Moeller High School 2006-07 Tennis Articles

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\ Safiyya Ismail, Kings

lindsey Lonergan, Princeton ·

Gabby Stee~e, Summit

The senior repeated as Princeton sectional champion, was district champion, and reached the quarterfinals of the state tournament.

The sophomore was district champion and finished fourth at the state tournament. She was state runner-up as a freshman, and repeats as Enquirer Division II player of the year.



The junior won the Dayton Division I sectional title and was a state quarterfinalist. She was Fort Ancient Valley Conference Cardinal player of the year.

Ashleigh Witte, Lakota Wesit The freshman was district runner.-up and a state quarterfinalist. She was Greater Miami Conference player of the year.


Joe Wilkerson,. St. Ursu~a

Joy Albi, Summit

lauraGrace Mezher, St. Urs11.1la

His team finished No. 1 in the Enquirer Division I area poll and was also the highest ranked team in the final Division I state poll, at No. 10. He also was Girls Greater Cincinnati League Scarlet coach of the year.

Her team finished No. 1 in the Enquirer Division II area poll and No. 3 in the Division II state poll. She also was local Greater Cincinnati Tennis Coaches Association Division II coach of the year.

The junior was Cincinnati Division I sec- · tiona! runner-up. She was Girls Greater Cincinnati League Scarlet player of the year.

Tricia Wilks, Ursuline The senior was Cincinnati Division I sectional champion. She was first-team Girls Greater Cincinnati League Scarlet division.

!Emily Pham, Mason The sophomore finished third at the Division I state doubles tournament. She was Fort Ancient Valley Conference Buckeye player of the year.

Ashley McCall, Mason The junior finished third at the Division I state doubles tournament. She was first-team Fort Ancient Valley Conference Buckeye.

Katherine Bulling, CHCA The sophomore was Princeton Division II sectional champion. She reached the quarterfinals of the state tournament.

Alexa Lowe, Seven Hills The sophomore reached the second · round of Division II districts. She was Cin.cinnati Division II sectional runner-up. June·Habberi/Severi···Hills-~"-·-·c-·~ ··"


-·Gabby Steele;· a Summit Coun" try Day sopho. more,.repeat--ced as the Enquirer Division II player ofthe year. She had the area's best result in the Division II state singles tournament, placing fourth after finishing second last year.

Coaches are reminded to please call in results -after 5 p.m. daily to 513768-8452 or 513-768844 7. If your team is out of the area, please call toll-free at 800·-2746299. Wrestling and swimming coaches may e-mail results to but are asked to call to confirm receipt.

II The winter sports honor rolls will begin to be published next week. Coaches are encouraged to send individual statistics and weekly top-10 poll votes to the following contacts: For wrestling, e-mail Chris Baird (Harrison) for Division I at chris.baird For Division II, e-mail Rick Robisch (Norwood) at robisch.r@norwood For gymnastics, e-mail · Steve Conner (Cincinnati Country Day) at For swimming, e-mail Gary Tameris (Milford) for Division I at mast@ . For Division II, e-mail Patrick Cassidy at II Check out daily news updates and analysis on the high school sports blog found at http:jI; blogsjpreps

Associated Press file

The junior finished third at the Cincinnati Division II sectional and was a district quaiJfier. ___ . __ .. , .- .. _. -··-· ... . ..-- ·

HONORABLE MENTION CHCA- lauren Barker, Emilee Shidler; Cincinnati Country Day Olivia Tholke, Kyle Scully, Chris" tie Lindner; Fenwick - Bethany Cole, Caitlin O'Gara, Maggie Sullivan; Indian Hill - Natalie Hill, Jen Osher, Pri Mitra, Jackie Gentner; lakota East - Jen Hanify; Loveland - Courtney Devoe; Madeira - Meredith Smortwood;

Mariemont- Julia Smith; Mason - Lindsay Shaefer, Sso-Rha Kang; Mercy- Ivana Misic; · Mount Notre Dame -Andrea Wolf; Prtnceton - Meredith Mayfield; Seven Hills- Melissa Springer, Val Runge; Summit Country Day- Allie Steele; Sycamore- Bianca Patel, Danielle Culin; Ursuline - Nida Safdar; Wyoming- Anne Morin.

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Boys' temis honor roll DIVISION I As of Mooday

~avier (5) .. $..7..8:~T....

2. Sycamore...... 3. Walnut Hills....... ........................... 4. Mason............. 5. Turpin........................ 6. Lakota West............. 7. Middletown........................... 8. Loveland ...................... 9. Kings.............. , no. Pnnceton ...................................



Poiats : 50 44 41 35 21 17 15 12 8 7 7

Streicker, Loveland 14-7; Hall, Mason 9-4; Bernstein, Sycamore 10-5; Wesolowsl<i, Colerain 11-11; Mulligan, Elder 7-5; Ramaswamy, St X11-4. Socondsingles . Stahl, t.ovelal1d 18-3; Eberhard, Mason 10-3; Patel, Sycamore 13-7; Hertzer, Elder 6-3; Caproni, Colerain 12-10; P. Bandy, St X17-4. Third siogles Gaffney, St. X17-5; Jarc, Loveland 15-7; Mulligan, Elder 6-5; S. Shahrestani, Mason 9-2; Donn~. Sycamore 17-2; Hetzer, Elder 4-2. Fimdoubles Zimmerman/Hurley, E~18-4; Areoslsiii/Chell, Sycamore 13-1; Richa!SC>n/Olero, Mason 6-2; Cummings/Slade, Colerain 12-10; Pre!Drius/Drosick, St X 7-3; Sena/Pretonus, St. X6-3.

tlolnl Siaclot

First Round: Hetzer (Elder) d. Rrede (F"Wfletd)

1-6.6-3. 10-7: PeaseiCCOi a Eggerd,ng IOak H1tlsJ 6-2. 6-I~(Moeller)a. Chasnoft(SctlJ 6_-2,1)] Se<:on<! RotJiia: IMiel if!iler) d Ko (AndeiSOriin. 6-1; !;S.!.Moelie:J dfj:sO.:,.~U.U First Round: ltmmerman-Hurley (Elder) d Senske-lambrimdes (Oak H1!1S) 6-3. 6-2 ~?fan-MI!C!lell !Moeller) d. Prerce-Ke~Oi 0.: , i-6; Mteblill@h-ittdEH$ i1a1 rson) d ~n (Summit Country Day) 1 5 2·6 12-10: Stockum-Mccall (Fa1r!reldl bye Second Round· Zlmmerman-Hu11ey (Elder) d RoW:-M•tCllei~(M=~ First Round: Mulhgan-Gerouhs (Elder) o Courtemanche·Shannon (Moeller) 6--3, 6-2. v/iUiirmilll-Been!IM 1'tl~R HI~ !l' Whltehead-Has~ngs (Anderson) 7 6. 6 7. 10-8 , Ped<-Shad (CCDI bye: Sctrrand-Ganguly IFa1rfieldJ won by forfett. Second Round Mulhgan-Gerou!1s (Elaer) d Wrggerman-Beennan (Oak H•lls) 6-3. 6-2 Sctrrand-Ganguly (Fairfield) d Peck-Shad (CCDI

6-4. s. 7. 10-7

--1 -2 e._


.:--. Cloalc• lilS...Hiio

F11P1 D Flnl .....

F1rst ro~nd· Hammmg (Middletown) d. P1tman !lakota East) 6-0. 6-2; Hamm1ng (Middletown) d Breen (La Salle)6-l. 6-1: Wesolowsi<J (Coleram) d Clippmger (Madeira) 6-2. 6-2; Second round Ma>~m

(Mason) d. Wesolowski (Colerain) 6-2. 6-2.

Socoood ..... First round: Labone (lakota East) d. Wilhelm (Mason) 6-3. 6-1: Moellman (La Salle) d luther (Made1ra) 6-0. 6-1: Moellman (La Salle) d Luther tMade,ra) 6-0. 6-14. Second round: Moellman (La Salle) d Mayabb (Middletown) 6-0. 6-2

11olnl Slocloo F1rst round: Kllff (Mason) d. Succo (Made1ra) 6 I. 6-3 K11ff (Mason) d Capoon1 (Colenan) 7-5. 6 0. Kes•reddy (lakota East)d. Schlachter ILa Salle) 6-3 6-1

FlntDooobloo First round: Evans-Kaufman (La Salle) d Duderstadt-R1dd1ck (lakota East) 6-3. 6-0: E"'ns Kaufman (lS) d. Zhao-Ryshton (Mason '8') 6I 7-5. Slade-Cummmgs (Coleram) d. Bowman-W1Ison (Middletown) 6-3. 6-2. Second round Slade-Cummmgs (Colera1n) d. Tuke-Swary 1Made1ra) 5-7. 6-2. 6-1.

Socoood .......

Uu-Yabe (Mason ·s·1 d. (Coleram) 0.0. 6-4. (Madeira) d. Faley-Truax (\lidd!etown) 6-0. 6-0: Nesbftt-Derenthal (Madeira) u Sc,achter-Matheny (La Salle)7-6, 7-5. F•rst round: S•emon-Unger Nesb1tt-Derenthal


At-WFIIPII Flnl ..... F1rst Round W1ll1ams (Winton Woods) f. Fob !MC,...ICholas) 6·1. 6-0; Mtlls (Ross) d. Pace 1Bethei-Tate)2-6, 6-4, 11-9: Fraser (lJttle M1am1) d. Barrett (Glen Este) 6-4, 6-1; Second round: Wtlltams 1WW) d Schwelnhart(Amella)6-l, 6-0: Fraser (LMI d. MillS (Ross) 6-1, 6-0.

Socoood ..... First round: Jarvis (Winton Woods) d. Ballinger (Llttle M1ami) 6-4. 6-1: Von Moll (Glen Estel d. Anders (Ross) 6-2. 6-0: Gabbard (Ameha) d. Kollsmlth (MCNIChOlas) 6-0, 6-0; Second rodnd: JarviS (WW) d. Von Moll (GEl d. 7-6. 7-5. 7-6. 7-4

11olnl Slocloo

F1rst round: Ward (Bethel-Tate) d. Hen1gare 1G1en Estel 6-0. 6-2: Harl<er (McNICholas) d. Ste>w'ISOn (Ross) 6-2.6-3. Kmamore (Wmton Woods) d Nguyne (Amelta) 6-3. 6-2, Blanton (Uttle Mtamt) bye

FlntDooobloo Ftrst round: Bechtel-Martin (Glen Estel d Sears-Schumacher (llttle Mtami) 6-3, 6-4; \olaton-Thomas (Wmton Woods) bye: Femandez-Htler (Ross) d. Wertz-Baca (McNicholas) 62 6-2: ~lett-Psaffroth (Ameha) d. Beustenen-Willenbnnk (Bethel-Tate) 6-0. 6-0: Second round; Bechtei-Martm (GE) d. Malott-Thomas (WW) 6-1, 6-1: Collett-Psaffroth rAmelta) d. Femandez-Htler (Ross) 6-1. 6-0

Socoood Dooollloo Ftrst round Schtttz-Vogelsang (Wmton Woods) d Tatlor-Gonzalez (l.Jttle Mtamt) 6-7. 2-7. 6-2. 12-10 Ste•son-MIIIS (Ross) d. Waggoner-Hess !Eethei-Tate) 7-5. 1-6, 10-6; Johnson-Hennanns !McNtcholas) bye. Fedus-Km;chner (Ameha) d Bal1<e,-Sione (Glen Estel 6-0. 6-1: Second round: Schiltz-Vogelsang (WW) d. Ste•son-M1IIs (Ross) 6- ~ i -5: Fedus-I<Jrschner (Ameha) d JorJnson-Hermanns (MCNtchotas) 6-0. 6-1.


'Vednesday, March 14, 2007


Moeller tennis needs upperclassmen to produce By Kyle Burch Community Press Staff Writer

Head coach Gary Hopkins is hoping his Moeller tennis team learned from some of the losses it took a year ago. The Crusaders, fielding a very young team, often faced more experienced players. Hopkins is hoping a year of experience will help his team.

2006 in review


position for the Crusaders.

With that young team, Moeller finished third in the four-team Greater Catholic League South Division. Nick Weidman and Drew Driscoll played most of the season at first and second singles. While Weidman struggled at the top position, Driscoll lost just three matches. The Crusaders failed to qualify any individuals or doubles teams to the district tournament.

2007 outlook Moeller: Both¡ Weidman and Driscoll will return in the first and second singles positions for the Crusaders. The seniors will also serve as co-captains for the Crusaders. After the first two spots, positions are up for grabs in the Moeller rotation. More than 30 students competed at tryouts for Moeller, giving Hopkins plenty of options to choose from. "We are looking for big things out of our upperclassmen," Hopkins said. "We need that, and we need to find a diamond in the rough from the rest of the group." Moeller will have a hard time keeping up with league-foe and defending state champions St. Xavier, but Hopkins is hoping for a second place finish ahead of Elder and La Salle. "We would need some miracles to happen to catch them," Hopkins said of St. Xavier. "But our

guys have shown a lot of promise and improved a great deal. We should fare well." Madeira: At Madeira, head coach Arnie Maslow has one of his deepest teams in recent memory. "We don't have any dominant players, but we have very solid depth," Maslow said. "I expect us to have a competitive team." The Mustangs will be led by a group including seniors Mark Clippinger and Alex Swary and a trio of sophomores, Doug Tuke, Matt Luther ad Christian Darenthal. Maslow is also expecting to get contributions from freshman Danny Succo. Even with the improved lineup, a run at the Cincinnati Hills League title seems far-fetched. The Mustangs compete in the CHL against the likes of Wyoming and defending Division II state champion Indian Hill. "You never know year to year,

but Indian Hill and Wyoming are always difficult to beat," Maslow said.

Key dates Moeller fields one of the most competitive schedules in the area. The Crusaders take on Mason (March 29) before running through the gauntlet of Elder (April 2), La Salle (April 3) and St. Xavier (April4). They also take on Seven Hill (April20), Kings (April25) and Kettering Alter (May 2), with the GCL tournament set for May 5. Madeira opens its season with hack-to-hack matches against Lakota East (March 27) and Anderson (March 28). From tl1ere the Mustangs take on CCD (April 9), Seven Hills (April 12). Indian Hill (April16) and Elder (April30). 576-8255


::.; FRIDAY, JUNE 22. 2007




Today, The Enquirer presents its spring sports all-stars salute. The special recognition of area athletes begins here, with boys' tennis, and continues with baseball, softball · and track on pages C9-Cll.


I .







Shankar Ramaswamy, St. Xavier

Vinod Mahalingam, Indian Hill

The senior was a state singles semifinalist. As a junior, he was a state tournament quarterfinalist.

The senior teamed with Devin McCarthy as state runner-up in doubles. Mahalingam won one state doubles title (2006) and also was runner-up in 2005.

Wyatt Lippert, Lakota West

Devin McCarthy, Indian Hill

The sophomore finished third at the state singles tournament. He also finished third in the state as a freshman, the highest finish ever for a Lakota player.

The sophomore teamed with Vi nod Mahaiingam as state runner-up in doubles. In 2006, McCarthy and Mahalingam were state doubles champions.

Patrick Hamning, Middletown The junior teamed with Michael Cole to win the state doubles championship, the school's first state doubles title since 1960.



The Kings star was named high school senior tennis player of the year by the National High Michael Cole, Middletown School Coaches Association as the top player in The sophomore teamed wi~h Patrick the graduating class of 2007. He was 27-0 this . Hamning to win the state doubles champiyear and repeated as Ohio Division I singles onship, the school's first state doubles title champion as he beat St. Xavier's Patrick Bandy since 1960. 6-1, 6-4. He is the first boys' player to win an - ·~·, ~--- ;~- ~ · -. · - ~.- -~ "- ~ --·--~-Ohio -High:Sehooi-Atltletic Association-title infourc~:;on~ee1ltive. years; with doubles titles as a freshman and sophomore and . Patrick Bandy, St. Xavier singles titles as a junior and senior. The junior was state singles runner-up to Kings' Matt Allare. As a sophomore, he was part of the state doubles championship team.

John Drosick, St. Xavier The senior was part of the state runner-up doubles team, along with Jonathan Gaffney. He also was a state doubles runner-up as a junior.

Jonathan Gaffney, St. Xavier


Russ King, St. Xavier His team repeated as state team tournament champion, beating Upper Arlington 3-0 in the semifinals and Toledo St. John's 3-0 in the championship match.

Billy Strunk~ Indian Hill The junior was a state tournament singles qualifier, district runner-up and Cincinnati sectional semifinalist.

Joey fritz, Cincinna~i Country Day The freshman was a state tournament singles quarterfinalist, distript semifinalist and Cincinnati sectional runner-up.

Sam Laber, Seven !Hills The junior was a state tournament singles qualifier. He finished third atdistricts and also third iri the Cincinnati sectional.

Stephen Havens, CHCA The senior teamed with Ryan Shidler to finish third in state doubles. He was state doubles champ in 2004, state singles champ in 2005 and state singles runner-up . in 2006. · ·

Ryan Shidler, CHCA

The junior was part of the state runner-up doubles team, along with John Drosick. ~s a sophomore, he was part of the state cham~ pion doubles team.

The senior teamed with Stephen Havens to finish third in the state doubles tournament. As a junior he reached the state doubles quarterfinals.

Brian Starr, Walnut Hills ·

Tyler fraser, Little Miami

The senior reached the district quarterfi. nals, where he took eventual state champion Matt All are to three sets. He was fourth in the state doubles tournament in 2006.

The junior reached the district quarterfi- . nals. He also was Princeton sectional champion.

Tyler Johnston, Wilmington

Tyler Michael, firmeytown

The sophomore was a district singles quarterfinalist, was AII-FAVC Cardinal and was 24-6 overall.

The junior reached the district quarterfinals. He finished third in the Princeton sectional.

Chris !Hall, Mason The junior was a district singles quarterfinalist, and was AII-FAVC Buckeye division.


Marco Piazza, Roger Bacon The sophomore was a district qualifier. He finished fourth in the Princeton sectional.

Andrew McCarthy, Indian Hill The senior was Division II state runner-up and was also sectional and district champion. Healso helped lead the Braves to the state team championship.

HONORABLE MENTION Elder- Dave Hurley, Andy Zimmerman; Lakota West- Taylor Broda; Loveland - Aaron Streicker, Chris Stahl, Andy Jarc; Mason Bobby Eberhard, Samean Shahrestani; Middletown -Tariq Habash; Moeller -Drew Driscoll;

Oak Hills - Chris Keck, Alex Turman; St. Xavier- Marc Pretorius, Brad Sena; Talawanda - Matt Sherba; Sycamore- Rohan Patel, Scott Dennis, Ethan Arenstein, Carl Bernstein; Turpin - Conrad Ludwig, Will Knoll; Walnut HillsChester Knapp.

DIVISION II COACH OF THE YEAR Chris Hemingway, Brodian Hill His team won its second consecutive state team tournament championship. The Braves beat Columbus Academy 3-2 in the semifinals and beat Cleveland University School 3-0 in the title m tch.

HONORABLE MENTION Badin - Scott Mense; Batavia Jason Stine; Clinton-Massie -Tyler Hoffer; Indian Hill -Guillaume · Vanderschueren, Jonathan Doyle; New Richmond -Greg Mott;

Norwood -Joel Sooel; Roger Bacon -Travis Pearce; Seven Hills - Kyle McCall, Matt Tesmond, John Wayne, Andrew Knust; Summit Country Day- Chris Burke; Wyoming- Max Hennessy.

Moeller tennis has to climb back after early loss to Elder: By Kyle Burch Community Press Staff Writer

KENWOOD- The Moeller tennis team is a little behind where it wanted to be at this point in the season. Through their first six matches the Crusaders were 3-3 and in third place ih the Greater Catholic League South Division. With St. Xavier heads above the competition in the GCL, Moeller entered the season wanting to contend for second place in<:the standings. The Crusaders defeated La Salle 5-0, but dropped a tough match, 3-2 to Elder. While the loss to the Panthers puts them behind, Moeller has a chance to regroup beginning with the coaches classic tournament KYLE BURCH/COMMUNITY PRESS STAFF which leads into the league tourugh Moeller's first six matches Drew Driscoll had posted a 4·2 nament. "We need to beat Elder and La rd at second singles for the Crusaders.


Salle to reach our goal of coming in second," head coach Gary Hopkins said. "Right now everyone's spirits are good. We're Lutz putting pressure on ourselves and we know we have a lot of work to do." That work will start with the annual coaches classic tournament April28-29. While the Crusaders are unsure of what flight they will be playing in at the tournament, their goals will remain the same. "We'll probably either be in flight B or C, it's hard to tell where we'll fall," Hopkins said "Wherever it is, our goal is to contend for the top spot." The Crusaders lineup has taken shape behind the top two

"We need to beat Elder and La Salle to reach our goal of coming in second. Right now everyone's spirits are good. We're putting pressure on ourselves and we know we have a lot of work to do~'

singles players Nick Weidman and Drew Driscoll. Jake Lutz has taken over the GARY HOPKINS third singles position losing just MOELLER HEAD TENNIS COACH once through Moeller's first six matches. The doubles team of Alex and Driscoll is ranked among the · Rogan and Brian Mitchell has also top 20 seniors in the school. seen success posting a 4-2 record _ "It helps to have kids that are sp Driscoll has also posted a 4-2 gifted in the classroom," Hopkins record at second singles, while said "It's something we take pride ." " Weidman has held his own at the m. Following the Coaches Classic, · No.' 1 position against the city's top talent. the Crusaders will play in the ''I'm happy with what I've seen Greater Catholic League tournafrom everyone," Hopkins said ment on Saturday, May 5. "Nick has played well but he's With wins over La Salle and playing out of that first singles Elder they will assure themselves spot, so it's been tough. Drew and of at least a share of second place· · Jake have done very well and our in the league. first doubles team has also." The sectional tournament· The Moeller team is also one of begins immediately following the the more academically inclined GCL tournament, Tuesday, May 8.;;, · groups in the area. Weidman is the 576-8255 Moeller senior class salutatorian

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