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St Xii~er will focus":ors ~performance -not h, yp_e BY CAREY HOFFMAN !. -Enquirer contributor., BOYS CROSS COUNTRY.PREVIEW' ,. . You can't blame St. Xavier coach' Larry helped key last year's fourth- Division III, the Mustangs will — .cross country Merkel. if he doesn't know, place finish at state are gone,but . aim even Higher;this year..Jon { whether.to hold his breath or:his Elder "might not miss a step in Newberry, last year's Enquirer tongue when he talks about the replacing them this year. A'big `. Division III Runner of the'Year, boost comes from Oak Hills. .leads a pack of five seniors that upcoming sea- . transfer Chris Reis,who finished :also includes Nate Parkhouse, son. 17th at last year's regional meet Todd Scherisker, Nate Jebsen St. X enters .4. Colerain(103 points, 1 and Keith Rigling: the season first-place vote):'Colerain wilfbe 2. .Eastern Brown (49 f ranked. No:1 :'r strong up''frontwith all-state junior points,,. 2 first-place,votes): , in the Enquir , . Mason Ward and second-team all- Seven of last year's top 10;runer's preseason -'state seniorJustin Hussel. ners,;including six of the 'first Division :. I 5. Lakota East(82 points): seven, return from a team that',, coaches poll. — East.may not have much.depth finished 10th in the state last.year who Brian Godsey But ">.. but they do have.what veteran in Division IL 1 knows what 3.'Kings(45oints): Four' that means?,' Certainly not,,'coach Jason Lindsey feels,is the year?stop Avefi runners are Merkel, who remembers last 'best 1-2-3 punch in the state in B6 of Iasion a team that was tight on year,when histeam'was presea an Godsey;-Lakota Wes,t transfer back .son No. l in the city and the state Tim Hufford and Jerry Claunch. Eastern Brown's heels,finishing; and. No. 12 nationally; but fin- .-.Godsey was last year's Enquirer -second at district and qualifying to regionals. :~. ished a relatively disappointing Division I Runner of the Year. O.Moeller.(50 points): After, 4: (fie) McNicholas (35 eighth two-and-a-half months lat , just missing out on a trip to the .points): Sophomore Aric Bick- ; et at the;state meet "I don't think (the rankings) `regional- : meet. a year ago, ;el, last year's No:4 runner,is the . -, ...'' went to our heads last-:year," Moellerwill try to rebuild a com- top veteran back: He's followed Merkel said."But I think wefelt, bination of runners to approach by Danny Egbers; Tom pressure and we juststarted off those heights again.'Experience ' McGlaughlin and Ben Evans: running mediocre and keptit.up is• a concern; --with: the top 4.(tie).New Richmond(35 returnee being junior `Kenny :points): Seven veterans return all season." ,. Much of last year's expects Dunbar.,-,, from lastyear's regional qualifier, 7. Oak Hills (43 points).; -led by Jamie McCart an individ- `s tions were built around a solid; junior class that,wasexpected to . Oak Hills 'has'_a new -coach in ual.qualifier to state. Sophomore excel. That huge .group = 18 Dean .Harley and; will have ' a Bobby Wells and :junior Mike runners altogether are now ,youthful look,relying heavily on Greene are other top runners. seniors who lead a program with :a,strong sophomore class. A W—yoming (32 .points):'. 8.Lakota West(30 points):. Wyoming,has quality in Zach 65runners out. While St X(137,points,7first ' Last year's_GMC champs have • Schaengold;,last,year's individual placevotes) may not have a clear soiree holes-to fill; but the talent .CHL champion; and Jeff Kock,. frontrunner in its numbers, it appears to be in place to'do that :butwillfightto develop depth with `<f probablyleads the city in.quality '-- Senior Craig Akers was stopped: only seven.runners on'the team...; depth. Merkelcan roll out senior by -stress fractures .late in the, 7. Badiri:.-(22. points): Pete Mosher last year's champi- year, but should be an excellent Badin's success continued with 'on at the GCLleague meet,along lead runner another regional`trip last year, .: 9: Fairfield (23 points):: but itsfourth-placeleague showwith classmates ReadeKidd and Danny Fritz; who'will both be After making, its first regional .ing was the program's' worst running at state for the fourth _appearance in 20years,Fairfield since 1990. A time in their varsity,careers if St.. hopes it has' the depth for a , 8:Clermont Northeastern X extends its current state-best repeat .this year. Three of, last. (17 points):Six outoflast year's streak of 11 straight state; meet year's top. four return in ' in topseven return from a team that Michael'Meiser Andy.Hank and missed.qualifying to.regionals by appearances. r Madeira, coming off its first Aaron Reis. one point. Depth will be strong rt 10:'Harrison (21 points): suit, with the top.five all running regional title,was the top choice in the .preseason Division 11-III After qualifying to regionals last,. within a 1:30 spread. ' poll;followed by,Eastern Brown Year, inexperience,could be a .9: Indian Hill(15 points): major.hurdle for Harrison this Only-seven 'runners are out for ' and Kings. A Here's a .capsule look at;the year. Only two runners with var cross country,. but Indian -Hill n 'sity experience -brothers Scott does sport equality in regional ranked teams: 2. La Salle 022 points,,3 and Jimmy McNutt.' qualifier Elliott Nichols,'JeffTayfirst-place votes): Five oflast _ for Jonathan Messer and Reed year's top seven runners who led Division II-III Wulsin: La Salle'to a tenth=place team fin _ "A' Madeira "(66 .points, 5 : 10.Taylor(13.points): Four' ish at state return.: first-place votes): After claim- seniors who have.rebuiltTayloes 3.-Elder.(110.points;2fast- ping Madeira's firsttever regional program finish theircareers hop place votes): Six seniors who .title and,placing 12th atstate in ing to qualify atleastto regionals.
Vil0$$ mf®i6KT~ i
9d t `2 Kings(1): 3.Fritz(St.Xavier)1638~ n. wyi 1 .._.81 2 ., Wyoming .__.. !Stover (Princeton) 16.39 ' k i, ` 4 EasteinBrown.^......~,...»»..73} , v: ., ~• e:`>s S Meurer (Turpin) 16 d3> -'r DIVIS10N ~ a . c .l gfor; 6"Dimber (Moeiler)y 1.. x- ` .~ 5 Maeeirar .'"'":».._:.:.....__._70 118 = 7 aa'1)hch(Lak-otaEast) 1646 .~.._..._:.:42} -fi a _ ~ 7t` Marlemoril:r».__{:..~^__.....`.:.._.di 8:-Ward (Colerain) 1649-'x+`` • *,•'"` } `°,r; ~•ry'2"St. Xavler.(2)'~'"». " 109. %a TB 8 - Roger Bacon 83 - ^- 9. Wietmarsciven (St Xavier) 16.50 3.• Colerain _. .=._.:: v9 Be1he1-Tate: 10 Jordan (MBtord) 1651 81 Jd.'•Lakotaiast...... S1. HOlsiwr l0 i ` 71 .._.__.»» r L sbtle 5., `'' d8 ` w 6.°' M81ord _ _ +s JOfheri receiving votes Indian 1 Gar (Kings) 16.321 44'' _ ® 7.'Sycamore 2. M[Cert (New Ridurmnd) 16:45. F00.11; New Ridim_ and 10, Purcell' ~. '`•`~' `25_ ,.•. 3.'Jones (Western:Brown) 11:10,:k, - Marian 3 Reading 1, Taylor.1. '•dr.'s_., .•~5 , z. s... x . •''MoeOer`^ - ryv y1 r 1! t r * x{ 21 9 •Middletown %, Velex-lKi ):1712 "-r .5: Sdreadkr Eastem Brown) 17:16 _ 10 Oak H@s r f 6. Schaengold(Wyoming)1722 }Others recefvin votes a .Jimisan (Eastern Brown) }7241 a IS~~ + Turpin 11 Mason 9 Prginceton 9 }} 7a 7: 7 ® 6. Busby (Kings)'17.35 _'~ y Fa)rfiekt 5 .Anderson 1 ~'.., ry arvxra ., r r Hoket (Western Hrown).1736 9. IMII(yss _ 10. Mick lBad'm) 17:42 DIVISIONS > -6.;a. w.7.~ ,,,.. "` ~``>`{ `-"" _ • x>e I a EasternBrowri(9) `~ 105 88~ 2~..Midelri(2f' 11 r I ~~Y1lbers 72 I7 t 4 NewRlchdmond Rr°YsFcN?,4f~ 60 r" S Wyoming" a (+-,~'aa"~'•n"Yj„•.av"z` ""',i~".~~~aY ,~ 6•`.ROss~~ '~'`•~,` ' E d5-• Badin 7 (. z+ `r ~»~~i~ i s 1yZ~ zx ® tr q y ,. F n 2Y# r w r; w Dy% d 8 u MCNidmlas r 0, sv '9f peirrmM NE _ 44 r c+ n. atr s ~u«~ 31r r = rf tfJ g✓ 16 Western Brown tr¢reteL ?i tea•k surer COntnbutord u r~ Others receiving votes a - - ~• X-_ FiNs• 'i '?e1'Enough zei~ - :`t'r.-•...•c -g-twroJl a'" ? r+~~~ q ' • 'k r ' •' i-` 91 Holmes -•: hMfanH017.Wesi r.~iii r aY, Verors u ~.r
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~/1l ~ `? 'BY DAV SCHUITTE Y .~r,: to ~~LQ -E•n Yt~9 ACROSS COUNTRYa AT A.GLANCE `} Tayl~,u;PurceilMariani7 enough..`-s„'' ;Is Y'~ Xp> After,a enmentin .the first five,,.-,:, eoys polis h 10 watton ~,Y>I .Qop.. maleY.~ country season by « t weeks of the cross b .x runrs~~ s L 1 ~-r U.. ♦t ' ~~9Top !~ male `i.` w .:~`.-... `' DR%'~ _ M ~~w' `sendin'giuners'to'asmanyas`ee , -:+-_ ." ~ tis 'f * 121 jI Division,I_ , (s o •, _ t i 2. St: Xavier(d)weekends;.St. Xavier~coach on runners (k ' meets ~;. z.~,~ 4,jl 'OX w >• r pUt the i is,l2 Pidge"41-aSalle)t6t8 Larry Merkel"nOw plans>• t0 ' 4 Cokrnirly ' Godsey (Lakota East) 1630 „; T ,~ c, t 2r.:4~ w.Y..^ },.:;..~ 15:39 Lr# 1•Ward(Coleraln)" ombers': best.foot forward G1J .;r Y.e. k' 621'2Godseyy(LakoteEast) 15 d3 ~4e 6 Millard 1 49 7 ;Sycanore meet On' `one ' t"We'll onlY, .x.,-z yrUn in e,. • t ;• 'I.Clawkh (LakotaEast) 1601 .• . (use;w '6~a 9rm: a r"a•PaageTM 4weekends tl)e'-remainder, of"the sea 16A6.; S. Reis (Ekter. 25a ?6 Ntissel(Coieraln) tO -Middletown. Y Others receiving voter i(ufford(L`ak:East)
~MerkeliSaid=,"We'll= have ~t0' .. „•.. 4; decisions t0 pick-„ make some-~=...•aaro~•..-+......,. ,.rl..~'nvsssa •;,rh'Sa;'s-.-+'d; ing a :, -
16:13111i~! -A6:15f `-`A
7: )k aS Mason 3,.Prira:eton 1; hard 8;Frlti (St"Xavier) °' 116;224,tk )Turpin'11: L+y,~ +e 1629 1 (MBfcrd) q Wesfrlch thegtop seven runners x 9 16.29 ~~~s (Fide') ~'_I31VI510NSIHH~`5 rte,, Rat)kedtNo 1 In the~•^Enquirers~1 aEesternBrmim(9) loe~ xn q.Dhh)on tHa<} '««a s r, .•... zi;~':••r- rk b 100 •"~..2 `Madeira (2)1633 ' 1 GarbonfKings). 80, t0 . preSe3S()n poll; St Xa er sLppedi rK 3 wyoming".. 75a ':. 4'' Ktrgs l ~No `2 ~liehuld Elder after losuig,to the„ '3. NNwberry(Made ah) 1630 • I .56 S:NR'idrt 5x 4 Cartwrl?(EBrown) ,650'_ Panthe~ast tliree_weeliendst«< 8ad1n a`h . 0 old(WYoming).17A0 .v 3a ~ :6S Scti Mi.,Ross 'TurtIM (EBrovm)'` 1799 a Merkel rant different~groups,to-* , ¢wn§b Y~ 2po wee q runners ' 1 (Kkg )'mod) iis} gethei; trying to fin8~wluch A 16 r z9i9 Kodc(Wyominy)~ S10 x C)errrlonlNE` 1729 j"'• ~yti tF ja . would sEep,~up i ~~ te ,y - l 0then receMing votes lO Parkhotise(Madera)"11.2f. T,y,ar,,3 X~•and Elder wi1!'go+ Sty appears fi•s 4. - +.sNmsboro,to•su • ti* s ~ s"r r ♦ Y , head-f head'the final five weeks of' (01 )u) • ~~ 6my) 17021 lr ~ KE!'n1Q"' a i.s-j %, jlmciark(st. startingxin'tworweeks at,: season; the .4 Scfimldt (Brosfbrt) '17:14 ~f4. a 1 ;Scott , 'i the Fr Ru'dy'"'Ini+itaional at` Rapid 4 t~%t x3^ 16:Katser(~osseiis 1132 •,•S Run"Park.a,~:~ ; ~' 7HminOnlwalr)k ^ 1131 t 4 -St 6. EA t awG y,' 4 ~ 0 Bryn(Scott) ~ sx18 7. ..k;rb~r~«^ a..~:K~:~~.sx.~F:S.:..{d;at p 8'"`t3e0eyH ~a: .~- -' ~-~- v..:•:Y+sE..,;~-
'STATISTICS' 4. s.e. }, IY~F'.i 2+ Polls".!,-- -,q-,# :.a "'`NZBOyS DIVISION Ii ~
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3' ii Salle(W ° -4.- Coleraln
94 `
. 6a'sycamore fly MitforA "-r ItZmoeller. }I{".,10 10Falrileld?~ '
recelvle v Prmcetall•4, Midmetown 3 Turpin 4rir i:: -b ? `• HafrAson Mason'l, 7i%±%B0Yl3 Dry1S10NS,ll-IIcg4., 90 1.k Batem Brown(9) WyomIn •,.:4` `!. 48 w S.):Now Richmond ` _..... `....:::.43' Br3T: BadiO . WNicholes::: > 7. Hillsboioa:....:.".::...'..:r' 28 20 13-103;Germ6MNE'i::.*:' `i:._16 0r,riieaWing votes West n5 * ern Brown 7,Purcell Marian 6 Tay-'.
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•y t -v r 9d I Xavier) 1638 ."'t 2', Kings(1) m. a in d ., t: 3. Fritz tSt. B~y-S r®lls .' _.87. 4 Stover (Princeton) 16.39 4' r , 3:;.Wyoming 73;: S Meurer.(Turpin) 1643 c 4 Eastern Brown 1 rMoeOer)16d5 G " Elder (10) " S1Madeir0 7<, Meriemont` 41 t 8: W.,a (Colerain) 1649 t •St.Xavier(2) ° 109 1(Lakot;Kdin42' It y 9. Wietmarschen (St Xavier) 1650 l"•. , 6 Roger Bacon 63 ( w 3. _ Coleraln ._:.__ y 'r-i tr J_..19. 10 Jordan Wilford) 1651 = ~w 9 ~ Bethel Tate • {f ,M` ; 4. LakotaEast:.L:" ...::.... Ill t 16 10 t H@ibFr ._... ' 4 x :S. La SaOe _..__... .._ .77, °, -. Dr i hlonll-IIIj't fig+-lsa 43 :Y- _48 ® 6^ MOford r 1 Garbm,(Kings)1632~+ Othenreceivingvotes.Indian? a dd amore 7 S Y 4 c t 2. McCort (New•Richmond) 16:45+ Hill 1L' New Richmond 10, Purcell d k 25 8" MoeOer'•~ - 3. Janes (Westem lrowri) 17.10.1, Marian 3, Reading 1, Taylor-1.'_Net:.•, ..„... 21 J• 4 9 Middletown - Velez (K )'1712 ••' "- *sr +~'^r'~•- ,L. - 19~.> S. Sdreadler (Eastern Brown) 1716 ,. 10 - OakH@s,_;i' _' ' "V , 6 SchaengoE (Wyoming))17: 1 ~ ra ~ ® i, i L Others receiving` votes 41 misan (Eastern Brown) 17 2d a 7 J Turpin 11 Mason 9 Princeton 9 1. y:35 — rFairflekl5, Anderson i - a5 9. Hoet(Western7Bown) 17:361 ' ,, -,zr c DM510N5IMII, ' Z _ r r ~r„1_ Mick 1142.. f,.;r;- •; 10. (Bad)n) • , -rt J r •,.v ,s L, x. r„i., 'a cf 2 r xx Eastern Brown (9) 105 ~s 2)` 4 gg x 4 MadelrX 1 4 3 Klr~ys w S k= >i~ 4 +r 720 } e~ i a zra an ~ t z; a 62r'` 4 ., New Richdrhohd f ' '" 60 ff w J (, 5 Wy6min4la"'n"'_ team i as,t na ft %~•'~' fti4'. iq 3'4n`'~~ro-~ r s , F, ~ 6`t ROSSa. ,r'• ».. X554, s.0
B®~nbersn toyr ri t
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una>olal wwtE7 "~''f "€ . MA :: , e ,.CkrnroMNE~ E# 2~i l BY.DAVE SCHUT•T ..1 akGw ~ti .•ii n r -;u.L 20 [•ca;,....•rrt •-'a"€•* _ 7` ) ai:~: a, a 9 7n WesternBroNm "~; 16`d?'te y ', ;~ 53 i '3 C srj 'r•;<~ v -{,[" 'r'.'~" -E'nqulrer contnblitorJ~~vp 'r,'•r~+t . OtA r receirmg votes GLANCE; AT COUNTRY A CROSS ~-> i s PurcellM`arian17 HiDs v.K •+a•~:. Sir,..,,Taylor-17; gh a Enough ~s enou H@ 7 West Union S v t5 '=Y f " ~a;,e`- .er`t r '>='s-~s v'''~? After expenmenUng the first five_ berO~iB,~=htdfan Rt r .s 9 a Holmes c'k O~~S'~ BOySc~a caa x~ s ~Clo weona weeks of the cross country season bye<` *~Opv111S0e: v:y ~' nq f ~~' r1' oms,0y l h a s r }sending.., runnels ~ ~ ~a y as`tliiee ~ ~~Pl mini',s—~ w~E, ~;~f~Top male ,~ `to`asman _ ~ c9)~ ~ q coachris DwWIWI "meetson weekends, St Xavier l. a ,T:t5t: xavler ca) ~ ,21 ' l nnersl~' mot' h-•t,`w ! ?. a) `:1 Padgett,(LaSalle) 1618 -cs, r' a ' 3. Lako}e£ast s•" s 4~a,rx i p. 9s 'Y Larry >Merkel.now plans to put the GodseY (Lakota East) 1630 ~•i z 'ya d . CWar~rlc u ' 91 x' DMSIOfI l o- is 4rr ar' "' s :HI s i s;: ~. 1-0sal~ f is Bombers ,, best.forward .'r •-, ,s 39`sr'( 6slMgfardxxxx zrr 64t. re l Ward (Cderaln)l 1 Y . o. rf (LakotaEast) zGodse 491 3'C(LakoteEesf) 1s43,a We Il Only,run m a5,,,i one meet on 1 Si;camore 16A1 ~% ras oft V- # 6 , Zook d Padgett (La I~v 9 r MoeOef roe€ 9 ~~ '~` weekends the remainder of the sea 27w tos> 1696 1. gf r 5•Rels(Elder)' sOn .' Merkel "said r~ Well r have to" ? 10 iMlddletotitm, a Hussd(Coierain) i613°~je ;y Others receiving votes Hufford(Lak East) e16:15' tf 7 as to pick make some hard decisions 1,` 8 Frih 1St Xavier) ; 16:22 lry Turn n Mason 3, Princeton ` J.. ^„y,~`... D~ .. 1/a.p.,;,i R rr4 16 29,3"•< 9 Jordan (MOford) r DMRONS IHiI ing the top seven runners 4 , 16•'!9~{~ bar s i 9 Weshk3i(Elder) Hallwx Ranked No .1m theyEnqut~rer s i xEes'rernero;c91 1os? x ot.rn►o,~ 100 2 .Maaetra(2) preseason poll, StXavier ,skipped tq /Kirv~s)V' 5t x 1633 sol, a31 Gaitwn 3~ t adlercEBrawn) ` 1644 ) ; 1 =No 2;behmdtElder after''losuig the to d iK 75 .perry 1650c i (Madeira)" .. xo-xtr % Y r 4 s,v } ~r Bedirt~id ~~ CartarrighrcE fuov+m) 1654°s Panthers r Cps three :weekends# . .a -a (Wyoming) 17.00`r Sloan ' 5 w 34 s Y 7 Ross c xpa,. Mekelr ran< different 1199 6 Turner(EBrown) y a r groups t0-, ( 29s 8 'MWicfrotas 7 McCa11(NRlcimond)'-17,13 ~i4. w 20 `getlieri trying to findr which runners Y westernerewn 9 17'lSyta + na b °1e8 Vele2lKhgs) 16, s10*17ermonl NE ~s ak c't 9-Xodc(W orrd •a '• :17.29 ear a v. ' ;would step up 9' c~ y ~4€rrotlters receiving rotes 10.Parkhouse(AMdelro) t. _ K M c n ;' R Taytorr:13 Puroep :MariM r10 It appears St: X and -Elder W)11 g0 1 Ke0blghaus II4CC) .170 -, °orD ° ` ' head to-headthefinal •five xeeksof; v. . tthe - season staff-dhg,in two i r weeks at Lx r3 Milano(StxH?nrYl y~ ;17921' r ~v t y KENNCKY \ Y . 1.`• Scott the .Rud" :Invitational at RaP~ i& t s~ 4 Sdurridf (erossart) 1Lid~, Cath Fron y a' °̀i ~`Sna`P Bros s i;~a Keiser(&(ossart li+ Park",t Y," Aw`Run d),St.Henryk. „ 7 Hannm(Wa6on)h 1731y~ *X L S Ryle S B Joires (Di><le) " 17 39 / ~'9 Seitz ($toff) 3 6 Hdy CrO1s ~` 1739 f r3 ~, s e" Dix. HefgldsHafghts~ Bryan 16:1,1 10 l tt) 7 ~,c`o .n+r •sfit`.~•_~ r__:R_.-....- _;~.sr - `.+.~ -rs.a"~ ~.•zt~".,.r3.:rF.oa.~i~si
lop 0 '1 ~ BOYS DIVISION IZx ~L,Jr f 1 1:=:St: Xavier -2.5- Eldei`. 'a ::: '!•-„,::.105:+, 94 ' • s`~:4?i'. CAlerain:.:~::..`,~..'.68'• „77 r Lakota East. 51 Sycamore ~.:• liford.”
' 10 `Fairfield a thers- recelrin0•~votes prhiceton'd 'Middetown 3,Turyin . `y[:. BOY8 DM- IONS ~;ty,`'Eestein Brown(g)~:u~'. 80,:'1=IMadeir
New Richmond ?I'
43:?1 MbNicholeat'"7:.::::r..i. 26z Hilisboro ............:.... 25 9:•` Ross::.;:.:.':T.:....F:.: 201 16 T• §.GermontNE:.:::.:.. t ~ Y Isl~•"011tersrecelvMgrotes. West-.{ x-0 Marian 6, Tay , ern Brown7''P<ace lobl •.~~; 6R~3~' e~4 ~d J