AP Studio Art & Design IV 2012 - 2013, "A" Day: Lesson Sequence A-2, 9:38 – 11:10 Quarter
Date Aug 21
1st Quarter
Aug 23
Aug 27 Aug 29
Lesson Sequence Details Lesson #1: Introduction Course Introduction, supplies, responsibilities, duties, and requirements. Drawing and Design: The Foundation of this course. The Concentration: A part of the AP portfolio that requires you to develop a long term and in-depth project of your own conception that concentrates on a single, specific and focused idea. This is a body of work that will evolve over time and will include all three of the components listed below plus an explanation of your artistic influences. 1. Subject: The "what" of a work of art. A person, place, thing, situation, technical concept or issue. The obvious visual component of the image. 2. Composition or Form: The "how" or "structure" of the work of art. The arrangement of shapes and the other basic building blocks of the visual arts into a visually effective organization to express an idea. 3. Content: The "why" of a work of art. The emotional or intellectual message of a work of art. Due Next Class: Four two page spreads in your sketch book of the four most important things/events that have occurred in the past year of your life. Concentration written (typed) Proposal due next class. Discuss the Concentration and your four two page sketches. The Sketchbook: The Elements of Art and The Principles of Design, Filling the page and the rule of thirds. Concentration Proposals discussed and finalized. First two works due at first critique. Lesson #1, In-Class Assignment: Line, Value and Space: Depth of Field: Your hand holding an object (pen and black ink). Your open backpack in the background (brush using gray values). Watercolor paper or Illustration board. 18x24. Out of Class Assignment: Design for Archdiocese of Cincinnati Curriculum Guides: Two covers. Details in handout. Out of class Assignment: A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson, Create two, two page spreads in your sketchbook that illustrate your feelings about some issue of the environment. A page of writing about your views about what you read is required for each
Aug 31 Sept 5 Sept 7 Sept 11 Sept 13 Sept 17 Sept 19 Sept 21
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2nd Quarter
Oct 24
drawing spread. Due for critique with first assignment. College Entrance and Scholarship Information, Resume, and Concentration work. Depth of Field, Line, Value and Space Depth of Field, Line, Value and Space Depth of Field, Line, Value and Space Depth of Field, Line, Value and Space Depth of Field, Line, Value and Space Film: Milton Glaser, To Inform & Delight Figure Drawing (sketchbook due for grading): Pencil on white paper. Grade and Critique: College Entrance and Scholarship Information, Resume, and Concentration work. Assignment: A Walk in the Woods, Depth of Field, Line, Value and Space, Design for Archdiocese of Cincinnati Curriculum Guides. Lesson #2, Color, Form, Texture, Space New Assignment: Your hand holding an object (Acrylic Paint using saturated high contrast colors/values). Your open backpack in the background (Acrylic Paint using desaturated color/values). Watercolor paper or Illustration board. 18x24. Out of Class Assignment: Self-Portrait in a mirror at home that includes the feel of that room at home Concentration Work: Two new concentration pieces. Color, Form, Texture, Space Color, Form, Texture, Space Color, Form, Texture, Space Color, Form, Texture, Space Color, Form, Texture, Space Concentration Work: Typed Proposal with examples from your sketchbook. Sketchbook Workshop with ’86 Alum Bob (Sketchbob.com) Fisher – Afternoon: A-3 & A-4, I will give you a permission slip to be here this day. Your A2 class will be in another location TBA. Last Class of 1st Qtr. Portfolio Due for Grading Grade and Critique: Color, Form, Texture, Space assignment, Self-Portrait in a mirror at home, and Concentration work Lesson #3: Movement and Rhythm, You in Motion New Assignment: A drawing, in a single frame, of yourself moving from one place to another. Out of class Assignment: From the back seat of the car. Concentration Work: Current Finished work.
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Dec 18 Jan 3
3rd Quarter Jan 7 Jan 9 Jan 14
You in Motion You in Motion You in Motion You in Motion You in Motion Figure Drawing (sketchbook due for grading): Compressed Charcoal and Tempera Paint on Butcher Paper Mr. Stanforth is in Greenwich, CT doing a workshop. In class assignment for today only: Do two (2) – two (2) page spreads in your sketchbook of: 1st: a detailed drawing in color of what is inside your art box. 2nd: a detailed drawing in full color of what will happen if science does not invent warp speed. I will grade this on Monday. Grade and Critique: You in motion. Looking out instead of in, figure drawing Concentration Work: Current Finished work. Lesson #4: Choose a Design Principle to Emphasize, A Composition of Hands New Assignment: A composition of your hands Out of Class Assignment: Form/Cast Shadow: Using a strong direct light source do a detailed drawing of one object casting a shadow over another. Work up composition in sketchbook. Concentration Work: Current Finished work. A Composition of Hands A Composition of Hands A Composition of Hands A Composition of Hands A Composition of Hands Figure Drawing (sketchbook due for grading): Ink on wet paper. Grade and Critique: A composition of hands, Form/Cast Shadow, ink figure, Concentration Work: Current Finished work. Last Class of 2nd Qtr. Portfolio/Exam Due for Grading Lesson #5: Space and Environment: Using either pen, Ink, and watercolor or Acrylic Paint, do a painting of you or someone else working in the art room. Out of Class Assignment: Photoshop: A revealing Self Portrait. (may contain photo elements) Concentration Work: Current Finished work. Space and environment Sketchbook Sharing Space and environment
Jan 16 Jan 18 Jan 23 Jan 25 Jan 29
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Feb 8 Feb 12 Feb 14 Feb 20
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4th Quarter
Mar 13 Mar 15 Mar 19 Mar 21 Mar 25 Mar 27 Apr 8 Apr 10
Space and environment Space and environment Space and environment Space and environment Figure Drawing (sketchbook due for grading): Your choice of media. Close up of a figure. (tightly cropped image) Figure Drawing (sketchbook due for grading): Your choice of media. Close up of a figure. (tightly cropped image) Grade and Critique: Space and environment, Photoshop self-portrait, close up figure. Concentration Work: Current Finished work. Lesson #6: Applied Design New Assignment: Design a useful object. Three views on illustration board. Out of Class Assignment: Design your own selfpromotion poster and T-Shirt design and self-promotion folio (hard copy) no larger than 9�x12� to include media (digital) storage. Concentration Work: Current finished work. Design a useful object Design a useful object Design a useful object Mr. Stanforth is in Utah with Bob Fisher to give keynote address to Utah Art Ed Assoc. Continue with current assignment in class. Mr. Stanforth is in Utah with Bob Fisher to give keynote address to Utah Art Ed Assoc. Continue with current assignment in class. Design a useful object Design a useful object Figure Drawing (sketchbook due for grading): B&W China Marker on middle tone paper. Last Class of 3rd Qtr. Portfolio Due for Grading Figure Drawing (sketchbook due for grading): B&W China Marker on middle tone paper. Lesson #7: Mixed Media Painting: Self-Portrait Mixed Media Painting: Self-Portrait Mixed Media Painting: Self-Portrait Mixed Media Painting: Self-Portrait Mixed Media Painting: Self-Portrait Mixed Media Painting: Self-Portrait Mixed Media Painting: Self-Portrait Figure Drawing (sketchbook due for grading):
Apr 12 Apr 16 Apr 18 Apr 22 Apr 24 Apr 26 Apr 30 May 2 May 6 May 8 May 10 May 14 May 16 May 20 May 22
Figure Drawing (sketchbook due for grading): Grade and Critique: Lesson #7: Mixed Media Painting: Self-Portrait Extra Extra Extra AP Portfolio Preparation AP Portfolio Preparation AP Portfolio Preparation Course Critique / Evaluation AP Portfolio Due for grading 4th Quarter Portfolio due for grading Jr. Exams Jr. Exams Last Class of 4th Qtr. Portfolio Due for Grading Last Class of 4th Qtr. Portfolio Due for Grading
Class Expectations for AP Studio Art & Design IV
CLASS WORK/HOMEWORK: The basis of all work will be the Elements of Art and the Principles of Design. It is a requirement of the College Board that students will produce 2/3 of their work outside of the classroom in order to receive AP credit. Assignments will be given from the syllabus but all students will be encouraged to pursue personally motivated work. The sketchbook is an important tool for every artist and all students will be expected to draw/write/compile visual and verbal information in their sketchbooks on a daily basis. The work assigned to students at this level is designed not so much to teach a specific skill as it is to enhance the skills already acquired and provide a creative opportunity for the students to begin to express and develop their own unique style. All students will be expected to visit the Cincinnati Art museum this year as well as to attend the "Portfolio Day" at the Art Academy of Cincinnati in the fall (date TBA). It is the responsibility of each student to write in the sketchbook the due dates and specific requirements of each assignment. THERE IS DRAWING HOMEWORK IN YOUR SKETCHBOOK EVERY NIGHT. IF I DO NOT ASSIGN A SPECIFIC SUBJECT YOU WILL MAKE A DRAWING OF YOUR OWN CHOICE. EACH PAGE MUST BE DATED. THE AP STUDIO ART 2-D DESIGN PORTFOLIO: All students will be given on the first day of class a copy of the College Board AP Studio Art Course Description by the instructor and later in the year the poster briefly outlining the contents of the Course Description. Students will:
1. Read and address all three sections of the portfolio: Breadth, Concentration, and Quality. These will be addressed in class discussion at the introduction of each assignment. 2. Develop mastery of concept, composition, and execution of their personal ideas and themes. This should be exhibited in the sketchbook as a visual diary that will be the foundation for all finished work. 3. Develop a body of work investigating a strong underlying visual idea in drawing that grows out of a coherent plan of action or investigation. Once again the sketchbook should be extensively utilized for the development of ideas and to discuss with the instructor the development of those ideas from inception through development to completion. 4. Satisfy the Breadth requirement of the AP portfolio: though, in class, and out of class assignments, figure drawing, fulfilling a minimum of required independent work, and investigating the work of artists studied in Art History assignments. 5. Fulfill all curricular requirements as presented in the course syllabus. 6. Demonstrate an ongoing and informed process in conjunction with the instructor (in informal and formal personal interview) and class (during class critique at the completion of each assignment) to exhibit mastery of not only technical skill but an understanding of the principles of design, and critical decision making by analysis and interpretation of the work of their own, their peers and the work others. 7. Practice integrity by the exhibition of their mutual respect. Theft, vandalism, handling another's work without permission, or the destruction of another's work or property will exclude a student from this class. I expect you to take pride in all that you do and assume that others feel the same. Plagiarism is a violation of Trademark and Copyright law. You may never use any portion of any work of art created by another artist from any source (internet or otherwise) without permission of the artist. If you present another’s work as your own in any form that work is an academic violation and will receive an automatic failure. Remember, that regardless of whether you submit your portfolio to the College Board or not you are still required to submit it to me in the same format with appropriate slides, actual work, and essay responses to the Concentration questions. THE CONCENTRATION: Although I will meet with you individually on an ongoing basis throughout the year to discuss your concentration, remember to review the AP Studio Art document given to you at the beginning of the year. Also, consider our discussions on the principles of design, the fine and applied arts, style, the purpose of art in society, and the work of artists from our readings on the lives and work of artists. Your concentration proposal and work will be evaluated every critique based upon the
criteria in your proposal. Your concentration should evolve; so only in rare instances will a student need to radically change the proposal. Finally: you must remember to document the evolution of your concentration in your sketchbook for later reference and not only make verbal but also visual references to your influences from other artists and art history. Although assignments with specific intentions for learning and skill development are given by the instructor they are open ended enough for students to attempt to adapt the assignment to the concentration whenever possible. CRITIQUES: There will be no tests in the traditional sense. Test will be by critique. ATTENDANCE IS REQUIRED FOR CRITIQUES - Every student is required to participate in the critique sessions - they are the class tests and therefore no excuse other than a school sanctioned absence will be accepted. The class critique is an open forum where the instructor will not only make comments concerning technical and aesthetic problems and successes but will encourage the entire class to respond. Positive comments are most desirable because it is more valuable to learn from each other the good things that we have done as opposed to the negative. Likes and dislikes, although important, are only a small part of the class critique. All students will be encouraged to express their opinions which will be directed toward technique and aesthetics. GRADING: Works of art are graded based upon the student's effort, presentation, and time spent on the assignment. Grades are also determined by neatness, ability to follow directions, interpretation of the assignment, technique and quality of execution. Of all of these qualities other than time spent, creative risk taking - TRYING SOMETHING DIFFERENT - is the most desirable and will produce the best results. GRADING PERCENTAGES: 50%: CRITIQUES: All major class and out of class assignment. 25%: PORTFOLIO: to include quarterly portfolio, art history portfolio, final portfolio and AP portfolio. 25%: HOMEWORK: to include the sketchbook or any other minor assignment given by the instructor for completion outside of class. NO EXTRA CREDIT, except in unusual circumstances initiated by the instructor and only for students who have completed all work on time and according to directions.
DISCIPLINE: THE FREEDOM OF THE ARTROOM: All Moeller Art/Photo students enjoy a privilege that I like to call "The Freedom of the Art Room". This freedom requires a great deal of maturity and responsibility on the part of all students. Those that do not practice this maturity and responsibility will have that freedom curtailed or revoked. Mutual respect among students is required. Theft, vandalism, handling another's work without permission, or the destruction of another's work or property will exclude a student from this class. I expect you to take pride in all that you do and assume that others feel the same. The only thing that belongs in your mouth
during this class is what God or the Orthodontist put in there. As stated in the School Student Handbook, no food is to be consumed anywhere outside of the school cafeteria. KEEP YOUR GUM AND CANDY AT HOME. GUM CHEWING IS INAPPROPRIATE AT SCHOOL. ALSO, REMEMBER TO "KEEP YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELF". Chewing your fingernails, any other part of your body, clothes, pens, pen tops, paper, books, dirt, grit, desk, school property of any kind, other students, the property of other students, dried flavored or unflavored, salted or unsalted, corn, or other crunchy product; to include, dried meats, fruits, vegetables, cow, pig, lamb, or other animal product either living, dead or in suspended animation - IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED IN THIS CLASS. Persons not able to control their bodies and the actions of their bodies during class will receive a self-control training assignment for homework to assist them in overcoming their difficulty. (You will hand-write this page twice.) THIS ALSO APPLIES TO DRINKS. DO NOT BRING LIQUIDS TO CLASS. If you fear dehydration during class, consume sufficient liquids before class at one of the many cool and refreshing water fountains that abound in the hallways at Archbishop Moeller High School. Please try to relieve your body of all waste products between classes. If you need to blow your nose during class remember that this is not grade school and, no, I do not have a tissue for you, nor will I excuse you from class to go search for one. Keep a handkerchief in your pocket or a sufficient packet of tissues in your backpack.