Julius Schuhriemen.

level of measurement precision.

The same is true of station seven, where


VX25. SYSTEM PERFECTION. There are always two versions of this enclosure - real and digital. The maximum data quality of the VX25 ensures greater flexibility for configuration, manufacturing and assembly. And with the “digital twin”, the person who knows your company best – you yourself – can plan, order, process and do much more besides.




Feature: 3D inspection

Developing an automated 3D inspection solution for hot metal forging applications A

nyone who works with metal pieces is familiar with the phenomenon of metal glowing red-hot when heated to a high temperature – and with the inspection challenges that this poses. Production mistakes or flaws that may be easily spotted, even by a casual observer, when the metal is cool, may be impossible to detect while the metal is red-hot. In addition, the extremely hot environmental conditions of the production process make real-time visual inspection

At this point, it is typically too late to cor-

be employed directly in the harsh man-

almost impossible.

rect the defects, so the workpiece has to

ufacturing environment

be declared as scrap and needs to be

•Achieve a measurement time of five

melted down and reforged.

to 30 seconds

However, many industries – such as forging, heavy industry, and the automo-

• Be simple to operate

tive sector – require accurate inspection

Not only is this inefficient and time-con-

• Be rapidly adaptable to new work-

of metal pieces during the high-temper-

suming, it also wastes energy, and there-


ature manufacturing process, to ensure

fore increases fuel costs; the energy used

• Deliver precise measurements for a

control of both dimensional accuracy

to manufacture the scrap workpiece has

and surface quality.

been wasted, and the whole process

To ensure accuracy and safety in the

very low cost of retrofitting.

needs to be carried out again – with no

conditions of extreme heat, HMP also

Without this inspection capability, mis-

greater guarantee that the required quali-

looked to create a fully automated solu-

takes are often not recognised until

ty will be achieved.

tion that did not require any hands-on

hours, or even days, after production,

human operation.

when the metal has returned to room

To overcome this challenge, SmartRay’s


partner, system integrator HMP Technol-

Developing a solution

ogie GmbH, began to investigate whether

With these objectives in mind, Smart-

SmartRay’s modern, contactless 3D la-

Ray and HMP utilised their combined

ser technology could be used to provide

experience in 3D vision solutions to de-

production-integrated measurement of

velop the Theta 3D orbital measurement

high-temperature workpieces.


HMP set a number of development goals

Theta 3D is a roll-ring testing station de-

for the project. It determined that the

signed specifically to meet the needs of

solution had to be able to:

customers in the forging industry. It uses

14 dpaonthenet.net

• Measure a wide range of workpieces

a robotically directed test probe that can

• Operate at temperatures of up to

measure workpieces with a range of dif-


ferent diameters, in temperatures of up to

• Use a standard installation that could


Feature: 3D inspection SmartRay’s SR9600 sensor was select-

To facilitate this, SmartRay ensured

of the sensors is made easier by the

ed for this system. Usually, this sensor

the sensor was fully compatible with

SmartRay DevKit, which supports a

uses a 660nm red laser, but for this ap-

third-party software from Vision Tools,

range of third-party vision libraries.

plication, it was fitted with a blue laser

delivering a complete inspection solu-

that could be easily seen against a glow-


ing red metal surface.

Combining full HD image processing, scanning and evaluation speeds up to


10kHz, and high-speed Gigabit Ether-

The SR9600 is a compact sensor capa-

By combining their expertise and intro-

net interface for real-time data trans-

ble of measuring up to 1272 points to

ducing third-party software compat-

mission, the ECCO 3D laser sensors

create a 3D profile. Typically, operating

ibility, SmartRay and HMP were able

provide the comprehensive features re-

temperatures for the sensor are be-

to develop a unique, patented solution

quired for highly future-proof inspection

tween 0-40ºC, so adaptations needed

that successfully delivered automated


to be made to ensure it operated effec-

inspection of hot metal pieces. www.smartray.com

tively in high-heat conditions. The Theta 3D orbital measurement faDuring testing, the sensor returned

cility can be used by a range of indus-

measurement times of between 15

tries to save time and money in their

and 45 seconds, depending upon the

inspection processes, while protecting

inspection criteria that were set. This

the environment by reducing waste en-

allowed 40 to 80 workpieces to be in-

ergy use.

spected by the system every hour. Future solutions may be able to take To meet application requirements, the

advantage of SmartRay’s ECCO range

Theta 3D testing station needed to offer

of 3D sensors, which are even more

a comprehensive library of inspection cri-

compact than the SR9600, and ca-

teria, including outer and inner diameters,

pable of solving a multitude of forging


industry inspection tasks requiring mi-



surface defects, and flash defects.

crometre-level precision. Integration

High power AND reliability? You wanted more current per contact from our hi-rel connectors. You wanted ease of use and great performance in vibration conditions. You wanted Harwin’s high quality standard.

We listened. n

60A per contact


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Connect with confidence

Feature: DIRAK-SNAP-Technology

DIRAK-SNAP-Technology from FDB – a simple, secure alternative approach to installation of panel hardware


DB Panel Fittings and sales partner, DIRAK, became aware of customer feedback which indicated that customers in the areas of furniture, lighting, electrical housings, electronics, building fixtures and fittings, were tired of wasting time dealing with screws, washers, back nuts and other loose parts. It seemed that assemblers and installers would welcome a simple click fit and a comprehensive programme of enclosure/cabinet hardware – without all the fiddling about. By connecting ideas in a new way,

create the perfect solution, simply and se-

an optimal solution.

curely, in seconds. Error-free and reliable, DIRAK-SNAP-TechCustomer Matt Jackson, Operations Man-

nology ensures proper installation – greatly

ager at Environ Group, explained, “We like

reducing the risk of assembly errors, such

the D-SNAP system because we can just

as improper torque specs. An audible

send one complete component that snaps

click confirms proper assembly, which is

into place on site and can be used imme-

especially helpful in applications which

diately – there are no screws, washers or

are hard to access. Safe and convenient

nuts to get lost or take up time in assem-

removal is assured with either standard or

bly. The end user can even do it – we do

DIRAK-specific tools.

not have to send out an engineer to complete the housing. [It is] a very strong and

The DST series offers an unlimited va-

excellent product [which offers] a simple

riety of possible hardware components

solution to blind installation. This means

with a well-engineered fastening tech-

that we can send equipment without locks

nology that ensures quality assemblies.

and handles, which minimises transit

DIRAK-SNAP-Technology combines flex-


ibility, convenience and security in every

the engineering team developed DIRAK-

application, without the need for tools,

SNAP-Technology (DST). The resulting

Environ Group manufactures sheet metal

as these products slide perfectly through

system offers easily made high-strength

acoustic and electrical enclosures for ex-

the panel cut out and snap into position.

panel connections, without the use of any

ternal situations, such as rooftops, where

A strong and secure fixing is created with

tools, so that specialist panel builders can

they use D-SNAP handles and hinges for

no possibility for loosening or turning.

16 dpaonthenet.net

Feature: DIRAK-SNAP-Technology The design concept is based on the

hinges, removable pin hinges, external

flexible in application to accommodate

same principle as a slam-latch, similar

hinges for surface mounted doors, lift-off

individual application requirements, with

to those used in a door. It is made up

hinges, adjustable hinge, bridge and bow

reinforcement plates available to increase

of two wedges with ramped edges, and

handles, finger pull handles, slam latch,

strength and load capacity.

a spring set into a window within the

recessed pull handle, tubular handle,

wedges. These components are then

stainless steel hinges. A true alternative

Where electrical continuity is required,

inserted into the hardware and secured

to the rather fiddly traditional nut and

safe and reliable electrical grounding

with a plastic plug to keep them in place.

screw approach.

is achieved with easily fitted grounding

As the DST component is pressed into

clips. Where additional security is re-

the sheet metal cut-out, the ramps on

Any new system has to be comparable

quired, components requiring special-

the wedges allow them to retract against

to the existing one in critical areas, so it

ised DIRAK tools are available to address

the spring. When the ramps pass their

was important to ensure that it provided

cases where vandalism or theft are con-

apex, the spring pressure spreads them

high strength and secure locking, able to


back outwards, resulting in the distinctive

withstand high-load conditions and guar-

“SNAP” sound. The “SNAP” component

antee connection and pull forces equal

is thereby secured into the sheet metal,

to traditional fastening solutions. DST

resulting in a secure, high-strength con-

products are rattle, vibration and shock

nection which naturally tightens.

resistant, with the ability to withstand the


heaviest strains without compromising The DST series includes captive fasten-

their high-strength locking. Many DST

ers for lightweight sheet materials as well

products are tested according to DIN EN

as for heavier gauge materials and heav-

61373 for vibration and shock and GR-

ier duty applications, e.g. enclosures and

63-CORE, Issue 4 for earthquakes.

cabinets. Conceived as a complete system, there is a full range of components,

To enable the joining of different types

such a cam catch, clamping handle,

of materials, various DST products were

clamping latch, compression latch, quar-

devised to accommodate sheet metal,

ter-turn locks, swinghandles, concealed

plastic or wood, and to be sufficiently

Flat Top Chain Conveyor System Economical realisation of complex track designs Simple and fast configuration and commissioning Modular system of standardised components


mk Profile Systems Limited a company of the mk Technology Group

Feature: Smart enclosures

Developing standard enclosures for smart technology, IIoT and automation I

ndustry 4.0 automation and other smart technologies are inspiring a revolution in the design of electronic enclosures. New high-performance housings are now more specialised – but no less versatile, writes Robert Cox, Marketing Director of OKW Enclosures Ltd.

OKW EASYTEC pole/wall mount enclosures

Manufacturers of electronics products are benefiting from huge leaps forward in enclosure design. IoT/IIoT and other smart technology applications have ushered in a wealth of new opportunities for OEMs. Enclosure designers at OKW are capitalising on surging demand for smart technology and advanced automation. This rapidly expanding market has prompted them to create advanced

So why is discretion so crucial in en-

or screwed in place quickly and easily.

enclosures that are ideal for specialised

closure design? It is essential that

This dramatically speeds up installation

roles, but still suit a wide cross-section

the enclosure you specify looks pur-

times – a real boon, given the huge

of applications.

pose-manufactured for your product

number of sensors that proliferate in to-

– and no other. These days, it doesn’t

day’s smart factories.

Elegant wall-mount enclosures, such

take much to achieve that: a few ma-

as SMART-PANEL, exemplify this new

chined cut-outs, a touchscreen/key-

Add to that the fact that it speaks the

breed of housings for modern digital

pad, some corporate branding – and,

same design language as OKW’s EVO-

control electronics. Designed specifical-

suddenly, your enclosure is a one-off.

TEC table-top plastic enclosures, and

ly for intelligent building control systems,

Best of all, improvements in technology

suddenly you have sensor enclosures

SMART-PANEL addresses the needs of

have made this customisation viable in

that perfectly match their desktop con-

futuristic commercial, smart factory, and

much lower volumes, thanks to low set-


home automation applications.

up costs.

That is because it adheres rigorously to

contours more important than in the

the first rule of standard enclosures: it is

Aesthetic curves and smart design

incredibly discreet in design. That is to be

You could be forgiven for thinking that

closure that sits close to the body for

expected – enclosures don’t come more

modern aesthetic curves and smart de-

long periods must be so comfortable

understated than one which flush-fits

sign features are reserved only for the

that it is barely perceptible.

into standard cavity wall boxes. Howev-

most expensive enclosures. You’d be

er, that hasn’t stopped SMART-PANEL

wrong: they’re also available in some of

For that reason, OKW created BODY-

from demonstrating its aesthetic cre-

the simplest (but no less vital) housings.

CASE. It fits a standard 18mm watch-

Nowhere are ergonomic curves and

dentials with modern curves and glass

world of wearable electronics. Any en-

strap but can also be worn on a lanyard

panels for premium-application touch-

EASYTEC is a flanged enclosure for

or wrist strap, clipped to a pocket, or

screens and displays.

IoT/IIoT sensors. Thanks to its clever-

carried loose. BODY-CASE meets the

ly designed lugs, it can be cable-tied

growing demand for personal electron-

18 dpaonthenet.net

Feature: Smart enclosures ics; applications include GPS tracking of





become an increasingly popular feature

About the author:

vulnerable workers, overcrowding pre-

enclosure that can also be specified

in modern enclosures. NETBOX has no

vention/safe distancing, safety alert sys-

for desktop electronics – thanks to a

visible screws at the front – just two be-

tems and emergency call technology.

choice of three versions that offer either

low that are all but invisible.

Robert Cox is the Marketing Director at OKW Enclosures Ltd. He has more than 40 years of experience in the electronics industry, notably in the design, manufacture and marketing of enclosures. Robert was instrumental in the launch of OKW in the UK (Fareham, Hampshire) and the USA (Bridgeville, PA).

a recessed interface area, a covered re-

Pioneering an enclosures revolution

cess or a deep extended cover that acts

OKW has gone to even more further

as a desk stand.

lengths with other models. SYNERGY

There’s so much more to today’s stand-

enclosures – which combine aluminium

ard enclosures than ergonomic con-

Deep recesses with protective covers

and plastic – feature column-based con-

tours and discrete design (as important

are a key design feature for enclosures

struction, enabling the fixing screws to

as they are). Anyone who has watched

that house wall-mounted controls or

be hidden away on the bottom section.

the enclosures market will have noticed

network nodes for building manage-

a quiet revolution taking place. Key as-

ment, Industry 4.0, data systems engi-

However, the last word goes to

pects include:

neering, and access control. NET-BOX

SMART-PANEL. It has removed the need

• advanced materials – high-perfor-

has a large recess for connectors and

for fixing screws altogether. Instead, it

mance plastic blends, innovative

cable glands – but hides them beneath

snaps together, to be opened by a plas-

combinations of plastic and alumin-

a clip-on trim that provides added pro-

tic tool (supplied as an accessory).



• greater use of tamperproof and concealed fixings

Visit the OKW website for further inforConcealed fixings such as this have

mation: www.okw.co.uk

• higher levels of ingress protection (such as IP65 as standard). It started with materials. Until a few years ago, robust ABS was the plastic of choice for most plastic enclosures – but not anymore. It has been superseded by ASA and blends such as ASA+PC-FR, which offer superior UV stability, greater strength and easy cleaning/sterilisation when offered with a high-gloss finish. ABS remains a good choice. You will still see it as standard in tried and trusted designs – but seldom in OKW’s newer models. So why would enclosures that never venture outdoors need enhanced UV stability? You would be surprised how much damage UV light can do to some plastics – even indoors. The enclosures revolution has continued with the use of tamperproof Torx screws as standard on enclosures such as the wedge-shaped SMART-CONTROL, for corner-based electronics. Torx screws are a must for medical devices, a key market for OKW. Why would an enclosure like SMART-CONTROL – which is destined to sit high in hard-to-reach ceiling corners – need tamper-proof screws? The answer is that SMART-CONTROL also doubles as an ergonomically inclined desktop enclosure. OKW SMART-CONTROL corner-mount enclosures

dpaonthenet.net 19

Feature: Cable accessories

Why systems accessories for cabling are indispensable S

witch and control panels protect electrical devices in a hostile environment. They prevent damage from moisture, dust or contact. But that is not enough. Accessories are often used for ease of use and to make the assembly of panels simpler and clearer. It is important that they meet the same requirements as those that apply to building the panel.

Cable routing at moving parts The IEC standard states that “connections to appliances mounted on doors or other moving parts are made using flexible current conductors […], allowing regular movement of the part”. Pipes must be secured to the fixed and moving part.

Accessories for VX25 and AX

the switchgear. Solenoid valves must

Because cable hose holders have the

Various materials are available for the

therefore be kept apart from other elec-

same hole pattern as the cabinet frame

VX25 add-on unit series to keep elec-

trical components by placing them in a

of the VX25, the door profile in the AX,

trical and pneumatic components sep-

separate compartment made with rail

as well as the mounting rail and system

arate from each other – think of rail sys-


chassis, they can be mounted there eas-

tems, mounting profiles, system chassis and mounting rails.

ily and quickly. The plastic cable hose System chassis, which are used in the

makes it easy to establish a reliable

door of the VX25 to make optimal use

connection with flexible current conduc-


of cabinet space, can sometimes also

tors. This also fulfils the requirement that

es that do not belong directly to the

be used for the AX wall and floor cabi-

“sufficient mechanical strength must be

electrical equipment cannot simply be

net series. The same applies to different

provided, without compromising proper

placed within the housing containing

mounting profiles.



20 dpaonthenet.net



Feature: Cable accessories Cable entry and protection class

Cable glands, modular cable glands or

method is to fix the cables with cable

connector glands are also used for the

clamps. These are available in different

The cable entry into a switch and

AX wall and floor cabinets. The basic re-

designs and sizes, allowing the use of a

control panel is also important. Main-

quirement is the same: maintaining the

universal profile.

taining the IP protection class is par-

protection class.

amount. The IP value says something

Also consider the slide rail for the mount-

about how well a cabinet can keep out

For machines with cable tray systems,

ing plate with the VX25 extension unit.

threats such as dust and water. The lat-

it is advisable to apply additional edge

When the plate is in its final position,

About the author:

est standard does not allow openings

protection over the parts where cables

these rails are, in principle, unnecessary.

in the enclosure (such as those for the

are pulled with a plastic protective edge,

Nevertheless, due to the C-shape of the

passage of cables) to impair the degree

grommet or rounding. Simply deburring

system chassis, they can be used for ca-

of protection.

sheet metal edges is often not sufficient

ble fixation with clamps for C-rails. These

to prevent damage to the sheaths of

cable clamps are, of course, provided

lead-through cables.

with a plastic part to protect the cables

Emma Ryde is Rittal’s Product Manager for Industrial and IT Enclosures. She has a wealth of experience gained over 20 years, developing technical sales in a range of industries, including food and beverage, automotive and transport. Her sales and engineering experience as a key member of the Rittal team resulted in her being appointed as Product Manager for Industrial and IT Enclosures. Her remit extends across support for Rittal’s customers in existing markets, as well as developing new opportunities as they arise. She has an HNC in Mechanical Engineering.

At the same time, openings for on-site cable entry must be easy to open again.

from damage.

The VX25 wall cabinet has sliding metal

The bottom plates of the VX25 are dou-

bottom plates, which create an open-

ble-folded and have a rounded edge,

Cable fixings can also be placed in

ing for cables. Additional provisions are

preventing a cable from being damaged

mounting rails. Cable ties are very use-

therefore required for correct and safe

when being fed in from below. These

ful for quickly securing cables to system

cable entry. An elastic clamping profile

plates are extra sturdy and resistant to

chassis, mounting rails and profiles to

seals the opening. This creates a flexi-

bending, making a substantial contribu-

the cabinet frame of the VX25. These ca-

ble cable entry that guarantees that the

tion to the protection class.

ble ties are easy to press into the round

issued protection class remains intact.

system bore, after which it is a matter

Variants that can be made on this in-

Cable support and rails

of bending and securing the cable. The

clude a profile for cable entry between

Finally, the connections of cables must

cable tie is also suitable for securing ca-

bottom plates (symmetrical) or between

be sufficiently supported to prevent me-

bles in the cable hose holder.

enclosure frame and bottom plates

chanical stress on the connections of


current conductors. A frequently used



EXTREMELY COMPACT DESIGN 50 kHz • Operating -50...180 °C • Linearity 0,1 %FS • IP65 Pressure ranges of 3 bar, 10 bar and 30 bar absolute. Media compatible with oil, fuels, gases and coolants. Test benches • Leakage • Wind tunnels • Aviation • Compressors • Explosion waves


Feature: Machine safety

Enabling safer operator-machine interactions through enhanced control of machine stoppages


s packaging line machinery has become more sophisticated, it’s also become more complex. This increased complexity, coupled with a high number of interactions between operators and machines, increases the potential for safety incidents.

In the packaging world, for example,

talisations and 57 percent of all reported

production lines may stop for manual

amputations – the highest proportions

loading 10-30 times per shift, each time

for all industries.

necessitating some form of interaction that exposes operators to possible risk

Safeguarding people and assets remains

and increases the potential for a safety

a challenge for end users and original


equipment manufacturers (OEMs) that must account for a seemingly infinite

Guarding against these risks isn’t easy;

number of variables, including machine

when changes are made to improve a

complexity, operator interactions, work-

machine’s safety, operations can be-

place culture and individual attitudes.

come even more complex or more restrictive. These safety measures often

However, by implementing the right

incorporate procedures to stop machine

technologies, OEMs and end users can

operation, isolate energy, resolve issues

create safer manufacturing environ-

and restart processes – all of which

ments without compromising productiv-

translate into lost production time. Frus-

ity. Specifically, innovative technologies

trated by these disruptions, operators

such as zoned safety and uninterruptible

may look to bypass safety measures to

control power solutions offer enhanced

keep the line moving and meet through-

control of machines during stoppages

put expectations – exposing themselves

and power disruptions. These help to

to unnecessary risk in the process.

minimise the impact of these events on operations, resulting in more predictable

The consequences can be significant:

machines that improve operator safety.

an operation can experience damage

seriously, injury to its personnel and

Safer operator interactions through selective shutdown of machine zones

even loss of life. A recent study by the

When operators interact with machines,

Occupational Safety and Health Admin-

they can be exposed to increased risk. If

istration reveals manufacturing account-

something goes wrong, they can be hurt

ed for 26 percent of all reported hospi-

or damage can occur, causing produc-

to equipment, unforeseen costs, loss of productivity from shutdowns – and most

22 dpaonthenet.net

Feature: Machine safety tion to come to a grinding halt. This es-

percent, while allowing for multiple and

ment during a disruption. Uninterruptible

pecially holds true for pneumatic control

independent safety functions such as

power supplies offer a means of achiev-

sections of machines in a packaging op-

‘stop motion’, ‘return home’, ‘exhaust

ing this by allowing machines to keep

eration. Traditionally, ensuring operator

air’, ‘unclamp’, ‘remain clamped’, etc.

their field power supplies, programma-

safety of these machines has required

ble logic controllers (PLCs) and communications devices functioning during an

Lock Out Tag Out (LOTO) applications,

Intelligent shutdowns and restarts for improved operator safety

that shut off the air supply, dump air, and

Power disruptions represent another

In the event of a power disturbance, this

disable operation of the entire machine.

critical area of concern. For operators

technology provides immediate back-

employing discrete safety circuits with redundant dump valves, designed for

unexpected outage.

who rely on electronically driven au-

up AC power so that processes can

This approach wastes energy by re-

tomated packaging systems, power

continue or be intelligently shut down

peatedly dumping all the compressed

disruptions can occur with little or no

without causing unsafe conditions.

air in the whole machine and forcing op-

warning, and the sudden machine stops

These units also enable operators to

erators to wait for extended periods as

that result from these disruptions can be

control the restart of power safely, with-

entire systems restart. Furthermore, it

dangerous, time consuming and costly.

out accidental re-energisation of circuits

adds significant complexity and unnec-

As well as potentially exposing opera-

before it is safe to do so. With the ability

essary cost to machine design because

tors on a packaging line to unsafe condi-

to provide status updates of the UPS

it requires complicated control struc-

tions, these stops can lead to damaged

while it’s running, these power supplies

tures to be in place and more expen-

equipment, ruined product, material

help operators to prevent equipment is-

sive components. Without these control

pile-ups, and product backorders.

sues that can lead to potential hazards.

air into a pneumatic system can cause

These disruptions can be caused by a

The right thing to do

unintended motion of components, in-

wide range of power issues, including

Ensuring machine and operator safety

creasing the risk of damage to the ma-

voltage sags and surges, brownouts,

in today’s increasingly complex pack-

chinery itself or causing the machinery

power interruptions, and low- and

aging lines will remain a growing chal-

to drop products – resulting in spills,

high-frequency voltage transients – and

lenge, especially as operations seek

lost product and scrap. In an attempt

no operation is completely immune.

to maintain production standards and

to avoid this damage and maintain their

Compounding the problem are ageing

meet customer expectations. Those

expected output, operators may allow

plant electrical systems that provide

expectations, along with the subse-

some machinery to remain live at times

power to advanced machinery with

quent pressure felt by operators to

when it shouldn’t be active, inadvertent-

electronic control systems, which are

“keep the line moving”, aren’t going

ly exposing themselves and their opera-

highly sophisticated but also highly sus-

anywhere. Still, manufacturing compa-

tions to increased risk.

ceptible to the impacts of a disruption.

nies must ensure the safety and health

Simply put, damaged control systems

of their employees who are engaged in

Zoned safety technology offers a bet-

can plunge a line into a state of chaos,

the installation, operation, adjustment,

ter approach to machine safety during

causing machines to act unpredictably,

and maintenance of production equip-

manual interactions, while meeting the

with components crashing into each

ment. It’s simply the right thing to do –

requirements of the Machinery Directive

other, products breaking, and operators

and technologies that offer enhanced

and ISO 13849-1.

caught in the crossfire.

control of machine interruptions make

Zoned safety technology simplifies the

Preventing this chaos requires maintain-

design of a redundant pneumatic safety

ing critical, electronic-based plant equip-

structures, the sudden reintroduction of

it possible. https://www.emerson.com/en-gb

circuit. A single manifold system can be configured to shut down air and power only to the group of valves that controls the machine’s specific motion in the operator’s vicinity, while the rest of the machine remains in operation. This ensures operator safety and allows the rest of the machine to keep producing, even though these safety circuits are enabled. Multiple independent safety circuits and standard valve functions can easily and cost effectively be designed into a single pneumatic valve manifold. This reduces complexity and the number of safety system components by up to 35

dpaonthenet.net 23

Feature: Standard components

Machinery building: The future’s standard components D

esigning machinery for future performance is always difficult, with many different factors to consider, such as emerging technology, manufacturing and assembly. To reduce the uncertainty, it is always advisable to use standard components, explains Martin Ahner, Product Trainer and Head of norelem ACADEMY.

components if they fail, or if the machine

3D printing has allowed the industry to

will need to be renewed entirely.

leap forward into a new age of technology and efficiency. By being an additive

Given the constant pressure for manu-

process, it reduces material waste, pro-

facturers to innovate and for design en-

cessing time and required equipment.

gineers to create those visions and ma-

Nonetheless, there are some factors

chinery, the use of standard components

which may not suit certain companies,

can help to make those ideas a reality.

such as design inaccuracies, copyright

Furthermore, standard components can

issues, and a reduction in manufacturing

help to extend the lifespan of a machine

jobs, resulting in processes having less of

and increase its return on investment.

a human touch.

Trends in future-proofing machinery

Robotics and automation also have

components is becoming increasingly popular within the manufacturing and

All companies are potentially at risk

they can bring efficiency, reliability and

engineering industry. Ensuring efficient

when it comes to machinery downtime

consistent output and lower production

processes are put in place to minimise

and production standstill, which is why

costs; however, they require hefty invest-

disruption and interruptions is vital, as

future-proofing processes are essential.

ment costs as well as bringing job uncer-

production interruptions mean product

These include additive manufacturing

tainty for employees.

delays. In turn, this leads to frustrated

and 3D printing, robotics and automation,

customers and consumers.

IoT investments, and even wearable tech-

Future-proofing your machinery and

nology. Guaranteeing future performance of your

similar advantages and disadvantages;

Challenges in future-proofing machinery To protect themselves from potentially cat-

most prized assets is especially difficult

In some instances, new technologies

astrophic global disruptions, manufacturers

when using bespoke parts. In five, ten, or

open the door for progressive manufac-

need to take measures to ensure the flexibil-

twenty years, these custom components

turers to release innovative offerings of

ity and resilience of their manufacturing op-

may no longer be available, and it is al-

their own. However, choosing which ones

erations. This means that you need to move

most a complete guessing game as to

are best for you is tricky and clearly needs

your manufacturing supply chain from a glo-

whether you will be able to replace those

reason for such investment.

balised approach to a more localised one.

24 dpaonthenet.net

Feature: Standard components A large investment is also a key challenge for manufacturers who wish to upgrade to the next digital age. Ensuring your data and technology is based on a platform that can accommodate the latest technology is crucial. However, investing in new technology is the way of the future. Anything that’s true of the benefits of intelligent and flexible automation in normal circumstances is doubly true now: it enables more efficiency, lowers cost, increases output and quality – and, importantly, it lowers reliance on manual labour. Mechanical standard components do not require a wealth of expert knowledge from the outset – they can be easily operated with basic knowledge, which can be helpful for companies who want to

must internally train their employees to

configured or tailored to different appli-

future-proof their process.

gain new skills for new technology.

cations are a cost-effective method of

The uses and benefits of standard components in engineering and machinery building

The future of a business is always reflect-

can cater to a wide range of requirements

ed in the innovative strength of its prod-

while reducing the complexity of machin-

ucts. Only by accepting new trends and

ery building and maintenance. norelem

putting them into practice can a company

sees itself as a system supplier and full-

A report published by McKinsey on future-

grow and survive on the market.

range provider with a goal to provide the

future-proofing. Extremely flexible, they

proofing operations states, “New mar-

designer with all the products they need.

ket dynamics and technology trends are

There will always be a place for standard

The focus is not on the individual com-

emerging at an increasing pace. These

components, and by learning how to use

ponent, but on the complete package, so

rapid developments are driving the im-

these efficiently, engineers can increase

that the designer has everything from a

portance and urgency of mastering mat-

their skills and select the right compo-

single source.

ters related to product complexity, de-

nents for the right applications. They can

mand fluctuation, and asset utilisation”.

even go on to transfer this knowledge to

The norelem ACADEMY offers effective

build fully automated machines or pro-

and individual instruction with its own

Although it’s vital for companies to be

duction lines, and eventually begin the

training platform, and is designed to sup-

running efficiently, it’s also crucial that

journey of future-proofing the manufac-

port pupils, students and specialists with

machinery and production lines are reli-

turing process.

free expert lectures on all aspects of me-

able. Standard components, whether for

chanical engineering.

new or old machinery, can reduce retool-

Although machines are getting smart-

ing times, tooling changes or even the

er and are increasingly networked with

For in-depth product knowledge, the

time to swap out workpieces for machin-

each other to pass on certain information

ACADEMY helps engineers to under-

ing or fabrication.

to generate an optimal workflow, it’s im-

stand product innovations more quickly

About the author:

portant to have standard components to

through application examples. In mi-

This then improves productivity, extends

progress with certainty and reassurance

cro-learning units, the user can quickly

machinery lifespans, and reduces down-

into a new phase of technology.

see all information and examples of how

Martin Ahner is a Project Engineer at norelem. With a degree in mechanical engineering, Martin has been with norelem for almost four years and can often be seen at global trade fairs and exhibitions, providing technical support to customers. When not flying around, Martin is in the norelem ACADEMY, collaborating with schools and colleges to deliver technical training and develop engineering exhibits.

time. By using standard components, you

the product is also used in practice.

are future-proofing your operations and



There’s no doubt that manufacturing

For products that require more explana-

companies are now starting to shift to-

tion, norelem ACADEMY offers product

Tools, knowledge and assets that engineers need to future proof machines

wards a more digital way of working. With

training. The integration of the standard

several options to take to future-proof

parts in construction is crucial for a com-

operations and machinery, it’s important

petitive product.

The skills gap within the manufacturing

to ensure that you are investing in reliable

industry is not a new development, espe-

products and systems.

cially in recent years. Due to the existing shortage of skilled workers, companies

To find out more about norelem’s range of standard components, visit:

Standard components which can be


dpaonthenet.net 25

Feature: Functional safety

Digital demands of functional safety I

n the machine industry, the significance of functional safety has grown continuously as a result of advancing digitalisation. The increasing connectivity of systems and plants, plus the growing possibilities of remote control, has seen a paradigm shift away from the prevention of access and reliable shutdown of machines to the reliable identification of people and continued operation. For example, due to the growing trend of people collaboratively working with robots, both possible damage events and the safety-related parts of control systems

of integration of smaller structures.

have become more complex.

ification measures necessary to ensure up-to-date knowledge. Further elements

In addition, adequate verification ap-

that must be defined within the scope of

The main requirement for complex sem-

proaches, which show the effectiveness

the safety life cycle include the type and

iconductors, that are used in functionally

of safety measures, must be developed.

scope of the required documentation

safe embedded systems, is a high degree

Due to massively increasing system com-

and quality assurance. Functional safety

of miniaturisation with the goal of reducing

plexity, a high-quality development and

management should also have numer-

area and cost. Furthermore, modern de-

life cycle process is therefore required to

ous interfaces with the higher-level quality

sign requires compatibility, reusability and

ensure a low level of systematic faults.

management system which is typically in

embedded safety features. The challeng-

place within an organisation. It is also vital

es in this domain are short innovation cy-

The assessment of design and manufac-

to remember that functional safety is not

cles, a high degree of design complexity

turing processes is another key factor in

solely the responsibility of the component

and increasing integration density.

avoiding the consequences of system-

or system supplier alone, but also that of

atic faults. Those using semiconductor

the future owner of these systems.

These aspects have a massive impact on

components, therefore, need informative

the assessment of device functional safe-

and complete documentation in order to

To mitigate against systematic faults, the

ty, especially as new fault models caused

realise a safe and straightforward system

effectiveness of safety measures must

by new technologies must be considered.

design. This means that great care must

also be fully verified. This will confirm the

This is particularly the case for Systems-

be taken when generating the user docu-

robustness of components, as well as the

on-Chip (SoC), where dependent faults

mentation with respect the completeness

complete life cycle, and the development

have to be evaluated, and already known

of system integration. Consequently, the

process must also be considered during

failure modes – such as transient failures –

generic normative requirements should

such an assessment. A holistic approach

take on increased relevance in the context

be interpreted and extended, based on

to functional safety is therefore required,

the current state-of-the-art and specific

which requires expertise in various ap-

technology being considered.

plication fields across all project phases,

About the author: Stewart Robinson MIET MInstMC is a Principal Engineer and Functional Safety Expert at TÜV SÜD. He has been delivering training courses for more than 25 years on various topics, mainly concerned with industrial control systems but also on the general aspects of machinery safety.

26 dpaonthenet.net

from design and development to manuFunctional safety management is a key el-

facturing and installation, testing, certifi-

ement of relevant functional safety stand-

cation, placing into service, and decom-

ards. This includes the definition of the


roles and tasks of the individuals involved, proof of their competence, and the qual-


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Supplement: Water

Pure water – quality monitoring is key to optimising pharmaceutical production The multiCELL Transmitter/Controller conditions the water quality measurements clearly and supports the process of documenting them


hroughout pharmaceutical manufacturing, pure and ultrapure water is required for many processes and end products. Both OEMs of production skids and end users appreciate the importance of maintaining the water quality standards in the production loop. Using a proven and flexible monitoring system to collect sensor data, calculate differentials and communicate with a PLC can reduce the time for the initial build, as well as installation costs, and increase the speed of operation.

osmosis (RO) or electrodeionisation (EDI).

tent, as well as temperature and flow rate.

Water for injection (WFI) is the highest wa-

Any divergence from the pre-set limit val-

ter quality standard, using purified water

ues can require production to be halted

as the starting point. Either a multi-col-

while cleaning and disinfection procedures

umn distillation plant (MCDP) or vapour

are carried out. The resulting downtime

compression (VC) technology is used to

can have a significant impact, especially

create WFI. Highly purified water (HPW) is

on high-value production lines. Further-

unique to European pharmacopoeia and

more, if there is any doubt over the exact

must meet the same standards as those

timing of the drop in water quality, some

established for WFI. In both cases, the wa-

product batches may have to be rejected

ter must be protected against recontami-

to ensure absolute product safety.

nation and microbial growth. Typically, manual processes of monitoring

Increasing speed with automation

are not very efficient. Individual sensors

Process water is held in a storage tank that

various stations in the process. Readings

feeds the ring line where tapping points, ei-

must be taken from each sensor and the

Christof Kundel, Segment Manager Wa-

ther manual or automated, deliver the water

values then entered into the control sys-

ter for Bürkert, looks at the importance

to the production process. Unused water

tem. The additional displays make the

of monitoring water quality in production

goes back to the storage tank. It is essential

sensors more costly, both for the initial

loops and how this can be achieved cost

that all the water quality specifications are

purchase and if any replacements are re-


upheld throughout this process.

quired. In addition, there are no automatic

Various grades of water quality are used in

Careful monitoring of water quality is cru-

sors, whose values could provide early

numerous processes in the pharmaceuti-

cial to ensuring process reliability, allowing

indications of malfunctions.

cal and biotech sectors, each with its own

any variations to be quickly identified and

production methods and specifications. At

resolved. The parameters being monitored

Building for the future

the lower end of the scale, purified water is

can include pH, conductivity, oxidation-re-

Production facilities will often operate

created using processes such as reverse

duction potential (ORP) and chlorine con-

multiple production loops, all of which

with their own displays are installed at

comparison functions between the sen-

28 dpaonthenet.net

Supplement: Water use purified water in one form or another.

reliability is increased through early detec-

local transmitter which, in turn, relays all

Continuous water quality monitoring with

tion and intervention.

the information to the PLC.

nel to take the necessary action before

For example, Burkert’s Type 8619 mul-

Once all the sensors are connected, the

an alarm point is reached. This ensures a

tiCELLl can be programmed to give an

parameters and calibrations need to be

much smoother operation and minimis-

alarm signal in case of a leak in the ring

completed. In the past, this could be a

es the number of alarms, which have the

line. This automated leakage monitoring is

time-consuming process, but now, as-

potential to halt production until the water

made possible by the mathematical and

suming all the skids will operate in the

quality issue is resolved.

Boolean functions that enable compari-

same manner, the settings for the first

sons in parameters. An alarm status can

transmitter can be copied to a memory

OEMs can build single or multiple skids

be quickly viewed by personnel in the field

card and transferred to all the other units.

that can be linked together, enabling com-

via the clear display. To set up leakage de-

munication between them and allowing

tection in a closed water circuit with tap-

Optimising operations

several water loops or production rooms

ping points, flow measurement in the sup-

For the personnel working in the process

to be monitored at the same time. The

ply and return lines is required. With the

rooms, both operational and maintenance,

addition of local visual displays makes

help of mathematical functions, the flow

it is important to have a clear indication of

monitoring easy for the production and

rates are compared and any unexpected

the actual water quality parameters. The

maintenance personnel; there is no need

water loss is calculated.

multiCELL offers intuitive functions and a

local displays enable production person-

to interrogate the PLC for the information on water quality.

About the author: Christof Kundel, Segment Manager Water at Bürkert Fluid Control Systems has worked with the company for more than 25 years.

clear visual display that can be customTo identify correctly a leak, and not a reg-

ised for each station, so that the most per-

ular withdrawal from the water circuit, the

tinent information is always available.

To deliver a comprehensive solution that

open status of the valves at the tapping

can improve manufacturing reliability and

points must also be considered.

meet the future needs of the facility, OEMs

To help both the OEM and the end users, any industry-standard sensor can be used

are able to use a multi-function transmit-

Using a combination of the mathematical

with the transmitter, enabling OEMs to re-

ter that can monitor several parameters

functions and the status of the valves, it is

tain any preferences for particular brands,

at once, calculate any differentials and

possible to achieve reliable and error-free

and customers to maintain brand loyalty or

communicate with the process PLC. In

leakage detection. For the end user, false

simplify parts inventories.

addition, as more industries are embracing

alarms are eliminated, reducing downtime

Industry 4.0, the transmitter also supports

from plant stoppages to investigate alarm

Offering a range of parameter values at a

PROFINET, EtherNet/IP and Modbus TCP

conditions. Additionally, verified leaks are

glance and automated calculations, the


quickly detected, minimising any contami-

multiCELL helps to reduce installation

nation and water damage.

and operating costs, as well as optimising

Reducing downtime

maintenance interventions and expense.

The method of actually building the pro-

Simplifying installation

Together with industry expertise and ad-

cess skids and incorporating the water

When the time comes for installation and

vice on sensor selection and positioning,

quality monitoring system can also be

commissioning, the multiCELL delivers a

Bürkert offers a service that reduces costs

simplified. Bürkert’s Type 8619 multiCELL

number of savings. From the outset, the

and optimises production reliability.

is a multi-channel transmitter that can be

communications abilities significantly re-

pre-configured to individual specifica-

duce the amount of wiring that is required.

tions. Furthermore, its ability to handle six

Sensors only need to be connected to the


(or even more) sensor inputs such as pH, ORP, conductivity, flow, temperature, as well as level, pressure, turbidity, TOC and many more, means that one transmitter can handle the sensors from at least one process loop. The on-board mathematical functions (addition, subtraction, division, multiplication) are also giving additional value to many users, where today’s solutions can be very limited. These versatile functions help to define process sequences, detect sources of error at an early stage and make important comparisons in order to optimise processes. Also, system issues, such as leakages, are quickly detected, so process

A typical pure water loop monitored by MultiCELL

dpaonthenet.net 29

Supplement: Water

Dealing with changing

water demands I

n July 2020, the Met Office reported that most UK water companies have seen an increase in average water consumption during lockdown, especially those operating in suburban areas. It’s clear that COVID-19 measures around the world have resulted in societal changes that are directly impacting when and how much water people are consuming.

The totex-based approach for the water industry Firstly, it’s important to build an effective strategy. The totex (total expenditure) approach continues to reshape the water industry. This framework considers total cost throughout the life cycle of a project, allowing water com-

So, how do water companies prepare

The United Nations World Water Devel-

panies to be assessed against long-

for an unexpected surge or drop in de-

opment Report 2020 states that global

term outcome measures. In addition

mand? Here, Marek Lukaszczyk, Euro-

water usage has increased by a factor

to cutting costs, the framework looks

pean and Middle East Marketing Man-

of six over the past 100 years. Climate

to provide better value for consumers,

ager at WEG, explores three equipment

change is undoubtedly a longstanding

achieve better efficiency management

upgrades that water companies can

consideration for water management,

and operational efficiency. Predictabil-

make, which will increase their agility

but low rainfall, high population density

ity is therefore high on the optimisation

and efficiency.

and intensive agricultural or industrial

agenda, through close integration and

activity may also result in sustainability

collaboration with manufacturers at

issues – without throwing a global pan-

the design stage.

demic into the mix.

Cutting down wastage

30 dpaonthenet.net

Faced with these challenges and age-

Waste, in the form of unnecessary en-

ing infrastructure, the European water

ergy usage or pesky pipe leaks, can

industry is focusing on rejuvenating its

be a real problem, affecting a water

existing assets, building resilient sys-

company’s maximum output. Accord-

tems, and improving operational and en-

ing to the International Energy Agency,

ergy efficiency. So where should a water

a quarter of the electricity consumed

company start in implementing system

by the water sector is for wastewater


collection and treatment. For this rea-

Supplement: Water son, it is especially important that companies operating in this space consider investing in energy-efficient technologies. Reducing energy wastage not only offers environmental and cost-saving benefits, but also allows businesses to commit more resources to meet changing demands. Opting for an energy-efficient motor that conforms to IE4 and IE5 standards is a good place to start, but it’s also important to ensure that the motor is matched to the load. For example, at a water pump station in Surrey, UK, WEG supplied three 900kW W50 IE4 super premium efficiency motors with IP55 protection, operating at 96.9 percent efficiency. With new pump impellers, gearboxes, drives and the WEG motors, the facility was upgraded from its existing 400 megalitres per day capacity to 750 megalitres per day, with an efficiency increase from 80 to 86 percent.

Condition monitoring To ensure that motors are running optimally, water plant managers can retrofit sensors. By using smart technology such as Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) data, water companies can monitor their assets

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and processes in real time, allowing them to ensure that their systems are performing optimally and respond quickly to unexpected events. A different kind of Interconnect Solutions Provider

Key metrics such as vibration and temperature changes can be early indicators of more serious system faults. This predictive maintenance approach reduces the risk of downtime and consumer disruption.

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Using a variable speed drive (VSD) Pumps consume a large proportion of the energy usage of electric motors. Upgrading to a VSD instead of a fixed speed motor allows

IntConn_CustomRF_Electronics.indd 1

19/05/2020 15

companies to account for varying process loads. A VSD can automatically control the speed of the motor and rapidly respond to the required demand. This also allows for a more efficient operation, instead of continually operating at a water flow designed for maximum demand of the system. Going one step further, companies can invest in sophisticated process control software, such as WEG’s Pump Genius. This built-in VSD software enables engineers to increase their process accuracy and protection, while offering system monitoring. The software allows one VSD to control up to five pumps, monitoring the operating hours and adding and subtracting pumps as demand changes. Automatic broken tify fluid leakage and adjust motor performance accordingly. To facilitate the successful implementation of equipment upgrades in the water industry, it’s important to have strong partner-

About the author:

ships with reliable equipment manufactur-

Marek Lukaszczyk is the European Marketing Manager at WEG. With over 20 years’ experience at the company, he leads the marketing campaign across Europe and the Middle East region.

intelligent design decision making can be achieved, which will give water companies of all types, added flexibility, better performance and superior cost savings. www.weg.net

To celebrate its anniversary, Connectivity brings you a special print version. It contains some of the best content published over the last two years, ranging from tutorials, case studies, technical articles, opinion pieces and industry focuses.

pipe detection in the VSD can also iden-

ers. By implementing the totex framework,


dpaonthenet.net 31

Covering topics on Cybersecurity, Big Data, Predictive Maintenance, Robotics and much more, it gives readers a real insight into the Industry 4.0 and IIoT space and acts as an ideal guide to those starting on their Industry 4.0 journey.

To request your personal print copy please email paige.west@imlgroup.co.uk Or you can view the digital issue here: https://bit.ly/37uU8qB

Supplement: Water

Westermo helps Anglian Water upgrade its data network infrastructure M

ission-critical systems, such as water purification systems, require secure and reliable data networks to ensure that they perform efficiently, effectively and without interruption. At some of Anglian Water’s sites, there was automation equipment that was installed over 30 years ago. This was problematic, as it did not provide suitable infrastructure for the transition to modern IP-based communication networks.

Westermo helped to design the new data communications network

In the autumn of 2019, Anglian Water

network could continue to function using

select different paths for network traffic

wanted to upgrade the data networks

the 4G communications and a primary

and the VPN provides an added layer of

for one of its sites and enlisted the help

link could be added as they went, allow-

security for the network. This complex

of Westermo. The network connected

ing commissioning, testing and firewalls

setup required a clear understanding of

ten remote pumps back to a main wa-

to be implemented on a ‘per site’ basis.

the network structure to determine how

ter plant near King’s Lynn using a series

Once the single-pair high-speed digital

the data will be routed should there be a

of RS485 cables. One option was sim-

subscriber line (SHDSL) was operating,

failure at any point on the SHDSL.

ply to replace the existing ageing data

the Westermo Wolverine line extenders

communications equipment with similar

would automatically reconfigure the net-

To help the customer to commission the

devices, but that would not satisfy the

work to operate via the SHDSL.

network, Westermo provided supporting

requirement for network redundancy

documentation, which was produced

and modernisation. In addition, Anglian

The solution needed to be implemented

using Westermo’s WeConfig software

Water wanted to use the existing cables

within a tight schedule and start imme-

configuration tool. The report function of

to minimise the cost of the project and

diately without any issues. Collaboration

the software pulled together the whole

to implement a 4G network to provide

was key to understand properly the net-

network to present a clear overview,

communication redundancy.

work requirements. Most importantly,

providing confidence during testing and

the remote pumping stations needed to

commissioning stages. WeConfig also

remain fully operational during commis-

allowed a full backup of the whole site in


one sweep, and a detailed overview of

Network design and installation phases Working with Anglian Water engineers,

physical connections.

Westermo designed a data network that

The network is predominantly construct-

utilised the existing multiplexer network

ed of Westermo WeOS devices, which

Each site required Anglian Water to in-

and RS-485 cables to provide a back-

are using the non-propriety Open Short-

stall new external antennas to provide

bone for Ethernet communication, and

est Path First (OSPF) routing protocol

it with suitable 4G coverage. Once the

added a new 4G cellular network to pro-

and support virtual private networks

4G network was available and operat-

vide redundancy. With this design, the

(VPN). OSPF provides a mechanism to

ing, this allowed the twisted pair cables

32 dpaonthenet.net

Supplement: Water to be updated one at a time. Once the

reuse many types of pre-existing copper

SHDSL links were commissioned, the

cables which can lead to considerable

network could reroute traffic via the

financial savings. All Wolverine devices

SHDSL backbone to Anglian Water’s

are powered by Westermo’s WeOS op-

central site.

erating system, which enables complex networking functions to be configured

Unexpected circumstances during commissioning


The 4G network was included in the

10 of Westermo’s MRD-455 routers

plan simply to provide redundancy, but

were installed, one at each site, to cre-

it offered an unexpected benefit. Dur-

ate the 4G network. As well as forming

ing commissioning of the network, the

the 4G network, the cellular routers pro-

COVID-19 pandemic hit the world. This

vide a gateway to the IP network, and

made it very difficult for support person-

a unique method for port forwarding to

nel to go on site safely and accelerated

allow remote support and monitoring.

the need for remote management to

Westermo’s MRD-455 4G router

monitor the sites.

A Westermo RedFox RFI-211-T3G industrial routing switch was installed at

of the firewalls was performed using

the central site, providing the necessary

Fortunately, the new network was de-

commands via the 4G communications

layer 3 functionality required for this type

signed and configured to enable remote

and was completed at the central site

of application. All the Westermo devices

access, using the 4G communications.

first to ensure that communication to

were delivered pre-configured to save

Originally this was to support network

all of the remote sites was working cor-

time and reduce project risk.

management tasks, but this also pro-

rectly, before rolling out a full secure net-

vided a method for engineers to con-

work. The remote sites were then added


nect remotely to the network from within

one at a time to reduce risk. Implement-

Despite the challenges caused by the

the Anglian Water system to assist with

ing the firewalls was challenging for both

COVID-19 pandemic, Westermo was

any technical issues during and after

Anglian Water and Westermo, with every

able to develop a stable, secure and ul-

the network was configured. Westermo

command needing to be accurate.

tra-robust network with remote access

technical engineers were able to provide

support as an alternative to on-site sup-

support to the customer via this method,

Products used in application

port. This has ensured the network has

ensuring the network was up and run-

In total, 12 Wolverine DDW-142 and

operated smoothly without any interrup-

ning and all members of staff involved

DDW-225 line extenders were installed

tions. As a result of this successful net-

were safe.

to enable the existing cables to be re-

work upgrade, the local area can con-

used to create effective Ethernet net-

tinue to enjoy clean and uninterrupted

Monitoring the system

works over long distances to the re-

water supply every day.

In addition to designing the network and

mote sites. The Wolverines use SHDSL

configuring the network devices, West-

technology, which makes it possible to


ermo also configured the ability to monitor the 4G communications and SHDSL port status using Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). By monitoring the network, Anglian Water could determine if the connection was using the primary Ethernet backbone or 4G cellular network. This helps the company to understand if a fault has occurred on one of the SHDSL lines.

Additional support Once the network was in place and operating, firewalls were added. Due to the pandemic, it was not possible to have support on site when adding the firewalls, which meant remote support was the only option. Every firewall modification had to be carefully planned to ensure that support engineers were not locked out during testing. Configuration

Example of the redundant topology

dpaonthenet.net 33

Supplement: Water

Two pumps prove better than four in Anglian Water upgrade project R

eplacing four fixed-speed pumps with two variable speedcontrolled pumps has increased pumping capacity, improved reliability and significantly reduced noise for Anglian Water’s Kentford Moulton site, near Newmarket.

The four old pumps ran simultaneously, generating high noise levels and disturbing local residents. The two replacement pumps are run in a duty-standby configuration, meaning only one pump is typically running at a given time, significantly

Four 11kW line shaft-driven pumps, first

savings, as the ABB drives ensure that

reducing noise levels. The load is shared

installed in 1992, were running without

the pumps only operate at the speed re-

between the two pumps via switching,

any form of variable speed control. They

quired. Prior to the upgrade, the average

spreading wear between the pumps

have been replaced with two 45kW sub-

pump running time was 14 hours per

more equally.

mersible sewage pumps, the flow rate

day. Following the upgrade, the average

of which is controlled by two ABB water

run time was reduced to three hours per

The project was part of a large pump


day. This reduction in energy led to an

upgrade at the Kentford Moulton site

estimated £4,000 annual saving for An-

and carried out by ABB Value Provider,

glian Water.

Gibbons Engineering Group. The site

The upgrade increases pumping capacity and delivers substantial energy

needed to remain fully operational while the upgrade took place, so Gibbons connected the new VSDs to temporary pumps while the old pumps were replaced. This ensured that customers received no interruption in service. According to Mark Dorrell, Project Engineer at Anglian Water, maintenance requirements are substantially reduced. “In the previous configuration where we had four inefficient pumps running all the time, we were typically calling out the operations team four or five times a month for maintenance. Since the installation was completed, this has now dropped to zero.” “This project is a great example of how variable speed drives can help water companies achieve their AMP7 objectives,” says Matthew Gibbons for Gibbons Engineering Group. “Using a drive to control pump motor speeds is one of the best ways to improve energy efficiency, whilst reducing strain on pump components lowers the need for maintenance, building better resilience for the pumping station as a whole.” https://new.abb.com/uk https://gibbonsgroup.co.uk/

34 dpaonthenet.net

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