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January 2018

the journal for hazardous area environments

Oil & Gas Safety in the oilfield Decommissioning Lessons learned from UK projects

18 20

Fire detection



Explaining NFPA standards

Considerations for hazardous locations

The costs of a ‘hard’ Brexit



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contents january 2018 The 12th annual Global Carbon Budget report, produced by 76 of the world’s leading emissions experts from 57 research institutions, estimated that global carbon emissions from fossil fuels rose by 2% in 2017. The new analysis estimated that 41bn tonnes of CO2 were from burning fossil fuels, the highest total ever (See page 8). China’s emissions account for 28% of global emissions. The return to growth in global emissions in 2017 is largely due to a return to growth in Chinese emissions, projected to grow by 3.5% in 2017 after two years with declining emissions. The use of coal, the main fuel source in China, may rise by 3% due to stronger growth in industrial production and lower hydro-power generation due to lower rainfall.

14 15

electricity generation by 2030 (See page 10). Both countries have achieved some success in replacing their own coal power stations with less carbon-intensive alternatives, but the initiative will face opposition from the US administration, which has vowed to support the coal industry not just in the USA, but also around the globe.

A fresh look at identifying and managing hazards is required during decommissioning of key oil and gas assets

And within Europe, the decision by Germany to phase out its nuclear plants and increase reliance on burning particularly dirty brown coal poses another challenge.


On February 28 the latest Hazardex Conference & Exhibition will open in Runcorn and this edition contains the event programme and guide. We would like to give a warm welcome to all delegates and hope you have a useful and productive time at the event.

It is against this backdrop that the UK and Canadian governments have initiated a campaign to phase out coal-fired

…Alan Franck, Editor, Hazardex Safety systems thrive when they are part of the larger organisational system: when they are part of how we work

in this issue


News Extra


• UK and EU chemical associations spell out ‘hard’ Brexit costs for chemical industry • HSE releases latest annual injury and ill health statistics for Britain • Bahrain blames Iran for oil pipeline blast • Burning of fossil fuels hits record high in 2017 - report • Shell Canada says Quest carbon capture and storage project exceeds expectations • Canada and UK push for coal phase-out against opposition from USA and Germany • CSB says US chemical plants must be better prepared for natural disasters


Standards: IECEx


Observations and lessons learned from UK oil & gas decommissioning projects


Safety in the oilfield: Elements of a comprehensive approach


Meeting NFPA standards for flame, smoke and gas detection


Do hazardous locations require unique cybersecurity considerations?


Centre spread – Hazardex 2018 Conference & Exhibition Programme & Guide

High-risk locations such as oil and gas rigs, LNG terminals, turbine enclosures and even paint lines call for process-specific fire protection


• S4 - Conference timetable • S6 - Conference presentations • S11 - Exhibition floorplan • S13 - Exhibitor profiles

Hazardex is a controlled circulation journal published monthly. Completed print or online registration forms will be considered for free supply of printed issues, web site access and online services. Annual subscription for non-qualifying readers is UK £84.00, EU €113.00, Airmail £178.00 and single copy price is £17.00 plus P&P.

January 2018

the journal for hazardous area environments


Oil & Gas Safety in the oilfield Decommissioning Lessons learned from UK projects

18 20

Fire detection



Explaining NFPA standards

Considerations for hazardous locations

The costs of a ‘hard’ Brexit









e m m ra de og si Pr in




Cybersecurity is of critical importance for any facility that contains, or is considered, a hazardous location


Hazardex content is the property of the publishers or relevant content providers. The publishers and sponsors of this magazine are not responsible for the results of any actions or omissions taken on the basis of information in this publication. In particular, no liability can be accepted in respect of any claim based on or in relation to material provided for inclusion.

Editor Alan Franck alan.franck@imlgroup.co.uk

Group Publisher Russell Goater russell.goater@imlgroup.co.uk

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News Extra


could be best achieved by the development of an industrial policy that ensures Europe is an attractive place to invest. Both bodies have also repeated calls to ensure duplication of regulation and its associated cost are avoided, by securing regulatory consistency and continued collaboration with the relevant EU agencies, such as Echa. Social, safety, health, environment standards should remain at equally high levels, they say.

UK and EU chemical associations spell out ‘hard’ Brexit costs for chemical industry


ailure to secure a transition period and a new UK/EU trade agreement

CEFIC and CIA also support the grandfathering of substances that have already obtained a registration or authorisation under EU legislations. The free trade of these products should be guaranteed under the same conditions as is the case now, they say, and this should

of trade between the country and the rest of the world being “no worse” than those

apply after March 2019 until the REACH authorisation has to be renewed or the

after Britain leaves the European Union could cost the chemicals industry an extra €1.5bn a year, according to the

for the EU27. “Placing additional burden on supply chains will increase production costs, impact negatively on consumers and cause

registration updated.

Chemical Industries Association (CIA) and CEFIC, respectively the UK and EU chemical industry bodies. This comes as senior political figures both in the UK and

disruption that will put jobs of industrial workers at risk,” the statement says.

Another high priority, they add, is the continued free movement of skilled labour between the EU27.

In addition, new and divergent customs

The UK chemicals industry is heavily

EU talk up the possibility of a failure in Brexit trade talks.

procedures and requirements – such as documentation obligations, customs clearance procedures, or REACH-

dependent upon trade with the European Union, which itself benefits substantially.

A ‘hard’ Brexit scenario would see the UK assume WTO ‘most-favoured-nation’ status and face the reintroduction of import duties

related verification standards – will add administrative “burden and costs” on companies.

Last year the UK imported €22.6 billion from the other 27 EU states – equal to some 4.5% of all EU chemicals sales. An estimated

on chemicals traded between the EU27 and the UK, according to a statement issued by the CIA and CEFIC on November 14.

“Considering that cross-channel chemical trade amounts to over €40bn and given the

€19.3 billion worth of chemicals are exported from the UK to the EU27. Overall the UK chemicals industry accounts for 7% of total

Assuming the UK would take over the same WTO commitments as the EU, this would mean a maximum tariff level of 5.5% or 6.5% on chemicals trade – amounting to roughly €40bn a year. “An average import duty of 3-4% results in about €1.5bn additional input costs for the chemical industry per year,” the statement says. “In a globally competitive industry, it will be difficult to pass on these costs to customers and most of the burden will fall on industry.”

close interconnection of supply chains, we are very concerned about Brexit causing disruption of chemical markets,” Marco Mensink, CEFIC’s director general said. Any agreement on the future EU-UK relationship “must be the least disruptive possible”, the chemical bodies said. They also emphasised the need for an “appropriate” and “well-managed” transition that addresses the necessity of commercial reassurance and legal certainty over market access, jurisdiction and dispute resolution.

Another important concern is retaining dutyfree access for chemicals across the future

CIA head Steve Elliott said negotiators on both sides need to make rapid progress so discussions can move to a future relationship

UK border with the EU27, along with terms

that delivers growth for all of Europe. This

EU sales from all 28 member states. “The chemical industry and its suppliers and customers are part of highly integrated European and global industry value chains, with complex supply chains often crossing borders on many occasions both inside the EU and across the external EU border,” the statement says. “Chemicals may cross the EU27 and UK borders several times, either in the form of final chemical products or integrated in (intermediate) products made with chemicals (e.g. car parts). Even in the case of the most advanced trade agreement, customs procedures will be much more complex and costly than in the single market of today.”


News Extra


HSE releases latest annual injury and ill health statistics for Britain


he latest annual injury and ill health statistics for Great Britain

Fatality figures were published earlier in the year and in 2016/17 came to 137, the second lowest on record (after 2013/14 – 136 fatalities) and represents a reduction of 10 fatalities from 2015/16.

• 609,000 injuries at work according to the Labour Force Survey

In statistical terms the number of fatalities has remained broadly level

from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) show 1.3 million workers were suffering from work related ill-health and there were 609,000 workplace injuries in 2016/17. Workplace injury and new cases of ill health cost Britain

• 1.3 million working people suffering from a work-related illness • 2,542 mesothelioma deaths due to past asbestos exposures (2015) • 12,000 lung disease deaths estimated to be linked to past work exposures

in recent years – the average annual number of workers killed at work over the five years 2012/13-2016/17 is 142. The UK consistently has one of the lowest rates of fatal injury across the EU.

£14.9bn a year, with 31.2 million working days lost.

workplace injuries, working days lost, costs to Britain and enforcement action taken.

• 554 cases prosecuted with fines from convictions totalling £69.9 million • 31.2 million working days lost due to work-related illness and workplace injury • £14.9 billion estimated cost of injuries and ill health from current working conditions (2015/16)

Though there were fewer prosecutions taken in 2016/17, the statistics show an increase in fines to £69.9 million from the 2015/16 total of £38.8 million. New sentencing guidelines in England and Wales were introduced in 2016. Twenty large fines accounted for £30.7 million of the new figure.

Top line statistics show that in 2016/17 there were:

Most workplace injury and ill-health indicators have declined steadily since

The full annual injury and ill-health statistics report can be found at:

• 70,116 injuries to employees reported under RIDDOR

2001/2, although in recent years that decline has levelled off.


The annual statistics, compiled by HSE from the Labour Force Survey (LFS) and other sources, cover work-related ill health,

News Extra


Residents close to the incident near Buri village, some 15 kilometres (10 miles) from the capital Manama, were evacuated to a safe shelter, the statement added. After authorities quashed Shi‘ite-led “Arab Spring” protests in 2011, militants have launched deadly bombing and shooting attacks against security forces that Manama blames on Tehran.

Bahrain blames Iran for oil pipeline blast


Sunni Muslim-ruled Bahrain has for years grappled with protests and sporadic violence

Bahrain relies on the Abu Safa oilfield for the majority of its oil. It shares the

from its Shi‘ite majority, which it claims is supported by Shi‘ite Iran.

ministry said on its website.

In Tehran, Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Qassemi rejected the allegations as “false talk and childish accusations”, the ministry said on its website.

field with Saudi Arabia. Oil to Bahrain is transported via the affected pipeline, the 55 km AB pipeline, which has a capacity of 230,000 barrels per day (bpd).

“Terrorist acts witnessed by the country in the recent period are carried out through direct contacts and instructions from Iran,”

State-run Bahrain Petroleum Company (Bapco) closed the flow of oil to the stricken pipeline, the civil defence said in a statement

the statement quoted Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid bin Abdullah al-Khalifa as saying.

earlier on November 11 and the pipeline fire was extinguished soon after.

ahrain said an explosion which caused a large fire on one of its main oil

pipelines on November 10 was caused by terrorist sabotage, which it linked to Iran. “The incident was an act of sabotage and a dangerous act of terrorism aimed at harming the higher interests of the nation and the safety of the people,” the interior

A new 350,000-bpd oil pipeline between the two countries will be completed next year and will serve the planned expansion of Bahrain’s refinery capacity. Arabian Light crude oil will flow from Saudi Aramco’s Abqaiq plant via the 115km new pipeline, 73 km of which will run overland and the rest under the Gulf.

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News Extra


Burning of fossil fuels hits record high in 2017 - report


he 12th annual Global Carbon Budget

2017 is likely to be the hottest year ever

nearly no growth (2014-2016). (GDP to rise

report published on November 13, produced by 76 of the world’s leading emissions experts from 57 research institutions, estimates that global carbon

recorded in which there was no El Niño event, a natural global cycle that temporarily nudges up global temperature. The concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere also saw a record

3.6% according to IMF figures). • Global CO2 emissions from all human activities are set to reach 41 billion tonnes (41 Gt CO2) by the end of 2017.

emissions from fossil fuels will have risen by 2% by the end of 2017. The new analysis estimates that 41bn tonnes of

jump in 2016, and other greenhouse gases such as methane and nitrous oxide from agriculture and industry are also rising.

Meanwhile emissions from fossil fuels are set to reach 37 Gt CO2 – a record high. • China’s emissions are projected to grow

China’s emissions account for 28% of global emissions. Budget co-author Glen

by 3.5% (0.7% to 5.4%), driven by a rise in coal consumption (GDP up 6.8%). • India’s emissions are projected to grow by

CO2 will be emitted from burning fossil fuels, the highest total ever. “Global CO2 emissions appear to be going up strongly once again after a three-year stable period. This is very disappointing,”

Peters, research director at CICERO in Oslo, who led one of the studies, said: “The return to growth in global emissions

said Prof Corinne Le Quéré, director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research at the UK’s University of East Anglia, who led the new research. “The urgency for reducing

in 2017 is largely due to a return to growth in Chinese emissions, projected to grow by 3.5% in 2017 after two years with declining emissions. The use of coal, the main fuel

• US emissions are projected to decline by -0.4%(-2.7% to +1.9%), with coal consumption projected to rise slightly (GDP up 2.2%).

emissions means they should really be already decreasing now.”

source in China, may rise by 3% due to stronger growth in industrial production and lower hydro-power generation due to less rainfall.”

• EU emissions are tentatively projected to decline -0.2% (-2% to +1.6%), a smaller decline than the previous decade (GDP up 2.3%). • CO2 emissions decreased in the presence of growing economic activity in 22 countries representing 20 per cent of global emissions.

“There was a big push to sign the Paris agreement on climate change but there is a feeling that not very much has happened since, a bit of slackening,” she said. “What happens after 2017 is very open and depends on how much effort countries are going to make. It is time to take really seriously the implementation of the Paris agreement.” She said the hurricanes and floods seen in 2017 were “a window into the future”.


India’s rise in emissions was modest compared to previous years at 2%, while the US and EU are both on track for falls of 0.4% and 0.2% respectively.

Key findings: • In 2017, CO2 emissions from fossil fuels and industry are projected to grow by 2% (0.8% to 3%). This follows three years of

just 2 % (0.2% to 3.8%) – down from over 6% per year during the last decade (GDP up 6.7%).

• Renewable energy has increased rapidly at 14% per year over the last five years – albeit from a very low base. • Atmospheric CO2 concentration reached 403 parts per million in 2016, and is expected to increase by 2.5 ppm in 2017.

News Extra The Quest project in Alberta – Image: Shell Canada


awarded the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists (APEGA) Summit Award for environment and sustainability for the Quest project. “There isn’t a metric that hasn’t finished very strongly in green,” said Zoe Yujnovich, executive vice-president for heavy oil at Shell. “I don’t think we can say that about many projects.” The province’s other major CCS project, the much-delayed Alberta Carbon Trunk Line (ACTL), is now expected to start operations

Shell Canada says Quest carbon capture and storage project exceeds expectations


in early 2018. ACTL is the world’s largest carbon capture and storage project and is the first large-scale Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) and storage project. The $1.2 billion ACTL consists of a 240 kilometre pipeline to gather, compress and store up to 14.6 million tonnes of CO2

hell Canada’s Quest Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) project in the Alberta oil sands has

The recovered CO2 is then compressed into a liquid form. A specially constructed pipeline moves it 65 kilometres north into

per year at full capacity from a fertiliser manufacturing plant and a bitumen upgrading facility. The stored CO2 will be

sequestered over two million tonnes of carbon dioxide underground. Quest, situated at Shell’s Scotford facility, hit this target in July 2017, some 21

Thorhild County, where it is injected into three storage wells more than two kilometres underground. The liquid gets stored in porous sandstone under layers of shale

injected into depleted oil reservoirs and result in the recovery of over 1 billion barrels of oil, which should translate into more than $15 billion in royalties for Alberta.

months after becoming operational. The company said the target was originally expected to be reached

and salt formations that minimise the risk of the CO2 escaping.

after two years, and the project was exceeding expectations.

The project’s capacity of one-million tonnes per year is equivalent to the annual emissions of around 250,000 cars. Shell is

as high-cost, stop-gap measures that rely heavily on government and provincial funding. Given the expense, Alberta’s

“This project has just been incredibly exciting because not only are we proving that this technology works, but we are

also working to improve the environmental process of the sequestration itself, which emits somewhere between 120,000 and

provincial government says it will honour funding commitments on Quest and ACTL, but has no plans to fund any future ones.

demonstrating that Canadians are at the forefront of carbon capture and technology,” said Shell Canada external relations advisor Conal MacMillan.

150,000 tonnes of CO2 per million tonnes captured.

The CCS project, which is among just a handful throughout the world, captures CO2 emissions from the Shell upgrader in Scotford, a facility which processes crude bitumen from oil sands into a wide range of synthetic crude oils.

“Being the first-ever CCS project associated with oil sands, the intent was to demonstrate this technology to reduce carbon emissions does exist and can be an effective way to reduce emissions,” MacMillan said. The project is estimated to cost $1.35 billion over a 10-year period, with $120 million from the federal government, $745 million from

These developments, and carbon capture operations in general, have been criticised

Saskatchewan’s government has also faced criticism for the provincial utility SaskPower’s $1.5 billion Boundary Dam carbon capture project at a coal-fired power plant. Elsewhere, the UK has cut funding to a billion pound carbon capture bidding process last year, though a governmentappointed advisory group recently recommended that the government revisit carbon capture to save consumers billions

The carbon-capture process starts with an absorber vessel which uses an amine solvent to recover CO2 from flue gases emitted by three hydrogen manufacturing units. Heat is used to strip the CO2 from

Alberta and the remainder from Shell (60%) and its Athabasca Oil Sands Project partners Chevron Canada (20%) and Marathon Oil Canada (20%).

in future costs associated with meeting climate change targets.

the amine, which gets reused.

In the spring of this year, Shell Canada was

transition towards renewable energy.

But Yujnovich said the technology provides an important bridge as part of a long-term


10 News Extra Claire Perry, UK Minister of State for Climate Change & Industry, and Catherine McKenna, Canadian Environment Minister

fossil fuels, driving down its overall climate performance,” the report said. “Countries that have pragmatic yet ambitious climate and energy policies, such as the UK, are driving down their emissions. The UK has achieved the largest absolute reduction in GHG emissions in Europe from 2010-2015. Some Eastern Europe countries like Poland, Slovakia and Czech Republic, have also decreased their high emissions levels significantly in the recent years while growing their economies,” it added.

Canada and UK push for coal phase-out against opposition from USA and Germany


For the first time, the data accounts for cross-border flows of carbon emissions. Importing dirty electricity impacts the carbon intensity of electricity consumption in some countries. The report strongly recommends that policy makers take imports and exports into account, it says. And a high percentage of installed new

anadian Environment Minister Catherine McKenna and her UK counterpart Claire Perry launched an

Meanwhile, a report by the NGO Energy for Humanity published at the Bonn summit, European Climate Leadership Report 2017,

renewable capacity “does not guarantee” low CO2 emissions, it adds.

international alliance to phase out coalfired electricity at the Bonn UN climate summit in mid-November, signalling a sharp contrast to US President Donald

Measuring the Metrics that Matter, claimed Germany’s Energiewende policy had significantly worsened climate change by shutting down carbon-free nuclear capacity

“The decision to shut down its nuclear

Trump’s promotion of coal as an important global energy source.

and locking in a dependency on coal burning for decades, despite hundreds of billions in green investments and subsidy-

into the future. Germany is already failing its 2020 emission reduction targets, and there is currently no indication that it will

Canada’s efforts to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions include a national carbon pricing plan and federal-provincial moves


do much better in the future. Far from advancing decarbonisation, the anti-nuclear Energiewende has locked Germany into

to shut down traditional coal-fired power by 2030.

gas emissions of the European Union, the European Free Trade Association and Turkey, which is why their strategy matters

long-term carbon dependency,” the report says.

The United States used its platform at Bonn to highlight the Trump administration’s support for coal and other fossil fuels. US Energy Secretary Rick Perry is proposing an

so much for net greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions, according to the report.

“On the other hand, the UK serves as a strong example where carbon reduction is mandated by law. Recent climate policy

Germany is not decarbonising as fast as

American-led alliance that would encourage developing countries to invest in more efficient coal plants. In contrast, McKenna and Perry highlighted their countries’ plans to phase out coal-fired power as a model for the world and will aim to rally international investors to finance lower-carbon options rather than coal.

other large emitters - it is the 14th of 23 countries analysed - and, by exporting electricity generated by fossil fuels, Germany is significantly increasing the CO2-intensity of neighbouring countries’ electricity consumption, the report said.

actions have started to work, and most recently the country has pledged to shut down its coal burning fleet by 2025; new coal plants can only be built if they are equipped with carbon capture and storage

McKenna said the Canadian government is not only committed to meeting its Paris target of cutting GHG emissions by 30% below 2005 levels by 2030. It will go further and adopt a more ambitious target in the coming years.


Germany emits 18.3% of total greenhouse

“Climate leaders are countries with hydropower resources and strong policies to support nuclear energy, alongside renewables. These countries include Switzerland (hydro and nuclear), Norway (hydro) and Sweden (hydro and nuclear). In contrast, anti-nuclear Austria backs up its hydro capacity with

plants prematurely means Germany has to keep its massive fleet of lignite and hard coal power plants on the grid far

technology,” it adds. Energy for Humanity Executive Director Kirsty Gogan added: “France, with [the] decision to not force accelerated shut-downs on its nuclear fleet, is bound to stay on top as one of the most decarbonised nations, while Germany falls further behind.

News Extra 11 rethink its emergency plans in light of the Arkema fires in Crosby, Texas, that followed Hurricane Harvey in late August.

CSB says US chemical plants must be better prepared for natural disasters


he US Chemical Safety Board,

concerned about the increasing frequency and intensity of extreme weather events and natural disasters, is warning the chemical industry to

Over several days, Harvey flooded the site of the Arkema plant with more than six feet of water, causing the site to lose its electrical supply and the ability to keep volatile organic peroxides cool. As their temperature increased, the peroxides exploded, leading to large fires and the evacuation of homes and businesses up to 1.5 miles from the plant.

predict the impact of future events. “No one has a crystal ball, but we don’t want people to be lulled into a false sense that the plan they may have done two or three years ago is still going to be adequate,” Sutherland said. She cautioned that storms were likely to increase in frequency and intensity, and companies needed to be prepared. She said the safety board’s review of the Arkema fires would have significant implications for the chemical industry.

Arkema had previously claimed, in documents obtained by the Houston Chronicle from the US Environmental Protection Agency, that the level of flooding from Harvey could not have been predicted. The Crosby location had not received more

“Our message is you do have to reassess your worst-case scenario. Plan and plan again,” Sutherland said. “Don’t be lulled into a false sense of security that it can’t or won’t happen here.”

than 20 inches of flooding in its history, according to the company.

The CSB is carrying out an investigation into

At a news conference on November 15, CSB Director Vanessa Allen Sutherland warned companies not to use the past to

the Arkema incident which should be ready for the 2018 hurricane season, and the CSB Director said she hoped it would have broad national impact.

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C0573_17 LPB HP.indd 1

28/11/2017 18:47

Standards 13

Vladivostok and Brussels SC31M accepted the advice from IECEx that the mining equipment standard ISO/ IEC 80079-38 was written with nonmandatory text, which made it unsuitable

(Ex nR), Sealed Equipment (Ex nD) and Non-Incendive Components (Ex nD). When this standard is harmonised for ATEX, it is expected that the previous edition will lose

as the basis for certification. Work will commence shortly on a second edition with the specific remit to solve this problem.

harmonisation status around December 2020, leaving “Ex ec” as the only option for the majority of equipment designed for installation in Zone 2.

The CDV text of the revision of ISO/IEC

After four years without meeting, I chaired

EC TC31, its sub-committees and some working groups, met in Russia in October, during the

80079-34 has passed the ballot and the FDIS text should be released for final vote early in 2018. Publication should follow between three and four months later. This version of the standard is needed sooner

Cenelec TC31 at the new CEN-Cenelec headquarters in Brussels in November. A new secretariat has taken a more active interest in the work at European level. Although much of the work of the

General Meeting of the IEC. Those of us who went to Vladivostok were impressed both by the city itself and

rather than later as it cross refers directly to clause numbers in the current version of ISO 9001. Certificates to the earlier edition

European committee is to endorse the work of the international committee, there are items that benefit from a discussion.

by the venue, The Far Eastern Federal University.

of 9001 have either expired already or will run out during 2018.

We agreed that each time a new IEC document came out for vote, we would give the European countries a chance to

SC31J (installation related standards) and SC31M (non-electrical standards) held their meetings immediately before the plenary

The TC31 plenary meeting consists mainly of the reports from the various active groups:

meet together to decide on a “European view” of the document, rather than risk opposing views being put forward strongly

meeting of TC31.

The Maintenance Team for IEC 6007918 “Ex m” will be issuing an urgent corrigendum to clarify that, although the actual units used in the calculation have

at international level.

The ongoing saga of the choice of cable entry devices for flameproof enclosures is set to continue, with some people believing that the transmission down a cable from one enclosure to another is the only concern, but others worrying about the explosion actually bursting the cable. The UK alone has put these concerns into the

changed, the pull test on encapsulated equipment with an integral cable has not. The way the changed units have been presented caused some people to interpret that the value for the pull test had been divided by 10.

be formally elected to continue my role as chairman. This means that, following Brexit, I will probably be one of the few British Citizens that will continue to make a direct input to discussions on European directives.

national published version of the standard BS EN 60079-14, with an Annex repeating the flowchart from the previous edition.

new edition of IEC 60079-0. The FDIS passed the ballot in November and the standard should be published by the end of December.

Ron Sinclair MBE gives his perspective on the latest developments in the world of standards


Two items from SC31J are worth noting here:

Because of the long gap between meetings, it was necessary for me to

WG22 has completed its work on the

SC31J also considered liaison action with the IEC committee responsible for refrigeration and air-conditioning plant. It seems that, although the current favoured refrigerants are actually flammable, the flame speed is so slow that the rate of pressure rise, and the peak pressure are such as to allow for explosions occurring without significant destruction. Thus there

The Maintenance team for IEC60079-15 also completed their work on the next edition, which has passed all the votes and should be published about the same time. This represents a considerable thinning down of the document, as all the requirements for “Ex nA” have been removed as they now appear in IEC

is a belief that zoning on the basis of Group IIA is overly severe.

60079-7 as “Ex ec”. All that remains are the requirements for Restricted Breathing

About the author SGS Baseefa Technical Manager Ron Sinclair MBE is chairman of BSI Committee EXL/31, responsible for the UK input to both European and International standards for Electrical Equipment for use in potentially explosive atmospheres. He is chairman of Cenelec TC31, represents electrical standardisation interests on the European Commission’s ATEX Standing Committee and chairs the IECEx Service Facility Certification Committee.




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Decommissioning 15

Observations and lessons learned from UK oil & gas decommissioning projects A

s installations move towards

The content is based on the shared

Being pro-active helps the duty holder to

decommissioning and final dismantling, Alison McKay, senior safety consultant at ABB Ltd, shares some

experiences of companies which have already dismantled their installations, and those still in the EoL and pre-cessation

understand the regulatory regime for their installation. For instance, it is important that the duty holder understands the regulator‘s

of the key lessons gathered by the six companies that participated in compiling a new safety case guidance.

of production phases which are planning their decommissioning activities. The document offers guidance to duty

interpretation of what constitutes a material change, and, therefore, a safety case submission. The benefits from sharing

A fresh look at identifying and managing hazards is required during decommissioning

holders in maintaining compliance with the Safety Case Regulations (SCR 2015) during EoL, decommissioning and

decommissioning plans with the regulator early on, inviting the regulator to comment or query, can lead to feedback with partial approval

and final dismantling of key oil and gas assets. Recording this information in the installation’s safety case is critical and is required by the UK Safety Case Regulations


prior to a formal proposal, or acceptance by the regulator of a particular methodology.

(SCR 2015).

the technical exchange meetings held between six operators: Centrica E&P, CNR International UK Ltd., Marathon Oil, Repsol Sinopec Resources UK Ltd., Shell UK Ltd. and TAQA Bratani Ltd.

ABB led a Joint Industry Project (JIP) in conjunction with Genesis Oil & Gas UK and Industry Technology Facilitator, which was recently Highly Commended at the IChemE Global Awards 2017 in the ‘Team’ category. The JIP enabled operators to

Here we take a detailed look at some of the key lessons that emerged from

2. Ideally plan for decommissioning early, developing a baseline plan to try and reduce wasted effort and costly mandatory revisions to Operational Safety Cases and supporting studies.

While not all of the following lessons are directly related to offshore safety

Operators typically start to develop their decommissioning plans two to three years before cessation of production. It is

share and learn from each other on how best to plan and manage the final safety case for an installation. This resulted in a document entitled: ‘Guidance for UK Safety Case Management during End of Life (EoL),

cases, they are, nevertheless, useful for decommissioning: 1. Be pro-active in communicating with the regulator. Engage with the regulator early on, sharing plans for

essential that the duty holder’s safety case submission is complete and addresses all de-commissioning activities such as vessel movements. If changes are made, for example due to changes in the number of vessels

Decommissioning and Dismantling’.

decommissioning to get feedback.

involved, the duty holder may have to make


16 Decommissioning on effective communication and collaboration throughout between those operating the plant and those involved in decommissioning the installation. For example, well plug and abandonment - part of decommissioning - can start while the installation is still producing from other wells. So, some early phases of decommissioning, involving preparatory work, can proceed in parallel with operation of the installation. Not viewing decommissioning as part of the operational life cycle can result in the creation of project-specific procedures for decommissioning which may conflict with the corporate operational procedures. (See lesson 7 below) 6. Engage contractors early to avoid last minute changes in how activities involved in decommissioning are carried out (e.g. number of vessels) as these might require a safety case rewrite. (The challenge is to freeze the engineering scope). multiple safety case submissions to the regulator, incurring additional effort and costs.

Company projects have a series of gates or a work breakdown structure. At each gate,

Freezing the engineering scope allows the appropriate risk assessments to be carried

3. The high level ‘decommissioning programme’ plan should be supplemented by a safety case plan. The rate of change

decisions need to be taken or questions answered that will secure funding to proceed to the next gate. Decommissioning may have a number of different phases defined

out. This is key to smooth submission of the safety case changes.

of drawings and documents (safety case, risk assessments, emergency route drawings etc.), which can be rapid,

by project gates, which are not necessarily sequential, but may occur in parallel. Aligning the decommissioning phases with the project

include decommissioning aspects rather than creating project-specific procedures for decommissioning which may be in

should be planned for.

gates minimises the number of stages through which the decommissioning project has to pass. It is important to have a detailed

conflict with the corporate operational procedures.

drawings, such as risk assessments and emergency route drawings. It is important to anticipate which of these drawings

understanding of the requirements needed to proceed from one stage to the next.

8. It is important to maintain the correct safety culture and awareness of process safety risks during decommissioning

and documents are likely to change as manning levels change, hydrocarbons are removed from the installation, or platform equipment changes. For instance, escape

5. Decommissioning should be viewed as part of the operational life cycle of the asset, not as a separate project in isolation.

when there may be significant changes in POB and crews. (Weekly sessions can provide a mechanism for engagement and communication, particularly about process

routes, and therefore drawings on which they are shown, can change rapidly as location of equipment for decommissioning, including storage containers, alters during decommissioning. Identifying the likely changes and when they will occur, ensures that reviews are correctly scheduled to avoid delays to safety case submissions.

Considering decommissioning as an element in a facility’s operational life cycle is vital for its success. The decommissioning team may be separate from the operations team,

The safety case includes documents and

safety hazards).

so success depends 4. Align decommissioning phases with the project gates / work breakdown structure.


7. Try and alter corporate procedures to

As personnel leave an installation to join other operating platforms, and decommissioning contractors are employed, there is a risk that the safety culture, ingrained in the operator’s personnel is not adequately transferred to the new personnel. While contractor personnel will be familiar with their own safe systems of work, they need training in the duty holder’s safety regime. Conversely, if the duty holder adopts the contractor’s safe systems of work, then they must ensure their own personnel

Decommissioning 17

are trained in the contractor’s systems. Also, the process safety hazards present

fully autonomous platform Technical

14. Rigorously test emergency response

during operation will be different from those encountered in decommissioning.

Authorities who are dedicated to (and therefore focused on) the asset / decommissioning.

9. Duty holder-ship may be transferred to contracted parties during decommissioning, but a high level of due

Technical Authorities (TAs) are normally assigned to different areas of an installation, such as process safety or structures. TAs will

arrangements ahead of offshore campaigns, recognising that for the operators’ ERP the arrangements during dismantling may be quite different from the producing installations they support.

diligence is required to ensure that the contractor is fulfilling the duty holder’s obligations. The duty holder remains legally responsible.

be called upon to give their technical input when changes to an installation are being proposed. However, a TA may cover several installations, with some still operating and others having ceased production. To ensure that a TA is focused on decommissioning it

Duty holder responsibility may be transferred to a contracted party during decommissioning. However, should this happen, the duty holder retains legally responsibility regardless of the management system being used. As such the duty holder retains the duty of care and must demonstrate that this is being fulfilled even when, for example, the contractor’s work systems are being used. 10. Ensure there is interaction between the different verifiers (ICP, marine warranty surveyor etc.) so that all equipment is covered by verification and there are no gaps.

can be beneficial to have one that is dedicated to a particular platform, so they are readily available when required.

being brought alongside a platform during decommissioning can be carried out when the vessel is in port, before it is alongside the platform.

About the author

12. Avoid adopting a lesser standard for different phases in the lifecycle of an installation. For instance, helicopter flights in later phases may be from a different regulatory sector, where there are different standards for emergency breathing systems for offshore helicopter occupants. They must comply with the UK regulations regardless of where they are flying from.

The independent competent person (ICP) is responsible for verifying the safety and environmental critical elements (SECEs)

As the hydrocarbon inventory is removed from the platform, the area classification may

being used during normal operation of the installation. The ICP can continue to verify these SECEs during the different phases

be changed, reducing the extents of some of the hazardous areas. This can enable non-Ex rated equipment to be used in areas which

of decommissioning. However, the SECEs will change through the different phases of decommissioning: they may be removed or

were previously classified as hazardous. While this is not an example of adopting a lesser standard, some offshore workers may be

their scope may change, or additional SECEs may be required. The ICP must be made aware of these changes.

reluctant to remove this layer of protection in spite of the removal of the initiating hazards. 13. A report listing obsolescent equipment

As SECEs are added, it is important to be clear who is responsible for verification so that none are overlooked. For example, additional vessels will be required during decommissioning which may introduce additional SECEs relating to dynamic positioning, anchoring, gangway etc. These would normally be verified by the marine

and what is available for resale can be useful if an operator wishes to reuse equipment on one of its other assets.

warranty surveyor.

equipment is available for other assets, it may have been sold or disposed of before these other assets have had the opportunity to consider reusing the equipment.

11. It can be advantageous to have

Emergency response exercises on a vessel

Equipment which is being removed from an installation during decommissioning may be used on another one of the operator’s assets. However, unless a list is made of which

Alison McKay is Senior Safety Consultant at ABB Consulting and is a Chartered Chemical Engineer with many years process safety experience. She has been involved in writing safety cases for several offshore facilities, has conducted thorough reviews including updating the offshore safety cases, and has updated safety cases in line with the 2015 EU Safety Case Directive. She is an accredited Hazard Study Leader (including HAZIDs, Rig Move risk assessment, and HAZOPs and ALARP workshops for Oil and Gas) and has several years experience of preparing COMAH Safety Cases. She also has considerable experience in helping clients achieve DSEAR/ATEX compliance, including Hazardous Area Classifications (offshore and onshore) and DSEAR risk assessments, in a wide range of industries including oil and gas, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, aerospace and food.


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Hazardex January 2018


Contents S3

Runcorn, UK 28th Feb - 1st March

Welcome to the Hazardex 2018 Conference & Exhibition Holiday Inn Hotel, Runcorn, Cheshire, UK February 28 – March 1 Following the success of the 2017 edition, in Runcorn for the fourth time, the 2018 Conference will be a unique event capturing and distilling decades of process safety experience from across Europe in two thought-provoking days of practical knowledge exchange. The Conference brings together leaders and experts from around the world with one goal in mind: creating safer workplaces. Content is focused on the issues that affect your industry and delivered in high-energy sessions by leaders who have been there. Whether you’re a senior executive, plant engineer, site-level safety manager or supervisor, the sessions offer you the tools you need to make work and industry safer. The varied programme will give the latest insights from regulators, certification bodies, end-users, manufacturers, consultants, scientists, engineers and safety specialists involved in hazardous area operations, with a particular focus this year on cybersecurity.

Opening and closing times 8.00 9.00 9.20 13.00 16.15 17.30 18.30 till late

In the supplement: Conference timetable Conference presentations Hazardex 2018 floorplan Exhibitor profiles

Event sponsored by:

Thursday March 1 Conference registration opens Exhibition opens Lunch Conference closes Exhibition closes

The Hazardex team


Wednesday February 28 Conference registration opens Exhibition opens Conference opens Lunch Conference closes Exhibition closes Drinks reception & dinner

The associated Exhibition features many of the most prominent companies that supply products and services to the sector, and delegates will have many opportunities between conference sessions to browse displays and engage with some of the top experts from companies whose efforts ensure process and occupational safety continues to improve across the industry. Guests will also enjoy a drinks reception, fine dining and after-dinner entertainment, and the 2018 Hazardex 2018 Awards ceremony recognising safe practice in hazardous area operations. Most of all, the Conference & Exhibition will provide a valuable networking opportunity with top experts and industry peers from across the UK, Europe and across the world. We would like to express our gratitude to event sponsor CSA Group, and to Awards Ceremony sponsors RS Components and C&P Engineering, and hope you have a fulfilling and useful event.

8.30 9.00 13.00 15.35 15.35

S4 - S5 S6 - S9 S11 S13 - S57

Hazardex January 2018

S4 Timetable


HAZARDEX 2018 – PROTECTING PLANT, PROCESS & PERSONNEL Running order subject to change. Check www.hazardexonthenet.net for the latest updates

Runcorn, UK 28th Feb - 1st March

HAZARDEX CONFERENCE 2018 – DAY 1 8.00 – 9.20: Registration & coffee Day 1 Morning - Stream 1- Cybersecurity, IIoT & Industry 4.0 Main conference room (Access for delegates & exhibitors only) Chairman: Lee Allford, Energy Institute 9.20 – 9.30: Chairman’s introduction 9.30 – 10.10: Sarabjit Purewal - Acting Head of Operations, HSE, & Tony B - ICS Tech Lead, NCSC Cybersecurity: Is the UK prepared to address the risks? 10.15 – 10.55: Ian Curtis - Process Safety Systems Consultant, Siemens Digitalisation changes everything 10.55 – 11.30: Coffee & exhibition viewing 11.30 – 12.10: Dr Alexander Horch - Head of Development, HIMA Safety & Security: The last line of defence is restored 12.15 – 12.55: Thomas P. Ventulett - CEO, & Leigh Villegas - Marketing Director, Aegex Technologies Toward an IoT platform for hazardous locations 13.00 – 14.00: Lunch Day 1 Afternoon - Stream 1 – Incident & Risk Management Main conference room (Access for delegates & exhibitors only) Chairman: Lee Allford, Energy Institute 14.00 – 14.40: Zsuzsanna Gyenes – Deputy Director, IChemE Safety Centre (ISC). Lessons learned from major accidents in different industrial sectors 14.45 – 15.25: Roger Stokes - Principal Engineer, BakerRisk When the lights go out 15.30 - 16.10: Carolyn Nicholls - Consultant, RAS Ltd Risk tolerability targets; misconceived, misunderstood and misapplied

Day 1 Morning/Afternoon - Stream 2 – Safety Culture Seminar room (Access open to all registered attendees) Chairman: Ron Sinclair, Technical Manager, SGS Baseefa 11.30 – 12.10 Dr Kevin Fitzgerald – Risk Management Dept. Manager, Lloyd’s Register Energy Safety culture, climate and performance improvement 12.15 – 12.55: Jamie Walker - Safety & Projects Director, UKPIA Mental health awareness in a safety critical environment 13.00 - 14.00: Lunch Day 1 Afternoon - Stream 2 – IIoT & Industry 4.0 Seminar room (Access open to all registered attendees) Chairman: Ron Sinclair, Technical Manager, SGS Baseefa 14.00 – 14.40: Matt Jakuc - Cybersecurity Technical Lead, CSA Group The role of third-party testing in securing Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) compliance 14.45 – 15.25: Gido Van Tienhoven - CEO, Ex-Machinery IoT 4.0 and LoRa for maintenance purposes in hazardous areas 15.30 – 16.10: Stefan Hack, Business Development Manager, R.STAHL Paperless safety lifecycle at the R.STAHL plant & engineering center 17.30: Exhibition closes 18.30: Dinner drinks reception 19.30: Evening event & awards dinner 22.30: After dinner networking

Hazardex January 2018


Timetable S5

Runcorn, UK 28th Feb - 1st March

HAZARDEX 2018 – PROTECTING PLANT, PROCESS & PERSONNEL Running order subject to change. Check www.hazardexonthenet.net for the latest updates HAZARDEX CONFERENCE 2017 - DAY 2

8.30 – 9.20: Registration & coffee Day 2 Morning – Stream 1 – Functional Safety & Cybersecurity Main conference room (Access for delegates & exhibitors only) Chairman: Lee Allford, Energy Institute 9.20 – 9.30: Chairman’s introduction 9.30 – 10.10: Nic Butcher - ECI Specialist Inspector, HSE Functional safety management of installed SIS 10.15 – 10.55: Tino Vande Capelle - Consultant, TVC, & Steve Smith - Consultant, ONRIX gcv No safety without security – No security without safety 10.55-11.30: Coffee & exhibition viewing Day 2 Morning/Afternoon – Stream 1 – Certification & Regulation Main conference room (Access for delegates & exhibitors only) Chairman: Lee Allford, Energy Institute 11.30 – 12.10: Hassan El Sayed - Functional Safety Business Manager, CSA Group Certification of robotics in an Ex environment ATEX and functional safety requirements 12.15 - 12.55: Ian Crellin - Marketing Manager, British Safety Industry Federation (BSIF) Recent changes in regulations governing PPE 13.00 - 14.00: Lunch Day 2 Afternoon - Stream 1 – Practical challenges & solutions Main conference room (Access for delegates & exhibitors only) Chairman: Lee Allford, Energy Institute 14.00 – 14.40: Frank Ward – Director & Project Engineer, Hennock International Addressing the challenges of dust explosion risks in grain storage 14.45 – 15.25: Tim Jones - Senior Consultant, MMI Engineering Fire detector mapping – what metrics should we be using?. 15.25 - 15.35: Chairman’s closing remarks 15.35: Conference & exhibition closes

Day 2 Morning - Stream 2 - Functional Safety & Safety Systems Seminar room (Access open to all registered attendees) Chairman: Ron Sinclair, Technical Manager, SGS Baseefa 9.30 – 10.10: Chris Parr - Technical Authority for Functional Safety, Sella Controls Cybersecurity - What should Safety Instrumented System integrators be doing? 10.15 – 10.55: Rob Turner - Advanced Solutions Consultant, Yokogawa When safety meets security - Combining the best of both worlds 10.55-11.30: Coffee & exhibition viewing Day 2 Morning/Afternoon - Stream 2 – Practical challenges & solutions Seminar room (Access open to all registered attendees) Chairman: Ron Sinclair, Technical Manager, SGS Baseefa 11.30 – 12.10: Tarmo Rintala - Technology Manager, Atexor Oy Are luminaires causing hidden risks in Ex Areas because of LEDs? 12.15 – 12.55: Geof Mood - Technical Director, CCG Cable Terminations Ltd Coldflow in cables – some practical advice 13.00 - 14.00: Lunch Day 2 Afternoon - Stream 2 – Practical challenges & solutions Seminar room (Access open to all registered attendees) Chairman: Ron Sinclair, Technical Manager, SGS Baseefa 14.00 – 14.40: Mike O’Brien: Managing Director, Newson Gale. How to prevent the electrostatic charging of processing equipment in ATEX atmospheres 14.45 – 15.25: Sarra Cheyne – British Standards Institution (BSI) How to improve performance, reduce risk and achieve sustainable growth in areas with explosive atmospheres 15.25 - 15.35: Chairman’s closing remarks 15.35: Conference & Exhibition closes



Runcorn, UK 28th Feb - 1st March

DAY ONE – 28/2/2018 1. Cybersecurity: Is the UK prepared to address the risks? Presenters: Sarabjit Purewal - Acting Head of Operations, Health and Safety Executive (HSE), & Tony B - ICS Tech Lead, National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) The keynote will cover the work that central Government is doing, including setting up to the National Cybersecurity Centre, its remit, what the landscape looks like and what we know about the energy and chemical industries sectors. The new Network Information Security (NIS) directive will be transposed into UK law in late 2018, which will bring obligations for industries to manage risks to critical services and consequent penalties for noncompliance or loss of service. Although regulatory decisions will lie solely with the Competent Authorities, NCSC plays a leading role in advising industry and will share their approach to providing supporting guidance to the implementation of NIS. HSE will share the outcomes from the field trials on the application of its operational guide, development of case studies, the strategic approach for regulating cybersecurity from 2018 onwards and the role industry can/is playing in addressing this topic. The challenges, and risks looking ahead to the UK energy and chemical industries sector will be explored and what government is doing to assist.. 2. Digitalisation changes everything Presenter: Ian Curtis - Process Safety Systems Consultant, Siemens A bold statement ... but you don’t have to look too far to find examples of where digitalisation has proven to be disruptive. Now digitalisation is being described as bringing about the next big industrial revolution (or Industry 4.0 as it is sometimes called) promising a quantum leap in terms of benefits to productivity, flexibility, quality.... but what of safety? Surely digitalisation offers the scope for improvement in process safety? The “digitalisation” topic is still somewhat fluid and fast moving and exactly what form it takes differs from one industry to another. Discrete manufacturing topics include collaboration between cyber physical systems; using the internet of things and the internet of services; digitalisation of the whole value chain to achieve increased flexibility and productivity. For the process industries the emphasis is slightly different so digitalisation for process involves the integrated engineering and integrated operation of process plants across the whole plant life-cycle but also incorporates topics such as digital twins and Big Data. Integrated engineering and operation offer scope for improving safety by reducing the scope for systematic errors throughout the lifecycle. The concept of the digital twin can significantly improve verification and validation along with training for operation and maintenance. A “digital twin” can be used to thoroughly test the automation layer including the SIS. Simulation is nothing new but the ability to auto-generate the simulation from a common data model helps avoid mistakes. Verification testing of the “digital twin” uses the same code as will eventually be running in the SIS. Of course the validation of the safety system will still need to be done “in the real world” when the SIS is hooked up to the physical equipment but effective verification and validation during pre-FAT can help reduce the time taken at FAT and SAT. Increased digitalisation also facilitates ease of data collection and improves the ability to consolidate data across disparate systems into the Cloud to help avoid silos of data. Big Data has the potential to contribute to process safety in a number of areas:• Plant reliability and Asset Integrity • Steady State Process Control • Process Optimisation • Accident Investigation • Collating leading indicators for process safety • Use of data from maintenance systems and incidents to promote process safety. This paper seeks to give an overview of digitalisation in a process industry context focussing on the potential benefits for safety. 3. Safety & Security: The last line of defence is restored Presenter: Dr Alexander Horch - Head of Research, Development and Product Management at HIMA The advancing digitalization has an effect on almost all business processes, especially in the industrial sector. Machines communicate with people and increasingly also amongst themselves. What does this mean for security? Safety controllers have historically focused primarily on emergency shutdown requirements, not from the cyber-security perspective. For effective Cyber-Security, it is not enough to upgrade an existing product by adding additional software functionality. Every solution for functional safety must be conceived and developed with cyber security in mind, right from the start. This applies equally to the firmware and the application software. Safety systems, which offer the fewest attack possibilities, represent the most effective defense against cyber attacks. Reduced controls on necessary security functions are protected against typical attacks on IT systems. Safety-oriented systems are the last line of defence in a production facility. The implementation of effective cyber-security measures is particularly important. A crucial point is the minimization of human intervention, since humans are the most frequent cause of cyber risks. These include both targeted cyber attacks to disrupt production processes or steal industrial secrets, as well as incidents caused by carelessness. An effective protection concept includes, for example, special access protection, physical security or plausibility checks on changes. In addition, users need to take organizational measures, such as periodic testing of

internal networks through penetration tests or security training of their own employees. Because, when employee passwords become known, a hacker attack becomes child’s play. In addition, the intelligent use of existing data from the security network, for example for predictive maintenance or process optimization, now also allows operators to improve the efficiency of their systems by reducing downtime. The safety system is particularly suitable as a source of relevant information since a large amount of data is generated in safety control systems. 4. Toward an IoT Platform for Hazardous Locations: Examining the collaboration of humans and edge technologies in disaster scenarios for insight into Industrial IoT for extreme operations Presenters: Thomas P. Ventulett - CEO, & Leigh M. Villegas - Marketing Director, Aegex Technologies As more and more industrial organizations are adopting Internet of Things (IoT) strategies and beginning their digital transformation to Industry 4.0 or Smart Manufacturing, they face challenges in adopting technologies due to regulatory restrictions for highly combustible atmospheres such as exist in some of the world’s largest and most critical industries - oil & gas, chemical, pharmaceutical, energy, utilities, food processing, defence and others. In ATEX/IECEx Zone 1 or UL Class I Division 1 hazardous areas worldwide, up to 15% of personnel do not have access to mobile devices unless they are certified “intrinsically safe,” or incapable of causing a spark that could ignite a combustible environment. Thus, the human “sensor” in hazardous area operations, who could conceivably detect perceived anomalies or problems in the maintenance, workflow, process or function of these operations, is relegated to recording observations with pencil and paper and then entering data manually into ERP systems hours or days later. Such lack of realtime communication and data management results in inefficiency, increased costs and elevated safety and asset risk, causing potential down-time and even loss of life in extreme cases. By deploying new IoT technologies that allow people to use technology inside Zone 1/Division 1 hazardous areas, humans can actively interact with machines in real time to dramatically improve productivity, safety and the bottom line in hazardous operations. A new style of IoT platform built especially for hazardous area operations, would need to include various and affordable types of sensors to cover vast spaces, realtime communications, cloud computing, machine learning, rights management, security, big data storage, analytics and user-friendly visualization, all functioning in highly explosive conditions. This paper considers the possibilities for an IoT Platform for Hazardous Locations, based on hands-on research conducted by Aegex Technologies, Verizon, Nokia and multiple technology partners that tested various edge technologies with first responders in realistic disaster scenarios during Operation Convergent Response (#OCR2017). The event provided a unique opportunity to test IoT under extreme conditions, such as a staged chemical plant explosion, subway terrorism incident, neighborhood flood, cybersecurity attack, tornado disaster and hostage rescue. The results gave insight into the need for continued collaboration on IoT capabilities that can better manage not only emergency response, but everyday operations in hazardous industries. 5. Lessons learned from major accidents in different industrial sectors Presenter: Zsuzsanna Gyenes – Deputy Director, IChemE Safety Centre (ISC) Petrochemical and chemical industries store and process a large amount of dangerous substances in complex chemical establishments. For this reason, persistent care to controlling the processes and their related equipment is necessary at these sites to avoid a loss of containment that could lead to a serious accident. In reality, hundreds of chemical accidents are reported in the media around the world in average a year. Many of them have severe consequences, such as production disruption resulting in significant economic loss, temporary loss of public services, property damage, environmental damage and in the worst circumstances, injury and death. In many cases, lack of knowledge or procedures in place or lack of competence, even complacency led to the incident. The paper studies accidents chosen from different industrial sectors and different topics, such as, incidents involving fertilizers, contract worker related cases, ageing of establishments or emergency response. These cases seem diverse but in reality, the lessons depicted show similarity and these findings demonstrate that learning from other industries or topics is indeed possible. Furthermore, the study highlights events where the lessons were not learnt even though similar cases had occurred already in the past. The analysis of the cases selected covers lessons learned from the accidents and forms a summary on how to make industries to pay more attention to factors they had not considered as a potential element to contribute to a major event. Furthermore, how they can improve knowledge with looking at past accidents and learning from cases occurred in other industrial sectors. Finally, the study emphasises the importance of an effective safety management system in place regardless the type of industrial activity. 6. When the lights go out Presenter: Roger Stokes - Principal Engineer, BakerRisk Processing facilities require a reliable supply of electrical power. The consequences of a sudden power loss ranges from an inconvenience to a major incident with consequences including damage to equipment, failure of emergency systems, loss of containment, fires, explosions and environmental impact. Damage during restart can also be a major issue. The increasing reliance on automated systems for control, emergency shutdown and mitigation means that power supplies and back-up systems must be much more reliable than in the past. There have been many incidents where loss of external power has been a key factor and there are opportunities to learn from these events when assessing the design criteria and maintenance requirements of supplies and back-up systems. Typical facilities that require a reliable supply of power include offshore

Hazardex January 2018

platforms, oil refineries, petrochemical, chemical, pharmaceutical, plastics, glass and nuclear industry facilities. Power is not only required for process control and for driving the plant and machinery; it is also a crucial link in the chain for provision of services including steam, air, process water, cooling water, nitrogen, lubrication and emergency systems. There have been several instances where even a brief power loss has led to the cascade failure of services, which has then resulted in a major incident. Causes of power supply failure include: Fires in substations and switch-houses, faults/ human error when working on switchgear, underground cable faults, excavations and other works damaging underground cables, vehicles striking overhead cables, lightning strikes and storm/ flood/ tsunami. Typical protection from power loss include uninterruptible power supplies (UPS’s), emergency power generators, services back-up (stand-by boilers, nitrogen back-up for air, gravity fed cooling water/ lubrication). These don’t always work. Procedures are written to include “load-shedding”, manual activation of valves and critical safety systems. In a real situation, some of these may literally require working in the dark. There is a lot to do, few staff and little time to act. Planning for power outage requires a thorough assessment of the scenarios that may occur, the possible consequences and the design and reliability of the measures that are in place. Novel ideas for low frequency/ high risk scenarios may need to be considered. This presentation reviews some examples of incidents that have occurred to encourage operators to reconsider the potential impact of a sudden loss of power at their facility and how they would deal with such an event. 7. Risk tolerability targets; misconceived, misunderstood and misapplied Presenter: Carolyn Nicholls – Principal Consultant, RAS Ltd Following on from a quantification (or semi-quantification) of risk, the next step in any assessment is to compare the result to a set of risk tolerability criteria. Three regions of risk are usually defined, an unacceptable region and a broadly acceptable region bordering a region of tolerable risk. The tolerability of this middle region is dependent on those risks being As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP). The 2001 HSE publication ‘Reducing Risks, Protecting People - HSE’s decision-making process’ (R2P2) is widely used in industry to set these region boundaries. R2P2 clearly defines the tolerability boundaries for individual risk, and gives guidance regarding societal (or group) risk tolerability. How these criteria have been applied across the industry varies dramatically, particularly in setting targets for Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA). LOPA is often used to identify the need for, and define the required integrity of, a Safety Instrumented System (SIS). In this context, it is easy to see how setting the wrong targets for a risk assessment can result in serious consequences. For example, setting a risk target that is too lenient could result in a process that is not adequately protected, and setting a risk target that is too onerous could result in the requirement to needlessly install a high integrity safety system at a significant cost. To set appropriate risk targets, the intricacies between types of risk need to be well understood, and applied correctly for the given situation. Our experience is that this is often misunderstood and misapplied, people take simple rules and apply them in the wrong context. This paper considers the differences between individual risk and societal (group) risk, and how these are often confused and misapplied. Differences between scenario risk and whole site risk, and how these should be considered in different ways depending on the type of risk and the type of study are then discussed. Risk targets are proposed which may be used in LOPA, including a demonstration of how these were developed and how they meet industry and regulatory standards. How these targets can be used and adapted into existing or new facilities, and how they may interact with existing corporate risk criteria and matrices is also considered. 8. Safety culture, climate and performance improvement Presenter: Dr Kevin Fitzgerald – Risk Management Dept. Manager, Lloyd’s Register Energy The term ‘safety culture’ was first used in INSAG’s (1988) ‘Summary Report on the Post-Accident Review Meeting on the Chernobyl Accident’. Safety culture has subsequently been defined as: “Consisting of shared values (what is important) and beliefs (how things work) that interact with an organisation’s structure and control systems to produce behavioural norms (the way we do things around here).” It has also been described as simply “how people behave when no-one is looking.” Research over many years has demonstrated that incidents are almost always related to incorrect or inappropriate workforce behaviours, and it is the way that culture drives behaviour that is important to us. Within the process industries, incidents such as Longford (1998), Texas City (2005), Buncefield (2005) and Macondo (2010) have all served to highlight the importance of safety culture, along with other more specific human factors shortcomings. The influence that an organisation’s culture has on individual behaviour is generally acknowledged and many organisations worldwide have set themselves the goal of improving their safety culture so as to achieve lower incident rates. But what does safety culture really comprise, how do safety culture failings make themselves apparent, and how can we go about changing culture? This presentation will: 1. Provide a brief introduction to the concept of safety culture and the characteristics of a positive safety culture. 2. Illustrate – through case studies – some consequences of safety culture failings. 3. Indicate how safety climate surveys can be used to help understand safety culture and how the output from these surveys can be used to prioritise issues for improvement. 4. Show some of the typical starting-points for safety culture improvement in organisations. The presentation will draw on non-process sector experience (particularly Marine) to help illustrate the generic challenges that need to be managed in complex process safety environments. 9. Mental health awareness in a safety critical environment Jamie Walker - Safety & Projects Director, UKPIA The stigma around mental health has long been an issue. Fortunately, mental health awareness has recently been heightened as royalty and other public figures have publicly disclosed their own battles against the illness. HSE has already stated that stress and mental health pose a significant threat to the workplace. UKPIA is currently working with Competent Authority and other Trade Associations and organisations with the intention of providing a co-ordinated and structured approach to dealing with the issue.

Presentations S7

In this question and answer session, UKPIA aims to increase the perception within the safety critical environment, looking at how mental health illness affects the patient, their families and equally as importantly, work colleagues and the organisations which they work for. The presentation is intended to provoke conversation within the workshop and provide people with the opportunity to discuss how the issue is currently being dealt with and how matters may be improved in the future. Individuals who have, or are working with others who have, mental health issues and are engaged in process safety activities pose a risk if they are not managed correctly. The aim of the workshop is to provide a better understanding of possible warning signs and how to deal with sufferers who themselves may not be aware of their issues. 10. The role of third-party testing in securing Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) compliance Matt Jakuc – Cybersecurity Technical Lead, CSA Group With some projections claiming a 300% increase in IIoT-ready devices in just the next 4 years (some 22.5 billion by 2021), and other forecasts suggesting that IIoT investment will make up as much as 40% of some organisations’ capex budgets, the Internet of Things in the Industrial space is already well and truly here. The major benefits of IIoT are well known – efficiency & reliability gains, coupled with the ability to record big data for remote analysis. Yet, the challenges and opportunities that IIoT brings in the quest for protecting lives requires an equal focus, particularly when you consider how IIoT will be incorporated into a Hazardous Location (explosive atmosphere). Here, there are a number of elements to consider, including continued hazardous location safety compliance, functional safety assurance and cybersecurity protocols. The convergence of information technology (IT) operational technology (OT) networks, has tremendously increased the risk of cyberattacks that may affect safety, reliability and availability. Modern control systems are no longer isolated but are part of a larger connected infrastructure that can offer significant cost savings but also cybersecurity concerns. Security risks associated with integrating, modifying or maintaining a controller in process can impact overall safety and security. This changes the risk profile that should be considered when designing and/or integrating components in the systems. Often, little consideration is made to their security requirements due to cost constraints. Vendors, system integrators and asset owners face challenges in keeping their systems secure including technical expertise and privacy concerns. The integrators, asset owners and facility managers need cybersecurity assurance when selecting potential hardware and software-based solutions. These solutions should be specifically designed and formally evaluated to identify and prevent cybersecurity threats in industrial environments. During this presentation we will uncover: Challenges & risks in IIoT – covering Hazardous Locations, Functional Safety and Cybersecurity; Steps to limit the likelihood of such incidents and their impact; Keys to third-party evaluation and testing and Steps to successful attestation and certification of connected devices. 11. IoT 4.0 and LoRa for maintenance purposes in hazardous areas Gido Van Tienhoven - CEO, Ex-Machinery This paper focuses on the use of various sensors to monitor the technical state of various types of equipment by means of LoRa Wan technology. LoRa is short for Long Range. It explains how this technology can reduce maintenance costs thanks to preventive maintenance. The results of a small study amongst end users about the opportunities for this technology will be presented. The result will show examples like monitoring the technical state of a pump by means of the vibration level. Other examples are temperatures of bearings, leakage detection, etc. Interaction with the people attending will be stimulated on this subject. The paper will present LoRa as an international standard for wide area networks IoT. It will discuss globally how it works and of what use it can be. Due to the low amount of RF energy involved it is technology that can be applied very well in hazardous areas without causing risks of ignition. Because LoRa technology requires low power it can be battery powered, so field installation can be done without wires. LoRa technology is node-hub technology. As a result a few hundred sensors on a large plant can be easily connected to one hub. All the readings of the sensors can be seen on internet based systems. All communication via the internet is encrypted. Due to the design, partners involved in encryption the LoRa system has good performance on the aspect of cybersecurity. The paper focuses mainly on the applications and opportunities of LoRa in the oil and gas industries and less on the IT-technology. 12. Paperless safety lifecycle at the R.STAHL Plant & Engineering Center Stefan Hack - Business Development Manager, R.STAHL Inspection plans and intervals vary deeply depending on the kind of equipment, the legal basis and the standards that are taken into account. Safety systems concerning process control engineering have to fulfil a certain safety integrity level (SIL) and are considered as safety integrated systems (SIS). The proof-test interval amounts into the calculation to reach a certain SIL according to IEC 61508. A typical interval would be only twelve month which leads to frequent inspections. The scope of the test itself depends on the equipment type. Fragmented IT-systems are another problem. The Plant & Engineering Center offers a modern application that comes with a holistic approach to optimize periodic inspections and to relieve all people involved. Its three modules – PEC-EX, PEC-FS and PEC SQ – provide paperless inspections for hazardous area equipment, for safety instrumented systems and for all other required inspections concerning operational safety and quality. Instead of replacing the established CAE-, ERP and document management systems, PEC can be connected to them with automatically, bidirectional interfaces. This provides a high data quality, reduces data errors and saves a lot of time by offering the possibility to interact with all three systems through one application. Within PEC-EX, inspection plans can be generated automatically. PEC-FS and PEC-SQ provide an inspection plan generator, which enables its users to work with individual inspection plans for each equipment that can contain standardized, reusable test blocks. An integrated Scheduler helps to keep track on deadlines. Inspection results can be evaluated to make sure standards can be met. By offering an app for Android and Windows based tablets, PEC greatly reduces the amount of time spent on performing inspections. Protocols can be signed electronically and archived directly in PEC as well as being transferred to a document management systems. PEC is currently in use at several plant operators in the Niederrhein area (Germany) and has already proven that it can help to save time, to be compliant to standards and to help in improving data inspection quality.

HazardEx January 2018


S8 Presentations


Runcorn, UK 28th Feb - 1st March

DAY TWO – 1/3/2018 13. Functional safety management of installed SIS Nic Butcher - ECI Specialist Inspector, HSE The requirements for functional safety management are set out in good practice BS EN 61511 but the lifecycle described is focussed on new SIS which may leave some conspicuous gaps in dutyholders’ understanding of the requirements for their range of existing installed SIS, which might have been implemented to older standard or earlier versions of BS EN 61511. The Health and Safety Executive has been working with the Chemicals and Downstream Operators Forum (CDOIF) to develop a set of pragmatic guidelines on how to manage installed SIS that describes the procedures and processes required including a process of periodic review and assessment. 14. No safety without security – No security without safety Tino Vande Capelle, Consultant, TVC, & Steve Smith, Consultant, ONRIX gcv This joint presentation by consultants Tino Vande Capelle and Stephen Smith will look at the history of functional safety and provide a practical approach to cybersecurity in industrial environments, with a common feature being the human factor as the weakest link. What have we achieved after 20 years of Functional Safety standards in the process industry? Why does it remain so difficult to learn from mistakes others have made in our industry? Human nature does not like to admit or reveal knowledge of problems. So, for the past 30 years, certain standards have helped engineers apply good engineering practices, but the weakest link in the safety culture remains the human being. Standards such as, but not limited to, DIN 19250, ISA 84.00.01, IEC 61508 & 61511 have been put in place to force a safety culture in our industry in the hope of achieving a better world where people, environment and investment can be safe. Both the IEC61508 and IEC61511 are in their second edition as technology evaluates so does engineering culture. Tino’s aim is to summarise and simplify some of the pitfalls that you may face in the future Cybersecurity is often represented in the media through malware and hacking attacks. But little is written about the cause and effect of such attacks. Stephen will present pragmatic considerations concerning the problems and mitigation activities of cybersecurity; this inevitably centres on the human factor. Safety and quality activities in all industrial environments focus on the people and their actions; security is no different, it is much of the same in disguise. Unfortunately, the disguise is presented as being complex and forbidding. In closing, Stephen’s aim is to shine some common sense on the subject and demystify the subject of industrial security. 15. Certification of robotics in an Ex environment- ATEX and Functional Safety requirements Hassan El Sayed - Functional Safety Business Manager, CSA Group It is the responsibility of manufacturers and design engineers to integrate protection concepts listed under EN/IEC 60079 series to demonstrate full compliance against the ATEX Directive when products are to be used in hazardous areas within EU member countries. Compliance with the harmonized standards for potentially explosive atmospheres can be a challenging task, especially if the product cannot be fully certified to EN/IEC/ISO series due to excessive voltage range or if the application contains potential explosive source where the existing protection concepts cannot offer the safety measures required. Product certification may require certain combinations of different protection concept techniques to provide the safety measures with respect to explosion risks and to meet a specific classification or category. This paper discusses the certification requirement of a safety related controller located in safe area as a safety related device to control and manipulate the implemented safety functions built in a robot located in hazardous area, where the robot is partially certified to meet certain types of protection concepts to EN/IEC 60079- series. The task requires risk assessment to the hazard sources in order to allocate a Safety Integrity Level (SIL). The assessment studies the requirement for a safety system validation where safety related software shall be developed to comply with the requirements defined for safety devices as described in article 1, 1(b) of the ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU. These requirements are also shown in section 1.5 of Annex (II) of the Directive. In particular, the ATEX Directive recommends the use of IEC 61508, EN 50495 or any equivalent safety related standard for the safety-critical software development. The article also discusses the special protection concept (s) using IEC 60079-33 where safety achieved by functional safety and other protection concepts assessed to EN/IEC/ISO are coupled to deliver a fully certified product for use in hazardous location. 16. Recent changes in regulations governing PPE Ian Crellin - Marketing Manager, British Safety Industry Federation (BSIF) With the new PPE Regulation (EU) 2016/425 coming into force it is vital that both the commercial operators and users of Product understand the implications and that there is a consensus of understanding. It is essential that the UK is able to achieve a smooth, effective and efficient transition to the new Regulation. Personal Protective Equipment plays a vital role in ensuring that occupational safety and

health is maintained. We are both in the midst of Brexit and in the middle of the timeline for the new Regulation becoming applicable and being applied exclusively from 2019. BSIF’s seminar will take delegates through a Step by Step process illustrating the actions that must be executed to ensure that products are able to be in compliance. As those involved in the PPE market are aware the risks and therefore the products providing protection, are placed into risk categories (Categories I, II & III) and each category requires a range of compliance actions and differing levels of quality assurance once any necessary type testing and EU examination certificate has been granted. The presentation will walk the audience through the process in logical bite size steps. 17. Addressing the challenges of dust explosion risks in grain storage Frank Ward – Director & Project Engineer, Hennock International The storage of agricultural materials in large, predominantly sealed, vessels (silos) presents challenges in terms of the control of the risk of dust explosion and the protection of life, property and structures in the event of an explosion. • A grain storage silo may contain numerous items of equipment all of which present potential sources of ignition. • Dust is created as a normal part of the handling process, though the nature and levels of the dust may vary significantly over the time of loading/discharge and processing within the silo. • Equipment is often operated by unskilled workers. • Modification to equipment is not uncommon. • The market for equipment is highly cost sensitive. These, and other factors, are challenges faced by silo and equipment manufacturers • How can the creation of the combustible dust be minimised? • How can the potentially explosive mixtures of dust and air be controlled? • What are the potential ignition sources and how can they be eliminated/controlled? • What is the impact of an explosion in a full or semi-filled silo? • What protective measures can be applied to a vessel of this size which meets the requirements of regulatory compliance and can be applied cost-effectively without affecting the primary purpose of the structure? The paper will look at approaches which may be taken to address each of these questions. • ATEX compliance of grain handling equipment • Handling methods to minimise dust creation • Use of aeration and ventilation to dilute air dust concentration to below MEL. How heavily can this be relied upon to provide total or partial control of the explosion risk? What levels of ventilation may be required to provide control, and how can this be provided in practice? • Design of silo structures to provide dust explosion venting (frangible roof). This will consider the challenge of balancing the primary requirement of the silo roof, to withstand external loads (snow/wind/imposed loads) versus the need to be sufficiently weakened to adequately vent the explosion pressure. The additional challenges faced in provision of certification of such a large scale system under regulation as a protective device. • Design of silo structures to withstand increased pressure during vented explosions. With explosion venting comes greater storage pressures. This will consider the balancing act that the designer must perform to provide light-weight, cost effective design with sufficient strength to withstand the additional pressures whilst controlling the engineering complexity of the roof structure to provide the required venting. 18. Fire detector mapping – what metrics should we be using? Tim Jones - Senior Consultant, MMI Engineering Fire and gas detector mapping using computational methods has become more and more common in hazardous industries in recent times. Despite the advances in the technology and methods associated with fire detector mapping, one of the most important aspects is how we deem a detection system adequate with respect to the coverage it provides. At present, there is little guidance given by the UK HSE or other industry bodies on the definition of coverage and how it should be achieved. As a result, companies use their own internal standards and methodologies, which can vary significantly in efficacy. These company standards typically measure the performance of fire detector systems in terms of percentage coverage over a particular volume. This may seem a reasonable metric but it misses the most important factor, namely the size of the gaps that the detectors do not cover. It is the size of the gaps in your system that is going to dictate whether or not your system is able to detect a fire of a size that may lead to escalation. A fire area could have a very high percentage coverage but still have gaps where a significant fire could exist. This paper aims to show the deficiencies in measuring detector coverage based on percentage coverage alone and presents the advantages of alternative methods, such as optimising your system to ensure that no fire above a certain size can go undetected e.g. 1m spherical fire. The work presented within this paper uses MMI’s inhouse fire detection code, ‘MMICast’, that utilises ray casting techniques (see Figure 1) in a fully three-dimensional manner to account for obstructions that block a detector’s line-of-sight.

Hazardex January 2018

19. Cybersecurity - What should Safety Instrumented System integrators be doing? Chris Parr - Technical Authority for Functional Safety, Sella Controls There is increasing momentum in the process industries to address cyber security risks associated with Industrial Automation and Control systems (IACS) and the publication of the UK Health and Safety Executive Operational guidance (OG-0086) on the subject matter is likely to see this focus increase. Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS) are recognised as a primary protective layer for many Oil and Gas and Petrochemical facilities. Whilst the specification, design techniques and assessment of the integrity of these systems is well understood through industry guidance and standards such as BS EN 61508 and BS EN 61511, best practise for protecting these systems from security threats throughout their lifecycle is less clear. However, it does appear that IEC 62443 “Security for industrial automation and control systems” will become the de-factor guidance and is referenced in both BS EN 61511 and the HSE’s operational guidance. System Integrators play a key role in the design, modification and maintenance of Basic Plant Control Systems and Safety Instrumented Systems and in the majority of projects they provide turnkey solutions for the control and automation aspects of the project to the end users. This raises the question of how these system integrators handle security issues and if their practises and procedures sufficiently reduce security vulnerabilities in the design, operation and maintenance phases of the lifecycle. IEC 62443 part 2-4 covers the security program requirements for IACS service providers. It gives specific requirements of what a system integrators management system should include to give confidence to asset owners that the integration and maintenance activities that they complete include appropriate security measures. The standard covers subjects such as staffing, solution hardening, network security, user security and patch management. This presentation will introduce Part 2-4 of IEC 62443 and explain why compliance is good for both the system integrator and their clients. It will also draw on the presenter’s own experience of applying the standard in a safety systems integrator environment and highlight the challenges and opportunities faced. 20. When safety meets security - Combining the best of both worlds Rob Turner - Advanced Solutions Consultant, Yokogawa The latest edition of IEC 61511-1 “Functional Safety – Safety Instrumented Systems for the Process Industry Sector” requires that the existing risk assessment process for a safety instrumented system should now include an assessment of cyber security vulnerabilities in addition. At first sight this might appear to be an additional burden for the process industries and an intrusion into the jurisdiction of IEC 62443 which already covers the security of these systems. And yet these two standards might not be so far apart in their approach. This presentation explores: 1) The need for a tie between safety and security for industrial control systems, and safety instrumented systems in particular. 2) The areas of common ground between IEC 61511 (functional safety) and IEC 62443 (industrial cyber security). 3) How to potentially combine the best of both standards and achieve a control network that is safely secure, and securely safe. 21. Are luminaires causing hidden risks in Ex Areas because of LEDs? Tarmo Rintala - Technology Manager, Atexor Oy The potential risks of high-powered LED luminaires have been known for years. Those risks are growing as LEDs get more and more powerful. It is equally clear that the interpretation of the standards meant to ensure the safety of these luminaires has been anything but consistent. In September 2016, at the IECEx meeting at Umhlanga, South Africa, The chairman of the Ex Technical Advisory Group (ExTAG), Professor Xu Jianping, presented the issues regarding LEDs and the possible ignition sources caused by powerful light. The main message is clear: There are too many different interpretations of the standards, and this is resulting in compromises on safety. The number of LED luminaires for applications where flammable vapors and particles are present is increasing rapidly. The risk if ignition may be significant if the optical radiation has not been accounted for in the design of the luminaires.

Presentations S9

When selecting equipment for areas with possible risk of explosion, due care must be taken. All companies do not necessarily have experts qualified to understand the differences in the safety of products. Often the purchaser is just checking that the Ex certification exist, and not digging into the details of what that certification actually covers. The person responsible for selecting and accepting products must be able to trust the certification and other information of a product. The problems with current practices are systemic, and they are leading us to a situation where Ex classified sites have an increasing number of LED luminaires which may not be safe to use at the site. Thanks to Professor Xu Jianping, the issue of optical radiation is properly out in the open. This is huge step, but still only the first step in actually ensuring the safety of high tech lighting systems. 22. Coldflow in cables – some practical advice Geof Mood - Technical Director, CCG Cable Terminations Ltd The subject of coldflow in cables is poorly understood and this has led to widespread confusion amongst designers, specifiers and installers particularly in the selection of suitable cable glands to use with affected cable in Ex applications. BS EN / IEC 60079-14 states that the installer should ‘select cable glands to reduce the effects of coldflow characteristics of cable’. However it fails to define what is or is not cable with coldflow characteristics or how it is possible to reduce the effects of coldflow, and if possible how much reduction is needed. This has given some cable gland manufacturers the opportunity to make exaggerated claims for their products and to create an atmosphere of fear amongst specifiers and installers, having them believe that coldflow in cables is a risk in applications where it is not. Lack of understanding of what coldflow is has also led to a number of installations being carried out with inappropriate cable glands leading to a need for costly refits in some cases. There is also the very real risk of installations being unsafe despite the installer following the guidance of BS EN / IEC 60079-14 and using the assurances of the cable gland manufacturer. This paper will debunk a number of common myths. It provides some practical guidance about what coldflow really is and shows a simple and cheap test method to determine if cables are affected by it. It will also provide straightforward advice about how to eliminate the effects of coldflow and achieve a safe installation if the cable being used is at risk of coldflow. The advice is strictly in compliance with BS EN / IEC 60079-14 and will lead to safer, and in many cases also cheaper, installations. 23. How to prevent electrostatic charging of process equipment situated in ATEX atmospheres. Mike O’Brien - Managing Director, Newson This presentation will: • Outline why static electricity is an ignition risk in the chemical industry. • Provide case studies and analysis of incidents resulting from the ignition of flammable atmospheres due to discharges of static electricity. • Describe what measures electrical equipment specifiers, production managers and QHSE managers can take to eliminate the ignition risks of static electricity. • Correlate these measures with the guidance stipulated in IEC 60079-32-1: “Explosive atmospheres - Part 32-1: Electrostatic hazards - Guidance”. • Present novel ways of grounding multiple components at risk of electrostatic charge accumulation. 24. Making excellence a habit - How to improve performance, reduce risk and achieve sustainable growth in the areas of explosive atmospheres Sarra Cheyne – British Standards Institution (BSI) Risk management and assessment is necessary across many business processes, not just areas such as health and safety. Explosive atmospheres in the workplace can be caused by flammable gases, mists or vapours or by combustible dusts. Explosions can cause loss of life and serious injuries as well as significant damage. Guidance and standards can help avoid a potentially explosive scenario. This presentation will show how a business can reassure shareholders, customers and employees that by managing risks it is being effectively managed and confirm its compliance with corporate governance requirements.

Display instrumentation for use in hazardous and safe areas



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Hitchin, SG5 2DA UK

+44 (0) 1462 438301

Sounders & Beacons LED Cluster Lamps

Runcorn, UK 28th Feb - 1st March


SEMINAR ROOM & WORKSHOPS - Stream 2 free access





[28th February & 1st March]








[28th February & 1st March]





25 / EXIT
































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RESTAURANT Hazardex 2018 Conference & Exhibition – Holiday Inn, Runcorn, Cheshire – 28th - 1st March





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1 BSI Exhibition entrance












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Floorplan S11



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Hazardex January 2018








FOR ALL OF YOUR FOR ALL OF YOUR FOR ALL YOUR FOR ALL OF YOUR CERTIFICATION CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS CERTIFICATION CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS SGS Baseefa is the leading globally recognised certification body for explosion SGS Baseefa is the leading globally recognised certification body for explosion SGS Baseefa is the leading globally recognised certification body for explosion protected equipment, delivering certification and associated services to SGS Baseefa is the leading globally recognised certification body for explosion protected equipment, delivering certification and associated services to SGS Baseefa is the leading globally recognised for explosion protected equipment, delivering certification andcertification associatedbody services to protected equipment, delivering certification and associated services to SGS Baseefa is the leading globally recognised certification body for explosion protected equipment, delivering certification and associated services to customers around the world. customers around the world. protected equipment, certification and associated services to customers around the delivering world. protected equipment, delivering certification and associated services to customers around the world. customers around the world. customers around the world. • Improved project timescales Improved project timescales ••• • Improved project timescales North American certification capabilities Improved project timescalescapabilities •• North American certification Improved project timescales North American certification capabilities • driven certification North American certification capabilities • • Delivery Improved project timescalesprocess • Delivery driven certification process •• Delivery North American certification capabilities driven certification process Facilitation of global certification marks Delivery driven certification process Facilitation of global global certification marks North American certification capabilities ••• • Facilitation of certification marks Delivery driven certification process Facilitation of global certification marks World class training courses Facilitation of global certification marks World class training courses Delivery driven certification process •••• • World class training courses Facilitation of global certification marks training courses • World Worldclass class courses visit www.sgs.co.uk/sgsbaseefa •visit Facilitation of training global certification marks www.sgs.co.uk/sgsbaseefa • World class training courses visit www.sgs.co.uk/sgsbaseefa email baseefa@sgs.com Visit us at Hazardex 2018 Stand 8 email baseefa@sgs.com visit www.sgs.co.uk/sgsbaseefa • visit World class training courses www.sgs.co.uk/sgsbaseefa phone +44 (0)1298 766600 email baseefa@sgs.com phone +44 (0)1298 766600 visit www.sgs.co.uk/sgsbaseefa email baseefa@sgs.com email baseefa@sgs.com visit www.sgs.co.uk/sgsbaseefa phone +44 (0)1298 766600 email baseefa@sgs.com phone +44 phone +44(0)1298 (0)1298766600 766600 email baseefa@sgs.com phone +44 (0)1298 766600 phone +44 (0)1298 766600

HazardEx January 2018

Exhibitor Profiles S13

Exhibiting Partners Stand 9: Anamet Europe B.V. - Galwin 5, 1046 AW Amsterdam, The Netherlands Tel: +31 (0)20 5863586 Anamet Europe is the manufacturer of Anaconda Sealtite conduit systems. Our Anaconda brand products are known worldwide for their outstanding quality and durability. The full range of conduits and fittings offers excellent mechanical protection and exceptional flexibility to meet even your highest specifications. Anamet Europe strives to consistently provide customers with innovative products and excellent service. All Anaconda flexible conduits and fittings are developed especially to meet your requirements and are suitable for

Email: sales@anamet.nl practically every feasible application, whether electrical or industrial. Anamet Europe develops and manufactures products to meet the highest specifications to guarantee a high level of performance under extreme conditions. Not only is this crucial for our clients to continue their operations without disruption, but also it is vitally important for the safety of the individuals and the environments where our products are used. For this reason, we offer a complete range in conduit and fittings viable for various applications in hazardous

Web: www.anameteurope.com areas and explosive atmospheres. Our offering includes a complete range of Exd cable glands, barrier glands up to 130°C, cable protection up to 220°C and accessories. We provide all common types and solutions, for loose wires and both unarmoured and armoured cables. The fittings are available in nickelplated brass and stainless steel AISI 316. All of the ATEX products are approved according to Inmetro, IEC, ATEX and GOST. These have been certified and marked according to Directive 94/9/CE: Ex I M2/II 2GD.

Stand 15: Atexor - Cirrus Building, 6 International Avenue, ABZ Business Park, Dyce Drive Aberdeen, AB21 0BH, UK Tel: +44 (0)1224 640777 Your hazardous area lighting partner. ATEXOR designs and manufactures EXlighting and power distribution systems. We are known for our reliability, high quality and our commitment to solving customers’ challenges on demanding time schedules. SLAM®, MICA® and SLAM FIXED® products are designed for safety, long-term reliability and easy serviceability. Testing is key to Atexor product development. All components, materials, batteries and LEDs are tested for longevity and performance. This is why Atexor can offer its products with confidence.

Email: sales@atexor.co.uk We make world-wide deliveries to petrochemical industries, oil refineries, drill ships, FPSO’s, and other oil & gas installations. Our lighting solutions can be found in many industries, including both public and government sectors such as fire-fighting, transportation and military. In addition to ATEX and IECEx certified products, Atexor offers products with GOST, DNV and other relevant certifications. Atexor Oy has 30 years of experience in designing and developing Ex-lighting. We play an active role in international committees developing standards for equipment used in explosion hazardous areas.

Web: www.atexor.co.uk In close cooperation with the customer, we find the most economical solution, without compromising safety. Contact us and we will take care of your hazardous area lighting needs! Ex-certification is just the beginning at Atexor. With an ISO 9001:2008 quality system and ATEX certified production, every feature, safety function and solution is the result of world-class design and engineering proven through end-to-end testing. Atexor products are more than just basic Ex-lights. Atexor Oy is part of Finnish Teknopower Group, a family owned corporation.

Stand 25: BEKA associates Ltd - Old Charlton Road, Hitchin, Herts, SG5 2DA, UK Tel: +44 (0)1462 438301 BEKA associates Ltd is a privately owned, independent British company with over 30 years dedication to the design and manufacture of display instrumentation. We specialise in intrinsically safe 4-20mA loop powered indicators and continuously develop new products for general purpose as well as hazardous areas. Backed by a 3-year warranty, BEKA products are often incorporated in the latest

Email: sales@beka.co.uk equipment and processing plants. A new range of totalisers, counters, timers and clocks have recently been introduced to complement our batch controllers, fieldbus indicators, data displays, set point stations [generators], sounders, beacons and panel lamps. Superseding our existing range of general purpose digital panel meters, a second generation Advisor model has been designed

Web: www.beka.co.uk with a colourful display and bargraph which allows the display digits to be any colour on a black background. Industries served include oil and gas, chemical, pharmaceutical and waste water. Such a wide range of industries and global companies require international certification provided by ATEX, IECEx, InMetro; FM and ETL for USA and Canada.

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An An experienced experienced & professional team & with professional demonstrable and proven team skills within with the fields demonstrable of explosive atmospheres, and industrial proven sk && commercial. commercial. Flexible, client focussed Flexible, and provide client logical solutions focussed or resources. and provide logical solutions o

ISO9001, ISO9001, ISO14001 & ISO14001 OHSAS 18001 accredited & OHSAS along with memberships 18001 of accredited the Energy Institute along & IOSH ensuring with no matter membershi how how large or large small theor organisation small wethe tailor our organisation services to match the clients wespecific tailor needs. our services to match the We are multi-disciplined & encompass many differing industries. Our client list includes both small, large & multi national companies with projects, presentations & training courses carried out within the UK & internationally:

AnAnexperiexperienced enced & professional team & wiprofessional th demonstrable and proven team skil s wiwith thin the fidemonstrable elds of explosive atmospheres,and industriproven al sk &&commerci commercial. al. Flexible, client focussed Flexible, and proviclient de logical solfocussed utions or resources.and provide logical solutions o We We Provide: Provide: Abu Dhabi, Azerbaijan, Angola, Inspections & Rectification Electrical &China, Instrumentation • • Inspections & Rectification Electrical & Instrumentation Belgium, Dubai, France, using Ex tablets & ExTrace management system AssetsAssets using Ex tablets & ExTrace management system Germany, Holland, Italy, India, Nigeria, • • Installation Installation & Testing Electrical& & Instrumentation Testing Electrical & Instrumentation Spain, Sweden, Tobago, Trinidad, • • DesignDesign & commissioning & across commissioning all industries across all industries Tunisia, USA, UAE etc. • • Mechanical Mechanical & Inspection & Inspection • • ATEX/DSEAR ATEX/DSEAR Assessments Assessments • • Hazardous Hazardous Areas AssessmentAreas & Classification Assessment & Classification • • Process Process Safety & CAD Facilities Safety & CAD Facilities • • Health, Health, Safety & Environmental Safety Solutions & Environmental Solutions

ISO9001, ISO9001, ISO14001 &ISO14001 OHSAS 18001 accredi &tedOHSAS along with membershi 18001ps ofaccredited the Energy Institute along & IOSH ensuriwith ng no matter membershi how how large orlarge small theor organismall sation wethe tailor ourorganisation services to match the clwe ients speci tailor fic needs.our services to match the We are multi-disciplined & encompass many differing industries. Our client list

Limited, 20 Wilton Road, Grimsby, N. E. Lincoln F.E.S. (EX) Limited,F.E.S. 20 Wilton (EX) Road, Grimsby, N. E. Lincolnshire, DN36 4AW; Email: enquiries@fes-ex.com

HazardEx January 2018

Exhibitor Profiles S17

Exhibiting Partners Stand 1: British Standards Institution (BSI) - 389 Chiswick High Road, London, W4 4AL, UK Tel: +44 (0)345 086 900 BSI is the business standards company that helps organizations all over the world make excellence a habit. For more than a century we have been challenging mediocrity and complacency to help embed excellence into the way people and products work. That means showing businesses how to improve performance, reduce risk and achieve sustainable growth. As a global leader in helping organizations improve, our clients range from high profile brands to small, local companies in 182 countries worldwide.

Email: cservices@bsigroup.com Our Services We offer the full spectrum of services to help organizations work better. Everything from creating standards of excellence to training your people to work in more effective ways, assessing how you’re doing, and helping you perform even better in future. Very few others do this, and none have been doing it as long as we have. We can combine any of our products and services to create a package that’s tailored to your business. This removes the complexity and unnecessary cost of getting you where you want to be – whatever your starting point.

Web: www.bsigroup.com Buy standards at the BSI Shop Know what you want to get hold of? You can buy any current British Standard at the BSI Shop, as a PDF download or hard copy. You’ll also find much more here, including books and CDs explaining key standards, and how to license standards. shop.bsigroup.com

Stand 14: C&P Engineering Services - Gorseinon Road, Gorseinon, Swansea, SA4 9GE, UK Tel: +44 (0)1792 897002 Established in 1973, C&P Engineering Services Ltd is an award-winning Electrical and Instrumentation Services company that has built a reputation of minimising risk through safe, professional and versatile high quality E&I services. The company operates across a wide range of industries, including the Oil, Gas, Chemical, Petrochemical, Steel, Power Generation, Industrial Manufacturing and Renewable Energy sectors. C&P are a total solution electrical engineering contractor and deliver electrical and instrumentation services to the whole of the UK and internationally. From design to start up through to on-going LV & HV electrical and instrumentation maintenance, the proactive company ethos and ability to integrate with your operations ensures your LV, HV electrical and instrumentation projects are completed

Email: info@cpengineering.co.uk

Web: www.cpengineering.co.uk

safely, on time, within budget, to specification and with minimal downtime.

Hazardous Area ATEX Inspection, Installation, Consultancy & Training Services: C&P assist customers with optimising their Ex asset performance, safety and integrity through delivering the following hazardous area inspection, installation, consultancy and training services: Ex Inspection of Existing and New Ex Equipment; Ex Hazardous Area Inspection Strategy Development & Implementation; Compiling Ex Registers and Client Databases; Ensuring Verification of all Installed ‘Ex’ Equipment Databases; Ensuring Compliance with all Standards and Regulations; Gap Analysis and Reporting of Current Ex Inspection Procedures; Explosion Protection Documents; Ex Installation & Maintenance Project Management; Ex Remedial Repairs and CompEx Electrical Training Services.

Services: • LV Electrical Services • Instrumentation, Control and Automation Design & Build • ATEX / IEC Inspection, Verification, Installation & Consultancy Services • HV Electrical Design & Build - 11kV, 33kV & 132kV • HV Electrical Operation & Maintenance • CompEx Electrical Training Services • Commissioning • Project Management & Turnkey E&I Contracting Services

Table Top: Cogent Skills - Unit 5, Mandarin Court, Warrington, WA1 1GG Tel: +44 (0)1925 515200 In August, Cogent Skills surpassed 8000 delegates on its suite of process safety management training courses. Developed for industry by leading employers, regulatory authorities and employer representatives, the popular cultural change process safety training programme has been delivered in over 25 countries around the world and continues to make strides in the domestic major hazard industries including chemical and pharmaceutical industries, energy and utilities, consumer goods, construction and even distilleries. Unlike many other forms of process safety training, a heavy focus is placed on improving process safety understanding in the boardroom,

Email: industry@cogentskills which is subsequently rolled out within companies from the top down; a model which has proven to improve the understanding of process safety enterprise-wide. In addition, other reported benefits have included: a reduction in the number of Lost Time Incidents, an increase in near miss reporting, improved safety cultures and increased productivity. The emphasis on improving process safety culture also sets the suite of process safety courses apart from more traditional courses that deliver a heavier technical focus. And the suite is the only one to be underpinned by National Standards approved by the PSM Competence Programme Board.

Web: www.cogentskills.com Now a barometer of competence in the major hazard industries, and described by the HSE as “best in class”, the Competent Authority will look favourably on organisations during routine inspections, if employers can evidence such training taking place. Alex Slater, Head of Course Operations at Cogent Skills said, “training 8,000 delegates is fantastic but we aren’t finished yet. Reaching such a milestone sends out a clear message to organisations yet to engage in process safety management training that they are missing out.” If you’d like more information about any of Cogent Skills’ flagship courses, our contact details are given above.


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HazardEx January 2018

Exhibitor Profiles S21

Exhibiting Partners Stand 11: CCG UK Ltd - Metcalfe Rd, Skippers Lane Industrial Estate, Middlesbrough, TS6 6PT, UK Tel: +44 (0)1642 430346

Email : sales@ccgcablegland.co.uk

CCG® began manufacturing cable glands in 1972 with the introduction of the original Captive Component Gland™. The gland design was a direct response to a call by international mining companies that experienced problems with cable glands having loose components being incorrectly installed in deep-level mines. Very quickly the concept of the CCG cable gland was adopted by other industries including the Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Industries that recognized the safety advantages that the Captive Component Gland offers, especially for installation in safetycritical hazardous areas installations. From the beginning, CCG has placed emphasis on the user’s input to enhance design innovation. CCG’s policy of “built-in safety™” and “designing out complexity” has meant that discerning engineers worldwide have recognized CCG’s products for their time and wastage saving features. The simplicity of

the “Captive Component Gland™” concept means that no matter where in the world CCG products are being installed, the simplest of instructions will ensure that all the parts have been correctly fitted. This concept is very important for installations and projects in developing countries where unskilled CCG labour is very often used. CCG designs and manufactures all its products and is ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 listed with UL USA. CCG is also quality audited by ATEX, ABS USA, DNV, Australian Standards, the IEC, INMETRO, EAC and the SABS. Its products are certified to Australian, British, Brazilian, European, Russian, South African and IEC standards where applicable. CCG operates a modern manufacturing plant utilizing the latest in CNC technology and is now the largest and most modern manufacturer of cable glands in the Southern

Web : www.ccgcablegland.co.za Hemisphere and one of the largest in the world. CCG has a global network of offices and warehouses in Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, United Arab Emirates and the United Kingdom. Through its 10 overseas branches, CCG sells to over 50 different countries. CCG lists amongst its recent major successes multibillion dollar projects such as the 3 Curtis Island LNG projects and the Exxon Mobil Gas project in Australia, The Chevron LNG project in Angola, the Petro Rabigh II and Aramco Lazan refinery projects in Saudi Arabia where the 2017 HazardEx award-winning QuickStop-Ex™ Injection Resin™ Barrier Glands have been extremely well accepted. With a failsafe design, a quality approach to manufacturing and a dedicated distribution and service network. CCG is able to deliver quality, cost-effective products, on time anywhere in the world.

Stand 21: CorDEX Instruments Ltd - Unit 1, Owens Road, Skippers Lane Industrial Estate, Middlesbrough, TS6 6HE, UK Tel: +44 (0)1642 454373 We are the recognised global authority in the manufacture of Intrinsically Safe Tools & Instrumentation. We are known for bringing straightforward solutions to complex safety challenges which others haven’t dared to tackle. We are copied, envied and respected across the industry. We understand and embrace the challenges associated with hazardous environments. We look to design and manufacture products which are new and different in the marketplace and which tackle those challenges. Our focus is on unmet

Email: sales@cord-ex.com needs and simplified process. We will not be deterred. We invest time, money and energy in getting things right. Our products are strong and functional – they can be relied upon. At CorDEX we are leaders in the innovation and manufacture of instruments used every day in the world’s most challenging work environments. All of our instruments are specifically created for safe use in hazardous environments, which make us the authority in Intrinsically Safe Instrumentation. We invest in product development and certification to make sure our customers have the confidence that

Web: www.cord-ex.com you need to stay safe. So our tools offer more than just safety, performance and accuracy – they give our customers the confidence to do the job. Our products may be Intrinsically Safe but you won’t see a trade-off in terms of usability or features. Our products, such as our range of IR Windows, have all of the usual advanced functionality you would expect from an industrial instrument. And like any other high quality instrument it comes with a full warranty and ongoing support from our in-house technical team.

Stand 30: CSA Group - Unit 6, Hawarden Industrial Estate, Hawarden, Deeside, CH5 3US, UK Tel: +44 (0)1244 670900 With enhanced and expanded testing facilities, our UK offices and laboratories underpin the investment we continuously make to lead the way in testing, compliance and conformity services for our clients around the globe. CSA Group – Hawarden (near Chester) is a world leader in conformity assessment solutions, specialising in product certification to ATEX, IECEx and CSA North American approvals, as well as offering a range of training, audits and inspection services from our UK location. To help reduce risk in explosive atmospheres we also provide DSEAR compliance and IEC 61508 Functional Safety services to assist with the prevention of major accidents and incidents

Email: ukinfo@csagroup.org on site. Our Environmental division provides certification under the MCERTS scheme, and is the sole partner of the UK Environment Agency for the scheme. In addition, manufacturers of ‘Ex’ equipment can use CSA Group to facilitate the often complex process of achieving global approvals for their products, via its Global Market Access (GMA) programme. The GMA service enables CSA Group to facilitate world-wide approvals on behalf of manufacturers of HazLoc products, through a network of recognition agreements with leading certification bodies, including Brazil, China, Russia and South Africa. In October 2017, CSA Group was also

Web: www.csagroupuk.org recognised as a certification body for the Japanese ‘Ex’ market - ensuring we can provide our customers a quick entry to Japan. Appointed by the UK Government as an EU Notified Body (No. 0518) CSA Group (under Sira Certification Service) is accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) to ISO 17021, ISO 17024, ISO 17065 and ISO/IEC/EN 17025, and also maintains IECEx Certification and Test Laboratory Approval. Visit CSA Group at HazardEx 2018 International Conference & Exhibition in Runcorn, Cheshire, UK. Please contact ukinfo@ csagroup.org for more details or to reserve time with our experts during the show.

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HazardEx January 2018

Exhibitor Profiles S23

Exhibiting Partners Stand 3: DEKRA Process Safety - Phi House, Southampton Science Park, Southampton, Hampshire, SO16 7NS, UK Tel: +44 (0)2380 760722 The breadth and depth of expertise in process safety makes us globally recognized specialists and trusted advisors. We help our clients to understand and evaluate their risks, and work together to develop pragmatic solutions. Our

Email: adam.bell@dekra.com value-adding and practical approach combines specialist process safety management, engineering and testing. We seek to educate and grow client competence to provide sustainable performance

Web: www.dekra-insight.com improvement. Partnering with our clients we combine technical expertise with a passion for life preservation, harm reduction and asset protection. As part the world’s leading expert organization DEKRA, we are the global partner for a safe world.

Stand 32: Draeger UK Ltd - Ullswater Close, Blyth Riverside, Blyth, Northumberland, NE24 4RG, UK Tel: +44 (0)1670 352891 For over 125 years, both in the UK & Internationally, Draeger has proven to be a trusted partner in safety. In addition other key sectors for us include Fire & Rescue, Oil & Gas and Chemical. We also serve in areas such as Hospital, Power Generation, Construction and many more. Our innovative products & services have established us as a leading safety and medical solutions provider, ultimately protecting and saving the lives of our customers, when they find themselves in potentially hazardous situations.

Email: marketing.uk@draeger.com

Web: www.draeger.com

At Draeger, innovation and quality is at the heart of everything we do and we take our responsibility seriously - right from the customer requirements process, through to our Research & Development and rigorous testing phases. Our SixSigma approach to manufacturing ensures that our product quality is of the highest standard. With a wide range of products and solutions that protect both personnel and plant & operations, our portfolio includes Gas Detection devices (both portable & fixed),

Air Sampling Tubes, Personal Protection & Breathing equipment, Emergency Escape Devices and leading Drug & Alcohol detection and screening solutions. All of this is supported and underpinned with extensive Service, Maintenance, Training & Rental options – providing our wide customer base with a truly holistic set of safety solutions. For more please – visit our website www.draeger.com

Stand 27: Exloc Instruments UK Ltd - Unit 7, Riverside Court, Delph, Oldham, OL3 5FZ, UK Tel: +44 (0)1457 239301

Email: sales@exloc.co.uk

Exloc Instruments UK Ltd was formed in 2012 and our staff have many years’ experience in the process industries and hazardous area protection. Now in our sixth year, we remain the sole UK agents for GM International, whose range of Intrinsically Safe Interfaces, SIL relays and power supplies have been leading the marketplace for the last quarter of a century. We are continuously enhancing our range of products and services to meet the most rigorous and demanding of industry

environments both technologically and environmentally. To support this, we offer TUV (Rheinland) Functional Safety Engineer training courses throughout the UK several times a year to support the increasing demand for meeting site safety requirements to IEC61508/61511 standards. Our expanding ranges of Windows and Android tablets and SmartPhones / Phones as well as ruggedized products is strengthened further by our portfolio

Web: wwwexloc.co.uk of ATEX rated portable products which includes digital cameras, thermal imaging cameras, non-destructive testing equipment and lighting as well as a full complement of fixed terminal workstations, monitors and networking equipment. We also retain strong business relationships with major Ex suppliers of ATEX rated plant equipment such as hazardous area display instrumentation and high performance audible and visual signals.



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HazardEx January 2018

Exhibitor Profiles S27

Exhibiting Partners Stand 29: F.E.S. (EX) Ltd - 20 Wilton Rd, Humberston, Grimsby, N.E. Lincolnshire, DN36 4AW, UK Tel: + 44 (0)1472 598987

Email: enquiries@fes-ex.com

F.E.S. (EX) provides a range of tailored, specialist services for industries that operate within potentially hazardous and explosive atmospheres. Our team of experienced, competent personnel have proven skills within the areas of design, process safety, Health & Safety, operations, maintenance, inspections and installations within potentially explosive atmospheres. With the requirements of ATEX (Atmospheres Explosibles) Directives within the member states of Europe and DSEAR 2002 (The Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002) in the UK, F.E.S. (EX) can provide hazardous area compliance, inspections, risk assessment and project management for companies of all sizes. We at F.E.S. (EX) Limited can offer a comprehensive service with our own experienced Electrical/Instrument & Mechanical CompEx trained personnel to carry out the following services.

• Hazardous Area Systems Process and Classification. • Audit, Inspection and Assessment of Equipment, Plant and Processes. • Installation of Equipment in Hazardous and Non-Hazardous Areas. • Health, Safety and Environmental Solutions. • Training. • Project Management and Solutions. Some brief points with regards to our company are • 0% accident record to date. • 1SO9001, ISO14001 & OHSAS 18001. • Energy Institute Co., EI Electrical committee member & EI Humber committee member. • CompEx supporter, Energy Institute member, IOSH Members, Expert Witness, FPAL, Achilles, NICEIC Hazardous Areas accredited. • Contributions to EI Model codes of safe practice. • Areas of Work : Worldwide • Client list (part): ABP, Akzo, Alstom, BAE, BP,

Web: www.fes-ex.com Burlington, BG, Calor, Conoco, Corus, EPR, GE, Greenergy, GSK, INEOS, Nippon Gohsei, Novartis, Pall, Reckitt, RWE, Siemens, SITA, SSE , SSL, Trinidad & Tobago Commission, Tata, Total, Tyco ETC… In addition to the services provided by F.E.S. (EX) Limited, our sister company Roxby Training Solutions Limited are a leading provider of technical training and assessment, committed to quality, as evidenced by their ISO 9001 and ISI Educational Oversight Certification. Roxby offers accredited and bespoke training solutions in their first class training facilities based in Teesside and Lincolnshire and where required training can be carried out onsite. Courses include; CompEx Units Ex01 – Ex06, Ex11, Ex12 and the NEW Responsible Person Unit Ex14, Electrical, Instrumentation, Mechanical, Health & Safety and Gas Turbines. Accreditation for training and assessments are awarded by JTL, City & Guilds, ECITB and EAL

Table Top: Getac UK - Mitac House, Nedge Hill, Telford, Shropshire, TF3 3AH, UK Tel: +44 (0) 1952 207 222 Getac has been manufacturing mobile computers for over 27 years and is one of the world’s leading ruggedised computing solution suppliers, with the industry’s most extensive range of notebooks, tablets and handhelds. Its devices are specifically designed to meet the mission-critical computing needs of mobile workers who face the most demanding environments, whether indoors or out. 6 Getac recently launched the EX80 rugged tablet built to digitise processes and deliver productivity gains for mobile workers operating in particularly hazardous, explosive environments. The tablet is Getac’s first Zone 0 device and is ATEX / IECEx Zone 0/20 and UL913 certified (Class I / II Division 1), making it intrinsically safe for use in oil and gas, petrochemical, manufacturing and munitions storage environments. The Getac EX80 incorporates a sealed anti-static exterior

Email: emeasales@getac.com

Web: www.getac.com.uk

with surface temperature control to limit the possibility of explosion due to electrostatic charges, hot surfaces, heat energy or friction. Getac also offers options for ATEX and IECex Zone 2/22 certification for use in potentially explosive atmospheres, insulating mechanical material and exceptional circuit designs are applied to ensure devices are ignition-proof and intrinsically safe under its intended use. This option exists for Getac’s most popular devices including its F110 11.5 inch tablet, T800 8.1 inch tablet and the 7 inch ZX70, all designed to meet the varying needs of field service professionals operating in hazardous environments. Other important benefits of Getac’s rugged device include: IP ratings and MIL-STD certifications ensuring the devices are protected from dust, water, vibration and shock. Devices also come standard with Getac’s proprietary

sunlight-readable LumiBond® display which gives users increased durability, readability and features several touch modes that allow operation in the rain, with gloves or other protective clothing, and hard-tip stylus, ideal for taking notes and capturing data in the field. Getac Technology Corporation, a key subsidiary of MiTAC-Synnex Business Group (2016 consolidated revenue $29.06 billion USD), was established in 1989 as a joint venture with GE Aerospace to supply defence electronic products. Getac’s business coverage includes; rugged notebooks, tablets and body worn devices for military, utilities, public safety, automotive, manufacturing and transportation applications ranging from fully rugged to commercial-grade rugged. Getac’s strong R&D capabilities allow it to provide a high level of customisation and all-aspect hardwaresoftware integration solutions.

Exloc Instruments (UK) Ltd - Hazardous Area Products One convenient source for the procurement of instruments, electronic devices and other products specifically designed and approved for use in hazardous locations involving flammable gas and dust atmospheres.

DIN Rail Safety Products: I.S. interfaces Safety relays Surge protection SIL 3 Power Supplies

Mobile Computing & Lighting: Mobile and SmartPhones Zone 1 Windows 10 Tablet Digital and thermal imaging cameras Torches and portable lighting None-destructive testing systems Barcode scanners and RFID readers

Visualisation & Alarm Products: I.S. and ruggedised PC terminals and monitors Hazardous area beacons, sounders & call points Loop powered indicators and displays Handheld barcode scanners and RFID readers I.S. LED cluster lamps

Networking: opis transceivers Ethernet switches / media converters Wireless Access Points RFID Readers and Scanners

TUV Rheinland Functional Safety (Engineer) Training 4 Sessions in 2018 Presented by Functional Safety Expert Tino Vande Capelle 3 Venues across the UK 5th Year of UK based courses Based on the leading international functional safety standards IEC 61508 and IEC 61511.

EXLOC Instruments (UK) Ltd, Unit 7 Riverside Court, Delph, Oldham, OL3 5FZ www.exloc.co.uk Tel 01457 239301 sales@exloc.co.uk

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HazardEx January 2018

Exhibitor Profiles S31

Exhibiting Partners Stand 5: Hornbill Engineering - Norton House, Darcy Business Park, Llandarcy, Neath, SA10 6EJ, UK Tel: +44 (0)1792 818111 Hornbill is a NICEIC approved company for low voltage and hazardous areas. We provide worldwide practical advice and support, to ensure that your hazardous area installations are fully compliant with industry standards. We understand that the world of potentially explosive areas is becoming increasingly challenging for our clients. Our highly experienced department of specialist ATEX engineers can carry out visual, close or detailed inspections (BS EN 6007917) dependent on our client’s requirements. Using either the clients or our own software system our engineers will create an up to date asset register and condition report, with all information required to ensure compliance with DSEAR regulations. Should any gaps exist between the condition of your installations and the regulatory requirements, Hornbill will explain these and create a plan to address the remedial works.

Email: sales@hornbill.co.uk Hornbill has a dedicated, efficient and highly qualified workforce providing integrated and proactive support in the most specialised and hazardous areas. Our Specialist Hazardous Area Services include: • Visual/ close/detailed inspections and testing • ATEX Inspection Strategy Development & Implementation • Compiling Ex Asset Register and condition reports • Verification of existing EX system • Installation, commissioning and maintenance of ATEX systems • Procurement of ATEX rated equipment • Project Management • High Level Technical Support • Compliance with ATEX Standards and DSEAR Regulations • Minimum Interruption to Your Processes and Plant

Web: www.hornbill.co.uk These services can be supplied as a standalone service or in a conjunction with our extended range of services in process control, instrumentation, electrical systems, high voltage and systems. Our sister company Hornbill Industrial Training is CompEx certified state of the art training facility. Hornbill ATEX engineers are kept fully up to date with any changes within the industry and are able to call upon the expertise of the training team, if and when required. All of Hornbill’s work is guaranteed by our integrated Quality, Environmental and Safety (iQES) System which is fully underpinned by our accreditations including ISO 9001, ISO14001, OHSAS 18001 and NICEIC. Therefore our client can be assured they will get the best service form Hornbill’s highly knowledgeable and experienced engineering each and every time. Providing you with a path towards full compliance. Together, we’re in control!

Stand 16: Intertek - Davy Avenue, Knowlhill, Milton Keynes MK5 8NL, UK Tel: +44 (0)1244 882590

Email: mark.c.day@intertek.com

Web: www.intertek.com

In a competitive, risk aware market Intertek helps Ex manufacturers and installers create trust and market success through auditing, inspection, testing, training, advisory, quality assurance and certification services, from experts around the globe.

meet and exceed customer expectations since 1896. We have numerous test, assessment and training locations world-wide and a highly experienced team with over 50 dedicated Hazardous Locations staff to help you. So why work with us? • We react quickly, quote competitively and deliver high levels of service. • We assess and certify products for compliance with ATEX, IECEx, NEC in the US, CEC in Canada. We also test to CENELEC, CEN, IEC and MIL Specs and we are a recognised test laboratory for USCG • We offer the full scope of ATEX Certification for every type of equipment from large electrical machines to non-electrical equipment destined for Zone 0. • We can test to ATEX, CE and IECEx concurrently for the fastest and least expensive compliance route. • We are a leading expert in DSEAR and ATEX 2014/34/EU compliance and explosion risk reduction with unique services and skills. • We provide CompEx Competency assessment in our training centres in the UK and US and internationally via our mobile training rig that can be shipped anywhere. (Courses can be found at www.intertek.com/training/UK)

We provide: • High level consultancy including writing specifications for suppliers and users • Design control and management of hazardous area projects • Area Classification and DSEAR (ATEX) Risk Assessment • Equipment and Plant Inspections • Assistance in the design, supply and installation of safety and mitigation systems • Full support, service levels agreements and ATEX 2014/34/EU and DSEAR Compliance

FAST: Our challenge is to get your safe products out to your target markets - fast. SPECIALIST: Intertek has the size, flexibility and credentials to provide you with everything you need for compliance in one seamless project. We are here to partner with you from concept, through design, assessment and to final certification. We understand that compliance isn’t just about Ex regulations, and will also provide you with EMC assessments and Environmental testing as you require. We even have team in the UK specialising in ongoing asset integrity management to make sure your equipment is not only safe and maintained, but performs as expected for its life in service. GLOBAL: Our team has helped leading product and equipment manufacturers understand the requirements of their target markets and

About Intertek Total Quality. Assured. Intertek is a leading Total Quality Assurance provider to industries worldwide. Our network of more than 1,000 laboratories and offices and over 42,000 people in more than 100 countries, delivers innovative and bespoke Assurance, Testing, Inspection and Certification solutions for our customers’ operations and supply chains. Intertek Total Quality Assurance expertise, delivered consistently with precision, pace and passion, enabling our customers to power ahead safely.

HazardEx January 2018

Exhibitor Profiles S33

Exhibiting Partners Stand 2: Lewden Palazolli - 4, Springwood Industrial Estate, Bradbury Drive, Braintree, CM7 2SD, UK Tel: +44 (0)1376 336200

Email: sales@lewden.co.uk

Lewden will be exhibiting various products from its popular ATEX range at Hazardex 2018 that allow for the safe installation, servicing and repair of electrical power distribution equipment in hazardous areas. The range is fully compliant with all EN standards and ATEX Compliance Directives. The range is in compliance with ATEX Directives and includes switches, switch interlock-sockets, lighting fixtures and plugs, in addition to watertight junction boxes, universal fittings and accessories. Made from reinforced anti-static thermosetting material and aluminium alloy, Lewden’s ATEX range offers resistance to extreme heat and fire, chemical agents, humidity and protection from UV rays and atmospheric agents. The materials can cope with extremes of temperatures, providing a robust outer against breakage and wear and tear whilst protecting users from shocks and opening arcs. They can be used for indoor

or outdoor applications and the option of a diecast aluminium outer is also available. Offering an advanced and patented system of interlocked socket-outlets, the range consists of 16A, 32A and 63A outlets with blind watertight enclosures and mounting plates for easy installation. The interlock system has ATEX approval, offering the added security of protection against a trigger of explosion by preventing sparks when plugs and sockets are connected. All Lewden’s products are designed and manufactured to offer reliable, safe and long lasting high quality products. The range is approved and certified to EN standards and come with IP66/IP67 protection and IMQ 07 ATEXQ 001 which guarantees the equipment can be used in areas where gas, vapours, mists or dusts are present. The Lewden ATEX range has full compliance certification for Zone 1, 2 Gas and 21, and 22 for Dust) approved

Web: www.lewden.co.uk by TUV SUD and have IECEx certification. All products also comply with the ATEX Directive ATEX 94/9/CE, 2014/34/ue and are in compliance with EN 60079-0 standards. Lewden has many years’ experience of delivering customised solutions, ranging from simple adaptations of standard products through to fully bespoke designs. In fact we enjoy the challenge, and enjoy working with our customers to fully understand their requirements and present them with innovative solutions. Our designs give due consideration to practical, functional operation, long working life, aesthetics, ease of installation, maintenance and replacement of time-served components – with, of course, safety always being of paramount importance. Where required, we can also meet the most demanding schedules of fast-track projects.

Stand 26: Moflash Signalling Ltd - 11, Upper Conybere Street, Highgate, Birmingham, B12 0EB, UK Tel: +44 (0)121 440 5894 Based in Birmingham at the heart of Great Britain, Moflash Signalling is one of the leading independent manufacturers of alarms and signalling devices in the UK. Formed from the Moflash Co Limited in 1998, the company has grown dramatically over the last 20 years with the introduction of many new product lines and the acquisition of signalling products from other manufacturers, along with the Klaxon range of motorised horns and buzzers now being produced in the Moflash factory. Our versatile ranges serve a broad spectrum of markets including:Industrial, Process Control, Status Indication, Fire and security, Explosive Environments, Obstruction Marking, Marine, Automotive and Safety and Protection.

E-mail: uksales@moflash.co.uk Moflash announced the introduction of the new intrinsically safe range of signals recently. The IS range of audible and visual signalling devices is suited for use in the potentially explosive atmospheres for Group I (Mining) & Group 11 (above ground) applications and typically suitable for Fire, Security, Process Control and general signalling installations, Our EXD range is designed for heavy duty applications where a more powerful audible or visual signal is required to operate in explosive atmospheres or very harsh environmental conditions. With its programme of development, Moflash is in a strong position to keep meeting the increasing demands of a safety conscious world. With a dedicated team

Web: www.moflash.co.uk based in the UK and through the excellent relationships formed with local distributors and partners, Moflash can successfully promote and sell its product range to over 70 countries worldwide. Our visual signalling ranges cover incandescent, LED and Xenon (strobe) products whilst our audible signalling ranges cover Air horns, bells, buzzers, horns and electronic piezo sounders. We operate to the current ISO9001 Quality System and are audited to QAN and QAR standards. We also manufacture ATEX and IECEx approved products.

When regularly working with hazardous substances, you run the risk of exposure to dangerous chemicals and gases. Before entering potentially hazardous situations, every worker should know the characteristics of the substances involved and of course the safe exposure limits associated with them. Dräger offer products to measure these hazardous substances and protect yourself against them. FIND OUT MORE VISIT: WWW.DRAEGER.COM

ATEX approved

A radar beam focused like a laser! The future is 80 GHz: a new generation of radar level sensors

The latest cutting-edge technology from the world leader: the unsurpassed focusing of VEGAPULS 64. This enables the radar beam to be targeted at the liquid surface with pinpoint accuracy, avoiding internal obstructions like heating coils and agitators. This new generation of level sensors is also completely unaffected by condensation or buildup and has the smallest antenna of its kind. Simply world-class! www.vega.com/radar

Wireless adjustment via Bluetooth with smartphone, tablet or PC. Compatible retrofit to all plicsÂŽ sensors manufactured since 2002.

HazardEx January 2018

Exhibitor Profiles S37

Exhibiting Partners Stand 6: Moore Industries - 1 Lloyds Court, Manor Royal, Crawley RH10 9QU, UK Tel: +44 (0)1293 514488

Email: rstockham@mooreind.com

Moore Industries is a world leader in the design and manufacture of exceptionally rugged, reliable and high quality field and DIN rail mounted instrumentation for the process monitoring and control industries. Our Functional Safety ‘FS Series’ features instruments that have been designed and built in compliance with IEC 61508:2010, the worldwide functional safety standard. Designing instruments in accordance with the standard from the ground up forces the company through its Functional Safety Management and process for selection of components, quality of firmware and circuit design to undergo additional scrutiny, This affords the highest levels of functional safety and reliability. Selecting products from the FS Functional Safety Series gives safety practitioners confidence that their choice of instruments will perform as expected and when demanded. The FS Functional Safety Series products include: • STZ Safety Dual Input Smart HART Temperature Transmitter

• STA Safety Trip Alarm • SFY Functional Safety Frequency to DC Transmitter • SLD Functional Safety Programmable Display • SSX 2-wire Safety Isolator • SST 4-wire Safety Isolator and Splitter • SRM Safety Relay Module NEW: We have now added Associated I.S. inputs to our STZ Safety Temperature Transmitter and SPA2 Site Programmable Alarm, eliminating the need for additional Intrinsically Safe barriers to be designed and installed in the sensor loop. These FS Functional Safety Series instruments give you layers of protection that reduce risk and deliver reliable performance when you need it most. Key features for these products include: • Designed and built from the ground up for use with confidence in your Safety Instrumented System • Full third-party certification to IEC 61508:2010 eases the burden of proven in use on unapproved products.

Web: www.miinet.com. • SIL 2 and SIL 3 capable product family designed to meet your safety loop instrumentation needs. • Instrumentation designed and built for reliable performance year after year. Other Moore Industries product lines include: Temperature transmitters and assemblies, Pneumatic Converters, Smart HART@ Loop Interfaces; Signal Isolators and Converters; Intelligent and Robust Remote I/O; MooreHawke Fieldbus and Profibus Device Couplers, Power Supplies; and more. Moore Industries also have extensive experience and competence in system and panel, design and manufacture, this includes SIL3 Capable Alarm Voting panels. Our Worldwide sales and support offices provide first rate customer service and solutions for industries including the chemical; petrochemical; utilities; petroleum extraction, refining; pulp and paper; food and beverage; mining and metal refining; pharmaceuticals; semiconductor and biotechnology industries.

Stand 10: Mutech Ltd - Unit 9, Wharfside Business Park, Irlam Wharf Road, Irlam, Manchester, M44 5PN, UK Tel: +44 (0) 161 872 0400

Email: Julia.Cameron@mutech.co.uk

Web: www.mutech.co.uk

Mutech is a centre of excellence for Electronic Design and Manufacturing services. The keys to our success are establishing a clear understanding of our customers’ needs, and ensuring that we deliver with a “right first time” philosophy. Mutech has over 25 years of experience in the design and manufacture of electronics for hazardous environments. Our customers range from small privately-owned businesses all the way up to globally-recognised brands, and come from a wide variety of industries including mining, industrial processing, safety and consumer electronics.

At Mutech we believe our technical excellence comes from the quality of our people. Every member of staff is highly skilled and takes a real pride in their work. We strive to be experts in our field, and our leadership and participation in several BSI, IEC and other industry-related committees ensures that our knowledge remains up-to-date, as well as playing our part in developing the future standards that products will be assessed to. Our specialist skills include: Intrinsically Safe design, design for hazardous areas, ATEX, EN60079-11, Functional Safety, SIL, EN61508, RF design, GSM, CDMA, communications,

electronic security circuit design, power supply circuit design, SMPS, consumer electronics, industrial control, PCB layout, standards and approvals testing, microprocessors, embedded systems, real time development, RTOS, assembler, C, C+, C++, C#, *.NET, Visual Basic, Delphi, Foxpro. Colin Cameron, Mutech’s MD, is a leading technical expert representing the UK globally, including as Chairman of the UK national committee for the IECEx certification scheme and as Convener of the IEC maintenance team for the IEC 60079-11 Intrinsically Safe Equipment standard.

SAFE and SECURE SELLA CONTROLS is a specialist independent designer and supplier of control & automation, safety critical solutions and functional safety lifecycle services to a variety of high hazard industries. SELLA CONTROLS provide control and automation services in the following applications: • Solid state Safety Instrumentation Systems • PES based Safety Instrumented Systems • Burner Management Systems (BMS) • Integrated Control & Safety Systems (ICSS) • Emergency Shutdown Systems (ESD) • Distributed Control Systems (DCS) • High Integrity Pressure Protection Systems (HIPPS) • Fire & Gas Detection • Interface & Marshalling Cabinets • Panel Building • SCADA & Telemetry • Rail Crossing Solutions

SELLA CONTROLS is a founding member of the 61508 association and in 2001 was awarded the first UKAS accredited SIRA CASS certificate for Functional Safety Management. SELLA CONTROLS Carrington Field Street, Stockport, Cheshire SK1 3JN, United Kingdom T: +44 (0) 161 429 4500 • F: +44 (0) 161 476 3095 • E: sales@sellacontrols.com • www.sellacontrols.com

ATEXOR. Your Partner in Hazardous Area Lighting.

Fixed EX-area light fittings

Rechargeable EX-lighting

Temporary EX-lighting

Atexor designs and manufactures EX-lighting and power distribution systems. We are known for our reliability, high quality and our commitment to solving customers’ challenges on demanding time schedules. In addition to ATEX and IECEx certified products, Atexor offers products with GOST, DNV and other relevant certifications. Atexor Oy has 30 years of experience in Ex lighting. We play an active role in international committees developing standards for equipment used in explosion hazardous areas. In close cooperation with the customer, Atexor finds the most economical solution, without compromising safety. You are most welcomed to visit in our stand in 2018 Hazardex International Conference and Exhibition!

ATEXOR LTD. UK (Aberdeen) Tel: +44 1224 640777 Email: sales@atexor.co.uk Web: www.atexor.co.uk ATEXOR OY. (International) Tel: +358 20 734 3250 Email: info@atexor.com Web: www.atexor.com



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HazardEx January 2018

Exhibitor Profiles S41

Exhibiting Partners Table Top: Newson Gale - Omega House, Private Road 8, Colwick, Nottingham, NG4 2JX, UK Tel: +44 (0) 115 940 7500 Newson Gale – Leaders in controlling static for hazardous areas For over 30 years, Newson Gale has been leading the way in hazardous area static grounding control, serving industries where processes generating static electricity have the potential to ignite flammable or combustible atmospheres. In many branches of industry, hazardous (explosive) atmospheres exist due to the presence of flammable liquid vapors, gases, dusts and fibers. No matter how the explosive atmosphere is classified, it is vital that all potential ignition sources are eliminated, and static electricity is perhaps the most insidious of them all. Static electricity is generated in industry by virtually all operations and processes involving movement - for example product transfer, mixing and size reduction. Fires and explosions can occur as a result of uncontrolled static discharge from plant,

Email: ng@newson-gale.co.uk people and materials, and these commonly result in civilian injuries and fatalities, as well as significant financial losses in direct property damage and plant downtime. International codes of practice such as IEC 60079-32-1 provide guidelines for the effective control of static electricity, involving grounding and bonding all conductive and static dissipative plant and equipment in explosive atmospheres to prevent charge accumulation. This may sound simple enough in theory, but in practice is more difficult to achieve if you consider the large number of “static critical” applications commonly found in industry, oftentimes coupled with the presence of nonconductive materials, surface coatings and other insulating substances. Ideally, any control measures used should provide a seamless interface with normal plant operation and involve simple, user-friendly procedures. To help control these risks, Newson Gale offers a wide range of static grounding and

Web: www.newson-gale.co.uk bonding equipment which is made to provide optimum safety in explosive atmospheres and other hazardous operating environments. The Newson Gale range prevents static charge accumulation by using practical and innovative design, and ensures effective static control on three levels: • Earth-Rite® series of static ground indicators and interlock systems • Bond-Rite® series of self-testing static grounding clamp units • Cen-Stat™ series of static grounding and bonding clamps, cables, reels and test instruments Customers are supported from sales and service centers in the UK, Germany, Singapore and USA, and via an international network of specialist distributors and partners. Why compromise on safety? Use Newson Gale equipment to control static electricity in hazardous areas.

Stand 7: PEI-Genesis UK Ltd - George Curl Way, Southampton, SO18 2RZ, UK Tel: +44 (0)23 8062 1260 PEI-Genesis is a global leader in the design and assembly of custom engineered connectors and cable solutions for harsh environments. PEI partners with customers to design engineered solutions that meet specific application requirements and then delivers with speed, service and consistent quality that is unmatched in the industry. Proprietary automation in mirrored factories around the world allows PEI to assemble, from one of the largest inventories of electronic components, according to customers’ specific requirements. PEI develops custom interconnect solutions that support the harsh environments of the aviation, energy, military, industrial, rail, and medical sectors worldwide. Over 70% of products sold are assembled to order. PEI provides a highly tailored solution shipped fast with a minimum order quantity of one piece. No other source can match the extensive high-mix, low-volume, value-added capability. PEI-Genesis is also in the unique

Email: peiuk@peigenesis.com

Web: www.peigenesis.com

position of being the only value-add connector distributor with assembly facilities in North America, Europe and Asia. With fast shipping and excellent, responsive service, PEI-Genesis provides access to the brands design engineers trust. PEI’s line card includes the top global brands in the connector industry, including Amphenol, ITT Cannon, CINCH, Esterline/SOURIAU, and TE Connectivity brands DEUTSCH, Raychem and Polamco. PEI offers custom cable harness design services and assembly. PEI’s Engineered Solutions Group can design and build custom cable assemblies from its extensive inventory of connectors, as well as, leverage its 40-plus years of connector expertise. The PEI team engages customers early in the design process and partners through delivery and optimization. PEI-Genesis also has the capability to manufacture custom specialty grade connectors and engineered solutions via its

recent acquisition of FilConn, Inc. FilConn specializes in precision high reliability filtered, EMP suppression, and custom configurations for the mil-aero, medical, transit and oil/gas industry. FilConn complements PEI’s capability to provide customers application-specific connector solutions faster than anyone in the industry. Founded in 1946 by Murray Fisher and Bernie Bernbaum, PEI remains a family-owned company, steeped in the same traditions of innovation, integrity, teamwork, and delivery of excellence to its customers. Headquarted in Philadelphia, PA., PEIGenesis maintains an AS9100C:2009 and ISO9001:2008 certified quality management system at its corporate headquarters in Philadelphia, PA, and at production facilities in South Bend, IN; Chandler, AZ; and Southampton, UK. PEI’s Zhuhai, China facility achieved AS9100D and ISO 9001:2015 in September 2017.

Intrinsically Safe

Audible & Visual Signalling Devices Approved for Group I (Mining) & Group II (Above Ground) Applications For Zones 0,1,2,20,21 & 22 with IIC (Gas) & IIIC (Dust) Environments T5 & T6 Temperature Rated Up to 105 dB(A) output with a two stage alarm option 9 High Output LEDs Flashing and Static Mode options Weatherproof to IP66

When Safety is Paramount

ATEX +44 (0) 121 446 5322


UKsales@moflash.co.uk Exportsales@moflash.co.uk

HazardEx January 2018

Exhibitor Profiles S43

Exhibiting Partners Stand 4: Peli Safety Lighting – Peli House, Peakdale Road, Brookfield, Glossop, SK13 6LQ, UK Tel: +44 (0)1457 869999

Email: info@peliproducts.co.uk

Peli UK have a wide range of ATEX approved lighting products for professionals working in hazardous areas. Each torch in the Peli safety range is certified to current ATEX requirements for Zone 0 or Zone 1, ideal for industrial and offshore use. The range includes small compact torches through to large rechargeable hand lamps and worklights. The 9455 Zone 0 Area Light is the latest addition. This rugged LED work light is maintenance-free and rechargeable, offering a wide area light. Weighing 7.3kg, it is compact, portable and can be set up in seconds. The unit has a retractable mast; the head can be rotated 360° and it also pivots to angle the light directly where required. A ten hour

runtime ensures light duration for a full shift, there are no trailing cables and the 9455Z0 is silent running. For hands free use, there is a choice of ATEX head torches which include straps for head or helmet use, directional beams and switches designed for use with gloved hands. The Peli 2785Z1 head torch features a rear battery compartment with a red tail light as an additional safety feature. The clip-on torches also offer hands free light; including the 3315RZ0, a rechargeable torch with a right angled version. With a comprehensive choice of size and light output, from the small clip-on Peli 2220Z1 torch to the rechargeable 9415Z0 hand lamp, the Peli range offers high quality safety lighting

Web: www.peliproducts.co.uk for every requirement and budget. Peli UK will also display the Peli range of rugged, corrosion proof cases offering watertight and crushproof equipment protection; essential when transporting vital equipment. Professionals have chosen Peli Protector Cases for many years for their reliability, performance and durability in the most testing conditions. Peli UK offer bespoke foam inserts for the optimum in equipment protection; custom foam is extremely durable and ensures the contents are well organised, secured in place and fully protected. For more details telephone 01457 869999 or go to www.peliproducts.co.uk

Stand 20: Phoenix Contact Ltd - Halesfield 13, Telford, Shropshire, TF7 4PG, UK Tel: +44 (0)845 881 2222 The oil and gas industry is changing: operators within the industry need to increase the efficiency of their systems. Phoenix Contact offers a comprehensive portfolio of products to work between the control and field levels helping future-proof automation systems in the production, transport and processing of oil and gas. Upgrade existing systems to increase efficiency and minimize downtimes with turnkey solutions which support flexible expansion. This includes control technology, security, safety and Ex i components, surge protection and industry-specific software. Phoenix Contact offers many options to help with your system automation, from Terminal and Power Junction Boxes, for upgrading an installation through to Wireless Systems and communication interfaces which can allow you to gain more knowledge of your plants performance with minimal civils effort. Cyber Security Phoenix Contact offers secure communication with the mGuard cyber security router – both 3G/4G and networked devices are available depending on your requirements.

Email: info@phoenixcontact.co.uk

Web: www.phoenixcontact.co.uk

Surge Protection Protect your assets from lightning strikes and surge voltages with the range of Termitrab Complete ensuring high system availability of your process control input and output signals while giving protection for your measurement and control devices.

challenges faced in industrial communication infrastructure with reliability and security for the transmission of data and signals.

Safety With process plant, cabinet space is always at a premium, our range of SIL-certified PSR safety relays provide solutions from emergency stop monitoring to coupling failsafe controllers. ESD and F&G applications can be implemented in accordance with IEC 61508 and IEC 61511. HART Communication Our modular Ethernet to HART multiplexer which enables you to access the data held on the instrument, then convert and transmit valuable data over Ethernet to the control system. Wireless Communication Our range includes; Radio, Bluetooth, 3G/GSM and WLAN enabling you to negotiate the many

Industrial PC’s Industrial PCs in the VL2-PPC- and BPC1000 range have passed the Underwriters Laboratories (UL) test for Hazardous Locations Class 1, Divisions 2 (File number E196811, Vol. 2, 5 & 6) allowing these devices to be used in UL-Haz-Loc-Class-1-Div-2 applications Solutions for the future Together with customers and partners, we design solutions for the future using innovative connection and automation technology, whether in Process Engineering, Infrastructure, E-Mobility, for Water and Wastewater, Regenerative Energies and intelligent supply networks or systems manufacturing. Tackling technological developments and the associated changes in society and with almost 100 years of experience in the fields of machine building and automation, we are working on tomorrow’s intelligent production today.


Intertek is your global partner to support your hazardous location requirements Intertek is a leading Total Quality Assurance provider to industries worldwide. With our network of more than 1,000 laboratories and offices in more than 100 countries, Intertek is here to partner with you for training, testing, certification, notified body services, site assessments and zone classification across all hazardous locations. When launching a new product for use in hazardous locations, we are asked two questions: What certifications do I need? How long will it take to get these? You can’t afford to get lost in a maze of complexity. That’s where Intertek experts can help. FOR MORE INFORMATION

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Your keys to secure signals & data Greater security for process From safety relays to cyber security, PHOENIX CONTACT have many products on offer including innovations for connectivity, communication, security and switching Whether using junction boxes or signal conditioners, to HART or wireless communication we have solutions for your process requirements. For additional information call 0845 881 2222 or visit phoenixcontact.co.uk/PI

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HazardEx January 2018

Exhibitor Profiles S47

Exhibiting Partners Stand 28: RAS Ltd - PO Box 3315, Chester, CH4 8YR, UK Tel: +44 (0)1244 674612 RAS Ltd is an independent firm of risk specialists based in the North West. Established in 1993, RAS work with the leading companies in the oil & gas, pharmaceutical and specialist chemical sectors across the UK to manage risk to the safety of people, business and the environment. The specialised knowledge of RAS allows for an undiluted focus on the specific risk challenges of the client, who can be assured of up to date knowledge and best practise advice to industry recognised standards. Working in partnership with the client,

Email: enquiries@ras.ltd.uk we provide the tools and knowledge that will enable them to manage their own challenges and ensure that risk is managed sustainably throughout the life cycle of their hazardous installation. The area of Control of Major Accident Hazards (COMAH) is a particular specialism within the company. We support over 70 of the Upper Tier and Lower Tier sites in the UK, and have developed the Pre Construction Safety Reports for the majority of the new large industrial developments in the UK over the last 10 years. Services offered by RAS in the three key

Web: www.ras.ltd.uk areas of safety, environment and business risk management include: • Hazard identification • Quantitative risk assessment • Predictive & consequence modelling • ALARP demonstration • Regulatory compliance • Environmental risk assessment • Change management • Permitting • Planning and new developments • Training and development • Emergency response planning

Stand 23: Rheintacho UK Ltd - 17 Enterprise Court, Pit Lane, Micklefield, Leeds, LS25 4BU, UK Tel: +44 (0)113 287 4411 RHEINTACHO Messtechnik GmbH located in Freiburg, Germany and RHEINTACHO UK Ltd., formerly known as Foundrometers Instrumentation Ltd, are both companies with longstanding traditions. They have been engaged for over a combined 200 years in the field of rotational speed, a crucial control quantity for mechanical processes. Just over 70 employees are employed at the company’s headquarters in Freiburg and 10 are employed in Leeds, England. In-house product development, production and assembly departments guarantee quick and innovative solutions to customers’ individual requirements. The production range incorporates a wide range of solutions of high technical quality, principally in the field of rotational speed: sensors, hand-held measuring devices and instruments, rotary encoders, stroboscopes and switching devices.

Email: sales@rheintacho.co.uk RHEINTACHO UK Ltd., which is a subsidiary of the German company RHEINTACHO Messtechnik GmbH, is specialized in the production of non-electronic measurement and indication instruments, ATEX certified products, tacho-generators and acts as a sales and service centre for the UK and Ireland with customers all over the world. At RHEINTACHO’S facility in Micklefield, Leeds, all products are manufactured, assembled, tested and calibrated according to ISO 9001:2015. RHEINTACHO UK is also the specialist in connection with spares and repairs of not only current products in its comprehensive portfolio, but also any instruments or devices which RHEINTACHO, Foundrometers or even products of an earlier acquisition of Hardings and any other brand no longer around. RHEINTACHO UK is also the company in

Web: www.rheintacho.com the RHEINTACHO Group which is responsible for ATEX products. Two years ago, the first product, a handheld mechanical tachometer (HTM) was Zone 2 approved for use in hazardous areas. One year ago, we upgraded the approval to Zone 1, so that it can be used in mining environments. RHEINTACHO’s ATEX product portfolio took a further step in the second half of 2016 when a stationary stroboscope solution was introduced. The strobe was put into a zone 2 enclosure enabling usage in hazardous environments. A typical application can be found in the printing industry. Due to a company philosophy of continuous improvement and development, further ATEX developments are now in the pipeline. In case of any inquiries, please contact us. We would love to make your application safe!

8 01 x2 n dE io ar it az hib t H Ex om 4 a e & ire t.c #1 nc esh ne nd re Ch he ta nfe n, ont n S Co cor ex s o dEx un ard it u zar R .haz Vis Ha w

28th February & 1st March


HazardEx 2018

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HazardEx January 2018

Exhibitor Profiles S49

Exhibiting Partners Stand 34: Sella Controls - Carrington Field Street, Stockport, Cheshire, SK1 3JN, UK Tel: +44 (0)161 429 4500 SELLA CONTROLS is a specialist independent designer and supplier of control & automation, safety critical solutions and functional safety lifecycle services to a variety of high hazard industries. Over the last 40 years we have developed a strong reputation of proven expertise in the supply of Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS) to the Process Industries and safety-critical systems to the rail sector. From our design and manufacturing facilities in Stockport and Ashby-de-la-Zouch our team of in-house engineers and technicians work under the control of our BS EN ISO 9001 accredited Quality Management system using the best in class of product for the application, with our product partners; Codra, EKE Electronics, HIMA, KST and Mitsubishi. In the process industries, during our 35 year relationship with HIMA we have supplied over 2000 Safety instrumented Systems based on the HIMA product range. SELLA CONTROLS provides control and automation services in the following

Email: atonge@sellacontrols.com applications: • Solid state Safety Instrumented System • PES bases Safety instrumented systems • Burner Management (BMS) • Integrated Control & Safety Systems (ICSS) • Emergency Shutdown Systems (ESD) • Distributed Control Systems (DCS) • igh Integrity Pressure Protection (HIPPS) • Fire & Gas Detection • Data Logging • Interface & Marshalling Cabinets • Control Panels and Desks • Panel Building • SCADA & Telemetry • Power & Electrical Network Control • Operational Communication Systems • Rail Selective Door Opening Systems • Station Information & Security Systems • Rail Crossing Solutions SELLA CONTROLS is a founding member of the 61508 association and in 2001 was awarded the first UKAS accredited SIRA CASS certificate for Functional Safety Management, an accreditation

Web: www.sellacontrols.com we have retained ever since. Functional Safety is built into our Quality Management System and this ensures the required techniques and measures detailed in IEC 61508 and IEC 61511 are applied to all safety critical projects. Our pedigree and history make SELLA CONTROLS the logical choice for Safety Instrumented System and Functional Safety solutions. SELLA CONTROLS also provides expert led Functional Safety services across the entire safety system lifecycle including: • Functional Safety Management • HAZOP / CHAZOP / FMEA Facilitation • SIL Determination (LOPA, Risk Graph FTA) • Safety Requirements Specification • Full Loop SIL Verification • Proof Test Procedure Development • Independent Functional Safety Assessment Our involvement gives access to our combined functional safety knowledge, competency and our in house TÜV Rheinland Certified Functional Safety Expert (FS-Expert, SIS, #260).

Stand 31: R. STAHL - Unit 11 Maybrook Business Park, Maybrook Road, Minworth, Birmingham, B76 1AL, UK Tel: +44 (0)121 767 6400 R. STAHL is the leading supplier for explosion protection solutions, based upon many decades of experience. Wherever there are explosive gas-air mixtures or dusts, our products prevent explosions. With the highest degree of reliability and quality combined with superior technology, we ensure the safety of people and the environment. As a global company with more than 80 years’ experience in explosion protection you can rely on us. R. STAHL not only specialises all types of

Email: enquiries@rstahl.co.uk explosion protection for electrical, electronic equipment and systems. We are always in a position to design and implement the optimum and most effective solution. Our broad product range and experience allows solutions ranging from installation material, such as LED lighting, control equipment to remote I/O, fieldbus solutions and wireless technologies. International certifications, approvals and patents underline our competence and allow our products and systems to be used worldwide.

Web: www.rstahl.co.uk As a leading supplier of explosion protection products, product research and development is the life blood of our market leading company. R. STAHL continually introduces new products and technologies that encompass not only new technology but also address the ongoing need for reduced installation times along with reduced ongoing maintenance costs. Whatever the application in hazardous areas, R. STAHL will be able to offer a solution.



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HazardEx January 2018

Exhibitor Profiles S51

Exhibiting Partners Stand 8: SGS Baseefa - Rockhead Business Park, Staden Lane, Buxton, Derbyshire, SK17 9RZ, UK Tel: +44 (0)1298 766608 SGS Baseefa is the leading internationally recognised certification body for explosion protected equipment, successfully delivering ATEX certification and IECEx certification to customers around the globe. We have consistently issued more internationally acceptable IECEx Certificates year on year than any other certification body in the world. SGS is also an NRTL (Nationally Recognised Test Laboratory), and is officially recognised by the American Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and Standards Council of Canada (SCC) for safety and compliance and can assess, test and certify equipment for the US and Canadian ‘Hazloc’ market. SGS is the first NRTL able to provide certification to the ISA versions of the IEC 60079 series of standards, in addition to the more common “Division” standards. Both the management team and internal processes were re-organised at the end of 2016 in order to provide a more customer focussed approach. This has resulted in faster turnaround times (benchmark of 8 weeks) whilst

Email: kerry.norcross@sgs.com retaining our focus on quality and integrity. We can facilitate product approvals for most regions including China, Korea, Russia, South Africa and Brazil. Using our global network of SGS offices and partners we can provide a cohesive and managed approach to our customers global Ex certification requirements. At SGS Baseefa, activities extend well beyond just certification, and we deliver a comprehensive range of training courses that provide knowledge on subjects such as product certification, quality systems, and DSEAR Risk Assessment and Hazardous Area Classification. History Research work into explosions in hazardous atmospheres has been carried out at Buxton for almost 100 years, and the experience and dedication to the hazardous area industry has earned SGS Baseefa the world renowned position that it holds today. Having joined SGS in 2011, we are part of a world-wide organisation that provides independent services across the globe.

Web: www.sgs.co.uk/sgsbaseefa SGS provides industry leading inspection, verification, testing and certification services anywhere in the world. SGS Baseefa is currently one of the largest organisations in the world with a laboratory dedicated to certification in this area. With over 300 years collective experience, the staff at SGS Baseefa have extensive knowledge of the applications of industry standards in many areas, and customers have access to a wealth of information and support. As a world leader in the field of Hazardous Areas and equipment for use in potentially explosive atmospheres, SGS Baseefa offers a comprehensive range of services to meet all our customer needs. We have five main service areas: • Product Certification (including ATEX, IECEx, and North America) • Training • Personnel Competence • DSEAR Compliance • Service Facility Certification

Table Top: Tempa Pano UK Ltd – Unit 5, Tempa Pano House, Centre 21 Industrial Estate, Bridge Lane, Woolston, Warrington WA1 4AW, UK Tel: +44 (0)1925 811290 Established in 1989 to specifically manufacture and export enclosures and cabinets for low voltage applications, Tempa Pano has since proved its market presence through affordable high quality products. With offices based in the UK, France, Romania, Bulgaria and Russia, as well as distributors in Egypt, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Morocco – Tempa Pano constantly strives to be within close reach of the markets’ demand. Tempa Pano’s UK operations have been present since 2000 serving its UK customer base with bespoke engineering solutions and customer oriented support.

Email: sales@tempapano.co.uk As part of an extensive enclosure and electrical distribution range, Tempa Pano also manufactures ATEX & IECEx approved explosion proof terminal boxes. These are produced using high grade stainless steel or pre-galvanised painted steel, with the option of including certified combinations of terminals fitted to mounting rails on the rear panel. Designed with the highest safety measures and a high degree of protection the TEX & TES Series of junction boxes are guaranteed to answer your requirements for increased and intrinsically safe applications. Aiming to provide customers with integrated solutions, Tempa Pano

Web: www.tempapano.com correspondingly supplies a range of ex-proof products including isolators, plugs, sockets, signalling technologies, thermal management elements and cable glands which can easily combined utilising the ergonomic design of our terminal boxes. Coupled with a highly experienced and qualified engineering team whose expertise is readily available to Tempa Pano UK, our sales team is confident in finding the best technical solutions with effective designs and competitive market prices. So whatever your application may be, Tempa Pano is your onestop to a reliable solution partner.

HazardEx January 2018

Exhibitor Profiles S53

Exhibiting Partners Table Top: TVC - 1101, Fortune Executive Tower, JLT, P.O. Box: 111365, Dubai, UAE Email: info@tinovc.com TVC Principal Consultant Tino Vande Capelle was educated in Belgium where he gained qualifications in Automation & Critical Control Systems. During his 30+ years career, in a variety of areas such as LNG, Petrochemical, Refining and Petroleum Industries, he gained significant experience performing Technical Management, Marketing & Technical consultancy, hardware & software engineering, process control

Web: www.tinovc.com engineering, troubleshooting and field instrumentation using advanced control, distributed control, scada, emergency shutdown, fire & gas, compressor control and PLC systems. He is a Senior Functional Safety Expert (TÜV Rheinland) & Trainer for Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS) with the International TÜV Rheinland Functional Safety program. He is currently number 2 on the list of all trainers on the TÜV Rheinland website. His FS Expert

(TÜV Rheinland) ID is 109/05 and Tino is an accepted course provider of the TÜV Rheinland Functional Safety Program for Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS). TVC also provides independent Functional Safety Consultancy Services for equipment manufacturers, consultancy organisations, EPCs, End Users in the Oil & Gas, Chemical, Petrochemical, LNG, Mining, Refining and Petroleum Industries.

Stand 24: Vega Controls Ltd - Victoria Way, Burgess Hill, West Sussex, United Kingdom, RH15 9NF, UK Tel: +44 (0)1444 870055 VEGA Controls Ltd manufactures level transmitters and sensors, pressure transmitters and point level switches. It is a world leading provider of specialist instrumentation technologies and solutions for the safe measurement and control of Liquids, Solids & Gases. Products featured 80GHz contactless radars VEGAPULS 64 and VEGAPULS 69, high performance for level measurement of liquids or bulk solids. Capable of measuring ranges from a few cm, up to 120m. This proven technology facilitates measurement down long nozzles, through process isolation valves, small vessels, condensation and build up has no effect. Their industry leading sensitivity delivers confidence even when measuring the levels in liquid hydrocarbons, plastic powders or liquid gases. Bluetooth set up and operation across every technology with Ex approvals (available and pending) use Smartphone, Tablet or PC* without the need for ‘hot work permits’ to set up and monitor asset performance on the plant. (*observing ATEX zones/approvals) Radar with ATEX, SIL and EMPHASIS (NII) approvals, proven design and accomplished performance across many industry sectors Pressure transmitters: VEGABAR pressure range: with a host of features including

E-mail: info.uk@vega.com Electronic DP with class leading performance, sensitivity and overload resistance and SIL2/3 approval. VEGADIF DP transmitters with SIL, Bluetooth and additional static pressure output. Water level radar contactless sensors transmitters: VEGAPULS WL61 and WL S61 affordable, versatile radar level measurement technology for the water industry Guided Wave Radar - with boiler control approval for shell and tube designs, VEGAFLEX 80 SIL 2/3 and EMPHASIS approved Point level tuning fork switches: VEGASWING with SIL 2/3 and boiler approvals, as well as nuclear industry capability as a “simple device”. Unique process capabilities from -195 to 450°C and 160 Bar operation: fail safe and self monitoring technology Radiometric/Nuclear gauging :SIL 2/3 point level, density, continuous and interface measurement with PROTRAC Bridle/bypass chambers VEGAPASS and VEGAMAG designed with integrated radar transmitters, MLI and level switches to offer dual redundancy Solutions for gases, bulk solids and liquids • Level and Contents measurement • Pressure measurement • High and Low point level detection and overfill protection

www.vegacontrols.co.uk • Single and multi phase interface measurement • Density, mass flow measurement and switching • Remote Inventory systems and web based software • SIL conformance Instrument Technologies • Radar level Transmitters • Guided Wave Radar (TDR) • Pressure and DP Transmitters • Nucleonic gauging for non contact level, density interface and weighing • Admittance/Capacitance • Vibrating point level switches for liquids and solids • Microwave barrier level switches • Conductivity point level switches • Wireless communication systems Approval portfolio includes ATEX, IEC marine, mining, NACE, NORSOK, hygienic and environmental, SIL IEC61508/11 to 2/3, even EMPHASIS assessed devices for use in the Nuclear Power Industry. VEGA provide peace of mind to users with direct, expert advice on level and pressure solutions and after sales service. All VEGA products have a 3 year warranty; combining quality, product design and years of experience.

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‒ World market revenues and shipments with detailed analysis of selected products ‒ Data from 2016 to 2021 ‒ Many market segmentations including: by region, country and industry ‒ Estimated market shares of leading suppliers

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ATEX approved products! KTR manufacture a range of ATEX approved products, including jaw couplings, gear couplings, steel laminae couplings and oil/air coolers - suitable for oil & gas, petro-chemical and many other industries with hazardous operating conditions. KTR also manufacture diesel engine flywheel couplings, industrial brakes, steel and aluminium tanks, and other hydraulic accessories.




HazardEx January 2018

Booking Form S57

C o n f e re n c e : E x h i b i t i o n : Aw a rd s

Delegate Booking Form Simply complete & return as soon as possible to events@imlgroup.co.uk Places & hotel availability are allocated on a first come, first served basis. Delegate 1: ......................................................................................... Job Title: ........................................................................................ Delegate 2: ......................................................................................... Job Title: ........................................................................................ Delegate 3: ......................................................................................... Job Title: ........................................................................................ Delegate 4: ......................................................................................... Job Title: ....................................................................................... Company: ................................................................................................................................................................................................... Address: ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Postcode: .......................................................................................... Contact Email: ................................................................................. Tel: ....................................................................................................

Fax: ...............................................................................................

Please complete ALL of the following sections: I wish to book ...................... place(s) on PACKAGE ...................... of the HazardEx 2018 Conference, as follows: Delegate 1

Delegate 2

Delegate 3

Delegate 4

I will attend on:  Day1  Day2  Both Days Please book me accommodation on:  Wednesday 28th February ²  I would like to attend the inclusive Awards Gala Dinner ³

I will attend on:  Day1  Day2  Both Days Please book me accommodation on:  Wednesday 28th February ²  I would like to attend the inc. Awards Gala Dinner ³

I will attend on:  Day1  Day2  Both Days Please book me accommodation on:  Wednesday 28th February ²  I would like to attend the inc. Awards Gala Dinner ³

I will attend on:  Day1  Day2  Both Days Please book me accommodation on:  Wednesday 28th February ²  I would like to attend the inc. Awards Gala Dinner ³

² Inclusive for Package ‘A’ & ‘B’ delegates or at an additional £99.00+VAT for Package ‘C’ delegates. ³ Inclusive for Package ‘A’ & ‘B’ delegates or at an additional £90.00+VAT for Package ‘C’ delegates.

 I wish to utilise the 2-for-1 deal available on package A only at £850+vat. It is agreed that we will still pay the full amount of £850+vat should only one delegate attend. Not applicable with any other package or offer and subject to availability. There is no discount for not utilising the 2-for1 offer once booked. This is a limited time offer and will expire. ANY accommodation required for Tuesday 27th February must be booked and paid for directly with the hotel and their terms will apply. We will NOT hold/book any rooms for that night. Please quote ‘HAZARDEX’ when you book rooms for the Tuesday night at the hotel by calling 01928 754808. Cancellations and amendments must be made directly to the relevant hotel for Tuesday 27th February or with the HazardEx Events team for Wednesday 28th February only.

PAYMENT: (Please tick the relevant box) all prices exclude VAT Early-bird discount available for a limited time only, on package A delegates for just £600+vat, contact us by completing this form to confirm your discounted place!

Hazardex January 2018

S58 Booking Form

Package A: Full Conference Attendance & unlimited access to the exhibition area for both days Accommodation for Wednesday 28th February One Place at the Gala Dinner on Wednesday 28th February All meals & warm refreshments for both days Complimentary copy of the conference notes  1 delegate @ £850 Early-Bird discount £600  2 delegates @ £1600  3 delegates @ £2340  4 delegates @ £3040

Package B: One full Conference day on either day Unlimited access to the exhibition area for both days Accommodation for Wednesday 28th February One place at the Gala Dinner on Wednesday 28th February All meals & warm refreshments for the Conference day only Complimentary copy of the conference notes  1 delegate @ £595  2 delegates @ £1130  3 delegates @ £1695  4 delegates @ £2260

Package C: Choose one conference day as well as unlimited access to the exhibition on both days. Warm Beverages & lunch on your appointed day Complimentary copy of the conference notes  Each delegate @ £445

Payment must be made prior to attendance via one of the following methods:  CHEQUE:

Made payable to IML Group plc. Please send through to the address as shown, within 7 days of booking.

 CREDIT CARD: Type of Card: VISA / Mastercard (delete where applicable) Card Holder Name: .............................................................................................. Card Number: ...................................................................................................... Expiry Date: .................................... CVC: .............. Total Amount: ..................... *Please note a 3% charge will be added if paying by credit card*  PURCHASE ORDER:

P/O Number: ........................................................................................

Signature: .................................................................................... Date: ........................................... On receipt of payment, you will receive confirmation of your place on the Conference within 7 days. Formal VAT receipts will be issued, only when payment has been received or a purchase order number has been assigned. Joining Instructions will be forwarded to you at least two weeks before the Conference. Cancellation charges apply. The organisers reserve the right to change the programme.

For Office Use Only: Delegate No: .............................................................. Date: ........................................ Amount: ........................................... HTJ0118RG Order #: ............................................................................... Rep: ................................ Payment Received / Payment Due


Hazardex, IML Group plc, Blair House, High Street, Tonbridge, Kent TN9 1BQ UK Tel: +44 (0)1732 359990

Fax: +44 (0)1732 770049

Website: www.hazardexonthenet.net

Email: events@imlgroup.co.uk

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Oil & gas 19

Safety in the oilfield: Elements of a comprehensive approach S

afety outcomes in the oilfield, as in other industrial settings, are never standalone propositions. The extent to which procedures are followed in the field—and to which safety enabling systems function—depend upon a

failure in the management of control systems, and acceptance of substandard processes. In other words, the safety systems in place were not sufficiently used. This is not to say that safety systems are not

1. The Working Interface

complex interaction between field-level activity, and the culture, climate, and

important; indeed, they are an imperative. Rather, this is to say that safety systems

Typically injuries are caused by exposure created by an unsafe condition or an

leadership of an organisation. Case studies of oilfield disasters illustrate this principle well; oftentimes the action that set off a cascade of catastrophic

are not self-contained. They’re subject to the same pull of activities, conditions, and events that influence other business

employee who is placed into an at-risk situation. The more exposure, the higher the probability of an undesired event. Exposure

systems. For example, the use of procedures is dependent on how they’re seen in the organisation: is following them a part of how

is a reflection of the alignment at the working interface, the intersection of facilities and equipment, procedures, and the employee.

the incident. In these cases, refining the safety systems is only part of the solution.

we do things here, or is it okay to let them slide once in a while? Hazard removal is as good as the infrastructure that supports

When we connect the right tools and equipment in good working condition with a knowledgeable, skilled, and motivated

This article, by Ricky Yu of BST/Dekra Insight, draws on our experience with thousands of worksites in 49 countries

it: is it easy or hard to get this equipment replaced? The longevity of training depends on alignment with organisational priorities and practices: does my supervisor support

employee following a current and accurate procedure, the probability of an undesired event is low, not zero, but extremely low.

this new way of doing things or will I meet resistance? To be effective, safety systems must be in alignment with, and supported by, other elements of the organisation.

Exposure measurement typically takes the form of an observation and feedback system, sometimes called behaviour-based safety or employee engagement system, that enlists employees in capturing data

Oil and gas organisations face a number of EHS challenges in today’s business landscape. Fatality prevention, the changing role of safety professionals, managing

Safety systems are also tactical, rather than strategic. They directly remove exposures and enable safe work; yet they do so on behalf of a bigger objective, making a safe workplace. Few systems (if any) can do

on exposures at the working interface. The employees are trained to openly observe their peers and conduct two-way feedback to capture the number and nature of exposures in the interface and document

behavioural reliability among increasingly globalised operations, and maintaining a focus on process and personal safety are some of the most common issues we hear about. Addressing each of these issues requires a systematic look at the fabric of the organisation itself. For example, when fatalities occur, investigations often show

all things necessary to make this happen. Just as no one would expect even the most sophisticated accounting system to make a company profitable, no one could expect a hazard removal process by itself to create a culture in which injuries are unacceptable. Safety systems thrive when they are part of the larger organisational system: when

the factors creating them.

that they did not result from any unknown or unpredictable occurrences – rather they resulted from normalisation of deviation,

safety systems are a part of how we work and how we see ourselves. Viewed as something other than the organisation’s

(Krause et al, 1999) is based on a sample of 153 locations, and shows that the average site achieves a 25% improvement in injury

events was rooted in cultural and organisational factors that existed for months, sometimes years, leading up to

to suggest key elements that must be considered in building a comprehensive approach to oilfield safety.

Why safety systems are not enough

objectives generally, safety systems can become isolated and ineffective.

A new blueprint - Key elements

As opposed to injury data, which is subject to natural variation, exposure measurement provides predictive data that allows organisations to design and justify precise interventions upstream of injuries. The largest study of this approach ever published


20 Oil & gas rate over baseline in the first year, increasing to 55% improvement over baseline in the

and process safety elements: • Hazard Recognition & Mitigation

fifth year. Figure 1 shows results from a sub study of 33 client organisations in oil and gas production settings who used our employee engagement methods for at least one year. On average, these organisations achieved 26% improvement in the first year

• Skills, Knowledge, & Training • Policies & Standards • Exposure reduction mechanisms A comprehensive safety approach would look at whether the organisation has

In 1999 BST identified nine factors in the

(more improvement than the average client achieved).

implemented the necessary programs and whether these programs are having the desired result in reducing exposure. One interesting and frustrating finding for many organisations is that sites with identical system configuration and independent

research literature that independently correlate to safety performance and which make up the Organisational Culture Diagnostic Instrument (OCDI). Interestingly, only three of the six dimensions are safety specific:

audit scores often realise widely different outcomes. The answer to this problem leads us to our next element.

• Procedural Justice – The extent to which the individual worker perceives fairness in the supervisor’s decisionmaking process. • Leader-Member Exchange – The relationship the employee has with his or her supervisor. In particular, this scale measures employees’ level of confidence

2. Safety Enabling Systems Enabling systems are the basic mechanisms that assure adequate safety functioning. A comprehensive approach accounts for what these systems are, how they are audited, and how effective they are. More importantly, organisations need to see that enabling systems are part of a larger whole, and not sufficient in themselves for safety

3. Organisational Culture

improvement. These programs are designed to deliver and assure alignment at the

Safety and health programs function within the broader context of culture and safety climate. Safety climate refers to the level of

working interface and typically fall into the several categories that cover both personal

interest and importance placed on safety by the organisation’s leadership. Culture refers

to the unwritten assumptions that influence decision making, attitudes and beliefs, and guides the behaviour of those in the culture. Sustained over a long enough period of time, safety climate can become part of the culture.

that their supervisor will advocate for them and look out for their interests.

Figure 1. Six year reduction in occupational injury rate among oil & gas production operations using behaviour-based safety Figure 2. Higher Organisational Culture Diagnostic Instrument (OCDI) scores predict lower occupational injury rates


Oil & gas 21

• Management Credibility – A perception of the employee that what management

• Upward Communication – The extent to which communication about

averaged 8.5 (Figure 2). Clients in the middle third averaged 5.8 occupational injuries per

says is consistent with what management does. • Perceived Organisational Support – The perception of employees that the organisation cares about them, values them, and supports them.

safety flows freely upward through the organisation. • Approaching Others – The extent to which employees feel free to speak to one another about safety concerns.

100 employees per year. The difference between the three groups is statistically significant: (df(94), -.331, p<.01).

• Workgroup Relations – The perception the employee has of his or her relationship with co-workers. How well do they get along? To what degree do they treat each other with respect, listen to each other’s ideas, help one another out, and follow

These nine factors can be measured and expressed as percentile scores contrasting one organisation with many others. Based on the specific profile, the organisation can develop interventions that leverage the high functioning areas to improve


through on commitments made? • Teamwork – The extent to which the employee perceives that working with team members is an effective way to get things done. • Safety Climate – The safety climate

lower scoring areas. A proprietary study published in March 2006 shows the practical significance OCDI scores. This study included 94 organisations that used the OCDI and for which we tracked 12 months of occupational injury rate data. The top third

What we determine about staffing levels, supervisory development, promotions, budgets or new projects, all introduce changes into the systems that provide consequences for organisational behaviour.

scale measures the extent to which the employee perceives the organisation

of the organisations that scored consistently high across all OCDI scales averaged an

When we separate consequences from our declared performance targets, we

has a value for safety performance improvement.

occupational injury rate of 4.3 injuries per 100 employees per year, while bottom third

reinforce old ways of doing things and, in some cases, undermine the change we

Figure 3. Leadership practices predict culture

Clients in this study came from eight different countries and from 18 different

4. Organisational Systems The root cause of an incident may trace back years to a decision that was made at a very high level.

Figure 4. Leadership development activities accelerate the gains of behaviour-based safety


22 Oil & gas are trying to create, e.g. telling employees they must report all injuries at the same

predicted culture overall (Figure 3).

time as providing attractive incentives for workgroups without injuries.

Average Rate reduction in the Occupational Injury/Illness Rate for Clients in Oil & Gas Production Settings During the First Six Years of Observations

A comprehensive safety system also includes measures of the level of alignment between values, words and systems. The

Bibliography Erickson, J.A. “The Relationship Between Corporate Culture and Safety Performance.” Professional Safety. May1997: 29-33. Fairhurst, G.T., Rogers, L.E., and Sarr, R.A. “Manager- Subordinate Control Patterns and Judgments About the Relationship.” Communication

Our experience has shown that these

systems to measure and assess include: • Selection and development for all levels • Organisational structure: Staff level versus expectations, leader to worker ratio, etc. • Performance management: What is evaluated, the effectiveness of the

characteristics can be developed among leaders wishing to become more effective safety leaders. A 2005 study shows that companies that develop leaders alongside their BBS implementations realize a substantially higher first- year improvement

process • Rewards and recognition: How are heroes created in the organisation? What behaviours and practices are recognised or compensated?

in injury rates (40%) over companies implementing BBS alone (25%).

Yearbook, 10 (1987): 395-415. Hidley, J. H. “Critical Success Factors for BehaviourBased Safety.” Professional Safety. July 1998: 30-34. Hofmann, D.A. and Morgeson, F.P. “Safety-Related Behaviour as a Social Exchange: The Role of Perceived Organisational Support and LeaderMember Exchange.” Journal of Applied Psychology. 84 (1999): 286

The comprehensive approach to safety

Kotter, J.P. Leading Change. Boston, MA: Harvard

Krause, T. and T. Weekley. November 2005. “A Four

Creating the kind of culture where safety

High-functioning organisations recognise that getting safety right means designing and influencing systems that reduce and

is a driving value (or isn’t), is something done by leaders through their day-today actions. Leaders make the decisions

eliminate exposure. The five elements outlined here provide a systematic way to think about the design of intervention

Krause, T.R. 2005. Leading with Safety. Hoboken:

about the acceptable level of exposure, the safety climate and the type of culture that exists, and the systems to be implemented and that drive performance. In this case,

strategies for safety improvement. This blueprint explains what many leaders already know from experience; that exposure reduction requires more than the right set of

it is helpful to narrow the focus to safety leadership. In the most effective safety leaders, certain behaviours have been seen

safety systems, it takes a highly-functioning network as broad as the organisation itself. As with all blueprints, these elements are

to recur, including vision, credibility, actionorientation, collaboration, communication, recognition and feedback, and accountability

derivative. The live workplace is complex: technology changes, organisations change, operation pressures exist, culture factors

(Krause & Weekley, 2005). In a study examining top site-level leader’s best practices and site-level culture, we found

may not be ideal, and so on. In the real world, improvement takes leaders with both a commitment to safety excellence and a

that leadership practices overall score (the aggregate of the seven best practices)

vision of how to get there.

5. Leadership

Business School Press, 1986.

Factor Model for Safety Leadership.” Professional Safety.

Wiley Interscience. Manuele, Fred A. “Principles for the Practice of Safety.” Professional Safety. July 1997; 27 Petersen, D. April 1998. “The Four C’s of Safety: Culture, Competency, Consequences & Continuous.” Professional Safety. 32-34. Zohar, Dov. “The Effects of Leadership Dimensions, Safety Climate, and Assigned Priorities on Minor Injuries in Work Groups.” Journal of Organisational Behaviour. February 2002; 75

About the author

Ricky Yu was the Asia regional general manager of BST, part of Dekra Insight. He has over 22 years of experience in environmental health and safety management and operations.


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24 Fire safety

Meeting NFPA standards for flame, smoke and gas detection F

ire is one of the most critical hazards in any built environment, and

is the NFPA (National Fire Protection Association), including NFPA 72: National

Within that chapter, Article 500 “Hazardous (Classified) Locations, Classes I, II and III,

industrial processes and facilities that involve volatile and potentially flammable materials present special challenges for

Fire Alarm and Signaling Code and NFPA 70: National Electrical Code® (NEC®). While some codes apply to residential and commercial

Divisions 1 and 2” stipulates that locations be classified based on the flammables that could be present, and their concentration or

fire protection. Hazardous conditions can occur in a

settings (where smoke and heat detection are commonly adequate), hazardous-area fire and gas detection equipment must be

quantity. Hazardous areas are broken down into these three classes: • Class I — areas in which flammable gases,

range of industrial settings from oil platforms and refineries to chemical processing plants, as well as in specific

certified for use in that hazardous location. This requirement is spelled out in the U.S. by OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health

flammable liquid-produced vapors, or combustible liquid-produced vapors are or may be present in the air in quantities

applications as varied as paint lines, LNG terminals and turbine enclosures. These types of high-risk locations and operations call for process-specific

Administration) 1910 Subpart S.

fire protection.

understand what attributes make a process or location “hazardous.”

This article, by Mike Hosch, Simon Pate and Mark Indgjer of Det-Tronics, looks at the separate types of fire protection equipment for use in hazardous areas and the leading U.S. standards for each. The requirements for fire protection are legislated and subject to numerous codes and standards, such as EN (European Norms) 54 and ISO (International Organization for Standardization) 7240. In the U.S., the leading resource for fire safety standards


Before discussing hazardous-area fire protection standards, it’s important to

Defining hazardous areas The definition of hazardous locations is based on a number of factors. The National Fire Protection Association in the U.S. covers these topics in great detail. According to its website, NFPA has published more than 300 codes and standards that affect “virtually every building, process, service, design and installation” with the goal of minimizing the risk and effects of fire. In particular, NFPA 70, Chapter 5 addresses “special occupancies.”

sufficient to produce explosive or ignitable mixtures • Class II — locations in which combustible dust is present; dust is defined as solid material less than 420 microns (0.017 in.) or smaller in diameter • Class III — locations in which easily ignitable fibers or flyings, such as rayon, cotton, jute, hemp and cocoa fiber are present Within each class, there are divisions based on the concentration of flammable materials, the form of handling and the frequency with which the materials maybe present. For example, in Class I: • Division 1 is a location where combustible materials are routinely present in ignitable concentrations.

Fire safety 25

• Division 2 is one in which the same materials are handled, processed, or used, but in which the materials are normally confined and can escape only in case of accident or breakdown or failure of ventilation equipment.

3. Ignition source (i.e., heat) — which, depending on the fuel and conditions,

To control the risk of fire, one of the

Many industrial locations in which hazardous materials may be present are also areas where electronic and electrical equipment could provide sources of ignition. It is therefore necessary to control ignition

Within Class I, locations are also defined by zones (0, 1 or 2) per Article 505 of NFPA 70. For example, in a Class I, Zone 0 location,

elements of the fire triangle must be eliminated. When possible, flammable materials must be contained and

sources, e.g., heat, arcing or sparking. If electrical equipment (including flame and gas detectors) must be located in a hazardous

ignitable concentrations of flammable gases or vapors are present continuously or for long periods of time.

kept away from oxygen, as well as ignition sources such as sparks or hot surfaces. The primary goal should be

area, per NFPA they must be designed to limit or isolate potential sources of ignition. NFPA 70 Section 500.7 “Protection

How to control fire risk in hazardous areas

containment of the fuel source, i.e., preventing leakage. The next step is to eliminate or minimize the risk of ignition.

Techniques” lists several techniques for protecting electrical and electronic equipment used in hazardous (classified) locations. The

Because oxygen is ever-present in the atmosphere, it is difficult to eliminate this element from the fire triangle. Success in containing or reducing the

three acceptable protection methods for Class I Division 1 are: • Explosion Proof (XP) — sparks or explosions are contained within the

concentration of fuel determines the Division level of a hazardous area. Any hazardous area, by definition, has some degree of risk due to the presence of flammable materials at combustible levels.

housing • Purged and Pressurized — combustible gases and vapors are denied entry into the enclosure • Intrinsically Safe (IS) — the entire power of the system is limited

In order to control fire risk, it’s important to understand the components needed for a fire to start. Commonly referred to as the “fire triangle,” the essential elements are: 1. Oxygen — which can be a constituent or outcome of various industrial processes, though its primary source is the ambient air 2. Fuel — which is present in structures and used in processes of all kinds, but is of greater concern in locations defined as hazardous

can be as minimal as the spark of an electric switch or electric motor, or a hot surface

Controlling ignition risk from equipment

In addition to limiting electrical energy as an ignition source, the surface temperature of electrical equipment must also be controlled. Equipment is marked (T1 – T6) to show the environment for which it has been evaluated and is considered suitable

What makes up a fire protection system A fire protection system is comprised of several subsystems that can include, but are not limited to: flame, smoke and gas detection; notification and/or suppression activation; and a controller that receives the inputs from Fire triangle

the detection devices, makes decisions and initiates appropriate action or actions.


26 Fire safety There is no single solution for fire detection in hazardous areas. Effective protection is based on the materials and fuels present, the processes involved, the environment, and other control measures present. Based on these variables, an effective detection and suppression system may require multiple technologies to effectively detect the hazards. Regardless of the application, many NFPA codes and standards for specific processes reference NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code, including: • NFPA 15 Standard for Water Spray

be acceptable in lieu of heat detection if approved by the authority having jurisdiction and installed in accordance with NFPA 72.” Chapter 17 of NFPA 72 is titled “Initiating Devices” and it provides requirements for the use of various types of detectors — radiant energy-sensing (flame) smoke and gas — that can be used to discover or recognize potential indications of fire. Below is an overview of each detector type and some of the NFPA standards applicable to each.

There are many factors to consider when selecting the type, quantity, location, and spacing of flame detectors, including: • Matching the spectral response of the detector to the spectral emissions of the fire or fires to be detected. • Minimizing the possibility of spurious nuisance alarms from non-fire sources inherent to the hazard area.

Flame detectors

NFPA 72 addresses these selection factors in Chapter 17: • The location and spacing of detectors shall be the result of an engineering

NFPA 72 describes a flame detector as “a radiant energy-sensing fire detector that detects the radiant energy emitted by a flame.” Flame detectors are line-of-sight devices that can employ several sensing technologies: ultraviolet (UV), infrared (IR),

evaluation that includes the following: 1) Size of the fire that is to be detected 2) Fuel involved 3) Sensitivity of the detector 4) Field of view (FOV) of the detector 5) Distance between the fire and the detector

• NFPA 30 Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code references numerous NFPA

ultraviolet/infrared (UV/IR) and multi-spectrum infrared (MSIR).

6) Radiant energy absorption of the atmosphere

codes, including NFPA 15, which in turn references NFPA 72. • NFPA 59A Standard for the Production, Storage, and Handling of Liquefied Natural

Radiant energy-sensing detectors are incorporated into hazardous-area fire protection systems particularly when either

7) Presence of extraneous sources of radiant emissions 8) Purpose of the detection system 9) Response time required

Fixed Systems for Fire Protection — “The selection, location and spacing of automatic fire detectors for the actuation of fixed water spray systems shall meet or exceed the application requirements of NFPA 72...“

Gas (LNG) says, “...the detection system shall be designed, installed and maintained in accordance with NFPA 72 National Fire

or both of two factors are present in the application: 1) when rapid-fire detection and actuation response times are critical; and 2)

Smoke detectors

Alarm Code.” • NFPA 70 National Electrical Code has multiple references to NFPA 72.

when the impact of false alarms is potentially disastrous in terms of damage, downtime or both. Flame detectors used in hazardous

produced by combustion using a variety of technologies. These can include ionization, cloud chamber, photoelectric light

• NFPA 409 Standard on Aircraft Hangars says, “Listed detection systems shall

areas must be hazardous-location-rated and performance-certified.

obscuration, photoelectric light scattering and video image detection. To be effective, smoke


A smoke detector detects the particles

Fire safety 27

detectors should be located and spaced in anticipation of airflow from sources likely to present fire risks, but without resulting in unwarranted alarms. NFPA 72 describes the requirement this way:

gas detection technology to use, and the placement of the devices. Combining various technologies and placing them in locations that maximize their effectiveness can mitigate the impact of a hazard.

requirements for ensuring fire and gas detection systems are designed, implemented, operated and maintained to provide the required Safety Integrity Level (SIL) for specific hazardous events.

Resources 1. NFPA 70 National Electrical Code www.nfpa.org/70 2. NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code www.nfpa.org/72 3. International Electrotechnical Commission www.iec.ch/functionalsafety/ 4. Factory Mutual www.fmapprovals.com Example of disposition of different types of gas detection within a plant • The location of smoke detectors shall be based on an evaluation of potential ambient sources of smoke, moisture, dust, or fumes, and electrical or mechanical influences, to minimize nuisance alarms.

Fire protection system controller A safety system controller (SSC) receives and interprets input from multiple detectors and makes executive decisions regarding notification and further activity including

NFPA 72 describes a gas detector as

suppression. While the primary function of detectors is to detect a hazard and then signal to alert that an event has occurred, it

“a device that detects the presence of a specified gas concentration.” Detectors are intended for specific types of gas or vapor and should be chosen accordingly, as specified in

is also essential that detectors are capable of maximizing false alarm rejection – so they do not alarm to non-hazardous events, such as arc welding. NFPA 72 defines a nuisance

NFPA 72: • The selection and placement of the gas detectors shall be based on an

alarm this way: “An unwanted activation of a signaling system or an alarm initiating device in response to a stimulus or condition that

engineering evaluation. Gas leak detection technologies can include: • Acoustic detection for gas leaks —

is not the result of a potentially hazardous condition. In some cases, in order to prevent nuisance alarms, the SSC may discount

ultrasonic sensors detect leaks based on noise patterns • Infrared detection along a line of sight —

information from a single detector if it is not confirmed by other detectors in the area.

detects gas along a path providing a large area of detection • Point detection of a combustible or toxic gas by electrochemical, catalytic, or infrared

As is the case for individual detectors, the SSC, if installed in a hazardous location, must be rated for the location. Alternatively, the SSC can be located outside the hazardous location.

Combustible gas detectors

technologies — gases come into contact with the detector, causing the detector to activate A challenge related to gas detection is that the origin of gas leaks can often be difficult to predict. Gas leak detection can also be challenging due to varying environmental conditions such as wind and rain, and application factors such as machinery and piping. These environmental and situational factors, as well as the many potential sources of gas leaks, play major roles in selecting the type(s) of combustible and toxic

Beyond NFPA While the NFPA standards are both wide ranging and very detailed, they do not address detector performance. Other standards organizations or Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratories (NRTLs) have metrological standards that support the NFPA, such as Factory Mutual (FM) 3010 for fire alarm systems and Underwriters Laboratories (UL) 864. In addition, the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 61508 defines the

5. European Norms www.cen.eu 6. ISO 7240 Fire detection and alarm systems www.iso.org 7. UL Standards (Underwriters Laboratories) ulstandards.ul.com NFPA 70®, National Electrical Code® and NEC® are registered trademarks of the National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, Mass., USA.

About the authors

Simon J. Pate is Key Account Manager for the LNG market at Det-Tronics. Simon has broad experience in the oil and gas industry, having worked in process automation and functional safety at EPCs, end users and manufacturers. He received his BEng (Hons) degree from Kingston University. Michael J. Hosch is the Flame Detection Product Line Manager and has worked with optical flame detection for Det-Tronics for over 25 years. Mark Indgjer joined Det-Tronics as an Application Engineer in 2017. Prior to joining Det-Tronics, he held a variety of roles in his 25+ years in the fire industry.



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Cybersecurity Corrosion 29

Do hazardous locations require

unique cybersecurity considerations?


magine your company is engaging in business as usual. A national holiday has greatly reduced staffing due to vacations, but a core team is in place and everything is running smoothly. One day, a single employee opens an

potential pathways for cyber attacks are multiplying exponentially. As a result, threats are growing and the importance of cybersecurity is paramount.

time-saving technologies. Fortunately, cybersecurity continues to evolve and improve, and manufacturers and businesses

This article, by Ken Modeste of UL

can take action now with nine simple steps that can help create a more secure environment.

unknown email, decides to click a link and, in a matter of mere milliseconds, your business is suddenly in jeopardy.

(Underwriters Laboratories) in the US, concentrates on the particular importance of cybersecurity for any

Concerns for hazardous locations

Such was the fate of Saudi Aramco in 2012. One employee, one email, one click, one massive all-hands operation to close cyber breaches, save proprietary

facility that contains, or is considered, a hazardous location (HazLoc).

data, and prevent the complete digital destruction of the company at the hands of an anonymous bad actor. Though damage was minimised, some 35,000 computers were fully or partially wiped clean as a result.(1)

Hazardous locations exist in numerous industries and, as the name implies, they come with their share of risks and challenges. A hazardous location presents the risk of fire or explosion due to either the nature of the location itself, or to the fact that the facility must remain operational to ensure safe conditions within a given larger system.

While this scenario may sound a bit extreme, it is becoming a regular part of today’s reality, and it is becoming more and more real with the addition of every newly connected device. Businesses

Most industries have become proficient at building, maintaining, and operating within or around a hazardous location in a safe manner; however, cybersecurity challenges persist, which require the constant attention

and consumers alike are now more connected than ever, meaning the

of everyone involved and often prevent these facilities from taking advantage of potentially

Due to the extreme sensitivity of many hazardous locations and the operational and security precautions required to keep them safe and functional, many facilities have taken great strides to secure access, information and resources. In part, this means significantly limiting electronic access, preventing digital connections, forbidding things such as flash drives and electronic files, and keeping sensitive equipment and its corresponding documentation offline. For example, regulations in the European Union require that HazLoc equipment manuals exist in print only, as opposed to offering digital copies. Further, phone and tablet use in restricted spaces is limited due to the risk of explosion.


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Cybersecurity 31

are often hot targets for bad actors due to

Being proactive, not reactive

their significance to society. In recent years, the world has gradually begun to understand what these attacks can mean. In December of 2015, 225,000 people in western Ukraine found themselves without power due to a cyberattack that the country has since attributed to Russia.(3) The country was

In the face of rapidly developing technology

hit again in December 2016 and northern Kiev went dark due to external influence on power supplier Ukrenergo’s supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems.(3) Both attacks jeopardised the health and safety of those without power

maintaining system security can certainly feel like a game of cat and mouse and it is undoubtedly a constant effort. However, with an estimated 21-50 billion connected devices expected by 2020, and 66% of networks likely to experience a breach by

and raised questions about what other damage could have been unleashed.

2018, the effort is not only worthwhile, but also necessary.

Due to sensitivity/volatility, the stakes are arguably higher in HazLoc environments should a successful breach occur, but

Fortunately, while bad actors are becoming more skilled in breaching systems, the industry is becoming increasingly able

the process of safeguarding against and preventing attacks remains largely the same.

to minimise the success and/or severity of these attacks. For example, UL’s

As many global manufacturers are already working to embrace the changes associated with the new ATEX directive 2014/34/ EU (the European Directive for explosive

Cybersecurity Assurance Program (UL CAP) aims to minimise risks and help companies safeguard against potential attacks by creating standardised, testable criteria

atmospheres equipment), today is an ideal time to begin implementing procedural changes to enhance cybersecurity. ATEX

for assessing software vulnerabilities and weaknesses.

Take, for example, the importance of critical

details the equipment and work environment permitted in explosive environments rather than addressing cybersecurity, but it offers a

By relying on the UL 2900 set of standards, UL CAP can help reduce exploitation, address malware, and enhance security

infrastructure. Though not necessarily a HazLoc environment, cybersecurity surrounding critical infrastructure is of top

good opportunity to review internal policies, retrain staff, and become better equipped to handle the changing global market.

controls and personnel awareness. While such programs can help establish and maintain confidence in and around

Though these measures do help to ensure that cybersecurity is maintained, they also prevent the advancement of communication and the ease of information access and sharing in these environments. With that, this type of solution is also far from a guarantee and, in some cases, might even be creating a false sense of security in situations that could, in many ways, be treated similarly to other industries pursuing enhanced cybersecurity. According to the International Electrotechnical Commission for Explosive Atmospheres (IECEx) Cyber Security Study Group Report #1 from December of 2016, “…the needs for cybersecurity protection of systems become pretty generic” when looking at what actually comprises a system.(2) The group goes on to note that cybersecurity concerns for all modern systems basically exist across four main channels: 1) Virtual and/or physical components, 2) Connections within the system (system integration), 3) The flow of information, and 4) human intervention in the system.(2) This is not meant to minimise the sensitivity of HazLoc, but it helps illustrate that the cybersecurity concerns in these areas are not necessarily unique. In other words, vulnerabilities are vulnerabilities.

importance as companies in these segments

on both the hardware and software side and the inarguable tenacity and patience exhibited by cyber attackers, establishing effective cybersecurity policies and procedures can seem daunting. Though it might be unfair to call it an uphill battle,

hazardous locations, there are also a number


32 Cybersecurity of steps that can be taken internally to help keep connected networks secure:

and technical support will be simplified and readily available if issues arise.

1. Establish Security Specifications – All third-party software and components should fall under a formalised set of security requirements and specifications. Including complete specifications with every request for proposal (RFP) and vendor agreement will

6. Limit Access – All sensitive information should be distributed on a need-to-know basis. This applies to both software vendors and internal employees. This will help to ensure that access is not misused and may help decrease the likelihood of information

necessary. Working now to thoroughly understand cyber risks and take steps to prevent an attack will help the industry prepare for the road ahead. These preparations do not mean that current efforts to remain secure (e.g. printed documents, limiting use of smartphones, etc.) should be replaced, but

help streamline vetting and ensure that only the best software is being considered. 2. Due Diligence – All new suppliers should be extensively evaluated to assess the safeguards that are in place. With that, routine follow-up audits should be integrated into the

being stolen should a breach occur. 7. Clear Vendor Policies - Establish clear policies and expectations for all software vendors. These policies should establish consequences for non-compliance with security specifications or the use of

establishing strong cybersecurity protocols will help enhance security and further safeguard the HazLoc industry. 1. http://money.cnn.com/2015/08/05/ technology/aramco-hack/ 2. International Electrotechnical Commission.

vendor management process to help ensure cybersecurity risks continue to be minimised and safeguards are regularly updated. 3. Regularly Scheduled Updates – Often, the best defense against a cyberattack is regularly updated software. Remaining

unapproved software. 8. Continuous Training - Employees are the first line of defense. Maintaining and updating continuous training programs can help ensure employees are aware of effective security practices, hardware precautions,

“Report on activities of ‘IECEx Cyber Security Study Group’”. July 2017. 3. http://www.reuters.com/article/us-ukrainecyber-attack-energy/ukraines-poweroutage-was-a-cyber-attack-ukrenergoidUSKBN1521BA

current with updates and patch releases helps keep software running safely while also

and basic preventative actions (e.g. not opening unknown emails).

keeping security measures up to speed with the evolution of technology. If bad actors are constantly evolving, so too should the software they are trying to infiltrate and the

9. Independent Validation – Supplier guarantees are important, but a procurement policy requiring the independent validation of

security measures working to prevent attacks. 4. Routine Testing - Validation testing should occur after acquiring new software and throughout its use. All validations should be automated when possible to increase efficiency and help ensure continued

industries and facilities online becomes

About the author

third-party software is also necessary. This policy can help ensure the software offers adequate protection against current security flaws and weaknesses while also helping assess its potential responsiveness to future needs.

compliance with security specifications. 5. Track and Trace – By developing a system that monitors the source of all software


and components, access to updates, patches

become more prevalent and bringing these

Maintaining security in the HazLoc industry will remain a top priority as connected devices

Ken Modeste is Leader, Cybersecurity Services, and the principal technical advisor and SME for UL’s cybersecurity program. He helped develop UL’s series of cybersecurity standards that tests network-connectable devices for known vulnerabilities and software security. As part of the cybersecurity strategy for UL, Modeste is responsible for strategically identifying long-term growth opportunities that align with UL’s mission to address public safety. He is responsible for creating the laboratory, hiring and training all personnel and developing programs and services to support UL’s Client’s security needs. Previous to UL, Modeste served as an engineering manager for GE for 12 years. He began his career as a software engineer for GTech Corporation after completing a Bachelor of Science degree.


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Buyers Guide 35

For a complete range of hazardous area solutions Intrinsic Safety Isolators • Zener Barriers • Zone 1&2 Remote I/O • Fieldbus Exe Enclosures • Exd Control Panels • Ex Lighting • Purge Solutions • Zone 1 & 2 HMI’s PC’s

www.pepperl-fuchs.co.uk Cable Glands

Tel.: 0161 6336431

Explosion Proof Cranes




10% OFF all CompEX Courses • Foundation • EX01 to EX04 • EX01 to EX04 Refresher

• Dust EX05 to EX06 • Mechanical EX11

Quote Code: HAZ10

+44 (0) 1642 770310



Control Panels



To advertise in the Product Datafiles or Buyers Guide

EExd & EExe enclosures Custom built panels, terminal boxes & control stations

contact Kathryn Startin

Tel: 01296 489967 Fax: 01296 393515 Email: sales@jbsystems.co.uk Website: www.jbsystems.co.uk Control Panels

on +44 (0)1732 359990 or kathryn.startin@imlgroup.co.uk HMI

Your total solutions provider


Specialist in design and custom build of a wide range of high-quality, hazardous area enclosures, terminal boxes & control stations

Trant System Electrical Southampton SO40 9AH 023 8042 8700 HAZARDOUS AREA PRODUCTS info@t-s-e.co.uk






Square shaped beam LED floodlights collection


Thanks to the “square shaped beam” optics, the explosion-protected floodlight SLED series of Cortem Group ensures a uniform illumination over large spaces, both indoors and outdoors. Characterized by high light output with a white light and a colour rendering index greater than 70, they are able to replace the sodium vapour or metal halide floodlights, ensuring the quality of the light, energy saving and visual comfort.

II 2GD Ex de IIB+H2 method of protection for environments with the presence of hydrogen High luminous efficiency Energy saving Optimization of plant engineering and maintenance costs Cool White LED, color temperature 6.500 K Long Term Performance SLED-600 30.800 lm


SLED-400 20.750 lm

SLED-250 13.050 lm

Zone of installation 1, 2, 21, 22 | ATEX/IECEx/TR CU certificates Class temperature T5 (100°C) T6 (85°C) | Degree of protection IP66 Power supply 100-277 Vac ±10% and 120-277 Vac ±10%



CSA Group® is a leading provider of training courses covering HazLoc, ATEX, IECEx, DSEAR and environmental compliance. We offer a wide range of training courses to help organisations achieve their objectives including compliance with legislative safety standards, risk reduction, and certification best practices.

Certification Training Courses An in-depth understanding on how to effectively implement relevant codes and standards enhances your knowledge and skills, while helping to make your organisation safer and more productive. CSA Group offers a wide range of standards-based training programmes that can help organisations achieve a variety of objectives. Our training programmes are developed and delivered by expert instructors who have worked in the field and/or certify equipment, adding a ‘real-world’ perspective to our content. Our programmes can help you and your organisation: • Reduce risk

CSA Group offers an extensive programme of comprehensive training courses including: • Perform classification of hazardous areas • Hazardous area training for dusts • Design electrical installations in explosive atmospheres • Inspect and maintain electrical installations, equipment, instrumentation and wiring systems in explosive stmospheres • Installation and test of electrical equipment, instrumentation and wiring systems in explosive atmospheres • MCERTS awareness

• Comply with legislated standards

• Hazard identification and risk assessment relating to stack emission monitoring (MCERTS)

• Gain insight into best practices

• Functional safety

• Achieve your key goals and objectives

Use promo code ‘CONTINUOUSLEARNING’ to receive a 10% reduction on published course prices when you book.* * Terms and conditions apply. Not be used in conjunction with any other offers.



Hazardous Areas Basic Principles Our 3 day course provides manufacturers and end-users of Ex equipment with a solid grounding in the fundamentals of working in potentially explosive atmospheres. Course content includes: • Product certification (IECEx, ATEX and North America) • Safety of personnel in hazardous areas • Properties of flammable materials • Area classification • Equipment protection concepts including flameproof, intrinsic safety, increased safety, encapsulation and pressurised • Equipment marking • Cable glanding • Inspection and maintenance • Practical exercises with opportunity for questions with our experts Training Schedule for 2018 • 6 – 8 February • 10 – 12 April • 12 – 14 June • 25 – 28 September • 6 – 8 November • 11 – 13 December Course Duration - 3 days Course Price - £990 plus VAT

Ex Product Certification for Manufacturers

DSEAR Compliance & Risk Assessment This course provides the basic knowledge for personnel working in hazardous areas and an appreciation of DSEAR regulations including guidance on how to identify hazards and conduct DSEAR risk assessments on-site. Training Schedule for 2018 • 1 February • 7 June • 6 September • 6 December Course Duration - 1 day Course Price - £450 plus VAT

Hazardous Area Training for Non-Electrical Equipment

This course looks at the main principles of the ATEX product Directive and other Ex product certification schemes and guides participants through the requirements and responsibilities involved.

This course is aimed at mechanical engineers working in explosive atmospheres and provides delegates with the basic principles of hazardous areas and an overview of legislative & technical requirements in line with ISO 80079-36 & 80079-37.

Training Schedule for 2018 • 31 January

Training Schedule for 2018 • 7 – 8 March

• 6 June • 30 August • 22 November

• 10 – 11 October Course Duration -2 days Course Price - £750 plus VAT

Course Duration - 1 day Course Price - £450 plus VAT

Contact Us Put CSA Group’s industry-leading knowledge and experience to work for you. +44 1244 670 900 uktraining@csagroup.org csagroupuk.org

© 2017 CSA Group Management Corp. All Rights Reserved 10/2017


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