Moeller hockey .t
- P -.'} 7
The Moeller varsity ice hockey team broke two records recently while beating Troy, 12-4, and Upper Arlington, 10-1. The team tied, then beat, the school record for most wins in a single season. The re.cord was 26 and the Crusaders improved to a record of 273-1. The team also surpassed the season record for most goals. The old mark of 187 fell to the current goal record of 207 (and counting) against their opponents this season. There are still at least four games remaining in the 1996-1997 ice hockP.v season for the Moeller souad.
HIGH SCHOOLS t.• J~ •'1'1
Girls swimming
soutlnnsl ONo Swim Cluslc (AI St. JCavlor's Keatlnt Natlterlum) Ttam Sfllldlnts (lfltr 10 ef 20 evtnlsl: 1. Anderson 314, 2. U'sUine 218. 3. Oak His 190-1/2. 4. Marlomont 140, 5. St. UrSLia 131, 6. Centorvle 109, 7. Lll<ota 82. I. Sycamore 81, 9. Beirlercreek 70, 10. Mercy 64, 11. Fa1rfleld 51, 12. Aller 48-1/2. 13. Mount Notre Dame 45, 14. Seton 42. 15. Princeton 31. 16. Klflgs 29, 11. Fairborn 20, 11. McAIMiy 11, 19.Tle Loveland, Medelra 15, 21.Tle Xenia, Wyoming 14, 23. Norf1lo man! 13, 24.Tle Milford. Badin. Wlnlon Waods 12. 21. cro ·n. 21. T1e 1nc11an Hit $p1IIGfield Calhclc Central'· 30. Mason '· 31.Tle Springfield Norlfl. ~ 6, 33.T1e Kettering F - . Turpin 4, 35.Tle Dayton O..istlan, Fenwldt. w.n1ngton t 31. ~aln 1, 39.Tle McNc:holos, L.etrnan. Miamisburg. Buller, Dayton c.rro~. BelMlornl VI/ley, St. Xovler. Roger 111co11. west Carrollan. Ross. La Salle. Talawanda, Eldlr, WahJ!His 0. 411 Ml*y Rtlay: 1. Ur...... 4:«!.09, 2. Oak His 4:06.59, l Anderson 4:01'.15, 4. St. UrSLia 4:01'.99. • FI'HStyla: 1. Pllenix (Ur...,.) 1:55.15, 2. Lyman (Seton) 1:56.18, 3. Slras· ow IUrsdlnel 1:59.0S, 4. JlrjaSa (Lakota) 1:5914. 4111ndlvlduot MHity: 1. Rye (Oak His) 4:30.11, 2. Wal<eiNm (Anderson)
4:32.41, 3. Peters lSI. UrSLial 4:34.58, 4. Ross1Mariemonll<l:42.33. 5I FI'HS!ylt: 1. - · (Ursuline) 24.57, 2. T1e Kroeger (Oak His) 24.69, 2.Tie Ran11esek CARer) 24.69, 4. Gil<lson (Lov .. laid) 25.17. •llutttrlly: 1. Mussman IUrsuilnel 59.74, 2. Ross (Mariemont) 59.!1o< ~ Tomes (Anderson) 1:00.24, 4. Garman (Madeira) l:GO.Sl. Jll lllclulrokt: I. l(r.,_ (Oak Hils) 1:00.113,2. Molnar (St. UrSLial l:OIJl, 3. Ban<s (Beavercreek) 1:01.88, 4. Vlanelo (Mar-) 1:01.99. 5tt FI'HS!yle: 1. Wal<<ham (And..san) 5:03.11, 2. Peters lSI. Ursula) 5:04.55, 3. Lyman (Seton) 5:15.44, 4. LakOI•~ (•>;ariefoon1)5:16.12. 5t lrHststrokt: 1. Kozimer (Ar1ersan) Ji.76. 2. Baley (COntervile) 33.28, 3. Tippett (CenlervDie) 33.39, 4. Holzen (Princeton) 33.62. 211 lrHstslrokt: 1. Rye (Oak Hils) 2-.22.21. 2. Mulslne IUrsUine) 2:21.02, l Ense 1St. UrsUal 2:21.82. 4. Mlrlgano 1Kif1gsl2:21.91. 211 Frttstyle Rtlay: 1. UrsuHne 1:40.19, 2. Anderson 1:40.66. 3. Oak Hils 1:42.411, 4. Marcy 1:42.11. bglt Diving a.slc AI Scott M.S. Ttam S!Mdlngs: 1. Dixie 21, 2. Hlgltllnds 21. 3. St. Henry 14. 4. Holmes 1a. 5. latH Creal< 10, 6. Scott 7.
Top Dlvtrl I. Mckenzey Murphy (Oix) 410.55 (meet record); 2. Katie Collins (Hoi) 3:92.15; l Cassie Kellermon ISih) 3:74.10.
Boys swimming SOU!Inml Ohio SWill Cllsslc
(AI St. JCavltr's Kttllng Nat~) THm SI-ts ( - 11 ef ll IYIII!s): 1. St. Xavier oiCJ6, L COnl!rvle 253, l Anderson 162. 4. Syc.,...e 93 5. Walrul Hils 88, 6. Fairfield lfi. 7. Lal<~ 8. Elder 81), 9. Oak Hills 17, 10. Sjlril!ifli Norlll 74, 11. Talewanda 6l 12. Dey( Carr,. 52. 13. Mariemont 33, lV~Ifcrd: 15.Tle Dayton Olrlstlan. Roger 111<00 : 17. Wyoming 23, 18. Winton Woods 2 19.Tle Fonwlc:k, Kettering Fairmont 20, 2 Belbrook 1.. 22.Tie Letvnan. Miami Valle 17, 2•. Ross 16, 25.Tie Princeton. Wu Carrollon 15. 21. Fairborn 14, 21. ARer 13. 29. Butter 12. 30. Miamisburg 6. 31. La Salle 5, 32.Tle Kings, McNicholas 2. 34.T1e Xenia. lndln HI, Norlhmont, Wltningtcn. T16])1n.
Badin. McAuley, Beavercreek, Mercy, C<D, Mooot Notre Dame, Springfield CaJh. olic. Madeira. Colenolfl, Tlppecance. Seton. St. Urs.Aa. Mason, Loveland. Ursuline. 411 MldltY Relay: 1. st. Xavier 3:35.06, 2. Anderson 3:43.35, 3. Centervle 3:45.17, 4. Walrul Hils 3:46.74. • FI'HStyla: 1. orenlk cst. Xavier 1 1:41.66, 2. Ccbb CCentervllel l:o15.39, l Hausladen lSI. xavier) 1:46.68, 4. Mercuroo (St. Xavier) 1:46.98. - y : 1. Gustin (St. Xevlerl 4:06.97, 2. Ketchum (Syc.,...e) o4:09.13, l Oferrl (T-anda) 4:16.73, 4. Burns (St. Xavier) 4:17.13 S41 FrMStylt: 1. Ccbb I Centerville . 21.57, 2. Gold (Cenlervllel 22.33. l Kirchner CRess) 22.56. 4. llrown (West Carroi-
ICX1)22.62. . . IIJIIIrlly: 1. Walas (St. Xavier)
51.13, 2. Rymer (Miami Valley) 54.05, l KemedY (Mar-l 54.19, 4. Llmouze
IWy~~~t: 1. Earl1arl (St. Xavier) 53.02. 2. Bldgtlt 1Leiman) 55.16. l Gollbard (Springfield North) 57.01, 4. HewIll (Lal<ola) 57.78. 5tt frHs·iylt: 1. Gustin (St. Xevler) 4:31AO. 2. K~tr:aum \.,ycl!lf'IKII"e) 4:39.26, 3. Olerrl ITalawonda) 4:5i.o5, 4. Klrt< ,..,_ denonl 4:52.69. 5I lllrHRSlrokt: 1. Herron (• enw'd. 29.91. 2 '!:"<miil' ·:entervlle) ~.GO, 3. Carter 1St. MVi..-) :10.16, 4. Spredler (Pr~c:>.::thkt: 1. Kirk (Ander501l)
'l:1l.10. 'l. H<....- {W'\111011 .......... ~ 2:12.14, 3. Fid•n (Ke:tellng Fairmont) .:12.93, 4.
Burns (>1. vavler) ~.13.33. • FI'Mitylo RelaY: 1. CenterYie 1:27.74,,2. St. Xavier 1:28.07,1 Sprir..field North 1:30.19. 4. Elder 1:32.17.
i,. ·"'
.wliton Catt~mlc .:a. . It " 3." ndS "4,. le Heights s .. •Hgjmes 6. C~pbell County 200 MEDLEY RELAY 1. Scott ......................................... 1:53.8
~: 1?~.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~:~:~
~; H e~~-~-~~-~..:::::::·.:·.::.::::.::::::: ~:~~
6. Campbell County ................... 2:15.3 200 FREESTYLE 1. Hudgens (Scott) ................... 2:02.9 2. Grg)leck !Campbell) ............ 2:10.3 3. voilineman (Scott) ............... 2:10.6 4. Howard (Scott) ..................... 2:11.1 s. Roth (Highlands) ................... 2:125 6. ·L\!Jen (Scott) ........................ 2:15.6 .:. -~;._ 2001.M. '1. 'IO!ttzger (Scott) .................... 2:12.0 7. Day (Dixie) ............................ 2:12.9 3. Vadney (Scott) ..................... 2:19.2 . "4.. 'Gas! (Dixie) ........................... 2:26.7 ..5~ Wedding (Holmes) ............... 2:29.4 6. Luken (Scott) ........................ 2:30.9
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1.
12. ... 1'i ~'_lj~!!!__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
50 FREESTYLE Frye (Scott) ............................. 25.1 Hastings (Scott) ....................... 25.2 Kriemborg (Scott) .................. 25.4 Barre (Highlands) .................... 25.8 Berger (Scott) .......................... 26.2 Lonneman (Dixie) ................... 27.4 100 FLY Hudgens (Scott) .................... 1:01.4 Day (Dixie) ............................ 1:04.7 Wedding (Holmes) ............... 1:06.3 Stephens (Highlands) ........... 1:07.1 Berger (Scott) ....................... 1:07.3 Yancey (Scott) ..................... 1:08.0 100 FREESTYLE Roth (Highlands) ..................... 56.3 Seltz (Scott) .............................. 57.0 Yancey (Scott) ........................ 59.1 Day (Dixie) ............................... 59.4 Frye (Scott) ............................. 59.5 Ahlers (Scott) ....................... 1:03.0 500 FREESTYLE Vadney (Scott) ..................... 5:50.2 Howard (Scott) ..................... 5:57.0 Veeneman (Scot!) ................ 6:11.0 Vadney (Scott) ..................... 6:28.3 Cast (Dixie) .......................... 6:34.5 Ahlers (Scott) ....................... 7:02.6 200 FREE RELAY Scott ....................................... 1:42.4
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 4. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. s. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Highlands ................................. 1:47.6 Dixie ........................................ 1:54.7 Campbell ............................... 1:55.8 Beechwood ............................. 1:59.0 Holmes ..................................... 2:03.2 100 BACKSTROKE Roth (Highlands) ................... 1:05.1 Luken (Scott) ........................ 1:08.8 Seitz (Scott) ........................... 1:10.1 Berger (Scott) ....................... 1:12.0 Alden (Scott) ......................... 1:12.0 Short !Highlands) .................. 1:12.3 100 BREASTSTROKE Metzger (Scott) .................... 1:06.9 Vadney (Scott) ..................... 1:10.0 Groneck (Campbell) ........... 1:13.0 Frye (Scott) .......................... 1:14.3 Gas! (Dixie) .......................... 1:20.2 Barre (Highlands) ................. 1:21.4 400 FREE RELAY Highlands ................................. 3:54.6 Scott ......................................... 3:58.8 Holmes ..................................... 4:41.5 Simon Kenton ......................... 4:45.5 Dixie ......................................... 5:33.0 Campbell ................................. 5:54.3
1. 2. 3. 4 s. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
POLL Notre Dame Highlands Dixie Scott Ryle Holmes 200 MEDLEY RELAY Dixie ......................................... 2:06.9 Scott ......................................... 2:07.3 Highlands ................................. 2:10.9 Ryle .......................................... 2:11.1 Notre Dame ........................... 2:12.2 Holmes ..................................... 2:15.5 200 FREESTYLE Gas! (Dixie) ............. !............. 2:12.0 Baxter (Scott) ....................... 2:14.4 Kappasser (Highlands) ....... 2:20.1 Riehle (Dixie) ......................... 2:22.2 Larkin !Scott) ....................... 2:26.1 Duke (Highlands) .................. 2:26.8 2001M Day (Dixie) ............................ 2:23.1 Isaacs (Scott) ........................ 2:24.2 Larkin !Scott) ....................... 2:38.7 Storey (Highlands) ............... 2:46.9 Isaacs (Scott) ........................ 2:54.4 Lyman (Campbell) ............... 2:54.5 50 FREESTYLE
1. 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. \.
Crawford (Highlands) ............. 28.6 Mlrreless (Highlands) ............. 28.6 Dolan (Scott) ............................ 28.7 Burris !Dixie) ........................... 28.8 Waldenmeyer (Highlands) .... 29.4 Meyers (Scott) ........................ 30.6 100 FLY Baxter (Scott) ....................... 1:05.7 Day (Dixie) ............................ 1:06.4 Isaacs (Scott) ........................ 1:12.7 Storey (Highlands) ............... 1:14.9 Crosby (Dixie) ....................... 1:20.8 Duke (Highlands) .................. 1:22.9 100 FREESTYLE Jones (Highlands) ................. 1:02.5 Mirreless (Highlands) .......... 1:04.6 Dolan (Scott) ......................... 1:04.7 Burris (Dixie) ........................ 1:05.8 Waldenmeyer (Highlands). 1:07.5 Lyman (Campbell) ............... 1:10.5 500 FREESTYLE Isaacs (Scott) ........................ 5:41.5 Gas! (Dixie) ........................... 5:41.9 Davis (Dixie) ......................... 5:42.8 Baxter (Scott) ....................... 6:03.8 Jones !Highlands) ................. 6:18.4 Kappesser (Highlands) ....... 6:25.1 200 FREESTYLE RELAY Dixie ......................................... 1:55.7
2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Highlands ................................ 1:59.7 Scott ......................................... 2:00.5 Ryle .......................................... 2:00.9 Campbell ................................. 2:03.7 Notre Dame ........................... 2:07.1 100 BACKSTROKE 1. Baxter (Scott) ....................... 1:07.4 2. Ross (Dixie) ........................... 1:12.9 3. Richie (Dixie) ......................... 1:13.5 4. Dolan (Scott) ......................... 1:15.8 5. Duke (Highlands) .................. 1:16.1 6. Broerlng (Highlands) ........... 1:18.0 100 BREASTSTROKE 1. Larkin (Scott) ....................... 1:18.5 2. Meyer (Highlands) ............... 1:18.9 3. Robe (Holmes) ...................... 1:20.0 4. Waldenmeyer (Highlands). 1:21.7 5. ·crawford (Highlands) .......... 1:23.3 6. Nelson (Campbell) ................ 1:26.0 400 FREESTYLE RELAY 1. Scott ......................................... 4:14.1 2. Dixie ......................................... 4:15.0 3. Highlands ................................. 4:21.3 4. Campbell ................................. 5:24.5 s. Holmes ..................................... 5:39.4 6. Simon Kenton ......................... 5:39.5
g~ ;!I 1•1 111 1111 Ill f't 1!1~ 1111 li ~~~ ~~~~-~~-~~~~~~~~: l;~!~--·~jr~'i··;·-r·e-·t·ft• e-;··~i~·-~·-!if. ;:~. =·-~-~i!ii=
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- '-;.;) _~ 7 POLL St. Xavier ................................. 180 Anderson .......................................... 90 Sycamore ............................................ 80 Elder ...................................................... 70 Oak Hils ................................................... 68 Fairfteld ---·-·--···-·········-.. ·-······50 Lakota ................................... - .... 40 Mntord _,...............................................30 Walnut Hils ..... _ ...............................20 Wyoming ......................................... 10 W MEDLEY RELAY St. xavier ................................... 1:36.97 Andarsoo ................................. 1:40.36 Fairfield ......................................... 1:43.88 Sycamore ................................ 1:43.97 Lakota ...................................... 1:44.19 Elder .............................................. 1:44.44 Walnut Hils .................................... 1:44.73 Talawanda ....................................'. 1:44.89 280 FREESTYLE Orenlk (St. Xavier) ...................... 1:41.66 Ketc:ht.m (Sycamore) ................. 1:43.97 Earhart (St. Xavier l .................... 1:45.08 Gustin (51. Xavier) ....................... 1:45.24 Hausladen (St. Xavier) .............. 1:46.28 Mercurio (51. Xavier) ................. 1:46.98 Kirk. (Andersoo) ..........................: 1:47.36 Ense (Oak Hils) ............................ 1:48.11
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. •·
. 280 I.M. Sctvn•dl (St. Xavier) .................... 1:55.56 (St. Xavier) .................... 1:58.81 Ketchum (Sycamore) ................. 1:59.13 Kirk (Anderson) ........................... 1:59.57 Gustin (St. Xavier) ....................... 2:80,27 Burns (St. Xavier) ........................ 2:00.36 Ciferrl (Talawanda) ..................... 2:01.46 ~anssen (Oak Hils) ...................... 2:01.74 50 FREESTYLE Olssel (Lakota) ................................ 22.32 Luhn (Roger Bacon) ....................... 22.54 Toth (St. xavier) ............................. 22.56 Kirchner (Ross) ............................... 22.56 Riebel (Fairfield) ............................. 22.67 Russo (St. Xavier) ........................... 22.82 Berling (Elder) ................................. 22.90 Murphy (51. Xavier) ....................... 22.95 D1111NG Boner (Sycamore) ..................., ... 218.40 BoMer (Elder) ................................. 209.85 Kaufman (Oak HINs) ..................... 206.65 Brogan (Sycamore) ...................... 198.05 Warden (lndionn Hill) .................... 195.90 Dangel (La Sale l ........................... 195.75 Burkman (Sycamore) .................. 17l15 Craig (Indian Hll) ........................... 144.68 100 FLY Wales (51. Xavier) .......................... 51.13 Drenlk (51. Xavier) ......................... 51.70 Earhart (St. Xavier) ....................... 53.34 Kennedy (Mariemont) ................... 53.37 ~ldl
5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Sell her (Anderson) ......................... 54.80 Sclrage (Walnut H~S) ................... 54.14 Sctvnldl (St. xavier) ....................... 54.37 Pinney (St. Xavier) ........................ 54.39 100 FREESTYLE Orenik (St. xavier) ......................... 46.84 Wales (St. Xavier) .......................... 48.20 Ketchum (Sycamore) .................... 48.54 Heyob (Elder) .................................. 48.91 Kirk (Anderson) ............................ 49.06 Hausladen (51. Xavier) .................. 49.34 Gustin (St. xavier) ......................... 49.50 Riebel (Fairfield) ............................. 49.70 500 FREESTYLE Gustin (St. Xavier) ....................... 4:37.40 Ketchum (Sycamore) ................ 4:39.26 Ciferri (Talawanda) ..................... 4:46.04 Janssen (Oak Hills) ...................... 4:50.44 Kerins (Anderson) ...................... 4:51.48 Ense (Oak Hils) ............................ 4:52.66 Kirk (Anderson) ........................... 4:52.69 Mercurio (St. Xavier) ................. 4:53.04 280 FREE RELAY St. Xavier ........................................ 1:28.07 Elder ................................................ 1:32.17 Sycamore ....................................... 1:32.47 Anderson ........................................ 1:32.94 Lakota ............................................ 1:33.37 Fairfield ........................................... 1:33.78 Mariemont ..................................... 1:34.80
8. Walnut Hills .................................... 1:34.24 100 BACKSTROKE 1. Earhart (St. Xavier) ....................... 51.77 2. Wales (St. Xavier) ........................ 52.95 3. Oferrl (Talawanda) ........................ 54.43 4. Janssen (Oak Hills) ........................ 56.25 5. Hewitt (Lakota) ............................. 56.68 6. Janszen (St. Xavier) ....................... 57.18 7. Kerins (Anderson) ........................ 57.24 8. Thomas (Elder) ............................... 57.30 100 BREASTSTROKE 1. Burns (St. xavier) ........................ 1:00.11 2. Kirk (Anderson) ........................... 1:00.25 3. Ware (Fairfield) ........................... 1:00.54 4. Dumond (Anderson) ................... 1:01.15 5.. Huber (Winton Woods) ............. 1:01.63 6. Riebel (Fairfield) .......................... 1:01.75 7. Orenik (51. Xavier) .................. 1:02.07 8. Dlssel (Lakota) ......................... 1:02.52 400 FREE RELAY 1. St. Xavier ..................................... 3:10.80 2. Anderson ...................................... 3:20.09 3. Elder ................................... 3:22.45 4. Sycamore .................................. 3:23.02 5. Fairfield ................................. 3:26.24 6. Oak Hils ................................- ... 3:26.26 7. Lakota .................................... 3:26.62 8. Wyoming .................................... 3:28.67
Girls 1. 2. l 4. 5. 6 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. l 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. l 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
POLL Andersoo ............................................ 180 Ursuline ......................................... 90 OakHils ................................................... 80 St. Ursula ..................................................70 Sycamore ................................................ 68 Princeton ............................................. 50 Mliriernont ........................................... 40 Lakota ................................................... 30 Mercy .....................................................20 Fairfield .................................................. 10 280 MEDLEY RELAY Ursuline ......................................... 1:51.40 Oak Hils ......................................... 1:53.38 Anderson ........................................ 1:53.70 St. Ursula ....................................... 1:55.09 Sycamore ......:................................ 1:56.38 Princeton ........................................ 1:56.45 Fairfield ........................................... 1:57.10 Mariemont ..................................... 1:58.08 280 FREESTYLE Wakeham (Anderson) ................ 1:53.47 Phenix (Ursuline) .......................... 1:55.85 Lyman (Seton) .............................. 1:56.42 Jarjosa (Lakota) .......................... 1:58.39 Kauscher (Andersoo) ................. 1:58.65 Seversoo (Lakota) ....................... 1:58.81 L Commons (Sycamore) ........... 1:59.44 Mangano (Kings) ......................... 1:59.61
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2.
2001M Oark (Wyoming) .......................... 2:08.33 Wakeham (Anderson) ................ 2:08.77 Rye (Oak Hils) .............................. 2:10.35 Mulshine (Ursuline) ...................... 2:10.94 Phenix (Ursuline) .......................... 2:11.85 Wakefield (Anderson) ................. 2:12.62 Peters (SI.Ursula) ....................... 2:13.01 Weithorn (McAuley) ................... 2:14.37 50 FREESTYLE Phenix (Ursuline) ............................. 24.57 Kroeger (Oak HiNs) ........................ .24.66 Wakeham (Andersoo) ................... 25.03 Lyman (Seton) ................................. 25.05 Seversoo (Lakota) ......................... 25.10 GHklson (Loveland) ......................... 25.14 L Commons (Sycamore) .............. 25.30 Waizenhofer (Mason) .................... 25.37 DIVING Dalton (Amelia) ............................. 223.90 Price (Sycamore) ....................... 217.80 Smith (Mercy) .............................. 206.80 Jolvlsoo (Seton) ............................. 204.80 Neal (Roger Bacon) ...................... 199.05 Hurst (Lakota) ............................... 198.90 Alexander (Ursuline) .................... 197.90 Rupp (St. Ursula) ........................... 196.45 100 BUTTERFLY Kane.(Anderson) ............................. 59.69 Mussman (Ursuline) ....................... 59.74
3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. l 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Ross (MariemDllll .......................... 59.86 Tomes (Anderson) ...................... 1:80.24 Garman (Madeira) ...................... 1:00.51 Genebacher (Fairfield) ............... 1:01.12 Rye (Oak Hills) .............................. 1:01.29 Boeckman (MND) ........................ 1:01.34 100 FREESTYLE Phenix (Ursuline) ............................. 54.16 Otsoo (Mariemont) ......................... 54.30 Lyman (Seton) ................................. 54.31 Severson (Lakota) .......................... 54.35 Wakeham (Andersoo) ................... 54.55 Jarjosa (Lakota) ............................. 54.66 Strasser (Ursuline) ........................ 54.77 L. Commons (Sycamore) ............. 54.97 500 FREESTYLE Wakeham (Anderson) ................ 5:02.02 Peters (St. Ursula) ....................... 5:04.55 Tomes (Anderson) ...................... 5:11.71 Register (Mariemont) ................ 5:11.74 Phenix (Ursuline) ......................... 5:12.39 Lyman (Seton) .............................. 5:1l44 Kauscher (Andersoo) ................. 5:15.17 Lakamp (Mariemont) ................. 5:16.72 280 FREESTYLE RELAY Ursuline ........................................... 1:40.19 Andersoo ........................................ 1:40.66 Oak Hills .......................................... 1:42.40 Mercy .............................................. 1:42.71 Princeton ........................................ 1:43.54
6. SycafTIOI'e ....................................... 1:43.64 7. St. Ursula ........................................ 1:43.93 8. Lakota ............................................. 1:44.11 100 BACKSTROKE 1. Kroeger (Oak Hills) ..................... 1:80.03 2. Wakeham (Andersoo) ................ 1:00.78 3. Vlanelo (Mariemont) .................. 1:01.79 4. Molnar (St. Ursula) ...................... 1:01.81 5. S. Wakefield (Andersoo) ............ 1:01.99 6. Carey (Indian Hill ......................... 1:02.05 7. Gleseker (Wyoming) .................. 1:02.84 8. Olson (Mariemont) ...................... 1:02.85 . 100 BREASTSTROKE 1. Rye (Oak Hils) .............................. 1:06.63 2. Mulshlne (Ursuline) ...................... 1:06.75 3. M. Commons (Sycamore) .......... 1:08.19 4. Janssen (Oak Hills) ...................... 1:08.33 5. Mangano (Kings) ......................... 1:09.40 6. Ense (St. Ursula) .................... 1:10.18 7. Kozlmer (Anderson) ................. 1:10.54 8. Keyes (Anderson) ............... 1:10.69 400 FREESTYLE RELAY 1. Andersoo .......................... 3:35.55 2. Ursuline .................................... 3:38.46 3. Sycamore ...................................... 3:43.26 4. Oak Hils .......................................... 3:44.91 5. Mercy .............................................. 3:46.20 6. Lakota ............................................. 3:47.20 7. St. Ursula ......................................... 3:47.43 8. Mariemont .................................... 3:48.48
200 f'reestyle Relay: 1. st. Xavier 1:31.29, 2. Elder 1:32.11, 3. Ml>eler 1:35.22. 100 Backstroke: 1. Thomas {Elder) 56.63, 2. Cron {Elder) 57.65, 3. Janszen {St. Xavier) 57.77. 100 Breaststroke: 1~ Kitko (St. Xavier) 1:02.47. 2. Comer (La Sale) 1:04.78, 3. Nenni (St. Xavier) 1:04.79. 400 Freestyle Relay: 1. Elder 3:20.98, 2. St. Xavier 3:21.53, 3. Moel!er 3;31.59.
___ __
i"' .. ~.,
,C!'Iv-,.,-r, '
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. '·
l~t: Xavier ............................................. 100 ~Anderson ............................................... 90
:r:~r&r~~.::::::::::::~-~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~
5. Oak Hils ................................................... 60 i." Fairfield ....................••.............................. 50 r. L.ikota ...................................................... 40 B. MNford ......................................................23 '·· La Salle ....................:................................ 15 I,: Walnut Hils ............................................. 13 I. ·Princeton ................................................. 13 '· 280 MEDLEY RELAY 1.: St. Xavier ........................................ 1:36.97 linderson .......... - ........................... 1:40.36
z: ..
!:t~~.~:::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: l~~:~
~~ ·~~'j'j:jiiS''::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. ::!!:~;
B. !.alawanda ...................................... 1:44B9 200 FREESTYLE 1: Orenlk (St. Xavier) ...................... 1:41.66 2. Ketchum (Sycamore> ................. 1:43.97 )."Earhart (St. Xavier) .................... 1:45.08 1. •Gustin (St. Xavier) ....................... 1:45.24 5. Hausladen (St. Xavier) ................ 1:46.28 i. .' Mercurio (St. xavier) ............... 1:46.98 7. Kirk (Anderson) ........................... 1:47.36 I,· ~rse <Oak Hils> ............................ 1:48.11
2. 3. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4.
1·- 3 u- 'l 1
200 I.M. Drenik (StXavierl. ..................... 1:55.56 Schmidt (St. Xavier) .................... 1:58.81 Ketchum (Sycamore) ................. 1:59.13 Kirk (Anderson) ........................... 1:59.57 Gustin (St. Xavier) ....................... 2:00.27 Burns (St. Xavier) ........................ 2:00.36 Oferrl (Talawanda) ..................... 2:01.46 Janssen (Oak Hils) ...................... 2:01.74 50 FREESTYLE Dlssel (Lakota) ................................ 22.18 Luhn (Roger Ba~on) ........,............•.. 22.54 Tolh (St. Xavier) ............................. 22.56 Kirchner (Ross) ............................... 22.56 Riebel (Fairfield) ............................. 22.67 Russo lSI. Xavier> ........................... 22.82 Berling (Eider) ................................:22.90 Murphy (St. Xavier) ....................... 22.95 DIVING Boner (Sycamore) ........................ 218.40 Kaufman (Oak HIHsl ..................... 213.00 Boler (Elder) .................................. 209.85 Brogan (Sycamore) ...................... 198.05 Worden (lndlann Hlnl .................... 195.90 Dangel (La Sale) ........................... 195.75 Burkman !Sycamore) .................. 173.15 Rubinstein (Sycamore) ................ 152.50 100FLY Wales (St. Xavier) .......................... 51.13 Drenlk (St. Xavier) ......................... 51.70 Earhart (St. Xavier) ....................... 53.34 Kennedy (Mariemont) ................... 53.37
5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
5ellher (Anderson) ......................... 54.00 Schrage (Walnut H•s> ................... 54.14 Schmidt (St. Xavier) ....................... 54.37 Pinney (51. Xavier) ......................... 54.39 100 FREESTYLE Drenlk (St. Xavier) ......................... 46.84 Wales (St. Xavier) .......................... 48.20 Ketchum (Sycamore) ..........•...•.•..• 48.54 Heyob (Elder) .................................. 48.91 Tolh (St. Xavier) ............................. 48.98 Kirk (Anderson) .............................. 49.06 Hausladen (St. Xavier) ................... 49.34 Gustin (St. Xavier) .......................... 49.50 500 FREESTYLE Gustin (St. Xavier) ....................... "4:37.40 Ketchum (Sycamore) ................. 4:39.26 Ciferri (Talawanda) ..................... 4:46.04 Janssen !Oak HINs) ...................... 4:50.44 Kerins (Anderson l ........, .............. 4:51.48 Ense (Oak Hils) ............................ 4:52.66 Kirk (Anderson l ........................... 4:52.69 Mercurio (St. Xavier) ................. 4:53.04 200 FREE RELAY St. Xavier ........................................ 1:28.07 Elder ................................................ 1:32.17 Sycamore ....................................... 1:32.47 Anderson ........................................ 1:32.94 Oak Hils .......................................... 1:32.95 Lakota ............................................. 1:33.37 Fairfield ........................................... 1:33.78
8. Mariemont ..................................... 1:34.00 100 BACKSTROKE 1. Earhart (St. Xavier) ....................... 51.77 2. Wales (St. Xavier) .......................... 52.95 3. aterrl (Talawanda) ......................• 54.43 4. Janssen (Oak H~s) ..............•......•.•. 56.25 5. Hewitt (Lakota) ............................. 56.68 6. Janszen (St. Xavier).:..................... 57.18 7. Koontz (Walnut HHis) ...................... 57.21 8. Kerins (Anderson) .......................... 57.24 100 BREASTSTROKE 1. Burns (St. Xavier) ........................ 1:00.11 2. Kirk (Anderson) ........................... 1:00.25 3. Ware !Fairfield) ........................... 1:00.54 4. Dumond (Anderson) .................... 1:01.15 5. Huber (Winton Woods) ............... 1:01.63 6. Riebel (Fairfield) .......................... 1:01.75 7. Drenlk (St. Xavier) ...................... 1:02.07 8. Dlssel (Lakota) ............................. 1:02.52 400 FREE RELAY 1. St. Xavier ........................................ 3:10.80 2. Anderson ........................................ 3:20.09 3. Elder ................................................ 3:22.45 4. Sycamore ....................................... 3:23.02 5. Oak HiUs ..........................................· 3:25.06 6. Fairfield ........................................... 3:26.24 7. Lakota ............................................. 3:26.62 8. Wyoming ......................................... 3:28.67
1. 2. 3. 4 5. 6. 6. 8. 9.
10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
POLL Anderson ............................................... 100 Ursuline .................................................... 90 St. Ursula .......................•.•...........•.......•...80 Princeton ................................................. 65 Sycamore ................................................ 50 Oak Hils ................................................... 35 Mariemont .............................................. 35 Lakota ...................................................... 30 Mercy .......................................................20 Fairfield .................................................... 15 200 MEDLEY RELAY Ursllne .............................................. 1:51.40 Oak Hils .......................................... 1:53.38 Anderson ........................................ 1:53.70 St. Ursula ......................................... 1:55.09 Sycamore ....................................... 1:56.38 Princeton ........................................ 1:56.45 Fairfield ........................................... 1:57.10 Mariemont ..................................... 1:58.08 200 FREESTYLE Wakeham (Anderson) ................ 1:53.47 Phenix (Ursuline) .......................... 1:55.85 Lyman (5eton) .............................. 1:56.42 Jarjosa (Lakota) .......................... 1:58.30 Kauscher !Anderson) .................. 1:58.65 severson (Lakota) ....................... 1:58.81 L. Commons (Sycamore) ........... 1:59.44 Mangano (Kings) .......................... 1:59.61 2001M
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3.
Wakeham (Anderson) ................ 2:08.77 Rye (Oak Hils) ...•..•....................... 2:10.35 Mulshlne (Ursuline) ...................... 2:10.94 Phenix (UrsuHnel .......................... 2:11.85 Wakefield (Anderson) ................. 2:12.62 Peters (St. Ursula) ....................... 2:13.01 Wellhorn (McAuley) ................... 2:14.37 Tomes (Anderson) ...................... 2:14.97 50 FREESTYLE Phenix (Ursuline) ............................. 24.57 Kroeger (Oak Hills) ......................... 24.66 Wakeham (Anderson) ................... 25.03 Lyman (5eton) ................................. 25.05 Severson (Lakota) .......................... 25.10 Gilkison (Loveland) ......................... 25.14 L Commons (Sycamore) .............. 25.30 Walzenhofer (Mason) .................... 25.37 DIVING Dalton (AmeNa) ............................. 223.90 Price !Sycamore) ......................... 217.80 Lynch (Sycamore) ........................ 207.30 Smith (Mercy) ............................... 206.00 Johnson (5etonl ............................. 204.80 , Neal (Roger Bacon) ...................... 199.05 Hurst (Lakota) ............................... 198.90 Alexander (Ursuline) .................... 197.90 100FLY Kane (Anderson) ............................. 59.69 Mussman (Ursuline) ....................... 59.74 Ross (Mariemont) .......................... 59.86
4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Tomes (Anderson> ...................... 1:00.24 Garman (Madeira> ...................... 1:00.51 Genebacher (Fairfield) ............... 1:01.12 Rye !Oak Hills) ......•.•..................... 1:01.29 Boeckman (MND) ........................ 1:01.34 100 FREESTYLE Phenix (Ursuline) .........................••.. 54.16 Olson (Mariemont) ......................... 54.30 Lyman !Seton> .............................••.. 54.31 5everson (Lakota) .......................... 54.31 Jarjosa (Lakota) ............................. 54.35 Wakeham (Anderson) ................... 54.55 Strasser. !Ursuline) ......................... 54.77 L. Commons (Sycamore> .............. 54.97 500 FREESTYLE Wakeham (Anderson) ................ 5:02.02 Peters (St. Ursula) ....................... 5:04.55 Tomes (Anderson) ...................... 5:11.71 Register (Mariemont) ................ 5:11.74 Phenix (Ursuline) .......................... 5:12.39 Lyman (5elonl .............................. 5:13.44 Kauscher (Anderson> .................. 5:15.17 Lakamp (Mariemont) ................. 5:16.72 200 FREESTYLE RELAY Ursuline ........................................... 1:40.19 Anderson ........................................ 1:40.66 Mercy .............................................. 1:42.71 Princeton ........................................ 1:43.54 Sycamore ....................................... 1:43.64 St. Ursula ......................................... 1:43.93
7. Lakota ............................................. 1:44. 8. Mariemont ..................................... 1:44. 100 BACKSTROKE 1. Kroeger !Oak HiHs) ...................... 1:00. 2. Wakeham !Anderson) ................ 1:00. 3. Vianello (Mariemont) ................. 1:01. 4. Molnar (St. Ursula) ...................... 1:01. 5. S. Wakefield !Anderson) ....•....... 1:01. 6. carey !Indian Hill ......................... 1:02. 7. Gieseker (Wyoming) ................... 1:02. 8. Olson (Mariemont) ...................... 1:02. 100 BREASTSTROKE 1. Rye !Oak Hils> .............................. 1:06. 2. Mulshine (Ursuline) ...................... 1:06. 3. M. Commons (Sycamore) .......... 1:01. 4. Janssen (Oak HiHs) ...................... 1:08. 5. Mangano (Kings> .......................... 1:09. 6. Ense (St. Ursula) .......................... 1:10. 7. Kozlmer (Anderson) .................... 1:10. 8. Keyes (Anderson) ........................ 1:10.• 400 FREESTYLE RELAY 1. Anderson ........................................ 3:35.: 2. Ursuline ........................................... 3:38.· 3. Sycamore ....................................... 3:43.: 4. Mercy .............................................. 3:46.: 5. Lakota ............................................. 3:47.: 6. St. Ursula ......................................... 3:47 .• 7. Mariemont ..................................... 3:48.• 8. Princeton ........................................ 3:49.•
Girls swimming .~jrls Greattr Cincinnati League ~ · ·· (AI Keating Natatorium) ..T.eam Standings Scarlet Division: 1. Ursuline 347, 2. Mercy 269, 3. McAuley 211, . 4. SeiGn 188, s. Mount Notre Dame 152. Event Wlnntrs 290 Medley Relay: 1. Ursuline 1:54.17, 2. McAuley 1:58.80, 3. Mount Notre Dame 1:59.73. 200 Freestyle: 1. Lyman (Seton J 1:58.16; 2. Hildebrand (Mercy) 2:02.47, 3. Griftilb (Mercy) 2:04.77. 100 Individual Medley: 1. Halle (Ur· suli"" J 2:16.65, 2. Mussman (Ursuline J 2:17.28;·3. Wielhorn (McAuley) 2:18.93. , ~ Freestyle: 1. Griffith (Mercy J 25.54, 2. Sander (Mercy) 25.56, 3. Strasser IUrsliKneJ 25.59. \00 Freestyle: 1. Halle (Ursuline J 55.32, Z. Hildebrand (Mercy) 55.82, 3. Hin· richs (McAuley) 56. 10. Diving: Johnson (Seton 166.95, 2. AI· exander (Ursuline) 156.335, 3. Wiliams (Seton) U8.05. ·500 Freestyle: 1. Lyman (Seton) 5:15.01. 2. Wielhorn (McAuley) 5:28.34, 3. Smith (Ursuline) 5:35.0. 100 Butterfly: 1. Phenix (Ursuline) 59.83, • 2. Mulshine (Ursuline) 1:01.39, 3. San~tr (Mercy·) 1:01.63. 200 Freestyle Relay: 1. Ursuline 1:41,~7, 2. Mercy 1:42.05, 3. Seton 1:46.36 . •100 Backstroke: 1. Mulshine ( Ursu· liner 1:02.43, 2. Taylor (Mount Notre Dame) 1:02.98, 3. Hinrichs (McAuley) 1:03,41. . 100 Breaststroke: 1. Phenix I Ursuline J 1:11.n, 2. Hauser (Mount Notre Dame) 1:13.85, 3. Kail (Ursuline) 1:14.46. 400 Freestyle Relay: 1. Ursuline 3:42.41, 2. Mercy 3:44.73, 3. McAuley 3:53.19. Team Standings Gray Division: 1. St. urswr&•325, 2. Roger Bacon 306, 3. Badin 231, 4. MCNicholas 182, 5. Purcell Marian 30. :~
Event Winners
290 MedleY Relay: 1. Roger Bacon 2:04.93, 2. St. Ursula 2:07.79, 3, McNicholas 2:10.89. 200 Freestyle: 1. Haner 1St. Ursula) 2:14.~ 2. Lilley (Roger Bacon) 2:17.09, 3. 1 Steiger (Badin) 2:23.12. ~ Individual Medley: 1. Helmers (Badin) 2:15.4, 2. Waldbillig (Roger Bacon) 2:244\,3. Seizer (McNicholas) 2:27.13. 50 Freestyle: 1. ·Fotz (Roger Bacon J 27.74, ,a. Linz (St. Ursula) 28.24, 3. Miler (Roger Bacon) 28.86. 100 Freestyle: 1. Folz (Roger Bacon) 1:00.30, 2. Dyment (McNicholas) 1:03.87, 3. Evans (St. Ursula) 1:05.05. · •Diving: 1. Rupp lSI. Ursula) 112.15, 2. Neal !Roger Bacon) 166.85, 3. Hesch (Pur· ceil M~flan) 133.30. 508. Freestyle: 1. Schrimpf (St. ursu, Ia) 3:Jl.60, 2. steiger IBadir\l 6:10.36, 3. Hutchinson !McNicholas) 6:18.66. 100 Bulttrlly: 1. Helmers (Badin J 1:02.94, 2. Seizer (McNicholas) 1:04.70, 3. waldbulio !Roger Bacon) 1:05.22. ·~-Freestyle Relay: 1. McNicholas 1:56.19, 2. Badin 1:56.96, 3. St. Ursula 1:57.27. 100 Backstroke: 1. Lilley (Roger Ba· con) 1:07.85, 2. McGoldrick (Badin) 1:10.03, 3. Raglaod lSI. Ursula) 1:11.95. lOll Breaststroke: 1. lmwalle IS!. Ur· sula) 1<17.77, 2. Mangold (St. Ursula) 1:18.0, 3. Mense (Badin) 1:18.52. ~ ~ .· Norwood 129, Reading 26 ~(i()MR-Norwood 2:18.93, 200FSBrigllf.' (NJ 2:25.60, 2001M-Susan Hammon<! ,lNJ 2:42.45, SOFS-Michelle Ham. mOiid (N) 29.55, 100Fiy-Smallwood (N) 1:14.30, 100FS-Bolan (N) 1:05.15, SOOFSBolan (NJ 6:26.50, 200FSR-Norwood 2:0l.allt 100Back-Susan Hammond (N) 1:18.40, 100Breasi-Smalwood IN) 1:22.84,
;;;;~:::~rnai:).l1] Greathtr catholic League (A I Keating Natatorium) Team Standings North Division: 1. Rogj![,Bacon 401, 2. Alter 244, 3. Badin 185, 4. McNicholas 133, s. Chaminade Julienne
m::: .
• •" 1 Event Winners 290 Medley Relay: 1. Roger Bacon 1:53Bii 2. Kettering Aller 1:54.33, 3. Hamil· ton Badin 1:58.53. 290 Freestyle: M. Gruenwald (Aller) 1:49.46, 2. Emerson (Roger Bacon) 2:00.62, 3. A. Gruenwald IAHer) 2:00.75. 200 Individual Medley: 1. Brewster (Roger Bacon) 2:16.14, 2. Kohlman (Roger Bacon) 2:17.54, 3. Scott (McNicholas! 2:18.90. 50 Freestyle: 1. Luhn (Roger Bacon) 22.4f, ·i. Nicholas (Aller) 24.32, 3. Hunt !Rouer Bacon) 24.56. , Diving: 1. Mignery (Badin! 107.05, 2. Hunt (Roger Bacon J 93.80, 3. Behler ( Rog· erBacon) 89.25. : 1GO Freestyle: 1. Luhn (Roger Bcon) 50.15, 2. Hun! !Roger Bacon) 54.45, 3. Nicholas! (Aller) 54.76. ' 500 Freestyle: 1. Gruenewald (Aller)' -1:59!91, 2. McFal (C·J) 5:10.10, 3. Emerson 'Roller Bacon) 5:37.61. 100 Butterfly: 1. Brewster (Roger Ba· conl 59.27: 2. Feichtner !Roger Bacon! 1:0310, 3. K1hm (Badin! 1:03.67. 290 Freestyle Relay: 1. Roger Bacon 1 1:3Sj87, 2. Aller 1:37.08. 3. C·J 1:44.47. 1 100 Backstroke: 1. Gruenwald (Aller) 1:03172, 2. Kohlman (Roger Bacon) 1:04.88, 3. Feichlner (Roger Bacon) 1:06.83. , 100 Breaststroke: 1. Scott ( McNicholas), 1:08.78, 2. Herzog (Alter! 1:08.87, 3. Mcl'an IC·JJ 1:09.72. '400 Freestyle Relay: 1. Roger Bacon 3L32.88, 2. Gruenwald (Aller) 3:38.79, 3. Becker (Badin! 4:13.57. Standings South Division: 1. Sf. XaVjer 370, 2. Elder 350, 3. La Salle 183, 4. M~ller 153.
nain j
Event Winners
i 290 Medley Relay: 1. Elder 1:42.83, 2. Sf. Xavier 1:43.52, 3. La SaUe 1;45.92. , 200 Freestyle: 1. Heyob I Elder! 1:46>29, 2. Re (Elder) 1:51.18, 3. Ransenberg (St.oXavierJ 1:52.64. • 290 Individual Medley: 1. Janszen (St.' Xavier) 2:04.15, 2. Nenni (sf. Xavier) 2:07!03, 3. McHugh (Moeller) 2:07.93. ' 58 Freestyle: 1. Ivers (St. Xavier) 22.8l. 2. Berling (Elder) 23.17, 3. Alexander (St. 1XavierJ 23.58. · 'Diving: 1. Maggio (St. Xavier) 284.50. 2. B~ller (Elder! 158.70, 3. Dangei9La sane J 136.]5. , 100 Free'style: 1. Heyob (Elder J 48.62, 2. l'l'!rs (Sf. Xavier! 49.50, 3. Hosliuck (Sf. XaYIJef) 49. 96. , 500 Freestyle: 2. Tepe (St. Xavier! 5:01,60, 3. McHugh (Moeller) 5:06.96. 1100 IWiterfly: 1. Thomas Elder J 54.73, 2. Rensenberg (Sf. Xavier J 55.56, 3. Crowe (Elder) 57.13.
SWIMMING HONOR ROLL Boys 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B. i. ~.
Z. 3. I. ). I.
POLL Sf. Xavier ............................................... 100 Anderson ................................................. 90 Sycamore ................................................ 76 Eider ......................................................... 73 0111< Hils ................................................... 60 Milford ................. c.................................... 41 Fairfield ...........................: ........................ 36 Lakota ..................................................... 21 La Salle .................................................... 20 Princeton ................................................ 15 200 MEDLEY RELAY St. Xavier ........................................ 1:36.97 Anderson ........................................ 1:40.36 Elder ................................................ I:42.83 Fairfield .......................................... 1:43.88 Sycamore ....................................... 1:43.97 Lakota ............................................. 1:44.12 Walnut Hils ..................................... 1:44.73 Talawanda ...................................... 1:44.89 200 FREESTYLE Orenik (St. Xavier) ..................... 1:41.66 Ketchum (Sycamore) ................. 1:43.97 Earhart (St. Xavier) .................... 1:45.08 Gustin est. Xavier) ....................... 1:45.24 Kirk (Anderson) ........................... 1:46.41 Heyob (Elder) ............................... I:46A3 Hausladen lSI. Xavier) ................ 1:46.68 Mercurio lSI. Xavier) ................. 1:46.98
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. l 5. 6. 7. B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3.
200t.M. Orenik (St. Xavier) ...................... 1:55.56 Ketchum (Sycamore) ................. 1:57.15 Kirk (Anderson) ........................... 1:58.21 Schmidt (St. Xavier) .................... 1:58.81 Gustin 1St. Xavier J ....................... 2:00.27 Burns lSI. Xavier) ........................ 2:00.36 Clferri (Taiawanda) ..................... 2:01.46 Janssen (Oak Hils) ...................... 2:01.74 SO FREESTYLE Disset (Lakota) ................................ 22.18 Luhn (Roger Bacon) ....................... 22.44 Toth lSI. Xavier) ............................. 22.56 Kirchner CRoss) ............................... 22.56 Riebel (Fairfield) ............................. 22.67 Russo (St. Xavier) ........................... 22.82 Ivers lSI. Xavier) ............................ 22.84 Danner (Sycamore) ........................ 22.90 DIVING Maggio (St. Xavier) ...................... 284.SO Warden (Indian Hill) ...................... 259.10 Boner (Sycamore) ........................ 218.40 Kaufman (Oak Hills) ..................... 213.00 Bo\4er (Elder) .................................. 209.85 Brogan (Sycamore) ...................... 198.05 Dangel (La Saie) ........................... 195.75 Burkman (Sycamore) .................. 173.15 100 FLY Wales est. Xavier) .......................... 51.13 Drenik (St. Xavier) ......................... 51.70 Earhart (St. Xavier) ....................... 53.34
4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Kennedy (Mariemont J ................... 53.37 Seither (Anderson) ......................... 54.00 Schrage (Walnut Hills) ................... 54.14 Schmidt (St. Xavier) ....................... 54.37 Pinney (St. Xavier) ......................... 54.39 100 FREESTYLE Drenik (St. Xavier) ......................... 46.84 Wales (St. Xavier) ................,......... 48.20 Ketchum (Sycamore) .................... 48.54 Heyob 1Elder J .................................. 48.62 Toth est. Xavier) ............................. 48.98 Kirk (Aooerson) .............................. 49.06 Hausladen (St. Xavier) ................... 49.34 Gustin (St. Xavier) .......................... 49.SO
Gustin ........... Ketchum (Sycamore J ................. 4:37.73 Oferrl (Tatawanda) ..................... 4:46.04 Janssen (Oak Hills) ...................... 4:50.44 Kerins (Anderson) ....................... 4:51.48 Ense 1Oak Hils J ............................ 4:52.66 Kirk (Anderson) ........................... 4:52.69 Mercurio est. Xavier) ................. 4:53.04 200 FREE RELAY St. Xavier ........................................ 1:28.07 Sycamore ....................................... 1:31.64 Elder ................................................ I:32.11 Anderson ........................................ 1:32.94 Mariemont ..................................... 1:32.94 Oak Hils: ......................................... 1:32.95
7. Lakota .......................,..................... 1:33.37 B. Fairfield ........................................... I :33.78 100 BACKSTROKE I. Earhart (St. Xavier) ....................... 51.77 2. Wales (St. Xavier) .......................... 52.95 3. Oferri (Talawanda) ........................ 54.43 4. Janssen (Oak H~s) .......................... 56.25 5. Kirk (Anderson) .............................. 56.38 6. Seither (Anderson) ......................... 56.SO 7. Thomas (Elder) ............................... 56.63 8. Hewitt (Lakota) .............................. 56.68 100 BREASTSTROKE 1. Burns (St. Xavier) ........................ 1:00.11 2. Kirk (Anderson) ........................... 1:00.25 3. Dumond (Anderson) .................... 1:00.31 4. Ware (Fairfield) ........................... 1:00.48 5. Riebel (Fairfield) .......................... 1:01.61 6. Huber (Winton Woods) ............... 1:01.63 7. Drenik (St. Xavier) ...................... 1:02.07 B. Kitko (St. Xavier) ......................... 1:02.47 400 FREE RELAY 1. St. Xavier ........................................ 3:10.80 2. Anderson ........................................ 3:20.09 3. Sycamore ....................................... 3:20.44 4. Elder ................................................ 3:20.98 5. Lakota ............................................. 3:22.67 6. Oak Hifls .......................................... 3:25.06 7. Fairfield ...................."..................... 3:26.24 8. Wyonning ......................................... 3:28.67
Girls 1. 2. 3. 4 5. 6. 7. B. 9. 10. 1. 2. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. B.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 6. B.
POLL Anderson ............................................... 100 Ursuline .................................................... 90 Oak Hils ................................................... 80 St. Ursula .................................................63 Sycamore ................................................ 58 Mariemont .............................................. 48 Princeton ................................................. 41 Lakota ...................................................... 30 Mercy ....................................................... 23 Fairfield ................................................... 10 200 MEDLEY RELAY UrSuline ........................................... 1:51.40 Oak Hils .......................................... 1:53.38 Anderson ........................................ 1:53.38 Sycamore ....................................... 1:54.SO St. Ursula ......................................... 1:55.09 Princeton ........................................ 1:56.45 Fairfield ........................................... 1:57.10 Mariemont ..................................... 1:57.39 200 FREESTYLE Wakeham CAooersonJ ................ 1:53.47 Phenix (Ursuline) .......................... 1:55.85 Lyman (Seton) .............................. 1:56.42 Jarjosa (Lakota) .......................... 1:58.30 Peters est. Ursula) ....................... 1:58.31 Kauscher (Anderson) .................. 1:58.65 Strasser (Ursuline) ...................... 1:58.65 Meyers (Winton Woods) ............ 1:58.68
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2.
200 IM Wakeham (Anderson) ................ 2:08.77 Rye (Oak Hills) .............................. 2:10.35 Mulshine (Ursuline) ...................... 2:10.94 Phenix (Ursuline) .......................... 2:11.14 Wakefield (Anderson) ................. 2:12.62 Peters (St. Ursula) ....................... 2:13.01 Welthorn (McAuley) ................... 2:14.37 Mussman (Ursuline) .................... 2:14.49 SO FREESTYLE Phenix (Ursuline) ............................. 24.57 Kroeger (Oak Hills) ......................... 24.66 Wakeham (Anderson) ................... 24.94 Lyman (Seton)· ................................. 25.05 Severson CLIII<otaJ .......................... 25.10 Gilkison (Loveland) ......................... 25.14 L. Connmons (Sycamore) .............. 25.30 Waizenhofer lMasonJ .................... 25.37 DIVING Fusaro (Anderson) ....................... 227.90 Dalton (AmeHaJ ............................ 223.90 Price (Sycamore) ......................... 217.80 Lynch (Sycamore) ........................ 207.30 Smith (Mercy J ............................... 206.00 Johnson (Seton) ............................. 204.80 Neal (Roger Bacon) ...................... 199.05 Hursl (Lakota) ............................... 198.90 100 FLY Kane (Anderson) ............................. 59.10 Ross (Mariemont) .......................... 59.46
3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 4. 6. 7. B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Mussman (Ursuline) ....................... 59.74 Phenix (Ursuline) ............................. 59.83 Tornes (Anderson) ...................... 1:00.24 Garman (Madeira) ...................... 1:00.51 Genebacher (Fairfield) ............... 1:01.12 Ranz (St. Ursula) ......................... 1:01.14 100 FREESTYLE Wakeham (Anderson) ................... 52.85 Phenix (Ursuline) ............................. 54.16 Olson (Mariemont) ......................... 54.30 Severson (Lakota) .......................... 54.31 Lyman (Seton) ................................. 54.31 Jartosa (Lakota) ............................. 54.35 Strasser (Ursuline) ......................... 54.77 L. Commons (Sycamore) .............. 54.96 SOD FREESTYLE Wakeham (Anderson) ................ 5:02.02 Peters (St. Ursula) ....................... 5:0455 Tomes (Anderson) ...................... 5:11.71 Register (Mariemont) ................ 5:11.74 Phenix (Ursuline) .......................... 5:12.39 Lyman (Seton) .............................. 5:13.44 Lal<amp (Mariemont) ................. 5:14.85 Kauscher (Anderson) .................. 5:15.17 200 FREESTYLE RELAY Ursuline ........................................... I:40.19 Anderson ........................................ 1:40.66 Mercy .............................................. 1:42.05 Lakota ............................................. 1:42.97 Princeton ........................................ 1:43.54
6. Sycamore ....................................... 1:43.64 7. St. Ursula ......................................... 1:43.93 8. Mariemont ..................................... 1:44.68 100 BACKSTROKE 1. Kroeger {Oak HiNsJ ...................... 1:00.03 2. Wakeham (Anderson) ................ 1:00.78 3. Vianelo (Mariemont) .................. 1:00.86 4. Molnar (St. Ursula) ...................... ~:01.81 5. S. Wakefield (Anderson) ............ 1:01.99 6. Carey (Indian H~J ......................... 1:02.05 7.. Mulshine (Ursuline) ...................... 1:02.43· 8. O'Hara (Lakota) ........................... 1:02.62 100 BREASTSTROKE 1. Rye (Oak Hils) ......,....................... 1:06.63 2. Mulshine (Ursuline) ...................... 1:06.75 3. M. Connmons (Sycamore) .......... 1:07.06 4. Janssen COlli< HiNsJ ...................... 1:08.33 5. Mangano (Kings) .......................... 1:09.40 6. Ense (St. Ursula) .......................... 1:10.18 7. Kozimer (Anderson) .................... 1:1054 8. Keyes (Anderson) ........................ 1:10.69 400 FREESTYLE RELAY 1. Anderson ........................................ 3:35.55 2. Ursuline ........................................... 3:38.46 3. Sycamore ....................................... 3:43.26 4. Mercy .............................................. 3:44.73 5. Lal<ota ............................................. 3:45.34 6. St. Ursula ......................................... 3:47.43 7. Mariemont ..................................... 3:48.48 8. Princeton ........................................ 3:48.82
Girls Swimming State Qualifiers !Top qualifier and alf locals)
50 Freestyle: 1. Erin Phenix, Ursuline (24.06); 9. Lindsey Commons
24.38; 13. Lindsey Kroeger (Oak Hills) 24.50; 16. Kate Severson I Lakota) 24.65; 21. Emily Gilkison (Loveland) 24.76; 24. Lauren Griffith (Mercy 1 24.84.
200 Individual Medley: 1. MicheKe Thomas {Gates MiMs Hawken) 2:05.78; 2. Barb Mulshine (Ursuline) 2:07.06; 3. Trlcia
Rye {Oak HDisl 2:07.18; 5. Abby Wakeham (Anderson) 2:08.00; 7. Casey Mangaoo I Kings I 2:08.44; 8. Jen Peters I St. Ur$Uial 2:08.65, 10. ManrJy Commons (Sycamore) 2:09.09, 12. Stephcrlie Wakefiekl (Anderson) 2.09.58; 15. Molly Wiethorn (McAu· ley) 2:10.72; 19. Kim Ense 1St. Ursula) 2:11.64; 20. Becca Vianello (Mariemont)
200 Freestyle: I. Lacey Ullman (Bowling Green) 1:52.54; <1. Jennifer Jar jose (Lakota) 1:54.20; 9 Meredith Olson (Mariemont) 1:55.43; 10. Megan Strasser {Ursuline) 1:55.73; 11. Sarah Keyes (Anderson) 1:55.75; 11 Carrie Reg1ster mont) 1:55.75; 15. Heather Myers Woods) 1:55.97; 17. Kelly Huizenga son) 1:56.28; 19_ Jenny Lyman
(Marie(Winton (Ander(seton)
200 Medley Relay: 1. Gates Mills Hawken 1:46.48; 5. Ursuline 1:50.29; 7. Oak Hms 1:50.82; 8. Anderson 1:51.60; 10. Syca· more 1:51.74: 11. Mariemont 1:52.34; 22. Fairfield 1:54.30; 24. Princeton 1:54.36. 200 Butterfly: 1. Efizabelh Sheffer (Akron Firestone) 57.0; 3. Leah Ross (Mariemont) 57.59; 5. Jenny Garman (Mader· ia) 58.39;6. Lee Mussman (Ursuline) 58.41; 7. Emily Tomes (Anderson) S8.76: 8. Shannon Thomas (CCD} 59.07; 9. Jeooifer Kane (Anderson) 59.09; 11. Jamie Borckman (MND) 59.38; 15. Kendra Genebacher (Fairfield) 59.63; 18. Knstin Sander (Mercy) 59.76; 20. Pam Chelle l Centerville) 59.80; 21. Robin Ranz (St. Ursula) 59.82. 100 Fr&es tyl~: I. Erin Phenix ( ursuline) 52.23; 6. ( 337) Megan Str~sser (UrsuUne) 53.11; 8. Colleen Rambasek (Alter) 53.15; 9. Lindsey Commons (Sycamore) 53.23; 10. Jennifer Jarjosa (Lakota) 53.36; 11. Jenny Lyman (Seton) 53.39; 13. Lindsey Kroeger (Oak Hills) 53.45; 23. Lauren Griffith (Mercy I 54.04. 500 Freestyle: 1. Erica Rose (Gates MiHes Hawkens) .&:53.45; 3. Abby W~ke hem (Anderson! 5~1.06; 4. Jen Peters lSI. Ursula) 5:03.66; 8. Carrie Register (Mariemont) 5:08.09; 9. Emily Kauscher (Anderson) 5:08.50; 10. Leslie Lakamp (Mariemont) 5:08.80; 12. Meredith Olson (Mariemont) 5:08.89; 13. Angela wakefield l Anderson) 5:09.69; 19. Shannon Thomas ICCDI 5:11 44; 20. Beth Phillips (Fairfield) 5:11.51; 21. HiUary Strong (Turpin) 5:12.31. Diving: 1. Shannon Dunlap (Mayfield) 489.50; 2. Nicci Fusaro (Anderson) 456.20; 13. Taylor Lynch (Sycamore) 408.45; 21. Amelia Price (Sycamore) 368.60; 23. Jenny Hurst (Lakota) 353.20; 24. Stacy Smith I Mercy I 336.80. 200 Freestyle Relay: 1. Ursuline 1:38.29, 8. Lakota 1:40.26; 9. Princeton 1.40.63, 11. Centervile 1:40.72; 12. Anderson 1.40,82; 17. Oak Hills 1:41.26; 19. Aller U1.45; 24. Mercy 1:41.99. 100 Backstroke: 1. Michelle Thomas {Gates MiNes Hawken) 56.64; 6. Stephanie Nakefield (Anderson) 59.11; 10. Becca VianeHo (Mariemont) 59.73; 11. Erin M~nar ~St. Ursula) 59.92; 13. Beth Phillips (Fair'lekl) 1:00.02. lOO Breaststroke: 1. Barb MuiShine Ursuline) 1:04.36; 2. Mandy commons ! Sycamore) 1:04.54; 4. Tricia Rye (Oak Hills) 1:05.87; 10. Cosey Mangano (Kings) 7;06.63; 11. Deborah Janssen !Oak Hils) 1:06.75; 17. Kim Ense I St. Ursula) 1:07.71. 400 Freestyle Relay; 1. Ursuline 134.73; 4. Anderson 3:37.80; 6. Lakota 138.71; 9. Sycamore 3:39.46; 12. Mariemont 3".40.27; 14. Sl Ursula 3:40.64; 15. Mercy 3\4 1.32; 17. Fairfield 3:42.82; 19. Princeton h12.97; 20. Alter 3:43.84; 23. Centerville
~~~s Swimii,·rn~ 7 ~')1 State Qualifiers (Top qualifier and all locals)
200 Individual Medley: 1. Mark 5eidman (Gates Mils Hawken) 1:52..&2; 7. Brink Cif<erri (ToliawMda) 1:55.57; 9. Brian Janssen (Oak Hms) 1:55.85; 10. John Kirk (Andl!"son) 1:56.06; 15. Brett Bll"ns (St. Xavier 1~.96; 16. John Kerins (Anderson) 1:57.25; 17. Ber Schmidt 1St. Xavier) 1:57.33; 18. Milrk Riebel (Fairfield) 1:57.56; 21. Tom t-mer (Winton Woods) 1:58.01; 22. Olris lllrllam (Anderson) 1:58.42. 200 Freestyle: I. Malt Drenik 1St. Xa'Wierl 1:41.26; 3. Dan Ketchum {Sycamcre) 1:42.36; 6. Reid Gustin (St. Xavier) J-4~·.61; 8. David HauSiaden (St. X~vier) 1:C.98; 12. Chris Mercurio (St. Xavier) 1:44.82; 13. Eric Foster (Anderson) 1:44.94; 16. Matt Ense (Oak Hills) 1:45.16; 17. Ryan Heyob (Elder) 1:45.30; 22. Jeff AHeberry IAOO.rsonl 1:45.87. 200 Medley Relay: I. Shaker Heighfs 1:35-:96; 3. Anderson 1:37.32; 4. St Xavier 1:37:16; 10. Elder 1:38.96; 19. Centerville 1:40.:47; 21. Walnut Hills 1:40.57; 24. Fairfield 1·40.'10. 100 8UftiH'fly: 1. Kevin Evans (WestervVIe North) 5(]_00, 3. Craig Wales (St. Xav~er), .&. Joe Seither (Anderson) 51.78, 8. John Umouze (Wyoming) 52..&9, 11. Greg Thonas I Elder I 52.60, 15. Nate Finney 1St. X~vier) 52.76, 16. Ryan Earnart (St. Xavier) 52.78, 18. Forest Keooedy (Mariemont) 53.05. 100 Frtestyle: 1. Jasoo Cobb (CenterVIfle) 46.17, 2. Matt Drenik {St. Xavier) 46.39, 9. Louis Dissel (Lakota) 46.34, 10. Rob Toth (St. Xav1er) 47.65, 12. Davis Hausl:tden (Sf. Xavier) 47.75, 13. Ryan Heyoo (Bderl 47.99, 18. Jeff Luhn (Roger Baco,,) 8.08. Diving: Andy M&ggio (St. Xavier), Karl Warden {Indian Hill), Andy Straus (Tala11Yandal, Mike Kaufman (Oak Hills), Chris 3oner (Sycamore). 511 Freestyle: 1. Jason Cobb (Centerville) :1>.90; 11. Louis Dissel (Lakota) 21.58; 13. T.1m Murphy (Sf Xavier) 21.59; 19. Matt Kirr:h~r (Ross) 21.78; 21. Rob Toth (St Xaviel) 21.81. SilO Freestyle: 1. Jimmy PlAin (Gates Miiles Hawken) 4:33.28; 2. Dan Ketchum ISycanore) 4:34.24: J. Reid Gustin lSI. Xavier) -4:35.16i 6. Brian Janssen (Oak Hill5-) -d7.71; I. Eric Foster (Anderson) 4:39.93, 9. Matt Ense !Oak Hills) 4:40.23; 13. Brink Ciferri (Talawanda) 4:42.57; 15. John Kerins (Anderson) 4:42.75; 20. Jeff AHeberry tAnderson) 4:45.54. 2Dil Freestyle R&lay: 1. C€nfervile 1:25.21; 5. St. Xavier 1:27.34; 14. Elder 1:29.22, 15. Anderson 1:29.23; 16. SycMT'IOre 1:29.66; 18. Mariemont 1:29.89. 100 Backstroke: 1. Mark Seidman (Gates 'AHis Hawken) 51.60;4. Craig Wales lSI. X,.,ier) 52.09; 5. Ryan Eorhart 1St. Xavier) 52.24; 21. Ptlil Koonz (Walnut Hills)
54.57. lOll Breaststroke: l.MNtlf Rll'-' lS.'fl.vanii!. N:lrthview) 51.96; 7. Trevor Dumond (A.ndenon) 58.91; 8. Mark Riebel (Fair· tiekl.) 5~ .12; 10. John Kirk { AnderSOI"1) S9.36; 16. Jo!Tfl Allan (Mariemont) 1:00.11; 17. Brett ~ns (St. Xavier) 1:00.15; 18. Kyle Ware (Fairticldl 1:00.16; 22. lan Neubauer (Walnu.i Hills) 1:00.4S; 23. Paul Kitko (Sf.
Xavi~ 1~:~tyle RtlaY~
1. centerviUe 3·09 51· 3 St. Xavier 3:t1.2l; 7. Anderson 3~l4-_71: 9. Elder ~:14.91; 14. Sycamore 3:17.23; 10. Oak Hill!> 3:11.53; 18. Lakote l:\l.1'l: 22 . Moeier 3:19.81;
Wakeham, Wakefield lead Anderson to title BY DAVE SCHUTTE Enquirer contributor
The Anderson High Redskins fought off a strong challenge from the Ursuline Lions to capture the Southwest District girls Swimming & Diving championship Saturday at Miami University. Anderson edged Ursuline 278 1/2-268. Abby Wakeham (500-yard freestyle) and Stephanie Wakefield (100 backstroke) were Anderson's only individual winners Saturday. Nicci Fusaro won the diving competition Thursday. Ursuline stayed in contention thanks to double wins from Erin Phenix (500 and 100 freestyle) and Barb Mulshine (100 individual medley and 100 backstroke) and its three winning relay teams. Leah Ross of Mariemont turned in an outstanding effort, winning the 100 butterfly in 57.59 seconds, while Lakota's Jennifer Jarjosa took the 200 freestyle title in 1:54.20. Lakota's 200 and 400 freestyle relay teams turned in strong efforts, both qualifying for the state meet with second- and third-place finishes respectively. Jenny Garman of Madeira accomplished a goal of qualifying in two events. She was second behind Ross in the 100 butterfly and third in the 200 freestyle. Oak Hills freshman sensation Tricia Rye, who competed Thursday in the Senior Nationals in Buffalo. N.Y., was second in the 200
GIRLS SWIMMING 2-ll:.-CJ; individual medley. The top three finishers in each event advance to the state meet Friday and Saturday in Canton. The next 11 fastest swimmers from the five districts throughout the state also advance. A complete list of boys and girls local qualifiers will be published in Monday's Enauirer.
Oistrlct Meet (at Miami University) Team Standings: I. Anderson mv., 2. Ur~ne 268, 3. Mariemont 165V.., 4. SyCM1C<e 158, 5. Oak Hills 144V.., 6. Lakota 136, 7. St. Urrua 120V.., 8. Centervile 106, 9. Beavercreek 97, 10. Mercy 90, 11. Fairfield 89, 12. AHer 78'h, 13. Princeton n, 14. catholic Central 60, 15. Fairman! 46, 16. McAuley 39V.., 17. Seton 38, 18. Madeira 33. 19. Kings 29, 20. Xenia 28; 21. MND uv.., 22. Mason 22. 23. (tiel ceo, Milford 20, 25. Fairborn 16, 26. (lie) Norlhmont, Amelia, Loveland, Fenwick 12, 30. (lie) Talawanda, Valley View 11, 32. Springfield North 10. 33. (lie) Indian HiH, Roger Bacon 9, 35. (lie) Wyoming, Winton Woods 7, 37. (lie) Badin. Tippecanoe 6, 39. (lie) Turpin. Oakwood 4, 41. (lie) Lehman, Piqua 3, 43. Taylor V... State Qualifiers 200 medley relay: 1. Ursuline 1:50.29; 2. Oak Hlns 1:50.92; 3. Anderson 1:51.60. 200 It-lyle: I. Jennifer Jarjosa (Lak) 1:54.20; 2. Rachel Banks (Beavl 1:55.01; 3. Jemy Garman (Mad) 1:55.38. 200 Individual medley: I. Barb Mulshlne (Urs) 2:07.06; 2. Trfcia Rye (Oak) 2:07.18; 3. Abby Wakeham (And) 2:08.00 50 It-lyle: 1. Erin Phenix (Urs) 24.06; 2. Katie We.I <cath) 24.26; 3. Lindsey Commons (Syc) 24.38. Diving: I. Nlcd Fusaro (And) 456.20; 2.. Cossie Eak.rn. (Xenl 427.60; 3. Taylor Lynch (Syc) 408.45; 4. Amelia Pro<:e (Syc) 36UO; 5. Jcemy Hurst (Lak) 353.20; 6. Stacy Sm:!t> (Mer) 336:80. 100 llllllerfiY: 1. Leah P.oss (Marl S7.59; 2. Jemt Gill'man (Mad) 58.39; 3. Lee MusSmM (Ursl 58.41. 100 frteS~: 1. Erin Phenix !Urs/ 52.23; 2. Meg>f' Strasser (llr>) 53.11; 3. Coleen ROITlllasek (AH) Sl1S. 500 lroeslyle: 1. Wakeham (Anderson) ~:()Hit, Z Peters <St. Ursula/ 5:03.56, l _tue.-gens (Spr. ca!ht:-: Central) 5:06.19. 200 fr-lyle relay: Ursvline (Mulshine. s:rasser Mussman. Phefllxl 1:38.29, 2. Lakota !Miller, Severson. O'Hara, Jarjosa) 1:40.26, 3. Princeton (KuPhner, Swlli1SOI1, Richards, Meyer) 1:40.63. 100 breaststroke: 1. Mulshlne (UrSUline) 1:04.36, 2. Commons (Sycamore) 1:04.54, 3. West (Spr. catholic C.,. tral) 1:<15.72. 100 backstroke: 1. Wakefield (Anderson) 59.11. 2. Vianello (Mafiemonll 59.73. 3. Molnar !St. Urrual 59 92. 400 It-lyle relay: 1. Ursuline (Hattie, Strasser, Mussman. Pllenix) 3:34.73, 2. Anderson (Wakefield, Kane, Kaoscher, Wakeham) 3'.37.80, 3. Lakota (Miller, Severson. O'Hill'a, Jarjosa l 3:38.71.
HIGHSCHOOL Girls swimming Ohio State Meet AI C.T. Branin Natatorium, canton! Team Standings (after five events): 1. Gates Mills Hawken 136; 2. Anderson 101; 3. Ursuline 77; 5. Oak HiUs 61; 7. Sycamore 43'h; 10. Mariemont 32; 16. Lakota 19; 22. CCD 14; 24. (tie) AHer, Seton 12; 33. (tie) St. Ursula, Madeira9; 39. Kings 6; 42. Fairfield 5; 45. w. Woods 4. 200 Medley Relay: 1. Gates Mils Hawken (Michelle Thomas, Gwen Weingart, Jenny Arnold, Angela Hyun) 1:46.69; 3. Anderson (Abby Wakeham, Sarah Keyes, Jennifer Kane, SlephMie Wahefieldl 1:49.10; 4. Oak Hils (Lindsey Kroeger, Deborah Janssen, Rachel White, Tricia Rye) 1:50.39; 5. Ursuline (Megan Earhart, Barb Mulshine, Lee Mussman, Hafida Halle) 1:50.40; 8. Sycamore (Monica Ford, Mandy Commons, Lindsey Commons, Ker· ry Bogner) 1:51.46; 12. Mar. (Becca Vianef. lo, Meredith Olson, Leah Ross, Corrie Register) 1:53.27; 22. Fairfield (Beth Phinips, Coraline Chassagne, Kendra Genebacher, Stacy Eckert) 1:55.99; 23. Princeton (Sarah Pokrin, Amanda H olzen, Erin Murray, Blaire Beattie) 1:56.91. 200 Freestyle: 1. Kristen Mikelonis (Gates Mills Hawken) 1:53:08; 3. Jennifer Jarjosa (Lakota) 1:54.00; 6. Sarah Keyes (Anderonl 1:55.12; 7. Jenny Lyman (Seton) 1:55.22; 8. Megan Strasser (Ursuline l 1:55.24; 12. Kelly Huizenga (Anderson) 1~7.17; 13. Heather Myers (W. Woods) 1:57.35; 14. Jenny Garman (Madeira) 1:57 .44; 15. Meredith Olson (Mar.) 1:58.31; 19. Carrie Register (Mar.) 1:58.06. 200 Individual Medley: 1. Michele Thomas (Gates Mils Hawken) 2:06.01; 2. Tricia -Rye (Oak Hills) 2:06.24; 3. Abby Wakeham (Anderson) 2:08.13;6. Barb Muf. shine (Ursuline) 2:09.15; 9. Jen Peters (St. Ursula! 2:09.93; Mandy commons (Syca· morel 2:10.16; 11. Casey Mangano (Kings) 2:10.66; 13. Stephanie Wakefield (Ander· son) 2:11.77; 18. Becca Vianello (Mar.) 2:13.85; 20. Molly Wiethorn (McAuley) 2:16.71; 22. Kim Ense (St. Ursula) 2:16.83. 50 Freestyle: 1. JIIHan Sitters (Oeveland Orange l 23.40; 3. Erin Phenix ( ursuline) 23.82; 5. Lindsey Kroeger (Oak HillsO 24.09; 7. Colleen Rarnbasek (Alter) 24.17; 11. Lindsey Commons (Sycamore) 2459; 20. Kate Severson (Lakota) 24.85; 21. Emi· ly Gilkison (loveland) 24.86; 22. Lauren Griffith (Mercy) 24.94. 100 BU!Ierfly; 1. Leah Ross (Mar.) 56.28; 5. Shannon Thomas ( CCD) 58.64; 8. Emily Tornes (Anderson) 58.99; 9. Lee Mussman (Ursuline) 58.94; 11. Jenny Gar· man (Madeira) 59.45; Kendra Genebacher (Fairfield) 59.64; 13. Jennifer Kane (Ander· son) 59.71; 17. Jamie Boeckman (MND) 1:00.27; 19. Kristen Sander (Mercy) 1:00.44; 22. Robin Ranz (St. Ursula) 1:00.93.
Boys swimmingz
-..2 2.
Ohio State Meet (AI C.T. Branin Natatorium, canton) Team Standings (after five events): 1. St. Xavier 137; 2. Toledo St. Francis 134'h; 5. Anderson 60; 9. Elder 26; 12. Sycamore 22; 31.1ndian HiD 9; 34. (tiel Oak HiUs, Lakota 7; 41. Wyoming 2. 200 Medley Relay: 1. Toledo St. Francis (Egan Sweeney, Mike Kopfman, Tony Kurth, Nathaniel Jones) 1:35.79; 2. St.X (Ryan Earhart, Brett Burns, Craig Wales, Tim Murphy) 1:36.11; 5. Anderson (Eric Foster, John Kirk, Joe Seither, Chris Dunham) 1:36.28; 13. Elder (Nathan Cron, Eric Boiler, Greg Thomas, David Bertling) 1:40.52; 20. Fairfield (Todd Morgan, Kyle Ware, Nate Steller, Mark Riebel) 1:41.11; 22. Walnut Hills (PhiiKoontz, ian Neubauer, Josh Schrage, Justin Mysockl 1:42.15. 200 Freestyle: 1. Malt Orenik (St.Xl 1:38.66; 3. Dan Ketchum (Sycamore) 1:41.72; 5. Reid Gustin (St.Xl 1:41.91; 9. David Hausiaden (St.Xl 1:44.04; 10. Chris Mercurio (SI.X) 11. Ryan Heyob (Eider) 1:45.06; 15. Eric Foster (Anderson) 1:46.26; 16. Malt Ense (Oak HiUs) 1:46.52; 18. Jeff Atteberry (Anderson) 1:46.04. 200 Individual Medley: 1. Tony Kurth (Toledo St. Francis) 1:52.53; 4. John Kirk (Anderson) 1:54.34; 14. Brian Janssen (Oak Hills) 1:58.12; 15. Ben Schmidt (SI.Xl 1:58.34; 19. Jorn Kerins (Anderson) 1:59.24, 20. Brett Burns (St.X) 1:59.44, 21. Tom Huber (W. Woods) 2:00.24, 23. Chris Dullham (Anderson) 2:00.34, 24. Mark Riebel (Fairfield) 2:01.07. 50 Freestyle: 1. David Weis (Taledo II. Francis) 2D.68; 10. Louis Dissel (Lakola) 21.74; 17. Rob Tolh (SI.X) 21.93, 21. Tim \Aurphy (St.Xl 22.08, 24. Matt Kirchner :Ross l 22.28. 100 BU!Ierfly: 1. Craig Wales (St.Xl 19.83; 4. Joe Seither (Anderson! 51.22; 5. 1yan Earhart (St.Xl 51.68; 7. Greg ThornIS (Elder) 52.31; 15. John Limouze (Wyo· ~"9!.5J·2_7~_17· NatePinney (St.X) 53.17,
St. X pair, Mariemont soph win state titles BY DAVE SCHUTTE
Enquirer contributor
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CANTON - St. Xavier senior teammates Matt Drenik and Craig Wales and Mariemont sophomore Leah Ross won individual state titles at the Ohio swimming championships Friday at C.T. Branin Natatorium. Drenik, who had two secondplace finishes last year, won the 200 freestyle. "This is incredible," Drenik said. "I won the national championship in the 200 freestyle Matt Drenik last year but never the state." Wales dominated in winning the 100 butterfly, an event his brother, Dod, and father, Ross, previously won. "Dod won the event three times and dad twice," Wales said. "I talked to Dod last night, and he told me to take a couple extra kicks off the wall on the tum before taking a stroke. That strategy worked and may have been the difference." The biggest surprise of the entire meet might have been Ross, who won the 100 butterfly in a career best time of 56.28. Ross was in awe after the victory. Her. time was good enough to qualify to the Senior Nationals. "I told my friends before the race I was nervous." Ross sairL
St. X in position for 20th state title BY DAVE SCHUTTE Enquirer contributor
2-2 ~-q7 '1 BOYS SWIMMING
CANTON, Ohio - The St. Xavier swimming team put itself Friday night at C.T. Branin Natatorium in position for a record 20th State Swimming and Diving championship. Led by the state championship performances by Craig Wales and Matt Drenik, the Bombers took a 137-134 1/2 lead over defending state champion Toledo St. Francis after five events. "We have some good swims coming up tomorrow (Saturday)," St. Xavier coach Dave Coffman said. "I'm so proud of Matt and Craig. They have been leaders for four years, and I wanted badly for them to go out winners." The only disappointment for St. X came in the opening event, the 200 medley relay. The defending state champion Bombers' team of Ryan Earhart, Brett Burns, Wales and Tim Murphy was caught at the finish by Toledo St. Francis and settled for second. St. Xavier's best event was the 200 freestyle, picking up 50 points with four Bombers finishing in the top 10. Besides Drenik, Reid Gustin was fifth, David Hausladen ninth and Chris Mercurio 1Oth. Sycamore freshman Dan Ketchum was outstanding. He led early in the 200 freestyle and ended
up third in a career-best 1:41.72. Anderson senior John Kirk was Cincinnati's best in the 200 individual medley. He closed with a rush to take fourth in a time of 1:54.80. St. Xavier could increase its lead before the start of the final six swimming events if diver Andy Maggio comes through during the afternoon session. Maggio qualified with the second best score in Friday's preliminaries but the score doesn't carry over into today's competition.
EMOTIONAL: Drenik and Wales showed the most emotion of any swimmer who won a state title on Friday. Wales stood on the victory stand with his arms crossed forming an X while Drenik waved to his parents and held one finger high in the air. Both swimmers will attempt to win another individual state championship today with Drenik entered in the 100 freestyle while Wales will compete in the 100 backstroke. Drenik is also a member of the 200 and 400 freestyle relay teams while Wales will swim on the 400 freestyle relay team only.
Anderson, Ursuline battling for second BY DAVE SCHUTTE Enquirer contributor
CANTON, Ohio - The anticipated battle for second place in the girls state swimming and diving championships between Anderson and Ursuline began Friday night at C.T. Branin Natatorium. Although Anderson failed to win an event, the Redskins racked up 101 points, second only to defending state champion Gates Mills Hawken (136). Ursuline was third with 77 points, but the Lions are strong in today's six events. Sophomore Abby Wakeham was Anderson's best performer, taking third in the 200 individual medley in 2:08.13. The Redskins' 200 medley relay team also finished third. Wakeham, Sarah Keyes, Jennifer Kane and Stephanie Wakefield came in at 149.10. Hawken won the event in 1:46.69. Individually, Mariemont's Leah Ross was the star. The 16-year-old sophomore won the 100 butterly in a personal best time of 56.28. She qualified third-fastest in the preliminaries at 57.55. "This feels good because now I know all the hard work paid off," Ross said. "I was fifth last year in this event, and I wasn't sure if I could do it this year." Ross admitted to a sleepless night in anticipation of the race.
GIRLS SWIMMING style relay tonight. Oak Hills freshman Tricia Rye almost won the 200 individual medley. She swam the race in 2:06.24, two seconds faster than her previous best time, to take second place. "I was nervous going in. But after the race started, I thought I could win it," Rye said. Lakota senior Jennifer Jarjosa couldn't hide her emotions after finishing third in the 200 freestyle in a personal-best 1:54. The time also qualified Jarjosa for the junior nationals. "I always go out strong and then try to hold on as best I can," Jarjosa said. "This is awesome because I didn't expect to finish this high." In the 50 freestyle, Ursuline sophomore Erin Phenix recorded the fastest qualifying time of 24.07. But defending champion Jillian Siefers from Cleveland Orange was ready for the challenge. Phenix finished third, but her time was a personal-best 23.87. "I've never broken 23.9 before tonight," an elated Phenix said. "I got off to a fast start, and I made the turn all right." Phenix will swim in the 100
Individuals lead way for swimmers
Returning state qualifiers
Girls Swimming Listed by name, school, year, event
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Enquirer contributor
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After years of domination at the girls and boys state swimming meets, Cincinnati-areas teams took a back seat to northern Ohio in 1996. It could be more of the same this season. St. Xavier's boys and girls teams from Anderson Sycamore, St. Ursula and Ursuline are the region's best hopes at state. "I'm not knocking Toledo St. Francis but the power is in the Cleveland area," St. Xavier coach Dave Coffman said. "Shaker Heights, Hawken, St. Ignatius and University School all look strong." St. Xavier won six consecutive state titles until St. Francis upset the Bombers in 1996. Cincinnati girls schools had won five consecutive titles but Hawken won last season. Although the picture isn't bright for a t~m championo/Iip, the out-
look is encouraging for many individuals, especially the girls. Thirty-three state qualifiers¡ are back on the girls side with Anderson, Ursuline and St. Ursula each returning four and Sycamore and Mariemont returning three each. Anderson coach Ed Bachman is excited about the Redskins' prospects with Sarah Keyes, Emily Kauscher, Jennifer Kane and Abby Wakeham - last season's state champion in the 200-meter individual medley- back. "Normally I could be talking about a state championship," Bachman said. "But Hawken is the best or one of the best girls teams in the country and no one will compete with them." Both St. Ursula (Carrie Ivers) and Ursuline (fim Beerman) have new coaches. Although St. Xavier graduated 10 t
seniors, four who qualified to the state meet, Coffman said his team has potential. "What we have to do is replace Pete Fehring, Jamie Holder and Mike Holter," Coffman said. ''These three kids put up a lot of points for us with Jamie scoring in four events and Pete in three." St. X is loaded with returning state qualifiers, including Ryan Earhart, Craig Wales, Nate Pinney, Garth Fealey, Reid Gustin, Tim Murphy, Andy Maggio and Matt Drenik. "We'll be strong in the strokes (back, breast and butterfly)," Coffman said. "What we need is some kids to step up in the 50 and 100 freestyle. The freestyle spots could be filled by David Hausladen, Josh Snyder, Chris Mercurio (state qualifier in 1995) and Tom Ivers. f'
Shelia Dalton, Amelia, 11, diving Sarah Keyes, Anderson, 10, 100 breast, 200
Emily Kauscher, Anderson, 12, 500 FS Jennifer Kane, Anderson, 12, 100 fly Abby Wakeham, Anderson, 10, 200 IM, 500
FS ~ ~ ~
FS ~ ~ ~
Maggie Helmers, Badin, 10,100fly Shannon Thomas, CCD, 11, 100 fly, 500 FS Kendra Genenbacher, Fairfield, 12, 50 FS, 100fly ~ Jenny Jarjose, Lakota, 12, 100 FS ~ Emily Gilkison, Loveland, 11, 50 FS, 100 FS ~ Jenny Garman, Madeira, 11, 100 fly, 200 FS ~ Leah Ross, Mariemont, 10, 100fly ~ Carrie Register, Mariemont, 12, 500 FS ~ Becca Vianello, Mariemont, 10, 200 IM, 100 back ~ Kristin Sanders, Mercy, 11, 50 FS ~ Molly Wiethorn, Mercy, 12, 200 IM ~ Katie Taylor, Mt. Notre Dame, 12, 100 back ~ Jamie Boeckman, Mt. Notre Dame, 10, 100 fly ~ Deborah Janssen, Oak Hills, 10, 100 breast
Niki Drollinger, St. Ursula, 12, 200 FS, 500 â&#x20AC;˘ Kim Ense, St. Ursula, 10,100 breast Rachel Rupp, St. Ursula, 12, diving Jennifer Peters, St. Ursula, 11, 200 IM, 500
Jenny Lyman, Seton, 10, 50 FS, 100 FS Amelia Price, Sycamore, 12, diving ~ Taylor Lynch, Sycamore, 11, diving ~ Mandy Commons, Sycamore, 10, 100 breast ~ Megan Strasser, Ursuline, 11, 200 FS, 500 FS ~ Erin Phenix, Ursuline, 10, 200 FS, 100 FS ~ Lee Mussman, Ursuline, 12, 200 IM, 100 fly ~ Barb Mulshine, Ursuline, 11, 200 IM, 100 breast ~ Heather Myers, Winton Woods, 11, 200 FS ~ Lisa Gieseker, Wyoming, 10, 100 back ~
Boys Swimming
Listed by name, school, year, event ~ ~
Eric Foster, Anderson, 10, 200 FS John Kirk, Anderson, 12, 200 IM, 100 breast ~ Chris Dunham, Anderson, 12, 200 IM
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Joe Seither, Anderson, 11, 100 fly John Kerns, Anderson, 12, 500 FS Chris Dunham, Anderson, 12, 500 FS Colin Murphy, Colerain, 12,100 FS Ryan Heyob, Elder, 11, 200 FS, 100 FS Kyle Ware, Fairfield, 12, 100 breast Karl Warden, Indian Hill, 12, diving Louis Dissel, Lakota, 12, 50 FS Matt Ense, Oak Hills, 11 , 200 FS Mike Kaufman, Oak Hills, 10, diving Brian Janssen, Oak Hills, 12, 200 IM, 500
FS ~
. Matt Kirchner, Ross, 11 , 50 FS Ryan Earhart, St. Xavier, 10, 100 fly; 100 fly ~ Craig Wales, St. Xavier, 12, 100 fly, 100 back ~ Nate Pinney, St. Xavier 10,100 fly ~ Garth Fealey, St. Xavier, 10, 100 breast ~ Reid Gustin, St. Xavier, 11, 200 FS, 500 FS ~ Tim Murphy, St. Xavier, 11, 50 FS ~ Andy Maggio, St. Xavier, 10, diving ~ Matt Drenik, St. Xavier, 12, 200 FS ~ Brink Ciferri, Talawanda, 10, 500 FS, 100 back ~ Tom Huber, Winton Woods, 11, 200 IM, 100 breast, 100 fly ~