Moeller High School 1998-99 Golf Articles

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GOLF STATS t o.Polls

OHIO BOYS Division I Moeller(10)....................................................100 St. Xavier ..........................................................84 La Salle ............................................................ 79 Fairfield .............................................................73 Elder .................................................................47 LakotaWest .....................................................47 Turpin ...............................................................36 Lebanon ...........................................................27 Harrison ........................................:..................21 Hamilton ...........................................................17








1. 2 3 4. 5 15. 7 8 9 10









Others receiving votes: Sycamore 6, Winton Woods 4, Oak Hills 3, Wilmington 3, Milford 2, Loveland 1. Divisions II-III r 1 adin(6)...........................................................96 2. Indian Hill(4).....................................................93 3. Finneytown ....................:..................................78 4 Marlemont ........................................................72 5. Seven Hills .......................................................54 6 Summit .............................................................40 7 Reading ............................................................38 8 CHCA ...............................................................31 9 Batavia .............................................................15 10 Madeira ..................:.........................................13












Others receiving votes: Taylor 6, Bethel-Tate 6, Wyoming 5, Purcell Marian 3. OHIO GIRLS Division I 1 Ursuline(8)....................................................:..89 2 Wilmington(1)..:...............................................81 3 St. Ursula .........................................................68 4. Mt. Notre Dame ................................................65 5 Lakota West .....................................................54 6 Mercy ...............................................................40 7 Glen Este ..........................................................35 8 McAuley .................................:.........................30 9 Salon ................................................................14 10. McNicholas ......................................................11

Averages Top OHIO BOYS

Division 1-111 1.Tilton(Winton Woods)....................................... 37.2 2. Cinder(New Richmond).................................... 37.3 3. Bessler(Elder).................................................. 37.9 4. Shapiro(Seven Hills)......................................... 38.1 4. Hotaling(Lakota West)..................................... 38.1 6. Amis(Mariemont).............................................. 38.2 7. Hall(Winton Woods)......................................... 38.3 8. Presing(Turpin)................................................ 38.9 8. Prows(Badin).................................................... 38.9 8. McCain(Harrison)............................................. 38.9 OHIO GIRLS Division 1-111 1. Wedding(Wilmington)....................................... 39.8 2. Hodapp(Ursuline)............................................. 40.3 3. Taylor(Hamilton)............................................... 41.3 4.Smyth (St. Ursula)............................................. 42.0 4. Farnham (Ursuline):.......................................... 42.0 6. Eifert(Lakota West).......................................... 42.2 7. McAfee(Ursuline)............................................. 42.3 8.Morand (Ursuline)............................................. 42.3 9. ebko(Mt. Notre Dame).......................:........... 42.6 10:Duckwall(Wilmington)...................................... 43.4

Moeller wins city golf crown BY DAVE SCHUTTE Enquirer contributor

Baseball, football soccer and basketball.teams from Moeller have won numerous city championships. The golf team can now be added to that elite list. The Crusaders received all 10 first-place votes and 100 points in The Cincinnati Enquirer's final 1998 golf poll. "We've finished second several times but never won it," coach Rick Bohne said. "I never vote or report the averages of our players because in .high school, it's a team sport. That's what we stress." Moeller lost only one dual match to St. Xavier, the No. 2 team, The Crusaders avenged the setback in a dual match at Kenwood Country Club. "They deserve the No. 1 ranking," St- Xavier crutch Brion

ihirrliff aairl


Moeller's Ly"ki*ns clear pick BY DAVE SCHUITE Enquirer contributor Selecting The Cincinnati Enquirer's'Division I Golfer of theYear was an easy task. Moeller senior Neil Lykins, the Division I state medalist with a 4-over par (71-77) 178 over Ohio State's Scarlet Course, closed out a brilliant y ~f career that, , included setting every at record Moeller. He shot Bohne sub-par rounds nine times and was the medalistat the Elks, Moeller,Toledo, Westerville invitationals and at


BOYS GOLF the Greater Catholic League tournaments. He shared medab ist honors in the sectional tournament. Rick Bohne,Moeller's veteran coach,is The Enquirer's Division I'Coach of the Year., Although the Crusaders failed to qualify to the state tournament, Bohne's team was clearly the best in Cincinnati, winning-the city title while losing only to St. Xavier in a dual match: Reading's Ben Hutchins is the Division II Golfer of the Year. , The Division II Coach of the Year is Bob West, Indian Hill's veteran coach who will now



step down after 21 consecutive winning seasons. During West's tenure, the Braves won 16 league titles, qualified to the district tournament 19 times (17 as a• team) and six times to state. "My final record was 277-96," 'West said."I plan to retire from teaching and the school told me I could return to coach.I plan to take a year off and evaluate the situation." Matt Amis from Mariemont

is the Division III Golfer of the Year. Only a sophomore, Amis qualified to the state tournamentas an individual this season and shot a Cincinnati-best 154 on OSU's Gray course. , While coaching at Kettering Alter, likeable Chuck Mentrup guided the Knights to a Division II state championship in 1993. He was then transferred to La Salle where he started the building process. He took over at Middletown Fenwick this season and immediately turned the program into a winner. The Falcons qualified for the Division III.state tournament for the first time in 15 years. Mentrup is The Enquirer's Division III Coach of the Year.

The Enquirer's top.Division I boys goDers

Wedding e- njoyed one blissful season BY DAVE SCHUTI'E GIRLS GOLF Enquirer contributor When Gabby Wedding says she Ursuline, The Enquirer's coachowes everything accomplished in . es champion, also captured the golf to her father, there is no truer' Girls Greater Cincinnati League statement title and went on to take second at Since taking up the sport five state.This effort by Sahms earned years ago, Wedding has been ,the fourth year Ursuline coach The tutored exclusively by Barry Wed- Enquirer's Coach of the Year ding.The personal instruction has award. "We've never finished better paid'offfor Gabby and the Wilmthan third at the state meet since I, ington girls golf team. Playing at the state tournament " took over,"Sahms said."We had a last week,Wedding fired a 153,the good year and the kids kept their eighth-best score and lowest by composure and behaved well on any Cincinnati-area golfer.She was the course." Sahms edged two first-year named second team all-state. . Wedding's outstanding and con- coaches for the honor — Donna sistentplay earned the 15-year-old' Seeger of Wilmington and St The Cincinnati Enquirer's Girls Ursula's David Yeazell. Both took inexperienced teams and molded Golfer ofthe Year them into state qualifiers. Although Ursuline was expect Wedding was in a class by hered to do well this season,the Icons lf probably wouldn't have thrived • Se She averaged 40.1 strokes durwithout the guidance of Coach ing the regular season and postMarianne Sahms;the head profes- season,the lowest in the area. sional at O'Bahnon Creek. .

The Enquirer'stop girls gaffers LA

NEIL LYKINS Moeller Senior 36.9 average Medalist seven times

CHRIS LARBES Moeller Senior 39.7 average Medalist five times

BRAD' BESSLER Elder Senior First team GCL 37.9 average Second team all-state

KEVIN HALL Winton Woods Junior 38.4 average First team QCCN Medalist five times

JAY TILTON Winton Woods Senior '37.9 average Player of year QCCN Medalist 11 times

JASON HOTALING Lakota West Senior 38.2 average Medalist nine times -Second team all-state

The Enquirer's top Division 11=111 boys golfers fF

•~.. .~.

. .~ k~,.•n~

GABBY WEDDING Wilmington. Sophomore 40.1 average Medalist eight times


L :y JUSTIN VERBECK Fairfield~' TOPHER MATTAMIS JOE KREKE JEFF CROOK BEN Senior SHELDON MaHemont Middletown •. Indian Hill HUTCHINS First team . Summit 38.2 average Fenwick Senior Reading GMC Country Day Medalist Sophomore District last 40.1 average 39.5 average Sophomore nine times 39.0 average year, state First Team CHL Medalist nine 40.5 average Player of Year Medalist five Medalist this year times First Team CHL times four times average . Honorable Mention MVC Medalist seven Medalist six times times RYAN SCOTT TATE SHAPIRO PROWS MCDONOUGH~ i Finneytown Seven Hills Hamilton - Senior Player of. Badin . fir. [ 39.7 average . Year in MVC 38.6 average First Team CHL Medalist five Medalist `t times 1~ sixtimesLA,• / i


KAREN HODAPP Ursuline Senior 40.3 average Mddalist nine times Shot 169 at state


{ I

JENNIFER TAYLOR Hamilton Sophomore 41.5 average Medalist 14 times

MARIA BEBKO Mount Notre Dame Senior 42.5 average Medalist five times Shot 177 at state

TRICIA MORAND Ursuline Senior 42.3 average + Medalist five times

+eon ,

MOLLY SIWIYTH St. Ursula Sophomore 42.3 average Medalist eight times' Shot 171 at state

Honorable Mention Carrie Farnham, Ursuline; Erin McAfee, Ursuline; Stephanie Wertz, Hamilton Badin; Jane Wurzelbacher, St. Ursula; Kristy Duclavall,. Wilmington; Beth Hamilton, Lakota East; Jennifer Santel, Mobnt Notre Dame;iapa Papp, McNicholas; Ana Brown, Lakota West.

`° t

STEFANIE , EIFERT Lakota West Senior 42.0 average Medalist eight times


)&king,bigger contributions. Gilbert responds by agreeing. "I feel like if we're not winning, ien I'm not doing enough," he said 'harsday. "You've got to be man nough to deal with the good and the ad, the criticism, the sarcasm. 'hat's life." Coach Dom Capers offers nothing it praise for the play of Gilbert, who is 42 tackles, two sacks and nine 'essures.

mvu 1 n




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{ y

BY DAVE SCHU rE Enquirer contributor/~`3


Selecting 77ze Cincinnati Enquirer's Division I Golfer of the Year was an easy task. Moeller senior Neil Lyluns, the Division I state medalist with a-4-over par (71-77) 178 over Ohio State's Scarlet Course, closed out a brilliant career- that included setting -every at record s Moeller. Bohne He shot sub-par rounds nine times and was the medalist at the Elks, Moeller,Toledo, Westerville invitationals and at

B®YS GOLD the Greater Catholic League tournaments. He shared medalist honors in the sectional tournament Rick Bohne,Moeller's veteran coach,is The Enquirer's Division I Coach of the Year. Although the Crusaders failed to qualify to the state•tournament, Bohne's team was clearly the best in" Cincinnati, winning the city title while losing only to St. Xavier in a dual match. Reading's Ben Hutchins is the Division II Golfer of the Year. The Division II Coach of the Year goes to Bob West, Indian Hill's veteran coach who will

is the Division III Golfer.of the Year. Only a sophomore, Amis qualified to the state tournament as an individual this season and shot a Cincinnati-best 154 on OSU's Gray course. While coaching at Kettering West Mentrup Alter, likeable Chuck Mentrup now step•down after 21 consec- guided the Knights to a Division II state championship in utive winning seasons: 1993. He was then transferred tenure, the During West's Braves won 16 league titles, to La Salle where he started the qualified to the district tourna- building process. He took over at Middletown ment 19 times (17 as a team) Fenwick this season and immeand six times to state. "My final record was 277-96," diately turned the program into West said."I plan to retire from a winner. Ile Falcons qualified for the teaching and the school told me I could return to coach.I plan to • Division III state tournament take a year off and evaluate the for the first time in 15 years. Mentrup is 7Ae Enquirer's situation." Matt Antis from Mariemont Division III Coach of the Year. p -


Lykins' title atones for Moeller By Tim Curtis Post staff reporter

Neil Lykens Moeller Senior Enqurer Divk sion I golfer of the year.State medalist and champion of the Cincinnati Junior Open and the Cincinnati U.S. Junior Amateur sectional. --%

After Moeller's breakdown in the district golf tournament, senior Neil Lykins felt crushed his team didn't qualify.for the state tournament. The Crusaders, after all, were city champions and would've been a strong contender. But Lykins qualified as an individual, and Saturday the disappointment of the district was wiped away when he won the Division I state medalist title at Ohio State. And he wasn't alone. "Actually most of (the team) came up and watched

me play," said Lykins."I had four-stroke victory. a lot of support. That meant Elder's Brad Bessler was a lot." one of those shooting 76, Lykins is the first golfer in boosting him to an eighththe school's storied athletic place finish. Lakota-West's history to win a state title. Jason Hotaling tied for After taking a three-stroke ninth, one.stroke back at 158. lead with with a 1-under par Lakota West, the only lo71 on Friday, Lykins was in cal team competing in Divithe drivers' seat. sion I, finished ninth. "If I just didn't make any In Division III, Middlebig mistakes (on Saturday) I town Fenwick (8th) and figured I could win it," said Summit Country Day (9th) Lykins. were the only local teams Lykins shot a 77 Saturday, competing. a far cry from his opening As an individual, Marieround, but the low round mont's Matt Amis was 13th. among the leaders was a 76, and Lykins finished with a 8C / State results,

ick Pi Moell.e'r's Ly ns dear-i

BY DAVE SCiIUITE _~ Enquirer contributor~k`.



Selecting ne Cincinnati the Greater Catholic League

Enquirer's Division I Golfer of the Year was an easy task. TVloeller senior Neil Lykins, the Division I state medalist with a .4-over par (71-77) 178 over Ohio State's Scarlet Course, closed out a brilliant career that included set- A p ting -every at record Moeller. He shot Bohne sub-par rounds nine times and was the medalist at the Elks, Moeller,Toledo, Westerville invitationals and at

tournaments. He shared medalist honors in the sectional tournament.

Rick Bohne,Moeller's veteran coach,is 71ae Enquirer's Division I Coach of the Year. Although the Crusaders failed to qualify to the state'tournament, Bohne's team was clearly the best in Cincinnati, winning the city tifle while losing only to St. Xavier in a dual match. • Reading's Ben Hutchins is the Division II Golfer of the Year. The Division II Coach of the Year goes to Bob West, Indian Hill's veteran coach who will

is the Division III Golfer of the Year. Only a sophomore, Amis i• qualified to the state tournament as an individual this season and shot a Cincinnati-best 154 on OSU's Gray course. While coaching at Kettering West Mentrup Alter, likeable Chuck Mentrup now step•down after 21 consec- guided the Knights to a Division II state championship in utive winning seasons: 1993. He was then transferred tenure, the During West's Braves won 16 league titles, to La Salle where he started the qualified to the district tourna- building process. He took over at Middletown ment 19 limes (17 as a_ team) Fenwick this season and immeand six times to state. "My final record was 277-96," diately turned the program into West said."I plan to retire from a winner. The Falcons qualified for the teaching and the school told me I could return to coach.I plan to • Division III state tournament take a year off and evaluate the for the first time in 15 years. Mentrup is The Enquirer's situation." Matt Amis from Mariemont Division III Coach of the Year.


Lykins' title atones for Moeller By Tim Curtis Post staff reporter

Neil Lykens Moeller Senior Enqurer Divk sion I golfer of the year.State medalist and • champion of the Cincinnati Junior Open and the Cincinnati•.U.S. Junior Amateur sectional. ^._

After Moeller's breakdown in the district golf tournament,senior Neil Lykins felt crushed his team didn't qualify.for the state tournament. The Crusaders, after all, were city champions and would've been a strong contender. But Lykins qualified as an individual, and Saturday the disappointment of the district was wiped away when he won the Division I state medalist title at Ohio State. And he wasn't alone. "Actually most of (the team) came up and watched

me play," said Lykins."I had four-stroke victory. a lot of support. That meant Elder's Brad Bessler was a lot." one of those shooting 76, Lykins is the first golfer in boosting him to an eighththe school's storied athletic place finish. Lakota•West's history to win a state title. Jason Hotaling tied for After taking a three-stroke ninth, one stroke back at 158. lead with with a 1-under par Lakota West, the only lo71 on Friday, Lykins was in cal team competing in Divithe drivers' seat. sion I, finished ninth. "If I just didn't make any In Division III, Middlebig mistakes (on Saturday) I town Fenwick (8th) and figured I could win it," said Summit Country Day (9th) Lykins. were the only local teams Lykins shot a 77 Saturday, competing. a far cry from his opening As an individual, Marieround, but the low round mont's Matt Amis was 13th. among the leaders was a 76, and Lykins finished with a 8C / State results.

r'r A ,.~x3`.*,r

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oses Others to watcht include BOYS GOLF t Y Roddie St'--' a '6 Mnton ~ ~ Y " Hobbs (Lakota ,West), Drew, ,i ; x ".PREVIEW# ! Isaac (Sycamore), Chris Jeffery `` bUt first place;votes my the ~(Milford), Eddie Baker,(Haiml=s ceived a i ry, ,X,.. xEnqutreytspreseasori P01170" :'ton), Dan Gardner„_(Sycamore); BY DAVE.`:SCHUTTEr': r ~ IVloellerweariied~the dt -Hfi ,. 4Jeff Enquirer contributor; , Kroth'and'Stephen Gay.(St: ,• ~. ;~ , :„tir_, fion as~the;rtopgeam, even;: Xavier), 4c Ben Phalen (Fairfield); ,~Listing'the beestttt boys ~golfers e though” the Crusaders graduat°M>Steve •Montgomery (Elder); and for the 1'999 season was:easy ed Division I state medalist Neils Steve Koch~(Kmgs) for'Cmci uiati'area coaches but Lykirisand'five-semors zN"Wi. Moeit4weanng: ihie avor ;teams~proyed" "'t~Fairfieid~„was~ksecorid,,~fol'-: ,tes;hat`~for;'the~tiurd':"consecut<ye pieking~~the top } ) more difficWt Y,sy Lowed by Lakota Wesf, StXavi- season .doesn t":sit~'well;.w,th <R,ck• , ~. ~Righi now, I di :hard be; Sycamore; Winton, Woods, Bohne .theCrusaders veteran coach: per, I s we lost a]ot and haven t proved pressed ,to pick a:gteam,that I Elder i4 Turpin,;Balm and Oak ♦ 4 x max*e d's'B t" anything, as yet yBghne Sid;'? ~"*" be No 1,)r Hills Icould guarantee=wtll I. 1"""~ ~ ~ j'`~ ~ •Jeff Newberry~tThe individual 9evel is . There.s a lot~.of Sycamore coach talent , rgood. teams as'. said "There's a lot of otential at ,at all time high Winton' but no one team standsout `?.Woods senior` I{edin Hall;¢Moei n;Mkrwur~der, scotgGethota Dues-to thisi;uncertainty, #ler'S Nick Wander and Middle%< Jeff"Silber twill betheFcatalyst but the Miller;head the" key will, be m' the four five and;six towns .1VIa - eight of: the ,tope10 teams re 7 '` ° r

fie players 'st111 No:13Ex

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may be in a class by him If brit their success will be determined ; spots ,, x t , z beat.,• 2 tFaufielii: Until'two ,week" Roddie will kdefuufeiy;tCelpus "'"""""~"Kevinplayed ui`.the lunigr'world, By several:aewco hi whompst take ago coacM'Steve Kessler`ws:confi- Bulu said `H'nottung else it will .tournament of~Torrey~~Pines (Sari it to the next level 'rte for the competition' d d ~hal nge~Moe19 HairiiltonyBadm ,TJ: Collins, ?" r Qna~o bys strokes 'eHalPs father,v' makeevery s one'work lernfor'th 'Nor1?s „ Po„~ .,s , f~- l , , (39.5 average) and,Tate Prows'(38.8) f+ yl ;~ Today'~Kessler named Lakota ' 4:St Xavier: The Bombers will Perey said: !' ale the foundation of a balanced BadAlong the way Hall won the Glen, in tea"m~that c -uld'surface askone of. West as`,the teain'toibeat ,M, ? r , be, a .young ,team .and second year y;'when Roddie ,Stieger trans- coach Biian.Shircfiff will build around view Cl-'b~championshipiwhile SO the best"in` Cincinnati"` fened (from Fairfield); to Lakota Stephen Gay, Jeff Kr&h.and Andiew fftishmg:fi - t", th' Spnng tini&~ der players)w~ ,expected ;to con DeYe:"We + the 4 balance ” of powei y tribute a;e Greg Jotivette (41.2); . ~ w had a saran8 JV team that Open at The Mill; Cleveland Minorit` /W swttched; Kessler.said.~;;We ll have won the GGL`last season ShiYcliff Tournament m Cleveland, Phalen Kenny Brunner (40 8), Jeff Burger. Classic acid Shawneebokout.Open i° ~ > '. A " a,good team.biif.losing Roddie `. was said. ~. (43.5)4 Mark Sanders (42:0) and' " ~ will be "` ' Hall is featured with Tiger.woods :k big blow" '> '' Drew Isaac 5. Sycamore Koehler (4V, 5)er 4 " Furfeld returns.five.'solid pei; •the mainstay fora team'that returns in the September issue of GolfDrgest 1d Oak Hills: Based ~;on . the =:formers:• $eii Ptialeri, Tom" Eppley, five letter-winners,•.including" ban and also in this month's Goffjournal t Jordan Castle Kyle'b'eBord~` and.Biian. Gardner Adam:Knox Jason Rlcfieson ? Eldeir: Alt}iough theePanthers; consistentw performancesz'during~the and:Beii Thompson „a° ~~r j •:Ingram _ xt ,r:, i` lost three to, graduation coaeh`Mike' summer and a strong finish in 1998, "• addition:of ^Y`;I.would tell people,we,belong in Trimpe ,pF qts to field a'sohd.aeam' coachkRaridy Qweri is con6deeii the ? 3 siakota West The addition Stieger:,gives Lakota West Coach the :second five ,asaid'. Newberry. that includes Bnari'`:Hartoin;:Eric Highlanders will be improved: ~v' Ja& Bute one, of:. th most,",talented ,We'll_ have the ability~to beat teams.- Burkholter, n . . McCarren, Kevin Senior Robbie Buerger and Junior on Ross Goodson will anchor a team that, teams,in Cuicuinati.tif~.;;_~r ~$ in the top five on any given day`~r L Geiger, JohiiMenniriger will also,rely;oriM i. ,Jeff Conklin Retiiinmgtstariers khs and"Keni6:tWinton;Woods:,Kevin Hall,,a Trimpe and Steve MontgomeryF'~ ton vHoblis, ,Noah ~Kgteba Peter lEi yearold senior who won six local 8 Ttirpin ,The; Spartans,, have and Ryan:;Tallent,and Iuiilors Matt Hong°and KevinBuhrlageround'out,a and state titles this'summer'and .three outstanding, golfers in Andyy Blakely, Joe I4lorns and,Kevm:Noll f~> _, _ ? r t >'• and Johri Pape mer. .~rz starting lineup:f~at Ali be;tough`to played in~three nadonalftournarri*nts, Preisuig,,Bob K Y ~ Kirkharii


`:`..DivisionI •Moeller. High School's roster lists.;66;grapplers;while"smaller IndianHill's wrestlingteam has but14: the most successful? What team +will:be' ♦a lr. Wait •until•late;nez[''F,ebruary. Only 'a is an indireminder,:and'hint,,,that'.wrestling 4. y.'. . victual sport:

tl '(Moeller`returns'a"..pretty good".team; ;with "quality at:every weight". according to ,•accoiding to head coach Jeff Gaier, who has' '"''° t ,been at'the helm forlWseasons: _ Last;year,'.the{'squad was 8,-l'in'dual, .meets,placed second in the city;,won.its sixth' straight league`championship and the 4 .., !sectional for the second staight time •• The Crusaders lost two-time state qualifierChris Davis (nowiwrestling,at.Cuyahoga Community~C.ollege~inCleveland),,it.,i40,. pounds,-t has,.10,starters,coming back,'` including Ksenior,tri-captains,Andy'Albers (145)*.D6onald,Schnitzler (171).and.Brad,, Haverkos (135) Schiutzler~~won20~matche's

State :.

. L - kit'rRpham




By B


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Post ooni butorN

y The,week before, ,his team had lost"on T. the 18th hole`itsshotat'whatseemed to ":Jtiriior~Bob~Lyons (140':ori145.)•,toppled .~be~acertain Division I district'golf title~,-Nr^ ,24 opp666 last-.yeai:'Sophoinore twins .and a spot•.in,the'S0staWtournament fin..( t .'"-. . yn .`.~ -i,j Brian_and Joe`Zinkaii"Brian beat 24 at*the ~,;Moeller senior Neil Lykins had to for3 +119 weight class,' Joe ,had 25 -wins at 125 get about the disappointment and refocus: on thetask at hand: winning an iridividu~: ,.•~,,,,,.~, ,_:,r ~should,also„do^well ai'state'title_ Other,letteimen are juniors Brad Findley ; :`It was a little different,” Lykins said. (189),. WesThom (140)'and"sophomores fI-had to"practiceby myself that`week`in- ' David and Marcus 145 and 152 stead'of with the team But it didn't'take respectively:'Another,of note,is D_ anny Hill longto`get.over it. I practiced'allA IR -16 matcheslast season. _`L` who- won 'suiriiner"on my,own ' ~•$ 4 ~;~: t-

^.=ufS y; .

~.(-•That experience helped as Lykins jumped as four-'stroke lead-on the " first'18 holes'of thestate tourn'a`ment, withstood a shakyystart tothe ne - kt-day `land held 'onto win the ,. .. st,4Wtit1e with a"4-over- .+ par 148. For.his efforts;.-.: w !Lykinsis The Post's All=;°t' Metro Player of-the Year ': iri Division 1. # Lakota West meshed a, group of undeiclassmeri"xI with`senior Jason H&ix ing, conipiled'a 13-1'dual• match record a`nd took'F~`~ advantage of Moeller's". misfortunetove Coach-of the Year -Jack Buhi hisaeconaitatetournament trip ~ Lykins'said that from the outset of the,---. sea`son,'iie knew he couid;win'the state ti-`: s :r`I'improved most on my putting and , . my 'short game," hesaid:`;On the`secoiid day (of state),.I wentdouble-bogey; _ - bbg`ey,1,j • bogey to open 'Butlie settled'ciown a`c shot even par the rest6f.the day to clo`se'outthe charii-'



A "R,


d.q, T"~12t,


1be~6W08r's#op.DM$i®f i1".z ers a


NEIL . 'LYKINS Moeller Senior. 36.9 average Medalist seven times r


CHRIS. LARBES . Moeller Senior 39.7 average M Medalist five times

BRAD BESSLER Elder Senior First team GCL 37.9 average Second team all-state

KEVIN HALL" Winton Woods: Junior 38.4average•" First team QCCN Medalist five times '

JAY.TILTON . Winton Woods Senior ; 37.9 average Player of year QCCN Medalist 11 times..

JASON ,,' HOTALING Lakota West ;r Senior. 382 average Medalist nine times Second team all-state

The Eng010s top ®hnslan ii®iii bows Olen `

: + JUSTINVERBECk Fairfield Sen First team . GMC "" 39.5average Medalist nine times .

r EN HUTCHINS Reading District last year, state: this year 39.0 average Medalist•seven times



MATAMI. Mani'' 38.2 average Medalist ninetimes 'Player of Year CHL k

JOE KREKE Middletown . `. ' nwick _ Sophomore 39.0 average Medalist five . • times

Ail • TOPHER SHELDON ` Summit Country Day Sophomore ..' 40.5 average ;: •. First Team MVC .` '... Medalist six .,'times.

t JEFF CROOK Indian Hill' Senior . 4q.1 average First.Team CHL Medalist' . fourtimes

.RYAN' _ SCOTT TATS` MCDONOUGH SHAPIRO PROWS . Finneytown Seven Hills;, Hamiltons V Senior. y t Player of Badin ; 39.7 average Year in MVC 38.6 average First Team CHL Medalistfive Medalist times , ~f SIX'times ,:.',

The`Enquirer's top,Division I boys goers


NEIL . LYKINS Moeller Senior. 36.9 average Medalist seven times

CHRIS LARBES Moeller Senior 39.7 average Medalist five times

BRAD BESSLER Elder Senior First team GCL 37.9 average Second team all-state .

KEVIN HALL' Winton Woods: Junior 38.4 average First team QCCN Medalist five times

JAY TILTON Winton Woods . Senior . 37.9 average Player of year QCCN Medalist 11 times .

JASON HOTALING Lakota West Senior. 38.2 average Medalist nine times Second team all-state

The Moirer's top Division ii®lit boys golfers

JUSTIN . VERBECK Fairfield . Senior First team GMC 39.5average Medalist nine times

BEN '"HUTCHINS Reading District last year, state, this year 39.0 average Medalist seven times

MATT AMTS Mariemont 38.2 average Medalist nine times Player of Year CHL

TOPHER 'SHELDON Summit Country Day Sophomore 40.5 average First Team. MVC Medalist six times

JOE KREKE' Middletown . Fenwick Sophomore: 39.0 average Medalist five . times

RYAN' TATE F MCDONOUGH PROWS Finneytown Hamilton Senior Badin 39.7 average " 38.6 average First Team CHL _ . Medalist five Medalist~. times six times

JEFF CROOK Indian Hill Senior 40.1.average First Team CHL Medalist four times

SCOTT SHAP-IRO'~~, Seven Hills !' Player of Year in MVC r1



BY DAVE SCHUITt~ Enquirer contributor~~j' (, BOYS GOLF . Selecting The Cincinnati the Greater Catholic League Enquirer's Division I Golfer.of tournaments.He shared medal, the Year was an easy task. ist honors in the sectional tourMoeller senior Neil Lykins, nament 'the Division I state medalist Rick Bohne,Moeller's veter with a.4-over par (71-77)' 178 an coach,is The Enquirer's Diviover Ohio States Scarlet lion I Coach ofthe Year. C o u r se]Although the Crusaders dosed out a failed to qualify to the state'tourriIIi a n 1 nament; Bohne's team was 'r thal clearly the best in Cincinnati, inctuded set. winning the city title while losting every ing only to St Xavier in a dual at record match. Moeller. L L` AM Reading's Ben-Hutchins is He shot Bohne the Division II Golfer of the sub-par rounds ' Year. nine tames and was the medalThe Division II Coach of the ist atthe Elks,'Moeller,Toledo, Year goes to Bob West,Indian Westerville invitationals and at Hill's veteran coach who will r'


the Divi!


Only a sot nis qualified to th nament as ar ;eason and sl pest 154 on OSUs C. While coach-.6 i'. ing W Mentrup Alter, likeable Chuck Mentrup now step'down after 21 consec . guided the Knights to a Divi sion II state championship in utive.winnirig'seasons: _. f' During West's tenure,,the. 1993. He was then transferred Braves won 16 league titles, . to,LaSalle where he started the . . qualified to the district tourna- building process. 'ment'19 times (17 as a team) ' He took over at Middletown Fenwick this season and immeand six times to state. "Myfinalrecord was 277-96," . diately turned the program into West said."I plan to retire from. a winner. teaching and the school told me The Falcons qualified for the I could return to coach.I plan to s Division III state tournament take a year offand evaluate the for the first time in.15 years. situation." Mentrup -is The Enquirer's Matt Amis from Mariemont Division III.Cbach ofthe Year.

oellery s L kins c ear: ~c.~rk~~ 4i



.-i tf.►

!'{: ci..



.. ~!::t



, .'f~.~i•~r,i: ,2

e the Division ~~ BY DAVE SCH TIE ~'b rar•. Enquirercontnbutgr~'wB~YS,GOLF Only a sot` nis Selecting The: Cincinnati the Greater Catholic League naqualified to th Golfer of tournainnts.He shared medal-: hnquirer's Division I mentasanf11d ;ea,, —. ;the Year was an easy task: ist honors in the sectional tour > son and sly pest Moeller senior Neil Lykin"s, nament. 154 an OSt the Division I state"medalist Rick Bonne IvIoellei's veter While 01._". ,-,..;,w,ing with a..4-over.par (71-77) 178 an coach,isThe Enquirer's Divi-, West entrup Alter, likeable Chuck Mentrup over Ohio States Scarlet Moil Cokh of the Year. now step'down after 21 consec guided the I{iiigtits to a Divi Cou rse Although the Crusaders uhve winnuig seasons„ sion Il.state championship in -Lased out a :failed to9`u.' h the'rusatow 1993. He i as t sferr`ed ` During~West's ;tenure„the. ,.,. ., r i 11 i a n 1 nament.Bohiie s team ,was „Braves::won-'16 xleague titles;' to Ia Sane whet •ted the ~r that clearlythe best in Cincinnati,:'qualified to.thie district tourm building pr—tciuded set .'winning the city"title while los Iletown ment'19 times (17 as a'tea`in) is He took ~g every ink only to St. Xavierin a dual and six times to state. Fenwick th I imnierecord ': ~ yfinrecor'dwas 27796,” .ldiately turr. niatc}i:fs k' " .~~ ? a1* b:am into all ' ioeller. i Reading's Ben -Hutchins is West said."I plan to retire fr6m . a winner. He shot Bohne the Division II Golfer of the teaching and the school told me The Falcons qua: _ I for the sub-par rounds t' ;• - Year;;4 -~ I could -returntocoach.I plan to Division III on+A + ~_ nompnt nine times and was the medal , Me Division II Coach of the take a year offand evaluate the for the first mrs. rp ist at the Elks,Moelle`r,Toledo, -Yeargoesfo Bob West, Indian- situation." " En., is Mentru Westerville invitationals and at .. Hill's veteran coach who will. Matt Amisfrom Mariemont Division III _if thc r.

}, - nlolr, oe er.$P s{.1n St"te. F ~~ Lf 71










~he,a 1



I,ykins,, top individual Division.I: 'tom f





:`• .

saders; Cincirinati's -N 1 rank,.. t `ed teairi. failed ~to•.•g6alify at last',, district meet:."' W BY DAVE SCHUTTE "It's a lot more. difficult. Engwrer cohtnbutor Iaying here'.as an; individual.. COLUMBUS"~ Ar.`seasori: and- there seemed to''be'more _ > filled with .., `reco'rd setting per ,pressure;" Lykiris,said: Consistency is what win's formances ended on priate,high note for Neil Lyld6;,, state championships",,ands that.: may:best descrr~e ,Lykrns;'per,;;''enior'golfe-r :j k. The holder of eveiy_Moeller,̀.49rmanc6 throughout:,the se"a= single season and'caree> :golfing son and:in tfi`e'tournainent ''record;Lykms ,became the first£., "Neil;averaged'36-.9 for.nine, Moellei golfer to.clairn medalist holes matches and.'73.4 m:18 a .Moeller co ch` honors-.atahe-state-tourriament tournaments; Lakota West,, Cincinnati's' Rick'Bohne said "I'mroot-sure only'qualifying'team fi~Division; how many-times he was medal;;. I, finished ninth with a'678.. .,ist .in dual matches gut lie was Despite :difficult pin. place under"par ,nine', Gmes and 'was ments,.Lykins.shot a, 5-over'-78 n?edatist in.. five .tournaments ont`Saturday for..a,36-hole best. and co-medalist twice:';' '.i Lykins''is;; Moeller s first.• of 148,in the`..Divisiori-I state; golf 'tournament at' Ohio State'state golf; champion. and • now. 'University's Scarlet .and' Gray .. holds' the" lowest single="season` x E' ;~ and career average, as well a"s courses, : "I started today's round with the .. sirigle season and career a ..on the:first hole medalist. honors, a double bogY, Asa result of ttie effort,, and bogeys on;the second and.. said ,: `L'had '•a - Lykins was ''named ,first team third,", Lykins' ftee` ,stroke lead going in and' all-state Lakota..1WV k's Jason: knew Iwas pi•obably`tied:at that., Hotaliiig(158)and.Elder's Brad, Besslet..(157) were second,, point."'Y`. The" pa%-5,..56b-plus-yard, team. fouith.hole. may.'have been the most important.for-:Lykins.. ie hit his. drive` into, the fairway: and went on to'score a -birdie: rest of the round'-I shot. one`.over' par;' Lykins'`said:;`I only. three-putted'one:hole' the entire.tpurnament - and it was ;the par ihree, lath today:" Lykins' admitted ,it,wasn'tthe same ,playing, without his Moeller'.teammates: The Cru-


AL ~'

~~. BI tfie en `sic tz4. 71

lets on:


Ac ,sill ~da,

he I RMI


co 'sho+

nE as fl said Satu it all

'vva mc.zcnes a ously ch,,, Ieiiged, du, mg the'tw day event 'Ohio T:Sta University. "East,yeI was .$the. fir round,= to Fa, sald'Tmn. .m..'a*k'i n a kexcuses, bi I :was sic x t.and.,my.leg gave out o rite" c'hampi 'fit on t';matc}i, `Fat k` defe; rival:MV red

" s,


~ ;~

=• t. , . ;

anY.Iridianr Hill., sophomore; who's.knowiias a.battle'r,_ one who never quits` Falkwon ,'.62,6-3:.=.


r.1-Sel ni~

Re-st f Lykins top ;' GOLF' f. •individual ;:'~ r. Division I 9sri;sad6 edateairiCfa1dtoqualify at lasfl: week's district meet.' BY DAVE SCHUTTE :'It's "a: lot more. diffiiiult. Enquirer contnbutor~?RV laying. heie .as an;-indiyiduai, COLUMBUS A . seasori. and= there seemed .to'be' more 'filled with' record+ setting per ,pressue," Lyluns said: Consistency is;what ;wins -. forma*nces'ende'd: on -an-* p'nate.high note f6t-Neii Lykms,;. 'state. championships;,and that;., may best descnbe}Lykinss; perms, Moeller's•semor. golfer. 'The holder of. every. Moeller`. formance `throughout', the sea= ,single-seasop and'career.golfing: son the tournament f „ :,. "Neil:averaged 36:9 for„nine', recor"d"Lyki`ns became the fitS9 t Moeller golfer:to.claim medalist{ Boles matches and;,73 4 m;18 hono'rs-at-thestate tou'rriamenf ~tou'rnaments;'',. Moeller coach' Lakota,'We`st;, l- Cincinnati's Rick'Bohne said. "I'm'not sure 'only'qualifyi g,tieam ,in Division; • howmany times.he'.was medal ist,in' dual matche's tut 'e'was I, finished ninth with a'678 4. ,Despite 'difficult pim place-• .under par` nine tune's and' was ments;Lykins'shot a 5-oven 78' P*dAlist in; five” ,tournaments ` on Saturday for..a-,:36-hole best_ and co-medalist twice.',' s'i Moeller's first, -of'.1.48, in, the. Division' I state~:~ ~ Lykin§~; golf tournament at Ohio State ; stated golf'champion. and now. :University's Scailet and Gray ..holds:the`lowest single'season , ,; and`.car`eer average;Fas.well.,as. courses..=..._ . r`hstarted aodiy's`round with .-'the':.'single—season . and "career a double.bogey.on the.first hole '`medalist honors'.., 'As" ;4- .result. of .the. effort,.. and' bogeys of 1he.second and third,";. Lykins' said:.•:' ;'had '•a .I;ykins was ':named ;,first team. three,stroke and' all-state Lakota.:Wesf's Jason. knew I~~was piobably'tied at that Hotalirig (158)and Elder's B'r'ad. .. Be'ssler,1157) :x were, second The par-5, 500-plus-yard team.°.:. fourth.hole rnay•have been,the. most important`for Lykins .. He .hit his., drive:'into, the fairway: and went'on to'score'a -birdie..: "The rest.of the •round;I shot. .one',over par,-,"., hykins'•`said.i . : only three-putted'one.',hole the 'entire tournament'and it _was the par three,13th today. Lykinst admitted',it- wasn't the wine. playing without his Moeller.teammates:. The Cru-


r',I w; Sa @o Iilal ~*e en v i

'7i a~ wz cort sho, as the state medalist,".Lykins r said Cattti



d"du uig`the

day event Ohio' `Std University. „Lastye, I was put 01 in the,fir, round,-''Fa

said`,̀I'm rn m-a^.R i n . ~bex66,bi I l wash sic =-anc _my.leg, .'gave out o „ me , th !0-thY


,f; Y

c:hampi o .`h i 1 :match; Fal . ° Had to defer rival Mered,;'iths Vincent, .Indian,=;Hill`s soplior~ore who's kiiowri ~, as'a-battler.and. one who.nevergiuts:Falk won . 6-2,&3.-


_MQe er- s7: Fi;im'~'stah and Wire reports

Moeller's Neil Lykins took a three strbke lead in theindividual standings, and Ashland was the team lead''er.following Friday's first round of the state.Division•I.boys' golf•tournament at.Ohio State University-.',_'.' Andy Miller of Delphos St: John's and 'defending champion:Columbus Academy-were the leaders in the Division•III tour~amentx°4'•" -~'`' ' Lykiris shot d"Yunder 71 andwas , the;only, player to finish below par on the 7,104-yard Scarlet Course at Ohio State University.;~~-"' E Lakota West;the.only local team co"mpetuig in Division I,-is in seventh placei led-by Jason Hotahrig's•76, ; which is fourth overall '.'In Division III; Fenwick is inr eigh`th9nd7SummitCountry Dayis— 'tied.for 10th and last:'The'final round U today:I 'n',;


DIVISION I TEAM SCORES:Ashand 305; Upper AA no . -317; Hudson 319; Cleve,st: Ignat us 320; Mh..,Ion Jackson 324; WesternlIs North 332; ' Lekots West 333; Beavercreek 335; Troy 336; New Philadelphia 341. . - ` - INDIVIDUAL SCORES ,» ' " . Nell Lykins, Moeller....:::_„ :.. a_..-.:..'.m..:_.:. ..-::_..33.38-7' Chris Yoder,.Ashland ........:...:...........:..................:.:.:..............3638-7i Bobby Castor, Ashland ................................:...................._._......38-37=7; r Jason Hotelhrg, Lakote West—-! ...:: 39.37=7t 3• Ben Schubep;Cle. St. Ignatius.................:...........5,.._........:....38.38-7E John Locke. Ashland ..........:...`:......._ ....................................4036-76 Mike Ledford, Upper Arlington:..............5...:. t.....:....:.:n :.^...39.37-76 Joey Lorenzo,Hudson ...1 ...:...............................`,._.:.............39-37-76 Nathan Strong, Massilon Jackson .:................*....:....................41-36-77 Ben Hogan, Grafton Midview...:._:..............................................36-41-77 DIVISION III TEAM SCORES: Columbus Academy304; Benin Hiland 309; Water= ford 316; Minster',316; Catholic 319;Toledo Ottawa HOIs 322; Gates Mills Hawken 325; Fenwfck 326; Kalida 331;Summft Country Day 331. INDIVIDUAL SCORES ' • Andy Miller, Dalphos St. John's :t:...._. ...:.......:...:::...:..:..:::!......3335-68 Kyle.Miller, Benin Hiland .C1. T......:5+.:.:. '.... (.:....:.36.36-72 AJ. Ouintar, Minster................... ....-... a 38.34-72 Dave Huestis, Cols. Adade my ..`..'....::.:....:..:... _ :...:...:................... .'............. 3539-74 Andy Kuss,Cols. Academy.........„: ..:......:.............:_.......:::....:...37.37-74 Andrew Bryant. Arcanum .....................::....:.5_...........................34.4 74 Ky16WelsenDurger, Continental :....:.......:........!._.....:..._.......3638-74 CaseyY Long.Waterford ...:............`..,...:......:p...:., 39-36=75 A.J. Gadl, tlewark Catholic -.`..!.:.::.:..::......' ..... ._..V Andy Inkrott, BlDomdale Elmwood......._.• ..................




COLUMBUS,Ohio — First-round results from the boys Division I and 111 stateggoff tournaments,played Friday it Ohio State University. The Division 1 toumatnent was at the 01.72,7,104•yerd Sceriet Course ! end the Division ill toumemeM wes m th perms-70,B4O20 yaM Grey +. ..Course. ~i_ ~:a:..w• ,.-~.,.s...:.._~•..._ti-


ksrleads state- 1Vloeller

its`Wdst%,ti0d ourth places

hand going tnto:tbday's.fmali West, led Tiy4senior, Jason (tied for :fourth at -76).'is .in 4place'in;.the.:team competi=` 4trokes behind`Ashland. 7isLon. Hfj Middl'etowri Fen-. (22 'strokes n eighth' place: .61leid&) and.Summit Coun n il0thafte'the first .round:;



BOYS: GOLF: Although Moeller lost ,to St. Xavier,.by!, three strokes last week;coiciv Rick ! Bohne's~_ Crusade retained'the No.- 1 spot-iri=TW Enquirer's" first - weekly, boys„ <<1. golf pollt...l" lVlaellei°and St. BOYS GOLF-The; Xavier teams_'. reimainbd-. in a first=. pl e, tie in the _Greater- Catholic. ac l League South, Division:with victor I ; ries on Monday. Nick Wunder_ fired a ,four-over 40 on the .front 'nine aA Sugar Creek; giving Moeller a' 165717AR victory over La Salle. St. Xavier. senior Brad Beckman,. continued to shoot well in' the, big,. matches for St. Xavier with a thre over 39 'as St. .X .edged Elder! . 164-168. EI1FQ, .Q~is~g9

of the10'coach2S Vote(1;' rt- "

for Moeller .while,.four ;voted, ' for St: X.' The.•Crusaders had✓ close 93 points- witli.;St X, behind`at 91. Faiteld,"Lakota, West and- Elder,srouln - ou ttop five: ati :,,: :~ ~• >~' In tile' Divisions 11 U1 p0 undefeated Finneytown , .awarded` six._,of' seven ,,firs,& place _- votes`and `76" poir'6-' unseating preseason fav6, Indian Hill (71). '' •' Elder-senior Brad Bessiek has the'16-west:average"at:;3& strokes, per; nirie..hole's'~ WA6 lowed by Winton •. wof d§..'sem nior Jay Tilton at'38a .~ :• ."

oe br "From staff and wire reports",";

Moeller's Neil Lykins took a threesti=oke lead in th6 individualstandings,and Ashland was the team leadI'& following Friday's first round of 'the.state Division I boys'golf•touina,-. merit at Ohio'State University: 1-.,--.-Andy Miller of Delphos St:-John's and defending champion.Columbus Academy were the leaders in the Di visi6h.IH tour nt ,Lykins shot a' -under71 and was the.-only player to finish-below par on the 7;104-yard Scarlet Course at Ohio Stat e University. ..s fermi 11.i. S 't.,YE}~:. » Lakota West, the only. localteam competing in Division I,:is in-seventh rplace;.led by Jason Hotalirig's•76, I which is"fourth overall.L In Division III;•Fenwick is in eighthand Summit Couriti°y Day is-"' ' tied.for 10th and`last:`'Th6 final round „a r is today. ~ :. r


DIVISION i TEAM SCORES: Ashland 305; Upper Arlinggton 317; Hudson 319; Cleve.St. Ignatius 320; MessOon Jackson 324; Westerville North 332;. ' Lakote West 333; Beavercreek 335; Troy 336; New Philadelphia 341. . INDIVIDUAL SCORES Nell Lykins, Moeller.»..:....~,~e...........».»...................:.»..33-38-7+ Chris'Yoder, Ashland .:.......:............I..........................:..............36-38-7r Bobby Castor, Ashland ........................».,...:...................»._......3837=7; Jason Hoteling, Lakots West.....: .......» . ._...:.::.::....».39 37-7E r• Ben Schubert,,,Cle. St. Ignatius .:...........».:............::._.».....:..:....38-38-7f John Locke, Ashland ............._..::_.:....:.........;:.:.....:.....:.`........40.36-76 Mike Ledford, Upper Arlington `..:............:...::......:..:.»y.'»».....:....39.37-76 Joey Lorenzo, Hudson ....,......:...............:.....».:.....4..................39-37-76 Nathan Strong, Massilon Jacksoh .........................................:.....41-36-77 - Ben Hogan, Grafton Midview ...:.............:.......I............................36.41-77 DIVISION III i., .t.. t .. , TEAM SCORES:Columbus Academyy 304; Berlin Hiland 309; Waterford 316; Minster 316: Catholic 319:ToleddOitawe Hlils 322; Gates Mills Hawken 325; Fenwick 326; Kalida 331;'Su.It Country Day 331. INDIVIDUAL SCORES " Andy Miller, Delphos St. John's .....................................".......33-35-68 Kyle Miller, Bedin Hiland.'.:_.`.......'.::::.:»:.:.:......:...........1..:...:.36-36-72 A.J. Oulnter, Minster................................::..»; .........,.............38.34-72 Dave Huestis, Cols. Academy...:~....:: ......:...:.......:....................3539-74 Andy Kuss,Cols. Academy;..............;......:.............:».....:........::...3737-74 Andrew Bryant, Arcanum .................._...........................».....:......34.40-74 Kod'Weisenburger,,Continerital :...:...._.:...:.:......`............-.......36-38-74 Casey Long,Waterford ..a......::.... 2...............:i k 3936=75 A:J. Gaul, Newark Catholic r.i.: ................ .............. 3540-75 Andy Inkroft,Bloomdale Elmwood .......»...................................3838-76

;1_eads at tat.e;

COLUMBUS,Ohio — First-round results from the boys Division t and III state golf tournaments,played Friday et Ohio State University. The Division I toumeinent was at the per-72,7,104-yard Scertet Course and the Division III tournament was at the per-70,6,020-yord.Gray . Course.. -,-

kins ead oellef if state gat 1V 3 offers ~}. off°still io1 1Vloelle~r=_. r

i` akotaWest tied' for'6-dith°place



T~Le CMcinna En ulrer '

i Moeller senior. Neil Lykuis is the 1 €ader'.afterb the;:first: round' of the, b ys' Division I State:golf lourriament Fjdday'at .Ohio,State University. ; Lykins, who shot a 1-under par 7f li s a three shot lead over Chris Yoder of A§bland going into today's finalholes ' Lakot West;!led by senior: Jason F otalfti, fed. for fouityh at 76);'s -in seventh. place in the.:team compel-' tibn, 28.strokes behind"Ashland.: In Division:in, Middletown Fen vtck is;in 'eighth place '(22 strokes behmd:the lleader)-and,Summit Couiit>y Dayin ii0th`after;th'e first round::̀

BOYS GOLF Tfi`— e'116r and Si. Xavier teams remainbd:_i n a first-: place, tie in the -Greater. Catholic League South- Division with vic_t6"~ nes on Monday.'._ °M ° ~ ' Nick Wunder fired a • four-over; _ 40 on the front nine At Sugar, Creek; giving Moeller a 165717' victory over La Salle. St. Xavier senior Brad Beckman continued to shoot well in the., big matches for St. Xavier with a threC over 39 as St. X edged Elder: 164-168. El1E~2=-Q~IS'~gS7



BOYS GOLF:: AlthoughMoeller lost ,to St.: Xavier,b three strokes last week, coac ick Bohne's'' Crusader? R retained the.No..1 spotiii Tht Enqui.rer's-first" weekly boys• golf Pon., Six-of the 10'coaches voter for Moeller while,four,vot4', for St. X. The, Crusaders had*' 93 `points with„ St., X ;close' behind at 91 Fairfield,.Lakota, ,West'and Elder: round'ou tfi$ top five. ;,_ ;•.In & Division- II-III- poi; undefeated Finneytown vVa~' awarded' six of; seven,,firs& place:`votes—and-'?6'- poinfs,~;, unseating. preseason favorite;' Indian Hill .(71). Elder senior Brad Besskt' has the lowest average'at'3& strokes per, mine . holes"t f61m lowed by Winton, Woods sew 'mor Jay: Tilton at:38.1: —; or

Moeller wins city golf crown

appear in driver's seats,.

BY DAVE SCHUTTE 10 , ~ 51g Enquirer contributor P,51g~

Baseball, football soccer and basketball teams from Moeller have won numerous city championships. The golf team can now be added to that elite list. The Crusaders received all 10 first-place votes and 100 points in The Cincinnati Enquirer's final 1998 golf poll. "We've finished second several times but never wan it," coach Rick Bohne said. "I never vote or report the averages of our players because in high school, it's a team sport. That's what we stress." Moeller lost only one dual match to St. Xavier, the No. 2 team, The Crusaders avenged the setback in a dual match at Kenwood Country Club. "They deserve the No. 1 ranking," St. Xavier coach Brian Shircliff said, is 0 l

► Polls

OHIO BOYS Division i 1. Moeller00) .........._......................................100 ........»..........84 .»........ Xavier ......... 2 St. ........»....,»... 79 .. 3? LZ Salle ....,....--—.11 »..... »................. 73 4. Fairfield ............. ..»................47 6. Eller ..........-............. » ».»...;........47 West ..... .. , . ».. 6. Lakote .36 7. Turpin .............. ».»....... 27 6: Lebanon .......... ............»..21 .... Harrison:.....»... 9. 10. Hamilton-....::...........:.......:i..,..»...»..... ..,.....17 olbere aaHving vow Sycamore 6, Winton Woods 4, Oak Hills 3, Wilmington 3, Milford 2, Loveland 1. Divisions 11-111 ........» ........ 96 .»..»..... 1. Badin (61 . _... ..»».... ........93 2. Indian Hill(4).... -1 ... Finneytown. S. ..72 4. Marlemotf .. ..54 ..... 5. SevenHilis.,_.. 6. Summit ...................38 7. Reading ................ .»....... 8. CHCA..._.»»..............»........»..»..........,............31 9. Batavia._............................a.,..».....................15 t0. Madelra .............................................»......;,....13 others receiving votes: Taylor 5, 8athe4Tata S. Wyoming 5, Purcell Marian 3.

Badin boys hold lead on Indian Hill BY DAVE SCHUTTE Enquirer contributor

It doesn't get any better than the battle for the Division II boys city golf championship. Going into Thursday's sectional tournament at Glenview Golf Course, Hamilton Badin holds a slim threepoint lead (86-83) over Indian Hill. Both teams are also entered in the Dick Hadley Memorial Saturday at Weatherwax. Coaches voting in the Division II poll next week should have a clearer picture. Moeller appears to have a stranglehold on a first Division I boys city title. Ursuline has virtually wrapped up the girls title and needs only to shoot well in today's sectional at Fairfield. New Richmond freshman Justin

Fender has turned many heads this season, averaging a city-best 37.4 strokes for nine holes. Winton Woods senior Jay Tilton is close behind at 37.6, followed by Elder's Brad Bessler (37.8) and Mariemont sophomore Matt Amis (37.9). "Justin is only 120 pounds dripping wet," New Richmond coach Tom Gilfillen said. "He's very consistent and hits the ball reasonably long. But he's very good getting up-and-down." Gilfillen admitted withholding Fender's early season scores. "He shot well early but I wasn't sure it would continue," Gilfillen said, "We don't play country club courses and realistically his scores would be a few strokes higher." Wilmington sophomore Gabby Wedding has the best season average for the girls at 40.1 strokes per nine. Ursuline's Karen Hodapp remains in striking distance at 40.2.


QOWR Moeller doesn't have much time to celebrate its victory Saturday in the prestigious Hamilton Elks Invitational. Coach Rick Bohne's No. 2 ranked team faces St. Xavier (No. 3) today at Hyde Park Country Club in the top match of the week. In another top matchup; St. X meets Greater Catholic League rival Elder on Wednesday at Hyde Park.


steady Moeller'wins sectional BY DAVE SCHUTTE


Enquirer contributor


Consistency carried Moeller to the city golf championship this season. It paid off again Thursday. All five Moeller players shot 84 or better at the Division I sectional championship, giving the Crusaders the team title with a 313 score at Glenview Golf Course. "We didn't play our best golf on the front nine," Moeller coach Rick Bohne said. "But the kids kept their composure and shot a 150 on the back nine." Turpin's Matt, Masterson,

who tied Moeller's Neil Lykins and Chris Larbes for medalist honors with a 4-over-par 76,led his team to a second-place score of 322. "It was cool and a little breezy today," Bohne said. "The tees were way back and the course played long and wet." The sectional championship was Moeller's fifth in eight years. They also won in 1991, '92,'93 and '95. Sycamore was the defending champion.

"Neil and Chris were consist~nt as in the past," Bohne said. "But Scott Sweeney shot a 36 on the, back nine and Scott Gelhot a 39, which was big for us. The top four teams advanced to next week's Division I district tournament at Weatherwax Golf Course, with Lakota West (331) and Loveland (336) earning the final two spots. In Division III, Joe Kreke was medalist with a par 70 at Pleasant Hill Golf Course in Middletown, giving Fenwick the championship with an outstanding score of 304. Mariemont (314), Cincinnati

Hills Christian Academy (321) and Summit Country Day (325) also qualified to the Division III district tournament next week at Weatherwax. Only one Cincinnati golfer, Reading's Beri Hutchins, qualified to the Division II state meet next week in Columbus. Kettering Alter (317) and Dayton Oakwood (317) earned the two qualifying spots to state in the Division II district tournament at Weatherwax. Finneytown and Springboro were the area's best with 329s, followed by Indian Hill (339), Badin (341) and Reading (347).



'Ata glance•


Coaches polls;


: o oYs~,i

1vloe ler. e +:. 'r, : x


'-,-• ~` Division I ; , . Moeller(10).::::r.::...::....::.:::'100, 2. St:'XaGier : .83.. :3. . La Selle=:..,,..::::r.,...:::.::La.....65 4. •Lakota West'............ ........ ..58 5. Fairfield"................... .; ... .52 6. Turpin ."`".'.. .t'i.1......51, 7:'. Elder.:.':..r.....::.....'.a:.:..:.::...:.49 8. < Lebanori ..........:::....::..............33 9.'..Hamilton.....i:: ...22, 10r'-:Harrison'. '.:.!......... 17 ~"



dub4qo~e:• P


"Othersreceiving votes: Sycamore ";3, Milford ,2, Winton Woods'2, Wil. min ton 1,; Anderson 1, Princeton 1.

Crusaders could win, Acity~'title l

BY:DAVE-.SCHUTTE- ,'' • ,: _ ..' ' Enquirer contributok' i boys; .,--Moell ''sue , golf"team`is'. Within' reach 'of:"claiming;:The" 4 Eriquirer.'s 1998 Division,I'city; championship:; ;,e Beaten`oiily - by St. 'Xavier; coach - Rick. BohriA,.* Crusaders; .4 were:the unanimous"choice yin: ` the Division Ipoll'and'need'onlyi to •win ` the:'Greater CatholicLeague:•tournament'-this"week to lock-up the title: "We've. never won- the eityS championship.`since-I `took'over. in 1987;, Bohne- said:. ,:We ve., or third quite a few'1 tiriies .but never:first:" r ;`~ ~" '"' Division vision II=III ::poll,,, Indian Hill 'and Hamilton'Badin are tied for the No:,I spot, with. FinneytownYwithin "striking dis= tance. -BadinLbeat_-Indian-•Hill, '158-161.on Sept. 9. Only.awo weeks- remain' in, the regular: season 'aiid; ;"appears- the- 18-hole"Nick Had-: f ley:- Memorial :.Tourn_ament`.on:'. . Saturday,Oct,3'at Weathetw; , 01 Golfe Course;'will::'decide'_ the i small school championship:.!,lay ,Tilton'(Wmtori=,woods) and Scott' Shapiro.(Seven Hills)' :are tied for'the best average at 37 9:.Three`-players, Nick Faub=' •~ (WinOT, er,(Hillsboro), Kevin Hall . ' f.ton Woods) and Jason Hotaling' 008C1f@S pOI1S~ (Lkkota West);are tied for third oeio eons .,.L~ at

.i.. 7r,

BOYS tGOLF ..Moeller ranke., No 1'in. The-Cincinnati ;Enquirer's Division<j- golfpoll,'_atook'anotlier ` giant • step to« ,-lyd wrappmg'up,the . 1-,

reater , Cathohc ,siom match;the, o.:2. St: Xavier p ld Country Club.= steady as al= W _ !___ each Rick Bohne 1he'victory. ; the key,to;wrl s was,, Scott'Sweeney, 1.who had ar. great day.~ ` Y$ `~ Sw. i66,-tied, for;1 andx,

~ E it; Le 'Cr 16

G.o!-F ~


'"Averages.don't inean a loti llnlLess"everyone plays•the said"-_} —t course§;,, Bonne r • ;.,'u

same i


1 2. 3. 4. .5



St. Xavier..._. =_~1.35. x,,_ Fairfield'_ 60. ,Lakota;West 50 = 7 Eder 36'x:.

' Tasked the kids bout re S..' Lebanon'.. 5:9... porting'-averages ai)d; theya.` iD liartison' _._u: .16 didn't care. Golfis''an'individual;'f r ieceiving'-votes.',Ar .Others 1 sycamore ,14; Winton :Woods 2,'t,' w Sport :that ,turns into —1"team"; Kings 2 MiHord 1 Wilmington 1 ~ sport for. two to,three1 dionthS-' A_nderson1oak Mgs 1 , y a K1 We re stre'ssmg Vkteam'rather f~ than individuala'' -._' _


At `a glanceh , Coaches polls-,;

Moeller:~ Va r in clubhouse., Crusaders,could )yin,I

BOYS+GO~1VIoeller :raedl No.• 1'in The Cancinnaii. Enquirer's Division,I golf .poll,.` took another' giant,,step=.toward wrapping'up the . f =" city championship In,.a :crucial Greater :Catholic r League"South Division T match, the 4 •Crusaders ;beat No.-,-,2',., St Xavier 162-165 at"Kenwood Country, Club. Lykinsrwas, steady' as .al`j k O`NeilMoeller coach Rick Bohne ways;} 1 said:'.'But-the key,to the; victory% ,was'ti Scott Sweeney, who' had,5 W great. day 9 —.%z Y4!$ Lykin,' and- Sweeney` tied for;, with four=over-par ~medalist`'ho ..-may....-ors• .>

OHIO BOYS Division 1..^. Moeller(10).::...:....:....::.:.::.:100, 2..,- St.Xavier :......::...I.,.................. 3, . La Salle::....:.:.....:.:.....::t.::....65 4..'•.Lakota West........:::::c:....:.:......58 5...Fairfiel0 .:..:...........:.........:.....::..52 6. Turpin.:. .......:` ...:.~~.............51 7 Elden .:.::.:..:..:....::....::.......l: .:.49 8:: Lebanon ..........::.:....................33 ".9.Hamilton ..............:i.'...............22. 10.. Harrison .............. .....::...:.:::.:...:..IT Others receiving votes: Sycamore 13, Milford 2, Winton Woods'2, Wilmington 1; Anderson 1, Princeton 1.

cit, W16, 4

BY DAVE_SCHUTTEa." Enquirer contributor:Q~L 3`~~i Moeller s boys' is; within. reach 'of';claiming,•; The Di4uirer.'s 1998 Division •I"city; hip.:,: r 4 i f,.1 .Beaten :only by St. Xavier, coach Rick. Bohne's:.Crusaders; i. were:the unanimous choice in the Division I poll and needonly] tw-win'thes--Greater Catholics I,eagde.'tournament'. this —It, f title: to lock up the "We've. never`won the city'' championship since I'`took'over in',1987," Botiiie:sa.`We've, been'second'o third quite a few' tim_ es }rut `never. first." : tie Division 'IIIII .poll; Indian Hill and Hamilton'Badin '.are tied I for the No:,1'.spot, with striking'dis-' tance. Badin..beat. IndianaHill 1.58-161.on Sept..9q Only `two,weeks; remain in.: the regular: season and -it, now. appears: the:18-hole: Dick Had16y:Memorial .Tournament on; . Saturday,.Oct. 3-at Weatherwaxl Golfi Course;+ will:' decide the, smallschool championship :E 'Jay,Tilton'(Winton- Woods) and Scott' Shapiro(Seven Hills) ar'e tied for"the best"average at '37.9...- Thiee players,,Nick Faub er (1f111sb6ro), Ke`vin,HallY(Winri t .ton Woods)'and Jason Hotaling [k •(Lj ota West),areltied.for ~ ~~ = thirdr. at 38.1,; "Averages,don't mean a 'Iot

' "I-.asked thekids about~re.~`' porting•'averages^a'ndahey didn't care. Golf is an"individual; 'sport' that turns into a tem' a sport for two to,three months: ;] : t sr i , We re _'stressing :team ~ rather', than individualss'`:2'k~~~ ;

Coaches polls=J..(' 1. OHIO BOYS Division I Moefer6) »90i La.Saner. ..--.-.._._76', -St. Xavier...__.: Fairfield'.:..:.__._ .::`:_ ..60;-) ,Lakota:West'M.::..:„w..M::..50 ` 36,r:. 4.7: Elder_..:: 6. Lebanon. ti 22i$ . Y , 9..' HamOton._...:..a....:.;E',.:..::..11 Harrison: «.:.....:.. :_:_..16 1 1 2. 3. 4. 5.

-Oth votes:,%;, .'.Sycarhore'Ii, Winton 'Woods 2 a K14i.2, M11ford:l,.Wfhnington 1,' Anderson 1; Oak Hf0s.-1.

Moeller wins city golf crown

Moeller, Ursuline golfers appear in driver's seats;

BY DAVE SCHUTTE 10, Enquirer contributor

Baseball, football soccer and basketball teams from Moeller have won numerous city championships. The golf team can now be added to that elite list. The Crusaders received all 10 first-place votes and 100 points in The Cincinnati Enquirer's final 1998 golf poll. "We've finished second several times but never won it," coach Rick Bohne said. "I never vote or report the averages of our players because in high school, it's a team sport. That's what we stress." Moeller lost only one dual match to St. Xavier, the No. 2 team, The Crusaders avenged the setback in a dual match at Kenwood Country Club. "They deserve the No. 1 ranking," St. Xavier coach Brian Shircliff said. G


Division I Moeller(10)........................•...........................100 St. Xavlar ................... ......_......_......_... 84 ......:............ 7e La Saps........... ............' Fairfield ....................... ................... 73 ..................47 Elder ..........-.....- ..... . ...1 » ......47 Lakota West...... 35 Turpin ,... Lebanon ........................................................ 27 ...................21 ........ Harrison......... ...17 .. Hamilton ........ wtving waleei e'ycsltWoe 0, Winton Others 4, Oak Hills 3, Wpmft"3, Milford 2, LoveWoods land 1. Divisions u-nt -...,.....».. ,98 ......:.'. 1. eadat(0) ........: ..93 ._..... 2. Indiert Ml(4). 78 3, FMureyto...................72 4. Martetnont....... .»........,w ............................. .............. 54 .. 5. seven Hlpa ..40 ..... 8. Summit:..... ...38 7. Reading ...31 .... CHCA .............................................. 8. 9. Batavia ..................„..,.......................».............1a ............:......13 ......... 10. Madeira .......... other; recshdtlp weft&- Taylor 6, Bethel-Tate 8, Wyoming 5, Purcell Medan 3.'

1. Z. 3. 4. 6. 5. 7. a: 9. 10.

Badin boys hold lead on Indian Hill BY DAVE SCHUTTE Enquirer contributor

It doesn't get any better than the battle for the Division H boys city golf championship. Going into Thursday's sectional tournament at Glenview Golf Course, Hamilton Badin holds a slim threepoint lead (86-83) over Indian Hill. Both teams are also entered in the Dick Hadley Memorial Saturday at Weatherwax. Coaches voting in the Division II poll next week should have a clearer picture. Moeller appears to have a stranglehold on a first Division I boys city title. Ursuline has virtually wrapped up the girls title and needs only to shoot well in today's sectional at Fairfield. New Richmond freshman Justin

Fender has turned many heads this season, averaging a city-best 37.4 strokes for nine holes. Winton Woods senior Jay Tilton is close behind at 37.6, followed by Elder's Brad Bessler (37.8) and Mariemont sophomore Matt Amis (37.9). "Justin is only 120 pounds dripping wet," New Richmond coach Tom Gilfillen said. "He's very consistent and hits the ball reasonably long. But he's very good getting up-and-down." Gilfillen admitted withholding Fender's early season scores. "He shot well early but I wasn't sure it would continue," Gilfillen said. "We don't play country club courses and realistically his scores would be a few strokes higher." Wilmington sophomore Gabby Wedding has the best season average for the girls at 40.1 strokes per nine. Ursuline's Karen Hodapp remains in striking distance at 40.2.

BOYI doLlF Moeller doesn't have much time to celebrate its victory Saturday in the prestigious Hamilton Elks Invitational. Coach Rick Bohne's No. 2 ranked team faces St. Xavier (No. 3) today at Hyde Park Country Club in the top match of the week. In another top matchup; St. X meets Greater Catholic League rival Elder on Wednesday at Hyde Park.

Steady Moeller wins sectional BY DAVE SCHUTTE

"Neil and Chris were consis- Hills Christian Academy (321)

p~ Enquirer contributor !Ojilt/


Consistency carried Moeller to, the city golf championship this season. It paid off again Thursday. All five Moeller players shot 84 or better at the Division I sectional championship, giving the Crusaders the team title with a 313 score at Glenview Golf Course. "We didn't play our best golf on the front nine," Moeller coach Rick Bohne said. "But the kids kept their composure and shot a 150 on the back nine." Turpin's Matt, Masterson,

who tied Moeller's Neil Lykins and Chris Larbes for medalist honors with a 4-over-par 76,led his team to a second-place score I of 322. "It was cool and a little breezy today," Bohne said. "The tees were way back and the course played long and wet." The sectional championship was Moeller's fifth in eight years. They also won in 1991, '92,'93 and '95. Sycamore was the defending champion.

tent as in the past," Bohne said. and Summit Country Day (325)

"But Scott Sweeney shot a 36 on the back nine and Scott' Gelhot a 39, which was big for us." The top four teams advanced to next week's Division I district tournament at Weatherwax Golf Course, with Lakota West (331) and Loveland (336) earning the final two spots. In Division III, Joe Kreke was medalist with a par 70 at Pleasant Hill Golf Course in Middletown, giving Fenwick the championship with an outstanding score of 304. Mariemont (314), Cincinnati

also qualified to the Division III district tournament next week at Weatherwax. Only one Cincinnati golfer, Reading's Beri Hutchins, qualified to the Division II state meet next week in Columbus. Kettering Alter (317) and Dayton Oakwood (317) earned the two qualifying spots to state in the Division II district tournament at Weatherwax. Finneytown and Springboro were the area's best with 329s, followed by Indian Hill (339), Badin (341) and Rendine (347).

Boys golf coaches poll .

Division I Rec Pts 133 1. Moeller(7) 132. 2. St..Xavier(2) 3. Winton Woods(1) 95 68 4. Elder(1) 67 5. Sycamore(1) 68 6. Fairfield (1) 42 7. Hamilton 31 8. Lakota West 288 9. Milford 1 Q..Kings 27• 10. Others: Turpin 20, Princeton 16, Lebanon 14, Anderson 8, Harrison, Oak Hills 6,Colerain 4; La Salle2. Glen Este 1. Division II-111 PIS Rec 91 1. Badin (5) 87,. 2. Indian Hill (1) 84 3. McNicholas(2) 4. Mariemont(1) 70 47 5. Madeira 40 6. Finneytown 31 7. Seven Hills 23 8. Wyoming 18 9. Purcell Marian10. Summit Country Day_ 14 Others:East Clinton 7, CHCA5,ading 3, Taylor, Bethel-`fate 2. -


BY DAVE SCHUTTE Enquirer contributor Moeller boys Rick. Bohne was surprised his Crusaders are ranked No. 1 the Enquirer's preseason Division I poll. In fact,.he would happily pass the honor, and pressure,off: to someone else. ."We have Neil (Lykins) and Nick (Wunder) back, but after them we have a lot of inexperienced -golfers," Bohne said. "I don'tknow if we deserve the No. 1ranking." Moeller captured seven ofthe 12 first-place votes, but only edged St:Xavier for the top spot. by two points. Here is a look at the top 10 teams in the Division.I poll. 1. MOELLER: The performances by several Crusader golfers during the summer have to give Bohne some hidden confidence. Sophomore Jay Silber played well during the off-season while . senior Dan Feldmann was consistent Other players to watch include twins Nick- and Mike. Meyers,along with Chris Larbes. "Leadership is extremely important," Bohne said. "The kids look up to Neil and Danny, and another strength is how well the kids getalong." 2. ST. XAVIER: First-year coach Brian Shirclifffaces a stiff ev challenge as he mustreplace seven players who graduated offlast :year's team. St. Xavier does return Nick Allen, Brad Beckman, Rob oeger, .Stephen Gay, Jeff oth,Kevin Radecki and Barry alinowski. 3.. WINTON WOODS: Jay Tilton (39.9 average),Kevin Hall (39.9) and Graham Handler (43.3) provide a solid core to build around. " The key to the season may be in finding a fourth golfer to join them from freshmen Graham Owens and Roman Stacey and junior Jacob Kuenzli.

4. ELDER: Seniors Brad Bessler,Doug Montgomery and Matt Lutsbbe and junior Brian Hartoin are the keys. 5.SYCAMORE:Junior Drew Isaac and senior Jason Riebold muststeli.up and lead an Aviator team thatlacks experience.. 6. FAIRFIELD: This season the Indians have only one senior (Tustin Ve'rrbeck) and as many as tart five sophomorescould earn starting spots. 7. HAMILTON: First year coach David Churchman may have the most in the top 10.The Big Blue have foursolid golfers(Pat Reist,Matt Prall, Eddie Baker and Tyler Kuhlman). -

er,take& easy ranking BY DAVESCHUTI'E Enquirer contributor Moeller-boys golf,coach Rick Bohne ,was surprised his Cru Division I saders are ranked No. 1 in the preseason Division I Rec PIS poll. In fact,.he would. happily 1. Moeller(7) 133 132 pass the honor,and pressure,off, 2: St..Xavier.(2) ,3. Winton Woods(1) .95 to-someone else. 4. Elder (1), 68 "We have Neil(Lykins) and: 67 5. Sycamore(1) Nick (Wunder) back, but after 6a 6. Fairfield (1) nexpertthem we have a lot of inexperi'42 7. Hamilton enced encedgolfers," golfers," Bohne said. "I '31 8. Lakota West don'tknow if we deserve the No. 28 9. Milford Iranking." 27• 10. Kings Moeller captured seven of the Others: Turpn 20, Princeton but only.: i2 first-place votes, edged St:Xavier for the top spot' 16, Lebanon 14, Anderson 8, Harrison, Oak Hills 6,Col= by two points. 4; La Salle 2. Glen Este -erain a look at the top 10 Here is 1. teams in the Division I poll. ; Division 11-111 .1 MOELLER: The perfor= PIS Rec mances by several Crusader . 1. Badin (5) 91 .' golfers during the summer have . 2. Indian Hill (1) 87,. to -give Bohne some hidden con84 3. McNicholas(2) fidence. 4. Mariemont.(1) 70 ,Sophomore Jay Silber played " 47 5. Madeira well during the off-season while. 6. Finneytown 40 senior Dan Feldmann was con7. Seven Hills 31 sistent. Other players to watch 8. Wyoming -23 include twins- Nick and Mike_.. 9. Purcell Marian18 Meyers,along with Chris Larbes. 10. Summit Country Day-_,l 4 "Leadership is' extremely Others:`East Clinton 7, important," Bohne said. "The CHCA 5, tiding 3, Taylor, kid's look up to Neil and Danny, Bethel-Tate 2. and another strength is how well the kids get along." 4. EL•`DER':. Seniors Brad 2. ST. XAVIER: 'First-year coach Brian Shirclifffaces a stiff Bessler,Doug Montgomery and' ev Matt Luebbe and junior Brian challenge ashe mustreplace seven players who graduated offlast Hartoin are the keys. year's team. 5.SYCAMORE:Junior Drew St..Xavier does return Nick Isaac and senior Jason Riebold Allen; Brad Beckman, Rob muststep up and lead an Aviator Kroeger, .Stephen Gay, Jeff team thatlacks experience. roth, Kevin Radecki and Barry 6. FAIRFIELD: This season alinowski. the"Indians have only one senior 3.. WINTON WOODS: Jay Justin yql rbeck) and as many as Tilton (39.9 average),Kevin Hall five sophomores could earn start (39.9) and Graham Handler g Ispots. (43.3). provide a solid core to 7. HAMILTON: First year build around: coach David Churchman may The key to the season may be have the most underrated"team in.finding a fourth golfer to join m the top 10.The Big Blue have them from freshmen Graham four solid golfers(Pat Reist,Matt Owens and Roman Stacey and Prall, Eddie Baker and Tyler junior Jacob Kuenzli. Kuhlman). .









;Boys golf coaches'poll

i~ g P



The Cincinnati Enquirer / Emest Coleman

Moeller,High's Neil Lykins practices for this season at a driving range. The Crusaders are the top-ranked Division l team entering this, year. 8: LAKOTA WEST: Jason Hotaling one of Cincinnati's best golfers,.is the keyfor thisyear 29year veteran coach Jack Buhi's team. Brothers Kris Hobbs(junior) - and •Kenton Hobbs (sophomore)will also play important roles. 9. MILFORD:Look forseniors Dick Drescher (4L5 average) ::and Will Collins (41;2),..along with Brandon Grimshaw (41,9) to anchor the team. 10. KINGS: Moving upfrom Division II to Division Ishouldn't be a problem for the Knights with Jeff.Risley, Steve Koch-and Zach l Woods returning this yew.

Division II-)I''V Hamilton Badin was awarded five of the 10 firstplace votes in 'the Division II-11I poll to take No. 1- spot with 91 points while In& an Hill wassecond (87),followed by McNicholas and'Mariemont. .. .Lake.Moeller,Badin hasa mixture of experience-- and youth, which is encouraging to Rams coach Craig Wilms. .~ `'Our strength lies in the youth because they come in with no fear,"Wilmssaid."Ourweakness is that we graduated seven seniorsand only have one returning Here is alook at the top 10 i .-...-.•....-. •t,n Tl:.,,o...+. TT_TTT nnll

Streit,T.J. Collins, Greg Jollivette and Tate Prowse will be the mainstays. 2. INDIAN HILL:-The Braves return the top four golfersfrom last year (Jeff Crook, Mark Zanotti, Tom Devine and Pater Zalzal) and have the ipotential to take over the No_-1 spot. 3. McNICH'OLAS:, Seniors Darak Gardner and Jeff.Langenbaum,will team with.juniors Nick Fugate and Chad Smith to make a run at the GClf.North title and. city championship. 4. MARIEM:ONT Returning All-Star golfers Joe Campo and Matt Amis, will be the catalysts along with Jacob Starks, John Malotke;David Badanes, Mike Odenbeck and Brandon Michaud. 5. MADEIRA::The Mustangs return five starters and should challenge Indian Hillifor the CHL title. Seniors David Chaves (44.9), W.D. Hauck - (46.3), Nathan Cutteridge -(45.9) and Jonathan Newberry;(46.6),along with junior Kevin Longstreth (45.1) are the keys tD success.6. FINNEYTOWN:The Wildcats may be the moss underrated team in top 10 with five players capable ofshooting under 40. Lookfor seniors Ryan McDonnnoh (42 average): Robert

Schweitzer(44)along withjunior Chris Doyle (43)and,sophomore Cory Davis(45)to show the way. 7.. SEVEN HILLS: Scott Shapiro (40.5 average),Athe,Miami Valley.Conference197`golfer of the year,heads a solid Stinger team that will also feature David Levy (45:3), 'Mark Donohoo (46.1),David Moebius(47.2)and Steven Mitchell (47.9). 8. WYOMING: First-year coach Liz Keren has good reason for optimism with:Matt Puhalla (46 average),JopTreadon (43:6), Matt Horne (47.93) and Danny Kwon (47.0) returning. 9.PURCELL MARIAN:AEst ing in the Top 10 is uncharted water for the Cavaliers. But, with starters John;Long (41.9 average), Jamie Deters (42.5) and Kevin.Ryan (44.3) back,along with'several promising underclassmen, coach 'George Long's squad could be the surprise team. 10. SUMMIT COUNTRY DAY: Mike Grefer and Christopher Sheldon,the Silver Knights top - two. golfers are back to .anchor another strong team. IfAndrew Sickinger and David Mischell come through, along with four promising freshmen, coach Bob Juenke will have another team capable of challenging for a berth in the Division


The Cincinnab Enquirer / EmestColeman

Moeller,High's Neil Lykins practices for this season at a driving range. The Crusaders are .. the top-ranked Division I team entering this. year. 8: LAKOTA: WEST: Jason RHotaling,one of Cincinnati's best golfers,is the key for this year 29year veteran coach Jack Buhi's team. Brothers Kris liobbs(junior) and :Kenton- Hobbs (sophomore)will also play important roles. 9. MILFORD:Lookfor seniors Rick Drescher (41.5 average) and Will Collins (41.2),.along with 'Brandon Grimshaw (41.9) .to anchor the team. 10. KINGS: Moving up from Division II to Division l shouldn't bea problem for the Knights with 'Jeff Risley, Steve Koch and'Zach Woods returning this year. Division H-IV Hamilton Badin was awarded five ofthe 10 first-place votes in the. Division II-III poll to take No. I 1 spot with 91 points while Indian.Hill wassecond (87),followed by McNicholas and Mariemont Make Moeller,Badin hasa mixture of experience and youth, which is encouraging to Rams coach Craig Wilms. ,,~"Our strength liesin the youth because they come in with no i fear," Wilms said:"Our weakness is that we graduated seven seniors and only returning." Here is a`look at the top 10 i.

: 4-u- Tl:, c:nn TT_Tn null

Streit,T.J. Collins, GregJollivette. Schweitzer (44) along with junior and Tate Prowse will be the main- ChrisDoyle(43) and sophomore stays. Cory Davis(45)to show the way. 7. .SEVEN HILLS: Scott 2. INDIAN HILL: The Braves return the top four golfers from Shapiro (40.5 average), the Mialast year (Jeff Crook,Mark Zan- mi Valley Conference 1997 golfer otti, Tom Devine and Pater of the year, heads a solid Stinger Zalzal) and have the potential to team that will also feature David Levy (45.3), - Mark Donohoo take over the No. l spot. (46.1), David Moebius (47.2) and 3. McNICHOLAS Seniors Darak Gardner and JeffLangen- Steven Mitchell (47.9). baum,will team with juniors Nick. 8. WYOMING: First-year Fugate and Chad Smith,to make coach Liz Keren has good reason , a run at the GCL North title and, for optimism with Matt Puhalla (46 average),Jon Treadon (43.6), city championship. Matt Horne (47.93) and Danny 4. MARIEMONT: Returning Kwon (47.0) returning. All-Star golfers Joe Campo and 9.PURCELL MARIANI:A listist Matt Amis, will be the catalysts ing in Top 10 the is uncharted along with Jacob Starks, John Malotke, David Badanes, Mike waterfor the Cavaliers. But, with starters John.I ong Odenbeck and Brandon (41.9 average), Jamie Deters , Michaud. (42.5) and Kevin .Ryan (44.3) 5. MADEIRA:The Mustangs back, along with several promisreturn five starters and should ing ,underclassmen, coach challenge Indian Hillfor the CHL George Long's squad could be title. Seniors David Chaves the surprise team. (44.9), W.D. Hauck (46.3), 10.- SUMMIT COUNTRY Nathan Cutteridge (45:9) and Jonathan Newberry(46.6),-along DAY: Mike Grefer and Chiistopher Sheldon,the Silver Knights with junior Kevin Longstreth top , two. golfers are back to (45.1) are the keys to success. .anchor another strong team. 6. FINNEYTOWN:The WildIfAndrew Sickinger and David cats maybe the mostunderrated Mitchell come through, along team in the top 10 with five play- with four promising freshmen, -ers capable ofshooting under 40. coach Bob Juenke will have Look for seniors Ryan McDo- another team capable of chalnrnwh (42 average).. Robert lenging for a berth in the Division




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BY DAVE SCHUTTE. r , X■ w :: r Enquirer contributor ' Moeller boys golf coach Rick 0011 h Bohne was"surprised his,Cru `" saders are ranked No Iinthe 4'.Diwsion.l ~ .Eh ion I" `Rec-":`' Pts poll., In fact- would.happily 1: Moeller(7):' 133 pass the honor,and pressure, off.. 2. St..Xavier(2).; ~~'4 132 r° to someone:else:-. ' '..-' -3.Winton Woods(1) 95 68 ......" ,haye..Neil-_(Lykins). and.-,k4.Elder'(1); 5.:Sycamore'(.1), :, 67 Nick (Wunder) back,.but after 1_ ,.: s-~K 68 `them•we have a lot of inexpert-' ~ ~ •, 6. Fairfield.O 7. Hamilton' .."1'1 42•enced'golfers," Bohne'.said.'T, 8: Lakota West 31' T,. -r. don'tknow ifwe deserve the No: 28. ~. •9.'Milford -:. t.'. . 'g: z10 Kin gs 27. Moeller captured seven ofthe Others' 6rpin 20,' Princeton 12 firstplace votes,- but,only edged St.Xavier forthe top-spot , ` .16,, Lebanon 1~4, Andersd'n liytwopoints:..8;'Harrison,Oak Hills 6, Col erairi4 La Salle.2 Glen Este` ai the top 10 Here is a,look' r teams in the Division'I poll. 1. MOELLERr;,'l'}ie perfor ; Division 11-111 Rec !:` 4'' iefts mances by s6. ral Crusader 1.,Badifi(5) 91 golfers during the summerc87, have . 2 B dih (5 11 .,): 91 to give Bohne.some hidden on-. ;3.. McNicholas (2)~. 84. fidence, • :4. Marie (1):`-.~, '70.._ R Sophomore Jay Si16erplayed 5. Madeira'~~ ', 47 ' well during,the off-season'while...:<-.6.,Finneytown `',~` 40' senior.Dan.Feldmann was'con=:~ 7..Seven HiIIs :~ 31 2; sistent. Other players to.Watch..): ~,:'°8 Wyoming`; ;. '23 € include twins-Nick=arid:-Mike__ _; 9; Purcell Marian r 18'. ` Meyerao%gwihCrsLabe, 10: Summit CountryDay.;14 _ { "Leadership: is.extremely ''Others.' East Clinton 7, important,'.'_ Bohne said. _"The CHCA 5, tiding 3.; Tayior;' Y kids look .up to-Neil and Danny; a Bethel=Tate 2. f..~:. ~and another strength is how well get along." 4. ELDER: _ .. io'rs "Brad:l 2`..ST:- XAVIER: 'Fir-st-year coach Brian Shirclifffaces a stiff :- Bessler;Doug Montgomery ands challenge as he mustreplace.sev .Matt, Luebbe.and•-junior. Brian i en players who.graduated offlast Hartbin are the keys: N. ;. ):, }' i years team. - _ . " 45.SYCAMORE:Junior Drew St::.Xavier `does'retui' Nick :Isaacand'seni4 Jason Riebold 1 ken;Brad•. Beckman, ° Rob must Ael'up and lead an Aviator Kroeger, .Stephen:Gay" Jeff, team tlig lacks experience"• Kroth, Kevin..Radecki and Barry: : ,6:.FAIRFIELD .This•season' Malinowski: : ~,' ''~ sthe Indians have onV'Bne. senior 3 WINTON . WOOQS: Jay ,Qusbn V rbeck)and as many as;. Tilton'(39.9average):;.Kevm-Hall five sophomorescould earn start" (39.9), and. Graharn: Handler "Mg spots:. (43.3): provide a solid core to 7. HAMILTON , First;year build around:'•• 'i _~. ,~<:' coach'David Churchman mayj: the'season may be '. have the most.underrated,team t' Tlie key to; fourth in finding a golfer to join. ,in.theaop10:The Big Blue have ; diem.from freshmen, Graham.:;four:solid golfers(PatReist, Matt;', Owens'and Roman•Stacey.and",Pralt Eddie Baker'and Tyler junior Jacob Kuenzli

BOYs'golf coaches'


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BY DAVE SCHUTI'E'", z Enq'ufrer coniributor~

Moeller boys golf coach Rick Bohne was surprised hrs Cru



`Boys golf C08CheS


saders are ranked No. l:in - e ;;..Division Enquirer's preseason Division I" Rec-"` '` 'r'; ° ` Pts. poll: Iri fact;.! - would:happily` "' 1: Moeller,(7):`< ~t 133 . pass the,h`onor,and pressure,off. .2. St..Xavier.(2) ?' .132. tosomeone.else::. --3..Wintori Woods(1) 95 _ - 68 `We have.Neil (Lykins) and, "4:'Elder(1) 5 'Sycamore,.(1) 67 Nick (Wunder) back, but after': 'them,we have a lot,of inexperi='? '6.:Fairfield:(1)'' zs~~.. 68' i 7. Hamilton' ienced'golfers," Bofine"said:."I'•:

8:Lakot2West:..,;:+ , 31': 28 ',' •` r 27 . Moeller captured seven'ofthe: .10. Kings =L: f2' first-place:'vo 'tes, bit';only::` '`Others'TurpinP 20, rinceton ,edged St: Xavier for the top;spot. .16,,Lebanon-l4, Anderson:-' 8 Harrison; Oak.Hills 6, Col by two points:.: ,̀ b 10~• ~erairi'4;La Salle.2: Glen Este` Here is a. look'at~,the iop teamsin the Division i poll..; 1.' MOELLER: 'lie perfor Rec ~'; . mances. by several•`Crusader t Pts 91 um golfers during the smer have; 2: Indian.Hill {1 1 87,;. to give Bohne some hidden con 3. McNicholas (2)'•*. 84 ' , <fidence 4.-Mariemont(1)'=:~' 70 ` ,` • Sophomore Jay Silbi(,played ,, 5.. Madeira j' 47 well during,the, off-seasonwhile; 6. Finneytown' '"M 40' senior.Dan.Feldmannwas'con:~' ;:7. Seven Hills. ~< 31 sisfent.Other players, ;"8. Wyoming ;'. -23 +: ;1 in lude twins- ick-arid:-Mike__ _ g; Purcell c MananF r 18 Meyers,along with'ChrisIarbes:. 10. Summit Country D8y~14:' t "Leadership. is`. extremely..' 'Others:East Cliritoit.7,,,, don'tknowifwedeservetheNo:"::i'E ige,> :. ,•.. ;r::.... „ 9,'Milford '* .



important,".. Bohne,said::'The CHCA S, ading.3,; Taylor;''`.".' kids look up to Neiland Danny, 'Bethel-Tate 2. and another strength is iiowwell get along ,> ,• .'.,, .h >> 4. ELDER: `:Seniors'- Brad'. z.I St XAVIER: 'Firstyear coach BrianShirclifffaces a Stiff ,,.Bessler, Doug Montgomery and'': challenge as he mustreplace,sev-: !Matt L;uebbe and junior Brian :i enplayers who,graduated offlast Hartbin are the year'steam.`, .,~ 5 SYCAMORE:7uniorDrew°~ i . St Xavier.`does return Nick Isaac and'senior Jason Riebold'l Allen;`,F Brad-;, Beckmaif, Rob must ste}%up and lead an Aviator Kroeger;• .Stephen-=.., Gay,=:•Jeff: tearii tliai lacks experience:"' ` Krot}i, Kevin Radecki and Barry: ;"6 FAIRFIELD -:Ibis-season Malinowski: the-1ri ans have onlyone'senior' 3.. WINTON W004S`. Jay Austin V iVi ck)•and as many as:? Tilton'(39.9average); Kevin,Hall five sophomorescould earn start tart(39.9)' 0 9-9)- and. Graham." Handler ink spots e a solid core to ' 7 .HAMILTON First, year;, buildaround 'coach' David Churchman may~~; 'Tile key io~ihe season maybe have the most'.dnderrated,team in firiding'a fourth golfer:to joint_ in the top Y0.7`he Big Blue have;j' them_fi'orri freshmen Graham,ifour,solidgolfers(Pat,Reist,Matt„ Owens.and Roman Stacey.and' 'Prall, Eddie Baker and Tyler jtinior Jacob Kuenzh. ~~,J Kuhlman). _ :.. .

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