BOYS Runner of the Year
Coach of the Year Jason Lindsey
Ernie Ziegler
An expert at preparing his teams. Lindsey's T-Birds edged St. Xavier by one point for second place at the Division I state meet tor the second consecutive year.
Ziegler was undefeated during the regular season and went on to capture the Division I District and Regional championships en route to capturing the slate title in 15:27.4.
John Aerni
Adam Thomas
Walnut Hills
Despite a slow start at the Division I state meet. this senior came on strong during the final mile to finish 1211 in 16:09.
In a career-best effort. this junior finished third at the Division I state meet in 15:56. beaten only by Ernie Ziegler of Harrison and Chris Paisley of Miami Trace.
Jay Hummel
Jeff Bertrand
La Salle
The Lancers¡ team leader throughout the season. this junior f1mshed 23rd at the state meet. covering the 3.1 miles in 16:16.
A state qualifier as an individual. this semor finished 15th at the Division I state meet in a season-best 16:11.
Mason Ward
Reade Kidd
St. Xavier
The biggest surprise at the Division I state meet. this freshman proved to be the Cardinals' best in the clutch. finishing 36th m16:32.
Atwo-time state qualifier. this sophomore led the way for the third-place Bombers. finishing 35th while covering the 3.1 miles in 16:32.
Dan Fritz
Eric Johnston
St. Xavier
Only a sophomore. Fritz finished 40th at the Division I state meet in 16:36. leading the Bombers to a third-place finish.
This senior proved to be the T-Birds' best at the Division I state meet. finishing 41st in 16:37 while leading the team to a second-place finish.
Dan Plaatje
Jon Newberry
This junior ran the race of his life at the Division I state meet. finishing 44th in a near personal-best time of 16:39.
ThiS sophomore proved to be Cincmnati's best Division Ill runner at the staie race. finishing 26th in 16:48.
Honorable Mention Brian Godsey. Lakota: Steve Padgeff. La Salle: Kevin Bums. St xav1er: Justin Hussel. Colerain: Derrick Butler. La Salle: Tim Hufford. Lakota: Adam Bange, St. Xav1er: T.J. Doherty, Elder: Craig Akers. Lakota: Adam Dolan. St. Xavier: Gary Hughes. Finneytown: David AbboH. West Umon John Damen. Indian Hill: Maff Armstrong, West Union: Wells Wulsln. lnd1an Hill
POLLS Boys cross country Division I 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
8. 9. 10.
Pis La Salle ( 5l ............................. 68
St. Xavier (2) ......................... 63 Lakota ..................................... 57 Princeton .................................48 Harrison .................................. 41 Elder .........................................29 Oak HiHs .................................. 26 Colerain ....................................23 Middletown ............................. 16 Moeller .................................... 12 Others: Fairfield 1, Anderson
Divisjon II 1. 2. 2. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Pts Madeira I 2l ............................ 46 Eastern Brown ...................... 37 Hillsboro (2) ............................37 Indian Hill ( 1) .......................... 34 Wyoming ................................. 32 Badin ........................................ 25 Purcell Marian ....................... 23 Kings ........................................ 18 New Richmond ....................... 12 McNicholas ............................. 9 TOP PERFORMERS
Division t 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 8. 10.
1. 2. 3. 4.
Ziegler (Harrison) ............. 15:43 Ward (Colerain) ................ 15:58 Hummel !La Salle) ............ 16:00 Hussel (Colerain) .............. 16:03 Buller (La Salle) ................ 16:05 Godsey (Lakota) .............. 16:05 Ri,egelsberger !RBacon). 16:08 Ruth !Eider) ....................... 16:14 Doherty (Elder) ................ 16:14 Johnston (Lakota) ............ 16:16 Division 11 Newberry (Madeira) ....... 16:27 Damen (Indian HiH) ........... 16:32 Schaengold (Wyoming) ... 16:50 Breitenstein (McNichJ ..... 17:00
5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Jamison (E.Brown) .......... 17:02 Hughes (Finneytown) ...... 17:14 Cartrighl (E.Brown) ........ 17:14 Martin (HiNsboro) ............. 17:16 Halpin (Badin) .................... 17:17 Medina (New Richmond)17:18
Girls cross country Division I Pis 1.
Colerain (8) .............................80 Anderson ................................. 72 Lakota ..................................... 63 Sycamore ................................54 Middletown ............................. 51 Mercy ...................................... 39 Ursuline ....................................27 Fairfield ................................... 18 Princeton ................................. 10 Harrison .................................. 10 Others: Seton 5, Milford 4, Oak Hills 3. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 9.
Division II Pts
1. 2. 3. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 8. 10.
Madeira (2) ............................ 54 Badin (2) ................................. 48 Eastern Brown (2) ............... 46 Wyoming ................................. 46 McNicholas ............................. 38 Kings ........................................ 28 Roger Bacon ........................... 20 Indian Hill ................................. 17 Mariemont .............................. 17 Loveland .................................. 11 Others: HiNsboro 3, New Rich-
Division I 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Zeinner !Colerain) ............ 18:21 Alsbrooks (Lakota) .......... 18:33 Grebe (Colerain) ............... 18:35 Crum !Colerain) ................ 18:52 Bogner (Sycamore) ......... 18:53 Buck !Colerain) ................. 19:08 Rieder (Mercy) ................. 19:09
8. 9. 10.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 9.
Hunt (Lakota) ................... 19:12 Kist !Colerain) ................... 19:17 Ward (Colerain) ................ 19:25 Division II Blackwelder (Madeira) ... 17:57 Lobas (Madeira) .............. 18:16 Whillacker (Indian HiH) ... 19:06 Fisher (McNicholas) ........ 19:19 Mick (Badin l ...................... 19:29 Vianello !Mariemont) ...... 20:14 Phillips (Mariemonl) ........ 20:35 Herman (McNicholas) ..... 20:39 Gonya (Badin) ................... 20:43 Wood (Mariemont) .......... 20:43
Alex (Oak HiNsl.. ........................... ll-2 Tarabichi lSI. Ursula) .................. 19-3 Doubles Costelo-Biasberg (Sycamorel .... 8-1 HeUmann-Kruz (St. Ursula) ........ 21-2 Alters-Ernst (St. Ursula) ............ 20-2 Traiforos-Dealy (Seven Hins) .... 20-2 Jensen-Oppliger (Sycamore) .... 14-2 Hanto-Conn (CHCA) ...................... 9-2 Borcherding-Meissner (OHils) ... 7-3 Raskin-Hyinsky (Seven Hills) ...... 19-4
Girls volleyball Division I
Girls tennis PIS 1. Sycamore Green (9) ............ 90 2. St. Ursula ................................. 74 3. Oak Hils .................................. 64 3. Ursu6ne ....................................64 5. Anderson ................................. 57 6. Princeton .................................50 7. CHCA ...................................... 37 8. Turpin ...................................... 18 9. Walnut Hils ............................. 14 10. Seven Hills ............................... 13 Others: CCD 10, Lakota 4. First Singles Anderson I Anderson l ................. 22-1 Wasilewski ICHCA) ..................... 27-3 Weisbrod (St. Ursula) .................. 18-3 Webb (Sycamore) ....................... 17-3 Brunsman (Oak HIHsl .................. 13-5 Freedman (McNicholas) ............ 13-5 Second Si"gles Hyams !Sycamore) ..................... 16-1 Stahl (Oak Hills) ............................ 15-1 Ritchie 1Anderson) ....................... lll-1 Hershey !St. Ursulal .................... 21-2 Cowil (Walnut HiHs) ..................... 14-2 Beyersdorfer (Madeira) ............ 16-4 Tisdel (CHCA) ............................... 16-5 Wessels !Turpin) .......................... 16-6 Third Singles Liebman !SYcamore) .................. 13-2
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Seton (8) ................................. 80 Mercy ...................................... 64 Princeton .................................61 Colerain ....................................47 Lakota ..................................... 46 McAuley ..................................42 Milford .....................................41 Ursu6ne ....................................36 Oak Hills .................................. 13 Mount Notre Dame .............. 8
Others: Walnut Hils 2; Glen¡ Este 1.
Division II 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Pis St. Ursula (3) .......................... 30 Williamsburg .......................... 21 _ Reading .................................... 20 Taylor ...................................... 19 Roger Bacon ........................... 18 ' McNicholas ............................. 15 St. Bernard ............................. 11 Finneylown ............................. 8 Norwood .................................. 6 , Wyoming ................................. 4
Others: Purcell Marian, IndianHill 3; CCD, NCH 2; CNE 1.
POLLS Boys cross country Division I 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Pis LaSolle(4) ............................. 66 St. Xovier (3) ......................... 65 Lokota ..................................... 56 Horrison .................................. 51 Princeton ................................. 42 Elder .........................................32 Coleroin .................................... 25 Moeller .................................... 17 Oak HiRs .................................. 12 Fairfield ................................... ll Others: Middletown 7, Ander·
son 1.
9. 10.
McAuley .................................. 14 Fairfield ................................... 13 Others: Princeton 3, Oak HiHs 3, Milford 1.
Division II 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 7. 9. 10.
Division II 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
PIS Madeira 121 ............................ 53 Eos tern Brown ( ll ............... 48 lndion Hill ( 1) .......................... 46 Hillsboro ( 21 ............................ 44 Badin ........................................ 35 Kings ........................................ 31 Wyoming ................................. 27 New Rictwnond ....................... 18 McNicholas ............................. 13 Purcel Marian ....................... 11
TOP PERFORMERS Division I Ziegler (Horrisonl ............. l5:43 Sweetmon (Horrusin) ...... l6:15 Motsinger (Harrison) ...... 16:19 Hussel (Colerain) .............. 16:27 Hummel (LaSollel ............ l6:28 Thomas (Falrfieid) ........... l6:29 Word !Colerain) ................ l6:36 Buller (La Solle) ................ l6:44 Johnston (Princetonl.. ..... 16:45 Padgett (La Sole) ............ 16:49 Division II Abbott (West Union) ....... 17:02 Newberry (Madeiral.. ..... l7:07 Hughes (Finneytown) ...... l7:10 Armstrong (West Union) 17:17 Hassler (Finneytown) ...... l7:23 Parkhouse (Madeira) ...... l7:23 Goldschmidt (Madeira) .. 17:38 Schaengold (Wyoming) ... l7:39 Breitenstein (McNich) ..... l7:44 Zingoro (Kings) ................. 17:44 Martin (Hillsborol ............. l7:47 Moury (Wyoming) ........... 17:48
Girls cross country Division I 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Colerain (8) .............................80 Anderson ................................. 72 Lakota ..................................... 64 Middletown ............................. 56 Sycamore ................................48 Mercy ...................................... 37 Ursuline .................................... 27 Horrison ..........,....................... 22
PIS Madeira ( 41 ............................ 57 Eastern Brown (2) ............... 51 Badin ........................................ 42 Wyoming .................................41 McNicholas ............................. 36 Kings ........................................ 32 Indian Hill ................................. 21 Roger Bacon ........................... 21 Loveland .................................. 18 Moriemont .............................. 8 Others: Hilsboro 3.
Division I 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 10.
Zeinner (Colerain) ............ 19:01 Buck (Colerainl ................. l9:26 Grebe (Colerain) ............... l9:44 Himmelstein (Anderson) 19:57 Crum (Colerainl ................ 20:00 Bogner (Sycamore) ......... 20:02 Kozimer (Anderson) ........ 20:08 Ward (Colerain) ................ 20:12 Kist (Colerainl ................... 20:20 Snyder (Harrison) ............ 20:31 Division II Blackwelder (Madeira) ... l8:29 Lobos (Madeira) .............. 18:43 Fisher (McNicholas) ........ 2):04 Herman (McNicholas) ..... 20:56 Bronson (Finneytown) .... 20:59 Whittaker (lndianHiil) ..... 21:17 Jackson (Hillsboro) .......... 21:35 Mick (Badin) ...................... 21:41 Mills !HiNsborol ................. 22:06 Gront !Roger Bacon) ....... 22:17 Lord (Kings) ...................... 22:17
Boys golf Division I
5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Ham. Badin ........................... 73 CHCA ..................................... 65 McNicholas ........................... 57 ceo ........................................ 32 Seven Hills ............................. 20 Taylor.................................... 16 Cllhers: Finneytown 7, Wyr>ming 5, Ross 1. Top Averages Andy Senders (Turpin) ............... 35.2 JeffCieeler (CHCA) .................... 36.6 David Wagenselier ( Wlmgln) .... 36.7 Brad Schmidt (Kingsl .................. 37.5 Kirk Hathaway (Anderson) ....... 37.6 Kent Scearce !Kings) .................. 37.8 Jamie Boyer (Springborol .......... 38.0 Joe Staledicz (Loveland) ............. 38.6 Jay TRion (Winton Woodsl ........ 38.8 Kyle Milians (Winton Woods)... 38.9
Girls golf Division I 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
7. 8. 9. 9.
Top Averages Chaley Peele (Wilmington) ........ 42.5 JuRe Bunn (Indian Hilll .................. 42.9 Julie Buechner (Ursuline) ........... 43.2 Katie Rake! !St. Ursula) .............. 43.4 JuRe Horter (Lakotal .................. 43.8 Kristen Vance (St. Ursuia) ......... 44.7 Stephanie Eifert (Lakota) .......... 44.8 Sara Rabe !St. Ursulol ................ .45.1 Afocia Brown (Lakolal ................. 45.3 Nori Inoue (Lebanonl ................... 45.5
Girls tennis
Sycamore ( 121 ..................... 120 St. Xavier .............................. 107 3. MoeHer .................................. 86 4. Lakota ................................... 79 5. Elder ....................................... 57 6. Hamilton ................................ 47 7. Loveland ................................. 38 7. Fairfield ................................. 38 9. Winton Woods ...................... 35 10. Lebanon ................................. 18 Others: Wilmington 16, Turpin 7, Oak Hils 6, Mason 3, Milford 3, Middletown 3. 2.
Div. 11-111 PIS
1. 2. 3. 4.
Kings (7) ............................... 115 Springboro (51 ..................... 102 Indian HiM ............................... 88 Moriemont ............................ 76
Pis St. Ursula (5) .......................... 77 Lakota ( 31 .............................. 70 Ursuline .................................... 68 Wilmington .............................. 51 Mercy ...................................... 44 Seton ........................................ 37 Indian HiM ................................. 34 Lebanon ................................... 29 Fairfield ................................... 14 MI. Notre Dame .................... 14
PIS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Sycamore Green (121 ........ 120 St. Ursula ............................... 106 Oak Hils .................................. 90 Ursuline ....................................83 Anderson ................................. 76 Princeton ................................. 57 CHCA ....................................... 46 Turpin ...................................... 29 9. Wolnul Hills ............................. 24 10. Seven HiHs ............................... 12 Cllhers: CCD 10, Lakota 7. First Singles Anderson (Anderson) ................. 16-1 Weisbrod (St. Ursulal .................. l7·2 Webb (Sycamore) ....................... 12·2 Bernhardt (Ursuline) ................... 11·2 Marcum (Middletown) ............... lD-3 Jackson (Princetonl .................... lD-3
Freedman (McNicholas) ............ 12.4 Brunsman (Oak Hlllsl .................. lH Ulrich (Lakota) ............................. 12·5 second Singles 1 Hershey !St. Ursulal .................... 2D-l Stahl !Oak H!Ns) ............................ l4·1 Jacobs (Middletown) .................. 13-1 Komi Kuresman (Princeton) ..... l3·1 Hyams (Sycamore) ..................... 11·i Ritchie (Anderson) ....................... lD-1 Cowil (Walnut Hils) ..................... lol-2 Beyersdorfer (Madeira) ............ 14-4 Howe !Ursuline) ............................ lQ-.4 Wessels (Turpinl .......................... l6" Third Singles 1 Silanee (Ursuline l ......................... lD-Q Tarabichl (St. Ursuia) .................. l8·1 Liebman (Sycamore) .................... 8·1 Alex (Oak HiUs) ...............................9·2 Bain (Lakota 1.................................. 9·3 Doublos Hellmann-Kruz !St. Ursula) ........ 2D-l Alfers·Ernsl (St. Ursulal. ........... l9·1 Traiforos·Dealy (Seven Hills) .... 15-1 McDaniel·Previly (Lakola) ....... ll·l Raskln-Hyinsky (Seven Hllls) ...... l6-2 KimKuresman· Thompson (Prin 12·2 Albers·Staneck (Ursuline ).......... 11·2 Jensen-Opp!iger (Sycamore) .... 10·2 Morgan-A. Briscoe (Andersonl .. 8·2 Cowperthwaite-Crain (Ursuinel 8·~ . Koehler·Smith (Mariemontl ........ 7·~ Goveri·C.Haghan (Mariemont) .. 7·3 Borcherding-Meissner (0Hillsl ... 6-~
Girls volleyball Division I 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Seton (7) ................................. 7Q Princeton ................................. 61 Mercy ...................................... 48 Lakota ..................................... 46 UrsuHne .................................... 38 Colerain ....................................27 McAuley ..................................26 Milford ..................................... 24 MI. Notre Dame .................... 19 Oak Hills .................................. 10
Others: Harrison 9, Walnut Hils 2.
Division II PIS'
2. 3. 4. ;: 7. 8.
St. Ursula (41 .......................... 40 Roger Bacon ........................... 36 Wiliamsburg .......................... 30 Taylor ...................................... 22
~:~i~~i·~·::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: Purcell Marion ....................... IS St. Bernard ............................. 14
~~: ~:,~~~~·::::::::::::::::::::::::~::: 1~ Others: Wyoming 4, Feicily 1; Indian Hill 1. I
Boys cross country Division I
Rec Pfs LaSalle(7) .............................. 78 St. Xavier ............................... 70 Lakota ( 1) ................................68 Harrison .................................... 51 Princeton .................................. 49 Colerain ..................................... 38 Elder ................................... ,...... 28 Moeller ...................................... 20 Oak Hills .................................... 18 Fairfield .................................... 11 Others: Middletown 6, Walnut Hills 1, Anderson 1, Turpin 1.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
McAuley ................................. 25 Harrison .................................. 16 Fairfield.................................. 14 Others: Princeton 6, Oak Hills 5, Mount Notre Dame 3. 9.
Division II Rec PIS
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Division II Rec PIS
1. 2. l 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Madeira (1) ............................. 61 Indian Hill (2) ......................... 569 Eastern Brown ( 1) ................. 50 Hillsboro (3) ............................. 49 Wyoming .................................. 33 Badin ......................................... 32 Kings .......................................... 31 New Richmond ........................ 29 McNicholas .............................. 25 Purcell Marian ........................ 13 Top Performers DIVision I Ziegler (Harrison} .............. 15:50 Kldd (St. Xavier) ................ 16:02 Aeml (Walnut Hils) ........... 16:11 Bange (St. Xavler) ............. 16:15 Fritz (St. Xavler) ............... 16:19 Sweetman (Harrison) ....... 16:39 Dolan (St. Xavier} .............. 16:35 Johnston (Princeton) ........ 16:35 Hummel (La Salle} ............. 16:38 Robinson (Loveland) ......... 16:44 Division II Abbott (West Union) ......... 17:02 Hughes (Fimeytown) ....... 17:10 Armstrong (West Union). 17:17 Young (Georgetown} ........17:19 F.Dannen (lndianHIIIJ ....... 17:20 Hasler (Fimeytown) ......... 17:33 J. Dannen (indian Hil) ........ 17:34 Parkhouse (Madeira) ....... 17:37 Nichols (Indian HI) ............ 17:43 Martin (Hillsboro) .............. 17:44
Girls cross country Division I 1. 2. 3. 3. 5. 6. 7.
Colerain ( 11} .......................... 110 Anderson ................................ 99 Lakota ..................................... 80 Sycamore ............................... 80 Middletown ............................ 61 Mercy ..................................... 58 Ursuline ................................... 48
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Madeira (3) ............................. 56 Eastern Brown (2) .................54 Badin ......................................... 42 Wyoming .................................. 37 Kings ( 1) ................................... 35 McNiCholas .............................. 32 Loveland ................................... 28 Indian Hill .................................. 18 Roger Bacon ............................ 14 Mariemont ............................... 9 Others: Hilsboro s. Top PerformerS Division I Zeimer (Colerain) ............. 18:45 Bogner (Sycamore) .......... 19:06 Buck (Colerain) .................. 19:33 Alsbrooks (Lakola) ........... 19:35 Crum (Colerain} ................. 19:38 Rieder (Mercy} .................. 19:44 Gallagher (Sycamore} ...... 19:55 Himmelstein (Anderson) ..20:00 Mciver (Princeton) ........... 20:04 Coggins (Sycamorel ......... 20:12 Division II Blackwelder (Madeira} .... 18:51 Lobas (Madeira) ............... 19:19 Whlttacker (Indian Hill .... 19:51 Fisher (McNicholas) ......... 20:06 Johnson (Kings} ..................20:12 Capernter (Kings} ............. 20:12 Mick (Badin} ....................... 20:17 Herman (McNcholasl ...... 20-.39 Bronson (Fmeytown} ...... 20:42 Childers (New Richmond) 20:53
Boys golf Division I
Div. 11-111 Rec PIS
1. Kings ( 10) ............................... 109 2. Indian Hil.............................. 83 3. Ham. Badin ............................ 76 4. Springboro (1) ..................... 76 5. Mariemont ( 1) .................... 70 6. CHCA .................................... 57
ceo ........................................
Girls golf Division I Rec PIS
1. 2. 2. 4. 5. 6.
St. Ursula (6) ........................... 78 Lakota (2) ................................67 UrsUine ..................................... 67 Wilmington ............................... 48 Mercy ....................................... 43 Indian Hil - ............................. 38
Lebanon .................................... 32
Seton ......................................... 26 Fairfield .................................... 19 10. MI. Notre Dame ..................... 14 Top Averages Chaley Peels (Witnlnglon} .......... 42.5 Julie Bum (Indian Hil) ...................43.1 Katie Rake! (St. Ursula) ............... 43.4 Julie Harter (Lakola) ................... 43.7 Julie Buechner (UrsulineL.........44.0 Stephanie E'oferf (Lakota) ........... 44.8 Kristen Vance (St. Ursula} .......... 44.9 Sara Rabe (St. Ursula) .................. 45.1 Patty Kuehner (Prlncelon} ......... 45.4 Karen Hodapp (Ursullnel ............. 45.4 9.
Sycamore (9) ...................... 108 St. Xavier (2) ........................ 97 Lakota................................... 77 Moeller .................................. 76 Elder ...................................... 51 Harniton ............................... 38 Fairfield ........_.................... 36 Loveland ............................... 34 9. Winton Woods..................... 32 10. Lebanon ................................ 26 Others: Wilmington 16, Oak Hills 7, Milford 6, Turpin 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
McNiCholas .......................... 49 28 9. Seven Hils............................ 22 10. Taylor ......_......................... 18 Others: Fmeytown 8, Wyoming 5, Ross 3, Mason 1. Top Averages Andy Sanders (Turpin) ................ 35.1 Jeff Cleeter (CHCA) ..................... 36.6 David Wagenseler (Wilmington) ...... 36.8 Kirk Hathaway (Anderson} ........ 37.8 Kent Scearce (Kings) ................... 37.8 Brad Schmidt (King$) ................... 37.9 Jamie Boyer (Springboro) ........... 38.3 Joe St-z (Loveland) .............. 38.6 Andy Haines (Springboro} ........... 38.7 Kyle Millions (Winton Woods) .... 38.8 Jay Tilton (WIIlfon Woods) ......... 38.9 7. 8.
Girls tennis Rec Sycamore Green ( 13) ....... St. Ursula .............................. Ursuline ................................. Anderson .............................. Oak Hils ................................ CHCA .._.............................. Princeton.............................. Walnut lfols .......................... Turpin....................................
130 101 99 95 75 68 67 41 9. 15 10. ceo........................................ 13 Others: Lakota 4, Mariemont 3, Milford 2, Seven Hils 2. First Singles Anderson (Anderson) ................... lS.l Weisbrod (St. Ursula) ................... 14-2 Webb (Sycamore} ........................ 10.2 Marcum (Middlelown) .................. B-2 Wasilewski (CHCA) ...................... 1S.3 Ulrich (Lakota) .............................. 11--4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Brunsman (Oak Hils) ................... lG-4 Freedman (McNicholas) ............... 9--4 Second Singles Jacobs (Middletown) ................... 11-o Hershey (St. Ursula) ..................... ll>-1 Cowl! (Walnut Hils) ...................... 13-1 Stahl (Oak Hils) ............................. 11-1 Kami Kuresman (Princeton) ...... 11·1 Ritchie (Anderson) ........................lG-1 Telock (Milford} ........................... 10.3 Tisdel (CHCA) .................................. B-3 Beyersdorfer (Madeira> ...-···- 13-4 Tblrd Singles Tarabichi (St. Ursula} ................... IS. I Liebman (Sycarnore) ..................... B-1 Alex (OakHils} ................................ l>-2 Rose (Hamillon) ............................. lG-3 Baln (Lakota) ................................... 7-3 Gerber (Middletownl ..................... 7-4 Doubles Helmann-Kruz (St. Ursula} ......... ll>-1 Allers-Ernst (St. Ursula) ............. ll>-1 Kim Kuresman-Thompson (Princeton) .................................................... 11·1 McDaniei-Prevlty (Lakola) ........ lG-1 Traiforos-Dealy (Seven Hills) ..... 10.1 Koehler·Smllh (Marlemont) ......... l>-1 Raskln-lyinsky (Seven Hills} ....... lG-2 Jensen-Oppliger (Sycamore) ....... 9-2 Morgan-A. Briscoe (Anderson) ... 8-2 Borcherclng-Melssner (Oak Hils) .... l>-2 Goverf<allaghan (Ma(oemonl} ... l>-2 Hern-Etter (MRford) .................... lo-4
Girls volleyball Division I Rec PIS
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Seton (9) ................................ Mercy ................................... Ursuline ................................. Princeton .........................,... Lakota ................................... Mount Notre Dame ............ Colerain................................. McAuley ............................... Oak Hils................................ Milord..................................
90 71 68 67 49 44 37 32
16 13
Others: Harrison 6, Amelia 3, Walnut Hils l
Division II Rec PIS ,
1. 2.
3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
St. Ursula (4) ......................... 40 Roger Bacon ........................ 35 Mason ................................... 28 Taylor................................... Williamsburg .................._.. McNcholas .......................... Purcel Marian.................... Fmeytown .......................... Norwood............................... Reading .............................~.. Others: Wyoming 4.
24 20 17 14 13 9
Others: MI. Notre Dame 4, Se-
ton 4, Princeton 1. Boys Cross Country q,; l -'ll... Division
Division I
2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Rec Pts La Sale (6) ••••.••.•.••.•••••••.•••••.•• n St. Xavier ( 1) ....................•..... 73 Lakota ( 1l ..•,.....•................... .63 Princeton .....•........................... 50 Moeller ....................................•.46 Harrison ....................................38 Colerain .................................... 28 Elder ...........•...........•.•......•••. 27 Oak Hils .................................. 11 Fairfield ..........•........................ 10 Other.: Middletown 7, Ander· 2, Walnut Hils 2.
Division II 1. 1. 3.
Rec Pfs lndl"" Hil (1) •.•........................ 19 Madeira (1) ............................. 19 Badin ......................................... 15
~: ~::.:~·::::::::::::::::::::::: l~ ~: ~~~~·e;:i};;;·:::::::::::::::::::::::: :
McNicholas .............................. 7
1~: ~=~~;·:·.::::::::::::::::::::::· t
Bl""'hesler .............................. 1 Top Performers Division 1 1. Thomas (Fairfield) ............ 15:46 2. Ziegler (Harrison) .............. 15:47 3. Johnston (Princeton) ........ 16:22 4. Motsinger (Harrison) ....... 16:24 5. Bertrand (Miltord) ............ 16:28 6. Godsey (Lakota) ............... 16:45 7. Butler (La Salle) .....•........... 16:48 8. Robinson (Lakota) ............. 16:49 9. Porter (Princeton) ............ 16:50 10. Ward (Colerain) ................. 16:55 Division II 1. Newberry (Madelra) ........ 17:17 2. Damen (lndl., Hil) ............ 17:38 3. Barl<house (Madeira) ....... 17:39 4. Goldschmidt (Madeira) .... 17:56 5. Young (Georgelown) ........ 18:50
Girls cross country Division I
1. 2. 3.
Rec Pis Colerain ( 10) .......................... 100 Anderson .................................. 89 Lakota ....................................... n
i: ~=!~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ ~: rt..;.,":~.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::~
9. 10.
Fairfield .................................... 21 Oak Hils .............................•..... 13
Rec Pfs Madeira (1) ............................. 19
. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : l~
~: r':.=:.~.~.~
3. 5.
Badin ......................................... 15 McNicholas .............................. 14
~: ~~~r..:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1~ 8.
lndi., Hll ··-···-························· 4
:: ~~:,;;·e;:o:;;;;;·:::::::::::::::::::::::: ~ Others: Ross 2, New Richmond
1. Top PerfOI'lllers 1
1. 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 10. 10. 1. 2. 3. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Zeinner~=. 1. ............ 19:13
!!ogler (Sycamore) .......... 19:13
Alsbrooks (Lakota) ........... 19:29 Himmelstein (Anderson ).. 19:38 Hunt (Lakota) ..................... 19:40 Crum (Colerain) ................. 19:42 Gallagher (Sycamore )...... 19:46 Buck (Colerain) .................. 19:47 Grebe (Colerain) ................ 20:05 Rieder (Mercy) .................. 20:06 Carty (Falrfieid) ................ 20:06 Kozimer (Anderson) ......... 20:06 Division II Blackwelder (Madelra) .... 19:23 Lobas (Madeira) ............... 19:40 Beech (CC0) ..•.••••.••••.•..•••.•• 21:11 Herman (McNicholas). ..... 21:11 Fisher (McNicholas) ......... 21:12 Hobrook (CHCAJ ............... 21:20 Barrett (Madeira) ............. 21:27 Bianelo (Mariemonl) ........21:36 Pears (WyomlngJ .............. 21:41 Wood (Mariernonl) ........... 21:47
Boys golf coaches Division I
.: : : : : : : :
Rec Pis St. Xavier (6) ...................... 101
~: ~=~.~.~~
Lakota ................................... 64 Elder······························'······· 50 Fairfield ................................ 47 Winton Woods ( 1l .............. 47 HamHion ............................... 38 9. Leb~ ................................ 24 10. Loveland............................... 23 Others: Wilminglon 20, Turpin 13, MiHord 8, Anderson 3, La Sale 3, Oak Hils 1. 4. 5. 6. 6. 8.
Div. 11-111 Rae Pts
~: ~~~ ~~·(1"i·:::::::::::::::::::::· ~ 1
4. 5. 6. 7.
9. 10.
lndl., Hll.............................. Mariemont (1) .................... CHCA .................................... Springboro ( 1l ........•............ McNicholas..........................
78 57 S4 48 ceo ....:................................... 32 Seven Hils............................ 20 Flnneytown .......................... 16
Others: Madeira 5, Taylor 4, Mason 3, Soovnlt 3, Wyoming 2, Ross 1. Top Averages Andy Sanders (Turpin) ................ 33.8 JeffQeeter (CHCA) ..................... 36.6 Brad Schmidt (Kings) ................... 37.5 Marty Miler (Middletown )......... 38.1 Scott Miler (Middletown) ........... 38.4 Kent Scearcy (Kings) ................... 38.4 CUrt Hathaway (Anderson) ........ 38.6 Kyle Mlli.,s (Winton Woods) .... 38.7 Jay Tilton (Winton Woods) ......... 38.8 Pat Reist (HamHton) ..................... 38.8
Girls golf coaches Rec Pis St. UrSIAa (5) ........................... 67
~: ~~[~.:::·.:·:.:·:::.:·.::·.:·:.::·:::.::·.:·.~
4. 5.
Ursuline ..................................... 48 lndi"" HIQ .................................. 36
:: ~O:Y.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~
8. 9. 10.
Lebanon .................................... 22 Fairfield .................................... 18 MI. Notre Dame ..................... 17 Top Averages Katie Rakel (St. Ursula) ............... 42.8 Julie Bunn (lndi"" HiH) ................... 43.4 Karen Hodapp (Ursullne) ............. 43.8 Juie Harter (Lakota l ................... 44.0 Sara Rabe (St. Ursulal .................. 44.0 Alicia Brown (Lakola) .................. 44.6 Step~ie Eifert (Lakota) ........... 44.6 Kristen Vance (Sf. Ursula) .......... 44.7 Julie Buechner (Ursuline) .............45l Sara Hamlin (Lakola) ................... 45.3 Nari Inoue (LebanOI\) .................... 46.4 Meg., Fry (Lakota) .....................46.7 Amy Loll (Seton) .......................... 46.7
Tennis coaches Rae Sycamore Green ( 11J ....... Princeton .............................. Anderson .............................. St. Ursula.............................. Ursuline ................................. Oak Hils ................................ CHCA .................................... Walnut Hils ..........................
Pts 110 94 83 79 65 S4 38 34
1~: ~~~~.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
First Singles Anderson (Anderson) ...................•. B-1 Weisbrod (St. ursula )...................• 8-1 Freedm., (McNicholas) ............... 7·1 Pipkins (Walnut Hils) ..................... 6-2 Ulrich (Lakota) ................................ 7·3 Second Singles Hershey (St. Ursula) ................•.•.. 9.() Komi Kuresman (Princeton) ...•... 5.() Cowl! (Walnut Hlls) ...................... 7·1 Ritchie (Anderson) .......................... J-1 Stahl (Oak Hlls) ............................... 4·1 Third Singles Tarabichi (St. UrsulaJ ..................... 9.() Liebrn., (Sycamore). .................... (.() L. Geraci (Turpin) ................•......... 6-2 Bain (Lakota) ........................•......... s-2 Doubles Alters-Ernst (St. Ursula) ............•. 9.() McDaniei·Prevlty (Lakota) .......... ].() Kim Kuresman-Thompson (Prlncelon) ...................................................... S.() Borcher<fong-Meissner (Oak Hils) .... 5.()
Division I 1.
Others: Seven Hils 10, Lakota
3, Mariemont 1, Sycamore Gold l.
Jensen-Oppliger (Sycamore l ....... 4-0 Hellrnann-Kruz (St. Ursula) ........... 8-1 Traiforos·Dealy (Seven Hills) ....... 6-1 Morgan-A. Briscoe (Anderson l ... 6-1 J. Briscoe-Roernbke (Anderson). s-1 Raskin-lyinsky (Seven Hills) ......... S.1 Killner·Payne (Oak Hills) .............. J-1
Girls Volleyball Division I
Rae Pts Seton (9) .....•..•••..•.•.••...••.••••••• 90
~: rt..~~i~·:·.::::·.:·.:::::::::::·:.::::::::·:.: ~ 4.
5. 6. 7.
Princeton .............................. Lakota................................... MI. Notre Dame................. Colerain .................................
67 '9 44 37
:: ~~A~i.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~~ .................................. 13
Others: Harrison 6, Amelia 3, Wab.JI Hils 3.
Division II 1.
RtC Pis St. Ursula (4) ........••••••.••••..•••• 40
~: ~'f.~~~~.:::::::::::::::::::::::: ~
1~ ~ ~ .·.:.:_: .: :.: .: .: .:.: .: .:.: :.:. * 7.
Purcell Marian....................
~::~~~.:::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1~
Reading................................. Others: Wyoming 4.
PREP POLLS Boys Cross Country Division I
RtC Pts La Sale (6l .............................. n 2. St. Xavier ( 1) .......................... 72 3. Lakota ( 1l ................................ 67 4. Harrison .................................... 53 5. Princeton .................................. 46 6. Colerain ..................................... 37 7. Moeller ...................................... 32 8. Fairfield .................................... 21 9. Elder .......................................... 16 10. Middletown .............................. 11 Others: Oak HiUs 7, Anderson 1, Walnut HiHs 1.
7. 8. 9. 10. 10.
Ursuline ..................................... 45 McAuley ................................... 33 Fairfield .................................... 22 Oak Hils ...................... - .......... 6 MI. Notre Dame ..................... 6 Others: Seton 3, Princeton 2. Harrison 1.
Division II Rec Pts Madeira (3) ............................. 56 Wyoming .................................. 43 Eastern Brown ........................42 Indian HiM (1) ........................... 41 Badin ......................................... 32 New Richmond ........................ 22 Kings .......................................... 22 Hntsboro (2) ............................. 20 McNicholas .............................. 16 Purcell Marion ........................ 16 Others: Blanchester 12, Georgetown 8. Top Performers Division 1 1. Ziegler (Harrison) .............. 15:48 2. Thomas (Fairfield) ............ 16:09 3. Sweetman (Harrison) ....... 16:15 4. Hummel (laSalle) ............. 16:16 5. Kldd (St. Xavier) ................ 16:17 6. Aerni (Walnut Hils) ........... 16:19 7. Hussel (Colerain) ............... 16:25 8. Motsinger (Harrison) ....... 16:29 9. Riegelsberger (Roger Bacon) .. 16:50 10. Foltz (Moeller) ................... 16:31 Division 11 1. Zincaro (Kings) .................. 16:45 2. Hasler (Fimeytown) ......... 16:S3 3. Newberry (Madeira) ........ 17:03 4. Damen (Indian HIM) ............ 17:31 4. Frommling (Kings) ............ 17:31 6. Marlin (HIUsboro) .............. 17:34 7. Henry (Hinsboro) ............... 17:34 8. Boggs (HIMsboro) ............... 17:37 9. Nichols (Indian HiR) ............ 17:40 10. Damen (Indian Hil) ............ 17:41 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 6. 8. 9. 9.
Girls cross country Division I
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Rec Pts Colerain ( 11) .......................... 110 Anderson .................................. 98 Lakota .......................................88 Sycamore .................................72 Mercy ....................................... 63 Middletown .............................. 53
Division II Rtc Pts Madeira (3) ......c......_ .......... ~ Eastern Brown (3) Badin·--·----·---- 46 Kings (1) ...................................44 Loveland ................................... 39 McNicholas .............................. 39 Wyoming .................................. 38 Indian Hil ..................- ............ 21 Mariemont ............................... 16 Roger Bacon ............................ 14 Others: HIMsboro 4, New Richmond 2. Top Performers Division 1 1. Crum (Colerain) ................. 19:10 2. Bogner (Sycamore) .......... 19:11 3. Buck (Colerain) .................. 19:20 4. Hinvnelstein (Andersonl .. 19:22 5. Alsbrooks (Lakota) ........... 19-.30 6. Grebe (Coierain) ................ 19:32 7. Rieder (Mercy) .................. 19:33 8. Gallagher (Sycamore) ...... 19:34 9. Kist (Coierain) .................... 19:38 10. Hunt (lakota) ..................... 19:42 Division 11 1. Blackwelder (Madelra) .... 19:17 2. Lobas (Madeira) ............... 19:36 3. Whittaker (Indian Hill ...... 19:36 4. Johnson (Kings) .................. 19:42 5. carpenter (Kings) ............. 19:54 6. Mick (Badin) ..............•........ 20:20 7. Vianello (Mariemont) ....... 20:.30 8. Wood (Mariemont) ........... 20:38 9. Pears (Wyonnlng) .............. 20:45 10. Lord (Kings) ........................ 20:48
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Boys golf Division I
Pts 117 101 82 76 58 55 43 39 9. Elder...................................... 36 10. Loveland ............................... 25 Others: Wilmington 16, MlHord 3, Turpin 2, Taiawanda 2, Oak Hils 2, Anderson 2, Northwest 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Rec Sycamore (9) ........•............. St. Xavier (3) ...................... Lakota ................................... Moeller .................................. Fairfield ................................ HarnHton ............................... Winton Woods ..................... Lebanon ................................
Div. 11-111 1. 2.
3. 4.
Rec Pts Kings (Ill ....................:.......... 119 Ham. Badin ............................ 95 Indian Hill.............................. 91 Mariemont........................... n
5. 6. 7.
Springboro ( 1l ..................... 73 CHCA ---·-··-·-········· 61 McNcholas .......................... 54 a. 30 9. Seven Hils ---·-··-·-··· 18 10. Finneytown ·--·········-···· 13 10. Taylor---··········- 13 Others: Wyoming 6, Ross 4, Mason 3, Madeira 3. TepAwrages Andy Sanders (T..-plnl................ 35.0 David Wagenseler (Wllminglon) ...... 36.7 Jef!Oeeler (CHCA) ..................... 37.0 .JarrOe Boyer (Sprlngboro) ........... 37.7 Brad Sclmidl (Kings) ................... 37.9 Kent Scearcy (Kings) ................... 37.9 Kirk Hathaway (Anderson) ........ 38.0 Scott /Mer (Midclelown) ........... 38.1 Marty Miler (Mickletown) ......... 38.4 Andy Haines (Springboro) ........... 38.4 Kyle Milians ton Woods) .... 38.6 Seth Dolboa (Springboro) ........... 38.7 Jay Tilton (W.,fon Woods) ......... 38.8
Girls golf Division I
Rtc Pts St. Ursula (6) ........................... 78 Wilmington ............................... 65 Lakota (2) ................................60 Ursulne ..................................... 60 Mercy ....................................... 42 Indian Hil .................................. 33 Seton ......................................... 32 Lebanon .................................... 25 MI. Notre Dame ..................... 19 Fairfield .................................... 15 Top AYtrlgtS Peele (Wilmingion) ........................ 42.3 Katie Rakel (St. Ursula) ............... 43.4 Julie Bunn (Indian Hil) ................... 43.5 Julie Harter (lakota) ................... 43.5 Stephanie Eifert (Lakotal ........... 44.0 Sara Robbe (St. Ursula) ............... 44.1 Kristen Vance (St. Ursutal .......... 44.1 Alicia Brown (Lakotal.... .............. 44.9 Brooke Rudcick (Wimington) .... 45.9 Nari Inoue (lebonon) .................... 46.0
1. 2. 3. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. !C.
Girls Tennis Rtc Pts 1. Sycamore Green (9) ............. 90 2. St. Ursula ................................ 74 3. Anderson .............................. 69 4. Ursulne ··························•······ 63 5. Oak Hils ................................ 60 6. Princeton .............................. 49 7. CHCA .................................... 36 8. Walnut Hils .............•............ 23 9. ceo ........................................ 14 10. Turpin.................................... 12 Others: Seven Hills 4, Marl&mont 1. First Singlts· Anderson (Anderson) ................... ll-1 Weisbrod (St. Ursula) ................... 11·1 Webb (Sycamore) .......................... 9-1
Marcum (Midclelownl .................. 7-2 Jackson (Prlnceton) ....................... 7·2 Freedman (McNicholas) ............... 8-3 ~ins (Walnut Hils) ..................... 7·3 Waldmann (loveland) .................... 7·3 second S1ng1ts Hershey (St. Ursula) ..................... 12.0 Jacobs ( Midcletown )..................... 9.0 Hyams (Sycamore) ........................ HJ Ritchie (Anderson) ........................ I(). I Cowit (Waklut Hils) ........................ 9-1 Stahl (Oak Hils) ............................... 8-1 Kami Kuresman (Princeton) ........ 8-1 Beyersdorfer (Madeira) ............... 9-3 Third Singles Tarabichi (St. Ursula) ................... 12-G Liebman (Sycamore) ........:............ 7.0 Sobkowiak (loveland) ................... 9-1 Alex (Oak HIHs) ................................ 4-1 Rose (Haml1ton) ............................... 7·3 Bain (Lakota) ................................... 6-3 Gerber (Middletown) ..................... 6-3 Doubles AHers-Ernst (St. Ursula) ............. 12.0 Kinn Kuresman-Thompson (Princ&ton) ......................................................9.0 Jensen-Oppliger (Sycarnore) ....... 4-0 Hellmann-Kruze (St. Ursula) ....... 11·1 McDaniei-Previty (Lakota) .......... 8-1 Traiforos-Deaiy (Seven Hills) ....... 7·1 Borcherdin9-Melssner (Oak Hills) .... 6-1 Raskln-lyinsky (Seven Hils) ......... 6-1 Killner·Payne (Oak HIBs) .............. 4-1 Morgan-A. Briscoe (Anderson) ... 8-2
Girls Volleyball Division I
Rtc Pts Seton (8) ................................ 80 2. Mercy ................................... 68 3. Princeton .............................. 65 4. Ursuline ................................. 58 5. Lakota................................... 39 6. Colerain ................................. 37 7. McAuley............................... 28 8. MI. Notre Dame ................. 25" 9. Mlllord .................................. 20 10. Oak Hils................................ 10 1.
Others: Harrison 9, Walnut Hils 2.
Division II Rtc Pts
3. 4. 5.
~:;:.~~.:::::::::::::::::::::·· ~·
Taylor................................... Mason ................................... Williamsburg ........................ 6. Reading -·······-······················ 7. McNicholas.......................... 8. Finneytown .......................... 9. Norwood............................... 10. Purcel Marian....................
43 40 3. 26 24 15 12
Others: St. Bernard 9, Wyr>mlng 1, Indian Hll 1, Felclty 1.
lo- lb-4"-
Boys cross country Division I 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Pis St. Xavier (6) ......................... 60 La Solie .................................... 54 Lakota ..................................... 48 Princeton ................................. 39 Harrison .................................. 36 Oak Hills .................................. 27 MoeMer .................................... 24 Colerain .................................... 22 Middletown ............................. 12 Fairfield ................................... 4 Others: Turpin 1.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 1. 3. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Riegelsberger (RBacon). 15:48 Kidd (St. Xovier) ............... 15:51 Hildebrandt !Moeller) ...... 15:57 Foltz (MoeNer) .................. 16:01 Godsey (Lokota) .•........... 16:10 Division II Damen (Indian Hill) ........... 16:47 Newberry (Madeira) ....... 16:47 Halpin (Badin) .................... 17:06 Lucking (Badin) ................. 17:06 Breitenstein (McNich) ..... 17:13 Hughes (Finneytown)...... 17:15 Schaengold (Wyoming) ... 17:26 Wolson (Indian HIH) ........... 17:27 Balinger (Blanchester) ... 17:27 Marlin (HiHsboro) ............. 17:29
Division U
1. 2. 3.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 8: 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Hillsboro ( 2) ............................ 52 Madeira (2) ............................ 51 Indian Hill (3) ••.••••.••.•.••....•.....• 48 Eastern Brown ( 1) ............... 47 Ba<fOI ........................................ 33 Wyoming ................................. 31 New Rlctvnond ....................... 18 McNicholas ............................. 16 Kings·················'······················ 16 Purcell Marian ....................... 16 TOP PERFORMERS Division I Ziegler (Harrlson) ............. 15:26 Thomas (Fairfield) ........... 15:37 Hurrmel (La Salle) ............15:44 Fritz (St. Xavier). ............. 15:45 Buller (La Salle) ................ 15:47
Girls cross country Division I PIS
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Colerain (5) ............................. 50 Anderson .................................« Middletown ............................. 41 Lakota ..................................... 35 Mercy ...................................... 27 Ursuline .................................... 24 Fairfield ................................... 15 Princeton ................................. 11 Harrison.................................. 9 Sycamore ................................. 6 . Others: McAuley 5, Oak HiHs 4, seton 2, Ham~ton 2.
Kings .........................\;:...~.!.;:... 26 7. Roger .... 19 8. Marie .... 13 8. Hillsboro............. ·· .13 10. Indian HUI ............. 1:1 Others: New R' 9, Loveland 7.
Division II PIS
Mad~lra (2) .........., • ..,..\o---'··55 MCNICholas (2) ··-··~·'•.••····47 Eastern Brown (2) ~-·•··t-,"-· 46
TOP PERFOR Division 1 -~ Alsbrooks (La~otal 4,~•• 18;46
7. 9. 10.
Girls volleyball Division I
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
~: ~r~~e~~~~::.'<~~~J·l~~
4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Kozimer (AnderscinY:.",,.19:05 Hunt (Lakota) ...........- •. 19:08 Crum (Colerain) ................ 19:19 Grome (SOlon) ...........- .... 19:25 Tutalo ( MiddlelownL.... 19:30 Ward (Coleraln) ................ 19:33 Morgan (Amelia) .............. 19:38 Division 11 Blackwelder (Madeira) ... 18:29 Lobas (Madeira) ............. 18:43 Fisher (McNicholas) ........ 19:10 Whittacker (Indian HI)... 19:32 Hermon (McNicholasl. .... 19:46 Parrish (Roger Bacon) .... 19:47 Mick (Badln) ...................... 20:24
Childers (NRictvnond) ..... 20:24 Carpenter (Kings) ............ 20:27 Bronson (Finneytown) .... 20:34
seton (5) ................................. 50 Mercy ..................................... .41 Princeton ................................. 39 Colerain ....................................31 McAuley ..................................30 Milford ..................................... 28 Lakota ..................................... 25 Ursuline .................................... 14 Oak Hills ................................. 7 Mt.NotreDame .................... 5 Others: Walnut Hils 4.
1. 2. 3. 4.
5. 5. 5. 8. 9. 9.
Division II PIS St. Ursula (2) .......................... 20 WIINamsburg .......................... 17 Reading .................................... 14 Taylor ...................................... 12 St. Bernard ............................. 9 Roger Bacon ........................... 9 Finneytown ............................. 9 McNicholas ............................. 7 Norwood .................................. 5 Wyoming ................................. 5 Others: Indian Hill 2. North Col-
lege HiN 1.
Ziegler goes hard early, wins easily BY MARK SCHMETZER - Enquirer contributor
. COLUMBUS - Ernie Ziegler already had one "state championship to his credit - last spring's ' Division I 3,200-meter boys track title - but he is much happier with the Division I state cross country · championship he brought home Saturday. "That one was more of a surprise," the Harrison · senior said of the track championship. "I didn't think I would win it. I really wanted to win the cross country this year. I worked toward it all year." · Ziegler's efforts were rewarded as he sped away from the pack early and widened his lead over the 3.1-mile course. He ran the course in 15:27.4, almost 22 seconds faster than second-place Chris Paisley of Washington Court House Miami Trace. The Division I championship was the first for a Cincinnati-area runner since La Salle's Doug Bockenstette in 1993. "I did what I thought I could do," said Ziegler, who threw both arms in the air as he crossed the finish. Ziegler's prowess during the season had left him concerned about how he might react to the heat of a close race, and he decided to not let that happen. "I just wanted to get out and get a lead," Ziegler said. "By 11/2 miles, I wanted to demoralize them. I was a little surprised that I did it as quickly as I did." Less surprising was the Division I team championship earned by Clayton Northmont, its second in a row. Northmont overwhelmed Lakota, which finished 'second by one point over St. Xavier. "I think if Northmont runs its best race, they're tough to beat," St. Xavier coach Larry Merkel said. "Our biggest disappointment is not finishing second. I thought we were all done with Lakota. One point is just one position somewhere out on the course. If we could've done that, I would like to have been feeling that we're the best team coming out of Cincinnati." Lakota's one-point edge, the same margin by which it finished second to St. Xavier in last week's regional meet, was provided by sophomore Craig Akers, who surged past St. Xavier junior Adam Dolan in the last 200 meters. "We ran great,'' said Lakota coach Jason Lindsey. "In this weather (40 degrees), I thought we ran real well. "Akers did great. We just got him back last week. Ie was out with an injury from the fourth week to the egionals." Three Cincinnati Division I runners fared well mning as individuals. Fairfield junior Adam Thomas lished third overall with a time of 15:56. Walnut lis senior John Aerni was 12th overall, and Milford 1ior Jeff Bertrand was 12th overall. Madeira sophomore Jon Newberry finished 26th \rail in Division III. • 'ndian Hill had to settle for the thrill of reaching state meet for the first time in 20 years. The ves finished last among the 16 Division II teams. I thought we ran well," coach Sue Savage said. r No. 1 runner (senior Frank Damen) was sick. ·an as well as we can."
.st. X out to avenge :state disappointment BY ADAM DAVIS The Cincinnati Enquirer
This time, Larry Merkel is willing to accept the accolades. , : Before the 1995 boys cross country season, Larry Merkel's St. Xavier team was picked first in ~The Enquirer's preseason poll, but Merkel resisted, saying, "this is 1 not one of our better teams." / He was either sandbagging or just plain wrong, because the :Bombers won the Greater Catholic League, held first place in the . postseason rankings and finished second at regionals to state champion Clayton Northmont. I Five of the ·top seven return 'from that team, including sopho: more Reade Kidd, who ran 16:09 · ·at the GCL meet. "Last year, I didn't think we , really were the favorite, because I · thought we had too many question · marks, but this year we probably 'deserve to be the favorite," Merkel said. . In addition to talent, St. X also has motivation: It's gunning for a . lOth straight trip to state. St. X placed a disappointing fourth at last year's state meet, finishing one point behind rival Lakota. Despite those losses, the Bombers have a good mix of veterans ! and youngsters. Kidd is the team's star. Also in the top six are seniors · Adam Bange and Kevin Burns and · juniors Matt Kuhn and Adam Dolan. · 1/Jlo 2. Lakota: · The defending Greater Miami Conference champion leap-frogged several teams at the end of last season. The T -Birds were fifth in the final Cincinnati . poll but finished a surprising third : at regionals before upsetting St. X at state. Lakota returns everyone except Jeff Godsey from its top seven, but Godsey was a big loss. He placed \
BOYS CROSS COUNTRY second at state last year, and though loaded with depth, Lakota has no big gun to replace him. The T-Birds will be led by Mark Robinson, 52nd at state last year, but the top six returnees have just a 30-second spread among them. "Who knows what new people (St.X) might have, but based on what they have back and what we have back, I think we have a better team," coach Jason Lindsey said . 1/Jlo 3. LaSalle: If there's any team that can match St. X's combination of frontrunners and depth, it's probably GCL-South rival LaSalle. The No. 1 runner is junior Jay Hummel, who qualified for state last year. LaSalle lost three seniors from its top seven but returns several quality runners and adds freshman Steve Padgett. 1/Jlo 4. Elder: The Purple Pack has depth but will suffer from the losses of Dave Dickman, A.J. Whittick and Matt Bredesteggy. Dick-· man, who placed fourth at state, gave Elder a solid frontrunner, something it lacks right now. "We'll have seven good runners out there, it's just a matter of how far up in the pack they can be," coach Steve Spencer said. 1/Jlo 5. Princeton: The Vikings are the antithesis of Elder. Led by Mark Johnston and Jason Porter, coach Ken Meibers' team is solid at the top but not at the bottom. Meibers, in his 15th ~ar at Princeton, says this is the best team he's had there. "We really want to beat Elder," Meibers said. "I think our kids have really taken it personally from all the years that they pounded on us." 1/Jlo 6. Harrison: Ernie Ziegler. That's the main thing to remember
Ohio boys cross country poll All divisions 1. St Xavier ............... (10) 174 2. Lakota ...................... (3) 145 3. LaSalle ..................... (2) 138 4. Elder ......................... (1) 134 5. Princeton .................. (1) 119 6. Harrison ........,... ~........ (2) 111 7. Moeller ....................... (1) 89 8. Colerain ......... :.................... 37 9. Walnut Hills ........................ 24 10. Oak Hills ........................... 23 Others: Milford 21, Anderson 19, Fairfield 13, Middletown 13, Turpin 7, Indian Hills 6, Badin 4, McNicholas 3, Western Hills .1. · Madeira 1. .
about the Wildcats. Ziegler, a senior, placed third at state last year behind two runners who have graduated. He's strongly supported by juniors Matt Mottsinger and Kevin Sweetman, but Harrison will lose Mike Gray, who's academically ineligible.
"I think our .top three runners ·can match up with anybody in Cincinnati, but 4 and 5 have to improve," Nolan said. · 1/Jlo 7. Moeller: Jerry Kombrinck's team returns everyone . fro~ last year's top seven, including all-city runner Dan Foltz, who ran the second-fastest time in the city last year with a 15:44. 1/Jlo 8. Colerain: A couple of coaches cited the Cardinals as a possible surprise team. Ron Russo's team returns everyone from last year, including all-city honorable mention runner Jason Russel. Plus, junior Christian Walter, who had a stress fracture last season, is healthy. 1/Jlo 9. ·Walnut Hills: The defending Queen City Conference East champions are led by John Aerni, last year's QCC East and district champion. But Mike Jarrold-Grapes' team lacks depth. · 1/Jlo 10. Oak Hills: The Scots are loaded with depth but lack a frontrunner. Bob Yung's team is led by an experienced core, including seniors Shaun Honnery, Charlie Moore, Ben Partridge, Kevin Taylor and Brian Listermann.
country off and running, quickly
Brian Mueller
f:J --路 11
The cross country team is anxious to start off its season after a summer of intense training. The team ran an average of 50 miles each week. This year's team is the largest ever, and it has high expectations for itself. "I'm excited about the upcoming season. My goal is to be one of the top finishers in the GCL and to make it to state. I think our varsity team has what it takes to make it to state," said senior Kyle Hildebrandt. This year's captains are the four seniors: Justin
Lorenz, Danny Smith, Brian Mueller, and Kyle Hildebrandt. The captains ofthe junior varsity squad are juniors Scott Oberrecht and Joe Schinitz. The team ran its first official race Saturday August 31 at the Fairfield invitational. The varsity team placed second. Kyle Hildebrandt placed 2nd and Justin Lorenz finished 8th. The junior varsity team dominated their race and came in first place. Junior' Alex Madyda led the team with a second pi ace finish. On Wednesday, September 3, the team com-
peted in the Anderson invitational at River Downs. Running around the horse track, the junior varsity team placed first. Junior Joe Morse finished in first place and junior Michael Klatte came in second place. The team has been doing a good job since then with many high finishes. Hildebrandt has been a star on the varsity team winning three races individually. The team is currently ranked I Oth in the city, but is on the rise. This year's cross country team is hoping to get better with every meet.
.i-f 1- "1 '1
The Crusaders lost just two athletes from last season's district championship so another . bi season is not out of the question. . gBut as Moeller coach Jerry Kombnnck said, "You never know in track.'' Last season'.s Greater Catholic League runner of the year returns to lead the way. D~nte ~urray, . . 'II run the 100 200 and sprmt re ays aJUniOf,Wl . ' this season. .. . 路II Also back is Ryan Cowan, a semor who w~ . the shot and discus events after miss路 .. compete m ino- most of last season with an mJury. d' . t "'Hi h jumper Jayson Simeon was .a Jstnc g. last year and the senior will also comeh amp10n . . . h. GCL pete in the hurdles this season. .. Moeller will likely be favored t? wm t e title this season but Kombr!nck said every team m the league will be tough this s.~ahson .. d "We only "We're still a young team, e saJ . . . thiS . . have two semors on the whole team路 agam year."
Moeller ""' KYLE HILDEBRANT: The senior has had an outstanding season for the cross country team. He won the Anderson, Winton Woods/Roger Bacon and Princeton invitationals while finishing second in the Elder Early Bird and Fairfield Invitational.
Ohio Cro. s -country SuppleJilent of Ohio Track&: Field NeWs
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: 1
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November 19, 1996
31 43 101 108 145 188
Northmont won its.·· $econo . straight title and proved wh)r '.th~Y ~re ranked eighth in the Nation. ·· St. Xav!f)r made· its. tenth ~ppearance in a row and went · home third b~ing .knocked from runner--up 13& 137. Eamie Ziegler of Harrison won in the fastest time of the ~ay at _15:27.4 DIVISION II BOYS Kettering Alter . put seniors Nick Andrews and Josh Mears in fifth and sixth to easily win SQ-97 over Mogadore : Fi~ld~. . · Champion Andy Greicius of Edgewood iheld off Bill Huffman of Rock{ River 15:53.3 to 15:57.0 as these fine seniors ended their Ohio high· school cross country experience. ·
01. 02. 03. -- 04. 05.
06. 07 0' 09. · 10. 11.
Ft Recovery did just that, recovered .from a · · sha~y District finish to win it all, 84-98 over poll champion, Seneca East. Junior Matt Roesner led Ft. Recovery with a seventh place in 16:29. Seneca East finished second for the third year in. a row. East junior, Vincent Fries was nailed, trying to win his third .. title, by lan Conner of Northrrior with an all out burst at . the finsih. Conner, a senior, did the same thing at the Mid"East Meet of Champions to Division 1· · ::.--~-·cnampiori Earnie Ziegler! connerwith another great finishing effort. ·
12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.
. z-i 28. 29. 40. 52.
Illinois · Ohio Michigan Pennsylvania Indiana Kentucky·
15:25.2 15:25.6 15:28.7 15:32.3 15: 37.9 15: 38.5 .i. 5: 38.9 15:40.5 15:43.1 15:49.0 15:49.6 15:51.7 15:53.4 15:54.5 15:57.2 15:58.9 16:00.1 16:03.0 16:03.4 16:03.9
Ian Conner, Galion Northmor, OH Ernie Ziegler; Harrison, OH . Ted Higgins, Naperville North, IL Jesee Barnes, Batavia, IL Peter Muller, Chicago Univ, IL !\ndy Greicius,Ashtabula Edgewood,OH Chris Dugan, Sou.thmoreland, P A David Zabel, Glenbard North, IL Steve Casebolt, Richmond, IN Ryan Shay, Central Lake, MI Jason Bialka, Lockport,IL Don Franzen, Fenton, IL Matt Ho:reled, Crystal Lake Central, IL Paul Gilvin, Fleming Co., KY · Brad Koverman, Anna. OH Russ Gerbers, Wyoming Park, MI Andrew Willgress,Libertyville, IL -Michael Sanford, Pine Richland, PA · · Bill Huffman, Rocky River, OH Rob Doyle, Marist, IL 10:'0-:rs· c.fuTs':Paisiey,Miam1a-fl"ace~oir'·---~ -16: 11.5 Casey Long, Clayton Northmont, OH 16:12.1 Adam Smith, Hudson, OH 16:36:2 Jeremiah Smith, FremontRoss, OH 17; 06.8 John Aerni, Walnut Hills, OH
. Beavercreek . ranked seventh · in the Nation. ln<::lividual (;hampion was . the undefeated junior from Alliance, Jen Wollam She ran a P.R., 18:09. after finishing. 37jh Jn 1995. .. Individual. runner-up. was Coffman s~nior, Lisa Petsche. Petsche did nto run at the District or Regional meets so she coudl heal a pulled tendon. DIVISION II GIRLS Beaumont won Jts fourth straight. title and is a solid fourth in. the Natrorial Rankings. Katy Radkewich pac,~d . Beaumont .~ith a all~time tourney best of 16:59..81 . :Raokewich tt1e11. ran a Miq-East ·Meet of Champions_ r~_c6r,~ •.. 17:3_p:$0 Qn, ~qve~ber _16. The . state title :.~as, ~aws. tbird .• ~.traight;. she was second to ctiaminads~s Nipole .· LaSalle as a · freshman wh.en Beaumont ran a~d_ .. VI. on_ .. Di~i~Jon L honors. . The Beaumont total of thirty-one p6ints also set a state record.
DIVISION Ill GIRlS Katie Sabino won a second title and led her .Woodridge team to runner-up behind Findlay liberty Benton 8~87. Benton's fine sophomore, Carrie SmiJh._ finished ronner-up to lead . the surprise . Champion Eagle~. T~ird place .team was. oregon Car~i~.l· Stritch ·whO returns .the. number 2-7 runners. Att1ca Seneca . , East . was:: fourth but ..has its. top six· coming ·back. Coach, Pat Wagner, brought liberty Benton togethe~ at the right time . as the .polls h~d them · third · all year behind Seneca East and Woodnge. ·
77 89 91 209 01. 02. · 03. 04. 05. 06. .07, 08. 09. 10. 11.
Ohio Pennsylvania Indiana Ulinois Michigan Kentucky
17: 3 5.5 Katy Radkewich,Cl Ht Beaumont-Record 18:28.2 Katie Sabino, Woodridge, OH 18:31.4 Rachel Hixson, Penncrest, PA · 18:39.3 Erin McConnell, Springfield North, OH 18:41.0 Shannon Honseman, Caledonia, MI 18:41.6 Amber Macy,.Columbus Ea,st, IN 18:42.3 Kelly .Keene, North Central; IN 18:43.1 Connie Lobas, Mat!eira, OH 18:44;8 Brandy Colley, Smethport, PA 18: 46;2 Kimberly Snyder, Plymouth, IN· 18:46:8. Andrea Rosema, Jenison, MI . 18;47.4 Erika Coull~Parenty; Hinsdale;,IL 18:49;3 Veronica Quackenbush, Ogemaw Ht, MI 18:59.3 . Bry Houdelilc. Glenbaid North. IL 19:01.9 Chrissy Schmieder,Hemfield, PA 19:04.8 Emily Ilg, @-lenbard North, IL 19:05A JessicaHui§e,GreatValley,PA · 19:05.9 Rachel Nict':lols, Pickerington, OH 19:06.4 AimeeFl~nor, Silver Creek. IN • 19:14.5' Ch:tistineTb:ompson,AmherstSteele,OH ·19:15.0 Laura Bramm:ell, Kentucky . · · _.. . 19:17.3 Cady Himmelstei'n, CinAnd,er'son, OH • 19:22.1 Gemma Dimety, Beavercreek, QI:I · · 19:22.6. Be9ky Testa, McDonald, OH · ·
·12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. · 20; 21. 22. 25. · . 26. 4.5.. 20:~3.6 Sandy Tecklenburg. Cin Anders.on, OH
·DIVISION lll GIRLS . 01. 02 03. . 04. 05.
. l'
. l
0L 02 03. · 04. 05: 06. 07. 08. 09: 10.
-18:28 Katie Sabmo, ·12, Peninsula Wobdridge _.· · 18:37 Ca:rrie Smith, 10, Findlay Liberty' Benton 18:38 Amanda Blackwelder, If, Cincinnati Madeira · 18:39. Briana Shook,lO, Attica Seneca Ea§t'.18:59 Connie Lobas, 12, Cincinnati Madeira 19:09 Becky·Testa, 12, McDonald .· 19:21 Kara Simpson, 10, Toledo Christj.rul 19:22 Bobbie Har~barger,•11. Johnston North'ridge19:·22 Angela Kubick•. l2,Penninsula Woodtidge . 19:22 Ann StechschUlte, 12. Bluffton · · 11. 19: 30 ;prin Donley. 12, Oregon Cardinal StiW;:h _12.. · ~Q:-31 _Step~e Francis. 9, H~th ... ;-_ . , :-.-.·:::·-(-;..: 13. 1Q: 3~ Stephanie Fries, 9, Attica SenecaEasi; 14. 19: 34 Emily Hamshire, 11. Peninsula Woodridge· . 15. 19:42 Karla Klosterman, 12. Coldwater . · 16. '19:42 Julie Pitney, 9. Findlay .Liberty Beriton 17. 19.:43 Jenny LaPlante, 10, Oregon Cardinal Stritch . 18. 19:43 Lindsay Travis,10,ElmoreWooqmore · 19. 19,:55 Nichole Sautter, 10, Tont?gany Otsego 20. 19:58 Alicia Miller,.10, Amanda Clearcreek 21.. i9i59 Joslyn·Piau.:l2.Holgate._• 22. 19; 59 JessicaBarhorst. 10, Minster 23. 2o:oo Abby'Cordes,9, Pettisville . 24. 2!):01 Leah Stephen, 10 Barnesville 25. ·20f03 Julie-Wright, 10, McDonald
18:09 Jen Wollaril, 11, Alliance . 02. 18:44' LiSa Petsche, 12; Dublin Coffman 03; 18:47 i,JinnfHanifan, 9, Anthony Wayne . 04. 18:48 'Kara:Storage, 10, Beavercreek 05. · 18:49 Tara Storage, i 0, Beavercreek · 06. 18:50 Katie Sekinger, 11, Oregon Clay 07. 18:50 Christine Thompson,J2, Anilierst Steele ·. 08. 18:51 Rita Fiala,lO. WorthiriiJ;on Kilbourne · . 09: 18:51 Kristin Epley, 11. Westerville South 10; 18:56 Dale Alsbrooks, 11, West ChesterLa:kota '-11. 18:59 Tiffany Smith, 11, Massillon Perry :12. 18:59 :Kristinlumer;Jo Centerville . 13. 19:08 Erin McConnell; 12, Springfield North 14. 19:13 1Rachael Henry, 11, Springfield North 15. 19:14 1Rachel}'Jichols,12,Pickerington 16. i 9: 14 Kelly Crum; 9 Cincinnati Colerall1 . 17. 19:14 Sandy Tecklenburg; 12, Cincinnati Anderson 18; 19: 15 Kari Eaton, 10, Wadsworth 19; 19: 17 len Hollinger, 9, Kent Roosevelt 20. 19: 18 Carolirie Miller, 12,, Upper Arlington 21. 19:19 · DimeryAnders,-12, :Beavercreek 22." 19:20 ;r<:ara Koppepo. North Ridgeville : 23. r 19:21 ~itlinPhillips. 9, Rocky River Magnificat 24; 19:22 Lisa Claypool, h.:-East i .· · . .· . "" Liverpool .. . · 25. 19:24 pigi Hopple, 12, lvlassill!,)!J: :erry .
ri,MSION II GffiLS 01. FT RECOVERY 84 02.ATTICASENECAEAST 98 03. EAST CANTON 117 04. CONVOY CRESTVIEW 174 05. GRANVILLE 179 06. ··COLUMBUS GROVE 201 .. 07. 'WEST LffiERTY SALElvf>208 ·• <08. CENTRAL CATHOLIC :233 . ·_·_. o9..BALTIMORE LIBB:R:rf UNioN'- 235 ···· 10. HOLGATE . 245 11. BURTON.BERKSHIRE 248 .... 12. RUSSL\ 25$ . 13. CALD~LL 255 · . 14. NEWLONDON 26i .· ...·. · ;1s.• CORTLAND.1v1APLEWOOD . >16. SHADYSIDE 348 ..
:. 01. .• 02. .· .03, . 04.
.... .
:uovs·,»IV1SioN-m to:PFimsitints l6:59.8Katy Radkewich, .12, Beaumonf(N'ew Record) 18:46 .Erin Frye, 10, Rayland Buckeye Local 18:53 Colleen Byrne,ll, J\:von La,ke ·..· · 19:00 Kelli Litten, 11, Canal Fufton N:West OS. 19:0f Cicely Campbell, 10. Clev. Hts. Beaumont 0~ 19:05 Erin Nehus, 10, GallipoliS Gailia Academy · 07. 19: 08 Lindsay Nemastil, 9, Clev. Hts. Beaumont 08. 19:10 ClarissaHitchon,ll,WashingtonCHMiamiTt 09. 19:12 Michelle Rizzo, 11, Perry 10. 19: 14 .A,nne Whittaker, 9, Cinn. Indian Hill 11. 19:i8 Cyndi Bostdorff.. IO. Pemberville Eastwood 12. 19:18 Vonnie Downing,. lO,ChagrinFalls Kenston 13. 19:19 Stacy Rallo, 11, Clev. Hts. Beaumont 14. 19:20 Emily Mars, 9, Mogadore Field. 15. 19:24 J(liuly Sitterley, 11, Lancaster Fairfield 16. 19:25 J~ssica Carmona, 12, Galion 17. 19:27 Cilrrie Carducci, 9, Delaware Olentangy 18. 1~29 Anne Ughrin, 12. Q~rtland ,L3kevie.w 19: · i9:3o' M~gan Zitriet. 9;:Mililll'ilaisori · . ·· 20. 19: 30 Je-ssica Stickler, 9, Galion · • · · ' ·· 21. 19:34 Melissa Lowe, 12; Dayton Christian· 22; 19:36 Sami Haught.12, St: Cliiirsville ·: · 23. · 19:37 Jocelynlrwin,J,2, Columpus I;Ia,rtley 24. 19:39 Jessica DeVoe, 12;tinl_a Bath . 25. 19:40 Rene Rbsticil, U, Meditla Highland
;ol. 15:40. Ian Conner, 12. Galion Northinot
01. 02 03. 04.
.... ·' .
02 15:42 Viticeiit Fries, 11, Attica. Seneca East 03. l6:l2Brad Koverlllail, l2.Ant)a • >o4. 16:20 :r<>sh Ord~oy,10.Holg~te ·. 05. 16:22 Kurt Micheelis, 10 Holgate. 0~ 16:25 Aaron Hay, 11. Attica Seneca East · · 01. 1.6:29 M'att Roessner.' H. Ft. Rerovery ·..08.1_6:30.Tini Miller,l2; Barnesville 09. 16:30 Ryan Desgrange, 11, Liberty Center · 10. 16:32 J. t O'Rielley, 11. New Phil Tusca Cath . U; 16~32 Ryan Schneider, i1;Spcll.cervfue · 12. l6:32Jim Thiel, 12, Morral Ridgedale 13. 16:33 Chris Williamson, 10, East Canton 14. 16:37 •Matt Dunlavy, 12, Lima Central Catholic · . · 15. 16:40 Phil Ranly; H. Ft. Recovery . }6. 16:40 Matt Heitkamp. 12. Ft. Rerovery 17. 16:40 Steve Spotts,l2, Attica seneca East , ... l8.::16;42 .Ben Cowan,ll, Convoy Crestview · ·19. 16:42 Philip Slonkosky, 10, Minster 20. 1'6:43 ·Jim Woten,l2, Cohlmblis Grove · • '21.· 16:44'Nate.Ontrop,ll, Ft. Recovery . 22. 16:45 •Brian Treece, 12, Findlay Liberty Benton . 23. 16:45 Adil Sidiq; l2,TolMaurriee Valley Day . 24. 1~:4() Dim Aquino; p, East Cantnn 25. · 16:'48 ·Allen Stewart; 10, Cortland Maplewood ... · ,.... . ... ' .- ..
· Mantua (;re~twood
.. -,
,IMPORTANT FUTURE DATES November· 30 • footlocker Midwest Region December 7" Cross Coul)try Clinic December 14.- Footlocker Nationals ·January 23, 24, 25 - Track & Field Clinic . February 28 & March 1 - lnd()or Cl~ssic OSU. · March 15 - Centerville Super Clinic · · March 29 - Track & Field Season Starts
Women and Men Combined Results 76. 120 179 192 268 397
Pennsylvania · . 'Michigan Indiana . . ·Kentucky .
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DIVISION I BOYS 01. . 02 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10.
BOYS. DIVISION I TOP FINIS:e:ERS 01. 15:27 Ernie Ziegler,12, Harrison 02 15:49 Chris Paisley, 12, Mian:ri Traee 03. · 15: 56 Adam Thomas, 11, Fairfield · 04. 15:58 Mickey Martin, 10, Clev. St Ignatius 05. 16:00 Adam Smith, 12, Hudson 06. 16:04 Jeremiah Smith, 12, Fremont Ross . 07. 16:05, Joe Barnes, 10, Clayton Northmont 08. 16:05 Will Sheets, 11, Ashland 09. 16:08 Casey Long, 12, Clayton Northmont 10. 16:08 Nick Cordes,ll, Madison · 11. 16:09 Jeremy, Lowry, 10, N. Canton Hoover 12. 16:09 John Aerni, 12, Cinn. WalnutHills 13. 16:10 Adam Brantner, 12, Lodi Cloverleaf 14. 16:10 Brett Baddord, 11, Findlay 15. 16:11. Jeff Bertrand, 12, Milford 16.. 16: 1l David Alber, 9, Vandalia Butler 17. 16: 12 Dan Casey, 11, Pi9kerington . 18. 16:12 Dave Leonard, 12, Middlebg. Hts, Midpark 19.·16: 12 Tommy Stark, 12, Hudson 20. 16:13 Chris Estwanik': 11, D1lblin Coffman 21. 16:14 Bryan'Richards, 12, <::layton Northmont ·. 22. 16:15 Eric Lundgren; 12, Centerville 23. 16:15 Jay HummeL 11, Cinn. LaSalle 24. 16: 16 Terry Busic, 12, Lakewo~ 25. 16:16 Riek Taylor, .12, Columbus Eastnioor
Ken Jakubec .(left) •. .. . , . is presented the Fred Dafler Award by;Ji!ri:F~x - . -__ ·--'-• ,.' -'- .::-! .:.-·-__. •': -~-
. ·,-··-.!-.
01. 02. · 03.. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18'. 19. · 20; 2L 22. 23. 24. 25.
YOUNGSTOWN - Ken Jakubec of Austintown was . rewarded for his long~time career as a track official . and , friend of young distance ruhners: He was presented the Fred Dafler · Award by the Greater Youngstown Track Officials Association at its annual dinner to highlight the 1995-96 seasOn. This was the second year the Dafler Award has been presented. The award is a project of the Ohio Track .& Field -& Cross Country Officials Association to honor 'the retired Ohio High School Athletic Association Associate Commissioner for his ·dedication to good · sportsmanship in all· sports. . ·.· ·. . · Mr.' Jakubec · has been a rated OHSAA track official for over twenty ·:y_ears and is . a fonner president of the Greater Youngstown Track Officials Association. He can be. found most Sunday mornings running with young _distance runners from ·the· Youngstown area. - He iransports Jhe ·runners to various -courses in the area. Ken works all .of. the _ major meets in the · Youngstown area and is He is always. considered one of the top Clerks. coming up with things to improve the operation of a Last year he meet for both the athlete and fan. started using. a portable . mike to. make calls .for athletes to report to the bullpen. · · Ken's. award was presented by Jim Fox, a close friend and a long-time local track interpreter. Jakubec said, nThis award means a lot to me because -of Fred Dafler's love for the sport." Ken works for General Motors at Lordstown and is also ·a member of the ·Austintown Board of Education.
BOYS DIVISION II 'fOP FINISHERS 15:53 Andy GreciJJs, 12, Ashtabula Edgewood 15:57- Bill Huffman; 12, Rocky .River 16:12 Jason Mueller, 10, Shelby 16:18 :QaveMars,12, Mogadore Field· 16:22 Nick Andrews, 12, K~ttering Alter 16:25 lash Mears, 12, Kettering Alter 16:25 Pat Petty, 12, Ashville Teays Valley 16: 26 Nathan McClintock, 11, Mantua Crestwood 16:26 Lelarid Matheney, 11, Lancaster Faiifield 16:27 George Curran.12, Bay Village Bay 16:29 Matt Hartman. 12, Canton Central Catholic. 16:30 Sean Kelly, 11, Mentor Lak '::atholic ·· 16:30 Perry Griffith, 10, Painsville Harvey 16:31 Austin Chapin. 12, Norwalk 16: 32 Chris Parthemore, 11, Sandusky J>~rkins 16:34 Rob Myers, 10, LancaSter Fairfield 16:34 Garrett GabeL 10, Pemberville Eastwood 16:35 Tim-Jackson, 11, Cleveland Benedictine·· 16:36 J3,ob ThQr~eier;l2;.l3ryan 16:37 ChTis R.ybicl:d, 12, Olmsted Falls · 16:37 MattMillet;l2. Van Wert ... · 16:37. Ian Schwartz,lO, Carroll Bloom Carroll 16:38 Hunter.Lydon,.ll,Rocky'River . · 16: 39 Garrett Sudirruick, 12, Cortland Lakeview 16:40 · Wi.llli.~ McCaule~\12, ~Spripgfield Greenan
. DIVISION. ll .BOYS 01. 02. 03. 04. : 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 1(). 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.
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·sllpplement of Ohio Track&: Field News
Tel & FAX (419) 925-4714
October 28, 1996
DIVISION -IU BOYS TIME SCHEDULE 11 :05 A.M. Division ill Boys 11 :50 A.M. · Division Il Boys· 12:35 PM. Division !Bo)rs 1:20PM. Division ill Girls 2:05PM.. Oivision II Girls 2:50PM. Division !;Girls
16 teams and individual qualifiers 16 teams and individual qualifiers 16 teams and individual qualifiers 12 teams and individual qualifiers. 12 teams and individual qUalifiers 12 teams and individual qualifiers
Regional Results & Qualifiers -DIVISION Ill QUALIFIERS-
17:33 17:33 15:23 !an·conner-Northmor 17:33 15:58 Brad Koverman-Anna 17:34 16:12 Vincent Fries-Seneca E 17:35 16:17 Josh Ordwoy-Holgate 17:35 16:-19 Tim Miller-Barnesville 17:36 16:20 Aaron Hay-Seneca East 17:36 16:26 J.J. O'Rielley-New Phila · 17:36 1.6:26 Ryan Desgrange-L ib Cent 17:36 16:28 Brian Treece-.Lib Benton 17:36 16:30 Ben Cowan-.Crestview 17:36 16:30 Greg Cunningham-Caldwell 17:37 16:31 Ben Rusek-Newark Cath 17:38 16:33 Matt Dunlavy-Lima CC 17:39 16:33 Matt Schaffner-Lib Union 17:40 16:34 Vince Swartzeritruber-Fre 17:40 16:35 'Jim Thiel-Morral Ridge 17:41 16:37 Matt Steele-Be'llai re SJ 17:41 16:37 Philip Slonkosky-Minster 17:42 16:39. Marc Littrell-Lib Union 17:43 16:39 Ryan Schneider-Spenvl 17:43 16:40 Matt McDonald-Caldwell 17:43 16:41 Justin Vermillion-Rawson 17:44 16:42 John Wood-Versailles 17:45 16:43 Jesse Yun-Granview Hgts 17:51 Ryan Donalme-Bell SJ 17:52 Adil Sidiq-Toledo MVCD 17:52 Jim Woten-Col Grove 17:55 Kurt Micheelis-Holgate 17:58 Greg Flora-Wl Salem 17:58
Billy Older-Norwayne Doug Kautzman-Newbury Scott Elm! inger-Seneca E Allen Stewart-Maplewood. Chad liermi ller-Col Grove James ·Turck-Rootstown Adam Gasser-Smithville Brad Geletka-Kirtland Joe Hicks-New London Kurt Ward-Badger Mike Lehukuhle-Granville Morgan Gi l.Lett-Seneca E Andy Rosenbeck-Russia Andy.Baugher-Russia. Tr'avi s Heitkamp- ft Rec JR Moi lenkoph-Crestview Steve··McCrate-Col Grove Jamie Rucklos-Crestview Jeremiah Brown,shady~ide Josh Fogle~Caldwell Ben Boatwright-Berkshi re Craig Hart-Berkshire Jeff Dunay- Independence Troy Guist-East Cahton . Matt IIi lken-Granvi lle Aaron Kaluger~shadyside Ben Sternberg-E Canton Mike Aukerman-E Canton Adam Langdon-Crestview
.18:03 18:05 18:05 18:07 18:07 18:08 18:12 18:12 18:_13 18:1' 18: 1? Hi: '!9 18:19 18:20 18:21 18:25 18:25 18:26 18:27 18:30 18:31 18:36 18:39 18:41 18:44 18:46 18:52 18:53 .18:59 19:00 19:02 19:06 19:09 19:19. 19:28 19:33 19:59 20:03 20:13
Josh Yoder-Maplewood Brian Koch-Col Grove Justin Bunting-Caldwel t Arick Dentinger-Seneca E Matt Alafa-Holgate !ieil Moser-Crestview Andy Landis-New London Kelly craigo-liberty un Scott Hoverman-L ima CC ~ndrew Sisson-Granville Corey I,Jybensinger-New Lo Dar; Corson- Col Grove Jason Starrmen-.Ft Rec wayne Carrick-Seneca E Gabe Ramsey~Caldwell Chad Gill-Russia navy Bryan-Lima CC Jeff Fish-Berkshire l(ent Borchers-Russia· Robbie Youtz-East Canton Ryan Robertson-Holgate Florian Bittner-Lima CC Jason Ream-Berkshire l(evin Conway-Mapiewood Ed Kossick-MaplewoOd Chri·s Wilson-New London Jake Hi llard-WL Salem Alan Knott-Col Grove Sean Houinetz-New London Richard Ste~art-Maple Adam Horstman-Holgate Dustin King-Liberty Un Paul Trumbull-SL Sal.el!l. Arin Rettig-Ho.lgate Greg Stowe-Maplewood Phil Hendershot-L ib Un Nick Gingerich-Berkshire. Blll McLane·Shadyside . Ben York-Russia
Defending champion Northmont led the poll for three weeks,_lost oadly at the St. Xavier Invitational and fell to fifth, climbed- to fourth in the last poll. They ar.e still eighth in tre National PolL - St. Xavier has been voted ·. · numb'er one the last four weeks. St Saturday, Northmon~ nipped St. Xavi~ 91-92! Ignatius is coming on: Dublin Coffman and Hudson won · Regionals after very ·impressive seasons. Will St. Xavier rebound or will Northmont get better, as it traditionally does? I'll go with St. · Xavier to come back. The premier runner all year will win his first state title, Harrison's Ernie Ziegler; the senior was third. in. 1995. He won th~ 3200 title witha ~21.69
Katy Radkewich Cle .Hts Beaumont
DIVISION I GIRLS Magnificat ·defends, with its top four. back, plus two freshmen, but hasn't been ranked higher than third all year. Senior, Cory Petro leads the team followed by Frosh, Caitlin Phillips. The top teams all . season were Beavercreek • and Colerain. Colerain was undefeaied · until its Regional loss · to Beavercr_eek. Beavercreek had its four back, then came the to begin a Beavercre-ek number. one all season~ Colerain had a great season last year, but didn't . get out the Regional I think they might reach down and get the extra· they. need to upset Beavercreek! Colerain was ranked 20th in the last National Poll.
DIVISION II BOYS Alter rolled at Troy and has been polf leader in the final two. Shelby won at Tiffin and is improving behind Jason Mueller. Field was third in '95 and won it all in '94. Dave 'Mars is still leading the team. ! think it's Alter's turn. after a seventh place iast{year. Runner-up, Andy Gr(ilicius, is a strong choice tb win individually, although Rocky River's Bill Huffman ¢omes in with the only_sub-sixteen time. He was twelltp last year. Tenth last y.ear was Troy ·champion, William McCauley from Greenon; this senior looked .strong enough to win it all. DIV~SION
16:.59 17:01 17:02 17:.02 17:04 17:0t. .17:04 17:04 17:04 17:05 17:05 17:08 17:11 17:11 17:14 17:16 17:1717: 1a 17;22 17:22 .17:22 17:24 17:26 ·17:27 17:28 17:30 17:31 17.:32 17:32
Fort Recovery led the polls over Seneca Ea};t for .six weeks and they, are still undefe;:ited. However; they barely beat Crestview at. the Distript w~ich led. to Seneca East trading places w1th the _lnd1ans 1n th1:1 f1nal poll. I've ·picked Seneca EasUhe la~t two year~ and they finished second', to Anna both l1mes. I sa_Y the third time is- charm With Ft. Recovery .second. V1ncent Fries. oLSeneca East goes for his third straight title, but it won't be easy! Anna's :Br(id Koverman set. a Troy Regional r~~orq aod hppes to}rrlProye over his '95 third place f1msh. •· .Fourth· placer~~ . 95, .~n ,o.nner of Northmor, also is ~apable of uns_eat.•ng Fnes. E1ghth as a freshman, Holgate's fine funner, Josh Ordway, . was just behind Fries' at Tiffin last Saturday. . -
76 91 102 135
89. 89 98 115
JC Grojean-Russia Josh Kerschner·.,caivert Jon Newberry-Madeira John Gallagher-Tri CoN Eric Rousn-syc ~ohawk r~att Roessner,Ft Rec Kurt Mohlman-Coldwater ~lat t Banks, Arcanum Steve Spotts-Seneca East .Jon Surroughs~Fremont SJ Nate Ont<op- Ft Recovery Matt HeitkamptFt Rec Josh Yoder-I-ll) Sale-m Matt IJestrick,,Holgate Josh Bowman-c:restvi ew Justin.Ross-Black River 'latt Brmm-cr!estvi ew Mike Sheets-l.:ima CC Phil Ranly•Ftf Recovery Dan Aquino-East Canton Vern Pickerihg-New Land Jason ZumpanqcShadyside John Molner~Shadyside Wi i l Markley,Granvi lle Geoff Geist·~ewLondon Chris Willianlson-E Cant Scott ·Marcy"Grahvi lle Nate 1rwin-Cbl Grove David Edward$-Jack Milt David Kerns-WL Sa Iem Lee Dimmer! ing-Caldwell Michael Hendershot-Lib u Matt. Demeter~Granville Zach G_ingerich-Berkshire Chad Bornhorst-Russia Chrts Plank-WL Salem Phi t· Rader- lAma CC Andy Biesterveld-Maple Dale Lewis-Shadyside
Andy Meredith-E Canton David clark-Caldwell
1996 JO XC MEETS . •. . <REGION 5~CHAMPION$HIPS >Saturday, November 16th- Rogel I Golf Course- Detroit, .Michigan ·· · <:USATF NATIONAL JO XC CHAM.PIONSHIPS >Saturday, December 14th ... Ke!Jtucky Ho.rse Park- Lexington Ky ..
<: OHIO CHAMPiONSHIPS> Saturday; November 9th - Ottawa Park, Toledo) Ohio
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·-DIVISION I QUALIFIERS·· 15:45 Bill. Huffman-Rocky Riv~r .. 44 16:.12 Andy GreiciJs-Edgewooci · '16: 12 . Jason Mueller-Shelby .85 BELLEFONTAINE 16:18 Rob Myers~ Fairfield .U 133 16:23 Lelai"KI Math~ny~Fair U ._ ' 16:23 william McCauley'Greenon 107 16:24 Matt, Thompso,n·Spr shaw 120 BEXL!'Y 16:25 Trev~r Warren•Revere . 1.57 .. WATKINs· MEMORIAL -16:26 Sea{!<elly~L~ke Catholic; 1~2 WEST UNION· 16:27 Nick' Arldrews'·AI ter 16:31. Pat: ~etty-Te~~s Valley· ._8;:!· FIELD.'-~_ .., 16:32 Ian ~chwar.l;z:stoom Carr , , • 112 CORTLA~D l.(I~EVIEII 16:33 Matt Mi ller·llary Wert. 129 _1~8 '. SOUTHEASf,. 16:38 Bob Thor!llier·Bryan , 16:38 Eddie Nehus·Gall ia Acad. 16:39 Austin Chapin'Norwalk S2 SHELBY 16:39 · Brariqon Dodridg_e_-Mir'lford 100_ ;AVON LI\KE .. ·16:40 ·Dave Mars· Fi .;fld 116 _BAY. VILLAGE 16:40 David LykilisfPortsmouth. 15~ __UPPE~ , SA_N~USKY • 16:40 Garrett GabeG·East~ood · 16:40 Hunt~r lydon;Rocky River 16:41 Chris.Parthemore-Perkins 16:42 Chris Rybicld,.·Olm Fat Is 16:42 Josh :r.(ears"Alter . ""' · 16:43 Eric ,Royer-R6ssford 16:45 · Jon ti'ost.;sa-Jtica . 1.7:31 . Luke 16:47 Larry Hays,;Kcnton '· . _ Nave-Upper Sandusky . '17:34 ·Jason Kessler-Canton cc ·16:47 Tony Kei logg·Gal ior1 16:48 Joe Hamil ton·, Clear Fork17:35 Rudi Kauf.fman·B' font 16:48 Kevin' lanvner~·Li_ma Bath · 17:37, Matt Creith~Bexley 16:53 David. saker·Ut.ica 17-:37 Welts wulsi·n~indian Hi'tt 16:55 . Perry: Griffith~Harvey • J·7:38. •Jeff Soloman~B!!Y Village 16:56 f'rank Damen~I'Odian Hill 17:39 . Josh f!olinger·L'!keview 16:57. Ryan ctark•Eaton 17r44 Matt Donahus.'Avon Lake · 16:58 Natha~ Mccnni:otlc-cres.t: 17:.44 16:59 Shaun Westfal'l -AI ter 17:45 Nate ~~uchinson· Field 17:00 Donnie Moore-Bellbrook 17:48- Mike Nelson-southeast 17:00 Kevin Snyder-Shelby .. · 17:ft9 ·Nick.lopr:ire~~akeview -17:01. • Joe~slifi th • Bet11efont'ame : ;-;;f.-t~M:Jlf~~~Ji;,~,b!{~~~]:i~A Iter 17:01 Kevin;Reicher~·Bay Vit 17:50 , Guy·Bexley · 17:01 Tom Kutter-Ea!:on 17~5li· 'Erik:'Gofras"Lakeview 17:02 Justin Jones.-~helby .-17:5(). Jos~ :weger·Sout~east . 17:03 Chris Anderson-Avon Lake, 17:50 Steve Radar-Southeast 17:03 Gary Hughes~Finneytown 17:52 'Adam Wood•Bex(ey 17:54, Jcihn;·Danien~.lndjan Hill 1.7:03 Vince Finney·West Holmes 17:04 Jerry Horstman-wat Mem 17:55 ·oe~~n si~zemore-w Uni oh' 17:58 _John Ro.binson~I.nd Hill 17:04 Todd Gerwig~Big Walnut 17:05 Matt Hartman·CC Catholic . 18:01 Naamar\ Mcfarland· Fair U 18:03 Dave Tascoe-Lakeview 17:05 Tim Jackson-Benedictine. 18:03. Howard Traul·B'folitain~ -17:06 Nick i:ong-upper sandusky 18:04 Adam_Hall·Beltefontaine 17:07 Rob Guenther--Avon Lake · 18:08 Greg Mc'Clanatian·W Union 17:08 Chris Hixlik·Field 18:10 Andy Armbruster· Field 17:09 Adam Weger-southeast 18:13 Elliot Nichols·Ind Hill 17:09 Jeremy Myers-fair Union. 18:13Mark llillett-West Union· 17:09 Josh Folger•lndian Creek 18:13 Nick Duffy-Alter 17:10 Brad Rowe.cMi l ton Union 18:14 Kenneth.Cooper·Canton cc 17:11 Brad Hawk-ins-Bellbrook 18:18 Shawn Busken· Indian Hill 17:11 Chris Longn'ecker-B'font .18:20 Aaron Bartley-Southeast 17:11 Dan Kramer~Ker\ston 18:21 ~eoff Schwitzgebel-CCC 17:11 Jhared Platt·Up Sandusky 18:21. Nic Daubenmire·Fair U l7: 12 George Curran-Bay· Vi I . 18:24 Josh Mi randa·West Union 17:13 Brian Anderson•Avon Lake 18:25 David.Taylor·Wat Mem. 17:13 Garrett Sudimack·lakevw -18:29 Fred Kaufman-Watkins Mem 17:13 Rich Bohin-8ay Village 18i31 George Selby·Lakevie~ 17:13 Zac Hudsori-st 'Clairs 18:35 .Jeremy Husk-Field 17:14 Kyle Gee-Bay Village 18:38 Brennen Zanon~Bexley 17:14 Matt Maurer·Avon Lake 18:38 Eric Cooper-Canton CC 17:15 James Woosley·Wat Mem . 18:43 Tom Fa.llon"Avon.Lake 17:17 Craig \lelch·Marl ington "18:46 scott Ammon-Watkins Mem 17:17 KyleDavis·Bexley 18:47 Mike Gutridge·\lat Mem 17:18 James Soldano·Bexley 18:47 Nick Wi tl iams·Southeast 17:19 Mike ~ionette,Alter 18:48 Don Featheroff-Fair-U 17:20 Brett Dunbar-Shelby 18:51 Jeremy Larva-Indian Hill 17:20- Greg Kohls-Alter 18:53 Ryan Canale·Southeast 17:20 Scott Gettig·Champion 18:56 · Al~x Henry-Fair Union 17:21 Dave Mesenheimer-Avon Lk 18:56 Andy schindler·Up sand 17:21 David Abbott·\.Jest Union 18:57 Gary Pat.e·Lakeview 17:23 Adam Johnspn·l~~st Geauga 19:02 Thomas Archdeacon-Shelby. 17:23 'Tim Bo)rer·\latkins Mem · - 19:05 Andrew Gash'Bay Village· 17:24 Cory Fagan-Shetby. 19:16 Nate Stansbe-rry-Fiel-d 17:26 Eric Berg-Crestwood 19:1.7 Jonathan Borowsky-Bexle)' 17:26 John Affolter-canton cc 19:2) Dou9 smi th·Up sandusky . 17:28 Dylan Canter·B' fontaine 19:59 Joel carney-Canton_cc ·· 17:28. Mike Bogard-Up Sandusky 21 :29 Rick Stackl_in·Slie.Lby 17;2$'1 ~latt Armstrong~W Union 21:33 Eric)liranda·West Un_ion 17:29 Tony Rideno•.1r·Field . NA • ,.foe); Mo!"bi tier-Bay VH l 17:30 ·Jim Bali-Bellefontaine
15:23_ Ernie Ziegler-Harrison 15:41 ·ctir:ii'~a-i~l'ey~Miami Tr <· · · 15:56 Mickei Mal-{in:i~natius 16:01 Joe liarn~~~Nor'thmont . 16:02 David Alber· Van sutler i6:94 'Abrah~m' Habte.:eastmoor 16:05 casey l:ong~Northmont 16:06 Will' Sheets-Ashland 16:09. '_Bfyan ·Ri.chards•Northmont · 16:09 Dan' Casey"'P.icR~rington · , -16:10' J~hri A~rr\i;;Walnljt Hi lis 16:13'· Je~elni".ih; Stnith'~t=remont 16:14 Mike _Do~glas-Pickering · _ 16:·15 ,. ilrl!ti: aaddorH'indlay 16:17 Adam Tli~s~FJi'rfield 16:17 Chris sVob<ida~lgnatius 16:18_ Terry Busi.t·,Lakewood 16:20. Eric Lundgren·C~~i:~rvl .ieieAiy ~re9er-iit }tria
·-'. ~
55 . C~EVELAND ST. IGNATIUS 102.:)\SJiLAND .114 · M!\LIMEE .. 144, L~AKEWOOD · ·:;··
Mason \Jard·Coleridrl Ri'~k:· Taylor:Easbiloor · t J D~li'er~y~-c i ~k E1der 17:i:i3 ·· Morgan-Lake j~k~ Madc~n-Ma~y~vi lle Ja\IHllllillet-~aSa\le · ._. 17:04 "'ike Cundey·lgnatius )oJh ~c~clanis-Breck~vi lie . 17:04 Ryan Barteli·Maumee 17:05 Ry~n Campbell ~.Pickering JustinHllssel-coterain 17:06 ·Mike' Reeves-coffman ·16i24 St~~e·K~.ijeMski~Mt Vern .. Adam Lukens·Lakewood 17:08 · ' 16:25 .· Chfis.·Kirchoff~Ki lbourne .17:09 · Pete Carusone-LaSalle 1o.:25 · T!frell sturdi\~a~t-rcc 17:10 ilridFeas Aabei-Pickering 16:'27 Br{ari Godsey-IIC lakota 17:14. i:ra\9 Akers-IIC L;:~kota · 16:27. Dave Leoliard·Midp;:~rk 16:27·' jefhiertr~fld-Milford 17:14 Mik~:f>chreiner·Lakewood 16:28 ke~in Benedict·Reynolds 17:15 srian l!orllc·Ashland 'L:;o..;;.""""'::-o'""--~__..--'-;;.,..--.;__.a•<,_-16~2V~m'·~pa~H~~Ashl~nd , 17:16 ~at:t Kuhn~x~vier . 16:29 · Ni'~holas l)ewald·Mans Sr , 17:19 Jason Lorimer-IJester N· · 16:~0. J~c,~l> _F_ef~:~-A$~ l~[Jd ~- -..17:19 Tyl,er Pensyl·We!her N ., 1?l~.~, ,~e[~,:.~e~t;~~on"r_ llprth ;' 1.7:21 Nath;:~nAichtHe·Wester N ,...,.,.-------='.,--;-::::"".,.-;:~.....,__,i,- 16~30 · Reade:Krdd"Xavter · - 17:22 'MarfZar:4i'ers~M~Cfina 16~3f· -'sen'Lewkki'-wester'N · .17;24 Pete Mosher·Xaiver· 16:3i .Kyle i>eaver4-zanesville 17:24 R·u~s Frit-z-Lakewood 16:32' Willie Edward-Groveport 17:25 . Chris Dollenmeyer·laSal ':.!•1ti:~"::x&,in'lfrhHW•Huds6n' '-' 11:2f·":iiln·'ifoeischer·N_orthmont .- · · 16:33. Dan Fritz~x-avier . i7:29 · Jeff~Grossman·Wester N ,_·16:3tt' ;Ncilan·Fah'refi"Bowtlng c/ · ·17!31 ·oon>aeesiiig-stow 16:36 · Toriy Mi'tclieH ·Start 17:31 John connors·Maulliee 16:37 : K!Jen 'craeneh~HEn'dirig · i7:3i 'Kyle Pfaffenbach·Picker '16:38' oei-'rick sutter~lasalle 17i32' Pete swenton-solon 17:33 Aaron. Bissett·Northmont '16:38'' Justin'Permar~coffman i7:34·)\dam Eiser·LaSalle 16>40 Adam·ariuitrier-cfoverleaf '17:34•· .Josh coleman-stow ·• -1o·:4o'' ..Jeff Kucal"i·gnatius · '17:35 Tony •szczechowski ~Maumee '16:40 ·T'im' Lakota 17:36.A'ndrewBarker~Hoover 16':41' Brad' Newsad"Northmont 17:36 ·'Jaki!'.Magier·Medina 16:41 · Nic!k tordes-Madison '17:37 ·At:! Han Heisel t·Coffman 16:41' ·steve i>ad!iett-Lasalle '17:37 ·Fred cantorcHoover 16:42 Brian Loveqi.iist~i9natius 17:31 Kell Heega.rd·Coffman · 16:42' lilm Plaatje"wc -takot;:~ · 17:43 Jason conley-wester N 16':43 · 'Adam 8an9e-Xavie'r' 16:43. Chris Morrison•iiadsworth ' '17:44 ·Jared Ganibatese-solon Me.lissa.Lowe~ 12 ··17:45 · Dan 'Springborn· Solon lid an- McNutt·Maumee Day1on.Christian : l7:46"" Brian Reynolds-Solon · 16:44. · oaniel·Gibson.-wo~ster 16:44 Justfn·Mil<olay•fii.Jdson ' · ' 17:51 ·'Andrew Robinson-Stow '· .17:52''''Jeff''Demo·Medina· .; '16 ~41;' ·Kevin· 'B'urns'-Xav~i ·· '17:52 ·. Joe·::sorace"Hudson 16:45 • Bob Pratt·Mi;n:anee · · 17:52 Mark Bentley·.Pickering 16:45 Deepak Sharma-V;:~I Forge_ '17:55 Dave Pepsny"Ashland , 16:45:, Eric::>~,CI~,"'_s~o!"':cwc- Lakota 17:56 J()e Eshelman-Stow 16:45,· ·:Jer'eni}i.l(lwry•Hoover · 17:56 Joe( .Kuhnash•Hoover 16:45· Nick .liinel~nd"MaLimee . · 17:58 John Kirkpatrick-Hoover 16:48 'sta~HI.lcfson 17:59 !ian Sabol-solon 16!50 :Adam Do(an~xavier . 18:03 ·'John Slavik'Medina 16!50 -· .iason Soja·~akewood 18:04 Dave Ronk'Aili la'nd 16:5( t~idk ~eber~B~~sh · 18:06 · ·Matt Krueger-Stow 16:52' 'Mat('Rti:i:eHotaumee _ 18:08 Ryan Grube-Northmont· 16:52 Nick.Minekime-Coffman 16:53 ·.:Mark: Ropinson"wc. La.kota ,: ·. •18:09:: ·charley ·Eisey·Stow 16is3 Re~s~~d~~ri:is~lg~~-tius · 18:15 luke Guy-Hudson 16:53 Tim Jatarka.·f:itch 18:19 Adams-Medina . 16:55 Chr(s'l_)aw·liikewodd . · 18:19 Jas()n Gallagher-Solon 16:55. Chris Ruthemey~r-LaSalle 18:21 Anthony Kennedy·Hoov~r 16:56. P_i,ete~· Kir:dberg.:Lak_ot~ 18:21 Matt peters-Medina , · i8:28 Joe ~lachesky·Lakewood 16:57 cfiris DoermanncMei:lina 18:32 Chris Adams-Hoover 16:58 Joey Orti 2:-A~hlanc!" · 18:33 Matt $uttherland·Picker _16:59 Jim Gesing·I-gnatius ·· 18:37 Jirmny AnsberrY·Solon 17:00 Eric Hess·Coffnian 18:56 ~ick Tully-Hudson 17:00 Jared Conley-Wester N 19:15 Rob Massey-Hudson 17:Q"t Jason Butcher.· AU tance . 19:28 Mike Ra~insk.i "Sto~o~
er· ·
•• .>
- ;r,·:
~ '
18.:49 19:03 19:09 19!23 19:23
Carrie' Smith-Lib Benton Amanda'' Bliu::lcweli:ler·Mad / . . . ·:: .. . . "' . · ·Conme•.Lobas-Mauelra · . •: . . . . . .l. . k AU cia• MiHer-C earcree Briana Shook-Seneca East Ann Stechschulte-Bluff ·Katie Sabino-lioooridge
19:29 Bobble.>~ardbarger·N 'ridg 19:33 Ksra Si~son-Tol thr 19:34 Stephanie; Francis-Heath 19:36 19:36 19:39 19:40
·Seneca East, Woodridge, and Liberty Benton have been 1-2-3. through all seven polls. . Seneca East graduated one from last year's fifth place team and looked strong... Division I runner-up, Briana Shook transfer'ed to Seneca· East; and they seemed destined to . take it all in 1996. But, I'll go with defending champion,·· Woodridge, and Katie Sabino to take team ·. and individual honors! · Challehgers are the returning runner-up. and third placers, McDonald's firie runner Becky Testa and Mederia's Amanda. · Blackwelder. Blackwelder set ,the m~et record Satu~day at Troy. · · Testa was state (:hampion in 1994.
· ·. ·· .., ·
',.,.,9.Q .,EA,S,T,E~~ ,B,RI:l\jN
... J27 .R.U.SS.IA . · · ·' .·. · · · · ·· ·· · · · • ·· , .. :l34 . MADEIRA / .- .. ···• ·.·... ·.· ·· ·. ·.. '·. 2S·, PENI~S~~A\ioooRIDGE 59 · MCDONALD · · :·• - · -· • ·.
l'R.ACK AND FiELD NOTES Oakwood·. and Dayton Christian will be off and .. · running on new all-weather traeks this spring. ·
'64.·,_-~!J'CA_.· . S_ENEC_·.A EA.~. T
·,·. ~ :~5: ·. f,l~~LoA,Y. LI~_ERTY_ ~.ENTON
Erin Mcfadden-Norwalk SP · •.:.·. . ·. ·. Leah Stephim-Barnesville Nicole' sautter-otsego Erin Doriley;Str'itch " Julie Pitney-Lib Benton Abby Phillips-Seneca E f ' •·•
,. · ·•· '· < 60 : AMANDA cq:I\RCREE;K. · ·" · · .. ·.· ·
7:3 ~~A,!~·.: · · ._ '· ·c'
. . . ··
Princeton welcomes Kisha Jori'es from Alabama. The speedy junior finihsed third at her sUite ineet with a 14.2 ·FAT~ 100 hurdle time~ ·Running for the . Birminghi:u'n Striders this summer, she· had some hot 400 times as well. · · ·
'·· · ·
19:43 Becky Jesta·McDonald . ·~21:oo Mimd)' 1.1ur:illriko-Be'fkshire 19:43 EinHy 'Phillips~clearcrk ' ·• 21;oo ''itriia{oenni~-H~~i:~· 19:44 Stephanie" Frio&.:seneca E · · 21ioLk~hv elmllnge~-seneca E 19:46. Lindlay TravitJ·ELm Wood ' 21';o3-'.tingel~ oy-wo.odridse 19:48 Karla Klosterman-c•water 21:.04 ·,MHis~a -~~lly-Strltch 19:52 Julia Kuhar-Bellaire cc •z,-;06: c~i'a· Mo.en~~n-Elm Wood 19:54 Josly~ Pfau-Hplgate '21:10,. A~sic~'Hf~es-~ar~7svl· 19:55. Abby dordes~PctHsville . 21:11 Lori Ruggles-JackMilt 19:55 Jenny:Lal"lar]wStritch · .21;12-'crys~'al.Hit.chc~~k~Heath 19:57 ·Kristen Sti:lger~Stt,itch' . . 21:12' stiiinribn.Kebfdle;Newbury 19:58 Ju~ ie yaterius.-Van Buren· 21;13 .. ~~ck~ ii~~llton~~t~itch .•. 20:07 A[ 1c~ Cavender- Lehman 21; 13 ,Linclsay R~nker~serieca E. 20:07. J~nn1fer Allen-Northmor . . 21:14. ClaUdia Lau~Clearcreelc · 20:10 AIJmnda· Roadarmel-E Wood 21~15 · ··K~i~ta N'i'chols:~ussia 20:13 Jessica Barhorst-Minster 2.1:20 Jane Gooding.·Lol,ldonville 21:21. E-rin Bro~ri 20:13 Missy JituscBotkin~ 20:14 Laura Meyer-Gahanha.Acad · 21;22 ·H~at~e~ Col~ry~Stritch.• 20:14 Sabrina King-Sandy Val " -~1i2~')l\~k!•·-~.u1Jf~~.-cl~arcreek- -~ Valer'le C~·r~on~Heath 2f:2s .. Lisa }itn~y~L ib.Benton Allison Brown-'Newark ca 21:26 ollyna Betzl ,stdtch w~ish-L'1b 'Benton '•'2'1 :2~·· -M~( is~lil··~~rgma~~R~ssia
. Net>raska returns senior, . Willie .-.Hibler, .an East Tech_ graduate: Hibler owns the Cornhusker record of 13.53 lor the, 110's. Cleveland Height's product, Meka .·Rember:t, ha.s transferred .from.Kentucky .and the senior will run the 400 hurdles. · ··
"' · THE 1996 FooT Lo(:KER
CROSS COUNTRY CHAMPIONSHIPS ·.. Presented by adidas · ... ' The._()nly true national champjonship · i~ high ,school sports. The top: eight. boys <md gkls' fjnishers from each region qualify for '•· the nati~nal final_s on Decem!:ler l4, :1.996 irJ. : San Diego, CA
ut;; !Jenton .. Brennf!1!1Bn-Wood.ri dge E.rinJr~e_ce~lib Benton Anriie ... ·.irs-Wyoming Laura Mix~ Granvj lJe 21 :~~j ~pur.t~w ~F.o,\-emar:!.:J!eath i. .Samant_h_a P_·h_H~~~L~_rami_e. 21· : 40 · • E ..Brown ·; ,...., . . c· M ~g h~n Brqwn_; Sharla MHJer-Suga.rcreek, , . 2.1 ::~2, M,ar_tl_yri ,J!!!s.ta~(olcDonald •· 20:20 Amber 'Albers-M~ri~~ L .·. 21:5,1 Rochelle MH ler~Barnesvl 20:20 Angela Kubick·W~odridge .. 21:53. RoseAnne Smith"Woodridge · .:2J,:s:(.~.~~f~--~~r~h~_rs,~~~~ia · 20:21 ·'Lauren Lewi~·lly~ing 20:22 Kelty Urban·L i,b Be.nton . 22:09 .. Tjffany, Mqn!!gan-Woodrid 20:24 Mary Ellen Nash-Fish Ca . , 22:1,9: L,is,a,~~_hneiqer"~l'!l Wood 20:25 .Emily Schaf.fner~Madi son 2?:•?1-. J,enny.. ~Wj llcel,man.c.M_adei ra 20:25 Kristy ·K~iser-Ar!=anum , 22·:.37 · ,Char-L,en..e. Kel;ly·~eath 20:25 RachelBiu:rett,cMadei ra , 22:4.4 Amy;.B!'Illfll!ln-Madei,ra . 20:26 Liz Testa·I'!<;Donald . 2?:5.5...Cour:tpey Ho.uck-f-!cDonald · 20:26 Madelyn Ji~s-Senec.a East , ;2~:01, Kat.Ja .Gaier:_Rus!!ia .. · · 20:26 ·!;tephani.e Han1n7Blanches .. 2~!:05, Angela Cl.o,ran-Made,ira 20:30 Julie ,Wright-McDonald 23,;0~ . Chantr;!lle,Andrews~Barne:s 20:34 . Lindsay.~o.senbeck·Russia 23:09 A.l i .. Hfi!fJnr;!r;,Rusf'jfa_ . . 20.:40 , Renae Marcchal-R.~s.i a . ,)3: 1_0,,-,.,pn£1s~y Kuh ~man-.1:. Wood • 23:21 V;;~rner-McDonald · 20:41· Larissa Banyea-E B,rown · 20:42 K.imCantrall-Beachwood . ?~~2?• l!Pr}l Osbor(le·Cl.earcreek 20:43 Maridy '()pfer~_EL~re Wood -.?3;4~. Jenny Newl¥!rry-fo!acje,ira 23_:.SIL Cara:-Jami eS()n·Mc.Donald . 20:46 Corrin -Ho.lbr:oo~"E Brown 24:42 20:48 Rebecca Beery-~ittman 20:49. Mauree11 Sl<jttery·Berk 20:49 Renee·Rymer"E Brown 20:50 · Sarah:'KresscE Brown 20:51 Connie Camp~Elll)ore Wood 20:52 Jackie Wal isa-Clearcreek 20:53 Andrea ,Garrett·Clearcrk 20:56 Rachel.Mi ller-Barnesvl 20:57 ·· Megan Corbett-Heath 20:58 Niki Hines"Seneca:.East 20:59 Tricia Hines-Barnesville ,l~l!nn ~ym
Univ. of Wisconsin-Parkside K~,~~sha,'v\11 . ;
(414) ... -
633~229 .
' . Saturday ... Novemb~r_ 1_6, 1996 . Kettering, Ohio ~ Indian Rlffle t:>ark ,.Jop_Seni()rs - Boys &, qirls Fn?m: · ln9iana, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsyl.vania · Kentucky and Illinois.
For camp orr college Information contact:
JackHazen Malone' College 515 25th St. NW . Canton, OH 44709. · 1-800-52-1~'1146 ext. 829'1 ·
Races at 1tOO arid j i:3o
... . . . ,.-,!' ' . ' ·~
.. . .
...... " '
n GIRlS·
Regional Results & _;DIVISION II .QUALIFIERS'-
Regional Results· & ·Qualifiers --DIVISION I QUALIFIERS--
: :; . . AO 17:17. Katy Radkewich-Beaumont 18:26 Erin Frye-Buckeye Local 19:14 Erin Acad 19:22 Jenny Sitterley-Fairf. U 19:24 ·Colleen Byrne-Avon Lake 19:24 Julie ·Palmer-Huron 19;29 Anne whittakr;r-Ind H.ill 19:29 . Melissa Knous-St Marys 19:30 Lindsay Neniasti-l-Beaum 19:32. Adrienne Shue-Circlevill 19:33 Cicely Campbell-Beaumon 19:33 · tyndi .Bostodorff~Eas'tw 19:3~
Jessica Carmona-Galion
19:35 _ Kelt i Li tten-c F Northw 19d7 Molly.Delcamp-Centennial 19:38. Clarissa· Hitchon-Mianii T 19:41 Nadine Weber-Whetstdne 19:43: Ke.lly Metzger-Ott Gland 19:.45 Emi!y Mars•Field. 19:45 Jessica DeVoe- Lima Bath 19:45 Katie orr-Richf Revere 19:46 Michetle Rizzo-Perry 19:48 Carri·e· Carducci -Del :Olen· 19:48 E{ i zabeth Mi ller-Mendowb 19i48 Jocelyn Irwin-Hartley 19:51 . Julie· Hajney•Buckeyo Loc 19:53 . Cara Thom_soncLakewood 19:51; Ash ley Sch rock-Wauseori 19:55 Katie Miller-Bexley 19:55 Melissa. Lowe•Day Christ 19:55 Stacy Rallo-Beaumont 19:56 ·sami Haught-·st Clai rsVil 19:57. -Anne Ughrin'Cort Lakev . 19:5_7 Ashlee Gibson-Clin Mass 19:58 Katy Henson-Gallia Acad 19:59 Katie center-Dover 20;00 Jessica Stickler-Gal.ion 20:00. lee Carpenter-Kings 20:02 Kathy.Ross-Ci rclevi lle- · 20:02 Kylee Daeger-Van Wert 20:02 ·Rene Rostici l·M High'Land 20:03 Megan Zitner-M Edison 20:04 Jody Burkholdercwauseon· 20:04 . S~~n_a R~n-L,<;>'ld_9n /-20:05 Kimberly Plough-Ravenna / 20:06 Oliva Parrish-R ·Bacon 20:08 Abby Pound-Watkins Mem ·20:08 Lfssa Faulkner-Spr _N. 1 eas 20:14 Melissa Ehret·Can C .Cath 20:15 Christina Kachersky-Ash 20:15 Margaret Meyer-Ott Gland 20:16 Vonnie· Downihg-Ch F :cens 20:18 Jenni Gerber-Dover 20:19 Anne Keffer-Dever 20:22 Angi Lucente-Cbl DeSales 20:23 Erin Bond-Dover 20:24 Carrie \.latts··Ashtabula. 20:24 .Laura Halffilond·Alder 20:24 Megan Murphy-Beaumont 20:26 Becky Knight-Gallia Acad 20:28 Laura Ray'Bellevue · 20:30 Jennifer Austin•Circlev 20:31 Kinze. King-Del 0len 20:32 . Cara Hamann-Mi l.ton Uo1i on 20:32 Sara Huffman·cDover 20:35 Catheran Bibb-Bellevue 20:35 Eva Horvat-Lake Catholic 20:37 Br1 anna DeBoi s -Dover 20:38 Lindsay Stoll·Eastwobd 20:39 Corinne Hamann·Mil ton U 20:39 Mary Bauman-Salem ·20:41 sarah Lohrbach.-Eastwbod 1,
Hl3 . 131
20i43. Leslie Fisher-Dover. . 20:43 Liz Niedzielski-Wat Mem · 20:48 Rebecca Zinlnerman-Wat Me . 20:49 Brandie Jones-Del Olen 20:49 ·sam Glase-Eastwood 20:51 Melissa Robinson-Beaumon 20:54 · Kimberly Minnich-Van W ·20:55 Krista Nuhfer-Eastwood 20:59 Megan -Hurless-Van Wert 21:05 Becky C<!inel.y-Del Olen 21:05 Beth Lenhart-Bellevue 2.1:08 Melanie Ec:isall-Circlevil21 :09 Amy Courson,ci rclevj lie 21:11 .Jut ie Klosterman-Van II 21:16 Eri'ca Nei tz-Eastwood 21:18· Marla Long-Perry 21:18 sarah Ray-Bellevue 21:19 Danielle Kuotzman-Field 21:20 Kathy Shell·Field 21:21. Nicole Jacop-Van Wert ~1 :23 Sarah Loudon-.Salem 21:27· Stephanie little-Gall A· 21 :33 Heather Good-BelLevue 21:34 Beth More-Bellevue · 21 :38 fller-e~Hh Will-s"Perry 21:39 Rachael Mi Ue-Del Olen 21:40 ·sonia Stripe-Van Wert 21:43 Kristen Kenst·Salem 21:43 · Nicole Puzines-Wat .Mem 21:47 Caroline Schuette- Perry. 21:51 Heather Patch-Field 21:53 Erin Greer-Watkins Mem 21:57 Katie HuxeL-Perry 22:03 Michele Moyers-Field 22~04
. 22:05 Shanna Craig-Field 22:06 Danielle Roski-Beaumont 22:06 Taunya Underwood-Del Ol 22:09 Jillian Bestic-Salem 22:10 Michelle Mau-Del Olen 22:14 Abby Walters-Bellevue ' 22: 15 Megan Everett-Perry 22:20 Cassandra.sauerbrey-Sal . 22:26 Pam Smith·Gallia Academy 22:30 Rebecca Toothman-Wat Mem 22:31 Megan Tootle-Circleville· 22:36 Katie Slaper-Perry 22:38 :Andrea Vernon~Gall ia Ac 22:43 Theresa Davison-Gallia A 22:49 Rebekah Keller-Wat Mem 23:25 Brea Sisson-Field 23:36 Andrea, Welling-Eastwood 23:52. Sarah Hardbarger·Circlev
DIVISION II GIRLS Beaumont's Katy Radkewich shol''i win her third straigh title. Radkewich is one of the ravorites at the Footlocker Nationals, where she finished third in 1995. - · She has committed verbally to run at Providence. Her 10: 17.33 at 3200 is the Ohio girl's all time best and for 1600 she has gone 4:50.4. Beaumont· is ranked fifth in the· National Rankings and should win its fourth straight title. Erin Frye was sixth in Division I last year and the drop. down. may net the. fine sophomore a runner-up spol f,er Buckeye Local. .,
66 C!NN COLERAIN Jinny Hanifan~A Wayne. •: 104 C·INN ANDERSON Rita Fiala-K.ilbourne ~en WollamcAllia.nce 68 DUBLIN COFFMAN Tara.stiirage-Beavercreek 81 PICKERINGTON Kristin Junier-centervr Katie sekinger-Clay 84 STRONGSVILLE ·carl y lfil!li!et:stei n-Ander 111 WESTlAKE Lisa Claypool-E Liver 155 .. ASHLAND...• AutUIJill: Ko:z~ mer-'iinciei· 33 MAGNIFICAT ctiris rli.ompson·Amherst 100 MASSILLON PERRY _C<!tle Gt~l?e~~o.lerain . 53 KENT ROOSEVELT Kristin Epley-Wester s 95 AUSTINTOWN FITCH Erin HcConnell-Spr North 20:11 Jenna !;:ruppa~coffman ·Gemma D·imery-Ander-Beav 20:12 Amy Kahr Sgro-Had.i son Rachel Nichols-Pickering 20:15 Jennifer Andrassy-Magnif Briana Killian-Northmcnt Sandy Te4lehburg-Ander . -20:18 Kara.· Muckley-Strongsvl 20:19 Bethany Eddins-Perry Tiffany Smi th-Hass P_erry 20:19 Niki Watson-Coffman Rachel Henry-spr _North 20:20 Kr i sanna Deppen~Ash land Dale AlsQI-ooks-WC Lakota . '20:21 Heather Ingle-Seaver Lauren dark"Coffman 20:22 Karyn KeLl )'-,Westlake 19:16 Alison Zeinner-Colerain 20:24 connoll y~F itch 19:16 Ca~ol ine Milier-U Arl ing 20:27 Andrea Holman-Colerain 19:17 "Annabelle Hunt-we Lakota 20:27 Stacy Aregood-Beaver 19:19 Kirstin Muckley-Strongvl . 20:30 Anne lawhun-Magnificat· 19:24 Kristen Kemmerer-Beaver 20:30 Erin Anderson-Kent 19:24 Lenna Lewis-Bowl Green 20:34 Amanda. Holland-Pickering 19:24 Nicole• Boos-Columbian 20:34 Rachel David-Ashland 19:25 Mary GyorcWestlake 20:35 Jaclyii White-Pickering 19:26 Kara Koppel-N Ridgeville 20:37 Shannon McConvi lle~Mag 19:27 Andrea Pietraszak-N Dame 20:39 Mel-anie Marn-Pickering 19:29 J-ill Aron'Westlake 20:44 Heidi Hull inger-Coffman 19:30 Gerri Buck-Colerain 20:46 Krista Bernhardt·Perry 19:30 Jen Holl inger-Kenf· -20:47 Ann Dunbar~Ashland 19:31 Cory Petro-Ma·gni f i cat 20:50 Hallie Stock-Westlake 19:33 Kelty crum-Colerain 20:53 April Gyor-westlake 19:34 Kirstin Urban-Strongsv.L 20:55 Jackie.-Gombas-S.trongvl 19:35 Harni Kruppa-coffman 20:56 Kristen Hensley-Perry 19:36 Sarah Wiley-Beavercreek . 20:57 Kristen Sivard-Coffman 19:36 Susan Bettcher-strongsvl 20:57 Nicole Drouhard-Fitch 19i38 Amanda' Ward-Colerain 20:58 El!.en Watts-Magnificat . 19:41 Caitlin Phillips·Magnif 20:59 Sarah Hensley-Kent 19:42 Gail Grosskopf·McKiriley 21:03 Courtney Gel ter-Anderson .19:42 Karj Eaton-w_adsw_orth 21:04 E~ica Mack~Na9'hiffC:ai: . Patty Cox"lancaster 19:42 21:04 Lauren Ritter-Anderson 19:44 Jenny McGUi re-N Olnist'ed 21:01 Jenny Wells'-Strongsvl 19:45 Angie Kist-Colerain 21:13 Jenn smith-Kent 19:48 Lindsay· Frontz-Ross ~1 :13 Kim cohol-Fitch 19:50 A'lisordCelly·Ross 21:13 Lindy Zahorujko·Picker 19:50 Bethany Gaskill-Kilbourn 21 :16 Stacey Havaich-Fitch 19:55 Adrienne Napol'i-V Forge 21:23 Colleen Byrne-Ashland 19:55 Erin art-Pickerington 21:29 Heidi Raduege·Pickering 19:57 Amanda· Webdorff-U Arl ing 21:31 Annie Kuo·Strorigsvi lle 19:57 Gigi HopplecMass Perry 21:32 Jessica Gross-Westlake ·. 19:57 Heather· Mace-Logan 21 :35 Abby Baker-Coffman 19:57_. Kathy ·ausch-Wester N 21:45 H-eather Chizmar-Kent 19:58 Jenny:Martin•Wadsworth 21:47 Anne Marie Logue-Kent 19:59 Emily Halm·Mass Jackson 21 :48 car1·i e Quackenbush-Ash 20:00 Suzanne ICell:Y-Kent 21:56 Dan~ Anderson-Ashland 20:01 Amy Evans-Fitch 21:57 Tracie MuHiausen-Westlk 20:03 And rea Bardy~ Ashland 22:05 LaUI'en Lockwood·Ander Heather· Simmon·s-Wester N 20:03 22:.16. Kell i Wise' Mass Perry 20:03 Lee· Anne Monkman- N Royal 20:08 Tracey·Weithoff-Wester N 22:28 Brehan Miller-Fitch 22:44 Corey Knoefel-Fitch 20:09 Mar·en Fiorell·i-Anderson 22:47 L)lndsey Wade-Perry
J·. .
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Ohio .Cro. s .Country S1.1pplement of Ohio Track & Field News
5628 Phllothea :Rd.. St. Henry. OH 45883
TeL & FAX (419) 925-471'4
October 22. 1996 DISTRICT AT MALONE
Girls 1: . 1. Perry 31, 2. Jackson 79, 3. North Canton 82, 4. Canton McKinley 101. Individuals: 1. · Smith (Perry) 20:21, -2. Hopple (Perry), 3. Grosskopf (McKinley), 4. Halm (Jackson), 5. Gleber (Wooster). ' · 1. Mar&ngton 39, 2. Salem 42, ·3. Canton . · Girls II: Central Catholic 97, 4. Ravenna 126. Individuals: 1. Plough (Rav) 20:27, 2. ·Mary Bauman (Sill), 3. Rank (Sal) 4. Ehret · (CC), 5. Egli (Mar). . . ' Girls Ill: 1. Woodridge 15, 2. East Canton 75, 3. Black River 103, 4. Rootstown 106~-lndividuals: t Sabino (Wood~. 20:54, 2. Hampshire (Wood), 3. Macak (Wood), 4. Dy (Wood), 5. Beery (Rit). · · · Boys 1: 1. North Canton 37, 2. Lake 92, 3. Wooster 104, 4. Perry 121. Individuals: 1. Lowry (NC) 16:54, 2. Branteer (Cio), 3. Gibson (Woo),. 4. Morgan (Lak), 5. Streit (Woo). . Boys II: 1. Canton Central Catholic 34, 2. St. Thomas Aquinas 71, 3. Marlington ·101, 4. .Fairless 131. Individuals: t ·.Hartman (CCC) 17:14, 2. Affolter (CCC), 3. Welch (Mar) 4. Kessler (CCC), 5. Johns (Uni). . .. ; . · · ' Boys Ill: 1. East Canton t9, 2. Rootstown 94, 3. Woodridge 107, 4. South Range 168. Individuals: 1. Williamson (EC) 17:06, 2. Aquino (EC), 3. Guist (EC), 4. Ross : (BR), 5. Turck (Root). . -
~~§7\RI9T CRp~~-CQl)f\ITilY. MEET . CQLD\NJI..'fER (Oct. 1~,. :1~~6) . ·13<l:Y~ ~1: · t Ft.' R~c<?very 40, 2. .Crestview 42, '3. SR~\IS~~yille :IQ_2, .. 4. M!\l,l!;.t~r ~2;2.J~div:iclt,~al$: 1. Ben Cowan (C~¥l!ltv,i~)N) 16:,4p. ~ :Ry~n Sc\~nei(IE.f:.'($pe,.h,~erville). 16:59, a Ph~l1p Slor,~ko.~ky 1 (fy1ml'l_t~H) · 17:o_~. ~· JJ~ihJn~I)IY (Ft. Rec()yery) 17,0~". •?',i MNt ~ro'illn (qre~tw~w) 17:05, 6. Malt Roessner (Ft Re~o~ery) q:o5. G•r!~ Ill: 1. Ft.. Recovery 55, 2. Crestview 73, 3. 9()1tjl;•\la!er 90, 4. Manon Local 98. Individuals: .1. Karla Klo.s,~eriTlan (Coldwater) 19:47, 2. Jessica Barhorst (Minster) 20:10: 3. Kristy ·Norman (Crestview) 20:21, 4. Anna Schwieterman (New Bremen) 20:31, 5. Amber Albers -(Marion . Local) 20:39, .6. ~~ra,~ Wells (Crestview) 20:S5.
1. l!}c!ian Hill 39, 2. Badin 91, 3. New Richmond i :;2,;HusheS (Fin) 17:1 ~· 4~ Panker,l:!J~y (LM) 17:43,5. Z10gard :(Kmgs) 17:48, 7. Ballinger (Bian)\:17:50, ·a.; Breitenstein .(MeN) 17:51. · . . ·· • ; .···.·. · · ,. Girls: 1. McNicholas 58, 2. Badin 62, 3. Indian Hill 97. Individuals: 6•. Parrish (RB). 20:3~ 7. Lusby (Tay) 20:53, :9. Grant (RB) 21:08, 11. Childers (NR) 21:11, 12. Ripp (Love) 21:11. Boys Ill: 1. Eastern Brown· 26; 2. Madeira-<50, 3. Wyoming 70, 4-.. CHCA 142. Individuals: a .Steinmetz (SB) 18:02, 10. ·Cahall (Geo) 18:07, 11. Gray (Mar) f8:08, 14. Sand (Read) 18:32. 1. Girls Ill: 99.Jndivid~~i!s:
DISTRICT AT LORAIN C.C.C. Girls 1: 1. StrongsvHie 38, 2. Amherst Steele 54, 3. Westlake 66, 4. Lakewo.od 151. Individuals:.·· 1. Thompson (Amherst) 20:43, 2. Koppel (N. Ridgeville) 20:59, 3. Urban (Strongsville) 21:25, 4. Kr. Muckley (Strongsville) 21:28, 5. Beetcher (Strongsville) 21:33. · ·Girls II: 1. Avon Lake 57, 2. Fairview 80, 3. Revere 89, 4. Bay 97. Individuals: 1. Byrne (Avon Lake) 20:28, 2. Orr .(Revere) 20:53, 3. Rostocil (Highland) 21:03, 4. Korykowski (Revere) 21:56, 5. McCreery ~Rocky River) 22:21. /
~~~~~~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~-~·~-~2~~~~ ~pt.. 101T'47"Eiyria=me.-indiViduals:1.~~~4\2.~~~~M3. . ~~~ o••gsvllle ct:cMartin-:-(:St;-~~ -.! Ignatius) 17:23, 2. Leonard (Midpark) 17:42, 3. Busic (Lakewood) 17:44, 4. Missler (St. Edward) 17:57, 5. Boys II: 1. Bay 65, 2. Avon Lake 75, 3. Rocky River 90, 4. Olmsted Falls 91. Individuals: 1. Huffman (Rocky River) 16:52, 2. Warren (Revere) 17:41, 3. Lydon (Rocky River) 17:44, · 4. Rybicki (Olmsted Falls) 17:54, 5. Curran (Bay) 18:09.
OTTAWA Boys II: 1. Upper Sandusky, 58, 2. Van Wert 77, 3. Bryan 90, 4. Wauseon 125. Top runners:-- 1. Van Wert's Matt Miller at 16:25.80, 2. Bryan's Bob. Thornieier a:t 16:38.42, 5. Upper Sandusky's ·Jared Plait at 16:38.42. ln~i_vidual~: . ·.·. 3. . Bathls Kevin Lammers at 16:39.76, 4. Napoleon's Kory .Storch at 16:53.44. . , _Girls II;.. 1: · Vari Wer\,..48, 2. Ottawa-Glandorf 82, 3. Wauseon 104, 4:. l)pper Sandusky 115. Top runners: 2. 0-G's .·Kelly.· Meizger at 19:39.93, · 4, Van Wert's Kylee._ Da~ger at 19:49.16, 5. Wauseon's Ashley Schrock at "19:57.94. Boys Ill, Dastrict 1: 1. Holgate 58, 2. Lima Central Catholic 80, 3, Archbold 10.1, 4. Tinora 122. Individuals: 1. Liberty Center's Ryan Desgrange at 15:59.61, 2. Holgate's Josh .·Ordway at 16:06.77, 4: LCC's Matt Dunlavy at 16:35:90; 7. Continental's Kyle Martin at 17:19.56, a BluHton's Cameron Warner at 17:22.07. Girls Ill, District 1: 1. Delphos St John's 60, Holgate 71, 3. Hi~ksville ~ 1, 4. Swanton 90. Individuals: 1. Holgate's Joslyn. Ptau at 19:5&57, 2. Delphos St. .John's Nikki Hedrick at 20:25;99, 4. Patrick Henry's Michelle Noriega at 21:03.07, 5., Swanton'~ Re~jan Heiileke at 21:04.47, · 7. Hick~ ville's Kelly. . ·. Thiel at 21:13:06.... '...·-... .·... Boys Iii: 1. Columbus Grove 42, 2. Delphos St. John's 51, 3. Stryker 1,00; 4. Hilltop 103.. Individuals: t Hilltop's Todd Moyer at '16:47.81, 2. Columbus Grove's Jim Woten at 16:54.29, 4. D~lp~os StJohns Scott Utrup at 1'7:~9:34, 7. Stryker's Nick .Ddriot a:t 17:34.37, 8. Partdora-Gilbqa's Nathan Eubank at · ·· · _ Girls Ill: t Tinora 49, 2. Bluffton ·.85, 3. Uma Central Cathg!ic ~7, A. Wayne Trace 101. lndiv.iduals: 1. Bluffton's Ann St$chsch!Jite at 19:35.04, 4. Edgerton's Kylee $tuder ai 20:49.75, 6. "J:'inora's Kate Pohlman at 21:02.5$, . 8. Lima Central Catholic's Beth Martin at 21:12.57, "15.. Wayne Trace's Nicole Webster at 21:49.13. ·
DISTRICT CHAMPIONSHIPS AT GROVEPORT Girls ~ivision I, Section 1: 1. Dublin Coffman (DC) 39, 2. Westerville North (WN) 60, 3. Westerville South (WS) 90, 4. Gahanna (G) 114. Individuals: 1. Clark (DC) 18:47, 2. Epley (WS) 19:04, 3. Kruppa (DC) 19:45, 4. Weitthoff (WN) 19:52, 5. Busch (WN) 19:53. · - . Girls Division I, Section II: 1. Pickerington (P) 56, 2. Upper Arlington (UA) 58, 3. Lancaster (L) 70, 4. Worthington Kilbourne (WK) 73. Individuals: 1. Miller (UA) 18:26, 2. Fiala (WK) 18:37, 3. Nichols (P) 18:52, 4.. Gaskill (WK). 19:27, 5. Ort (P) 19:28. . . . . . Girls Division II, Section 1: 1. Bloom-Carroll (BC) 35, 2. Whetstone (W) 77,_ 3. River Valley ,(RV) 85. Individuals: 1. Delcamp (C) 19:20, 2. Weber (W) 19:34, 3. Miller (B) 20:20, 4. Phillips (BC) 20:29, 5. Parthemore (RV) 20:32. . DIVISION II SOUTHWEST DISTRICT AT RIO GRANDE . Boys: 1. Gallia Acad 82, 2. West Union 83, 3. Piketon 107, 4. Minford 115, 5. Waverly 118, 6. Hillsboro 123; Individuals: 1-. Nehus (Galli a) i 6:23, 5. Abbott (West Union) 17:06, 14. Robert Martin (Hillsboro) 17:26, .15. Eric Henry (Hillsboro) 17:26. · DIVISION I AT PRINCETON
· DIVISION I AT BATH •. Boys: 1. Ashland 24, 2. Tiffin 78; 3, Mansfield Senior . 86,. lndiyiduals: . 1. Ashland's William Sheets at 16:00, 6. Celina's Shaun .Bellman at 16:54, 7. Shawnee's Mark Hanson · at .16:56, 9, Celina's Jeff Davis at 16:64, 11. Wapak's Steve. Johns at •17:0.1. . Girls: 1. Ashland 31, 2. Tiffin 49, 3. Wapakoneta 65. ·· Individuals: 3. Ashland's Krisianna Deppen at 20:03, 13. Celina's Savannall Dixon at 20:40.
Christine Thompson, · Amherst Steele
Boys Race A: 1. ·LaSalle 48, 2. Lakota 51, 3. Elder 81, 4. Colerain 100. Individuals: 1. Hummel (Las) 16:16, 2. Riegelsberger (flog). 16:29, 3. Godsey (Lak) 16:30, 4. Hussel (Col) 16:33, 5. Ward (Col) 16:37. · · _ Boys Race. B: 1. St. Xavier 42, 2. Princeton 65, 3. Harrison 81, 4. Oak Hills 126. ~.ndividuals: ·1. Ziegler (Har) 15:32, 2. Aerni (Wal) 16:25,- 3. Fritz (StX) 16:35, 4. Thomas (Fair) 16:34, 5. Sweetman (Har) 16:35. Girls Race A: 1., Colerairl 24, 2. Lakota 47, 3. Ursuline 106, 4. McAuley .1.46. lndividual'.s: 1. Alsbrooks (Lak) 19:.10,. 2.. Grebe (Col) 19:28,. 3. Hunt (Lak) 19:32, 4. Buck (Qol) 19:44, 5. Kist (Col) 19:4$. · · Girls. Race B: 1. Anderson 42, 2. Mercy, 3. Harrison · 93, 4. Sycamore 95, Individuals: 1. Himmelstein' (And) 19:24, 2. Kozimer (And) 19:28, 3. Rieder (Mer) 19:36, 4. Bogner (Syc) 19:55, 5. Tecklenburg (And) 19:56. ;
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Boys: 1. Covington· 34, 2. Arcanum 5~, .3. Franklin Monroe 70, 4. Twin Valley South 91, 5. Tn-Village 124. Individuals: 1. Nate Gibson (Covington) 16:48, 2. Matt Banks (Arcanum) 17:10, 3. Brad Beam (Arcanum) 17:19, 4. John Gallagher (Tri-County North) 17:25, 5. Greg Kessler (Arcanum) 17:31. · . . ·Girls: 1. Arcanum 36, 2. Covington 46, 3. Twin Vallley South 69, 4. National Trail 79, · 5. Tri-County North 155. Individuals: 1. Mandi Fletcher (Covington) 20:35, 2.. Kristy Keiser (Arcanum) 20:53, 3. Kelly House (Twin Valley South) 21:23, 4. Krista Meyer (Covington) 21:34, 5. Lisa Crabtree (National Trail) 21:40. GMVC CHAMPIONSHIPS AT NORTHMONT (Oct. 12)
Boys: 1. North~ont 25, 2. Vandalia 39, 3. Troy 82, 4. Piqua 107, 5. Greenvill~ 130. Individuals: 1. Dave Alber (Vandalia) 16:04, 2. Casey Long (Northmont) 16:11, 3; Bryan Richards (Northmont) 16:13, 4. Joe Barnes (Northmont) 16:37, 5. Brad Newsad (f\!orthmont) 16:48. Girls: 1. Northmont 28, 2. Troy 49, 3. Greenville 60, 4. Vandalia 104, 5.. Sidney 125. lndivid!.lals: . 1. Jessica Unger (Greenville) 19:14, 2. Briana Killian (Northmont) 19:33, 3. Kristin Spicer (Northmont) · 19:39, 4. Jessie Jones (Northmont) 19:48, 5. Kristen Rogers (Greenville) 19:50. · DAYTON DISTRICT CROSS COUNTRY CHAMPIONSHIP . OcR. 19, 1996 Boys Division Ill: 1. Russia 57, 2. Versailles 69, ·3. Covington 78. Individuals: . . 1. Nate Gibson (Covington) 16:46, 2. John Wood (Versailles) 16:5'5, 3. John Gallagher (Tri County North). 17:07, 4. Chad Bornhorst (Russia) 17:11, 5. J.C. Grojean (Russia) 17:27. .. 1. Russia .40, 2. Arcanum 68, 3. Girls .Division Ill: Covington 73. Individuals: 1. Mandi Fletcher (Covington) 20:13, 2. Lindsay. Rosenbe'ck (Russia) 20:48, 3; Krista Meyer ·(Covington) . 20:54,, 4. Kdsty Kelser (Arcanum) 20:54, 5. Melissa Bergman (Russia) 21:01. · · . . · .. . · Boys Division II: 1.. Archbishop •Alter 23, 2. Eaton 63, 3. Bellbrook 85, 4. Dayton .Christian 99.1ndividuals: .. 1. Nick 16:42, 2. Josh Mears Andrews (Archbishop Alter) (Archbishop Alter) 17:01, 3. Shaun Westfall (Archbishop Alter) 17:01, 4. Tom Kutter (Eaton) 17:18, 5. Ryan Clark (Eaton) 17:20. . .·. ·· ' · .. · • . Girls Diyision. II: 1. Springboro 32, 2. Archbishop Alter 54, 3. Dayton.''Christian ·8:1. lilcltv.i~uals: 1. Ashlee Gibson (Clinton . Massie) 20:04, 2. Melissa L'O.'<'Je. (Dayton Christian) 20: QZ, ~- .J~nnifer Gridley .. (f?ellbrook) .·.· 21:0~§..' 4.':.. L.aYren. J~arta!o (Sringboro) 21:10, 5. Anne Marie· Williams (Sprin§boro) 21:16: · Boys Division 1: :.1. Centerville · 48, 2. Kettering Fairmont 57,. 3. Beavercre',ek 58, 4. Carroll 78. IndiViduals: 1. Eric . Lundgren (Cente~ville) •· 16:32, 2: Jeremy.· Bennett (Beavercreek) . 16:38, 3. ,lan Kearns (Kettering· Fairmont) 16:43, 4. Scott Bailey (Beavercreek) 16:48, 5. Pat Keller 1 -· (Centerville) 16:53. · ·. · • · · · Girls Division 1: 1.Beavercreek 17, 2. Carroll 61, 3, Middletown 83, 4. CenterviHe 104. 5. Kettering Fairmont 165. Individuals: 1. Kara Storage (Beavercreek) 18:54, 2. Tara. Sforage (Beavercreek) 18:55, 3.. Gemma Dimery-Anderson (Beavercreek) 18:57, 4. Kristin Jumer (Centerville) 19:14, 5. Sarah Wiley (Beavercreek) : 19:37. '
Boys Division I, Section 1: 1. Marion Hardipg .(MI:I) · 36, 2. Westerville North (WN) 47, 3. Worthington Kilbourne ·· ' ' . (WK) 91. Individuals: 1. Craenen (MH) 16:03; 2. Kirchoff< (WK) 16:13, 3. Mackan (M) 16:26, 4. Lewicki (WN) 16:34, 5. Dew (W) 16:40, · · Boys Division I, Section II: · 1. Dublin Coffman (DC) • 44, 2. Eastmoor (E) 6.6, 3, Reynoldsburg (R) 82. IndiViduals: The s1xth of seven weekly ·. t Habte (E) . 15:53, 2. Taylor (E) 15:56, 3. Krajenski (Mount • · ·' · .· • ·vernon) ~16:00, 4. Estwanik. (DC) . 16:05, 5. Henderson· · (f1rst place votes 1n parentheSIS) .(Thomas Worthington) ·16:21: · Boys Division I, Section Ill: 1. Pickerington (P) 22, 2. Boys 1 Westerville· South (WS) . 56; 3. Lancaster (L) 103. . lndivid~als: 1. Douglas (P) 15:53, 2. Casey. (P) 16:11, 3.. 180 Cin. St. Xavier·( 12) Sheffield (P) 16:32, 4. Leddy (WS) 16:45, 5. Rowe (Dublin 158 Cle. St Ignatius Scioto) 16:55•. · . . · · 157 Cin. LaSalle . Boys Division !1, Section 1:. 1. Fairfield Union (FU) 60, 148 West Chester Lakota 2. Bexley (B) 67, 3.. Big Walnut (BW) 69, 4. Watkins Memorial 133 Clayton Northmont (WM) 86. Individuals: 1. Petty (Teays Valley) 15:59, 2. 116 Hudson Matheney (FU) 15:59.7, 3. R. Myers (FU) 16:'17; 4. ·schwartz 111 Harrison (BC) 16:23, 5. Gerwig (BWJ 16:49. 98 Cin. Princeton Boys Division II, Section II: 1. Olentangy (0) 37. 2. ' 74 Ashland DeSales (D) 56, 3. Utica (U) ·so, 4; Lakewood (LW) i•139: Individuals: 1. Ho·stasa (U)''16:46, 2, Friece (0) ·1.6:55, 3. 55 Centerville DeLeon (OJ 17:04, 4. Carpenter (Hamnton Township) .17:06, 5. Baker (U) 17:09. ·· · · . ... · . : :J) '< Boys II Boys Division Ill; Section J: 1. Granville (G)· 37,. ·2: 164 Kettering Alter (6) Millersport (M) 104, -3. Amanda-Ciearcreek (AC) 1~2... , 4," 164 Field (4) Worthington Christian (WC) 131. Individuals: 1. SimpsbfH (tv1)r0'n,c::i 157 Bay Village (2) 16:44, 2. Monnin (G) 16:45, 3. Marcy (G) 16:47, · 4. Yuh 123 Avon Lake (Grandview) 16:49, 5. Thiel (Ridgedale) 16:55. · · 115 Shelby Boys Division Ill, Section II: 1. Liberty Union (LU)'48,; 109 Van Wert 2.. Newark·.. Cathlic (NC) 54, 3. Fredericktown· (F) 65, (4, "' Licking Heights (LH) 100. Individuals: 1. Coriner (Nortlimor) 106 Canton Central 15:40, 2. Swartzentruber (F) 16:29, 3. Rusek (NO) .16:33, 4. 106 Walsh Jesuit . Schaffner (LU) 16:35, 5. Stuart (NC) 16:38. · 80 Sandusky Perkins . Girls Division U, Section II: 1. Marysville (M) 31, 2. 73 Upper Sandusky Fairfield Union (FU) 44, 3. Big Walnut (BW) 62.'1ndiVidlials: 1. McClain .. (M) 19:49, · 2. Sitterley (FU) - 19:58, 3. ::JriiJin Boys Ill (Hartley) 20:05, 4. Moody (M) 20:24, 5. Jones (BW) 21:03. , 175 • Ft. Recovery (9) Girls Division II, -~ection Ill: 1. Olentangy (0) 48, 2. 169 Seneca East (3) Watkins Memorial. (WM) 54, 3. London (L) 80, 4. Lakewood 159 East Canton LW) 129;· Individuals: ··• 1. Thompson (LIN) 19:20, 2. .· 129 Columbus Grove Carducci ,(Q) 19:30, 3. Lucente (DeSales) 20:00, ·4. Pound (WM) 20:00, 5. Ryan (L) 20: 1t · · ·. · 128 Convoy Crestview Gi(ls Division Ill, Section. 1: 1. Amanda-Ciearcreek 118 Caldwell (A'C) 33, 2. Fisher Catholic (FC) 59, .3. Grandview (GV) 86, 4. 112 Anna······· Fredericktown (F) 115, 5. LibertY Union (LU) 123. Individuals: 89 W. Uberty Salem · 1. Miller (AG) 19: 13,· • 2. Phillips (AC) 19:20, 3.. Harbbarger 83 Granville • (Northmor) 19:44, 4, Ajlen. (Norlhmor) 19:53, 5. NasiJ (FC) ·· ·· 67 New London 20:09. .. . . ,·. . . . . Girls ··Division ·m; ·Section II: · t Heath (H) 27, 2. Newark Catholic (NC) 66, 3. Mount Gilead (MG) 70, 4. Berne Union (BU) 110;,5,,:Reapy (R) 124,Jndividuals: 1. Francis (H) 19:31;. 2. 'Brow~ (NC) 19:45, · 3. Louis (MG) 20:37, 4. Carson(H) 20:4~ .5. 90.I~man(l-:l) 40:51.
Beavercreek. ( 12) Cin. Colerain Dublin Coffman · Perry Rocky River Mag. Cin. Anderson Kent Roosevelt W. Chester Lakota Strongsville Clayton Northmont Toledo Central Cath.
Boys 1: · 1. Northmont ,24, 2. Vandalia Butler 45, 3. Troy 102, 4. Fairborn 164. lndividli~ls:. : t Chris Canfield (Fairborn) 16:09, 2. Casey Lorig (Northmont) 16:21, 3. David Alber (Yandalia Butler) 16:26, 4. Bryan Richards (Northmont) 16:53, 5. Jon Koelscher (Northmont) 17:04. . · · Girls 1: 1. Nothmont 27, 2. Troy 54, 3. Greenville 57, 4. Fairborn 121. Individuals: 1. Rachel Henry (Springfield Girls 11. North) 19:13, 2. Erin McConnell (Springfield) 19:34, 3. Briana 179 Beaumont (11) Killean (Northmont) 19:34, 4. Sally Smallenbarge (Troy) ~!0:04, 169 Dover ( 1) 5. Jessica Unger (Greenville) 20:21. 134 Pemberville Eastwood 1. Bellefontaine 33, 2. Spr. Shawnee· 75, 3. · Boys II: 121 Chagrin Falls Kenston Northwester 88. Individuals: 1. William McCauley (Greenon) 119 Circleville 16:29, 2. Matt Thompson (Spr. Shawnee) 16:29, 3. Joe Smith 111 Lake Perry (Bellefontaine) 17: 11, 4. Chris Longenecker (Bellefontaine) 80 Van Wert 17:19, 5. Dylan Canter (Bellefontaine) 17:22. · Girls II: 1.. Springfield Shawnee 51, 2. Bellefontaine 90, 79 Marling ton · 3. Benjamin Logan · 105. Individuals: 1. Lissa Faulkner 74 Bellevue (Northeast<:;rn) 20:35, 2. Denise Bucey (Northeastern) 21:51, 72 Field 3. Ashlynn Phillips (Spr. Shawnee) 20:59, 4. Leslie Thomas (Spr. Shawnee) 21:05, 5. Cara Hamann (Milton-Union) 21:08. Girls Ill Boys Ill: 1. West Liberty~Salem 31, 2. Aona 41, 3.. 177 Seneca East (9) Jackson Center i 38,' 4. Sidney Lehman 161. lndiv.iduals: 1. 171 Woodridge (3) · Brad Koverman (Anna) 16:23, 2. Josh Yoder (West Liberty. Salem) 17:05; 3; (3reg Flora (West Liberty-Salem) .. 17:18, 4.... 164 Liberty-Benton .136 Cincinnati Madeira · David .Kerns (West Liberty-Salem) 17:23, . 5... Quintin Cox (Riverside) 17:33. . . .. · · ·.· · 127 Oregon · Stritcti Girls Ill: t Sidney Lehman 42, ·2. Fort Loramie 61, 3. 114 Elmore Woodmore Botkins. 100, 4.. Anna 118. Individuals: . 1. Alcia Cavender 102 Amanda~Ciearcreek (Sidney Lehman) 19:59, 2. Rebekah Daws.on (Houston) 20:24, 91 Heath.· 3. Missy Titus (Botkins) 20:27, 4. Oeorgia .Uerma11 (Fort 89 M¢Do11ald. Loramie) 20:42, 5. Samantha 'Philpot (Fort Loramie)' 20:49; 68 ··Barnesville '. -
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Girls Ill: 1. Hawken 40, 2. Independence 74. 3. Kirtland 93, 4. Cuyahoga VaHey Christiao 95. Individuals: 1. Cantrall (Beachwood) 21:42, 2. Pollock ·(CVCA) 22:42, 3. McSwain (Hawken) 22:42, 4.. Feran (Kirtland) 23:01, 5. Milner (CVCA) 23:09. Girls 1: 1. Magnificat 23, 2. Padua 77, 3. Holy Name 86, 4. Brecksville-Broadview Hts 110. Individuals: .· 1. Phillips: (Magnificat) 20:08, 2. Poli (Valley Forge) 20:30, 3. Pefro ... (Magnificat) 20:35, · 4. Lawhun (Magnificat) ·21:03, 5. Borsz (Holy Name) 21:23. · · . · · · · ' .•,,.,. Girls II: 1. Beaumont 27,· , . Chagrins Falls .79;· ..,'3:'-· Kenston 80, .4. Crestwood 85. Individuals: 1. Radl{eWibli (Beaumont) 17:41, 2. Downing (Kenston) 19:42, 3; :· Ralll{"'; ·(Beaumont) 20:16, 4. Robinson (Beaumont) 20:59, 5. Sch111fdt · (Crestwood) 2.1:03, . . · . . ·· Boys 1: · 1. Brecksville•Broadview:Hts. 43, .i~'valiey Forge 56, 3. Normandy 86, Individuals: 1. J. McAdams ·(Brecksville) 16:45, 2. Sharma'(Valley Forge) 17:37, 3. Hines (Valley Forge) 17:44, 4. A. McAdams (Brecksville) 17:58, 5. Kocinski. (Padua) 17:59. Boys II: t Walsh Jesuit 31, 2. Kenston · .69, 3. Crestwood .72, 4. Villa Angela-St. Joseph 92. Individuals: .1. McClintock (Crestwood) 16:48, .2. Krammer (Kenston) 17:19, 3. Diaz · (Wals~ Jesuit) 17:23, 4.· Capanna (Walsh Jesuit) 17:25, 5. Morri,son (Walsh Jesuit) 17:36. ·· · . Boys Ill: · 1. Kirtland 61, 2. Hawken 79, 3. Independence 80, 4. Avon 99. .Individuals: 1. Jiroufek (Gilmour) 17:47, 2. Duhay (Independence) 18:00,. 3. Parma (Brooklyn) 18:06, 4. Geletka (Kirtland) 18:08, 5. Cantrall (Beachwood) 18:12. _ P~ONEER
Boys: 1. Brunswick 54,_ 2. Medina 61,' 3. Brecksville · 101, 4. Cloverleaf 103, 5. Strongsville 106. Individuals: 1. Josh McAdams (BreJ 16:36, 2. Adam Brantner (Cio) 17:00, 3. Dave Leonard ·(Midpark) :17:50,· '4. Chris Doermann .(Med) 17:30, 5. Mike Bassett (Bru) 17:34. · , ' ··... · · 1. Strongsville 31, 2. Brecksville· 85, 3. North<·· Girls: Royalton ..98, · 4.' .Medina 107, 5, . Brunswick 119. Individuals: · t Kristin • Muckley (Str). ·20:23, 2. Lee Ann Monkman (NR) · 20:32, 3. Hannah .Purdy (Berea) 20:42, ~t Susie. Bettcher (Stf) , .. · .20:42, 5. Amber Rady (Medina) :21:00. . .. · ·
Boys 1: 1. Brunswick 51, 2. Medina 63. 3. Wadsworth 68, 4. Cuyahoga Falls 70. Individuals: 1. Morrison (Wads) 17:26, 2. Jindra (Brunswick) 17:41, 3. Murphy (Cuy F) 17:44, 4. Mike' "Bassett (Brunswick) 17:54, 5. Queen (Wadsworth) 17:55. :_ . . . . . ' Boys II: 1. Field 26; 2. Southeast ,44, 3. Norton 100, 4~ Copley 130. Individuals: 1. Mars (Field) 17:20, 2. Ridenour (Field) 17:26; 3. Wager (Southeast) 17:38, 4. Hudik (Field) · -._ • · . ··• . 17:42, 5. Nelson (Southeast) 17:48. Girls 1: 1. Wadsworth 43, 2. Brunswick 73, 3. Medina 83, 4. North Royalton 84. Individuals: · 1. EatoJJ (Wadsworth) 20:37, 2. Chalmers (Barberton) 21:17, 3. Rady (Medina) 21:35, 4. Martin (Wadsworth) 21:41, 5. Monkman (NR) 21:51. · . . -._ . . . _ Girls II: 1. Field 36; 2. Tallmadge 103, 3. .Copley 109, 4. Southeast .115. Individuals: 1. Litten (Northwest) 21:01, 2. Mars (Reid) 21:06; . 3.. McQuown (SVSM), ~- Carney (Copley 22:15, 5. SheiL (Field) 22:'17.
· · Boys: 1. St. Xavier ·33, 2. La Salle 41, 3. Moeller 57, 4. Elder 99. Individuals: 1. Jay Hummel (La Salle) 15:44, 2. Dan Fritz (St· Xavierr 15:45, 3. Derrick Butler (La Salle) 15:47, 4. Reade Kidd (St Xavier) 15:51, 5. Kyle Hildebrandt · (Moeller) 15:57. GREATER.~PINCINNATI
LEAGUE NORTH (Oct. 12) ' Boys: 1. Kettering Alter 22, 2. Roger Baeon 63, 3 Hamilton Badin 68, 4. McNicholas 93; 5. Purcell Marian 107. Individuals:. 1. Jason Riegelsberger (Roger Bacon) 15:48, ·~ Nick Andrews (Alter) 16:09, 3. Josh Mears (Alter) 16:37, 4. · Shaun Westfall (Alter) 16:55, 5. Mike Gionette (Alter) 17:00. GIRLS GREATER CINCINNATI LEAGUE (Oct. 12) Scarlet Division: 1. Ursuline 35, 2. Mercy 46, 3. McAuley . 76,· · 4. Seton 84, 5. Mount· Notre Dame· 96, Individuals: 1. Karen Grome (Seton) 19:26, 2.. Kerry Devanney (Ursuline) 19:48, 3. Jackie Rieder (Mercy) 19:50, 4.. Meghan Regel (McAuley) J 9:54, 5. Suzanne Rutischauser (Ursuline) 19:58. · · · 1. McNicholas 22, · 2. Badin 46, 3. · Gray Division: Roger Bacon 64, 4. St. Ursula 93, 5. Purcell Marian . 128. Individuals: 1. Lindsay Fisher (McNicholas)· 19:10, 2.Rosie Henman (McNicholas) 19:46, 3. Olivia Parrish (Roger Bacon) 19:47, 4. Pam Mick (Badin) 20:24, 5. Suzy Deller (McNicholas) · 21:08.
DISTRICT MEET AT PERRY Boys 1: 1. Madison-72, 2. Mentor 75, 3. Eastla~e North 97, 4. Brush ·129.. lndividu~ls: 1,:Giowacki (Euclid) 17:24, 2. Weber (Brush) 17:26;,3.· Cordesc(MadisonH7:36, 4. Miklavcic (Euclid) 17:40,.5; T McNeal {COllinwood) 17:48. . Boys II: 1. Ashtabula EdgeWood 87, 2. Perry 97,. 3. Benedictine • 107, 4, West •Geauga 108. · lndividualsi 1. Greicius (A,E): 16:28, 2. Kelly (Lake Cath) 16:53, 3. Griffith (Harvey),1)H:.03, 4~ Bauters ,.(NDCL) 17:36, 5. Johnson (WG) '17:37. ;:}\ ... Girls 1: 1. Mentor 50, 2. Madison 73, 3. Cleveland Heights 79, 4. Euclid 123. Individuals: t Clarkson . · (Geneva) 2.1:03, 2. ,.,Kahr Sgro (Madison) 21:26, 3. Behnke . (Mentor) .21:27, 4. ,Osterman (Euclid) 21:41, 5. Truitt (CH)
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GMC CHAMPIONSHIP (OcL_12) F·• · -v~-
Girls II: 1. Perry 80, ·~-· Ashtabula Edgewood 94, 3.. Jefferson .121, 4. Lake Catholic 126, Individuals: 1. Horvat (LC) 20:3.6,:. 2. Kachersky' (Ash Harbor) 20:39, 3. Rizzo (Perry) 20:52, 4. Sghiele (Je/f) 21:01, 5. Champa (LC) 21:09.. · DISTRICT AT KENT STATE: · Boys 1: 1. Hudson 57, i Stow 72, 3•• Austintown Fitch 76, 4. Solon 86, 5. Alliance._ ~8. Individuals: 1, ·A,dam Smith (Hudson) 16:42, 2. Tim Tatarka (Fitch) 17:00, 3. David Kelly (Kent) 17:01, 4. JoeEshelman (Stow) 17:03, 5. Jw!!tin Mikolay: · (Hudson) 17:06.. · . ,, .:.:. - > <· '<': ,. . · Boys Ill: 1. Berkshire 48, 2. Maplewood 60, 3. Jackson-Milton 95, 4. Garrettsville-Garfield 107. Individuals: ;._·-~ __!___E;dwards__(!_Milton) 17:21,_.2..Qing~rich@e,rkshi~Lt7:2_~,c~.,.-.--c-.~~. Stewart (Maplewood) ·17:27, 4. Ward (Badger) 17:31, 5. . Biesterveld (MapleWood)' 17:42. . · . __ · . . _· · _· Girls Ill: · 1. McDonald 26, 2. Berkshire 47, 3. Pymatunil)g Valley 100, 4. NeWbury 1_26. (r1dividtials: .· t:K Testa (McDonald) 20:34,. 2. Wright (McDonald) ?0:~6,.- 3. Slattery (Berkshire) 21:02, 4. Ruggles (J Mlton) 2·1:16; 5. L Testa •(McDonald) 21:24. Girls 1: 1. Kent Roosevelt:39, 12. Aus.tintown !=itch 54, 3. Stow 73, 4. Hudson 85. Individuals: 1. Wollam ·(Alliance) 19:18, 2..Vanik (S.tow) 20:22, 3. Pratt (Solon) 20:25, 4. Hollinge~ (I(R) 20:27,1 5, Kelly (KR) 20:36. SVC LEAGUE (Oct. 12) . Boys: 1. Pik~ton,. 25, ~ Westfall 67, 3. Paint Valley 105, 4. Huntington. ~.20, 5. Wane Trace 122, 6. Southeastern 123, 7.. unioto 127,Jndividoals: 1. Randy Day (PK) 17:00, 2. Matt. Greenlee (WF) 17:09, 3. Brandon Hammond (PK) 17:10, 4. Jason Salyers (PK) 17:28, 5. Tim Wyant (ZT) 17;41, 6. Brandoo.Bentley (HU) 17:50, 7.. Nick Zingarelll (WF) 17:52.. Girl~·;;., 1. Wane Trace 44, 2. Unioto 52, 3. Southeas.tern 133, 4. Paint Valley 105, 5. Piketon 109, 6. Westfall 112, 7. Adena 147. Individuals: 1. Sabine Buchacher (UN) 20:32, 2. ·. Jill Simpson (SE) ?.0:34, 3. Heather Jackson (Zn 21:15, 4. Lindsey Scott(UN) 21:35, !;i. Amy Milam (PK).21:49, 6. Jamie lmboden(ZT) 22:02; 7. Carrie Rolfe,(UN) 22:08 ,
Boys: 1. Lakota 36, · 2. Princeton · 39, 3. Middletown 79, · 4. Fairfield 101, 5. Sycmore 132. Individuals: .· 1. Adam · Thomas (Fair) 15:37, 2. Brian Godsey (Lak) 16:10, · 3. Mark Johnson (Prin) 16:16, 4. Eric Johnson (!.. ak) 16:20, 5. Jason Porter (Prin) 16:24. · · · Girls: 1. Middletown- 32, 2. Lakota 34, 3. Fairfield 79, 4. Princeton 108, 5. Milford 110. Individuals: 1.Dale Alsbrooks · (Lak) 18:46; 2. Annabelle Hunt (Lak) 19:08, 3. Stephanie Tlitalo (Mid) 19:30, 4. Amy Plessinger (Mid) 19:46, 5. Johanna· Schunk (Mid) 19:50. MML CHAMPIONSHIP (Oct. 12) Boys: .1. Carrol 22, 2. Lebanon 81, 3. Fr~nklin '86, 4; . Edgewood 95, 5. Miamisburg 106. Individu-als: c. 1. Christian ~--~- Ba~ke T_al ·. 17;34... 2,. Sc.9U .. ~p1Q.rook~(Qgr-}., 1?~9·"~~,..-~l~x__....,....~~·c'---~ Ne1dhard' ( ar) · 17: 0, 4. Kevm laute (Car) 17:53, 5. SCott · ·_ Shelley (Frank) 17:55. .. · • ·. Girls: 1. Carroll 21, 2. Talawanda 49, 3. Lebanon 61, , .4.>Miamisburg 95, 5. Edgewood 135~ Individuals: 1. Missy Belcher (Car)' 20:13, 2. Stacey Ritz (Tal) 20:20, 3. Denise Schutte (Car) 20:46, 4. Nichole Moorman (Car) 21:12, 5. " Natalie Gingerich (Leb) 21:13.
FORT ANbiENT VALLEY CONFERENCE MEET (Oct. 12) CHAMPIONSHIP . . Boys: . ·1. Mason ·22; .2. Wilmington 70, 3. Springboro 81, 4. Kings 83, 5. Little Miami 106. Individuals: 1. Robert : Goode (Mason) 17:47, .2. Andy Hayes (Mason) 17:56, 3. Curt Tudor (Mason) 18:05, 4. Greg Campbell (Mas~m) 18:07, 5. Vince Zingaro (Kings) 18:14: · Girls: 1. Springboro 25, .2. Kings 43, 3. Mason 84, 4. Ross 98, 5. Wilmington ·105. Individuals: 1. Lee Carpenter (Kings) 20:27, 2. Kelli Johnson (Kings) 20:42, 3; Jill Clark (Springboro) 21:04, 4. Lauren Bartalo. (Springboro). 21:07, 5. Anne Marie Williams (Springboro) 21:39.: · SUBURBAN tEAGUE CHAMPIONSHIP (Oct. 12) .,
Boy.s: · t Hudson ·28, :2. Wadsworth· 24, 3.'.Revere 20,' 4. 'Ncr~on 14,. 5. Copley 12. Individuals: t· Smith .{Hud) 16:43, ·2. Warren (Rev), 3. Morrison {Wads), 4. Stark (Hudson), 5. Ji.jstin Mikolay (Hud). .. . __ · .. Girls: . 1.·Huds~>n, 26, •2. Wadsworth -26, 3.. Highland 20, . ·· 4.. Revere i41 5. Copley. 12. · Individuals: • 1. ·Karl Eaton (Wads) 20:02, 2.•Rosticil (Highland); 3. Orr·(Rever.e),A.:Martin ' (Wa(is), 5. Korytkowski (Rev)~ .
' ·, ~ ,_ -~-----'----~'--'--'-"--'-.......:...~"--'-~-'----'--'--"-'-~'-'---'·-·~-~~-:...:·'-''·-"'--'-'~·-~~~~
For camp or .college Information oontact:' Jack Hazen · · · · ·· _ Malone Colleg~ 5i5251h St NW .. Canton; .OH·44709 •· _i ~800:-521-1 i 46 ext. 8291
occ: ".--
_· Boys: 1. Van Wert 50; Defiance ,105;:3.-sWapa~. t1 0, 4. Shawnee 112, 5. CeJilna 116 6. Ottawa 130. Individuals: 1. Matt Miller VWr.15:30, Kevin Lamers B~ 16:57, 3. Mark Hanson SH- 16:5,18 4. Gabe Knous SM-17:11; 5. Larry Hays K- 17:19, 6. Shawi?.'Bellman C-17:2a · ·~ !· Girls: .t Van V\fert 54, 2. \!vapakoneta '56i"S:' t:Je11ahc~ · 79, 4. -Ottawa~ Glandorf 81, .5, C<eiina 103,,· 6. St. Marys 137. Individuals: .1. Jessica DeVoe (B) 19:16, 2. Melissa Knous . (SM) •19:42, 3. Krish Klei11 (D) .. 19:;60, A Denise Kohlreiser (W) · 20:08, 5. Kara Braun (W) 20:11, tl Kylee Daeger (VW) 20: 13, _ .7. K~lly Metzg~r.(9~J'20:,20.. ,. . ..•.. .•
Boy$, Ohio Division: . 1. Duolln . <?offman (DC) 3.~ 2. Westerville North 46, 3. Thomas Worthington 71, 4. Hilliard 97, 5. Grc)veport i40. lpdividual: E~twanik (DC). 16:00. . Girls . Ohio Division: · 1. Dabhn Coffman (DC) 23, 2. · Westerville North 36, 3. Gahanna 91, 4. Hilliard 117, 5. · Newark t52.1ndividual: Petsche· (DC) 18:05. · · ·' .Boys ' Central Division: .. 1. Pickerington (P) ~ 41, Westerville South 56, 3. Reynoldsburg . 87, 4. Worthington· Kilbourne ~2, ·_5. Upper Arlington 130. lndividuaf.· _Douglas '(P) 15:57. . . .. . Girls Central Division: 1. Upper Arlington 58, 2. Pickerington 66, •· 3. Worthington Kilbourne ·(WK) 68, 4. Westerville South' 70, ·5.- Reynoldsburg· 114. Individual: Fiala _(WK) 18:38. .. . Boys ·Capital . Division: 1. Watkins Memorial· Mount Vernon (MV) 42, 3. Marysville 67, 4. Delaware 90, 5. Whitehall ;121. lnd,ividual: · Krajenski (MV)' 16;13. Girls: Capital Division: 1. Marysville .·· (M) .28, . 2. ·Watkins Memoriall32. 3. Mount Vernon ()4, 4. Whitehall 118, 5. Delaware and Franklin Heights no score. Individual: McClain (M) 19:48;
...... QCCE CHAMPIONSHIP (Oct. 12) Boys: 1. Turpin 37, 2. Anderson--37; 3.· Walnut-· Hills 5s; 4. Amelia 114, 5. ·Glen Este DNF. Individuals: 1. John Aerni (Wal) 16:38, 2. Brett Arnold (Tur) 16:53, 3. Ben Lindy (Wal) 17:25, 4. Dave Gutekunst (Tur) 17:281 5. Ben Borowski (And) ~~
BAq CHAMPIONSHIPS (Oct. 12) Boys East Division: 1. Big Walnut 39, 2. .Oientangy 40, 3. Utica 52, !4. Licking Valley 103, 5. Lakewood 135. Individual: .Gerwig (BW) 16:16. .· Girls:: East Division: 1. .Olentangy 38, 2. Grandview 60, .3. Lohdon 79, 4. Licking Valley 125, 5. Lakewood (L) _ 141. Individual: Thompson (L) 19:32. · Boys West Division: 1. Bexley 23, 2. Grandview 58, 3. Jonathan Alder 79, 4. London 98, 5. Washington C.H. 107. · Individual: Yun (G) 16:27. ·
;..·_. -~ ·~:-~i:> ·.;;=:;;--,:_...../~ ;;.-:;£
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CCL CHAMPIONSHIPS (Oct. 12) .. • '
. .. Boys: . 1. I,Qlatterson 37, 2. N~wark Catholic (NC) 39, 3. DeSales 60, ·. 4. Hartley 115, 5. Ready 118. Individual: Rus~k (NC) 16:1.4. . . · Girls: t Newark _Catholic (NC) 41, .2. Rosecrans 68, 3. Watler;~on 70,. 4, : DeSale~; 9?, . 5.• Ready 119. Individual: Brown (NC) 19:10.
:· .,;-' -
.. :.Boys: .. t .Austintown 18, 2. Cardinal Mooney 47, 3.
B~rQJ:narl70;- 4. Ursulin··-;106, 5. · W. Harding 149. Individuals:
Boys: 1. Mason 22, 2. Wilmington 70, 3.. Springboro 81, . 4. Kings 83, · 5. Little Miami 106. Individuals: 1. Robert Goode (Mas) 17:47, 2. Andy Hayes (Mas) 17:56, 3. Curt Tudor (Mas) 18:05, 4. Greg Campbell (Mas) 18:07, 5. Vince Zingaro (Kin) 18: 14. Girls: 1. Springboro 25, 2. Kings 43, 3. Mason 84, 4. Ross 98, 5. Wilmir'tgton 105. Individuals: 1. Lee Carpenter (Kin) 20:27, 2.. Kelli Johnson (Kin) 20:42, 3. Jill Clark (Spr) 21:04, 4. lauren Bartalo (Spr) 21:07, 5. Anne Marie Williams (Spr) 21:39.
Boys: 1. Indian Hill 28, 2. Madeira .46, 3. Wyoming 62, 4. Taylor 122, 5. Mariemont 129. Individuals: 1. Frank Damen (IH)' 16:47, 2.. Jon Newberry (Mad) 16:47.4, 3. Gary . Hughes (Fin) 17:15, 4. Zach Schaengold (Wyo) 17:26, 5. Wells Wulsin (IH) t7:27.. Gitls: , 1. Madeira 39, 2. Wyoming 43, 3. Mariemont 68, 4. Indian Hill 77, 5. (tie) Finneytown, Reading, Taylor DNF. Individuals: 1. Amanda Blackwelder (Ms.d) 18:29, 2. Connie Lobas (Mad) 18:43, 3. Anne Whittaker (IH) 19:32, 4. Naomi Bronson (Fin) 20:34, 5. Becca Vianello (Ma1, 20:41. SBC .CHAMPIONSHIP (Oct. 12)
Boys: · 1. Hillsboro 34, . 2. New · Richmond 65, 3. Blanchester 75, :_4. Loveland 90, 5. Georgetown 94. lndi_viduals: 1· David Robinsc.m .(Lov) 17:07, 2._ Jeff Ballinger (Bian) 17:27, 3. Robert Martin (Hil) 17:29, 4. Jason Boggs (Hil) 17:34, 5, _Eric Henry (Hil) 17:37. . . · .. . _Girls: 1. Hillsboro 31, 2. New Richmond 49, 3.. l-oveland 59, 4. Georgetown 110, 5. Blanchester 126. Individuals: 1. Beth Childres (New) 20:25, .2; Heather Jackson .(Hil) 20:54, 3. Stephanie Hamm (Sian) 21: 12, 4. Shizuko Wantanabe (Hil) ... 21:22; 5. Tasha Ripp (lov) 21:28. · ..
1. Tim_ Tatarka (Austintown Fitch) 17:42, 2. A.J. Crissucci · · (Austintown File~) 17:43, 3. Dave Klasovsky (Austintown Fitch) 17:43, 4, Justin Kempe (Austintown Fitch) 17:58, 5. Kevin.Willis (Car~in~J-Mooney) 18:06, 6. Ryan Miller (Cardinal Mooney) 18:09.
Boys(. ·1. Ndrth Cariton 38, 2. Alliance 79, 3. Wooster 81, 4. Jackson 84, 5. Lake 97: Individual: . 1. ,Lowry (NC) 16:23, 2. Morgan •(L), ,3. Gibson (W), 4. Kirkpatrick (NC), 5. Butcher (A). , . . . · . Girls: 1. Perry 32, 2. North Canton 65, · 3. Jackson ·84, 4. Wooster 104, 5. New Philadelphia 117. Individuals: t Wollam (A) 18:30, 2. Smith (P), 3. Halm (J), 4. Hopple (P), 5. Eddins (P).
12}''' ---,
Boys: 1. Harrison 35, 2. Oak Hills 49, 3. Colerain;-;56; ..4. Winton Wo.ods 113, 5. Mt. Healthy 120. lndi~i.duals: · ·1. Ernie Ziegler (Har) 15:26, 2. Kevin Sweetman (Har) 1-6:113;::3. _ Justin Hussel (Col) 16:20, 4. Mason Ward (Col). 16:33, 5. HaileOgbazion. (WW) 16:38. :Girls: 1. Colerain 15, 2. Harrison 48, 3. Oak Hills 70; 4. Winton Woods 99, 5. Northwest 133. Individuals: · 1. .Catie Grebe (Col) 18:55, 2. Kelly Crum (Col) 19:19, 3. Amanda Ward (Col) 19:33, 4. Gerri Buck (Col) 19:43, 5. Angie Kist (Col) 19:44.
MSL CHAMPIONSHIPS (Oct. 12) Boys Buckeye· Division: . 1. Fairfield Union 36, 2. Circleville 68, 3. Amanda-Ciearcreek 85, 4. Teays Valley 90, 5. Hamilton Township. 129. Individual: Petty (TV) 16: 18. Girls •· Buckeye Division: . 1.. Circleville. 36, 2. AmandaCiearcreek .43, 3~ Bloom~Caroll 62, 4. Fairfield Union 91, · 5. Logan Elm. 134. ll]dividual: Miller (AC) 19:45. Boys Cardinal Division: 1. Granville 36, 2. Liberty Union _36, 3. Licking Heights 82, · 4. Millersport 89, 5. Fi,sher Catholic 121. Individual: ·Schaffner (LU) 16:52. · Girls Cardinal Division: . ~. Fish~r Catholic .44, . 2. Heath 46, 3. Liber;ty Urion 80, 4. Granville 90, 5. Berne Union 92. Individual: Francis (H) 20:06. -
_ Girls: 1. Anderson 1.6, 2. Turpin 62, 3. Walnut Hills 66; 4. Glen .Este. 109, 5. Amelia DNF; Individuals: 1. Carly Hemmelstein (And) 19:00, 2. Autumn Kozimer (And) 19:05, 3; Andrea Morgan (Amel) 19:38, 4. Sandy Tecklenburg (And) 19:40, 5. Mar_en fiorelli:~(A~dl20:23: · · ..:·· ·· ·"'
Boys: 1. Dunbar 15, 2. colonel Whit~ ~64, 3. Patterson 70, 4. Belmont 105, 5. Meadowdale"· H6Jir·:lndividuals: :r'l;o Maurice Tate (Dunbar) 18:44.9, 2. Ja.to_ri :Sweatt;. 1 ;(Dun~ar:) 18:50, 3. Jason Sanders (Dunbar) 19:22, 4. Jason Sweatt (Dunl;>a!) 19:23.. ~· Conte Lesile (Dunbar) 19:34. <·-::·.; :~· -G1rls lnd•v•duals: 1. Manique Demmons.: (pPffiar:) 21: ~7.4, 2. Marritsa .Collins (Meadowdale) 22:Cf~•'"r(i; -Ivy· . Williams (Meadowdale) . 23: 13, . 4. · Dapl)n~tirjlBcyjlnt· (Meadowdale) 23:14, .5. Jamrca Harris (Dunbar) 24:20.
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Girls I
BQys 1: .·· 1.:; Elder 1}8, 2. Carroll 75j 3. St. Xavier (B) 77, 4. -Turpin 146, 51~ Upper !Arlington 150. Individuals: 1. Scott Holbrook (Carro~l) 16:01.• 2. Carden Willis (Ballard)· 16:02, 3. Jason .Riegelsberger (Fj.oger Bacon) 16:08, 4. Scott Ruth ' (Elder) 16:14, 5. :.'LJ Do~erty (Elder) 16:14. Boys il, Ill: - 1. St. Henry, KY 53, 2. Madeira 86, 3. Indian HiU 87, 4. Wyomipg 109. Individuals: · 1. Matt Ryan (St H) 15:59, 2. .!=ric Nejihaus (St H) 16:13, 3. J_on Newberry (Madeira}JJ>:27, !'4. Fra11k Damen (Indian Hill) 16:32, 5... Zach Scl;laengold-{Wyo) 16:50. · f Girls_: 1. Ci).rroll 41, 2. Upper)\rlington 66, 3. Mercy 78, 4. Ursuline ..117. ! lndivi~uals: :1. Caroline Miller (UA) 1&45, . 2.- Jackie . Riede~ (Mercy) .19:09, 3.Denise Schutte (Carroll) 19:15, 4 •. · M!~sy;; Belche,r (Carroll) 19:29, 5. Karen Grome (Seton) 19:35. . .... . . ·-· . Girls n;~.lll: \: 1. St ~enry, KY 81, 2. Badin 96, 3. Madeira 10;l3, 4. Wyoming 119, 5:• McNicholas 120, 6.· Mariemont 151. Individuals: L Amanda ·Blackwelder (Madeira) 17:57, 2. Connie Lobas (Madeira), .18: 16, 3. ,Anne Whitfacker (Indian Hill) 19:06, 4. Lindsay Fis,her (McNicholas) 19:19, 5. Pam Mick i -(Badin) 19:29. i
i 80 Be~vercreek ( 12) 168 Cin. Colerain . 147 Magnificat ' 145_ · Cin. Anderson · 139 Dublin Coffman 118 Massillon Perry 98 Kent Roosevelt o:99 Strol}gs ville 81 Chester lakota 81 Clayton Northmont 40 ·Middletown · . 33 Cin. Sycamore · 28 lancaster · 28 Massillon Jackson 28 · Upper Arlington · Girls II Beaumont ( 11) Circleville Dover ( 1) Eastwood Van Wert ·Chardon Kenston'
!' .
76.. lnCIIVildU~II~ Boys Ill: Cardington 35, Hamilton Township; 47, a: Madison Plains 55, 4. Bt;Jckeye Valley 77. Individual: Carpenter (Hamiltqn Twp)! 16:54, . · .·· . . .··· ..·• Girls 1: t :Marysville 31, 2. Ready 85, 3. DeSales & Bexley 88. Individual:. 1; McClain (Marysville) 20:05. Girls U: 1. Jonat~an Alder . 24, 2. Whitehall 57, 3. Hamilton Township .63, 4.-iMadison Plains 80; Individual: 1. Hammo[ld (Jonathan Aldertl 20:19. · HiolhiMui
Bloom Carroll Bellev4e . Marysville GalliaAcafJemy · Buckeye UocaL Ontario . Girls Ill 175 Seneca East (7) 173 W.oodridge (5) 156 Liberty-Benton · 132 Cincinnati Madeira 11.4 Oregon Stritch 106 Amanda Clearcreek 103 Elmore Woodmere 100 Heath 95 McDonald 57 Barnesville 49 Sidney Lehman 44 Eastern Brown . 41. Minster· 29 Coldwater 22 Newark C;;ttholic
·- .
. COLDWA1TEA LIONS (Oct. 3) .,._.-. .; I Boys V;arsity: 1. F~. Recovery 45, 2. Van Wert 102; 3..Crestvi~w:''11.6, 4. Lima Central Catholic . 140, 5. Delphos St. Johns 51~6.. 6. Minster! 173, 7. Russia 216. Individuals: _ 1. Matt Miller (Van Wert) j16:19, 2. Philip Slonkosky (Minster) . 16:27, 3. Phil Ranly (Ft filec) 16:27, 4. Matt Dunlavy (Lima CC) 16:35, 5. Matt Heitkamp (Ft Rec) 16:36, 6. Matt Roessn~r (Ft Rec) 16:41,! 7. Ben Cowan (Crestview) 16:44, 8. Matt. Brown (Crestview) 16:51, 9. Matt Banks (Arcanum). 16:53, 10. Scott Utrup (Delphos SJ) 16:55. · Girls: 1. Van Wert: 118,· 2. Greenville 126, 3. fl.ussia 139, 4. Minster 147, 5. Coldwater 194, 6.. Crestview 199, 7. · Lehman 200. Individuals: 1. Melissa Knous (St Marys) 19:26; 2. Karla Klostern1an (Coldwter) 19:31, 3. Jessie Barhorst.(Mil)ster) 19:39, ~; Jessica U~ger (Greenville) 19:45, 5. Mandy Ostendorf (Delphos SJ) 19:58, 6. Nicki Hedrick (Delphos SJ) 20:01, 7. Kristin Rogers (Greenville) 20:01, a Anna Schwieterman (Ne;w Bremen) 20:07, . 9. Lindsay Rosenbeck (Russia) 20:2$, 10. Kristy. Norman (Crestview) 20:25. '
151 143 . 13 9 109 107 59 57 51
· 51 35 29 · 26 .25
W Chester lakota Cin. LaSalle (2) Northmont ( 1) Hudson · Harrison Cin. Princeton Ashland Dublin Coffman Stow Wadsworth Medina·]'· Centerville Maumee
Boys II, Bay Village (9) Shelby ( 1) Cle. Benedictine Van Wert Ketterin~ Alter ( 1) Sandusky Perkins Rocky River 67 Bellefontaine . "·'67 , warsn''"'J'esrnt ;.. : · ~""""~'".....,....... ·c: · 67 . Mogadore Field 52 Clear Fork · 46 Canton CC 42. Lakeview 40 Avon Lake 40 Olmsted FallsBoys Ill 179 Ft. Recovery (9). . 167 Seneca East (2) 157 Columbus Grove ( 1) 144 East Canton 113 ·Convoy Crestview 113 Caldwell · 108 Anna 91 W Liberty Salem· 83 Granville . 68 New London 51 Gibsonburg 50 · Berkshire 33 Lima CC .27 -Liberty Benton 25 Holgate·
MIDDLETOWN INVITATIONAL (Oct. 5) Boys 1: 1. Middletown 15, 2. Sycamore 46, 3. !=airfield 93, 4. Lebanon 126, 5. Hamilton 138. Individuals: 1. Alay Ahmed (Mid) 16:45, 2. Tony Scherolis (Mid) ,17:06, 3>Jack Osborne 17:22; 4. .Casey Hotchul (Mid) 17:31, 5. Wes Brooks (Mid) 17:41. · . · · Boys Small School: t Kings 30, 2. St. Bernard 45, 3. Lemon Monroe' 74, 4. (tie) Rolils, Fenwick DNF. lndivid.uals: 1. Vince Zingaro (Kings) 17:29,' 2. Robbie Steinmetz (St B) 17:32, 3. Ben Haubner (Ross) 18:30, 4. Mike Hooker (St B) 19:26, 5. Rob-Nicholls (Kings) 19:28. . · · · Girls: 1: Syc~r,nore ::)6, 2. Middletown 38, 3. Kings 89, 4. Fairfield 114, 5.. Lebanon 125, 6. Ross 128. Individuals: . 1. Kerry Bogn~r ($yc) 13:53, .2.. Brenna Gallagher. (Syc) 19:26, 3. Stephanie Tutalo (Mid) 19:30, 4. Susie Coggins (Syc) 1}):35, 5. Johanna Schunk (Mid) 19:52.
176 Cin. St. Xavier (8)' 165 Cle St'lgnatills ( 1)
Cinn Anderson
Boys 1: 1. Mt Vernon 64, 2. Carrollton 67, 3. Shadyside 77, 4. Tusky Valley 92, 5. Buckeye Local 126. ·Individuals: 1. Steve Krajenski (Mt Vernon) 16:35, 2. Tim Miller (Barnesville) 16:39, 3. Todd Hawkins (Mt Vernon) 17:23, 4. John Molner (Sh~dyside) 17:28, 5. Greg Brady (Cambridge) . 17:31, 8. Jaremiah Brown (Shadyside) 17:3:/3. . . . · Boys II: t Indian Creek 61, 2. W@st !"J~Imes 67, 3. Bellaire St. John's 69, 4. St. Clairsville 82. lnd1v1duals: 1, J J O'Reilly (Tusky Cath), 2. Matt Steele (B&:Ilaire SJ) 17:09, 3. Ryan Donahue (Bellaire SJ) 17:11, 7. Zac Hudson (St . Clairsville) 17:43. . . Girls 1: 1. Buckeye Local 50, 2. ·. New Phily . 59, 3. Barnesville 69, 4.Mt Vernon 123.. Individuals: 1. .Enn Frye (Buckeye Local) 18:39, 2. Leah Stephen (Barne~ville) 19:54, 3. Tina Signorini (Buckeye Local) 20:35,' 4. Jen R1ppeth (New Phily) 20:50, 5. J~lie Hajney (Buckeye Local) 21:05. · ' · · Girls .11: 1. -Rosecrans 44, 2. Bellaire St. John's 89, · 3. Jewett Scio 91, 4. Tusky Valley 98, 5. Martins Ferry 113.. · Individuals: 1; Julia Kuhar (Bellaire SJ) 20:29, 5. · Sarah Ellis ·(Martins Ferry) 2M3, 6. Jamie Kovaicik (Bellaire SJ) 21:41; 7; Annette Kacsmar (Bellaire :sJ)- 21:52, 8. Heather Stewart (Martins Ferry) 2:2:00, 10. M Nash (Shadyside) 22:16.
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",Showcase!" I
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.. ~-' -. ' _-- !\MEDIN!~ CROSS COUNTf\Y FESTIVAL"(Oct. ~f j;_ -r . _. - -~ ., . -· - . :: - ;, ._ .Girls D.ivision •I-A: ·1. f3eavercreek ·37,, 2. Beaurl)ont 37, 3. Kent! Roosevelt . 129, . 4. ·Magnificat 144,. 5. roledo Central Catholic -158, 6. Toledo-Notre Dame Academy 210. Individuals: : 1. Katy Radkewich (Beaumont) . 17:33;. 2. ·... Linds!iY ·. N~mastil · (Beaumont),· 3. Ta~a, . Stqrageic ·· (Bea~ercree~), · 4, .Kara Storageic (Beavercreek); 5:' Caitlin i Phillip~ (Magr)ificat). , . . ·. . · _ ._ _ ·, . · .•. _·· .· pirls O,lvision J-B: · . 1. North·. Canton' ~o~11er· 73, 2. Solon. 107, \3. Cleveland 1-Jts, 128, -4. Breck~vllle 147; 5. . Beavercreek! B ·175. Individuals:. . 1. Kara ·Koppel (North . Ridg~ville) 19:41, 2.: Andran DiNapoli (Valley Forge), 3: Amy Kahr ,Sgro (¥adison), 4. Laura Pratt· (Solon), 5. Amber, Rady f • ·. . .·. . · .. . . •· · . . · · . (Med(na). : Girls Division II: 1. Dover 83, 2. Ashtab!J!a E;dgewood · 169 •a. Perr~ 177,4. Kenslon 189, s: Edision 222, 6. Qanton . Central•· 22i, 7. McDonald 223. Individuals:· . 1. Vonnie Downing (Kension) _18:46, i Kelli Litten (Northwest), 3. ~ecky Test~ (McDdnald); _4. Michelle Rizzo (Perry), :;;. Eva t;lorvat (Lake' Catholip). · .· .. .. . . . · . ·. Girls . D.ivision .111: ·.• ·1 .. Seneca_ ·East . 48, ,2. Ellrhore Woodmere 70, · 3, Sandusky St. ·Mar}"s 128, . 4. Burton Berkshire 13#. 5; New London ·154, 6. Sugarcree~_ Gaxaway . ·. 193. Individuals: t .Briana. Shook (Seneca East) .18:23, 2. Jen • Dipiero !'(WRA), 3. 'Lindsay Travis· (V'{oodnioore), 4. · · Stephp.nie Fri~s (Seneca East),· 5, Mo Slattery (BI(r~s~ir~). _ . i-'
- --_-- _-
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· ·
.(Oct~ •5) · · !•MEDINA CROSS COUNRY FESTIVAL 1: ' ,_-•• _. • •• '.
· Dlvision t North Canton· Hoover 1bt. i Medina 119, ;3. Solon 155, 4. Wadsworth 173, $. Zanesville 177, '·.6. Kent Roosevelt 191, J. Beaver Creek . 192: Individuals: : 1. Josh McAdams ·(Brecksville) 16: 17, 2. JeremY, . LowfY (North Canton Hoover), 3.. Nick · Cordes (Madison),. 4. !Jared Gambatese (Solon), 5. Chris Morrison . (Wadsworth). ; · . . . .. · . · · · . ·..· · . · . . ~oys Di;.tision 1-B: 1. Valley Forge 46, 2. Unioi'jtown .. Lake :101, 3.j S-olon 147, 4. Brush 163,. 5. Euclia 182, 6. Me·qin~ 186. l~dil(iduals: 1. Dave Leonard (~idpark) .16:30, 2.. Kyle Morgqn~~(t:ake ),. 3.·. Nick Weber (Brush), 4. Miklavcic (Euclid), 5.Paul Glowacki (Euclid). · . •· · ~-, · B~ys Di~ision· II: t Attica Seneca East 87, 2. Ch:hl9n Central Catholic 96, 3. Belleville Clearfork 144,4. Qraridville . .146, 5! Huron': 147, 6. Benedictine• 184: Individuals: . 1. Andy _,,............. ~ ~reiciy§......(E®!;!WQ5.1R).:J5:.44;_2,;._S~an.Kelly,(Lak,~ Catlioli2), s.: ·. . Vincent Fries (Seneca East), 4. Aaron Hay (Seneca East), 5., .,;~~~i~ <(hapin (('llorwalk).~ .. ' ._ .·. . · ..·. . • · B~ys Diyision Ill: . 1. New London J5, 2. Borton • Berkshire 80, 3. Kirtland· 93, 4. FredEnicktown 99, 5. Ashland C:r,estview 16qi, 6. Sugarcreek 169. Individuals: .. 1. . Vince Swartz.entrubet (Fredericktown) 16:55, 2. Vern. Pickering (New .London), 3. Justin Rossn ·(Black River), 4. .Zach Gingerich (Ber~shire), 5. Joe Hicks (New London). 1
B~ys Division 1: 1. Fort Recovery 49, 2~·Fa,iimont A. 61, 3.. Vandil.lilil Butler A 65, 4. Northmont B )05, 5. Piqua 171, 6. Lima Shawnee A 178: . · Girls Division 1: 1. Vandalia Butler .A 50, 2. Fairmont 77, 3. 98, 4. Northmont B 138, 5. Xenia . 151, 6.. Meadowdale· 177. . · . . · .... Boys Division II: 1. Alter A 23; 2. Tipp City A ~01, 3. Alter B 107, 4.' Springboro 132; 5, Alter C 162, 6. Northridge •• ~.-- •. ·. '· . ,.. ,... .' .• . .• ' . 166.. . Girls Division II: ·1.Aiter·A49, .2.Springboro A ·55, 3. Milton·Uilion 116, 4. Lima Shawnee <129, 5; Lirna Bath 157; · Boys Division Ill: 1. Russia A..56; .. 2. Spencerville A !19, 3. Franklin-Monroe 130, 4. Jackson Center 148, : Oakwood A 193, 6. Fairlawn A 210, 7. Fort Loramie 231, 8; Twin Valley South 234. ~ •. ...._. ...• . _Girls Division Ill: - .t Russia 43, ... 2. Fort Recovery 53, 3; Fort Loramie A 67, 4~ Oakwood A 111, 5. Twin Valley South 187, 6. National Trail 215.
> ,.
Boys: . 1. Mason 42, 2. Northridge 82, 3. Franklin 93, 4. Twin Valley South 110. ·Individuals: 1. Rob Goode (Mason) 16:29, 2.. Jerome Tankersley (Little Miami) 16:41, 3. Scott Shelley . (Franklin) 16:5, 4. Christian Bakke (Oxfor~ Talawanda) 16l53, 5. Jason Metzger (Twin. Valley South) 16:59, 6. Marcus Brooks (Northridgek 16:59, 7. Mike Hayes (Mason) 17:03, a Brian Tudor. (Mason) 17:05, 9. Bob Cal!Cfill (Mason) 17:09, 10. Brian Day (Twin· valley South) 1.7:17. Girls: 1. Mason 43, 2. .Oxford Talawanda 44, 3. Twin Valley South 60, 4. ,•Miamisburg '81. Individuals: 1: Stacy; . Ritz (Oxford Talawanda)·19:42, 2. Kelly ·House (Twin Valley .~,South) :20:39, 3.. Sheryl J9n,es, (fran~lin) : 20:44, 4. Marie; Watson (Franklin) 21:01,. 5. Emily..,Schaffner .(Middletown• Madison) 21:13,· 6. Amanda· Buhiem·(Mason),21:16. 7. Katie· Dombroski (Miamisburg)< 21:23, :a. AmaAda ·Hill (Litle Miami). 21:24, 9. Morga~ Kiper(Oxford Talawan~a) 21:36, .10. Emily,: Schutte (Mason) 21:38. •: i, r
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Girls $mall School: 1. Cardinal 'Strich 64,' 2. Uberty B.enton ·84,· 3. Fisher CaJh: 1:16. · .· . )} ._·. ·-· · · . ' . . ~~rls. Medium School: 1. Bloom carroll 55, iWatkihs Memonal. 68, 3. Warren Eas~: 88. ., ' •> r ··: , • · · Girls large School: .1. Anderson 28, 2. · Westerville North 51. · · ·. · · ..·.. (lirls Top finishers from Anderson: · . 2. Autumn ·. Kozi~er 14:54, 3. Carty Himmelstein 15:08, > 4. Sandy Tecklenburg 15:37, · 7.. Mar~n Fiorelli ··15:44, 112. Courtney. · Gelter 16:18._ . . ...· : . . . . . ... ··. · · . .. Boys s·mall School: 1. Holgate 136, 2. Fairfield Union . 148,_3. Liberty Union 149, 4. Newark Catholic 151, 5. Eaton 170. . ', Boys Medium ,School: Memorial 84, 3. Cloverleaf 97. .···. · , . Boys Large School: . 1, ·Father Ryan (Tenn) Westerville North 53, Brunswick 68, Riverdale 93. ·· . RIO GRANDE INVITATIONAL (Oct; 5) Boys Division II: 1. Hillsboro 65,. 2. Upper Sandusky 67, 3. Gallia Academy 115, 4. PiketQW t18, 5. Waverll 121. ·Individuals: 1. Brian Dodridge . (Min)·· 16:09.. Locals: · 6. · •Robert Martin (Hil) 17:16, 9. Eric •Henry (Hil) 17:21, 10. Ballinger 17:21.6, 1 t Jason Boggs (Hil) 17:21.9, 19.. Robert • · Clemons (Hil) 17:44. . . .Girls Division II: · 1. Circleville 27, 2. Gallia Academy 53, 3. frlillsboro 83, 4.. Waverly 117. Individuals: _1. Erin Nehus (Gal) 19:11. Locals: . 9. Heather .Jac.k~on. (Hil) 21:02, .. . FOSTORIA (Oc~~ 5)
1. Van Wei( 44; 2. Bryan 74, 3. Lakota 8'7,· 4. Oak Harbor 108, 5. Wauseon 118, _(5, Port Clintbn.if29, 7. Mohawk • 158, 8. Fostqria 206.'-lndividuals: i. MiftLMiller (VW) 16:28, 2. Bob Thormeier (Bryan) 16:48, 3. Eric:_Roush (Mohawk) 16:53, 4..Kevin Straub (OH) 17:06, :5,;2James Torres (W) 17:09, 6; Aaron Housh (Mohawk); s1'7bHJ.. c . PAULDING INVITATIONAL (Oct. >sf :. . . . " ; \ -. _;: ' -t-1:. :; ~<; _;; :: Boys: · t Lincolnvrew . 82, 2. Ottawa-Gianq9r::t:,9'2r': 3. Ayersville . 105, 4. Fayette 113, 5. Contin~ntar.--.122. Individuals: ~,•Nate Webster (Wayne Trace) 1'7:29, 2. K Martin (Cont) 17:34, 5. Briar) Poeppelinan,.(OG) 17:57, 8. Tim Surfield (OG) 18:03; 10. Josh Miller (Line) 18:17. _. . . . · 1. Ottawa Glaf'\dorf 23, 2. Hicksville 58, 3~ • Giri.s: Wayne 'Trace 72, 4: Paulding 106, 5.. Ayersyjlle .141. Individuals: 1. Kelly Metzger (OG) 20:31, 2. Margaret Meyer · (OG) 21!07,. 3. Kathleen. Mumma. (P) 21:26;;6. April Hernandez. (OG) · 21:42, 7. Shandi . Dobbelaere (P} 22:02, · ·· - . :oLD SHOE INVITATIONAL At Ottawa City Pa,rk (()ct .. 1) · · "
·.· 1. Columbus Grove 21, 2.. Ottawa-Glandorf 69, 69, 4. Continental 97, 5. Fort Jennings 103. 1. Chad .Hermiller (CG) 17:05, 2. Jim Woten (CG) 17:09, 3. Steve McCr13-te (CG) 17:41, 4. Kyle ·Martin · (Cont) 17:43, 5; Brian Poeppelman (OG) 17:48. . . .·. . Girls: -t Ottawa-Glandorf 21, 2. •Columbus Grove 48, 3. Fort Jennings 65, 4. Ottoville 100;' Individuals: 1. Kelly Metzger·(OG) 20:11, 2. Margaret Meyer-(OG) 20:58, 3. S.hara Ridenour (CG) 21:10, 4. Amy Otto (OG) 21:23, 5. April Hernandez (OG) 21:25. · · THE. SUMMIT/PORTAGE <;OACHES CLA!:)~IC At Kent State (Oct. 5) ~·'·~·,n·>,. Boys: 1. Hudson 35; 2. Stow 46, 3. CuyahgOa:oif~(i$ ...,70, · . 4. Walsh Jesuit 78, 5. H9ban 203, 6. Ravenna,_ 206;:;7.. 1. Smith (Hudsonfi,1§j~i4,:. 2. Mogadore 236~ Individuals: Eshelman, (Stow) '16:37,. 3. Mikolay (Hudson) 16:so; :4. Stark (Hudson) · 17:06, 5.. Beesin!;J (Stow) 17:08, ·9,1iJMurphy (Cuyahoga . Falls) 17:21, 7.. Sorace (Hudson),,h1fZ;27, a Coleman ($tow) 17:29, 9. Diaz (Walsh Jesuit) ..:11:;3.~ ·,~0. . Morrison (Walsh Jesuit) 17:34. _ .,i:¥_. Girls: 1. Hudson 49, 2. Stow 60, 3. Walsh Jes.ult;-.90, 4.' Ravenn<l 158, 5; Barberton 205, .6. Hoban 2Q6, 7.-,Tallmadge . 221. Individuals: 1. ·Plough (Ravenna) 20:01, 2. Vanik (Stow)· 20:13, 3. Chalmers (Barberton) · 20:46, 4. Friberg (Stow) 20:48, .5. Kaluza (Hudson) 21:05, 6. Burd (Barberton) 21:07; 7. Mickey (Hudson) 21:07, 8. Kluber (Hudson) 21:08; • GRAND VALI:.I;Y INVITATIONAL (Oct. 5) . . Boys: 1~ Jefferson 52, 2. · Newbury ·57, 3. Garrettsville · 58,. 4..Cardinal E)8, 5. Southington 90. Individual: Kautzman (Newbury) 17:36. . . .. . . · . . . Girls: 1. Jefferson 44, 2 Newbury 51; 3. Garrettsville 60, 4. Cardinal 61, 5. Southington 109. Individual: Kebrdle · · (Newbury) .21:00. · SOUTHWEST CONFERENCE TOURNAMENT (Oct. 5) · . . . Boys:_ 1. Avon Lake 57, 2. Bay 64, .3. Rocky.Riveir 86, . 4. Olmsted Falls 89, 5. Amherst 110, 6. Westlake 137. First Team All-Conference: 1; Huffman (Rocky River) 16:46, 2. Lydon (Rocky River) 16:59, 3. Rybicki {Olmsted Falls) 17:07, 4. Glatz (Amherst) 17:09, .5. Curran (Bay) 17:12, 6. Reichert (Bay) 17:14, 7. Anderson (Avon Lake) .17:3.t : :< , ,. • . : . ~ : ....· Girl_s: .. 1.,. Westlake :.3,1, 2..· Amherst :34;• 3. Faif.).iiew 92, 4. ·Avon Lake. 106.,5. Bayc 145, 6. Rocky:River ·148, 7. North Olmsted, 159., Team All-Conference: , .1. Byrne••(Aiion Lake) 19:47, .. 2. Thompson (Amherst) : .20: 14;;~'3,. · .Gyor . {Westlake) 20.:38, . 4. A~on • (Westlake.) ic; 20!49;.·• ·5. Luca (Amh,erst) ·•· ?.1:14, : 6,;, .f~elley_ (Westlake)::- 21:22,:.· 7. Gyor (Westlake) 21:26. · · · · · ;:i)
1_,;,L.aSalle 49, 2. Lakota 70, 3. Oak Hills 95, 4.
~lerain 147, 5. Th?~as Worthington 207, 6. Worthington
Kilbourne. 222. · ; IndiVIduals: 1. Brett . Baddorff (Findlay) 15:47, 2. Mason War~ (Colerain) · 15:58, 3. Jay Hummel (LaSalle) 16:00, .4. Chn K1rphoff (Kilbourne) 16:01, 5. Justin H~ssel (Colerain) 16:03; 6. Derrick Butler (LaSalle) 16:05, 7. Bnan Godsey (Lakota) 16:05, 8. · Jeff Henderson . (Worthington) 16:16, 9. Eric ·Johnston (Lakota) .16:16, 10. Pete Carusone (LaSalle) 16:20, 11. .Brian Sucher (Oak Hills) 16:24, 12. Peter Kindberg (Lakota) 16:26, 13.-.Chris Reis (Oak_ Hills) 16:27, 14. Chris Ruthemeyer (LaSalle)· 16:30, 15. Chad Blackburn (Worthington) 16:31. .· · . · . Girls: 1. Colerain 46, 2. Dublin Coffman 90, 3. Lakota 117, 4. Strongsville 133, 5. (tie) Pickerington; Lancaster 177. Individuals: 1; Lisa Petsche (Dublin) 18:02, ·2: Alison Zeinner (Colerain) 18:21, 3. Reeda Filala (Kilbourne) 18:27, 4. Dale Alsbrooks (Lakota) 18:33, 5. Katie Grebe (Colerain) 18:35. · WOODRIDGE CVNRA INVITATIONAL
·Boys Division 1: 1,_Kent Roolevelt 31, 2. Brunswick <49, 3. Crestwood 50, 4. Ravnna 116, 5, Maple Hts. 141, 6. Firestone 148. Individuals: 1. . McClintock (Crestwood) 17:53, 2. Kelly (Kent Roosevelt) 18:43, 3. Brothers (Kent Roosevelt) 19:05, 4. Berg (Crestwood) 19:06, 5. Basett ·(Brunswick) 19:09, 6: Jindra (Brunswick) ~ 9:09, 7. Robinson (Kent Roosevelt) : 19:10, 8. Lynch (Crestwood) 19:12, 9. Emig (Kent Roosevelt) '19:14, 10. Galizio (Kent RooseVelt) 19:15. Boys Division II: 1. Lake Perry 62, 2. Newark Catholic 77; 3. Western Reserve 96, 4. Rootstown 99, 5. Woodridge 124, 6. Kirtland 127, 7. Fairview 143, 8. Painsville Harvey ·. 165, ,9;, Mogadore 230. Individuals: · 1. ·Griffith (Harvey) 18:38, ,-,2. Rusek (Newark Catholic) _19:07, ·. 3. Wagner (Woodridge) 19:27, 4. Stewart (Newark Catholic) 19:32, 5. Moyer (Rootstowr> 19:36, 6. Blount (Perry) 19:40, 7. Reindl . (Western Reserw) 19:40, 8. Kirwin (Newark Catholic) 19:46, 9. ·Nagle ~Perry) 19:49. . . . Girls· Division 1: 1. Kent Roosevelt 33, 2. Woodridge A 55, .. 3d:::restwood 72, 4. Brunswick 99, 5. Ravenna 120, 6. Firest()ne 157. Individuals; 1. Sabino (Woodridge) 21:25, 2. Plough (Ravenna) 21:36, 3. Hollinger .(Kent Roosevelt) 21:45,. · 4. J. Schmidt , (Crestwood) 21:49, 5. Anderson , (Kent Roosevelt) 22:09, 6. Kelly (Kent Roosevelt) 22:11,' _7. Hampshire (Woodridge) 22:23, 8. Kubick (Woodridge) 22:30, · 9. Haensley (Kent Roosevelt) 23:25, 10. Smith (Kent Roosevelt) 23:27. . . · . · . Girls Division II: 1. Lake Periy 49, 2. Newark Catholic 66, 3. Woodridge B 88, 4.. Rootstown A 129, 5. Western Reserve . 158, 6· Niles · 158; 7. Painsville Harvey 192, 8. Kirtland 193. Individuals: .. 1. DiPiero (Western Reserve) 21:03, 2~ Rizzo (Perry) . 22:07, 3. Brawn (Newark Catholic)
Matt Hartman; Canton Central Catholic,
·Boys Division 1: 1. Cincinn~ti Lasalle .61, i Harrison 79, 3. Princeton 95, 4.' Centerville 121, 5. Fairmont 121. Individuals: 1. Ernie Ziegler (Harrison) 15:43, 2. Kevin Sweetman (Ha.rrison) 16:15, . 3. Matt Mots[nger; (Harrison) 17:17, 4. Justin Hussel (Colerain) 16:27; 5. Jay Hummel (LaSalle). 16:28, 6. Thomas Adams (Fairfield) 16:29, 7. Mason Ward (Colerain) 16:36, 8. Eric Lundgren (.Centerville) ·16:37, 9. Pat Keller (Centerville) 16:40, 1.0. -Derrick Butler (LaSalle) 16:44. .. . .. · . . Gi~ls Division 1: . 1.Colerain 17, 2, Troy 106. . 3, Gr~envllle 1_10, 4. Harrison 117, 5. Fairfield 144.1ndividuals: 1. Alison Zeiner (.Colerain) 19:01, 2. Gerri Buck (Colerain) 19:26, 3. Catie. Grebe (.Colerain) 19:43, . 4. Kristen Jumer ·... (Centerville) 19:54, 5. Kelly .Crum (.Colerain) 20:08, 6. Amanda .. Wa~d (C~Ierain) 20:~2, 7. Jessica Unger (Greenyille) 20:16, a. . · Ang~e K1st (Colerain) 20:20, 9. ..Christine Carty (Fairfield) . 20:26, 10. Emily Snyder (Harrison) 20:31. •. · . · · 1. Richfield Revere 65, 2. -Boys Division· II and Ill: . Eaton -98, 3. Dayton Chistian 151, 4. Bellbrook 168 5. Frankl_i.n Monroe, 204. Individuals: . 1. Trevor Wa~ren· . (Revere) 16:33, · 2. ·Gary Hughes .(Finneytown) · 17: 10. 3. John Gallagher (Tri~Co. North) 17:11, 4. Ryan Clark, (Eato'n) H: 19, .5.. Josh 0 Mark (Dayton . Christian) 17:20, ~ Chris Hagler (~1nneytown) 17:23, 7. Donnie Moore (Bellbrook) 17:26, 8. Mike Lee ('3evere) 17:29, 9. Zack Gragam (Tri·Village) 17:23, 10.Matt Banks (Arcanum} 17:38•.. .· .· · Girls Divisi.9n II and Ill: i..Richfield Revere 61 2. CinCinnati McNicholas 66, 3. Kh1gs 87, 4. Sidney Lehman' 93, 5: Arcanum_ 114. Individuals: 1. Katie Orr (Revere) 19:35, 2. Lindsay F1sher (McNicholas) 20:.04, ·.. 3.. · Rosie . Herman (McNicholas) 20:30,. 4, Sarah Percy' (Revere) · 20:39, 5. Kelli Johns_o.n (Kings) 2?:52, 6. Lee Carpenter (Kings) 20:56, 7. Naom1. Bronson (Finneytovvn) 20:59; 8. Ashley Kortykowski · (Revere) 21:04, .9. Kristy Keiser (Arcanum) 21:37, 10. Alicia · Cavender (Lehman) 21:43.. ALLEN COUNTY MEET At Faurot Park {Oct. 1)
Boys: t Lima Central . Catholic 38, 2. Delphos St. _.Jol')n's 52, 3. Shawnee 93, 4. Bluffton 103,. 5. Allen East 134, 6. Spencerville 165, 7. Bath 2 i 3, 8. Lima Senior 253, 9. Perry 341, 10.. Elid(:l 345. Individuals: 1•. Kevin Lammers (Bath) · 17:QS, 2. Matt Dunlavy (LCC) 17:27, · 3. Phil Rader· (LCC) · 17:36, 4. Doug Brown (Allen East) 17:49, 5. Scott Utrup (DSJ) 17:50, 6. Mike Sheets· (LC.C) . 17:54, . 7. ·Mark .-.Jansol) (Shawnee_). 17:58, !l Ryan. Schneider (Spencerville). 18:02, 9. D~n Sm1th (DSJ) 18:0.3, 10. Jeremy Hilty (Bluffton) 18:0 7. ·. . . .~......-.,..--~·---,.-.,..,.--,.,....:...-~ - :-~:-&4;-"c4:cc-Monegan~iWo-odridge')c-22:~~1'K ·---~~-..,-.----,----..,.-~.irls~tcc 50;. Z"'O~oS'-Sl·John's ·51, s:- Blufftbn 67, 4. Bath 99, 5. Shawnee 119, 6. Elida 149. Individuals: Catholic) 23:04, :. 6. Dy, ··(Woodridge) 23:11, .' _1. Anne St~chschulte (Bluffton) 19:50, 2. Jessica DeVoe STARK COUNTY CHAMPIONSHIP .. (Bath) 19:58, 3. Nicki Hedrick (DSJ) 21:06, .. 4. Mandy At, Walsh University. (Sept 28) • Ostendorf (OSJ) ;? 1: 16, 5. Jill Crates (Bath) 21:30, 6o Marcie Boys Overall: East Canton 66, North Canton 72, Ahman (LCC) 21:52,. 7.. Beto Martin .(L.CC) 21:54, a. Annie C,anton Central .Catholic 76, Alliance .128, Perry·· 162, Lake Stit~el ~Bluffton) 22:01, 9. Sara Se.ggerson (LCC) 22:05, 10. . 192, St. Thomas !Aquinas 194, Jackson 202. Kat1e M1nor (Shawnee) 22:15. · . Boys Division 1: North Canton 38, Alliance 62, Perry -~ 76. • •' ·. : . . .. . ··.' ·' . Boys Division II. Ill: East Canton· 34, Canton .Central Catholic 40, St. Thomas Aquinas 101. . . . . Boys Oveiall Individuals: .·· 1. Lowry (North Canton) _17:0§, 2. Matt Hartman (CCC), 3. Butcher· (Alliance), '4. Mo'rglin'''(Lake), 5. Kirkpatrick_ (North .Canton), 6•...· Williamson · (E~~t_G~ntion), 7. Kennedy (NorthCanton), 8. AqUino (East ··•· Ci'mfon),·~- Assolter (CCC), 10, Kessler(CC.C). . . .· · Girls Ov.erall: Perry 37, Marlington 94, North Canton 97, C§l,nton McKinley 121, Jackson .126. · . . . .· -~iris. Division 1: Perry 26, North Cantlon 59, Canton · . . McKinley 74. . Girls Division II, Ill: Marlington . ·39, ·Canton Central . · ·· . Catholic 71, East Canton 84. " "::'Girls· Overall Individuals: t Wollam (Alliance) 19:04, 2. Smith' (Perry), 3. Litten · (Northwest), .· 4. Grosskopf (McKinley), 5. Orin (Jackson), · 6. Eddens .(Perry), 7. Ehret (CCQ), 8. ·· Hoppl~ . (Perry), 9. Bernhardt (Perry),' ..10. King (Sandy Valley). · · ·. LANCASTER INVITATIONAL (Sept. 28) Boys Divisi.on 1: ·.· 1. Dublin Coffman 68, .. 2. Westerville North . 78, 3. Marion Harding 108, 4. Granville 141, 5. Lancaster 154, 6. Eastmoor (E) 175. Individual:' A. Hable (Eastmoor) 16:38: · · . · ·. Boys Division II:. 1•. Fairfield Union 126; 2. Hillsboro 142, 3. Watkins Memorial 145, 4. Piketon. 190. Individual: Pat ·Petty (TV) 16:38. . . . Boys Division Ill: 1. · Seneca, East (SE) · 37, 2. Covington 91, 3. Eastern Brow'n 115, 4. Libery. Union 116, 5. Amanda-Ciearcreek 195, 6. Millersport 219. Individual: Vincent Fries (SE) .16:32. . . ·· · ' . Girls Division 1: 1. · Dublin Coffman (DQ) 29; 2. Lancaster 63, 3. :Upper Arlingtion 80, 4. Westerville North 86, 5. Wapakoneta, 125, 6. Reynoldsburg 154. Individual: Petsche (DC) 19:14.. . · .. · ·· . · · · .Girls Division II: · t Seneca East (SE) 52, 2. 'Circleville :: 78; 3. P.emberviHe ·Eastwood ' 93, 4.: Bloom-Cq:rroll · 136, 5. ·;Gallipolis;::148, E); :fairfield Union TZ:7.: lodivldiiiil: :Briana ·Shook (SE)· 19:12; . . - ,· . . . . · · : , . . Girls Dhiisi<)n. Ill: · · t Heath (H) 78, 2. Eastern Brown · ~9, 3. · Amanda-CI~arcree~· .98; Individual:· . ,S(ephanie Fr~ncis (H) 20:23. - · · : ~· ·
.. For carrip or CC)IIeg~ .ln~or~tlpn cOntact:. · · Jack Hazen • ·· < •
· Mai~ne·Q:Jnege ·. 515 ·z5ttLSL NW .
:canton. oH ·44709 ...... . · ·t-800-521'-11:46 eXt. 829F
. ·._·..
, Boys (Division 1): .t. St. Xavier ·60; 2. St. Ignatius 63, 3. Lakota-78, 4. Clayton Nthmt. 82, 5. Kettering Alter 120, 6. · Middletown ~57,. 7. Walnut Hills 177. Individuals: 1. Mickey Martin (St. I) 17:04, 2. Joe Barnes (CN) 17:0~ 3. John Aerni (WH) 17:11, 4. Casey Long (CN) 17:11; 5. Bryan Richards . (CN) 17:20, 6. Nick Andrews (Alter) 17:28, 7. Brian Godsey (Lak) · 17:31, a. Reade Kidd (Xavier) 17:39, 9. Brian Lovoquist (St I) 17:42, 10. Adam Dolan -(Xavier) 17:43, 1t Pieter Kindberb (Lakota) 17:45; .12. Danny Fritz (Xavier) 17:51, 13. Mitdebrandt (Moeller) 17;53, 14. Chris Svoboda (st; I) 17:56, 15. Pete Mosher (Xavier) 17:58, 16. Luay Ahmed (Mid) 18:02, 17. Matt Kuhn (Xavier) 18:05. Boys (Division II): 1. St. Henry (Ky) ~3. 2. Indian Hill 77, 3. Roger Bacon 102, 4. Ham. Badin 112, 5. Winton Woods 154, 6. purcell Marian 160, 7. Loveland 168. individuals: 1~ J. Riegelsberger (RB) 17:34, 2. Eric Neuhaus (St. H) 17:39; 3. Matt Ryan (St. H) 17:53, 4. Qavld Robinson (Love) 18:01, 5. Haile Ogbaziori (WW) 18:23, 6. Frank Damen (IH) 18:35, 7. Brad· Woodruff (St. H) 18:35, a Wells Walsin (IH) 18:42, 9.. John: Halpin (Badin) 18:49: · Girls (Divisio'n 1): .1. Anderson 36, 2. Cl. Northmont 97, 3. ·Lakota 101, 4, Middletown 105, 5. Sycamore 117, 6.. Mercy 1;26, 7.. :Ursuline 167. Individuals: . 1. Carly Himmelstein (And) 19:57, .g. Kerry Bogner (Syc} 20:02, 3. Autumn Kozimer (And) 20:08, 4. Brenna· Gallagher (Syc) 20:33, 5. Dale Alsbrooks (Lak) 20:39, 6. Annabelle Hunt (Lak) 20:40, 7. Sandy Tecklenburg (And) 20:43, 8. Maren Fiorelli (And) 20:48, 9. Jackie Rieder (Mercy) 20:50, 10' Brianna Killian (CN) 20:51. . . . .. . Girls (Division II): 1. St. Henry (Ky) 59, 2. Kettering Alter 78, 3. Roger Bacon 92, 4. Ham. Badin 110, 5. Dayton (Ky) 113, 6. Indian Hill 126, 7. Loveland 170. Individuals:- 1. Anne Whittaker (18) 21:17, 2. Pam Mick (Badin) ·21:41, 3. Casey Salzer. (St. !H) 22:07, 4. Valerie Grant (RB) 22:17, '5. Olivia Parish (RB) 22:27, 6. Tabatha Smith (Day) 22:30, 7. Kate .$tanton (St. H) 22:39, 8. Kate Homan (Alter) 22:43, .9.. Melanie lai (Alter). 22:44, 10. Tasha Ripp (Love) 22:46; 11. Sarah Wabier (Alter) 22:50.
John Woods, 11 . Versailles
. CAT PACK INVITATIONAL Park,. Mansfield (Oct. 5)
·. Boys: . LCC i ~2, Allen East . f76, 0-G. 178, Jacksof1 . Center 195, Ottoville 210, Kenton 211, North Baltimore 212, St. Marys '213. Individuals: 1. Matt Dunlavy (LCC) 16:37, 2. Kevin Lammers (B) _16:47, 3. Gabe Knous. (SM) 16:52, 4.. Justin Vermillion (CR) 17:08, 5. Mike Sheets (LCC) 17:12, 6. Larry Hays··(K) 17:14, 7. @oug Brown (AE) 17:19. · Girls: 1. Ottawa-Glandorf 40, .2. Botkins 111, 3. .Cory . Rawson 126, 4. LCC 135, 5. St. Marys 147. Individuals: 1. Jessica DeVoe (B) 19:18,. 2. Melissa Knous (SM) 19:35, 3. · Kelly Metzger (OG) 19:55, 4. Missy Titus (B) 20:19, 5. Natalie Anderson (CR) -20:36, 6. Monique Demmons (D) 20:47, 7. Margaret Meyer (OG) 20:50, 8. April Hernandez (OG) 20:53, 9. Amy Otto (OG) 21:16, 10, Jill Crates (B) 21:17. . •.. · VERMILION INNVIT A TIONAL (Sept. 28) Boys Gold Division: 1. Huron 31, 2. Elyria 59, 3. Sandusky 73, 4. Vermillion 76, 5. Avon 151, 6. Midview 166; Individuals: 1. Garlock (Huron) 17:50, 2. Dreger (Eiyrea) 18:02, 3. Sams (Vermilion) 18:04.2, 4. Solberg (Huron) _ 18:04.7, 5. Hemminger (Huron) 18:12.7 . · Boys Purple Division: 1. Bay 33, 2. Avon Lake 56, 3. Sandusky Perkins · 84, 4. Amherst -96, 5. Westlake. 98. · Individuals: 1. Curran (Bay) 17:24, 2. Reichert (Bay) 17:27, 3. Glatt (Amherst) 17:42, 4. .Parthemore (Sandusky Perkins) .17:53, 5.. Anderson (Avon Lake) 18:10.3. · · Girls: 1. Westlake 27, 2. Sandusky Perkins 94, 3. Bay 96, 4. (tie) Vermilliori, Avon Lake 127, 6. Elyria 145, 7. Huron 150. Individuals: 1. Koppel (North Ridgeville) 20:24.4, 2. Gyer (Westlake) 20:50.3, 3. Aaron (Westlake) 21:03.1, 4. Palmer (Huron) 2t 11.2, 5. Jeffers (Bay) 21:35.0, 6. Gyor (Westlake) 21:38.1.,
. .
1. Ashla.fl4. A. 31, 2. , Girls Gold (large School): Wooster 51, 3. Ashland B 83, 4. Cloverleaf 89, 5. Madison -· 125. . . . ' . .:·.· •.. . ... Girls Blue (Small School): · t West Holmes' ··42, 2. ·· Chippewa 50, 3. Norton 66, 4. Triway 70. . . · Individuals: . 1. Julie Davis (W) 19:52; 2. Meagan Gleber (W) 20:18, 3. Colleen Byren (AA) 20:30, 4. Krisanna Deppan (AA) 20:36;. 5. Nina Shultz (C) 20:38, 6, .Andrea Baroy (AA) 20:40, 7. Ann Dunbar (AB) 20:43, . a Rachel David .. (AA) 21:07, 9. Sara Ri[lfret (WH) 21:24, .10. .Alicia Pavkov (C) 21:32, 11. Stephanie Massi (CL) 21:34, 12. Jessica Kettering (AA) 21:45, 13. Carrie O'Pianick (1./Y) 21:48, · 14. Angie Thesing (C) 21:51, 15. Dana Anderson (AA) 21:54, 16. Sairah King (CL) 21:55, 17. Carrie Quackenbush (AA) 22:02, 18. Dawn Daniels (T) 22:05, 19. April Holmes (Mad) 22:11, .20. Lisa Reiheld (WH) 22: 11. · Boys Gold (large School): t Ashland A 29, 2. Wooster A 52, 3. Mansfield Senior 73, 4. Cloverleaf 81, 5. Ashland 8 139; 6. Madison 155. · Boys Blue (Small School): 1. Chippe'«a 46, 2. Norton 49, 3. West Holmes 65, 4. Norwayne 109, 5. Triway 126, 6. Loudonville 132. Individuals: .1. William Sheets (AA) 16:17, 2. Jacob Fetzer (AA), 16:30, 3. ,Adam 'Brantner (CL)- 16:35, 4. Matt Strett (WA) 16:52, 5. Dan Gibson (WA) 16:58, 6. Matt Paullin (AA) 17:05, 7. Bryan Wiles (T) 17:05, 8. Nick Dewald (Man) 17:13, 9. Neil Hanna (WA) 17:19, 10. Joey Ortiz (AA) 17:27, 11. Jeromie Barnhart (Man) 17:30, 12. Ryan Pluskota (Cf 17:33, 13. Brian Ronk (AA) 17:37, 14. Dan Varner (N) 17:38, 15. Billy Older (NWY) 17:40, 16. Matt.Scaffidi (C) 17:41,17. Vince Finney (WH) 17:43, 18. Ryan Charek (CL) 17:45, 19. Jim Tullis (Way) 17:50, 20. Bob Gibson (N) 18:04. WADSWORTH GRIZZLY INVITATIONAL (Sept. 28)
Boy$: 1. Princeton 50, 2. Ashland 51, 3. ·Toledo St. Francis 72, 4. Shelby 7a Princeton ·Finishers: 1. Mueller' (Shelby) 16:01, 4l ,Johhstori 16:22, 7. Porter. 16:34, 1 t Veverka 16:48, 12.f Lawson 16:51, 16. Byrdwell 16:5a .. Girls: 2. Ashland 21, 2. Shelby 75, 3. Princeton 102, 4. Delaware :Hayes '· 111, 5. Madison 114. Princeton ·finishers: t Duribar (Ashland) .20:05, 6. Mclver<20:50, 7. Lock 20:5r, 27. rokrin 22:51, · 28. Schneider·--23:07, 34'. AllEN EAST INVITATIONAL (Sept: 28) . . ,, I:, . . ,
Emily Hampshire, · Peninsula Woodridge
Boys Division 1: 1.. Wadsworth 69, 2. Stow 92, 3. Solon 694, 4. Medina· 112, 5. Cuyahoga Falls 123. Individuals: 1. McAdams (Brecksville) 16:21, 2. Morrison (Wadsworth) 16:29, 3. Eshelman (Stow) 16:50, 4. Tatarka (A. · Fitch) 16:59, 5. Glowacki (Euclid) 16:59, 6. Murphy (C. Falls) 17:06, 7. Queen (Wadsworth) 17:07. · Boys Division II: 1. Olmsted Falls 51, 2. Solon B 71, 3. Wadsworth 8 80, 4. Medina B 101, 5. Chagrin Falls 133. Individuals:, 1. Kelly (Lake Catholic) 16:47, 2. Ritchie (Olmsted Falls) _17:10, 3. Coppola (Medina) 17:59, 4. Chlorian (Highland) 18:04, 5. Woodby (Solon) .18:10, 6. Rybicki (Olmsted Falls) 18:15; 7. Gallagher (Solon) 18:16. Girls Division 1: 1. Magnificat 35, 2. Wadsworth 109, 3. Austintown · Fitch . 137 (51), 4. Stow 137 (57), 5. Brecksville-Broadview Hts. 162, 6. Medina 176; 7;cSolon 188. · Individuals:, 1. Petro (Magnificat) 19:43, 2. Phillips (Magnificat) 19:45, 3. Eaton (Wadsworth) 19:56, 4. Vanik (Stow) 20:00, 5. Purdy (Berea) 20:03. a· Mack (Magnificat) 20:05. 7. Martin (Wadsworth) 20: 15. Girls· Division II: 1. Chagrin Falls 45, 2. Lake Catholic . 53; 3; Highland 58, 4. Wadsworth . B 83; 5. ·Willard .126: Individuals: 1. Hostocil (Highland) 20:21, 2. Horuat (Lake Catholic) 21:06, 3. McQuown (St. Vincent-St. Mary) 21:15,. 4. . Champa (l.::ake Catholic) 21:27, 5. Holtz (Chagrin Falls) 21:3~ 6. Vanskyhock. (Chagrin Falls) 21:47, 7. Fawcett (Lake . Catholic) 22: 11. CLAY INVITATIONAL Oregon, Ohio (Sept. 28)
Girls: 1. Amherst 105, 2. Tol. Cent. Cath. 119, 3. Fremont Ross 126, 4. ·Tol. Notre Dame 149, 5. Bowling Green 198, . 6. Tol.. Whitmer 200,_ 7. Perrysburg 221. Individuals: 1. Hannifan (Anthony· Wayne} 18:45, . 2. Thompson (Amherst) 19:05, 3. Sekinger (Clay) . 19:08, 4. Mariea (Stark) 19:15, 5. Lewis (Bowling Green) 19:32. ·
PATRIOT INVITATIONAL At Tri-C West, Parma (Sept. 28) '
Boys Tradition Race: 1. Vally Forge 35, 2. Normandy • 49, 3. Holy Name ,63, 4. Padua 74, 5. Garfield Hts. 143, 6. Parma 152.1ndivid.uals: 1. Sharma (Valley Forge) 17:51,. 2. · Delaney (H~Iy Na~) 17:58, .a Hines '(Valley Forge) 17:58, 4. . Vargsr.(I'Jormandy) ~7:59, 5. Kocinski (Padua) ~8;02. ._ . . · Boys Varsity: II Race: 1, Ashtabula Edgewood 3:1, 2. .. Collinwood 57, 3. Villa Angela-St. Joseph 76, .4. Riverside 83, ·· 5; St Edward 95. l.ndlviduals: 1. Grelclus (Ash. Edgewood) 16:40, 2. ·.Missler · (St. Edward) 17:56, 3. Ellinger (Ash. . Edgewood) . 18:59, i4. T. McNeal (Collinwood) 19:03, 5. K. :M¢1\,!E;t$.1 (Collinwood) 19:03. ·· ·. ' ' · · ·· ·
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· Supplement of Ohlo '!;:rack & Field New:;
TeL & FAX (419) 925-47ll.4 :;-.
Sepliember 25, · 1996 13ROOKV!llE !NVIT ATIONAL (Sept. 21)
IP'UEAS!E IF AX OR MAil YOUR RESUlTS !MEXT USSUIE WILIL BE MAilED OCTOBER 9TH . Ail six Divisional Poll !eacjers continued their winning ways through the seasons fourth weekend. Boys Division I leader, Northmorit, won at Malone and Division il, Bay Villiage Bay captured Cloverleaf honor's.. Ft. Recovery leads Division ill and put four in .the top six at Brookville. · Beavercreek girls put five in the .top nine at Pickerington to shOw why they lead Division I. . Beaumont won at Cloverleaf . to strengtl:len their Division u·hold on first place. Attica Seneca East ran in the ~superH Diyision at Malone and the Ill leader . finished b.ehin,d Djvi;>ion I power, Colerain, currently ranked number two. You'll find results from almost every ranked team in this issue. MALONE COLLEGE INVITATIONAL 28th Annual, Sept. ·21 Boys Blue: . 1. St.. John's Central 209, 2. Anderson 219, 3. Western Reserve 223, 4. Bowsher 250, 5. AmandaCiearcreek 270, 6. Maplewood· 278, 7. Magnolia 27a Individuals: 1. Sean Kelly (Lake Catholic) 16:24, 2. Perry Griffith (Harvey) 16:49;1, 3. Strother (Magnolia) 1,6;42..8,,4.~1 . ·(Maplewood) 17: Girls Bille: 1. Notre Dame Academy (Team A) 142, 2. North Olmsted 156, 3. Glen Oak 16.1, 4. East Canton 191, 5, Toledo Bowsher 259, St. John's Central 283, 7. Findlay 285. Individuals: · 1. Kim Plough (Ravenna) 19:28, 2. Kelli . Litten (Northwest) 19:35, 3. Julia Kuhar (St John Central) 20:12, 4. Tara Gruskiewicz (Pymatuning Val) 20:28, 5. Deanna Ruiz (Bowsher) 20:58, 6. Truly Norman (Minerva) . 21:02. .. .
Boys Red: 1. Coleniin 112, 2, Covington 138, 3. Walsh Jesuit 191, 4. Avon Lake 252, 5. Cuyahoga Falls263, 6. Salem (Team A) 265, ~' St. Henry. 271, a Massillon Perry 302, 9. Berkshire (Team A) 302, · 10. Middletown 310. Individuals: 1. Josh McAdams (Brecksville) 16:23, 2. Kyle Morgan (Lake) 16:44, 3. Eric Neuhaus (St Henry) 16:49, 4. Matt· Ryan (St Henry) 16:49, 5. Brian Marshall (Cov Cath) .16:55, 6. Phil Knipp (Salom) 16:56, 7. Mason Wood (Colerain) 16:59, 8. Christian Walter (Colerain) 17:06. Girls Red: ·1. Dovel' 141, 2. Amanda Clearcreek-21i, 3. Field 223, 4. Salem (Team A) 226, 5. McDonald . 231, 6. Canfield 266, 7. Sylvania Northview 276, 8. Canton McKinley · 304, 9. Tiffin Columbian 312. Individuals: 1. Colleen Byrne (Avon Lake) 19:12, 2. Becky Testa (McDonald) 19:30, 3. Jen DiPiero (WRA) 19:46, 4. Alicia Miller (Amanda-Ciearcreek) 19:48, 5. Anne. Ughrin (L().keview) 19:49, 6. Eva Horva.t (Lake Catholic) 19:53, 6. Emily Phillips (Amanda-Ciearcreek) 19:57. Boys Super: 1. Clayton Northmorit 57, 2. Hudson 164, 3. Stow 194, 4. Field 205, 5. Solon 219, 6. Elder 225, 7. St. John's Jesuit 232, a Moeller 244, 9. Lakeview 245, 1o. Wadsworth 260, 11. Seneca East 278, 12. Sylvania Southview 350, 13. Southeast 356, 14. Mt Lebanon 360, 15. East Canton 361, 1.6. C~ldwell 364. Individuals: i. Andy 15:56, 2. Joe Barnes (Clayton Greicius (Edgewood) Northmont) 16:11; 3. Casey Long (Clayton Northmont) 16:1~ 4. Bryan Richards· (Clayton Northmont) 16:19, . 5. Justin Mikolay (Hudson) 16:23; 6. Vincent Fries (Seneca East) 16:26, 7. Joe Eshelman (Stow) 16:29, 8. Brian. Burke (Gonzaga DC) 16:34, g;·· Adam Smith (Hudson) 16:36, 10. (Wadsworth) 16:39. . . ·.· Girls Super: .· 1. Colerain 49, 2. Seneca East t 11, 3. Anderson 123, 4. Massillon Perry 141, 5. Middletown ;180, 6. Sylvania Southview 220, 7. Clayton Northmont 221,. 8. Jackson 255. · Individuals: . 1.Briana Shook (Seneca East) 18:35. 2: Alison Zeinn,;.r (Colerain) · 18:45, 3. .Eri~ Frye ··(Buckeye Local) 18:48, 4. Emily..•Ho,lm (Jackson) .1?:06, 5. Katie Sekinger (Clay). 19:13, 6. Ge;n Back (Colera1~1 19:33, 7. Kelly Crum (Coleram) ,1 9:38, 8. L1sa Claypool (E .L!verpool) 19:40, 9. Tiffany Smith (Mass Perry) 19:48, 10. G1g1 H::>pple (Mass Perry) 19:49.
Bolfs ·1: 1. Centerville 38, 2. Vandalia Buller 56,· 3. Fairfield 70, 4. Wapakoneta 99, 5. Sycamore 157. Individuals: 1. Adam Thomas (Fairfield) 16:03, 2. Dave Alber (Van But) 16:23, 3. Eric Lundgren (Centerville) 16:44, 4. Pat Keller (Centerville). 17:04, 5. Ryan Mitchell (Centerville) 17:14, 6. Steve Johns (Wapak) 17:19, 7. Tim McNabb (Piqua) 17:21. Boys II: i. Alter 42, 2. Patlaska Watkins Memorial 87, 3. Springfield Shawnee 106, 4. Eaton 121, 5. Bellbrook 132. · Individuals: 1. Nick Andrews (Alter) 16:34,. 2. Matt Thompson (Spring Shaw) 16:38, 3. William McCauley (Greenon) 16:45, 4. Jerry Horstman (Watkins) 16:56, 5. Donnie Mone (Bellbrook) 17:07, 6. Tim Boyer (Watkins) 17:10, 7. Josh Mears (Alter) 17:11. · Boys Ill: . 1. Ft. Recovery 21, 2. Covington 75, 3. · Eastern Brown 103, 4. Russia i 12, .5. Arcanum 138. individuals: . i. Phil Ranley (Ft Rec) 16:47, 2. Matt Roessner (Ft Rec) 16:51, 3. John Gallagher (Tri Co N) 16:59, 4. Matt Heitkamp (Ft Rec) 17:04, 5. Nate Gibson (Covington) 17:08, 6. Nate Ontrop (Ft Rec) 17:10, 7. Matt Bal')ks (Arcan\li'n) 17:11. Girls !: 1. Sycamore A 48, 2. Centerville 82, 3. Wapakoneta . 89, · 4. Springfield North 94,. 5. Fairfield 109. Individuals: i. Kerry Bogner (Syc A) i 9:07, 2. Kristin Jumer (Centerville) 19:32, 3. Rachel Henry (North) !9:50, 4. Erin McConnell (North) 19:38, 5. Brenda Gallagher (Syc A) 19:55, 6. Susie Coggins (Syc A) 20:13, 7. Kara Braun (Wapak) 20:21. Girls II: 1. Alter 64, 2. Pataskala Watkins Memorial 74, .3. London 88, 4. Springboro 98, 5. Springfield Shawnee 142. Individuals: 1. Cara Hamann (Milton Union) 20:39, 2. Shana Ryan (London) .. 20:41, 3. Abby Pound (Watkins) 20:48, 4. Corinne Hamann. (Milton Union). 20:55, 5.. Lissa Faulkner (Northeastern) 20:59, 6. Denise Bucey (Northwestern) 21: 11, 7. Katie Hay (Northwestern) 21: 12. . . . ·-""·'· , . _ _ __ _ .. -, ···~rhr"ffi':c-:::'"1:~·-e:astem···-srown '4'9,' ·2:Ru1l'st~'93;·":r--:Ft:--· """'C··-~~"l Recovery 114, 4. Covington 126, 5. Accanum 132. ' Individuals: 1. Mandi Fletcher (Covington) 20:22, 2. Lindsay Rosenbeck (Russia) 20:33, 3. Kelly- House (Twin Valley South) 20:42, A. Corin Holbrook (Eastern Brown) 20:42, 5. Kristy Keiser (Arcanum) 20:57, 6. Sarah Kress (Eastern Brown) 21:00, 7, Krista Meyer (Covington) 21:05.
VAN WERT INVITATIONAL (Sept. 21) . Boys (large school): 1, Van Wert 49, 2. LCC 67, 3. Tinora 149, 4. Ottawa Glandorf .151, 5. Wayne Trace 154, 6. Coldwater 15.9, 7. St. Marys 170. Individuals: 1. Matt Miller (VW). 16:19, 2. Gabe Knous (SM) 16:47, 3. Matt Dunlavy (LCC). 17:04, 4. Mike Sheets (LCC) 17:08, 5. Larry Hays (K) 17:14. . Boys (small school): 1. Crestview 42, 2. Gipsonbug 70, 3. Spenceiville 93, 4. Straker 173, 5. Ottoville 2.11. Individuals: t Ben Cowan (C) 16:36, 2. Ryan Snyder (Sp) 1?:49, 3. Jason Dupuis (Van Buren) 17:04, 5. Matt Brown (C) 17:18. Girls (large school): 1. Van Wert· 45, 2. OttawaGlandorf 77, 3..Coldwater 79, 4. Lee 106, 5. Tinora '117, 6. Elmwood 117, 7. Wayne Trace 180. Individuals: 1. Melissa Knous (SM) 19:22, 2. Karla Klosterman (COL) 19:28, 3. Jessica DeVoe (B) 19:31, 4. Kelly Metzger (OG) 19:44, 5. Kristen Rosendale (E) 20:01. .
ALL-OHIO CATHLIC (Sept. 21) . Boys: { Cincirmati LaSalle A 31, 2. Cleveland St. Ignatius A, 3. Canton Central Catholic 101; 4. Toledo St. Francis 114, 5. Cleveland St. Ignatius B 133, 6. carroll 143, 7. Toledo St John's 215, 8. Newark Catholic 2~7. Individuals: ). Mickey Martin (St Ignatius A) 16:07, 2. Jay ·Hummel (LaSalle A) 16:38, 3. Chris Svoboda (St Ignatius A) 16:47, 4. Derrick Butler (LaSalle A) 16:48, 5. Steve Padgett (LaSalle A) 16:51, 6. Pete Carusone (iiLaSalle A) 16:53, 7. Mike Cundey (St Ignatius) 16:54, 8. Mtatt Hartman (Canton
cq 1e:ss.
. .
· Girls: . t Dayton Carroll 77, 2. C1nc1nnatJ M~ther o~ Mercy 85, 3. Toledo Notre Dame Aca&emy 99, 4. C!nc1nnat! Me Auley 150, 5. Hamilton Badin 165, e.. ~lnc1~nat1_. ·McNicholas 184, 7. Newark Catholic ·:186, 8. C1nc1nnat1 Mt Notre Dame 205. individuals: 1. JacKie Reider (Mother of Mercy) 19:44, 2. Alison Brown (Newark .Cath) ~9:51, 3. Missy . Belcer (Carroll) 20:00, 4: Lindsay Fisher (McNicholas) 20:50, 5. Pam Mick (Ham Badin) 20:17, 6. Erin Matson (McAuley) 20:21,. 7. M9lly Kleinhenz (Cham-Jul) 20:25, 8._ Mandy Ostendorf (Toledo SJ) 20:27.
.·,. .
·.CARDINAL STfliTCH IN\(ITATIO!\IAL'. 'At-Maumee Bay State Park,~Sept 21 •·
GEORGE C•. CLEMENTS iNVITATIONAl ..;At Ur}i~ersi'ly School (Sept. 21)
Boys Red: 1. Maumee 46, 2. Sandusky Perkins 111, 3; . Bowling Green 126, 4. Rossford 142, 5. Perrysburg 175, 6. Eastwood 197.. Individuals: 1. Jony ,Mitshell (Start) 16:26, .· 2. Garrett Gabel (Eastwood) . 1.6:39, 3. . Firas. Elmokdad (Woodwa~d) 16:40. 4. Chri.s Parth~mol')e (Perkins) 16:42; 5. Brian Mci\!IJtt (Maumee) 16:44, 6. Bob Pratt (Maumee) 16:49, 7. Dale Smith (Perkins) 16:50, a. Nolan Fahrer (BG) 16:53, 9. Matt Ritter (Maumee) 16:54, 10. Wes Billups (Rogers) 16:58. ·Girls Red: 1. Eastwood 93, 2. Anthony·wayne 102, 3. Perrysburg 122, 4. Bowling Green 129, 5. St'Ursula 148, 6. Clyde 165. Individuals: ··· 1. Jinny Hanifan(Anthony Wayne) 1~:42, 2. :.lisa Marrea (Start) 19:02, . 3: Cyl')cJi· Bostdorff (Eastwood) 19:26, 4, Melannie Furgason (Blissfield) 19:29; 5. J~nnl Staats (Clyde) 19:42, 6. Lenna Lewis (Bowling .Green) 19:52, 7. Bonnie Stewart :(Start) 19:56, 8. As~ley Schroch (Wause:ori) 20:01,. 9. Erica: Alt (Whitmer) 20:02, 10. Lisa Schroede((Perrysburg) 20:04. ·· ·· ·
1. Madison 33, 2. Eastlake 64, 3. St. .a~... 4. Euclid 114, 5. St. Ignatius 128, 6. Mayfield 139. IndiVIduals: ,_,~· Cordes (Madison) 16:56,, 2. Glowacki (Euclid) 17:24, 3. Roy (Madison) 17:43, 4. · Budic (Eastlake · North) 17:52, ,5. Kihor;any (Eastlake North) 17:58, 6. Miklavcic (Euclid) 18:09; 7. Fabian (Madison) _18:08, a.·· Missler (St. Edward) 18:1;6. 9. Orris (Madison ) 18:16, · 10..:Cieppel (St. • Edward) 18:19. . · .· ·· . . , ' · . _ · Boys Division II: 1. Benedictine (A) 3.1, 2. Perry 78, 3. NDCL 135, 4; University 138, 5. Orange 182, 6. Twinsburg Chamberlin 201. Individuals: 1. Stroiney (Oran~e) 17:40, 2. Quilligan (Ben~dictine: A) 17:45, 3. Bauters .(NDCL) 17:54, 4. Cantrall (Bea9hwood), 17:55, 5. Sattelmeyer (Benedictine A) 17:58, 6. Jicousek (~ilmour) 18:04, 7. Jackson,(Benedictirie A) 18:10, 8. Bell! {Benedictine . A) 18:16; 9. Johnson · (Benedictine A) 18:24i 10. Billington (Orange) 18:~a Girls Division !I; · 1. Mayfield 38, 2. Euclid 48,. 3. Eastlake 72.. 4. Maple Heights 103, 5. Geneva: 110, 6. Garfield Heig~ts 138. individuals:. 1. Bukovec (Eastlake North) 21:52, .2. ~ouid (~ayfi~ld) 21:58, 3. Clarkson (Geneva) 22:01, · 4. Osterman (Euchd) 22:21, 5. Borchert (Euclid) 22:49, 6. Gady (Eudid) .22:56, 7.· .Kobayashi. (Mayfield), 23:33, 8. Brennan: (Mayfield) *3:51, 9. Grubach (Euclid)j 24110, 10. ·Borns (Mayfi~ld) 24: 16. · ·· Girls . Division II: 1. Perry S5, 2. WickliUe 1oo, 3. Edgewood ft1, 4: NDCL. 130, 5. Conneaut 157, 6. Ashtabula 1. Rizzo (Perry) na; 2. Cantrall Harbor 186. , Individuals: (Beachwood) •• 21:07, .3. Anderson. (Conneaut)· ~21:34, 4. Johnson (Andrews) 21:37, 5. Kachersky (Harbor) na, 6. ·. Healon (NDCL) 22:03,: 7. Lumas (Conneaut) 22:15, a. Romans (Wickliffe) 22:21, g, H~xez (Perry) na;·1 0. Cahzone (Wickliffe) 22:23. • . . ' ·•. . . ·..
Olmsted F;alls' 104, 4.· Kenston 152, ·5.. Rocky·River .167, 6. · West Geauga 177. ilndividuals: 1. Huffman (FiR) 16:22, 2. Warren (Rev, A) 16;44,. 3: Curan (Bay) 16:51, 4. Reichert (Bay) 16:55, 5. Ritchir (OF) 16:59.. ·.
. Girls Gold 1.. Kenston 74, 2. Fairview 9S, 3. Edison 120, 4. Higt:Jiand 155, 5. Revere. 180, .6. Fort Loramie 183. Individuals: .t Downing (!<en) 19:17, 2.. Orr (Rev) 19:47, 3..• Rostocil (High) 20:17, 4. Zitner (l;di) 2D:$4, 5. Van Epp (Buck) 20:47. · · 1. Beaumont 68, · 2. Dublin - Girls Green Division: Cofman 96, 3. Manificat 101, 4. KEmt Roosevelt 103, 5. Strongs\lille · A 108, 6. West · Chester Lakota·. 126. Individuals: . 1.Nemastil (Beau) · 18:48, 2. Petshe (Dub. Goff.) 18:59, 3. Petro (Mag) 19:34, 4. Alsbrooks ·(WCL) 19:36, 5. Phillips. (Mag) 19:37. , . Girls White Division: i. Ashland 48, 2. Westlake 60, 3. Worthington 110, 4. Madison 141, 5. Cleveland Hts. 154, 6. Lakewood 203. Individuals:·. 1. Gasser (Wor) 19:43, 2. Gyor (West) 20:26, 3. Aron (West) 20:28, 4. · Monkmen (NR) 20:44, 5. Bardy (Ash) 20:46.
Boys 1: 1. Princeton 37; 2. fairmont 58,.·. 3. Cincinnati Walnut Hills 131, 4. Troy 137, 5. Mason 139; ·s. Fairborn 174. Individuals: 1. · Cl:lris Camfield (Fairborn) 16:09; 2. John Aerni (Walnut Hills) ,16:11, 3. ian Keams (Fairmont) 16:28, 4. Mark Johnston (Princeton) 16:35,' 5. qavid Robinson (Loveland) 16:44,. 6. Sean Byrdwell (Princeton) 16:47. Boys II: .1. Columbus Grove 52, 2. Anna 71, .3. West Liberty-Salem 83, 4. Holgate 105, 5. Cincinnati Indian Hill 118, 6. Worthington Christian 192. Individuals: . 1. Brad Koverman (Anna) 15:58, 2. Josh Ordway (Holgate) 16:21, 3. Chad Hermiller (Columbus Grove) 16:39, 4. Josh Yoder (West Liberty) 16:41, 5. Jim Woten (Columbus Grove) 16:42, 6. Philip Slonkosky (Minster) 16:43, 7. Kurt Michaels (Holgate) 16:43. . Girls 1: 1. Troy 90, 2. Princeton 124, ·3. Milan (MI) 132, 4. Kings 134, 5. Celina 162, 6. Fairborn 176. Individuals: 1. ·: Nadine Weber (Whetstone) 19:48, 2. Sally Smallenbarger' (Troy) 19:54, . 3. ..lenni Westholm (Milan) 19:57, . 4. Kelli-Johnson (Kings) . 20; 12, 5. Lee Carpenter (Kings)' 20: 12, 6. • Laure~ ~chroed~r (Fairborn} 20:22, 7. Savanna Dixon (Celina) 20;25. . . . '· . . .. . .. . " . .. Girls 11: . 1. Madeira 48, 2. Minster' 54; ·3. Southeastern 117, 4. Columbus Grove 119, .5. !3ot~ins137, 6. Anna 151, 7..• West Liberty-Salem 165. . Individuals: 1. Amanda· Blackwelder · (Madeira) 18:5 i, 2. .Connie· Lobas (Madeira) 19:19, 3. Joslyn Pfau (Holgate) '19:48; .4: Anne Whittaker . (Indian Hill) 19:51,:5. :Mipsy Titus (Botkins)' 19:58, 6. Jessie . Barhorst (Minster) 20:0~, 7. Kelly Wehrman (Minster) 20:36. -'.
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OHIO-CAVERNS·INVITATIONAL (··Sept. 17) Boys: . 1. Columbus Grove 45, 2. Crestview . 61, 3. West !-iberty-Salem 88, 4. Bluffton 151; 5. Dayton Christian 154, 6. Ben Logan 217, .. Individuals: 1. Ben .Cowen .(Crestview) 17:10, 2. Jim Woten (Col Grove) 17:20, ;~. Jos;h Yoder (W~S) 17:27, 4. chad HermiliHr (Cor'Grove) 17:30, 5. Nate Irwin (Col Grove) 17:39, . 6. M::~tt Brown (Crestview) '17:48.. Giris: ·.. 1.- Sidney Lehman Tl, 2. Ft Loramie 94, ·3. Kenton FUdge 1:12, 4. Columbus Grove- 14:7,..• 5.-i•:Cr.estview ... 150, . 6.. BluffJon . 1eo. ·Individuals: ·. 1.. Ann Ste-chschulte (Bluffton)· 20:04, 2. Sarah ,Wells (CrestvieW) 21:29, 3. · Shara Ridenour ,(Columbus .Grove) 21:31, 4. Samantha Philpot (Ft ·Loramie) 21:35•. 5. Valerie Harris (Kenton Ridge) 21:39,: 6. Alicia _·cavender (S Lehman) 21:44, ]. F\~bekah Dawson . (Houston) •21:45, 8. Cassie Cole (S Lehman) 21:56, 9. Casey Kinsella (S Lehman)· 22:05, 10: Stacey Wroten (Ben Logan) · 22:11. . . . . . . VIRGINIA TECH INVITATIONAL Blacksburg, VA (Sept. 21) Boys:
West Springfield, VA 78, 4. Zanesville 157 Individuals: 1. Sharif Kade(W Springfield) 14:31, 12.Heath Merryman (Z'anesville) 16:14, 24. Kyle Deavers (Zanesville) 16:36, 29. Eric Davy (Za,nesville) 16:52.42 - set the 9th grade course record Girls: 1. Western Albemarle, VA 44; 6. Zanesville 162 (Only Ohio .team in 15 team. field). Individuals:· · 1.' Jackie. Kerr, Thomas Jefferson Science) 18:06, 8. Jamie Booth (Zanesville) 19:37, 18, Jean Gildow (Zanesville) 20:22, 32. .Janelle lucas·(zanesville). 20:5.1. t
(0111Y Ohio team in 23 team field).
Boys ·slack:.·· 1. Liberty Benton 2. Fostoria St Wendelin ·112, 3. Versailles ·190, 4. Toledo Christian 191, 5. Hopewell .Loudon 192. · .Individuals: '.1. Brian Treece .(Lib Ben) 16:26, 2. Jon Wood: (Versailles)· 16:29,· ··~, Adil Sidig ·(fl/laumee Valley) 16:39, 4. Ryan Desarange (Liberty. Center) .16:43, .5. iTodd Moyer (Hilltop) l6:50, 6. Jaymes ·Manne! .(St Wendelin) .· '16:52,. 7. Jon Burroughs (St Joe). 16:54, 8.. J R Kennedy (Bluffton) 17:05, 9. Jerer:ny Riehm (Old Fort)· 17:06, 10. Phil Riehm (Old Fort) 17:09... ·.. •....• · · · .· .· -. ·... Girls'· Black: 1: Cardinal Strltcf{ 39, 2. Fostoria · St Wendelin 94, 3. Fremont St Joe. 98, 4.. Versailles 135, 5. Liberty. Btmton 2-13. Individuals: 1. Ann Stechschulte (Biufft9n) 19:16, 2. Kani Simpson (Toledo Christian} 20:04, 3. Jenn Kress (Liberty Center) 20: 10, 4. Meiissa Gray ($tritch) 20:13, 5.~ Erin Donley (Stritch) 20:18,. 6. .Jenny LaPlante (Stritch) 20:19, .7. Natalie Faeth (St Wendelin) 20:20, . 8. .Eii~abeth Steirwalt (St Joe) 20:32, 9. Julie Roth (Danbury) 20:54, 10:' Heidi Burks (Old Fort) 20:58. · :.· ; ·.· . , .·. :. ...-
Boys Green Division: 1. West Chester L?.kota 68, 2. Ashland 87, ·• North Canton 114,· 4. Dublin: Coffman 117, 5. lakewood 159, !3~ (tie) Kent Roosevelt;Austinto~n Fitch 174. · Individuals: 1. Sheets (Ash) .163, '2. Estwanik' (Dub. Goff.) · 16:44, 3.. L~wry: (NC) 16:47, 4. Fetzer (Ash) 16:54, 5. Crisucci (AF) 16:54. i •· ·· ·· · ·. · ' •.. •. · · .· ·. . Boys White Di,vision: . 1. · Mansfiel4 57, 2. Cl.overleaf 75,. 3. HOly :Name r 103, 4. Westlake c120, S. Mansfield.· Madison 127, 6.: Shaker Hts. 136. Individuals: : 1. Lenorad (Midpark) 16:51, 2. 13rantner · (Gio). 17:02, 3. Bardwell (HN) · 17:44, 4. Barnhart (Mans) '17:52 5. Charek (Cio)· 17:5a :o-~~.,--~~
Kyle Hildebrandt Moeller Cross Country·
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· Boys: · 1. Northmont 47; 2. Lakota 99, 3. Harrison 110, 4. Centerville 131, 5. Princeton 185, 6. Fairmont 194. Individuals: 1. Emie Ziegler (Harrison) 15:48, 2. Casey Long. (Northmont) 16:()7, 3. Chris Camfield ·(Fairborn) 16:09, 4. Bryan Richards (Northmont) ·16:10, 5. Dave Albers (Vandalia • Butler) 16:11, 6. Kevin Sweetman (Harrison). 16:26. .. .. Girls: 1. Beavercreek 35, 2. Northmont 113, 3. Lakota 129, _4. Cincinnati Ursuline 187, 5. Madiera 193, 6. Troy 213. IndiVIduals: 1. Kara Storage (Beavercreek) 16:58, 2: Tara Storage (Beavercreek) 18:59, 3. · Amanda Blackwelder (Madiera).19:01, 4. DaleAisbrooks (Lakota) 19:29, 5. Gemma Dimery. (Beavercreek) 19;30, 6. Erin·. McConnell (Spring N) 19:32. . PICKERINGTON INVITATIONAl. (Sept. 21) Boys: 1. Pickerington 85, 2. Beavercreek 95; 3. .Toledo Central· Catholic 100, 4. Strongsville 101, 5. Columbus Watterson 117, 6. Lancaster 124, 7. Reynoldsburg 157, 8. Upper. Arlington 182, 9. Dublin Scioto 199. Individual:. ·1. pan C~s.ey {Pick~Hingtofl) .16:4(). Be.averc.r~ek . fi.nisher;s:. 4. Jeremy Bennett 17:07,. 10.. J.a.son Crawl 17.:~4, 14.. Kevin .c~nc:el '1'7;:32,. 25., Scott B?-iley ·17:5~A Chest~r. Baf 1?;~4. . • . ~ifl~: 1; ,Beaver?r~.21/2. Findlay L\~erty; ..Benfo{l75, 3. .. Toledo .central ..Ca'tfiollc '93, 4. · Upper. Arlington 111; 5. Lancaster' )a1;--a Pickerington 129, 7.: R.eyn61dsburg 178. indi\l.iduarB·e·avercreek finishers: · t Kara Storage- '19: 11, ... ·2.·:Getnma.:Dimery .19i11, 3. Tara Storage 19:12,. 6l Kristen Kammerer 19:56; 9.-.Sarah.Wi!ey20:15. ·· .: .. ; -.: :·~ ·,
MC DONOUGH MEMORIAl (Sept. 14) Boys Group A: 1. Austinto\Vn. Fitch 62, 2. Strongsville 64, 3. St. Ignatius 79, 4. Cuyahoga Falls 80, 5. VaHey Forge 134, 6. Mentor 154. Individuals: 1. Tatarka> (Austintown Fitch) 17:05, 2. Crisucci (Austintown Fitch) 17:11, 3. Gordon (Strongsville) 17:15, 4. Mll"phy (Cuyahoga Falls) 17:20, 5. Klasovsky (Austintown Fitch) 17:24, 6. Edwards (St. Ignatius) 17:35; . . .. Boys Group B: 1. Walsh Jesuit 64, 2. Avoo Lake 65, 3. Dayton Carrol 77, 4. Revere 113, 5. Brecksville 120, s. Western Revere Acd 165. Individuals: 1. · McAdams (Brecksville) 16:34, 2. Kelly (Lake Catholic) 16:38, 3. Webber .(Revere) 16:53, 4. Scanlon (Dayton Carrol) 17:19, 5. Holbrook (Dayton Carrol) 17:23. . . . B.oys Group C: 1. Benedictine 44, 2. ·Rocky River 52, 3. West Geauga 94, 5. NDCL 148. Individuals: 1. Hoffman (Rocky River) 16:31, 2. Lydin (Rocky River) 17:19, 3. Johnson (West Geauga) 17:31, 4. Qulligan (Benedictine)17:34, 5. Stroiney (Orange) 17:44. ·· ·· · Girls Group A: 1. Dayton Carrol .46, · 2. Mentor 76, 3. Brecksville-Broadview .Hts. 125, 4. Beaumont 134, 5. Holy Name 151, 6. Valley .Forge 176. Individuals:· 1. DiPietro (Western Reserve) 19:43, 2. Koppel (N ~idgeville) 20:07, 3. Belcher (Dayton. Carroll) 20:35; 4; Dinapoli (Valley Forge)· 20:44, 5. Behnke (Mentor) 21:11, 6. Sayer (Dayton Carroll) 21:19, 7. Borsz (Holy Name) ·21:20. . · . . ..·· Girls Group B: 1. Fairview 70, 2. Avon Lake. 107, 3. ·Lake Catholic 111, 4. Walsh Jesuit 111, ·s. Wickliffe 119, 6• West Geauga 145. Individuals: . 1..Byrne· (Avon Lake) .19:34, 2. Orr (Revere) , 20:16, 3. Horvat (Lake Catholic) 21:07, 4. Percy (Revere) 21:13, 5.. Johnson (Andrews) 21:17, 6. Kerr (Walsh) 21:28, 7. Champa (Lake Catholic) 21:29.
By: Craig Whitmore
Ohio· was ·represented at the OlYmpic Games ·by seven. track and field athletes who went to school here and two women who now live in Ohio. ·. Tonja Buford"Bailey was second in ihe Trials and third in the Games, as she continues . to improve in .the 400 hurdles. Mark Croghan won the Trials and was fifth in the Games . in •the steeple. Mark· is one of the best in the world in his event. Robert Gary was the surprise of the Trials with his second in the steeple. Joe Greene again took the· bronze irf toe ·long jump at his second Olympic Games~ . ·. Joe was second. at · the Trials. D' Andre Hill· another· pleasant. surprise. She ·was third in the 100 Trials. Bob Kennedy continues to improve in the 5,000; he won the Trials and placed sixth at the Games in his second Olympics. Bob has Lisa Petsche, Dublin Coffman set the American record twice·· this summer in the 5,000. Butch Reynolds was second in the 400 Trial,s, but was. injured at the Games. Connie Teaberry · competed iw the high Jump and Ramona Pagel in the shot ·at the· Games; Connie is the assistant womens' T&F c()ach at the University of Toledo and Ra!l1ona . helps at Kent State University. .· . · ..· · . . : . . · · our .boys and girls both finished .. second at the Midwest· Meet of Champions. Donna Joseph, . Shadyside~ was the head coach. Amanda Halberg. and . the 1600 relay team won for the girls.· ·. Candace Nicholson, Najah Mcfarland, Joslyn· Smith and Kathy · EASTMOOR INVITATIONAL · Kakis •ran the legs. Winners •. for the boys: Kenny At Franklin Park (Sept. 14) Quinn ~ 200, · Chad .Kincaid - 3200, Lamarr Hill ~ high · hurdles, Rusty Fry - · interme.diate nurdles, Nick ·Decker Boys Division 1: Pickerington· 65, Westerville North 67, -· high jump, Lavar Julian, ·John Henkelman, Quincy Westerville South 111, Eastmoor (E) 119, Reynoldsbll"g 133, Davidson, Kenny Quinn - 1600 relay. Quinn was Lancaster 139. Individual: A.Habte (E) 15:46., . _ named the meet's boys Track Star of Stars. . Boys Division II: Granville 74, .Big Walnut 87, Fairfield ·Ohio kids won four events at the National ·Union (FU) 91, DeSales 93, NeWark Catholic 124, Olentangy 138,. Academy 151. Individual: · Myers (FU) 16: 15. · Interscholastic meet at North Carolina State University. .Girls Division 1: Pickerington 48, Westerville North 64, Lamarr Hill won the long jump with 24'.1-3/4" and the Westerville South (WS) 68, Lancaster 93, Reynoldsburg 118. high hurdles with a great 13.56. · He ranks second on Individual: Epley (WS) 19:06. . the All Ohio list Hill was named male athlete of the Girls Oivisiotl 11:.. Newark catholic 66, Fairfield Union meet for his efforts. Ben Gilbert won the shot, forthe (FU) 81, Olentangy · 82, Whetstone .. 148, Big .Walnut 167, second consecutive year, with a • 61'7''. Rebekah Ann Stechschulte. Bluffton Hartley 16l:l, Granville 200. Individual: . Sltterley (FU) 18:42. Greene, freshman, won the shot .with a 44'6-3/4". · . Becca later threw A 6' 6". for ~th.:::ir~d:....:::on~th:.::e~A.:::II~O~.;,;:hi:;:oc..:l~is:.::t.~~"T·--,-----·.,--.,----'-.,------~-~,.,..,..... cc ccoSc~·ollR?'had···~~hy 'particlp~nts, ·but ·•nd winners. in···the· . 1'\l'ORTH .CANTON HOOVER (Sept.14) . highly . competitive Junior . Nationals held at Ohio ·· · · ·· · ·· · ·· Wesleyan's fine facility the last weekend in June~ . . Boys: 1. Fitch 52, 2. Hudson 69, 3. Hoover 79, 4. Camee Williams had a good 'summer with a Strongsville 98, 5. Kent 99. . Individuals: · 1. Adam Smith 511-1/4". high J1.1mp to put her second on .the Ohio list (Hudson) 16:21, 2. Jeremy Lowry (Hoover) 16:40, 3. Justin and a 1?.92 high hurdles for third on the Ohio list. Mikolay (Hudson) 16:48, 4. AJ Crisucci(Fitch) 17:23, 5. Tim Camee had already broken the state record in the. Tatarka. (Fitch) 17:23,. 6. Dave. Klosousky (Fitch). 17:24, 7. long jump with. a 20'1-1/4" mark. at· state.. Also Joe Sll"ac~ (Hudson) 17:44, 8. Brian Diaz (Walsh J) 17:45, 9. ·breaking a state record: Ramon Johnson; long jump, Justin Kempe (Fitch) 17:46, 10. Rob Gordon (Strongsville) 17:47· 259-1/2". The Beamont girls broke the 3200 relay . · record at state with a .9:08.18 ~ (Cicely Campbell, · Melissa ,.Robinson, . ·Elizabeth · Favret, · Candace Nicholson). The Beaumont girls had previously broken · the state DM record with · a 12:14.62 at Mentor's Cardinal .Relays. Also, the Cleveland Heights' girls broke their own spring medley state record witn a 1:47.0 at their· own Weingart relays. . .. Ohio's collegians won ten events in their outdoor nationals. Central State's Beverly' Grant won the 200 · in . the NAIA Nationals for her fifth national title. Central State's Beverly Grant won the 200 in the NAIA Nationals for her fifth national tiile. Central also had Catherine Pomales winning both hurdle.s after winning two indoor events. Catherine now has seven NAIA national golds. Both Centrals' men and women· won the 400 relay. Centrals' women won the team title again. Former Central 400 hurdler, Deon Hemmings, won her. event at the Atlanta Olympics. It is reported ·that Central's coach, Josh Culbreath, has resigned. · Mt. Unions' men·· won three events iri the NCAA. Division Ill meet. Shawn Watson won. the long jump and triple jump. Shawn also won both at the indoor meet. · Matt Kellar won the pole vault for Mount. Ashland's Kirt Thompson won his fourth jav title In the NCAA Division II meet. Kirt ·also . has the Ohio Collegiate record. Also from Ashland, Sean .. Robbins wqn his fourth national long jump title. Robbins has had a great career and t~is year won the indoor long . jump. He now holds · the Ohio . Collegiate record, . lndo6rs ·. and ··outdoors. . -Sean 'was· ·fifth in ··'the.: Filial For damp college lnfrirmailcin ·olympi'c Trials in' th~ long·:. i\.lnlP· .; Tole(;lq;s :'Henry .. _Jack Hazen . · · pa:u~rson t'lac;! a gfea.t fligh jump year with .}'~4' 1/2" Malone College Jurrip attb'e Mid Am~,rican Confereoe<e nieet. Ashlq.nd's .... 515:25th St. NW . .. . Clark. Lozie~ pole · yaulted. 18'.:172/".. . Ohio .State's .··. Canton, OH 44709 . , ... · . Shand( J'iloyd . P!er;J.sant triple jumped · . 43' and,' )Pfl9 1 "800-521~ 1146 ext. 8291 · jumped 20~8'-1/2". .Miami's Rececca Williams :had a great hurdle year with· .a best, of 54.97 in the 400's
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Boys Division II: Dublin Coffman, 1~, Upper Arlingto~ 65,. Wa,tterson 66, Cambridge 116, !Licking Valley-_141, Lak.ewood 149, Newark 174, Mlarion-Franklin 194. Individual: f;stwanik (PC) 16:41. ·· · Girls Division II: Dublin Coffman1 34 Upper Arlington 40, WaUerson 124, Mount Vernon 129, Newark Individual: Petsche (DC) .1.8:45.
Boys Elite:: .. 1. No'rth Allegheny,. PA ~9, 2. Hudson 95, 3. Medina 142,! 4. Union City, PA 156, 5. Cleveland St Ignatius 169. Jndividuals: · 1. Andy Greicius . (Ashtabula Edgewood) 16:0?. 2. Adam Hudson (Hudson) 16:16, 3. Dickie' Hildebrand (NA)i 16:24, 4. Justin 1\Aikolay (Hudson) 16:30, 5. Mickey Martin (C$1) 16:S2. . . · . · · ·· · ' Boys 1: .. 1. Stow i8S. .2. North Canton Hoover 122, 3. · Madison 135, 4. Galewanr 163, 5. Wooster 208. Individuals:. 1. · Joe Eshelman (StoW) 16:34, 2. Jeremy Lolf{ry (NCH) 16:42, 3. Paul Glowacki (Euclid) 16:44. . Boys II; 1· Cantqn Central Catholic 91, 2. ,Southeast 144, 3. Lakeview 166, 4. Greensburg-Salem 234. Individuals:· 1Ji Natha~l · McClintock (Crestwood) ·. 16;25, 2. Justin Gaydos (Norwin)! 16:44, 3. Perry Griffith (Painesville Harvey) 17:01, ::5. Mat:t Hartman (CCC).' 17:09, 6.. Adam Weger (SE) 17:1'0. • · . .· .· -Boys Ill: ~· East tCantori 54, 2. Ft LeBouf, PA 76, 3. Burton Berkshire 115, 1· RQcky Grove ,i62, 5. Maplewood 162. 1.' Josh Loren (FL) 16:48, . 2. Grady Powell (FL) 16:57, 3. To,dd Schrag (Highlands) 17:06, 4. Erik Irwin (Rocky Grove) 17:11, 5. Dan Aquino (East Canton) 17:14. :
TEAYS.VALLEY INVITATIOINIAL (Sept. 14) Boys Division 1-11: Circleville 72, Chillicothe. 99, Miami Trace 105, Washington C.H: 153, Westland 162, Logan Elm 165, Teays.· Valley (TV) 201, Marysville 212, Hamilton ·. Township 214. Individual: Petty (TV) 15:44. . Boys Division. 11-111: East Clinton · 47, Millersport 58, Fisher Catholic (FC) 70, Jonathan Alder 85, Canal Winchester. 126, Berne Union 185. Individual: • Cornell (FC) · 16:55. . Circleville 24, Marysville 42, · Girls Division HI: Westland 96, Logan Elm 96, Hamilton Township 157; Washington CH 167, Westfall 169. · Individual: · Hitchon (Miami Trace) 19:19. · Girls Djvision Ill: Heath (H) 20, Fisher Catholic 56, Berne Unlon:r 86, Jonathan Alder 88, Southeastern 123. · Individual: Francis (H) 20:34. ,
Girls Elite: 1. E!eaumont 51, 2. Magnifica) 104, .3. WoOdridge 104, :4. North Allegherw 140, 5. Strongsville 152. Individuals: 1. Katy ' Radkewich (B) 17:39, 2. Lindsay Nimasil (B) 1?:55, 3. Katie Sabino (W) 19:16, 4. Lisa Claypool (EL) 19:30, 5. Allison Orip (Mass Jack) 19:26. Girls 1: 1.1 Amherst Steele 86, 2. Salem 174, 3. Fox Chapel 177; 4. fitch 177, 5. Hudson 189. Individuals: 1. Jen Wollam (Alliance) l18:54, 2. Heidi Harrison. (General McLane PA) 19:.15, 3. !Christine Thompson (AS), 19:42, 5. Amy Kahr Sgro (Madison) 20:13. ·. , . . Girls II: t Dover 103, 2. Greensburg-Salem 162, 3. Jefferson Area [207, 4i Perry 216, 5. Chagrin Falls 217. Individuals: 1. 1Beth Btmchett (GS) 19:09 2. Michelle Rizzo. .- (Perry) 19:54, . 3~ Anne : U.ghrin (Lake) 2.0:03, 4. Kelli Litten (Northwest) 20:07, 5. Becky Karasack (GS) 20: 19. . · Girls Ill: '1. McDonald 54, 2. Highlands 87, 3. Burton. Berkshire 107, .4. Ft LeBouf 173, 5. East Canton 185. Individuals: 1.: Becky Testa (McD) 20:16, 2. Mary Beth · Acker (Ne$hanock,. PA) 20:25, 3. Julie Wright (McD) 20:34, 5. Katie Easley (High) 21: 14. ·
MEADOWBROOK INVITArlONAL (Sept. i4) Boys Qivision II: . Watkins Memorial (WAT) 3S, St · Clairville 53, Indian Creek 55, Meadowbrook 87..1ndividual: Boyer (WAT) 17:16. . . . Boys Division Ill: Shadyside 71, Amanda-Ciearcreek 79, Bellake . St. John's 84, Ridgewood 131, · Sugarcreek Garaway 138, Sandy Valley 151. Individual:··· Miller. (BA) 16:50. . Girls DiVision II: Bloom-Carroll (BC) 41, Meadowbrook 77, Watl<ins •Memorial 85, Morgan 105, Belfaire Sf, John's 111. Individual: Phillips (BC) 20:05. . Girls Division Ill: · Amanda-Ciearcreek (AC) 44, Barne.sville 62, Rosecrans 124, Caldwell 143. Individual: Miller (AC) ~9;14.
_,\t Dav\sburg, Mich. (Sept. 14)
Boys .1: 1. Eaton 28, 2. Mason 39, 3. Kings 95, 4. Northridge • ,1 0 1, 5. Brookville 104, 6. Edge wood 169. Individuals: 1. Ryan Clark (Eaton) . 16: 19, 2. Tom Kutter (Eaton) 16:g~. 3. Robert Goode (Mason) 16:36; 4, Luke Peters (Eaton) 16:41, 5. Andy Hayes (Mason) 16:42, ,6. Vince ·. Zingaro (Kings) 16:44. .. ..· Boys II: 1. Covington 44, 2. Russia 52, 3.'• Arcanum 78, · 4. Franklin Monroe 99,. 5. Twin Valley South 161, 6. Southeastern 163; 7. Marion. Local 194. 'Individuals: 1. Nate Gibson (Covington) 15:58, 2. John Gallagher (Tri-County North) .1&.02, 3. J C Grogean (Russia) 16:22, 4. Donald Butter.y (Uni~n Co) 16:22, 5. Paul Downing_ (Covington) 16:24, 6.. Brad Beam (Arcanum) 16:26, 7. Matt Banks (Arcanum) · 16:31, a Chad Bornhorst (Russia) 16:42, 9. Greg Kessler (Arcanum) 16:43, 10. T J Minnich (Franklin Monroe) 16:46. Girls '1: 1. Kings 38; 2. Eaton 59, 3. Mason 71, 4. Brookville 105, 5. Dayton Christian 115. Individuals: 1. .Kelli Johnson (Kings) 19:42, 2. lee Carpenter (Kings) 19:54, 3. Brend.a Lord (Kings) 20:47, 4. Amanda Boehm (Mason) 20:49. 5. Lesley Keller (Eaton) 20:53. · Girls II:· 1. Russia 50, 2. Marion local 78, 3. Arcanum 88, 4. Southeastern 101,' 5. Covington 101, 6. Twin Valley Individuals: 1. Mancli Fletcher (Covington) South 148. 19:20, 2. Kelly House (Twin Valley South) 19:43, 3. Lindsay Rosenbeck (Russia) ~9:44, 4. Amber. Albers (Marion Local) 19:49, 5. KristaMeyer (Covington) 19:53.
Boys Division II: Kalamazoo Hackett (KH) 31, Liberty· Benton 130, Liberty Ulnion 136, Goodrich . (Mich.) 147, ·Napolean 177; · . :. . , Girls Division II: Kalamazoo Hackett 30, Liber.ry Unio·n 139, Caro (Mich.) 147,! Frankenmuth (Mich.) 149, Ube~ty- Benton 156, Napqlean 17a -
Boys (Big School~): 1. Indian Hill 24, 2. Badin .64, 3. New Richmond ~1, 4. Aurcell Marian 85, 5. Glen Este. 142. Individuals: 1. Damen i(lndian Hill) 17:31, 2. Nichols (Indian Hill) 17:40, 3. Damen (Indian Hill) 17:41, 4; Wickert (Purcell Marian) 18:02, 5. Hutson !(GE) 18:07. · Boys (Small Schqols): 1. Blanchester 47, 2. CHCA . 70, 3. CNE 72, ·4. St. Bernard 93, 5. Summit 109, 6. Reading 130. Individuals: 1. St~lnmefz (SB) 17:55, 2. Ballinger (Sian) 18:00, 3. Czaika. (Bian) 18:06,. 4. Johnson (Bat) 18:09, 5. Reese (CHCA) 18:42, 6. Horton (Bian) 18:46. Girls: 1. · Hamiltqn Badin 45, 2. Indian Hill 59, . Mariemont 60, 4. New Richmond 108. Individuals: 1. Whittaker (IH) 19:36, z. Morgan (Ameila) 20:02, · 3. Mick (Badin) 20:20, 4. Vianello (Mariemont) 20:38. 1
MIAMI UNIVERSITY' INVITATIONAL (3. 1, · miles at Miami) Boys: 1. La Salle 44, 2. Colerain 68, 3. Fairfield 106, 4. Worthington Kilborne 118, 5. Middletown 126, \). Thomas Worthington 126, 7. Anderson 205, 8. Roger Bacon 232, 9. Walnut Hills 239. lndivi.duais: 1. Adam Thomas (Fair) 16:09, . · 2. Chris Kirchiff (Worth Kil) 16:14, 3. Jay Hummel (La Salle) 16:16, 4. Justin · Hussell (Colerain) 16:25, 5. Jason Rlegelsberger (Roger) 16:30, 6. John Aerni (Walnut) 16:34, 7. Steve Padgett (La Salle) 16:45, 8. Derrick Butler (La Salle) 16:52, 9. Mason Ward (Colerain) 16:56, 10. Pete. Carusone (La Salle) 16:58.
BELLBROOK INVITATIONAL Girls: 1. Alter 21, 2. Kenton Ridge 60, 3. Oakwood 6, 4. Xenia 90. Individuals: 1. Candice Simon (Trotwood Madison) 20:22, 2. Andr~a Knellinger (Alter) ,20:26, 3. Kate Holman (Alter) 20:39, 4. Valerie Harris· (Kenton Ridge) 20:42, 5. Danielle Kuczak (Alter) 20:46, 6.. Ellie Anderson (Oakwood) .. 20:49, 7. Melanie Lai (Alter) 20:59. . . . Boys: . 1. .Alter 20, 2 .. Bellbrook' 89, 3. Oakwood 125, 4: · Franklin . 1.27, 5. Kenton -Ridge 153. individuals:· t Josh Mears (Alter) 16:23, 2. Nick Andrews (Alter) 16:30, .3. Donnie Moore (Bellbrook) 16:40,; 4. Shaun Westfall (Aiter) 16:48, 5. Brandon Shannon (Alter) 16:56, 6. Scott .Shelley (Franklin) 17:0·1: '
Katie Sekinger, Oregon Clay
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September 11, TIFFIN CROSS COUNTRY CARNIVAL (September 7)
('95 S!ate Finish-Division-Grade) Amanda Clearcreek boys and girls are Division ftli this season. The girls won at Tiffin without their usual number five runner. Ft. Recovery boys remain undefeated with Phil Ranly (82-111-11) leading · the Indians to - first at Spencerville with a winning 16:37 effort.
Ernie Ziegler, Harrison
Bay. edged Shelby 170-188 at Tiffin as Van Wert's Matt Miller (33-11-12) won individual honors over Shelby's sophmore ace Jason Mueller.
Boys 1-A: 1. St Ignatius 122, 2, Cincinnati Moeller 166, . 3. Hudson 174, 4. Medina 205, 5. Centerville 226. lndivi9Lials: 1. Ziegler (Harrison) 15:47, 2. Smith (Hudson) 16:03, 3. Sheets (Ashland) 16:17, 4. Motsinger (Harrison) 16:24, 5. Camfield (Fairborn) 16:25. · 1. Colerain 101, 2. St Ignatius 173, 3. . Boys 1-B: Strongsville 189, 4. Bowling- Green 194, 5. Kent Roosevelt 246. Individuals: 1. Gordon . (Strphgsville) 16:45, . 2.' Benedict (Reynoldsburg) 16:49, 3. Weper (Brush) 16:53, 4. Ward (Colerain) 16:55, 5. Krujuski (Mt Vernon) 16:57. . Boys II: 1. Bay 170, 2. Shelby 188, 3. Clearfork 208, 4. Si. Marys 27.1, 5. St Henry 275. Individuals: 1. Matt Miller (Van Wert) 16:21, · 2. Jason Mueller (Shelby) •16:25, 3. Rob Myers (Fairfield U) 16:30, 4. Austin Chapin (Norwalk) 16:32, ..5. George Curran (Bay) 16:40. Boys Ill: 1. Columbus Grove 107, 2. West Liberty 151, 3. Anna 159, 4. Gibsonburg 216, 5. St Wendelin 224. Individuals: 1. Brad Koverman (Anna) 16:21, 2. Brian Treece (Lib Ben) 16:46, 3. Jim Woten (Col Grove) 16:55, 4. Chad Hormiller (Col Grove) 16:59, 5. Justin_ Vermillion (Cory Rawson) 17:01. Girls 1-A: 1. Beavercreek 73, 2. Colerain- 78, 3. Magnificat 123, 4. Seneca East 151, 5. Anderson (Cincinnati) 156. Individuals: 1. Smith (Mass Perry) 18:50, 2. Shook . (Seneca E) 18:51, 3. T Storage (Beavercreek) 19:01, 4. K Storage (Beavercreek) 19:05, 5. Zeinner (Colerain) 19: 11. _Girls 1-B: . 1. Amherst 79, 2. Ashland 123, ..3. Perrysburg 160, 4. Anthony Wayne 164, 5. Bowling Green 169. Individuals: 1. Hanifan (A Wayne) 19:13, 2. Thompson (Amherst) 19:37, 3. Schroeder (Perrysburg) 20:05, 4. lewis (Bowling Green) 20:18, 5. Ruiz (Bowsher)20:28. . Girls 2-A: 1. Woodridge 67, 2. Eastwood .1 3. St Henry · 1~6, 4. Liberty Benton 200, 5. Van 202. . Individuals: 1. Downing (
St. Ignatius won team honors.- ·at Tiffin behind Mickey Martin~s ( 22-1-1 0) sixth and senior, Chris Svoboda's eighth. place. . Girls' 1-A. winner .at Tiffin in a powerful field was . Beavercreek·, 73"78 over Colerain and 123 by Magnificat. Talfa and Kara Storage led t~e way Smith finishing third and fourth. Perry, junior,
50, 5. . (Revere) 1 1. Fairview 109, 2. Medina Highland J60, 3. Ashtabula Edgewood 163, 4. ·Otsego 165, 5. Bay 171. Individuals: 1. Sitteriey (Fairfield Union) 20;0 1, 2. Santier (Otsego) 20:26, 3. Robinson (Shelby) .20:52, 4. Rostocil (Med Highland) 21:02, 5. Biscomi (Fairfield) 21:05. . .. Girls ill: 1. Amanda Clearcroek . 123, 2. Cardinal Stritch 133, 3. Woodmore 183, 4. Fremont SJCC 205, 5. Lehman. Catholic 229. Individuals: 1. Stechschulte {Bluffton) 19:50.7, 2. Walerius (Van Buren) 20:00, 3. Phillips (Amanda . Clear) 20:02, 4. Miller (Amanda Clear) 20:10, 5. Simpson (Toledo Chr) 20:15. ·· · ·
thirteenth in 1995. Colerain won another team at the Roger Bacon liwite, behind a win by Ar1gie Kist. Woodridge won easily at Tiffirr in 11-Ac action, placing four in the top seven. Katie Sabino ( 1-111- i2) was second for Woodridge behind Kens_ton's Vonnie Downing ( 14-11-1 0). At Kirtland, traditional power, ·East Canton only scored twenty-eight behind winner Dan Aquino (24-111-12).
BEARCA T INVITATIONAL At Spencerville (Sept. 7i
Dave Mars· (18-11-12) was third to pace Mogadore Field to the win at Walsh Jesuit's Maroon Division. Race winner- was Edgewood's Andy · Greigius (2-11-12) Madeira's Jon Newberry (43-111-10) won in 17:17 and his team won Section Ill honors ai Mason. . Northmont's boys beat Lakota 26c46 at Milford's Invitational by putting four in the top six. ·The girls won also with three placers in the top seven. · Upper Arlington edged Coffman 41-56 but lisa Petsche (7-1-12) grabbed first with an 18:51 run a.t Watkins.· · Amanda Blackwelder (3"111"11) won for Madeira at the Roger Bacon meet and the team won with only thirty points scored. · St. Xavier's Reade Kidd (48-1-10) placed second to lead the way for a Walsh Jesuit Gold Championship.' Dan -Fritz (47-1-10) was fourth and .Adam Dolan (69-1-11) took fifth for St. Xavier._ Rough day tor the Fries twins of Seneca East at • ;,Tiffin. . •. Stephanie .went down during her race via a . . push 'or'' 'j~st ..fell:,and Vincent deVeloped a leQ_cramp at :two. "'ile$: · . · · National rankings have .the Northm~nt • 'boys. iir:l el~v:enth- and Magnificai's girls at twenty-third. · ,- Regibnal :rankings of the Midwest find Woodridge in tenth place for girl's teams. · . •.
·."the; HarriEH
.! ..
Car:de Smith, Lib Benton
Boys Black:- 1. LCC 80, 2. Covington 96, 3. Shawnee 145, 4. Spencerville 162, 5. Allen East i 87. Individuals: 1. Kevin Lammers (Bath) 16:36, 2. BradRowe (Milton U) _16:40, · 3. Mark Han~>on (Shawnee) 16:53, 4. Ryan Schneider (Spencerville) 16:55, 5. Gabe Knous (St Marys) 16:58. Girls Black: 1. Coldwater 65, .2. LCC 81, 3. OttawaGlandorf 83, 4; Ben Loan 124, 5. St Marys 127.. Individuals: 1. Jessica DeVoe (Bath) 19:22, 2. Melissa Knous (St Marys) 19:37, 3. Katrina Kerns (Ben Logan) 20:06, 4. Karla Klosterman (Coldwater) 20:10, 5. Mandi Fletcher (Covington) . 20:25. Boys Red: 1. Ft Recovery 36, 2. Crestview 54, 3. Minster 81, 4. Delphos St. Johns · 91, 5. Russia 152. Individuals: .1. Phil Ranly (Ft Rec) 16:37, ·2. Philip Slonkosky (Minster) 16:45,· 3. Ben Cowar. (Crestview) 16:50, 4. Mat! Roessner (Ft Rec) 17:02, 5. Matt Brown (Crestview) 17:04. ·Girls Red: 1. Russia 91, 2. Minster 111, 3. Ft Recovery 125, 4. Crestview 128, 5. Delphos St John 150. ·Individuals: 1. Anna Schwieterman (New Bremen) ~9:58, 2. Missy Titus (Botkins) 20:08, · 3. Kristy Norman (Crestview) 20:23, 4. Jessie Barhorst (Minster) 20:41, 5. Lindsay Rosenbeck (Ruasia) 20:43.
DOVER INVITATIONAL (Sept 7) aoys Red: 1. Stow 56, 2. Wadsworth 62, 3. Solon 62, 4. • Salem 149, · 5. Wooster· 156. Individuals: t Morrison (Wadsworth) 16:27, 2.. Morgan (Uniontown Lk) 16:38, 3. Butcher (Alliance) 16:41, · 4. Eshelman (Stow) 16:41, 5. Becsting (Stow) 16:45. . ·. · Girls Red: · t Dover 65, 2. Jackson 75, ~.,,Wadsworth 113, 4. Salem _119, 5. Buckeye Local 135. Individual: t Wollam (Alliance) ~18: 15. ! ; ',
(September 7) · . • ·.
Boys: 1.Watterson70, <2, Eastmoor 87, 3. DeSales 89, 4. Westerville N 113, 5. Gr<oveport'f23. .Individual: 1.
Boys: · 1. ~lder38, <?ak 't.tilis. 56,-~ ~alnut HUis 118, 4.. St. Xavier .i155, .5. Wyomtng 169.. lndtvtdual~: :. 1. John Aerni (Walnut !~ills) ,17:02; 2. Jason Riegelsoerger (Roger Bacon) .••17:28, 3. Jamie Obermeyer (Glen Este); 1}':30, 4. Scott Ruth (Eitf\Or) 17:47, 5~ Haile Og~azion (Winton Woods) 17:48. .. ':: ·· Girls: .· f. Colerain 71, 2. Wyoming· 7 4, 3. )Oak Hills ,78, 4. McNicholas S6, 5.. St Ursula 150. Individuals: 1. Angie Kist. (Cd!erain) 20:38, 2. Rosie Herman (McNicholas) 2.1:11; 3. Lindsay Fischer' (McNicholas) 21:12, 4:· Ann Peair.~ (Wyoming) .. 21:41. 5. Emily pand (Oak Hills) 21:44.,. ·
A. Habte (Eastmoor) 16:12. · ... Girls: ·~_.1. Westerville. North1 48, 2.. Westerville. South. ,51, · 3. Dayton Oakwo.o.d. 136, . ~4. Marion Harding 136. 5.. Whetstone 146; lnCitv1dual: t !Delcamp (9entennial) 19:22.
: WATKINS INVITA"fi;iuoNAL{Sep~. 7)
. Boys Section 1: • t Mason .37, · 2. Turpin 48, Springboro 121, 4. Hamilton 132, . 5. Franklin. 141. lndividual.s: t. David Robinson (Loveland) 17:14, 2. Scot Shelley ,;(Franklill) 17:29, 3. Brett Arnold (Turpin)· 17:30,, 4. Andy Hayes (M~son) 17:34; 5. Robert Goode (Mason) 17:48. Girls Section 1: t Loveland 77, 2, Kings 9s; 3. Badin. 98, 4. Mason !101; 5. Wilmington 10t Individuals: 1. . Melissa.;'Appel (Kings) 26:01, 2. Sarah Jester ·(Roger Badon) . 26:04, 3. Abbyi Popplewell (Mason) 26:04, 4. Andrea Pence · (Mason)26: 1o, 5. Amy Meadows (F) 26:22. .. , . . , . .. Boys Sec~ion 2: 1, Eaton 47, 2. 'DaytonJ~hristian 80, 3. Springfield . ~hawnee 82; ' 4. Ba?in JO 1, §' Kings ··. 145. · · Individuals: t]Matt Thompson (Spnng Shaw) 16:54, 2.-Tom Kutter (Eaton) :17:18, 3. Ryan <?,lark (Eaton) 17:21, 4. Chris Hasler (F) 17:2q, 5: Gary Hughes (F) 17:30. .· . . · Girls Section 2: . t Madeira 30, 2. Kentol) Ridge 83, 3. Springfield Shawnee 83, 4. CCD 95, 5. Jonathan Alder 107. lndividu'als: 1. Amanda Blackwelder (Madeira) _19:23,. 2. Connie Lobas (~adeira) 19:40, 3. Adrian Beech (CCD) 21:11, 4.. Mari,dy Hol brook (CHCA) 21:20, ·· 5. · Rafhel .Barrett (Madeira) 21:27;- . _ ·• . ·. .. . . ... · . · · •· · . ·· .... . Boys Section 3: 1: Madeira 24, 2: East pint on 62; 3. Riverside : 8~ 4. Johathan Alder 105, 5. Miarjli East 1.34. lndividu'als: 1': Jon Newberry (Madeira)· 17:17, 2.. Quentin . Cox (Riverside) 117:38, .3. Nate Barkhouse (Madeira) 1.7:39; 4. Chris. Goldschmidt (Madeira) 17:-56; 5. Greg' Yeager (E; . Clinton) !18: 12. .! . · ·
Nadine Weber, Columbus Whetsone
Boys I; t Dublin Coffman 36, 2. ~esterville South 88, 3. · Hillsboro 127, 4. Watkins Memorial 131, 5. Thomas Worthington 137. Individual: 1. Estwanik (DC) 16:37. . · Girls 1: J. Upper Arlington 41, 2. Dublin Coffman 56, 3. Thomas. Worthington 101,.4. Ma,rysvme )06, p, :Gahanna 107. · . Individual: 1. Peqhe_(DC) 18:51. ·. . . .. . · Boys ;II: . t Granville 60, 2. Be~dey 63, 3. Newark: Catholic 88, 4. Millersport 135, 5. Utica 135: Individual: ·. . .. · Hostafa (Utica) 17:08. Girls II: .1. Heath 50, 2. Fisher Catholic 58, 3. Newark Catholic 67, 4. Utica 139, 5. Bexley 150. · _Individual: 1. Br0 wn (Ncr 20:27.
Boys:··. i. Piketon ·go; 2. Eastern 'Brown 91, 3. Logan 1'27, 4. Circleville 131, 5. Minford 138. Individual: 1. Palsley (Miami Trace) .15:50, . .·.· .. Girls: 1. Circleville 19, 2. Eastern ~rown 55, 3. togan. 94, 4. Waverly 181, 5. Logan Elm 213. · Individual: 1. Hitchon (MiamLTrace) 19:29. HERITAGE' DAYS CLASSIC (Trotwood Madison-September 7)
·. '" . ~,.
... Boy!'!: 1. yYest Union '33, 2. lridianJ-lill S1, :3. Conner 90, 4. New Rict,lmo~d ·g~ 5. Boone County 119. Individuals: t
... .
Amanda Blackwelder Madeira
··:·-:"···----.-·Etavfd···~qbtnt"(Y'/·Bnion}~t7-:21-;-:2:-fr-ank--cDai:i}~(lndia~··Hill)··-----·~.? · · • 17:38, 3~ Matt ! Armstrong· (W Un[on) 17:46, '.4. Ben Tracy , (Bo'O'ne (;ouiityJ!'f8:07, 5. Jare'tt"'Ydcirig (G11oi:getown) 18;30. · · .: (3irls: <t Mariemont 46, 2. Conner 70, 3. New Richmond 73; 4. West Union 87, 5 . .indian Hill 101 ..·.Individuals: .1. Andrea Morgan !<Amelia,). 20::43. g. Be.~ca f3ianello(Mariemont) 21:36, 3. Julie: Snyder (Conner) 21:42, 4. Carroll Wood (Mariemont) 2tt7. 5. Crystal Brefeld (Conner) 22:03. ·
. 29THKIRTLAND KIWANIS INVITATIONAL (September 7) Boys Blue: t Benedictine · 46, 2. Perry 66, 3. Ashtabula 92, '4. Notre Dame Cathedral Latin 134, ·5. Jefferson 187. !Individuals: 1. Kelly (LC) 17:21, 2. Griffith . . (Harvey) 17:49, $. Quilligan (Benedictine) 18:18. . Girls Blue: 1. Perry 44, 2. Lake Catholic 79, -3. Jefferson 99, 4: Notre Dame-Cathedral Latin 129, . 5. Conneaut 154. Individuals: 1. Rizzo (Perry) 21:14, .2. . Heberarid. (Ashtabula) 21:26, 3. Horvat (LC) 21:28. . . . Boys Gold: ' 1. East ca·nton 28, 2. Berkshire 5~ ,3, Ridgetown 97, · 4. Kirtl~nd . 103, 5. Independence 155. Individuals: 1. Aquino (E Canton) .. 18:00, 2. .Gingrich (Berkshire) 18:00, 3. O'Bryan (Kirtland) 111:13. · ·· · · Girls Gold: 1. Berkshire 43, 2. Ridgetowll 84, 3. East Canton .85, 4. quyahoga Valley Christian 126, 5. Hawken . 141. Individuals: 1. Slattery (Berkshire) 22:06, 2. Mitchell (Berkshire) 22:06, Johnson 22:09. · '.\
Boy.s: LCin. LaSalle 29, 2. Princeton 67, 3. Alter 68, 4.. Vandalia. Butler 82, 5. Troy 159. · Individuals: . 1. Dave Alber. (Van But) 16:15, 2. Derrick Butler (LaSalle) 16:48,. 3. Mark Johnston (Princeton) 16:50, 4. Jay Hummel (LaSalle) · 16:55, 5. Josh Mears (Alter) 17:08. . . .. ·.> Girls: 1. Carroll 35, 2. Troy 87, 3. Alter 102, 4. Arcanum J 1~ 5. Chaminade~Julienne 1~6. Individuals: 1. Missy BeiQ,her (Carroll) · 20; 16. 2. · Moii{Kieirihenz (ChaM"Jul) 20:51; 3.' ·· Denise .· Schutte (Carroll)·· 20:56, · 4.. · Sally · Sniallenbarger (Troy) 21:00, 5:LibbyBarney·(Troy) 21:13. ;.·,,
·"· ~~ILFORD· ,r,NIT-:ATI<mA!..A~e,pt;j 7M·. L';"''''~,._.;_.,, , ' -
Boys: 1. Norttimont .26, 2. Lakota 46, · 3. Fair,fleld 76. 4. · . Lakota B 123; 5. Milford 124. Individuals: 1. Rufus Thomas (Fairfield) 15:46, i Casey Long (Northmont) )6:03, 3. Bryan . Richards (Nqrthrnont) 16:06, 4. Joe Barnes (Northmont) 16: 16, 5. Phil Bertran (Milford) i6:2a · '' . .. · · Girls: 1. Northmont 43; 2. La~ota 71, 3. Sycamore 73, · 4. Cin McAuley 107, 5.. Fairfield 12.0. Individuals: 1. Kelli Bogner (Sycamore) 19: 13, 2. Jessie Jones (Northmont) 19: 18, 3. Brianna Killian (Northmont) 19:22,. 4..Jessica Alsbrook (Lakota) 1}:1:29, 5. Rachel Hunt (Lakota) 19:40. NORTHRIDGE 'INVITATIONAl (Triangle Park - September .3) . Boys: 1. Eaton 50, f· Ki11gs 94, 3. Oakwood 107, 4. . Northridge J 19, 5. .Twin Valley ~outh 12.0, 6. Dunbar 137. Individuals: 1. Brae! Rowe (Milton U) 17:b8, 2. RyanCiark (Eaton) 17:12, 3. Zach Graham (Tri Village) 17:27, 4. Tom Kutter (Eaton) · 17:49, 5. Kyle Miller (Oakwood) _ 17:57, 6. Vince Zingaco (Kings) 18:02, 7. Brian Day (TVS) 18:29, 8. Paul Metzger (TVS) 18:2.9. . _ · ·. · Girls: ·1. Kings 31, 2. Oakwood 39, 3. Ntional Trail 41; 4. · Eaton 109, 5. Dunbar 124, 6. Milton ·Union 137. Individual~: 1.. Kelly Johnson (Kings) 21:23, .. 2. .. Lee Carpenter (Kings) 21:25, 3. Kelly House (TVS) 21:4~ 4.,Cara Hamann (Milton U) 21:q2, 5. Cory Hamann (Milton U) 22:34, a Brenda Lord (Kings) 22:45, 7. Ellie Anderson (Oakwood) 22:59, 8. Monique Demmons (Dunbar). 23:08..
WALSH JESUIT TOMAHAWK RUN (Sep{ 7) Boys Gold: 1. Cincinnati St. Xavier 34, 2. Austintown Fitch 70, · 3. North Canton 73, 4. Walsh Jesuit 97, 5; St. ' Edw~d 168. Individuals: 1. Lowry (N Canton) 17:27, 2. Kidd (Xav1er) 17:.32, 3. Tatarka {Austin Filch) 70, 4. Fritz (Xavier) 17:58, 5. Glowacki (Euclid) 18:02. . Girls Gold: 1. Mentor 49, 2. North ··canton- 79, 3. Holy Na'!l: 96, 4. Ci§Veland Hts. 98, 5.. New Philadelphia 108. IndiVIduals: 1. . Magovich (Holy· Name) 22:21, 2. Behnke (Mentor) 22:23, :'3. Martin (Southeast) 22:29, 4. Tavitt (Ciev His) 22:34, 5. Sa~lor (Mentor) 22:35. · . · ·· Boys Maroon: 1. Field 40, 2. Southeast 55, 3. Avon La~e. 79, · ~~.. Cre~twood ...11~- 5.. A~htaqlya _· Edg(>wood 127. lndtv~duals. t '· Gre1g1us· · (Ash :t;:dgewood) · 16:29, 2. M~Chntock (Crestwood) 16:53; 3. MarsjFiefd) 17:27, 4. Hudik (Ft!lld) _17:42, 5. Weger (Southel:!.St) 17:53. • ·. · . .. .Gtrls Maroon:. · 1. Field 48, 2. Crestwood 59, 3. Walsh Jes_w~ 70, 4. ~von Lake 82, ., 5. St. Vincent . St. Mary J 60. lndtvlduals: 1. Byrne (Avon ·Lake) 16:18; 2. . Schmidt · (C(estwood) .17:17, 3.: Mars· (Field)· 17:23; 4; Patch (Field) 17:;3~ 5.. Justtce (T~IImadge) 17:52. . .
'- '•'-
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MEDINA COUNTY INVITATIONAL (August 31) Boys: 1. Wadsworth !)2, 2. -Medina 5~ 3. Brum;;wick. 73. Individuals: 1. Morrison (Wadsworth) 16:5~ 2. Brantner (Ooverleaf) 17:06, 3. Ross.( Black River), 17:10. . ... Girls: 1. Brunswick 54, 2. Wadsworth 55, 3. Highland 57... Individuals: 1. Martin (Wadsworth) 20:20, 2. Eaton (Wadsworth) 20:25, 3. Rady (Medina) 20:45. MENTOR CARDINAL CLASSI,C · .. At Garfield Park (August 31) ·,
:· ~i>Y~,: ::.:' ·'1.: S,~l6ri .: 1"{ --~·· ,L:ah,Jfbb~ ;68, :.· 3. ·· RoC?kY; )~iv~r ,:.• ~ .·.~ 82. :, . 1?<'tVld1J~Is: :... t Huffm;3.n .· (Rocky ,River). , 1?:27, 2.·.-: ~~~tams (Brecksville) . 16:29; 3. ·. Budic (E~stl~~-e · .Npr;th) ·: _: ,G.!.rli: ·.· .M~nt9r'.' 50; ·z,:'.Ci~veia~d 3.. Br~ck~v.nle •... 93. .. ln~di'l(id!-i;:lls: . 1:: Ouplap, _(Riyerside) -:io:51,,2.: .Pra~t : (Solon) ~0:59, .3. Behnke (ty1entpr) 21:26 .• ·:, .·, .:· . ,.-..'··;;. · · . , ...' . .
i . ~''
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__ ___,_ _____ --a,.
.·_ ('95 sn,ate Finish-Division-~rade) _ -:1
Lisa Claypool (30-1-12) E. Liverpool, 20:02 Becky Testa (2-111-12) McDonald, 20:43 · · S'tacy Havaich(Frosh) Fitch, 21:27
H~rison won Pickerington and Hillsboro team titles behind individual champion Ernie Ziegler (~1-12). Zeigler won the 3200 title in 9:21.. 69 last June.
• 1.994 State Cnampion
casey long ran 16:00 -to win· at Greenville Northmont, who had only 29 points! Long, .a senior, was thity-seventh last year_ at Columbus: t:our T-Bolts placed in the top ten... ·
Tim Tatarke (94-1-11) Fitch, 17:25 Dave Klasousky, Austintown-Fitch, 17:26 William Hartman, LaBrae, 17:36 The Suburban League consists of thirty schools in three countjes. It is Ohio's largest league and one of its best. Thanks to Ken Jakubec for the information.
Rocky River's Bill Huffman (12~1i-12) won Van Matt· Miller (3~11-12) ... Mentor In 16:27. posted. a 16: 14 victory at Greenville · over ._Josh Yoder's (74-111" 12), 16:42 _of West Liberty Salem. Van Wert edged West Liberty 79-86 in Division IL & Ill. The Van Wert girls also won behind .Kim Minnich's-20:31, 1st; Kim was 23rd last year as a frosh in Division II.
GRANVILLE .INVITE.· (August 28) . Boys: · 1. Fredricktown 50, 2. Granvilli:j! 55. Individuals: 1. Jon Hostasa (Utica) 18:28, 2. Vincent Sw'artentrueer (Fredericktown) 18:38, 3. An,(jy Monin (Granville) 18:49, 4. David Baker (Utica) 18:52, · 5. Brent Overholt (Fredericktown) 1QOS _ . . ._ .. . Girls: 1. Lancaster Fisher .. 39, 2.: Heath 45. Individuals:. 1. _Kari Miller (Lancaster Fisher) -23:08, 2. Mary .Ellen Nash (Lancaster Fisher) 23:17, 3. Stephanie Francis (Heath) 23:26, 4. Alyssa Bader (Utica) 23:30, 5. Valerie- C.arson- (Heath) 23:35.. .
Greenon's William. McCauley opened with a first·· at Dayton Christian In 16:59 to Alter's Nick -1\ndrews' 17:1 a McCauley was tenth and Andrews thirteenth at Columbus; both are semiors. Andrews won the 1600 in 4:16.2 and McCauley was .third. in- the state- 800 in 1:55.88. The 800 champ was Josh Me·ars of Alter in .·. 1:54.10, who finished third at Dayton .christian, as Alter ' . won. Pat Petty ( 44-11-12) won twice for Teays Valley. He won at Pickerington with 1,6:58 and at CircleviUe.
Ft Recovery- captured the boys. title af the The Indians Mercer County meet . on Tuesday. followed . up by smashing back to back, defending State Champion, .Anna, 22-60, at the Celina Rotary · Meet .Team· finish was 2~3-4-6-7 packed in a· forty: seven second spread between 17: 17-18:Q4! The .Beavercreek girls look -. ready to move . up from last, year's fifth. place finish. · At Greenville, th_ey were led by : ,twin . sophomores._ Kara · .and Tara ' Storage.· Kara won in 18:39; Tara was second with 18:40, neither ran last· fall. Erin McConnell ( 4-1~ 12) of ~-~..SprJogfield_JI,JoJ:th.::-W-as-thil'(kwith--'-lM&--MG-GGAAell-wen
the Picke~ington Invite on Monday ill, J9:.57.: -~
Katy Radk~wich ( 1'-U-12) did not run at the A~ on Lake Early _Bird. _·. _However, Beaumont WOI:)i easily; putting five in · the top eleven .including · Fr,;eshmen, lindsay _Nimastil first place 1~ 14! .
' .
. . Goldwater brought home · Mercer County and · Celina Rotary titles . behind Karla Klosterman's ( 15-111-12) first and sE)cond place efforts; Karla is defending 800/2: 12.22 champion and runner-up at 1600 meters in 5:09.67 for'Division II. .
Angela Kubick, · · Peninsula Woodridge
-Boys:- •. 1._ .Vandalia Butler 23, 2. Mason .53. 3. -Stebbins 1-13, 4. Wilmington 114, 5. Franklin 129 6. Oakwood 13.9. . ·lndividua1s:. 1_. Dave Alber (VB) 1~:55, 2. Rich_ Adkins (VB) . 18:05. 3. Robert Goode (Mason) ·18:06, 4. Nick Hartings (VB) · 18:21, 5. Jason Alber (VB) 18:21. · . . ·· .... ·· · Girls: t Oakwood 64, 2. Vandalia Butler 65, 3. . _ Lebanon 66, 4. Mason 73, 5. Miamisburg 130, 6. Wilmington ,_ 143. Individuals: 1. Natalie Gingerich (Lebanon} 22:23, 2. · Julie Mauk (VB) 23:02, 3. Emily Moosebruger (VB) 23:19, 4. Amanda Boehm (Mason) 23:32, 5. Monica Rogers (Stebbins) 23:3& . AVON LAKE EARLYBIRD (Aug. 31) .. Lorain Co~~ty Community College
- - - - -~~-------'--_!Buys_ ~s;roon: l~t.Tgriii'fiU""s~-_•. ,.,3'74,=2."'--'B~a-'.-y"'"·-·~s'='a,""'a:::-_-~s::-:t~o'"'~~--~ -~-_,-· 102. . lndnnduals: .1. Martin- (Ignatius) 16:45, 2. Svob()da_· (lgnatJus) 16:58, 3. Ritchie (Olmsted Falls) 17:04.. __ . Girls Maroon: 1. Beaumont 3-0, '2. Perry 79,. a· Toledo Central Catt,onc: 10 t Individuals: 1. Nimastil (Beau) 1Q 14, 2. Byrne (Avon Lk) 20:09, 3. Hopple (Perry) 20:13: Boys _G~ld: . 1. _ Brl!~h. 74, 2. 9uyahoga Falls 74, 3. Bellevue 11 0; Individuals: 1. Leonard (Midpark) 17:20, 2. Werner (Brush) 17:33. 3. Murphy (Cuy F) 17:4& . . . _Girls Gold: _ 1. Fairview 56, 2. Cuyahoga Falls 74, 3. Mi~ark ~1; _ln~ividuals: t Koppel (N Ridgeville) 21:15, 2. J. B1scott1 (FaJfVIeW) 22:09, 3. Fout (Firelands) 22:37. _
At Columbus Grove, . Seneca East and Benton Won easily Jn ... girls' action. • _Seneca's ._._spread was 18:57~20:47 and Benton's only .19:21 to 20:18! _ Briana Shook (2-1-JO). for Columbian is now at Seneca East and won easily. '-!-·
Vincent Fries, juniQr at Seneca .East and· 94 and 95 state champion led his team to . victory over host Columbus Grove.' Fries posted a 16:23 but wipning in the other Divis,ion was an impressive 16:26 by Minster's Phil Slonkosky (45-111-10).. Fries was, 4th at 3200/9:4;>.39 and Slollkosky 8th/l0:05.47 last •(une.
PICKERINGTON (August 26) Boys 1: 1. Harrison 61, 2. Westerville North. 75, 3. Pjckerington. 79. · Individuals: 1. _Ernie Ziegler ( 16:07, 2. Abraham Habt~ (Eastmoor) 16:48, 3. Ben Lew1ck1, •. . (Westerville N) 16:59. · · · Boys 11 & Ill: 1. Bellefontaine 68, 2. Newark Catholic · 94, 3. Fairfield Unlofl_ .110.. Individuals: 1.. Pat Petty--(Teays V) 16:58. 2. Rob Myer~ (Fairfield U) 17:~8, 3: lan Schwartz (Bloom-Carroll) 17:18. · · _., . . · '· · ··'.- · -. . Girls I; 1. Pickerington 31, 2, Springfi~l~ Nprth. 51, ,3: Reynolqsburg -53. ·.Individuals: ' t Erin McCo11nel\ (pprinQ· N) . 19:59, 2. · Rtichel· Nichols (Pi_ckeringtoJJ) 20:?3. ..3. f1achel :H~nry · , , (Spring'N) 20:43>'' · . ·-· · ·-· ,,. _. · · Girls II &'Ill: . 1. Circleville 43. 2. London99, .3. BloomCarroll 111;·· -lndividiuils: _ ,: Je111.1y She.rly~ (F:airfi'elld PQ!Oll) .-,. -19:57; 2. chris Phillip!r '(Blooiif;Ca:il'oll) ·_1 Q5,8, 3. <Allisori'__ '!=!rown ·· · -··-·-(NewarkCath)20:27. . \ •'""''--·- . , · ··
· For~mp or coHege·lnfor~tloncontact;:,
Jack Haz:~n . · .. · Malone College 515 25th
· ··
· • · · · ·-
St. NW
. Canton, 6H;447d9 , ,. ..i"ao0.:s21~1146 ext.
Boys Redz 1. Seneca East 58; i Columbus Grove 81, 3. Bryan 98, 4. LCC 106, 5.· Otsego.t89, :6. Lak~ta.J93. _, Individuals: 1. V. Fries (Seneca E) 16:23, 2. J. Woten (Col. Grove) 16:38, 3. A. Hay (Seneca E) 1§:54; 4. c. Hermiller (Col: Grove) 16:55, 5. M Dunlavy (LCC) _16:58, 6.. E. Roush (Mohawk) 16:59, 7. S. Spotts (Seneca E) 17:01, a. B. Thormeier (Bryan) 17:01, 9. M. Sheets (LCC) 17:15, 10. K. Garmenn (Otsego) 17:15.
Boys: 1. Bexley 44, 2. Amarida~Ciearcreek 55, 3. Mt Individual: Vernon 70, · 4.. Eastmoor 79, 5.Hartley 135. Taylor (E) 1.6:14. • _·. . . . . ' •. -,. Girls: 1. Arnanda-Ciearcreek 20, 2. Mt V~rnon 70, 3. Bexley 71, 4. Hartley- 87, 5. Delaware 104. Individual: t Miller (AC) 19:35. WENDY;S INVITATIONAL (Fact Park, Hillsboro-August 31)
Girls Red: · 1. Seneca East 20, 2. Woodmere .112, 3. Otsego 121, 4. Ottawa Glandorf 132, 5. LCC 16~ 6. Lakota. 195, 7. Columbus Grove 207. Individuals: 1. B. Shook (Seneca E) 18:57, 2. A. Stechschulte (Bluffton) 19:33; 3. A. Phillips (Seneca EJ 19:57, 4.. S; Fries (Seneca E) 20: 15; 5. L Ranker (Seneca E) 20:32, 6. E._ Ward (Mohawk) 20:39, 7. K. Elminger (Seneca E) 20:47, 8. N. Hines (Seneca E) 20:47, 9. L. Travis (Woodmere) 20:49, 10. A. Aoadarmel (Woodmere) 20:53.
. Boys 1: 1. Harrison 40, 2. Moeller 93, 3. Hillsboro 97, 4. · Alter 101 · 5. Elder 124, 6. Worthington • Kilborne. 14. Individual~: 1. Ernie Ziegler (Harrison) 16:00, 2. Motsinger (HarFison) 16:38; 3. Sweatman (Harrison) 16:46, .,4. Kirc~~ff (Kilborn e) 16:52, 5. Andrews (Alter) 17:13, 6. D1xlon (DIXIe Hts) 17:22. Boys_ II: 1. Uberty Union ~4, 2. West Union 9?, 3. Pik~ton 97, 4. Indian Hill 129, 5 .. Minford 178, 6. East Clinton 185. Individuals: 1. .Dodridge (Minford) 16:54, 2. Damen (Indian H). 16:59, 3. Abbott (W . Union) 17:22, · 4. Ballinger .(Blanchester) 17:42, 5. Day (Piketon) 17:50, 6. Montgomery ' (Minford) 17:56. Girls 1: 1. Mercy 44, 2. Anderson 57, 3. MCAuley 116, · 4. Alter 124, 5. Worthington Kilborne 131. Individuals: 1. Hitchom (Miami Trace) 20:36, 2. Rieder (Mercy) 20:42, 3. Martin (McAuley) 20:49, 4. Himmelstein ("Anderson) 20:56, 5. Snyder (Harrison) 20:58, 6. Dreyer (Mercy) 21:01 ... Girls ·II: 1. McNicholas 72, 2. Loveland 72, 3. Indian Hill · 96 4. Kings 105, 5. Liberty Union 110. Individuals: 1. Ghia (Indian H). 20:32, . 2. Herman (McNi~holas) 2.1:~~! 3. Fisher · (McNicholas) 21:29, 4. Johnson (K1ngs) 21:46, .' 5. Hedges (Uberty U) 21:58, 6. Hosea (Loveland) 22:12.
Boys Gray: 1. Crestview 64, 2. Gibsonberg _107, 3. Fostoria St. W. 110, 4. Delphos St. John's 112, 5.Uberty Benton 131, 6. Minster 165, 7. Spencerville 229. Individuals: 1. P, Slonkqsky (Minster) 16:26, 2. B; Treece (Lib Ben) 16:31, 3. B. Cowan (Crestview) 16:35, 4. A. Schneider (Spencerville) 16:41, 5. J ..Vermillion (Cory Rawson) 16:47, 6. M. Brown (Crestview) 17:00, 7. J. Menna! (Fostoria SW) 17:05, a D. Smith (Delphos SJ) 17:10, 9. C. English (Gibsonburg) 17:12, 10. J. Bowman (Crestview) 17:15. · · ;
Girls Qray: 1. Liberty Benton 24, 2.. Cardinal Stdtch •. 57, 3. Sidney Lehman 124, 4. Crestview 145, .. 5. Minster 169, 6. Fostoria St W. 171, 7. Botkins 201. Individuals: 1. C. · Smith (Lib Ben) 19:21, 2. J. Pitney (Lib. Ben) 19:47, 3. M. Titus (Botkins) 19:53, 4. J. Lef'lante (Stritch) 20:00, 5. K. · Urban(Lib Ben) 20:01, 6. E. Donley (Stritch) 20:06, 7; A. Walsh (Lib;Ben) 20:10, 8. J. Walerius (Vail Buren) 20:17, 9. L. Budde (Lib Ben) 20:18, 10. K. Norman (Crestview) 20:23. ·
-NEWCOMERSTOWN INVITE (Aug. :f1) Boys 1: . tZanesvi!le 35, 2. Cadlweii 58, 3. Dover 116, 4. Marietta 146, 5. Warren Local 161. Individuals: 1. Malt McDonald (Caldw~II) 16:10, 2, Kyle Deevers (Zanesvl) 16:47, 3. Heath. Merryman (Zanesvl) 16:56, 4. Shane Sullivan (Zanesvl) .17:03, 5. Travis Weaver (Caldwell) 17:09. . Girls 1: .1. Dover 40, 2. Buckeye Local: 74, .3. New Philadelphia ·. 87, ·. 4.. Zanesville 87; 5. Marietta 102. Individuals:· 1. Erin Frye (Buckeye) 18:34, 2. Erin Bond (Dover) 20:10, 3. ~atalie Stokes (Tri-Valley) 20:19, 4. Brianna DeboiS .(Dover) 20:20, 5. Jenni Gerber (Dover) 20:23. Boys II: 1. Shadyside 61, · 2. Bellaire St' John 85, 3. Fairle§ls 102,.4. Aidgewoo_d .. 128, 5. Belpre 1X~c~Jndiiliduals: · 1. Ryan Donahu~: (BSJ) 16:27, . 2. J J O'Aielley. (Tusc C) 16:30, 3.. Matt Steele (BSJ) • 16:55; .4. John Molnar . (Shadyside) 17:20/5. Jarred Slatzer (Sandy V) 17:25. Girls 'II:· 1. Rosecrans 85, 2. Caldwell 137, 3. Bellaire St John ·141, 4. Jewett-Scio · 147, 5. Claymont 158. Individuals: 1. Julia KiJhar . (BSJ) 19:34,' 2. Sabrina King. (Sandy Valley) 20i09, 3. Amber Vavrek (BSJ) 20:10, 4. Lori Quinn. (W Muskingum). 20:37, 5. Sarah Ellis (Martin Ferry) _21:01. . . . ..
. CELINA ROTARY INVITATIONAL· (August 31) · · Boys I & II: 1. Bedford Mi 25, 2. Middletown 77, 3. Wapakoneta 99, 4.. Celina 103, 5. Findlay 122. Individuals: 1. Brett Bf'l,ddorf (Findlay) 16:55, 2. Matt Koepper (Bedford) 16:56, 3. Mike Wisniewski (Bedford) 17:15, 4. Gabe Knous (Memorial), 17:22, 5. Kevin Lammers (Bath) 17:27, 6. Jeff· Davis (Bedford) 17:45, 7. Joel Harrington (Clay) 17:50, 8. Sh~liJn Bellman (Celina) 17:56, 9. Matt Danzeisen (Bedford) 17:57,-tO..,Matt Wintersteen (E\edford) 1~;OQ. . '"''-•· Boys Ill: 1: Fort Recovery 22, 2: Anna 60,_ Alren ·East· 136, 4•. Lincolnview 144, 5. Coldwat~r . 166. Individuals: 1. Brad Koverman (Anna) 16:45, 2. ·Phil Aanly (Ft Aec) 17:17, 3.. Matt Roessner (Ft Rec) 17:41, 4. Matt Heitkamp (Ft Rec) -17:47, 5. Doug Brown (Allen E) 17:48, 6. Scott Will (Ft Rec) 18:02, 7. Nate Ontrop (Ft Aec) 18:04, 8. Kurt Mohlman (Coldwater) 18:17, 9. Tom Zepeda (Parkway) 18:25, 10. Eric Vlan (Parkway) 18:25. Girls I & · II: t Middletown 41, 2. Whitmer 69, 3. Wapakoneta 90, 4. Clay 90, 5. Celina 143. Individuals: . 1. Katie Sekinger (Clay) 19:56, 2. Melissa Knous (Memorial) 19:56, 3. Jessica Devoe (Bath) 20; 11, 4. Jodi Harrington (Clay) 20:48, 5. Stephanie Tutalo (Middletown) 20:55, 6. ·Johanna Schunk (Middletown) 20:58, 7. Stephanie Cameron (Middletown) 21:01, 8. Amy Fiessinger (Middletown) 21:22, 9, Kara Braun (Wapakoneta) 21:26, iO. Jill Crates (Bath) 21:57. Girls Ill: 1. Coldwater 42, 2. Ft. Recovery 61, 3. New Bremen 81. Individuals: 1. Anna Schwieterman (Bremen) 20:36, 2.. Karla Klosterman (Coldwater) 21:00, 3. Patty Albers (Anna) 22:01, 4. Tiffany Brown (New Knowville) 22:17, 5. Erin Boff (Ayers ville) 22:19, 6. Alice Prchalova (Ayersville) 22:24, 7. Angie Hamberg (Coldwater) 22:27, 8. Elizabeth Zahn (Coldwater) 22:32, 9. Jenny Abies (Ft Rep) 23:03, 10. Lisa Boeckman (Ft Aec) 23:09.
Justin Lorenz
. - NORTH CANTON (August 31) Boys II:
1. St Thomas Aquinas 79, Z Revere. A 105,
3. Tusky Valley 138, 4. Crestwood 156, 5. Chagrin Falls 165.
Individuals: · 1. McClintock (Crestwood) 16:33, 2. Warren (Revere) 16:50, 3. Stroney (OG) 16:50, 4. Smythe (Orrville) 17:23,5. Tscholl (STA) 17:41. .. · Girls II: 1. Woodridge 34; 2. Chagrin )~ails 85, 3. Revere _107, 4. Crestwood 137, 5. · Gaf;away 154. Individuals: 1.· Sabino (Woodridge) 19:47, 2. 'Orr (Revere) 20:04, 3. Hampshire . (Woodridge) 20:28, · 4. Kubick (Woodridge) 20:53, 5. Monegan (Woodridge) 21:01.
TREATY INVITATIONAL Gre~nville (August 31) . Boys
1: 1. Northmont 29, 2. · Pickerington 79, 3. . Princ~ton 79. lndi)liduals: 1.. C. Long (Northi!Jont) · 16:00, 2. B. Richard (Northlllont) 16:12, · 3. D. Casey (Pickerington) 16:12. ' Boys II · & Ill: . 1. Van Wert 79, 2.. West Liberty-Salem 1. M. Miller (Van , 86, 3. Bellefontaine 111. Individuals: Wert)_ 16:1-4, 2. J. Yoder (WLS) 16:42, 3. G. Flora (WLS) 16:49. . . . ·MARK ·PITZER MEMORIAL AWARD_(Top Male Runner) . Casey Long{Northmont) 16:00 · Girls .1: 1. Beavercreek 24, 2. Northmont 80, 3. Carroll _· 102. Individuals: 1. K. Storage (Beavercreek) 18:39, 2. T. Storage (Beavercreek) 18:40, 3. Erin McConnell {Spring N) 19:0a · · · Girls :II _& Ill: 1. Van Wert 37, 2. Russia 84 · 3. Arcanum 111, lndividuals: __ .-.1. Kim .Minnich (Van Wert). . . 20::i1,•2. K Doeger (Vari Wert) 21:10, 3. S. Arnold (Jackson · Center) 21: 17._ · JOHNS.SUBA _ (T(op FeJllale .Runner) K . ara torage ·Beavercreek) 18:39 "•
Moeller Cross Country
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