Moeller High School 2001-02 Cross Country Articles

Page 1

Boys cross country





Hlghlllhts: Senior State champion Time: 17:07





Frank RUSSO LaSalle

Highlights: led his team to a second-place finish at the state meet




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DIVS. 11-111 RL':'-JNER Of' THE YEAR

Josh LANE =~:~;~;e Senior 26th state meet Time: 16:29


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Highlights: Junior Seventh state meet Time: 15:39

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Garrett GROGAN ~



Senior 25th sta~e meet · ~ ~ T1me 16.03


Hlghll&hts: JuniOr 30th state meet T1me: 16:10

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St. Xavter

Jason BECK

~ ·

Junior · · ~2nd state meet . ,111 , . , T1me: 16:11 _• · ~



Kyle KOWALSKI . Highlights:






Junior · ,, 3_3rd state meet . . • ·• T1me: 16:13 ' U





Senior 1Oth state meet Time: 15:45

Freshman 12th state meet Time: 15:46

·, 9


About the team The Enquirer's cross country AllStars were selected by contributing writer Dave Schutte, a 40-year veteran of covering Cincinnati-area high school sports who covered the district and state meets. Input from area coaches was considered and extra weight was given to postseason perfonmances.

Jeff SEE

'1n-STARS"'III[ *1u.-STARS"'III[ Honorable FlRST TEAM FIRST TEAM mention Eric MAYHAUS LaSalle

Tom GALLAGHER Sycamore



Junior 34th state meet Time: 16:13

Senior 35th state meet Time: 16:14

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~U.-STARS- -r.=~~~;;~ ~~~~;;:;. ~~~~;;~ ARST TEAM




~du~r~~y~~~~~~~~~ ~:rrer· Michael Veatch, Middletown; Josh Kellerman, McNicholas; Ben Weitmarschen, St Xavier; Josh Walters, St Xavier; Tommy Balmat, St Xavier; Nath~n Ka~ps, St Xav1er; Stu W~lsm, lnd1an H•!l; . Kev1n Hall, Middletown Mad1son, JakeRichards,Ross;JoshHalleen, Clinton Mass1e.

Girls cross country 1


'iJJ.-STAik' DIV. I RUNNEl<· OF'! Hi: YbAR

Carolyn RAUEN Turpin

Hlghll&hts: Sophomore 16th state meet Time: 18:49





Indian Hill


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led his team to the Division I state championship


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Mike JACOBS Wyoming


Highlights: Led his team to


a sixth-place finish at state. The team was undefeated and won district and regional titles.



Jaclyn LOUIS Senior 12th state meet Time: 18:35

Honorable mention ~ALL-STARS~ ARSTTEAM

Melanie PRICE














Highlights: Sophomore 11th state meet

Highlights: Sophomore

Highlights: Freshman Seventh state


Junior 271h state meet Time: 19:08

Time: 18:34

Eighth state meet Time: 19:06

meet Time: 19:04

Sophonlore 151h state meet Time: 19:15




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21st_~ meet i ,~ * . Time. 19.30 . ·; ;!.i.> .. · . ' . .....7.::7


Corey Randall, Turpin; Ashley Ruoerg, Oak Hills; Brittany Detzel, Colerain; Samantha Koeppe, Turpin; Shelly Dickenson, Colerain; Ellen Nienhaus, Turpin; Heather Mastin, Seton; Laura Kreuter, Colerain; Jacqueline Jaworek, Turpin. Leah Peelman, Purcell Marian; Caitlin Fey, W~ming; Sammy Lammert, McNicholas; Kellie McClung, Kings; Lauren Bartlett, McNicholas; Julie Hoekzema, Badin; Alexia Schmitt, W~ming; Jennifer Stanley, Taylor; Sarah Luthman, Madeira; Courtney Engel, Reading.


C14 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2001


- Anal-round results

17om the boys and gifts Division I state goll tournament. Boys tournament was played on the 7,141-ya<d, pa<-72 Ohio lWveBIIy 5car1el Course. Girls tournament was played on the 6,020-ya<d, pa<70 Ohio State lJnlverslty Gray course. DIYIIION I T-acorea I, Cle. St ~s ........ 318-309-627 Z, IL XIIYier ............. 123-112-131 3, Cente!VIIIe ................ 327·31~41 4, Upper Arlington ......... 330-317-647 5, Dublin 5cloto ............ 328-325-653 6, StrongsYIIe .............. 32B-326-654 7, Dublin Coffman ........ 32B-327-655 B, Tol. St. John's .......... 330-329-659 9, llnlonlown Lal<e •••••.•. 328-334-662 10, Fairfield .............. 110-UI-1.. II, Flnclay ................... 331·336-667 _12, Green .................... 342-33B-680 IIIIIIYidul scores I, Jason Gerken, Logan ........ 76-76-152 2, Tyler Riley, Fndlay ........... 7B-75-153 3, TedSdi,St~ ·-··········77-76-153 4, Matt Busa, Sllgnatlus ..... 78-76-154 5, Scott Al<er, ~Shawnee 78-76-154 6, Clrls Wlson, Coffman ......... 76-78-154 7 , - Slnl1l. Jackson ..••.••• 80-75-155 9, Geoff Stevens. Centervlle .... B2-73-155 B, Sen 5mlth, SL l§lalils ......... 78-77-155 10, JoeiiVirler, Watterson ....... 76-80-156 11, BriM X •••• 78-78-118


GirtsgoH ,


I, Cuy.Fals Walsh Jeslil .. 338-335-673 2, ~ ~ ............. 340-340-680 3, Dubt1 Coffman ............ 343-343-686 4, lAkota West ----··· 311-U9-IIO 5, Tol. SL lhula .............. 346-361-707 •• MI. Notre ......172-312-724 7, CenterYie .................... 369-359-728 8, Massb Ferry ············· 375-359-734 9, Massb Jacl<son .•.•••.. 365-371-736 10, !.ina cert. Cath ......... 381-376-757 11, ~ .......... 310-388-718 12, westlake ................... 436-410-846


1, c.tiiiC cot~~~~.-73-74-147 2, AJexaua cast, E. Palestine. 77-79-156 3, HolyMederkohr. Marysvle .. 80-78-158 4, K;n CWran, Dubt1 Coffman 80-79-159

5, B.JallnSon, Walsh Jeslil ....... 84-76-160 6, Ll'tlonacl*"', Bealrnont ....... 82-78-160 7, El2abeth Meyer, Centervlle .. 83-78-161 B. B.2lelenskl, Tol. Sllhula .. 79-B3-162 9, A.Ciuthlil, Dub.Cotfman .... 79-83-162 10, K.Manris, Mass. Jackson ... 79-83-162 II, Armer UphaUs, Wauseon ... 83-79-162

Boys cross CCUIIry Olllo District Meet Dlrialolll Top f - tu.a Ia each race adnace to relllotlal Race1 (3.11111ea at Voice of A. .rlca Parte) Regional Qualifiers 1. Ll Salle 25 (I. Sader 15:31; 3. Grogan 16:13; 4. Mayhaus 16:18; 7. Dragan 16:40; 10. Seck 16:43; 16. AI· tenau 17:07; 29. Calardo 17:27). z. Moeller" (6. Schwarz 16:3B; 9. Vanorsdel 16:42; 14. Ralg 17:01; 15.T. Frost 17:02; 25. Goddard 17:21; 28. Ash 17:22; 27. D. Frost 17:24). 3. Kla&o 78 (2. Garvin 16:0B; 13. Matheus 16:53; 17. Freson 17: 10; lB. Ackerman 17: II; 2B. Wlnebar 17:25: 57. Thomen-Brown IB:45; 62. Rusche IB:49). 4. Lakota East 118 (5. Swartz 16:21; 21. MI. Peters 17:17; 22. Ma. Peters 17: IB; 32. Miller 17:37; 3B. Hoops 17:49; 40. Rubush IB:O I; 53. Mosser IB:35). Oilier Te- acor..: 5. Harrison 133, 6. Princeton 141, 7. Walnut HIDs 201, B. Turpin 256, 9. Roger Bacon 257, 10. Western Brown 269, II. Oak Htns 293, 12. Glen Este 331, 13. Amelia 373, 14. Hamilton 414, 15. Northwest 466. ladiYidul Qtllllflen: B. Thomp: son (Princeton) 16:42; II. Fotz (Roger Bacon) 16:47: 12. Zinmerman (Prlnoeton)' 16:53. Race Z Regiolll Qtllliflero 1. SL X•- 43 (3. Wietmarschen 16:23; B. Kowalski 16:35; 9. Munnlnghofl 16:35; 12. Balmat 16:49: 14. Kamps 16:56; 16. Walsh 17:00; 17. Mosher 17:01). Z. lrca•ore 79 (2. Gallagher 16:20; 4. Neumam 16:25; lB. Sage 17:03; 21. Tope 17:09; 34. Hitchcock 17:32; 46. Clemens 17:56; 56. Wright IB:II). 3. Elder " (5. Frey 16:2B; 6. Staudlget 16:2B; 10. Cohen 16:39; 30. Newman 17:23; 38. Lawrence 17:36; 41. Hammersmith 17:43; 45. Kenring 17:53). 4. ~... lOS (II. Kinne 16:43; 20. Simcoe 17:06; 23. Schlemmer 17:13; 25. Peak 17:15; 26. Blerkan 17:15; 2B. Toelke 17:17; 49. Braun 17:58). Otller Tea• acoreo: 5. Fairfield 112, 6. Anderson 154, 7. McNicholas 177, B. Mason 224, 9. Talawanda 23B, 10. Milford 280, 11. Lakota west 313, 12. Loveland 343. ladlwldual Quallrtero: I. Dixon (Fairfield) 15:59; 7. Kellerman (McNicho· las) 16:35; 13. Rhodenbaugh (Talawanda) 16:49; 15. Martin (Fairfield) 16:59. Dlvlalolll (3.1 .aiel at Prloceton) Re""ll Qtllllftero 1. Wyo.aa~ 71 (5. Quinn 17:31; 6. Neellert 17:36; 16. 5mKh IB:03; 22. Schaengold IB:21: 29. Barczewskl tB:39; 49. Howea 19:36). z. Taylor S4 (7. MiDer 17:40; 15. Boll IB:03: 17. Kahny IB:03; 21. Thompson IB:I7; 26. McArthur IB:32; 45. CUrry 19:26; 53. Bltkholtz 19:47). 3.1adi•lllll 01 (2. Wulsln 16:44; 4. Camden 17:26; 23. Wulsln IB:21; 32. O'Steen IB:54; 33. Campbell IB:55; 37. LesHe 19:04; 41. Edwards 19:13). 4. Ron 101 (I. Richards 16:42; 11 Foster 17:49; 14. Hill 17:59: 39. · McBreen 19:09; 40. M. Drla 19:12; 44. A. Drta 19:5B; 56. Hayes 20:01). II. lllclo-d 121 (8. Wil· Hams 17:41; 13. Gemma 17:58; 20. Van IB:I5; 35. Goocey IB:58; 550. Werte 19:39; 65. Tremper 20:58), Ot•er tea• ocoreo: 6. Badin 127, 7. Clermont NE 140, B. Blanchester 227, 9. Bethel-Tate 252, 10. Utile Miami 257, 11. Purcell Marian 293, 12. Mariemont 300. iadiwidoal qoallflero: 3. Lane (Bethel) 16:45; 9. Mathers (Purcell) 17:43; 10. Jones (CNE) 17:46; 12. Pettl~w (CNE) 17:57. (3.1 111111 at LO~II) Te- Slladlll&o: 1. Washington CH 35, 2. Hillsboro 38, 3. Venton COunty Bl, 4. Sheridan 88, 5. River Valley 123, 6. Megs Local 137, 7. McClain IB5, B. New Lexington 206. Hlttoboro Re""ll Qtllllflero: 3. Pierce 17:54; 6. Wood IB: II; B. Evans IB:I9; 10. Pickering IB:25; 16. Seeling IB:47; 39. Holstrom 21:03; 57. Pa<shaft 24:0B. ~IU

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at Prfaeat011\

Re""ll Qullflera L Madeira ZZ (I. Barrett 17:27; 2. Roach 17:49; 4. Hassman IB:03; 7. Stevens IB:2B; B. Ooley IB:29; 14. Gettinger 19:04; 19. Hunt 19:25). z. 88 (II. Partil118:46; 13. Schneider IB:55; 15. Knoepfter 19:05; 21. Kazlor 19:39; 33. Evelo 20:22; 39. Bromley 20:52). 3. CIICA 1011 (lB. Mead 19:22; 20. Johnson 19:32; 24. Bremer 19:47; 25. Edmonson 19:53; 26. Spohn 19:58; 35. Schuler 20:29). ot11er IN• acorea: 4. Lockland 146, 5. Ripley 152, 6. Georgetown 184, 7. ceo 193, B. Felicity 197, 9. Seven Hills 212, 10. Sl Bernard 220, II. Batavia 221. IIIIIIYidul qullflera: 3. C. Pittman (lockland) 17:58; 5. Crank (St. Bernard) IB:20; 6. SeeshOIIz (Georgetown) IB:27; 9. Gurry (Cin. Christ) 18:30; 10. Franklin (Ripley) IB:38; 12. B. Pittman (Lockland) lB:53.

Girts cross ccudry Oblo Dlolrlct Meet DIYIIiCHII Race1 (3.1.aeo at Voice of - • Parte) RegiODII Qalllfiero 1. Twpla 23 (I. Rauen IB:42; 3. Price 19:13; 5. Louis 19:1B; 6. Randall 19:30; B. Koeppe 19:44; 9. Nienhaus 19:47; 16. Jaworek 20:26). z. Coleralll S4 (2. Maas IB:46; 4. Detzel 19:14; 7. Dlcklnson 19:37; 17. Kreuter 20:35; 24. Schmlcllo<st 20:01; 25. Totten 21:0B; 47. Schmidt 23:10). 3. Oak HUll 101 ( 10. Ruberg 19:48; II. Doerger 19:53; lB. Sand 20:36; 30. Stink 21:26; 32. Koch 21:31; 36. Nlerner 22:03; 40. Sedgwick 22:20). 4. -CJ 108 (19. Knopf 20:43; 20. Schoenfeld 20:45; 21. Maly 20:51; 23. Besl 20:48: 26. Kroner 21:09; 2B. Rieder 21:20; 41. Nester 22:21). ot•er tea• ocoreo: 5. Mount Notre Oame 127, 6. Walnut Hills 212. 7. r.llford 216, B. McAuley 222, 9. Glen Este 251, 10. Amelia 253, II. Talawanda 271. ladiYidul quliflera: 12. LaSetle (Milford) 19:57; 13. Butler (MN>) 20:07; 14. Snodgrass (McAuley) 20: 14; 15. Wmos (MN>) 20:21. Race Z Re&lotlal Qalllflero 1. Lakota Elot 52 (2. Whisner 19:16; 3. Mersch 19:3B; 9. Pllspanen 20:16; 17. Reeves 20:49; 21. Arrlens 21:13; 25. Brankamp 21:19; 44. Kramek 22:15). z. Setoo II (4. Martin 19:55; 5. Berling 19:57; 15. Doherty 10:41; 20. Ross 21:06; 21. Hoblng 21:13; 32. Niederhausen 21:38; 41. Widener 22:06). 3. Alderson 84 (I. Homan IB:55: 12. Ross 20:22; 16. Tegge 20:45; 31. Fein 21:29; 34. Moore 21:49; 46. Hagen 22:3B; 52. Bove 22:55). 4. UrslliH 101 (6. Hickey 20:0B; II. Wilton 20:20; 13. Ross 20:30; 33. Janslng 21:45; 3B. Schuler 22:00; 45. KnoB 22:2B; 49. WhKehead 22:47). Oilier tum acoreo: 5. St Ursula 123, 6. Sycamore 162, 7. Fairfield 177, B. Mason IBI, 9. Lakota West 248, 10. Loveland 302, 11. Princeton 31B. 12. Harrison 337. ladiYklual quallftero: 7. Balogh (Loveland) 20:14; B. Blsh (Fairfield) 20:15; 10. Shagena (St. Ursula) 20:19; 14. Bittner (Sycamore) 20:40. DIYIIIon II (3.1 mlloo at Prlncetoa) Regloaal Quallflero 1. Wyomi•• 58 (2. E. Schmitt 19:14; 7. Fey 19:47; 10. A. Schmitt 20:10: 20. Spadafora 21:10; 21. Mowry 21:13; 29. Carter 21:45; 39. Anglim 23:04). 2. McNicbolll 10 (3. Roflow 19:1B; 12. Bartlett 20:29; 13. Robers 20:35; 14. Lammert 20:3B; 19. Hllgefort 21:09; 26. Moiler" 21:35; 30. Barlag 21:47). 3. Taylor 71 (4. Crofford 19:25; 6. Lariccia 19:3B; 16. Doll 20:42; 23. Eg""'ton 21: 17; 27. Stanley 21:37: 35. Holbrock 22:27: 44. Glenn 23:46). 4. Kln~l 100 (9. McClung 19:57; II. Allen 20:29; 25. Simmons 21:24; 36. carson 22:31: 38. Gallo 22:42; 51. Dam 24:46: 67. Colwell 26;0B) .. 11. Badia 120 (B. Hockzema 19:52; 2B. Keating 21:41; 32. Jolivette 21:57; 33. Andes 22:13; 34. Lysaght 22:22; 37. Graf 22:32; 40. Meehan 23:05). Otber tum ocoreo: 6. Indian Hill 13B, 7. Purcell Marian IBI, B. Roger Bacon 201. irldiYidul qoallflers: I. Olble (Indian Hln) IB:57; 5. Peelman (Purcell) 19:29; 15. Leslie (Indian Hill) 20:41. (3.1.mlleo at Lo&an) Team Standin&o: I. Hillsboro 30. 2. Fairfield Union 35. 3. Sheridan 94. 4. Megs Local 113, 5. Venton County 122, 6. Washington Senior 130, 7. McClain 184, B. Waverly IB7. Re&lonal Qualif'oero lor Hilllbo· ro: 2. Schlater 21:04: 3. Estle 21.22: 5. Reinholtz 21:47; B. Collins 22.16: IS Howell23:07. DIYIIIon Ill (3.11111eo at Princeton) R.,....lll Qllallflero 1.11adelra 40 (2. Luthman 20:21; 6. Bishop 21:20; B. Welslll'od 21:33: 9. Grol 21:39; 21. Parkhouse 23:54; 24. Paluta 24: I 0; 25. McKenzie 24: 15). z. Readlll&47 (I. Engel 19:53; 3. Thomayer 21:0 I: 15. Hellman 23:03; 16. Nolte 23:05; lB. BaUou 23:19: 41. HaD 26:22; 44. Ford 26:57). 3. CHCA 72 (7. Hyrne 21:2B; 10. Rudolph 21:46; 14.· Adam 22:40; 19, Cosier 23:20; 33. Walker 25:25; 36. Edwards 25:37: 45. Dougan 27:09). 4. Marle•oot 92 (II. Miller 22:15; 17. Morehead 23:11; 22. Raeon 24:05; 2B. Kehoe 24:35; 30. Elliott 24:45; 39. Hunt 25:47; 46. Conrad 27:17). Otber te•• ocor. .: 5. Ripley 119. 6. ceo 153. 7. Fayetteville lBO. ladiwldoal qoallflero: 4. lvey (CCD) 21:06; 5. Looney (Seven Hills) 21: 15; 12. McDevitt (Cin. Christ) 22:25; 13. Wright (Ripley) 22:35.



warren Hartt1l 14 Sll(ao.;er42,C1e.SLI31afiJs41

Eider 24,

rw. 35, rw. EJet 1 rw. ~ 12. rw. E. 6 Sis. .lotll & PaU 14, Cc:ls. --12 - 3 3 , Gales,...- 13 Bedfml 39, . . . Hts. 12 Bed. Qmel 28, Pa<ma Holy tBne 20 ~ ro:t. 45, Gar. Hts. Tri«y 13 Cle. Beneddi1e 33, can. cent ~. 30 C1e. E. Tech. 20, C1e. S. 14, OT Cle. VASJ 27, Laislte ,oqms 10 Gales ,... 40, Hi1ml 0 1U1sa1 WRA 22, ~ (Ccm) 01oale ~GerMy Hal 14 Hunting Valey ~erslty School 17, ~(Pa.)IQsldPrepO ~ St Edwlrll 44,

Tal Witmer

27 Tlfl'n QMrl 53, St .iosEP122 Tal 37, Tal Wcodwa!l IB Tal SL .Jolll's 22, Tal Scott 14

RuDDers revel in preseason CHCA ceo summer miles

Quality not quantity. Cincinnati Country Day cross country head coach Merle Black expects only 15 to 20 runners out for the boys and girls teams combined, but many of them have the potential to excel. Junior Brooke Ivey leads the returnees on the girls team. She won the Miami Valley Conference championship last year and qualified for the state meet. "We're looking for repeat performance from her," Black said. "She's one the finer runners in Cincinnati - very strong, very . determined." Fellow juniors Mary Robinson, Jaclyn Schwartz and Jamie Swango are returning letter winners as well. Swango, in particular, could have a standout season. "I fully expect her to be among the best runners in the league," Black said. The Country Day boys squad may need to wear name tags for the first month or so with two newcomers among the team's top runners .. Sophomore Kris Whitetransferred in from St. Xavier, where he ran for the freshman cross country team last fall. He has impressed in the early practices. "He looks really promising," Black said. "He could well prove to be our No. 1 runner." Another sophomore transfer, James Flexter from New Jersey, also figures to contribute. The Indians have a trio of returning' letter winners as well, in Eric K-lug, Jeff Lynch and junior Dylan Monroe. Klug was the team's top runner last season as a freshman.


Both the CHCA boys and girls cross country teams qualified for regionals last year. The girls squad returns a vetera~·lmeup ~eady to make another run. Junior. twins Cheryl and Christy Hyrne each earned first team all-Miami Valley Conference honors htst year. Seniors Elizabeth Cesler and Lindsay Walker and junior Amanda Edwards return after taking second team all-league a year ago. First-year runner Amy Dougan· and freshmen Cassie Yonker and Lindsay Rudolph likely will contribute as well. The extra year of experience and · improved depth has head coach Jack Bailey hopeful. "If we stay healthy, we could be a little bit stronger than last year," Bailey said. The Eagle boys program has qualified for regionals five straight years and won three consecutive MVC titles. But the streaks may be in jeopardy this fall with only six runners out for the team. · "Our numbers are down," Bailey said. "But we have some decent kids coming back." Clinton Johnson, Wes Edmondson, Josh Bremer and Abbott Roy are returning letter winners. Edmondson and Johnson, both seniors, earned allMVC notices last year. Bailey also is looking for contributions first-year running senior Eric Mead and Seven Hills transfer John Turba. "We'll be competitive in our league," Bailey said. "I don't know if we'll be as competitive in the district as w.e have been. I think we have a shot at it."

Moeller Indian Hill. The Indian Hill boys cross country tea m has regwnal . dre.~~s fo.r the upcoming season. t It s kmd . of our goal to get ou to regwnal as a team " h d coach Susan Savage said , ea . It'~ not a far-fetched ~xpectatwn either, with 15 boys out for th~ teaiJ?, led by senior co-captams. lim Camden and St Wulsm. u

p The~, along with returnees ~t 0 Steen and Robert and Michael Leslie' give the Braves an experienced core of runners. Wulsin is a two-time defending C.incinnati Hills League champ~on, defending district champwn and returning state qualifier. His younger brother, freshman John Wulsin, hopes to embark on a similarly successful high school career. He won the eighth grade league ·championship last year. ''He is very good for a freshman," Savage said. "He could be the catalyst to take us a step further as a team. "We have a strong foundation for a strong team. It's just a matter of everyone staying healthy." Savage's girls roster is even bigger, boasting 23 runners. Many are inexperienced and unproven, with two notable exceptions -junior Lisa Uible aQd sophomore Elizabeth Leslie Dible, the school's eros~ country record holder, returns after placing eighth in the state meet last year as a sophomore. Savage hopes for an even more competitive attitude from her . star runner. "It's f!IO'~~ just maturity," Savage said. Getting more confident, being more aggressive." Leslie improved over last season, qualifying for the regional meet where sht; posted a personal best time.

Experience is the word that describes the. Moeller cross country team. This year's team is full of seniors who have ran cross coun- · try before for head coach Jerry Kombrinck. Some of these senior leaders are Kevin Schwarz, Brent VanOrsdel, Michael' Goddard and. Tony Frost. According to Kofubrinck, Schwari should be' a strong challenger for the state title. Schwarz was injured late last year, but prior to his injury beat the top runners in the area. ~e Crusaders will compete agamst some of the best teams in the country at the Great American Cross. Country Festival in No~ Carolina. They will also run m the Hilliard-Davidson meet near Columbus. Of course, Kombrinck knows !he importance of running well m the Greater Catholic League meet against conference foes St. Xavier, Elder and LaSalle. Kombrinck said staying healthy and staying focused is a key to succeeding this year. "On paper we have a very ·good team," he said. "You never know what's going to happen though. They will need to train hard and run hard."

run at state title


for the ninth consecutive year. Alan Bader, the defending DMsion I state cross country champion, heads a list of distance runners that includes veteran Patrick Risch mann.-Scott Hudepohl (long. jump), Matt'Jackson (shot put) and Dan Albrinck (pole vault) will score well in the field events: "There's five or six teams who · have the talent to finish No. 1 in the poll," Russo said. 'Princeton is back and one of those teams." 4. Moeller: An experienced team loaded with depth, the Crusaders will be strong in most events. . Coach .Jeny l<oobrinck will rely on Kevin Schwarz and Brad. Nuemann in the 1,600 and 3,200 meters and Brian Ehlers in the middle<listance events. · Sprinters Josh Woods and Eric Thatcher are proven winners along with Brent walter, who finished fourth in the pale vault at last year's state meet . 'We have a balanced team with a lot of varsity e~rience.' Kombrinck said. 5. Sycamore: Since Hank Ray took over as coach five years ago, the program has improved. 'The numbers are high, but experience is low, but the future looks bright," Ray said. 'We have a lot of young and inexperienced athletes. We finished second in' the GMC last year and have a chance to win it all.' · Sprinter nm Dickerson heads

a list of qualitY sprinters with distance runner Tom Gallagher and · middle distance runners Mark Mecum and Ryan Schweet also expected to score. High jumper Chris Hunter and Nate Price (pole vault) are athletes to watch. 6. Elder: Senior leadership is one of many strengths for an Elder team that will be SJ:rong in most events. · Regional qualifier Kurtis Smith will anchor a solid group of distance runners that includes Nick Westerman, Sean Ernst, Rob Bengel, Patrick Kendall, Nick Krum!l¥ln and nm Trainor. · Regional qualifiers Mike Schenke (long jump) and Gary McKiddy (pole vault) gives Elder strength in the field events while the Panthers also will be strong in the sprints with Jon Baer, Andy Rrsich, Dave Kroner, Dominic Acito, Rob Bucher and Nick Franer. 7. Princeton: "We're strong in the hurdles, vaults, sprints and jumps; coach Ken Meibers said. ·our weaknesses will be in the weights (shot put, discus) and distance (1600, 3200) events.' Meibers pointed to pole vaulters Chris Smith and John Russell and sprinter Chris Daniels as the athletes to watch. Others expected to score are Chris Holland (200, long jump), Darren Barnett (~). Hassan Thompson (800), Jay Miller (1,600), Eric Zimmerman

(3,200), Brandon Wiley (long jump) and C81 Shaw (high jump). 8. Anderson: 'We ha'Ve:good upperclassmen in Patrlughes (1,600, 3,200), SachiA·Shah (hurdles) and Michael M"'oreland (hurdles, longjump)," coach Aroy Wolf said. "We have a.. iot of young talent and our oepth is untested." Wolf _also expects~ ~pole vaulters Steve Falconieri'" and John Porter to score. "'"' • • 9. Colerain: The cardinals will sco're well in the field e~r:]ts. but they might struggle in the distance races because of,ffie' graduation of Mason ward and,Chris Noelcke. Scott Chapman (pole Vault), Mike Crum (shot put, diScus)· and Maurice Johnson.' (long jump) should score well, bUt the pressure will be on untested distance runners Tom Kinne, Craig Eckstein and .Chris Toelke. · 10. Wmton Woods: Rrst-year coach Ron Wright inhe_rited a warriors team loaded with·sprinters and hurdlers. """ Seniors lan Ruth,'', carlos Tipton and Nate Jackson will team with juniors Rayshawn Spencer, Louis White;" Mike Turner and Robert Hrre in the sprints and hurdles. · __.,; Kenwood Lattimore;.: Randy Henderson, Drew Jones, Jeff Huff and Spencer are .expected to score in the field ~n~:


Cross country tourneys

Oct. 28, 2001

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PREP SPORTS Sunday, October 28, 2001

Ohio Kentucky Indiana




Cross country tourneys

I ~'




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Cincinnati Enquirer



Regional Meet (3.1 miles at Troy Memorial Stadium) Division I Top four teams advance to state


Team standings: 1. La Salle 51, 2. St. Xavier 120, 3. Elder 141, 4. Clayton Northmont 165, 5. Colerain 171, 6. Centerville 183, 7. Kings 186, 8. Sycamore 200, 9. Troy 214, 10. Beavercreek 217, 11. Middletown 222, 12. Moeller 227, 13. Fairmont 340, 14. Lakota East 341, 15. Greenville 388, 16. Huber Heights Wayne 410. Top 15 individuals advance to state

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Top finishers: 1. Bader (La Salle) 15:33, 2. DesRoches (Northmont) 16.03, 3. Dixon (Fairfield} 16:06, 4. Garvin (Kings) 16:08, 5. Lykins (Fairborn) 16:09. Cincinnati runners La Salle (1. Bader 15:33,6. Grogan 16:10, 12. Beck 16:21, 17. Mayhaus 16:33, 25. Dragan 16:45, 48. Altenau 17:07}. ON

St. Xavier {19. Kowalski 16:35, 24. Weitmarschen 16:44, 29. Kamps 16:52, 31. Moshen 16:54, 32. Walters 16:55). Elder (8. Frey 16:19, 16. Staudigel 16:24, 18. Cohen 16:34 ). Colerain (26. Toelke 16:49, 27. Kinne 16:49, 39. Schlemmer 17:01, 44. Simcoe 17:05). Kings (4. Garvin 16:08, 21. Matheus 16:38, 49. Ackerman 17:07}. Sycamore (9. Gallagher 16:20, 11. Neumann 16:21 ). Middletown (7. See 16:16, 13. Veatch 16:23}.

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Moeller (22. Vanorsdel 16:40, 41. Flaig 17:03}.


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