Moeller High School 2007-08 Swimming Articles

Page 1

Swimming honor roll BOYS


As of Friday


I. St. Xa~er (7) 70 2. Mason........ 61 3. Moeller.......................... 46 4. Sycamore.... 31 5. La Salle........................................ 25 T6. Lakota East................ 22 T6. Turpin .......... 22 8. Anderson........ 20 9.Eider............................................. 19 10. Fairfield....................................... 15 Others: Oak Hills 12; Milford 9; Lakota West 9; Pnnceton 7; loveland 7; Wyoming 6; lebanon 3; Middletown 1.

200-Yanl Medley Relay Fairfield, 1:45.88; La Salle, 1:46.44; Loveland, 1:48.32; Milford,1:49. 72; Lakota West, 1:51.11; Uttle Miami,1:51.18; ~ngs,1:52.65;L.akota East,1:52.93; Ta~or, 1<55.88; Nmwood, 2:11.60.



200-Yanl Freestyle

Schneider, ·li! Salle 1:47.75; Stewart, Fairfield 1:48.90; Adams, Fairfield 1:54. 72; McNamara, l.ako· ta West 1:55.06; D'Errico, Milford 1:55.21; Schneider, La Salle 1:55.7-3; Biedenham, Kings 1:56.18; Sun· drup, La Salle 1:56.71; Bessey, loveland 1:59.14; Cramer, Lakota East 1:59.44.

20().Yani1M Nuss, Fairfield, 2:07.45; Hart, Lakota West. 2:08.11; Schneider, La Salle, 2:08.66; Williams, Loveland, 2:09.93; Griffin, Milford, 2:12. 71; Sundrup, LA Salle 2:12.71; Carter, Fairfield, 2:13.09; Patton, Lakota West, 2:14.81; Lewis, Wilmington, 2:17.89;. Ernst, La Salle, 2:20.95. .

50-Yanl Freestyle


Conti, Wilmington 22.20; Rawlins. Lakota East'. 22.93; Williams, Milford..22.94; Coldwell, Loveland, 23.06; Schneider, La Salle 23.53; Sundrup, La Salle 1 23.56; Burt, Uttle Miami23.79; D'Ernco, Milford 24.12; Stock, La Salle 24.34; Schneider, La Salle 24.40.

l(I().Yanl Butterfly

Hart. Lakota West 53.42; Adams, Fairfield 56.75;-Galdwell,t.oveland 56.87; Sundrup, La Salle 57.13; Adams, Fairfield 58.38; Hines, Ta~or 58.48; Schneider, La Salle 1:00.22; Wells. loveland 1:01.19; Sayers, La Salle 1:02.40; Patton, Lakota West 1:02.89.

l(I().Yanl Freestyle Williams, Milford 50.05; Conti, Wilmington 50.40; Schneider, La Salle 50.70; Adams, Fairfield 51.82; Sundrup, La Salle 52.11; O'Errico, Mil· lord52.75; Rawlins, Lakota East 53.08; Wells, lovelaoo 54.37; Cramer, Lakota East 54.42; Espinoza, La-~ kota East54.47.

500 Yanl Freestyle Stewart, Fairfield 4:59. 79; Schneider, La Salle 5:00.34; Schneider, La Salle 5:01.97; Nuss, Fairfield 5:05. 73; McNeil, Uttle Miami 5:10.20; Patton, Lakota ; West 5:13.81; Behne, Loveland 5:20.68; Williams, Milrord 5:24.26: ll'Errico, Mi~ord 5:24.51; White· hurst, Kings 5:25.38. ·


200-Yanl Freestyle Relay

. Wilmington 1:36.38; La Salle 1:36.60; Loveland ' 1:3&21; Milford 1:38.59; Lakota East 1:36.87; Fair! field 1:39.06; Taylor 1:41.69; ~ngs 1:44.67; Wllmingtnn 1:48.00; Fenwick 1:48.68.

l(I().Yanl Backstroke Burt, little Miami 5!.99; Schneider, La Salle 55.84; Zimmerman, Utile Miami 58.72; Carter, Falrtleld 59.13: Wells, Loveland 59.40; Hein, Wilmington 59.65; Scherpenberg, La Salle 1:00. 73; Biedenham, Kings 1:02.28;· Hines, TaylorW2.85; Matulis, Milford 1:02.98. ':· ,.

lOO·Yanl Bre3stslroke Harmon, Fairfield 1:06.15; Ernst, la Salle 1:07.19; McNeil, little Miani11:07.60; Griffin, Milford 1:07.98; Hart, Lakota West 1:08.83; lewis, Wilmingtnn1:10.46; Tepe, Milford 1:10.46; Ziegler, Fairfield 1:11.58; Bums, ~ngs 1:12.09; Eng, Loveland 1:12.20.

4IJO.Yanl Freestyle Relay Fallfield 3:25.52; Lakota West 3:30.67; La Salle 3:31.9.6; Milford 3:33.53; Loveland 3:44.39; Lakota East3:45. 73; ~~gs3:46.44; Fenwick 4:15.03;Taylor 1 4:44.29. .


l·Meter Diving Cus11enan, Milford 180.55; Gillespie, La Salle 176.35; Hebeler, La Salle 158.95; Dangel, La Salle ISS 8; Petrosky, Milford 153.15; Cieslak, lakota West 136.3; McCloud, Milford 128.95; Tolbert, La Salle 97.85; Hoffman, lakota East 93.19.

Boys' swimming preview

Barbiere gives St. Xavier an edge in talent Bombers gun for lOth straight title By Mike Dyer

third-place 200 freestyle relay (1:26.27). St Xavier coach Jim Brower adSenior Sean mits this year's team is a strong Ran5enberg was group but won't be the "jugger11th in the 50 freenauf' of some past seasons. style (21. 77) and alAndforthatreason,Browersaid Barbiere so part of the 200 ifs an opportunity he is looking forfreestyle relay. ward to as the season begins. Three juniors who should make The Bombers, who have won an impact include Will Lawley, nine consecutive state titles, ha- Matt Columbus and Evan ven't started to consider a lOth yet; Schwartz, Brower said. Brower said. -''I am sure (St X) will be very Thafs because Columbus St strong," Moeller coach Bill What-Charles, which has fii:Ushed sec- ·. ley said. "Jim Brower is a really ond the past two seasons; has a tal- good coach." . ented senior class and will contend Moeller returns senior Brian for the title, according to Brower. Howell (Florida), who was state "I think the biggest thing this champ in the 200 individual medtime is a Columbus St Charles · ley (1:51.91) and ninth in the 500 (squad) that is loaded," Brower. freestyle (4:36.37) . .said. 'They have the kind of senior "Hopefully he will defend the class that we had last year." 200," Whatley said. "He should be The Bombers, who have won 29 quite a bit better." state swimming titles, return a seTurpin senior Nathan Butler nior class led by Jim Barbiere, who (Northwestern) was state champ has signed with Indiana in the 100 breaststroke (57.22) and Barbiere was state champion in ninth in the 200 individual medley the 100 .backstroke (50.06) and (1:55.02). swam on the 200 medley relay In the. Greater Miami Confer(1:34.36) and 400 freestyle relay ence, Mason should have a strong (3:07.58) championship teams. squad;. led by seniors Spencer "Jim is our clutch, go-to guy," Hewes (Ohio State) and Brad Brower said. 'Thafs the thing that Langford (CincinD.ati). separates him. He's the kind otathIn diving, Indian Hill junior Milete that can dig a little deeper chael· Grainger finished eighth at when he has it He has that extra · the state meet . little gear." . · Indian Hill diving coach Jason Senior Alex Smit (Ohio State) Glorius sind Grainger is perfonnwas a state qualifier in the back- ing dives that some of the best indistroke and butterfly and returns 10 · viduals are doing in the country. pounds heavier and stronger, ac"He is feeling good about his cording to Brower. chances of vying for the state title," Senior Steven Springer was on Glorius 'said. "I expect him to·piace the 200 medley relay team and the very Well (Jri Ciinton) ."

tnqu1rer sw1mm1ng coaChes· polls 'J-2 1. - e:1 BOYS (first-place votes)

1. St. Xavier (7) ............................... 70 2. Mason.. 62 3. Moeller 56 4. Sycamore 29 5. Turpin.... 24 6. Lakota East 23 7t Elder 22 7t Fairfield .. ............ ........... 22 7t. La Salle ... 22 1 10. Oak Hills........................................ 14 Others: Anderson 9; Milford 9; Loveland 9; Wyoming 6; Manemont4; Prtnceton 3; Lakota West 1.


1. Ursuline (6) ......... 60 2. St Ursula .......... ... .......... 48 3. Mason 46 4. Sycamore 35 5. Anderson .... 33 6. MND .............. 29 7. Lakota East . 16 8. Lakota West 15 9. Loveland .... 14 10. Seton ....... 11 Othen: Oak Hills 9; Milford 7; Turpin 5; McAuley 2.

Swimming honor roll BOYS 200 Yard Medley Relay St Xavier I :37.24; Sycamore I :4!.62; Lakota West I :45. 70; Fairfield I :45.88; LaSalle I :46.44; Loveland I :47.89; Oak Hills I :48.46; Milford I :49.12; Uttle Miami I :5!.18; Lakota East I :51.38. 200 Yard Freestyle Barbiere, St Xavier I :43. 76; Columbus, St Xavier I :44.46; Lawley, St. Xa~er I :46.19; Schneider, LaSalle I :4 7. 75; Heinsen, St. Xa~r I :4 7. 75; Conaty, St Xavier I :48.03; Ransenberg, St Xavier I :48.87; Stewa~. Fairfield I :48.90; Clear, St. Xa~er I :50.18; Koch, Lakota West I :50.44. 200 Yard I.M. Balbiere, St Xavier I :59.56; Columbus, St. Xavier 2 :00. 78; Schwartz, St. Xavier 2 :02.06; Upan, St. Xavier 2 :02. 70; Ha~. Lakota West 2 :02.89; Smtt, St. Xa~er 2 :03.03; Conaty, St Xavier 2 :05.41; Koch, Lakota West 2 :06.81; Dressman, St Xa~er 2 :07.15; Baumgartner, St Xavier 2 :07.34. SO Yard Freestyle Sprtnger, St Xavier 21. 75; Ransenberg, St Xavier 22.03; Barbiere, St Xavier 22.10; Schnur, Oak Hills 22.11; Conti, Wilmington 22.20; Hancher, Sycamore 22.33; Smit, St. Xavier 22.72; Rhodenbaugh, Oak Hills 22. 75; Lawley, St Xavier 22.60; Rawlins, Lakota East 22.93. 100 Yard llulterfty Smit St Xa~er 5!.61; Balbiere, St Xavier 52.51; Hart, Lakota West 52.92; Hanner, Sycamore 53.42; Hines, Taylor 55.05; Ransenberg, St. Xa~er 56.03; Upart, St Xavier 56.04; Dressman, St Xa~er 56.07; Wohleber, St Xavier 56.18; Coldwell, Loveland 56.20. 100 Yard Freestyle BarbiGI;e, St Xa~er 48.10; Hanner, Sycamore 48.61; Ransenberg, St.l!llvier 48.74; Hart, Lakota West 49.34; Lawley, SU(i!Vier 4a.;38; Sprtnger, St Xavier 49.43; Columbus, St. Xavt81'49.50; Schnur, Oak Hills 49.86; Heinsen, St. Xavier 49.93; Winiams, Milford 50.05. 500 Yard Freestyle Barbi.ere, St. Xavier :39.46; Lawley, St Xavier :44.09; Columbus, St. Xavier :44.23; Miller, St. Xavier 4:50.19; Koch, Lakota West4:5!.42; Conaty, St Xa~r 4:52.43; Barnes, St. Xavier 4 :53.55; McNamara, Lakota West4:58.30; Stewart, Fairfield 4 :59. 79; Schneider, LaSalle 5 :00.34. 200 Yard Freestyle Relay St. Xa~er 1:27.84; Oak Hills I :31.58; Sycamore I :33.49; Lakota· East I :36.14; Wilmington I :36.38; LaSalle I :36.60; Lveland I :36.83; Mi~ord I :38.59; Fairfield I :39.06; Lakota West I :40.43. 100 Yard Backstroke Barbiere, St Xavier 52.07; Smit,- St. Xavier 53. 78; Hanner, Sycamore 54.87; Schneider, LaSalle 55.84; Neack, St. Xavier 55.91; Dressman, St. Xavier 56.03; Columbus, St. Xa~er 56.05; Schwartz, St Xavier 56.09; Lawley, St. Xavier57.20; O'Connor, St Xa~er 58.19. 100 Yard Breaststroke Upan, St Xavier 1:0!.20; Schwartz, St Xavier 1:01.42; Kao, Sycamore 1:02.14; Baumgartner, St. Xavier 1 :05.40; Wray, Elder I :05.85; Hart, Lakota West 1:06.11; Hannon, Fairfield 1:06.15; Albe~. St Xavier 1:06.45; Ernst LaSalle 1:07.19; Drake, St Xavier 1:07.33.. 400 Freestyle Relay St Xavier 3:14.24; Sycamore 3 :23.29; Fairfield 3:25.52; Lakota West 3 :26.27; Oak Hills 3 :31.53; LaSalle3 :31.96; Milford 3 :33.53; Loveland 3 :44 39:


3 :.46 4.4: 1:.~knt:.~


1. ·.47 71:\

Mason boys, Ursul~ne.Roundup girls win Lyons swim meet

with this award as a senior." Mason swimmer Danielle Jan· / ... '"'l=>f.f Mason and Ursuline won the sen was the high point winner for · points. boys' and girls' competitions Sat- the girls. Summit 59, North College Hill 29: urday at the ·Larry Lyons InvitaBoys' basketball Junior guard Ashley Rite led all tional swim meet at Sycamore. Dunbar 90, Aiken 89 (20T): scorers with 20 points to help lead Mason had 321 points, followed by Centerville (315) and Moeller Aiken freshman forward Chane Summit past North College Hill. (259). Behanan scored 34 points, includKyli Parker added 13 points for Ursuline had 316.5 points, fol- ing the buzzer-beater to send the Summit. lowed by Centerville (279.5) and game into overtime. St. Ursula 38, Seton 31: St. UrsuMason (181). la junior forward Kelsey. Sharkey Girls' basketball led the Bulldogs with eight points. It was the 37th·annual meet for the boys and 30th annual meet for Mount Healthy 42, Edgewood 37: Wrestling the girls. · Freshman forward Jonessa Turpin senior co-captain Anc Moore scored eight points and · Fairfield won the 36th annual drew Spurling was the high point had six rebounds to lead visiting Fairfield Invitational Wrestling winner for the boys. Mount Healthy to its seventh win. Tournament. Fairfield had 11 Hughes 44, Mercy 37: Visiting wrestlers place in the tournament. "He has done a great job for us all year," Turpin coach Rene Con- Hughes was led by Jasmine Davis Andrew Robinson of Fairfield finwith 21 points. Mercy was led by ished first in the 130.pound weight tino said. "It was great for him to leave senior cer1ter Maribeth Giese's 19 class by· winning a 9-4 decision Enquirer staff reports

over Hamilton's Matt Scheve. •Eider's "B" team won the Norwood Adam Cox Memorial with 211 points. Host Norwood finished second with 168.5 points and Little Miami finished in third place with 156 points. • Reading won the Madeira Invitational with 235.5 points, follow~d by New Richinond (196) and Moeller "B" (193.5).

Football POSEY, RUDOLPH HONORED: La Salle senior wide receiver DeVier Posey (Ohio State) and Elder tight end Kyle Rudolph (Notre Dame) each had a reception in the U.S. Army All-American Bowl in San Antonio. Posey also had a 'tackle on a kickoff return. Terrelle Pryor, a quarterback

from Jeannette High School in. Pennsylvania, scored on a 6-yard: touchdown run and also threw a . 25-yarder to lead the East squad I past the West 33-23. . Pryor, who said he is considering Florida, Michigan, Penn State, Ohio State and Oregon, ended': with 155 all-purpose yards: 79 ' rushing and 76 passing. ' Posey and Rudolph were named Maxwell Award winners last week as the nation's top se-· niors at their respective positions. The Maxwell Award Club bonored prep players at each position (11 winners) for the first time this year, according to the bowl · game's Web Site. The club is best known for honoring college and. pro football players since 1935, ac-; cording to the site. 1


Boys' Division I swimming i ·-t ~~ . 200-yard medley relay


lime ·.

Sl Xavier Mason

· 1:37.24 1:40.93




!::~ g I

200-yard freestyle

Name, school


Barbiere, St. Xavier Langford, Mason Columbus, St xa~er Lawley, St xavier

Evans, Mason


.' ~

· 1:42.84 1:44.25 • 1:44.46; 1:46.18

1:46.29 I

200-yard individual


Name, school

lime i

Howell, Moeller

1:55.46 '

Hewes, Mason


Barbiere, St. Xavier Columbus, St. Xavier Nbers, Moeller

1:59.56 2:00.78 2:01.31

SO-yard freestyle · ·

Name, schOol


Springer, St. Xavier Ransenberg, St xavier Barbiere, St xavier Schnur, Oak Hills Conti, Wilmington

21.75 22.03 22.10 22. II 22.20

100-yard butterfly

Name, schOol


Smit, St..xavier 8arbiere, St. xavier Hart, lakota West

51.61 52.51 52.92

Hanner, Sycamore


Langford, Mason


100-yard freestyle

Name, schOol


·sarbiere, St. xavier


Hanner. Sycamore


Ransenberg. St. Xavier Lawley, St. xavier Langford, Mason

48.74 48.84 48.88

50()-yard freestyle

Name, school


Barbiere, St. Xavier Columbus, St xavier Lawley,- Sl xavier

4:39.46 4:43.07 4:44.09




freestyle relay


Sl xavier Mason Oak Hills Sycamore Wyoming


1:27.63 1:29.22 1:31.58 1:32.78 1:33.39

100-vard backstroke

Name, scfiool


Barbiere, Sl xavier , Smit, St,.xavier Hanner, Sycamore Schneider, La Salle Spurling, Turpin·

52.07 53.78 54.87 55.84 55.85

100-yard breaststroke



Hewes, Mason Upari, St. xa~er Schwartz, St. xavier albers Moeller utler, Turpin

58.99 1:01.20 1:01.42 1:01.58 !:02.02

400 freestyle rela)'


st xa~er Mason· Sycamore Fairfield. Lakota West


3:14.24 3':17.56 3:23.29 3:25.52 3:26.27

,1-meter diving

Name, school

sargent, MasOn Kelly, Elder

Meier, St. Xavier Rapp, Mason

Thornton, Eilder

IDAY, JANUARY 13, 2008 C13 Swimmer of tile Melt: Michael Han (Lakota West)

LaSalle 112, Aoodonon 72 200MR- LaSalle 147.74: 200 free- Paroz (A) 1:59.13; 2001M- SundnJp (L) 2:15.13; 50 free- D. Schneider (L) 23.46: IOORy- B. Schneider 1:00.28; 100 free- Vigar (A) 50.01; 500 free- Paroz (A) 5:24.51; 200FR- LaSalle 1:40.41; IOOBack- Vigar (A) 56.99; !OOBreast- Ernst (L) 1:11.63; 400FRLaSalle 3:33.89: !Meter- Gillespie (L) 194.35. Moeller 98, ~ Al1ingtDn 82 200MR-Moeller 1:40.58: 200 free-Howell (M) 1:4 7.46: 2001M-Aibers (M) 2:01.02; 50 free-Huffman (UA) :21. 76; 100Ry-Sanders (M) :54.62; 100 free-Huffman (UA) :4 7.67; 500 free-Ketch (UA) 4:42.43: 200FR-Upper Mington 1:31.45; IOOBack-Koenig (M) :58.13;·· IOOBreast-Aibers (M) 1:01.24, 400FR-Moeller3:23.04; !Meter-Homer (UA) 291.10, GIRlS' SWIMMING

Wyoming U7, Marioooonl69 200MR-Wyoming 2:00.81; 200 free-Helmnch (M) 2:10.10; 2001M-TSI~tse (W) 2:29.63; 50

free-Ressa (M) 25.72: IOORy-Tsivitse (W) 1:03.57; 100 free-Ressa (M) 55.99; 500 free-Mahomey (M) 5:52.85: 200FR-Manemont 1:46. 77; !OOBack..Qbertlolzer (W) 1:02.63: 100Breast-Henkel (W) 1:16.63; 400FR-Wyoming 3:58. 70; !Meter-Buckner (W) 208.75. Records: Manemont 3-1. Milord Invitational Team ...,., Lakota West 330, Lakota East· 261, Loveland 260, Milford 237, Cincinnati Counl!y · Day 84.5, Purcell Manan 81. Colerain 60.5, Batavia 23, Monroe 16, Amelia 13, Glen Este 10, Western Brown 7, McNicholas 5. Individual mulls: 200MR-Loveland 1:56.98; 200 free-Yanzsa (LE) 1:57.06; 2001M-Wheeler (Loveland) 2:18. 7B: 50 free-Weaver (Colerain) 24.99; IOOFiy-Weaver (Colerain) 1:00.31; 100 free-Brown (Mrlford) :56.90; 500 free-Yarm;a (LE) 5:12.10; 200FR-Lakota West 1:4 7.12; !OOBack-Lennon (Loveland) 1:00.04; 100Breast-Wheeler (Loveland) 1:10.93; 400FR-Milford 3:53.56; !Meter-Brehm (Monroe) • 2:5!.95. Swimmer of the Melt: AshleyYanzsa (Lakota East). Andenon 135, Mc:Aiole, 50 200MR- Anderson 1:59.04: 200 free- Hicks (A) 2:04.35; 2001M- Vrgar (A) 2:23. 76; 50 free-Ward (A) 26. 79; IOOFiy- KnJeger (M) 1:01.24; 100 freeBowling (A) 55. 77; 500 free- Hicks (A) 5:23.81; 200FR- Anderson 1:46.90: IOOBack- Comodeca (A) 1:01.25; 100Breast- KnJeger (M) 1:12.34; 400FR- Anderson 3:54.61: !Meter- Loseff (A) 2:06.35. Upper Arlington 141, Mountllotn! Dome 42 200MR-Upper Mrngton 1:50.58: 200 free-War· moltz (UA) 1:50.58; 2001M-Eitel (UA) 2:18 33: 50 free-Sullivan (UA) :25.59: !OORy-Fulcher (UA) !:01.36; 100 free-Hammerberg (UA) :54.96; 500 ~ee-Loe (UA) 5:03.03: 200FR-Upper Mington 1:39.78: !OOBack-Rshbac~. (UA) 1:0!.44: 1008reast-Chin (UA) 110.74, 400FR-Upper Arlington 3:40.83; !Meter-Anderson (UA) 212.95.


Talawanda 4, Moeller 3 Goals: T-Phillrps 2. Hoover 2. M-J. Korst 2. 8ovay. Records: M 14-4-2. St. Xavier 2, Dublin Collman 2


Goals: S- Kamp, Louie. D- Rogers 2. Recoros: S 11·1·4, D 12+2. '

Late Friday St. Xavier 5, Lakota West 2 Goals: S- Rinaldi 2, Doyle, Louie, Grombala. L- · Ca.~y 2. Records: S II· 7.

Enquirer swimming coaches' polls 1-l.~ -..c~ BOYS



1. St. Xavier (6) ...................................60 ~ .................................... ,53 3. Mason ............................................. 49 4. Sycamore ...................................... .41 5. Turpin .........'.: .... :;::,.......................... 25 T6. La Salle ......................................... 22 T6. Fairfield ... .. ..................22 8. Lakota West ........,........,.................. 21 9. Wyoming ..........................................17 1o. Anderson .......................................6 Others: Elder 6; Oak Hills 4; Lakota East 3; Middle¡ town 1.

GIRLS Division I



1. Ursuline (6) ... 60 2. Mason ...... 53 T3. Sycamore ...................................... 43 T3. St. Ursula..................... .. .. .43 5. Anderson... .. ................. 32 6. Lakota East ......... 25 7. Turpin ......... :................................... 18 8. Loveland.. .. ............... 13 9. Mount Notre Dame ........................... 10 10. Lakota West... ................................ to Others: Seton 9; Fairfield 6; Oak Hills 4;Talawanda 4.

Boys' swimming Sc~ yanl medley~ St. xavier Mason Sycamore Moeller lakota West


1- 4'> C'_,..,..1:40.93~ --'

..,..b!.:41.62l 1:43.13 ,

1:43.74 j


1:44.24 ,'

La Salle Fairfield Elder LDveland

1:45.57' 1:45.88 1:46.23 1:47.71 i

200 pnl freestyle , . Name, schoOl

Toii!O ,

Barblere,St xavier Langford, Mason Columbus, St. xa~er lawley, St Xa~er Evans, Mason Hart, lakota West Heinsen, St. xa~er Conaty, St. xavier Spurting, Turpin Schneider, La Salle

.1:42.84 , 1:44.12 ( 1:44.46 \ 1:45.38 1:45.52 1:46.45 1:46.94 1:47.26 1:47.39 1:47.75


individual medley


lime i

Name, school

Howell, Moeller Hewes, Mason BuUer,Turpin Barooere, Stxal'ier Columbus, St Xavier Schwartz, St Xavier Upart, St xav·oer Albers, Moeller Hart, Lakota West Smit, St XJJvier

1:55.46 1:57.83 1'.~11.1>1 1

1:59.56 2:00.78


2:01.09 ., 2:01.12

2:01.31 2:02.89 . 2:03.03

50 yard freestyle

Name, school


21.61 22.00

Spnnger, St. Xavier

Ransenberg, St Xavier 6ar1Jiere, St. Xavier

22.05 22.11 22.20 22.23 22.31 22 .3:l 22.41 22.50

Schnur, Oak Hills Con~. Wilmington Supronas, Mason Gallagher, St. XJJvier Hancher, Sycamore Applega~. ~iddletown .

. Lawley, St. xavier

100 Y!lnl butlecflY

Name, school •

Smit, St. Xavier Hart, Lakota West Barbiere, St. Xavier l.angford, Mason Hanner, Sycamore Hines, Taylor Howell, Moeller ~urphy, Wyoming louis, St. Xavier S'qlurling, Turpin


51.61 51.7 4 52.51 53.09 53.42 "54.16 54.36 54.42 54.66 55.14

100 Y!lnl freestyle


flame, schoOl

Barblere, St. Xavier ' lllngford, Mason Hanner, Sycamore Lawley, St Xavier· Ransenberg, St. XJJvier Hart, lakota West Joyce, Mason '

47.39 48.48 48.61 48.72 48.7 4 49.34 49.35

Heinsen, St. xavier Springer, St. Xavier • Columbus, St. xa~er

49.36 49.41 49.50

500 Y!lnl freestyle

&me, schoOl

Barbiere, St Xavier Ca•umbus, St xavier Lawley, St. xavier Hooell, Moeller Ev•ns, Mason 1\oo:h, lakota West Miller, St. Xavier Korwyck, Mason Conaty, St xavier Bames, St. xavier


4:39:46 4:43.07 4:44.09 4:44.44 4:46.47 4:48.08 4:48.11 4:48.76 4:49.78 4:50.83

Sc~ yard freestyle rewme Stxavier Mason Oak Hills Sycamore lakota West Wyoming Moeller Turp•n ,LDve:and Milfllrd

. 100


1:26.61 1:29.22 1:31.58 1:32.78 1:32.97 1:33.39 1:33.40 1:34.14 1:35.38 1:35.43

rd backstroke




Sarb'ere, St. Xavier Smrt, St. xavier Hanrrer, Sycamore Spurting, Turpin @ressman, St Xavier Neacl<, St. Xavier Schnrider; la Salle Spurtilg, Turpin C.olumbus, St. Xavier Schwartz, St. Xavier

52.00 53.78 54.87 55.04 55.13 55.16 55.84 55.85 56.05 56.09

100 wid breaststrokeTime '

Name, sChool

Hewes, Mason . BuUer, Turpin Upan, St. Xavier Schwartz, St Xavier Albers, Moeller . Kao, S1'C8more HoWell, Moeller Undley, Mason 8aumg•rtner, St Xavier Koch, lakota West

58.24 58.89 1:01.20 1:01.42 1:01.58 Ui2.14 1:02.28 1:03.77 1:03.97 1:04.07

400 yard freestyle relav -'il"me


st xa~•r Mason lakota West Sycamol<! Fairfield wyoming Manem<>lt Moeller Turpin oak Hills

3:12.08 3:14.08 3:20.34 3:23.29 3:25.52 3:27.84 3:28.95 3:29.32 3:30.69 3:31.53

1 meter rfwiog


Sargem./1/ascn. Kelly, fide< Meoer, St.)!avier Deslak, U!~ota West Rapp, Mason Thornton, Elder OoMasso, Sycamore sushenan . l/ljlford •illespoe,la Salle 'etrosky, Milmrd


~m. 270.9 · 263.0 240. 6 23 8 _6 " 232.8 I 214 _0


. 210 .1


201.81 194 4 185: 7 ,

Enquirer swimming coaches' poll t ... t 1- og BOYS


Points .

1. St Xavier (10) ..................................... 100 2. Mason ..........................•..•.•................80 3. Moeller ................................................ 78 4. Sycamore ........................................... .. 5. La Salle .....~........................................... 41 6. Fairfield ................................................33 7. Twpin ..................................................25 8. Oak Hills ................................., ........... 23 19. Elder .................................................22 19. Wyoming ................................... :.......22 Others: Anderson 18; Lakota East 18; Lakota West 9; Milford 7; Martemont 6; Walnut Hills 3; Princeton 2; loveland 2; Clarl< Montessorto2; Middletown 2; Lebanon 1. . ·




1. Ursuline (5).. ......... 59 2. Mason ................................................53 3. St. Ursula (1) ..................................... ..48 ......... 34 4. Sycamore .. 5.LakotaWest .. . ..............?9 .. .. 23 6. Lakota East...... .. ................................. 18 7. Anderson ......... 17 8. Mount Notre Dame 9. loveland ............................................11 .

10, Turpin.........

.. ..... to

Others: Seton 10; Oak Hills 7; Fairfield 6; Milford 4; Talawanda I.

Boys' swimming 200 . medley relay

School St Xavier Mason Sycamore Moeller



1-'~0S 1:40.93

1:41.62 1:43.13



200 freesty1e

Name, school

Barbiere, St xavier Langford, Mason ' Columbus, St xavier Lawley, St. Xavier Evans, Mason

lime 1:42.84 1:44.25 1:44.46 1:46.18 1:46.29

200 individual medleY

Name, school



Howell, Moeller ~ Barbiere, St. xavier ! Columbus,StXavier I Albers, Moeller

1:7. 1:59.56 2:00.78 2:01.31

50 freesty1e


Name, school

lime 21.75 22.03 22.05 ' 22.11 22.20

Springer, St. Xavier Ransenberg, St Xavier Barbiere, St. Xavier Schnur, Oak Hills Conti, Wilmington

100 butterfly

Name, school


Smit, St xavier Barbiere, St. Xavier Hart, lakota West Hanner, Sycamore Laogford, Mason

51.61 52.51 52.92 53.42 53.62

100 freesty1e

Name, school



47.51 I 48.61 48.74

Bal'lJiere, St. Xavier Hanner, Sycamore Ransenberg, St. Xavier Lawley, St Xavier Langford, Mason



500 freesty1e

Name, school

Bart>iere, St. Xavier Columbus, St Xavier Lawley, St Xavier Ho~ell, Moeller

EVans, MaStm


4:39.46 4:43.07 4:44.09 . 4:44 ..:1.4 . ~47

200 freestyle relaY



St Xavier Mason , lakota West Oak Hrlls Sycamcre

1:27.63 1:29.22 1:30.34 1:31.58 1:32.78

100 backstroke

Name, school


Barbie.,, St. Xavier


Smit, St Xavier Hanner, Sycamore

53.78 54.87

Spurling, Turpin Schneider, La Salle

· 55.04 55.84

100 breaststroke

Name, school · Hewes. Mason

Butler, Turpin Upan, St. Xavier Scllwan:z, St xavier Albers, Moeller



58.89 1:01.20 1:01.42 ~

400 freesty1e relav



St Xavier Mason Sycamore lakota West Fairfield

3:14.24 3:17.56 3:23.29 3:24.79 3:25.52

1 meter diving

Name, school


Sargent, Mason Kelly, Elder Meier; St xavier . Rapp,'Mason Thom10n, Elder

270.9 263 240.6 232.8 214


Nearly 2,900 jumping into area pools.this weekend By Adam Baum

i ·- i 8- 0

e Notebook

The 25th annual Southwest Ohio High School Swimming and Diving Classic, the single largest swimming and diving event in country, according to organizers, is set for this weekend. Events are Saturday and Sunday, with preliminaries at seven different sites to allow for added collegiate events and nearly 2,900 swimmers and divers. The diving finals start at 9 a.m. Sunday at Sycamore High School.

"It's amazing how this meet grows from year to year and the level of competition has become unheatable," said meet c<rdirector TomSchoborg. Waycross Communications will broadcast the event on cable, along with Swimming World TV, which ·will produce segments in the form of Web-based broadcasts:

'Ihe swimming finals for both days are at St. Xavier's Keating riatatorium at 7 p.m. . Former Olympic stars Joe Rude·pohl (St. Xavier), Erin Phenix {Ursuline) and Dan Ketchum (Sycamore) will be honored duiing the meet. Ketchum will be the only one I ' b k tb II in attendance. ' lr S as e a St. Xavier has won the event evMercy senior center Maribeth ery year of its existence. Ursuline Giese scored her 1,000th career will be competing for its fourth con- pointJan. 3 against McAuley. Giese secutive victory. finished Mercy's 57-38 win with 12

points in the game and 1,003 points . in her career. Giese is committed to Bowling Green to play basketball. HUGHES: The Big Red has done a ·complete turnaround from last season. After a dismal 5-13 finish in 2006-07, Hughes is 12-4, including a key 44-37 win over Mercy, consistently one of ,Cincinnati's top 10 teams. Hughes is led by junior guard Jasmine Davis, a Division I prospect. Coach Anita Burke relies on a strong perimeter game, as the Big Red has not one player taller than six feet.

tiUT:t' ~WIIIIIIIIIfti MU UIYII'Iti Sou!~.- Ohio Swimminc and lliving Classic


I .J '


Team Scores: 1. St. Xavier 674, 2 Centerville 372. 3. t.'oeller 356, 4. Mason 292, 5. Tu'J)in 213. 6 S>nngfield CatholiC 177, 7. Sycamore 169. 8. Lakota West158, 9. Wyommg 137, 10. fairtield 101, 11 La Salle 82, 12. Middletown 76. 12. Wayne 76, 14. Oak Hills 75, 15. Beavercreek 61, 16. Elder 50. 17. An· derson 45 200MR-St Xa~er 1:37.42; 1650 free-Hrtchcock (Catholic Central) 15:30.99; 2001M-Howell (Moeller) 1.52.92: 100 free-Barbiere (St. Xa>Jer) 47.39, 200Ry-Han (Lakota West) 1:53.65: 100Breast-Butler (Turpin) 57.75: 200Back-Howell (Moeller) 1:53.48; 400 free-St. Xavier 3:12.08


At S!camore lMeterDMncfinats

1. Gramger (Indian Hill) 442.45. 2. Kelly (Elder) 375.45, 3. Meier(St Xavier) 364.60. 4. Sargent (Ma· son) 358.20, 5. Dimasso (Sycamore) 327.15. 6. Hall (indian Hill) 321.75, 7. Rapp (Mason) 314.10. 8 Cushenan (Milford) 308.65, 9. Thornton (Elder) 293.45, 10. Robenson (Bellbrook) 278.50


--Ohio Swimming 1nd lliving Classic

Sunday"s finals At 51. Xavier Team Scores:!. Ursuline 529, 2. Centerville 418, 3. Mason 292, 4. St. Ursula 186. 5. Sycamore 174, 6 Spnngboro 168, 7. Anderson 146, 7. Kettenng fairmont 146, 9. Turpin 115, !O.Loveland 112.11. Greenville 92, 12. Lakota East 89, 13. lndran Hill 79. 14. Vandalia-Butler 72, 15. fairfield 68. 16 Mount Notre Dame 67, 17. Wyoming 66. 200MR-Ursuline 1:48.60; 1650 free-Rrdge (St. Ursula) 17:11.81; 2001M-Barrett (Butler) 2:0667; 100 free-Radke (Ursuline) 53.22; 2DDRy-Krueger (McAuley) 2:10.06: lOOBreast-Conklrn (Ursulrne) 1 05.87; 200Back-Andrews (Centervrlle) 2:04.43, 400 free-Ursuline 3:33.27.


lMeler DiYiog Finals 1. Brehm (Monroe) 385.80, 2 Pyles (CHCA) 374.50, 3. El~ns (Centerville) 365.50. 4 Doerger (Seven Hills) 353.35, 5. Edwards (Mason) 319 35. o. Korchinski (Centerville) 317.85, 7. Grote (Seton) 311.05, 8. Buckner (Wyoming) 297.15. 9. Krombholz (Indian Hill) 295 2D, 10. Di Masso (Sycamoce) ?7P. P.n

Barbiere leads powerhouse St. X to its 25th straight SW Ohio title By Chris Delotell Enquirer contributor

For most of the nearly 3,000 swimmers and divers who competed in this weekend's Southwest Ohio Classic, the ev~nt was an opportunity to compete in one of the biggest meets in the region.. But St Xavier star swimmer Jim Barbiere and his teammates helped tum the meet into a silver jubilee for their squad. · The Bombers, who won the first Classic in 1984. and have won it every year since, duplicated that feat Sunday, marking their 25th consecutive championship in the event 'The significance is that we've hadastrongprogramatthisschool for a longtime," said StX·coach.Tim Brower, who has led the school to nine straight state championships. "Ifs a tribute to the depth of the teams we've had." The Bombers won the title behind the dominance of Indiana University-bound Barbiere, a senior who won the 100 freestyle and placed second in the 200 backstroke SUilday. Barbiere won the 100 backstroke on Saturday. He

Swimming /-

Beennan. 'To be able to come to217"05 gether as a group and come away

was also a member of three winning relay teams. Brower, · who said Barbiere could be one of the "four or five" . best swimmers'he's ever coached, was even more complimentary of Barbiere's attitude. "He's got.rock-solid character," Brower said. "I know that the . phrase 1ead by example' is overused, but he does things the right way, and he gets other people to do it too." Barbiere deflected credit for his accomplishments. 'There's just so much tradition in St X swimming," he said. "Ifs not just about one pe'rson; ifs about everyone contributing to make us better. We take a lot of pride in our program. We feed off of everyone on our team's success." Ursuline continued its recent dominance on the girls' side as the lions cruised to a fourth conseculive team victory in the event 'Theteamcertainlytakesalotof pride in winning a meet" like this," said 12th-year Ursuline coach Tm1

with the title means a lot." Beennan, a fonner St X assistant, said Barbiere has a bright future. "What really strikes me about Jimmy is his potential," Beennan said. "He has just begun to grow into the type of swimmer he can be. He can have a real impact on the college leveL" Indian Hill junior Michael Grainger repeated as the boys' 1-meter diving competition winner with a score of 442.45. Elder senior Eric Kelly placed second, and St XaVier junior Mason Meier came in third. Monroe senior Nicole Brehm edgedCHCA'sSarahPylestodaim the girls' diving championship for the second straight year. Molly Elkins, a junior from Centerville, placed third. Olympians Rowdy Gaines and Dan Ketchum, as well as world chaftlpion medalist Sabir Muhammad, will be in attendance this morning at a sprint dinicfrom 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at St Xavier's Keating Natatorium.

Greg loring for The Enquirer

St. Xavier's Jim Barnlere won the 100 freestyle and placed second in the 200 backstroke on Sunday. St. X coach Jim Brower called Barbiere one of the "four or five" best swimmers that he's ever coached.




1. St. xavier (11) 110 2. Moeller 87 84 3. Mason 4. Turpin 50 5. Sycamore 48 6. la Salle 34 T7. Fairfield 30 T7. Anderson 30 ; 9. Wyoming 26 10. lakota West 25 others: loveland 20; OakHillsl6; Elderl4; Millard II; lakota East II; Walnut Hills 3; Talawanda 2; Clark Montessorl2; lebanon 1; Princeton 1.



School I. Ursuline (6) 2. Mason 3. St. Ursula 4. Sycamore 5. Anderson 6. Turpin (I) ?.loveland 8. lakota East 9. lakota West 10. Mount Notre Dame Others: Oak Hills 19; Seton 9; Milford 7; T~lawanrla?

Points 60 59 55 36 34 27 24 23 18 16 Fairfield 5;

Boys' swimming 1_3 1-


GCL Championship: The St Xavier 200 freestyle relay team of seniors Thomas Barnes, Matt Reinsen and Alex Smit and junior Brett Schoenling set a meet record with a time of 1:28.70 as the Bombers won the league championship, fin; ishing ahead of second-place Moeller 465-330. '"'J:\lioeller senior Brian Howell brought home mifivtduiil cnampi- . onships in the 200 individual medley (1:55.23) and 500 freestyle (4:41.20).

Sirls' swimming GGCL Championship: Ursuline senior Sarah Tanner won the 200 individual medley with a time of 2:06.52 and the 100 butterfly with a timeof57.70andwasamemberof ¡ the 200 and 400 freestyle relay teams that finished in first place to . lead the Lions to a first-place team 'i finish overall. . I I

Boys' swimming School

200 yard medley relay


StXavier _ Turpin

Mason Sycamore Wyoming Moeller Loveland LakotiWest La Salle Oak Hills

l:37.24 . 1:40.58 "'~.:~1:40.93 ...... ~ "'Vt:41.62 1:41.74 1:43.13 1:43.67 1:43.74 1'.44.98 1:45.32

l I

200 yard freestyle

Name, school


Sarbiere, St. xavier Langford, Mason Columbus, St Xavier Vigar, Anderson Lav,1ey, St Xavier Evans, Masou_ Spuning, Turpin Han. Lakota West Allen, Wyoming Heinsen, St. xa~er

1:42.84 1:44.12 1:44.46 1:44.65 1:45.38 1:45.52 1:46.43 1:46.45 1:46.76 1:46.94

200 yard individual ·medley

Name, school


Howell, Moeli!J!Hewes, Mason Sutler, Turpin Sarbiere, St. Xavier Columbus. St Xavier Schwartz, St. xavier Upari; St. xavier Albers, Moeller Schneider, La Salle Koch, lakota West


1:55.46 1:57.63· 1:58.67 1:59.56 2:00.78 2:01.09 2:01.12 2:01.31 2:01-.84 2:02.54

50 yard freestyle

Name, sdiool


Springer, St Xavier Ransenberg, St. Xa~er Barbiere, St xavier Schnur, Oak Hills Applegate, Middletown Lawley, St. xavier_ Rhodenbaugh, Oak Hills Conti, Wilmington Supronas, Mason Gallagher, St. xa~er

21.61 22.00 22.05 22.11 22.14 22.16 22.18 22.20 22.23 22.31 ,

100 yard butterflv ·

Name, school

- --'iime

Smit, St. xavier Hart: lakota West Barbiere, St. xavier Murphy, Wyoming_ Langford, Mason Hanner, Sycamore_ Butler, Turpin Hines, Taylor Howell, Moeller Louis, St xavier

51.61 51.74 52.51 53.00 53.09 53.42 54.06 54.16 54.36 54.66


100 yard freestyle

Name, school


8arbiere, St. Xavier Langford, Mason Joyce, Mason Hanner, Sycamore Lawley, St. Xavier Ransenberg, St. xavier Hart, lakota West Heinsen, St. Xavier Allen, Wyoming Schnur, Oak Hills Springer, St Xavier

47.39 48.48 48.59 48.61 48.72 48. 7~ 49.34 49.36 49.38 · 49.41 49.41

500 yard freestyle

Name, school


8arblere, St. xavie!..Columbus, St. Xavier Lawley, St Xavier H·owell, Moeller VJgar, Anderson Evans, Mason Koch, lakota West Miller, St Xavier Kolwyck, Mason Conaty, St Xavier


4:39.46 4:43.07. 4:44.09 4:44.44 4:44.58 4:46.47. 4:48.08 4:48.11· 4:48.76 4:49.78

200yard freeStyJe relay

St xavier_ Mason Lakota West Oak Hills Wyoming Turpin LoVeland Sycamore Moeller La Salle·


1:26.61 1:29.22 1:30.34 1:31.18 1:31.54 1'31:89 ,. 1:32.49 1:32.78 1:33.40 1:33.88

100 yard backstroke

thme, sc'bool



Barbiere, St. Xavier Sm~: St xavier Spurling, Turpin · Schneider, La Salle Hanner, Sycamore

52.00 53.78 54.26· 54.70 54.87

Oressman, St Xavier


Neack, St xavier. McKee, Middletown_

55.16 55.40

Zimmerman, little Miami


Columbus, St. xavier


100 yard breaststroke

Name, school


Sutler, Turpin

57.75 ·

Hewes, Mason

58.24 ;I

Upari, St xavier· Schwartz, St. Xavre;-"' Albers, Moeller . Morrison, Lakota East Kao, Sycamore Howell, Moeller Wiliams, L.ovelana Undley, Mason

1:01.20 : 1:01.42 1:01.58 • 1:01.77 · 1:02.14 1:02.28 1:02.95 1:03.77


400 freestyle relaY'time


St xavier Mason-Turpin Lakota West Wyoming Sycamore · Oak Hills Fairfeld . Mariomont La Salle


3:12.08 3:14.08 3:18.12 3:20.34 3:22.30 3:23.29 3:25.27 1 · 3:25.52 3:25.70 3:25.8 7 '

1 meter diving


Name, school


Sargent, Mason Kelly, Elder

270.9 263

Meter, St. xavier


Cieslak, lakota West Rapp, Mason Thornton, Elder OiMassO, Sycamore Resendes, St Xavier Cushenan, Milford Gillespie, La Salle

238.6 232.8 214 '210.1 208.6 : 201.75 . 194.35


•' lC

' District swimming

Barbiere leads[ Bombers-to typical result J I

Defending state champ tops district -z./1~/t>B

By Kyle Burch

- -


r·,;, .i'-



Enquirer contributor

The usual suspects found themselves atop the standings of the boys' Southwest District swim meet on Friday, but that didn't take away from the competition in the pool at Mi3mi University. St. Xavier again captured the top spot, advancing for an attempt at winning a lOth consecutive state championship in Canton next week. .The Bombers finished with 425 · points, ahead of second-place Ma- .son with 251 and third-place Moe!- · ler with 236.50. St. Xavier captured all three relay events and had swimmers E.L. Hubbard for The ~nquirer place first in three individual Moeller's Brian Howell broke his· events. · · own meet record in the 200- ·•·· According to coach Jim Brow- yard individual medley, win' ·i er, ope of the-keys to the Bomb- ning in 1:49.66. -·.; ers' perfomiance Friday night was .;y· the execution of their relay teams. Butler is the defending state· "Our relays were really senior- champion,· and Hewes captured:'1 driven this year," Brower said. the state title two years ago as a•--: "Seniors usually like to get up and sophomore. · _ ''" race, especiallythislateintheseaButler's time was just tilreexi son." tenths of a second off of the meet· Perhaps the most exciting race record. ·;~~f was the nighfs last. "I'm a little disappointed };~ In the 400-yard freestyle relay, didn'tgettherecord,"Butlersaid~0J the Moeller foursome held the "But I wasn't fully rested. I thinkl· · lead over St. Xavier through the will be next week. I'm sure it will:;; first three legs before Bombers be close again between me and~:­ anchor Jim Barbiere went stroke Spencer." for stroke with Moeller's Brian Moeller junior Michael KroneJ Howell and overtookhim over the won the 100 freestyle in 46.76. •l":i lastlOyardstohelpSt.Xfinishin-3 The area's other individual· · minutes, 9.75 seconds. The Cru- championship cai)le from Howell~i saders finished in 3:09.89.' in the 200-yard individual med!E:y:f.J Barbiere, the defending state The Moeller senior, the defend-11 champion in the 100-yard back- ing state champion in the even4:'i stroke, also qualified in that event broke the meet record he set lasr with a time of 51.46. year, finishing in 1:49.66. 'l~ "I'mmorepleasedwithhowthe "My main goal was to break1?. team swam than how I swam," 1:50,andldidthat,"Howellsa1d."I Barbiere said. "Ifs fun to come don't know if I'll be able to (beat) i-t out here and watCh our kids swim that time next week, I'm sure ifJil fast" will be a good race." · - . St. Xavier also took home the The Bombers could face theii:r championship in · the 200-yard stiffest challenge in recent years·!ol medley relay ancJ the 200-yard atnextweek'sstatemeet,withCo-il[ freestyle relay. lumbus St. Charles nipping -atlf The Bombers' individual wins · their heels. According to Bar,;-.1 , came from Alex Smit in the 100- biere, the presence ofstrongcom:il yard butterfly, who finished In petition can only help St. Xavier's,:; 50.97, and Steven Springer in the performance. 50-yard freestyle, who finished in "We know that St. Charles iS'r. 21.03. going to be tough competition/~ · In the 100-yard butterfly, one of Barbiere said. "But we are looking~r; the nighfs most hotly contested at it as us having to swim to matclrP events, Turpin's Nathan Butler the competition. It makes us have\J . finished in 56.75 to edge Spencer to swim as fast as we possibly can .. ,._Hewes, who had a time of57.38. as a team." :i· 1

--a-J - a - a - •


3. Your daughter comes home one night with Tom Brady. Your first reaction · Is... · A. Show him to your favorite chair

and offer refreshments. B. Kick him in his bad ankle, then slam the door. C. Ask him what he does for a living. 4. In a game against Miami, Brady had only the 17th perfect quarterback rating of 158.3 since the NFL·AFL merger In 1970. The response should be ...

A. Loud applause and sincere admiration. B. An asterisk, because it came against the Dolphins.

SOUTHWEST OHIO SWIMMING AND DIVING CLASSIC RESULTS Team score~ Girls Ursuline Centerville Mason St. Ursula Sycamore Springboro Anderson Fairmont Turpin Lovelaoo Greenville Lakota East .Indian Hill Vandalia Suiter Fairfield Mt. Notre Dame Wyoming Mercey Lakota West McAuley Oak Hills Colerain Talawanda Beavercreek Xenia !Kings Kenton Ridge ·Mariemont Sidney Lehman Catholic Troy Lemon-Monroe Cincinnati Hills Christian Seven Hills Seton Tipp City Tippecanoe '<ettering A~er :>urcell \<larian Milford Versailles Batavia

527 417

292 186 174

168 153 146 115 112

92 89 79 72 68 67 66



42 • 40 36

34 33

30 27

26 25

22 22

20 17 15 14 14 11 11 9 6 6

Princetoo Arcanum Miamisburg Clayton Northmonl

5 4

2 1

Boys St. Xavier Centervle ·Moeller Mason Turpin Springfield Central Catholic Sycamore Lakota West Wyoming Fairfield Huber Heights Wayne LaSalle Middletown Oak Hills Beavercreek Bder Anderson Summit Country Day Oakwood Indian Hill McNicholas ltttle Miami Springboro Bellefontaine Springfield North Princeton Milford Bellbrook Walnut Hills Mariemont Taylor . Clark Montessori Wilmington Franklin n~

672 372 356 291 213 177 169 157 137 101 83 82 76

75 61

50 45

36 34 33 25 19 19 -:-4

:2 12 11 1. 1

10 8 7 7 6 4


Kings - Clayton Northmont



Bombers, Lions squarely in championship hunt I s

.:Z..M_/ 2-D I 0

By Ike yer

. . state SWimmmg . .

It's tempting to assume St. Xavier will win•a state swimming title every year. After all, the Bombers are seeking their lOth consecutive title this weekendinCantonaftertheywere state runner-up to Toledo St. Francis de Sales in 1998. 'The school is very proud of what they accomplish," St. X athletic director John Sullivan srud. "It's easy to forget and take things for granted." ButcoachJimBrowerisnottaking anything for granted as the Bombers prepare to ·travel to Branin Natatorium. Columbus St. Charles, which finished second the past two seasons, is regarded as the top threat to end the Bombers' title streak. "Our guys know . that St. Charles is loaded," Brower said. St. X won the district team title last weekend and had three individual and three relay championships. Senior Jim Barbiere, a defending state champion, won the 10(). · yard backstroke last week. Seniors Steven Springer and Alex Smit won the 50 freestyle and 100 butterfly, respectively. ''We had some nice swims (last "' Friday)," Brower said. 'The dis-

trict meet was very competitive and we were grateful to have the opportunity to be a part of it. The meet in Canton will be amazing. The state is loaded with talent, and it will be fun to see some great swimming." There will be plenty of talent on display as the annual state meet begins at 9 a.m. today with the Division I girls' diving competition. Preliminaries for swimming events begin at 9:30a.m. Other local favorites include Turpin senior Nathan Butler and Mason senior Spencer Hewes in the 100 breaststr~ke. Butler is ·the defending state champion and Hewes won it two years ago. · Moeller senior Brian Howell, a defending state champion in the 200 individual medley, won the district title and is a strong favorite. · Moeller junior Michael Krone won the 100 freestyle at district Indian Hill diver Michael Graingeristheareafavoriteafterhewas district champion and eighth at state last season. For the girls, Ursuline is trying to win its first state title since 2001. The Lions have been Division I state runner-up the past five seasons.

ursulin~ s~niO: . s hT ara anner

won two district titles last week in the 200 individual medley and 100 butterfly. . Th~ Lions have 13 state qualifiers, including six seniors who are returning state qualifiers. "I know (the six seniors) want tohavethebestmomentforthemselves and for the team accomplishment," Ursuline coach Tim Beerman said. Others with a strong districtfinish include Sycamore's Alex Norris (100 fly), Loveland's Cara Lennon (100 back), Coler-ain's Lauren Weaver (50 free), Mason's Danielle Jansen (100 free); St. Ursula's Casey Ridge (500 free) and Ursuline's Breann McDowell (500 free). In diving, Mason sophomore· Taylor Edwerds was the top finisher at district, placing second. In Division .II, Wyoming won the district for the second consecutive season .. "I think we were relaxed," Wyorning coach Dave. Elliott said. 'They are a good group." Mariemont and Wyoming won the 200 and 400 freestyle relays, respectively.. Indian Hill senior Margaret Fish won the 200 individual medley and 500 freestyle. In diving, Monroe senior Nicole Brehm, a state runner-up the past two seasons, is the area fav~orite.

Swimming's postseason starts With sectionals today By Cedric K. Brown /

The sectional swimming meets start today . at various locations across Southwest Ohio. The meets will be held at Mason High School, St. Xavier's Keating Natatorium and the Washington Township Recreation Center in Centerville. The boys will start at.6 p.m: today at Keating and at 6:30p.m. at Ma~on and Centerville. The girls will begin at 9:30 a.m. Saturday at Mason, 11:30 a.m. at Keating and ·3 p.m. at CenterviUe. . . St. Xavier, which finished No. 1 in the Enquirer coaches' poll, is ·heavily favored to carry on its streak of nine co~secutive state . · championships: ~ . ' "Our No. 1goal this weekend is to advance as many swimmers as possible," said St. Xavier coach ·Jim Brower.

:;JJtl~)~U.lli>J. v:Jilb 'v Jl ti.bll'tJ .:JI.I


The Bombers are led by senior Jim Barbiere, who leads the area in four different events: the 200 freestyle (U2.84), Barbiere 100 freestyle (47.39), 500 freestyle (4:39.46) and 100 backstroke (52.00). Barbiere has committed to swim at In9iana next season. Senior Alex Smit, who leads the. area in the 100 butterfly (51.61), has committed to swim for Ohio State, Brower said. On the girls' side, Ursuline, the Enquirer coaches' poll champ, 1 seems to have the edge. Led by five seniors who ha'te committed to Division I colleges, the Lions would like to break their streak of five consecutive state

. ·~--C'··~.'.B.I.J

ill.}JJ~'(-1. t:fU llt-..,U h) :11J I fii.Jd lh.~,

runner-up finishes with a championship. 'They've raced very well all season up until this point, and I expect nothing less this weekend," said Ursuline coach Tun Beerman of his seniors. "We just need a good swim this weekend to get into districts, and we'll take the rest from there." . The Mason boys' and girls' teams also should have strong' fin. ishes, after sweeping the Greater Miami Conference championships .last weekend. This season :was the first the Comets competed intheGMC. . ! ,

Ursuline, was also the Division I district coaches' player of the year and the Girls' Greater Cfucinnati League-Scarlet player of the year for leading the Lions to a rewonal final. Snow, a senior midfielder from Indian Hill, was the Division II district. coaches' player of 1the year and the Cincinnati Hills League player of the year after leading the Braves to a regional final. Both McGee and Snow were first-team all-state.

Basketball ·.

The National Christian Home School mideast regional champiGirls' soccer · ons will be crowned this weekend Both Division I player of the at Cincinnati Christian University. year Kiondra McGee and Division The semifinals will begin today at II player of the year Meredith · 6:1~ p.m. with the girls. Snow were named to the National Th~ championship gaines will Soccer. Coaches Association of take place Saturday morning, with America girls' All-America team. the girls playing at 9:30. a.m. folMcGee, a senior forward from lowed by the boys at


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District swimming

Barbiere leadS1 . , Bo~bers to j typical result :J): .



Defending state champ tops district '\'It..' By Kyle Burch Enquirer contributor

The usual suspects found themselves atop .the standings of the boys' Southwest District swim meet on Friday, but that didn't take away from the competition in the pool at Miami University. St. Xavier again captured the top spot, advancing for an attempt at winning a lOth consecutive state championship in Canton nextweek. · •· The Bombers finished with 425 points, ahead of second-place Mason with 251 and third-place Moeller with 236.50. St. Xavier captured all three reE.L. Hubbard for The Enquirer . lay events and had swimmers place first in three individual Moeller's Brian Howell broke hi,s~~ . events. · own meet record in the 200- "' • According to coach Jim Brow- yard individual medley, win- -~-t-: . . 149 66 ' ,.., .• er, one of the keys to the Bomb- nmg m : . . ..,;-:,. ers' performance Friday night was ,. ' the execution of their relay teams. Butler is the defending state, J "Our relays were really senior- champion, and Hewes capture~'-· driven this year," Brower said. the state title two years ago as <C "Seniors usually like to get up and sophomore. ', 1 ''; race, especially this late in the seaButler's time was just thr~! son." tenths of a second off of the meet·. Perhaps the most exciting race record. · · · '' · was the night's last "I'm a little disappointed, ) 1 ~ In the 400-yard freestyle relay, didn't get the record," Butler said. 1 the Moeller foursome held the "But I wasn't fully rested. I think I, lead over St. Xavier through the will be next week. I'm sure it wilt" first three legs before .Bombers be close again between me an'lf J anchor Jim Barbiere went stroke Spencer." -:. for stroke with Moeller's Brian ,Moeller junior Michael '1\ro'ne:{ Howellandovertookhim over the won the 100 freestyle in 46.76. · ~· ..· lastlOyardstohelpSt.Xfinishin3 The area's other individual. minutes, 9.75 seconds. The Cru- championship came from Howeit· saders finished in 3:09.89. in the 200-yard individual medley::• Barbiere, the defending state The Moeller senior, the defend" : champion in the 100-yard back- ing state champion iti the eveq~'• stroke, also qualified in that event broke the meet record he set last with a time of 51.46. year, finishing in 1:49.66. ·. 1'· · "I'mmorepleasedwithhowthe "My main goal was to br~" team swam than how I swam," 1:50, and I did that," Howell said. "l Barbiere said. "It's fun to come don't lrnow ifl'll be able to (b~'t);; out here and watch our kids swim that time next week, I'm sure ~t. fast." Will be a good race." · ' . St. Xavier also took home the The Bombers could face their·'1 championship in the 200-yard stiffest challenge in recent yea'i:§ ' medley relay and the 200-yard atnextweek'sstatemeet,withC~~. freestyle relay. lumbus St. Charles nipping Jt · The Bombers' individual wins their heels .. According to B~j, came from Alex Smit in the 100- biere, the presence of strong comyard butterfly, who firiished in petition can only help St. Xavief~'· 50.97, and Steven Springer in the performance. 5~yard freestyle, who finished in "We know that St. Charles 'i~,' 21.03. going to be tough competition~~In the 100-yard butterfly, one of Barbiere said. "But we are lookiil~ the night's most hotly contested . at it as us having to swim to mat~h' events, Turpin's Nathan Butler the competition. It makes us have · finished iil56. 75 to edge Spencer to swim as fast as we possibly~. Hewes, who had a time of 57.38. as a team." ·-,. I


;:··~:;;'fj,:·~,, > '~~~~- '~-

E.L. Hubbard for The

St. Xavier's Ale~ Smlt won the 100-yard butterfly in 50.97 for one 1: . 9 of the Bombers' three individual event titles. '.; 1

Bombers, .Lions· squarely in championship hunt By Mike Dyer

It's tempting to· assume St Xavier will win a state swimming title every year. After all, the Bombers are seeking their lOth consecutive title this weekend in Canton after they were state runner-up to Toledo St. Fran· cis de Sales in 1998. 'The school is very proud "of . what they accomplish/' St. X athletic director John Sullivan said. "It's easy to forget and take things for granted.': ButcoachJimBrowerisnottaking anything for granted as the Bombers prepare to travel to Branin Natatorium. Columbus St Charles, which finished second the past two seasons, is regarded as the top threat to end the Bombers' title streak. "Our guys know tha St Charles is loaded," Browe said. St X won the district team title last weekend and had three indi.vidual and three relay championships. . Senior Jim Barbiere, a defending state champion, won the 100yard backstroke last week. Seniors Steven Springer and Alex Smit won the 50 freestyle and 100 butterfly, respectively. · 'We had some nice swims (last Friday)," Brower said. 'The dis-

State swimming 2


J '"'CB

trict meet was very. competitive and we were grateful to have the opportunity to be a part of it. The meet in Canton will be amazing. The state is loaded with talent, and it will be fun to see some great swimming." . There will be plenty of talent on display as the annuai state meet begins at 9 a.m. today with the Division I girls' diving competition. Preliminaries for swimming events begin at 9:30 a.m. Other local favorites include Turpin senior Nathan Butler and Mason senior Spencer Hewes in the 100 breaststroke. Butler is the defending state champion and Hewes won it two years ago. Moeller senior Brian Howell, a defending state champion in the 200 individual medley, ·won the district title and is a strong favorite. · Moeller junior Michael Krone won the 100 freestyle at district. Indian Hill diver Michael Grainger is the area favorite after he was dis.trict champion and eighth at state last season. For the girls, Ursuline is trying to win its first state title since 2001. The Lions have been Division I state runner-up the past five seasons.

Ursuline senior Sarah Tanner won two district titles last week in the 200 individual medley and 100 butterfly. · The Lions have 13 state qualifiers, including six seniors who are returning state qualifiers. "I know (the six seniors) Want to have the best moment for them· selves and for the team accomplishment," Ursuline coach TllTI Beerman said. Others with a strong dist:J:jcf fin. ish include Sycamore's Alex Norris (100 fly), Loveland's Cara Lennon (100 back), Colerain's Lauren Weaver (50 free), Mason's Danielle Jarisen (100 free), St. Ursula's Casey Ridge (500 free) and Ursuline's Breann McDowell (500 free). In diving, Mason sophomore Taylor Edwards was the top finisher at district, placing second. In Division II, Wyoming won the district for the second consecutive season. "I think we were relaxed," Wyo- . ming coach Dave Elliott said . 'They are a good group." Mariemont and Wyoming won the 200 and 400 freestyle relays, respectively.: · Indian Hill senior Margaret Fish won the 200 individual medley and 500 freestyle. In diving, Monroe senior Nicole Brehm, a state runner-up the past two seasons, is the area favorite.

Swinming 2_2 J_a(!. State diving results Results from Fnday s competttJon at the 81st ang,~s

nual boys and 32nd annual

state hrgn school

swimmmg and dtVtng champ•onsh•ps at Bramn Natatonum:


DIVISION I 1tAII STAIIDIIIGS ltlllooP six - } : I, 5I. X..W 120. 2, Cols St Cha~e< 114 3, Upper Anington88 4, New Albany 7t 5, Solon 57 6, Tol. St. John's 50 7 ltlo}, ~ Vol. lhoiY. Sdoool, - 4 7 . 9, Canfreld 46 5 10. Akr frre<tone 38 II, Centervrlle 29 5 1 2 , - 28. !3 (tre), OubiWl Scroto. Cols. Whetstone 20 151tlol, 5tJriol, Cot1L Coat., T.,.... 19 11 111o1, 11oo11u 111, ui!Dia

West 18 19. Fremont Ross 17 20(tle) Beavercreek Cols Acad .. Mayfield 15 23 Cleve St. lgnatrus 14 24 (tJe). Lexmgton Mogadore Field 13

200-yord _ , . .,

I, 5I. x..tor 1:33.73 l.lioR llaltliont, Evan Sdowartz, Ale• s.a, s,rillpr}. 2 Cols St Cha~ 1:34 43 3 Upper Anmgton 135 21 4 Tol. St. John's I 35 47 5 New Albany 135 58. 6 Canfield 1"36 27 7. Huntmg Valley UnP,. School t·36 45 8. Centervtlle 1 36 90 9. Akron F•restone 136.76. 10, Torplo 1:37.93.




1. Kyle McNeths. Dublin Sc•oto.l38 67 2 Brent Hrtohcock, Cath Cent I 4114 3, Wil uwlor, 5I. Xlvilr, 1:4L78. 4 Ttm Montague Akr Firestone 1:4!.80 5. fan Stewart-Bates Huntmg Valley Umv School, 14193 6, Micloael llroM, - ·

1:42.66. 7. AWl Col-btoo, 5I. XaYier, 1:42.73.

8. Roman Wtllets. Tal St Franc•s 14310 9, Brad ~. Mo-. 1:43.28. 10 8rendan Melling Solon. 1.43 34



I. Jake Epperson Tol. St John s I 48 84 2 Tommy Inwood. Solon. I 50 25 3, lloweii.Moeller, l:SL67. 4. Aaron Buchanan Beaver nee~. 1 52 90 5, ~ Mo-. 1:54.45. 6. Garrett Trebrlcock Canfreld I 54 58 7, Joe Men, Mooller,l:54.93. 8. En~ Mar. CoiS St Cnar1es. 159 94 9. Tyler Ba1ley Hunting Valley Un1~ Scllool 1 55 39 10. Michael Loprest1 Cols AcaCI !55 85


SO.ranl F.-,lo 1 E'lc Huffman. Upper Ar11ngton 20 77 2 l.m· cotr Fallrbach Fremont Ross. 20 82. 3 Marshall Shennan. Cols. St. Cha~e<. 20.93 4 Chns Nemetll Maytleld .20 99 5, 5tJrioopr, 5I. x..tor, :2L13. 6 Cameron Art Lex1ngton 2117 7 Bnan Barre~ Net~~ .~lbany. 21 30. 8. Wes Kochhe1ser. North Robm;on Co~ Crawford. 21 36 9. Zach Tut11 Lake· j ;;:, ~{~.ard 21 26 10, SdNoolr, Oak


100-ranl a.tlerflr

1 ;1m Col~ns. New Albany. 48 92 2 Scott Martm.Cols StCharles 49 51.3 AlexSchaffer.Cols St Chanes 50 34. 4, Ntd< 5dlulllnler. Cols St Chanes, :50 57 I,._ .... x.llr, :IO.&L


6 , - ..................,., , , . _ llart,.......,w.t, ...... 8,Jilnlor~an Sanduslcy Pert<m. 51.02. 9, Call Svqertro. St Fran CIS OeSalos, :51 02 It, . . . . . . . . ., W,0.


.... :5L73.,__......,__

1. . .

\ J1mmy Beres. Cols Whetstone 496 70 2 Camenn Honer U~per Ar1mgton. 463 95 3, Micllaol Graiopr, ..... Ill, 426.75 4. Chnsbon Holstem, UppE:r Ar111lgton. 426.40. 5. Cllad Carm1 chael. Cle St .gnatJU!. 425 70 6, Jeff Crarg Moga dore Freid. 399 45 1 Mrchael Kreft. Solon. 397 85 8 Gabe Dt~son New Albany 387 45 9 M1ca11 Rem brandt. Solon 383 llO 10 Zach Moore Hudson 380 00

State swimming






Tony Tribble for The Enquirer

Danielle Jansen, a sophomore from Mason, gets a congratulatory hug after winning the Division I 200 freestyle championship. She improved on her district time by more than 3 seconds.

Relay_rally pUts St~ X out -in front .

1 o~~ 2--2 ~~ ·

Springer's anchor leg helps Bombers to 1st-day lead By Andy Call Enquirer contributor

CANfON, Ohio- If StXavier :finds itself in first place in the state high school swimming champion· ships after the last eventtoriight, the Bombers may look back on Friday's first event as a primary reason why. Steven Springer's anchor leg lifted St Xavier to first place in the 200-yard medley relay in 1 minute, 33.73 seconds and helped his team lead the standings after the first day of the competition as C.T. Branin Natatorium. The Bombers, seeking their lOth consecutive state ·title, have 120 points to 114 for Colun1bus St Charles. "Steven's anchor leg was, without question, one of the most spirited swims fve coached," St Xavier coach Jim Brower said. ''He had never heen under 21 seconds in his life untillastweek. Tonight, his split was 19.87." St Xavier was iri third place when Springer shot off the blocks arid into the water for the leg. '1 said to myself, 'My teammates got us close enough to give me a chance,andlcan'tletthemdown,"' said Springer, a senior who later would finish fifth in the 50 freestyle. "Every race is important, but this set the tone."

Wlf' lawley was third and Matt Crilurr;bus seventh iii the 200 freestyle for the Bombers. JnthelOObutterfly,AlexSrnitwas fifth and Jim Barbiere sixth for . St Xavier. The highest finish among area boys.' individuals belonged to Lawley.and Moeller's Brian Howell who was thin! in the 200 individual medley.. _ In the girls' competition, Ursuline was msecond place with 98 points but ms. well behind defending dl2111pion Upper Arlington (189points) afterthefirstdayinDivision 1 Mason sophomore Danielle Jansen won :the 200 freestyle in 1:48.52, more than 3 seconds faster than when she had :fuiished third in the district meet a week ago. '1 was mad, and it really motivated me," said Jansen, who also helJted Mason to fifth place in the medley :relay. '1 don't know that fve that kind oftimedropin my. life. It felt amazing." Sarah Tanner of Ursuline won the 200 individual medley in 2:04.49 and was sixth in the 100 butterfly. Coleran's Lauren Weaver was serond in the 50 freestyle. Breann McDowell ofUrsuline was third and CaseyRidge of St Ursula was fifth in the 200 freestyle. Sarah rarnner of Ursuline took home the state title in the girls' Oivision I 200 individual medley. She also was sixth in the 100 butterfly.

. Tony Tribble for The Enquirer

. Tony Tribble for The Enquirer

Margaret Fish of Indian Hill set a state mark in the Division II . 200 individual medley.

Indian Hill's Fish sets 200 IM mark Indian Hill's Margaret Fish defended her title and set a Division II girls' state record in the 200 individual medley. The Harvardboufld senior won in 2:02.98, topping the marl< of 2:04.15-set by Madeira's Ashlee Edgell in 2005. Fish's time in the ·moining preliminaries was 2:09.74. "No, I was definitely trying," Fish said with a smile when asked about her forgettable first round. "I'm a lot better swimming at night, for whatever reason. There's just a lot more energy." Wyoming was third in the Division II team standings with 49 points; Gates Mills Hawken leads at 174. Mariemont's Christina Flessa placed fifth in the 50 freestyle. -



z:.. '2.3- 08


Tony Tribble for The Enquirer

St. Xavier was a step closer to its lOth consecutive team swimming and diving title after the first day of the state championships Friday in Canton. The Bombers had 120 points to St. Charles' 114, powered by the winning 200 medley relay of Jim Barbiere, Evan Schwartz, Alex Smit and Steven Springer. In the girls' Division I meet, Ursuline was in second place as a team, buoyed by Sarah Tanner's win in the 200 individual medley. Mason's Danielle Jansen won an individual title in the 200 freestyle. In Division II, Indian Hill's Margaret Fish won the 200 IM. High schools, CS-9

ABOVE: St. Xavier's Jim Barbiere (center) and Alex Smit celebrate as anchor swimmer Steven Springer brings home the state title in the 200-yard medley relay.

LEFT: Margaret Fish of Indian Hill retained her title in the 200yard individual medley and set a Division II state record (2:02.98) in the process.

Tony Tribble for The Enquirer

2. 2 L.J -0 s

State swimming meet


St. Charles gets best of St. ~

Team had fini_shed runner-up .: to Bombers the past two years;: ,;

By Andy Call Enquirer contributor

Tony Tribble for The Enquirer

Steven Springer of St. Xavier reacts after the Bombers finished second to St. Charles in the 200-

yard free relay. The victory helped Columbus St. Charles end St. X's streak of state titles at nine.

CANTON - Columbus St. Charles had a goal that stretched, quite literally, from the beginning of its boys' high school swimming season to the end. Beat St. Xavier. "It was going to be us vs. them, and we knew that/' St. Charles coach Kyle Goodrich said. ''That's a little different philosophy to take, but we had been runner-up the last two years and we had a pretty good idea where we stood." · The Cardinals began their season by winning a dual meet against the Bombers in early December. The finish came Saturday night in the state championships, and the final verdict was stunning - the Cardinals accumulated 266points to 246 for St. Xavier, snapping the Bombers' string of nine consecutive championships. "St. Charles beat a great team, plain and simple," St. Xavier coach Jim Brower said. "Our guys fought like champions until the very end." The last time the Bombers left C.T. Branin Natatorium without a champion',s trophy was 1998, when Toledo St. Francis was the winner. St. Xavier had won its nine consecutive titles by an average of 71 points. The night began with a dark cloud hanging over the Bombers. Both of St. Xavier's entrants in the breaststroke, the meet's penultimate event, had been eliminated during the morning preliminaries. St. Charles had three breaststrokers. When the Cardinals finished sixth, ninth and 14th, the Bombers faced a 226-212 deficit entering the final event. St. Charles won the 400-

Jim Barblere."i ,, • • ~i ~


of St. Xavier;. three-peat-,.., edascha~

pion in the .•· 100-yard ·~ backstroke ...:


'n 'J

Tony Tribble to~ The Enquire~



yard freestyle relay as well, capping its first-ever state title. '' "Ifs not one event, ifs the sum t07~ tal of 11 events," Brower said. ''The~ just happen to be good there." Gold was hard to come by for are<\ swimmers Saturday. The only firstf place finish came in the boys' back' stroke, where St. X's Jim Barbiere won his third straight state title. 1 Ursuline Academy rolled up 22il points in girls' Division I but was ·a distant second to Upper Arlington (419) for the sixth year in a row. 1q Indian Hill had finished second in Division II girls to Gates Mills Haw~ ken the last six years but finished 15th this time around. Wyoming placed fourth, Mariemont seventh. Mason sophomore Danielle Jan1 sen finished second in the Divisionr~ 100 freestyle, and Indian Hill senior Margaret Fish was runner-up in the, Division II 500 freestyle. Both had: won events Friday. d, Turpin senior Nathan Butler won the breaststroke in 2007 but finished second Saturday to Jake Epperson of Toledo St. John's by the slinunest ot margins - 56.39 to 56.41. ;,.' Third-place finishers includet:J.. St. Ursula's Casey Ridge (Division·l 500 freestyle) and Loveland's Cara Lennon (Division I backstroke). •IJ

March 19, 2008


Loveland Herald



Moeller swimming_hitting i~s stride By Mark Chalifoux

The Moeller swim team was dealt only one loss in a dual meet during the regular season and developed into one of the top teams in the city, only behind perennial powerhouse St. Xavier. ~ The highlight for saders in the regular se son was finishing in third place at the Southwest Ohio Swimming and Diving Classic. The team was aiming for· a top-1 0 finish, but was only topped by St. Xavier and Cen-

terville. "That was a very good performance, we had a lot of good swims and a lot of guys stepped· up," said Moeller's head swimming coach, Bill Whatley. . "Everyone was there. so it kind of. lets you know what competition is out there,- so we're really happy we performed the way we did against the top competition." One hurdle Moeller had to deal with is illness, as the swim team· was hit by a bug going around the school right before the GCL meet.

"A lot of guys have been sick at school and it just hit the swimmers a little hard, we had four or five guys 'trying to get past it," Whatley said. "It's just that time of the year anq if you're an athlete it affects your performance. We have a couple just getting over it, now but we're doing pretty good, they are a 'whole lot better than they were." The Crusaders were led by Brian Howell, who won a state championship last season in the 200 IM. Joe Albers is another key standout for Moeller.

Bombers, Lions squarely in championship hunt By Mike Dyer mdyer®

State· swimming 2.-21-oE . . trict meet was very competitive

It's tempting to assume St Xavier will win a state swimming title and we were grateful to have the every year. opportunity to be .a part of it. The After all, the Bombers are seek· · meet in Canton will be amazing. ing their lOth consecutive title this The state is loaded with talent, and weekendinCantonaftertheywere it will be fun to see some great state runner-up to Toledo St. Fran- swimming." cis de Sales in 1998. ' There will be plenty of talent on 'Th~ school is very proud of display as the annual state meet what they accomplish," St. X ath- begins at 9 a.m. today with the Di· letic director John Sullivan said. vision I girls' diving competition. "It's easy to forget and take things Preliminaries for swimming for granted." events begin at 9:30 a.m. But coach Jim Brower is not tak· .Other local favorites include ing anything for granted as the Turpin senior Nathan Butler and Bombers prepare to travel to Bra· Mason senior Spencer Hewes in nin Natatorium. the 100 breaststroke. Columbus St. Charles, which Butler is the defending state finished second the past two sea- champion and Hewes won it two sons, is regarded as the top threat years ago. · to end the Bombers' title streak. M()eller senior Bricm Howell, a "Our guys know that daendmg state champion ill the St Charles is loaded," Brower 200 individual medley, won the said. district title and is a strong favor· St. X won the district team title ite. last weekend and had three indi· . · .M~JfFior~fichael Krone vidual and three relay champion- won e ees eat district. ships. Indian Hill diver Michael Grain· Senior Jim Barbiere, a defend· ger is the area favorite after he was ing state champion, won the 100- district champion and eighth at yard backstroke last week. Se- state last season. niors Steven Springer and Alex For the girls, Ursuline is trying Smit won the 50 freestyle and 100 to win its first state title since 2001. butterfly, respectively. The Lions have been Division I "We had some nice swims (last state runner-up the past five sea·· Friday)," Brower said. 'The 'dis- sons.

Ursuline ·senior Sarah Tllhner won two district titles last week in the 200 individual medley and 100 butterfly. · The Lions have 13 state qualifi· ers, including six seniors who are returning state qualifiers. "I know (the six seniors) want to have the best moment for them· selves and for the team accom· plishment," Ursuline coach Tun Beennan said. · Others with a strong district fin.: ish include Sycamore's Alex Norris (100 fly); Loveland's Cara Lennon (100 back), Colerain's Lauren Weaver (50 free), Mason's Dan· ielleJansen (lOOfree), St Ursula's Casey · Ridge (500 free) and Ursuline's Breanri McDowell (500 free) ... In diving, Mason sophomore Taylor Edwards was the top finisher .at district, placing. second. : In Division II, Wyoming won the distric;t for the second consecutive season. ' "I think we were relaxed," Wyoming coach Dave Elliott said. 'They are a good group." Mariemont.t<IDd Wyoming won the 200 and 400 freestyle relays, respectively. . Indian Hill· senior Margaret Fish won the 200 individual med· ley and 500 freestyle. · In diving, Monroe senior Nicole Brehm, a state runner-up the past two seasons, is the area favorite.

BRIEFLY Moeller swimmer Brian Howell, a senior at Archbishop Moeller High School, was ~elected to represent the United States in Australia as a member of the USA National Junior Team. Howell swims for Bi_ll Whatley at Moeller and Chris Wolford, who is with , the Cincinnati Marlins: Howell participates in many activities at Moeller. He's involved with Moeller's Invisible Children· o:rganization, which is a grassroots youth effort · to help the children of Northern Uganda. In addition, ·he's a Senior House Captain, a leader for Junior Leadership Training, and a leader for Freshman Retreat, as well as a three-year honor student. HoWell is the son of Andrew and Cynthia Howell of Evendale.










Margaret fish, Indian Hill


The senior was state champion in the 200 IM (2:02.98) and state runner-up in the 500 freestyle (5:01.74).


Jim Barbiere, St. Xavier

Dcmielle Jansen, Mason

The senior was state champion in the 100 backstroke (5'0.57), was on the state champion 200 medley relay team (1:33.73), finished sixth in the 100 butterfly (50:79), and was on the state runnerup 400 freestyle relay team (3:07.34).


.The sophomore was state champion in the 200 freestyle (1:48.52), was state runner-up in the 100 freestyle (50.98), and was part of the fourth-place 400 freestyle relay team (3:32.34) and fifthplace 200 medley relay team (1:49.57).

DIV. II COAl;H OF THE YEAR Dave Elliott, Wyoming His team finished fourth at the state tourna-. ment, the highest Division II finish by a local team. He also was co-coach of the year in the ·.Cincinnati Hills League.


em Whatley, Moeller

Mark Sullivan, Mason

He was named GCL South coach of the year and district coach of the year. Moeller placed 11th in the state tournament, the . second-best finish in school history.

His team finished fourth at the state meet, the highest finish in the progam's history, with sophomore Danielle Jansen winning the first state swimming championship (200 freestyle) in school hjstory.

DIY. U FIRST TEAM Nicole Brehm, Monroe The senior finished second in the state diving toumam(mt with 417.90 points.



Nathan Butler, Turpin


The senior finished second in the state 100 breaststroke (56.41) and 13th in the 200 IM (1:57.37), and was part of the 10th-place 200 medley relay team (1:37.93).

Brian Howell, Moeller The senior finished third in the state 200 IM (1:51.67) and 10th in the 500 freestyle (4:38. 70), was part of the 400 freestyle relay team that finished eighth in the state (3:15.45) and part of the 200 medley relay .team that finished 14th (1:38.89). ·

Michae~ Grainger, Indian Hill The junior finished third in the state in diving (426. 75 points).






The senior was state champion in the 200 IM (2:04.49), sixth in the 100 butterfly (56. 77), and part of the state runner-up 200 freestyle relay team (1:36.44) and state runner-up 400 freestyle relay team (3:30.84).

Jane Tsivitse, Wyoming

Stephanie Conklin, Ursuline

The junior finished 11th in the state 100 butterfly (1:01.59), was on the fourth-place 200 · freestyle.relay team.(1:41.53), the seventhplace 400 freestyle relay team (3:43.21) and third-place 200 medley relay team (1:53.57).

The seniorwas fifth in the state 100 -breaststroke (1:05.69), and was part of the sixth-place 200 medley relay team (1:49.99).

Sophie Mort, Wyoming ·The.seniorwas on the seventh-place state 400 freestyle relay team (3:43.21), the thirdplace 200 medley relay team (1:53.57) and fourth-place QOO freestyle relay team (1:41.53).

The senior was seventh in the state 100 freestyle (52.92), eighth in the 200. freestyle· (1:54. 70), and was part of the state runner-up 200 freestyle relay team (1:36.44) and state runner-up 400 freestyle relay team (3:30.84).

The junior finished third in the state 200 free,style{l:4VZ8)-aREl-11th.inthe.f5QO.freestyle----,---- --- · (4:39.64), and was part of the state runner-up 200 freestyle relay team (1:23.50) and state runner-up 400 freestyle relay team (3:07.34). ~

The freshman finished fourth in the state 100 backstroke (1:00.95}, and was on the .. fourth-place 200 freestyle relay team (1:41.53), tHe seventh-place 400 freestyle re~ lay team (3:43.21) and the third-place 200 medley relay team (1:53.57).

Sarah Tan111er, Ursuline

·Sarah lladke, Ursuline

Will Lawley, St. Xavier


Celia Oberhob:er, Wyoming


Steven Springer, St. Xavier The senior finished fifth in the state 50 freestyle (21.13), was part of the state champion 200 medley relay team (1:33. 73) and part of. the state runner-up 200 freestyle relay team (1:23.50). .

Sean Ranstmberg, St. Xavier The senior finished eighth in the state 100 free?tyle (47.05) and 14th in the 50 freestyle (21. 75), and was part of the state runner-up 200 freestyle relay team (1:23.50) and state runner-up 400 freestyle relay team (3:07 .34) ..

Matt Columbus, St.· Xavier The junior finished seventh in the state 500 freestyle (4:34.90) and seventh in the 200 freestyle (1:42. 73), and was part of the state runner-up 400 freestyle relay team (3:07.34).

R•c!llnn. J~c[)j)W,II,

Bryn Dunbar, Wyoming


The sophomore was third in the state 200 freestyle (1:52.23), sixth in the 500 freestyle (5:01. 73), and part ofthe state runn_er~up 200 _ • freestYle relay team (1:36.44) and state runnerup 400 freestyle relay team (3:30.84).

Sydnee Eberly, Ursuline The freshman was part ofthe state runnerup 400 freestyle relay team (3:30.84), and finished 10th in the 200 freestyle (1:54.44) and 16th in the 500 freestyle .(5:12.16).

T]}eJ!lOlQJ was qn th..EL!i?Yenth-place.s_tate __ _ -freestyle rela{team (1:43~1)ancrthe fourth-place 200 freestyle relay team (1:41.!)3), and finished 13th in the State 50 freestyle (25.33) and: 14th in the 100 freestyle (55.75).

laura Henkel, Wyoming · The sophomorewas on the third-place ,200 medley relay team (1:53.57).

Christina flessa, Mariemont

. Cynthia Donovan, Ursuline. The sophomore was part ofthe state runner-up 200 freestyle relay team (1:36.44) and the sixth-place 200 medley relay team (1:49.99). .

The senior was fifth in the state 50 freestyle (24.48), and was on the third-place 200 freestyle relay team (1:41.00), the eighth-place 400 freestyle relay team (3 :44.27) and seventhplace 200 medley relay team (1:54.51).

Natalie IHelmrich, Mariemont

lauren Weaver, Colerain The sophomore was state runner-up in the 50 freestyle (23, 73) and 10th in the 100. , freestyle (52. 72 ).

The senior was seventh in the state 100 freestyle (54.31), was on the third-place 200 free- . style relay team (1:41.00), the seventh-place 200 medley relay team (1:54.51) and eighthplace 400 freestyle relay team (3:44.27). .

Bridget Mahorney, Mariemont

Alex Smit, St. Xavier

Cara len111on, loveland

The senior finished fifth in the state 100 butterfly (50.61) and ninth in the 100 backstroke (52.29), and was part of the state champion 200 medley relay team (1:33.73).

The senior was third in the state 100 backstroke (57.35) and 10th in the 100 butterfly · (58.32), and was on the 15thcplace 200 medley relay team (1:52.54).

The senior was part of the state runnerup 200 freestyle relay team (1:23,50) and· was 11th in the 50 freestyle (21.53).

The junior was third in the state 500 freestyle (4:56.34) and fifth in. the 200 freestyle (1:53.57), and was on the 16th-place 400 freestyle relay team (3:41.15) and 16th-place 200 medley relay team (1:54.09). · ·

libby Dorger, St. Ursula Evan Schwartz, St. Xavier The junior vyas part of the state champion 200 medley relay team (1:33. 73) and was 16th in the 200 IM (1:59.75).

BOYS' HONORABLE MENTION 50 freestyle- Jason Schnur, Oak Hills; luke ·Rhodenbaugh, pak Hills; Mike Applegate, Middletown; Andy Supronas, Mason; Kevin Koenig, Moeller. 100 freestyle- Cmy Stewart, Fairfield; Michael Krone, Moeller; Jason Schnur, Oak Hills; Andy Supronas, Mason. 200 freestyle- Michael Krone, Moeller; Andrew Spurling, Turpin; Brad langlord, Mason; John Vigar~ Anderson; Brandon Evans, Mason; Cory Stewart, Fairfield; Ross Allen, Wyoming; Ross Battoclette, Clark Montessori; Zach Rice, Mason. 500 freestyle- John Vigar, Anderson; Jared Kolwyck, Mason; Stephen Koch, Lakota West; B"randon Evans, Mason; Brendan McNan1ara, La* kota West: Matt luehermann, McNicholas. 100 backstroke ~Andrew Spurling, Turpin; Nicholas Dressman, St. Xavier; Matt McKee, Middletown; Colin Hanner, Sycamore. 100 breaststroke- Jason K<:io, Sycamore; Spencer Hewes, Mason; Ross Allen, Wyoming; · Sam Lipari, St. Xavier; Evan Schwartz, St. Xavier; Joe Albers, Moeller. 100 butterfly- Michael Hart, lakota West; Michael Murphy, Wyoming; David Sanders, Mo.eller; Brad Langford, Mason. 200 IM - Jo~ Mh.ors. Moeller· Stephen Koch

Lakota West; Spencer Hewes, Mason; Bryan Bedacht, summit Country Day; Sam lipan, St. Xavier. 200 freestyle relay- Oak Hills (Jared Yeggy, Mil<e McManis, luke Rhodenbaugh, Jason Schnur); Mason (Jonathan Joyce, Brandon Evans, Andy Supronas, Brad langford); Wyoming (Zach Fischer, Jonathan Profitt, Michael Murphy, Ross Allen); Moeller (Kevin Koenig, Kevin Schwab, Joe Albers, David Sanders). 400 freestyle relay- Moeller (Joe Albers, Kevin Schwab, Kevin Koenig, Brian Howell};-Mason (Brandon Evans, Andy Supronas, Spencer Hewes, Brad Langford); Oak Hills (Jared Yeggy, Luke Rhodenbaugh, Mike McManis, Jason Schnur); Lakota West (Michael Hart, Stephen Koch, Brendan McNamara, Dennie Patton); Fairfield (Andrew Adams, Tyler Nuss, Cory Stewart, Carter Adams). 200 medley relay- Turpin (Andrew Spurling, Nathan Butler, Andy Snook, Cree Thornton); Sycamore (Colin Hanner, Jason Kao, Ben Keefe) Jo* nathan Hancher); Moeller (Brian Howell, Peter Schildknecht, David Sanders, Kevin Koenig); Wyoming (Zach Fischer, Ross Allen, Michael Murphy, Jonathan Profitt); Mason (Nick Steege, Spencer Hewes, Chad Griffiths, Jonathan Joyce). Diving - Ben Hall, Indian Hill; Stephen Sargen' ~.1oson:

Eric KeU)'. Elder Mason Meier. St Xavier.

The sophomore was on the state third-place 200 freestyle relay team (1:41.00) and seventh-place 200 medley relay team (1:54.51).

Eileen Shinsato, Batavia The junior was ninth in the state 100 breaststroke (1:09.69) and 16th in the 200 IM (2:19.35).

The senior finished ninth in the state in . diving (363.75 points).

Morgan Parker, Mason ,

The sophomore was on the third-place state 200 freestyle relay team (1:41.00) and eighthplace 400 freestyle .relay team (3:44.27). .

Hanna Flessa, Mariemont

Casey Ridlge, St. Ursula . Kyle Gallagher, St. Xavier·


· I!

The senior was part of the state fourth-placi 400 freestyle relay team (3:32.34), the fifth-· place 200 medley relay team (1:49.57) and sixth-place 200 freestyle relay team (1:39.02.

Heather' Savitt, fhmeytown The senior was 13th in the state 200 freestyle (2W0.63).


Sarah Bull'rell, Mason The senior was. part of the state fifth-pla'e 200 medley relay team (1:49.57) and sixiplace 200 freestyle relay team (1:39.02).:

Kayla Wiemers, Mason The sophomore was part of the state finplace 200 medley relay team (1:49.5 7). ·

DMSIDNI. . 50 freestyle - Amy Billow, Mercy. 100 freestyle - Amy Billow, Mercy. 200 freestyle- Elizabeth Tabor, Lakota East; Ashley Yanzsa, Lakota East 500 freestyle- Julia Comodeca, Anderson; Elizabeth Tabor, Lakota East 100 backstroke - Ubby Hunsche, Turpin; Annlil Bernani, llings; Mary Wundene, Mason; Briana Conners, Sycamore. 100 breaststroke - Katelyn Ishee, Urnuline; Alexis Kain, Oak Hills; Amanda Rom, Urnuline; Anni& Currin, St uffiula. 100 butterfly - Laure Krueger, McAuley; Alex Norris, Sycamore; Bekka Westrick, Fairfield. 200 IM- Alex Norris, Sycamom; Hilary Pitner, Ursuline; Laura Krueger, McAuley; Katie Aninghaus, • Talawanda; Mary Wundene, Mason. 200 freestyle relay - Mason (Can Capno, Sar\Jh Bul!1lll, Morgan Parker, Mary Wundene): Sycamore (Erica Kao, Shannon Conners, Laura Tufts, Alex NolliS). 400 freestyle relay- Mason (Can Caprio, Morgan Parker, Mary Wundene, Danielle Jansen); Anderson (Julia Comodeca, Kristin Sander, Jennifer Hicks. Meghan Bowlirg): St. U.rsul3 fAnnie CurTin

Rachel Blain, Maureen Rooney, Casey Ridge). 200 medley relay- Ursuline (5areh B~od, Stephanie Conklin, .Kinsey Kowalski, Cynthia Donovan); Sycamore (Briana Conners, Erica Kao, Jenna Tameris, Shannon Conners); St Ursula (Haylei GeHer, Alex Canens, Annie Currin, Casey Ridge). Dluing- Rachel Grote, Seton; Mallory Bnm, Lakota West

DMSIDNII 100 freestyle- Claire leichl)l, Purcell Marian; Kendra Bierman, Cincinnati Christian. 500 freestyle - Mary Jordan Higgins, Cincinnati , Countl)' Day. 100 backstroke- Kendra Bierman, Cincmnatl Christian; Kristina Khalili, Clinton-Massie. 100 butterfly- Margo l~halili, Clinton-Massie. 400 freestyle relay - Mariemont (Christina Flessa, Catherine Kauffmann, Bridget Mahomey, Natalie Helmnch). 200 medley relay- Mariemont (Catllerine Kauffmann, Hanna Flesila, Natalie Helmncb, Chns1ina · Aessa). Diuing- Sarah Pyles, CIICA; Katrina Buckner, ·•·, Wyoming; lzzy Krombholz, Indian Hill; Amber Kiessling; Fenwick

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