Moeller High School 1995-96 Cross Country Articles

Page 1

Crowd goes wild as Bombers romp St. X breaks away from GCL pack BY DAVE SCHUTTE The Cincinnati Enquirer I"'



The roar from the St. Xavier cross country coaches and supporters near the finish line at Rapid was deafen.Run Park on Saturday . . mg. "We've got them, we've got them," an excited Bomber coach Larry Merkle yelled at the runners. "This is domination. This is fantastic." · In what was billed as a threeway battle for the Greater Catholic League South and Metro championship, St. X, made it look easy, beating Elder and La Salle for the title with Moeller a close fourth. i In the Greater Catholic League North meet, Hamilton Badin placed four runners in the· top 10 to edge Kettering Alter· for the , title. Roger Baco~ was third. At the conclusiOn of the South · Division race, a wild celebration · The Cincinnati Enquirer/Steven M. Herppich broke out with about 200 runners, parents and St. X supporters in- Moeller junior Dan Foltz comes volved. It took 15 minutes before in first with a time of 15:44 in the the yelling and celebration ceased. GCL South cross country meet. "We were pretty upset after La Salle was voted No. 1 in last week's poll," St. X's Andy Schaefer said. "That motivated us today, and we wanted it badly." .,.. Boys cross country After the first mile, it appeared 1. SI.Xavler (10) ...................... 115 St. X was in trouble, The Bombers 2. Lesane (1) ........·----........ 106 trailed La Salle by '18 points, but that was the strategy Merkle had j: mapped out. By the two-mile mark the race 1/)- "t-·~ J had taken on a new look, with the Bombers holding a comfortable 16Othors receiving vote" Badin point lead. At that point, La Salle 17~ Middletown 17, Hillsboro 4, Coleran 3, furpln 2, Ander$011 1. ·coach Frank Russo was ready to Top Times concede. 1. Cha4 Kincaid (Norwood) ..... 16:87 2. Ernre Ziegler (Horrlson) ...... 16:11 "St. Xavier has it," Russo said. J. Dan Foltz (Moeler)...,__, 16:;4 "This is our second head-to-head 4. Jolr. Aernl (Wolnul HiUs) .... 16:20 5. Jeff Godsey (Lakota) ......... 16:28 meeting and for some reason, they 6. Mall Motsinger (Horrison) 16·33 7. JohnOemons (HIIsboro) .... 16~ always seem to get up for us and 8. Adorn Thomas (FalrfleldL. 16:36 run their best." 8. Bob Adorns (Madeira) ........ 16:36 10. Andy Schaefer (Sf. X) ........ 16,41 St. X sophomore Adain Dolan, a 11. Brian Baker (McNicholas).. 16:45 2. Chris Snyder (Bodin) ........... 16:48 1 surprising sixth in 16:29, made the 13. BradZoler (Wyoming) ..... 16:50 biggest move, overtaking 10 com~~ ~rJsRoy (Oak Hils) .......... 16:54 · yen Larkin (Bodin) .......... 16:57. petitors during the second mile. The most impressive performer may have been Reade Kidd, a St. X freshman who finished second behind Moeller's Dan Foltz in a personal best 16:09.

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:.·.OHIO STATE MEET '. (3.1 miles at Scioto Downs> · ··. Division 1. · . Team Standings: l.Ciayton North·

mont 78, 2 CUyahoga Falls Walsh Jesuit 136, 3. lakota 159, 4. St. Xavier 160, 5. ~mherst Steele 163, 6. aeveland st. IgnatiUS .175, 7. Ashland 185, ST. Youngstown Austintown. Fitch 186, Toledo st. Francis 186, 10. Pickerington 203, 11. Massillon Jackson 224, 12 Beavercreek 238, 13. Rey· nold~burg 246, 14. Wadsworth 272, 15. Westerville South 355, 16. Medina 415 Top Finishers: 1. Patrick K.elly ve. St. Ignatius) 15:50; 2 Jeff Godsey (lako.ta~ lS:SJ; 3. Ernie Ziegler (Harrison) l5.59, 4. Van Arnold (Marietta) 16·02; 5 Dan Hollingshead (lebanon) 16:0S. Othe~ locals: 17. Adam Thomas (Fairfield) 16:27; 31. Andy Schaefer (St. Xavier) 16·40· 34 Dan Foltz (Moeller) 16:41; 47. Da~ Frit~ (S~ 10:53; 48. Reade Kidd (St. Xavier) 16:54; 52. Mark Robinson (lakota) l6:5!; ~· Jay Hummel (La Salle) 16:58; 56. Chns Unz (Roger Bacon) 17:01; 63. Pieter Kindber~ (lakota) 17:04; 69. Adam Dolan (St. Xav~er) 17:08; 80. Craig Akers (lako· ta) 17:16; 82. Eric Johnston (lakota) 17:17; 98. Adam Bange (St. Xavier) 17·26· 111 Dan Plaatje (lakota) 17:3S; 1 Kevin Burns (St. Xavier) 17:46; 127. Josh Beeman (Lakota) 17:48; 132. Jon Rauen (St Xav·erl 18:00. · 1



.,.. Boys cross country 1. St. Xavier (11) .............................____ 110

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a ........................................................... 35

1~: ~:eic;n::::::::::::::::::::::::::=:=: ::

Others receiving volts: Oak Hlb 14, Hllsboro 4, Middletown 2, Anderson 1. it::---~~-.(?_~

... Boys cross colintry 1. La Sole (8) ···-······............ l1J 2. St. Xavier (4) ........ _ ...... ,...... 101

~: ~:E~;::~.=.~.=:~=::::~:::::~

6. rlncelon ····-~- ..--........... 52 7. okoto ····-·--..............- -..50 8. Madeira .............--..·-·---... 42

1~: ~O:,=:~::::::::::::::::TI

Olhtrs receiving volts: Bodin 8, Mldcletown 6, Colerain 1. Top Times I. Chad Kincaid (Norwood) ..... 15.29 2. John Aeml (Walnut Hils) .... 15:48 3. Brad Zoller (Wyoming) ___ 15:58 4. Brion Boker (McNkholas) .. 16:04 5. Chris Snyder (Badin) ......._ 16:10 6. Jeff Godsey (LIIkola) ........ 16:24 7. Ken Kozak (MR!ord) ............ 16:26 8. Ernie Ziegler (Horrison>--· 16:29 9. Dan FoltZ (Moeller) ............. 16:31 10. Chris Roy (Oak Hils>---.. 16:38 10. Ben Helmers (Bodin) ••. ___ 16:38 12. Jay Hummel (La Sole) ....... 16:40 13. Mike Hormeyer (La Sale). 16:41 14. Malt Motsinger (Horrison) 16:42 .15. Bob Adams (Madeira) ...... 16:49

Top Times 1. Don Foltz (Moeler) .••. ~ .............- ••. 15:44 2. Brion Boker (McNicholas) ................__ 15:54 3. Chrl~der (Badin) ................- ••·-·--·- 15:59 4. Jeff ey (Lakota) .••...•.••._. ___ 16:08 ~· ~ Kldd (St. Xavier) ••••.••.• ____;__ 16:09 . Oemons (Hillsboro) ••.••••.•___. 16:09

7. Chris Joy Hummel 8. 1.1n1 (R (Las;...) 8oc ...........- ..... __ 16:11 0111 Chad Kincaid -·-···---···-· 99. ,_,_ ....... ood) ...... - .......____ 16:16 16:17 11: s;;,';~ (Harrison> ..........___...__ 16:17 11. Matt Bredef~SI. Xavier>.-...........- ... 16:21 13. Ryan Larkin ,e.J,~> ............_.,_. __ 16:21 14 Ad Thorn ......_ ...........____,, 16:24 · Be~efme OS (Folrfield) ..............?""" 16:28 14 rsj~>Tr-~-t.j·:;r-· 16:21





Track honor roll ·

~~elon ~~~~~-~--~~-~ 1

.. La SaUe 121 ................................ 86 St. Xavier .........•....•...•................. 61 MI. Healthy ................................. 58 Elder .............................................. 57 Winton Woods .............................. 26 Milford .......................................... 26 Wyoming .........•...•......•............... 22 Anderson ......•.............................. 19 Wilhi"OW .................................... 18 Sycamore·····························-·--· 18 Others: Colerain, Fairfield 17, Middletown 15, Moeler 9, HamRion, Western hils 6, Oak Hils 1. 3200 Relay 1. Elder ...............•......................... 8:02.2 2. Sl. Xavier .................................. 8:05.0 3. Anderson .................................. 8:09.4 4. Turpin ................................ :....... 8:13.0 5. La Sale .................................... 8:15.9 . 1ro High Hurdles 1. Shurelds (West Hi) .......•........•. 14.3 2. Gifford (Glen Estel ...•.............. 14.9 3. Fulton (Wyoming) ..................... 14.9 4. Oslmann (51. XI .....•.................. 15.0 4. Jones (MI. Healthy) ................... 15.0 4. Montgomery (MI. Healthy) ..... 15.0 4. Alen (Princeton) ....................... 15.0 100 Meters 1. Sanders (Prln) ............................ 10.6 1. Anthony (Prlnl ........................... 10.6 3. Barnes(SI.X) ............................ 10.7 3. Wilson (Woodward) .•................ 10.7 3. watson (Lebanon) .................... 10.7 1600 Meters 1. Dennis (Colerain) .•................. 4:18.3 2. McGuire (Fairfield) ............... 4:21.4 3. Plank (MIItord) ..•.•.•...•........ 4:22.9 4. Bockenslelle (LaS) ............... 4:24.6 5. Munen (Elder I ........................ 4:26.8 400 Relay 1. Princeton ................................... 42.6 2. Western HiUs ....•.......................... 42.9 3. Winton Woods ·····'························43.0 4. Hamlllon ........................................ 43.1 4. Sl. Xavier ..................................... 43.1 400 Meters 1. Williams (Prin) ........................... 48.3 2. Crane (Milford) .......................... 49.9 3. Johnson (Withrow) .•................ 50.1 3. Thompson IT all) ...................•.. 50.1 5. Brown (Middletown) •.............. 50.3 300 Hurdles 1. Fulton (Wyoming) ..................... 38.9 2. Shureld (Western Hills) ...•....... 39.6 3. January (Pur. Mar) .................. 39.9 4. COOper (Withrow) ..................... 40.0 5. Rizzo (Elder) ........•...........•.......... 40.3 BOO Meiers 1. J. Winlams (Princeton) ......... 1:52.2 2. Dennis (Colerain) .................... 1:58.7 3. Westrich (Elder) .................... 1:58.8 4. Plank (Milford) ....................... 1:59.3 5. Schrantz (51. X) ...................... 2:00.0 5. Thomas (La Sl .............·-··· 2:00.0 5. Warth (Sycamore) .•............. 2:00.0 200 Meters 1. Barnes (SI. X) ..•...•.•................ 21.5 2. Klllens (Pur. Mar.) .•.•.............. 21.6 2. Ray (Sycamore) ...............•....... 21.6 4. Sanders (Prin) ......................... 22.0 5. Brown (Midd) .........•.................. 22.0 3200 Meters 1. MuMen (Elder J ••••••••.••.•••.•.••••••.• 9:38.8 2. McGuire (Fairfield) ............... 9:39.4 3. Vollman (St. Xavier) ............... 9:42.0 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 6 B. 9. 10. 10.

4. Bockenslelle (LaSalle I ......... 9:45.1 5. Kozak (Milford) ...................... 9:47.0 1600 Relay 1. Princeton ..............:................... 3:20.4 2. Hamilton .................................... 3:21.1 3. Sycamore ............................... 3:27.0 4. Withrow ................................... 3:27.1 5. Turpin·····-·-···-······················-· 3:28.0 Shot PU1 1. Bird (New Richmond) ...........•. 54·9 2. Gibson (La Sale) ....................... 52·3 3. Adid< (St. Xavier) ..................... 51·8 4. Jones (Lebanon) ....................... 51-6 5. Simons (Princeton) ................... 50-8

Discus 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

1. 2. 2. 2. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5. 5.

Bird (New Richmond) .......... 177·10 Jones (Lebanon) ..................... 162-6 Lear a (Anderson) .................... 160-0 Fischer (La SaQe) ..................... 150.2 Gibson (La Sale I ...................... 148·7 , High Jump Tubbs (Norlhwesl) ..................... 6-8 Colvin (Hughes) .......................... 6-6 Forsee ( N. Rich 1 •........................ 6-6 Seltz (Fairfield) ........................... 6-6 Al~es (Belhe~ Tale) .................... 6·6 Long Jump Shurelds (Western Hills) ...... 23·5>.4 Bouldin (W. Woods) .................. 22·8 Orr (Mariemont I ...................... 22·1 McElhinney (Seven His I ...... 21·B'h Dukes ((Princeton) .............. 21·8 1h Pole Vau(l Brewer (Milford) ...................... 14-6 Cunningham (Goshen) .............. 14·3 Vogelpohl (Elder) ...................... 13-6 WiUiams (Anderson) ................ 13.0 Novak (Turpin) ....................:..... 13.() Bosse (La Sale!......................... 13.0 Montgomery (Fairfield) .......... 13.0

Madeira boys pull stunner The Madeira cross country pulled off a major upset, beatmg 26 teams en route to the championship of the Princeton Invitational. Bobby Adams paced the Mustangs with an eighth-place finish in 16:46, followed by Jay Newberry (16:49). Moeller's Dan Foltz won the race in 15:54. tea~

. t:::/f.l G.



Boys cross country

~ ~Sale

(11) .................................



OIMrs receiving votes: Oak Hils 10, Georgetown 2, Anderson Lakota 2, Wyoming 1, Fairfield 1. J"' Top Times 0 •y - ./._, ~~:(51. Xavler) .....t:::~... 16,16 Sn sey (Lakolal--..·--····- 16:17 3 4. r=J:rr (Badinl-..·--··-··-·-- 16:18 ThomaMoelerJ ........ ::!!!............_ 16:20 S (Fairfield) ................. _ 16:20 .H 67. Ill! Salle! ..................... 16:22 a' Boin (Harrison)-...............:... 16:23



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Four of Cincinnati's top eight teams - La Salle, St. Xavier, E:lder and Moeller - and two of the top threem the state, Toledo-4 St. Francis and Toledo St. Joseph, ~ will participate in the Malone Col-~ lege Invitational on Saturday. ~ "This will tell us how we'll stack ~ up at the state meet," La Salle \ coach Frank Russo said. The Harrison Invitational on Saturday at Miami Whitewater will feature some of Cincinnati's best runners: Adam Thomas (~er), John Aerni (Walnut Hills), "Ken Kozak (Milford), Chris Roy (Oak Hills) and Mark Ragase (Winton Woods).

Players of the week


Moeller q... ;J.J- ff' Boys Cross Country

He was the top local finisher with a seventh place (16:04) at the prestigious Malone Invitational.


z;::' ;:··~""f"~~~i.::::::::~::.:-l:;~ o s • .,... (Harrison) ................. 16:2


11> Boys cross country 1. 51. Xavier ( 121 ........................ 145 2. La Sale (3) _____....... 131 3. Elder .......................................... 128 4. Harrison ---·---·-··-·-·..····93 5. MRford ....................................... 87 6. Madeira ...................................... 6-4 7. Princeton .................................... 60 B. Moener ..... ...................~0 9. Badin ........................................... 24 10. Lakota ............_ .......................20 Otlwrs receiving volts: Oak Hms 19, Middletown 11, Fairfield 11, Winton Woods 11, Walnut Hills 1. Top Times 1. Kincaid (Norwood) ..._.,•._ 16:01 2. Snyder !Badin)...................... 16:02 3. Ziegler (Harrison) ................ 16:03 4. Foltz (Moeller).-......... 16:04 5. Hummel (La Sale) ................ 16:15 6. Bolin (La Sale) ...................... 16:22 6. Harmeyer (La Sale) ............ 16:22 B. Schaeffer (Sf. Xavier) ......... 16:2~ 9. Aernl (Walnut H~s) .............. 16:27 10. Kldd (51. Xavier) .................. 16:28 11. Rauen (51. Xavier) ................ 16:30 12.Godsey (Lakota) ................. 16:33 13. Wllllch (Elder) .•.--······ 16:34 14. Thomas (Fairfield) .............. 16:36 15. RU1h (Elder) ........................... 16:40

c.7/lt /D/J..I(/fS

Boys cro$s c:ountry Ohio Regional MHt (3.1 Miles at Troy Stadium) Division I Team Standings (lop four advance): 1. Clayton Northmont 40, 2. St. Xavier 87, 3. Lakota 134, 4. Beavercreek 164, 5. Dayton carroll165, 6. Milford 196, 7. La SaUe 197, 8. Eider 199, 9. Harrison 222, 10. Princeton 237, 11. Moeller 250, 12. Vandalia-Butler 287, 13. :O:od/lletown 305, 14. Fairmont 331, 15. Huber Heights Wayne 339, 16. Center· ville 369, 17. Bellefontaine 420. Top Finishers: 1. Ernie Ziegler (Har· rison) 16:02,2. Jeff Godsey (Lakota) 16:05, 3. Dan Hollingshead (Lebanon) 16:06, 4. Casey Long (Northmonl) 16:22, 5. Dan Foltz (Moeller) 16:31, 6. Adam Thomas (Fairfield) 16:31,7. Bryan Richards (Northmont) 16:34, 8. John Young INorthmonl) 16:39, 9. Jay Hummel (La sane) 16:39, 10. Chris Linz (Roger Bacon) 16:41. Other locals: 14. Jon Rauen (St. Xavier) 16:48, 15. Andy Schaefer (St. Xavier) 16:49, 16. Reade Kidd lSI. Xavier) 16:51, 19. Mark Jotvoston (Princeton) 16:56, 20. Jose Huerta (Mlliord) 16:56, 21. Mike Coffey (Midd.l 16:58, 24. Dave Dickman (Eider) 17:00, 26. Chris Roy (Oak Hrns> 17:01, 27. Mall Bredeslege (Elder) 17:02, 28. John Aemi (Walnut Hils) 17:03, 29. Nick Bolin (La Salle) 17:06, JO. Justin Lorenz (Moeller) 17:06, Pieler Klndberg (Lakota) 17:09, 32. Dan Fritz lSI. Xavier) 17:10, 33. Mark Robinson (Lakota) 17:11. 34. Adam Bange (St. Xavier) 17:11, 35. Andy Brage (Milford) 17:13, 37. Adam Dolan (St. Xavier) 17:14, 38. Joe Blake (Princeton) 17:17, 42. Mark Ragese (Winton Woods) 17:19, 43. Mark Gray (Harrison) 17:19, 44. Eric Hot·· erlepen (Milford) 17:21, 45. Justin Hussel (Colerain) 17:23, 46. Ken Kozak (MIIiord) 17:24. 41. Eric JohnSIOO \l!ll<~lal !?:25, 51. 01111 P!4>sljl! (l.!ll<~lll) l1:2S, 54. Mck !loelll!l


laoys cross country·..

DISTRICT RESULTS (Top four teams and top 15 individuals in each division advance to Regionals) Division I (At McGinnis Park) District A Team SCores: 1. St. Xavier 54, 2. Princeton 71, 3. Elder 83, 4. Milford 98, 5. Oak Hills 101, 6. Walnut Hills 170, 7. Syca· more 216, 8. Winton Woods 219, 9. Mason 223, 10. Roger Bacon 237. Top Finishers: 1. John Aerni (Walnut Hils) 16:21; 2. Mark Ragase (Winton Woods) 16:37; 3. Chris Roy (Oak Hills) 16:45; 4. Mark Johnston (Princeton) 16:46; 5. Mall Bredeslege (Elder l 16:52; 6. Reade Kldd (St. Xavier) 16:53; 7. Jose Huerta (Milford) 16:53; 8. Andy Schaefer (St. Xavier) 16:56; 9. Jon Rauen (St. Xavier) 16:57; 10. Chris Linz !Roger Bacon) 17:03; 11. Ken Kozak (Milford) 17:05; 12. Adam Dolan (St. Xavier) 17:06; 13. Nick Boeing (Elder) 17:08; 14. Kris Lawson (Princeton) 17:10; 15. Eric Hafertepen (Milford) 17:12. District B . (AI McGinnis Park) Team Scores: 1. Lakota 37, 2. La Sale 71, 3. MoeUer 86, 4. Harrison 106, 5. Fair· fieid1JI, 6. Iurpln 158, 7. Anderson 163, 8. Colerain 169, 9. Northwest 282, 10. Mount Healthy 309, 11. Hamilton 324, 12. W.Brown 378. Top Finishers: 1. Ernie Ziegler (Har· rison) 15:50; 2. Jeff Godsey (Lakota) 15:55; 3. Adam Thomas (Fairfield) 16:15; 4. Dan FoUz !Meeler) 16:40; 5. Jay Hummel (La Sale) 16:49; 6. Craig Akers (Lakota) 16:56; 7. Justin Hussei (Colerain) 16:56; 8. Mark Robinson (Lakota) 16:59; 9. Eamon Sullivan (Turpin) 17:02; 10. Pieler Klndberg (Lake. · Ia) 17:03; 11. Eric Johnston (Lakota) 17:06; 12. Kevin Sweetman (Harrison) 17:07; 13. Kyle Hildenbrand! (Meeler) 17:09; 14. Nick Bonin (La Sale) 17:13; 15. Justin Lorenz (Moeller) 17:16. Division II (At Princeton Jr. High) Team Scores: 1. Badin 32, 2. McNicholas 70, 3. Indian Hill 78, 4. PurceK Marian 104, 5. New Richmond 113, 6. Loveland 161, 7. Lillie Miami 177, 8. Kings 202. Top Finishers: 1. Chad Kincaid (Nor· wood) 15:42; 2. Chris Snyder (Badin) 16:25; 3. Brian Baker (McNicholas) 16:51; 4. Brank Damen (Indian Hili) 17:08; 5. Ryan Larkin (Badin) 17:13; 6. David Robinson (Loveland) 17:22; 7. Chris Hasler (Finneylown) 17:29; 8. Shane Helkenfeid (McNicholas) 17:33; 9. Ben Helmers (Badin) 17:45; 10. John Halpin (Badin) 17:47; 11. Ricky Mullen (New Richmond) 17:51; 12. Justin Birkenshaw (~eel Marian) 18:00; 13. Mike Wickert (~eel Marian) 18:07; 14. Gary Hughes (FiMeylown) 18:10; 15. Andy Blossom (Badin) 18:14. Southeast Division 11 (At Rio Grande) Team Standings 117 teams): 1. Hnis· bore 51, 2. Waverly 83, 3. Golia Academy ' 95, 4. West Union 129, 5. Menford 164. Top Hillsboro Finishers: 1. John Cle· mons 16:10, 5. Rober! Martin 17:25, 6. Eric Henry 17:29, 20. Robert Oemons 18:16, 21. Jason Boggs 18:17. Division Ill (At Princeton Jr. High) Team Score.: 1. Madeira 20, 2. Wyoming 67, 3. Eastern Brown 74, 4. Batavia 128, 5. Mariemoni1SS, 6. St. Bernard 158, 7. CCO 175, 8. CHCA 213, 9. Summit CO 232, 10. Landmark Christian 240. Top FlnisMrs: 1. Brad .Zoler (Wyoming) 16:34; 2. Bobby Adams !Madeira) 17:00; 3. Mark Smiley (Madeira) 17:24; 4. Brian Cora (Madeira) 17:76; 5. Jon Newberry (Madeira) 17:27; 6. Casey Marsh (Madeira) 17:35; 7. Andy Gray (Mariemont) 17:38; 8. Coy Paellz (Georgetown) 17:39; 9. Oiff Johnston (Batavia) 17:51; 10. Greg Kuykendall (Madeira) 17:55; 11. Tim Rymer (E.Brownl 17:57; 12. Alan cartwright (E.Brown) 17:59; 13. Jason Schwartz (Wyoming) 18:00; 14. Chris Goldschmidt (Madeira) 18:01; 15. Jamie Jimison (E.Brown) 18:03.

Northwes1................ 3:30.2 3,200 RELAY COACHES POLL 1. La SaUe (6) ................... 104 1. Princeton (5) ................. 104 3. St. Xavier ....................... 85 4. Moeller ...... 60

= ......


7. WalnU1 HiRs .................... 39

8. Colerain ......................... 35 9. Wyoming .................:...... 16 10. loveland .......................... 9 ontERS: Wlnton Woods 8, HilsbOrO 7, Andersdn 6, Lak01a 6, HamiHon 5, Labanon 4. New Richmond 4, Amelia 3, Mariem0n1 2, McNicholas 1. Mt HeaHhy 1.

tOO METERS 1. Crulckson (Lebanon) .. 10.6 Jotvoson (WalnU1 HUis) 10.6 Oliver (Roger Bacon) .. 10.6 4. Thomas (Princeton) .... 10.7 5. Meyers (Hamilton) ...... 10.8 Slagle (Goshen) .......... 10.8 '


1. La SaMe .................... 8:08.8 2. McNicholas .............. 8:10.8 .

:: ~~~:::::::::::::::::: m:~

5. Georgetown ............. 8:16.5

SHOT PUT 1. Ems (Mt. Healthy) ....... 56-1 2. Wetter (La Salle) ...... 51~ 3. Stbech (Lesane) ... 5().1 O'h 4. Calhoun (Midd.) ....... 50-8'h 5. Mlree (Wonton Woods) 49-9 DISCUS 1. Ems (Mt. Healthy) ..... 164-8 2. varney (Amelia) ........ 151·7 3. Geisler (Goshen/ ....... 151-0 4.St01fren(OakHils) ... 148-3 5. Thigpen (Midd.)......... 146-6

LONG JUMP 1. Ells (Princeton) ........... 21·9 2. Bailey (Taft) ............. 2t.SV. 3. Kapprel (Anderson). 21-5Yz 4. Rummel (Glen Este).... 21-4 5.LangS1on(Lebanon) ... 21·1

HIGH JUMP 1. Thomas (Princeton) .... 22.1 1. Hurst (Lak01a) ........:...... 6-8 2. Carter (Princeton) ....... 22.2 ·• 2. CUtler lNortheas1em) .... 6-7 3. Crulckson ~banon) .. 22.5 · 3. Jones Georgetown) .. 6-0Yz Fey (CHCA ................. 22.5 4. King (Hamilton) ............. 6-6 Wort<man ( banon) ... 22:5 5. Langston (Lebanon) ..... 6-5 400 POlE VAUlT ' 1. Thomas (Princeton) .... 49.6 1. Lameler (Elder) ........... 14-5 2. Karlm (Falrfoeid) .......... 50.1 2.Jones(LaSaHe) .......... t4-0 3 Dilulo (La SaKe) ... :...... 50.2 · • 3. Brogan (Elder) ..... ;...... 13-0 4: FearlSt Xavier) .......... 50.3 · Ose (Anderson) .......... 13-0 King Hamilton) ........... 50.3 Rummel (Glen Este) .... 13-0



1. Brown (Princeton) .... 1:57.5 2. Ruth (Elder) .............. 1:59.1 3. Roblnson(Midd.) ..... 1:59.3 4. Rglsbrgr (A. Bacon). 1:59.4 5. Keete (McNicholas). 1:59.6 <' . 1. Kincaid (Norwood) ... 4:26.3 2. Baker (McNicholas). 4:26.9 3. Dickman !Elder) ....... 4:29.5 4. Clemons Hlnsboro). 4:29.9 5. Godsey (Lek01B) ...... 4:30.0



1. Kincaid (Norwood) ... 9:33.2 2. Ziegler (Harrison) ..... 9:38.0 3. Godsey (Lekota) ...... 9:39.4 4. Dickman (Elder) ....... 9:44.4 5. Baker (McNicholas). 9:46.4 110 HIGH HURDLES

1. Smith (Princeton) ........ 14.0 2. Price (Prlncelon) ......... 14.3 3. Sickles (Princeton) ...... 14.6 4. BanniS1er (Hughes) ..... 14.7 Hon (Walnut Hills) ....... 14.7

300 HURDLES 1. Sickles (Prlnceton) ...... 38.2 2. Sutton (Hamtnon) ........ 38.9 3. Bablnec (Milford) ........ 39.3 Beeston (Nortllwest) ... 39.3 Slagle (Goshen) .......... 39.4 ~


1. Princeton ..................... 42.9 2. Wmton Woods ......... ;.. 43.2 3. Herrnuon ...................... 43.3

.··~::::.:::::~:::::: ~u 1,600 RELAY. 1. Princeton.......: .......... 3:26.7 2. St. Xevler ........:........ 3:27.8

~ 3. Moeller ........~... 3:28.7

4. Middletown .............. 3:29.1

Ohio Cross Country News S•pplement of Ohio Track & Fi.:ld Nc'ft

5621 Phil'"'ea Rd.. SL Heuy. OH 45883

November 21. 1995


Vol. 28. No. 6



Boys• State Results

39 60 63 91 133 140

Chaminade's Nicole LaSele won her third straight title in 18:09 In Division I and Rocky River Magnificat capt16ed a surprise team title. Katy Rakewich of Cleveland Hts. Beaumont won a second state title in a record for Division I of 17:3a7, to lead her team to BeaOOlOnt scored thirty-four with times of second. u~2s-

17:3a7 -

19:23 - 19:56- 20:19.

Seneca East soph, Vincent Fries win another title

in Division II with 15:59 but his team was again Pol second to d&fen~ champion Anna 91-102. leader, Clayton tforthmont won Division I honors. Cleveland St. Ignatius senior, Patrick Kelly, won Division I In 15:50.4 while the fastest time of the day belonged to senior, Chad Kincaid, or Norwood with 15:48.5. BrySJ! w.Qn Division I honors. .,

TeL & FAX (419) 925-4714


Abigail Phillips 10, senecca E.


FUTURE DATES: State Clinic: January 25-27 Indoor Classic: March 8-9 NCAA Indoor: March 8-9 Ccntcnille Clinic: March 16 -- ..--<--•· ·-·· -·· .

16. 17. 18. 19: 20. 21. 22 26. 32 53.



Women and Men Combined Results 104 106 116 151 · 268 357

Michigan Ohio Illinois Indiana Pennsylvania Kentucky

01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12 13. 14. 15.

Amanda Blackwelder 10, Madeira


41 46 60 77 128 224


The gi'ls Mid East featured nine state champions, ttvee from team Champion Michigan and Ohio's Nicole LaSele. Michigan won by only five over a suprisingly strong Ohio team Race experts thought it was a match t4>· for individual honors between laSelle, three time State Champion, and four time State Champion, Garrif Gould. I~ Michigan. However, Indiana's Amy YoCier·broke the meet and course records in a blazing 11:37.2. The :records were set last year by Donna Fid~r ~f P'eryisylvani'a in 17:58.6. Yoder was second in. ~~na~ .thi$ ;year after winning the 'S4 title. She ttelb' pff ~at \ lea,st five efforts by LaSeiJ: to overtake her ~ Jookelt impressive. Ohio's Candace Nichofs6n toOk· third. '8head of Gould Ahctft' · Cohol was •eleventh ·arld Jackie Corva.;t twelftl'i' for Ohio.

15:27.3 Abdul Alzindani, Fordson, MI 15:37.3 Joe Leo, Redford Catholic, MI 15:41.0 Jeff Kaldahl, Schaumburg, IL 15:421 Mark Reed, Lockport. IL 15:45.1 Damon Nicholas, Andrew, IL 15:47.1 Tim Schaefer. Glenbard South. IL 15:47.8 Chad Kincaid. Norwood, OH 15:48.4 Michael Layne, Gary West Side, IN 15:49.0 Patrick Kelly, St Ignatius. OH 15:52.9 Thomas Murley, Elizabethtown, KY 15:54.2 Keith Braxton, A Arbor Pioneer, MI 15:56.9 Josh Buffolino, Shelby County, KY 15:57.7 Dan Hollingshead. Lebanon. OH 15:57.9 Chris McGinness. Abington, PA 15:58.5 Jeff Godsey. W.C. Lakota. OH 15:59.1 Chris Cave, Zoarville T.V., 15: 59.6 Lincoln McKinley, New Palestine, IN 16:00.8 Chad McFarland. Richmond; IN t«t03.6 Mitt lTatltlng~Harper WOOd N.D~;· M1 16!05.6 Geoff Simpson. Avon Lake, OH 16:07.2 Jon Chermak, Palatine, IL 16:07.6 Josh Morgan, Rootstown. OH 16: 15.4 Chris Marchal, Toledo St Francis. OH 16; 18.4 Van Arnold Marietta. OH 16c46.9 Mike Almond, Painesville, OH

Girls' State Reaults


Ohio b~ws lo~gd Feady to win on paper. The team featured two .State Champions, two runner-ups '94 champ to round out their top five. The and highest llinois Sate finisher entered was a third placer. llinois won the race on the course; Ohio was second. Jeff Kaldahl led a 3-6 ltinois pack to victory. State Champions, Chad Kincaid and Patrick Kely finished seventh and ninth respectfuHy for the Ohio team. Lebanon's Dan HoHingshead continued a great season by grabbing thirteenth place. Michigan's Abdul Alzindani won the race in 15:27.3, ten seconds faster than teammate, Joe Leo. Alziodani was twentysecond at the 94' Footlocker Nationals. There were ten 1995 State Champions in this exciting meet. An open meet drew one-hundred-twenty entries Please bring yolK and will be offered next year. athletes to run/watch lhis gathering of some of the best.

Illinois Ohio Michigan Indiana Kentucky Pennsylvania

Michigan Ohio Indiana Illinois Pennsylvania Kentucky

17:37.2 Amy Yoder, East Noble, IN 17:46.5 Nicole LaSelle. Dayton Chaminade, OH 18:20.0 Candace Nicholson, Cle Beaumont, OH 18:22.7 Carrie Gould, Powers Cath, MI 18:25.9 Melissa Griffey, Elkhart Mem, IN 18:30.3 Alison Klemmer, Troy Athens, Ml 18:33.5 Alexis Lund. Reeths-Puffer, MI 18:34.6 Jennifer Zehr, Hersey, IL 18:37.4 Nell Shields, Glenbard West, IL 18:42.5 Chrissy Garst, Troy, MI 18:46.0 Andrea Coho!, Austintown Fitch, OH 18:49.5 Jackie Conrad, Marysville, OH 18: 55.5 Jolene Williams, Northridge, IN 18:55.7 Stefanie Burklow, Clarkston, MI 19:02.4 Evelyn Corona, Ft Wayne South, IN 19:04.5 Leslie Avbel, Cannon McMillan, PA 19:06.6 Jenny Monaco, Palatine. IL 19:07.3 Sara Monteleone, Dover, OH 19:07.9 Andrea Pullen, Jenison, MI 19:08.9 Jessica Schneider, Hampton, PA 19:10.9 Alice Melhuish. Crystal LK.S.• IL 19:23.0,Melissa Graham. Marlington, oH:·.; l9:30.9 L:_r~d~ey Hamilto~ Elmore W~Ih?t~·;?P' '· 31. 19:40.6 NikkJ Monroe, Ehda, OH · . · . 47. Z0:33f3 .~Jss}' N~Y,lot, .¥assillon Jacksqri ~ ~' • 1 :Z.l;J.(>.6.Stacey Ewing, McConnelsville,Otf.

01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12 13. 14. 15. 16. .17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 24. 27.


,OU .


Look who's on top

DIVISION III BOYS 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

DIVISION I GIRLS 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12.



18:04 ;..;u::oi~·: :J.'l~ll~- i2, D:Ly i\2. U:l· etC t\n ano_ f]:w::::::. 9, Tiffin Coh.mtbian 7 : · U!.· "\ :and 1 c~·p;x:, H!, Fr('monr Ros~ f ~- : t;~- . Lrin \kCo:nw11, 11, S~'ringfh:ld t\on ,, ·· : ;r. ~•.<; Ane!::-·!a (~:~•wL L2. You:1gs Austint0v.r1 Fitch . it;' 1 ~.ri:: >-ry~. ct. R:.:yl::md Buckeye Lor:: _'.1; ~ S ~.lML l•::ts;;:lw 1 L Dur•lin C:1ffnmn '.· ~. :'J;; :::; c·arly Ht~Wit.~htein. J L Cinn And~·rs0n i '' : : Aliisnn Ow>. 10, Massi! loa Jackson ;, ; :' ( lnistme T !wmpsor:t, 11. Amherst Stede : ~~; .: !'.atie Sckmg.;.'r. 10. Oregon Ciay • 2. l 4;'?: P.ita Fiala. tJ, \Vorthi:l~ton Kilbourr: : '·. 1 <;~; :' ' ·riff .:n~ Smith. l 0. J\.1u.s.siliot~ Perry c-•. J w.. 7 3 Susan Bdtche~. 11. SmmgsdlJe • c 19. 2n ·r ricia Gussl'r 10. Thor.tns WorthingW:l : ~, 1lf.2'7 Kris.trn C1 b:;.a. 9, Strongsville ! fr, r Me"j::h:P\:1 8C'r7"!~'' ] 2 \ll.'estervil!(• Sc-uth ~~- l t:}2s.~ K:-is:t:.: J ~n:-?:". 'l . ~t..~ntt~"' iP:_·


Andrea Cohol 12 1 Fitch


1~ ...-)

~~11s.s~. J\~}i~J;. 1~. ~·1:Jssil!on


01. 15: 59 Vincent Fries, 10, Attica Seneca East 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11.

12 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.


: ") i'J:2~ 20. 19; 34


Ja,;ksoa Hop pie. 11. Massillon Pnr)

16:03 Josh Morgan, 12, Rootstown 16:19 Brad Koverman, 1l. Anna 16:23 Ian Connor, 11, Galion Northmor 16:24 Luke Siefker, 12, Columbus Grove 16:30 Adam Koppin, 12, Anna 16:30 Adam Hendershot, 12, Caldwell 16:31 Josh Ordway, 9, Holgate 16:32 David Bomberger, 12, N Lima South Rang~ 16:32 Adam Schaffner, 12, Bait Liberty Union 16:33 Andy Getz. 12. McDonald 16:35 John Vogt, 12, Loudonville 16:39 Scott Marcy, 10, Granville 16:39 Brad Lykins, 12, Piketown 16:40 Robert Elder, 12, Rootstown 16:40 Brad Zoller, 12. Cinn Wyoming 16: 46 Jeff Maurer. 12, Anna 16:48 Ben Cowan, 10, Convoy Crestview 16:49 Ryan Gray, 11, New London 16:50 D.J. Hensinger, 12. Attica Seneca East

Michelle Rizzo Perry DIVISION III GIRLS OL 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12.



' '


.v '

GIRLS DIVISION Ill TO!, F'lNISHERS 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 1L 12. j 3. 14 1.5. 16 17. 18. 19. 20.

18:50 Ka1it• Suhirw. 11. Peninsula Woodridge 18:56;: Test::. 11. McDon:dd 19:02 lumwda Blackwdde, 10, Cinn Madeira 19:03 Lindsey Hamilton, 12, Col N Elmore Woodmor 19:22 Abigail Philiips, 10, Attica Seneca Ea~t 19:29 Carrie Smith, 9, Pindlay Lib Benton 19:30 Emi:y Hampshire. 10. Peninsula Woodridge 19:30 Meribeth DiSatvo. 12, Versailles 19:3 3 Ericka Huber. 12, Oregon Cardinal Stritch 19:38 Alicia Ca,·ender, 10. Sidney Lehman 19:39 Angela Kubick:, 11, Peninsula Woodridge 19:4t Toney Gwves. 9. Findlay Liberty Benton 19: 4"· r1 ei :•; Sch;J.ti.~·:--, G. Oak woocl 1~ 46 TJ! 1:.m,;· 1\f: '.•nc·g:a:. 9. Penins:J!U \\ ood.ridge 19:4~ Karw Kwsti:'rm:t;i. J l. CoH1WD.te~ 19:4q Erin J<'nie·, il. O.regorr Cardm;J.l ~tritcb 19:49 Jenn\. S!!terky. 10. S:.~gz:,.. G\· Heme Union 19:50 Ann S: :;;•;·";:.:J.~~. ll. .Bli;fiton 19:53 Krisr ~ .l\:orrn:..H, ll, Convoy Crestviev. 19:54 Joslyn Piau.. ; 1, Holgate

Radkewich with Laurie Gomez's parents at the 1995 Boardman CC Meet

Annual Ohio Cross Country and Distance Running Clinic sponsored by O.A.T. & C.C.C. for Men and Women Coaches, Runners, Joggers Jr. High, High School, College/University Runners

Columbus, Ohio Saturday, D~cember 2, 1995 9:0~ a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Radisson Hotel-Columbus North 4900 Sinclair Road Columbus, OH 43229


DIVISION I BOYS 01. 02 03. 04. OS. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12 13. 14. 15. 16.


01. 02. 03. 04. OS. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12 13.

Minday Hiebebrand 11, Ashtabula

BOYS DIVISION I TOP FINISHERS 01. 02. 03. 04. OS. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

15:50 Patrick Kelly, 12, Clev St Ignatius 15:53 Jeff Godsey. 12, West Chester Lakota 15:59 Ernie Ziegler, 11. Harrison 16:02 Van Arnold, 12, Marietta 16:08 Dan Hollingshead, 12, Lebanon 16:10 Brian Young, 12, Cuy Falls Walsh Jesuit 16:13 Chris Marchal, 12, Toledo St Francis 16:14 Brett Baddorf 10, Findlay 16:14 Mike Almond. 12. Painesville Riverside 16:15 Chris Paisley, 11, Wash C.H. Miami Trace 16:17 Michael Fairweather. 12, Hilliard 16:21 Jeremiah Wagner. 12, Fremont Ross 16:22 Bryan Lenzo, 12, Reynoldsburg 16:26 Tirrell Sturdivant, 11, Toledo Cent Catholic 16:27 Andrew Clifford, 12, Wadsworth 16:27 Jeremiah Smith, 11, Fremont Ross 16:27 Adam Thomas. 10, Fairfield 16:29 Mike Douglas, 10, Pickerington 16:29 Sam Gaston. 12, Cuy Falls Walsh Jesuit 16:30 Steve Krajenski, 11, Mt Vernon


·~e~ .~;;,,, ~;~·;)


15:48 Chad Kincaid, 12. Norwood 15:58 Andy Greicius. 11, Ashtabula Edgewood 16:07 Chris Cave, 12, Zoarvle Tuscarawas V 16:11 Benji Ellis. 12, Bryan 16:12 Jon Hiatt, 12, Galion 16:16 Brandon Dodridge, 11, Minford 16:17 Geoff Simpson. 12. Avon Lake 16:18 Kreg Hatfield, 12, Circleville 16:19 Neil Murdock, 12. Mogadore Field 16:19 William McCauley, 11, Springfield Greenon 16:20 Josh McMullen, 12, Hebron Lakewood 16:21 Bill Huffman. 11, Rocky River 16:26 Nick Andrews, 11. Kettering Alter 16:27 David Merriman, 11, Bucyrus 16:28 Dan Moroney. 12, Kettering Alter 16:28 Nathan McClintock, 10, Mantua Crestwood 16:32 Bill Culbertson. 12, Bryan 16: 34 Dave Mars, 11, Mogadore Field 16:35 Sean Kelly, Mentor Lake Catholic 16:35 Chris Parthemore, 10, Sandusky Perkins

01. 02. 03. 04. OS. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

17:38 Katy Radkewich, 11, Beaumont 18:17 Jackie Conrad, 12, Marysville 18:25 Candace Nicholson, 12, Beaumont 18:57 Sara Monteleone, 12. Dover 18:57 Melissa Graham, 12, Marlington 19:20 Nadine Weber, 10, Columbus Whetsone 19:23 Cicely Campbell, 9, Beaumont 19:25 Michelle Rizzo, 10, Perry 19:27 Colleen Byrne. 10, Avon Lake 19:29 Jennifer Staats. 10, Clyde 19: 30 Stacey Ewing, 12, McConnelsville Morgan 19:31 Mindy Hebebrand, 11. Ashtabula 19: 33 Erin Nehus, 9, Gallipolis Gailia 19:42 Vonnie Downing, 9, Chagrin Falls Kenston 19:43 Jenni Brown. 12, Salem 19: 52 Courtney McClain. 10, Marysville 19: 56 Stacy Rallo, 10, Beaumont 19:56 Molly Delcamp, 9, Col Centennial 19:57 Julie Palmer, 11, Huron 19:58 Angi Lucente, 9, Col St Frances DeSales


Katie Sabino, Peninsula Woodridge, 11

BOYS DIVISION II TOP FINISHERS 01. 02. 03. 04. OS. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.


Sara Monteleone 12, Dover

DIVISION II BOYS 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12 13. 14. 15. 16.


Cross Country Camp ]ul~

7 - July 12 1996

For camp or college Information contact:

Jack Haz.e,

Colleen Byrne 10, Avon Lake

Malone Col'ege 515 25th St. NW Car.ton. OH 44709 1-8r'1-521-1146 ext. 8291


College notes Jack Hazen, Head Cross Country Coach of Malone College, has been selected to coach the U.S. men's cross country team to The World Championships in Capetown South Africa. Hazen wl)o coached the U.S. team once before in 1991 is excited about the team's chances. "'t's my hope that Bob Kennedy, Todd WUiiams and our countries other top runners wiU choose to compete in this years World Championships. It's the olympic year and this could be a boost to everyone's training regime. The Kenyons are awesome but we can compete with them if we have an of our athletes.• The team will be chosen at the USATF National Meet in Boston December 3rd, where some of Hazen's Malone CoUege Athletes will be competing along with several of his post collegians. The World Champior;1ships, which has over seventy countries represented, will be on Saturday March 23, 199a

Angie -Kubick, Peninsua Woodridge, 11

Welcome to Kent State's new womens' and mens' track and cross country coach - Stephen Rainbolt. Rainbolt comes from a successful assistant position at the University of Nebraska. He was an All-American Decathlete at the University of Kansas. The 1st Annual Conference U.S.A. awards went to Cincimati's fine coach Bill Schnier as "Coach of the Year.• U.C. also had "Runner of the Year• Chad Dis bennett.


Lisa Claypool E. Liverpool .

Mid-Ohio: Cedarville 23, Rio Grande 41, Walsh 90 Big 10: Wisconsin 37, Michigan 65, Penn State 69 Ohio lntercoHegiate: Bow&ng Green 21, Ohio 102, Miami 114 District IV: Michigan 44, Wis-Madison 49, Bowling Green 76 Atlantic 10: Masschusetts 46. St. Josephs 49, LaSalle 113 Big East: Providence 37, Villanova 51, Georgetown 73 Conf. U.S.A.: Marquette 35, S. Florida 66, UNCCharlotte 88 Mid-Continent: Buffalo 24, Youngstown State 69 Midwestern: Loyola 38, Butler 56, Detroit 58, Wright State 127 Region · IV Rankings: 1. Wisconsin, 2. Michigan, 3. Marquette, 4. Bowling Green, 9. Ohio University NCAC: Kenyon 50, AHegheny 72, Wooster 74, Oberlin 106, Case Western 116 OACC: Baldwin-WaRace 38, Ohio Northern 68, Mount Union 90, John Carron 113 M.A.C.: Bowling Green 21, Ohio 92, E. Michigan 101

Big 10: Wisconsin 37, Michigan 56, Michigan State 91 Big East: Providence 50, Georgetown 74, Notre Dame 83 Conference USA: Cincinnati 33, Marquette 83, Tulane 109 Midwestern Collegiate: Loyola 31, UW·Milwaukee 48, Butler 59 Atlantic 10: UMass 42, Virginia Tech 60, St. Joseph's 61 Mid-American: Bowling Green 57, O'"Uo 65, Central Michigan 90 Mid-Continent: Youngstown State 51, Buffalo 56, Eastern IKinois 75 Mid-Ohio: Malone 22, Walsh 57, Rh Grande 86 Ohio lntercoDegiate: Cincinnati 59, Ohio State 86, Bowling Green 98 District IV: Final Pol - 1. Wisconsin, 2. Michigan, 5. Cinclmat~ a Bowling Green, 10. Ohio NCAC: Earllam 66, Allegheny 69, Oberlin 78, Wittenberg 80, Denison 125 OACC: Otterbein 33, Mt. Union 36, B. Walace 99, Ohio Northern 120 M.A.C.: BowHng Green 57, Ohio 65, C. Michigan 90




Jemlfer Ordway, Holgate (Cedarville) Morgan Van Epp, Buckeye (Clear Fork) Laura Vehorn, AMa (Shelby County) Johanna Schunk, Middletown Vail (Ce&na) Kell Brunswick, St. Henry (Mercer County) Jo Custer, Minster (Delphos) Julie Pitney, Liberty Benton (Columbus Grove) Rachel Knous, St. Marys (SpencerviRe) Rachel Knous, St. Marys (Coldwater) Rachel Knous. St. Marys (W. B. League) Jemie Castle, BarnesvUie (OH Valley League) KeHy Wehrman, Minster (Ft. Loramie) Patti Cox, Lancaster Gen. (Watkins) Patti Cox, Lancaster Gen. (Eastmoor) Patti Cox, Lancaster Gen. (C.O.L. Invite) Stephanie Francis, Heath (Portsmouth) E&zabeth Zahn, Coldwater (M.A. Conference) Linda Stebbins, Northmont (John Bryan) J. Castle, Barnesville (Cambridge) Stacey Havaich, Austintown (Boardman) Stacey Havaich, Austintown (Sim Earich) Stacey Havaich, Austintown (Maplewood) Stacey Havaich, Austintown (Cloverleaf) Stacey Havaich, Austintown (Steel Valley) Stacey Havaich, Austintown (Mahoning) Stacey Havaich, Austintown (East Palestine) Angela Gianetto, Ashtabula West (Niles) Lauren Hammond, Madeira (Colerain) Lauren Hammond, Madeira (Lakota) Lauren Hammond, Madeira (Anderson) Lauren Hammond, Madeira (Princeton) Lauren Hammond, Madeira (City Meet)




12:45 12:03 14: 16 12:35 13:45 12j59 13:21 12:11 11:59 11:54 12:01 13:14 12:51 13:02 13:20 14:28 12:33 11:30 N/A 9:58 12:37 12:23 Nl A N/A N/A NIA 13:48 12:35 12:57 13:08 11:58 12:58

Andrea Jensen, Elmore Woodmore, 12.

11:58 11:.59 1 b03 12:61 11:56 12:02 11:~0 11:52 11:G6 11:,18 11:82 11:.55 11:40 11:.02 11:40 12:02 11:12 12:25 11:14 11:30 11:39 11:49 9:07 10:35 11:09 12:10 12:00 12:02

Ben Sternberg, East Canton (Kirtland) Ben Sternberg, East Canton (Van Wert) PhiRp Bumgardner, SmithviUe (Clear Fork) Hideki Yubu, Sidney (Shelby Co.) Wes Brooks, Middletown Vail (Celina I & II) Chad Topp, New Bremen (Celina Ill) Chad Topp, New Bremen (Sidney) Dan Hartings, Marlon Local (Mercer Co) Randy Unger, Greenville (Arcanum) Scott Utrup, Delphos St. John (Delphos) Scott Utrup, Delphos St John (Ft Loramie) Scott Utrup, Delphos St John (Columbus Grove) Scott Utrup, Del. St. John (Spencerville-Red) Scott Utrup, Del. St. John (M.A. Conference) Nathan Hadlock, Troy (Cedarville) Justin Leffman, Spencerville (Spencerville-Black) Kirk Roth, Martins Ferry (OH Valley League) Aaron Montgomery, Minford (Portsmouth) Matt Gerlach, GreenviUe (Coldwater) Matt Heizman, Van Wert (W.B. League) B. Daugherty, Tusky Valley (Cambridge) Matt Paullin, Ashland (Galion) Matt Paullin, Ashland (Cloverleaf 1.55) Nick McDonald, Fairborn (John Bryan) Travis Smith, Licking Valley (Heath Invitational) Travis Smith, Licking Valley (Licking Valley lnv.) Travis Smith, Licking VaUey (Johnstown lnv.) Tyler Davis, Licking Valley (BAC League)

12:33 11:50 9:12 11:58

Matt Fadely, Big Walnut (Delaware) Matt Fadely, Big Walnut (Buckeye Valley) Aaron Ashley, Ashtabula West (Boardman) Aaron Ashley, Ashtabula West (Niles)


I 1

I NAME -------------------------------------• .ADDRESS

I ----------------------------------1 I ADDRESS I --------------------~--------------





------ ~p ----------


~28 Philot~ !toed St. Henry. Ohio •su3


__ - $12.00 1996 Ohio Cross Country News

w, Cawrtlv S l - ---$13.00 1996 Ohio Track & Field News .loy, I. Gt,b Ttd 111M.,_ c-ry !lw.k Pahlicatioaa Desiml


, ---------------------·----------------~-.-·-· ~





Ohio Cross Country News Supplement of Ohio Tract cl:: Field News

S628 Philothea R.d.. SL Henry. OH 4S883

Tel. c1:: FAX (419) 92S-4714

November 1. 1995

VoL 22. No. 5

95 STATE CROSS COUNTRY TIME SCHEDULE II 05 A.M Divis1on ill Girls II :50 A l'v1 Division II Girls 12 35 Ptvl. Division I Girls I 20 PM Division III Boys DIVlsion II Boys 2 05 PM Divis1on I Boys 2 50 PM

12 teams and individual qualifiers 13 teams and individual qualifiers

12 teams and 16 teams and 16 teams and 16 teams and

individual qualifiers individual qualifiers individual qualifiers individual qualifiers

DIVISION III GIRLS Top ranked and defending champion Woodmore looked impressive at Tiffin. I Dke their chances but look out for Woodridge; they had four under twenty at Boardman. Becky Testa will have to defend against last year runner-up Lindsey Hamilton. Hamilton is a senior coming on strong enough to win. Madeira has a good one In Sophmore, Amanda Blackwelde, champion at Troy. She has speed and concentration.


·····-DIVISION Ill GIRLS ----82 Newark Catholic 104 caldwell 106 Barnesville

56 69 94 102

Regional Results & Qualifiers

llooctnore Stritch Liberty Benton Seneca East

74 Cincinnati Madeira 74 Sidney Lehman 92 Convoy crestview

28 Woodridge 63

DIVISION II GIRLS Beaumont---enough said This powerhouse was aided by the closing of John Adams High, which brought Can.dace Nicholson. Transfer Laurie Sturgell came over from Hudson and Katie Radkewich is the best in Ohio. Battle for runner-up should be either Dover or Bellevue. Bellevue was ranked 14th going Into the Tiffin regional and won.

19:07 19:17 19:26 19:29 19:36 19:39 19:45 19:47 19:49

DIVISION I GIRLS Number one ranked Colerain did not qualify, thanks to a fifth place at Troy. Beavercreek inherits number one, but holding on wUI not be easy. I like the chances for Southview to take it all. It appears Nicole LaSelle is headed for a third title after easily winning her fourth regional title. Only four others broke ninteen minutes in the regionals and two were freshman.


19:51 19:51 19:54 19:58 19:58 19:58 19:59 20:01 20:01 20:03 20:03 20:04 20:04 20:05 20:05 20:07 20:10 20:11 20:14 20:18 20:20 20:22 20:24 20:24 20:27 20:27 20:28 20:29 20:29 20:30 20:30 20:31 20:32 20:33 20:34 20:34 20:35 20:38 20:38 20:39 20:41

Katy Radkewich Cle Hts Beaumont. 11

DIVISION III BOYS Seneca East should trade places with Anna this year. Led by sophomore defending champion, Vincent Fries East should have a big day. One mistake and Ann~ will win again. Also close by will be an Improving East Canton. CaldweU won its eleventh straight regional title at Lancaster last weekend Senior, LIJ<e Seifker of Columbus Grove and Anna's Brad Koverman were fifth and sixth last year and are poised to overtake Fries.


I'll go with the Pollsters and pick Bryan to win this Division. I think Gallion is a second placer with stiff challenges from Alter and Dover. Brandon Dodridge, a Minford Junior, edged defending champion Chris Cave of Tusky Valley at Lancaster. Dodridge was 45th here last year! Injuries had stopped Norwood's Chad Kincaid In the past but he won his only regional race last weekend at Troy. Edgewood's Andy Grercious was 48th here last year but won at Boardm<.m. Geoff Simpson of Avon Lake won at Tiffin over Benji Ellis of Bryan. Any of the above mentioned are title threats.

DIVISION I BOYS Northmont won the coaches poll and :tow must top defenainq chamoion St. Ignatius. A toss up is the best description, but I'll pick St Ignatius. Patrick Kelly of Ignatius · is the highest qualifier bac~ an? bea! a tough field at Tiffin he should wrn an rndivrdual trtle. Congratulations to St. Xavier under Larry Merkel on making their ninth straight appearance.


2::41 ~::41


Chris Cave Tuscarawas Valley, 12


Z.l:43 20:44 20:44 20:45 20:45 20:46

Lindsey Hamilton-woodmor Becky Testa-McDonald Abigail Phillips-Seneca Amanda Blackwelde-Madeir Joslyn Pfau·Holgate Lindsay Travis-Woodmere Carrie Smith-Lib Benton Heidi Schaller-Oakwood Alicia Cavender·S Lehman Erin Oonl~v-~tritch Ericka Hut~r-Stritch Katie Sabine-Woodridge Emily Hampshire-W'dridge Angela Kubick-Woodridge Ann Stechschulte·Bluff Bobbie Hardberger-Johns Tiffany Monegan-w•dridge Julie Walreius-Van Buren Maribeth OiSalvo-V'sales Kara Simpson-Toledo Chr Karla Klostenman-Coldwat Angie Reeker-Lib Benton Jenny Sitterley·Berne U Angie Michael-Woodmere Melissa Van Sickle-S Mar Angela Brown-Newark Cath Jody Burkholder-llauseon Stephanie Fries-Seneca E Jenny LaPlante·Stritch Kristy Norman-Crestview Amy Dietz-Botkins Anita Allen-Yell Springs Jessica luckett-Worthing Kelly Urban-Lib Benton Cassie Cvle-Sid Lehman Tesia Co'e·Seneca East Lisa Pashley·Andover Val Melissa Gray·Stritch Mo Slattery-Berkshire Lori Ruggles·Jack Milton Sarah weLLs-Crestview Mandy Burzanko·Berkshire Michelle Stemons-Worth Sara Wheeler-Grandview Jessie Barhorst-Minster Lisa Scr~eider-Woodmore Casey K' 'sella-S Lehman Leal! Stc,;Jhen·Barnesvi: :~ Sarah S<·!J!ler·Covinqtc,.. Rachel · c:·der·Woodrcor-e Cathte,:, ~aiemr.e·M<.at:•n :evon "' , i. ~ .:w:~ ·:ad;! lieorgia '"· _.,r'Tldrl·.·- · .: -q: Jess1ca Pattcn-~:y-•a C Patsy Sc~rlow·Cald~o<ell Allison Brown-Newark Ca Jennife· Schuetz-Stritch Beth.Muncey-Elms Kim Cantrall-Beachwood Jennifer Heisey-Jewett

Lindsey Hamilton, Elmore Woodmore, 12 20:46 20:47 20:48 20:48 20:51 20:52 20:52 20:53 20:53 20:54 20:56 21:02 21:04 21 : 15 21:18 21:21 21:22 21:23 21:23 21:25 21:30 21:30 21:34 21:35 21:36 21:38 21:42 21:48 21:50 21:52 21:54 21:59 22:00 22:01 22:03 22:04 22:10 22:10 22:11 22:14 22:20 22:21 22:21 22:22 22:26 22:29 22:33

22:44 22:54 23:10 23:13 23:23 23:24 23:56 24:18 24:22 24:43 25:15

Molly Gordon-Smithville Julia Kuhar·Bellaire Kathy Mitchell·Lerkshire Torrey Groves-Lib Benton Niki Hines-Seneca East Andrea Jensen·w.)()Qnore Rachael Hesson-Caldwell Laura Michaels-Tu~kv V Mary Nash-Fisher Cath Erica Pashley·Andover V Kim Oamschroder·lloodmore Liz Testa-McDonald Sarah Moser-Crestview Leanne Budde· Lib Benton Marilyn Testa-McDonald Kelly Elmlinger-Seneca E Melissa Sabine-Woodridge Connie Lobes-Madeira Tricia Hines-Barnesville Rachel Barrett-Madeira Addie Busching-Lib Ben Jennie Runk-Newark Cath Kim Varner·McDonald Jessica Hines-Barnesvl Allison Wagner-Madeira Chantelle Andrews-Barnes Katie Erbes-Sid lehman Tabatha Crawford-Crestvw Cheryl Hopkins·Caldwell Katie Andrews-Newark Ca Katie Havas-Sid Lehman Jenny llinkelman-Madeira Heghan Walsh-Newark Cath Kym Brenneman·lloodr i dge Jennifer Buckley-Seneca Jennifer Larrick-Caldwel Addy Clark-Caldwell Kristilyn Copploe-McDon Tina Kozak·Newark Cath Kaci Herrick-Crestview Rachel Standley·Stritch Angela Cloran-Madeira Kelly Topik-Stritch Lisa Pitney-Lib Benton Jamie Hotycka·Crestview (athy conaway-Barnesvl ~elissa Hoomaw·Seneca E ~ylee Miller-Crestview f• lY Pilther·Caldwell _;,cy l!i ~i1oan-Barnesvi lle ·racy s,aine·Newark Cath Cl1r' st1 ne Ai rhart-McOon rina Hentrich·Sid Lehman Ann Dimmerling·Caldwell Kelly Fisher-woodridge Erin Maurer-Sid Lehman Cara Jamieson-McDonald Melinda Barr-Barnesville

DIVISION II GIRLS Regional Results & Qualifiers ··DIVISION II QUALIFIERS·· 17:58 18:08 18:50 19:13 19:14 19:18 19:18 19:21 19:23 19:32 19:38 19:38 19:41 19:42 19:44 19:48 19:52 19:54 19:55 ,9:55 20:02 20:02 20:05 20:05 20:07 20:07 2D:10 20:10 ?0:13 20:14 20:14 20:15 '0:15 ,'0: 16 ?0:16 W:16 20:17 20:18 20:18 20:20 20:20 20:21 20:21 20:24 20:24 20:26 20:29 20:30 20:34 20:35 20:37 20:39 20:43 20:44 20:45 2D:47 20:48 20:49 20:52 20:53 20:54 20:55 20:57 20:57 20:57 20:58 20:59 20:59 20:59 21:00 21:00 21:01 21:01 21:02 21:03 21:03 21:05 21:05 21:05 21:06 21:07 21:08 21:08 21:08 21:10 21:11 21:12 21:13 21:17 21:18 21:20 21:20

Katie Radkewich·Beaumont Jackie Conrad-Marysville Candace Nicholson-Beau Cicely Campbell-Beaumont Melissa Graham·Harling Michelle Rizzo·Perry Sara Honteleone·Dover Jenni Brown-Salem Colleen Byrne-Avon Lake Mindy Hebebrand·Ash Carrie Watts-Ashtabula Nadine Weber-Whetstone Erin Nehus·Galia Academy Stacey Ewing-Morgan Vonnie Downing·Kenston Jennifer Staats·Clyde Julie Palmer-Huron Melissa Knous·St Marys Renee Rostoeil·Highland Stacy Rallo·Beaumont Courtney HcClain·Harysvl Karen Ruffing-Bellevue Alyssa Baker-Utica Tonya Lavigne·Norwalk Kimberly Hinnich·V wert Marie Hiller·Olentangy Angi Lucente·DeSales Anne Ughrin-Lakeview Molly Delcamp·Centennial Christina Phillips-Bloom Debbie Pagano-Poland Alicia Hiller·Clearcreek Katie Orr-Revere Elizabeth Jeffers-Bay Laurie Sturgell·Beaumont Shaynie Kleinhoffer·Bucy Andrea Nottke·Bellevue Beth More-Bellevue Kasey Hoover-Jackson Amanda HcCorkle·Bucyrus Samantha Haught·St Clair Katey Plymessers·Bay Lisa McCloskey-Green Adrienne Shue·Circlevl Elizabeth Miller·Meadcwb Erin Murphy-Beaumont Horgan Brant-Edgewood Jessica Devoe·Bath Jennifer Gerber-Dover Sheri Greenhorn·Bellbrk Emily Phillips·Clearcrk Daisy Pitkin-Eastwood Olivia Parrish·R Bacon Allison Cheney-Edgewood Jessica Hunt-Dover Ann Penturf-Harlington Laura Ray-Bellevue


The Best

Regional Results & Qualifiers


···· DIVISION II GIRLS ······ 26 115 187 193

Beal.mll'lt Hartington Ashtabula Edgewood Chardon

81 132 140 145

Dover Marysville Circleville Amanda Clearcreek


76 Bellevue 82 Bay 116 Eastwood

53 Cinn Roger Bacon 63 Cinn McNicholas 21:20 21:22 21:23 21:26 21:30 21:31 21:37 21:37 21:38 21:41 21:43 21:44 21:44 21:47 21:51 21:51 21:53 22:08 22:08 22:12 22:13 22:15 22:16 22:27 22:27

Kathy Ross-Circleville Carrie Patrick·Circlevl Valerie Grant-R Bacon Katherine Center-Dover Sarah Sykes·Clearcreek Carrie Maier-Bay Heather Good-Bellevue Stella DeMoss·Edgewood Jennifer Buckley·Marysvl Krista Nuhfer-Eastwood Samantha Glase-Eastwood April Osborn·Clearcreek Danielle Hays-Marysville Ashley Van Camp-Marling Christine Caldwell·C R B Lisa Dunn-Ash Edgewood Melanie Edsall·Circlevl Carolyn Baiocchi·Bay Kristi Goodwin-Edgewood Julie Ball·R Bacon Melissa Sterlekar·Chard Beth lenhart-Bellevue Shannon Schell·Harling Jenny Urbanick·Chardon Kristy Forys-Marysville

22:30 22:30 22:33 22:41 22:50 22:52 23:00 23:01 23:25 24:15 25:08

Abby Thede-Marysville Suzy Deller-McNicholas Sara Prendeville·HcNich Marie Corbett·McNicholas Karen Rowe·Rog Bacon Linda Boros·Chardon Emily Bohnlein·Rog Bacon Abby Walters-Bellevue Adrea Stilgenbauer·McNic Hannah Roberts-Edgewood Amber Beach-Circleville

Anji Paumier·Marlington Jan Feichtner-R Bacon Nicole Shine·HcNicholas Christy Bastdorff·E'wood Rosie Herman-McNicholas Amy Wirth·Day Christian Lesley Keller-Eaton Missy Erwin-Spring NE Erin Bond-Dover Amy Courson-Circleville Megan Kranyah·Bay Natasha Ripp·loveland Sarah Gonya-Ham Badin Susan Jackson·McNicholas Amanda Roberts-Chardon Andrea Garrett·Clearcrk Melissa Robinson-Beau ,_ Kierstin OWens-Bay Stephanie Penturf-Harlin Alison Pliske-Bay Anne Troike-Wilmington Christine Thompson, Amherst Jamie Dudich·Chardon Stephanie Petee·Marysvl Abby Klamer·Chardon Jenny Graf·Ham Badin Lesse Harr·Dover Somer Spain·B'fontaine Lindsay Stoll-Eastwood Sarah Lohrbach·Eastwood w, Cm·u rh• Start Sara Huffman-Dover Boys & Girls Trad Katrina Kerns-Ben Logan Jill Egli·Marlington Amanda Hontanaro·Edgew Ohio Tmck & Field l'\ews Charlann Walker·Circlevl 5628 Philothea Road Erica Neitz-Eastwood St. Henry, Ohio45883



1\icole La Selle Chaminace Julienne, 12.

Erin McConneU, Springfield N.


18:04 18:41 18:45 18:54 18:54 19:03 19:05 19:07 19:09 19:12 19:16 19:20 19:26 19:27 19:29 19:29 19:30 19:33 19:37 19:39 19:39 19:41 19:42 19:42 19:42 19:42 19:43 19:44 19:45 19:47 19:48 19:49 19:51 19:52 19:53 19:54 19:54 19:57 19:58 19:58 19:59 19:59 20:01 20:02 20:02 20:03 20:04 20:05 20:05 20:05 20:05 20:08 20:09 20:09 20:09 20:10 20:12 20:12 20:13 20:17 20:17 20:17 20:17 20:18 20:21 20:22 20:23

Nicole laSelle·Chaminade Briana Shook-Columbian Erin Frye-Rayland Christine Thompson-Steel Tiffany Smith-Perry Beth Ahern·Southview Erin HcConnell·Spg North Jami Toeppe-Ross Erin Richardson-Defiance Katie Sekinger-Clay Andrea Cohol·Fitch Lisa Petsche·Dublin Coff Nikki Monroe-Elida Lisa Hariea·Start early Himmelstein·C And Susan Bettcher-Strongsvl Kristin Urban-Strongsvl Rita Fiala·Worth Kil Allison Orin-Jackson Bethany Witmer-Southview Julie Evers-Celina Christine Weiher-Toledo Corey Petro-Magnificat Jen Wollam·Alliance Lisa Claypool-E Liver Mandy Hernen·Toledo CC Kari Eaton-Wadsworth Meghann Berrier·Wester S Sandy Fox-Southview Kristen Spicer-Clay Nort Kristen Jumer·Centervl Missy Navior·Jackson Georgienne Hopple-Perry Melodie Allen-Kent Roos Sarah Wiley-Beavercreek Gail Grosskopf-HcKinley Karen Grome·Cinn Seton Roxanna Hawley-Toledo CC Amanda Ward·Cinn Coler Briana Killian·Clay Nort Stephanie Tutalo·Middle Tricia Gasser-Wor Thomas Sandy Tecklenberg·C And Erica Hack·Magnificat Gemma Dimery·Beavercreek Amber Schiele-Hentor Catherine Fletcher·Hento Amber Rady·Medina Cara Lofiego·Southview Kara Alexander·U Arling Laura Edwards-Parma Ht Heather Ingle-Beavercrk Amy Beatty-Beavercreek Erin Bailey-Strongsville Geri Buck·Cinn Colerain Kristen Kammerer-seaver Amy Capel-Mentor Bea Milligan-lakota Dale Alsbrooks·lakota Alison Wemmer·Southview Erin Crt-Pickerington Ginger Robinson-Lakota Robyn Jepson-Jackson Harni Kruppa-Dublin Nicole Rippel·Southview Anne Lawhun·Hagnificat Kelli Wise-Perry

···•·· DIVISION I GIRLS ······ 84 90 91 99

Rocky River Magnificat Mentor Massillon Jackson Massillon Perry

62 Upper Arlington 63 Pickerington

58 Beavercreek 95 Cincinnati Anderson 117 Lakota

62 106 128 20:23 20:24 20:25 20:27 20:28 20:30 20:30 20:30 20:31 20:31 20:31 20:35 20:35 20:37 20:38 20:38 20:39 20:39 20:41 20:43 20:44 20:44 20:46 20:49 20:51 20:52 20:52 21:04 21:05 21:06 21:07 21:12 21:14 21:14 21:16 21:25 21:25 21:33 21:34 21:35 21:36 21:39 21:42 21:57 22:07 22:10 22:16 22:16 22:31

Southview Toledo Central Catholic Strongsville Mary Tomer-Worth Thomas Laura Jones-Mentor Anne Driscoll·Hagnificat Jamie Booth-Zanesville Dawn Wells-Strongsville Ellen Watts·Hagnificat Jena Dorna·Cin Anderson Kris owens·Cin Anderson Amanda Bauer-Lakota Carolyn Taylor-Jackson Lesley Behnke-Menter Gretchen Folck·Beavercrk Lindy Zahorujko-Picker Giny Steible-Reynolds Nicole Kane-u Arlington Sara Kitchen-Magnifica Bethany Eddins·Perry Colleen Waid-Logan Kerstin Hedlund-Beever Kelly Adams-Jackson Maggie Vollmer·Toledo CC Haren Fiorelli-Cin Ander Kristen Hensley-Perry Debbie Puffer-Lakota Michelle Maly·Lakota Gail Walton-Toledo CC Leslie Miller·U Arling Monica Saylor·Hentor Amanda Crose·lakota Krista Barnhardt·Perry Tiffany Viray·Southview Hallie Kashawlic·Mentor Megan Riley-Jackson Rachel Nicholas-Picker Gwen Stultz·Pickerington Jennifer Willis-U Arling Michele Stewart-Jackson Courtney Gelter-C Ander Audrey Larrimer·U Arling Amanda Holland-Pickering Jackie Gombas-Strongsvl Jackie Kosmider·Strongsv Jenny Wells-Strongsville Allyson Soja·Magnificat Alisa Steitz·Toledo cc Lauren Lockwood·C Ander Liz Wall-Toledo CC Molly Beecroft-Pickering Lyndsey Wade-Perry






------DIVISIO:l I I I BOYS -----73 98 ,101 126

Calct.-Jell Granvi llc tlewark Catholic Liberty Union

57 90 99 162 168

seneca East COlU7buS Grove llew London Stryker Liberty Benton

63 Anna 72 Madeira 93 West Liberty.Salem 135 Fort Recovery 49 East Canton 62 Cortland Maplewood 70 Rootstown -DIVISIO~



16:14 16:24 16:25 16:25 16:27 16:29 16:30 16:33 16:37 16:38 16:42 16:43 16:45 16:46 16:46 16:48 16:49 16:49 16:49 16:50 16:50 16:50 16:51 16:52 16:53 16:54 16:54 16:54 16:55 16:59 17:02 17:02 17:05 17:06 17:06 17:06 17:06 17:07 17:07 17:09 17:10 17:10 17:11 17:12 17:12 17:13 17:13 17:15 17:15 17:15 17:16 17:16 17:17 17:17 17:17 17:18

Vincent Fries-Seneca E Jan Connor-tlorthmore Ada~ Schaffner-Lib Union Josh tlorgan-Rootstown Luke Seifker-Col Grove Brad Kove~~n-Anna Josh Ordway-Holgate Dan Kenndey-Bluffton Robert Elder-Rootstown D.J. Hensinger-Seneca E Adam Koppin-Anna David Boo:berger-tlLSR Jason Perez-Stryker Brad Lykins-Piketon Ryan Gray-Hew London Ryan Desgrange-Lib Cent Brock Cleveland-Old Fort Justin Vermillion-Rawson Kurt Hichaelis-Holgate Jim Woten-Col Grove Joe Hicl::s-!~cw London Steve Smith-Gibsonburg Robby Ada~-Madeira Aaron Hay-Seneca East Chad Lykfns-Piketon Scott Marcy-Granville Steve Spotts-Seneca E Tony Garcia-Berkshire Tim Miller-Barnesville Jim Thiel-Ridgedale Corey Kamphaus-Col Grov Greg Flora-WL Salem Ada~ Hendershot-Coldwell Brian Treece-Lib Benton Dan Aquino-East Canton Joey Crock-Caldwell Mike Richardson-Anderson John Vogt-Loudonville Mike Sword-tlew London Matt Sloan-Bristolville Dan Webb-tlewark Catholic Kyle Gillett-Seneca E Matt Heitka7.p-Ft. Recovy Andy Getz-McDonald Matt Steele-Bellaire Jeff Haurer-Anna Ryan Kellison-Anderson Andy Monnin-Granville Geoff Geist-llew London Jason Wade-East Canton Joel Ne~~n-Granville Richard Donaldson-Maplew Mark Shaver-Hiddlefield Mick Robinson-Maplewood Rylen r.urray-Lib Benton Aaron Schaffner-Lib Un

17:20 17:21 17:22 17:23 17:24 17:26 17:28 17:29 17:30 17:31 17:32 17:32 17:32 17:32 17:32

Brian Meinardi-Lib Ben Chad Hermiller-Col Grov Chris WilliaT.Son-E Cant Matt McDonald-Caldwell Jon l!~rry-!1adei ra Greg Cunningh~-Cl~ll Allen St~art-r.aplewood Mark ~oten-Col Grove J~ie r.cclure-WL Salem Nick Doriot-Stryker ~ Hcnderson-E Canton Andy Biesterveld-Maplew B.J. Schorger-llewark Cat Jason Grcene-Rootstot:n Josh Yodbr-WL salem



Cr. ~clifie~:m 17:32 17:35 17:35 17:36 17:36 17:37 17:39 17:40 17:41 17:41 17:41 17:45 17:49 17:51 17:51 17:52 17:54 17:54 17:55 17:57 17:58 18:00 18:02 18:03 18:03 1B:03 18:06 18:06 18:07 18:08 18:09 18:09 18:10 18:10 18:15 18:15 18:16 18:21 18:22 18:22 18:24 18:27 18:27 18:29

Kevin Urban-LJb Benton Errin Ruffer·St-ykcr Greg Kuyken::l.: · . :· •:L ira Uatt Doerr..::~·'-' y~cr Vern<J-::w London Casey ~arsh-::cd~i ra Brian Cora-r:cd:1ira Ben Rusek-Newar~ Cath Chris Cozad-~L Salem Jeremy ~right-f Canton tlate Trllin-Col Grove Brian Koch-Col Grove Phil Ranly-Ft Recovery Andy Ziegenbusch-Anna Scott Will-Ft Recovery Jim Paul-llewark Catholic Brad Schweitzer-Anna Matt Roessner-Ft Rec Mike Albert-r.aplewood Andrew Koenig-Granville Arick Dentinger-Seneca E ttike Hendershot-Lib Un Tony Berner-Anna Chris Plank-WL Salem Cory Stuart-Newark Cath Nathan Coyle-Caldwell Chris Goldschmidt-Madeir Gabe Ra~ey-Cald~ell Troy Guist-E Canton Glenn Hofziger-Stryker Marc Littrell-Lib Union Mark Smi ley-ttadei ra Ben Eskridge-Rootstown Jason Sturm-Rootstown Matt Demdter-Granville Matt Schaffner-Lib Union Owen Cross-tlew London Jeremy Sauns-Lib Benton Daniel ShoiJalter-WL Sal Morgan Gillett-Seneca E Josh Fogle-Coldwell Andrew Anthony-E Canton Travis Heitlexp-Ft Rec Andy Landis-Hew London

18:30 18:37 18:41 18:42 18:44 18:46 18:47 18:51 19:11 19:18 19:24 19:25 19:30 19:40 19:50 19:53 21:44

tli ke Leh~ullle-Granvi lle Jason Sta~-Ft Rec Will narkley-Granville Hike Connair-Rootstown Andy Peterson-Lib Benton Scott Mer.~ndi-Lib Benton Scott Littrett-Lib Union Chad Joggers-Stryker Jim Phillips-Maplewood Kelly Craigo-Lib Union Kerry Craig-WL Salem Will Inman-Anna Sheldon Phillips-Maplew Brian Hiebel-Hewark Cath Jason Hancock-Stryker Shawn Stickle-Newark Cat Joe Brunswick-Ft Rec



mmscr:Ilrts fli

L33~W~ Q:~rlliifneL""S

17:13 Josh ~ors-Spring Shaw 17:15 Matt Th~on-Spr Shaw 17:17 Frank D~-lndian Hill 15:45 Chcd Kincaid-tloroood 17:19 Ben Hel~rs-Bedin 16:01 Geoff Si~on-Avon Lake 17:20 Mike tlelson-Southeast 16:05 Benji Ellis-Bryan 16:08 Andy Greicius-Ash Edge 17:20 Ryan Larkin-Badin 17:22 Chris Hudik-Field 16:08 David Merrir.~n-Bucyrus 16:12 Brandon Dodridge-Minford 17:23 Ryan Sabelli-Canfield 16:15 Bill Huffman-Rocky River 17:23 Tirn Jackson-Benedictine 17:24 Brant Strausbaugh-Sha~ 16:15 Chris Cave-Tusky V 16:16 Josh !1c~ullin-LakeiJOOd 17:26 Bob Tho~ier-Bryen 16:22 Jon Hiatt-Galion 17:27 Jason Lozier-Galion 16:25 John Cl~s-Hillsboro 17:27 Kurt Dearing-Hebron Lake 16:26 tlarlc Sibla-Big Walnut 17:28 Ron Butler-Dover 16:26 Troy Rathge-llapoleon 17:28 Ryan ~aley-Perkins 17:29 tlick Loprire-LakevieiJ 16:28 Bill Culbertson-Bryan 17:29 Tony Kellogg-Galion 16:30 Chris Snyder-Badin 17:31 Chuck llatthews-Bcnedi ctn 16:30 Hick Andrews-Alter 16:31 Dustin Kent-Galion 17:33 Sean Voorhies-Lakeview 16:35 Nathan McClintock-Crestw 17:35 Dr~ De~-Galion 16:36 Paul Myers-Huron 17:37 Darren Avery-Eaton 16:37 llate Webster-Wayne Trace 17:37 Josh Bolinger-Le~cvic~ 16:37 Quincy Shugart-Van Wert 17:37 Sheun Westfall-Alter 16:38 Benj&~in Ingersoll-Clyde 17:39 Dale Smith-Perkins 16:42 Brian Baker-Cin ~cNich 17:39 Josh Cartllright-Canfield 16:42 Chris Parthemore-Perkins 17:41 Eric Henry-Hillsboro 16:42 Kreg Hatfield-Circlevl 17:42 Steve Rader-Southeast 16:43 Hatt Hiller-Van Wert 17:44 Aaron Bartley-Southeast 17:44 Jackson Goodnight-Bryan 16:45 Kevin Reichert-Bay Vii 17:46 Tony Ridenour-Field 16:46 Dave Mars-Field 16:47 Heil r.urdock-Field 17:47 Brian Harrison-River V 16:47 Rob Sander-Whitehall 17:52 Robert nartin-Hillsboro 16:48 Garrett Sudirnack-Lakevw 17:53 Hick Gist-River Valley 16:48 Nick Jordan-Canfield 17:54 Dave Sattel~yer-Benedct 16:50 Pat Petty-Teays Valley 17:55 Jeff Slack-Spring She~ 16:52 Clayton Jones-Westfall 17:55 Jerod Christy-H Lakc~ood 16:53 Sean Kelly-Mentor 17:59 Ryan Criswell-River Val 16:55 Even Walker-Lakewood 18:00 Duane tlartin-Dover 16:55 Willia!':l tlcCauley-Greenon 18:00 Oren Bell-Bendicti~ 16:56 Dan Kra~r-Chagrin Falls 18:01 Mike Leh~r-Alter 16:59 Dan tloroney-Alter 18:03 Brenden Shannon-Alter 17:00 Sha~n tlcC~bs-Dover 18:03 Pat Dillon-Lakevic~ 17:01 Eddie llehus·Gallia Ac 18:04 Corey Ccpu=no-Dover 17:01 Kyle Gee-Bay Village 18:05 AndrCH Gash-Boy Villcg~ 17:02 Perry Griffith-Harvey 18:05 Bryan r:chaffey-Dover 17:02 sa~ Miller-Clayw.ont 18:06 Josh ~eger-Southcast 17:03 Aaron Craig-Cc~ridge 18:06 nike Stingley-Field 17:03 Kurt Frankel-W Geauga 18:13 Chaz Price-Perkins 17:03 Matt Heberling-Welling 18:13 tHke Gionette-Alter 17:03 Trevor Warren-Revere 18:15 Je~ie Sanders-Bryan 17:04 Ada~ Weger-Southeast 18:16 tlick Harding-Gal ion 17:04 Brian Yates-Alder 18:17 Scott Borchert-Bay Vil 17:04 Den Davis-Greenon 18:18 Dave Tascoe-LakevieiJ 17:04 Rick Thor~ier-Bryan 18:19 Joel Wilson-Hillsboro 17:05 Jeri Hull-Canfield 18:19 Karl Gee-Bay Village 17:05 Hick Hudson-Perkins 18:20 John Halpin-Bodin 17:05 tlick Speer-Perkins 18:20 Mike Blevins-River Val 17:07 George Curran-Bay Vii 18:21 Joson Baggs-Hillsboro 17:07 Ryan Snivley-Bryan 18:24 Bryan Cusick-River Val 17:10 11att Sidcl-Dover 18:27 Kevin LCHis-Spring Shell 17:10 Rich Boehm-Bay Village 18:38 Ad~ Freshour-Spr Shaw 17:11 Pete Quilligan-Benedictn 18:38 Ched Roberts-H Lake¥.00d --DIVISIO:I II QUALIFIERS--

Winiam McCauley, Springfield Greenan, 11 ------



89 104 116 118 124

Mogadore Field Cortland LakevieiJ Ravenna Southeast Benedictine Canfield

115 131 154 166

Dover Lakewood River Valley Hillsboro

97 137 147 158

Bryan Galion Perkins Bay Village

62 Kettering Alter 82 Springfield Sha~e 97 Hamilton Badin

18:39 18:46 18:47 18:53 18:53 18:55 18:58 18:58 19:22 19:28 19:55 20:12 20:17

Andy Blossom-Badin Andy Lucking-Badin Nick Duffy-Alter Alex Etchili-Perkins Eric Reinhardt-Bodin Bobby Cl~s-Hillsboro Ja~ie Kightlinger-Riv V Jason Evans-Spg. Sha~o~nee Jason Harding-Galion A.J. Stanton-H Lake»eod Chuck Cayton-H Lakewood Shane Clemons-Hillsboro Jeff McBride-Dover


\ @f?a~S) @(tCJJcr£·u~J!

1 Dan Aquino - East Canton

David Hensinger, Seneca E

.r:u;,:o~ c-cG~ COACHES - Please send the first and last nalll3, school name, name of meet, and the m3et date, for any of your runners who win an Invitational or Loague title thls season. We'll run this honor ron as space permits. Thanks to those who have a!ready sent names. We'll add to the current ~st.

Tlff~~tr aJCD@J !ff@CoJ

for amp or coll~s Information coms:d: Jack Hazen Malone College 515 25th St. NW Canton, OH 44709 1-800-52.' ·1146 ext. 8291



Regional Results & Qualifiers --DIVISION I QUALIFIERS-15:36 15:59 16:02 16:04 16:05 16:06 16:06 16:08 16:10 16:19 16:20 16:21 16:22 16:22 16:24 16:28 16:28 16:29 16:29 16:30 16:31 16:31 16:31 16:32 16:34 16:35 16:36 16:38 16:39 16:39 16:39 16:39 16:40 16:40 16:41 16:41 16:41 16:41 16:42 16:43 16:45 16:46 16:46 16:47 16:47 16:48 16:49 16:49 16:50 16:50

Patrick Kelly-Ignatius Brett Baddorf-Findlay Ernie Ziegler-Harrison Chris Marchal-St Francis Jeff Godsey-Lakota Chris Paisley-Miami Tr Dan Hollingshead-Lebanon Jeremiah Wagner-Ross Van Arnold-Mariett Mickey Martin-Ignatius Michael Fairweather-Hill Tirrell Sturdivant-T C C Casey Long-Cia Northmont Mike Almond-Riverside Jeremiah Smith-Ross Joseph Cech-St Ignatius Ramin Razavi-Tiffin Andrew Clifford-Wads Blake McDowell-Memorial Michael Douglas-Picker Adam Thomas-Fairfield Brady Stowers-Mansfield Dan Foltz-Cinn Moeller Bill Spellman-Steele Bryan Richards-Clay Nor Will Sheets-Ashland Chris Estwanik-Dublin Brian Young-Walsh Jesuit Jacob Fetzer-Ashland Jay Hummei-Cinn Lasalle John Young-Cia Northmont Matt Hornsby-Galloway W Dan Casey-Pickerington Ed Ortega-Toledo Whitmer Chris Linz-Roger Bacon Chris Smith-Hudson Dave Anderson-Ashland Scott Coleman-Boardman Bryan Lenzo-Reynoldsburg Chris Camfield-Fairborn Josh McAdams-Brecksville George Lutz-Salem Jon Hoelscher-c Northmon Jeremy Bennett-Beavercrk Muge Pens-Amherst Steele Jon Rauen-Cinn St Xavier Andy Schaefer-Cinn St X Jason Tatarka-Fitch Bob Zak-Massillon Perry Brian Dempsey-Gahanna L

16:50 16:50 16:50 16:51 16:51 16:51 16:51 16:52 16:52 16:52 16:53 16:54 16:56 16:56 16:56 16:58 16:59 16:59 17:00 17:00 17:00 17:05 17:07 17:08 17:09 17:10 17:11 17:11 17:12 17:12 17:13 17:14 17:17 17:19 17:19 17:22 17:22 17:23 17:24 17:24 17:25 17:25

Chris Luca-Am Steele John Dombrowski-St Franc Nick Frame-St Francis Chris Svoboda-lgnatius Reade Kidd-Cinn St X Rob Glatz-Amherst Steele Terry Susie-lakewood Brian Lovequist-lgnatius Chad Kennedy-Timken Patrick Shanahan-Walsh J Sam Gaston-Walsh Jesuit Steve Krajenski-Mt Vern Adam Brantner-Cioverleaf David Miller-u Arlington Matt Schaaf-St Francis Nick Otstot-Marietta Joe Barnes-c Northmont Ron Borman-Amherst Steel Bob Peters-Mar Harding David Lucius-Beavercreek Steve Butwiii-Jackson Steven Wright-Del Hays Jared Emery-St Ignatius Nick Fuduric-St Ignatius Pieter Kindberg-Lakota Dan Fritz-Cinn St Xavier Adam Bange-Cinn St X Mark Robinson-Lakota Bob Antonucci-Fitch Joe Herington-Westervl S Jason Sheffield-Picker Adam Dolan-Cinn St X Joey Ortiz-Ashland John Slavik-Medina Vince Molosky-Am Steele Mark Rohrer-Wadsworth Tim Leddy-Westerville S Andrew Bees-Wadsworth Marty Coppola-Medina Steve Herrington-Westv S Brad Halm-Jackson Dan Beck-Clay Northmont

11:58 11:59 11:03 12:51 11:56 12:02 11:50 11:52 11:36 11:18 11:32 11:55 11:40 11:02 11:40 12:02 11:12 12:25 11:14 11:30 11:39 11:49 9:07 10:35 11:09 12:10 12:00 12:02

----- DIVISION I BOYS ------74 Pickerington 96 Reynoldsburg 105 Westerville South 82 132 137 164 188

c F Walsh Jesuit Wadsworth Austintown Fitch Massillon Jackson Medina

40 87 134 164

Claymont Northmont Cinn St Xavier Lakota Beavercreek

59 St Ignatius Amherst Steele 122 Toledo St Francis 123 Ashland 97

17:25 17:25 17:25 17:25 17:28 17:28 17:28 17:29 17:29 17:29 17:30 17:31 17:31 17:32 17:32 17:33 17:35 17:35 17:36 17:37 17:38 17:38 17:38 17:38 17:39 17:39 17:40 17:40 17:41 17:41 17:42 17:45 17:45 17:45 17:46 17:46 17:47 17:51 17:51 17:53 17:54 17:55 17:56 18:01 18:03 18:10 18:11 18:12 1B:21 18:22 18:27 18:29 18:46 18:49 18:50

Eric Johnston-Lakota Kevin Benedict-Reynolds Mark Malecky-Walsh Jes Matt Herbold-Fitch Dan Plaatje-Lakota Darren Baldwin-Reynolds Kevin Cancel-Beavercreek Brad Floom-Jackson Jason Craw-Beavercreek John Teal-Pickerington Jack Morrison-Walsh Jes Brian Peresie-Ashland Scott Bailey-Beavercreek Jesse Morris-Wadsworth Justin Wiley-Reynoldsbrg Chris Doermann-Medina Dave Davis-Fitch Ryan Niezgoda-St Francis Brian Burch-Jackson Josh Pavluk-Walsh Jesuit A J Crisucci-Fitch Brian Dier-Walsh Jesuit Craig Akers-Lakota Soloman David-Ashland Brian Crumley-Reynoldsbg Judson larson-Jackson Matt Peters-Medina Zack Brinkley-Am Steele Chris Queen-Wadsworth Mike Kubiak-St Francis Josh Beeman-Lakota Adam Slaven-Wester S Donald lederer-Wadsworth Kevin Burns·Cinn St X Brian Laraway-Fitch Matt Barr-Wester S Kyle Pfaffenbach-Picker Brian Baugh-Beavercreek Chris Adams-Medina Matt Walker-Pickerington Andy House-Reynoldsburg Ti~ Tatarka-Fitch Matt casey-Pickerington Jake Magier-Medina Jeff Demo-Medina Luke Martin-Wadsworth Clarence Smith-St Franc Jim Swineford-Ashland Aaron Bissett-e Northmon Greg Vincent-Beavercreek Rick Blidner-Wester S Mike Caheii-Wester S Shaun James-Jackson Aaron Jones-Jackson Ryan Kipp-Reynoldsburg

Ben Sternberg, East Canton (Kirtland) Ben Sternberg, East Canton (Van Wert) PhiAp Bumgardner, Smithvine (Oear Fork) Hideki Yubu, Sidney (Shelby Co.) Wes Brooks, Middletown Vail (Celina I & II) Chad Topp, New Bremen (Celina Ill) Chad Topp, New Bremen (Sidney) Dan Hartings, Marion Local (Mercer Co) Randy Unger, GreenviUe (Arcanum) Scott Utrup, Delphos St Jotvl (Delphos) Scott Utrup, Delphos St John (Ft Loramie) Scott Utrup, Delphos St John (Columbus Grove) Scott Utrup, Del. St. Jotvl (Spencerville-Red) Scott Utrup, Del. St. John (M.A. Conference) Nathan Hadlock, Troy (Cedarville) Justin Leffman, SpencerviUe (SpencervDie-Biack) Kirk Roth, Martins Ferry (OH Valley League) Aaron Montgomery, Minford (Portsmouth) Matt Gerlach, Greenville (Coldwater) Matt Heizman, Van Wert (W.B. League) B. Daugherty, Tusky Valley (Cambridge) Matt Paullin, Ashland (Galion) Matt Paullin, Ashland (Cloverleaf 1.55) Nick McDonald, Fairborn (John Bryan) Travis Smith, Licking Valley (Heath Invitational) Travis Smith, Licking Valley (Licking Valley lnv.) Travis Smith, Licking Valley (Johnstown lnv.) Tyler Davis, Licking Valley (BAC League)


candace Nicholson Beaumont

12:45 12:03 14:16 12:35 13:45 12:59 13:21 12:11 11:59 11:54 12:01 13:14 12:51 13:02 13:20 14:28 12:33 11:30 N/A

Jemifer Ordway, Holgate (Cedarville) Morgan Van Epp, Buckeye (Clear Fork) Laura Vehorn, Anna (Shelby County) Johama Schunk, Middletown Vail (Celina) Kelli Brunswick, St. Henry (Mercer County) Jo Custer, Minster (Delphos) Julie Pitney, Liberty Benton (Columbus Grove) Rachel Knous, St. Marys (Spencerville) Rachel Knous, St. Marys (Coldwater) Rachel Knous. St. Marys (W. B. League) Jemie Castle, Barnesville (OH Valley League) Kelly Wehrman, Minster (Ft. Loramie) Patti Cox, Lancaster Gen. (Watkins) Patti Cox, Lancaster Gen. (Eastmoor) Patti Cox, Lancaster Gen. (C.O.L. Invite) Stephanie Francis, Heath (Portsmouth) Elizabeth Zahn, Coldwater (M.A. Conference) Linda Stebbins, Northrnont (John Bryan) J. Castle, Barnesville (Cambridge)

8th Annual Ohio Cross Country and Distance Running Clinic sponsored by O.A.T. & C. C. C. for Men and Women Coaches, Runners, Joggers Jr. High, High School, College/Universi1y Runners

Columbus, Ohio Saturday, December 2, 1995 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Radisson Hotel-Columbus North 4900 Sinclair Road Columbus, OH 43229

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Vol. 22. No. 4

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meet, and th3 who win an We':l run this to those who



-----A---------------~~~------J Jessica Patton, Elyria Catholic





Gldc I Dis~:-lct A:

1. Colerain 25, 2. Mercy 3. C8, .t;, ;..r:::'\~ '3y 115. Individuals: 1. Gerri Buck {C) 19:Z3, 2. Ar:;';; i<ist (C) 19:45, 3. f•manda Ward (C) 2:::>1, ,', Ar.~~c~ -:c''l1an (C) 20:14, 5. .13n Lock (Princeton) 20:15, G. Y!!.ryn Dreyer (M) 20:23, 7. Jackia Rieder (M) 20:24, a Lori Knolfman (Turpin) 20:27, 9. Christine Carty F :rfle!d) 20:2 Smi F 20:31. l! , !strict A: 1. St Xav1er 54, 2. Princeton 71, 4. ~J.ilford sa Individuals: 1. John Aerni 3. E:dar 83, (1.4!1I!nJJt H:::s) ~ 2. Mark Ragase (Winton Woods) 16:37, a C"~~c Roy ~Hms) 16:45, 4. Mark Johnston (P) 16:46, 5. :!att Brociedega (E) 18:52, 6. Reade Kidd (St X) •5:53, 7, ..:oce r-:·..;srta (M) 16:53, a Andy Scha~fer (S! X) ,6:56, P. ,.;~., ;:;lc~;P.'1 fS+ >n i ~57. 10 c~·'c '-'""' IP~e':''"'~ A.!'.C0'1' Fa::-t:~:d

l.listr:t:t B: 1. Anderson 38, La;<ota 6!., 3. Oak !-''·::: 93, 4. :.:r~v·~,o 95. Individuals: 1. Carly Hinmelste~n (A) 1£; ~ 2. 2. Em·:~, Snyder (Harrison) ~9:51, 3. Karc!'l G~orr:a (S3to:"'~ 19:52. t.. l<ris Owens (A) 20:00, E Sandy T ~c:~~;; ~'>Li:rg (A) 20:02, S. Jcr.n!fer Doma (A) 20: 10, 7. G:r.ger PcY-.·on (L) 20:16, 8. l<ristin Spencer (0:-;) 2!T.24, S ;\;~anda Fdc;~ood ~arr~s 20:30, 10. Amanda Be.~:::· 'L , 2. LaSa. e 71, 3. :toe ,. ~'J. ~. l-":otnscn ~OS. bdiviC::~uls: 1. Ern.3 Zieg~er fl-1} ~ ;;;:;::; L ~- 1 Godsey (L) 15:55, 3. Adam Thoma:; (~a~•:::";.' ~~ ~S, t. .':;. Foitz (::~) iC:40, 5. ~· -~ol (LS) "J:49, U. Graco. fi(~;;;.;,: :LJ ~ S:SS. 7. ~~.:;t~ ;...:~.:.: .: Cc:::;a:~) 16:ti3, ;J. ;,· :;;.r:t ricb'~Json (:..) 15:59, 9. Earr:cn S;,;:::ve 1 l fl.:·9:n) 17:G2. •c. f.9tzr ·c~d)~ ·;: (LJ 17:03. -:. t. Dl\!!SiO~~ !:I >

early Hi~~elstein, Anderson


Bo;· -:~:::tr1ct rl: 1. Stryker 40, 2. delphos St. John's 45, 3. :.. ;:· C:'!'1t. Cat . 109, 4. Ayersvi:!e 132. c" ·:;; ::;:~t<ict ::: t Tinora 50, 2. U a Cent. Cath. 63, 3. C:.:::;~';)ZJ St. .:ot::1'n 9, 4. Holgate 100, 5. Patrbk Hen.ry 130. ' ~.::oFs :''rr:· i::~ 1: t Col. G~ove 4 2. Bluffto, 58, 3. •..;c~:-:':':: ?t !.. Cttcv::3 112. a ~.~·~rtt:t ;; 1. Co!. G~ovo 2, 2. Bt~fftc, 61, 3. ~'·'ausGon 35, 4. Wa I"'$ Trace 7a '1·o··::c: 'J'·cl;,:;oil j: 1. Bryan 5, 2. Na,Qo:oc 53, 3. ' 1 <:~ l:'.';~t ~09, /,, ', a:.~sao,. 124 ::r.c;:v:c;u&ls: ~- lonji a:!s . 3-F:.-. • <·•;; 2.. ; c~·o~r .on (Bryan) 16:27. 3. Nato





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3!:!:; ~·- •. Poo~r Z.:co::~ •? ?. Sac';, 48, 3. Yc~\"c~::':.s so. :~tl':v'::::~: ·:. ~··><::~· c;:· :a.:.C:n) 20:':::.?.. ::~ Fc!;!!'>1ncr (P? 20:28. :t .: ·,·a ,.,v ::r 0~8) 20:29, ..;, C''" o::·s. ca:·;.;,·~·o~; (:·· 2C:3 <, ·' 3usa"1 : ·:.; ;s:cn ::c:::.:::'l~) 20:t.l,, 3. ~''. ~ .~c: 48. '",. (':;'! _:c~;,son c<>~~"J) 2C:55~ c. : · c.:.·-<.~.·.:. ;'j~ ~~::z o ·\·=:-·~·. s~--~~ ~~f~.·... } ::!.-.• :5, ~0. ) · '" :: C :.· ~1 ~R3: ~~.::. __ :,;,.. ' ·...Ld'r 12. 2. ·/.::\ ::':~::: /·01'.:: 79, 1•• '; :;'c · ·::··::.t-:..1""' ~ ~z. ·:~t. '1:t>-:- ·,_: f



Boys Di'c'ido:n !: 1. Cha·C:~, GE,. 2. :-.::er-!c~ ~J, E•..:cJd ~93, r.. Tv::::zlc;; 114. :P.thr;dL!e;:::: :. A:, ~o:-· 10:26, 2. Carr.ey !E) 13:38, 3. Tn.:~·p iC' "7:03, · . ,;:.;:'c:-J (C) 17:11, J. ;(oc:"':<k (WSl '1:1?. G. Bo·--: 'l (C) ·~·.'7 Roy (Maci) 17:21, a G:o~:ac:t; :·:~ ·7··::: r ~ ·~~. :c) .7:23, ~~..... ,, ,~; '!:::::;. ...__ • •.; :1 • • , en or 17, 2. c: .. v. :·B·. 3"'. a. :~ad!son 86, /' ~layfield 93. !~rii\•!tiUV.!S": 1. r:•):C,'Cf !JJ 19:47, 2. Sc~~d~ (;;!.) 20:00, 3. ca,e! (Y:) _20:03, 4. .:;:~co (:111) 20:07, G. .~n,;_::c (ft.ay) 20: 13, S. Beci:,arc!{ (P v) 2~:20, 7. Kashawlic !.li) 20:31, a ;{ai·~-Sg~o (:!Jad) 2::33, 9. i:!iurdock (CH) ~ 0:42, 10. Behn~o (:\"1) 20:50. 3oys 'J:v o:on a: i. Beneci:cti:ls 64, 2. Achta;J:.:a Ed!pwood 7 3, 3. Perry 98, ~- Ur:v€~sit~~ Sc ~oc~ 1oa ::-:.dlviciU~i.lG: • -z~~:.c·> (Al:l 13:04, 2. :{c:;y (LC) 15:47, a Qu]lgan (B) 1i 04, 4. Aux!e• (AE) 17:04. 5. .Jot:~son (WG) U:·D5, 3. Bt•:..t rs (NDCL) 17:19, 7. Fran:<ei ('NG) 17:22, a 3rown (N:Jc:..; 17·24, 9. Kephart (P) 17:25, ~~- Esr:~-nan (Con:1) 17:25. Girls : ;1 :ltu ·:J: 1. ':::a:::Y:~nt Scno~· ?.0, 2. Ashtab~!a Eclt: .~ "CJCd 125, 3. ?;·~r~r 129, 1;., c; 'i:"CC:" ; :13, 5. Lako Cath. 54. ~nc.>:vic.>ua:c: 1. ::laa:<ewich (BJ H:Zt, 2. X'c~o:son (Bl '9: 17, 3. rk Rizzo (P) 19:17, t. Cam-oJ~[; (8) 19:38, 5. ~c.·obrand (A) 19:39, 6. Wat!:: ''') 1S:51, 7. Ra!:o (B) 20:0 ·. 8. l<ichors..<y (A) 20:09, ;,;. ;',~t:;: :XJCL) 20:20, 10. La1 IS& (B) 20:31. ?HIMCETOX


4. Troy Ratb.g3 ·~~:_lapo!eon) < ·J?. :;_ ~:"::~ · ,Far 1;Vcr1) ~5:32, G. :c · Storch ''•.·:::::. ., •" ~ , 1 (,.,~~ .~~c:.l!l (St \"a:~··') 16:5, 8. Ryan ~ ." :w_ ·:, j/, '2/::J::::. ;~orm:::::r (arran 8:59, 10. _ ~- •. '~:"-;~ . :c:1} 17:CI.. • . •y Hays



Boys Division 1: 1. N. Royalton 47, 2. Med:na 56, 3. Cuyahoga FaGs 74, 4. Brunswick 93. Individuals: 1. Jeremy Latsko (NR) 17:20, 2. J:.~stin Murphy (CF) 17:25, 3. John Slavik (M) 17:40, 4. Marty Coppola (M) 17:46, 5. i<evin Horne (CF) 17:47, 6. John Brand (NR) 17:48, 7. hlate Smi~h (NR) 17:52, 8. Brian Castro (Maple Hts.) 17:52, 2 Steve Nevelos (NR) 17:53, 10. Mark Gerken (B) 17:54. Girls Dh1ision 1: 1. Medina 30, 2. N. Royalton 75, 3. Cuyahoga Fails 96, 4. Barberton 133. Individuals: 1. Audrey Wright (CF) 20:13, 2. Amber Rady (M) 20:41, 3. Mary Burd (B) 21:41, 4. LeeAnne Monkman (NR) 21:49, 5. Mary Seman (M) 21:50, 6. Menssa Friscone (M) 22:02, 7. Stephanie Sokol (Bruns) 22:05, Alyssa Schmidt (M) 22:09, 9. Erin Flanaqan (M) 22:14, 10. Kelly Pawlowski (M) 22:20. 3oys Division II: 1. Field 41, 2. Southeast 65, 3. Revere 94, 4. Norton 105. Individuals: 1. Dave Mars (F) 16:50, 2. ;\!ail Murdock (F) 17:04, 3. Trevor Warren (R) 17:20, 4. Adam Weger (S) 17:28, 5. Steve Smythe (Orrl 17:30, 6. M)!<e Nelson (S) 17:33, 7. Dave Stillman (N) 17:4~. Chris Hud:k (F) 17:46, 9. Dantea Tropea (NW) 17:5:>, 10. Tony Ridenour (F) 17:56. Girls Division II: 1. Revere 57, 2. Southea"t 91, :. Field 92, 4. Copley 102. Individuals: 1. l<el:i Litb:-~ ~·":V~ 20:22, 2. Katie Orr (R) 20:40, 3. Kim Plough (Ra\) ~0:57, 4. Danielle Kuntzman (F) 20:59, 5. Sarah Percy :;) 21:02. 6. June Mesaros (S) 21:37, 7. Emmy Flem:ng (R) 21:41, 8. Jessica Young (F) 21:43, 9. Tracy Schroeder (Fj 2" ?,7, 10. ~elanie Hull (F) 21:55. P Y DISTRICT MEEl


"::..;:J:O:;:t 2::GH COACHES - Please send the first


October 24, 19·95

j.: -

LORAINC :::.:C:;C:,___ _ _ _ __

a. ~ti :as'L r~ams, schoo! name, name of maot C:&t9, for any of :·our runners lnvltat! or LGa£ue title this season honor ,c· as space Qermits. Thanks >av: a'·eady se:'lt r.e:::as.





b_ .,. __.,.~..... ·--Matt Miller, Van Wert









:r""o._._..,, .. ~.;:


........ '..........



... ',

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East Canton Girls II Section Ill: 1. Amanda-Ciearcreek 24, 2. Olentangy 56, 3. Bexley sa Individuals: 1. Sykes (AC) 19:39, 2. Miller (AC) 19:40, 3. Phillips (AC) 19:42, 4. Baker -'Utica) 19:52, 5. Miller (0) 20:06, 6. Garrett (AC) 20:15, 7. \4i11er (Whitehall) 20:22, a Eader (Whitehall) 20:25, 9. King .:o) 20:50, 10. Jones (0) 21:00. Boys Ill Section 1: 1. Granville 32, 2. Newark :atholic 35, 3. Amanda-Ciearcreek S3, 4. Fisher Catholic 100. Individuals: 1. Marcy (G) 16:22, 2. Webb (NC) 16:38, '3. Newman (G) 16:41, 4. Rusek (NC) 17:01, 5. Monnin (G) 17:05, 6. Stuart (NC) 17:14, 7. Lutz (Berne Union) 17:16, s. Sherrick (AC) 17:17, 9. Koenig (G) 17:17, 10. Tony :ornell (FC) 17:21. Girls Ill Section 1: 1. Fredericktown 56, 2. Fisher ::atholic 64, 3. Worthington Christian 7S, 4. Grandview 109. ndividuals: 1. Hardbarger (Northridge) 19:19, 2. Wheeler (G) 1R40, 3. ME Nash {FC) 1R45, 4. Siemons (WC) 1R48, 5. Luckett (WC) 19:51, 6. Taylor (F) 20:26, 7. K Wellner :fC) 20:33, a Kuyper (G) 20:35, 9. Swarizentruber (F) 20:45, 10. Eizwiller (Northmor) 21:0 1. Boys Ill Section II: 1. Liberty Union 58, 2. Northmor 72, 3. Mount Gilead 107, 4. Millersport 107. Individuals: 1. Connor (N) 16:15, 2. Ad Schaffner (LU) 16:45, 3. Thiel ::Ridgedale) 16:51, 4. A a Schaffner (LU) 17:08, 5. Craig Claussen (Grandview) 17:09, 6. Shook (Licking Hts) 17:16, 7. Cass (N) 17:17, a Mermann (Cardington) 17:18, 9. Otterbacher (Cardington) 17:21, 10. Auc, (N) 17:22. Girls Ill Section II: 1. Newark Catholic 33, 2. Heath 98, 3. Berne Union 117, 4. North Union 126. Individuals: 1. An Brown (NC) 19:26, 2. Sitterley (BU) 19:45, 3. AI Brown (NC) 19:48, 4. Coleman (HE) 20:16, 5. Welsh (NU) 20: 19, 6. Hedges (Liberty U) 20:35, 7. Runk (NC) 20:35, S. Neal (NU) 20:53, 9. Andrews (NC) 20:54, 10. Hammond (Jon Alder) 20:57.

Girls Division I Section 1:

Boys Varsity: 1. Ft. Recovery 41, 2. Convoy Crest 3. Minster 67, 4. New Bremen 135. Individuals: 1. Ben Cowan (CC) 16:47, 2. Philip Slonkosky (M) 16:56, 3. Dan Hemmelgarn (St.H) 17:12, 4. Matt Heitkamp (Ft.R) 17:18, 5. Scott Will (Ft.R) 17:2·1, 6. Matt Rpessmer (Ft.R) 17:21, 7. Matt Brown (CC) 17:26, 8. Ryan Luthman (M) 17:29, 9. Ryan Schneider (Spenc} 17:35, 10. Phil Ranly (Ft.R) 17:37. Girls Varsity: 1. Convoy Crest. 39, 2. Minster 73, 3. Marion Local 93, 4. New Bremen 100. Individuals: 1. Karla Klosterman (Cold) 19:57, 2. Sarah Wells (CC) 20:12, 3. Jessie Barhorst (M) 20: 15, 4. Kristy Norman (CC) 20: 19, 5. Anna Schwieterman (NB) 20:23, 6. Sarah Moser (CC) 20:52, 7. Christy Roessner (Ft.R) 21:08, 8. Jenny Broering (ML) 21:08, 9. Amy Buening (ML) 21:09, 10. Heather Meyer


(M) 21:19.

EDGEWATER PARK DIVISION I DISTR!CT Boys: 1. Walsh 35, 2. Lakewood 73, 3. Brecksbille 4. Parma Valley Forge 1 1 1. Individuals: 1. McAdams (B) 16:34, 2. Young (W), 3. Shanahan (W), 4. Gaston (W), 5. Rakoczy (HN), 6. Halabi (B), 7. Sharma (VF), a Schomer (PN), 9. Basic (L), 10. Peka~k (L). Girls: 1. Kenston 4S, 2. Chagnn Falls 61, 3. Walsh 71, 4. Crestwood 73. Individuals: 1. Dowling (K) 20:19, 2. Holtz (CF), 3. Marzullo (W), 4. Buck (C), 5. Van Skyhock (CF), 6. Permie (K), 7. Turk (K), a Meredeth (K), 9. Attig (Aurora), 10. Schavolt (Cham).


Adam Henderson - 12

GOODYEAR METRO PARK DIVISION I DISTRICT Boys: 1. N. Royalton 47, 2. Medina 56, 3. Cuyahoga Falls 74, 4. Brunswick 93. Individuals: 1. Latsko (NR) 17:20, 2. Murphy (CF), 3. Slavik (M), 4. Coppola (M), 5. Home (CF), 6. Brand (NR), 7. Smith (NR), S. Castro (MH), 9. N. Mevelos (NR), 10. Gerken {B). Girls: 1. Medina 30, 2. N. Royalton 75, 3. Cuyahoga Falls 96, 4. Barberton 133. Individuals: 1. Wright (CF) 20:13, 2. Rady (M), 3. Burd (B), 4. Monkman (NR), . 5. Seman (M), 6. Friscone (M), 7. Slkall (Bruns), a Schmidt (M), 9. Flanagan (M), 10. Pawlowski (M).

1. Pickerington 44,

Girls: 1. Fitch S9, 3. Hudson 92, 4. Alliance 106. Individuals: 1. Co hoi (AF) 19:23, 2. Wollam (All), 3. Hensley (KR), 4. Sims (All), . 5. Allen (KR), 6. Vanik (Stow), 7. Ellwood (Niles), S. Room1to (Sol), 9. Klosterman (H), 10. R. Morris (All). MALONE

II Section 1: 37, 2. Bloom-Carroll 47. 3. London 65. Individuals: 1. Co11rad (M) 17:La, 2. Weber (W) 19:01, 3. Phillops (oC) 19:15, 4. Mc·~iain {M) 19:22, 5. nyan (LO) 20:29, 6. Lawgorn (LO) 2C .. 2, 7. Petee 'M) 20:50, a Am.Hennis (BGJ 20:52, 9. Fc:;:s (M) 20:53, '0. P artnemore (RV) 20:55. aoys Division if Section 1: 1. Lakewood 62, 2. Lonoon 9 1, 3. Teays Vaile y 94, 4. 3exiey 130. Individuals: 1. McMullin ~LA) 16:14, 2. Petty (TV) 16:29, 3. Jones (WF) 16:42, 4. Wa:ker (LA) 16:48, 5. Matheney (FU) 16:49, 6. Schwartz (BC; 16:52, 7. Kline (TV) 17:02, 8. Dearing (LA) 17:06, 9. Ani.> {LO) 17:10, . 10. Hostasa (U)

Troy Guist - ~ 1

17:12. Girls Division II Section II: 1. Watkins Memorial 41, 2. Circleville 45, 3. DeSales 32. Individuals: 1. Delcamp (Centennial) 19:41, 2. Lucente (DeSales) 19:46, 3. Pound (WM) 20:05, 4. Shue (Circleville) 20:19, 5. Ross (Circleville) 20:25, 6. Patrick (Circleville) 20:26, 7. Niedzleski (WM) 20:39, a Brabham (WM) 20:43, 9. Bucher (logan Elm) 20:51, 10. Puzines (WM) 20:54. Boys Division II Section II: 1. River Valley 54, 2. Big Walnut 63, 3. Circleville sa Individuals: 1. Hatfield (Circlevlle) 16:04, 2. Sander (Whitehall) 16:14, 3. Sibia (BW) 16:18, 4. Taylor (Eastmoor) 16:27, 5. Yates (Jon Alder) 16:36, 6. Snyder (RV) 16:50, 7. Harrison (RV) 17:02, a Kopec (Circleville) 17:03, 9. Gerwig (BW) 17:08, 10. Blevins (RV) 17:11.

Jason Wade - 12

Boys Division 1: 1. Wadsworth 41, 2. Jackson 4S, 3. Hoover 100, 4. Perry 116. Individuals: 1. Andrew Clifford (W) 16:07, 2. Bob Zak (P) 16:33, 3. Chad Kennedy (Tim) 16:40, 4. Steve Butwill (J) 16:45, 5. Adam Brantner (Ciov) 16:53, 6. Dan Gibson (Woo) 16:56, 7. Andrew Bees (W) 16:56, a Brad Owen (P) 16:57, 9. Brad Bloom 17:08, 10. 1: 1. Jackson 38, 3. Wadsworth 91, 4. McKinley 102. Individuals: 1. Tiffany Smith (P) 19:10, 2. Allison Orin (J) 19:1 1, 3. Georgi anna Hopple (P) 19:25, 4. Missy Navior (J) 19:38, 5. Gail Grosskopf (McK) 19:44, 6. l<ari Eaton (W) 19:45, 7. Kelly Adams (J) 19:56, a Kelli Wise (P) 20:01, 9. Robyn Jepson (J) 20:03, 10. Elizabeth Kulow (W) 20:04. Boys Division II: 1. Cent. Cath. 4S, 2. St. Thomas Aquinas S6, 3. Marlir.gton 104, 4. West Bra:1ch 109. Individuals: 1. Joe Heaton (Fair) 17:07, 2. Matt Hartman (CC) 17:14, 3. Jeremy Cross (Water) 17: 17, 4. Mike McLaughlin (WB) 17:28, 5. Jeremy Huth (Water) 17:28, 6. Scott Kibler (United) 17:30, 7. Randy Dublikar (STA) 17:39, a John Attoiter (CC) 17:40, 9. Ben Reeder (United) 17:41, 10. Craig Welch (M) 17:45. Girls Division II: 1. Marlington 20, 2. Minerva 73, 3. Central Cath. S4, 4. Green. Individuals: 1. Melissa Graham (M) 19:00, 2. Andi Paumier (M) 20:16, 3. Heidi Fledderjohann (G) 20:20, 4. Stephanie Penturf (M) 20:24, 5. Lisa McCloskeY {G) 20:35, 6. Egli (M) 20:39, 7. Ann Pantura (M) 20:44, S. Brooke Marckel (Min) 21:02, 9. Shelly Bergnan (Min) 21:03, 10. Truly Norman (Min) 21:14. Boys Division Ill: 1. East Canton 39, 2. Rootstown 43, 3. Waynedale 115, 4. Woodridge 119. Girls Division Ill: 1. Woodridge 17. Individuals: 1. Katie Sabino (W) 19:27, 2. Angela Kubick (W) 19:55, 3. Emily Hampshire (W) 20:05, 4. Tiffany Monegan (W) 20:09, 5. Molly Gordon (Smith) 20:45, 6. Jenny Burk (Bik.Riv.) 21:09, 7. Melssa Sapino (W) 21: 13, a Beth Muncey (Bms) 21: 18, 9. Aimee Tallman (E.Canton) 21:27, 10. Cori McQuown (St.V-St.M) 21:29.

Effort, perseverance Pay DAYTON DtSTRICT Division 1: 1. CarroN 52, 2. Beavercreek 53, 3. J..tdcletown 98. 4. Centerville 98, 5. Fairmont 110. lndiv""ala: . 1. Dan Holingshead (Leb) 16:07, 2. Mike Triola (C) 16:31, 3. David Lucius (B) 16:37, 4. Jeremy Bennett (B) 16:53, 5. Brian Scanlon (C) 16:56, 6. Pat Keller (Cent) 16:58. 7. Eric Ltrldgen (Cent) 16:59, a Kevin flaute (C) 17:02, 9. .Mitin Clarke (Will) 17:03, 10. Jason Crew (B)

17:05. ~. ~~~~~~;.:::~~~-;~::~;-~_, Division 1: 1. 31, 2. Carrol 72, 3. Centervih 85, . 4. Chaminade·.ulenne 88, 5. Middletown 100. Individuals: 1. Nicole Lasele (CJ) 17:42, 2. Melssa Bek:her (C) 19:19, 3. Kristin ..un.r (Cent) 19:30, 4. Heather Ingle (B) 19:50, 5. Gemma Dimery (B) 19:53, 6. Sarah Wley (8) 19:55, 7. Kristen Kammerer (B) 19:55, a Stepha!H Tutalo (M) 19:55, 9. Kerstin Hedland (B) 19:59, 10. Amy Beatty (B) 20:02. Boys otvrsion II: 1. Alter 50, 2. Eaton 56, 3. Dayton Clvistian 65, 4. Brookvile 136. Individuals: 1. Nick Anck'ews (A) 16:53, 2. Dan Moroney (A) 16:53, 3. Darren Avery (E) 17:12, 4. ..klstln Rose (E) 17:19, 5. Shaun Westfal (A) 17:20, 6. Chris PokJkis (DC) 17:22, 7. Wes Corder (B) 17:25, 8. Jasson Czaka (Blanch) 17:32, 9. Brad Hawkins (Bel) 1'?:36, 10. aaron Joseph (DC) 17:40. Girls Division II: 1. Bellbrook 65, 2. Eaton 71, 3. Alter 82. Individuals: 1. Sheri Greenhorn (B) 20:14, 2. A111l8 Trolke .(Will) 20:44, 3. Any Wirth (DC) 20:53, 4. Lesley Keller (E) 20:58, 5. Lauren Bartelo (Spril"9)) 21:30, 6. Heidi Greenhorn (B) 21:32, 7. Stephanie Hamm (Bianeh) 21:33, 8. Miriam Bench (Brook) 21:36, 9. Sara McKee (LemMon) 21:43, 10. Holly Hurst (Springb) 21:49. Boy• Division Ill: 1. Covington 45, 2. Versailes 47, 3. Arcarun 73. Individuals: 1. John Gallagher (TCN) 16:59, 2. Jom Wood (V) 17:06, 3. David Larson (C) 17:16, 4. Dyle Brumbaugh (C) 17:20, 5. Clay Roberts (V) 17:29, 6. Brad Beam (A) 17:32, 7. ~att Banks (A) 17:33, 8. Keith Lyons 9. Jeff Reed (V) 17:45, 10. Kyle Miler (C) 17:41, . (Oakwood) 17:46. Girls Division Ill: 1. 'lersaiBes 57, 2. Arcanum 57, 3. Covington 71. Individuals: 1. Heidi Schaller (Oak) 19:36, · 2. Maribeth Disalvo (V) 19:47, 3. Anita Allen (YS) 20:03, 4. Kyle Crawford (Oak) 20:28, 5. Sarha Sonvner (C) 20:47, 6. Wenltj Somers (TCN) 21:13, 7. Sally Strayer (A) 21:20, a Amanda .Fourman (A) 21:25, 9. Kristy Keissr {A) 21:30, 10. Keather--Smlttll*t. Tral) 21~~~_ .... ~.








Matt Motsinger, Harrison

Boys: 1. rt mol"\t 15, 2. Vanda&a Butter 42, 3. West Carrolton 97, 4. Piqua 116, 5. Troy 133, 6. GreenviNe 133. Individuals: 1. Casey Long (N) 16:21, 2. John Young (N) 16:34, 3. Bryan Richards (N) 16:35, 4. Jon Hoelscher (N) 16:36, 5. Joe Barnes (N) 16:37, 6. Ton Rimas (VB) 16:40. · • 1. Norttmont 21, 2. Greenvile 66, 3. Vandala Butler 96, 4. Troy 106, 5. Sidney 119, 6: West Carroiton 145. Individuals: 1. Kristin Spicer (N) 19:21, 2. Briana Killian (N) 19:42, . 3. Jessie Jones (N) 20:05, 4. Jessica Unger (G) 20:11, 5. Allison Warner (G) 20:21. DAYTON CITY LEAGUE

Maribeth DiSalvo, Versailes,

Boys: 1. Dunbar 29, 2. M~adowdale 49, 3. Patterson 64, 4. Belmont aa Individuals: 1. · Marcus McCue (M) 18:29, 2. Shawn Herv-y (D) 18:32, 3. Dexter Corley {P) 18:53. ' . Girls· lndiYkfual&: - t. -lequtta- ~H~ 24:57,-~Teisha Jordan (P), 22:09, 3. ChaMikka Bas$ (D) 24:04. .



Boys Divisloii 1: · 1: Northmont 24, 2. Wayne 74, 3. Butler 79, 4. Bellefont~ 103. Individuals: 1. Cas.y Long (N} 16:32, 2. Joe Hoelscher (N) 16:40, 3. Jom Yomg (N) 16:.45, 4. Chris Cmfield (Fairb) 17:03, 5. Bryan Richards (N) 17:09, 6. Tony Rlmu (Butler)17:12, 7._ Jo. C~s (W) 17:13. 8. Nck Hasrtingt (Butler) 17:14, 9. Aaron Howel (W) 17:21, 10. D ' Matts (W) 17:26. 1 Division : . r t 33, 2. Spri'lgfield N. 46, 3. Greenvlle 100, 4. Butler 100. Individuals: 1. erin 2. Kristen Splcer (N) 1~39, 3. McComell (SN) 18:54, Rachael Henry (SN) 19:52, 4. Briana Kilian (N) 1~53, 5. Karen Stout (SN) 20:37, 6. Jessie Jones (N) 20:41, 7. Kim Ladman (N) 20:48, 8. Afttison Warner (G) 21:00, 9. Stacy Messer (Way) 21:01, 10. .Alfie Mauk (B) 21: 1a Boys Division_ II: 1. Springfield Shawnee 46, 2. Benjamin Logan 58, 3. Greenon 9~ Individuals: t Wiliam McCauley· (G) 16:53, 2. Dan Davis (G) 16:58, 3. Andy Kerns (8L) 17:09, 4. Brant Strausbaugh (SS) 17: 18. 5. Chris Lynch (Tippecanoe) 17:32, 6. Matt Thompson (SS) 17:39, . 7. Josh Mears (SS) 17:42, a Daniel Anderson (KenRid) 17:44, 9. Joshua Zimmerman (NW) 17:47, 10. Chris Ligltie (Tipp) 17:48. Girls Division II: 1. Bellfontaln 29, 2. Benjamin Logan 58. lnclvlduals: 1. Katy Saul (B) 20:10, 2. ~issy Erwin (NW) 20:27, 3. Summer Christen (B) 20:44, 4. Stacy Wroten (Bl) 21:00, 5. Katrina Kerns (BL) 21:18, 6. Katy Evans (Urbana) 21:25, 7. Somer Spain (B) 21:40, 8. Diana Bucey (NW) 21:41, 9. Sriana Barnes (Shawnee) 22;07, 10. Jenmer Luebke (B) 2~4. Boys Division Ill: 1. Anna 28, 2. W. Liberty Salem 44, 3. Russia 101, 4. Jackson Center 110. Individuals: 1. Brad Koverman (A) 16: 11, 2. Adam Koppin (A) 16:42, 3. Craig Shank (Cedarv) 16:56, 4. Greg Flora (WLS) 17:00, 5. Tony Arnold (JC) 17:03 6. Jeff Maurer (A) 17:03. 7. Josh Yoder (WLS) 17:17, 8. Brad Schweitzer (A) 17:22, 9. Chad Borrllofst (R) 17:30, 10. Jamie McCue (WLS) 17:32. Girl• Division Ill: 1. Botkins 59, 2. Lehman 63, 3. Fl. Loramie 86, 4. Kenton Ridge 114. lncividuals: 1. Alicia Cavender (L) 19:59, 2. Amy Diets (B) 20:08, 3. Stacy Arnold (JC) 20:24, 4. Patty Albers (A) 20:26, 5. cassie Cole (L). 20:29, 6. Casey Kinsela (L) 20:33. 7: Geor~ Ehrman (FU.) 20:41, a Sarri Philpot (Ft.L) 20:42, 9. t.fssy Titus (B) 20:4~ 10. ·Stephanje Lobdel (WLS) 20:45.

Girls: 1. BeavMcre&k 32, 2. ·centervil~ 53, 3. Springfi-'d N. 61, 4. Faurmonl 102, 5. Wayne 133, . 6. Xenia 153, 7. Fairborn 159. Individuals: 1. Em McComel (SN) 19:15, 2. Kristen Jumet (C) 19:48, 3. Heather lnge (B) 19:58, 4. Rachel HeJYy (SN) 20:19, 5. Gemma Dimery (B) 20:29, 6. Sarah Wley (B) 20:29, 7. Kristen Kammerer (B) 20:29, 8. Lori Deneke ~C) 20:40, 9. Amanda Heiberg (C) 20:52.


Cross Country

Track and Field


. Boys·. 1: , 1. Hllsboro, 51,· 2. Waverly 83,' ·3. Gala Academy 95, 4. West Union 129. · . . ·

Girls: ·1. Start 20, 2. Bowsher 51, 3. Woodward 84. Individuals: 1. Lisa Mariea (S) 20:03, 2. Bonnie Stewart (S) 20:30, 3. Deanna Rulz (B) 20:39, 4. .II Fry (S) 20:59, 5. Lori Staszak (B) 21: 19. Boys: 1. Bowsher 44, 2. Start 54, 3. Waite 56, 'J. Woodward 126. Individuals: 1. Jeff Rains (W) 17:14, 2.. Firas Elmokdad (WW) 17:25, 3. Tony Mitchel (S) 17:26, 4. Mark Buckin{;lam (B) 17:59, 5. Marty Ptunadore (W) 18:11. GREATER MIAMI VALLEY CONFERENCE


Girls IJ:· 1. Galia Academy 32; 2. Warre.n Local 62, 3. Hlsboro 83, 4. .Miani. Trace 'B& . . · -· , : · ·

Boys: 1. Bellefontaine A 36, 2. CarroN A 78, 3. Oakwood A itls, 4. Alter A 175, 5. Botkins A 175, 6. Belefontaine s:: t8G.,. Individuals: 1. Chris Paisley (Maimi Trac•) 15:29 ~cotne record), 2. Rudi Kauffman (Bell A) 16:58. 3. Rich Geboy (Bel A) 17:05, 4. Gene Collier (Northridg&) 17:18, 5. Chris Longenecker (BeN A} 17:27, 6. Joe Smith (Bell A) 17:31. Girls: 1. Botkins A 55, 2. Belefontaine A 57, 3. Belbrook A 90, 4. Sia'ley- A 127, 5. Oakwood A 145, 6. Alter A 163. Individuals: 1. Sheri Greenhorn (Belbrook A) 19:19, 2. Anita Allen (Yelow Springs) 19:21, 3. Missy Titus (Botklria A) 19:25, 4. Katy SatJ (Belefontane A) 19:36, 5. Amy Dietz (Botkins A) 19:37, 6. Heidi Schaller (Oakwood A) 19:37. TOLEDO SCHOOL INVITATIONAL


~ ~RYA.~. INVITATIONAL (Oct. 18)

Jessica Luckett~ : Worthington· Christiar\ 1'2. ·

For camp or college Information contact:. Jack Hazen · · Malone COllege.·. 515 25th St. ·NW · -· . Canton, Ol:i x44709 : 1-SOQ-521

-.i14S ext. 8291




Girls Division 1: 1. St ClairsviUe 61, 2. New Philadelphia 78, 3. W. Holmes 82, 4. Marietta 113. Individuals: 1. E. Frye (BL) 19:09, 2. S. Haught (St.C) 20:51, 3. J. Rippith (NP) 21:00, 4. S. Gift (NP) 21:17. Girls Division II: 1. Barnesville 54, 2. Tusky Valley 72, 3. Garaway 75, 4. Rosecrans 80. Individuals: 1. Stevens (B) 21:07, 2. Heisey (J) 21:35, 3. Michaels (T) 21:50, 4. J. Hines (B) 22:03. Boys Division 1: 1. Mount Vernon 57, 2. Tusky VaDey 76, 3. Cambridge 79, 4. Wheeling Park 107. Individuals: 1. Cave (T) 16:24, 2. Keragnski (M) 17:14, 3. Craig (C) 17:23, 4. Skeen (MV) 17:32. Boys Division II: 1. St. Clairsville 30, 2. !ndian Valley 48, 3. Bellaire 66, 4. Union Local 84. Individuals: 1. N. Lautzenheiser (IV) 18:25, 2. Z. Hudson (St.C) 18:46, 3. C. Apple (IV) 18:45, 4. N. Arno (B) 18:53. Boys Division Ill: 1. Hiland 62, 2. Jewett-Scio 64, 3. BeUaire St. Johns 79, 4. Garaway 116. Individuals: 1. T. Miller (B) 17:22, 2. M. Steele (St.J) 17:37, 3. J. O'Reilly (TCC) 17:44, 4. D. Gross (JS) 17:47.

Girls: 1. Bay 46, 2. Westlake 50, 3. Avon L "..k•• 71, 4. N. Olmsted 103, 5. Firelands 154. Individuals: 1. 3yrne (AL) 20:22, 2. McGuire (NO) 20:53, 3. Jeffers (B) 20:54, 4. Fout (F) 21:08, 5. M Gyon (W) 21:13. Boys: 1. Amherst Steele 43, 2. Bay 52, 3. Avon 4. Westlake 120, 5. St. Edward 152, 6. Lake 97, Keystone 187. Individuals: 1. Simpson (AL) 15:48, 2. Spellman (AS) 16:59, 3. Missler (SE) 17: 15, 4. Gee (B) 17:15, 5. Luca (AS) 17:18, 6. Glatz (AS) 17:24, 7. Buehm (B) 17:37, a Reichert (B) 17:41, 9. ~urran (B) 17:51. NORTH COAST LEAGUE

Quincey Shugart, Van Wert

CLARK COUNTY INVITATIONAL Boys: 1. Shawnee 35, 2. Greenon 43, 3. North 76, 4. Northwestern 84. Individuals: 1. McCouley (G) 16:56, 2. Mears (S) 17:08, 3. Davis (G) 17:13, 4. Strausbaugh (S) 17:35, 5. Thompson (S) 17:3a Girls: 1. Kenton Ridge 38, 2. North 54, 3. Northwestern 100, 4. Greenon 111, 5. Southeastern 114. Individuals: 1. McConneU (N) 19:01, 2. Bucey (NW) 21:00, 3. Stout (N) 21: 14, 4. Kiger (KR) 22:06, 5. Harris (KR) 22:16.

PIONEER CONFERENCE Girls: 1. Strongsville 28, 2. Medina 74, 3. Berea 91, 4. Brecksville 108, 5. Cloverleaf 125. Individuals: 1. Urban (S) 19:45, 2. Purdy (B) 19:46, 3. Bettcher (S) 20:06, 4. Bailey (S) 20:22, 5. Rady (M) 20:31, 6. Clard (C) 20:45. Boys: 1. Brecksville 43, 2. Medina 53, 3. N. Royalton 86, 4. Brunswick 119, 5. Strongsville 125, 6. Cloverleaf 130. Individuals: 1. McAdams (BV) 16:39, 2. Halabi (BV) 16:57, 3. Brantner (C) .17:03, 4. Latsko (NR) 17:11, 5. Slavik (M) 17:13.

HAMIL TON TOWNSHIP OPEN Boys Division 1: 1. Granville 35, 2. Uberty Union 54, 3. Jonathan Alder 94, 4. Millersport 130. 1. Ad Schaffner (LU) 16:03. Girls Division 1: 1. Fisher Cath. 53, 2. Heath 62, 3. Berne Union 100, 4. Liberty Union 124. 1. Hardbarger (N) 19:07. 3oys Division II: 1. Lakewood 70, 2. Teays Valley 78, 3. Groveport 139, 4. Logan 155. 1. McMullen (L) 15:59. Girls Division II: 1. Marysville 42, 2. Olentangy 72, 3. Groveport 94, 4. Bex:ey A 126. 1. Conrad (M) 17:49.


Kris Owens, Anderson




3oys: 1. Walsh Jesuit 34, 2. Solon 66, 3. Fitch A 91, 4. Chardon 113, 5. Salem A 162, 6. Boardman 191. Individuals: 1. Almond (Riverside) 16:54, 2. Young (WJ) 17:01, 3. Shanahan (WJ) 17:05, 4. Antonicci (FA) 17: 12, 5. Gaston (WJ) 17:20, 6. Thompson (S) 17:23.

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Boys: 1. Eastwood 37, 2. Gibsorbu~g 58, 3. ;_akota 67, 4. Otsego 103, 5. Woodmore 124. Individuals: 1. Jon Koppenhofer (EA) 16:49, 2. Garrett Gabel (L~; 16:56, 3. Levi Sybert (EA) 17:01, 4. Steve Sm:th (GI) 17:03, 5. Alan L!ntenr (EA) 17:11, 6. Richie Rathburn (LA) 17:21. Girls: 1. Woodmore 21, 2. Eastwood 60, 3. Otsego 72, 4. Lakota 125, 5. E!mw2ood 125. !nd!viduals: 1. Lindsey Hamilton (WO) 19:33, 2. Lindsey Travis (WO) 19:54, 3. Rachel Harder (WO) 20:11, 4. Broo!te Bowe (Gi) 20:19, 5. Erica Neitz (EA) 20:20, 6. Kristen Noblet (OT) 20:24. 7. Kim Damshroder (WO) 20:35, a Lisa Schneider (WO) 2D:3a



Sandy Tecklenberg Anderson

Girls: 1. Newark Cath. 25, 2. DeSaies 63, 3. Rosecrans 91, 4. Hartley 116, 5. Ready 167. 1. Ann Brown (NC) 19:1a Boys: 1. Newark Cath. 34, 2. Watterson 59, 3. DeSales 76, 4. St. Charles 89, 5. Reldy 1 12, 6. Hartley 117. 1. Webb (NC) 16:37.

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:~ ?~ .. : '. 5. _._,C .... _._~: :. t>~}.

Girls: 1. Wadsworth 32, 2. Hudson 58, 3. Revera 92. 4. Medina 101, 5. Copley 126. Individuals: 1. Jer,;::ler Martin (W) 20:04, 2. Kari Eaton (W) 20:15, 3. Renee Rosocil (M) 20:16, 4. Lisa McCloskey (Green) 20:20, 5. Beth Kulow (W) 20:28, 6. Michelle Klosterman (H) 20:49, 7. Katie Orr (R) 20:57. Boys: 1. Wadsworth 30, 2. Hudson 52, 3. Revere 94, 4. Tallmadge 107, 5. Norton 107. Individuals: t Clifford (W) 16:27, 2. Chris Smtih (H) 16:54, 3. Dave Stillman (N) 17:04, 4. Mark Rohrer (W) 17:12, 5. Trevor Warren (R) 17:18, 5. Andy Bees (W) 17:24.


OHIO CAPITAL CONFERENCE Soya Ohio Division: 1. Gahanna 53, 2. Thomas Worthington 72, 3. Dubl!n Coffman 73, 4. H::iard 85, 5. Westerv-·~ North 102, 6. Westland 142. 1. Mike Fa:rweather (H) 16:10, 2. Brian Dempsey (G) 16:16, 3. Chris Estwanik (DC) 16:20, 4. Matt Hornsby (W) 16:26. Girls Ohio Division: 1. Westervii!e North 35, 2. Thorr>.as Worthington 65, 3. Dublin Coffman 85, 4. Hillard 97, 5. Gahanna 100. 1. Lisa Petsche (DC) 18:59, 2. rricia Gasser (TW) 19:21, 3. Molly Patton (WN) 20:01, 4. Tracy Weitthoff (WN) 20:02. Boys Central Division: 1. Pickerington 51, 2. Upper Arlington 57, 3. Westerville South 67, 4. Reynoldsburg 71, 5. Worthington Kilboume 95, 6. Dublin S 'oto 164, 7. Grove City 202, a Chillicothe 242. 1. Mike Douglas (P) 16: 13, 2. Dan Casey (P) 16:25, 3. David Mil!er (UA) 16:30, 4. Jonas Amos (UA) 16:32. Girls Central Division: 1. Upper Ari:"gton 42, 2. Pickerington 61, 3. Worth1ngton K!:bourne 84, 4. Reynoldsburg 89, 5. Westerville South 90. 1. Rita Fiala (WK) 19:18, 2. Meltan Berrier (WS) 19:27, 3. Kara Alexander (UA) 19:34, 4. Erin Ort (P) 19:53. Bo~·s Capital Division: 1. Wat~lns :~ ..w1orial 33, 2. :v:ou:-~t Vernon 51, 3. Delaware 78, ·~ ;il~ar:·nv b 99, 5. '.:Vr~teha:: 107. •. Steve Wrig~t tDH) 16·'::0. 2. B1a.'{o ;,:cDo·:~~ .. ('.'V) 1S: 12, 3. Reo Sar:c::; :.·:-1; i: 23. 4. :>!::...::: :traj:;rsiti 1:.•:\/) ~ 6:33. O.:r!n C<:".'l:tr! !J;uinion: 1. ~·Va~:; ~s ;.~c- _·:: 34. ?.. :·a:~'a'-' .·::- 37 3. :VMe:1a:: 7a t.. ·. ~- , --, ·oa " ::::#·:a~·tar;; · '('. . J;:;ct c Cc-·ad · ·:~ •. 3t C:. C;~.'-- .· :C.a• s:c~ · :_~. ~.< 2.;c::· ·• · · · "-~ .. : 2C::>;.

Girls: 1. Padua 35, 2. Lake Cath. 59, 3. Holy Name 60, 4. NDCL 93, 5. Trinity 123, 6. Chanel 155, 7. Elyria Cath. 1n. Individuals: 1. Antel (NDCL) 20:42, 2. Horvat (LC) 20:46, 3. L. Katanik (P) 20:50, 4. Champa (LC) 20:56, 5. Edwards (HN) 21:07, 6. Serrat (P) 21:19. Boys: 1. Holy Name 44, 2. NDCL 49, 3. Padua 71, 4. Elyria Cath. 94, 5. Lake Cath. 101. Individuals: 1. Kelly (LC) 17:08, 2. Rakoczy (HN) 17:33, 3. Bauters (NDCL) 17:36, 4. Kollai (P) 17:37, 5. Brown (NDCL) 18:01.

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(,\;1ar). '· :·:orth·:~ent 59, ~ :~1ar.rotc, 7 ~. 3. ·:!est Joys: 4. Sprir.gfle~d 90, Ti Carrci:ton 97. Branch 73, 1. Tropea (N) 17:09, 2. :-1oward (S), 3. lndividualds: Brady (C), 4. Dagenhardt (Mar), 5. Mel ~ughlin (WB),


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Ohio Cross Country News ,,)Jii

Supplement of Ohio Track & Field News

TeL & FAX (419) 925-4714

S628 Philothca Rd.. St. Henry. OH 45883

October 11, 1995 MEDINA DISTANCE FESTIVAL (October 7)



Jackie Conrad, third place in '94 at 19:00, has remained undefeated for Marysville. Her personal best is 17:46, with six titles this season for the senior star. She ran in Europe and put in more summer mileage according to coach Norb Miscovich. Sophomore, Coleen Byrne, fourth place in '94 at 19:02, is ahead of last season. Byrne has five Invite wins and has only lost twice, both times to Christine Thompson, the fine junior, twelfth in '94 in 19:15, from Amherst Steele. She has beaten Senior, Lindsey Hamilton, second with 18:38 in '94 in Division Ill. Hamilton runs in the outstanding Elmore Woodmere program. Fremont Ross returns the state runner-up, Jami T oeppe, 18:39, and she has already ran about as quick this season. Versailles has been without senior standout, Mari Beth Disalvo, for several weeks. Di Salvo has a heel injury that may keep her from returning. Mari Beth was twelfth in '94 with a 20:10 for Division Ill. Frosh, Erin Frye of Buckeye Local won the Ohio Valley Athletic Conference title over Lisa Claypool of East Liverpool. Claypool is a junior who finished fourth in Columbus last season with 18:43. Frye has won several titles and set course records along the -hd.y lhi::; ::;etiSOfl. Junior, Brad Koverman is leading cefending Champion Anna's attack again this season. He has six Invite titles and is around thirty seconds better than '94 when he placed sixth with 16:29.


Benji Ellis, Bryan, 12



Boys Division 1: 1. Harrison 30, 2. Fairmo1't 50, 3. Northmont B 103, 4. Fairborn 121, 5. Pique 121. Individuals: 1. Ernie Ziegler (H) 16:30, 2. Matt Motsinger (H) 16:42, 3. Kevin Sweetman (H) 17:11, 4. Chris Camfield (FB) 17:17, 5. James Goetz (Stebbins) 17:31. Girls Division 1: 1. Northmont 36, 2. C:1aminade· Julienne 40, 3. Greenville 68, 4. Harrison 119, 5. Xenia 158. Individuals: 1. Nicole LaSalle (CJ) 17:52, 2. Kristin Spicer (N) 20:04, 3. Briana Killian (N) 20: 11, 4. Jessie Jones (N) 20:37, . 5. Jessica Unger (G) 20:37. Boys Division II: 1. Van Wert A 31, 2. Mer A 34, 3. Van Wert B 107, 4. Lima Shawnee 118, 5. Tipp City 139. Individuals: 1. Nick Andrews (A) 16:52, 2. Matt Miller (VW) 16:55, 3. Dan Maroney (AA) 17:15, 4. Quincy Shugart (VW) 17:51, 5. Jason Maus (VW) 18:01. Girls Division II: 1. Van Wert 23, 2. Bellbrc-:>k 56, 3. Alter A 66, 4. Lima Shawnee 104, 5. Indian Lake 122. Individuals: 1. Kim Minnich (VW) 20:24, 2. Sheri Greenhorn (B) 20:45, 3. Heidi Greenhorn (B) 21:17, 4. Sonia Stripe (VW) 21:28, 5. Julie Klosterman (VW) 21:46. Boys Division Ill: 1. Fort Recovery 31, 2. Jackson Center 77, 3. Arcanum 90, 4. Russia 105, 5. Oakwood 149. Individuals: 1. Tony Arnold (JC) 17:10, 2. Craig Shank (Cedar) 17:11, 3. Ryan Schneider (Spencerville) 17:31, 4. Matt Heitkamp (FtR) 17:42, 5. Chad Bcmhorst (R) 17:47. Girls Division Ill: 1. Sidney Lehman 58, 2. Arcanum 88, 3. Oakwood 104, 4. Russia 120, 5. Marion 1.ocal 142. Individuals: 1. Heidi Schaiif:r (()) 19:41, 2. Alicia Cavander (SL) 20:06, 3. Stacy Arcold (JC) 20:34, 4. Ky!ie Crawford (0) 20:57, 5. Heather Smith (Nat. Trail) 21:03.

Boys :r)ivision 1: 1. Dayton Carroll 83, 2. Upper Arlington 88 ~. Cin. Elder 100, 4. Millford 105 5. Tol. Wnitmer 11, Individuals: 1, c:1ad Kincaid (Norwo:>d) 15:29, 2. John Ae1 tl (WH) 15:48. 3. 0an Hollingshead (Lebanon) 15:55, 4. Tan Bai<er (MeN) 11.3:04, 5. Dave f11iller (UA) 16:12, 8. K;\ Kozak (M) 16:26. Girls [ ' ·!sion l: ~ fJ;')per Arlington 53, 2. Dayton Carroll 78, C:"l. 1v:er'"l 93, "'·· Cin. McAuley 134, 5. Cin. Seton 148. · divlduais: 1. K:,ra Alexander (UA) 18:49, 2. Karen Grorr (CGl iS;~::!. 3. ~;Aissy Belcher (C) 19:38, 4. Caroline MilL: (;_;'A) '~45, ;;, P;nar.da Lynch (Ba!lard) 19:47, 6. Taryn D. ter {C:V':) ~9:51, 3. E'Tlily Wolterman (MeAl ~9:54, 9. f ;an Jac:,.scr ('V!c:"-i) 19:55, 10. '.Ver.dy Fischer (CM) 19:57. 3o:ts : •!!>:on i: '· ·;;ac,.,.ra 4.5, 2. Badin 69, 3. Georgetown CC. <;., '/',/•io:-r.lno 1CS. 5. New Ricb'nond 150. Individuals: t 3rad i',; ,er ('~\J~ 15.58, 2. C:1ris Sr.yder (B) 18:10, 3. B :•er<ners C1) ~6:38, 4. Boo Adams (M) 16:49, 5. Frank Da :1 (:r; ; 3:i5, (i, .Jcn Newberry (M) 17:08, 7. Zac Corbin ") ~ 7: ~ :> ::'. V::~:, Smiley (M) 17: 18, 9. Cave Robinson (Lc :c~c.:td) ~'/:~8, ~(' "han Cora (M) 17:19. Girls [ ·';/or f1: \ 'J/ader:a 26, 2. Badin 62, 3. Wyoming 1"'', 1. '.o;r~iand ~~a. 5. Mariemont 134. Individuals: ', ;\manda Blac.<welder (Mad) 18:51, 2. Jenny Graf (B) 19:;7, ~. :qach"i Barreit (Mad) 20:05, 4. Becka Viane!lo (M) ~·O: • 3, S. Catheline Saiemme (Mad) 20:34, 6. Sarah Gonyo:.: (o) 20:35, l. Lauren Lewis (W) 20:43, 8. Ailison Wagrpr (<\t1ad) 20:43. 9. Cornie Labos (Mad) 20:45, 10. Andriann<'9C!" (:~1 20:17. <

JUNIOR H!€2; 1 COACHES - Please send the first and !ast name, school name, name of rr,eet, and the meet date, for <my cf your runners 1Nho win an Invitational or L.aa(we title this season. 1Ne'!I run this honor roll as S!Jace permits. T:.,ar.ks to r"r-se who have already ~er·,\ names, We'll add t::: t':-& current list.


Boys Civision 1-A: 1. Wadsworth 86, 2. St. Ignatius 112, 3. Beavercreek 132, 4. Caldwell 148, 5. Jackson 162. Individuals: 1. Kelly (St.l) 16:05, 2. McCabe (S. Lakes) 16:21, 3. Bc.ddorf (Findlay) 16:28, 4. Martin (St.l) 16:37, 5. Hendershot \C) 16:43, 6. Clifford (W) 16:45, 7. Raza vi (Tiffin) 16:58, 8. McAdams (Brecksville) 17:02, 9. Cech (St.l) 17:07, 10. D. Kelly (Kent Rose) 17:10. . Girls Division 1-A: 1. Jackson 68, 2. Magnificat 81, 3. Beavercreek 91, 4. Mentor 128, 5. Tol. Cent Cath. 149. Individuals: 1. Monteleone (Dover) 18:59, 2. Orin (J) 19:01, 3. Petro (Mag) 19:23, 4. Hamilton (Woodmore) 19:36, 5. Weiher (TCC) 19:39, 6. Eaton (Wad) 19:41, 7. Naylor (J) 19:47, 8. Murnen (TCC) 19:48, 9. Lawhun (Mag) 20:00, 10. Fletcher (M) 20:00. Boys Division 1-B: 1. Solon 162, 2. Lakewood 183, 3. Holy Name 186, 4. St. Ignatius 200, 5. Uniontown-Lake 224. Individuals: 1. Truitt (Cie.Hts.) 17:15, 2. Rakoczy 2, (HN) 17:18, 3. Schomer (Norm) 17:23, 4. Leonard (Midpark) 17:24, 5. Latsko (N.Royal) 17:25, 6. Killal (Padua) 17:26, 7. Tetzlaff (Shaker Hts.) 17:30, 8. Swenton (S) 17:32, 9. Busic (L) 17:35, 10. Tetlak (Padua) 17:38. . Girls Division 1-B: 1. Padua 93, 2. Madtson 128, 3. Beaver Creek 132, 4. Austintown Fitch 137, 5. Holy Name 168. Individuals: 1. Andrea Cohol (AF) 19:22, 2. Adrienne Dinapoli (VF) 20:05, 3. Angela Romito (S) 20:23, 4. Lynn Katanik (P) 20:40, 5. Laura Edwards (HN) 20:41, 6. Claire Gorka (Mad) 20:46, 7. Tracy Supp (VF) 20:55, 8. Laura Mason (Glen Oaks) 20:59, 9. Maureen Knottes (Lakewood) 21:02, 1 0. Michelle Serra (P) 21:04.

Brett Baddorf, Findlay, 10

~lDi.J!..EtC'JlPi P~ip·:;% 'IIONAL



Girls: 1. Middie1own 56, 2. Sycamore 57, 3. Princeton 79 4. Fairfietd 106, 5. Kings 111. Individuals: 1. Amy Flessinp.:r (M) 20:16, 2. Ste!)hanie Tutalo (M) 20:19, 3. Christine Ca-~y (~=) 21:02, 4. Kelli ,Johnson (K) 21:11, 5. Karen Kelly C~} 21:13. Boys: 1. Princeton 18, 2. Middletown 37, 3. Holy Cross 88, ~', K:rgs 134, 5. Hamilton 152. Individuals: 1. Mark Johnst<"' (P) ~7·09, 2. Kris Lawscr (P) 17:24, 3. Joe Blake (P) 1/:26, 4. Jack OsbCtr'1e (M) ~7:,4, 5. Adam Veverka (P) ;7:37. WORTHINGTON !NV!"f .~; t :o;-;,~ :_


Laura Kaminski, Syl Northview,


Boys: 4. Oak Hills 1. Chris Pai. Scott Mercy Hummel (LS) Hussel (Colt: Mark Robins•


1. !~ii:~~.::.;:e :} I, 2. Lako~a i?, ·~· · '2, :.::. 'hfirt~il'lgtcn i<;:Jct: :~ ' · '.';:;::,. 3. ('.:•;; 15:58, ~ ..ief1 Go~. : · ~ :;~Z. 4. C!·:t~OJ ?.oy !.C: :::. .;,ay : ·ustin 6. ;'':'ke Harmeyer (;_s; ~C: 1>) 13.55, 1t Mike Sp&lf.s 1 (i-~ 17:00, 14. Pete Ca::.;sor.a (:..:';


OATCCC POLL Girls Division I

Boys Division 1: 1. Rootstown 45, 2. Brunswick 58, 3. Kent Roosevelt 60, 4. Southeast 65, 5. Niles McKinley 137, 6. Maple Hts. 145. Individuals: 1. Morgan (R) 17: 10, 2. Elder (R) 17:51, 3. Kelly (KR) 18:21, 4. David Anderson (KR) 18:36, 5. Weger (S) 18:50. Girls Division 1: 1. Woodridge 32, 2. Kent Roosevelt 60, 3. Southeast 86, 4. Niles McKinley 93, 5. Brunswick 126, 6. Ak. Firestone 147. Individuals: 1. Sabino (W) 20:48, 2. Ellwood (NM) 21:44, 3. Kubick (W) 21:44, 4. Allen (KR) 21:45, 5. Kumar (WRA) 21:49. Boys Division II: 1. Perry 56, 2. Woodridge 77, 3. Brooklyn 80, 4. Fairview 93, 5. P. Harvey 102, 6. Crestwood 125. Individuals: 1. McClintock (C) 17:49, 2. Flack (F) 18:37, 3. Griffith (PH) 18:50, 4. Rephart (P) 18:51, 5. Wagner (W) 19:0a Girls Division II: 1. Perry 41, 2. Crestwood 49, 3. Ravenna 85, 4. Rootstown 87, 5. P. Harvey 147, 6. Fairview Park 148. Individuals: 1. Rizzo (P} 21:56, 2. Buck (C) 22:20, 3. Huygz (P) 23:00, 4. Plough (Roots) 23: 14, 5. Scalf (Roots) 23:45.

171 Beavercreek ( 5) 167 Cincinnati Colerain ( 4) 162 Cincinnati Anderson ( 3) 133 Tole do Central Catholic 118 Massillon Jackson , 17 'Jpper Arlington 106 Rocky River Magnificat 99 Massillon Perry 64 Sylvania Southview ( 1) 62 Pickerington 33 32 31 25 21 18 17 16


Girls Divison II

Boys Division 1: 1. Wadsworth 73, 2. Medina 83, 3. Austintown Fitch 86, 4. Solon 108, 5. Cuyahoga Falls 143, 6. Stow 159. Individuals: 1. Clifford (W) 16:20, 2. Eshelman (Stow) 16:30, 3. Antonucci (AF) 16:33, 4. Johnson (CF) 16:35, 5. Carney (Euc.) 16:42, 6. Lederer {W) 16:52. Girls Division 1: 1. Magnificat 38, 2. Wadsworth 65, 3. Mayfield 140, 4. Solon 142, 5. Berea 144, 6. 'Stow 149. Individuals: 1. Petro (M) 19:00, 2. Purdy (B) 19:36,. 3. Eaton (W) 19:37, 4. Vanik (Stow) 19:43, 5. Martin (W) 19:47, 6. Mack (M) 19:48. Boys Division II: 1. Chagrin Falls 73, 2. Solon 98, 3. Austintown Fitch 115, 4. Wadsworth 135, 5. Ellet 148, 6. Willard 171. Individuals: 1. Lockert (CF) 16:44, 2. Feick (E) 17:00, 3. Rivera (E) 17:12, 4. Justice (Tall) 17:17, 5. Hublin (CF) 17:25, 6. Robinson (Buchtel) 17:32. Girls Division II: 1. Chagrin Falls 46, 2. Willard 98, 3. Wadsworth 100, 4. Tallmadge 117, 5. Green 125, 6. Buchtel 130. Individuals: 1. McCloskey (G) 20:04, 2. Holtz (CF) 20:16, 3. Papp (G) 21:17, 4. Grant (B) 21:25, 5. Antrovus (Tall) 21:32, 6. McQuown (SVSM) 21:34.

179 Cle Hts Beaumont ( 11) 165 Amanda Clearcreek ( 1) 147 Dover 127 Clyde 108 Byesville Meadowbrook 103 Pemberville Eastwood 78 Alliance Marlington 63 Chagrin Falls Kenston 61

Boys: 1. Oak Hills 43, 2. Middletown 55, 3. Turpin 81, 4. Dixie Hts. 82, 5. Conner 198, 6. Purcell Marian 202. Individuals: 1. Chris Roy (OH) 16:54, 2. Mike Coffey (M) 17:1 1, 3. Eamons Sulivan (T) 17:20, 4. David Coleman (Ryle) 17:23, 5. Brett Bennett (DH) 17:27, 6. Nathan Dixon (DH) 17:33. Girls: 1. Chaminade-Julienne 56, 2. Oak Hills 61, 3. Fairfield 104, 4. Middletown 120, 5. Conner 130, 6. Turpin 145. Individuals: 1. Nicole LaSalle (CJ) 17:59, 2. Amy Flessinger (M) 20:17, 3. Stephanie Tutalo (M) 20:21, 4. Amy Kolakowski (CJ) 20:46, 5. Lori Knollman (T) 20:47, 6. Emily Sand (OH) 20:48.



45 44 38 37 31 30 29 28 16

Bay Village Bay Chardon Chagrin Falls Zanesville W Musk Marysville Bellevue Mogadore Field Van Wert Tontagany Otsego Girls Division Ill

179 Fin Liberty-Benton ( 11) 163 Elmore Woodmore ( 1) 154 Peninsula Woodridge 143 Attica Seneca East 133 Oregon Stritch 112 Cincinnati Madeira 11 , Convoy Crestview


104 New London 69 Newark Catholic

Boys: 1. Delphos St. John's, 2. Jackson Center, 3. LCC, 4. Cory Rawson, 5. Ottawa-Glandorf, 6. St. Marys. Individuals: 1. Gabe Knous (St.M) 17:15, 2. Tony Arnold (JC) 17:28, 3. Lee Thompson (CR) 17:54, 4. Matt Dunlavy (LCC) 17:58, 5. Larry Hays (K) 17:59, 6. Ryan Vogt (OG) 18:09. Girls: 1. St. Mary's, 2. Ottawa-Glandorf, 3. LCC, 4. Cory Rawson, 5. Sidney, 6. Jackson Center. Individuals: 1. Melissa Knous (St.M) 20:14, 2. Jessica DeVoe (B) 21:00, 3. Stacy Arnold (JC) 21:51, 4. April Hernandez (OG) 21:55, 5. Amy Otto (OG) 22:04, 6. Wendy King (St.M) 22: 16.

Boys Division 1: 1. Harrison 61, 2. Elder 91, 3. Princeton 104, 4. Centerville 130, 5. Fairmont 133, 6. Vandalia-Butler 170. Individuals: 1. Ernie Ziegler (H) 16:11, 2. Matt Motsinger (H) 16:33, 3. Adam Thomas (FF) 16:36, 4. Keller (C), 5. Dan Hollinsghead (Leb) 16:45, 6. Carnfielf (FBorn). Girls Division 1: 1. Colerain 17, 2. Centerville 59, 3. Greenville 103, 4. Princeton 134, 5. Vandalia-Butler 145, 6. Harrison 20 1. Individuals: 1. Geri Buck (C) 19:43, 2. Amanda Ward (C) 19:52, 3. Andrea Holman (C) 19:59, 4. Angle Kist (C) 20:15, 5. Jumer (Centerville), 6. Helberg (Centerville). Boys Division 11&111: 1. Eaton 60, 2. Revere, 3. Cin. McNicholas 110, 4. Oakwood 128, 5. Tipp City 137, 6. Blanchester 154. Individuals: 1. Baker (CN) 16:45, 2. Warren (R), 3. Gallagher (TCN), 4. Avery (E), 5. Rose (E), 6. Heikenfeld (CN).

Avon Lake

51 Pat Watkins Memorial



Carroll Northmont Strongsville Westerville North Wadsworth Tiffin Columbian Hudson Menton

53 Sidney Lehman 45 45 28 24 24 17 17 16 15

Lima Cent. Cath. (tie) McDonald (tie) Burton Berkshire Coldwater (tie) Fredericktown (tie) Caldwell ZoarvUie Tusc Valley Minster Arcanum

WOOSTER INVITATIONAL (September 30) Boys Gold: 1. Ashland A 24, 2. Mansfield Senior 58, 3. Wooster 79, 4. Springfield 108, 5. Madison 11 1, 6. Ashland B. Individuals: 1. Stowers (Man) 16:29, 2. Anderson (Ash A) 16:36, 3. Sheets (Ash A) 16:37, 4. Gibson (W) 16:41, 5. Fetzer (Ash A) 16:49, 6. Ortez (Ash A) 17:23, 7. Kline (Mad) 17:35, 8. Peresie (Ash A) 17:41, 9. Dewald (MS) 17:44, 10. Barnhart (MS) 17:46. Girls Gold: 1. Ashland A 32, 2. Wooster 76, 3. Mansfield Seniior 90, 4. Madison 94, 5. Ashland B 108, 6. Springfield 117. Individuals: 1. Gasians (Mad) 20:15, 2. Davis (W) 20:19, 3. Jones (Man) 20:45, 4. Filipbok (Ash A) 20:54, 5. Byrne (Ash A) 20:58, 6. Miller (Ash A) 21:01, 7. Gleber (W) 21:06, a Quackenbush (Ash A) 21:24, 9. Kettering (Ash A) 21:37, 10. Deppen (Mad) 21:40. Boys Blue 11&111: 1. Norton 37, 2. Dylestown 65, 3. West Holmes 90, 4. Waynedale 90, 5. Orville 116, 6. Hillsdale 132, 7. Norwayne 150. Individuals: 1. Stillman (N) 16:45, 2. Finney (WH) 16:56, 3. Nowels (WH) 17:00, 4. Smythe (0) 17:13, 5. LaBelle (D) 17:32, 6. Gibson (Norton) 17:36, 7. Varner (Norton) 17:43, a Pluskota (D) 17:50, 9. Turner (Norton) 18:00, 10. Tullis (WA) 18:02. Girls Blue 11&111: 1. West Holmes 29, 2. Orville 37, 3. Chippewa 54. Individuals: 1. Reiheld (WH) 21:12, 2. Shultz (D) 21:22, 3. Rinfret (WH) 21:56, 4. Morrison (D) 21:17, 5. Glasgow (WH) 22:24, 6. Weaver (0) 22:35, 7. Nowels (WH) 22:42, 8. Masters (0) 22:46, 9. Morse (0) 22:50, 10. Hershey (0) 23:12. OVAC CROSS COUNTRY (September 30) Boys Varsity: 1. Zanesville 75, 2. Caldwell 93, 3. Cambridge 118, 4. Meadowbrook 144, 5. Wheeling Park 168, 6. St. John's 188, 7. St. Marys 206, 8. Shadyside 22a Individuals: 1. Aaron Craig (Camb) 16:56, 2. Eric Poland (M) 17:00, 3. Tim Miller (Barnsville) 17:07, 4. Matt Steele (St.J) 17:07, 5. Joe Crock (C) 17:12, 6. Matt McDonald (C) 17:13, 7. Tim Gemensky (John Marsh.) 17:15, a Shane Sullivan (Z) 17: 17, 9. Travis Wilson (Z) 17: 18. Girls Varsity: 1. Meadowbrook 79, 2. Barnesville 108, 3. Zanesville 114, 4. St. Clairsville 143, 5. Caldwell 170, 6. John Marshall 179, 7. Cameron 209, a St. John's 226. Individuals: 1. Erin Frye (Buck. Loc.) 19:01, 2. Lisa Claypool (E. Liver.) 19:46, 3. Elizabeth Miller (M) 20:26, 4. Valerie Price (Wheel. Park) 20:31, 5. Missy Wood (Cam) 20:38, 6. Julie Kuhar (St.J) 20:39, 7. Sami Haught (St.C) 20:57, 8. Robin Emmerlng (E. Liver) 21:06, 9. Devon Wiliams (Cadil:) 21:08, 10. Erica Hahn (M) 21:0a HEATH INVITATIONAL (September 27) Girls: 1. Newark Catholic 48, 2. Bloom-Carroll 50, 3. Zanesville Rosecrans 104. Individuals: 1. Bobbi Hardbarger (Northridge) 19:54, 2. Angela Brown (NC) 20:01, 3. Chris Phillips (BC) 20:28, 4. Allison Brown (NC) 20:51, 5. Courtney Coleman (Heath) 21: 11, 6. Lisa Scott (Johnstown) 21:12. Boys: 1.Newark Catholic 26, 2. Lancaster Fisher 71, 3. Columbus St. Charfes 114. Individuals: 1. Dan Webb (NC) 16:45, 2. Ben Rusek (NC) 17:09, 3. ian Schwartz (Bloom-Carroll) 17:16, 4. Shawn Stebleton (New Albany) 17:19, 5. Cory Stuart (NC) 17:24, 6. David Baker (Utica) 11:2a BLAZER INVfTA TIONAL (September 26) Boys: 1. Eaton 4 7, 2. Arcanum 66, 3. Brook'!iUe 72, 4. Tri-County North 102, 5. Franklin Monroe 173, 6. Dunbar 176. Individuals: 1. John Gallagher (TCN) 17:33, ~ 1 ~rten Avery (E) 17:46, 3. Justin Rose (E) 17:54, 4,-~0~n Newbauer (B) 18:05, 5. Brad Bean (A) 18:06, 6. Adari'l Hall (Midtown Mad) 18:09. 1. Arcanum 39, 2. National Trail 44, 3. Girls: BrookvDie 76, 4. Eaton 104, 5. Twin Valley South 119, 6. Dunbar 147. Individuals: 1. Wendy Somers (TCN) 21:55, 2. Amanda Fourman (A) 22:03, 3. Heather Smith (NT) 22:15, 4. Emily Schaffner (Midtown Mad) 22:30, 5. Laura Hill (B) 22:36, 6. Kara House (NT) 22:37.















Boys Division I


174 Cle. St. Ignatius ( 8)

Boys: 1. Walsh 33, 2. Hudson 57, 3. Cuyahoga Falls 73, 4. Stow 89, 5. Ellet 141. Individuals: 1. Shanahan · (W) 16:51, 2. Eshelman (Stow), 3. Young (W), 4. Feick (E), 5. Gaston (W), 6. Smith (H), 7. Mikolay (H), 8. Murphy (CF), 9. Horn (CF), 10. Malecky (W). Girls: 1. Huson 36, 2. Stow 73, 3. Green 83, 4. Walsh 89, 5. Ravenna 119. Individuals: 1. McCloskey (G) 20:51, 2. Klosterman (H), 3. Vanik (S), 4. Rowland (H), 5. Plough (R), 6. Surd (Bar), 7. Redderjohann (G), a Kluber (H), 9. Friberg (S), 10. Mickey (H).

172 Northmont ( 4) 152 Toledo St. John 142 Cincinnati St. Xavier 130 Wadsworth 102 Cincinnati LaSalle 99 Cincinnati Elder 89 Cuy Falls Walsh Jesuit 86 Harrison

AVA TIOR INVITATIONAL (October 7) Boys: 1. Southeast 69, 2. Ashtabula Edgewood 70, 3. Alliance 109, 4. Canton McKinley 113, 5. East Palestine 120. Individuals: 1. Greicius (E) 16:39, 2. Kennedy (CT), 3. Booher (EP), 4. Nelson (S), 5. Cross (W), 6. Auxier (E), 7. Reeder (U), a Weger (S), 9. Ketchen (E), 10. Kibler (U). Girls: 1. Canton McKinley A 58, 2. Alliance 65, 3. Minerva A 79, 4. Edgewood A 91, 5. Lake 106. Individuals: 1. Wollam (A) 19:58, 2. Grosskopf (CMA), 3. S. Morris (A), 4. Marckel (MA), 5. B. Morris (A), 6. Lipplan (L), 7. Bergman (MA), 8. Goodwin (EA), 9. Norman (MA), 10. Martin (S).

66 Toledo St. Francis 64 49 44 30 22 17 16 15 15

Others: Brecksville Yo Austintown Fitch Medina Upper Arlington Pickerington Hudson Amherst Steele Ashland (tie) Cin Princeton (tie)

Boys Division II EISENHART INVITATIONAL (October 7) Boys: 1. Cin. LaSalle 61, 2. Lakota 72, 3. Granville 94, 4. Oak Hill 113, 5. Worthington Kilbourne 131. Individual: Paisley (MT) 15:5a Girls: 1. Colerain 52, 2. Amanda-Ciearcreek 72, 3. Strongsville 94, 4. Pickerington 114, 5. Lakota 170. Individuals: 1. Sarah Sykes (ACC) 19:00, 2. Meghan Berrier (WS) 19:01, 3. Gerry Buck (C) 19:03, 6. Angie Kist (C) 19:23, 12. Amanda Ward (C) 19:43, 15. Amanda Homan (C) 19:54, 21. Debbie Puffer (L) 20:13, 26. Bea Milligan (L) 20:28. CAPITAL VIEW CLASSIC (September 30) Girls: 1. Frankfort Western Hills 156, 2. Ursuline 176. Ursuline Finishers: 14. Oevanney 17:01, 16. Helmick 17:06, 30. Gerber 17:47, 49. Hellman 18: 15. LEXINGTON (KY) CATHOLIC INVJTA TIONAL (October 7) Boys Division Ill: 1. Louisville St. Xavier 27, 2. Gahanna 66, 3. Westerville North 98, 4. Louisville Trinity 112, 5. Brunswick 127. Individual: Herren (Hillwood) 16:31. Girls Division Ill: 1. Cin. Anderson 26, 2. WesterviUe North 66, 3. Sacred Heart 68, 4. Gahanna 122, 5. Hillwood 169. Individual: Himmelstein (CA) 15:22. Boys Division 1: 1. Eaton 115, 2. Covington 118, 3. Newark Cath. 136, 4. New Regel 143, 5. Fostoria St. Wendelin 145. Individuals: 1. Brad Lykins (Piketon) 16:46, 2. Dan Webb (NC) 16:58, 3. Robbie Stockett (Fayettville) 17:08, 4. ~ob Meyers (Fairfield Union) 17:10, 5. David Larson (Covington) 17: 12. Girls Division I: 1. Liberty Benton 36, 2. Newark Cath. 56, 3. Fisher Cath. 85, 4. Fort Loramie 141 5. Fostoria St. Wendelin 175. ' Girls: 1. Anderson 26, 2. WestervDie North 66, 3. Louis Saered Heart 68, 4. Gahama Lincoln 122, 5. Hillwood (TN) 169. Individuals: 1. Himmelstein (A) 15:22, 2. Owins (A) 15:46, 3. Tecklenberg (A) 15:51, a Fiorelli (A) 15:59, 12. Coma (A) 16:09, 24. Getter (A) 17:00. Boys: 1. Montgomery Bill (TN) 102, 2. Teays Valley 124, 3. Watkins Memorial 140, 4. Turpin 144, 5. Ft Knox 153. Individuals: 16. Runyan (A) 17:37, 20. Johnson (A) 17:38, 29. Good (A) 17:55. JONATHAN ALDER INVITATIONAL (October 7) Boys Division 1: 1. Millersport 36, 2. Cardington 70, 3. Ready 73, 4. Madison Plains 98, 5. Hamilton Township 100. Individual: Snader (Whitehall) 16:26. Girls Division 1: 1. Marysville 22, 2. Whitehall 81, 3. Highland 109, 4. Logan Elm 146, 5. Fairbanks 151. Individual: Conrad (Marysville) 17:46. RIO GRANDE INVITATIONAL (October 7) Boys Division II: 1. Hillsboro 54, 2. St. Marys,W VA 95, 3. Russell, KY 109, 4. Waverly 115, 5. Circleville 132. Individual: Clemons (H) 16:53. Girls Division II: 1. Circleville 40, 2. Gallia Academy 49. 3. Warren Local 75, 4. RusseU, KY 85, 5. Hillsboro 110. lndi.vldual: Nehus (GA) 19:51. Boys Division Ill: 1. Liberty Union 35, 2. Shadyshide 56, 3. Southwestern 67, 4. Belpre 120, 5. Coal Grove 127. Individual: Schaffner (LU) 16:4a Girls Division Ill: 1. Heath 29, 2. Liberty Union 53, 3. Southeastern 66, 4. Unioto 113, 5. Liberty Union B 137. Individual: Coleman (H) 20:55.

174 Bryan (7) 164 Cortland Lakeview ( 3) 142 Dover 133 Mogadore Field 120 Van Wert (1) 118 Bay Village Bay ( 1) 103 Napoleon 96 Galion 67 Sandusky Perkins

1995 JUNIOR HIGH BOYS CHAMPIONS 11:58 11:59 11:03 12:51 11:56 12:02 11:50 11:52 11:36 11:18 11:32 11:55 11:40 11:40 12:02 11:12 12:25 11:14

Ben Sternberg, East Canton (Kirtland) Ben Sternberg, East Canton (Van Wert) PhiUp Bumgardner, SmithviDe (Clear Fork) Hideki Yubu, Sidney (Shelby Co.) Wes Brooks, Middletown Vail (CeUna I & II) Chad Topp, New Bremen (Celina Ill) Chad Topp, New Bremen (Sidney) Dan Hartings, Marion Local (Mercer Co) Randy Unger, Greenville (Arcanum) Scott Utrup, Delphos St. John (Delphos) Scott Utrup, Delphos St. John (Ft Loramie) · Scott Utrup, Delphos StJohn (Columbus Gr~ve) Scott Utrup, Del. St. John (Spencerville-Red) Nathan Hadlock, Troy (Cedarville) Justin Leffman, Spencerville (Spencerville-Black) Kirk Roth, Martins Ferry (OH Valley League) Aaron Montgomery, Minford (Portsmouth) Matt Gerlach, Greenville (Coldwater)

1995 JUNIOR HIGH GIRLS CHAMPIONS 12:45 12:03 14: 16 12:35 13:45 12:59 13:21 12:11 11:59 12:01 13:14 12:51 13:02 13:20 14:28

Jennifer Ordway, Holgate (Cedarville) Morgan Van Epp, Buckeye (Clear Fork) Laura Vehorn, Ama (Shelby County) Johanna Schunk, Middletown Vail (Celina) Kelli Brunswick, St. Henry (Mercer County) Jo Custer, Minster (Delphos) Julie Pitney, Liberty Benton (Columbus Grove) Rachel Knous, St. Marys (Spencerville) Rachel Knous, St. Marys (Coldwater) Jennie Castle, Barnesville (OH Valley League) Kelly Wehrman, Minster (Ft. Loramie) Patti Cox, Lancaster Gen.. (Watkins) Patti Cox, Lancaster Gen. (Eastmoor) Patti Cox, Lancaster Gen. (C.O.L. Invite) Stephanie Francis, Heath (Portsmouth)

52 Byesville Meadowbrook 32 30 28 27 26 23 22 20 19 18 18

Others: Shelby Hillsboro Pemberville Eastwood Cleveland Benedictine Rocky River Hamilton Badin Uhrichsville Cambridge Bellville aear Fork Chagrin Falls (tie) Salem (tie) Boys Division Ill

DOYLESTOWN INVITATIONAL (October 7) Boys: 1. Wooster 38, 2. Waynedale 55, 3. Doylestown SG, 4. Orrville 98, 5. Smithville 126. Individuals: 1. Gibson (W) 16:59, 2. Smythe (0), 3. Labell (D), 4. B. Suttle (W), 5. Tullis (W), 6. Pluskota (D), 7. Martin (W), 8. Hanna (W), 9. Wenger (0), 10. Middleton (W). Girls: 1. Wooster 30, 2. Orrville 41, 3. Doylestown 71, 4. Smithville 76. Individuals: 1. Davis (W) 20:36, 2. Gieber (W~ 3. Scultz (D), 4. Gordon (S), 5. Nayebzadeh (W1 6. Morrison (0), 7. Weaver (0), 6. Maters (0) MAPLE HEIGHTS INVITATIONAL (October 7)

179 Attica Seneca E ( 11) 167 Anna (1) 152 Columbus Grove 138 New London 132 East Canton 116 Caldwell 76 Fostoria St Wendelin

Boys: 1. Maple Hts. 61, 2. Wickliffe 63, 3. Hawken 70, 4. Twinsburg 99, 5. Bedford 15a Individual: Castro (MH) 17:20. Girls: 1. Wickliffe 30, 2. TwinsblB"g 72, 3. Maple Hts. 88, 4. Hawken 116, 5. Bedford 130. Individual: Hoyt (H) 20:5a


76 Burton Berkshire 67 West Liberty Salem 64 Rootstown 62 54 54 27 25 25 19

Others Findlay Liberty Benton Galion Northmor (tie) Granville (tie) Baltimore Liberty Union Cort Maplewood (tie) Newark Catholic (tie) Middlefield Cardinal Gibsonburg (tie) Jewett-8cio (tie) Minster (tie)

Cross Country Track and Field

For camp or college Information contact: Jack Hazer. Malone College 515 25th St. NW Canton, OH 44709 1-800-5211146 ext. 8291



Boys Division 1: 1. Clayton Northmont 37, 2. St. Xavier 60, 3. Moeller 89, 4. Lakota 97, 5. Covington Cath. 128, 6. Winton Woods 128, 7. Walnut Hills 138, 8. Sycamore 209. Individuals: 1. Thomas Murley (Eiizabethtown,KY) 15:44, 2. Chad Kincaid (Norwood) 16:07, 3. Dan Foltz (Moeller) 16:14, 4. John Aerni (WH) 16:20, 5. Jedd Godsey (L) 16:18, 6. Casey Long (CN) 16:31, 7. andy Schaefer (St.X) 16:41, 8. Bryan Richards (CN) 16:41, 9. John Young (CN) 16:58, 10. John Rauen (St.X) 17:02. Girls Division 1: 1. Clayton Northmont 48, 2. Lakota 56, 3. Louisville Sacred Heart 105, 4. Seton 109, 5. Mercy 137, 6. McAuley 149, 7. Sycamore 150, 8. Notre Dame 193, 9. Mount Notre Dame 228, 10. St. Ursula 303. Individuals: 1. Karen Grome (S) 19:39, 2. Kristin Spicer (CN) 19:52, 3. Briana Kilian (CN) 20:08, 4. Taryn Dreyer (M) 20:14, 5. Kate Bechely (LSH) 20:20, 6. Debbie Puffer (L) 20:26, 7. Dale Alsbrook (L) 20:27, 8. Karen Kelley (S) 20:34, 9. Carissa Baker (M) 20:41, 10. Jessie Jones (CN) 20:44. Boys Division II: 1. St. Henry,KY 39, 2. Badin 39, 3. Walton Verona 70, 4. Roger Bacon 117, 5. New Richmond 142, 6. Kettering Alter 170, 7. Taylor 191, 8. Loveland 196, 9. Summit .237, 10. Seven Hills 277. Individuals: 1. , Matt Ryan (St.H,KY) 16:33, 2. Chris Synder (B) 16:48, 3. Ryan Larkin (B) 16:57, 4. Ben Helmers (B) 17:02, 5. Ryan Smith (WV) 17:04, 6. Chris Linz (RB) 17:22, 10. John Halpin (B) 18:00. Girls Division II: 1. St. Henry,KY 31, 2.Roger Bacon 67, 3. Badin 81, 4. Walton Verona 100, 5. Loveland 105, 6. Lakota B 126, 7. Alter 149, a New Richmond 224. Individuals: 1. Casey Salzer (St.H, KY) 20:13, 2. Mindy 3. Jenny Graf (B) 20:40, , 4. Jan Martin (WV) 20:39, Feightner (RB) 20:52, 5. Sarah Ganya (B) 21:01, 6. Olivia Parrish (RB) 21:01, 7. Tasha Ripp (L) 21:03, a Kelly Burger (St.H,KY) 21:04, 9. Alison Diebold (St.H,KY) 21:12, 10. Valerie Grant (RB) 21:32.

Boys Division 1: 1. Cin. LaSalle 94, 2. Upper Arlington 117, 3. Gahanna 119, 4. Reynoldsburg 125, 5. Beavercreek 156, 6. Westerville North 171. Individual: Paisley (Miami Trace) 16:19. Girls Division 1: 1. Breavercreek 36, 2. Upper Arlington 79, 3. Westerville North 97, 4. Cin. Anderson 108, 5. Lancaster 180, 6. Reynoldsburg 183. Individuals: Petsche (DC) 19:44, 4. Gretchen Folck (B) 20:18, 5. Amy Beatty (B) 20:30, 8. Heather Ingle (B) 20:43, 9. Kristen Kammerer (B) 20:51, 10. Sarah Wiley (B) 20:55. Boys Division II: 1. Hillsboro 95, 2. Pemberville Eastwood 99, 3. Lakewood 114, 4. Teays Valley 131, 5. Fairfield Union 133, 6. Waverly 169. Individual: John Clemons (H) 16:34. 1. Amanda-Ciearcreek 47, 2. Girls Division II: Watkins Memorial 75, 3. Circleville 84, 4. Pemberville Eastwood 133, 5. Bloom-CarroU 157, 6. West Muskingum 162. Individual: Nehus (GA) 19:36. Boys Division Ill: 1. Granville 55, 2. Liberty Union 104, 3. Newark Cath. 124, 4. Jewett-Scio 166, 5. Amanda-Ciearcreek 171, 6. Mount Gilead 177. Individual: Webb (NC) 16:54. Girls Division Ill: 1. Newark Cath. 50, Liberty Union 112, 3. Heath 132, 4. Worthington Christian 136, 5. Fisher Cath. 156, 6. Eastern Brown 159. Individual: AI Brown (NC) 21:11.

Mike Almond, Painesville 12


CLAY EAGLE INVITATIONAL (September 30) Boys Varsity 1: 1. St.lgnatius 54, 2. Bedford 71, 3. St. John's 111, 4. St. Francis 163, 5. St.lgnatius 173, 6. Col. Grove 183, 7. Tiffin Col. 217, a Findlay 249, 9. Fremont Ross 252, 10. Central 281, 11. Whitmer 318, 12. Northview 33t Individuals: 1. Pat Kelly (St.l) 15:34, 2. Jesse Glezinga (Bedford) 15:58, 3. Brett Baddorf (Findlay) 16: 10, 4. Tirrel Sturdivant (Central) 16:22, 5. Jeremiah Wagner (Fremont) 16:23, 6. Jason Gugger (St.J) 16:28, 7. Mike Wisniewski (Bedford) 16:31, a Chris Svoboda (St.l) 16:33, 9. Luke Sieftzer (CoLGrove) 16:37, 10. Nathan Miles (AW) 16:40, 11. Mickey Martin (St.l) 16:41, 12. Nick Frame (St. Francis) 16:45, 13. Matt Klepfer (Bedford) 16:48, 14. Jay Cech (St.l) 16:50. , Boys Varsity 11&111: 1. Bryan 63, 2. Napoloen 66, 3. Lakota 163, 4. Van Wert 169, a Bluffton 250. Individuals: 1. Matt Waldfogel (Erie Mason) 16:10, 2. Benji Ellis (Bryan) 16:22, 3. J.R. Kennedy (Bluffton) 16:28, 4. Matt Miller (Van Wert) 16:30, 5. Troy Rathge (Napoleon) 16:37, 6. Ryan Desgrange (Lib.Center) 16:50, 7. Kory Storch (Napoleon) 16:59, a Kevin Wickengeiser (St.Mary Cath.) 17:05, 9. Bill Culbertson (Bryan) 17:08, 10. Jacob Rushlow (St.Mary Cat h.) 17:09, 1 1. Jason Kessler (Bryan) 17: 17, 12. Ryan Snivley (Bryan) 17:19. Girls Varsity 1: 1. Tol. Central Cath. 50, 2. Fremont Ross 111, 3. Notre Dame 116, 4. Northview 182, 5. Start 197, 6. Bedford 209, 7. St. Ursula 219, a Tiffin Col. 226, 9. Perrysburg 230, 10. Bowling Green 267, 11. Defiance 271. Individuals: 1. Katie Sekinger (Clay) 19:09, 2. Jami Toeppe (FR) 19:09, 3. Lisa Mariea (Start) 19:24, 4. Christine Weiber (Central) 19:32, 5. Erin Richardson (Defiance) 19:45, 6. Mandy Murnen (Central) 19:48, 7. Kelly Gaertner (NO) 19:56, a Briana Shoo" (Tif.Col.) 20:05, 9. Lindsay Frontz (FR) 20:11, 10. Deanna Ruiz (Bowsher) 20:16, 11. Maggie Vollmer (Central) 20:17, 12. Leslie Keane (Bedford) 20:23, 13. Lisa Schroeder (P) 20:24, 14. Gail Walton (Central) 20:25. Girls Varsity 11&111: 1. Card Stritch 35, 2. Woodmore 50, 3. Van Wert 110, 4. Napoleon 121, 5. Bryan 188, 6. Bluffton 210, 7. Otsego 217, a Wauseon 256, 9. Margaretta 267, 10. Lakota 282. Individuals: 1. Lindsay Hamilton (W) 19:12, 2. Ann Stechschulte (Bluffton) 19:47, 3. Erika Huber (CS) 19:53, 4. Erin Donley (CS) 20:00, 5. Kara Simpson (Tol. Christian) 20:02, 6. Kim Minnick (VW) 20:24, 7. Melissa Gray (CS) 20:25, a Megan Taylor (N) 20:27, 9. Lindsay Travis (W) 20:29, 10. Jennifer Schuetz (CS) 20:31, 11. Jenny Laplante (CS) 20:38, 12. Angie Michael (W) 20:43, 13. Rachel Harder (W) 20:44, 14. Beth Be.:~ (M) 20:45, 15. Kim Damschroder (W) 20:52, 16. Rachel Hilty (Bluffton) 20:54.

Paul Myers. Huron, 12

VALLEY FORGE PATRIOT INVITATIONAL (September 30) Boys Varsity 1: 1. Holy Name 42, 2. Valley Forge 51, 3. Normandy 77, 4. Padua 87, 5. Garfield Hts. 103, 6. Parma 172. Individuals: 1. Rakoczy (HN) 17:10, 2. Schomer (N) 17:20, 3. Kollai (P) 17:23, 4. Sharma (VF)17:31, 5. Kuczkowski (VF) 17:39, 6. Typpo (GH) 17:45. Girls Varsity 1: 1. Valley Forge 63, 2. Painesville Riverside 66, 3. Ash. Edgewood 71, 4. Padua 77, 5. Holy Name 89, 6. Normandy 163. Individuals: 1. DiNapoli (VF) 19:38, 2. Bednarek (R) 20:24, 3. L. Katanik (P) 20:36, 4. Supp (VF) 20:58, 5. J. Katanik (P) 21: 11. · Boys Varsity II: 1. Ashtabula Edgewood 43, 2. Riverside 46, 3. Midpark 70, 4. St. Edward 74, 5. Holy Name· 112. Individuals: 1. Almond (R) 16:54, 2. Leonard (M) 17:24, 3. Missler (SE) 17:38, 4. Morgan (M) 17;55, 5. Ketchem (E) 18:04, 6. Auxir (E) 18: 10. MCQUAID JESUIT INVITATIONAL (September 30)

Adam Schaffner, Baltimore Uberty Union, 12

Boys: 1. Walsh Jesuit 87, 2. Winston Churchill (Ont) 94. Walsh Finishers: 6. Shanahan 15:40, 7. Young 15:50, 21. Gaston 16:25, 22. Morrison 16:27, 31.Malecky 16:39, 41. Capanna 16:52, 63. Pavluk 17:27.

----------------------------------------1 SUBSCRIPTION ORDER FORM I

I1 NAME--------------------------~----------I ADDRESS ----------------------------------ADDRESS ____________________~-------------CITY

STARK COUNTY CHAMPIONSHIPS (September 30) Boys: 1. Jackson 53, 2. East Canton 82, 3. North Canton 86, 4. Canton Central Cath. 102, 5. Lake 127, 6. St. Thomas Aquinas 222. Individuals: 1. Kennedy (CT) 16:10, 2. Butwill (J), 3. Lowry (NC), 4. Hartman (CCC), 5. Heaton (F), 6. Aquino (EC). Girls: 1. Jackson 36, 2. Marlington 50, 3. Alliance 121, 4. Canton McKinley 130, 5. Lake 150, 6. Glen Oak 18a Individuals: 1. Graham (M), 2. Orin (J), 3. Wollam (A), 4. Grosskopf (CM), 5. Litten (NW), 6. Naylor (J).

Boys Division 1: 1. Pickerington 30, 2. Worthington Kilbourne 70, 3. Westerville South 78, 4. Westland 107, 5. Dublin SCioto 148, 6. Watterson 173. Individual: Douglas (P) 16:02. Girls Division 1: t Pickerington 29, 2. Westerville South 49, 3. Worthington Kilbourne 58, 4. Watterson 88, 5. Westland 144. Individual: Berrier (WS) 19:09. . Boys Division II: 1. Big Walnut 50, 2. River Valley 56, 3. London 74, 4. Bexley 126, 5. Olentangy 138, 6. Hartley 196. Individual: Sibia (BW) 16: 15. Girls Division II: 1. Marysvme 55, 2. Olentangy 86, 3. London 100, 4. DeSales 136, 5. Whitehall 143, 6. Big Walnut 146. Individual: Conrad (M) 17:48.


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Ohio Cross Country News Supplement of Ohio Track & Field News

S628 Philothea R.d... St. Henry, OH 4S883

September 26. 1995

Vol. 21, No. 2



What a weekend for our Harriers! Most of the top ranked teams from every Division were in action. Malone College hosted the majority of the top [alent, 15 of 30 top boys teams and 12 of 30 from the girls rankings. Division I boy's leader, Toledo St Francis was ninth at Malone in a field of seven of the top ten Seventh ranked Northmont beat every teamsl team ranked ahead of them, except St. Ignatius (2) who won The George Clements Invitational. Boys Division II leader, Galion could only muster a sixth at Malone, in the II Division won by Lakeview. Lakeview was not ranked. Twelfth ranked Dover was second followed by Field, four, Second and fifth ranked Napoleon was fifth. ranked Van Wert won its own Invitational and third ranked, Bay won the Gold Race at Cloverleaf.

Vincent Fries, Attica Seneca East, 10

\j' \_i,

Seneca East leads the Division Ill boys team but chose to run the Malone Division I race. E..,u .... "'"'"' -ho"··-~ ..... ~ · ila."V'~ '-- .. .c., -~enc"a -..., ...... -. ••u...> se'·en•h v 16.1 ~ wwili~ "11\...J quality and depth. Not to be out done, second ranked, Anna won the large division at Cedarville, with third ranked, Columbus Grove taking the Blue Division. Number four, East Canton took Blue honors at the Van Wert InvitationaL Malone also hosted the Divisior I girls leader Cincinnati Colerain who was beaten 13' ·155 by ~hlr.:i ~'1nko:.:l, ("":o;c-i~n3ti .~nrlC>r<:on1 ~Jintr ranked Toledo Central Catholic took trdrd edging jackson who came In ianked seven:t1. Second ranked Beavercreek was meanwhile w:.-.ning at the Brookville InvitationaL Divisional 1eacers in ll and Ill Beaumont and Liberty Benton won titles at Cioverleaf and the Cardinal Str,tch meets ; espectively. Amanda-Clearcreek (rankec. third in C!vis,on II) won at Groveport with a spread of five between 19:18 and 20:38; thr ·~e are freshmar. Second ranked, Woodmor'~. from Division Ill, won the second Division at Maione and eighth ranked New London won the DL·ision Ill title. JUNIOR HIGH COACHES - Please send the first and last name, name of meet, and tl'le meet date, for any of your runners who win an Invitational or League title this season. Ne'll run this honor roll as space permits. Thanks to those who have already sent names.








Boys Division 1: 1. Normont 121, 2. Toledo St Johns Jesuit 170, 3. St Xavier 180, 4.. Wadsworth 209, 5. Cincinnati Lasane 221, 6. Elder 221, 7. Seneca East 237 a Brecksville 322, 9. Tole do St Francis 341, 10. Dayto~ Carroll 362. 11. Chardon 373, 12. Solon 377, 13. Jackson 392. 14.. Zanesville 396, 15. Caldwell 399, 16. Cuyahoga Fails 406, 17. Moeller 408, 1a Rootstown 437. lndividuat 1. Jason Gugger (St John) 15:44..1 2. Josh Morgan (Roots) 15:45 3. Vincent Fries (SE) 15:50 4. Adam Hendershot (Cald) 15:53 5. Andy Clifford (Wads) 15:56 6. Chad Kennedy (Tim) 15:59 7. Dan Foltz (Moel) 16:04 a Josh McAdams (Brecks) 16:08 9. C..,asey Long_Q!Q.rth_L!§;R 10. Jeremy Janicki (St J) 16:13 Boys Division II: 1. Lakeview 144, 2. Dover 154. 3. Field 154, 4.. St. Henry Ky 227, 5. Napoleon 234, 6. Galion 294, 7. Nick Jordan 298, a Meadowbrook 309, 9. Canton C Catholic 312, 10. Hillsboro 31a lndividJals: 1. Chris Cave (Tusky) 15:53 2. Dave Mars (Field) 16:10 3. Neil Murdock (Field) 16:11 4. Nick Jordan (Can) 16:51.3 5. Jon Hiatt (Gal) 16:15.8 6. Rob Sander (White) 16:17 7. George Lutz (Salem) 16: 19 a John Clemons (Hills) 16:21 9. Sean Voorhies (Lake) 16:24 Boys Division Ill: 1. New London 68, 2. Berkshire 115, 3. Liberty Union 144, 4. Maplewood 148, 5. Cardinal 166, 6. Avon Lake 180, 7. Perry 212. a Lake 213, 9. Pymatuning Valley 214, 10. Lisbon David Anderson 281. Individuals: 1. Geoff Simpson (AL) 15:52, 2 Adam Schaffner (LU) 16:29, 3. Michael Richardson (Us) 16:36, 4.. Tony Garcia (BEAK) 16:39, 5. Matt Steele (St.J) 16:44, 6. Mark Shaver (Midf) 16:50, 7. Richard Donaldson (Maple) 16:55, a Kevin Willis (Moon) 16:56, 9. JP. Smock (UbU) 16:58, 10. Vern Pickering (New Lon) 16:59. Boys Division IV: 1 Jewett-Scio 38. 2. Kirf anrl C!O 3. Keystone b.~ 4. McDonald 106, 5. garaway 110. 6. South Range 136, 7. Norwayne 145, a Newbury 183, 9. Garaway 232. Girls Div1-;ion 1: 1. Anderson 131, 2. Colerain 155, 3. Toledo C. Ca!holic 191. 4. Jackson 196, 5. Marlington 206, 6. Dover 242 7. Mass. Perry 259, a Northmont 264, 9. Coilumbian 2~ ;, 10. Dayton Carroll 311, 11. Wadsworth 329. 12. Ser .. ca East 345. Individuals: 1. Nicole LaSalle (Cham) 18:06 2. Missy Graham (Marl) 18:15, 3. Briana Shook (Colum, 18:30, 4. Erin Frye (Buck.Lake) 18:34. 5. Sar~ ~-~ortel~>• "'1!.> !Dever\ 18:40, 6. Tiffany Smith (Perry) 18:44, 7. C•nst1ne Thomoson (fl.mnel) 1d4S, 8. Kat1e Sekinger (Clay 18:49, 9. Stacey Ewing (Morgan) 18:50, 10. Jenni Brown ( -,Jem) 18:53. Girls Dh ">ion II: , Woodmere 113, 2. St. Henry 158. 3. Padua 173 4. Meade NbrooK 187, 5. Avon Lake 206, 6. Cnagrin Falls 2-0. 7. ;::ield 251. 8. Southeast 259, 9. Napolecn 280. 10. Lakeview 305. 1. New London 59, 2. Uniontown Girls Di>rsion Ill: Lake 120, :3 Caldwell 122. Individuals: 1. Becka Testa (McD) 19:22. 2. Julia Kuhar (At.John) 20:19, 3. Katie Landis (Newlon) 20:~ ~ 4. Jenn1fer Heisey (Jewett) 20:30, 5. Sara JQnes {NewLc- 1) 20:32. 6. Laura Michaels (TV) 20:39, 7. Patsy Barlow 'Cald) 20:41, a NA 20:43, 9. Nina Shultz (Chepp) 20:43 10. Erica Norris (lake) 20:45. VAN WERT INVITATIONAL (September 23)

Andy Getz, McDonald, 12

CEDARVILLE INVITATIONAL (September 23) Boys Blue: 1. Columbus Grove 44, 2. West Liberty Salem 55, 3. Minster 91, 4. Holgate 99, 5. Indian Hill 181. Individuals: 1. Luke Siefker (CoLGrove) 16:32. 2. Greg Flora (WLS) 16:38, 3. Josh Ordway (Hogate) 16:45, 4.. Craig Shank (Cedarville) 16:47, 5. Greg Kamphaus (CoLGrove) 16:51. Girls Blue: 1. Botkins 64, 2. Minster 68, 3. Columbus 4.. Worthington Christian 99, 5. Bellbrook 101. lnd•vl,duals: 1. Joslyn Pfau (Holgate) 19:35, 2. Missy Titus (Botkms) 20:14, 3. Amy Dietz (Botkins) 20:28, 4.. Heidi Greenhorn (Bellbrook) 20:34, 5. Michelle Clemons (Wor.Chr.) 20:37.

TeL & FAX (419) 925-4714

Gr~ve 90,

Luke Siefker, Col Grove, 12

Boys l: 1. Van Wert 40, 2. Wayne Trace 118, 3. Upper Sandus'~Y 126, 4.. LCC 137, 5. Ottawa-Glandorf 151, 6. Coldwater 178, 7. Fairview 178, a Parkway 187, 9. St. Marys 200, 10. Kenton 262. 11. Tint ora 268, 12. Mount Piller 340. ln.jividuals: 1. Matt Miller (VW) 16:24, 2. Nat Webster (WT, 1~31, 3. Gabe Knous (StMarys) 16:47, 4. Quincy Shugar1 (VW) 16:51, 5. Matt Dunlavy (LCC), 6. larry Hays (Kanton), a Ryan Bogt (00~ Girls 1: 1. LCC 64, 2. Van Wert 96, 3. Coldwater 110, 4.. Tlntora 128, 5. Upper Sandusky 141, 6. St Marys 156, 7. Wayne Trace 161, 8. Ottawa-Glandorf 172. 9. Paulding 247 10. Fairview 313, 11. Kenton 343. Individuals: 1. Karla Klosterman (Cold) 19:33, 2. Jessica DeVoe (Bath) 19:39, 3. Kimberly Minnch (VW) 19:41, 4. Merlssa Knous (St. Marys) 19:49, 5. Michelle Dunlavy (LCC). Boys Blr e: 1. East Canton 36, 2. Crestview 62. 3. Stryker 66, <1 Ottaville 140, 5. Not Available 6. Allen East 187, a Spencerville 210. Individual: Ryan Schneider (Spencervil). Girls Blue: 1. Crestview 19, 2. Hicksville 86, 3. Ayersville 15 1, 4. Eaton 161. Individuals: a Krlsty Norman (Colcl. 9. Brooke Rex (AE), 10. Kelly Lammers (SpencevD).





Girls OfViiiOrllii:--1:· ·sytvaiiia · Northvlew 2. Bedford 72, 3. Eastwood 84, 4. St. Ursl.Aa 90, · 5: 6. Sardleky Perkins 125. 7. Port Cil)ton 200;: $. Fln<lay 201, 9. Ros$ford 251, 10. Rogers 294. Individuals: . 1. T. ~a (Bed) 19:37, 2. J. Staats (Clyde) 19:48, 3. B. ZoWweg (St.U) 20:14, .4&.5 Not Avalable, 6. .M.. Mayer (St.U) 20:19, 7. E. Neitz (Eastwood)- 20:30. a D. P1tkm (Eastwood) 20:38, . 9. M. Knous (Northview) 20:44, 10. .E. Kessler (Perkins) 20:45. . Boys Division 1&11: 1. Sandusky Perkins 5~ 2. · Eastwood 78, 3. Rossford 84, 4. Findlay 115, 5. Whitmer 124, 6. Not Available, 7. Clyde 163, 8. Bedford 206, 9. Port Clinton 219. Individuals: 1. B. Baddorf (Findlay) 16:03, 2. J. Koppenhofer (Eastwo()(J) 16:25, 3. B. Ingersoll (Clyde) 16:33, 4. N. 1-tldson (Perkins) 16:41, 5. L. Sybert (Eastwood) 16:45, 6. Not Available, 1. M. Haas (Rossford) 16:50, 8. N. Speer (Perkins) 16:57, 9. G. Grabel (Eastwood)



17:02. Boys Division Ill: 1. Delphos St. Johns 91. 2. Liberty Benton 101, 3. St. Wendelin 106, 4. aluffton 162, 5. Versailes 170, 6. Erie Mason 187, 7. New Riege~ 219, 8. Toledo Christian 224, _10. Wauseon .232. Individuals: .-1.M. Waldfogel (Erie Mason) 16:12, 2. J. Kem&dy · (~lufUon) 16:22, 3. R. Desgrange (Lib.C~ter) 16:39, ... 4. J. Wood (Versailles) 16:46, 5. J. Ravary (Erie Mason) 16:49, 6. A. Sldg (Maumee Val) 17:03, 7. B. Claveland (Old Fort) 17:03, 8. B. Treece (Lib.Ben) 17:04, 9. R. MUfray (Lib.Ben) 17:07, 10. ·c. Kim (New Riegel) 17:09. Girls Division Ill: 1. Liberty Benton 41; 2. Cardnal 3. Versailles 150, 4. Bijssfield r 152, 5. St. Stritch 55, Wendelin 174, 6. Fremont St. Joe 195, 7. New Riegel 217, 8. Bluffton 236, 9. Delphos St. Johns 237, 10. Wauseon 269. Individuals: 1. M. DiSalvo (Vers) 19:21, J 2. T. Groves a E. Huber (Stritch) 1~28, 4. A. (Lib.Ben) 19:22, Stechschulte (Bluffton) 19:38, 5. M. Furgason (Bliss) 19:41, 6. C. Smith (Lib.Ben) 19:48, 7. S. Yeager (St. .,foe) 19:51, 8. M. Gray (Stritch) 19:53, 9. A. Recker (Lib.Ben) 20:01, 10. J. LaPtante (Stritch) 20: 1a

Sara Sykes, Amanda Clearcreek, 12,

MARYSVILLE INVITATIONAL· (September ~3) Boy1: 1. Worthington K~bourne 40, 2. Marion Harding 3. Delaware 130, 4. Benjamin Logan 146, 5. Dublin Scioto 151, 6. Bexley 155, .. 7.. MarysvUie 171, a Belefontaine 212, S. Grove City '214, 10. Hamilton Township 257, 11. Fairbanks 270. Individual: Kerns (Bl) 16:23. •.. Girls: 1. Marysville 30, 2. ·Worthington Kilbourne 53, 3. Bexley 121, 4. B&njamin Logan 122, 5. Marion Hardng 145, 6. North Union ·146, 7. Delaware 167, 8. Fairbanks 197, 9.· Hamilton Township 227, 10. · Belefontaine 241. Individual: COnrad (M) 17:50.



Boys Division 1: · 1. PiCkerington 53, <! Beavercreek) 61, 3. C.nlwville ~ 4. Middletown 102, 5. Watkins~iaf 107. Individuals:. t Mike Douglas '(P) 16:11, 2. Blake McDowell (WM) 16:30, 3. Dan Casey (P) 16:44, 4. Jeremy Bennett (B) 1&55, 5. Erie Lundgren (C) 16:57. Girls Division 1: 1. Beavercreek 41, 2. Piokerilgton 92, 3. Centervile 94, 4. Middletown 106, 5. Springfield North 11a Individuals: 1. Lon Deneke (C) 19:27, 2. Gretchen Fulck (B) 19:28, 3. Sarah Wiley (B) 19:32, 4. Lilcfy Zahoruska (P) 19:33, 5. Julie Evers (Celina) 19:39. Boys Division II: 1. Alter 64, 2. Eaton 76, 3. Springfield Shawnee 79, 4. Greenon 106,. 5. Dayton Christian 112. l· Nick AQ'kava .(A) 16:38, 2. ~ 3. WiiMam McCauley (G) 16:43, 4. 'DaiTen A vwy (E) 16:56, 5. Josh Mears (SS) 17:05. Girls Division .. B: 1. Watkins~Mernofial 18, 2. Springboro 82, 3. Alter 98, 4. Brookvile 1$4, 5. Eaton 135. Individuals: 1. Carmen Brabham (WM) 20:17, 2. R&bekah Kehr (WM} 20:24, 3. Diana Bucey (NW) 20:48, 4. Abby Pound (WM) 20:10, 5. Rachel Toothman (WM) 21:1a Boy• Division Ill: 1. Ft. Recovery 72, 2. Covington 86, 3. Russia 117, 4. Eastern Brown 141, 5. Arcanum 170. Individuals: 1. Tony Arnold (Jackson Center) 16:53, 2. JoM Galla~r (TCN) 16:56, 3. David Larson (Cov) 17:09, 4. Dan Hemmelgarn (St.H) 17:11, 5. Matt Roessner (Ft. R) 17:16. Girls Division Ill: 1. Arcanum 85, 2. Marion Local 132, 3. Russia 123, 4. Covington 133, 5. Eastern Brown 134. Individuals; . -1. ~ldi Schaller· (Oakwood) 20:21, 2. Stacy Arnold (JC) 20:29, 3. Sarah Sommer (Cov) 20:33, 4. Kyle Crawford (Oakwood) 20:37, 5. Jeooy Bidering (Ml.) 20:39. .· •



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LOUI~VIl.LE TR~tY .~VITATIONALJ .· .· . ·.(&epl~er .1~) . . .. , . .

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Cross Country

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Track and Field


- For camp or college lnformatt~n contact: ·.

·. · ·Jack Haierf· · · · ·. : · . ,: '

· ·.

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Maton~· COueg~· · : .. 1•J

. 515 25th St..NW

Roy~ 'C.ntral (IN)) 9l', · 4. .L(!_~viJ• l:mty 1O:r, lncl\tidUals: · · La~:..;;c£:!r,a.. .fa...._ . '·':;: .


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3. Kidd (SX) -16:16, f3. Bruna .(SX) 16:34, 9. Schat~fer (SX) ~ · 16:37, 21. King (SX) 17:01, 23. Dolan (SX) 17:'04. ·" · . · .. :·, ·


Boys Varsity 1: 1. St. Ignatius 20, 2. Mayfield 7~ a St. £dw_, !74, · 4:· Map1a Hts. eo. · 5. '"Geneva· 128. Individual: Mssler {St:Ed) 17:45. · Girls Vareity 1: 1. Mayfield 39, 2. Lake Catholic 47, 3. IQOCL 47; 4. Geneva 107, 5. Maple Hts. 129. lndividullf. Antel (N)CL) 20:53. Boys Varsity II: 1. Univ~sity 79, 2. NDCL 108, 3. Edgewood 124, 4. ·Ashtabula 176, 5. Conneaut 195. Individual: Greiclous (Edgewood) 17:32. Girls Varsity 1.1: 1. Edgewood 35, 2. Wickcliffe 59, a Conn8auf .· 8ij. . 4. Chamb.erlain 1:32, 5. AndrtWI! 138., Hedebrand (Ash} 20151. · . '{ .




Girl1 Gold: 1. Chardon 114, 2. Kenston 127, 3. Ecison 144, 4. Bay 148, 5. Rever• 154, 6. Fort LO!'artie .,. · 177. lnclvfduata: 1. Downing (Ken) 19:47, 2. Patton (ECF 20:17, 3. Rothman (OF) N/A, 4. Ko~ (NR) 20:32, 5. Orr (R) 20:35, 6. (BE) 20:54, 7. Bierman (Fl) 20=54;. 8. Sustar (WG) 20:56, 9. Rostocil (H) 21:02, 10. Pl"ymesser (Bay) 20:03. Boye Gold: 1. Bay 55, 2. Revere A 126, 3. Rocky Rivw 142, 4. Kenston 149, 5. Fai'viflw 159. 6. West Individuals: 1. Huffman (RR) 16:45, 2. Geauga 169. Reichert (Bay) 17:07, 3. Waren (RA) 17:13, 4. Ritelfe (OF) N/A, 5. Kramer (K) N/A, 6. Gee (Bay) 17:16, 7. Slack (Fai'vlew) 17:26, a Curran (Bay) 17:34, 9. Frasz (KJ Nt~;c. 10. Rybichl (OF) N/A. -;r Girls White: 1. Hudson 58, 2. Westlake -134, 3. Rtch 148, 4. U.clrla 149, 5. Boardman 167, 6. Brecksvile 18~b Individuals: 1. Cohol (AF) 19:30, 2. Rady (M) 20:3~ ~taW Rowland (td) 20:42, 4. Klosterman (H) 20:54, 5. EdwatM': (HN) 20:55. 6. Gyor (W) 20:58, 7. Bilek (BR) 20:'59, 8. ·· Drouhard (AF) 21:02, 9. Coooolly (AF) 21:05, 10. Gaskins (MA) 21:0a Boys White: 1. N. Canton Hoover 69, 2. Boardman 88, 3. Holy NarM 97, 4. West Lake 132. 5. Cloverleaf 151, 6. Mentor 201. Individuals: 1. Coleman (BO) 16:58, 2. Brantner (CL) 17:14, 3. Lowry (NCH) 17:28, 4. Truitt (CH) N/A, 5. Charek (CL) 17:37, 6. Marhefka (W) 1¥:'30,· 7. Wood (BO) 17:45, 8. Tetzlaff (SH) 17:47, 9. Leonard (M~} 17:53, 10. Morgan (MI) 17:53. .lEe;-:. .. Girls Green: 1. Beallfnont 46, 2. Magnificat sf), ' 3:~,; Mentor 108, 4. StrongsviUe 108, 5. West Chestesr ·tt~.kbta 120, 6. Worthington 174. Individuals: 1. Radkewioh (B&au): ~ 17:47, 2. Petshe (D) 18:21, 3. Petro (MA) N/A, 4. Ca~beH (B) 19:46, 5. Bettcher (S) 19:52, 6. Gasser (WO) 19:54, 7. RaiJo (Beau) 20:03, ~ a Purdy (Ber) 20:07, 9. Alen (KR) 20:09, 1O. Puffer (WCL) 20: 11. Boys Green: 1. Austintown Fitch 77, 2. Amherst Steele 103, 3. Medina 126, 4. Ashland ·130, 5. Hudson 139, 6. West Chester Lakota 151. Individuals: 1. Estwai'JI( (DC) 16:31, 2. Godsey (WC!,.l 16:33, 3. Antonucci (AF) 16:44, 4. SpeHman (AS) 16:50, 5. Kelly (KR) 16:53, 6. Luca (AS) 16:59, 7. Sheets (A) 17:03, 8. Bergstran (H) 17:04, 9. Anderson (KR) 17:05, 10. Smith (H) 17:05.

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EASTMOOR INVITATIONAL (September 16) Boys Division 1: 1. Pickerington 50, 2. Westerville South 88, 3. Gahanna 88, 4. Worthington Kilbourne 89, 5. Westerville North 113, 6. Hillard 123, 7. Dul.'\lin Scioto 200, a Delaware 229, 9. Whitehal 255, 10. St. Charles 265, 11. Grove City 284. Individual: Fairweather (Hill) 15:32. Girls Division 1: 1. Pickerington 36, 2. Westerville North 68, 3. Westerville South 95, 4. Hillard 124, 5. Lancaster 131, 6. Delaware 256. Individual: Berrier (WS) 19:01. Boys Division II: 1. Newark Catholic 44, 2. Granville 48, 3. Big Walnut 84, 4. Bexley 150, 5. DeSales 174, 6. Linden 186, 7. Academy 224, a Hartley 227, 9. Ready 231, 10. Olentangy 263, 11. Whetstone 266, 12. Licking Heights 313. Individual: Sibia (BW) 16:02. . Girls Division II: 1. Newark Catholic 44, 2. Olentangy 84t. 3. DeSales 109, 4. Bexley 113, 5. Big Walnut 123, 6. Whitehal 135, 7. Whetstone 203, a Hartley 213, 9. New Albany 251, 10. Ready 253, 11. Centennial 259, 12. Linden 287, 13. Academy 320. Individual: Brown (NC) 19:33.


Becky Testa, McDonald, 11


Boys: 1. Alter 24, 2. Bellbrook 91, 3. Oakwood 96, 4. CedarvHie 121, 5. Little Miami 130, 6. Xenia Christian 148, 7. Kenton Ridge 166, a WaynesvUie 185, 9. Kings 191. Individuals: 1. Dan Moroney (A}- 16·06._ 2. Nick ~=:~ 1~ 3. Craig Shank (C) 16:31, 4. Brad (B) 16:57, 5. Kyle Miller (OW) 17:08, 6. Nck Duffy (A) 17:10, 7. Mike Lehner (A) 17:19, a San Westfall (A) 17:22, 9. Kevin Barnhill (LM) 17:38, 10. Ethan Calvert (XC) 17:41. Girls: 1. Bellbrook 56, 2. Oakwook 60, 3. Alter 68, 4. Kenton Ridge 81, 5. Kings 98, 6. Little Miami 157, 7. WaynesvUie 16a Individuals: 1. Heide Staller (OW) 19:07, 2. Kylie Crawford (OW) 19:35, 3. Anita Allen (YS) 19:44, 4. Sheri Greenhorn (B) 19:50, 5. Heidi Greenhorn (B) 19:59, 6. Valerie Harns (KR) 20:33, 7. Amy Kiger (KR) 20:35, a Kelli Johnson (K) 20:36, 9. Allison Caldwell (B) 21:50, 10. Andrea Kwellinger (A) 21:23.



Attica Seneca East, 10

.; -


'J... ·

Boys: 1. Gallion 80, 2. Sandusky Perkins 109, 3. Van Wert 111, 4. Shelby 132, 5. Marion River Valley 168, 6. Clear Fork 171, 7. London 188, a Huron 198, 9. Decyrus 235, 10. Edison 260, 11. Upper Sandusky 264, 12. BeDevue 28a Individuals: 1. Matt Miller (VW} 16:07, 2. John Hiatt (G) 16:09, 3. David Merriman (D) 16:18, 4. Kent (G) 16:22, 5. Quincy Shugart (VW) 16:38, 6. Brian Barker (E) 16:40, 7. Paul Meyers (H) 16:44, a Nick Hudson (SP) 16:47, 9. Jole Hamilton (CF) 16:49, 10. Cody Britt (S) 16:53. Girls Division 1: 1. Tiffin Columbian 42, 2. Fremont Ross 54, 3. Ashland 92, 4. Celina 122, 5. Wapakoneta 124, 6. Toledo Bowsher 157, 7. Mansfield Senior 214, 8. Mansfield Madison 238, 9. Mansfield Harding 262, 10. Sandusky 306. SYCAMORE INVITATIONAL (September 16)

. Columbus Grove 48, 2. Ft. Recovery 89, 3. De..,.. )hn's 102, 4. Bluffton 1 10, 5. Minster 1 12, 6. Wayne lra.. e 145, 7. LCC 202, a New Bremen 224, 9. OttovDie 226, 10. Cory Rawson 238, 11. Allen East 283, 12. Parkway 311, 13. New Knoxville 345, 14. Perry 363, 15. Lincolnview 379. Individuals: 1. Luke Siefker (CG) 16:08, 2. Junior Kennedy (B) 16:13, 3. Ryan Schneider (S) 16:33, 4. N. Webster (WT) 16:39, 5. Matt Dunlavy (LCC) 16:51, 6. Matt Heitkamp (FRT) 16:53, 7. Greg Kamphaus (CG) 16:55, a Phillip Slonkosky (M) 16:57, 9. Eric Smith (B) 16:59, 10. Jim Woten (CG) 17:00, 11. Matt Roessner (FTR) 17:04, 12. Chad Hermiller (CG) 17:06. Girls: 1. LCC 55, 2. Bluffton 71, 3. Minster 86, 4. Columbus Grove 101, 5. New Bremen 142, 6. Delphos St. John's 147, 7. Wayne Trace 149, a Cory Rawson 182, 9. Ft. Recovery 206, 10. New Knoxville 260, 11. Lincolnview 292. Individuals: 1. Ann Stechschulte (B) 19:31, 2. Anna Schwieterman (NB) 19:44, 3. Michelle Dunlavey (LCC) 19:58, 4. Marcie Ahman (LCC) 20:47, 5. Rachel Hilty (B) 20:49, 6. Mandy Ostendorf (DSJ) 20:55, 7. Jessie Barhorst (M) 21:02, a Tiffany Brown (NK) 21:04, 9. Annie Stitzel (B) 21:10, 10. Heather Meyer (M) 21:15, 11. Christy Roessner (FTR) 21:22, 12. Sara Welhrauch (B) 21:22. BELLBROOK INVITATIONAL (September 16)

Boys Division 1-11: 1. Teays valley 44, 2. Westland 59, 3. Circleville 60, 4. Marysville 100, 5. Westfall 121, 6. Logan Elm 139, 7. Chillicothe 170. Individual: Hatifield (CIR) 16:18. Girls Division: 1. Amanda-Ciearcreek 41, 2. Circleville 52, 3. Marysville 82, 4. Bloom-Carroll 84, 5. Heath 142, 6. Berne Union 174, 7. Logan Elm 191, 8. Teays Valley 209, 9. Westland 271, 10. Jonathan Alder 271, 11. Westfall 292, 12. Southeastern 293, 13. Adena 332. Individual: Sykes (AC) 18:53. Boys Division 11-111: 1. Jonathan Alder 59, 2. Amanda-Ciearcreek 59, 3. Millersport 85, 4. Berne Union 97, 5. Southeastern 129, 6. Bloom-Carroll 137, 7. Madison Plains 154, a Heath 205. Individual: Yates (JA) 16:45.

Boys: 1. Anna 61, 2. Caldwell 70, 3. Watkins Memorial 94, 4. Meadowbrook 100, 5. Marietta 105, 6. Lancaster 116, 7. Morgan 237, a Canton Central Catholic. Individual: Arnold (MAR) 16:05. Girls: 1. West Muskingum 42, 2. Watkins Mern'Orial 75, 3. Meadowbrook 76, 4. Morgan 107, 5. Marietta 115, 6. Canton Central Catholic 147, 7. Olmstead Falls 158, a Logan 159, 9. Sandy Valley 245. Individual: Ewing (MOR) 19:11.


Chris Paisley, Miami Trace, 11

EATON INVITATIONAL (September 16) Boys 1: 1. Covington 43, 2. Arcanum 66, 3. Lincoln, lnd 106, 4. Tri-County North 107, 5. Marion Local 126, 6. Franklin-Monroe 180, 7. Mational Tral 188, a Twin Valley South 190, 9. Houston 197, 10. Southeastern 205, 11. Newton 224. Individuals: 1. David Larson (C) 16:03, 2. John Gallagher (TCN) 16:09, 3. Matt Gouge (L) 16:22, 4. Brad Beam (A) 16:35, 5. Kyle Brumbaugh (C) 16:3a Boys II: 1. Eaton 28, 2. Mason 53, 3. Brookville 73, 4. Northridge 11 0, 5. Meadow dale 143, 6. Edgewood 151, 7. Dunbar 159, a Patterson 18& Individuals: 1. Darren Avery (E) 16:07, 2. .l.lstin f\ose (E) 16:20, 3. Rog Goode (M) 16:24, 4. Gene Collier (NR) 16:29, 5. Dan Newbauer (B) 16:31. Girls: 1. Arcanum 54, 2. Marion Local 75, 3. National TraU 122, 4. Covington 131, 5. Eaton 142, 6. Houston 160, Mason 173, a Brookville 177, 9. Dayton Christian 222, 10. Southeastern 230, 11. Patterson 261, 12. Twin Valley South 333. Individuals: 1. Sarah Sommer (C) 19:26, 2. Jemy Broering (ML) 19:40, 3. Kristy Keiser (A) 19:54, 4. Laura HOI (B) 19:56, 5. Heather Smith (NT) 19:59, 6. Amanda Fourman (A) 20:12, 7. Wendy Somers (TCN) 20:17, a Amy Buening (ML~ 20;19, 9. Emily Schaffner (MM) 20:21, 10. Tesha Jordan (P) 20:31. NEW ARK INVITATIONAL (September 16) Boys: ~b•r;. 2. Dublin Coffman 84, 3. Upper Arlin~ T. Worthington 117, 5. Lakewood 135, 6. Cambridge 142. Individuals: 1. Chris Estwanik (DC) 16:34, 2. David Rankey (TW) 16:33, 3. Aaron Craig (C) 16:46, 4. David Miller (UA) 16:55, 5. Brian Lenzo (Rey) 16:5& Girls: 1. Upper Ar6ngton 26, 2. T. Worthington 80, 3. Reynoldsburg 85, 4. Dubfin Coffman 110, 5. Groveport 113, 6. Worthington Christian 161. Individuals: 1. Lisa Petsche (DC) 1Q 17, 2. Carrie Miller (UA) 20:04, 3. Kara Alexander (UA) 20:08, 4. Tricia Gasser (TW) 20:13, 5. Amanda Wendorft (UA) 20:27.


Boys: 1. Maderia 40, 2. Milford 56, 3. Middletown 90, 4. Anderson 109, 5. Fairfield 113, 6. Turpin 122, 7. Roger B~a.con 169, 8. Sycamore 195. Individuals: ~ 16:20 ozak Mil · 3. d 16:37, 4. Linz (f=¥3 16:57, 5. Newberry (Mad) 16:5a Girls: 1. Anderson 29, 2. Middletown 96, 3. Maderia 104, 4. Roger Bacon 122, 5. Fairfield 124, 6. Seton 140, 7. Turpin 161, a Sycamore 163, 9. Milford 218, 10. Amelia 257, 11. Glen Este 33a Individuals: 1. Blackwelder (Mad) 19:07, 2. Dorna (A) 19:26, 3. Himmelstein (A) 19:35, 4. Owens (A) 20:04, 5. Fiessinger (Mid) 20:06.

CLEAR FORK COLT STAMPEDE (September 19) MT. HEAL THY INVITATIONAL (September 16) Boys: 1. St. Xavier 19, 2. Northwest 58, 3. Mt. Healthy 60. Individuals: 1. Cooper (SX) 19:00 2. Ellerbrock (SX) 19:03, 3. Heineman (SX) 19:09, 4. Hayes (MI-l) 19:16, 5. Jordan (SX) 19:17. Girls: 1. Northwest. DNF-Ross, FairJield, Norwood. lndviduals: 1. Sandwald (NW) 28:27, 2. Rieck (NW) 29: 15, 3. Ziegler (NW) 29:42, 4. Crepps (NW) 30:53, 5. Gibson (NW} 31-:25.

Sara Monteleone, Dover, 12,

Girls: 1. Clear Fork 63, 2. Fredericktown 64, 3. Norwalk St. Paul 106, 4. Black River 162. Individuals: Kathy Swartzentruber (F) 20:53, 2. Kristy Thomas (CF) 20:54, 3. Gretchan VanDyke (CF) 21:04, 4. Jenny McFadden (NSP) 21:05, 5. Molly Gordon (Smithvme) 21:10. Boys: 1. Mt. Vernon A 53, 2. Clear Fork 71, 3. River Valey 86, 4. Crestview 170. Individuals: 1. Steve Krajenskl (MVA) 16:56, 2. Burt Skeen (MVP) 17:02, 3. Brad Palmer (CF) 17:07, 4. Chad Shuker (N) 17:13, 5. Joe Hamilton (CF) 17:14.

BOARDMAN-S (Septemb'


,RTAN 15)

Boys Bite: 1. North Alleghany PA. 105, 2. West Springfield VA. 115, 3. Walsh 129, 4. Ml L::!'lanon 132, 5. Hudson 156, 6. Brecksvme 168. 7. Austimown Anch 177, 8. Wadsworth 193, 9. Jackson 246, 10. Eastlake North 279, 11. Rootstown 291, 12. Salem 300. Individuals: 1. Sharif Karle (WS VA.) 15:31, 2. Chris Banks (WS VA.) 15:46, 3. Chris Cave (TV) 15:55, 4. Andy Cfifford (Wad) 16:18, 5. Josh Morgan (R) 16:19, 6. Sc:>tt Sebon (ML) 16:22, 7. Josh McAdams (B) 16:27, 8. Patrick Shananan (Wal) 16:30, 9. Dave Loughran (ML) 16:30. 10. Mike Halla (WS VA.) 16:31, 11. Matt Schmidt (NA) 1$:38, 12. Tom Stark (H) 16:42. 1. Beaumont 85, 2. Jackson 117, 3. Girls Elite: Perry 123, 4. Toledo Central Catholic 125, 5. Magnificat 159, 6. Strongsville 201, 7. North Alleghany 203, 8. Dover 210, 9. Woodridge 217, 10. West Springfield VA. 219, 11. V.arlington 257, 12. Wadsworth 264. Individuals: 1. Katy c~adkewich (B) 17:43, 2. Candace Nicholson (B) 18:59, 3. .~llison Orin (J) 19:05, 6. Rosie Sabino (W) 19:33, 7. Cory Petro (Mag) 19:35, 9. Cicely Campbell (B) 19:37, 10. Missy 11. Andrea Coho! (F) 19:44, 12. Graham (Mar) 19:43, Christine Weiher (TCC) 19:51, 14. Missy Naylor (J) 20:03, 15. Mandy Murnen (TCC) 20:04, 16. Jenni Staats (Clyde) 20:11. Boys Division 1: 1. Medina 112, 2. Chardon 113, 3. Kent Roosevelt 149, 4. General Mclane 186, 5. Hoover 193, 6. Lakewood 195, 7. Highland Senior ?1.:: " Cathedral Prep 232, 9. Brunswick 234, 10. Boar oman 250, 11. Lake 262, 12. Madison 289. Individuals: 1. Almond (Riv) 16:50. 2. Brantner (Ciov) 16:59, 3. Anderson (KR) 17:02, 4. Coleman (B) 17:05, 5. General McLane 17:06, 6. Gibson (Woost) 17:09, 7. Feick (Eilet) 17:14, 8. Dudich (Ch) 17:16, 9. Jindra (BR) 17:17, 10. Galizio (KR) 17:23. Girls Division 1: 1. Hudson 165, 2. McDoweU 168, 3. Cle. Hts. 190, 4. Madison 203, 5. Kent Roosevelt 210, 6. AUiance 228, 7. Lake 234, 8. Brecksville 242, 9. Wooster 288, 10. Medina 304, 11. Boardman 307, !2. Hoover 327. Individuals: 1. Usa Claypool (EL) 19:23, 2. Audrey Wright (CF) 19:52, 4. Missy Sloar (~S) 20:21, 6. Anne Granger (H) 2C:32, 7. Hesather Chizmar (KR) 20:32, 8. Claire Gorka 10. Amber (Mad) 20:34, 9. Jessica Gagola (KR) 20:37, Rady (Med) 20:41, 12. Maureen Keith (l) 2J:57

Canton Central Catholic, 11


Boys Division II: 1. lakeview 78, 2. Dover 165, 3. Canfield 196, 4. Claymont 244, 5. Canton Central Catholic 266, 6. Chagrin Falls 276, 7. Southeast 339, 8. Pe~ry 356, 9. Cranberry 374, 10. Ashtabula Edgewood 380, 11. East Palestine 380, 12. Clyde 394. Individuals: 1. Nathan McClintock (CW) 16:33, 2. Andy Greicius (AE) 16:41, 3. Nick Jordon (Can) 16:49, 4. Sean Voorhies (L) 16:55, 5. Jeri Hull {Can) 16:59, 7. Garrett Suciimaci< (L) 17:02, 8. Ben ingersoll (Clyde) 17:03, 9. Geoff Lockart (CF) 17:05, 11. David Stillman (N) 17:08, 12. JP. Moran (Poland) 17:14. Girls Division II: 1. Titusville 169, 2. Kenston 195, 3. Ch.:udon 216, 4. Revere 224, 5. Southeast 237, 6. Lakeview 249, 7. Jefferson Area 266, 8. Chagrin Falls 273, 9~ Ashtabula Edgewood 274, 10. Copley 291, 11. West Geauga 324, 12. Canfield 329, 13. Crestwood 335, 14. Perry 337. Individuals: 1. Vonnie Downing (K) 19:59, 2. Mfc1elle Rizzo (P) 19:59, 3. Debbie Pagano (Pol) 20:18, 4. Lise. Fenelli (Tit) 20:20, 5. Ke!li Llttan (NW) 20:26, 7. Anne Ugl-rin (L) 20:32, a. Carrie Watts (A) 20:35, 9. Christie Holtz (CF) 20:38, 10. Kelly Buck (CW) 20:46 11. Katie Orr (R) 20:51, 12. Gretchan Maury (Tit) 20:51 Boys Division Ill: 1. East Canton 90, 2. Berkshire 110, 3. Fort Le Boeuf 125, 4. Maplewood 167, 5. Pine Richland 175, 6. Cardinal 180, 7. Rocky Grove 184, 8. Pymatuning Valley 190, 9. Woodridge 221, 10. Lisbon David Anderson 226, 11. Kirtland 270, 12. McDonald 326. Individual 1. Michael Samford (PR) 16:26.1 2. Andy Getz (MD) 16:55.3 3. Dave Gaddes (RG) 17:01.0 4. Mic~ ..:1el Richardson (lis) 17:05.6 5. Tony Garcia (Berk) 17:07.0 6. Ryan Kellison (Us) 17:09.1 7. Joshua Samford (PR) 17:14.0 8. Dan Aquino (EC) 17:19.8 9. Mark Shaver (C) 17:20.8 11. Matt Sloan (B) 17:24.6 12. Richard Donaldson (M) 17:30.7 13. Jaso1 Wads (EC) 17:31.9 Girls Division Ill: 1. McDonald 40, 2. Tuskarawa Valley 88, 3. Pine Richland 100, 4.Fort Le Boeuf 112, 5. Rootstown 133, 6. East Canton 183, 7. Maplewood 201. Individual: 1. Becky Testa (MD) 19:57.0 3. Liz Testa (MD) 20:56.0 5. Laura Michaels (TV) 21:28.2 6. Kim Bayle (FB) 21:34.8 7. Jill Chase (FB) 21:43.9 8. Marilyn Testa (MD) 22:06.3 9. Kim Sicora (PR) 22:11.8 10. Aflsha Wallace (TV) 22:13.3 GROVEPORT INVITATIONAL (September 23) Boys: 1. Newark CathoRc 26, :-. Mount Gilead 83, 3. Aman:fa-Ciearcreek 88, 4. Asher Cathofic 96, 5. Millersport 107, 6. Hartley 164, 7. Berne Union 187, 8. Clark Southeastern 215, Elgin 225. Individual: Webb (Nq Girls: 1. Amanda-Ciearcreek 26, 2. Circlevnle 52, 3. Bloom-Carroll73, 4. Olentangy 84, 5. DeSales 144, 6. Logan Bm 152, 7. Hartley 183, 8. Ready 205, 9. Unden 222. Individuals: 1. Sarah Sykes (AC) 19:18, 2. A. Miller (AC) '9:45, 3. Phfillps (BC) 19:45, 4. Webb (Ot) 20:03, 5. Phillips (AC) 20:04, 6. Ross (Circle) 20:05, ;·. Garrett (AC) 20:07, 8. Shue (Circle) 20:31, 9. Walke (Circ:e) 20:32, 10. Potrick (Circle) 20:36, 11. Osborne (AC) 20:38.

Boys: 1. Northmont 48, 2. Cln. Elder 73, 3. Harris.on 92, 4. Fairmont 139, 5. Beavercreek 162, 6. Centerville 180, 7. Vandalia Butler 229, 8. Cin. Oak Hills 235, 9. Princeton 272. 10. Springfield Shawnee 312, 11. Wayne 337 12. Greenon 346, 13. Colerain 375, 14. Dayton Chri~tian 382, 15. West Carrollton 424. Individuals: 1. Ernie Ziegler (HAR) 16:23, 2. Matt Motfinjer (HAR) 16:27, 3. Bryan Richards (NM) 16:30, 4. David Dickman (CE) 16:32, 5. Casey Long (NM) 16:35, 6. Eric Lundgren (CV) 16:45, 7. William McCauley (GR) 16:48, 8. David Lucius (BC) 16:51, 9. A.J. \\lttich (CE) 16:54, 10. John Young (NM) 16:54. Girls: 1. Cin. Colerain 33, 2. Beavercreek 61, 3. Northmont 114, 4. Centerville 150. 5. Springfield North 163, 6. Cin. Ursuline 182, 7. Cin. Oak Hills 184, 8. Greenville 274, 9. Princeton 299, 10. Vandalia Butler 323, 11. Fairmont 331, 12. Bo1kins 347, 13. Wayne 348, 14. Harrison 382, 15. Troy 402. Individuals: 1. Erin McConnell (SN) 19:07, 2. Gerri Buck (C) 19:17, 3. Gretch Folck (8) 19:50, 4. Lori Deneke (C) 19:56, 5. Andrea Holman (C) 19:58, 6. Kristin Spicer (NM) 19:59, 7. Amanda Holman \ ~) 20:02, 8. Angie Kist (C) 20:06, 9. Briana Killian (NMJ 20:08, 10. Rachel Henry (SN) 2!?= 10.

Boys Blue: 1. Rocky River 39, 2. Bened;ctine 56. 3. NDCL 76. 4. Fairview 78, 5. V ASJ 136, 6. Elyria ~57, 7. Wickliffe 174, 8. Orange 232, 9. Wes1ern Reserve Academv 238. 10. University 269, 11. Chanei 332. lndividuai: Hoffman (RR) 16:44. Girls Blue: 1. A von Lake 58, 2. Beaumont 78, 3. NDCL 116, 4. Lake Catholic 128, 5. Wickliffe 126, 6. Rocky River 135, 7. Nordonia 159, 8. Fairview ~80, 9. Elyria Cathonc 191, 10. Western Reserve Academy 257, 11. Chane! 267. Individual: t Byrne (AL) 19:30. Boys Red: 1. Cuyahoga Falls 57, 2. St. Ignatius 77, 3. Valley Forge 78, 4. Strongsville 101, 5. Shaker H1s. "!36, 6. Mentor 145, 7. St. Edward 158, 8. North Olmsted 172, 9. Cleveland Hts. 205. Individual: Sharma (VF) 17:12. Girls Red: 1. Mentor 39, 2. Padua 69, 3. Solen 79, 4. Valley Forge 90, 5. North Olmstej 127, 6. Holy Name 153, 7. Willoughby South 170, 8. St Joseph Academy 229. Individual: DiNapoli (VF) 20: 14. Boys White: 1. Solon 37, 2. Avon Lake 80, 3. Hc:y Name 93, 4. Padua 100, 5. Willougnb ,; South ~ ~3. 6. Nordonir. 163, 7. Lake Catholi~ 172, 8. M:~p:e Hts. ~84, 9, Garfield Hts. 230. Individual: Simoson (AL) 16:41.

Brad Koverman, Anna



' Dan Hollingshead, Lebanon

Boys: 1. Cleveland St. Ignatius 55, 2. Cincinnati LaSalle 55, 3. Carroll 106, 4. Hamilton Badin 112, 5. C\n. Moeller 112, 7. Covington,Ky. St. Henry 127, 8. Lancaster Fisher 180, 9. Cin. McNicholas 191, 10. Cin. Purcell-Marian 261, 11. Chaminade-Julienne 276. lndividuals: 1. ?atrici< Kelly (Sl) 16:01, 2. Chris Sndyer lHS) 16:16 l Dan Fol:z (CM) 16:20, 4. Jay Hummel (C!...) 16:32, 5. Nic Bo!:in (CL) 16:23, 5. Brian Bader (CM) 16:26. 7. Matt Ream (CSH) 16:30, a Mike Hameyer (CL) 16:41, 9. Mike Tric!a \C) 16:42, ~0. Jay Cinci (SI) 16:45. Girls: 1. Toledo No1re Dame 68, 2. Carroll 83, 3. Chaminade-Ju!ienne 106, 4. Covington KY. St. Henry 128, 5. Cin. McAuley 141, 6. Hamil1on Bad1n 153, 7. Cin. McNicholas 161, 8. Toledo Notre Dame A 167, 9. Lancaster Fisher 176, 10. Gin. Mt. Notre Dame 252. Individuals: 1. Nicole LaSelle (CJ) 18:58, 2. Missy Betcher (C) 20:01, 3. Mary Ellen Nash (LF) 20: 15, 4. Casey Salzer (CSH) 20:30, 5. Shannan Reider (CMND) 20:34, 6. Erika 7. Jenny Graf (HB) 20:39, 8. Kelly McEwan (C) 20:37, Gaertner (TND) 20:41, 9. Kathleen Johnson (TND) 20:44, 10. lisa Jones (HB) 20:45.



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TOMAHAWK RUN (September 9)


Girls Division t 1. Cleveland Hgts. 43, 2. New Philadelphia 68, 3. North Canton 69, 4. Mentor 96, 5. Euclid 103. Individuals: 1. Rippeth (~) 16:08, 2.Granger (NC) 3. Mu'dock (CH) 4. Andrews (SH) 5. Edwards (HN) 6.Aose (NC) 7. Wiliams (CH) Hendricks (CH) 9. Vaughn (CH) 10. Jones (Men).

Beaumont posted a big weekend win at the West Bloomfield Michigan Invitational. Beaumont beat Michigan's Big School defending champion Troy-Athens 22-831 Troy-Athens has aU seven runners back from 1994. Junior, Katy Radkewich, won easily in 17:45 to smash the meet record by 40 seconds. Senior transfers, Candace Nicholson (John Adams) was second in 18:51 and laurie Sturgell (Hudson) placed fourth with 19:22. Beaumont's Stacy Rallo posted 19:48 for seventh and in eighth was Cicely Campbel with 20: 12. Megan and Erin Murphy finished sixteenth and twenty-fourth with 20:31 and 20:58 clockings. Beaumont ran a second team in the Small Division race; they were runner up!


Boys Division 1: 1. St. Ignatius 42, 2. Austintown Fitch 61, 3. Walsh Jesuit 69, 4. Wadsworth 82, 5. Euclid 197. Individuals: 1. KeUey (St.l) 15:59, 2. Clifford (Wads) 3. Young (Wal) 4. Antonucci (AF) 5. Shanahan (Wal) 6. Carney (E) 7. Tatarka (AF) Martin (StJ) 9. Cech (SU) 10. Harrigan (St.l).


Katy Radkewich Cle Hts Beaumont, 11

JUNIOR HIGH COACHES - Please send the first and last name, name of meet, and the meet date, for any of your runners who win an Invitational or league title this season. We'll run this honor roll as space permits.

Girls Division 11&111: 1. Avon Lake 42, 2. Southeast 84, 3. Field 99, 4. Tallmadge 109, 5. Crestwood 11. Individuals: 1. Bime (AL) 15:08, 2. Patton (EC) 3. Buck (Crest) 4. Mesaros (S) 5. Weaver (AL) 6. Hull (F) 7. Martin (S) 8. Antrourus (T) 9. Werner (AL) 10. Marzullo (Wal). Boys Division 11&111: 1. Field 44, 2. Southeast 70, 3. A von Lake 7 4, 4. Edgewood 87, 5. Crestwood 149. Individuals: 1. Grekins (E) 16:08, 2. Simpson (AL) 3. Murdoch (F) 4. Mars (F) 5. McClintock (Crest) 6. Weger (S) 7. Anderson (AL) Ridenour (F) 9. Bartley (S)




Boys: 1. Stebbins 54, 2. Springfield North 55, 3. Piqua 58, 4. Northwestern 84, 5. Sidney 141. Individuals: 1. James Goetz (Stebbins) 17:22, 2. Nate VanPelt (Piqua) 18:04, 3. Caleb Helmich (North) 18:05, 4. Josh Zimmerman (NW) 18:18, 5. David Hull (Fairbanks) Ut20.

Boys Red: 1. Anna 41, 2. Delphos St. Jom's 81, 3. Crestview 11 0. 4. Covington 125, 5. Russia 134. Individuals: 1. Brad Koveman (Anna) 16:19, 2. Ben Cowan (Crestview) 16:46, 3. Philip Slonkosky (Minster) 16:51, 4. Tony Arnold (Jackson Center) 16:53, 5. Doug Moenter (Delphos St. John's) 16:56, 6. Adam Koppin (Anna) 17:02, 7. David Larson (Covington) 17:03, 8. Brad Schweitzer (Ama) 17:04, 9. Dan Hemmelgarn (St. Henry) 17:06, 10. Chad Bornhorst (Russia) 17: 13.

Girls: 1. Springfield North 20, 2. Sidney 48, 3. Xenia 106, 4. Stebbins 113, 5. Springfield Catholic 114. Individuals: 1. Erin McComell (North) 19:28, 2. Rachel Henry (North) 21:20, 3. Karen Stout (North) 21:26, 4. Wendy King (Sidney) 21:38, 5. Diana Buchey (NW) 21:49.

Girls Red: 1. Crestview 63, 2. Sydney Letvnan 82, 3. Minster 110, 4. Botkins 134, 5. Fort Lorallie 147. Individuals: 1. Kristy Norman (Crestview) 19:41, 2. Anna Schweiteman (New Bremen) 19:45, 3. Alicia Cavender (Sydney Lehman) 20:07, 4. Lindsay Rosenbeck (Russia) 20:07, 5. Sarah Sommer (Covington) 20: 12, 6. Patty Ebers (Ama) 20:18, 7. Stacy Arnold (Jackson Center) 20:23, Cassie Cole (Sydney Lehman) 20:38, 9. Mandy Ostendorf (Delphos St. John's) 20:42, 10. Cassey Kinsella (Sydney Lehman) 20:44.

TIFFIN DISTANCE CARNIVAL (September 9) Boys: 1. Toledo St. Francis 122, 2. Toledo St. John's 159, 3. Bedford,Mich. 176, 4. Amherst Steele 194, 5. Bry~n 208. Individuals: 1. Jason Gugger (TSJ) 15:49, 2. Chr1s Marchal (TSF) 15:53, 3. Jesse Elzinga (BM) 15:57, 4. Brett Baddorff (Findlay) 16:02, 5. Mike Fairweather (Hilliard) 16:12.


Girls: 1. Beavercreek 8.0. 4 Massillon Perry 114, 3. Pickerington 141, 4. Tiffin Columnbia 157, 5. Sylvania · Southview 163. Individuals: 1. Briana Shook (Tiffin) 18:40, 2. Cory Petro (Mag) 19:03, 3. Chris Thompson (A-S) 19:07, 4. Tiffany Smith (MP) 19:20, 5. Jamie Coeppe (FR) 19:20.

Boys Black: 1. Wayne Trace 80, 2. Ben Logan 103, 3. LCC 123, 4. Ottawa-Glandorf 15, 5. Shawnee 14& Individuals: 1. Andy Kerns (BL) 16:16, 2. Nate Webster (WT) 16:26, 3. Gabe Knous (St. Marys) 16:31, 4. Matt Dunlavy (LCC) 17:00, 5. Ryan Vogt (0-G) 17:10, 6. Larry Hays (Kenton) 17:11, 7. Ryan Schneider (SpencervUie) Mark Hansen (Shawnee) 17:14, 9. Doug Brown 17:13, (AE) 17:23, 10. Ben Martin (Elida) 17:33.



Girls: 1. Colerain 44, 2. Anderson 56, 3. Upper ArUngton 69, · 4. Lakota 135, 5. Thomas Worthington 168. Individuals: 1. Carrie Himmelstein (And) 19:25, 2. Jen Dorna (And) 19:27, 3. Gerri Buck (Col) 19:44, 4. Kara Alexander (UA) 19:46, 5. Amanda Holman (Col) 19:52, 6. Kris Owens (And) 19:55, 7. Gasser (TW) 19:57, Angie Kist (Col) 20:00, 9. Miller (UA) 20:05, 10. Puffer (Lak) 20:09.

Girls Black: 1. Coldwater 59, 2. LCC 60, 3. St. Marys 83, 4. Ottawa-Glandorf 112, 5. Ben Logan 144. Individuals: 1. Jessica Devoe (Bath) 19:27, 2. Karla Klosterman (Coldwater) 19:30, 3. Katrina Kerns (BL) 19:37, 4. Nikki Monroe (Elida) 19:37, 5. Mefissa Knous (St. Marys) 19:41, 6. Michelle Dunlavy (LCC) 20: 13, 7. Becca Vagedes (Coldwater) 20:40, 8. Kathleen Mumma (Pat.fding) 21:12, 9. GaM Rasor (Bath) 21:18, 10. Marcie Ahman (LCC) 21:21.


Boys: 1. LaSalle 32, 2. Upper Arlington 84, 3. Worthton Kilbourne 98, 4. Milford 117, 5. Thomas Worthington 121. Individuals: 1. Jeff Godsey (Lak) 16:24, 2. Jay Hummel (LaS) 16:27, 3. Chad Kirchoff (WK) 16:34, 4. Nick Bollin (LaS) 16:41, 5. Mike Harmeyer (LaS) 16:45, 6. David MUier (UA) 16:50, 7. David Rankey (TW) 16:51, 8. · Ken Kozak (Mil) 16:52, 9. Derrick Jackson (LaS) 17:03, 10. Jonas Amoss (UA) 17: 11.

ROGER BACON/WINTON WOODS INVITATIONAL (September 9) Girls: 1. Oak HiUs 28, 2. Roger Bacon 72, 3. Wyoming 94, 4. Princeton 96, 5. Mount Notre Dame 121. Individuals: 1. Shaman Rieder (MND) 21:03, 2. Valerie Biehl (OH) 21:10, 3. Emily Sand (OH) 21:17, 4. Holly Schmid (OH) 21:21, 5. Katie ZeUer (St.Ursula) 21:34.

COVINGTON CATHOLIC INVITATIONAL (September 9) Boys AAA: 1. Louis St. Xavier 47, 2. Elder 73, 3. St. Xavier 99, 4. Covington Catholic 106, 5. Louis Trinty 122. Individuals: 1. Dave Dickman (E) 16:21, 5. Kevin Burns (SX) 16:51, 7. Brian MarshaK (CC) 16:55, 9. Nick Boeing (E) 16:57.

Jackie Conrad, Marysville, 12.

Boys: 1. Harrison 32, 2. Princeton 53, 3. Oak Hill 7 4, 4. Winton Woods 108, 5. Wyoming 122. Individuals: 1. Ernie Ziegler (H)16:51, 2. Matt Motsinger (H) 17:00, 3. Brad Zoller (Wyoming) 17:06, 4. Kevin Sweetman (H) 17:22, 5. Chris Roy (OH) 17:27.



Boys Small Division: 1. Newark Cathofic 49, 2. Granville 52, 3. Fisher Catholic 108, 4. Berne Union 133. 5. Bexley 136. Individual: Webb (NC) 16:44.

Boys Maroon: 1. Toledo St. Francis 55, 2. Walsh Jesuit 61, 3. Amherst 87, 4. Bay 121, 5. Avon Lake 199, 6. Massillon Perry 207, 7. North Royalton 208, 8. Westlake 217, 9. Fairview 260, 10. Pakua 273, 11. Kenston 288, 12. Madison 322, 13. Holy Name 328, 14. St. Edward 351, 15. North Olmsted 359. Individuals: 1. Marchal (SF) 16:16, 2. Shanahan (WJ) 16:23, 3. Simpson (AL) 16:27, 4. Young (WJ) 16:39, 5. Spenman (Amh) 16:45, 6. Frame (SF) 16:55, 7. Zak (P) 16:59, 8. Marhefka (WL) 17:03, 9. Reichert (B) 17:07, 10. Luca (Amh) 17:15.

Girls Small Division: 1. Newark Catholic 37, 2. Bloom-Carrof: 47, 3. Fisher CathoDe 62, 4. Bexley 98, 5. Utica 132. Individual: S!tterley (BU) 19:20.

Boys Large Division: 1. Reynoldsburg 69, 2. Dublin 92, 3. Gahanna 92, 4. Claymont 98, 5. Watkins Memorial 103. Individual: 1. McDowell (WM) 16:15.

Girlo Maroon: 1. Massir.on Perry 55, 2. Beaumont 56, 3. Magnificat 59, 4. Kenston 141, 5. Padua 167, 6. Berea 182, 7. Toledo St. Ursula 190, 8. Avon La!(e ,98, 9. Westlake 202, 10. Holy Nan1e 270, 1 t North Royalton 284, 12. Nordonia 309, 13. North O:msted 339. Individuals: 1. Byrne (AL) ,9:31, 2. Petro (Mag) 19:45, 3. Smith (P) 19:51, 4. Mack (Mag) 20:15, 5. Wise (P) 20:21, 6. La whun (Mag) 20:23, 7. Railo (Beau) 20:27, 8. Murphy (Beau) 20:28, 9. Murphy (Beau) 20:31, 10. Downing (Ken) 20:34.

Girls LarAe Division: 1. Watkins Memorial 51, 2. Marysville 68, 3. Reynoldsburg 68, 4. Gahai"'J'Ia 88, 5. Dublin Coffman 99. Individual: Conrad (M) 17:52. ZANe TRACE INVITATIONAL (September 9) Boys: Ci~cleville 89,


1. Teays Valley 49, 2. Wav?rly 82, 3. 4. Eastem Brown 91, 5. Ptketon 106.

Chris Cave Tuscarawas Valley, 12

Hatfield (C) 16:00.

Boys Gold: 1. University School 81, 2. Olmsted Falls 10 1, 3. Brush 159, 4. Firelands 177, 5. Brookiyn 188, 6. Byria Cathof:c 195, 7. Independence 231, 8. Berea 237, 9. North Ridgeville 238, 10. Lutheran West 244, ~ 1. Clearview 371. Individuals: 1. Ritchie (OF) 17:30, 2. Dregor (E) 17:39, 3. Rybicki (OF) 17:57, 4. Dohanas (Fire) 17:59, 5. Zalar (US) 18:05, 6. Weber (Brush) 18:06, 7. Johnson (US) 18:25, 8. Heberfing (Wei) 18:27, 9. Goldsmith (M!dview) 18:29, 10. Taansl<i (NR) 18:30.

Girls: 1. Circlevii:e 21, 2. Eastern Brown 97, 3. Teays Valie~, 117, 4. Logan Elm 120, 5. Waverly 123. Individual: 1. Shue (C) 19:37. BETHEL-TATE INVITATIONAL (September 9)

BQys: 1. Georgetown 25, 2. lndlan Hm 79, 3. New Richmond 79, 4. Boone County 87, 5. West Union 102. Individuals: 1. Frank Damen (IH) 17:28, 2. Zac Corbin (G) 17:32, 3. Toby Cahill (G) 17:34, 4. Jarett Young (G) 18:15, 5. W.att Tremper (NR) 18:16.

t .







G:r!f: Red: 1. Jackson 49, 2. Dover 63, 3. '.:Vadn•:torth 103, 4. Hudson 133, 5. Alliance 170. :ntrividue!s: 1. Brown (Sal) 18: 17 2. Orin (J) 3. Monteleone (D) 4. Eaton (Wads) 5. Woolan1 (A) 6. Naylor (J) 7. Tay.o~ (J) Roland (H) 9. Gerber (D) 10. Morris (A).




G!tls Wh!te: 1. M:nerva 54, 2. Copley 72. 3. Canton Central Catho'Jc 84, "" West Holmes 101, 5. Northwest ~3a lndiv!duala: 1. Uti on (NW) 20:10, 2. (RV) 3. ..~a~c~e: (H'n) 4. i'llonnan ('N:!n) 5.. Bergma.'1 (lv'"-) 6. Greer:b!att (Cop) 7. Keihid (WH) 8. McCorrr.icl• (Hrtly) 9. Shultz (Doy) 10. Ehret (CCC).

Boys: 1. Hudson 67, 2. Dover 101, 3. Jackson 103, 4. So!on 121, 5. Salem 161. Individuals: 1. Kcaye (TV) 15:26, 2. Ken:1edy (CT) 3. Lutz (Sal) 4. Stark (H) 5. Eshel:nan (ST) 6. ..!on~son (CF) 7. Mikolay (H~d) 8. Gibson (Woo) 9. Fisel (Dov) 10. Smith (Hud).

~~l*'! . . . -




, ..,..... ....... ~'?




Girls: 1. M!da:atown 33, 2. Bacfn 8 1, 3. Tu~pin 82, 4. Loveland 116, 5. Springboro 141. Individuals: 1. Cameron (M) 20:30, 2. Flessinger (M). Boys Division !: 1. Mlddiatown 70, 2. Fa~rfield 88, 3. Greenon 108, 4. Turpin 11 1, 5. Mason 123. l:r.dhJiduals: 1. Kincaid (Northwood) 16: 11, 2. Ho!rngshead (Lebanon) 16:17, 3. Thomas (FF) 16:26, 4. fl.cCars!ey (G) 17:08, 5. Sullivan (T) 17:31.

, I

,, if

Boys Divis!on ;::

Springboro 139. Individuals: 1. Snyder (B) 16:50, 2. Avery (E) 17:13, 3. 1\i:ears (SS) 17:21, 4. Lark'1 (B) 17:24, 5. Strausbaugh (SS) 17:32.

Boys Oivisio:t iii: 1. 21, 2. Jonathan Alder 54, 3. B!anchaster 70, 4. Kenton Ridge 109, 5. CCD 114. !ndividuals: 1. Adams (M) 16:57, 2. Yates (JA) 17:22, 3. Marsh (!II.) 17:33, 4. Ku~tl(ondafi (M) 17:34, 5. Hasler (Fmneytown) 17:35. NORTHLAND INVlTA TIONAL (September 9)


·&(' Ann Stechschulte, Blufftor. 11.



1. Marion Harding 47, 2. Dubi.n Scioto 109, 3. Northland 123, 4. Westland 123, 5. Delaware 137. !ndlv!dual: Wright (Del) 16:14.

Cross t:.ountry Track and Field

Girls: 1. Westervllle North 43, 2. DeSales 86, 3. Watterson 139, 4. Dayton Oakwood 148, 5. Marion Harding 152. Individual: Delcamp (C) 19:33. CiRCLEVILLE INVITATIONAL (September 2)

Boys: 1. Granvi!lo 75, 2. Llbe:1y Union 90, 3. Teays Vafley 95, 4. Asher Cathonc 102, 5. Fairfield Union 108. Individual: Hatfield {C) 16: 19. Girls: t Marysvn;e 44, 2. Clrclevme 6~. 3. Bloom~ Carron 113, 4. Heath , 31, 5. Fisher Catholic ~ 41. Individual: Conrad (M) 18:0 i.

Girls: i. Celina 36, 2. Coldwater 42, 3. Marion Local 62, 4. Fort Recovery 9t Individuals: 1. JuiTe Eve~s (Ceflna) 19:51, 2. Karla Klosterman (Co!dwa1c~) 20: Hl, 3. Becca. Vd.gedes (Cordwater) 20:4!:, ~- Jer~~· E:cc: -:; (Marion Local) 20:52, 5. Savanna Dixon (Ce;;na) 21:16, 6. Christy Roessner (Fort Recovery) 21:47, 7. Erica Weitzel (Cefina) 21:51, 8. Kelly Klosterman (Coldwater) 22:03, 9. Jodi Bernard (Coldwater) 22:13, 10. Katie Puthoff (Marion Local) 22:36.

Bot•a: 1. Fort Recovery 30, 2. Cerna 36, 3. Coldwater 105, 4. Marion Local 108, 5. Parkway 114, 6. St. Hanr~· 115. Individuals: 1. Matt Heitkamp (Fort Recovery) 17:18, 2. Shaun Ber:man (Ce!:na) 17:31, 3. Phll Ranly (Fort Recovery) 17:32, 4. Brian Eischen (Celina) 17:37, 5. Dan Hemmelgarn (St. Henry) 17:37, 6. ll.att Roessner (Fort Recovery) 17:43, 7. T::n Mar!t, (Cer,a) 17:45, 8. Scott Wi!f (Fort Recover)') 17:54, 9. Joff Davis (Cofina) 17:57, 10. James Broer:ng (Marion Local) 18:19.


t Badb 39, 2. Eaton 51, 3. Springfield Shawnee 57, 4. Dayton Christian 78, 5.

Girls Gold: 1. Bay 38, 2. Cuyahoga Falls 82, 3. Wmard 94, 4. Fairview 117, 5. Olmsted Falls 131, 6. Elyria Catholic 163, 7. Brush 190, 8. Lutheran West 196, 9. Byria 199, 10. Independence 276. Individuals: t Wright (CF) 20:04, 2. Patton (EC) 20:39, 3. Rothman (OF) 20:44, 4. Jeffers (Bay) 21:14, 5. Plymesscr (Bay) 21:17, 6. Owens (Bay) 21:35, 7. Pliske (Bay) 22:09, 8. Sizemore (Wii!) 22:41 9. Crouse (CF) 22:45, 10. Fetzer (CF) 22:47.

Findlay Liberty Benton,

~ 2,

!For camp or college fnformatron contact: Jacl< Hazen iV.aJone College 515 25th St. NW Canton, OH 44709 1-SOQ-521-1146 ext. 8291

Week 1 matchups COLUMBUS GROVE INVITATIONAL (September 2)

LAKOTA CLASSIC (September 2) Boys Varsity: 1. St. Xavier 53, 2. Harrison 61, 3. Elder 65, 4. Lakota 65, 5. MiHord 102, 6. Turpin 148, 7. Lebanon 150. Individuals: 1. Chad Kincaid (Norwood) 16:07, 2. Dan Hollingshead (Lebanon) 16:22, 3. Jeff Godsey (lakota) 16:27, 4. Dave Dickman (Elder) 16:29, 5. Ernie Ziegler (Harrison) 16:30, 6. Matt Motsinger (Harrlson)16:38, 7. Ken Kozak (MDford) 16:58, a Andy Schaefer (St. Xavier) 17:08, 9. Kevin Bums (St. Xavier) 17:09, 10. Kevin Sweetman (Harrison) 17:17, 11. Reade Kidd (St. Xavier) 17:26, 12. Matt Bredestege (Elder) 17:30, 13. Jon Rauen (St. Xavier) 17:32, 14. Nixk Boeing (Elder) 17:34, 15. Eamon Sullvan (Turpiri) 17:41, 16. Mark Robinson (Lakota) 17:42, 17. Matt Kuhn (St. Xavier) 17:44.

Girls Red: 1. Woodmore 30, 2. Seneca East 58, 3. Otsego 152, 4. Tmora 159, 5. Bryan 165, 6. Bluffton 178, 7. Ottawa-Glandorf 215, 8. Lakota 221, 9. Sycamore Mohawk 244, 10. Fostoria 245. Individuals: 1. Lindsey Hamilton (Woodmore) 18:51, 2. Abby PhiiHps (Seneca East) 18:56, 3. Ann Stechschulte (Bluffton) 19:40, 4. Angie Michael (Woodmore) 19:53, 5. Stephanie Fries (Seneca East) 20:08, 6. Andrea Jensen (Woodrnore) 20:28, 7. Tesia Cole (Seneca East) 20:30, 8. Rachel Harder (Woodrnore) 20:46, 9. Nikki Rittenhour (Tinora) 20:50, 10. Emily Ward (S.Mohawk) 20:54. Girls Gray: 1. Liberty Benton 30, 2. Cardinal Stritch 48, 3. Crestview 91, 4. Botkins 135, 5. Minster 135, 6. Sidney Lehman 171, 7. St. WendeOn 178, 8. Col. Grove 196, 9. Delphos St. Johns 220, 10. Van Buren 298. Individuals: 1. Kristy Norman (Crestview) 19:32, 2. Erika Huber (Cardinal Stritch) 19:33, 3. Torrey Groves (Uberty Benton) 19:42, 4. Angie Recker (Uberty Benton) 19:45, 5. Carrie Smith (Liberty Benton) 19:48, 6. KeDy ' Urban (Liberty Benton) 19:49, 7. Jessie Barhorst (Minster) 1a'58, a Erin Donley (Cardinal Stritch) 20:05, 9. Me6ssa Gray (Cardinal Stritch) 20:06, 1o. Missy Titus (Botkins) 20:10.

Troy Rathge, Napoleon, 12

Boys Red: 1. Bryan 36, 2. Seneca East 47, 3. Bluffton 123, 4. Lakota 144, 5. Otsego 185, 6. Mohawk 209, 7. Ottawa-Glandorf 212, a Woodmore 225, 9. SpencerviDe 238, 10. Carey 27a Individuals: 1. Vincent Fries (Seneca East) 15:59, 2. Benp Ellis (Bryan) 16:24, 3. BiD Culbertson (Bryan) 16:33, 4. D.J. Hensinger (Seneca East) 16:38, 5. JR. Kemedy (Bluffton) 16:44, 6. Rick Thorrileier (Bryan) 16:50, 7. Tom Riedel (Syc. Mohawk) 16:51, 8. Eric Sm1th (Bluffton) 16:53, 9. Kyle Gillett (Seneca East) 16:54. 10. Eric Roush (Syc. Mohawk) 16:57. Boys Gray: 1. Columbus Grove 54, 2. Liberty Benton 77, 3. St. W endelin 106, 4. Delphos St. Johns 109 5. Crestview 145, 6. Gibsonburg 162, 7. Old Fort 179, a Minster 184, 9. Cory Rawson 234, 10. Ottoville 246. Individuals: --·1. Brian Mainardi (L:.iberty Benton) ·16:06, 2. Luke Siefker (Col. Grove) 16:14, 3. Lee Thompson (Cory Rawson) 16:38, 4. Ben Cowen (Crestview) 16:38, 5. Brian Treece (Uberty Benton) 16:43, 6. Chad Hermiller (Col. Grove) 16:43, 7. Brock Cleveland (Old Fort) 16:45, a Phillip Slonkosky (Minster) 16:48, 9. Steve Smith (Gibsonburg) 16:49, 10. Jayson DuPuis (Van Buren) 16:56.

HILLSBORO INVITATIONAL (September 2) Boys Division 1: 1. HUisboro 33, 2. Alter 45, 3. HUiiard 75, 4. Anderson 89, 5. Groveport Madison 139, 6. ChDiicothe 262. Individuals: 1. Chris Pasely (Miami Trace) 16:31, 2..John Clemons (Hillsboro) 16:52, 3. Nick Andrews (Alter) 16;58, 4. Mike Fairweather (Hillard) 17:25, 5. Dan Moroney (Alter) 17:42.

Lindsey Hamilton, Elmore Woodmore, 12

Girls Division U: 1. Cin. McNicholas 25, 2. Loveland 64, 3. Indian Hil 84, 4. Eastern Brown 86, 5. Kings 122, 6. Cin. McNicholas (B) 131, 7. Blanchester 149, a Manchester 179, 9. Piketon 195. Individuals: 1. Susan Jackson (McNcholas) 21:43, 2. Stephanie Hamm (Blanchester) 21:57, 3. Rosie Herman (McNicholas) 22:02, 4. Adriana Monogon (Indian HiG) 22:18, 5. Nicole Shine (McNicholas) 22:20.

Boys Division !: 1. Bedford, Mich. 39, 2. Anna 81, 3. Fremont Ross 88, 4. Wapakoneta 119, 5. Toledo Whitmer Blue 122, 6. Middletown 132, 7. Findlay 161, 8. Celina 199, 9. St. Marys 261, 10. Toledo Whitmer Gold 273, 11. Elida 322, 12. Sidney 373. Individuals: 1. Jesse Elzinga (Bedford, Mich.) 16:14, 2. Brett Baddorf (Ffldlay) 16:18, 3. Jeremy Warner (Fremont Ross) 16:40, 4. Brad Koverrnan J~ma) 16:50, 5. Mike Winiewskl (Bedford Mich.) 16:51.

Girls Division 1&0: 1. Fremont Ross 45, 2. Middletown 61, 3. Celina 109, 4. Wapakoneta 126, 5. Memorial 148, 6. Clay 148, 7. Sidney 181, 8. Whitmer 198 9. Findlay 200, 10. Elida 220. Individuals: 1. Katie Sekinger (Clay) 19:26, 2. Jami Toeppe (Fremont Ross) 19:35, 3. Jessica Devoe (Bath) 20:03, 4. Julie Evers (Ce6na) 20:13, 5. Nikki Monroe (Elida) 20:22, 6. Lindsay Frontz (Fremont Ross) 20:26, 7. Kara Brown (Wapakoneta) 20:27, 8. Amy Fiessinger (Middletown) 20:27, 9. Melissa Knous (Memorial) 20:45, 10. Kristyn Warner (Fremont Ross) 21:01. Girls Division Ill: 1. Coldwater 53, 2. Lina Central Catho6c 23, 3. New Bremen 60, 4. Ama 107, 5. Elgin 132, 6. Ayersville 144, 7. New KnoxvDie 172, 8. Lincolnview; 217.: Individuals: 1. Karla Klosterman (Coldwater) 20:07,. 2. Ama Schwieterman (New Bremen) 20: 14, 3. Michene Dunlavy (Lima Central Catholic) 20:54, 4. Patty Albers . (Ama) 21:07, 5. Becca Vagedes (Coldwater) 21:15,. 6. Marcie Ahman (Lima Central Catholic) 21:54, 7. Rachel Fark . (New Bremen) 21:59, 8. Jjffariy Brown· (New Knoxville) . 22:09, 9. Krista Uttle (Elgin)" 22: 13, 10. Kelly Klosterman (Coldwater) 22:28. ·-- .

Boys Division II: 1. Georgetown 48, 2. Indian HiU 101, 3. Eastern Brown 106, 4. East C6nton 111, 5. Cin. McNicholas 113, 6. Blanchester 151, 7. Piketon 157, 8. Loveland 209, 9. Manchester 212, 10. Xenia Christian · 222, 11. Yellow SprinQS 222, 12. Kings 228, 13. Indian Hil (B) 265. lnCjivlduals: 1. Brian Baker· (MCNichOlas)· t6:58, 2. Frank Darner (Indian HiD) 17:24, 3. Toby CaheR (Georgetown) 17:50, 4. David Robinson (Loveland) 17:54, 5. Allen Cortwright (Eastern Brown) 17:56. Girls Division t 1. Anderson 18, 2. Cin. McAuley 70, 3. Groveport Madison 75, 4. Hillark 94, 5. Alter 146, 6. HUisboro 150. Individuals: 1. Jen Doma (Anderson) 20:03, 2. Carty Himmelstein (Anderson) 20:28, 3. Ryder (Groveport Madison) 20:40, 4. Kris Owens (Anderson) 20:43, 5. Snady Pecklenberg (Anderson) 20:59.


Boys Division 11-111: 1. New Bremen 65, 2. Lbna CathoDe 76, 3. Fort Recovery 81, 4. Ayersville 137, 5. Coldwater 159, 6. ADen East 164, 7. New KnoxvDie 187 a Marion Elgin 216, 9. St. Henry 243, 10. Uncolnview 2M Individuals: 1. Dan Hemmelgarn (St. Henry) 17:30, 2. Matt Dunlevy (Lima Catholic) 17:46, 3. Matt Heitkamp (Fort Recovery) 17:50, 4. PhD Ranly (Fort Recovery) 17:57, 5. Scott WiD (Fort Recovery) 18:16.

Girls Varsity: 1. Lakota 42, 2. Mercy 42, 3. Seton 89, 4. Turpi'l 106, 5. Milford 108, 6. Lebanon 153. Individuals: 1. Jackie Rieder (Mercy) 20:09, 2. Karen Grome (Seton) 20:25, 3. Casey Gans (MDford) 20:33, 4. Lori KnoDman (Turpin) 20:38, 5. Debbie Puffer (Lakota) 20:41, 6. Dale Alsbrooks (Lakota) 20:48, 7. Taryn Dreyer (Mercy) 21:04, a Amanda Bauer (Lakota) 21:07, 9. Wendy Fischer (Mercy) 21:15, 10. Carrissa Baker (Mercy) 21:21, 11. Ginger Robinson (Lakota) 21:27, 12. Briame Veit (Lakota) 21:48.


Katie Sabino, Peninsula Woodridge, 11

Girls: 1. Colerain 15, 2. Princeton 76, 3. Northwest 207, 4. Winston Woods, Purcell Marian, Walnut HiUs, Fimeytown, DNF. Individuals: 1. Amanda Buck (Colerain) 15:13, 2. Amanda Holman (Colerain) 15:18, 3. Ward (Colerm) 15:22, 4. Andrea Holman (Colerain) 15:35, 5. Kist (Colerain) 15:43, 6. Hunsche (Colerain) 16:13, 7. Newport (Colerain) 16:53, Boys: 1. LaSalle 25, 2. Princeton 66, 3. Moeller 73, 4. Winton Woods 117, 5. Walnut HiUs 126, 6. Colerain 134, 7. Northwest 207, 8. Purcell Marian 223, 9. Finneytown DNF. Individuals: 1. John Aernl (WH) 12:35, 2. Hummel (L) 12:39, 3. Foltz (M) 12:40, 4. Harmeyer (L) 12:55, 5. Bollin (L) 13:03, 6. Hautman (L) 13:05, 7. Johnston (P) 13:05, 8. Jackson (L) 13:05.3, 9. Ragase (WW) 13:18, FAIRFIELD INDIAN CLASSIC (September 2) Girls: 1. Oak HiDs 44, 2. Fairfield 75, 3. Badil 88, 4. lhuline 10 1, 5. Sycamc-ra 111, 6. Roger. Bacon 142, 7. Tala wanda 16.1, · 8. Mount' Notre Dame 168, 9. New Richmond 248. Individuals: · t Carty (FF) 20:48, 2. Rieder (MNO) 21:05, 3. Graf (Badin) 21:12, 4. Biehl (OH) 21:20, 5. Devamey (Ur) 21:2l. · . '


Boys: 1. Badin 36, 2. ·Oak HiDs 47, ·3. Fairfield 71, 4. Sycamore 104, 5. Roger Bacon 121, 6. New Rictmond 125, 7. Hamilton 203; Individuals: t Snyder (Badin) 17:32, 2. Larkin (Badin) 17:49. 3. Helmers (Badin) 18:09, 4. Michittl (FF) 18:25, ·5. Moore (OH) 18:27. · · · •


COME BACK INVA TA TIONAL (September 2) Girls: 1. Mayfield 48, 2. Madison 66, 3. Chardon 73, 4. Perry 86, 5. lake CathoDe 142, 6. Eucld 148, 7. Wlcldffe 152, 8. Gllrt\OU'" 257, 9. WilL South 284. Individuals: 1. Rizzo (P) 20:09, 2. Swope (May) 20:21, 3. C. Gorka (Mad) 20:31, 4. Kris Champa (LC) 20:48, 5. Eva Horvat (LC) 20:58.

Boys: 1. Norttvnont 64, 2. Carroll 68, 3. Pickerington 69, 4. Fairmont 92, 5. Beavercreek 92. Individuals: 1. M. Douglas (Pickderlngton) 15:40, 2. M. Triola (Carron) 16:14, 3. B. Scanlon (Carroll) 16:15, 4. Razavi (Tiffin) 16:19, 5. C. Long (Northmont) 16:21, 6. D. Casey (Pickerington) 16:27, 7. B. Richards (Northmont) 16:28, 8. J. Young (Northmont) 16:36, 9. D. lucius (Beavercreek) 16:37, 10. V. Teal (Pickerington) 16:40.

Boys: 1. Chardon 48, 2. Perry 89, 3. Euclid 121, 4. Madison 132. Individuals: 1. Phi Kochik (WiUiamsburg) 16:58, 2. Steve O'Brian (Kirkland) 16:58, 3. Tim Carney (Euclid) 17:02, 4. Paul Glowacki (Euc&d) 17:08, 5. Sean Kelly (LC) 17: 13, 6. Chris Herick (Chardon) 17:20, 7. Brian Didich (Chardon) 17:30.

Boys Division 1&11: 1. Van Wert 61, 2. West LibertySalem 82, 3. Eaton 96, 4. Dayton Christian 164, 5. VersaDies 174. Individuals: 1. M. Miller (Van Wert) 16:10, 2. J. Woods (VersaiDes) 16:45, 3. Q. Shugart (Van Wert)16:48, 4. T. Arnold (Jackson qenter) 16:48, 5. G. Aora (West liberty) 16:51, 6. D. Avery (Eaton) 16:57, 7. D. Larson (Covington) 16:58, a C. Barnhorst (Russia) 16:59, 9. K Cupp (Randolph Southern) 17:08, 10. T. Kutter (Eaton) 17:09.

MEDINA COUNTY CHAMPIONSHIP (September 2) Girls: 1. Wadsworth 22, 2. Medina 59, 3. Highland 79, 4. aoverleaf 103, 5. Brunswick 130, 6. Black River 143, 7. Buckeye 179. Individuals: 1. Kan Eaton (Wads) 20:16, 2. Jennifer Martin (Wads) 3. Amber Rady (Med) 4. Renee Rostocll (High) 5. Beth Kulow (Wads) 6. Jenny Dent (Wads) 7. Mary Seman (Med) 8. Alfison Gregory (Wads) 9. Heather Lisey (High) 10. Sarah Clark (Cio).

Nick Andrews, Alter, 11

Boys: 1. Wadsworth 25, 2. Medina 45, 3. Brunswick 81, 4. aoverleaf 114, 5. Highland 135, 6. Black River 164, 7. Buckeye 185. Individuals: 1. Andy Clifford (Wads) 16:34, 2. Mark Rohrer (Wads) 3. Andy Bees (Wads) 4. Adam Brantner (Cio) 5. Matt Peters (Med) 6. John Slavik (Med) 7. Chris Doerman (Med) 8. Jesse Morris (Wads) 9. Chris Adams (Me d) 10. Mark Gerken (Brun).

Girls Division 11&111: 1. Van Wert 50, 2. Arcanum 128, 3. VersaUies 130, 4. Bellefontaine 155, 5. Marion Local 161. Individuals: 1. M. Disalvo (VersaiDes) 19:25, 2. K Saul (BellefontaiM) 20:05, 3. K. Minnich (Van Wert) 20:07, 4. S. Sommer (Covington) 20:41, 5. S. Labdell (West libertySalem) 20:46, 6. s. Arnold (Jackson Center) 20:48, 7. l. Rosenbeck (Russia) 20:54, 8. S. Stripe (Van Wert) 20:58, 9. J. Broering (Marion Local) 21:02, 10. M. Hurless (Van Wert) 21:10.

MARLINGTON INVATATIONAL (September 2) Girls: 1. Marlington 45, 2. AIUance 69, 3. Lake 97, 4. Southeast 118, 5. Field 128, 6. Canton Central Catholic 170, 7. RootsviUe 196, 8. East Canton 209, 9. Northwest 238, 10. louisvHie 243, 11. Hoban 266, 12. West Branch 314, 13. Waterloo 340, 14. Carrolton 354, 15. lisbon 370. Individuals: 1. Graham (M) 18:48, 2. Je. Wollam (A) 3. linton (NW) 4. S. Morris (A) 5. HuU (Field) 6. Egil (M) 7. Kuntzman (Field) a B. Morris (A) 9. S. Penturf (M) 10. A. Penturf (M) 11. J. Wollam (A) 12. Mesaros (SE) 13. Martin (SE) 14. Lippian (Lake) 15. Watts (lake).

Girls Division t 1. Pickerington 53, 2. Beavercreek 85, 3. Carron 87, 4. Tiffin Columbian 99, 5. Springfield North 123. Individuals: 1. N. LaSeDe (Chaminade-Julieme) 17:46, 2. E. McConnel (Springfield North) 18:30, 3. B. Shook (Tiffin) 18:53, 4. M. Belcher (Carroll) 19:28, 5. G. Folck (Beavercreek) 19:39, 6. A. Beatty (Beavercreek) 19:40, 7. L Cahdrujko (Pickerington) 19:51, a A. Nichols (Pickerington) 19:56, 9. E. Aort (Pickerington) 20:04, 10. E. McEwan (Carroll) 20:16.


Kreg Hatfield, Circleville, 12.

Boys Division II: 1. Newark Catholic 45, 2. Jonathan Alder 61, 3. Northland 70, 4. Dublin Scioto 90, 5. DeSales 10a Individual: Webb (NC) 16:29.



Boys: 1. Reid 77} 2. Rootstown 81, 3. Southeast 88, 4. Central Catholic 121; 5. Lake 123. Individuals: 1. Morgan (Rootstown) 15:59, 2. Mars tField) 16:07, 3. Vurdock (Field) 16:11, 4. Bder (Rootstown) 16:19, 5. Richardson (louisvBie) 16:33, 6. Weger (Southeast) 16:39, 7. Booker (EP) 16:46, 8. Beiss (EP) 17:01, 9. Hartman (Central Catholic) 17:02, 10. KeUison (Louisville) 17:09.

Boys Division 1: 1. Thomas Worthington 54, 2. Dublin Coffman 116, 3. Westerville South 141, 4. Gahama 141, 5. Marion Harding 153. Individual: McDowell (WM) N/A.

Girls Division t 1. Centerville 57, 2. WestervDie North 81, 3. Thomas Worthington 89, 4. Westerville South 93, 5. Reynoldsburg 97. Individual: Petsche (DC) N/ A. Girls Division U: 1. Watkins Memorial 37, 2. Newark CathoDe (NC), 3. DeSales 47, 4. New Albany 121, 5. Jonathan Alder 125. Individual: Brown (NC)



Boys: 1. Berkshire 50, 2. Chardon 61, 3. Cardinal 103, 4. Perry 135, 5. West Geauga 145, 6. Pymatuning VaDey 148, 7. Kenston 157, a Crestwood 200, 9. Brooklyn 217, 10. Hawken 231, 11. Kirtland 238, 12. Newbury 363, 13. Grand Valley DNF Individuals: 1. Kurt Frankel (WG) 17:23, 2. Nathan McOintock (CR) 17:25, 3. Tony Garcia (BE) 17:37, 4. Mark Shaver (CA) 17:40, 5. Kirk Shepard (BE) 17:45, 6. Brian Dudich (CH) 17:46, 7. Robert Buckwheat (CA) 17:48, a Steve O'Brien (KI) 17:53, Girls: 1. Kenston 63, 2. Chardon 66, 3. Perry 88, 4. West Geauga 90, 5. Berkshire 104, 6. Crestwood 120, 7. Newbury 174, a Card"mal 213, 9. Pymatuning Valley, Kirtland, Hawken, Grand Valley DNF Individuals: 1. Michelle Rizzo (PE) 21:32, 2. Vonnie Downing (KE) 21:34, 3. Mo Slattery (BE) 21:55, 4. Kelly Buck (CR) 21:57, 5. lisa Pashley (PV) 22:04, 6. JiD Sustar (WG) 22:06, 7. Laura Perme (KE) 22:07, a Sarah Feran (KI) 22:08, 9. Shannon Kebidle (NE) 22:09, 10. Amanda Roberts (CH) 22:21.

vAndy Gercius Ashtabula Edgewood, 11

Boys: 1. Eaton 19, 2. Oakwood 78, 3. Eaton B 123, 4. Northridge 140, 5. Dunbar 140, 6. Dayton Christian 169, 7. Twin Valley South 175, 8. National Trail 175, 9. Eaton 267, 10. Oakwood B 271, 11. Tecumseh 274, 12. Valley Vie"!' 337. Individuals: 1. Darin Avery (Eaton) 18:01, 2. Justin Rose (Eaton) 18:06, 3. Tom Kutter (Eaton) 18:37, 4. Austin Cooper (Preble Shawnee) 18:37, 5. Gene Collier (Northridge) 18:5a Girls: 1. Oakwood 32, 2. National Trail 41, 3. Eaton 66, 4. Twin VaUey South 105. Individuals: 1. Heidi Schafer (Oakwood) 21:22, 2. KyOe Crawford (OakwOOd) 21:33, 3. Heather Smith (National Trail)23:36, 4. KeRy House (Twin VaOey South) 24:23, 5. LesUe Keller (Eaton) 24:24.

----------------------------------------!SUBSCRIPTION ORDER FORM!


NAME ________________________________ ~-----

Boys: 1. Toledo St John 52, 2. Brecksville 64, 3. St. Ignatius 70, 4. Solon 141, 5. Toledo CC 154, 6. Lakewood 177, 7. Eastlake North 185, a Rocky River 187 9. Riverside 234, 10. NOCL 272, 11. Mentor 303, '12. P. Harvey 318, 13. aeveland Hts. 395, 14. Copley 415. Individuals: 1. Kelly (51) 15:55, 2. Gugger (TSJ) 16:11, 3. Sturdivant (TCC) 16:43, 4. Huffman (RR) 16:45, 5. Janicki (TSJ) 16:54, 6. Halabi (B) 16:59, 7. J. McAdams (B) 16:59 a Hulblrt (TSJ) 17:09, 9. C. McAdamt. (B) 17:10, 10. ' Abnond (PR) 17: 17.

-ADDRESS __________________________________ _

Girls: 1. Toledo CC 39, 2. Mentor 60, 3. Cleveland Hts. 136, 4. Copley 139, 5. P. Riverside 148, 6. Solon 152, 7. BrecksvUie 165, 8. lakewood 191, 9. NDCL 200 10. Rocky River 218, 11. Trinity 258, 12. Eastlake North' 301. Individuals: 1. Weiher (TCC) 20:10, 2. Murnen (TCC) 20: 19, 3. Ronito (S) 20:29, 4. Aetcher (M) 20:41, 5. Knotts (L) 20:43, 6. Hawley (TCC) 20:57, 7. Bednarek (PR) 21:00, a Schiele (M) 21:02, 9. Greenblatt (C) 21:10, 10. Dutel (NOCL) 21:13.



-------------------'---------------STATE ----- ZIP ----------


WE DBLIVBR WHAT YOU WANJ' TO KNOW IN CR~ COVNTRY AND TRACK 8BND I'OBJI ALONG WITIII:UGX 1'0: SUBSCIUP110NitATBS: Ohio TJ&Ck & Field News II ~~5621Philot~!t* ---$12.00 199S ObioCr0811 Country News St. Henry, Obio 45113



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---$13.00 1996 Ohio Track & Field News (lwk Pahlimtiom Dmiml

&p .. G/fb Thd- .,_c-ry



CHL pack tries to catch up to Madeira Madeira girls Coach: Bob Kitchen (fifth year at Madeira; fifth year overall). Last year: 80-6; won Cincinnati Hills League championship. Top boys runners: • Bobby Adams (senior), Casey Marsh (senior), , Mark Smiley (senior) and Brian Cora (senior) - "All will be the backbone of our team. If they perform as expected, Columbus can become a reality ... Others: • Greg Kuykendall and Chris Goldschmidt ··Both were in the top seven last year.'" • Jon Newberry ·- "Outstanding frosh. Could become one of the best all-around athletes to ever come through Madeira."

• E v a n Mecklenborg -Transfer from St. Xavier ... was seventh in Greater Catholic League freshman race last season. Top girls runners: • Amanda Blackwelder Fourth in state ... won seven consecutive races. • Cathleen Salemme Captain of Madeira's 1993 and 1994 CHL champions ... CHL 3,200meter c hrtrnl"'i

champion as a freshman. • Kyle Hildebrand ( sophomore) - "Very strong and talented." • Cam Kloesz (junior) - "If he can remain focused and show commitment, could be a top runner in the city." • Justin Lorenz (sophomore) - "Young and inexperienced, but very dedicated." • Brian Mueller (sophomore) - '"Should be very good with rr.ore race experience." • Sky Kosabud (junior) '"Transfer from Toledo St. Francis. Good times reported last year." Coach's comments: ""This team is very young (no seniors) and may experience early growing pains. The talent is definitely there and if these young guys can stay focused we should awfully tough to beat at the end of the season." How does the league race look? "All four teams in the GCL South should be very close and very good.""

Mt. Notre Dame

.... ·'


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on in track.

Press File Photo

Mt. Notre Dame junior Shannan


Coach: Mark Schenkel (first year at Mt. Notre year overa111 .. Last year: Fifth in Girls Greater Cincinnati League Scarlet Divi-

• Jenny Winkelman "Has overcome double knee surgery and is one of our most gifted runners." • Connie Lobas - "Excellent leader and extremely hard worker. Very consistent." • Andrea Scheuer- "Outstanding sprinter and hurdler and excellent overall athlete." • Amy Ballman- "In addition to cross country, also a standout in soccer. Played varsity soccer last season as a freshman." • Jenny Newberry - "It was her gutty performance at last year's regional that greatly helped us qualify for Columbus." Coach's comments: "Because we're returning our top seven runners from both the men's and women's teams, I'm expecting our greatest season ever, barring injuries. Our men's team should contend for their first state berth ever, and I think our women's team has the potential after 1994's fourth-place finish t9 contend for our first ever state championship. "I'm fortunate enough to be surrounded by 33 individuals who are not only outstanding athletes and competitors, but exceptional people and students as well. Our team grade point average as we begin the season is 3.6.'' How does the league race look? Boys - "Wyoming is the defending CHL champion, but it's a three-horse race between Wyoming, Indian Hill and Madeira. I really like our chances."


Girls - "Both Wyoming and Indian Hill are traditionally strong programs, but with all seven back from last year, we have to be the favorite."

Moeller Coach: Jerry Kombrinck (second year at Moeller; second year overall). Last year: Fourth in Greater Catholic League South Division. Top runners: • Dan Foltz (junior) - AII-GCL last year as a sophomore. • Justin Bayer (junior) - GCL

sian. Top runners: • Shan nan Rieder (junior) - "District champion as a freshman . . . disappointing sophomore year . . . should have a good junior year." • Andrea Vilardo ( sophomore) - "Could be a good runner if she gains confidence." • Karen Welling and Kirsten Welling (seniors) - "Four-year runners who will be looked to help with the team leadership." • Donna Slebenthaler (junior) - "Has trained hard over the summer. Could be a surprise for us." • Amy Gardner (junior) "Had a good track season; hope it carries over to cross country." • Heather McGonegle (freshman) - "Good athlete, could contribute." Coach's comments: "Slow start due to the lack of summer training. Should improve as the year goes on, as long as we stay healthy. We need to add people to the team because we lack depth." How does the league race look? "The GGCL Scarlet Division should be a battle between Mercy and Seton for the top spot. At this point I would have to say that McAuley and Ursuline are better teams than us."

Ursuline Coach: Mike Jacobs (fourth year at Ursuline: 15th year overall). Last year: Fourth in Girls Greater Cincinnati League Scarlet Division. Top runners: • Heidi Gerber - "Top finisher last year . . . regional qualifier." • Kerry Devanney - "Top two-miler in track season." • Others: Ali Oberle, Beth King and Liz Hellmann. Coach' s comments: Jacobs said he expects his team to qualify to regionals and state. How does the league race look? "1, Mercy. 2, Seton. 3, McAuley. 4, Ursuline. 5, Mt. Notre Dame."

The Cincinnati Post, Monday, September 18, 1995

Saturday's stars Some of the top high school performances from Saturday: Beth Heubi had four saves in goal to FOOTBALL record the shutout. • St. Xavier running back Jason • Stephanie Herweh scored the Arling rushed for 99 yards and scored game's only goal and goalkeeper Trina three touchdowns in the Bombers' Bennett had four saves to help Lakota 31-7 win over Canton McKinley. Also, (5-1-1) hand Turpin its first defeat of quarterback Joe Sprengard completed the season, 1-0. 13 of 27 passes for 205 yards and • Goals by Amanda Trout and Ann wide receiver Andy Kettler caught Thomas and seven saves from goalie eight passes for 120 yards. Kristi Degener helped Northwest im• Moeller running back Mike Kamprove to 6-0 on the season with a 2-0 phake rushed for 124 yards and three win over Wyoming. touchdowns and caught two passes BOYS' CROSS COUNTRY for 79 yards in the Crusaders' 25-14 win over Covington Catholic. The vic• La Salle placed second behind tory helped Moeller avert its first 0-3 Cleveland St. Ignatius in the All-Cathostart in school history. lic meet in Kettering when it lost a tiebreaker. The tie was broken by the BOYS' SOCCER finish of each team's sixth runner. Top • Harrison's Damon Dickman performances for La Salle were turned scored three goals, but it wasn't in by Jay Hummel, who was fourth, enough as the Wildcats lost to Ross, and Nick Bollin, who was fifth. 5-4. GIRLS' CROSS COUNTRY • Summit's Nick Konerman scored • Colerain, the top-ranked team in four goals in an win over Purcell the state coaches poll, proved worth of Marian. its ranking with an impressive perfor• Chris Darby's goal and seven mance in the 21-team Troy Invitational. saves by goalie Chris Meutsch helped The Cardinals had five of the top 11 Kings improve to 7-0 with a 1-0 win finishers to win the event. Geri Buck over Walnut Hills. led the way with a second-place finish, • Georgetown improved to 7-0 followed by AmaAda Holman (fifth), Anthanks to three goals from Geno Apgar drea Holman (seventh), Angie Kist in a 7-3 win over Blanchester. (eighth) and Amanda Ward (11th). • Reading's Anton Carnevali VOLLEYBALL scored three goals in a 6-1 win over • Mt. Healthy's Tiffany Brewer was Little Miami. named most valuable player of the Mt. GIRLS' SOCCER Healthy Owl Classic. • Mason's Jen Barber had three • Ursuline finished an impressive goals in a 5-2 win over Finneytown. week in which it beat the coaches' No. 3-ranked team, Seton, and No: 6 St. • St. Ursula stayed undefeated Ursula, before defeating No. 5 Lakota, with a 1-0 win over Northmont. Regina the preseason No. 1. Edwards scored the only goal and



Saturday's prep scoreboard Football MOELLER 25, COVINGTON CATHOLIC 14 MOELLER COVCATll









M-Kamphake 70 run (kick Jailed) CC-Madden 31 run (Gibson kick) M-Kamphake 5 run (pass failed) M-Kamphake 14 run (pass failed) M-Horan 21 pass from Mclaughlin (Siciliano kick) CC-Erpenbeck 48 pass from Kees (Gibson kick) RECORDS: Moeller 1-2, Covington Catholic 1-3.


3 14


~~=~g''k"e~n ~~(Kerr kick) SX-Sprengard 42 run (Kerr kick) CM-Gamble 44 pass from Roloff (Currie kick) SX-Arling 1 run (Kerr kick) SX-Arllng 1 run (Kerr kick) RECORDS: St. Xavier 3-0, Canton McKinley 2·1.

Boys' soccer • Centerville 3, Lakota 0 • Chaminade-Julienne 4, Badin 2 • Colerain 0, MilfOrd 0 • Country Day 4, Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy 3 • Fairfield 0, Columbus St. Charles 0 • Georgetown 7, Blanchester 3 • Hillsboro 5, WashlnQtOn Courthouse 1 • Indian Hill 4, New R1chmond 0 • Kings 1, Walnut Hills 0 • La Salle 2, Elder 0 • Loveland 2, Mason 2 • Moeller 2, AnderSon 0 • Northwest 3, Finneytown 2 · • ROQI8r Bacon 3, Westerville South 1 • Ross 5, Harrison 4 • Springboro 8, Valley View 0 • SummitS, Purcell Malian 0 • Turpin 4, Amelia 0 • Sycamore 7, Hami~on 0

Girls' soccer • Anderson 5, Mt. Notre Dame 0 • Cincinnati Hills Chlistian Academy 2, Dayton Christian 0

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: • Hamilton Badin 3, ~erain 0 • Harrison 4, Oldenberg Academy 1

• • • • • • : • • • • •

Kettering Altai 6, St. Xavier 0 Lakota f. Turpin 0 Mason 5, Finneytown 2 Mt. Healthy 4, i alawanda 0 Mt. Notre Dame 3, Madeira 0 McNicholas 4, Amelia 1

~~:~~~~a:r~:r8,2astern 2

Rogsr Bacon 3, Dayton Wayne 0 St. Bernard 2, Deer Park 0 St. Ursula 1, Clayton Northmont Sycamore 3, Hamilton 1 Taylor 2, Country Day 2

Volleyball COUNTRY DAY INVITATIONAL • Madeira del. Covington Latin, 17-15 • McNicholas del. Madeira, 15-10. 15· • Country Day del. Covington latln, 15-4, f • Finneytown del. McNicholas. 6-15, 15-13, 15-10 • Country Day del. Finneytown, 15-9, 12·15, 18-16 • Third-place match: McNicholas del. Madeira, 15-13, 15·6 • Championship match: Country Day del. Fin· neytown, 15-12, 15-7 LADY TITAN INVITATIONAL • St. Bernard del. Batavia, 15-5, 15·2 • Reading del. Felicity, 15-5, 15-0 • Amelia del. Withrow, 15·1, 15·2 • Roger Bacon del. Little Miami, 15·7, 15-4 • Batavia del. Withrow, 15·6, 15-10 • Reading del. St. Bernard, 15·9, 15·11 • Little Miami del. Felicity, 11·15, 15-4, 15-7 • Roger Bacon del. Amelia, 15-10, 15-12 • Felrcity del. Withrow, 15-0, 15-0 • Little Miami del. Batavia, 15·2, 15-9 • Third-place !Mlch: Amelia del. St. Bernard, 15-8, 15-13 • Championship ma1ch: Roger Bacon del. Reading, 15-0, 15-4 MT HEALTHY OWL CLASSIC • Western Hills del. Middletown, 8-15, 15-10, 15-4 • Fairfield del. Winton Woods, 15-7, 15·12 • Middletown def. Winton Woods, 15-11,15-12 • Mt. Healthy del. Wyoming, 15-1, 15-13 • Williamsburg del. Hamilton, 15-11, 15-2

:15-11; ~~~:O~~~afJ:!'~~i. ~~~e};~j;~~ ~. Mt. Healthy def. Williamsburg, 15-13, 15-12. • Championship match: Mt. Healthy def. Fair· field, 15-4, 12·15, 15-8. REGULAR SEASON GAMES • Glen Este (1·6) del. Blanchester (3-4), 15·11, 15-9 • Goshen (4-4) del. Glen Este (1·7}, 15-10, 15-8 • Goshen (5-4) def. Blanchester (3-5), 15-11, 15-11 • Lebanon del. Walnut Hills, 15-12, 15-11 • Lebanon def. Purcell Marian, 17·15, 15-9 • Princeton del. Walnut Hills, 15·9, 15-8

• Princeton def. Purcell Marian, 15-8, 10-15, 15-11 • Princeton (7·2) def. Lebanon, 11-15, 15-5, 15-8 • Purcell Marian del. Walnut Hills, 6-15, 16-~

II'Drsuline l7 ·1l det Lako 15-11 ~

Boys' cross cou ALL CATHOUC LEAGUE MEET (at Kottaring)

FINAL TEAM Sl ANDINGS: 1, Cle~and St. lgnatlus 55. 2, La Salle 55. 4 (tie), Ha ilton Badin and Moeller 112. 8, McNicholas 1 1. 9, Purcell Marian 261. LOUISVILLE TRINITY INVITATIONAL TEAM STANDINGS: 1, Loulsvil er 40. 2, St. Xavier 64. FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: 1, St. Xavier 19. 2, Northwest 58. 3, Mt. Healthy 60. SYCAMORE INVITATIONAL FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: 1, Madeira 40. 2, Milford 56. 3, Middletown 90. 4, Anderson 109. 5, Fairfield 113. 6, Turpin 122. 7, Roger Bacon 169. 8, Sycamore 195. TROY INVITATIONAL FINAL TEA!t,~ANDINGS: 1, Clayton North~ont 48; Zi;~r 73. 3, Harrison 92. 8, OQk HillS 250. ~ : .

Girls' cross country MT. HEALTliY INVITATIONAL FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: 1, Northwest. SYCAMORE INVITATIONAL FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: 1, Andefson 29. 2, Middletown 96. 3, Madeira 104. 4, Roger Bacon 122. 5, Fairf18ld 124. 6, Seton 140. 7, Turpin 161. 8, Sycamore 163. 9, Milford 218. 10, Amelia 257. 11, Glen Este 338. TROY INVITATIONAL FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: 1, Colerain 33. 6, Ursuline 182. 7, Oak Hills 184. 9, Princeton 299. 14, Harrison 382.

Girls' tennis • Sycamore 5, Lima Senior 0

Today's schedule GIRLS' SOCCER (AH gam11 7 p.m. unless noted) • Amelia at Anderson • Colerain at Oak Hills • Deer Park at CHCA, 4:30 p.m. • Mt. Notre Dame at Badin • Northwest at Harrison • Purcell Martan at Mercy, 5:30 p.m. • Seton at McNicholas, 5:30 p.m. • Winton Woods at MI. Healthy. 7:15p.m. • Ursuline at St. Ursula, 7 p.m.


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BOYS DIVISION 11-111 Runner of the year CHAD KINCAID, Norwood

Runner of the year JEFF GODSEY, Lakota

.,.. STATE FINISH: First, Division II .,.. NOTABLE: The third-year senior recorded the top time (15:48.5) in any division. Hadn't even reached regionals last year. Norwood's first state champ in any sport since '77.

... STATE FINISH: Second .,.. NOTABLE: The senior keyed Lakota's late-season run by placing second at districts, regionals and state. Avenged back-to-back losses to Harrison's Ernie Ziegler at state.

Coach of the year JASON UNDSEY, Lakota



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.,.. STATE FINISH: Third .,.. NOTABLE: Next year's state champ? The junior, 73rd at state as a sophomore, placed behind two seniors this year. He helped Harrison place second in the city, and won districts and regionals.

... STATE ANISH: 24th, Division II .,.. NOTABLE: The senior won five of his first seven races to win GeLNorth Runner of the Year honors. He placed third at districts, fourth at regionals, and 24th at state (16:39.



... STATE FINISH: 17th .,.. NOTABLE: The lone Enquirer All-Star returnee, he repeats firstteam status with a 16:27 at state, the state's second-best sophomore finish. Second at GMCs, third at districts and sixth at regionals.


ANDY SCHAEFER, Sl. hiler ... STATE FINISH: 31st .,.. NOTABLE: Running on troublesome knees, the senior led St. X to a wire-to-wire city titre, its second straight. He saved his best race for state, running 16:40 to help St. X tie for fourth.

DAN FOLTZ, Moeller

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... STATE FINISH: 16th, Division Ill .,.. NOTABLE: The senior won districts by a 26-second margin. Placed fourth at regionals and an area-best 16th in the Division Ill state meet (16:40).


GIRLS DIVISION I Runner of the year CARLY HIMMELSTEIN, Anderson ... STATE FINISH: Eighth .,.. NOTABLE: The junior, a threetime Enquirer All-Star, continued herclimb: Ran a 19:08atstate, after finishing 19th last year and 39th as a freshman.

Coach of the year ANDY WOLF, Anderson

GIRLS DIVISION 11-111 Runner of the year AMANDA BLACKWEUJER, MadE ... STATE FINISH: Third, Divisi• ... NOTABLE: After placing fou in Division Ill as a freshman las year, she took third at state this The repeat All-Star posted the area's best state time (19:02).

Coach of the rear BOB KIICHEN, Madeira

... NOTABLE: After Anderson hit its best state finish last year- third it climbed to second this fall. Ohio coaches gave Wolf their annual "Legends Award."

... NOTABLE: The CHL Coach the Year, in his sixth year, led Madeira to a repeat district title its first regional crown. In its se1 straight state appearance, Mad placed sixth in a strong field.



... STATE FINISH: 28th ... NOTABLE: Despite suffering from asthma, the junior repeated as an All-Star. Continued annual state improvement by running personalbest 19:41 in bitter cold.

... STATE FINISH: 39th, Divisio .,.. NOTABLE: The senior helpe fuel the Rockets on their third straight trip to state. Fifth at districts, 11th at regionals (21 :00) ' 39th at state in 20:21, five seco faster than last year's state timE

STEPHANIE mALO, Middletown


... STATE FINISH: 35th .,.. NOTABLE: The junior roared to the GMC title in 20:07, and capped her steady march with a 19:48 at state, making her the thil'd-highest local finisher.

... STATE FINISH: 52nd, DMsi< ... NOTABLE: The junior helpec the Spartans win GGCL-Gray, 1 trict and regional crowns. Place third at districts, and was areasecond at regionals (20:43).




... STATE ANISH: 27th, Division II .,.. NOTABLE: The senior battled Baker down the stretch, trailing him as GCL-North runner-up before beating him at districts (second) regionals (third). Placed three spots behind Baker at state.

... STATE ANISH: 38th .,.. NOTABLE: The sophomore won the GGCL-Scar1et race by a 40· second margin. After placing third at districts, she ranked the area's second-best finisher in placing seventh at regionals (19:54).

... STATE FINISH: 53rd, Divisio .,.. NOTABLE: A senior surprise Emerged at districts, where she placed third in 20:31. After 24th regionals, matched Parrish for team lead at state with 20:33.


JEN DORNA, Anderson


... STATE ANISH: 27th, Division Ill ... NOTABLE: The senior led Madeira's charge, earning CHL Runner of the Year honors with a CHL crown. Finished second at districts, third at regionals.

,.. STATE FINISH: 39th .,.. NOTABLE: Despite chronic back pain, this senior was the heart of the city's top team. Placed sixth at districts, 26th at regionals. Ran PR of 19:26 at Malone despite leg spasms.

... STATE FINISH: 54th, DMsio .,.. NOTABLE: The senior was GGCL-Gray Runner of the Year winning the GGCL-Gray and dil trict races. Placed 13th at regior als; was a step behind Parrish a Caldwell at state (20:35).

FINISH: 34th .,.. NOTABLE: The senior posted the city's tap regular-season time (15:54), then earned GCL-South Runner of the Year honors after winning GCLs. Placed fourth (it di~ tricts and fi1th at regionals.


KRIS OWENS, Anderson


... STATE ANISH: 35th, Division Ill .,.. NOTABLE: Another of Madeira's four-senior core, he placed fourth in the CHL and third at districts. After struggling to a 49th-place finish at regionals, rebounded at state.

... STATE FINISH: 40th ... NOTABLE: The fourth of Anderson's "Fab Four," the senior placed second in the QCCE behind Himmelstein. Finished fourth at districts and 25th at regionals before finishing alongside Doma at state.

... STATE FINISH: 59th. Divisior ... NOTABLE: The GGCL Run!"! of the Year as a sophomore str.; gled last year as a junior. But sh finished strong, with a ninth-plac district finish, fourth e.t regionals (20:53) and solid state race (20:





... STATE FINISH: 41st .,.. NOTABLE: Another Jason Lindsey-coached miracle. After placing fifth in the GMC, 16th at districts and 43rd at regionals, she was over1ooked. But she ran a 19:51 for a stunning 41st-place state finish.

... STATE FINISH: 57th, Divisior .,.. NOTABLE: The lone senior c Madeira's roster, she was the team's spiritual leader. Team de cated regional title to her. Placec second in CH L, !hi rd at districts 15th at regionals (20:41 ).



Coach of the year BOB KIICHEN, Madeira .,.. NOTABLE: Madeira won nine straight meets, beating several Division I schools, and roared to its first district win since the ear1y · 1970s. It placed second at regionals and fifth (a point out of fourth) in the Division Ill state meet.

ADAM THOMAS, Fairfield .


... NOTABLE: Lindsey crafted another gem, coaxing a crew that finished fifth in the city to a district title and third-place finishes at regionals and state. Edged city champ St. Xavier at state by a point.

... STATE FINISH: Fifth .,.. NOTABLE: After missing last year's postseason and the first half of this fall with injuries, the senior peaked when it counted. He placed third at regionals and gave this area three top-five state finishers.



... REGIONAL FINISH: 24th .,.. NOTABLE: He won the prestigious Covington Catholic Invitational and was arguably the city's top Division I runner before contracting mono. Came back at half-strength for regionals and still placed 24th.

HONORABLE MENTION 1n Aerni, Walnut Hills; Reade Kidd, St. Xavier; Jay mmel, La Salle, Dan Fritz, St. Xavier; Mark Robin· 1, Lakota; Chris Linz, Roger Bacon;. Pieter Kind·g, Lakota; Adam Dolan, St. Xavier; Craig Akers, cola; Eric JOi'lnston, Lakota; Jon Rauen, St. lfier; Mark Johnston, Princeton; Jose Huerta, Milj; Mike Coffey, Middletown; Chris Roy, Oak Hills; tt Bredestege, Elder; Nick Bollin, ~ Salle; Justin renz, Moelle ·; Adam Bange, St. Xavrer; Andy 1ga, Milford; Joe Blake, Princeton; Mark Ragase, 1ton Woods; Mike Gray, Harrison; A.J. Wittich, ler; Justin .Hussel, Colerain.

... STATE ANISH: 43rd, Division Ill .,.. NOTABLE: The freshman made his charge late. Finished fifth in the CHL and at districts, then ranked third-highest local at regionals with 14th-place finish.



John Clemons, Hillsboro; Brian Cora, Madeira; Frank Damen, Indian Hill; Ryan Larkin, Badin; Casey Marsh, Madeira;.Ben Helmers, Badin; Robert Martin, Hillsboro; Andy Gray, Mariemont; Chris Hasler, Rnneytown; Gary Hughes, Rnneytown; Greg Kuykendall, Madeira; Eric Henry, Hillsboro; David Robinson, Loveland; Jamie Jimison, Eastern Brown; Jasson Czaika, Blanchester; Coy Paeltz, Georgetown; Joel Wilson, Hillsboro; Chris Gold· schmidt, Madeira; Jason Schwartz, Wyoming; Shane Heikenfeld, McNicholas; Justin Birkenshaw, Pu·cell Marian; John Damen, Indian Hill; John Halpin, Badin; Tim Rymer, Eastern Brown.

Amanda Ward, Colerain; Gerri Buck, Colerain; Dale Alsbrooks, Lak::Jta; Bea Milligan, Lakota; Ginger Robinson, Lakota; Maren Fiorelli, Anderson; Emily Snyder, Harrison; Angie Kist, Colerain; Amy ' Ressinger, Mick:lletown; Andrea Holman, Colerain; Amanda Bauer, Lakota; Emily Wolterman, McAuley; Holly Schmid, Oak Hills; Christie Haffey, Oak Hills; Karen Kelly, Sycamore; Taryn Dreyer, Mercy; Kristin Massa, Seton; Abby Smith, Fairfield; Kristin Spencer, Oak Hills; Michelle Maly, Lakota; Meghan Riegle, McAuley; Amanda McCracken, Fairfield; Jen Lock, Princeton; Amanda Crose, Lakota; Pam Roebel, Oak Hills; Kerry Devanney, Ursuline.

HONORABLE MENTION Valerie Grant, Roger Bacon; Con'nie Lobas, Madeira; Jan Feichtner, Roger Bacon; Rachel Ba rett, Madeira; Natasha Ripp, Loveland; Allison W ner; Madeira; Rosie Herman, McNicholas; Suzy Deller, McNicholas; Anne Troike, Wilmington; Sar Gonya, Badin; Becca Vianello, Mariemont; Erin Phillips, Marienont; Emily Schaffner, Middletowr Madison; Julie Resetarits, Purcell Marian; Kelli Johnson, Kings; Lauren Lewis, Wyoming; Sarah Moellers, Wyoning; Mandy Holbrook, Cincinnati Hills Christian Ar..ademy; Adrian Beech, Cincinnat Country Day; Lauren Bartalo, Springboro; Stephe Wettengel, Wyoming; Jenny Winkelman, Madeir.

Ohio cross country polls The first of eight weekly state cross country polls, as compiled by the Ohio Association of Cross Country Coaches (first-place votes in parentheses): BOYS DIVISION I 1. Tot. St. Francis (9) ............. 146 2. Cle. St. Ignatius (2) ............ 135 3. Tot. St. John ...................... 124 4. ELDER (1) _,,..................... 102 5. La SALLE ............................97 6. ST. XAVIER .........................78 7. Young. Aust.-Fitch .............. 76 Hudson ................................76 9. HARRISON ..........................60 10. Cuya. Walsh Jesuit ............. 54 Other locals: Lakota, 17. DIVISION II 1. Galion (3) ........................... 165 2. Van Wert (3) ...................... 159 3. Napoleon ........................,.. 137 4. Bay Village Bay ................. 123 5. Shelby ............................... 103 6. Bryan (5) ..............................89 7. Mogadore Field (1) .............. 65 8. Dayton Meadowbrook ........ 84 9. Pemberville Eastwood ........ 56 10. Dover ...................................53 Other loclts: Badin, 26.

DIVISION Ill 1. Attica Seneca Ees1 (8) ....... 170 2. Anna (4) ............................. 166 3. Columbus Grove ............... 152 4. Caldwell .............................124 5. East Canton ...................... 122 6. New London ........................97 7. Galion Northmoor ............... 87 8. Findlay Uberty Benton ........ 83 9. Fostoria St. Wendelin .......... 81 10. Delphos St. John .................65 GIRLS DIVISION I 1. COLERAIN (7) ..........- ...... 161 2. Beavercreek (5) ................. 160 3. ANDERSON ...................... 127 4. Uppar Arlington ................. 123 5. Pickerington ...................... 118 6. Massillon Perry ................. 117 7. Tiffin Columbian ................ 106 8. Sylvania Southview ............. 99 9. Strongsville ......................... 84 10. Dayton Carroll ..................... 70

Other Ioeiia: Lakota, 32; Mercy, 17. DIVISION II 1. Cle.Hts. Beaumnt (1.1) ........ 179 2. Dover ................................. 159 3. Amanda Clearcreek .......... 157 4. Clyde ...............'.................. 118 5. Dayton Meadowbrook ........ 93 6. Pemberville Eastwood ........ 91 7. Alliance MMington (1) ........ 75 8. Bellevue .............................. 62 9. Sylvania Northview ............. 55 10. Bay Village Bay ................... 53 DIVISION Ill 1. Find. Ub.-Bentoo (10) ........ 178 2. Elmore Woodroore ............ 162 3. Peninsula W'bridge (2) ....... 151 4. Attica Seneca Eest ............ 143 5. Oregon Stritch ................... 131 6. MADEIRA .................- ...... 119 7. Convoy Crestview ............. 105 8. New London ........................93 9. Pemberville Eastwood ........ 65 10. Zanes. W. Muskingum ....... .49

Boys cross country DISTRICT RESULTS (Top four teams and top 15 individuals .. each division advance to Regionals) Division 1 (At McGinnis Parki c;..;h District A """' Team Scores: 1. St. Xavi.AM... Princeton 71, 3. Elder 83, 4. Ml~.;;.d Oak Hils 101, 6. Walnut Hills 170, 7. Sycamore 216, 8. Winton Woods 219, 9. Mason 223, 10. Roger Bacon 237. Top Finishers: 1. John Aerni (Walnut HIUs) 16:21; 2. Mark Ragase (Winton Woods) 16:37; 3. Chris Roy (Oak Hills) 16:45; 4. Mark Johnston (Princeton) 16:46; 5. Mall Bredestege (Elder) 16:52; 6. Reade Kidd (St. Xavier) 16:53; 7. Jose Huerta (Milford) 16:53; 8. Andy Schaefer (St. Xavier) 16:56; 9. Jon Rauen (St. Xavier) 16:57; 10. Chris Linz (Roger Bacon) 17:03; 11. Ken Kozak (Mi~ord) 17:05; 12. Adam Dolan (St. Xavier) 17:06; 13. Nick Boeing (Elder) 17:08; 14. Kris Lawson (Princeton) 17:10; 15. Eric Hafertepen (Mi~ord) 17:12. District B (AI McGinnis Park) Team Scores: 1. Lakota 37, 2. La Salle 71, 3. Moeller 86, 4. Harrison 106, 5. Fairfield 137, 6. Turpin 158, 7. Anderson 163, 8. Colerain 169, 9. Northwest 282, 10. Mount Healthy 309, 11. Hamilton 324, 12. W.Brown 378. Top Finishers: 1. Ernie Ziegler (Harrison) 15:50; 2. Jeff Godsey (Lakota) 15:55; 3. Adam Thomas (Fairfield) 16:15; 4. Dan Foltz (Moeller) 16:40; 5. Jay Hummel tLa Salle) 16:49; 6. Craig Akers (Lakota) 16:56; 7. Justin Hussel (Colerain) 16:56; 8. Mark Robinson (Lakota) 16:59; 9. Eamon Sullivan (Turpin) 17:02; 10. Pieter Kindberg (Lakota) 17:03; 11. Eric Johnston (Lakota) 17:06; 12. Kevin Sweetman (Harrison) 17:07; 13. Kyle Hildenbrand! (Moeller) 17:09; 14. Nick Bollin (La Salle) 17:13; 15. Justin Lorenz (MoeHerJ 17:16. Division II (AI Princeton Jr. High) Team Scores: 1. Badin 32, 2. McNicholas 70, 3. indian HiH 78, 4. Purcell Marian 104, 5. New Richmond 113, 6. Loveland 161, 7. Little Miami m, 8. Kings 202. Top Finishers: 1. Chad Kincaid (Norwood) 15:42; 2. Chris Snyder (Badin) 16:25; 3. Brian Baker (McNicholas) 16:51; 4. Brank Damen (indian Hill) 17:08; 5. Ryan Larkin (Badin) 17:13; 6. David Robinson !Loveland) 17:22; 7. Chris Hasler (Finneyiown) 17:29; 8. Shane Heikenfeld (McNicholas) 17:33; 9. Ben Helmers (Badin) 17:45; l8. John Halpin (Badin) 17:47; 11. Ricky Mullen (New Richmond) 17:51; 12. Justin Birkenshaw (PureeD Marian) 18:00; 13 .• Mike Wickert (Purcell Marian) 18:07; 14. Gary Hughes (Finneytown) 18:10; 15. Andy Blossom (Badin) 18:14. Southeast Division II (At Rio Grande) Team Standings (17 teams): 1. HiUsboro 51, 2. Waverly 83, 3. GaHia Academy 95, 4. West Union 129, 5. Menford 164. Top Hillsboro Finishers: 1. John Oemons 16:10, 5. Robert Marlin 17:25, 6. Eric Henry 17:29, 20. Robert Oemons 18:16, 21.

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Ja""n Boggs 18W•a If (At Princeton • High) Team Scores: 1. Madeira 20, 2. Wyoming 67, 3. Eastern Brown 74, 4. Batavia 128,5. Mariemonl155, 6. St. Bernard 158, 7. CCO 175, 8. CHCA 213, 9. Summit CD 232, 10. L.andmark Christian 240. Top Finishers; J. Brad Zoller (Wyoming4 16:34; 2. Bobby Adams (Madeira) 17:00; 3. Mark Smiley (Madeira) 17:24; 4. Brian Cora (Madeira) 17:26; 5. Jon Newberry (Madeira) 17:27; 6. Casey Marsh (Madeira) 17:35; 7. Andy Gray (Mariemont) 17:38; 8. Coy Paellz (Georgetown) 17:39; 9.. Cliff Johnston (Batavia) 17:51; !0. Greg Kuykendall (Madeira) 17:55; 11. Tim Rymer (E.BrownJ 17:57; 12. Alan Cartwright (E.Brown) 17:59; 13. Jason Schwartz (Wyoming) 18:00; 14. Chris Goldschmidl (Madeira) 18:01; 15. Jamie Jim~ son (E.Brown) 18:03.


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Merkel doesn't believe '~ 'ng he reads. ~fke this. This story will tell ..:r'that his St. Xavier boys cross ~,?try team is No. 1 in the area. 11/ So say local coaches in the En11uirer preseason poll. Not that Merkel's listening. "It doesn't really matter much," he said. "It's flattering to be ranked high, but at this point, this is not one of our better teams." The Bombers have been bombed bv off-season ailments and the graduation of three of Merkel's top five runners. Though St. X holds Ohio's longest streak of consecutive Division I state-meet appearances (eight), Merkel doesn't sound as if he expects state gold this fall. "It might just be a matter of (the streak) surviving this year," he said. "We have some awfully good young runners, but they're going to need to help immediately." Nonetheless, St. X ranks where it did at season's end last fall. With 181 points, it holds a narrow edge over Greater Catholic League South Division rivals Elder (176) and La Salle (167). The other GCL-South school, Moeller, ranks ninth. Said La Salle coach Frank Russo: "It should be the traditional dogfight between us, X and Elder. But Milford, Harrison, Princeton and Lakota will all make noise." The GCL-South stranglehold isn't quite as tight as days of yore, as the have-nots have more each year. That's going to make the bottleneck at the regionals in Troy - where Cincinnati- and Daytonarea schools vie for four Division I state berths - a bit tighter. Last year, La Salle (No. 1 in the '


The C'ncinnati Enquirer/Glenn Harten!

St. X will try to extend Ohio's longest streak of consecutive Division I state-meel appearances. An appearance this year would be the scho01's ninth straight.

preseason) hit an off day at regbnals and saw a five-year state streak snapped. Harriso:t snuck off vvith the final berth. "T~1is will be the toughest regior:al in the sta:e," Elder ccach Steve Spencer said. "There may be 10 good teams there. There's going to be some teams not go:ng to s 1~ate that could score in the ~op 10 at state." Individually, there look to be no surefire state threats. That is, none who'll win this year. While seniors Dan Hollingshead (Lebanon) and jef.f Godsey (La.I:wta) will close stellar careers this fall, Harrison junior Ernie Ziegler, Fairfield sophomo:e Adam Tlcomas and La Salle sophomore Jay Htnlmel still have years to peak. A rundown of the top 10 tea:ns in Tlte Enquirer's coaches poll: 1. St. Xavier: The Bombe·s won seven meets last year, a school raccrd. T:,ey graduated three of their tcop five runners from that team and are struggling with injuries, but there's still a lot here. H::>bbled senior Andy Schaefer is ta.lented, and he'll get great support from Kevin Burns, Matt Kuhn, Adam Dolan, Jon Rauen, Mike King ard fv'ark S mc::>e. And the best of the bunc1 rr ay

be heralded freshman Reade Kidc, who won a national AAU age-group race at 800 meters and placed second ·n the 1,500 and 3,000. 2. Elder: In 1993, Elder missed state for the first time iot 28 years, but returned to Columbus last year and placed eighth. Graduating just two runners from that team, the famed "Purple Pack" should be up to top speed again. Expect Dave Dickman, Scott Ruth, A.J. Wittich and Matt Bredestege to lead the way. Dickman ran 9:50 in the twomile in track season, so he's the muchimproved leader right now. 3. La Salle: The All-Americans, Doug Bockenstette (1993 state champ) and Dean Fulmer (1994 state runner-up), aren't around to win every race i1 sight a1ymore. So coach Frank Russo will n:>w hope to out-Elder everybody. He'll boast a tight group reminiscent of Elder's formation. In its first pfactice race, Russo's first and fifth finishers were just 10 seconds apart. Sophomore Jay Hummel is a rising star and senior Nick Bollin a reliabte

No.2. 4. Lakota: Senior Jeff Godsey ~s rrostly why the T-Birds rate this high. He could well be the top local runner. A sinus problem ended his season at regionals last year. "He could have been top 10 at state if he'd been healthy," coach Jason Lindsey said. 5. Harrison: Last year's surprise, the Wildcats qualified for state for the first time since 1983. But they lost four of

last season's top seven, including t"'otime Queen City Conference runne! •Jf the ~ear Todd lssler. J:.mior Ernie Ziegler, who ran a S:~2 two-mile in track this spring, hes emarged to lead Harrison. And sop'lomore Matt Motsinger is close behinC. 6. Princeton: Perhaps a year frorr i·:s peak, this ju1ior-laden team should o:m· tinue improving ea::h week. It lost ju>1 one runner, and Joe Blake is its en~ senior amorg the t:>p seven this year. 7 Milford: Here's your dark-horse The Eagles, Greater Miami Conference champs last year, have area coaches whisJering end worrying. Their top f•JlJI runners are all seniors: Andy Bra;Ja Jose Huerta Ken Kozak and Brad Kl:>s· terman. 8. Moeller: Toughened by their Gel rivals, the Crusaders loom dangeroJs They·re young, but juniors Dan Folt:l and Justin Bayer are capable perfo1m ers. L<yle Hildebrand and Justin Lorero are good 3-.:l runners. 9. Colere.ln: Four of the top se•er rett>rn from a Metre County Co1feren:: champion team, ircluding sophomoll Christian Walter. None are senicrs thouQh freshman Justin Hussel will 1>: heard from i'Tlmediately. 10. Oak Hills: Tf1e Scots didn't lcs: anyone to graduation, so expect anott· er tussle w th Colerain for the MG( crown. Coach Bob Yung wi:l rely or, ! lineup of Chris Rcy, Shawn Hanner: Charlie Moore, Brian Sucher and Ke1i· Tay·or.

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