Moeller High School 2001-02 Football Articles

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. points before coming ..Princeton· actually· crossed, the . goal iine witli' less than ·a mi~ute to play but was.hit with penal7 t)r ·to 'negate the touchdown.'_; ':. ·. ~ · ·The Crusaders~llliuted PrinCeton . to single-digit rushffi:g In· the first half~'hilebuildirtg a 31-7 lead. : ~.'. :BeJ;J. . McGrath.. ,sc~red ~n a one-yard quarterback keeper to Moell~~ .. ·< · ,, start tlie'scoring for ~oeper. He I . -. ~ . .',· , ~~Sycamore rJrning The Crusaders (5-5) ~alvaged added .a. pair of TD passes and Tawney a .500 season and av(nded ·the another sconng. ~D to ,pace the 1 first losing year in ~chool histoiy Crusaders. Eric Thatcher scored went over the century-mark rushtouchdo~ris reception, ing, while·· quarterback ..Ross : with ~ #~2 ~-in agamsf Pri~ce~ a hoo~-and-laternl an~ a ruri":!"'-... . Sferra threw for,i29..yards on ~4ton (7.-3): . , · .. , · . ' ~~ 'k.i. ·. for-27 passing. c• • ·,. , ·\ ' Moe staved off the surginJ?;



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, third touchdOwn. ·· • ·. ;,. - ' , ~ ; ·,;Already aJtea(i1;o;~M:o~l~: . ler : quarterback· Ben· i McGrathdired a '15-yard. · -pass t.o ¥il(e "Wieqiuirsche~. ~ ; whobJ.a~~r~!ed:.Jci., Eric •. Thatcher, \v.ho then raced 45 yards)<?..thJ:! end.?o!lr· Wtth• : 10:43.~stilljl~ft::.iil ~t~e first. . half,. t~ei CE,U~ad$!~)~d..21 ;0; .

tilesekicis hiive"'wofked liar-. der:. tliari' anY: football: feam. I've ~een·:assochrted,:'~tli." :·.. ; · Moeller .dominated -the firsf26 minutes and led 38:7~ early in the second half.,, :. · The -Crusaders ·saved · nothing from their playbook. t They scored tlirougf.the rur I and on· the- giound. They threw long and short, ran inside and . outside. They. , used reverses, play-action l and. even. the ,hook-ati.d-ladb.:w~~~:_~~~

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was pretty.<: much' unstoppa~ ~; bl "•;' \~11:;~-·~ ·.: .?,.~'i :\ . e. .•. :- !::·,, . r.~,:;•;.~- 1, .• , J · ... On 1ts ·.next'J:fposse~s!On;.· Moeller inarch&r53"1ards ~in7t tseven l)lay'S':'ar1"d~scored 'on:~ Rob"~Allen's ·15-yard -iotich- ~.,: --·-~. . --· ~.-". down ·run:n !!:;',ll'' £.~;·,,~ • l·l: ·:. , -' ._~That;made if28-0 and nad former ·Moeller 'coadi.Geiry · Faust' screaming iii the press . box:.'· tt\~ :";:..·t ···e- 1 '· .: ' H~ ·left rat· halftime."' And ~hrisse'd

a 1~f;t,£..:· ,.::;~;·:j. ~: .- • ·

'· : Piihceton; 'Whicn· Iiad ..ini. .mis~4 'yards rushing iri the first- half;• forgot 'about \ts· running game: and aua·clied Moeller through ·the air;··The Vikings f scored~- four'.fiman.: swered. tou'chdowns~ andl"cut ,:


PrincetOn ~ ...;!;....:.t~A!.. ...:..~ 0 7 21 7-42 Moeller ....._.;....._.;...;.;.._14 -~V ~ M-Mc:Gnllh I run (Kanoza kick) :, •_ • • , , M-Thatcher 15 pass 1rom McGrath (Kanoza • kltk)·'"'.ilo•.~ ... "4"~'t '""'"•f ' ; ' M-Thatcher 63 Pas~ rrOni McGrath (Kanoza . kick) : , · ..._ .~ . . ,: · -:. ~ · M-Allen 15 run (Kanoza kick) • r • P-Bamett 6 pass lrom Daniels (Russell kick) . '~ M-Kanoza33FG ' , ' _ f •,• • ~--. M-Thatcher 36 iun (Kanoza kick) f ; • '·; , · P·Bamett 12 pass from Daniels (Russell ~ kick) . . li :. .... · P-Danlels 9 run (Russell kick) : · ') '- : 1 P·Bamett 55 pas$ fro.m Daniels (Russell kltk). ~~-~ .. ~ .. - ... ~-.; P-Danlels 4 run (Russel kick) 0, , • M-Mc:Gratll 2 run (kick Mde left) ·l • P-Canyon 58 PdSs from Daniels (Russell kick) • .1 }~-,-' •• . . . . "; . . ,. --'1 ' : ';:>-.. •.::..• ' • ~ \ ~-"·"




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Crable salvages

5-5 .



·· ~Princeton, ranke~ ~o: 5 in the Enquirer's Dtvtston. I poll, drops to ~ -~ and . ~tll wait to find out tf tt quahfted fOt the state playoffs. Daniels was 26-of-45 for 442 y~rds with two to_uchdowns two interceptiOns. Bar-



Moeller ijolds off ::Princeton;s rally 'ay· Michael Perry , fi/e

Ciru;innaJi Enqu-irer

MILLS- Prince,ton had come back from a 31-point deficit. It trailed Moeller by two points and ·took IJOSsession of the ball at its own 47-yard line with 1:07 remaining. ... On the first play, quarter·back Mike Daniels threw to Ken Lawson, who broke loose down to the Moeller 13. Then Daniels threw to .P.<J:rren Barnett for 8 yards to the 5-yard line. Daniels ~piked the ball to stop the ;dock with 25 seconds left. .. , :'I thought they were go·ing to kick a field goal," 'Moeller coach Bob Crable 'said. "',Instead, Daniels threw into the end zone. Barnett 'ciiught it but was called for offensive pass interference. .The 15-yard penalty and loss nf down made it fourth down 'at 'the 20. Daniels' final pass attempt fell incomplete. .:: :Only then, could the Crusaders breathe a sigh of relief. , ...,,Moeller escaped with a wild 44-42 victory Friday 'night and defeated the Vikings for the 11th consecutive time. "There's no room in high school football for what happened in this game," said Princeton coach Scott Miltenberger, who was upset with .the pass interference call and an earlier holding call. "When you have kids who put out as much as any high school team, it's not right. How can you call pass interference in the Iasr 14 seconds of a game ... ? You just tore our hearts out tonight." ~~KINGS

nett caught 17 passes for 260 yards. The Crusaders avoided the first losing season in the 39year history of t~eir football program. They finish 5-5, only the second time they have had a .500 season; the other was 1995 (also 5-5). "They knew what w~s ~n the line," Crable s.aid .. Thts might be one of t?e b_tggest games in Moeller s htstory. We're not always smart, but

these kids have worked harder than any football team I've been associated with." Moeller dominated the first 26 minutes and led 38-7 early in the second half. The Crusaders saved nothing from their playboo~. They scored through the atr and on the ground. They threw Jong and short, ran inside and outside. T~ey used reverses, play-actJOn and even the hook-and-ladder, which produced their third touchdown. Already ahead 14-0, Moeller quarterback Ben McGrath fired a 15-yard pass to Mike Wietmarschen, who lateraled to Eric 1. Thatcher, who then raced 45 vards to the end zone. With l 0:43 still left in the first half, the Crusaders led 21-0. "We came out like we were shot out of a cannon," McGrath said. "Our offense was pretty much unstoppable." ··

On its next possession, Moeller marched 53 yards in seven plays and scored on Rob Allen's 15-yard touchdown run. That made it 28-0 and had former Moeller coach Gerry Faust screaming in the press box. He left at halftime. And missed a Jot. Princeton, which had minus-4 yards rushing in the first half, forgot about its running game and attacked Moeller through the air. The Vikings scored four unanswered touchdowns and cut it to 38-35 with 11:57 left. Princeton ................................ 0 7 21 7-42 Moeller .................................. 14 17 7 6-44 M-McGrath 1 run (Kanoza kick) M-Thatcher 15 pass from McGrath (Kanoza kick) M-Thatcher 63 pass .!rom McGrath (Kanoza kick) · M-Allen 15 run (Kanoza kick) P-Bamett 5 pass from Daniels (Russell kick) M-Kanoza 33 FG M-l11atcher 36 run (Kanoza kick) P-Barnett 12 pass from Daniels (Russell kick) P-Daniels 9 run (Russell kick) P-Barnett 55 pass from Daniels (Russell kick) P-DanleJs 4 run (Russell kick) M'McGrath 2 run (kick wide left) P-Canyon 58 pass from Daniels (Russell kick)

Moeller q'" ?( It's a new era for Moeller football. Gone is long-time coach Steve Klonne and in is new head coach and 1978 Moeller graduate Bob Crable. Crable, a former Notre Dame standout and professional football player, said it has been a smooth transition from Klonne's coaching style to his. "They've adjusted very well to what I expect," he said. The Crusaders have only six starters back from last season. Quarterback Tony Cunningham, running back Reed Hamilton, safety Eric Thatcher, line-

backer Nick Bonne, defensive tackle John Pizzo and defensive end Dan Adkins are the returning players. Crable said some newcomers should have an impact this year. Among them are tight end Kevin Buckley, offensive tackle Kevin Harris, fullback Nick Pappas and offensive tackle Mike Dolfi. Pappas is going to also play on the defensive line. Dolfi is someone Crable said could be a major performer as a 300-pound offensive lineman. Moeller has another brutal schedule this year. Crable said starting the year off against Fairfield- who knocked the Crusaders out of the first round of the playoffs last season- is a tough way to start the year. Other teams on the schedule include Warren Barding, Toledo St. Francis, and two Indianapolis teams. Also, the Crusaders must play GCL rivals and powerhouses Elder and St. Xavier. Crable thinks success depends on the performance of his offensive and defensive lines. "It's all about execution," he said. "If I had to make a prediction right now I would say we're a 6-4 football team. If they work hard, good things can happen."

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The Cincinnati Enquirer/ BRANDl SrAFFORD

Moeller head football coach Bob Crable goes face to face with sophomore Daniel Shepard in a scrimmage against Colerain on Aug. 17.

Crable draws Moeller spotlight Fury's gone About Crable from demeanor, Age: 41 Family: Wife Lisa; children Amy but fire isn't ( 18), Bnan ( 14), Allison ( 11), By Tom Groeschen The Cincinnati Er.quiri'T

Matthew (5) High school: Moeller (AII-Amenca linebacker) College: Notre Dame (two-lime AllAmenca) Pro: New Yorl< Jets ( 1982 88) ----------

Gerry Faust remembers Bob Crable as the nastiest football player he ever saw. This weekend, a far different Crable takes the pressurepacked job Faust made famous. Crable debuts as Moeller High School head coach Saturday when his team, ranked No . 4 in the Enquirer preseason poll, plays No. 8 Fair-

Crosstown Showdown at UC's Nippert Stadium (4 p.m.). Crable is replacing Steve Klonne, who resigned in May. Crable, 41, was an AllAmerica linebacker for Faust's Moeller teams in the

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, 1r Online go. : Th1s Keyword: Football Special section football season,


look for expanded high school cov-

erage online, at Cmcinnati.Com. Startmg tomght, look for scores and highlights and photos from the games. You'll fmd rosters, game-by-game and player-by-player stats, area and conference standmgs, diScuss1on forums a!ld, coming soon, online chats with the experts, roaches and athletes.

Kick off the new season with the 2001 prep football preview sec tion. SectJon E

All-Ameri.:an at Notre Dame, then played seven seasons with the New York Jets. Today, Crable the coach/teacher hardly resembles Crable the player. He

a religion teacher at Moeller and is a serene family man whose first priority is wife Lisa and their four children. "As a football player, he was the meanest son of a gun that ever stepped on a football field," said Faust, now retired from football and living in Akron . "He was tenacious. But off the field, he was a gentleman from a quality family. He's the perfect man for that job." Faust should know. for he


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by compiling a 174-17¡2 record as Moeller coach from 1963-80. From 1975-77, Crable played on Moeller teams that went 36-0 and won three bigschool state title,, plus two mythical national championships. Crable went on to Notre Dame, where Faust again became his head coach in 1981. As a player, Crable went from one football madhouse to another. With Moeller, Notre Dame and New York, he played on teams that faced unrelenting scrutiny from fans and media. If anyone is prepared for the Moeller job, Crable



Crable: Moeller's family man is quieter From Page D1 would seem the guy. "I've been there, I guess you could say," Crable said. "I feel very comfortable talking to reporters. I feel very comfortable in front of the camera." But how comfortable.will he be as Moeller coach? Klonne was asked to resign despite a 19-season record of 169-48, including two state titles (1982, '85) and a USA Today national championship in 1982. After last season, when Moeller went 9-2 and made the Division I playoffs, Klonne was asked by school officials to leave effective at the end of 2001. Klonne ini.tially agreed to coach one more season, then changed his mind. He left Moeller and is now an assistant coach at McNicholas High School. "We were beginning to get a little fractured in terms of our consensus of direction," Moeller co-athletic director Dick Beerman said when Crable was hired. "Steve Kloone has been very classy." Into this uneasy situation

stepped Crable, who had been an assistant coach under Klonne since 1992. "When I knew Steve was leaving, I told him I was thinking about applying for the job," Crable said. "I told him I didn't want to go behind anybody's back. His response was very simple. He said, 'I think you've got to re-dedicate yourself, but you can do it.' " Crable has heard the questions about his dedication. Five years ago, he took a one-year sabbatical from coaching after his youngest child was born. And while many coaches work seven-<lay weeks, Crable plans for himself and his assistant coaches to take Sundays off. That will be a family day, he said. ¡ "You need to keep a balance in your family life. That's important," Crable said. Anthony Munoz, another renowned family man, appreciates that. l\1unoz, the Bengals' Hall of Fame tackle, was one of Klonne's assistant coaches and also will assist Crable. "I think Bob will do great, because here's a guy who played in the program, ,coached with

The Cincinnati Enquirer/BRAND! STAFFORD

Bob Crable prepares his team for a recent scrimmage.

Klonne, and he knows what needs to be done," Munoz said. What about the new Crable, the one who is Mr. Mellow? "After you've been around this game awhile, you learn that it's not all screaming and yelling the whole time," Munoz said. "You pick your spots." Moeller players seem to be buying into the program.

"We know Coach Crable was .a star here and that he played in the NFL," said Nick Brune, a senior linebacker and co-captain. "That definitely means something. We know he's gone through more two-a-day drills than we ever will." Offensive tackle Kevin Harris, another senior co-captain, said there has been an "upbeat" mood



but no less intense at practices. "The coaching change was tough, because we liked Coach Klonne," Harris said. "But we're happy to have Coach Crable. He's very intense, and he makes his way to all the position drills during practice. ¡He's been around here for years, so that helps." It has not been a smooth offseason at Moeller, and not just because of the Klonne situation. Along with the coaching change, the football offices were flooded by a mid-July thunderstorm. Also, Crable said his top tailback, Reed Hamilton, has been battling a hamstring injury. And last week, Moeller was beaten soundly by No. 1-ranked Colerain in a preseason scrimmage. "You have no idea what life is going to throw you," Crable said. "There are so many analogies between football and life, on how you deal with adversity. Well, we're gonna face it. We've already faced it." Crable doesn't reveal his winloss goals but knows the Moeller faithful are accustomed to championships. Last year's team shared

the Greater Catholic League South title. In discussing the program, Crable starts to sound like Faust literally. Both have deep, raspy voices that make them sound perpetually hoarse. In Faust's day, half the city and many at Moeller could imitate his booming, exclamation-laden voice. And, like Faust, Crable sometimes speaks in religious terminology. On his answering machine at Moeller, Crable's sign-off is, "Thanks for your call, and God bless." Crable on his goals for the Moeller program: "Winning takes care of itself. I look back at what St. Paul says in Scriptures in that you run the race to win, not to come in second place. That's how life is. You run the game of life to win. "I just hope my players learn more lessons in life than they do lessons in football. My main job is to help prepare these kids for life."



St. X, Elder emerge from prep

Princeton's Mike Daniels throws a pass before he is hit by St. Xavier's E.W. Womack (left) and Bret Betz Saturday. The pass was intercepted.

Victories before record crowd Set up showdown Saturday By Tom Groeschen

,, . .· r Online • go I1. .

Key.vom: Pmps Send photos of Satun:lafs games Greater Catholic League powers as electroniC postcan:ls at Cincinnati. Com. St. Xavier and Elder meet next Satur- 8 WCPO-lV's game Video from Colerain vs. day for a Division I regional football Elder can be found at

The Cincinnati Enquirer


title, with the winner advancing to the state semifinals. St. Xayjer beat Princeton 6-0 in Saturday's first game at Paul Brown Stadium. The Bombers scored on an 11-yard run by Enye Willingham early in the first quarter, and their defense had its fourth shutout of the year. Elder beat Colerain 35-21, handing the state's No. 1-ranked Cardinals their first loss of the year. An Ohio playoff-record crowd of 47, 743 enjoyed the show. The game will be a rematch of the October showdown at St. X, which the Bombers won 16-13 on a late 97-yard touchdown run by Willingham. St. X has beaten Elder five straight times. "It should be a great game, two big

rivals playing each other," Elder coach Doug Ramsey said. St. X (11-0) and Elder (11-1) probably will meet at UC's Nippert Stadium next Saturday night. The UC football team has an open date, and UC and Ohio High School Athletic Association officials both have indicated Nippert (capacity 35,000) is the leading candidate for the site, to be announced today. In Division IV, Badin defeated Oakwood 42-35 in five overtimes with the help of Ricky Pate's interception. Badin will face Coldwater, which beat Wyoming 24-7 to end the Cowboys' 10-game winning streak. • Coverage, C4-5

Elder quarterback Keith Bolger raises his arms as he runs past Colerain's Jason Allen for a first-half touchdown in Saturday's Division I playoff game at Paul Brown Stadium. Elder won 35-21 and will play St. Xavier, which beat Princeton 6-0 earlier Saturday at Paul Brown Stadium. The Cincinnati Enquirer/ JEFF SWINGER

·11--2T-oi ..esuIIS


QIRLS BASKBIBALL Augusta 36, Fayattevllle 87 AUGUSTA (36)- Bach I 0 3, Duke o 3, Lang 1 0 2, Teegarden 2 4 9, abermel'\1 0 1 1, Harp~ 3 3 11, White1an 2 3 7. Totals: 10 ill 36.

FAYEnEVILLE (87) ~He. Rosselot :19, Ho. Rosselot 7 0 17, Stockman 5 11. Thompson 1 0 2, White 4 2 10, ope 3 0 6, Barber 1 0'2, Daniels 0 1 1, · 1 eny 6 1 16. Call 5 1 13.-·Totcils: 33 3


,ugusta ............. 9 12 6 9- 3 6 ~yettevllle ....... 22 ' 19 20 26- 87

: -3·polnters:_A-8a~h. Duke, Teegaren, Harper 2. F-Ho. R_osselot ;i, Perry 3• lall2. Records: F 1·0l AO·l. Indian 811198, Woodward 19 , . INDIAN HILL (98) _ Slattery 5 1 11, Ellis 1 o 2. David 40 10, Schmitt 3 o S; W, Rising 4 1 9, Vbn lehman 2 1 ·5, repe B 2 18, Tharp 2i 1 5, H. Rls!ng 2· 4 B Pederson 7 2 16 Tote is· 40 14 98 ' WOODWARD (16) ' · .o· Ascher · · 1 0 2, Willlams 1 0 2, Smith' 3 0 e. Field 3 0 6. Jota~: B o 16: I1 Indian Hll1 .......... 32: 20 22 24-96 Woodward .......... :_ 2 o ·ao 4-16 3-polnters: IH-D_avld 2, Schmitt 2 Records: 1 1·0, w0~1. Cllnton-Massle 59, Y. Springs 28 YEUOW SPRINGS (28)- Harding · 14 6, McLinden 1 o 2, Wimberly B 1 20. · Totals: 10 5 28. CLINTON-MASSIE (59) -Gustin 5 f-11, Brlgano 3 2 8, L. Ferrau 1 o 2, D. Ferrau 5o 10, campbel12 o 4, King 4 3 1-1, Wood 6 0 12, Da,be 0 1 1. Totals: 26 7-59. . .Yelow Springs·- 8 12 6 2-26 Cllnton-Massle ... 8 IS 16 20-S9 . 3-polnters: Y-\Yimberty 3, Records: Y0-1,C3-0. Georgetown 74,-Ripley 36 RIPLEY (36) • Rice.! 0 2, Crum 3 17, Campbel14 9 17, Brandenburg 0 2 2~ H. o rn sby._ 1 0 2, !Yhaley 2 2 e, Totals:

1 1 14 36

' GEORGETOWN (74) - L. Miller 2 0 . 4, 11. Miller 2 I 5, Cahal14 3 11, Worllman 2 0 4, Schneider 7-0 14, DeCialre 4 2 10, Hutson 2 0 ~. ChadWell 7 2 16, Mason 2 2 6, Totals: 32 10. 74. Rlpla·y .................. : 6 :· 13 6 11-36 Georgetown ..;... 18 21 17 18-74 0-1. 3-pointers: N~ Records: ,G 1-0, 1i Batavia 48,-Willlamsburg 22 WILLIAMSBURG (22) - Beach I 1 3, Clooney 1 0 2,:Hayes 5 0 10, Calvert 2· 3 7. Totals: 9 4 22. · BATAVIA (49) -:Holbrook 1 0 2, Entrup 1 0 2. Lock 1 I 3. Grigsbyi 3 5, 0 11 • Wehrman 7 4

~:.ui~a~s~·1 ~ ~~ ~:

Williamsburg ... ~.~. 2 6 8·22 Batavia ..............o23 6 9 10-48 3-polnters: B-Lowe, Wehrman 2.

Rec~~~e~ ~t?t's~3~-i~ndmark 46 LANDMARK {46) - Appelfeller 1 4 6, Oliver 3 0 6, Jaeger.3 0 6, Sebastian 7 , 116, Sne112 0 4, Gresham 4 0 8. Totals: 20 5 46. SEVEN HIL.LS (63)- Andress 2 o 4, Burton 2 1 5,, McG!Bvi 1 4 6, Mcllwrauns 8 21, Mlrkaptil!s 1 o 2, Irwin 5o 10, Hervas 6 1 15. Totals: 23 14 63. Landmark ......... _(.11 11 7 17·46 Seven Hills .......: 19 10 19 15-63 3·polilters: l-Sebastlan. S-Mellwraith. Hervas 2. Records: S 1·0, L 0-1. . GIRLS!SWIIYr.tlNG Colerain 156,, Norwood _61, North-

or.; Mike Lorello. Worthington Kllboume• 6-o, 1so, sr.; Kyle Hausler, Hlll~rd Davidson, 5·7, J75, sr. Punters-Brad. Re· lfsnyder, N. Canton.Hoover, 6-1, 175, sr.; Brandon Relds, Tol; St. John's, 6,6, 215, sr.: Jason Cox, Lewis Ck. Olentangy, 6-2, 190, sr. Offensive players of the year: Maurice Clarett, Warren Harding; JusUn Zwick, Massillon Washington. Defensive player of the ~ear: J0h K Cl s 1 u n err, eve. t gna us. Coach of the year: Them McDaniels, Warren Harding.

Second Team · OFFENSE: Ends-Matt M111er, Cleve. St.lgnlltlus, 6-1, 175, sr.: Reggie Comer, . Canton Mcl<lnley, 5-11, 163, sr.; Jared ' Gulling, .N. Canton Hoover, 5-10, 174, sr.; George. Cooper, Westervme North. 6·5, 245, sr.; Mark Phllmore, Reynoldsburg, 5-11, 185, sr. Unemen-Jake Lay, Cole· rain, 5·11~ 255, Jro; Garrick DISalVo, Brunswick, 6·3, 270, sr.; Mike Donaldson, Mansfield Sr., 6·6, 330, sr.; Chris Cousins, Tot. Bowsher, 6-3, 315, sr. Querterbacks- . Sean Jones, Colerain, 6·1, 180, sr.; ; Nate Szep, Cleve. St. Ignatius, 6-3. 215, sr. Backs-Nick Jacobs, Perrysburg, 5-9, 165, sr.; Derek Harden, Logan; e-1, 180; sr.; Sterlklg Haywood, GaUoway Westland, 6·0, 190, sr;; Evan Beard, Youngs. BOard· man, 6·1, 220. sr.; Terre! White; Wooster, 5-10, 195, sr.; Travis' Johnson, BrunsWick, 5-10, 157, sr.; Gregg Pruitt Jr., Shaker His., 5-10, 190, sr, Kickers-Adam Graessle, Dublln Coffman. 6·3, 190, Jr.: Kenll'i Harper, Hamilton, 6-0, 175, sr.; Holl~ter Hlsted, Mansfield Sr., 6·0; 200, jr. DEFENSE: Linemen-Josh Huber, Elder, 5·10, 229, sr.; Robert Price, Shak·er Hts., 6-3, 300, sr.: Barry Cofleld, Cleve. Hts.. 6-4, 265, sr.: Warren White, Mayneld, 6-2, 210, sr. Unebackers-oan Kol~ cun~ Upper Arlington, 6·1, 215, sr.; em-, Beechum, Marlon Harding, e-3, 221, sr.; .Kevin Andyrsek, Brunswick, G-0; 220, sr.; John Scott, Cuyahoga Falls, 6-2, 235, sr.:. Justin Prlncehom, Massllton Waslllngton, 6·0, 227, sr.; Matt Mong Logan, 6-1, 180, sr.; Adam Holloway, Perrysburg, 6-1, 195, sr.; J.J. Boone, Lakewood St. Edward, 6-1, 220, Jr. Backs-Todd BoUlware, Wor-' thlngtan Kilbourne, 5-11, 170, sr.; Travis Stanford, warren Harding,· 5-9, 150, sr.; Andrew Bender, Wooster, 5·11,· 175, sr.; Bo Mal11n, Fremont Ross, 6·2, 185, Jr.; Chad Breeden, Mayfield, 6-1, 192, sr.; Dareus Hiley, Cleve. Glemllle, 6-1, 175, Jr. Punter-Etlc Lawson, Milford, 5-9, 175, jr. Special Montlon Charlie Key, Harrison; TY Mer· chant, Lebanon; Bennett Kowalk, Hamilton; Eric !hatcher, Moeller; Jim ! Macke, Elder, Davonne Calhoun, Middletown; Joby Wettorer1: Anderson; Ricky Brown, :~r;ION 11 First Team

OFFENSE: Ends-sean Hunter, Cots •. St Charles, 6-foot-3, 175 poun~s. junklr: · Nick Schmidt, McNicholas, 5·9, 170, . sr.; SCott Casto, Greensburg Green, 5-10, 165, sr. linemen-Mike GuiLlzlan, Cols. Watterson,. 6·1, 247, sr.; Logan Tidrich; New Philadelphia, 6-6, 270, Jr.: Adam Miller, Roger Bacon, 6·5, 307, sr.; Rob S!ms, Macedonia Nardonla, 6~4, 285, sr.; Andrew Stanford, Tol. St. Francis, i;-3, 289, Jr. Quarterback-Bryan Cuplto, McNicholas, 6·3, -170; sr.-sacks-Justln Ashford, Cciis. M!ffiln, 5;10, 185, sr.; Davld Swisher, Jackson, 6·2, 215, sr.; CUrtis Elsass, Loulsvrne, 5· 10. 175, Jr.; Rodney _, · west· 49 Gamby, _Tol. St. francis, 5·10 •. ·185, s_r._~ ":____:.:;::~200MR-COI~rain--·2 ;t-e:-7-B;-200F-'"_,--, ~ ·sretrt<rup-p-;· -wn_'i:OlumblanF&-9i-~l92;-'_ Groh (C) 2:39.;7; ,200IM-Janke (C) sr.; Regis Edgers<>n, Garfield Hts., 6-1; 2;26.07; SOF;..Hammond (Norwood) 211, sr.; Lerron_Moore, Cols. Watterson, 28.9: IOOFiy-Jaril<e (C) 1:0B.13; lOOF5·8, 208, sr. Kicker-Andrew Wellcok, Kreuter (C) 1:03.16: 500F-Bowlan (Nor· Greensburg Green, 5-11, 150. Jr. wood) 6:30.0.5: 200FR-Coleraln DEFENSE: Linemen-Doug Datlsh, 1:55.09; 1008ack-Donselman (C) warren Howland, 6-5, 295, sr.; QUinn Plt-1:14.96; 100Breast.;...Kreuter (C) cock, Piqua, 6-4,297, sr.:-Al Washington, 1:21.94; 4g~~Sc;~~M~~~8.2 6 . cols. Watterson. s~o. 272, sr. Lineback· Colerain 94, Norwood 23. ers-Matt McKenzie, Dover, 5·8, 165, sr.; 200MR-Coleraln 2'07. 32 , 2ooFTony Huffman, Marietta, 5-10, lBO, sr.; Tumbull (Norw) 2:31.25: 50F-Maybury John Lonchyna, Tal. St. Francis, 6·1, 222, 2 FM (C) 1 03 3 Jr.; Mike D'Andrea, Avon Lake, G-3, 242, (C) . 6.03; 100 - aybury : .4 : sr.: Chris Hutcheson, Cols. Beech croft, •· 200FR-Colerain 1:53.56; 100Back-Kan~ 6-a, 228 , sf.; zach condo, Turpin, 6·3, nady ~) 1:~7.3~; lOOBreast-Relfenrath 228, sr.; Antonio R~nolds, AAron ~chte~ {C) l: 5· 63· 6~5, 230, sr.; Brian Cesear, Amherst Steele .. 5-10, 205, sr. sacks-Carlos Alexander, Akron Buchtel, 5~11, 175, sr.; Pat STATE PLAYOFF PAIRINGS Curran, Olmsted Falls, 6-1, 170, sr.; Bo DIVISION I Busch, Vandalia Butler, 5-11, 180, sr. At Fawcett Stdm., Canton Punter-Blll Sullivan, Niles McKinley, 6·0, SatUrday, 8 p.m. 175, St. St. Xav1er {13·0) vs. Cie. St Ignatius OHenslve player of the year. (10-4) Rodney Gamby, Tal. St. Francis. DIVISION II Defensive players Of the year. At Paul Brown: Tiger Std,m," Masslllo·n Doug Datlsh, Warren Howland; . . Friday, 8 p.m. AI Washington, Cots. Watterson. Tot. St. Francl5i(l2·1) vs. Co~. Coach of ttle year: Watterson (11 ~_3) Dave Kaple, lex1ngton. DIVISION Ill · ( Second Team At Paul Brown Tiger Stdm, Massillon OFFENSE: Ends-Brett Green, E. U'Friday, 11 a.m. erpool, 6-2, lBO, sr.; Sean Montgome:y, Mentor Lake Cath.ll2-2) vs. Col> Akron Buchte~ 5.·8, 165, sr.; Justin BoudM DeSales (9-5) · ler, Louisville, 6-Z 180, Jr. Unemen-JonaDIVISION IV At F.-nwc.ett S~d_Jum, .. Canton_o.-:.,_. __:. th.a~,Bums,_ Cols. M!f!1Jn,.~-~!!7§,,;, ,-AdamHfnes, Vandalia Butler, 6-4;: 270, -, SatUrday; 11 ·a:m. sr.; Tyler Stewart, Tat Cent. C8th., 6-4, Newark· Licking Valley (14-0} vs. ~nton ·260,.sr. Quarterback~Jack Rafferty, Cols. (!4-0) St Chartes, 5-11, 175, s'cph. Sacks-Luke DIV1510NV McMUien, New Philadelphia, 6-0, 170, sr.: At Fawcett Stadium, Can.ton BJ. Flowers, MI. HeaHhy, 5·8, 170, Fi'lday, 3 p.m. sr.; Tristan Murray, New Carlisle Tecu~~ Bedford Chane! (14-0) vs. Marion seh, 5-11, 193, sr.; Brandon Godse~. VanM Pleasant (14-0) daUa Butler, 5-B, -185, sr.; Brandon Olng, , DIVISION VI Greensburg Green, 5-9, .175,,sr.: IJJke Pa- . At .,_aUI- BroWn Tiger s.tdm, Massillon trlno, Oo\ler, 5-10, · 180, sr. Kicker-Justin , · Sat4rday, 3:30 p.m. Brock~a~er, Col.s .. Frank11p Hts., 5-10, 160, · _Mogadore {1.4..0) :vs. Maria Stein M_arlon sr. . Local(13-l)· . DEFENSE: Unemen-Johf! Newton, Roger Bacon, 6·3, 265, tr.j Kellen Dykes, Youngs, Chaney, 6-3, 245, Jr.; COLUMBUS - The 2001 Associated Marcus Adelman, A\Uance, 6·2, 215, sr. Press Dtvlslori l All-Ohio high school foot~ Unebackers-KeMn Hope, Canton Tlmken, . ball team, bi:lsed on the recommenda: 5·11, 191, sr.;. Brett Mazzara, McNI·, tlons of a state media panel: chotas, 5-10, :!05, sr.; Kevin McFarland, 'DIVISION I Warsaw Rl\ler _VIew, 6~2, .210, sr.; Chad . First Team Hoobler, Carrollton, 6-4, 210, soph.; OFFENSE: Enjs-Roy Hall Jr., LjndGeorge Anderson, Cols. Mlffiln, 6-1, 205, hurst Brush, :6-foot·3, 210 pounds, se]r.; Shawn Ziegler, Co\s. Brookhaven, 6-1, ; nlor; Devin Jordan, Massillon Washington, 200, sr.; Justiss Scaies, Cols. Beechcroft, 6~3, 193; jr.; Darron Barnett, Prince· 6-4, 225: sr,; Perry Gregory, Cols, lnde· ' ton, 6·1, lOS, Sr.; Matt Hardy, Newark, pendence.- 6~1, 230, sr, Backs-John BOW· 5-7, 150, Jr. ,Unemen-Kevln Thomas, Hille, co~. ~rthlan~ 6-0, no, sr.: Caritcn liard Davidson, 6·3, 230, sr.: Bryan LysJones, Bedford, 5~9;· 170, sr.; Aaron agth, Eld8r, 5·10, UO, ar.;· Kyle · Parl<s, Madison, 5-10, '165, jr.; Anthony Ralph, St.: Xavlei, 6•4, 278, sr.; Zach Stross, Avon Lake, 5-10, 170, sr. Punt· Slates, U..lSslllori Perry, 6-3, 300, Jr.; T.J. ers-Matt Zlmmermani Celina, 6·4, 235, Downing, CaRton GlenOak, 6·5, 280, sr.; · sr.: Josh McCoy, Loveland, 6-o, 195, Jr: Jeremy K.1n~s. _laKewooa St. Edward, Josh Trlstano. New Phlladelp~a. 6-2, 170, 6·2, 280, sr. Quarterback-Justin Zwick, sr. Massll!on Washington, 6-5, 221, sr. Special MenDon Backs-MaUrice Clarett, Warren Harding, Leonard Bush, -Roger Bacon; 6-0, 230, .sr.;: Ralshaun Stover, Lake· Josh Hausfeld, Roger Bacon wood St. Edwerd, 5-10, 190, sr.: Erick Phllllps, Hillard Davidson, 5-10, 206, sr.: Brandon Murphy, 5korgs~lle, 5-7, 150, GIIILS BASKETBALL y.: Mike Lovell, w. Chester Lakota w., :5:..10, 175,;sr:Kkker-Davld Abdul, Mas· TODAY (Games begin at 7:30 p.m. isil!on Washington, 5-10, 174, sr. unless noted) DEFENSE: Linemen-Tcny lbOmp• Mlaml Trace at Greenfield McClain sOn, Colerain, 6-4, 285, sr.; tom Goshen 'at New Richmond tcbweltzer, Colerain, G·4; 255, sr.; HillsborO at Whiteoak Tim Schaler, Upper Arlington, G-5, 255, Bethei·Tate at Turpin sr.; Jay Richardson, Dublin Scioto. e-5, i245, sr.;· .Ryan Keenan, Lakewood St. SCPA at Aiken Mt. Healthy at NorthWest Edward,. 6~5, 240, sr. Unebackers-Jolm Norwood at Western Hills Kerr, Cleve. St. Ignatius, 6·1, 232, .sr.; Seven Hills at Purcell Marlan ,Jay Rohr,· MaSs!l\oi1 Jackson, e~1, 210, lsr.; Malt Vogole, n Xavier, 6·2, 225, Sycamore at Mercy St. Ursula at Kings sr.j Bobby Carpenter, lancaster, 6~5, Glen Este at Ursuline ;236, sr.: Ben Stroup, .Hililard oavldscn, Talawanda at Fairfield [6-1, 190.' sr.; Matt Oelguyd, Mayfield, Hamilton at Winton Woods (6·0, 22D,:sr.; Bryan Andrews, Lima Sr., /6·6, 225. ·sr.;.Brlan White, Mansfleid Sr., . TB)'lor at Ross :6·3, 240.; sr.; Andrew Ackerman, El• . Madeira at CCD Manemont at Felicity -der,_6·5, 200, sr.; Curt Lukens, N. CanNorth College Hill at Reading ~ton Hoo\lef, &-2, 200, Jr. Backs-Prescott WEDNESDAY 'Burgess, Warren Harding, 6·3, ·210, Jr.; (Gamos begin at 7:30 p.m. TyJer Everftt, Canton McKinle~. 6·1, 187, unless notod) sr.; E.J. UndeMoOd, Hamilton, 6~1,. 175, Taft at Clark Montessori sr.; Mlke:nurley, St. Xavier, 6·0, 181,


. All Ohio teams



IE6 FRIDAY, AUGUST 24, 2001 '




Greater Ca~oiic League North preview

Greater Catholic League South .spotlight

By Dave SchuteI

:·~=~Jden I

Chaminade-Julienne Sept. 29 at Purcell Marian Oct. 5 at Alter Oct. 12 vs. Badin Oct. 19 vs. Roger Bacon Oct. 26 at Anderson


Coach: Jim Pipe (11th year, record n/a; 166j17-2 overall) Coaches po111oints: 33 Last year: 1q3 Last league tie: 2000 Offensive forlation: Splitback Veer !· Offensive st~ers back: 8 Offensive ou~ok: The Eagles will be young antinexperienced in · the backfield, wi three sophomores stepping for graduated seniors at quart ack and running back. But i a testament to the rest of the ri\Jrning talent that Chaminade was\icked No. 1 anyway. 1 The all-impo1nt quarterback · slot will be hamj:d by sophomore Anthony Turner (~foot·3, 187 pounds) with sopomore speedsters Pernell Willims (5-foot-10, 186) and Jo Jo ~ith (5-foot-6, 150) at fullbacklnd tailback,, respectively. : The offensivene and receiver corps will be thEEagles' strengths. Andre Chattams6-0, 190), brother of Ohio State::cruit Angelo, and .John Hackitwill be Turner's primary receiver:Veteran linemen Chris Vangas (6-Jot-3, 296), Tim Crouch (6-foot-1 285) and Reggie Jones (6pot-3, 250) will provide a formidble wall up front. Defensive fonatlon: 4-4 . Defensive strters back: 7 Defensive o~ook: Although two down linemo graduated and a defensive baclmoved to quarterback, the Eags return three senior linebacks, both defensive ends and two eierienced oftensive backs. i Matt Sears (19, 182), Nick Kleinhenz (5-11180) and Kevin Trim bach (5-10) 70) give coach Jim Place speeqmd versatility at the linebacker rl;itions. Key Player: ~dre Chattams will be one of th key offensive and special teai,s players. He

3. Roger Bacon

vanish and success should follow. Schedule · (all times 7:3Q unless noted) Aug. 25 vs. Withrow Aug. 31 vs .. Miami Trace Sept 8 vs. Akron Manchester Sept 14 at Alter Sept. 22 vs. Hoger Bacon Sept. 28 at Chaminade-Julienne Oct 5 at Purcell Marian Oct. 12 at McNicholas Oct. 20 vs. Day. Meadowdale Oqt. 26 at Madeira

Coach: Dan Starkey (sixtb year, 24-19) Coa'ches poll points: 23 Last year: 4-6 Last league title: 1999 (cochampion) Offensive formation: !Formation Coach: Ed Domsitz (1 Dth year, Offensive starters back: 8 63-32; 138-115 overall) Offensive outlook: A big and Coaches poll points: 14 strong line will be the strength of Last year: 4-5 By Tom Groesclten an offense that also features tight Last league title: None Tlte Cincinnati Enquirer end Beckham Wyrick and fullback Offensive formation: Multiple Josh Williams was pretty Ricky Bush. Offensive starters back: 10 good at soccer. But he's realThroughout preseason scrimOffensive outlook: With 24 let-· ly good at football, especially mages and practices, Josh terwinners and 1D starters back on for a guy who never played . Hausfeld and Nate Wyrick have offense, this could be the season the sport before 1999. alternated between quarterback that the Knights surface as conWilliams, a 6-foot-2, 208and wide receiver that might contender in the GCL North. pound wide receiver for St tinue throughout tlle season. Among the returnees is quarterXavier, has gone from Adam Miller, a 6-foot-5, 307back Bobby Getty, a 5-foot-10, · unknown to one of the top pound tackle, will anchor an often- 180-pound senior. Although Alter players in the state. And persive line that also features Jon lacks a proven running back, it will haps the country, once the Newton (6-3, 245), Brandon be strong on the line with Ohio country notices. Schawe (5-10, 215) and Eric State-bound senior center Nick "I've had some pretty Riechman (5-10, 215). Mangold (6-4, 272), tackles Brian good receivers," said St X Defensive formation: 4-3 Connell (6-0, 275) and Boomer , coach Steve Rasso, a 23-year Defensive starters back: 8 Bristow (6-1, 313) and guard Paul veteran at the school. "But as Defensive outlook: On the Koller (5-11, 211). · far as size, speed and agility, I defensive side of the ball, the Veterans Zach McHale, Sean don't know if I've had one Spartans are also loaded with talMcCormick and Chris Mantica will like him. He's definitely. in ented and experienced players. · be the primary receivers with Doug the top two or three, if not Linebacl~ers Leonard Bush (6-1, Penno,John Sweeney and Mark195), Matt Reed (5-10, 200) and Euse expected to take over the No.1." Mike Harvey (5-8, 160) all are running back spots. That is high praise from returning starters. Newton, Matt Defensive formation: 4-3 the understated Rasso, who Baker (5-8, 215), Ron Auer (6-0, Defensive starters back: 10 perenially has one of the 160), Pat Mullenger (5-9, 190) Defensive outlook: Experienced city's top programs. And he and Casey Towns:~nd (6-3, 205) players will fill every position has one of his former playare veterans on tne line. except outside and inside lineers, curr.ent Miami The Spartans lack size on backer, giving the Knights a solid University receiver Mike · The Cincinnati Enquirer/DICK SWAIM defense and must rely on speed group of defenders. But with eight Larkin, to thank. St. Xavier's Josh Williams caught 49 passes last year and scored seven TDs. St. X and quickness. T~ams with strong players going both ways, this could It was Larkin who encourrunning games and bulky lines pose a problem late in the game aged Williams to switch from coach Steve Rasso said Williams is one of the top three receivers l1e has coached. could pose a problem, especially when legs grow weary. soccer to football. Entering in league play. Key player: Mangold will be the his sophomore year, some prospects get from the Williams has the lwrury College and South Carolina Key player: Aversatile athlete heart and soul of both the the Williams made the switch. time they put on pads. of having Marty Mooney, St. must think so too, for they're who can chose between basketball offense and defense. Mangold "I don't regret it at all," "I just keep playing hard, X's veteran senior quarter- among his suitors. "Football wasn't that hard or football in college, Hausfeld's brings Big Ten-caliber blocking to Johnson said. "Our soccer and people will notice," back, throwing to him. Mooney is considered one of for me to pick up," Williams performance will be crucial to the the GCL North. program switched coaches, Williams said. so I thought about it and Last year, Williams the top quarterbacks .in the said. "If you're athletic, you Spartans both on offense and Outlook: The key is at running · t t 't d 'th 't A d defense. Depending on the circum- back. If the Knights find a way to decided to try football." caught 49 passes for a state, and St. X also has one JUS ge 1 an run Wl 1 • n caught 47 passs last year and stances, Hausfeld 1"1.11 alternate complement a strong pass1·ng Today, he is rated the healthy 17-yard average and of America's top offensive being at a great program like returned two ptl:s and three kick' · offs for touchddns. between quarterback and wide garrie with a solid running attack linemen in tackle Kyle Ralph. st. x, people will notice you." 39th-best senior player in scored seven 1Ds. receiver on offense while playing while avoiding injuries, it could 1 Ohio by Ohio Future Stars "He's one of the top kids All in all, a pretty tough Rasso sai.d it's not as easy Outlook: Re1ating as GCL one of the backfield positions for lead to the school's first football magazine , base d in . on the team as far as speed package to stop. And for a as Williams makes it look. North champio~ won't be easy in the defense. league championship. Columbus. Williams doesn't (4.45), and he's very difficult game that can be analzyed to Or a .league loade(With high-powSchedule "H is1it?d 1 1 b Outlook: The Spartans opened appear on most 'Top 100" to cover one-on-one," Rasso· death, football isn't such a e 1a a otto earn, ut ered offenses cj:l tough defenses. the 2000 season with impressive (all times 7:30 unless noted) college hot lists, but that may said. "You almost have to hard game for the likes of h~'ds ~~e. big stridehs," Rasso · How quickly thehree sophomores victories over Wyoming and Aug. 24 at Fairmont be because his name simply gang up on him. A ·lot of Williams. sru . u 11s year e pretty th h- ' th ff · · Aug. 3 1 at Bellbrook McNicholas. But· several .. InJUries _isQ't kn9JY!l·He ~asn'thad ~te,a~s. will_PI?.Pa~Jy ~~~~..;....Georgi<LTech, .Michigan. -much.know~thecancdo ___ come roug '/. eo ense IS H • · t tu aJ ;, ttreiley:- ~-.~~~·--·~"were-devastatmg;-and-tne-Sparta~ept~7=·-B\:Carroll-~---""-'"~~ the sustained buildup that double-cover hjm. State, Ohio State, Boston e s JUS ana r · Schedule lost their last six games. But with Sept. 14 Badin at Centerville · 1 (all times 7:30 iless noted) this much talent back, expect Sept. 22 Purcell Marian Aug. 24 at Cl~on North mont Roger Bacon to earn a Division 11 at Fairmont Aug. 31 vs. D~on Carroll playoff spot. Sept. 28 at Roger Bacon Sept. 7 vs. 01ario Schedule Oct. 5 McNicholas at Fairmont St. Thomas Aqui3s (all Bmes 7:30 unless noted) Oct. 12 .Ross at Carroll a top-five· program in the city. concern is grooming a kicker to plenty of defense and enough talSept. 14 at P~ell Marian Aug. 24 at Mount Healthy Oct. 19 at Cuy. Falls Walsh Jesuit By Tom Groeschen replace the graduated Evan Nolan. (all games 7:30 unless noted) ent to go deep into the playoffs. The Cincinnati Enquirer Sept. 21 at M~icholas Aug. 31 at Wyoming Oct. 26 Cham.-Julienne at W. (all games 7:30 unless noted) · Aug. 25 at Fairfield, 4 p.m. (all games 7:30 unless noted) Sept. 28 vs. Bjin Sept. 6 vs. Holy Cross Carrollton Jr. High Sept. 1 at Warren G. Harding· Aug. 25 at Sycamore, 6:30 p.m. Aug. 25 at Oak Hills, 1:30 p.m. Oct. 5 vs. R!er Bacon · Sept. 14 vs. McNicholas Aug. 31 vs. Withrow Sept. 1 vs. Cleveland Glenville Sept. 7 vs. Ind. Ronca IIi High, 8 Oct. 12 at Si~ey Sept. 22 · at Badin Sept 7 at Ind. Cathedral Sept. 7 v!). Western Hills Sept. 14 vs. Toledo lehman Catholii Sept. 28 vs. Alter Coach: Doug Ramsey: (4th Sept. 14 vs. Indianapolis Manual Sept. 15 vs. Bethlehem Catholic St. Francis De Sales, 8 p.m. Oct 19 at Mpillon Washington Oct 5 at Dayton year, 33-11; same overall) Sept. 28 vs Moeller Sept. 21 vs. La Salle Sept. 22 vs. Cleveland Coach: Tom Stickley (fourth Oct. 26 vs. Ktering Alter Chaminade-Julienne ' Coaches poll points: 14 Oct. 5 at La Salle St. Ignatius, 2 p.m. Sept. 28 at St. Xavier Oct. 12 vs. Purcell Marian Last year: 8-4 · . year as head coach, 21-14 Oct. 12 vs. Elder Oct. 5 at Elder I Sept 28. at LaSalle Oct. 19 at McNicholas Last league title: 2000 (3-way record). Oct. 20 at Cleveland St Ignatius Oct. 12 at Col. St. Francis Oct. 5 vs. Moeller Oct. 26 vs. Northwest tie) Coac~es poll points: 12 Oct. 26 at Hamilton De Sales Oct. 12 at St. Xavier Offensive formation: Spread/1Last year: 8-4 Oct 20 vs. Warren G. Harding, 7 Oct 19 at Uma Senior formation · Coach: John1odenberg (eighth Last league title: 1999 (CoOct. 26 at Oak Hills Oct. 26 vs. Princeton Offensive starters back: 3 year, 36-3 7) ! champs). Offensive outlook: Keith Bolger Coaches polpoints: 27 Offensive formation: Multiple. (6-2, 185, Sr.) is the first-year Coach: Terry Malone (44th year, Coach: Bob Crable: (first year) Last year: 7f . starter at quarterback, replacing Offensive starters back: 2. 346-97-8) Last year: 9-2 last leagueltle: N/ A the graduated Matt Scholl. Bolger, Offensilre outlook: Rebuilding Coaches po II points: 16 Coaches poll points: 8 Coach: Steve Rasso (24th year, Coach: Jim McQuaide (third Offensive fooation: Spread, also a catcher on the baseball an offense decimated by graduac . Last year: 5-6 :l63-78-2; 35th year overall, 223Last league title: 2000 year, 10-10; 11th year overall, 71team, has a strong arm and is an no-huddle tion may be a tough proposition · · Last league title: 1997 (3-waytie) 47) accurate passer. He also has good 124-7) Offensive strters back: 4 without an experienced quarterCoaches poll points: 14 Offensive formation: Coaches poll points: 4 Offensive formation: Full-house speed, so look for him to rush for Offensive o~ook: Three of the b.ack. Last year: 8-4 Last year: 5-5 Multiple I backfeld his share of yards. Rockets' four rerning starters are Last league title: 2000 (3-way Last league title: 1995 Offensive starters back: 1 Junior Elliot O'Neal and sophci-; Offensive stnrters back: 5 Bolger has some athletic at the skill pospns of quartertie) Offensive formation: Mllltlple Offensive outlook: There is only receivers. Returning veterans mores Aaron White and Andrew . ! Offensive outlook: Some things back, tailback ad wide receiver. Offensive formation: Multiple Offensive starters back: 3 one full-time returning starter, but include Bolger's brother, Brett ·I never change with Malone, the win- Spaulding are battling for the As a result, 1e success or failOffensive starters back: 6 Offensive outlook: The Lancers it's at the right position. Bolger (5-10, 170, Sr.) and Billy starting position with David ·1 ningest coach in Ohio history, Offensive outlook: Quarterback Quarterback Tony Cunningham (6ure. of the McNholas offense rests have good quickness and should Poland (6-3, 180, Jr.) and tight end again relying or; a a brutal running Fairbanks.the only experienced with an inexpe~nced line that foot, 170, Sr.) returns after throw- . 'have a good run/pass balance. David Turner (6-5, 240, Sr.). Turner Marty Mooney (6-1, 195, Sr.), a attack. running back/flanker. Quarterback ian Lahmer (6-0, 158, ing for 1,138 yards last season, must give quanrback Bryan is also a backup quarterback. A key two-year starter, is one of Ohio's This year's will be spearheaded Defensive formation: 4c3. best Mooney threw for 2,402 Sr.) is a returning starter, as are question is at running back, with and h,is experience will be crucial Cupito (4,535;areer passing by halfbacks Drew.Thieken and Defensive starters back: 4. offensive lineman Bob Buchman Kyle Koester (1,474 yards rushing) yards and 20 IDs last year, with as Moeller retools its offense yards) protectij and block for only 10 interceptions. He will (6-5, 201) and tight end Brent . Defensive outlook: This will b'e ' having graduated. Six playeiS have around him. Tony Pastura (S3 yards rushing in Andy Pfirman and blocking fullback throw to another of the area's top Celek (6-3, 214). Senior receiver Ben Leuthhold. Quarterback could been competing at the running The key loss was tailback the first year that the Cavaliers will 2000). ·I back spots, includlngTom Hornsby playeiS in receiver Josh Williams (6- Marcus Blanks, who smashed mul- Scott Hudepohl (6-1, 165, Sr.) be a problem with senior Justin go with a 4-3 defense, which If the Rocks' strong offensive should bo a top target of Lahnier, (6-0, 190, Sr.), Kevin Harnist (6-1, 2, 208, Sr.), who caught 49 passes tiple school records at a program Spoerl gaining the inside track over should be very effective against · showing againi Colerain in a pre(17.0 average) and seven IDs. and Matt Miller (5-10, 184, Jr.) 195, Jr.) and Brad Glatthar (5-10, knows for its great running backs. the inany running teams in the season scrimnjge is an indication sophomore Alan Wolf and Alex At running back, Enye chould be the top running back. 210, So.). Up fran~ the leaders are Blanks' records included 1,850 MiddendOrf. Although the line isn't GCL North. Willingham (5-9, 161, Sr.) may be of what to exp\t, look for center Brian Lysaght (5-10, 210, "We will try to spread teams yards rushing last season. small but he can put up numbeiS. linebackers and major college McNicholas tofut plenty of points extremely quicl;, it is big and expeout and spread the ball around; Sr.) and fellow linemen Joe Reed Hamilton (6-0, 170, Jr.), rienced with Rob Hufford (6-foot-3, prospects Ken Bibb and Jamaal' · He rushed for 870 yards and Ramundo (6-3, 270, Sr.) and Eric McQuaide said. "The offensive line on the board. : coming off of foot surgery, is the 275), Matt i<.ing (6-foot-2, 265) scored seven touchdowns last year. top candidate at running back. Corcoran(6-1, 220, Sr.). is very untested against varsity Johnson will anchor the defense Defensive irmation: 5-2 Offensive tackle Kyle Ralph (6-4, and Mike Suncierhaus (6-foot-1, Defensive formation: 4-3 action, but if the line comes which is expected to be the Crable lists center Brent Hack (6Defensive iarters back: 3 278, Sr.) is one of the nation's best 195). Defensive starters back: 5 through fast we could do well foot, 200, Sr.) as his key man up Defensive atlook: With a new Cavaliers strength.Defensive tackle at his postion. He already has Defensive outlook: Free safety. Defensive formation: 5-2 moving the football~ front secondary, delnding against the Jason Chapman ano safety Jason committed to Vanderbilt and is the Ricky Brown (6-3, 230, Sr.) has Defensive formation: 5-2 Defensive starters back: 4 Defensive formation: Multiple pass may be ;problem for the Foley add experience to a defense No. 2-rated lineman in Ohio by committed to Vanderbi~; he was Defensive starters back: 2 Defensive outlook: Nose tackle 4-4 Rockets. All-legue linebacker Brett that will rely on a solid group of named the league's defensive back recruiting analyst Bill Kurelic. · Defensive outlook: Hudepohl Defensive starters back: Three Dan Lajiness (6-foot-2, 205) is the Center Chris Ballman (6-0, 225, Mazarro (5-10185) and lineman seniors and juniors. ' of the year in 2000. Brady Miller and Jason Hugentobler (5-9, 163, Defensive outlook: The key player for a defense that also Sr.) is another college prospect. Justin Carmel S-3, 230) are key (6-0, 210, Sr.) is in his third year Key player: The defense must Sr.) are returning starteiS at Crusaders will be strong up front, features Hufford (tackle), Leuthhold Defensive formation: 4-3 as a starter, and Andrew Ackerman players and a(injury to either defensive back, and they are carry the load during the early led by defensive end Dan Adkins (defensive bar:;k) and Kevin . Defensive starters back: 6 (6-5, 200, Sr.) was first-team aiiwould be toug to overcome. among the unit's most experigoing, which puts added pressure (5-11, 170, Sr.) and defensive Vidourek (end:)). .Defensive outlook: The GCL last year. enced players. Key playerpupito must find a on Bibb, a 6-foot-1, 190 pound· 'tackle Jon Pizzo (6-2, 250, Sr.) Bombers will be strong at inside The Rams !nave depth on the Cornerback Nick Ackerman (6Key player: Bob Buchman, a way to put po~s on the scoreOutside linebacker Nick llrune (6linebacker wl10 loves contact but linebacker and defensive back, 1, 175, Sr.), Andrew's brother, will line and most positions. two-way lineman, was a secondboard despitein inexperienced also can defend against the pass where five of six starters return. Key 2, 190, Sr.) is another returning , team aii-GCL pick last year and also be an anchor in the secondAvoiding injurir~s is the key for a line. f · ,players include ILB Matt Vogele (6- starter. Crable said the team overall will anchor the lancers. due to outstanding speed. ary. Josh Huber (5-10, 225, Sr.) young team th1at has only 16 senlacks experience at linebacker, but Outlook: lfhe defense is 2, 225, Sr.) and strong safely and Jim Macke (6-2, 235, Sr.) are Outlook: Competing in the GCL Bottom line: The Lancers iors and must1rely on 14 untested he knows something about that respectable, tis CQll\1:1 be. a bi~ returning starters on the defensive . Michael Graham (6-1, 190, Sr.), North with a suspect offense will haven't won a GCL game in the sopl10mores. last year's two top tacklers with 99 The former Moeller All-America lineyear for a Rod3ts team that line. As a unit, the Panthers have be tough, especially without an past four years, and McQuaide I· Key Player: Rob Hufford is one backer is looking for players in his and 97, respectively.. above-average speed and should should featur~ne of the most needs several untested players to · of seven players who must perform experienced quarterback. own hard-nosed .image, so expect Cornerback Michael Hurley (6be tenacious to the football. Elder high-powered .ffenses in mature quickly. Schedule the Crusaders to pursue the ball on both sides of the ball. He will 0, 181, Sr.), who led the team in allowed only 133 points last year. Cincinnati. Anfher plus for (all times 7:30 unless noted) relentlessly. In the secondary, safety (all times 7:30 unless noted) be one of the leading rushers for Key player: Quarterback Keith. interceptions (6) and pass Aug. 25 vs. Dixie Heights, 11 a.m. Rodenberg is~e addition of forAug. 24 vs. Walnut Hills Hamilton is the key man but is breakups (7) last year, is also Bolger. Though he has faced commer Moeller cpch Steve Klonne as the offense and the No. 1 pass Aug. 31 at Winton Woods recovering from a hamstring strain. Aug. 31 vs. Sycamore back.. petition frorn David Turner, Bolger defender for the defense. Sept 7 vs. Xenia an assistant. : Sept 7 at Amelia Key player: Offensive tackle Key player: Quarterback Tony has the tools to succeed. With his Outlook: ll1e Rams' out-ofSept. 14 vs. Ontario Schedule ' Kyle Ralph. He is considered the Sept. 15 vs. Chaminade-Julienne Cunningham. With an inexpericoach (Ramsey) being a former league schedule has been scaled St. Andrews (all times 7:3(unless noted) Sept. 22 at Kettering Alter quarterback himself, Bolger should top offensive line prospect to com- enced unit around him, his steady down, with Madeira replacing Aug. 24 iTurpin mit to Vanderbilt in the past hand should get the Crusaders into Sept. 21 at Moeller Sept. 19 vs: McNicholas be ready for the tough GCL South. Sept. 28 vs. Elder Hamilton and Akron Manchester Aug. 31 1Glen Este decade and leads what should be playoff contention. · Bottom line: Ramsey wonders Oct. 5 vs. Hamilton Badin Oct. 5 vs. Xavier also added. Sept. 7 I Loveland Bottom line: Moeller is a bit of about his team's lack of depth and a powerful St Xoffense. Oct 12 at Roger Bacon Oct. 12 vs. East Central If Badin avoids injuries, memoSept. 14 t Roger Bacon Bottom line: The Bombers have · an unknown under new coach Inexperience at some key offensive Oct. 19 at Norwood Oct. 19. vs. Canton McKinley few weaknesses, and Rasso's chief Crable, but has enough talent to be Sept. 22 ~- Dayton ries of last year's 5-6 record will positions, but the Panthers nave Oct. 27 vs. Mount Healthy, 2 p.m. Oct. 26 at Colerain 'I'

Quit soccer; now among best WRs

5. Alter

Greater Catholic league South preview

1 Elder

6. Purcell Mariail

2. Mc:Nichlas

4. Badin

3. Moeller

t Sl Xavier







Greater Miami Conference spotlight

Jones prefe succe to stories · By Carey Hoffman

The Cincinnati EnquirerjBRAr)l STAFFORD · Colerain's Sean Jones, a second-team all-state selection last season, viii shoulder even more responsibility in the Cardinals' new wishbone of3nse.

Enquirer contributor This is a story about Sean Jones. But Sean won't be reading it. At least not for a long while. About mid-December would be fine with him. Because Jones - the star quarterback for Cincinnati's No. 1 team, Colerain - ignores all media coverage during his team's season. If the blinders stay on until Christmas shopping season, Colerain will have gone a long way towards reaching its 2001 goal of the program's first state title. "Last year, I wouldn't watch the football coverage on the newscasts or look at the paper. I'm superstitious," said Jones, who. did catch up on all the press after the season thanks to his dad, who collected it for his son. Jones might not have known it at the time, but the rest of us were enjoying one of the best stories of last season. When Mike Ferris, Colerain's projected starting quarterback, decided to pass on his senior season, Jones emerged from a minor role as a sophomore wingback and kick returner in 1999 into the most important decision-making position in Colerain's tricky triple-option offense. All the unknown did was:

til Complete nine-of-11 passes for 118 yards and a touchdown in his first varsity start, a 14-7 upset of last year's preseason No. 1 team in Cincinnati Division I, Elder. IIlii Become the first Colerain quarterback to both throw and run for 1,000 yards in the same season, on his way to Enquirer co-Player of the Year status in Division I and second-team all-state honors. 1111 Lead unbeaten Colerain to the state Division I semi:finals, where the Cardinals fell 10-7 to eventual state champion Upper Arlington. Jones proved the closest likeness yet to two,time Enquirer Player of the Year David Murphy, who led Colerain to the state senillinals in 1994 and '95 with his ability to confuse defenses with the triple option. Jones did his best, however, to remain oblivious. "People would come up (afterward) and tell me I had so many yards in a game. And I'd be like, 'Oh, really?' "he said. Colerain's coaches call that consistent with Jones' personality. He comes across as a little ·offbeat. Yet it works as one of his strengths. Murphy, who is back in Cincinnati working as an engineer now, has gotten to know Jones fairly well. 'The biggest thing with Sean is his attitude.

Colerain is No.1

He never gets nervous," Murphy said. Colerain coach Kerry Coombs says that was also a Murphy trait. Jones has grown from about 6-focit and 170 pounds a year ago to 6-2 and 185. He's a Division I college prospect. Murphy said Jones has a much stronger throwing arm than he did, and he's shown a similar knack for making the read on who gets the ball on triple-option running plays. Colerain offensive coordinator Rick Haynes said Jones didn't start to look completely comfortable a year ago until the third game, when he ran for 94 yards and three TDs and threw for 153 yards in a 32-3 victory over Oak Hills. By the regular season finale against La Salle, Jones understood the rhythm of the offense so well that he threw only three passes - all three went for touchdowns of at least 47 yards. He also ran for 148 yards on just 10 carries. Then, in a playoff rematch with Elder, Jones ran for 189 yards and two TDs and added 101 yards passing and another TD through the air. Jones has prepared harder and worked more seriously to be ready for his senior season. "I feel a lot more pressure now than last year," Jones says. "All of us do."

The Enquirer's preseason prep football polls, as voted by area coaches:

Division I School 1. Colerain 2. St Xavier 3. Elder 4. Moeller 5. Hamilton 6. Anderson 7. Lakota West 8. Fairfield 9. Winton Woods · 10. Harrison Divisions II·VI School 1. Wyoming 2. McNicholas 3. Reading 4. Roger Bacon 5. Indian Hill 6. Purcell Marian ?.Edgewood 8. Loveland 9. Madeira 10. Cin. Country Day Northern Kentucky School 1. Highlands 2. Beechwood 3. NewCath 4. Dixie Heights 5. Boone County 6. Covington Catholic 7. Ryle 8. Simon Kenton 8. Holmes 10. Campbell County


184 172 164 90 80 79 77

72 28 27 pts

97 80 64 57 56 50 49 37 28 22 pts

129 96 78 73 68 60 · 56 46 46 17

Greater Miami Conference previe~.i\1 By Carey Hoffman Enquirer co>ltributor

· 1. Colerain Coach: Kerry Coombs (11th year, 85-27; 91-41 overall) Coaches poll points: 67 Last year: 13-1 Last league title: 2000 Offensive formation: Tripleoption multiple Offensive starters back: 6 Offensive outlook: Colerain's dominant side of the ball switches from defense to offense. Secondteam all-Ohio quarterback Sean Jones (6-2, 185) might be the most dangerous runjpass threat in the state. Two returning junior starters will line up behind him in the new wishbone look Colerain !las adopted for the first time in 10 years, with Maurice Johnson (5-7, 150) at left halfback and converted wingback Jermaine Johnson (511, 175) at right halfback. The biggest loss was two-way starter and first-team aii-Ohioan Doug Monaghan, Jones' favorite target a year ago. Colerain will go · to more of a short throwing game, using its backs, tight end Joe . Bertram (6-3, 210) and split ends · Jon Jasper (6-0, 160) and sopho• more Erick Fitzpatrick (5-8, 160). ·• The line, which lost all-Ohio tackle Mike Crum, will rebuild around center Mike Mason (5-9, 205) and · junior guard Jake lay (5-11, 245). Defensive formation: 5-2 Defensive starters back: 4 Defensive outlook: How quickly , . can Colerain bounce back from losing seven starters, including first-team all-Ohio linebacker James Battle and safety '·· Monaghan? The pressure will be ' on Josh Miller (6-1, 205), who will move from strong safety to middle linebacker and be asked to replace Battle. The only other experienced . performer not on the interior of the line is end Brian Engel (5-11, 175), a part-time starter last year. Gaining ground up the middle -. against Colerain will be tough from the outset, with the return of two o•, tackles. Tom Schweitzer (6-3, 225) : returns at one spot; Tony · Thompson (6-3, 285) is a Big Ten"', caliber recruit Key player: Sean Jones was uncanny a year ago in his ability to make great decisions, but will have ~· to carry more of the load. Bottom line: Colerain, The · Enquirer's preseason No. 1 Division " I team, usually has one of the . most prolific rushing offenses in the state, and that probably won't .;; · change. If the passing attack develops and if Coombs can pull - together the defense, it will be another special year. (a!l times 7:30 unless noted) Aug. 25 vs. Hanison, 9 p.m., Nippert Stadium Aug. 31 vs. Hughes Sept 7 vs. Lakota East Sept 14 . at Hamilton Sept 21 vs. Oal( Hills Sept 28 at Sycamore Oct 5 at Mifford Oct. 12 vs. Middletown - ·oct 19 at Princeton '' , Oct 26 vs. LaSalle

· · 2. Hamilton Coach: Ed Mignery (15th year, 70-62; 115-95-1 overall) Coaches poll points: 60 Last year: 5-5 Last league title: .1997 Offensive formation:. I Offensive starters back: 6 Offensive outlook: Start up front, where Mignery thinks he has his best offensive line group since ·' 1994. David Grubb (6-6, 260), the :: returning tight end, is a major-col. lege prospect, although probably ::: as an interior lineman. Center ' Robertson Burk (6-2, 230), guard .·: Brad Watkins (6-3,"~8QU!~k­ leBe.n . , .1~ ----------------------------~

an honorable m6tion aii-GMC 175) is 10 pounds lighter than a pick at noseguar last year. He'll year ago in an offort to add to his have experience(help on the line explosiveness. Speedster Bryant in returning defelive tackle Nick Jackson (6-1, '175), a two-year Hitt (6-2, 220). Hensive tackle starter at defellsive back, takes Brandon Maupi~6-6, 260) has over at tailbaclt been so impresse that Cox thinks The big-play guy for Hamilton he could be the est junior defenon both sides of the ball will be sive line prospedn the state. The wide receiver/cornerback/kick secondary is inelerienced. returner EJ. UndeiWood (6-1, Key player: I~Jnning back 175), whose talents rival any player in the area. He'H committed to play Mil(e Lovell increses his production from a year \O, West's ballfootball at Ohio State. control offense culd really cause Hamilton 'h~s an added offenproblems for oprnents this year. sive edge in Kenny Harper, who Bottom line: est has the look may have the strongest leg in the of a contender, I'll a number of state. He made eight field goals a proven performerback from last year ago of more than 48 yards. years 7-3 team., Defensive formation: 4-4 Aug. 24 at Anlrson Starters returning: 6 vs. D<on Stebbins Defensive outlook: Unde!Wood Aug. 31 Sept 7 vs. Hailton will team witl1 Lakota East transfer Sept 14 at Symore Brandon :rnomas (6-1, 165) to -Sept 21- "vs. M~rd give Hamilton an exceptional pair Sept 28 at Fai~ld of corners. Thomas was a two-year Oct 5 vs. Oi Hills Oct 12 at Pri1eton starter at East and is the son of Oct 19 at La~ East former Bengals cornerback Eric Oct 26 vs.Wirow Thomas. The linebacl(ers also have·a good foundation in the return of learn captain Zane Nance (5-11, Coach: Tom Q:Jpa (fifth year, 175), last year's leading tackler 22-21; 103-42 cerall) from his outside linebacker spot, Coaches poll;oints: 43 and junior Nathan Mahon (6-1, Last year: 8-~ 220), the quarterback's younger Last league tie: 1999 brother. Defensive tackle Andy Offensive fomtion: !-formaJohnson (6-3, 260) leads the line. Key player: E.J. UndeiWOOd will tion multiple Offensive staers back: 4 be used much more on offense Offensive outok: Earl Haynes, this year. If he can get defenses a workhorse for f;r years in the thinking about the perimeter, Fairlield backfelcis gone. Without Hamilton could really exploit the a comparable ruping threat, middle. Grippa is going tpk to the kind of Bottom lino: The Big Blue emphasis on the1ass his best clearly come ti1G closest of any teams at Elder dnonstrated. GMC team in cipproaching He really like.his receiving Colerain's talent. But a .500 season a year ago raises the question corps, led by thelangerous Ronnie West (5-11, 16Qwho caught 24 of whether that will translate into passes a year ag Flankers improved performance. A tough Brandon Busam 3-2, 185) and out-of-league schedule won't give Chris Braun (6-0l60) are also Hamilton any breaks either. capable targets, ad Jason Brown Aug. 24 at Centerville (5-11, 170), whmade 21 catchAug. 31 at Springfield South Sept. 7 at Lal<ota West es as a sophomc two years ago, Sept 14 vs. Colerain hopes to be clead to play soon Sept 21 vs. Sycamore after a shoulder oeration sideSept. 28 at Milford lined him a year (o. Brown also is Oct 5 vs. l.akota East the Indians' kicke Oct12 at Oak Hills The new quanrback is Bryan Oct 19 vs. Fairfield ·oct 26 vs Xavier Woods (6-1, 19o'a star pitcher for the Fairfield b<eball team, who shows great prome as a passer. He was 11-of-15 assing in ' Coach: Larry Cox (fifth year, 19- Fairlield's second crimmage. Trying to replace Hayne~Vill be Ricardo . 21; 32-28 overall) Jackson (5-10, 1~). and junior Coaches poll points: 53 Travis Cox (5-10, 35). The offenLast year: 7-3 sive line will be y01g with two Last league title: None starting sophomos. Offensive fo1111ation: Multiple Defensive foration: 4-0 Offensjve starters bacl1: 4 Defensive staers back: 6 Offensive outlool1: West's Defensive outilk: Fairlield attack starts with the- top returning should be very sung up front, with running back statistically in the all four members i its defensive GMC, senior Mike Lovell (5-9, line returning. Tac~s Joe Hampton 175). He ran for 1,051 yards a year ago on his way to earning sec- (5-10, 230) and lus Bowens (50, 260) are joinemy ends ond-team aii-GMC honors. He's joined by another second-team aii- Cameron Morrisof:6-0, 205) and GMC performer in hulking offensive Danny Dinsmore ('3, 222). Junior Richie Allen (5-11205), a starter tackle David Pflasterer (6-5, 330), at safety a year ag is now an of whom Cox says, "I've never had inside linebacker, ilng with Jimmy a kid this big be this good:· Minor (6-1, 205), ho ran for 260 The Firebirds operate out of a yards in two gamelast year when double tight-enc!', full-house backHaynes was out hit, Free safety field set about lt:alfthe time. Both Joe Owens (6-2, 10) is back in tight ends, Chris: .Alles· (6-4, 220) the secondary. . and Chris Mays :[6-3, 190), return Key player: Br)ll Woods doesthis year. Joining Lovell in the backn'thave much ex~ience, but field will be new• quarterback Grippa thinks he lb the skills to Brenton Eisenh81rd (5-10, 170), be the kind of pasng quarterback who Cox thinl(s can be as comhe has coached inne past. plete a quarterback as the proBottom line: Fa:tield's. program gram has had. has come a long wy recently, cui, Defensive formation: 5-0 minating in playoffrppearances Defensive starters back: 4 the last two years. 'lith out Earl Defensive outlook In its four Haynes, this year 1\1 be a true test years of football. West has develof the program's plgress. oped a reputation for excellent Aug. 25 vs. Moelr, 4 p.m. linebackers. Leading the way this Aug. 31 vs. Wayn year will be two-way performer Sept 7 at Oak Hs Alles, a starting defensive end last Sept 14 vs. Princion year who is being moved to inside Sept 21 at Middl1own linebacker. He'll be joined by Sept 28 vs. Lako!West Oct 5 at Sycarnre returning starter Tim Bushong (5Oct 1 vs. Milfol 10 190) and captain Mike

4. Fairfield

3. lakota West

the defensive line. Miltenburger considers stopping big plays an absolute must for his rebuilt Coach: Tom Adams (fourth year, defense. 17-13; 70-61 overall) · Key player: Darren Barnett is a Coaches poll points: 36 top-level athlete familiar with Last year: 2-8 Princeton's tradition of success. He Last league title: 1988 · needs to set the example. (Eastern Metro League) Bottom line: Princeton Offensive formation: Doublerebounded to a second-place tie in slot option the GMC last year and a chance to Offensive starters back: 4 play Colerain for a share of the Offensive outlook: Injuries title. With·a rewort<ed lineup and a killed Sycamore's wide-open new offense to install, the Vikings offense last year, especially when are a difficult team to predict. quarterback Ashwin Corattiyil Aug. 24 vs. Springfield South missed the second half with a con- Aug. 31 at Col. Upper Arlington Sept 7 vs. Milford cussion and Sycamore suffered at Fairfield three one-point losses. His replace- Sept 14 Sept 21 vs. Lakota East ment, junior Ross Sferra (5-11, Sept 28 at Oak Hills 160) did get valuable experience. Oct. 5 at Middletown The injury bug also kept tight Oct. 12 vs. Lakota West end Mike Matthews (6-4, 245) out Oct 19 vs. Colerain for the firstfive games· a year ago. · Oct. 26 at Moeller This year, he's healthy and ready to be a force. He has a scholarship offer from Georgia Tech. Tackle Jake Wilkirson (6-3, 240)cis the onl~> 1 Coach: Steve Sheehan (fifth ·starter back on the line. · : year,22-19; 157-54-1 overall) Defensive formation: Multiple Coaches poll points: 27 4-3 Last year: 2-8. Defensive starters back: 4 Last le!lgue title: 1998 (Queen Defensive outlook: The entire City Conference) secondary needs to be replaced, Offensive formation: One-back, out Sycamore may be able to shotgun, no huddle compensate for that with its best Offensive starters back: 7 defensive line unit of the last few Offensive outlook: Uke a numyears. The leaders on the line are ber of teams, Oak Hills is going to returning starters Andrew Pellino the spread offense this year. Unlike (6-0, 210) and Mark Eatherly (6-2, most other offenses in the GMC, it 250). Matthews doubles as a has experienced skill players back defensive end. who might give the Highlanders an The linebackers should also be early edge. solid. Matt Small (5-11, 200) The goal is to improve the returns on the inside, and junior passing game. Quarterback Rik Shawn Fitzgibbons (6-0, 200) is Menchen (6-2, 190) is back for his back at outside linebacker. third year as a starter, and he has Key player: Mike Matthews has familiar company in the backfeld a chance to be a standout and set in running back/linebacker Alex the tone for Sycamore, which was Arinsmier (6-0, 200), a fourth-year not far away from being a starter and potential aii-GMC plflyrespectable team a year ago. er. The offense has more experiBottom line: If the Aviators can ence in third-year starters receivmatch the explosiveness that er/ defensive back Jeff Schroeder marked Adams' first two offenses [6-0, 170), a second team aiiat Sycamore, they could be a GMC choice a year ago, and twohandful for opponents. way tackle Steve Wergers (6-3, 245). Guard/defensive tackle Aug. 25 vs. Elder, 6:15 p.m. Stephen Manner (6-0, 225) is a Aug. 31 at La Salle returning starter as well. . Sept 7 at Middletown Defensive formation: 6-2 Sept 14 vs. Lakota West Defensive starters back: 6 Sept 21 at Hamitton Defensive outlook: Oak Hills is Sept 28 vs. Colerain Oct5 vs. Fairfield looking to improve its team speed Oct 12 at Lakota East on defense, a factor that was Oct 19 at Milford exploited in the Highlanders' first Oct26 vs. Hanison year in GMC play. Besides the twoway players mentioned above, other starters back for this year include defensive back Jason Laine Coach: Scott Miltenburger (third (5-10, 160) and junior linebacker year, 8-12) Danny Lee (5-11. 190). Outside Coaches poll points: 35 linebacker Billy Abell (6-2, 185), Last year: 6-4 another junior, is also capable of Last league title: 1998 upgrading the defense. Offensive formation: Fast Key player: Two-way starter Alex break, no huddle Arinsmier's status as a four-year Offensive starters back: 1 player and his ability to be a playOffensive outlook: Princeton maker make him key for Oak Hills' will try to exploit its traditional success with its new offense. strength of team speed in going to Bottom line: How quickly can a new spread offense for this sea- the Highlanders shake off last son. But the Vikings are going to year's rude introduction to the be terribly inexperienced as the GMC? They'll find out by facing season starts. Wide receiver Ken three Division I playoff-teams from lawson (5-8, 147), who was a big- a year ago right off the bat- St. play producer a year ago, is the Xavier, Western Hills and Fairlield. only starter back, although defen, Aug. 25 vs. St Xavier, 1:30 p.m. at sive back Darren Barnett (6-0, Nippert at Western Hills Aug. 31 175) also played some receiver. Sept 7 vs. Fairfield Size is a major problem for atl.akota East Princeton on both sides of the ball. Sept14 Sept 21 at Colerain . Defensive formation: 4-4 vs. Pnnceton Sept 28 Defensive starters back: 3 at Lakota West Oct 5 DefensiVe outlook: Three Oct 12 vs. Hamifton vs. Middletown starters return for the defense that Oct 19 vs. Elder finished second to Colerain statisti- Oct26 cally in the GMC last year. Two starters are back in the secondary- Barnett, the nephew of current Princeton assistant and Coach: Eric Tudor (first year; former NFL player Harlan Barnett, 68-62 overall) Coaches poll points: 24 and Ryan McElroy (5-5, 162). A Last year: 2-8 tough group of linebackers who Last league title: 1990 were at the heart of Princeton's Offensive formation: Run-andsu e a year ago needs to be

5. Sycamore

7. Oak Hills

6. Princeton

8. Middletown

Offensive outlook: New co:ach Tudor, who was a Middletown assistant in the earty 1980s b-~fore head coaching stints at Elmwood, Circleville and Dublin Coffman, will install a variation of the run-al1dshoot offense thatTiger Ellison invented at Middletown. The quarterback, who lines up in a shotgun formation, will be Monroe transfer Jimmy Goforth (511, 200). The goal will be for him to get the ball to two members of Middletown's state-record setting 4x100 relay team, Tyran Thompson (5-6, 148) and Darrell Hunter (61, 170). "A friend of mine dubbed our offense, '80 yards and a cloud of dust;' Tudor joked. Thompson, a running back last year, will also see time at that spot, where the starter is likely to·be sophomore:Jimmy Calhoun. (6foot, 188), who played varsity as freshman.. The offensive line will rely on junior twins Anthony Farthing (6-2, 259) and Patrick Farthing (6-2; 227). Defensive formation: 4-4 Defensive starters back: 3 Defensive outlook: Defense may be a concern for the Middies, without much success there last year and limited size and experience this year. The returning starters are free safety Jeremy Gates (6-1, 154), linebacker Davonne Calhoun (5-10, 200) and tackle Marlin Summerour (cq) (62, 196). A number of first-year players are also trying make an impact, including the other two members of the sprint relay te<lm - cornerback Nasir Ahmad (5--7, 144) and safety Quincy Edwartis (6-0, 144) Key player: Jimmy Goforth i:s leading Middletown by examplr;,, something Tudor sees as impDi'il:ant after the Middies posted 2-8 records the last two years. He needs to show the skills to Ieard Middletown's new offense as well. Bottom line: Tudor's experience with Middletown goes back to when the program was an annual challenger for the GMC title. He built programs at his last two head coaching stops into league champions. For this year, he'll probably be satisfied to see some progress in the record. Aug. 25 at Lakewood St Edward Aug. 31 vs. centerville Sept 7 vs. Sycamore Sept 14 at Milford Sept 21 vs. Fairfield Sept 28 at Lakota East Oct 5 vs. Princeton Oct 12 at Colerain Oct 19 at Oak Hills Oct 26 vs. Uma Senior


improved, thanks to a blend of quickness and experience. The defensive leader is linebacker Brad Williams (6-3, 225), a major-college prospect who recorded 78 tackles and three sacks a year ago. Craig Williams (no relation to Brad) will also play linebacker, as will lettermen Jan Opiela (6-0, 220), a junior, and Jack Green (511, 180), giving East size and experience in that group. Bill Fuertges (6-1, 175), who had three interceptions in 2000, and Duane Butler (5-10, 170), who intercepted two passes, are back in the secondary. Key player: Improvement for lakota East probably will be tied tc a defense that has the makings of one of the top units in the GMC. Brad Williams~ who may be. the to1 player on the team, will have muct to say about setting the tone for the defense. Bottom line: East's showing a year ago was a disappointment, but a bump upward in the standings seems likely this year. Aug. 24· at Huber Heights Wayne Aug. 31 a!Talawanda Sept 7 at Colerain Sept 14 vs. oak Hills Sept 21 at Princeton Sept 28 vs. Middletown Oct 5 at Hamilton Oct 12 vs. Sycamore Oct 19 vs. Lakota West Oct 26 at Mason

9. MiWord

Coach: Bob Smith (fourth year, 11-19; 14-34-1 overall) Coaches poll points: 20 Last year: 6-4 Last league title: 1986 (Eastern Metro League) Offensive formation: Multiple Offensive starters back: 4 Offensive outlook: Some key pieces were lost to graduation, but Milford may have enough quality skill players to continue the momentum of the program's first winning season in 12 years. Milford's top player is junior fullback Joey Razzano (6-foot, 230), whose brother starred at Milford and is now playing for Ole Miss and whose father played linebacker for the Bengals. Overall, the running backs bring speed and strength to Milford's attack. Split end Mike Bode (6-3, 175) and junior tight end Seth DeBra (6-3, 225) give Milford possibilities with its passing game. Darren Runyan (6-3, 230) is the only starter back on a line that lost giant tackle Zak Strief, now at Northwestern. Defensive formation: 4-4 Defensive starters back: 3 Coach: Greg Bailie (fifth year, Defensive outlook: Milford has 16-24) reasonable speed and strength,. Coaches poll points: 20 but will have to completely rebuild Last year: 2-8 its defensive line. Last league title: None Offensive formation: N/ A Leadership for the defense will Offensive starters back: 6 come from linebackers Jimmy Offensive outlook: A number of Taylor (5-9, 200) and Ryan Brayto1 young players gained experiene~e in (5-10, 210).Jon Lehman (6-3, a difficult 2000 season, so the' 195) is back at strong safety to goal will be to see how much tfuat :ead the secondary. can help in a fresh start for 20@1. Key player: Joey Razzano is ani The top producer back for tihe a junior, but he has a chance to offense is receiver Matt AmedrOJ (6- lead Milford to more success this foot, 180), who caught 23 passes season. The Eagles will need an for 321 yards a year ago. The qluar- effective ground game to keep terback position is young, with ilun- explosive opposing offenses from ior Scott Wyckoff (6-1, 165) th~ around the GMC off the field .. most experienced candidate. He Bottom line: Finding enough started three games a year ago. Tailback Dustin Baynes (5-9, 185) good players has been an annual and Amedro, who also saw time in struggle for Milford, so the questim again is whether there's enough the backfeld, ran for almost a depth to compete in the GMC. las combined 500 yards last year. Tight end Craig Williams (6-5, 225) year's success has to help enthusi· asm forthe program. is a big target for the passing Aug. 24 at Amelia game who only played two games 31 vs. Anderson a year ago due to injury. The offen- Aug. Sept 7 at Princeton sive line has reasonable experiSept 14 vs. Middletown ence and size. Sept 21 at Lakota West Sept 28 vs. Hamilton Defensive formation: N/A Oct 5 vs. Colerain Defenpjve starters back: 8

9. Lakota East



Willingham's TD run beats Princeton 6-0 By Carey Hoffman Enquirer contributor

The Cincinnati Enquirer/JEFF SWINGER

St. Xavier's Matt Vogele celetwates a sack of .Princeton quarterback Mike Daniels.

. Two minutes, 40 seconds into Saturday's St. XavierPrinceton Division I regional semifinal, the Bombers' Enye Willingham scored on an 11yard draw play. And that was the ballgame. Incredibly, two teams averaging a combined 65 points a game staged one of the best defensive battles of the year, a 6-0 St. X victory in the first· game of Saturday's doubleheader at Paul Brown Stadium. St. X (11-0) advances to next week's regional final and a ·rematch with Elder. The Bombers won 16-13 Oct. 12. "I thought it would be a high-scoring game," St. X coach Steve Rasso said. "We played hard, they played hard - they stopped .us with

their speed factor." And St. X stifled Princeton with the most effectively implemented game plan the Vikings had seen all season. The Bombers turned the midrange area five yards over the line of scrimmage, where the Vikings' spread offense flourished all season, into a minefield. Princeton never got closer to the end zone than the St. X 27-yard line. "We played together as a team," said St. X linebacker Matt Vogele, who set up Willingham's TD when he made the first of St. Xavier's five interceptions. "Everyone played disciplined football. We counteracted their speed with hard-nosed football." Vogele spent the game shadowing Princeton ·quarterback Mike Daniels, and cor-· nerback Mike Hurley covered Princeton receiver Darren

Barnett. Daniels struggled to a 16-of-42 passing effort for 124 yards, and Barnett, the area's leading receiver with 89 catches, caught just two passes for 12 yards. ''I thought we saw a lot of the same stuff they did during the year," Barnett said. "They just executed it better." "Our coaches told us (Barnett) had caught over half their passes on the season," Hurley said. "So we knew we had to stop him." St. X limited Princeton to 180 total yards, about half its season average: Princeton's swarming defense was equally effective, holding St. X to 182 yards, just less than half its season average. "We showed our little kids can hit," Princeton coach Scott Miltenberger said of his undersized defense. "To hold them to six points is a great


job. We just kept coming, coming, coming." St. X had a chance to take control of the game with 4:05 left in the third quarter. Willingham ran 25 yards to the Princeton 7-yard line the second-longest offensive play of the game. But a thirddown sack of Bombers quarterback Marty Mooney by the Vikings' Derri~k Summerlin one of three sacks by Summerlin - forced a 28-yard field goal attempt. Chris Huth's kick was wide. Princeton drove into St. X territory three more times in the final quarter. But the Vikings turned over the ball on downs twice, at the 34-yard line with 10:20 left and at the 40 with 7:34 left, and the third possession ended when Daniels was intercepted by safety. Sean Kelly with 5:23 to play. Running back Luke Lenz was the most effective offensive weapon in the game, rushing 19 times for 105

yards for St. Xavier. Princeton defensive back Ramon Redding was credited with 14 tackles. "Our offense, everyone is going to say, did not play well," Rasso said. "But Princeton's defense had a lot to do with that." Yet, St. X - ranked No.2 in Ohio Division I- survived. "This shows St. X can win whether it's a high-scoring game or a low-scoring game," Barnett said. St. X has never lost to Princeton in six previous regular season meetings, but had lost two previous playoff matchups with the Vikings. Princeton (8-4) was making its first playoff appearance since 1993. "Anyone who knows our program knows the 2001 class has brought back our tradition," Miltenberger said. Princeton ................................0 0 0 0-0 st. Xavier................................ 6 0 0 0-6 · SX-WIIIIngllam 11 run (kick wtdc) Records: P 8-4, SX 11-0.

Badin prevails in 5 overtimes ninth-winningest coach, ac._T.hi- . e. k- . e. _n.__ S. _c_-o_r. . .e_S -- tiveor-retired,-in the history of American high school footgame-winner ball.

This time it's No. 1 Colerain that's ousted By Tom Croeschen The Cincinnati Enqnirer

Elder pounced on Colerain early and never let the Cardinals up, which most agreed was key to the Panthers' 35-21 victory before 47,743 at Paul Brown Stadium on Saturday. Elder (11-1), which beat the state's No. 1-ranked team for the third time this 7-0 lead season, grabbed on the opening series on a 3-yard touchdown run by quarterback Keith Bolger. It was the first time Colerain (11-1) trailed in a game all season. Elder built its lead to 14-7 and then 28-14 by halftime and was in control throughout the Division !regional semifinal game. The Panthers entered as the No. 3-ranked team in the state, behind No. 2 St. Xavier and No.1 Colerain. "That was big, that first series," Elder coach Doug Ramsey said. "My biggest concern was the ·crowd and getting bf!hind, but that first score really .built our confidence." Elder, which sold more than 14,000 presale tickets in more than doubling other participants' sales, rode momentum and its crowd to one of its most satisfying football victories ever. Colerain beat Elder twice in the 2000 season, and some had not for-


gotten another Ca,rdinals playoff win over Elder back in 1995. "This feeling is so sweet," said Ricky Brown, Elder's standout senior safety. "We just never get intimidated by playing No. 1 teams. They're a great team, but we were ready for them." Elder beat Cleveland St. Ignatius and Warren Harding earlier this season when both were .ranked No. 1 in the state. But those were both at Elder's noisy Pit, wHh Saturday's game against Colerain - which finished No. 1 in the final regular season state poll - at a "nt!utral" site. Elder won by keeping Colerain's triple-option offenBe relatively in check and by riding the arm and legs of quarterback Bolger offensively. · Bolger rushed 22 times for 161 yards and two TDs and completed six of 14 passes for 68 yards and another TD. His passing stats might have· been better save · for some drops. Colerain was averaging a city-high 43 points a game, and its 21-point output was its lowest of the year. The 35 points by Elder were the most Colerain allowed this year, compared to 21 two other times. Colerain quarterback Sean Jones was a big threat as usual, rushing 21 times for 117 yards and completing eight of 16 passes for 134 yards. But the rest of Colerain's rushers combined to run 20 times for only 95

B M" .. 1 Cl '· y ICnae arn

17te Cincinnati Enqnimr

The Cincinnati Enquirer/JEFF SWINGER

Elder players celebrate with their fans after beating Colerain Saturday night.

cuses, we just weren't meant to make it any farther." · Colerain coach Kerry Coombs and most of his players remained composed afterward, with the shouts of Elder fans ringing the stadium. . '~Somebody has to lo15e, and sometimes the other team plays better," Coombs said. "Elder played better, and our hats are off to them. I hope one of those two (Elder, St. X) can bring a state championship back to Cincinnati." The Cincinnati Enquirer/MICHAEL E. KEATING Colerain held a slight edge "We'll be back," Colerain coach Kerry Coombs said after in total yards on the unoffithe 35-21 loss, theCardinals' first of the season. cial stats,. 346-336. Colerain rushed for 212 yards and yards, mild by Cardinals team all-state player last Elder for 268, with Bradley standards. year and candidate for simi- Glatthaar rushing for 87 yards and a TD for Elder. "It was basically just as- lar honors this season, Elder ..................................... 14 14 0 7-35 signment football," Ramsey praised Elder's effort. Colerain ...............................: 7 7 0 7-21 E-K.Bolger 3 run (Riga kick) said. "We weren't shadowing "Their team speed, particC-Martln 2 run (Young 1\Jck) E-Giatthaar 50 nm (Riga kick) Jones. It was just a matter of ularly their closing speed, is E-Hornsby 1 run (Riga kick) C-Martln 2 run (Young kick) carrying out assignments what sets them apart," Jones E-K.Bolgcr 47 run (Riga kick) C-Jones 19 run (Young kick) and making tackles." said. "I thought Elder preE-Arnold 5 pass from K.Solger (Riga kick) . Colerain's Jones, a second- pared well for us. Nci exRecords: E 11-1, C 11-1

The 68-year-old Malone's last state title was in 1990 when Badin won the Division III championship. It took more than a half of football before Badin's offense scored its first touchdown. After a scoreless first

CENTERVILLE - It took five overtimes, but Badin dutlasted Dayton Oakwood 42 -35 in a thrilling regional semifinal playoff battle Saturday at Centerville High School. Rams defensive back quarter, when the Rams' ofRicky Pate sealed the win fense stopped itself with a with a clutch interception. fumble and penalties, the That key defensive play Lumberjacks put together a capped an evening of heroics scoring drive in the second by the Badin squad, which quarter for the game's first continued its improbable score. postseason run. The Rams Oakwood quarterback Kefinised the regular season vin Carlile hit receiver Clark 5-5. Kensinger for a 15-yard The Rams tied the score touchdown pass, and Oak21-21 with 2:15 left in regu- wood led 7-0 at halftime. lation when Badin quarterGabe Schoenlein's 67-yard back Justin Spoerl threw to run put the Lumberjacks John Carey for a 5-yard ahead 14-0, but the Rams touchdown pa~s. used a 4-yard run by Tony In ·the overtimes, the Nichting and Thieken's 60teams began drives from the . yard reception from Spoerl 20-yard line, and no game to tie the game 14-14. dock is used. Oakwood retook the lead A crucial interference call on a 1-yard run from Peter against Oakwood in the fifth Jones. But Carey's reception overtime allowed Badin's of- from Spoerl tied the game fense to get close enough for again, 21 _21. halfback Andrew Thieken to dash through defenders from The Rams, who are in the state tournament for the 9 yards out for what would fourth consecutive year, won prove to be the winning their previous three games touchdown. This is the farthest Badin by a combined score of 103-16. has been in the playoffs since Badin ......................... 0 0 14 7 21_42 1998 when the then-Division Oakwood .................... o 1 1 1 t4-35 III Rams made it to the state klck?-Kenstnger 15 pass from Carlile (Lyman Semifinals. 0-Schoenletn 67 run (Lyman kick) B-Nicht!ng 4 run (Westover kick) fn next Saturday's region8-Thleken 60 pass from Spoerl (Westover al final, Badin· will play Cold- klckb-Jones 1 run (Lyman kick) water, which defeated WyoB-Carey 5 pass from Spoerl (Westover kick) 8-Nichtlng, 1 run (Westover kick) ming 24-7. 0-Jones, 3 run !Lyman kick) • · th 353 d · 8-Pflnnan, 10 run (Westover kick) Th e Will IS e r Ill 0-Kenslnger. 19 pass from Carlile (Lyman Terry Malone's 44 years of klckJ B-Thieken, 8 run (Westover kick) coaching at Badin. He is the Records: o 9·3, B 7·5





Baseball insider

Offseason clouded by contr · ction move By Jim Salisbury Krright Ridder Nwspapers

The week after the World Series, teams usually finalize their offseason strategies and get ready to plunge into the free agent market, which opens for business 15 days after the final out of the Series. This year, things could be different. The specter of contraction the elimination of two teams looms over baseball like a cloud. No one is quite sure if it will blow away or burst into a drenching rain. That's why some teams might tread cautiously these next few -weeks. Sure, some teams have clear-cut offseason agendas. The· Yankees, for instance, will go after Oakland's Jason Giambi, and The Associated Press I the possibility of contraction is not Commissioner Bud Selig's contraction announcement has going to affect the Phillies' atturned the offseason into one big question mark. tempt to sign Scott Rolen to a "Up until Oct. 31," one basecontract extension. But there are ball man said, "the owners other teams whose offseason weren't prepared to go through plans could be affected by the possibility of contraction. with contraction because they Take the Mets and Braves, for knew there wasn't .enough time example. They both could be in to do it (for the 2002 season). the market for a power-hitting This is all about leverage." outfielder. It's not difficult to . DON'T RULE OUT FLORiimagine both of them being interDA: Most reports have listed ested in signing Barry Bonds or the Montreal· Expos and the trading for Gary Sheffield. But the Minnesota Twins as the tw,o Mets and Braves might be wise to teams likely to be folded. Also lie low on the Bonds/Sheffield listed as possibilities are the front if they there's a chance Florida Marlins, the Tampa Bay Montreal's Vladimir Guerrero Devil Rays and the Oakland Athyounger, cheaper and possibly letics. more talented than Bonds or ShefNo Qne disputes that the Exfield - could become available in a pos are high on commissioner dispersal draft if contraction · Bud Selig's hit list. But some in comes to pass. · baseball are not convinced the How about all the teams looking Twins will be the second team. for pitchers? Do they get ready to Some believe · it could be the tbrow big bucks at Jason Schmidt Associated Press file (he wants $55 million over five Marlins. years) or Chan Ho Park? Or do The Yankees are said to have Those who believe that point t~wir sights set on Oakland free they roll the dice that young, agent first baseman Jason to Minnesota's attendance, talented arms such as Tony Ar- Giambi, an MVP candidate. which was a half-million more mas, Javier Vazquez, Eric Milton, -than Florida's this season. Also, joe Mays, Ryan Dempster or Brad there is more of a public outcry Penny could be available for ants, the Braves and the Mets. If in Minnesota to keep the Twins you were Bonds, and you had such trades, with the dispersal draft a small market, would you like it if alive. serving as a middle man? EXTRA BASES: Jeff Shaw Those uncertainties are giving all of a sudden a hitter like Guergeneral managers plenty to pon- rero were available? No way. zoomed to the top of the free der as they wait to hear from Bonds is likely to let his feelings agent closer list when the Dodgtheir bosses - ·the owners - on about contraction be known to the ers passed on picking up his $7.05 million option Friday. whether contraction will happen. union. Impact on the current free Ill Gary Denbo, the Yankees' The players association is not happy with the idea of contrac- agent crop is just another reason first-year hitting coach, experition, mainly because 50 players to believe the union will-fight enced thequirttessential-Geo'i:'ge Steinbrenner moment when. he (two active rosters) could lose contraction· vigorously. But until the ideais implement- was blamed for players not getjobs. That issue could be solved by increasing the roster size of the ed or . defeated,· some general ting the job done on the field. remaining 28 teams to 27 players. managers will have no choice but Denbo was fired after the Yanks The issue that can't be so easily to consider it as a real way of hit .183 and scored just 14 runs addressed is the union's concern domg business this offseason. in seven World Series games. IVIORE CONTRACTION over the impact of the dispersal Rick Down could return to that STUFF: There have been some draft. 'post. interesting opinions on contracThe union is teeming with highIll The Baseball Writers Assoprofile members such as Giambi, tion expressed by baseball peociation of America begins handThe prevailing sent_iment ple. Bonds, Juan Gonzalez and Moises ing out its postseason awards Alou, who have waited for their was that the owners were foolfree agent rights so they could ish to ruin any good relations Monday when both rookies of shop their skills to the highest with the union by laying an egg the year are named. Albert Pulike contraction in a news con- jols of the St. Louis Cardinals is bidder. Their value could be severely ference two days after a great expected . to beat out Jimmy Rollins of the Phillies for the NL diminished if two teams are dis- World Series. "All we heard for five years award. The NL Cy Young will be solved and the market is flooded with t:llent. It's as simple as sup- was they've created a better announced Tuesday. Both manply and demand. Aaron Sele's atmosphere, a better rapport," agers of the year will be andown if Armas, Vazbaseball man said. "Then nounced Wednesday. The AL Cy price .

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Division Ifootball All-Star team

The Enquirer's football All- · · Stars were selected by prep writer Tom Groeschen, who covered prep football from preseason through the state playoffS. Groeschen considered input from area coaches, other Enquirer high school staffers and results of all" league voting in making his selections.

Honorable mention DMSION I Amelia -Joel Steinmetz, Ryan . Eartey, Tyler Gangwer; AndeJSOn Robert Anthony, D~nny Miller, Mike AhrllnS, Ty H~ll. Chris NoJWell, Matt. Oils, Scott Enckson,'Chrts Rowswell; · Colerain - Sean Jones, Maurice Johnson, Kevin Martin, Joe Bertram, Bnan Engel, Josh Miller, Mike Mason, Adam Young, DrllW Kesse, Jenmaine Johnson, Nick Mohr; Elder - Keitl) Bolger, Chris Abrams, Dave Turner, Bill Poland, Tom Aneuski, Brady Miller, Jake Witte, Nick Ackenman, Zach King, Mike Riga, Bradley Glatthaar; Flllrfleld Ronnie West, Joe Hampton, Rttchie Allen, Bryan Wood; Glen Este Kyle Ayers, Shaun Hoskins, Nick Fore, Jason Relds, Tyler Blair; Hamlltnn- Bryant Jackson, Brad Watkins, Zane Nance; HarriSilnSteve Strassell, Joe Wasinger, Ross Brown; Hughes- Ray Huff, William Wh lte; Lakota East - Matt Amedro, Q~a~ Williams; Lakota 'Mist · IR id Pflasterer, Brandon Maupin, Andrew Moorll; La Salle - Scott Hudepohl, Brllnt Celek, Jason Hugentobler; Lebanon - Chariie RittgeJS, Conor McGeehan, Marous Pickworth, Dan Tucker, Enc Dixon, Aaron Hall; Mason ~Bnan Bender, U Hunt, Kyle Peters; Mlddletnwn - Darrell Hunter, Jeremy Gates; Milford Jimmy Taylor, Jon lehman; Moeller -Enc Thatcher, Brllnt Hack, Nick · Brune; Oak Hills -Rik Menchen, Alex Annsmier, Jeff Schroeder; Prlncetnn- Mike Daniels, Thomas Dillingham, Marous Brooks, Ryan McElroy, Gerald Bailey, Ken Lewson, Brett Skylingstad, Ramon Redding; St XIMer - luke Unz, Enye Willingham, Sam McDonald, Josh Williams, Chris Ballman, Matt Dooley; Nick Larkin~ E. W. Womack, Sean Kelly, Dave Kelly; SycamoreJake Wilkirson, Alex Moorll, Andrew Pellino; Western Hills- Joe Jones, Shawn Aichele, Steve Banks, Taurllan Stephens, Mare Cheatham, Desmond Gault Wlntnn Woods Ketth Crain, Chadd Baker, DrllW Jones, Mike Carden, Randy Henderson; Withrow - Anthony Laws. Warrith Majid, Anljuan White.

DMSIONS II-VI Aiken - Phil Shaw, Brandon Cooper, Dion Felder;'BadlnAndrew Thieken, Tony Nichting, Matt Westover; Batavia -Brian Clark, ~ Stith Ellis; Blalicliester C::l5aac - · Barr, Sam' Roberts, Ben Prewitt; Grllg Blake; Cln. Country Day- Matt MaJShall, Rob Cambruzzi, CJ. Farrenkopf, Andrew Charour; Cln. Hills Christian - Ryan Huxtable, Robert Wilson, Jay Morelock, Patrick Coggins; Cllnton-Massle -Tyler , Webb, Sean Malone, Jacob Bryant; Deer Park - Joe Wietmarschen, Tim Rovekamp; East Cllntnn- Bryan Aoyd, !IJickAnderson,AIIen Fisher, Steve Olds, Chris Wisecup, Randy Reese; Eilgewood- Nick King, Matt Moorll, Tom Anglin, Scott Shepherd, Mike McSortey; Fenwick - Steve Schwab; Flnneytown- Chris Howarth, Nick Phile, Eugene Partndge; Franklin -Daniel Watts, Jarlld Weng!ikowski, Jay Wells, Matt Jennings; Goshen - Paul Plavsic, Nathan Blevins, Rob Dunham, Cory Brooker, Jerllmy Banrial; Greenfield McClain -Mark Hunter, Bill Cullom, Travis HO'illand; Harmony Community -Robert Downs, Antwawn Nickles; Hillsboro - Tyler Kelch, Robert Zugg, Denrik Hatthcock; Indian Hll! - Derek Broughton, Sam Wordeman, Brady Ward, Rick Hartig; Kings- Matt Bengal, Nick Herrmann, Bobby Atkinson, Fadil Bayyari, Shane Davis, Jud Evans, Cullen leugeJS; UtUe Miami -!len Schleicher, Rob Werden, Jesse Ta~or; lockland ,.. Raymond Biesbrook; loveland Josli McCoy, Nate Ellis, Sean Manny, Adam Methven, Brandon Minturn, Darrell Walsh, Geoff Anthony; Madeira- Bryan Cummings, Drew Cloran, Kyle Relds, Jake Kallwen, Brad Filtes, Adam Dooley, Ryan Schneller, Chris Davidson; . Mariemont - Ross Ballinger, Ben Shimp; McNicbolas- Mike DePompei, Jim Cornelio, Kevin Huber, Kevin McNerney, Dan Bowling, Tony Pastura, Mike Jenkins, Zach Denton, Evan Dreyer; Mlddletnwn Madison - Maro Isaac; Monroe- John Routson; Mount Healthy- Sam Walker, Andrae Arnold, Tony Tensing, Rickey Davis, Donthal Brown, Gerald lester; New Miami - Josh Moore; New Richmond - Neil Howell, Mike Holcomb, Jeff Mahaffey, Bret · Wiseman, Bill Martin; North College Hill -Jerrrnel Turnage, DeJuan Tribble, Darryl Snow, Shelby Ethridge, Ryan Gardner, Ryan Whaley; NorthweSt- Brandon UndeJWOod, Robert White; Norwood - Buddy Cox, Matt Murphy; Purcell Marian- Carl McMullen, Jamaal Johnson, Laniel Tribble, Bntt Smtth, Nick Cooper; Reading -Aaron Green, Ryan York, Tim Coffey, Bryan Wilson, Adam Caldwell, Jeff Nash, James Conner; Roger Bacon leonard Bush, Ron Auer, Ryan Garvey, Roman Putman, Brad lakes, Mike Harvey, Eric Reichman, Brandon Schawe; Ross - Kevin Hutson, Warren Sizemore, Ronnie Phelps, Will Schroeder, Ricky BeefS, . Jason Cozad; Springboro -Matt Poeppelman; Summit CD -Jeff Roth, Grant Bailey, Norri Abdulghani, Jeff Thompson, Enc McKinney, Ty · Hogan, Justin Cheers, Tim O'Brien; Talawanda - Matt Jacobs, Drew Johnson, Marques Williams, Chris Foley, Jamaal Stirtmire; TaylorMike Wilhelm, Chris Moertein, Dale Thomas, Cody Rainier; Turpin John Earhart, Brian Neil, Ben lbbeJSOn, Samir Daoud; Walnut Hills - Ryan Thomas, Fred Tudor; Williamsburg -Cameron Clark, Brandon Butts, Dave King, Matt Poole, Bryan Ross; WllmlngtoliDirk Beckett, Tom Home, Jordan· Martin, Marquis Nance, Tyler Steele, Anthony Seweti: Woodward - Vince Ward; Bryan Austin, Donald Ulmer, Raymond Edwards, Marous Dawson, Jeff Wise, Donald Peterson; Wyoming -Anthony Wright John Gale, Neil Smi\~ Jarmd Russell.



Bengais notebook

east fmding niche as ets' Says Bengals _ stuck on his size By Mark Curnutte The Oi:neinnati Enquirer

·Former Kentucky star Craig Yeast, released Aug. 27 hy the Bengals, has found a home with the New York Jets and looks forward to facing his former team Sunday at the Meadowlands. "Oh, yeah. I'd love to bust a big one every week," Yeast said Wednesday. :'Playing against the Bengals, a team I played for for

two years, that kind of released me and put me in a tough situation - I'd like to return one against them. I'd like to return two or three against them. ·A victory would he sweeter than anything else." · Yeast signed Oct. 10 with the Jets and has become the AFC's fifth-leading kickoff returner with a 24-yard average 'and a lorig of 55. The Bengals' Curtis Keato.1 has averaged 21.7 yards per kickoff return. Yeast also has a 10.3-yard average on eight punt returns. He was signed by the

Jets after Chad Morton was injured. "I told him, 'You're here for one week, basically. When the guy gets well, you might not have a job,' "Jets coach Herman Edwards said. "He came in here, did a nice job, and we liked him so much we just ... he's kind of hard to get rid of."~ Yeast has yet to catch a pass, but, Edwards said, he has worked his way up to · fifth receiver. .Yeast was drafted out of Kentucky in the fourth round . of the· 1999 draft by the Bengals, and he started sev-_

en games last year and was third with 24 receptions. As a rookie, he became the first Bengals punt returner since Lemar Parrish in 1974 to return two punts for touchdowns in the same season. But, Yeast said, the Bengals could never look beyond his size - 5-feet-7, 167 pounds. "They, at Cincinnati, it was always an. issue of me being too small to do this or too small to do that," he said. "It's not even an issue at all. I feel like. I have a coaching staff who believes in my abilities."

team had kept Battaglia on the active roster. . · "Had we known (starter) Tony McGee was going to get injured, we :probably would have chosen differently," LeBeau said. The Bengals' top two · tight ends are Kirk McMullen and Nick Williams. Battaglia will not play Sunday at home for the Redskins against the Eagles, but he is expected to play special teams and as a reserve tight end in the final three games. Battaglia took the roster spot of Stephen Alexander,

NFL today

Nfl notebook


Watters in, Ale and rout as RB


who broke his - ankle last week at Arizona. The Redskins have two other tight ends on their roster. "You have a guy who is a solid tight end and a very good special teams player and you can find some place for him to play,'' Redskins coach Marty Schottenheimer said Wednesday. . ACHES AND PAINS: Beside quarterback Jon Kitna, cornerback Bo Jennings (ankle), tackle Willie Anderson (ankle) and wide receiver Peter Warrick (hip) did not practice Wednesday. They all are questionable. QUESTIONABLE: OLB Marcus Bell (shoulder): DE Lamar King (calf). PROBABlE: T Chris Mcintosh (neck). DENVER (7•6) AT KANSAS ~ITY (3·9)Denver Broncos: QUESTIONABLE: QB Brian Griese {concussion); WR Rod Smith (ankle). PROBABLE: DE Bert Berry (shoulden: TE Des· mond Clark (groin); RB Terrell Davis (Rnee); QB Gus Frerotte (neck); T Matt Lepsls (anWe); WR Keith Poole (ribs); OLB Lee Woodall (hamstring). Kansas City Ch:efs: DOUBTFUL: T VIctor Riley (ankle). QUESTIONABLE: OLB Lew)s Bush (abdomen}. PROBABLE: CB William Bartee (knee); CB Ray Crockett (groin); WR Marvin Minnis (ankle); WR Larry Parker (shoulder); T John Talt (thigh); G Donald Willis (call). GREEN BAY (9·3) AT TENNESSEE.(5·7)

- Green Bay Packers: OUT: RB Randell Mealey • (leg); OLB Nate Wayne (baclt). QUESTIONABLE: NT Gilbert Brown (toe): CB-KR Allen Rossum (knee); DE John Thierry (knee). PROBABLE: WR Robert.~erguson (hamstring). Tennessee TItans: OUT: WR Justin McCare!ns {ankle); WR Chris Sanders (back), QUESTIONABLE: SS Blaine Bishop (foot/hand); DE Kevin Carter (calf); RB Eddie George (an!<le); CB DcRon Jenkins (knee): TE Erron Klnn.ey (calf); C Kevin Long (knee); WR·KR Derrick Mason (hlp); QB Steve McNair {elbow); CB Donald Mitchell {knee); SS Arlc Morris (ankle); G Zach Pliler {wrist); S Daryl Porter (knee}; CB Samar! Rotle (foot); DT Robalre Smith (thumb). JACKSONVILLE (4-8) AT CLEVELAND (6·6) - JacksonvUie Jaguars: DOUBTFUL: CB Fernando Bryant (foot). QUESTIONABLE: OLB Danny Clark {ankle); FS Marion McCree (ankle): RB Fred Taylor (groin). PROBABLE: CB Aaron Beasley (shoulder); QB Mark Brunell (quadr!· ceps). Cleveland Browns DOUBTFUL: DE Courtney Brown (knee); OLB Tarek Saleh (hlp). QUESTIONABLE: CB Daylon MCCutcheon (ankle); WR Quincy Margan (shoulder); TE Aaron Shea (shoulder). PROBABlE: FS Percy Ellsworth (quadriceps): OLB Jamir Miller (quadriceps), MIAMI l9·3) AT SAN FRANCISCO l9·3) - Miami Dolphins: QUESTIONABLE: RB, James Johnson (quadr!cep); FS Shawn Wooden (ham· string). PROBABLE: WR Chris Chambers (ribs); QS Jay Redler (elbow); DT Jermaine Haley {thumb); CB Sam Madison (shoulder); WR James McKnight (ribs); G Todd Perry (knee); T Todd Wade (knee); SS Bnan Wallter (thumb). San Francisco 49ers: OUT: TE Greg Clad\ (ham· string); RB Janas Lewis {groin); CB Anthony Parker (shoulder). QUESTIONABLE: ILB Jeff Ul· brlch (anWe). PROBABLE: DE John Engelberger (heel); QB Jeff Garcia (elbowjknee); WR Terrell Owens (hlp); ss La,nce Schulters (ankle). MINNESOTA (5·7) AT DEIROIT (0·12) -

Holmgren doesn't want to split duties


MARCO IN D.C.: Fonner Bengals tight end Marco Battaglia, waived Monday, practiced for the first time Wednesday with his new team, the Redskins. The Redskins claimed Battaglia off waivers, and the Steelers and Patriots also made claims. He had been placed on the reserve/non-football illness list Nov. 17 after an emergency appendectomy. The Bengals have shelved four tight ends this season, and coach Dick LeBeau said Wednesday that in hindsight, he wishes the

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Coming up this week Today through Dec. 19 IIIII Bengals: Sun , at N.Y. Jets, I p m IIIII UC men's basketball: Fn , at Xav1er, 9 p m , Man , vs Richmond, 8 05 p m Ill UC women's basketball: Sat , vs Troy State, 4 p m ; Sun, vs Belmont orE Tenn St, 2 p m or 4 p.m ; Tues , vs Sacred Heart, 8 p m II Xavier men's basketball: Fn., vs. Cmcmnat1, 9 p m. II Xavier women's basketball: Fn , vs Colorado State, 6 p.m., Sat., vs. Ohio St /LOUISVIlle, 6/8 p m Ill Miami men's basketball: Sun., at Southern Cal, 3 p m llll NKU men's basketball: Sun , at Pfeiffer, 2 p m ; Tues., at W1ngate, 7 p m. IIIII NKU women's basketball: Off week lllll UK men's basketball: Sat , vs Kentucky State, I p m ; Tues , vs Duke, 9 p m Ill! Ohio State men's basketball: Sat , at LouiSVIlle, 2 p m ; Wed , vs Pittsburgh, 8 p m IIIII Mighty Ducks: Fn , at Chicago, 7 30 p m , Sat , at Grand Rapids, 7 30 p.m. IIIII Cyclones: Fn., at Peona, 7 p m., Sat at Peona, 7 p.m., Sun, vs. Johnstown, 3 p m, Wed, vs Wheeling, 7.30 p m

Average Baseball Satary NEW YORK- Average baseball salary as compiled by the Major League Baseball Players Asscc1atlon and the m nlmum sal~ ary From 1979 2000 salary deferrals w thout mterest are discounted at 9 percent per year For 1987 2000 signing bonuses are Increased at 9 percent per year In 2001 salary deferrals buyouts and bonuses are Increased ar discounted to tne prlme rate n effect on the Nov 1 following the season plus one percent Year Minimum ' AYerage !967 $ 6 000 $ 19 000 1968 10 000 NA 1969 !0 000 24 909 1970 12 000 29 303 1971 12 750 31 543 1972 13 500 34 092 1973 15000 36566 1974 15 000 40 839 1975 16 000 44 676 1976 !9000 5150! 1977 19000 76066 1978 21 000 99 876 1979 21 000 113 558 1980 30 000 143 756 1981 32500 !85651 1982 33 500 241 497 1983 35 000 289 194 !984 40 000 329 408 1985 60 000 371 57! 1986 60 000 412 520 1987 62 500 412 454 1988 62 500 438 729 1989 68 000 497 254 1990 100 000 597 537 1991 100 000 85!492 1992 109 000 1 028 667 1993 109 000 1 076 089 !994 109 000 1 168 263 1995 109 000 1 1!0 766 1996 !22667 l !19981 1997 150000 1336609 1998 170 000 1 398 831 1999 200000 1611166 2000 200 000 1 895 630 2001 200 000 2 138 896 Salaries By Position NEW YORK- Average 2001 salaries by position as comp led by the Major

BOYS BASKETBALL Thursday, Dec 13 (Games begin al7 30 p m ) New M ami at Hllcrest 5 p m Greater Catholic League Moeller at Kettering Alter GIRLS BASKETBALL Thursday, Dec. 13 (Games begin at 7 30 p m} Greater Miami Conference Lakota East at Mldd etown Hamilton at Colerain Lakota West at Fairfield Sycamore at Oak Hills Southern Buckeye Conferouco Batavia at Felicity Bethel-Tate at Clermont NE Blanchester at Georgetown Greenfield McClain at Clinton Massie Western Brown at East Clinton Williamsburg at H11!sboro Girls Greater Cincinnati League McAuley at l'fbunt Notre Dame • Mer_gy at Ursu! ne - . - Se(on vs St Ursula at Elder Kettenng Alter at Roger Bacon Badin at Purcell Marian Cincinnati Hills League Finne~ town at Taylor Indian H!I at Read ng Deer Park at Madeira Wyoming at Mariemont Mid Miami League Miamisburg at Dayton Carroll West Carrollton at M1dd. Fenwick Franklin at Talawanda Lebanon at Sprlngooro Monroe at Edgewood Miami Valley Conference ceo at landmark Ch New Miami at lockland NCH at Summit CO Seven Hills at St Bemard Fort Ancient Valley Conference Cardinal DIYislon Loveland at Goshen Kings at Ross Norwood at Little Miami Buckeye Division Ame 1a at Northwest Anderson at Turp n Harrison at W nton Woods Glen Este at Mason Queen City Conference Aiken at Mt Healthy Walnut Hills at Hughes Woodward at W1throw Southern Hills League Fayetteville at =astern Brown Otbers Waynesville at Dbde Mldd Madison at Carlisle Schroder at Clark Montessori 6 p m indiana East Central at South Dearborn Kentucky Dayton at Bellevue Newport at Bishop Brossart Calvary Ch at Beechwood Simon Kenton at Campbell County Ryle at Grant County V111a Madonna at Heritage Academy Ho mes at St Henry Newport central Catholic at Walton Vera na Pendleton County at George Rog<>rs Clark Sliver Grove at Ludlow Williamstown at Frankfort

- ---,------------------'---


Today on TV


THE LATEST liNE (Home Team In CAPS) NBA BASKETBALL TODAY Favorlte Line Underdog CHARLOTTE 2112 Toronto INDIANA 8 Houston DETRO T A no line New York DALLAS 8 no line Cleveland Orlando GOLDEN STATE 3 DENVER 7 Memphis A~DET Stackhouse&Barros questnble B·DAL N.-ltzki&CLE Miler questnble COLLEGE FOOTBALL TUESDAY NEW ORLEANS BOWL Favorite Line Underdog COLORADO ST 12Jh North Texas WEDNESDAY GMAC BOWL Favorite Line Underdog East Carolina 1 MARSHAll NFL FOOTBALL SATURDAY Line Underdog 5 Arizona 4 SAN DIEGO SUNDAY Line Underdog no line KANSAS CITY

INDIANAPOLIS 4 Atlanta NYJETS Cincinnati 9 CLEVELAND 2lf2 Jacksonville Minnesota 3 DETROIT New England 4 BUFFALO Philadelphia WASHINGTON 3 CHICAGO Tampa Bay 3 SAN FRANC SCO 3'1• Miami Green Bay 2V, TENNESSEE SEATTLE 51/2 Dallas BALTIMORE P ttsburgh 3 A DEN QB Brian Gr ese Is questionable MONDAY Favorite Underdog Line St Louis NEW ORLEANS 6 NHL HOCI!EY TODAY Favodle Underdog Line PHILADELPHIA 1 Ph Montreal OTTAWA l~llh Phoenix WASHINGTON ev<>n 1h Boston ST LOUIS Toronto v~ 1 Detrot %1 EDMONTON LOS ANGELES V. I Vancouver COLLEGE BASKETBALL TODAY Favorite Underdog Line ARIZONA STATE 14¥2 Montana S1ate

EASTERN CONFERENCE Atlantic Dlvlston W L TOLPis OF GA NYIS!ndrs 16 8 5 2 39 88 77 NYRangers 17 13 2 2 38 97 98

Philadelphia 14 8 5 1 34 79 59 Pittsburgh 13 12 4 2 32 70 77 New Jersey 13 II 3 2 31 70 76

SOUTH North Greenv l!e at Appalachian St 7pm Chicago S! at UCF 7 p m Loyola la at louisiana lafayette Bpm MIDWEST Md Eastern Shore at Minnesota pm Goshen at Valparaiso 8 p m SOUTHWEST Louisiana Monroe at Sam Houston St 8 pm Lamar at Texas Pan American 9 pm FAR WEST Montana St at Arizona St 9 p m Southern U at Co orado 9 p m

Turfway entries TODAY Past time s·ao p.m 700 mdn ci, 2YO F, 6V:tf Miss Tammany 116 DshngPrncss 121 Aa::ountmeln 121 Bachelorette 121 Golden Wind 121 Brave Deal 121 Stare! a 121 GylsLckyStr 121 Char!!es Cook. 121 2nd $20,600, msw 2YO F 6f PrncssCrdlla 114 PceRvrLdy 121 Mist Ya 121 AdtExcptn 116 M1ss Lacy Sh!!a 121 Monocerus 121 RanCt~J 114 Sftbrfttlcal 116 Early Primrose 121 :lrd--S7,700 cl, 3VO up 6f Wind Digger 116 BrghtandCrfty 116 Blysnthrcks 111 RmgnBrdgc 115 Lord Hamish 115 Storm Cup 115 TmefraDrm 122 Play Pad 109 Countontherun 116 Bill the Banker HIB 4th $7 800, cl, 3YO up 1ml Rlctmond Road 114 V1c Jr 104 PrlmerCoat 114 Alkendrum 116 V ne Grove 116 Bel eve It to Go 104 Devi!Royae 114 PortEnd 117 Chateau Neuf 114 AI s B1g Dream 111 5th 520,600 msw, 2YO F, 61 Gone Bye Bye 121 RnfrWhtny 121 R P s Lady 121 HtsGmble 121 LveBckwrds 111 My Honeyroad 121 M!nttheGold 121 Omyonette 121 Blsk!lfrmnwn 121 ChstntDr!ng 121 lith~$7 300, cl, 3YO up F&M 1ml LzsSe.:ret 111 Demone 111 Senor ta Brown 116 Oh Well 1<19 SprsMmry 114 LadyT M 116 Ascending L ght116 Regal Marla 114 Rompln'retta 109 TmptrBidr 114 SheS1oodAione116 TemerltyPius 116 Scratched C! ck On Sleet 7th-$11,4GO, cl 3YO up, 6Vzf Pock.ets 118 Explosive Fury 118 ArrowPolnt 116 N!ghtF!Ight 119 Mr Satnt 116 VegasRebes 116 GlftedFIIght 116 EchoCanyon 119 Dance for Jove 114 Real Encounter116 ScrJJtched Baby G Bth~$20,BOO msw, 'l.YO, 11116m1 PleasllnfWind 120 bMBSea 120 crafty Beau 120 b..Ctchmyshdw 120 Cl s Pride 120 a Next Big Cat 120 Forrer Hall 115 SzsChooChoo 120 a BrdE!gnce 113 CptnsOrdrs 115 Jack s Conc!elo 120 ab Coupled. 9th $22,400 ale, 2YO F, 61hf Keen Scenl liB Fla1 115 Overcrowded 115 RchtrsEmblm 115 Typhoon Bertie 121 PrdLtflePhny 115 Prado Queen 121 My Precious 111 Strodee 115 10th-S7 700, cl, 3YO up, 6f RnsmDmnd 116 Emwou d 116 Escorter 115 Rhuger 116 Coin Machine 115 Explos1ve Play 115 Ram Tuff 116 cres1vlew 106 Wnology 115 BrntoRnFst 115 Boom Bang 118 1st~S6

Turfway results

11 ll 3 2 27 90 9 9 5 l 24 73 Canadian Division Hamilton l7 6 4 1 39 Ill Quebec 14 10 3 1 32 89 •Manitoba 14 10 1 2 31 91 St Johns 12 14 4 o 28 90 Sont John 9 10 5 1 24 61 WESTERN CONFERENCE

86 75 62 91 86 99 65

Lind.ros scores two but Rangers lose Tlu Cincmnat' Enquirer and w1re reports

West Division WL TOTLPis GF GA 17 9 0 0 34 94 68 141131329383 14 10 2 I 31 85 92 12 10 I 3 28 77 69 9 13 3 0 21 62 71

NEW YORK - Andy Delmore scored a patr ' goals Wednesday to lead the Nashville Predators to 4-2 victory over the New York Rangers Mark Eaton and Tom Fitzgerald added goals fc Central Dlt~lslon Nashville. 94 Cleveland 15 11 1 2 33 103 98 95 DUCKS 1392 2308781 Eric Lindros netted his 17th and 18th goals fc 65 Syracuse 81163257694 87 Rochester 8 11 6 1 23 61 75 New York but left the game with a nght knee sprat 1!4 SOuth DI\'IS!On Ph ladelph a 15 5 7 I 38 Bl 67 late m the second penod and dtd not return Nortolk 13 10 3 2 31 80 81 Around the NHL Wednesday: GA Hershey lO 11 4 2 26 71 80 73 1111 Devils 3, Islanders 2, OT, at East Ruther WlksBrre 4 16 6 2 16 83 114 93 *Late games not Included. ford, N J - Scott Ntedermayer scored on a powe 67 NOTE Two points are awardee' for a 84 ._lctory one point for tics and overtime play at 1:25 of overtime to hft New Jersey. Pet 81 losses Teams losing In overtime while the Northwest Division goalie Is pulled will lose the point for an Sykora and Jason Arnott also scored as the Devil Edmonton 17 9 4 2 40 87 70 overtime loss and the result v.lll be record •calgary 15 8 6 2 38 8~ 2,--: won for the fourth time m siX games (4-1-1) ed In the loss column •colorado 17 12 3 0 37 7tgb Wednesdays Games 1111 Hurricanes 4, Panthers 1, at Raletgh, N.C Nortolk 3 Hershey 1 ~~~:~~r g g ~ ~ ~~ /~4 i~ Wilkes Barre 1 Phlladclph!a 1 t e Bates Battaglia had two goals and an assist to lea< Pacific Dt\'lsion Houston 3 Milwaukee 2 SanJose 15 7 5 3 38 88 72 Carohna past Flonda Spnngfleij 7 Hartford 2 Dallas 13 8 6 3 35 85 81 Chicago at Manitoba late Carolma has won a season-htgh three strmgh' Phoenl< 12 10 5 3 32 73 76 Grand Rapids at Utah late los Angeles 9 14 5 2 25 74 76 smce a four-game losing streak nearly cost coad Thursday's Games *Anaheim 9 17 4 1 23 68 86 No games scheduled *Late games not Included Paul Maunce his JOb. Two po nts for a win one point for a IECHL standings 1111 Canadiens 3, Thrashers 3, at Atlanta- Ily< tie ami overtime loss Tuesday s Games NORTHERN CONFERENCE Kovalchuk scored wtth 9 1 seconds remaming ir Ottawa 2 N Y Islanders 2 Ue Northeast DI'IIISIOn Toronto 6 Phoen x 3 regulation to gtve Atlanta a tie with Montreal WL TPis GF GA P Usburgh 2 Washington 2 tie 1675378581 los Angeles 1 Nashv! le 1 tie Montreal goaltender Jeff Hackett blocked , 15 8 4 34 91 82 San Jose 5 Edmonton 4 OT 14 10 3 31 7l 71 pomt-blank shot by Kovalchuk wtth 15 seconds tc Wednesday s Games 14 10 3 31 77 76 Nashville 4 N Y. Rangers 2 play, but the Thrashers kept the puck alive m fron1 1'84308571 Caro Ina 4 Florida 1 12 7 6 30 7! 74 Boston 4 P!ttstJurgh 2 of the goal Kovalchuk stopped the puck wtth hi< Greensboro 10 12 2 22 69 76 Montreal 3 Atlanta 3 tie Northwest DI'Yislon skate at the post then poked It mto the net behinc Da&as 4 Buffalo 3 1652348356 St LOUIS 2 Chicago 2 tie 1294286559 Hackett New Jersey 3 NY Islanders 2 OT 13 11 1 27 75 66 Columbus at Colorado late Ill Bruins 4, Penguins 2, at Ptttsburgh - Bil 10 12 1 2! 67 65 Tampa Bay at calgary late 10141216981 Guenn scored twtce and Boston withstood twc Vancouver at Anaheim late Toledo 9 12 1 19 70 82 Thursday's Games SOUTHERN CONFERENCE Alexei Kovalev goals to hold off Ptttsburgh Phoenix at Ottawa 7 p m Southeast Dl\'lslon Montreal 01 Phllad~pllla 7 p m Glen Murray and Sean O'Donnell also scored fm WL TPis OF GA Boston at washington 1 30 p m 18 5 3 39 91 66 Toronto at St louis 8 p m Boston. 1562327664 Detroit at Edmonton 9 p m 14 6 4 32 71 63 II Stars 4, Sabres 3, at Dallas- Jere Lehtmen Vancouver at Los Ange es 13 9 5 3! 72 80 scored two goals, includmg the game-w1nner with !3 13 4 30 81 91 12 Ill 4 28 7l 69 2 18 remammg. Lehtinen scored his 12th goal of the 11 10 5 27 78 93 Columbus 7 15 3 17 68 95 season and lOOth of his career when he knocked the Southwest Division louisiana 21 1 2 44 84 43 rebound of Martm Rucmsky's shot past Sabres Pensacola 17 8 1 35 101 86 goaltender Martm B1ron to snap a 3-3 t1e. New Orleans 14 10 2 30 82 67 Baton Rouge !3 12 3 29 71 66 II Blues 2, Blackhawks 2, at Chicago - Ketth Mobile 11 7 7 29 78 so Jackson 11 13 5 27 69 84 Tkachuk scored the only goal of the third penod to MissiSSippi 10 14 0 20 74 84 Arkansas 5 15 2 12 39 70 h"lP St Loms rally for the tie. The Blackhawks' lead EASTERN CONFERENCE NOTE Two po nts are awarded for a vlc East DIVISIOn m er nval St. Louts for second place m the Central tory overtime and shootout losses earn W L T OIL Pis GF GA one point and are referred to as ties Bridgeport 14 6 4 0 32 76 53 DIVISIOn remained at three pomts Wednesday s Games Pro•ldence 11 10 3 2 27 66 76 Northeast Dh.rlslon 18 8 2 3 41 91 16 8 3 3 3B 76 15 to 4 o 34 95 13 11 5 I 32 75 13 16 2 I 29 86 Southeast Dh'lslon Carolina 15 12 4 3 37 85 Washington 12 14 5 0 29 88 'TmpaBy 11 15 3 1 26 58 Aorlda 7 17 2 3 19 57 AUanta 6 !8 4 2 18 68 WESTERN CONFERENCE Central Dlwlslan W L TOLPis GF Detroit 22 6 2 1 47 99 C~cago 15 10 8 0 38 95 St louis 14 9 6 1 35 76 Nashvlle 11 15 5 0 27 80 *Columbus 8 17 5 1 22 57 Toronto Boston Ottawa Montreal Buffalo

Sprlng!leld 12 14 1 0 25 Hartford 11 11 3 0 25 Albany 4 13 5 3 16 North DIVIsion Lowoll 14 9 5 1 34 Worcester 13 11 3 1 30

70 69 75 73 84

Roanoke 5 Richmond 4

77 91 73 80 53 81

Jackson 4 Arkansas 2 New Orleans 4 Mississippi 3

Thursday's Games Toledo at Greenville

92 82 89 78

Beton Rouge at Pensacola

NBA BASKETBALL Standings EASTERN CONFERENCE Atlantic Division WLPciGB 13 7 650 12 7 632 'h 11 10 524 2¥2 ll 12 478 3¥2 9 12 429 4'12 8 13 381 5V2 4 16 200 9 Central Division 13 6 684 II 7 611 l'h 12 10 545 2¥2 !2 11 522 3 10 11 476 4 5 9 12 429

Scores WEDNESDAY EAST Boston U 19 Dartmouth 58- ~ Harvard 70 New Hampsh re 65 Kansas 78 Princeton 62 St Bonaventure 97 0~ o 85 York N Y 63 Rutgers-Newarll 57 SOUTH CataWba 89 Allen 62 Georgia St 85 Campbell 71 Louisville 75 CQppn St 49 south Alabama BB Bethune cook man 55 VMI 90 Charleston Southern 69 W Mchlgan 55. v.rglnla Tech 51 MIDWEST Creighton 76 Neb aska 70 Greenville 90 Knox 88 Iowa 101 Drake 59 Ohio Northern 92 Defiance 78 Ohio St 88 Santa Clara 41 W1s Rl~er Fa! s 61 W!s Superior 50 Wittenberg 82 Urbana 62





C~!cagoWESTERN ctNi~RE~g~

B 14


SAN DIEGO - Defending national champiOn Nebraska and top-seeded and undefeated Long Beach State lead the field for the NCAA DtvisJOn I women's volleyball Fmal Four, whtch starts today. Long Beach State (32-0) wtll play fifth-seeded Anzona (25-4) m the f1rst semtfmal at San Diegc State's Cox Arena, while Nebraska (31-1) wtll play No.3 Stanford (31-2) The champiOnship match IS Saturday.

Soccer: Stewart picked player of year LOS ANGELES- Earme Stewart was selectet Honda Player of the Year Wednesday after leadml the U.S. nat10nal soccer team m scormg m 2001 The 32-year-old rmdftelder-forward received 291 pomts m voting by media members who cover th' sport m America. Last year's wumer, Claud!• Reyna, firushed second wtth 205 pomts.

Midwest DMslan WLPctGB 15 4 789 15 5 750 'h 13 9 591 3'12 10 12 454 6'12 7 14 333 9 7 16 304 10 5 15 250 !OV. Pacttlc Division l A Lakers 16 3 842 Sacramento 17 6 739 1 Phoenb( 14 9 609 4 *LA Clippers 11 10 524 6 Portland 10 10 500 6'h 10 14 417 Bl.z •seattle Go den State 8 14 364 91h Tuesday's Games Miami 99 Milwaukee 97 Boston 102 New Yorll 93 OT Atlanta 89 Phlladelph a 87 washington 91 Memphis 81 Minnesota 107 Golden State 86 New JerSey 107 Chicago 93 Cleveland 107 Houston 102 Da!las 105 Portland 103 Charlotte 99 Denver 96 Sacramento 112 Orlando 100 Seattle 104 LA lakers 93 Wednesday s Games Washington 82 M~ml 80 San Antonia 108 TQronto 95 Mnnesota 98 Utah 87 Phoenix 114 Sacramento 88 Seattle at l A Clippers night Thursdays Games Houston at Indiana 7 p m Toronto at Charlotte 7 p m New York at Detroit 7 30 p m Cleveland at Dallas 8 30 p m Memphis at Denver 9 p m Orlando at Golden State 9 p m

Tile Assocwted Press

Friday s Games New York at Washington 7 p m Milwaukee at Philadelphia 7 p m Chicago at Boston 7 30 p m New Jersey at Miami 7 30 p m Sacramento at Mnnesota 8 p m Portland at Utah 9 p m San Antonio at Phoen x 9 p m l A Clippers at LA Lakers 10 30


Box scores

BASEBALL American League NEW YORK YANKEES-Agreed to terms with OF Randell White on a two-year contract BOSTON RED SOX-Named luis nant to the team s community relations department and pitching coach for Lowell of the New York Penn League SEATTLE MAR!NERS-Re signed lHP Norm Charlton to a one year contract National League ARIZONA DIAMONDBACKS-Agreed to terms v. lth OF Jose Gull en MILWAUKEE BREWERS-Re-signed OF Mark Sweeney BASKETBALL National Basketball Association DENVER NUGGETS-Suspended coach Dan Issei v. lthout pay for four games over a shouting match with a tan MINNESOTA TIMBERWOLVESp(aced G Felipe lopez on the InJured list Activated G Will Aver~ from the Injured list SEATTLE SUPERSONICS-Placed C Calvin Booth on the Injured list FOOTBALL National FootbaR League CLEVELAND BROWNS-Signed WR Bobby Brown to the pract ce squad DETROIT LIONS-Announced ~e re. Urement of DB Robert Salley Slgt'\'ed CB Ray McElroy

Cgllege volleyball: Final Four begins today

GREEN BAY PACKERS·Piacod RB Rendell Mea ey on Injured reserve Slgn<>d l8 Rob Ho mberg HOUSTON TEXANS-Named Dr Wal ter lowe team physician Drs Tom Clanton and David Utner team orthopedic surgeons and Dr Jim Muntz chief Internist INDIANAPOLIS COLTS-Signed WR Isaac Jones to the practice squad Waived S Brian le geb from the practice squad JACKSONVILLE JAGUARS·S~ned lB Donny Green Signed CB Renard Cox to the practice squad MINNESOTA VIK!NGS·Signed P Lee Johnson HOCKEY National Hockey League NASHVILLE PREDATORs-Recalled C Mark Mowers from Milwaukee of the


TAMPA BAY LIGHTNING-Traded RW Matthew Barnaby to the New York Rangers for lW Zdeno Clger COLLEGE DREXEL-Named Paul McGloin and Jeff Capriotti assistant baseball coaches IDAHO-Named Ed lamb defensive coordinator IOWA STATE-Named Cory lhmels men s cross country and distance coach STEVENS TECH-Named Roger Pow er strength and condlt on!ng coach

Cubs broadcaster and fonner All-Star third basE man Ron Santo had his nght foot amputated Wedne' day because of problems caused by dtabetes "I spoke to htm on the phone and he sounde great," satd Mary June Rose, program dtrector fo C:htcago-based WGN Radto. "He was m good spmt C\nd very alert and pos1bve." The amputatiOn was the first of two surgtc< !)rocedures scheduled for Santo, 61. He ts expecte to have his nght leg amputated below the kne Monday. Santo, a diabetic smce the age of 18, has under gone nme operations m 10 weeks wtth hopes c correctmg a ctrculatory problem. Doctors detei mmed last week that prevtous treatments had no been successfw, leaving htm wtth only one option. "The last thmg you want to do 1s lose your leg, Santo said Tuesday on WGN Rad1o "But you have t do what you have to do It's very clifficwt, but I knm l'm gomg to get through this All I want to do 1s wal agam, play with my grandson, broadcast the Cub and enJOY my hfe " Santo ts a mne-time NatiOnal League All-Sta thtrd baseman and has been a Cubs radio analys ~mce 1990 YANKEES: Jason Gmmbtts fmally ready to jon the New York Yankees officially. After days of anttcipatton, New York planned. news conference today at Yankee Stadmm t1 announce a seven-year contract w1th G1amb worth about $120 m!lhon, a baseball off1cial and. lawyer famthar wtth the talks said on the condtt!OI they not be identified New York also reached a prehmmary agree ment on a $10 mtlhon, two-year contract Wit! outfielder Rendell White and closed m on , two-year deal for about $12'million with p1tche Sterlmg Httchcock RED SOX: The team was close to findmg , taker for Carl Everett, neanng completion of , deal Wednesday mght to send the erratic outfield er to the Texas Rangers for left-bander Darre1 Oliver. The Red Sox have been trymg to dump Everet all offseason. He clashed w1th two Boston manag ers last season, battmg .257 with 14 homers an 58 RBI before h1s season ended Sept. 8 because c knee m)ury. MARINERS: Seattle re-stgned Norm Charlto to a $1 25 m1lhon, one-year contract Wednesda~ keepmg together the bullpen that helped 'th Manners wm an AL-record 116 games last se< son. Charlton, who was a free agent, went 4wtth one save and a 3 02 ERA last season DIAMONDBACKS· The World Senes champ ens signed free agent outfielder Jose Gmllen o Wednesday to a one-year deal worth $500,000 Gmllen, 25, batted 274 wtth three homers an 11 RBI m 41 games w1th Tampa Bay last seasor when he was hampered by a spramed knee. H also spent time w1th Tnple-A Durham m 2001. CONTRACTION: Talks dragged on for a th1r stra1ght day Wednesday as lawyers for baseba players and owners tned to put a deal m wntm that would ensure no teams are ehmmated fc next season.

! IIVI\._]I,..Jf"''l 1 ULVLIVIULI\


.C.VI...!..L IJ';;.I

High schools

1quirer players of the year


Reading outla t Indian Madeira tramples Deer Park

Enquirer file/CRAIG RUTILE

St. X quarterback Marty Mooney passed for 2,385 yards and 29 touchdowns this seqson and led the Bombers to the Division I state championship game.

0 2, Phillips 1 0 2, Schaffer 6 0 12, Mason 2 2 6, Rovekamp 2 3 7, -O'Rellly 2 3 7, Rutherford 2 0 4, McCulley 1 o 2. Totals: 16 12 46. Madeira ......................24 17 20 11-72

Doer Park .....................18 13 7 10-48 3-polnters: M~ Tudor 3, Darter, Gilligan 2, Reynolds. Records: M 2·1 (2-0 CHl), D 0·3 (0·2 CHl).

1111 Finneytown 61, Taylor 45 - Mark Hawkins scored 22 points and Eugene Partridge made six steals,.. including three in · the fourth quarter when Finneytown put the game out of reach after leading by just four points after three quarters. David Lee added 15 points for the Wildcats, who went 12-of-17 from the foul line. Pat Montague led the Yellowjackets with 14 points. TAYlOR (45) - Rininger 4 0 8, Clayton 1 o 2, Hoffman 2 3 7, Moerleln o 1 1, Thompson 1 0 3, Bonner 2 0 4, Montague 6 o 14, F01c 3 0 6. Totals: 19 4 45. FINNEYTOWN (81) - Flick 0 I 1, Haw· klns 8 6 22;Partrldge 3 0 7, Lee 7"1 15, Smith 2 2 6; Lambert 3 2 B, Meader 1 0 2. Totals: 24 12 61.

Taylor ....................... ;.14 .10 13


Flnneytown ................. 13 11 17 20·61 3·polnters T 3 (Thompson, Montague 2); F I (Partlfdge). Records: T 0-4, F 1·2.

1111 Ludlow 66, St. Ber· nard 62 -Junior guard Andy Beard scored eight points in overtime as Ludlow secured the come-from-behind victory. Beard scored 18 of his game-high 20 points in the second half and overtime. Ludlow trailed by seven points entering the. fourth period but caught St. Bernard by making 10 ofits 13 free throws in the p~riod. St. Bernard was led by Tyrone Walker with 23 points and Anthony Rose with 10. ST. BERNARD (62) - Bowen 1 0 2; Westfall 2 3 7; Rose 3 3 10; Spears 1 0 3; McNay 3 0 6; Fuson 4. 0 8; Walker 10 2 23; Niesen 1 1 3; Totals 25 9 62. · · LUDLOW (66)- Messer 3 3 9; Hildebrant 3 4 10; WheaUey 2 2 6; Wise 5 0 12: Beard 7 4 20; lewls 3 1 9; Totals 23 14 66. St. Bemard................. 11 15 16 11 9-62 Ludlow•••••••••••••••••••••••• 10 16 9 18 13·66 Three-point goals: SB Rose 1, Spears 1, , Walker 1. L Wise 2, Beard 2, Lewis 2. Records: L 2·2, 58 0·4.

Swimming David Janszen and David Habel each won two individual events as St. Xa- : vier reaffirmed its status as the city's top boys swim team ·with a 192-93 win · over :Wyoming Wednesday. · Michael Byrnes won-two events for the Cowboys. In a ·girls dual meet, Ursuline overwhelniedWy211-74.


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·St. X's·defense, doRI·inates ,., cJkr/o;


: //t:ist ~laff~eport :!



- •





St. X rolls over Moeller Mooney accounts for four scores in Bombers' win I




By Tom~Gro'eschen The Cincinnati Enquirer

St. Xavier once went 20 seasons without beating Moell~c-But now the Bombers are beating their formerly unbeatable foe as never before. St. X whipped the Crusaders 4 7-0 before an estimated 7,000 fans at St. X Friday night, in a Greater Catholic League South game that continued to mark the league's changing of the guard. Quarterback Marty Mooney threw three touchdown passes and ran for another as St. X handed Moeller its worst defeat in 43 meetings between the schools. Moeller's previous largest loss to St. X was 44-0 in 1992. The Bombers (5-0, 1-0 GCL) are ranked No. 3 in the Enquirer's Division I area coaches poll and 23rd nationally by USA Today. Moeller (2-4, 0-2) is unranked, a rarity for the seven-time state champion Crusaders. "This maybe isn't one of their best teams, but they really hung in there for a while with us," said Mooney, who threw for 240 yards. "We got a couple of breaks and then we really got going." St. X led only 7-0 with just more than a minute left before halftime, then punched in two quick scores to grab a 21-0 halftime lead. That was about the end of it. St. X has beaten Moeller in four of their past five meetings, the Bombers' most dominant stretch in the series' 40-year history. It was a little different during

The Cincinnati Enquirer/ERI\JEST COLEMAN

St. Xavier's Josh Williams heads up the field ahead of a diving Matt Pasquale in the second quarter Friday night.

Moeller's heyday, when the Crusaders beat St. X every year from 1972-91. M0eller coach Bob Crable, who as a Crusaders AllAmerica linebacker was part of three shutout wins over St. X in the mid-1970s, said his team played hard but fell victim to big plays. "That's what we've been snakebit with all year," Crable said. "And when they got up like that before halftime, then they really got after us." Moeller leads the series 32-10-1, but seven of those St. X wins have come since 1992. Also, Friday marked Moeller's worst GCL loss ever. The Crusaders earlier suffered the worst loss in school history, 55-0 to Warren Harding on Sept. 1. "We'll just keep at it and try to play smarter and play better," Crable said. Both teams were Division

I playoff teams last year, but Moeller is rebuilding under new coach Crable. St. X, under 24th-year coach Steve Rasso, seemed to have clear advantages in both size and team speed Friday. "They're a little down in talent, and they're playing a lot of young guys," Rasso said. "We were a little sluggish after being off last week, but I was happiest about the zero." H was St. X's third straight shutout this season. The Bombers had 498 yards of total offense, with 258' rushing and 240 passing. Moeller had 189 total yards, 153 of those passing. Luke Linz led the St. X rushing attack with 80 yards. Josh Williams caught 5 passes for 88 yards. The Bombers, before a standing-room-only crowd, broke open a tight game with tl1e two scores just before

halftime. First came a 7-yard run by Linz, then a 21-yard pass from Mooney to Ethan Barnes. Moeller had stayed close with its spread offense, using quick, short passes to keep St. X from clogging the middle of the field. But some key Bombers interceptions by Matt Vogele and Josh Green snuffed out two Crusaders drives, and another first-half Moeller march ended in a fumble. Vogele had another interception in the third period. "We're just stepping up as a team," Vogele said. "That's a huge win for us." Moeller has never had worse than a 5-5 record but at 2-4 faces that possibility. The Crusaders' remaining schedule includes Elder and Princeton, ranked Nos. 2 and 5 in the city, respectively. St. X played without senior running back Enye Willingham, the team's leading rusher (254 yards, 2 TDs). Willingham sat because of an undisclosed "coach's decision" by Rasso. St. X will be heavily favored to win at La Salle next week, with most fans looking ahead to the big one Oct. 12, when Elder visits the Bombers. "We've got La Salle next week," Mooney said. "As players, that's all the farther we'lllook ahead." Moeller................................... o 0 0 0 - 0 St. Xavier............................ 7 14 20 6 - 47 X-Mooney 15 run (Huth kick)

X·Linz 7 run (Huth kick) X·Bames 21 pass from Mooney (Huth kick) X-Brown 5 run (Hulh kick) X-Bames 2B pass from Mooney (Huth kick) X-McDonald 59 pass from Mooney (kick failed) X-Brown 7 run (kick failed) Records: StX 5-0 (1-0 GCLS), Moe 2·4 (0-2).




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Moeller toppleSRoncallil t.


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in'-his :first junior quarter' ack Nick Holcak._completed 13 of i6 ,passes for 194 yards and a touchdown :and for'another as· Moeller beat. Indianapolis Roncalli, ranked third in . ;!~diana's ~ss AAAAl 20-6, Frid~y i rught. ~ • · t ~..... ~ , I t~ The· Crusader~ 'Won i for the first ~i~~ this sealfon, ~I?~ handed Roncalli·. 1ts first loss. . 1 ~. ,_,; ! . , 1 t Eric Thatcher had four receptions for ~04 yards and one tOuchdown for ,the Ci:uSad~rs. -~- · ';..~ ! · : . , _ : Moeller's defense held Roncalli to two field goals: ; ' ;..-:•.. ,.,_.,:· · ··




- I·

. ''

0 3 3 0- 6 7 0 7 6-20

M-Thatcher 85 pass from Ho!cak (Kanoza kick) • J_. ..; • f. · _ i-Westell 25 FG ~. . I M-Stallo 2 run (Kanoza kick)"' · • (., • · ·{) , • r. .' i-Westell 39 FG · '' 1 M-Hoicak 1 run (kick failed) '- ; t RECORDS: Moeller 1·2, Roncalfi 3-1 •• ,. 1






0-2 MO@lli~: I q-7-tfl f

~Crable I


., .

IIlooking .for. . . . ;,grQnu.., u7fh tnJSt. I

.. . , . - - ...................."· ........

Crable said when he was hired he wasn't after victo- ' · ries as much as growth. That was easy to say then; · : ''when~i!s..Q:O. Now h~:s~ 0-2 and peqple are yelling at. :him froni the~ ears: "Crable, how can you disgrace the GCL like that?" . But Crable is still of the 'Saine.mind and :voice. \ "Be men~~ gro~~p;" .he ha!? to~d h1~ play<':~·., "Take tare of.your bodies, take care of yo~r illinds. Do what's best for yourself. Do' what;s-bestfor the team; .: When you do that, you find· 'out that being man is not ,.about :fighting and getting : 1drurik and being what you , think tough is. It's about · taking responsibility for 1 yourself and doing it in a ' way that's going to refle<;t · positively on the guys · , you're playing with." : · He figures if his team·· trusts that wisdom, the , .wins will follow. "My goal is to develop men. I .want us to be successful on my terms. My , terms are to maxiffiize the' talent we hav~egardless of the scoreboard._·


Players w.ere goofing . around in cha~l. This had ',Bob Crable ready to . · explode. Crable is their foot-. ' ball coach. Also, their religion teacher. You'd think · . . the last place his players · :would fool around would be . church. You'd think. 1 'That's what I'm talking ., t about," Crable said. 'Those · , 1 I guys have nO idea hOW much' ; they're going to run Mon- .. ' day." Heaven help them: 1- Moeller lost last Satur, day for the second week in . l a row. Moeller lost so badly,·.·· Enquirer readers figured it · have been a misprint. ! r, must Fifty-five zip? Right. The 1 paper will run a correction ;tomorrow. But55-0to Warren Harding was' no mistake. · And now Crable, sto- . ' ried atum- · · nus, Notre .! Paul ·Dameall·Daugherty Arm:;rican : · NFL starter;· rookie high •' school head coach, ispick~: ing pieces of broken .· \ .Moeller mystiqu~ from his 1 J:lead. i . ~ . Where t<;> starJ;fiJC!ng? _


. :~z.-~ /c.:. 1


Fairfield .





toppleS '









IN0. 8 IridianS', 'upset No. 4: )· 'By Neil Sclnn~t

.. '· :·;·::, .

The Ci1Ufinnati E~irer ·..

·· Bob Crable is. trYing to . 'rebuild the Moeller mys, tique. Meanwhile, Tom Grip-· 'pa :i!\ tiying·to build his own ~ :~;version. of Moener;: ·, ·.. ·."~ .· ;.·, J · ., ·:Grippa; the Fairfield{oothalL' ~ach, took his program from ',: ' rock bottom to ri>ck solid in his .1' 'fu'st four years: With a season~.: ~. · opening 30-27 victOry .Satur-: .·: day over Moeller, their .second': ~ beating of the Crusaders in 10 · months, the.· lndians/nlhked. No. 8 in the. Enquirer's Divi: :: sion I area coaches poll; .ai'e.' approaching championShip oon-. sistency. : · ·, · . , . ,. "We've never had a win-. ning tradition in· Fairfield, and we're not· where · we' need to be yet/' Grippa said. , "But we're trying to btiild a· · program of excellence." f . • ; The model program. lined up opposite Fairfield in the , Skyline Chili Crosstown Showdown at Nippert Stadi- · urn, Moeller, ranked No. 4 in . the area and a five-time mythical national ·champion, used to intimidate opponents just by showing up. Moeller senior quarterback Tony Cunningham passed for 280 yards and two touchdowns and also ran for 46 yards _and a . , . score· Saturday. The Crusad- · ·, ers outgained Fairfield 40~ · ,\ ·yards to ,358 .but came . up · ~ ~mpty on their last three pos- ., sessipns, all ending in Fairfield · · territory. .. . ... . · "I think we're a mediocre ·football· team:_right now,". said Crable,. milking his deo . 0



~a.irfielq; Big . . , .

I .

-upset .

•; From Page C1 eb Lawson on fourth dowri . ,,. ·~· sealed it. · · . .:b'utas Moeller's head coach. "We had something to' · '.'T~at's not to say we're bad. prove," Morrison said. "Peo- . •We looked better than we · pie thought it waS a fluke when ~ ~dl.if. in our .scrimmages. But we beat them last year~" :we. made a lot of mistakes/'. The Indians are picked to 1 ::·.· Moeller's defense was pofinish just fourth in the : rous early, allowing· 221 Greater Miami Conference. :passing.' yards in the . ffrst · But Grippa foresees third ;:half. Fairfield senior wideout consecutive Division I playoff ·~Jio.!).nie West caught six ~ass- berth, which Fairfield didn't res·{or 170 yards and three achieve even in its mid:~·cores before intermission 1980s heyday that included ~anCf caught a second-half the '86 state title. ;p'l:is"s to finish with 205 yards .. :'Our prograni is as solid as , ~~n~ four scores. . , any program," Grippa said. "••n•.Senior QB Bryan Wood , Moeller is facing spme · ;:ttrrew for 294 yards .in· his mild .growing ·pains. . ,'.varsity debut, though he was "You try to, make an irri:"jii'st. iHor-32. · · . pact on these kids; I've .got t.::~;'We'thqught we'd ruh more to learn how to do. that,"'than we did, but we'd ruri·and Crable said. "And· they've •· ~gef twp yards and then throw got to learn how to r.espond 1 and get 30 yards," Grippa said. to my style. I'm trying .to ~et . O:"I'm not stupid." .·. · them to be consistent." . ::..· Fairfield's defense was al- Moener .................................. 7 11 7 0- 27 Falrflald •••••••••• ;.............:....... e 17 7 0 - '30 , SO key When it COUnted, F-West 6 pass from Wood (kick failed) Mo-eller had first doWn at the nozaM;t~tch':' 85 pass from·cu.nnlngham (Ka· ··F- "rfi Jd. 35 On 1"ts final dr'lVe;. · · ·- F-West 85 pass from Wood (pass failed) · ; at e . M-Carter 77 pass !rom Cunningham (pass .Jfut'Cameron Morrison sackfailed) . · · · d 'T. c . h f · F-West 8 pass from Wood (West pass from ..~ ony unnmg am or a .Wood) · ]-ya,rd loss, then hurried him .. ·.. ~.:-~:"fa"~ 2 run (Ka~oza1<1ck). . ~-West 35 pass from Wood (Brown kick) .·intO.. an · -incompletionfrthe next ' . -M-Hamllton 2 run (Kanoza 1<1ck) pl].y. ~other.sack om Cal-,- · Records:Ft.O,.M0-1.



~"''"' "

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• •





• •••



Greater Catholic League South preview By Tom Groesc:hen 17ze Cincinnati Enquirer

LOder Coach: Doug Ramsey: (4th year, 33-11; same overall) Coaches poll points: 14 last year: 8-4 last league title: 2000 (3-way tie) ()ffensive formation: Spread/1fonnation " Offensive starters back: 3 .. offerislve outlook: Keith Bolger (6-2, 185, Sr.) is the first-year starter at{luarterback, replacing the graduated Matt Scholl. Bolger, also a catcher on the baseball team, has a strong ann and is an accurate passer. He also has g>od speed, so look for him to rush for his share of yards. Bolger has some athletic receivers. Returning veterans include Bolger's brother, Brett Bolger (5-10, 170, Sr.) and Billy Poland (6-3, 180, Jr.) and tight end David Turner (6-5, 240, Sr.). Turner is also a backup quarterback. A key question is at running back, with Kyle Koester (1.47 4 yards rushing) having @'aduated. Six players have been competing at the running · back spots, including Tom Hornsby (6-0,190, Sr.). Kevin Hamist (6-1. 195, Jr.) and Brad Glatthar (5-10, 210. So.). Up front. the leaders are center Brian Lysaght (5-10, 210, Sr.) and fellow linemen Joe Ramundo (6-3, 270, Sr.) and Eric Corcoran (6-1, 220. Sr.). Defensive formation: 4-3 Defensive starters back: 5 Defensive ouUook: Free safety Ricky Brown (6-3, 230, Sr.) has committed to Vanderbilt; he was named the league's defensive back of the year in 2000. Brady Miller (6-0, 210, Sr.) is in his third year as a starter, and Andrew Ackennan (6-5, 200, Sr.) was first-team aiiGCL last year. Cornerback Nick Ackennan (61, 175, Sr.). Andrew's brother, will also be an anchor in the secondary. Josh Huber (5-10, 225, Sr.) and Jim Macke (6-2, 235, Sr.) are returning starters on the defensive . line. As a unit, the Panthers have above-average speed and should be tenacious to the football. Elder allowed only 133 points last year. Key player: Quarterback Keith Bolger. Though he has faced competition from David Turner, Bolger has the tools to succeed. With his coach (Ramsey) being a fonner quarterback himself, Bolger should be ready for the tough GCL South. Bottom line: Ramsey wonders about his team's lack of depth and inexperience at some key offensive positions, but the Panthers have

plenty of defense and enough talent to go deep into the playoffs. · (all games 7:30 unless noted) Aug 25 at Sycamore, 6:30p.m. Sept 1 vs. Cleveland Glenville Sept 7 vs. Western Hills Sept 14 vs.lndianapolis Manual Sept 22 vs. Cleveland Stlgnatius, 2 p.m. Sept 28 at LaSalle Oct. 5 vs. Moeller Oct. 12 at St Xavier Oct 20 vs. Warren G. Harding, 7 Oct. 26 at Qak Hills

LSt Xavier Coach: Steve Rasso (24th year, 163-78-2; 35th year overall, 223124-7) Coaches poll points: 14 last year: 8-4 last league title: 2000 (3-way tie) Offensive formation: Multiple Offensive starters back: 6 Offensive ouUook: Quarterback Marty Mooney (6-1, 195, Sr.), a two-year starter, is one of Ohio's best. Mooney threw for 2,402 yards and 20 IDs last year, with only 10 interceptions. He will throw to another of the .area's top players in receiver Josh Williams (62, 208, Sr.), who caught 49 passes ( 17.0 average) and seven IDs. At running back, Enye Willingham (5-9, 161, Sr.) may be small but he can put up numbers. He rushed for 870 yards and scored seven touchdowns last year. Offensive tackle Kyle Ralph (6-4, 278, Sr.) is one of the nation's best at his postion. He already has committed to Vanderbilt and is the No. 2-rated lineman in Ohio by recruiting analyst Bill Kurelic. Center Chris Ballman (6-0, 225, Sr.) is another college prospect Defensive formation: 4-3 Defensive starters back: 6 Defensive ouUook: The Bombers will be strong at inside linebacker and defensive back, where five of six starters return. Key players include ILB Matt Vogele (62. 225, Sr.) and strong safety Michael Graham (6-1, 190, Sr.), last year's two top tacklers with 99 and 97, respectively. Cornerback Michael Hurley (60, 181, Sr.), who led the team in interceptions (6) and pass breakups (7) last year, is also back. Key player: Offensive tackle Kyle Ralph. He is considered the top offensive line prospect to commit to Vanderbilt in the past decade and leads what should be a powerful St X offense. Bottom line: The Bombers have few weaknesses, and Rasso's chief

concern is grooming a kicker to replace the graduated Evan Nolan. (all games 7:30 unless noted) Aug. 25 at Oak Hills, 1:30 p.m. Aug. 31 vs. Withrow Sept 7 at Ind. Cathedral Sept 15 vs. Bethlehem Catholic Sept 28 vs Moeller Oct 5 at La Salle Oct 12 vs. Elder Oct. 20 at Cleveland St lg'latius Oct. 26 at Hamilton

3. Moeller Coach: Bob Crable: (first year) last year: 9-2 Coaches poll points: 8 Last league title: 2000

a top-five program in the city. (all games 7:30 unless noted) Aug 25 at Fairfield, 4 p1n. Sept. 1 at Warren G. Harding Sept 7 vs·. Ind. Ronca IIi High. 8 Sept. 14 vs. Toledo St. Francis De Sales, 8 p.m. Sept 21 vs. La Salle Sept 28 at St. Xavier Oct. 5 at Elder Oct. 12 at Col. St Francis De Sales Oct. 19 at Lima Senior Oct. 26 vs. Princeton

4. La Salle Coach: Jim McQuaide (third year,10-10; 11th year overall, 7147)

(3-waytie) Offensive formation: Coaches poll points: 4 Multiple 1 last year: 5-5 Offensive starters back: 1 last league title: 1995 Offensive formation: Multiple Offensive outiook: There is only Offensive starters back: 3 one full-time returning starter. but Offensive ouUook: The Lancers it's at the right position. have good quickness and should Quarterback Tony Cunningham (6have a good run/ pass balance. foot, 170, Sr.) returns after throwQuarterback ian Lahmer (6-0, 158, ing for 1,138 yards last season, Sr.) is a returning starter, as are and his experience will be crucial offensive lineman Bob Buchman as Moeller retools its offense (6-5, 201) and tight end Brent around him. Celek (6-3, 214 ). Senior receiver The key loss was tailback Marcus Blanks, who smashed mul- Scott Hudepohl (6-1. 165, Sr.) · should be a top target of Lahmer, tiple school records at a program and Matt Miller (5-10, 184, Jr.) knows for its great running backs. chould be the top running back. Blanks' records included 1,850 ·we will try to spread teams yards rushing last season. out and spread the ball around; Reed Hamilton (6-0, 170, Jr.), McQuaide said. 'The offensive line coming off of foot surgery, is the i5 very untested against varsity top candidate at running back. action, but if the line comes Crable lists center Brent Hack (6through fast we could do well foot, 200, Sr.) as his key man up moving the football." front Defensive formation: 5-2 Defensive formation: Multiple Defensive starters back: 2 4-4 Defensive outlook: Hudepohl Defensive starters back: Three and Jason Hugentobler (5-9, 163, Defensive outlook: The Sr.) are returning starters at Crusaders will be strong up front, defensive back, and they are led by defensive end Dan Adkins among the unit's most experi(5-11, 170, Sr.) and defensive enced players. tackle Jon Pizzo (6-2, 250, Sr.) Key player: Bob Buchman. a Outside linebacker Nick Brune (6two-way lineman. was a second2, 190, Sr.) is another returning starter. Crable said the team overall team aii-GCL pick last year and lacks experience at linebacker, but will anchor the Lancers. Bottom line: The Lancers he knows something about that The former Moeller All-America line- haven't won a GCL game in the past four years, and McQuaide backer is looking for players in his needs several untested players to own hard-nosed image, so expect mature quickly. the Crusaders to pursue the ball relentlessly. In the secondary, safety (all times 7:30 unless noted) Aug. 25 vs. Dixie Heights, 11 a.m Hamilton is the key man but is Aug. 31 vs. Sycamore recovering from a hamstring strain. Sept 7 vs. Xenia Key player: Quarterback Tony Sept 14 vs. Ontario Cunningham. With an inexperiSt. Andrews enced unit around him, his steady Sept. 21 at Moeller hand should get the Crusaders into Sept. 28 vs. Elder playoff contention. Oct. 5 vs. Xavier Bottom line: Moeller is a bit of Oct 12 vs. East Central an unknown under new coach Oct. 19 vs. Canton McKinley Crable, but has enough talent to be Ort 26 at Colerain




/J rC.-.




'My heart, my soul

arebtttdsprogrann' Continued from 1C feet match for the 970-student, allmale school. Moeller is owned by the Archdiocese of Cincinnati and operates under the principles ofThe Society

Cover story

Good fit: Bob Crable, coaching Oannel Shepard during a recent scrimmage. took over amid controversy.

s ~ ;.. g ~ 6 ;

Cover story:

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Acoach's leap of faith By Sal Ruibal USA TODAY CINCINNATI - At Archbishop Moeller High School, the Hail Mary isn't in the football team's playbook - it's in its prayer book. The Catholic school has built a 4-decade football dynasty around the power of prayer and a tradition of reverence for the Virgin Mary. Prayer is not only encoUJ¡aged in the classroom, it is common on the vast playing fields that surround the bustling campus in northern Cincinnati. That formula of faith and family has been spectacularly successful. In the last 38 years. Moeller teams have produced five No. 1 national rankings, sev-

No matter the foe, Moeller High has a prayer en Ohio state championships and 34 All-Americans. Coaches of national stature, including coaches of the year Gerry Faust and Steve Klonne, have led the Fighting Crusaders to an overall record of 355-67-2. But the program was shal(en in March when Klonne was asked to step down as head coach after 19

seasons. two state championships and a 169-48 record, five wins short of Faust's 174-17-2 chart. But the team hadn't won a state title in 15 seasons. School officials said the team had lost its direction, a notion disputed by Klonne. In the midst of that storm. former Moeller player Bob Crable was named head coach. The football credentials and personal convictions of the 41year-old Crable - assistant coach under Klonne for eight seasons, All-America linebacker at Notre Dame. 7-year veteran of the NFL's New York Jets and successful businessman - are a near-per-

of Mary, also known as the Marianists. Their educational philosophy is based on the notion of the school as a family of faith dedicated to Mary, the mother of jesus. Crable's mother was a devout Marianist. The third of seven children, Crable has three sisters named Mary Ann, Mary Margaret and Mary Sue. ''I'm trying to build this team on the principle that we are a loving family," Crable says while surveying the constant collisions of a summer practice. "We never turn our backs on one another." Tall and rangy, with a Clint Eastwood squint and scars that run along both knees, Crable admits the last 3 weeks have been "the most anxious times" in his life. "I've tried to turn it over to God. I had to ask if this was truly where I am supposed to be," he says. "Now I know that my heart and my soul are in this football program." He inherited a team that's light on experience and a bit disoriented by the coaching change. Early in summer practices, Crable tried to fill the skill gaps by having some of his best athletes play both offense and defense.

"Well, that didn't work out," he says. "It was more than they could absorb. My philosophy as a coach is to put the kids in a position to be successful, so I had to change." He is a stickler about conditioning: Players run before and after skills practice. Lots of running. 'The best teams are strongest in the fourth quarter," he theorizes. "We want them to be familiar with what it takes to perform when you're tired." He ends practice with a group huddle, players placing their right hands on the shoulder pads of their neighbor. "Hail Mary, full of grace," he begins the prayer as the coaches, trainers and players join in. He adds an appeal to St. jude, the patron saint of lost causes. The prayer to St. jude is a tradition at Moeller and has a personal connection to Crable.

Rosaries and medals In the final minutes of the 1975 state championship game against Cleveland's St. Edward, Moeller was clinging to a 14-12 lead. "St. Ed had the ball deep in our end of the field," recalls legendary coach Faust. "I clasped my hands and prayed, 'St. Jude, help us.' "The next play, Crable blew in there and recovered a fumble. We hung on. time ran out and we won our first state championship." Faust and Crable also took part in another Moeller tradition that still thrives. On Thursdays before Friday

See COVER STORY next page "




to 1,100 footthem of his

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USA ?qJc-y

Moeller: Inquiry called overdue ¡ From Page 81

he said illicit recruiting by Moeller "isn't fair to Catholic or public schools." "We are in St. Xavier High School's backyard and we have never had a problem with them," he said of another of Greater Cincinnati's Catholic football powers. Though Moeller officials did not respond Friday to requests to comment on Mr. Starkey's allegations, backers defended the school. Tom Clark, whose son recently graduated from Moeller, said if the school or first-year coach Bob Crable did violate recruiting laws, it was unintentional. "It think Bob Crable is one of the finest human beings I've ever met," said Mr. Clark. Earlier this week, the Enquirer reported that public-school officials of the Greater Miami Conference have accused Moeller of illicitly recruiting public school students with a postage-paid pamphlet soliciting personal information and through a coach's visit to a church. The schools also complained that Moeller recruited at a Pee Wee football practice, against the spirit of the Ohio High School Athletic Association's bylaws. The OHSAA is investigating the allegations and if Moeller is

found guilty the' school could face a range of penalties including: fines, banishment from post-season play, suspension or other penalties deemed appropriate by the OHSAA commissioner. A decision is expected in two weeks. Mr. Crable has not disputed the instances cited by GMC officials, but denied any illicit recruiting and said the GMC complained because "they are trying to protect themselves, protect their players and their districts." Mr. Crable has contended that the football pamphlet is simply one component of a larger. school recruitment effort and not improper. He has not denied recruiting Pee Wee football players nor distributing the pamphlet to the youngsters. A Princeton High School parent, who complained directly to GMC officials that her 11-yearold son was being recruited at Pee Wee football practice, said Moeller was targeting publicschool students, which violates OHSAA laws. Her letter to GMC officials was forwarded to the OHSAA. Veteran Hamilton High School football coach Ed Mignery, whose school - along with Princeton and Colerain - are GMC members with historically strong football programs, said he has no personal knowledge of recruiting misdeeds by Moeller.

But he is nevertheless concerned about such accusations' impact on Greater Cincinnati prep football. "You have to have the rules enforced. That's what keeps us all in line, said Mr. Mignery. He said he was particularly disturbed that any football coach would recruit at Pee Wee football games. "As far as I'm concerned, that's illegal recruiting," said Mr. Mignery. Sycamore High School parent Mike Fitzgibbons, whose son plays for the GMC school's football team, described the alleged recruiting improprieties as "a little unseemly." "But Moeller has been doing this for a long time ... it's not surprising. This time they got caught with their hand in the cookie jar," said Mr. Fitzgibbons. But George Beimesche, whose son graduated from Moeller last year, defended the football powerhouse by saying that Mr. Crable simply made mistakes in adhering to the often-complicated rules of prep recruiting. "He pretty much screwed up," Mr. Beimesche said of the Moeller coach in regards to using a pamphlet to solicit personal information from youngsters. "What he did was embarrassing, but it was not intentional."

.frep coach •


is overdue Moeller problem 'not new' By Michael D. Clark The Cincinnati Enquirer

A veteran Catholic-school football coach Friday joined public school officials and parents who say the investigation of alleged recruiting improprieties at Moeller High School is long overdue. "This is nothing new for Moeller," charged Roger Bacon High School coach Dan Starkey, a member of the St. Bernard school's coaching staff for 25 years. "In the past, we've been very upset with Moeller in regards to recruiting improprieties. We're aJI supposed to be Catholic high schools and are all supposed to have integrity, but sometimes I don't think they abide by that," Mr. Starkey said. He claimed that Moeller


Starkey, Bacon coach, said we're "upset with Moeller."

improperly away an "impact player" last year who originally intended to join Roger Bacon's football squad. Mr. Starkey, whose Division II team finished 8-2 this year, said, "If we had that kid, we would have had a very special year." Mr. Starkey declined to identify the boy or detail his allegations. He said at the request of the boy's parents his school did not file a complaint against Moeller. But See INQUIRY, Page 88


Moeller grad Bob Crable, who played at Notre Dame and in the NFL, is the fourth football coach in Moeller history.

Crable: New coach also played in NFL From 18 ":'m not going to be somebody 'Vho comes in here and flips t:1is thing upside down," Crable said. "Moeller High School and Moeller football is abo•Jt tradition. I view myself pretty much as the carri· er of be torch." Cranle, 41, a 1978 Moeller graduate, was a linebacker on tl:e 1975-77 .:.\1oeller teams ~hat won three straight state titles and back-to-hack mythical national championships. After a stellar career at the Univ~rsity of Notre Dame, Crable was drafted by the New York Jets in 1982. He spent s~ven seasons there before knee injuries ended his playing career. Crable's staff isn't final· ized, b•Jt he said he hopes most of the coaching staff will r~main. One who is coming hac:{ is defensive coordinator Dave Angelo, who passed up a head coaching offer to remain at Moeller. "Tt.a~·s the most flattering thing ar:yone ha..<; done," Crable said, "without saying a word.'· Wh3r. Klonne announced his resignation May 4, Crable didn't immediately throw his name into the ring. It took him a couple of days to tell principa!. Dan Ledford that he was bterested. "Ona of the things I felt I needed to do was talk to

Steve about it," he said. "I wanted to make sure Steve knew where I was and that I was upfront with him, first and foremost." The timing of Klonne's announcement limited Moel· ler officials in their search because most coaches who may have been interested in the job had already signed contracts for next season. Still, . the search committee saw resumes from around Ohio and a couple from outside of the state. "A different direction means, for us, new energy and new focus on the program," Ledford said. "Any pro::,>ram, especially a high school program, ultimately needs new life. I just think it was time for this program to have new leadership and new life. "In no way did I ever see that diminishing what Steve hus done with the program." Carl Kremer, Moeller's baske~bull coach, was one of cig:'1~ rr.cmbers or. the search committee. He said there were tv:o o~her car.didates who were strongly considered. one from another Cincinr.ati school and the other from northern Ohio. In the end, though, Moeller decided to keep one of its own. "If you've got quality people inside. there's no need to go outside," Faust said. t'


'70s star Crable to coach Moeller ByKeviAGoheen Post staff reporter

Gerry Faust didn't wait for his old Moeller and Notre Dame football captain to call him. Faust called Bob Crable around 5:30 Wednesday afternoon from his home in Akron to congratulate him on his new job. Just a couple of hours earlier, Crable had been named the fourth head coach in Moeller's 40-year existence. He re¡ places Steve Klonne, who chose not to return for a 20th season in 2001 after being told by school officials it would be his last season. Crable had been an assistant coach under Klonne since the 1992 season.


Taylor MacEachen, 9, gives family friend Bob Crable

a hug after he

was introduced as Moeller coach. Also on hand were Taylor's brother, Austin, 7, and Crable's kids, Allison, 11, and Brian, 14.

See CRABLE on 58 uc





Crable takes Moeller torch '77 Crusaders Crable at aglance captain named Age: 41 Wife Lisa; children Amy 4th head coach Family: (17), Brian (14), Allison (11), Matthew (4) High school: Moeller The Cincinnati Enquirer College: Notre Dame There is no need to explain Pro career: New York Jets the Moeller High School foot- (seven years) ball tradition to the new head Coaching career: Moeller assistant 1992-2000 coach.

By Michael Perry

He has lived it. Bob Crable, captain and coMVP of the Crusaders' 1977 national championship team and a member of the school's Hall of Fame, was announced Wednesday as the fourth football coach in Moeller history. Crable, 41, was a two-time All-American linebacker at

Notre Dame and went on to play seven years with the New York Jets. He has been an assistant coach and religion teacher at Moeller since 1992. "This has been a dream of mine for many years," Crable said. "I can't picture myself anywhere else.

"I've never. agonized over anything like I've agonized over this, probably because it's so near and dear to my heart. I wanted it so desperately." Crable replaces Steve Klonne, who resigned iQ. May after 19 years as Crusaders head coach and became an assistant at McNicholas. Klonne, ¡55, had been asked by Moeller officials to resign, effective at the end of the 2001 season. Klonne said he'd coach one more year, then changed his mind. Klonne's teams went 169-48 and won state titles in 1982 and '85. ¡Last season, Moeller finished 9-2. When co-athletic director See CRABLE, Page D3

The Cincinnati Enquirer/ERNEST COLEMAN

Bob Crable is introduced as Moeller's new football coach Wednesday. Crable, a member of Moeller's Hall of Fame, is the school's fourth coach.

Crable: Succeeds Klonne at Moeller From Page 01


Dick Beerman introduced Crable at Wednesday's news conference, he referred to him as "one of our favorite ·sons." "He's just a tremendous --fit for us," Beerman said. "He brings instant credibility in the eyes of the students. . . . We wanted a takecharge guy. We have no concern for the X's and O's of it. Our concern is getting a little stronger control of our program. We were beginning to get a little fractured in terms of our · consensus of direction. "There isn't one of us comfortable with having to make the move we did. Steve Klonne has been very classy. It's been a very, very tough stretch. There's not a person in this school who doesn't think the world of that man." Beerman said 25-30 coaches applied for the job. A seven-person committee narrowed the field

to eight. Beerman; co-athletic director Barry Borman; principal Daniel Ledford; and Carl Kremer, dean of students and boys basketball coach, interviewed four finalists. "Moeller High School has been very special to me," Crable said. "I'm not going to be someone who comes in here and flips this thing upside-down. MOeller High School is not about Gerry Faust. Moeller High· Scliool is not about Ted Bacigalupo or Steve Klonne, and it's not going to be about Bob Crable. Moeller High School and Moeller football (are) about tradition. And I view myself pretty much as the carrier of the torch." ·Faust started Moeller's program in 1963. His teams went 174-17-2 in. 18 years and established the school as a national power before Faust left to become Notre Dame head coach. Bacigalupo coached the Crusaders to a 12-1 recori:l in 1981

before resigning. Klonne, then a Moeller assistant, took over. Now it's Crable's turn. He said he will focus on fundamentals, tech-. nique and· discipline. "I truly do not believe that this job is about winning and losing," ·Crable said. "It's about creating that structure for leadership, what kids I truly believe are looking for in life. Arid as you provide that, the wins and,losses come." Rick Keller, a 1978 Moeller graduate, former player and a member of the school's alumni association board, attended Wednesday's announcement and is pleased with the hiring. "Certainly the pressure is going to be very heavy," Keller said. "He's replacing a guy that had a lot of success. I think Bob knows that going in. Bob was part of the Moeller tradition that started in the late '70s. He knows what that tradition's all about."

The Post

"I don't think it's a matter of winning and losing. I just believe that if you can develop that spirit, you can develop as a champion." - New Moeller coach Bob Crable

Wheeler: Faust supportive ~

From 1B J co.~clf in 1982. This was 10 1 years later, and Klonne was deiignted to accept the volunteer,,assistance of the all-American linebacker, whom The Post' named in 1999 as Cincinnati's: Defensive Player of the Centlll'y. At the time, however, it wasn;t coaching that intrigued Craoie as much as the environmE!Iit~ both academic and religip,~~· that defined Moeller High School. Realizing it, he signed up for seminary classes and~undertook to teach the thinis he was learning from tliem.'and life. ·"What Crable does now in his .. upperclassman courses Moral Theology and Christian Lifestyles - is apply religion to everyday endeavors. Marriage and,)ragedy rate high among the circumstances he helps his students deal with spiritual~y, aiid's·o, not surprisingly, does fo.oJ'!:l~L

•.:'f.or eight years at Moeller and· Notre Dame, I had a sfr'Ong formation in all of that,:; he said. "1 call it athletic theology." That, Crable hopes, is what he Wiil bring to his high school a.S:H.S fourth football coach in 4Q,Y,Elars. "1 ·don't think it's a matter ofwinning and losing," he said~}'! just believe that if you caP,, develop that spirit, you can develop as a champion."




12 yards, and Gerry,Faust's first state championship would have had to wait another year. But there was a suostantial linebacker for Lakeyvood St. Edward to get around first. '"crable was only a sopho- · more in 1975, but Faust had knpwn him since a Moeller assistant, Phil Gigliotti, came back from a 7th-grade game in a big. hurry to tell the coach about a defensive prodigy at St. Vincent. Gigliotti sensed right away that Crable was the kind of kid whom Faust was trying to build around. There were other factors that contributed to the three consecutive state championships that began in 1975 - the dynasty that was gathering at the-young school on Montgom~.Jl,oad - but it all started wj;t~ the coach an~ the linebacker. It started Wlth the St. Edward fumble that Crable recovered at the 12. 'To Faust, the winner in Crable was the character in him; none· of which has changed much in a quartercentury. The old Moeller coach understood that when he,and Gigliotti sat down last we.ek with the new Moeller coach. ' «He went over everything he. was going to do and how he wa&going to do it," said Faust, who won 70 of his last 71 games at Moeller and built the school into an almost perennial national champion. ~ "He talked about his philosophy, and what traditions he wanted to carry forth. Phil and Lcame out of there saying there isn't a better man for the jokHe wa.S the person I want-

,. •



---·-- -

ed to see get the job, although that had no influence on him getting it." The choice was made by principal Dan Ledford, who learned late of Crable's candidacy. As the Klonne saga followed its curious course - first he was coming back for one more year, then he wasn't Jack Crable's cousin was thinking along other lines. Not long before, he had approached Ledford about merging into school administration, but hard thinking and evening prayer soon led him in another direction. On an awkward Sunday night, Crable called his friend Klonne to find out what the veteran coach thought about him as a successor. Klonne's advice that was he would do well if he were willing to rededicate himself to the game. Shortly thereafter, Crable's meeting with Ledford occurred spontaneously in the faculty lounge. "The last time we talked," the teacher said, "it was about administration. So I wanted to let you know I'm interested in the coaching job." And who wasn't? Although Moeller no longer stood astride Ohio football, Klonne had preserved the overall excellence of the program. He had somehow managed to win 169 games - nearly nine a year - without making enemies along the way. Klonne had not maintained the high profile that made Faust so famous, but even Crable - Moeller's most accomplished player (not counting baseball types such as Bell, Barry Larkin and Ken Griffey Jr.) - would be hard-pressed and perhaps unwilling to' match that. "Fuzzy was the one who was out there selling the program," said Crable, whose four children and lively pace have trimmed him down considerably from his playing days. "I will never discount his promotion of Moeller High School. "He was here 14 hours a day, and he sacrificed a great deal of his family 'life. Am I willing to allow my family to sacrifice? I don't think I am." The thing is, he already made one hard sacrifice, many years ago. He gave up baseball.


The career choice belted Crable in the summer of 1977. "I'll tell you when I realized I was not going to play baseball," he said. "Bud Middaugh was the coach at Miami, and after my junior year of high school he said, 'I want you to know exactly what I think of you as a baseball player. I'll give you a scholarship, but there's a catch. You can't play football.' "You couldn't have punched me in the face any harder than that hit me. When he said that, I realized that my heart was with football." The fact is, Crable pitched like a linebacker and defended second base as if it were a goal line. Joe Hayden thinks he could have made the major leagues that way. "He was a football player in

a baseball player's uniform," said Hayden. "And he was crazy. He had those slant eyes, and he had a little smile on his face. But when he had that smile on, he was very dangerous." This proved helpful when Crable pitched. Batters approached him warily after calculating the sum of his little smile, his big fastball and his unconcern with where it went. "I'll tell you the kind of baseball player I was," Crable said, still amused by the recollection. "You know how, when a batter hits a home run, the pitcher will sometimes knock him down the next time? Well, you didn't have to hit a home run for me to knock you down. I had a football temperament." He also had a coach's temperament. Crable was more than happy to be Hayden's enforcer, believing in the team rules as much as the man who made them. Once, when an angry teammate tossed his glove in the air, Crable warned him that, "If that ever comes down, you know you're off the team." It did, and he was. Then there was the occasion when Bill Long, who would become a major-league pitcher, made the mistake of missing a practice. "I told Bobby that I want to see Billy Long," Hayden said. "All of a sudden here comes Bobby and Billy, and Billy says, 'Coach, can I see you alone for a minute?' "We step to the side and Billy Long says, 'Coach, I'll do anything you want if you just promise me one thing. Promise you'll never send Crable after me again.' " Thereafter, the big ballplayer confined his ferocity to the football field. He didn't even play baseball as a senior, · which delighted Notre Dame. Once there, he was textbook Irish, twice captaining the club and twice breaking the school record for tackles. His last year in South Bend was Faust's first, and his was the better of the two. · The Jets drafted him in the first round. He served them well until his knees retired. The knees are sufficient for his latest assignment, howev. er, to which Crable hopes to · bring a little of all his former coaches and a lot of what his soul-searching has revealed. "I think winning," he said, leaning forward on a chair in the film room, "is a byproduct of creating men of Moeller." It's a challenge that he thoroughly understands. And in case he didn't, Hayden made it perfectly clear in a congratulatory note he sent to Crable shortly after Moeller had named its new coach. . "You're iri a job that's just wonderful," Hayden wrote. "All you have to do is win 15 games in a 12-game schedule and hold all your opponents scoreless while averaging 50 points a game. If you do that, they'll love you."

Contact Lonnie Wheeler at

eo o Bob Crable was a football star at Moeller, Notre Dame and with the New York Jets. Then he built a successful sportswear business. But the death of a relative left him searching for more. He has found some answers in religion and academics. Bob Crable's hero was his older cousin and a baseball player, which, for a while, he intended to be, too. Jack Crable teamed with Buddy Bell at Moeller High School and broke into pro ball around the same time, lasting not nearly as long. This, however, didn't diminish him in the eyes of his father's brother's son, who, while leading Moeller to its first state football championship, :-.e~!ing Xotre Dame's record for tackles, playing seven years for the New York Jets and building a successful sportswear business, stayed as close as he could to Jack and his wi.fe, Robin. As his knees healed, his family grew and his company took off, Crable figured he had life pretty much licked. What changed his mind was LONNIE the solemn observation that Robin didn't. WHEELER JaekTheandmortal enemy was Robin's breast cancer. "As the cancer progressed, I was conhsed," he said. "\Vhen she passed away, it got me searching for the meaning of life. Business ,.,¡asn't providing that. I didn't know where my life was going at that point." Knowing only that he couldn't keep doing what he was doing, Crable stepped away from tt.e business that was going so well. The hard part wasn't giving up the income, but ducking out on the outfit thut had been started as a sLbsidiary of the r>.1idland Company largely because :.\1:idland':- ehairman, Joe Hayden, had gr:>\\'11 enamored of Crable while coaching

Bob Crable

in 1977. him as an intimidating pitcher and oversized second baseman. "I think Mr. Hayden was disappointed," Crable said, "but it was a real tough time. I felt unfulfilled." The person he turned to was Steve K.lonne, who had been a Moeller assistant when Crable played there and became the school's head

See WHEELER on 58




Mike Keating, Chris Borman, Sam Sharp, Dannel Shepard, Mike Walborn, Cameron Goode, David Starvaggi, Joe Sheehan, Nick Kanoza, Mike Lewis, Charles Koth, Dan Adkins (Captain). Kevin Buckley, (Captain), Nick Pappas, Beau Goodhart, Kevin Hoye, Greg Freson, .Graham Mercurto, Jim Poto·, Sean Stallo, Tony Cunningham, Eric Thatcher, Jeff Newell. Nick Earl:y, Andy Larson, Andy Murray, Devin Ward, Ryan Lukens, Mark Brandel, Eric Asbrock, Craig Becker, Brent Hack, Dan Eling, Greg Meisner, John Profitt. Keith Prince, Matt Pasquale, Brad Heidel, Dave Tull, Blake McMullin, Matt Huber, Rob Siemers, Jon Pizzo, Jim Tull, Chad Cook, Chris Martie. Rob Wietmarschen, Mike Wietmarschen, Jim Hollenbeck, Ben McGrath, Willi Gruber, Blake Carter, Josh Schallk, Mike Stanley, Mike Huber, Nick Brune (Captain). Mike Dolfi, Blake Contadino, zad<' Smith, Kevin Harris (Captain), Paul Geers, Neil Wunder, Tom Fette, Jared Rhoten, Nick Holcak.

PRINCIPAL .................•................. Dan Ledford ASST. PRINCIPAL ...................... Bro. John Habjan, SM ASST. PRINCIIPAL ............................... Carl Kremer ASST. PRINCIIPAL .....•.....•.......... Bro. Ron Luksic, SM TREASURER .................................. Bill Balbach ATHLETIC DIRECTOR ....., .................... Barry Borman ATHLETIC DIRECTOR ......................... Dick Beerman ATHLETIC SECRETARY ..................... Carol Campbell TEAM CHAPLAIN ............................. Fr. Terry Welk EQUIPMENT MANAGER ..................... Whitey Campbell ATHLETIC TRAINER ........................... Craig Lindsey DOCTORS ...................... ·.......... Steve Beerman ........................................... Paul Kollman ORTHOPEDIC ............................... Tim Kremchek CHIROPRACTOR ............•................. Mike Rohlfs NICKNAME .......................... FIGHTING CRUSADERS

VARSITY HEAD COACH .......................... Bob Crable VARSITY ASSISTANTS .............. Dave Angelo, Jeff Kinnett ............................. Tim Moorman, Todd Naumann ......................... Tim Odom, Dan Shannon, Bob Tull JV COACHES ................... J. B. Lind, Dave Lapham, Jr. .............................. Mike Logan, James O'Keefe FRESHMAN COACHES .......... Bob Kolkmeyer, Jason Ahlers ............................... Dave Faller, Rich Goodhart ................................ Mike Holcak, Chris Majors BAND DIRECTOR ........................... Bob Browning ANNOUNCER ................................ Rich Crema STATISTICIAN ................................... Tom Blatz CLOCK OPERATOR .............................. IRon Roth CHEERLEADER MODERATOR .................... Debi Cass COLORS .............................. BLUE-WHITE-GOLD




30 55 6 14 14 47 43 10 13 42

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