Ministry of Education, Guidelines for safe operations of Schools during the Covid-19 pandemic

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Ministry of Education, Human Resource Planning, Vocational Training and National Excellence


TABLE OF CONTENTS Guidelines for the Safe Operations of Schools Signs and Symptoms of COVID-19 The General Framework for the Reopening of Schools During the Pandemic Safe Operations of Schools -General Guidelines -Prior to Reopening – Environmental Health & Safety -Upon reopening of schools -Daily routine before school -Transport to and from school -On arrival at school – Manage the Entry and Exit Process

7 8 8 9 9 12

Safety Measures During School


Safety Measures After School


Public Health: Guidelines for Unwell Students Guidelines for Unwell Staff

17 18

Incident Management Emergency Preparedness


1 5 6 7

TABLE OF CONTENTS CONT'D Hygiene and Safety Precautions -Respiratory Hygiene -Ventilation -Temperature Screening -Bathroom/Washroom Facilities

20 21 21 22 22

Break/Snack/Lunch Accommodation


Parents’ Role and Responsibility


Staff Accommodation


SUPPORT SERVICES: Mental Health and Psychosocial Support


Guidelines for Special Needs Students


Specific Protocols for Early Childhood Facilities


Procedures to follow for Suspected COVID-19 Cases -Plan for Dealing with Positive COVID-19 Cases -Procedures to follow for Positive COVID-19 Cases

33 33 34



Guidelines for the Safe Operations of Schools The Purpose of The Document This document aims to establish a framework for the operation of all educational institutions in the Commonwealth of Dominica to achieve awareness and safety through the dissemination of protocols, requirements and precautionary measures which all schools must follow in order to achieve a safe, healthy and learning environment when schools are operating during the COVID19 Pandemic. This document may be subject to change as directed by the relevant authorities at any time, depending on developments.

Document Scope The scope of this document covers all schools in the Commonwealth of Dominica including public and private schools and training institutions. Each educational institution shall consider the General Framework for the Safe Operation of schools in Commonwealth of Dominica during the Pandemic applying all of the protocols and precautionary measures set out in the framework.


Main Risks To Be Considered When Reopening The following are some of the main general risks to be considered when reopening a school:



The spread of the virus among students in the classroom and in common areas


The spread of the virus to large crowds in confined spaces including classrooms, entrance and exit points and break areas.


The spread of the virus among workers in rooms that are shared for long periods of time


Teachers and students at high risk, such as those with chronic medical conditions.

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect the education system in the Commonwealth of Dominica. The pandemic has disrupted the normal school calendar and has impacted teaching, learning and student assessment. The Ministry of Education, Human Resource Planning, Vocational Training and National Excellence in its continued efforts to be responsive and flexible, has solicited the input of principals, teachers, other school staff, parents, students, Dominica Association of Teachers, Public Service Union and other stakeholders, to determine the most appropriate modality for continued engagement of students. Consequently, the Ministry has resorted to a blended approach to the delivery of education. This approach utilizes varied modalities to ensure that students continue to access high quality learning in safe and comfortable spaces.


The Ministry of Education, Human Resource Planning, Vocational Training and National Excellence has developed this document for the effective and safe operations of schools. It is formulated based on the following; UNICEF, UNESCO, CARICOM Guidelines WHO, PAHO, CARPHA Protocols and Guidelines related to Public Health measures in the context of COVID-19 Barbados and the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago Frameworks for the reopening of schools Guidelines and Protocols for Reopening of Schools 2020, Dominica

This guide should be used by the students, teachers and other staff in establishing a safe and secure environment for teaching and learning


Signs and Symptoms of COVID-19 The Corona Virus (COVID-19) affects individuals differently. Persons who have been infected by the virus have demonstrated a wide range of symptoms and illness may range from mild to severe. Symptoms may become evident within 2-14 days after exposure to the virus.

Persons who exhibit these symptoms may have COVID-19: Fever or chills Coughing Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing Fatigue Headache Loss of taste or smell, appetite


Sore throat Congestion or runny nose Nausea or vomiting Diarrhea Abdominal pain Other flu like symptoms

Persons with symptoms of COVID-19 should call the Ministry of Education at any of these numbers 266 5514, or 266-5591, or 266-3256 or 266-5573 or Ministry of Health hotline at 448-2151/2153/2156/4325 and explain the situation or contact a medical doctor or Health and Wellness Centre.

The General Framework for the Reopening of Schools During the Pandemic

Safety Measures in the Environmental Health Environmental and Safety Systems for Precautionary measures Schools


Health Nutrition

Transportation Services

Human Resources

Support Services


Core Elements of The Framework

Constant Monitoring and follow-up

Safe Operations of Schools General Guidelines Schools must review and update Emergency Operation Plans. Organize training for all staff. Intensify cleaning and disinfecting efforts. Teach and reinforce health and hygiene practices. People who are unwell must stay home. All persons on the school compound are required to wear face masks in compliance with the national policy. Schools are required to inform parents and students about the measures that are in place to allow for the safe operation and administration of the institution to accommodate classes and other schoolrelated activities. Schools are required to explain to the students the importance of ensuring compliance with the protocols. Schools are required to reinforce the need for strict compliance with the guidelines for the operation of schools throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. In order to protect the interest of staff and students, each school is required to take appropriate actions against persons who are found to be in any breach of the protocols while on the school compound. Class attendance and other statistical data MUST be taken daily and forwarded to the Ministry of Education on a weekly basis.


Prior to Reopening – Environmental Health & Safety Preparation of the Educational Institution to receive students including the requirements and precautionary measures recommended by health authorities. Cleaning of workplaces, work equipment & facilities. Janitorial staff should be exposed to training and provided with personal protective equipment necessary to carry out cleaning and sanitizing tasks. Janitorial staff must thoroughly clean and sanitize all rooms, floors, walls, corridors and other areas of schools to be used by staff and students prior to the return of persons to the environment. Janitorial staff should be provided with adequate supplies of cleaning and disinfecting and sanitizing agents.

Upon Reopening of Schools Janitorial Staff Must:

Clean and sanitize desks, chairs, workstations, equipment and facilities daily. Be provided with adequate cleaning and disinfecting supplies and protective equipment to carry out the tasks; undertake daily and frequent cleaning of high touch/high traffic areas. Wear disposable gloves to clean and disinfect. Clean surfaces using soap and water then use disinfectant. Use disinfectant approved to work against bacteria, fungus and virus.


Dilute bleach solution where necessary on surfaces ( 1⁄4 cup per 1 Litre of bleach)

Daily Routine Before School All staff and students are required to maintain good hand and respiratory hygiene before, during and after travel between home and school. Students or staff members with any symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, dry cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, loss of sense of smell or taste) must stay at home, call the hotline at 4482151/2153 /2156/4325, contact a medical doctor or a Health and Wellness Centre and explain the situation alternatively they should call the School Principal and or Education Officer or 266 5514, or 266 5591 or 266 5573 or 266 3526. Staff and parents of students must inform the principal about any illness. The guidance from the health authorities must be followed when someone in the household is sick and self-isolating.

Transport to and from School The Ministry of Education Human Resource Planning, Vocational Training & National Excellence will continue to implement transportation programmes in areas where they already exist. In addition to the use of public or private transportation, the Ministry of Education will support the safe transportation of students to and from school. Private operators currently contracted by the Ministry of Education will continue to do so.


Parents and administrators should continue to collaborate to support the safe movement of students to and from school.

Where transportation is being organized by the Ministry of Education, it is critical that: A contract is developed and signed by bus drivers. A student travel log be developed and maintained to account for students’ utilization of the service. Centralized pick up points be established and communicated to parents and students should not be encouraged to congregate. A text messaging system be developed and used to support communication between the school and parents.


The following guidelines should be implemented to ensure the health and wellbeing of students as they are transported to and from school. Private operators contracted by the Ministry of Education are required to conduct temperature checks and sanitize buses between and after each trip. Where school buses or contractual arrangements are being used, determine the number of students who can be accommodated on each trip in order to ensure that social/physical distancing guidelines are respected. This should be clearly communicated to all stakeholders. To support adherence, mark seats which can or cannot be used to guide students. Sensitize students to safety precautions to be observed while using public passenger vehicles such as the wearing of face masks, social distancing and compliance with temperature checks and hand sanitizing activities. This should be reinforced at regular intervals. For short distances, persons should walk to the school. Students who walk to school are to be encouraged to avoid crowded areas and loitering on the streets. Persons who must take public transportation must wear face masks and comply with the national protocols outlined by the Ministry of Health, Wellness and New Health Investment for travel on public vehicles. Wherever possible, windows of the bus should be kept open.


Bus drives are expected to sanitize and clean buses daily and have supplies of alcohol for use as passengers embark and disembark.

On arrival at school – Manage the Entry and Exit Process In addition to the school’s regular protocol the following should be in place: Signage indicating the following “Always wear a mask.”


Ensure that a system exists for registration and identification of visitors entering the school compound.

Adherence of all students, members of Administration staff, teaching staff and support staff to wearing face masks. All visitors must wear masks at all times whilst on the compound.

Limit the number of persons entering the school compound – people who are not directly involved with the school’s activities should not be allowed entry.

Strictly enforce the wearing of face mask for all persons entering the school.

Visitors should be encouraged to make an appointment to transact business at the school.

Enforce the hand hygiene protocol at the point of entry i.e. Staff and students must wash their hands with soap and water or apply an alcoholbased hand sanitizer upon entry to the school.

Inform all staff and students about the school’s hygiene and safety policies before they enter the premises. Signage to this effect may be strategically posted.

Implement measures to avoid congestion at the entrance/exit of the school.

Designate separate access and exit routes for various groups, where appropriate.

Ensure the enforcement of physical distancing by using aids such as floor markings, ribbons or physical barriers.

Security officers, hygiene wardens or other appointment person shall use a non- contact infrared thermometer once available at the school entry point.

Stagger departure times for students to limit exposure to crowds. Consideration should be given to arranging for different groups of students, according to Class/Form, subjects or nature of the activities to enter and exit the school to reduce congestion. Restrict the number of entry points into the school to control the flow and number of persons on the compound.


Visitors with flu-like symptoms will not be allowed entry on the compound Visitors with high temperature reading (above 37.7C/ 99.80F) should not be allowed entry onto the compound.

Students and staff with dry coughing, sore throat, nausea, headaches, flu-like symptoms, loss of sense of smell and taste must remain at home and provide written medical clearance before attending school. Student must be Isolated.

In cases where students report to school with flu-like symptoms or become unwell while at school, they should be placed in a quarantine room. Parents will be asked to take the student home and return with a medical clearance. Student pick-up and drop-off must be managed to reduce the presence of persons/drives on the school compound.


Visitors and service providers who access the school’s compound must abide by the school’s policy and guidelines. Sanitation measures for entering the compound must be reinforced to ensure success in the fight against COVID-19. Provision of education and awareness on the importance of complying with all the health procedures and precautions such as leaving a reasonable safe distance, handwashing and hand hygiene.

Safety Measures During School Teachers must avoid assigning face-to face group work to students to ensure compliance with the social distancing protocol. Limit the number of students engaged in after school classes to ensure compliance with the physical and social distancing protocols. Students must store their personal belongings in a designated area within the classroom. Allow 3-6 feet between desks to accommodate physical distancing. Enforce the wearing of face masks or face covering at all times while on the compound. Keep open, where feasible, all windows and all doors to classrooms, labs specialist rooms and isolation rooms. Ensure proper ventilation. Post at the door entrances the maximum number of people that can safely stay in the room at the same time. Direct all students to avoid congregating while at school. Ensure regular cleaning and sanitizing of desks, chairs and the general classroom, laboratory or specialist rooms must be done before and after use. Implement measures to control the movement of students into and out of the classroom and around the school (demarcation must be encouraged).


Encourage students in a class to stay in one classroom for the duration of their class session.

Safety Measures During School Cont'd Discourage/Prohibit the sharing of resources such as electronic devices, textbooks, stationery etc. Assign a specific desk and chair to each student which should be used by that student only, where feasible. Place garbage bins which are outfitted with disposable garbage bags in each classroom, staffroom, Lab, workshop or specialist room. Ensure that garbage bins are disinfected and emptied daily and washed at least twice a week. Establish an order for each class to enter and leave the building/classroom.

After School Instruct staff and students to wash their hands with soap and water before exiting the school. Stagger the exit times for students to avoid congestion. Ensure that students do not gather and socialize after school. Direct students to promptly leave the compound and proceed to their homes after school. Remind staff and students to wash hands upon arrival at home.


Remind all persons using public transportation that they must comply with the national protocol for travel on public vehicles.

Public Health : Guidelines for Unwell Students Support awareness raising programs to disseminate information and provide psychological support to all. Where students display any of the symptoms of COVID-19 (for example fever, dry cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, loss of sense of smell or taste) parents must keep them at home. Parents should also call the hotline at 448-2151/2153/2156/4325, contact a medical doctor or a Health and Wellness Centre and explain the situation and inform the Ministry of Education, Supervising Officer and/ or School Principal. Every sick student at school should be dealt with care using protective gloves. Parents of student must inform the principal of any illness. Each school must designate a room for the accommodation of students who develop or display signs of illness. Notify the parents of the student immediately and the Health and Wellness Centre or assigned district nurse of any student who exhibits symptoms for follow-up, testing and necessary action. Parents and students are encouraged to follow the guidance from the Ministry of Health, Wellness and New Health Investment on what to do when someone in the household is sick and selfisolating.


Guidelines for Unwell Staff All staff members who are unwell must stay home. Staff who fall ill must inform the principal of any illness. Each school must designate a room for the accommodation of staff who develop or display signs of illness while on the compound and the must follow the national protocols set out by the Ministry of Health, Wellness and New Health Investment. Any staff who exhibits signs of illness while on the compound must be directed to the designated isolation area. Staff who display any of the symptoms of COVID-19 (for example fever, dry cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, loss of sense of smell or taste) must stay home, call the hotline at 448-2151/2153 /2156/4325, contact a medical doctor or a Health and Wellness Centre and explain the situation. The Ministry of Education must be contacted and Principal and/or Education Officer. Staff members must follow the guidance from the Ministry of Health, Wellness and New Health Investment on what to do when someone in the household is sick and self-isolating. Notify first the School Principal and /or Education Officer and the Health and Wellness Centre or assigned district nurse of any staff who exhibits symptoms for follow-up testing and necessary action. Every sick staff member at school should be dealt with care using protective gloves.


INCIDENT MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS In case a student or member of staff reports that they have been tested positive for COVID-19 the school must follow some guidelines. Give leave to the person and arrange for them to continue to learn or teach online depending on their health status. Immediately use student/staff attendance data to identify the group of people who had been in contact with the affected person during the period 2 days before onset of symptoms and from the date swab collection for asymptomatic cases. Identify this identified group about the potential exposure without disclosing the identity of the person. School must inform parents. Send the special group of people home and oblige them to follow quarantine instruction by the Health Authorities. Ensure that all school staff are well aware of the above protocol and the plan and action required for dealing any positive or suspected cases. Each school must have an active group email or Whatsapp numbers and responsible members for quick updates. The infected person must show evidence that he has completed the quarantine requirement imposed by the health authorities.


Daily attendance must be kept. Data must be collected on all sick students and staff and this must be submitted as part of the weekly report which is to be sent to the District Education Office.

Hygiene and Safety Precautions Facilities for hand washing/ sanitizing should be available at all points of entry to the school. A record of the cleaning regime of vital areas, such as bathrooms, must be displayed and must be inspected daily by supervisors or persons assigned. Staff must desist from sharing common office supplies (e.g. pens, staplers)


Each school should implement a cleaning and disinfecting schedule to ensure that: - all classrooms are cleaned daily and regularly

- furniture is sanitized before being occupied by another person

Bins should have swing type lid and be foot operated and garbage must be securely disposed. General cleaning and disinfecting of the premises should occur daily.

Undertake daily and frequent cleaning of high touch/high traffic areas.

Antibacterial soaps must be placed at sinks.

Use disinfectant approved to work against bacteria, fungi and viruses (some may be certified to work against coronaviruses)

Signage demonstrating effective hand washing techniques should be displayed strategically near wash areas.

Use diluted bleach solutions if appropriate for the surface and as recommended.

The school compound must be free of debris and moss. Drains must be cleaned and the grass cut in the school yard.

Respiratory Hygiene Persons must cover their mouths and noses and cough or sneeze into a tissue or the bent elbow and immediately discard the used tissues in a bin, and perform hand hygiene. Contents of bins must be properly disposed of by the janitorial staff and bins must be disinfected during the school day. Posters and signs relating to respiratory hygiene should be strategically placed around the school. Mask must be kept on while sneezing or coughing. Rags are not allowed. All students must walk with personal supplies of tissue, sanitizer and or hand soap. Students must engage in frequent hand washing.

Ventilation All work spaces, laboratories, specialist rooms and classrooms must be properly ventilated. Keep all doors and windows open, wherever possible. Limit the use of fans. Special precautions must be taken since fans can spread the virus.


Temperature Screening Perform temperature checks on persons entering the school using a reliable, infrared thermometer. Communicate to staff that temperature screening is to protect them from potential contagion. Sensitize designated persons on the effective way to conduct temperature checks. Conduct temperature checks in a consistent and uniformed manner. Inform each person of his/her temperature readings. Inform staff that data protection and privacy rules should be respected.

Bathroom/Washroom Facilities Staff and students must wash hands before and after using the toilet with soap and water. Toilets must be flushed with closed lids. Wherever possible physical distancing must be respected. Restrict the number of persons allowed or present in the toilet area at the same time. Ensure regular cleaning and sanitizing of bathroom facilities and areas especially in the morning and afternoon or throughout the day.


Cleaning records of bathrooms must be displayed and inspected frequently by supervisors.

Break/Snack/Lunch Accommodation Stagger lunch and break times for various age groups to ensure there is no congestion. All persons, who are not part of the school feeding programme must travel with their prepared snacks/meals/lunches and their own utensils. Students and staff must not share utensils (cups, plates, cutlery) or food. Each school should provide for in-class breaks for students. Students are required to have their snacks/lunches at their desks wherever feasible. Designated eating areas must be identified and used where class/form rooms cannot be used. These areas must comply with the social distancing protocols. If the canteen area or a common space is used for lunch or the distribution of lunches, social and physical distancing measures must be applied to such eating areas. Where take-away is delivered, the national guidelines provided by the Ministry of Health, Wellness and New Health Investment must be strictly adhered to. Persons using common equipment such as microwaves should be encouraged to effectively sanitize such equipment before and after use. Lunch/dining areas must be kept clean and hygienic.


Break MUST be supervised, with more persons on the ground to assist with supervision. Adhering to precautionary and preventative measures during breaks. Vendors on the school compound must adhere to all protocols as outlined by the Ministry of Health.

Parents’ Role and Responsibility Parents are to be encouraged to attend all parent sessions and PTA meetings to keep updated on school policy. Parents must provide current contact information and email addresses to the teacher or principal especially to ensure traceability in case of infection. Parents must respond to calls/communication from the school in the event of any symptoms in the children during the school day and to collect their children /charges in a timely manner. They should ensure that they inform the school of children who suffer any chronic disease, immunity deficiency and provide medical reports. Parents must communicate with the school and provide medical documentation in cases of infection, suspicion of contact with an infected individual while ensuring that the child is kept at home acquire and submit a certificate of medical clearance for the student as needed. Parents are to ensure and always verify that students always have personal protective equipment ( a clean mask in their possession and a personal supply of hand sanitizer/ alcohol), if possible before leaving home. Parents must inform students of health protocols and guidelines from the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health.


Educate and train children on the procedures for personal hygiene and the importance of taking precautionary measures as laid down.

Staff Accommodation Organize work so that physical distancing rules are respected by those present at school. Create sufficient distance between workstations by spacing them further apart. Rearrange workstations in a way to maintain a sufficient distance e.g. place some workstations in separate spare rooms. Organize workstations in a way that people work back to back or side by side rather than face to face. Limit internal circulation as much as possible – instruct staff not to go to rooms or places where they do not have to be present. Use sanitary wipes or alcohol to sanitize telephones or fridge doors etc. Introduce one-way traffic restrictions in corridors or narrow stairs where people meet often or without sufficient distance. Use these rules both inside and outside the building, for example in car parks. Cancel non-essential meetings and trainings or use online meeting platforms. Persons using common equipment such as microwaves should be encouraged to effectively sanitize such equipment before and after use. Where face-to-face meetings are necessary, seek to have them convened in well ventilated areas with adequate physical spacing and keep them as short as possible.


Suspend or convene online any meeting that requires the presence of a greater number of people than the maximum determined by national requirements or recommendations.

SUPPORT SERVICES: Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Schools will be assisted in establishing a supportive and caring climate, provide psychological and counselling support to students, as students are reintegrated into face to face environment. The following are suggested psychosocial considerations: Instill full confidence in the procedures developed by the Ministry of Education for schools and in its readiness for the safe reception of students, parents and teaching and administrative staff. Increase sensitivity among all students, parents, teaching and administrative staff by converting negative thoughts into positive ideas, to reduce tension and anxiety. Schools are encouraged to develop intervention strategies to address the social and emotional needs of students who show signs of distress, present as a danger to self or others, or teachers and students who are struggling with issues related to the virus and confinement, anxiety or inability to cope upon the return to school. Care must be taken to avoid stigmatization of students, families, teachers or administrative staff infected by COVID-19. School counselors should consult with teachers and school administration on school- wide behavioral needs of students and work with them to provide support.


School counselors should develop internal support systems for staff members who may require assistance to cope with the challenges of working in the new normal environment. A safe room or safe space should be established by each school to accommodate counseling services for students affected by the virus. Parents of any student in need of mental health or psychosocial support may reach out for assistance by calling 266 5586, 266 5591 or 266 5514. Staff in need of mental health and psychosocial support may make use of the counseling services provided by the Ministry of Education. School leaders should communicate regularly, clearly and accurately, information to staff to ensure that they are kept informed of important developments associated with the virus.


Mental and emotional health professionals are critical in shaping messages to principals, teachers, students and families about school re-entry including addressing anxiety, social acclimation and depression. Students requiring mental health support, including those who are exhibiting suicidal ideation, should be referred for additional psychiatric services. School counselors should provide support services for loss of any staff, students,or family. School counselors should mobilize crisis recovery teams to provide emotional and psychological support when necessary.

If school community has experienced a loss of life, establish ‘safe rooms’ as needed within each facility for counseling service provision


Guidelines for Special Needs Students

In addition to the general protocols for the safe operation of schools, the following additional guidelines must be enforced for the care and safety of students with special needs: All Special Needs facilities must conform to all protocols that have been put in place for the safe operation of schools. All teachers and teaching aides must be sensitized about the special precautions to be enforced for engagement and interaction with special needs children. Establish routines for the safe and healthy functioning and engagement of students. Janitorial staff must be trained in the correct ways to clean indoor and outdoor facilities for children with special needs.


All toys, equipment, apparatus and learning materials must be thoroughly sanitized before use.

All toys, equipment, apparatus and learning materials must be thoroughly sanitized before use. Sanitize the area where students’ bags and personal items are stored particularly after use. Sanitize outdoor/playground equipment before use. Laminate and frequently sanitize learning resources where feasible and appropriate. An adequate supply of “child-friendly” sanitizing agents must be kept at the facility. Conduct sensitization sessions for parents on the procedures and guidelines that are enforced for the safe operation of Special Needs schools/facilities.

Train special needs children in proper hand hygiene, cough etiquette, social and physical distancing and consistently enforce safe practices in the learning environment. Teachers and teacher aides must wear facemasks or appropriate face protection at all times when interacting with students who cannot wear facemasks or other face protection. Persons with symptoms should call the hotline at 448-2151/2153 /2156/4325 and explain the situation.


Staff and parents of students must inform the principal about any illness. Staff members must follow the guidance from the Ministry of Health, illness and New Health Investment on what to do when someone in the household is sick and self- isolating.

Specific Protocols for Early Childhood Facilities In addition to the general protocols for the safe operation of schools, the following additional guidelines must be enforced for Early Childhood Facilities: All early childhood facilities must be inspected by the Environmental Health Division of the Ministry of Health, Wellness and New Health Investment and given clearance for operation based on context, capabilities and capacity. Approved facilities will be identified by an ‘authorized to open sign’ and the relevant documentation issued. The number of students authorized on the facility will be stated on this document. All Early Childhood Facilities must conform to all protocols that have been put in place for the safe operation of schools. Enforce the hand hygiene protocol at the point of entry i.e. Staff and students must wash their hands with soap and water or apply an alcohol-based hand sanitizer on entry to the school. All teachers and teacher aides must be sensitized about the special precautions to be enforced for the care and interaction with young children. Janitorial staff must be specially trained in the correct ways to clean indoor and outdoor facilities for young children.


All toys, equipment, apparatus and learning materials must be thoroughly sanitized before use.

Where possible toys should be washed twice daily or as frequently as needed. Every child should be supplied with a plastic container with lid for the storage of their personal learning resources. Properly label all personal items of students. Sanitize the area where students’ bags and personal items are stored particularly after use. Sanitized outdoor/playground equipment before use. Laminate and frequently sanitize learning resources where feasible and appropriate. An adequate supply of “child-friendly” sanitizing agents must be kept at the facility. Conduct sensitization sessions for parents on the procedures and guidelines that are enforced for the safe operation of the Early Childhood Facilities. Train children in proper hand hygiene, cough etiquette, social and physical distancing and consistently enforce safe practices in the learning environment. Establish guidelines for the safe drop-off and collection of children.


Procedures to follow for Suspected COVID-19 Cases Plan for Dealing with Positive COVID-19 Cases If a member of staff or student is suspected of having COVID-19: Advise that he/she inform the Ministry of Education and District Education Officer, contact the Ministry of Health hotline numbers 448-2151/2153 /2156/4325 and explain the situation and await instructions of the Ministry of Education. Advise that he/she remain at home under quarantine conditions (if the case is eventually confirmed) for a duration as guided by the Ministry of Health. Advise that he/she produce a medical clearance before returning to school. The Principal /Vice Principal must be notified of illness or of anyone suspected of having COVID-19 by Students and Staff.


Procedures to follow for Positive COVID-19 Cases If a member of staff or student test positive for COVID-19 the Principal/Deputy Principal must:


Step 1:

Apply all isolation measures to the infected person until reaching medical facility. Alert the Ministry of Education through the District Education Officer (for Primary Schools), the Early Childhood Coordinator (in the case of Early Childhood Centres) or the Senior Education Officer (in the case of secondary schools).

Step 2:

Complete Covid-19 online report form at

Step 3:

Alert the Ministry of Health.

Step 4:

Log entry into the school logging system. Await and observe instructions provided by the Ministry of Education/ Ministry of Health.

Step 5:

Notify staff of instructions by the Ministry and communicate with parents accordingly. Identify those with contact of the infected person if is a student , other students in the classroom, faculty members, teaching staff, administrative staff, and /or other staff.

Step 6:

Arrange for temporary closure for sanitization of the room or (rooms) and clearance before reopening. Parents may also be updated via media.



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