I FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28, 2001 ~~--:-~-=
oys soccer All-Stars
~~·:.·;; BYER.
BERT. Lakota We~t ~ fllghllghts: Senior Swebper =irstTeam,
~11-State 0
1rstTeam GMC
Colerain Highlights: Led his team to the GMC championship
<'-::~ '1:"-
Highlights: Senior Forward Second Team All-State, First Team
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,.........,r _..,. l '
··-. ---
Highlights: Senior Midfielder Third Team All-State, F!rst Team GMC
Highlights: Junior Midfielder Third Team All-State, First Team GCl South
Division I honorable mention
DNISlO~ l',.l~AM Craig _, KELL. . OakHill~
Highlights: Senior Midfielder FirstTeam GMC
~ ,
Loveland Highlights: Jun1or Defender FirstTeam GCl South
~ ·· ·. { -~, # ; ~ ( . · \> ~---
Highlights: Junior Midfielder FirstTeam FAVC Buckeye
A' .J.
Matt Schiavone, Middletown; Eric Busener, La Salle; Jesse King, loveland; Anthony Segriti, Wilmington; lance Carter, Princeton; Ken Schoeni, Sycamore; Griffin Gall, St. Xavier; Shawn DeHart, Mason; David Brown, lakota East; John White, Fairfield; Brian Hubert. lakota West; Brian Bernhardt, Anderson; Matt Hoffman. Moeller.
Indian Hill Highlights: Senior Midfielder FirstTeam CHL, First Team AII-SW Ohio
Highlights: Senior striker State player of the year, FirstTeam All-State, "-:, First Team FAVC - -
D!VS. n-Jff-
Adam ·· • CHEN. .T 41J~
Highlights: Sen1or Forward Third Team All-State, First Team FAVC Cardinal
, . '<
Highlights: Senior Mid fielder First Team CHl, First Team AII-SW Ohio
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• -
, '\" •'' ->
Highlights: Senior FirstTeam GCL. First Team AII-SW Ohio
_, . • _· , ~
....._-~ ..ll.
NEW Summit
Highlights: Senior Mid fielder First Team MVC, Second Team All-State
lpmjtli#!f' ALL~STABS D!VS. 11--ID .
N1ck ._ _ WHIT •
Highlights: Semor M:dfielder Second Team All Std\e, FirstTeam CHl
' '
·· . )
Highlights: ~i:'' Senior Midfielder First Team CHl First Team AII--SW Ohio Photo not available
McNichol'ls Highlights: Senior Forward First Team GCL North, Fust Team AII-SW Ohio
11 -
Highlights: Senior Forward second Team All-State, First Team GCl North
.;c ~-
Divisions 11-111 honorable mention Ryan Hoffman, Taylor; Matt Minor, Indian Hill; Wes Ernst, Turpin; Charles Pride, Roger Bacon; Joe DISalv1o, McNicholas; Justin Knight, Purcell Marian; Pat Baxter. Wyoming; Nick Rascona, Deer Park; Phil Ellis, Kings; A.J. Fitzptrick, Norwood: Ryan Coffer, Wyoming; Alex Quay, Finneytown: Jared Bush, Ross; Josh Streckfuff, Taylor. Sean Hassman, Madeira; Brian Hennessy, Batavia; Jibran Shtiewi, Summit Country Day; Rundel Brockman, Cincinnati Christian; David Schuh, Seven Hills; Charles Kulwin, Cincinnati Country Day; Alex Kamphaus, North College Hill; David Gass. Summit Country Day; Ross Wittenberg, Madeira; R.C. O'Donnell, Mariemont; Ryan Seesholtz, Georgetown; Greg Amend, Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy; David Barret, Seven Hills; Josh Eernisse, Cincinnati Christian; Josh Mason, St. Bernard; Dennis Gilligan, Madeira; Todd Sabo, Mariemont; Matt Salzano, Summit Country Day; Will Nacev, Seven Hills; Brett Monzel, Mariemont: Brad Mailman. Batavia Ryan Strine, Batavia.
About the teams Highlights: Senior Defender ,. '1lfl" First Team FAVC Cardinal, FirstTeam AII-SW Ohio ~-
The Enquirer's soccer All-Stars were selected by contributing writer Dave Schutte, a 40-year veteran of covering Cincinnati-area high school sports Is Input from area coaches was considered. L
Lakota West boys team ·has great By Michael Perry
Tll,e Cincinnati Enquirer
. ··Steve Cummins doesn't like to talk to his players about rankings. The lakota West ·boys soccer coach prefers his team ·ust 0 about its busiJ d ~ a1 'th 't own n~ss an e WI 1 s concerns.· "We have enough to sort out ourselves," he said. . Here's one more item for the agenda: Lakota West is No. 1 in the Enquirer's Division I preseason poll. . ·; "I'm not surprised," Cummins said. ''This is probablythe most talented team I've ·had in my 19 years at Lakota But we're young in places. How tbat youth will affect us we're not sure." · ·. ·Moeller coach Randy ·Hurley called Lakota West "the best high school team of field players ever assembled in the city." .... ·The Firebirds return 12 ·players with varsity experience. Among that group is senior Kenney Bertz, a 6-foot2 all-state pick being recn1ited by schools such as Notre Dame, Ohio State · and
j '
Maryland. Bertz had six goals defender, and m1df1elder M1ke each get starts early, coach Dan
and 12 assis~ last season. se . ~e teams only other n I?r IS Matt Fuller, who wa~_all7 c~ty last year a_fter ~ota mg ei~ht ~oal_s and SIX assists. This IS a. good team; ~won't deceive anyone, Cummins said. "It's just that in soccer, you can have'0rshots and lose l-0." . . . . 2. L.AKOfA EAST: The defending
HOZ,JSSr. XAVIER: The Bon1bers' ros- Sm7~(t:)dc0LERAIN: Two-time allter lists 11 seniors, which could state selection Seth Byers is already · mean an abundance of experience. the school's all-time goal scorer. The They also lost 11. players to gradua- semor f01ward had 17 goals and SIX tion, which could mean little expen- ass1sts_last season. . ence is back. . . 7. (tie) LOVUAND: The T1gers are The fact IS, players who scored 31 led by Jason Boehm, a first-team allof the team's 3 7. goals last year are Southwest Ohio player who tallied ~:me. 15 goals and 12 assiSts last season. Coach Henry Ahrens will rely on Loveland has JUStfour semors. , senior goalkeeper Dan Greulich and 9. OAK HILlS: The Highlanders sweeperjmidfielder Griffin Gall. strength is at midfield, where they cey poll champrons expect to be a Kevin Gruesser played only five have senior Craig Keller, an honorstrongattackingteam.Junmmldfield- games lastyearbecause of an ankle able mention aii-GMC seleCtion last ers Nick Bascom and David Brown are injury, but had two goals. season, junior Andrew Bowers and three-year starters, and Kev1n Farrell, 5. LASALLE: The Lancers are 39- senior Matt Worrilow. . another junior midfielder, iS a two-year 11-8 ·over the past three seasons 10. (tie) ELDER: The Panthers starter who scored fwe goals Ill the and have eight seniors, good team should be· strong offensively with 2000 state tournament , speed and no glaring weakness at senior forward Stephen Miller, who One of coach Danny Landrum s any position. What they might Jack is will be in his fourth year as a starter, concerns: A lack o! depth on the dePth. . . and junior forward Chris Thompson, defenswe end .. He II be counting Sophomore forward Jan Helton who led Elder in goals last season. heavily on ]umor defender Scott might be the team's best player. 10. (tie) MILFORD: Senior midLeuck, a three-year starter. Junior midfielder John Thinnes and fielder Mike Hessel was first-team 3. MOELLER: The Crusaders relied senior forward Matt Brinker are cap- all-Southwest Ohio after totaling on their defense last season, specifi- · tains. La Salle has a tough senior three goals and three assists ·last cally all-state goalkeeper Brian midfielder (Cory Cracchiolo), an all- season; he was injured part of the Schaeper, who graduated. The job league senior defender (Eric year(knee). Hessel has 16 goals and now goes to junior Mark Mangano, Busene~ and a solid senior goal- nine assists oyer the last two years. who has seen limited aCtion in two keeper (Matt Braun). previous years on varsey. 6. FAI~RELD: Juniors David MHjNhll£< u JH Last year's leading scorers return: Hieber, Dave Botos and Adam Vii! .,)1\PI\.,) w 11 ·Junior Bob Trybula and senior Nate Midkiff are the top returning players. . Turpin coach John Basalyga hasMcCall had three goals each for a A big question mark: The goalkeeper. n't been overly thrilled with his team that totaled only 14. The cap- spot Semor Colin Yeakle and sopho- team's preseason praCtices. , tains are seniors Matt Hoffman, a, more Andy Hackman will probably As the defending Division II state L_
for new season
champions, he figured the Spartans Division I colleges. would come out every day and work - "How everything shakes out in hard. But that hasn't been the case. between those two," is what will 'It's just hard to figure kids out· . determine h .ow good Turpin can nowadays," he said. 'They take things be, said its coach, 111 his 23rd year for granted. Half the kids didn't have arthe school. · anything to do with last year.' Basalyga said Jason Seibert, Still, Turpin is the No. 1 team in the team's only four-year letterthe Enquire~ preseason DiVisions II- man, ·needs to step up and III-IV po)l. become a dominant player. He is Much to Basalyga's dismay. also counting heavily on seniors 'I don't like. being No. 1 in any- Dan Matteucci and Wes Ernst thing; he, said. "I find kids today "Potentlally we could be very don't know how to handle things good," Basalyga said. ''The.biggest mentally. They doo't know how to .thmg is 'Complacency. handle things athletically. They don't "I don't think repeating is a .·handle that kind of pressure well. viable option here. I think getting . 'I believe kids have to have rea lily into the regional is a reachable shoved down their throats by getting go'(l if we're playing well. I tell kids, beat" 'If you get to the regional, then you're That didn't happen much last year playing as good as anybody in the when Turpin went 19-2-2 in its 20th state:'. consecutive winning season. 2. INDIAN HILL: The Braves But the Spartans graduated • went into the preseason with two seven seniors,· including five main questions: Who will score starters. They lost their center mid- and who will tend goal? Senior fielder, a center frontline D. layer Mike Tuddenhani should be-a priand two in the back. Filling in mary offensive weapon; he had 14 those spots will be a key. ~ goals and three assists last seaTurpin's top offensive weapon is son. But he'll need help. Sean semor Mine Burch, a first-team all- ·Slattery had five goals and six state selection who set a school. assists in 2000, Andrew Ward had single-season record last year with three goals and two assists. Matt 39 goals; he's 30 goals shy of the Minor and Joe. Hy1ng are the top Turpin career record. Senior Mike defenders, along w.ilb Ollie Vessels is one of the Cincinnati- Musekamp. . area's top goalkeepers. 3. MCNICHOLAS: The Rockets Both are ·being recruited by have depth and experience with
10 seniors and seven juniors. They have two senior goalies (Joe DISalvio and George Fels), either of whom could start Each position is strong up the middle. McNick has senior defenders Shawn Galvin and Drew Zaugg. Junior midfielder Michael Sanker is a skilled player who distributes the ball well, and senior Michael Honkonen is also in the midfield. And the top offensive weapons might be junior Adam Hamilton and senior Brian Crosby. It should be a tough team defensively. 4. ROSS: The Rams, who were . 17-1-1 a year ago, will count on their defense and conditioning. The roster includes five seniors: Halfbacks Joe Young, Brady Bosse and Micah Hitt, forward Ray Bulach and fullback Jake Richards. 5. ROGER BACON: The Spartans have taient but are young. Midfielder John Balish and defenders Chris Hardcore and Kevin Wagoner are the only seniors. Bacon has a solid junior class, including top returnees Drew Buller and goalie Lyonel Pearce. Charles Pride is another key defenseman. The rest of the top 10: 6. Purcell Marian; 7. Summit Country Day; 8. Wyoming; 9. Badin; 10. Seven Hills.
Moeller.~··-J.i- q1
. With tradit'ic?n and reputation behind them, the . Moeller soccer team has :high hopes for success this · ·: 4 season .. · 1 Coach Randy Hurley said ;a young team last year is "a lot stronger~· now. The Cruisaders_'retuin 12'players·irom ,la~t season, including "all-__ : --~---~.,.__,
Ohlo · ·goal : ~keb~~r J3rian Schaeper. · . Other · returning players include seniors Michael Horejs and Matt Hoffman, juniors Bobby Triybula and'_ Nate Mccan. · The problem last year's team had was scoring, according to Hurley. This shouldn't be a problem this year. , · ''Triybulir"and McCall-should. score a lot this year," Hurley Sll.id. .~ _. :· The Crus~ders not have an· easy time, faci~g one of the_ toughest schedules in the· pro. gram's history. _ . .. Moeller plays_ both Lakota West and East - traditional city top .10 teams.- early in the season and has to contend with Indianapolis North Central, a power. house from Indiana. · · Then, of course, they hav~ to. battle in the ,Greater Catholic League South against, the likes of St. Xavier and LaSalle . . ·Hurley's goals for .. the team · are to win the GCL, be ranked top five~in the city poll, and go far in the_'.toum.ament ·it the end
........... _ _
Results -·1
· IOYiaoCcEII hctloaal Tournament OIY!tloll
. Lalulte Ealt z, Colerain 1 Goals: L-8rown, Farrell. C-Seth Syers. RecordS: L 6-9--3, C 14·2·2.' lt. Xavier a, Milford 2, PK . Goals: SX-Horton, Gal. PK goals: Fundi, Horton, Lecrolx, Gruesser. M-fd. wards, Hessel. PK Goals: Taylor, Baltey, . RecordS: S 8-6-'3, M9--4·5. . ' Moeller 4, Elder 0 Shutout: Mangano. Goals: MMcCeR, Hoffmlin. Tryi>Ula, Uchtman. Re- -~ cords E 6-7·3, M 11-3·2. Lovalad a, Wallin Halt o (at l'rlllcetoa) Shutout: Mark Porter (8 saves). Goals: Goodale· 2, Kosmer. Records: L'. 14-2·2. Lallclte Welt a, Labanoa l (at Ha.ntoa Qarfllld) . Goals: lW-Kevln Noschang 2, · ' Bertz, FUller, Almer, l.e!)-8UIIer. RecordS: LW 13-3-2, l.etllo-6-1. . IIIYIIIOI 11. · • McNicltotel 4, IUICI a, 20T . · · Goals: M-Mdlael Honkonen, HamBton 3. K-cllenau1t 3. Recolds: K 9--7-l, M 11·5-2. : • •. hrceD lllarla 2, WyOIIIIII. 1 Goals: P-Soldano 2. W-Momboch. • .· Records: P 13-4-1, W 11-6-1. ' Iodin Hll 2, Ron l · · Goals: IH-H""'""'"' Ward. R-NA. Records IH 11·5-2, R lo-6-2. 01'111101111 . (at. Arulla) IDIIIIIIH I, Feyattevlle 2 ~ Goals: s-ononye, SalzanO, Van Glls 2, Newton. F-NA. Records: S 16-1-1, F 14-1·1. 01'111101111 Madllrrl 2, a.tma 0 · Shutout Kevin Gilligan (3 saves). Goals: Stambough, _Tudor. Re:cords: M• 16-2, 8 9'5-4. . leCJoaal Fllall · latll IICIO• lt. """ 4, lhnorl llentol 0 Shutout Tony Kelly. Goals: AusUn Hume 2. Joe Schneider, Rob Alcorn. IICIOI 14 Clllfllllo..hlp . (at
tower hrll)
CoYinetoa catlloDc a, Newport CC 2, OT
Goals: C-Bryson-Lellman 2, Andy
Conrad. N-J810d Bulen, Alex T~. ReI cords: C 14·4·1; ~ ~~~:..->.
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