Moeller High School 1996-97 Track Articles

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HIGH s·cHOOLS Boys tennis Ohio Division I sectional (At Sawyer Point) · Singles semifinals Meyer (Elder) d. Critchfield (Fair· field) 6-7, 6-1; SHer (Eider) d. Sakai (Sf. Xavier) 6-3, ~. 7·5. Championship Meyer d. Slier 6-1, 6-1. Doubles semifinals Greene-<>yler (Oak Hills) d. Watkins· Jordan (Sf. Xavier) 6-7, 6-<1; Gay-curry (51. Xavier) d. Brannon-Thomas (Oak HiHsl 6-3, 6-4. Championship Greene-Oyler d. Ga"y<Urry 7~. 7-6, 6-3. . Ohio Division 11 sectional (At Seven Hills/SUmmH high schools) Singles semifinals . Hancock (Seven Hils I d. Beshear (OiCAJ ~. 6-7; Roberts (SUnvnil) d. Grinstead (CHCA I 1-6, 6-<1, 6-3. Championship Hancock d. Roberts~. 6-1. Doubles semifinals · Srnilh-Osher (Seven His). d. Miler· ' Campo (Mariemont) 6-1, ~; Kely-Hepp (Seven Hils) d. Tochi!H(ing (SUnvnil) 6-<1, . '6-4. ' Championship • osher·Srnllh d. Kely-Hepp 6-2, 6-2. Ohio Division II sectlofllll (At Princeton High School) Singles 1 ·semifinals · Pressel. (Indian Hill d. NaraSimhan (indian Hill ~. 6-3; Thlmes (Kings) d. contardi CKingsJ 6-7, ~. 6-1. • Championship . P,-esse! d-}'::!7, 6-3. ' Semifinals Compt00-Yincent (Indian ·Hill d. Da· ley-'thonnpson (Kings! 6-1,.6-1; AffatatoWoodruff Undiair Hill· d: ,peferS'Gronas (Rossi 6-3.'6-1. • · · · ·. Champlonhip Woodruff·Aifatato d. • Compton-Yinc'enf 6-4,7~. . •' . . . . . . ~ , .. (Regular seuon1·; , . -.~,~·~St, Bamard.S, ~ o.· ·;.. 7 ~ ·



del: Baessler.6-1; '6-1;· Hllt~olfsen ·del. stone·iTtiolnasoi1 ~.·: 6-1; BOehi-Fox del. Gilo'ti!illt'Rcid 6-0,'6·). Records: SB.ll-6

BOJ~~fJICk 'C:Inc1nnati Hills League ;· ',f(At'lridianHIII) , . Team,•standirigs:..J. Wyoming 102. 2. .indlanHII'99i3. Finneytown66, 4. Taylor 57, 5. · Maitiira 52, 6..Mariemont 42. 1. oeer Park 37, 8. Readi.!'9 33. ·Event winners: ·Pole Vauii-Ress (Taylor) 12-6; High Jump-,Ramsey (Reading) ·~: Shoi-Vessor (Fimeylownl 4M; · Olsc 7 carr (Wyoming) ·:135·5; Long .Jurll>-Wegman (Taylor) 19-714; 3200Rlndian Hil 8:39.6; 1101-1-Scheffer (Deer Park) 14.9 (meet record); .•100.,-Schaffer (Deer Parkl 11.2; 1600-Gray (~le­ mont) 4:40.0; 400R-Indlan·HII 45.8; 400Sand (Reading) 57.pOOH~Cooper (Indian Hill) 40.5 (meet record); BOO-Gray (M&riemonll 2:03.7; 200-Harris (Finneytown) 23.7; 3200-Hasler (Finneytown) 10:27.3; 1600R-Indlan Hll 3:36.0.. Coach Of Year: Henry Jordan (Wyoming)

Athlete Of Year: Sean Schaffer (Deer Park) Greater Miami Conference (At Hamilton) . Team Standings: 1. Princeton 149, 7. Hamillon 69, 3. Lima 64, 4. Sycamore 60, S. Fairfield 54, 6. Lakota 52, 7. Middletown 47, a: MAiord 1. Evon! winners: Shot-Quay (Sycamore! 50-6'~; Disc-Quay (Sycamore) 147·5; Long .Jun'l>-Hurst (Lakota) 2!HI'h; High Jump-Hurst (Lakota) 6-6; 3200RPrinceton 8:20.4; llOH-Prlce (Princeton) 14.13; 100.,-Turner (Princeton) 10.87; 1 1600-,Thomas· (Fairfield) 4:27.2; 400RPrlncelon 47.41; 400.-Pelerson (Lima) 58.61; 300H-Sickles· (Princeton) 38.68; BOO-Sweeney (Sycamore) 1:58.7; 200, Peterson ·(Lima) 22.27; 3700-Thomas (Fairfield) 9:38.4;.1600R-Prlnceton 3:73.8. · Colch Of the Year: Ken Melbers (Princeton) Queen City Coni. West Championships .(AI Northwest High School) Team standings: 1. Harrison ·123, 2. Winton Woods 105;1 Colerain 102, 4. Aiken 40.-5: Withrow 34, 6. Western Hills 32, 7. MI. Heallhy 26'h, B. Northwest 21,.9. Oak Hils 17'h. . ' Event winners: SP-Scott (Hill' I 49-0; Disc-:Broadnax (Aikl 140-1; PV-Hughetl ( CoiJ·17-(J; LJ-Roelher (Har) 20-9'h; HJGibb (With l 6:0; 3700Reiay-Coleraln 8:20.0; llOHurdles-Woolen (WWl 14.9; lOOM-Miree (WW) 11.2; 1600M,-Ziegler (Harl 4:74.0; 400Relay-Winlon Woods 43.7; 400M-Giover IWWl 51.6; 300Hur· dies-Woolen (WWJ 39.5; BOOM-Ziegler (Harl 7:01.3; :lOOM-Jones .(Aik) 77.8; 3200M-Zieglei (Harl 9:57.0; .1600RelayWinlon Woods 3:30.0. Alhlele of the yearErnie Ziegler (Harrison). Coach of the year-Steve Barnes (Harrison). • 1 Greater cattienc League South (at La ,Salle High School) Ttann standingS: l. La StBe 86, 7. St. Xavier 68, 3. Moeler 52. 4. Elder 36. Evont winners: SP-Munoz (Moe) 54-4; Disc-Edwards (Moe l 150-6; LJNelson (Las) 21·2'h; HJ-Filzpalrlck (Moe) 6·2; PV-Schroer (Eidl ·114.·0; 3200Relay-SI. Xavier 8:02.7; llOHurdlesHoulchen (Las) 15.1; lOOM-Murray (Moe) 11.0; 1600M-:-Kidd (Six) 4:29.4; 400Relay-Moeller ·44.3; 400M-Difullio (Lils) 50.3;: 300Hordles-;-Thomas (Las)



BooM-BUi'ns · (Six) 1J.3; Miirray (Moe) 22.3;. 3200M-Kidil (Six) 9:49.9; 1600Relay-St•.Xavier 3:26.0. Athlete . of !he: year-Dante M!Xrey IMoelerJ. Coech of the year-Frank' Russo "(L:i5811e ). Gi'eafer catholic (AI La Salle High Sc:hNil • . . Tum standings: 1. AHer 165, 2. Roger Bacon 114, 3. Purcel Marian 77, 4. McNicholas 73, 5. Badin 35, 6: Chamlnllde-~ 8. Event wtnnen: SP-Gholslon (Purl 48-6; Dlsc~SUnderinan CRogJ . 138·7; u- 1 Hutson (Purl 19-6'h; HJ~Rindler,(AIIJ 5-10; 1 PV-Luken (Rogl lll-0; 3200Relay-McNI· Cholas 8:20.8; 110tNrdles-Roach (Alii 15.8; lOOM-Barnes (Rogl 11.0; 1600M-Mears 1 (All) 4:23.7; 400Relay-Roger Bacon 43.7; 400M-Dabbabbo (Bad) 52.1; 300HordlesKroger lAIII 41.9; BOOM-Mears (Alii 1:56.9; 200M-Barnes (Rogl 23.1; 3200MWeslfaH .(Alii 10:14.5; 1600Relay-AIIer 3:31.9. Athlete ·of the year-Josh Mears (AHerJ. Coech of the year-Craig Meyers (Alter). .,

...a.u.:Nirih ·


Girls track


Cincinnati Hills LngUe · (AI Indian Hill) Team stanclngs: .l. Wyoming 135, 2. Madeira 89, 3. Mariemont 73, 4. Indian Hil 69, 5. Finneytown 63, 6. Reading 47, 7. Taylor 19, 8. Deer Park 0. Event winners: Disc-Davis (Madeira) 105-2; Long Jump-Fulton (Wyoming) 1M'h; High .Jurll>-Dole (Finneylown) 4·10; SP-Davls (Madeira) . 33·1014; 3700R-Indian Hill 10:15.6; lOOH-Sand (Reading) 16.6; lOG-Martin (Finneytowr.l 12.8; BOOR-Wyoming 1:45.2 (meet record!; 1600-Biackwelder (Madeira) 5:24; 400RWyomlng 50.9; 400-Westerfeld (Wyoming) 59.3; 300H-Sand ·(Reading). 49.5; 800-Winklernan (Madeira) 2:25.5; 200Weslerleld (Wyoming) 26.0; 3200-Biack· welder (Madeira) 11:42.0 (meet record); 1600R-Wyoming 4:15.0. Coach Of Year: Enid Redman.(Wyomlngl ·, Alhelatt Of Year: Jlle 'Westerfeld. (Wyoming) Greater Miami Conferonce (AI Hamilton) Tum 'standings: l;SyCannore lOS. 2. Lakota 88, 3. Princeton 72, 4. Middletown 71, 5. Hamlllon so, 6. Milford 43. 7. Lima 42, 8: Falrileld 25.- . . . . ..· · Evon! wlnMn: 3200R-Lakola 9:42.9; 1001-1-Moore (Princeton) 15.39; 100-Delatour (Princeton) 12.68;, :8ooR-Lima 1:47.95; 1600-B191er (Sycamore) 5:13.3; 400R-Middlelown l:SOJl; .400-Spurlock (Prlncelonl 58.84; .JOOH~Jhorpe (Sycamore) 46.76; 800-Wytli'off (~ilkotal· 2:19.2; 200-Wison (Hainii!On) 26.11;3200AISbrooks (Lakota) 11:33; 1600R-Lakota 4:09.7; Shoi-Gudmens (Milford) 36-2; Wi~ fianns (Sycamore) 101-6; Long .Jurll>Moore (Middletown) 15-11'h; High .Jurll>Melner (Hamilton) s-.4: Queen City Con!. West a..m,ionshlps (AI Nort!Mtst High Schoel) Tum standings: l. Colerain 155, 2. Northwest 72, 3. MI. Healthy 61. 4. Harr~ son 55, 5. Winton Woods 54, 6. Clak Hils 41, 7. Withrow 37, B. Aiken 20, 9. Western Hils 1. . Event Winners: SP-Mobley CHari 37·11'h; Dlsc-Mobley CHari 116-10; LJBack (Har)' 17-0; HJ-Dean (Nor) M; 3200Relay-Colerain 9-.55.0; lOOHurdlesSiarks (Nor) 15.2; lOOM-Greene (Will 13.0; BOORelay-Coleraln 1:48.2; 1600MGrebe 1Coil 5:20; 400Relay-Northwest 50.9; 400M-Kisl (Coli 1:00.6; 300HurdlesSiarks (Nor) 45.9; 800M-Ward (Coli . 2:30J; 200M-Greene (Will 26.0; 3200Mlelnner (Col) 11:33; 1600Relay-Colerain 4:14.0. Athlete of the year-Crys Starks (Northwesl). Coech of year-Ron Russo (Colerain).

Baseball . tReoutar season1 Middletown 24, Lima I Middletown -180 760 '(101-24 13 3 Lima---121 211 8- I f 3 WP-Lyons. LP-Shaw. Hiltlng leaders: M-Norl 2-2 4RBI; carrero HR. 4RBI; Jarbo 7-5; Lozier 3-6. L-Shaw 2-4; Cheney .3-1 Lima 11, Mlddlatown 6 Lima 422 083 o-n 14 4 Middletown -3GO 310 o- 6 18 3 WP-Kunkel. LP-Kohfas. Hitting leaders: L-Morrls 3-5; Reich 3-5; Sherry. 2-5; Kunkel 2-4. M-Wels 3-4 2B, 38; Norl 2·3 2B; Murphy 2·3. Records: M 13-13 (GMC 7·7). L 6-16 (3-9). Eutern Brown 9; North Adams 4 Eutern Brown -221 1184 &-9 17 0 North Adams --008 004 G-4 4 4 WP-S. Tracy ( 13 k's). LP-Howeleff. Hilling leaders: E-Farley 3-5; Hickson 3-5 2RBI; Collver 2-4 3RBI 7 2B's; Downing 3-4 2RBI; Hauck 2-4; Motley 7-4 2B, 2RBI; C. Tracy 7·1 ~ecords: E 16-5 (SHL 13-7).

Boys volleyball


Ohio Stall Tournament Quarttrflnllls Sf. Xavier (29-7) d. Hortley 15-11,15-1 MOeler d. Brunswick, 15-13, 15-6.

Schedules BASEBALL seturday, May 17 Covlnglon calhollc at Lloyd, 1 p.m. Holy Cross at Simon Kenton, 7 p.m. SOFTBALL seturdayt May 17 Ohio sectional Tournamont · Middletown Division I . AI Sift TBD Upper Bracket championship, noon Lower Bracket championship, 2 p.m.· - Kontucky Grant County at Pendleton County, noon

Boys Track k. -.

1 ·~Cf?

Division 1 Regional Meet (At Dayton's Welcome Stadium) Team Standings: 1. Princeton 46, 2. Centerville 31, 3. Moeller 29V2, 4. St. Xavier 28, 5. Colonel White 24, 6. (tie 1 Trotwood Madison, Greenville, Springfield SO\Jih 22, 9. Oaylon Northmonl 20, 10. (lie) Fairfield, Winton Woods 19. Locals: 14. Hughes 14, 16. Lebanon 13 1h, 17. (lie) Elder, Hamilton 13, 19. Harrison 12, 20. (lie) La Salle, Lakota 11, 22. Amelia 10, 24. Glen Esle 9, 25. Walnut Hills8, 26. (lie) Sycamore, Wilmington 6. 30. Roger Bacon 4, 32. (lie 1 Aiken, Anderson, Colerain 2. State Qualifiers High Jump: 1. Aaron Hurst (Lakota) 6-6; 2. Ryan Fitzpatrick (Moeller) 6-6; 3. Salih Williams (Wilmington) 6-4; 4. Kevin King (Hamilton) 6-4. Shot Put: 1. Rob Winner (Greenville) 54-3'1•; 2. Mike Munoz (Moeller) 53-8; 3. Andrew Lange (SI.X) 52-10"'; 4. Mike Holt (Centerville) 51-6V2. 110 Hurdles: 1. Dameon Smith (Springfield S.) 14.28; 2. Fred Price (Princeton) 14.59; 3. Marvin Jones (Day Patterson) 14.84; 4. Alex Bannister (Hughes) 14.99. lOOM: 1. Charles Barnes (Dayton Carroll) 10.98; 2. Randall Turner (Princeton) 10.99; 3. Mall O'Hearn (Clayton Northmont) 11.00; 4. Torey Washington (Trotwood Madison) 11.11. 1600M: 1. Adam Thomas (Fairfield) 4:19.75; 2. John Aerni (Walnut Hills) 4:21.18; 3. Ernie Ziegler (Harrison) 4:21.22; 4. Erci Lundgren (Centerville) 4:21.26. 400 Relay: 1. Princeton 42.82; 2. Winton Woods 43.02; 3. Dayton Colonel White 43.05; 4. Hamilton 43.41. 400M: 1. Eric Blakeley (Greenvme) 49.17; 2. Adell Lawrence (Colonel While) 49.46; 3. Eric Fear (51. Xavier) 49.70; 4. John DITullio (La Salle) 50.05. 300 Hurdles: 1. Alex Bannister (Hughes) 38.92; 2. Pierre Wooten (Winton) 39.46; 3. Dameon Smith (Springfield S.l 39.63; 4. Kevin King (Hamilton) 39.98. 800M: 1. Tyson Shirk (Bellefontaine) 1:56.72; 2. Jon Hoelscher !Ooyton Northmont) 1:57.50; 3. Kevin Burns (St. Xavier) 1:57.53; 4. Joson Porter (Princeton) 1:57.54. 200M: 1. Trey Washington (Trotwood Madison) 22.14; 2. Dante Murray (Moeller) 22.40; 3. Charles Barnes (Day Carroll) 22.41; 4. Brandon Beason (Dunbar) 22.58. 3200M: 1. Chris Camfield !Fairborn) 9:26.06; 2. Pol Keller (Centerville) 9:29.63; 3. Ernie Ziegler ( Horrison) 9:32.56; 4. Joe Barnes (Clayton Norlhmonl) 9:34.99. 1600 Relay: 1. Colonel White 3:23.99; 2. Princeton 3:24.88; 3. Lebanon 3:25.85; 4. Huber Heights Wayne 3:25.88. Division Ill Regional Meet (At Dayton's welcome Stadium) Team Standings: 1. CCD 50, 2. Paint Valley 42, 3. (lie) Yellow Springs, Twin Valley South 36, 5. SO\Jiheoslern 29, 6. Anno 28, 7. (lie) Covington, Adena 25, 9. Tri County North 23, Arcanum 20. State Qualifiers Pole Vault: 1. Mall O'Diam (Twin Valley South) 13-0; 2. Don Hoeler (Adena) 13-0; 3. Jomes Green (Twin Valley SO\Jihl 12-6; 4. Don wens (Adena) 12-0. High Jump: I. Dovid Raines (Southeastern) 6-4; 2. Jon Lange (CCD) 6-4; 3. (tiel Cosey Donaldson (Southeastern), Kyle Sheer (Brodford) 6-0. Shot Put: 1. Jessie Ballinger (Manchester) 49-11; 2. Trey Wright (CCDl 49-10; 3. Greg Oliver (Twin Voley SO\Jih) 49-5; 4. John Murray (Tri County North) 47-8. 110 Hurdles: 1. Chad Knight (Banbridge Paint) 15.63; 2. David Rieman (Ansonia) 15.63; 3. Brad Barbee (Covington) 15.8; 4. Chris Compston (Grove Dawson) 15.99. lOOM: 1. Stephen Appenfelder (Cincinnati Christian) 11.06; 2. Ben Burke (Bainbridge Paint) 11.21; 3. Moll Knisley (Bainbridge Painll 11.24; 4. Todd Bailey (Charleston South) 11.29. 1600M: 1. Brad Koveman (Anno) 4:28.76; 2. Andy Gray (Mariemont) 4:34.79; l Brad Beam (Arcanum) 4:35.41; 4. Aryeh Edwards (Madeira) 4:36.06. 400 Rtlay: 1. Point Vailey 44.73; 2. CCD 45.36; 3. West Alexandria 45.38; 4. Hillcrest 45.43. 400M: 1. Andrew Pierce I Yellow Springs) 48.39 (meet record); 2. Tobias Cahal (Georgetown) 51.61; 3. Tony Wishart IYelow Springs) 51.76; 4. John Mitchell (Bethell 51.92. 300 Hurd Its: 1. Todd Heinecke 1Fenwick) 40.25; 2. Jon Longe (CCD) 40.81; 3. Andy Drender !Oak Hills) 40.90; 4. Aaron Hacker (Russia) 41.41. lOOM: 1. Andre Ziegenbusch I Anna) 2:00.01; 2. Mall Bonks I Arcanum) 2:00.18; 3. Brad Koverman (Anna) 2:02.71; 4. Aryeh Edwards (Madeira) 2:03.94. 200M: 1. Andrew Pierce I Yellow Spr~~~~-22,0~. 2. Todd Bailey. (Soul~easl-

4. Crys Starks (Northwest) 15.08. lOOM: 1. Angela Jackson !Dayton Meadowdalel 12.09; 2. Kiesha Cowin (Wilmington) 12.11; 3. Deonno Norflee (Trotwood Madison) 12.26; 4. Kely Jackson (Princeton) 12.35. 800 Relay: 1. Princeton 1:43.35; 2. Dayton Dunbar 1:44.11; 3. Chamindae Julienne 1:44.32; 4. Walnut Hils 1:44.52. 1600M: 1. Melissa Belcher (Carroll) 5:05.86; 2. Andrea Morgan (Amelio) 5:06.24; 3. Tara Storage (Beavercreek) 5:06.25; 4. Kara Storage (Beavercreek) 5:06.27. 400 Relay: 1. Trotwood Madison 49.17; 2. Dayton Dunbar 49.61; 3. Chaminade-Julienne 49.84; 4. Troy 50.11. 400M: 1. Danielle Spurlock (Princeton) 57.44; 2. Monique Demmons (Dayton Dunbar) 58.98; 3. Ann Bunker (Mercy) 59.22; 4. Allison Nickel (Anderson) 59.18. 300 Hurdles: 1. Comee Williams (Springfield SO\Jih) 43.68; 2. Crys Starks (Northwest) 44.79; 3. Autumn Smith (Wa~ nul HiUs) 45.99; 4. Tonyo Baker (Fairmont) 46.15. lOOM: 1. Brooke Wychoff (lakota) 2:19.43; 2. Kristin Jumer !Centerville) 2:16.58; 3. Angela Kist (Colerain) 2:16.85; 4. Monica Rogers !Stebbins) 2:17.50. 200M: 1. Angela Jackson I Dayton Meadowdole) 25.14; 2. Kelly Jackson (Princeton) 25.27; 3. Kiesha Cowin (Wilmington) 25.28; 4. Deanna Norflee (Trotwood Madison) 25.36. 3200M: 1. Alison Zeinner (Colerain) 11:21.54; 2. Tara Storage !Beavercreek) 11:22.81; 3. Karo Storage !Beavercreek) 11:24.04; 4. Rachel Henry (Springfield North) 11:29.32. 1600 Relay: 1. Dayton Meadowdale 4:03.72; 2. Stebbins 4:04.54; 3. Chaminda Julienne 4:04.88; 4. Ursuline 4:05.00. Division Ill Regional Meet (At Dayton's Welcome Stadium) Team Standings: 1. Versailles 56, 2. Sidney Lehnnon 54, 3. Madeira 49, 4. Seven Hills 47, 5. Russia 35, 6. Botkins 32, 7. Miami East 30, 8. Grove Dawson 28, 9. Cedarville 11, 10. ceo 15. State Qualifiers Long Jump: I. Trish Walters (Grove Dawson) 17-5'h; 2. Linlse Gordon (Seven Hills) 16-4; 3. Julie Tissot !Madeira) 16-lV•; 4. Melissa Bougher (Russia) 15-11'12. Discus: 1. Brandy Davis IMadelrol 112-0; 2. Michelle Bailey (Cedorvlle) 111-10; 3. Melinda lson (Glenwood) 109-5; 4. Amanda Fooce (Seaslenl 106-7. 100 Hurdles: 1. Trlsh Walters (Grove Dawson) 15.67; 2. JuHe Mueller (Fl. Laramie) 15.77; 3. Deanno Bey (Versoillesl 15.89; 4. Libby Nelson (Crooksville) 16.04. lOOM: 1. Brittany Barker (Versailles) 12.49; 2. Jessica Agne (Miami East) 12.68; 3. Jamie Buehler (Botkins) 12.76; 4. Diona Goldzig (West Alexandria) 12.8. 800 Relay: 1. Sidney Lehnnan 1:47.89; 2. Versailles 1:48.81; 3. Russia 1:50.23; 4. Miami Eosl 1:50.27. 1600M: 1. Amanda Blackwelder (Madeiro) 5:19.99; 2. Alissa Cavender (Sidney Lehman) 5:20.8; 3. Andrion Beech (CCDl 5:31.5; 4. Emily Eynon ICCDl 5:31.64. 400 Relay: I. Sydney Lehman 51.45; 2. Versailles 51.5; 3. Mariemonl52.01; 4. 50\Jiheastern 52.34. I. Linise Gordon (Seven Hils) 58.26; 2. Jessica Agne (Miami East) 1:00.22. 3. Amanda McKenzie (North Lewisburg) .1:00.68; 4. Krista Nichols (Russia) 1:00.90. 300 Hurdles: I. Suzi Ramsey I Summit! 46.37; 2. Melissa Bergman (Russia) 47.82; l Deonna Bey (Versailles) 47.82; 4. Silo Hi (Xenia Christian) 47.98. 800M: 1. Alissa Cavender ISYdne! Lehman) 2:23.22; 2. Krisly Keiser (Areahum) 2:24.21; 3. Nalhlie Provosty (Seve" Hills) 2:25.71; 4. Jenny Winkleman (Madeir a) 2:26.44. 200M: 1. Brittany Baker (Versailesl 26.02; 2. Llnise Gordon (Seven Hills) 26.40; :1. Jamie Buehler (Botkins l 26.65; 4. Saran Kitchen (Southeastern) 26.66 3200M: 1. Amanda Black welder I Madeira) 11:53.14; 2. Missy Titus IBolkin•l 12:04.99; 3. Kelly House (West Alexandria) 12:19.32; 4. Erin Phillips IMariemoni'J 12:20.70. 1600 Relay: 1. Sidney Lehman 4:04.6; 2. Miami East 4:05.59; 3. Versailles 4:11. 92; 4. ceo 4:13.61.

Princeton boys win regional title lnjury hurts Vikings' shot at state title B.Y DAVE SCHUTTE E~quirer


DAYTON - The Princeton boys track team successfully defended its Division I regional track championship Saturday but may have lost any chance of claiming the state title because of a crucial injury. While running the 1,600-meter relay, Fred Price pulled a groin muscle and the senior may be forced to withdraw from the state meet on Friday and Saturday in Columbus. "We scratched Fred from the 200 because of a groin pull," Princeton coach Ken Meibers said. "We had Mike Winslow ready to go, but Fred put himself back in The Cincinnati Enquirer/Tony Jones the race without the coaches . Jon Lange of Cincinnati Country Day clears 6 feet, 4 inches in the knowing about it." high jump Saturday. Lange finished second in the event. Cincinnati Country Day also place with 49 points. rain. "I knew I had to get a good came out on top, claiming the start in the 100. It was probably Division III boys regional champi- Blackwelder wins 2 my best of the year." onship, giving 40-year veteran Amanda Blackwelder of Madeicoach ]iin Wright his first regional ra was the only double winner in Good start helps hurdler title. Saturday's Division I and III girls Hughes hurdler Alex Bannister "I'm the happiest man on the and boys regional competition. proved to be the biggest surprise earth," Wright said. "You don't Running with a heavily taped in the Division I meet, winning the win these kind of meets without right ankle because of shin splints, 300 intermediate hurdles and finworking really hard." Blackwelder easily won the 1,600 ishing fourth in the 110 hurdles. In past years, CCD relied on and 3,200 meters Division III "I came out hard in the prelimioutstanding sprinters, but the championship. naries, but I came out harder toschool will take only the 400-meter Blackwelder led most of the day," Bannister said. "I've been relay team and ]on Lange¡ in the 1,600 before challenged on the waiting to go to the state - it's 300 hurdles to the state in the third of four laps. my destiny." running events. "I could not let her pass me," Wright's team must score big in Blackwelder said. "I've always had Gordon not happy the long jump, high jump and shot a strong kick, and I just couldn't Linise Gordon will participate in put to make a run at a state title. give up." three events at the Division III In the Division I girls regional, state meet. Trotwood Madison edged Spring- Appenfelder qualifies A Seven Hills senior, Gordon field South 40-38 with Princeton Cincinnati Christian's Stephen won the 400 meters and finished close behind in fourth place with Appenfelder won the Division III second in both the long jump and 34 points. 100 meters and finished third in 200 meters. "I wasn't happy with my run Versailles beat Sidney Lehman the 200 meters. S6-54 to claim the Division III "I love this weather," Appen- today in the 400," Gordon said. "I championship with Madeira in third felder said in reference to the light didn't run as hard as I could. I had

trouble staying loose because of the cold and wet weather."

Contemplating change After finishing third in both the 1,600 and 3,200 meters, Harrison senior Ernie Ziegler may change his plans at the state meet. "I may drop out of the 1,600 at the state meet to concentrate on the 3,200," Ziegler, the defending 3,200 state champion, said.

Kick from the heart Colerain freshman Alison Zeinner captured the Division I 3200meter regional championship, winning the race during the final 100 meters. "I don't usually have a good kick at the end," Zeinner said. "My teammates encouraged me. Everything I had came from the heart."

Happy Thomas Adam Thomas from Fairfield may have been the happiest athlete at Welcome Stadium after finally beating Ziegler in the 1,600 meters. "This is the first time I've beaten Ziegler," Thomas said. ''In the district, it came down to the last 400 meters. This week I wanted it to be a 600-meter kick."

Not-so-high jump Aaron Hurst won the high jump with a leap of 6-6, but the Lakota senior wasn't satisfied. "I fe.el like I can go 6-10 to 7-0 which is the height some kids in Cleveland are jumping," Hurst said. "A lot of jumpers were complaining about the rain, but it didn't bother me. I just attacked the bar."

Ramsey's 3rd Suzi Ramsey from Summit Country Day won her third consecutive Division III title in the 300 hurdles. "I finished second at state the last two years," Ramsey said. "This year it's my turn for first."

Track: Ziegler gets third state title ~-B-'il CONTINUED FROM PAGE Cl

thought I was crazy for trying, and I had to prove I could do it." Because of a strenuous eighthplace effort in the 1,600, Ziegler changed strategies for the 3,200 meters. "I went out too fast in the 1,600 and had nothing left at the end," Ziegler said. "In the 3,200, I decided to drop back and run third the first four laps before going to the lead." But, Fairborn's Chris Camfield, who beat Ziegler last week in the regional, remained two strides behind Ziegler until making a move with 300 meters remaining. "When he came alongside me, I thought he would take the lead," Ziegler said. "My legs were h4rting, but I decided to go into a sprint and hope for the best." Ziegler sprinted the final 100 meters to win by nearly four seconds. Ziegler, who will run at Miami in September, was also out to fulfill a promise. "My cross country coach Paul Nolan asked me to win it for him," Ziegler said. "He's been good to me, and I wanted to do it for him." THOMAS' STRATEGY WORKS: When Adam Thomas woke up Saturday morning, the ' Fairfield junior knew this was going to be his day. "I knew I was unbeatable today," Thomas said. "I didn't sleep much last night because I was planning the strategy for this race." He planned right. When Ziegler went out fast in the 1,600 meters, Thomas dropped in about three or four strides behind. With 700 meters remaining, Thomas made a strong move and was never threatened, running a career-best 4:15.76. "The turning point for me came in the district meet when Ernie (Ziegler) beat me at the wire," Thomas said. "At that point I realized that he was human and that I could beat him." There was one ritual that

Thomas didn't change. "I eat a triple-deck peanut butter and jelly sandwich three hours before every race," Thomas said. The third-place finisher at the Division I state cross country meet, Thomas plans to make a run at that title in November while attempting to repeat in the 1.600. in 1998. PRINCETON WINS RELAY: . Randall "Rock" Turner raised his arms up following the handoff of · the baton and started running toward the finish line. "There are some things in life · · that you really want, and this wM one of them," Turner, a Princeton sprinter, said. "Winning the 400· meter relay is important to all of us. " Turner teamed with Anthony Carter, Ken Brown and Fred Price to win the premier relay event, . covering the distance in an out-· standing 42.69. "All the guys ran well, but Randall was one of the keys in the race," Princeton coach Ken Mei. · hers said. SLAGLE IMPRESSIVE: Clermont Northeastern junior Mark· Slagle finished fourth in the 110· high hurdles and second in the 300 ~ intermediate hurdles behind Ryan Grear of Barnesville. "He hit a hurdle, and I took tht lead. And then I hit a hurdle. a:1c he took it back," Slagle said of th.: 300 hurdles. "I don't like lo>< :ng. but I like him (Grear). He's a q•nPt kid but gets the job done." Slagle also ran in the Division 11 100 meters, which is contested 10 minutes after the 110 high hurdles, but placed eighth. Slagle will attempt to qualify in four events next year, adding the long jump to the card. APPENFELDER DISAP7 . POINTED: It just wasn't to be fm Stephen Appenfelder, a senior , from Cincinnati Christian. Entered in both the Division III , 100 and 200 meters, Appenfelder: · finished third in the 100 (11.19) and sixth in the 200 (22.55).

"He's his own person and he has great self-esteem." - Anthony Munoz on his son Michael

Another Munoz takes his best--------------------l shot BYTOM GROESCHEN The Cincinnati Enquirer



visitor to Moeller High School recently sought Michael Munoz, l~year-old son of retired Bengals star Anthony Munoz. The search was not exactly needle-in-thehaystack.

"You won't have any trouble finding him," Moeller track coach Jerry Korr:brinck said. "He looks just like his dad.'' Quite literally. iV:ichael Munm;, a Moeller freshman who is a top shot-putter and football (offensiw lint') prospeet, stands 6foot-6 and 275 pounds. His dad is 6foot-6 and played between 285 and 290 as a perennial All-Pro offensiw tackle with the Hengals from 1980.92. Anthony had a mustache and large, eurly black hair in his Bengal heyday. Mid:ad is a bit young for whiskers and has straight, short-<.'I"Opped black hair. Otherwise, the resemblance is startling. "Whm I was his age, I was only, 6foot rnd weighed about 215," Anthony said. 'The doctors said he's going to be bi,:mer than me. about 6-8 or 6-9." Michael has carved his own niche this spring with a shot-put of 51 feet, 3ii inches, fifth best in Cincinnati. Anthony ~·c..s never a track and field man. having played football and baseball. "Ee's identified (track) as his own thing, which I think is great," Anthony said. 'He's his own person, and he has great self-esteem." Which is good, because Michael Munoz is saddled with the "Son Of A Famc·us Athlete" burden. Hut this son, who now shares his dad's size 15 shoes, loves it. "I wouldn't have it any other way," Michael said. "I love being his son." Friends do not give him much grief about his inherited fame, he said. "And if somebody does say something, I just try to make the best of it." !\1..ich like his deeply religious parents, Anthon/ and mother DeDe. Mirh:.ll'l approacht>s life with humility, optirrism and gentle good humor. M .chael and his sistl'r,l'ighth-grddt·r Michellt•, are both star athletes. The f'>foot-11 :vtichelle's AI\C basketball tt•am finish~'<~ fourth in the nation last year. Ar thony remains hiRhly \isible in t\w Trbtak on TV and billboard ads

for Fumiture Fair, Mt•ijt·r stores and kep. ''I'm sure the kids get tin.'{} of hearing I'm th~·ir father. but tht'Y realize it's part ofthe:r lives," he said. ''As a family we talk a :ot about it I>l'l >e and I work on encouraging them, but not pushing them.'

De De Munoz said the children have handled dad's fame wl'll. "It's been a privilege to be their parents. I know that sounds kind of weird, but they're neat people.'' Michael is freshman class president at Moeller and carries first-honors status (90 average) academically. He also plays basketball. He took up shot-putting and discus throwing this spring. He has thrown 135 feet in the discus, which is not among dty leaders but good for someone learning the ropes. 'There's more technique with the discus," Kombrinck said. "Imagine how good he11 be when he karns all the footwork. The great thing about track is there's no pressure on him like there might be in football." In football, Michael has played both guard and tackle- when allowed to play. He was always too big for ag~ group teams, so the Moeller freshman team was his first full season of football. Moeller football coach Steve Klonne, who has coached several All· Americans and eventual!':FL players, will not predict whether Michael can be tht• next, ahem, Anthony :>.1unoz. "As a freshman he was a very dominating player because of his size, and he's fairly athletic," Klonne said. "He's going to be a very good playt•r. but we're just going to take it easy with him. I will say this, he has a competitive streak that bums." Whm ht· was 3 years old, Michad was photographed wearing a "J{ecruited by Moeller" T-shirt. He has yet to reach the varsity, but like many youngsters he has pro dreams. 'The :\FL is my goal," he said, "but I can't expert to make it there on my fathds name." Michad was bomjuly 31, 1981. The Hl·ngals went to their first Super Howl six months later. Nearly 16 years later, Anthony is finally digibk for Hall of 1:</mw induction- he ~ill be a firstballotl·hukl' -and ~ichad ts eligible for the Modkr varsity. "'Ibe last time Michael was normal," his mother said, "was as a baby. He was eight pounds. Hut after six weeks he was way off the charts, and since then he's always been in the llOth percentile." Just like dad.

i I

Tt1e C!OC1nnati f 1tqurret S:even Herppwh

Michael Munoz of Moeller competes in the shot put at the Gold Baton track meet.

Vikings chasing La Salle's title BY DAVE SCHUTTE Enquirer contributor

La Salle's four-year hold on The Enquirer's Cincinnati area boys track championship could be in jeopardy. Area coaches voted Princeton - which finished third at last season's Division I state meet as the No. 1 team heading into the 1997 season. "Everybody is back except Curt Smith and B.]. Thomas,'' Princeton coach Ken Meibers said, "and if all our kids remain eligible, we will be tough." The Cincinnati Enquirer 1 Michael Snyder Top performers for the Vikings A.C. Carter (left to right), ~ev~n Bro~n. Rock Turner and Perry MacKall make up Princeton's include Mike Sickles (hurdles), 400-meter relay team, wh1ch IS cons1dered among the best in the state. The Vikings are the preseason A.C. Carter (100 meters, relays, No. 1 pick in The Enquirer's coaches' poll. long jump), Randy Turner \sprints), Asa Alexander (long ·1·-Cl..., IJlil> 8. Moeller: With eight soli< be one of the area's top teams at jump), Mark Waller (high jump), performers returning from las the end of the season. Kevin Brown (800) and Mike WinsBoys track jeremy Jackson (pole vault), season's district champions, Moe! low (400). The Enquirer's preseason coaches' Travis Thigpen (discus) and Luke ler again will be a threat. Meibers is also counting on poll and returning qualifiers from the Schumacher (discus and shot put) Robert Parks (hurdles), Fred Price Dante Murray (200), Jaysot 1996 state boys track meet: give Middletown strength in the (hurdles), Perry MacKall (100, Simcom (high jump), Dan Hafe Top 10 poll field events. 200, long jump), Jason Porter 1. Princeton (8) ..................................... 124 Kevin Aldridge, Karlos Mack, (800), Ryan Fitzpatrick (higl (800, 1,600), Sean Byrdwell 2. La Salle (5) ........................................ 101 Rashad Johe, Bryan Curtis, Zach jump), Joe Harpen (400, 800) 3. Colerain ............................................... 90 (I ,600) and Mark Johnston Aaron Sims and Derrick Wil- Brad Murphy (long jump, hurdles Pope, 4. Middletown .......................................... 8' (3,200). 5. Elder {1) ............................................... 71 liams give Middletown strength in and Ryan Cowan (shot put, discus Meibers is also impressed with 6. Hamilton ..............................................67 are Moeller's leaders. the sprints and hurdles. Curt Karim, a transfer from Fair7. Wmton Woods ..................................... 66 jack Osborne is the only proven "We return almost all of ou 8. Moeller................................................. 54 field who runs the 400 and is part 9. Turpin ...................................................35 distance runner, but Luay Ahmed, field event people and sprinters,' of the 800 and 1,600 relay teams. 10. Hamson .............................................. 26 Mike Coffey, Larry Gates, Eric coach Jerry Kombrinck said. But La Salle will be tough to Walker, Derek Robinson and Jamie unseat. The Lancers were a close Knee surgery has sidelined se Returning state qualifiers Maloney have performed well dursecond in the coaches' voting with 110 High Hurdles: Fred Pnce. nior Jason Hurley. ing the initial training. Princeton \ iv. I); Brandon Han. Walnut Colerain, Middletown and Elder Hills {DIV. ). IJlil> 5. Elder: A couple of promisIJlil> 9. Turpin: Coach Stev• rounding out the top five. A team100 Meters: Leon (W1z) Wh1te. Wmton ing trios lead the way for the Nester said he has his best teai' Woods (Div. I); Randall Turner, Princeton by-team look at the top 10: {Div. 1). Panthers. John Schroer, who has since 1990. 1.600 Meters: John Aerni. Walnut Hills vaulted 13 feet, 7 inches, and Bill {Div. ~:Jason R1egelberger. Ro~r Bacon Geoff Gruber leads a solid grou {D1v. I : Andy Gray. Mariemont (Div. Ill). Welch and Jeff Aull (both have 4 0 Meters: John Ditullio, La Salle of sprinters that includes Jermain vaulted 12-8) make the pole vault a (Div. I); Bryan 1<1mbrell, Edgewood (Div. II). IJlil> 2. La Salle: The Lancers, 300 Hurdles: Mike Sickles. Princeton strength for Elder, while Steve Rodgers, who also competes in th (Div. I): D.J. Sulton, Hamilton {Div. 1): Josh who have won the Greater Catholic Stoecklin, Zack Weber and Steve high jump. Cooper. lnd1an H1ll (Div. ll) League title five straight years, 800 Meters: Kevin Brown, Princeton Fessel stand out in the hurdles. Darren Jackson and Dave Gt: {Div. 1). return two individual state qualifiCoach Steve Spencer said his tekunst are top distance runnen 3.200 Meters: Ernie Z·egler, Harrison ers - Johnny Ditullio (400 me{Div. I); Andy Gray, Manernont (Div. Ill). 1,600-meter relay team of Stoeck- Cy Weiss and Jon Teterick hand! 200 Meters: Fred Pnce. Pnnceton (D1v. ters) and Alex Jones (pole vault). lin, Fessel, Ryan McKenna and the middle distances. 1). "We have high expectations," Long Jump: Nick Senter. Cincinnati Scott Ruth will also be tough. "Field events will be our onl Country Day (Div. Ill); Jason Saunders, coach Frank Russo said. IJlil> 6. Hamilton: Returning C1ncinnat1 Country Day {D1v. Ill) weakness," Nester said. "But loo Jay Hummel (1,600, 3,200)~ JaHigh Jump: Kevin K1ng, Hamilton (D1v. state qualifiers D.]. Sutton (300 I); Jake Langston. Lebanon (Div. 1). for newcomers Gene Braxton an son Thomas (100, 200), Paul hurdles) and Kevin King (high Pole Vault: Alex Jones. La Salle (Div. Thayler (field events), Chris HoefMatt Johnson to do well in th jump) lead the Big Blue. I); Craig Vest. Middletown Mad1son (Div. II). fer (3,200 relay) and Bill Thoman Discus: none. sprints." Mike Meyers gives Hamilton Shot Put: none. (300 hurdles) are top performers. coach Charles "Skip" Taylor depth IJlil> 10. Harrison: Ernie Ziegle1 in the sprints. the defending state champion < IJlil> 7. Winton Woods: Lou Cyn3,200 meters, anchors a Wildcat tian Walter and Jeff Noelte handle kar, who guided Forest Park to the IJlil> 3. Colerain: Freshman Mateam that is loaded with distanc the middle distances for Colerain. son Ward is already drawing attenChris Smith (high jump), Brad Class AA state track championship runners, including Matt Motsinge tion. He ran the 1,600 at an indoor Hughett (pole vault), Ryan Knopp in 1988 and 1989, returns after a and Kevin Sweetman. seven-year absence. meet two weeks ago in 4 minutes, {pole vault), Ken Meibers (shot Rich Vichey and Adam Roethe Cynkar's Warriors could devel32 seconds. put) and Sean Vandivier (long op into one of Cincinnati's best are top sprinters. Dustin Gehrin Col~rain also features standout jump) are other top performers. with the Askew brothers, B.]. and (discus)), Brian Scott (shot pu' distance runners Chris Noelcke, Rayshawn, La Salle transfer Wiz and Brady Morris (shot put an IJlil> 4. Middletown: If the Justin Hussel, Joey Zeinner and Bill Middies can round up a few dis- White and brothers Brandon and discus) will be strong in the fiel Harbison. events. tance runners, Middletown could Danny Miree. Terry Fox, Jarvin Strait, Chris-


.£- 1 o-



t St. Xavier (5) ..................................



~: ~~"!'ro~ l1r.~::::.:·.~::.::.::::.:·~·~:~:-~:::~-::: ~; ·

• 4. Moeler ..................~,..................... 37

~: ~~.;i;;·::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~

7. HamiHon .............................................. 24 8. Loveland............................................... 16

:: ~=::'~:mo~Ci·::::::::·:::::::::::~-::.-::.::.~:::.: ~~ . Othtrs: Glen Este 9, Sycamore 9, Lakota 8, Kings 4, Winton Woods 4, Anderson 2, Lebanon 1, Mt. Healthy t 100 Meters 1. Myet'~ (Hamilton) ............................. 10.5 2. Jones (All< en) ...................................... 10.8 2. Undsey (Lebanon) ............................. 10.8 4. Bryant (Western Hills) ...................... 10.9 i 4, carter (Princeton) ............................. 10.9 4. ~rr~eRer) ............................ 10.9 4. Pr ce r iion) ............................... 10.9 4. Turner (Princeton) ........................... 10.9 4. Wheeler (Western Hlfts) ................... 10.9 4. White (Winton Woods) ..................... 10.9 4. Willis (Colerain) ............:..................; .. ,10.9 \ 200•Mtters 1. ApPenfetder 1an Christ) ................. 22.0 2. oo~oeRer) ............................. 22.2 3. ashlll9f6n ll'flliceton) ................... 22.3 4. carter 1Princeton) ............................ 22.4 •· Jones !Ail<en) ..................................... 22.4 · 6. Brown (Glen Estel ........................... 22.5 7. Price (Princeton) .............................. 22.6 7. White (Winton Woods) ................. 22.6 9. Cummins (Kings) ............................... 22.7 9. Kerrigan (Amelia) ......................... 22.7 9. McKal (Princeton) ........................ 22.7 9. Morwood (Kings) .............................. 22.7 400 Meters 1. Washington (Princeton) ................. 49.8 2. Fear (St. Xavier),...............:.............. 50.2 3. Appenfelder (On Chrlitl ................. 50.4 3. Karim (Princeton) ....:.................... 50.4 3. OitlAIIo (La SaHel ..:......................... 50.4 6. Brown !Glen Estel ............................ 50.9 7. A. Grant (Madison) ..................... 51.0 I. Sickles (Princeton) ........................... 51.1 9. Daddabbo !Badln) ........................,.... 51.5 9. Walter (Colerain) .......................... 51.5

q; 7

BOO Mtttrs 1. Thomas (Fairfield) ,........................ 1:57.1 2. Burns (St. Xavier) .......................... 1:59.5 3. Porter (Princeton) ......................... 1:59.6 4. Sweeney (Sycamore) ................... 1:59.7 5. Hoefer (La Salle) ............................ 2:00.0 5. Johnston (Lakota) ......................... 2:00.0 7. Ruth I Elder) ..................................... 2:00.8 7. Walter (Colerain) ........................... 2:00.8 9, Pursifull (Purcell .......................... 2:01.0 10. Karim (Harrison) ........................... 2.i11.1 1600 Meters 1. Thomas !Fairfield) ......................... 4:20.2 2. Ziegler (Harrison) .......................... 4:22.6 3. Ward (Colerain) ....................,......... 4;22.8 4. Motsinger (Harrison) .................... 4:29.7 5. Butler I La Salle) .............................. 4:30.0 6. Kldd (Sf. Xavier) ........................... 4:30.1 7. Fritz (Sf. Xavier) ............................ 4:31.2 8. Aernl (Walnut Hils) ....................... 4:31.7 9. Hummel (La SaHel ......................... 4:33.0 10. MCC.M (Loveland) ....................... 4:34.0 3200 Meters 1. Ziegler (Harrison) .......................... 9:24.0 2. Thomas (Fairfield) ......................... 9:30J 3. Kldd (St. Xavier) ............................ 9:44.0 4. Godsey (Lakota) ............................ 9:44.6 5. Ward (Colerain) .............................. 9:50.4 6. Butler (La Salle) .............................. 9:50.6 7. Fritz (St. Xavier) ............................ 9:51.5 8. Padgett (La Sale) ......:................... 9:55.8 9, Hufford (Lakota) ........................... 9:56.2 10. Kuhn (St. Xavier) ........................... 9:57.0 110 High Hurdles 1. Price (Princeton) ........................:...... 14.0 2. King (Hamilton) ................................. 14.5 2. Sickles (Princeton) ............................. 145 4. Schaffer (Deer-Park) ....................... 14.8 5. Langston (Lebanon) ........................ 14.9 5. Parks (Princeton) ............................. 14.9 7, ·Slagle ICNEl ........................................ 15.0 8. Bamlster (Hughes) ............................ 15.2 a. Sutton !Harnntonl ............................... 15.2 10. Carrier (Lovelad) ............................... 15.3 10. Vest (Madison) .......- ........................ 15.3 10. Stoecl<nn (Elder) ................................. 15.3 300 Hurdles "~' 1. Sickles 1Princeton) ............................ 39.3 1. Slagle ICNEl ...................................... 39.3 3. King (Hamilton) ................................. 39.5

Sutton (Hamilton) .............................. 39.8 Wooten (Winton Woods) ................. 40.1 casteel (Loveland) ............................ 40.9 Stoecknn !Elder) ................................ 40.9 Cooper (lndlan Hill) ............................ 41.0 CUrtis (Middletown) ......................... 41.0 Hamldullah ( Talawanda) ................. 41.0 400 Relay t Prince ton ............................................. 42.7

4. 5. 6. 6. 8. 8. 8.

} ~~~~~~.,:·:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :u ~: ~~~~-~-~.~~-:::::·.:·.::·.::·.:·.::::::::::·.:.:::·.:.: !~~

i: ~~:~~.;·::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::':: ~. ~

1~: ~~fE:~~~::::.:.: .~.:::~:.: .:~: :~: : : : : ~:: 1600 Relay

~.. ~.:~: ::::.:.::.::.:·:::.:::::::.::~:::::.:·:.:·:: m~

3. Hamnton ............................................ 3:27.s 4. Winton Woods ...........................:..... 3:29.1 5. Elder .................................................. 3:30.0


~ ~~:.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: m:~

8. La Salle .............................................. 2:30.8

1~: ~~~~~g·:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::. ~:m 3200 Relay

t St. Xavier .......................................... 8:05.3

.~~~~~~~~~ .

Shot Put ........................... 53-3'14 Thaler\ La ~e) ................................ 52-0 Co:ta!!.lMJeUer) ......................... 51·10\o'J Quay ~e) ............................. 5HI Lange (Sf. Xavier) ............................ 51~ 6. Mlree (Winton Woods) .................. 50-11 7. Gholston (Purcell ......................... 50-WJ 8. Louanen (Kings) ................................ 50-5

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


9. Hamilton (Blanchester) ................. 49-10 10. Scott (Harrison) ............................ 49-6\o'J Discus · 1. Varney (Amelia) ............................. 167-1 2. Ed~a~oenerl ......................... 157-1 3. Quay !5ycamor.J ........................... 155-0 4. Angst (La Salle) ............................... 153-4 5. Maness (New Richmond) ............. 151-3 6. Askew (Winton Woods) ................ 148-6 7. Thigpen (Middletown) ................... 148:0 8. Richardson (Sf. Xavier) ............... ..'147-4 9. Anderson (Amelia) ......................... 146-4 10. Fox (Sycamore) ...........................:.. 145-8 Lang Jump 1. carrier (Loveland) ........................... 21-9 2. Rummel (Glen Estel .................... 21-8\o'J 3. VanDiver (Colerain) ..................... 21-73.4 4. Harrison (Hughes) ............................ 21-6 5. Nelson (La Sale) .......................... 21-33.4 6. Hurst (Lakota) .............................. 21-3\o'J 7. Alexander (Princeton) ................. 21-1\o'J 7. Langston (Lebanon) ............,, ....... 21-1\o'J . 7. ward (Western HIHsl .................. 21-1\o'J 10. Sfoecklin (Elder) ............................... 21-0

1. 1. 1. 4,

5. 6. 7. 7, 7.

\l~:<t IM~rtl<t>~'l

10. 10. 10. Pole Vault Vest (Madison) ............................. 14-7'h Jones (La SaKe) ................................ 14-D Rummel (Glen Estel ......................... 13-8 Schroer (Elder) ................................. 13-6 Welch (Elder) ..................................... 13-6 6. Bedel (Taylor) ................................. 13-1 7. Owens (La SaHel ............................... 13-0 7. Godbey !Lockland) ........................... 13-0 9. Wolf (Anderson) ............................... 12-7

1. 2. 3. 4. 4.

Boys track honor roll 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

POLL La Salle (7) ·········-··-·····.. •••· 95 Princeton (2) .....••............... 90 SI.Xavler (I)--·--·····--····· 83

Harrison ··-···-····-····--········ 53

Meeler .............................•... 50 Colerain ·-··-··-·-··········-··-·· 34 Elder···············-······--········-· 27 Hamilton··················-··········· 26 Winton WOOds···---·-·········· 25 Loveland··-·······················-· 17 Others: Sycamore 15, Kings 12, Lakota 6, Lebanon 6, Glen Este 5, New Richmond 4, Turpin

1. 100 Meters Myers (Hamilton) ............ 10.5 Jones (Aiken) ············-······10.8 Undsey (Lebanon) ........... 10.8 Bryant (Western Hills) _.. 10.9 Carter (Princeton) ........... 10.9 Crutcher (Woodward) ... 10.9 Murray (Moeller) ........... 10.9 Price (Princeton)-·-·--··· 10.9 Turner (Princeton) .......... 10.9 Wheeler (Western HiHs). 10.9 While (Winton Woods) ... 10.9 WiHis (Colerain) ............•.... 10.9 200 Meters 1. Appen!elder (On Chr!sl) .......

1. 2. 2. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4.

22.0 2. Murray ( Moeler) ······-··· 22.2 2. Price (Princeton l ............ 22.2 4. Washington (Princeton). 22.3 5. Carter (Princeton) .......... 22.4 5. Jones (Aiken) ·-·········--··· 22.4 7. Brown (Glen Estel··-······ 22.5 8. Price (Princeton)-·-···-·· 22.6 9. cummins (Kings)····-····-· 22..7 9. Kerrigan !Amelia) .•.....•... 22.7 9. McKall (Princeton)-···-·· 22..7 9. Morwood (Kings) ·········-· 22.7 9. Myers (Hamilton) ........... 22.7 9. Richardson (Hamilton) ... 22.7

400 Meters 1. Washington (Princeton). 49.8 2. Fear (St. Xavier) .....•....... 50.2 l A. Grant (Madison l ..•..... 50.2 4. DlluiHo (La Salle)······-····· 50.4 5. Appenfelder (Cin Christl-····· 50.4 5. Karim (Princeton) ........... 50.4 5. Brown (Glen Estel .......... 50.4 8. Brown (Glen Estel .......... 50.9 8. Price (Princeton) ............ 50.9 10. Sickles (Princeton) .......•.• 51.1 800 Meters 1. Thomas (Fairfield) •...... 1:57.1 2. Burns (St. Xavier) .....••. 1:57.3 3. Sweeney (Sycamore) . 1:58.7 4. Porter (Princeton) ....... 1:59.6 5. Johnston (Lakota) ........ 2:00.0 6. Hoefer (La Selle) .......... 2:00.7 7. Ruth (Elder l ................... 2:00.8 7. Walter (Colerain) ......... 2:00.8 9. Pursifull (Purcell) ......... 2:01.0 10. Karim (Princeton) ........ 2:01.1 1600 Meters 1. Thomas (Fairfield)-····· 4:20.2 2. Ziegler (Harrison l ........ 4:22.6 3. Ward (Colerain) ............ 4:22.8 4. Motsinger (Harrison) .. 4:29.0 5. Kldd (St. Xavier) .......... 4:29.4 6. Buller (La Sale l --···-··· 4:30.0 7. Fritz (St. Xavier) .......... 4:31.2 8. Aernl (Walnut HiHsl ··-· 4:31.7 9. Hummel (Lil Salle) .....•. 4:33.0 10. Porter (Princeton) ....... 4:33.4 3200 Meters L Ziegler (Harrison) ........ 9:24.0 2. Thomas (Fairfield)··-·- 9:30.3 3. Kidd (St. Xavier)·-······· 9:44.0 4. Godsey (Lakota) .......... 9:44.6 5. Ward (Colerain) ......•..... 9:50.4 6. Padgett (La Salle l ........ 9:50.5 7. Buller (La Sale) ....•....••. 9:50.6 8. Fritz (St. Xavier) •......... 9:51.5 9. Motsinger (Harrison) .. 9:51.7

10. Hufford (Lakota)····-··· 9:56.2 no High Hurdles 1. Price (Princeton) ............. 14.0 2. King (Hamilton)···-·····""' 14.5 2. Sickles (Princeton) ........... 14.5 4. Schaffer (Deer Park) ..... 14.8 5. Langston (Lebanon) ....... 14.9 5. Parks (l'rinceton) ........... 14.9 5. Woolen (Winton Woods l ..... .. 14.9 a. Lange (ceo 1...................... 15.0 8. Slagle (CNE) ...................... 15.0 10. Thoman(LaSaHe) ............ 15.1 10. Houchen (La Salle) ........... 15.1 300 HIJ!dles 1. Sickles (PFinceton) ....••... 38.7 2. King (Hamilton) ............... 38.8 2. Sulton (Hamilton) ........... 28.8 4. Slagle (CNEl .................. 39.3 5. Woolen (Winton Woods) ....•. 39.5 6. Thoman (La SaNe) ........... ~0.2 7. Houchen (La Sale) ...... -· 40.3 8. Cooper (Indian Hinl .......... 40.5 9. Casteel (Loveland) .......... 40.9 9. Sloecklin (Elder) .............. 40.9 9. Vickery (Harrison) ......... 40.9 400 Relay 1. Princeton ........................... 42.5 2. Hamnton ....._ .................... 43.2 3. St. Xavier ........................... 43.5 4. Winton WoodS ......... _,_ ••.. 43.6 5. Roger Bacon ...................... 43.7 6. Kings ................................... 43.8 6. Lebanon •.- ... -...... _............ 43.8 8. Glen Este ........................... 44.1 8. Western HiHs ..................... 44.1 8. Turpin ···-··"··-···................. 44.1 1600 Relay 1. St. Xavier ........................ 3:23.8 1. Prince to~._..................... 3:23.8 l HamH!on ·-···... -............... 3:27.8


Middletown .................... 3:28.0 La Salle ........................... 2:28. 1 Elder ................................ 3:29.1 Winton Woods ............... 3:29.1 Sycan1ore ...................... 3:30.0 Glen Este ........................ 3:30.3 Withrow ......................... 3:31.0 3200 Relay 1. St. xavier ........................ 8:02.7 2. Princeton ........................ 8:08.2 3. La sane ................._......... 8:15.3 4. Sycamore ....................... 8:15.9 5. Elder ................................ 8:16.6 6. Colerain .......................... 8:18.0 7. McNicholas ..................... 8:19.5 8. Loveland ......................... 8:20.0 9. Lakota._ .......................... 8:20.1 10. Fairfield ......................... 8:22.4 Shot Put 1. Munoz (Moeller) ............. 54-4 2. Thaler (La Sale) .............. 52-6 3. Cowan (Moeller) ....... 51·101h 4. Quay (Sycamore) ........... 51·8 5. Davidson (Anderson). 51-61h 6. Lange (Sf. Xavier) .......... 51-4 7. Miree (Winton Woods) 50-11 8. Gholston (PurceK) ....... 50-9'1> 9. Louallen (Kings) .......... 5D-7'h 10. HarnHton (Blanchester) .......... 49·10 Discus 1. Varney (AmeDal ........... 167·1 2. Edwards (MoeRerl ·-···· 157·1 3. Quay (Sycamore) ......... 155-o 4. Angst (La Sale) ..•......... 153-4 5. Maness (New Richmond) ...... 151-3 6. Askew (Winton Woods l ........ 148-6 7. Thigpen (Middletown). 148.0 8. Richardson (St. Xavier l ....... .. 147·4

·-.,·-····· £iVt:J. s--JJ.:> 1r1 Moeller


Sprinter Dante Murray was named Performer of the Year in the Greater Catholic League. The anchor for the victorious 400-meter relay team, Murray also won the league championship in the 100 and 200 meters. Joining Murray on the first team arc Michael Munoz (shot put), Matt Edwards (discus), Ryan Fitzpatrick (high jump) and the 400-metcr relay team of Murray, Grant Crosthwaite, Dan Ryan and Alex Stroermer. 11>

La Salle wins three district crowns

The Cincinnati Enquirer :;-/ ~ "'/ "!

4. 5. 6. 6. 8. 9. 10.



La Salle High jumped out to a 25-point lead in the Cincinnati West District track meet at Fairfield, earning 44 points in the field events Monday with Hamilton second. The Lancers' Jason Angst (discus), Paul Thaler (shot put) and Jason Dangel (pole vault) won district titles. Joe Nelson took ;econd in the long jump, and Don Rielag :hird in the discus. ..,. Northwest and Harrison battled to a :ie in the Cincinnati Division I West meet ~ach scoring 24 points with Mercy second 1t 14 points. ..,. In the Division I East District boys neet at Anderson, Moeller took the lead >lacing in all five evenrs:--. ' Mike Munoz, the freshman son of forner-CiiiCiiihafi!Jengal offensive lineman, ;_ \nthony, captured the shot put champion- ! .hip with a city-best throw of 55 feet, 3,4 1 nch. Ryan Fitzpatrick won the high jump 1 vith a leap of 6-4. i


Boys track Tile Enquirer:~ preseason coaches· pol/ and rcturmng qualifiers from the 1996 slate hoys track meet:

9. Anderson (Amelia) ....... 146-4 10. Fox (Sycamore l .....•..•.• 145-8 Long Jump 1. Senter (CCDJ .............. 21-103,4 2. Carrier (Loveland) .......... 21-9 3. Rummel (Glen Estel ... 21·8'h 4. Vandiver (Colerain) .... 21·73,4 5. Harrison (Hughes)········- 21-6 6. Nelson (La Sale) ......... 21·33,4 7. Hurst (Lakota) ............ 21·3\l:r 8. Alexander (Princeton) ..... 21· 1\l:r 8. Langston (Lebanon) ••. 21-1 1h 8. Ward (WestemHiHsl. 21-l'h High Jump 1. Hurst (Lakota) ................. 6-8 1. Langston (Lebanon) ......... 6-8 1. Wiliams (Wilmington l ....•. 5-8 4. King (Hamilton) ................. H 5. Lange (CCO) .................. 6·5lf• 6. Plank (Middletown) .......... 6-5 7. Armbruster (New Richmond) .......................................... 6-4 7.. Sherrill ( Anderslln l ........... 6-4 7. Vest (Ml!dison) ................. 6-4 7. Fitzpatrick (MoeUerl ....... 6-4 Pole Vault 1. Vest (Madison) ...•.....• 14-7'12 2. Jones (La Salle) ............... 14-0 2. Schroer (Elder) ............... 14-0 4. Rummel (Glen Estel--···· 13-8 5. Welch (Elder) ................... 13-6 6. Bedel (Taylor) .............. 13-1 7. Dangel (La Salle) ............. 13-0 a. Aull (Eiderl ...................... 12-6 8. Godbey (Lockland) •••••.... 13-0 8. R. Grant (Madison l •.•••.•. 13-0 8. Owens (La Salle)···--······· 13-0 8. Woestman (St. Xavier). 13-0

Moeller etJtx.i(jS/11 CROSS


While the nationally ranked football team plays four more ~ames this year on Saturdays, 1ts cross country counterparts compete thrice on those Saturdays. Luckily for the run.. ners, their events are in the ~orning, leaving plenty of t1111.e to get to the games- at least the ones played in Cincinnati - on time. .. Alread_y, Moeller has participated m the Elder Invitational and the (Fairfield) Indian Classic, which was won by the host school. However Moeller finished in second place behind Fairfield. Saturday, Moeller runs in the Roger Bacon Invitational and participates Wednesday in the Princeton Invitational Five seniors and six junior~ lea~ a balanced team, led by semor Kyle Hildebrandt who finished second at Fair~ field.


In one of his best performances of the season, the se.. nior finished third at the St. Xavier Invitational, covering the 3.1 miles in 16:20. The previous week at the AllCatholic Invitational in Dayton, Hildebrandt was fourth in 16:28.

.,.. 8. Moeller: With <'i1· performers r<'turning f1 · season's district champio11 ler again will be' a threat. Dante Murray (200). Simcom (high jump), JJ; 1, (800), Ryan Fitzpatrir I jump), Joe JJarpen ( .j(;l• Brad Murphy (long jump. · and Ryan Cowan (shot p11 1 are Moeller's le<Jclers. "We return almost ali field event people and ~I" coach Jerry I<ombrinck s:1i Knee surgery hrJS sirH nior Jason Hurley.

Top 10 poll 1. rrinc~ton (81 .. 2. L~ S~lle (5/. 3 Colmin. ........

............. 124 ·· · ··· ........ 101 ·· ·


4. Middletown 5. Elder (1). ...

.. .. · ··· .... 81 ................. 71

8. Moeller ....... _ 9. 1urpirr..

....... , .................. 54 __ 35

' 6 I1W~oo ......~ 7. Win/on Woods ............................. 66


1/~rrison .................................... 26

Player of the week

Track Junior He was named GCL runner of the year after wins in the 100 and 200 meters and 400 relay, and a fourth in the 400.

"He's 1z is own person and he has great self-esteem."

-Anthony Munoz on his so.n Michael

An,.other Munoz takes his best shot <:17

/, ... %?,... ~· J· I


Visitor to Moeller High School recently so~ght Michael · ] \Munoz, 15-year-old son of retired Bengals star Anthony Munoz. The search was not exactly, needle-in-thehaystack. ·


"You won't have any trouble finding him," Moeller track coach Jerry Kombrinck said. "He looks just like his dad." Quite literally. Michael Munoz, a Moeller freshman who is a top shot-putter and foot~ ball (offensive line) prospect, stands 6foot-6 and 275 pounds. His dad is 6foot-6 and played between 285 and 290 as a perennial All-Pro offensive tackle with t11e Bengals from 1980-92. Anthony had a mustache and large, curly black hair in his Bengal heyday. Michael is a bit young for whiskers and has straight. short-cropped black hair. Othe1wise, the resemblance is startling. "When I was his age, I was only 6foot and weighed about 215," Anthony said. 'The doctors said he's going to be bigger.than me, about 6-8 or 6-9." Michael has carved his own niche this spring witi) a shot-put of 51 feet, 3Yt inches, fifth best in Cincinnati Anthony was never a track and field man, having played football and baseball. "fie's identified (track) as his own thing, which I t11ink is great," Anthony said. "He's his own person, and he has great self-esteem." Which is good, because Michael Munoz is saddled with the "Son Of A Famous Athlete" burden. But this son. who now shares his dad's size 15 shoes, loves it. "I wouldn't have it any other way," Michael said. "I love being his son." Friends do not give .him much grief about his· inherited fame. he said. "And if somebody does say something, I just try to make the best of it" Much like his deeply religious parents, Anthony and mother DeDe, Michael approaches life with humility, optimism and gentle good humor. Michael and his sister, eighth-grader Michelle, art? both star athletes. The 5foot-11 Michelle's MU basketball team finished fourt11 in the nation last year. Anthony remains highly visible in the Tristate on1V and billboard ads for Fumiture Fair, Meijer stores and jeep. · . ''I'm sure the kids get tired of hearing I'm t11eir father, but t.l)ey realize it's part of their lives," he said: "As a family we talk a lot about it DeDe and I work on encouraging them, but not pushing them.''

DeDe Munoz said the children have handled dad's fame well. "It's been a privilege to be their parents. I know that sounds kind of weird, but they're neat people." Michael is freshman class president at Moeller and caniesfirst-honors sta-. tus (90 average) academically. He also plays basketball. He took up shot-putting and discus throwing this spring. He has thrown 135 feet in the discus, which is not among city leaders but good for someone learning the ropes. 'There's more technique with the discus," Kombrinck said. "Imagine how good he'll be when he leams all the footwork. The great thing about track is there's no pressure on him like there might be in football." In football, Michael has played both guard and tackle- when allowed to play. He was always too big for agegroup teams, so the Moeller freshman team was his first full season of football. Moeller football coach Steve Klonne, who has coached several AllAmericans and eventual -NFL players, will not predict whether Michael can be the next, ahem, Anthony Munoz. "As a freshman he was a very dominating player because of his size, and . he's fairly athletic," Klonne said. "He's going to be a very good player, but we're ]ust going to take it easy with him. I will say this, he has a competitive streak that bums." When he was 3 years old, Michael . was photographed wearing a "Recruited by Moeller" T-shirt. He has yet to reach the varsity, but like many youngsters he has pro dn~ams. " 'The NFL is my goal," he said, ''but I can't expect to make it there on my father's name." Michael was born July 31, 1981. The Bengals went to their first Super Bowl six months later. Nearly 16 years later, Anthony is finally eligible for Hall of Fame induction- he will be a firstballot choice- and Michael is eligible for the Moeller varsity. 'The la~t time Michael was normal," his mother said, "was as a baby. He was eight pounds. Bvt after six weeks he was way off the charts, and since then he's always been in the llOth percentile." Tust like rhlfl.




The Cincinnati Enquirer/Steven Herppich

Michael Munoz of Moeller competes in the shot put at the Gold Baron track meet:



13, 1997


Triooutdi BY DAVE SCHUTIE Enquirer contributor

· The key to success for Cincinnati's three state track champioiis, Linise Gordon of Seven Hills, Fairfield's Adam Thomas and Ernie Ziegler of Harrison, was the same. • ·. Besides long hours of training and a strong desire to be the best, these athletes were prepared to take that extra step in order to earn the title "champion." . As a result, Gordon ·is The Enquirer's girls track Athlete of the Year for the 1997 season, while Thomas and Ziegler share · the boys honor. Jim Wright, Cincinnati Country Day's veteran coach, is the

Boys Coach of the Year. Wyoming's Enid Redmah and Colerain's Ron Russo, whose teams turned in outstandings per·formances, are The Enquirer's Girls Co-Coaches of the Year. "I finished second at state in the 400 the past three years," Gordon said following her victory in the Division III 400-meter race. "I wasn't going to let it happen again." A strategy change by Gordon was the key to her victory at the · state meet. Rather,than go out fast, she started slowly and turned on the speed during the final 200 meters to win the race going away. also turned in an

nee the fiel for honor inspired performance, running a career best 4:15.76 to easily win the Division I state championship in the 1,600 meters. · 'The turning point for me came in the district when Ernie (Ziegler) beatme at the wire," Thomas said. "At that point, I realized that he was human and that I could beat him." Until the Division I regional the following week in Dayton, Thomas had never beaten Ziegler in either cross country or track. After watching Ziegler extend himself in the 1,600 meters at the state meet, many predicted that the 18-year-old Harrison senior was through for the day. However, Ziegler, who fin-



ished eighth in the 1,600,proved them wrong. He came back to successfully defend his Division I 3,200-meter state championship, covering the two miles in 9:19.03. 'The 1,600 meters took a lot out of me," Ziegler said, "I went out too fast in the 1,600 and had nothing left at the end." Instead of taking the lead in the 3,200 as he had in previous races, Ziegler was third after the first mile before taking over. He fought off a challenge from Fairborn's Chris Camfield and won easily. Wright is considered the "dean of High School track coaches." His Cincinnati Country Day boys team put it all together


to capture the Division III district and regional championships. 'This is a tremendous honor· for me because it celebrates my kids," Wright said. "It gives them the recognition, and I just take the credit for what they accomplished." Unlike most coaches, Wright has short practices, usually lasting no more than 45 minutes. "It's not how long you do things, but it's what you do and how you do them that counts," Wright said. "We try to make it fun. We work hard but we don't work long." Like Wright, Wyoming's Redman pointed toward the athletes. 'The success of the program



comes from the dedication of the kids and the support from the parents," Redman said. "It's a special honor to me. I call it being 'Coach of the World.'" Russo's Colerain team won The Enquirer's championship, going undefeated against local competition. 'This is one of those years I'd like to bottle," Russo said. 'We set 10 school records and this was the first year that a female -. athlete scored at the state meet." The only criteria used in selecting the :first team was the athletes individual performances at the state meet. Any state qualifier not making the first team was an honorable mention.






Ernie Ziegler Harrison

Adam Thomas Fairfield

Jim Wright

Linise Gordon Seven Hills

E11id Redman Wyoming

CO-COACH OF THE YEAR Ron Russo Colerain

Won Division I 3,200-meter state title in 9:19.03.

Won Division I 1,600-meter state title in 4:13.3

Guided Indians to first regional crown and 27th finish atstate

Won the Division 111400-meter state title in 57.7 seconds.

Won Division II dlstricttitle, second at regional, i 2th at state.

Unbeaten vs. local teams, won Division I district title, sixth at



BY THE NUMBERS BOYS TRACK AU.·STARS Season's Best Event Athlete, School 3,200 relay · Princeton 8:01.90 (Jason Porter, Mike Winslow, SeanByrdwell, Kevin Brown) 1,600 relay ·Princeton 3:20.54 (Curt Karim, Jermaine Washington, Fred Price, Kevin Brown) 42.45 400 relay Princeton (Anthony Carter, Kevin Brown, Randall Turner, Fred Price) · 14.46 110 hurdles Fred Price, Princeton 300 hurdles Mark Slagle, Clermont Northeastern 38.23 100 Stephen Appenfelder, Cincinnati Christian 11.06 22.00 200 Stephen-Appenfelder, Cincinnati Christian 50.05 400 John DiTullio, La Salle - -.~00,: - ·"-· •:-'cf~~0~••.,~~tp.B,ums,.ShXavierc-c,~'-c-:.-:- --'-=~~-~,1 :56.47 .~"~ 1,66o · John Aerni, Walnut Hills 4:21.18 3,200 Andy Gray, Mariemont 10:20.85 167-7 Discus ' Joe Varney, Amelia 55-7'4 Shot put Michael Munoz, Moeller long jump. High jump Pole vault

Nick Senter, Cincinnati Country Day Aaron Hurst, Lakota Craig Vest, Midd. Madison

22-9 6-9 14-714


Walnut Hills

3,200 relay Lakota 9:18.45* Dale Alsbrooks, Bea Milligan, Annabelle Hunt, Brooke Wyckoff 1,600 relay Wyoming 4:03.95 Katie Ebersold, Lola Omoyosi, Julie Knapke, Jill Westerfeld 1:43.3 800 relay Wyoming Robin Fulton, Brooke Fulton, AngeiJulton, Jill Westerfeld 50.59 . 400 relay Finneytown Tameka Martin, Eliza Ratterman, Uzoa Ezeh, Tina Hall 15.08 100 hurdles Crys Starks, Northwest Autumn Smith, Walnut Hills 43.83 300 hurdles 12.14 Kiesha Cowin, Wilmington · 100 200 Kelly Jackson, Princeton 24.94 Jill Westerfeld, Wyoming 58.0 400 2:12.59* Brooke Wyckoff, Lakota 800 5:'14.60 1,600 Amanda Blackwelder, Madeira Alison Zeinner, Colerain 11:15.3. 3,200 42-14 Shot put Monique Smith, Hillsboro Long jump Miranda Back, Harrison . High jump Katie Levan, Seton Discus .April Craver, Clermont Northeastern * denotes city record

BOYS 3,200 relay: St. Xavier (Dan Fritz, Hogan Winn, Reqde Kidd, Kevin Burns). 1,600 relay: New Richmond (Tim Thacker, Hana Aura, Tim Duncan, Matt Ramsey); Lebanon (Jeremy Wood, Nick Singleton, Adam Ochsner, Chris Workman); Georgetown (Tobias Cahal, Brandon Becraft, Matt Gahal, Jarett Young). 4QQ,meter relay: Hamilton (Brandon Phillips, Gary Richardson, Marvin Sutton, Mike Myers);Winton Woods (Brandon Miree, David Cole, Danny Miree, B.J. Bronson); Cincinnati Country Day (Nick Senter, .Steve Mayne, Jonathan ··smith, Jason Saunders); Hillcrest (Reco Goleman, Nick Gaines, Darius Shields, Ernest Davis). 110 high hurdles:.Sean Schaffer, Deer Park; Alex Bannister, Hughes. 300 intermediate hurdles: Josh Cooper, Indian Hill; Kevin King, Hamilton; Pierre Wooten, Winton Woods; Alex Bannister, Hughes; Jon Lange, Cincinnati country Day; Todd Heinecky, Middletown Fenwick. 100 meters: Mark Slagle, Clermont Northeastern; Randall Turner, Princeton.



GIRLS 200 meters: Jill Westerfeld, Wyoming; 200 meters: Brad Cummins, Kings; · 3,200-meter relay: Colerain (Angie Kist, Linise Gordon, Seven Hills. Dante Murray, Moeller. Kelly Crum, Amanda Ward, Michelle 400 meters: Genevieve Lehn, Hillsboro; 400 meters: Aaron Grant, Middletown Bosse); Sycamore (Sarah Cook, Susie Danielle Spurlock, Princeton; Allison Madison; Eric Fear, St. Xavier; Tobias Goggins, Brenna Gallagher; Kerry BognNickel, Anderson; Ann Bunker, Mercy. Cahal, Georgetovm. er); Seven Hills (Kate Blocher, Heidi BOO. meters: Angie Kist, Colerain; Jenny 800 meters: Jason Porter, Princeton; Black, Linise Gordon, Nathlle Provosity) .. Winkleman, Madeira; Nathlie Provosity, Aryeh Edwards, Madeira. · 1,600-meter relay: Ursuline (Mary Seven Hills. 1,600 meters: Andy Gray, Mariemont; Sandquist, Valerie Lasko, Suzanne 1,600 meters: Andrea Morgan, Amelia; Ernie Ziegler, Harrison. Rutishauser, Elizabeth Bennett); Cincin· Emily Eynon, Cincinnati Country Day; Discus: Wes Bell, Greenfield McClain; nati Country Day (Jill Warm, Andrian Andrian Beech, Cincinnati country Day. Jon Maness, New Richmond; Jason Beech, Jessica Heard, Meg Robinson). 3,200 meters: Anne Whittaker,lndian Angst, La Salle; Pat Quay, Sycamore .• BOO· meter relay: Walnut Hills (Arrin Hill; Amanda Blackwelder, Madeira; Erin Shot put: Tom Gholston, Purcell Marian; Hubbard, Mary Danner, Andrea ChanPhillips, Mariemont. . Eric Louallen, Kings; Andrew Lange, St. dler, Autumn Smith); Princeton (Danlelle Shot put: Christie Monroe, Purcell MariXavier; Trey Wright. Cincinnati Country Spurlock, D. Sorrells, Mia Cunningham, an; Jill Parr, Hillsboro; Amy Mobley, Day. . Kelly Jackson). . . Harrison; Monica Maccini, Ursuline; . Long jump: Josh Cooper, Indian Hill; 400-meter relay: Wyoming (K. EberBrandy Davis, Madeira. Jake Langston, Lebanon: Jason Saunsold, Brooke Fulton, Robyn Fulton, April Long jump: Angel Fulton, Wyoming; ders, Cincinnati Country day. Fulton): Mariemont (Stephanie Frietsch, KeKe Moore, Middletown; Linise GorHigh Jump: Scott llg, Clinton Massie; Suzanne Harbison, Erika Howland, Jendon, Seven Hills; Julie Tlssot, Madeira. Ryan Fitz, Moeller: Salih Williams, Wilmriter Frietsch). . High jump: Jennifer Weber, Little Miami; ington; Kevin King, Hamilton; Jon Lange, 100 hurdles: Jennifer caldwell, East Jessica Dolle, Finneytown: Amanda Cincinnati Country Day. Benken, Turpin. · Clinton. Pole vault: Shawn O'Brien, Lillie Miami: 300 in!. hurdles: Jennifer Caldwell, East Discus: Mo?ique Smith, Hillsboro; Rudy Grant, Middletown Madison; Norm Clinton; Suzi Ramsey, Summit Country Day. · Christi Monroe, Purcell Marian: Monica Rummel, Glen Este; John Schroer, Elder; 100 meters: Tameka Martin, FlnneyMaccini, Ursuline; Kendra Meyer, town; Kelly Jackson, Princeton. Mason; Brandy Davis, Madeira. Drew Walter, Moeller.


18-0 5-6





400.!...1. Tia Trent, Westerville North, 55.61. 'i. Brooke Patterson, Lancaster,57.Q1. 3. MouSha Robinson,· Cols. Brookhave,n, 57.03. ~- Rhonda!y.nn Crawford, Oeve. Collin· State Finals : wood, 51.07. {At Ohio Stat~, t'allimbus) . Division I 300: Hurdles-1. Angela Craft, Cols. Team Standings: L(tle) Canton Me· , Nor'thiSn.d, 41.54 (breaks meet record ~f Kinley, Tol. Cent. Cath.,·Thomas Wor:fhing41.80 set by carmen·Banks of deve. Jo}ln Adam~ in 1994). 2. camee WI!Uams, Spring~lt l4.w~si~i;Jm;e~~r1~0-~9-~;~e(ti~cl2i~~l, field, 43.13. 3. Autumn Smith, Walnu1 Rhodes, Cols. South, Mansfield Madison 18. Hills, 43.83. 4. Braftdy Mack; Akron Centn:il· 10. Bedford 17.Locals: 13. (tie), PrinCeton, Hower, -43.86. S. Crys Starks, Northwest, 14; 17. (tie) Fairfield, HarrisOn 10; 30. Lako· 44.67. ' ' ' . . ' fa 6; 42. (fie), Moeller, 3. 44! (fie), Hughes, 800_;...1, Laura McKinley; ..Thomas Wof2; 51. Lebanon 1.. . _ ;' thingkini 2:11.04. 2.. Tiffany Smith, MassUion Dlscus-:-1. Mark Simmpns, Lexihgton, Perry,l2.11.48. 3.-Brooke WycKoff, Lakota, 185-4. 2. Cory Echelberry, Fostoria,_;179·0. 2:12.59; 4. Kristin Jumer, Centervftle, 2:15.00. 7. Joe Varney (Amelia) 157·3;. _a: -:Jason 5. Angie kist, Colerain, 2:15.86. '~ Angst (La salle) 155·11. ' , ,, . 20o:;..:t· Shonda Robinson, Cleve. CollinHigh Jull)p-1. Jim Thoma~ Picker· woodi 24,28. 2. Ericka Haney, Tel. Cent. Jngton, 6·~. 2. Justin Pope, Macedonia Nor· Cafh., 24.47.•3. Allison Furr, Lexington, 24.8?. donia•6-9. 3. Aaron Hurst, Lakota,·6-9; 5. 4. Danei6ka Howard, Mansfield Sr., 25.02. 6. Ryan Filzpatrickl Moeller~ &.7; 8. Kevin Kelly uackson, Princeton, 25.26. ' King (Hamilton) 6·6. 12. ··salih Williams 3io'o-t Lisa Petsche, Dublin Coffma~, , {Wilmington) 64. 10:50.51.; 2. Jfnny Hanifan, Whitehouse Ari· 110 Hurdles-1. MarC Tipton;: Nile's thony .Wayne, .11;01.40. 3. ~atie Seklnget,: McKinley, 13.7.9. 2. Lashawn Alexander, oregon· Clay, 1H7.6?.. 10. Alison Zeimet' Groverport-Madison, 13.86; 7. Fred,Price (Coler'a!n) 11:31.18. ~ (Princelon) 14.83. : , • , 1600 Relay~ 1. • Cieve. Collinwood 100-1. Mike Blevins, Mansfield Madi· 3:46.56 (Rhondalynn Crawford, Donita son, 10.51; 2. leShaunte Edward~. Cleve Scott,iShonda Robinson, Rashida (:ameron) Rhodes, 10.54. 3. Antwaion Robinson, Cols. (bre~s meet record of 3:49.14 set by Cle;South, 1D.62. ve. Hts. Beauinont In 1987). 2. Bedfor~ 1600...:.1, Adam Thomas, Fairfield, 3:54.64. 3, Oeve. Glenville 3:54.75. 8. Ursu!in~ 4:15.76. 2. Adam Smith, HUdson, 4:1p7. 3. {Mary Sandquist, Valerie Laslio, Susanne Josh McAdams, Broad"-Jiew Hts. · BrecksRufishauser,. Elizabeth Bennett) 4:04.86. ' ville, 4:'17.74; 14. John Aerni (Walnut. Hills) . ' 4:29.15. . . ' • , Division II d 400 · Relay-1. Cin. Princeton: ~2.69 Team Standings: 1. Cleve. Hts. Bea; (Anthony Carter, Ken Brown, Randall mont 87; 2. Copley 29; 3: Cols. Hartley 27; 4 Turner, Fred Price). 2. Cols. South 43.19. 3. Coldwater 20; 5.(t!e) Byesville· Meadow; Canton McKinley 43.37. 4. Solon 43.38. brook; Ga!lipoUs Gal!ia Acad, Urbana 18; 8. . 400-l. Chris Chambers, Be.dtord, (tie) Allia:-.ce Marlington, Cols. School toi47.19.·2. Aaron Fenzel, GrattOn Mid~iew, Girls, PE!rry.-16; Locals: 12. Wyoming 12; 11. 47.92. 3. Willie Grant, New Philadelphia, (fie) .clermont. Northeastern, Hillsboro, 8'; 48.1111. . ' ,' ' .. ' 25. (tie~ F\Jrcell Marian 6. 't 300 HtH'dles-1. Marc :Tipton~ -Niles' 190 Hurdles_.l. 'Tiftanl 'paige, Ross' McKinley, 37.37. 2. Lashawn Alexander, ford, ·14.97. 2. Krisfin Kavanaugh. Ironton; Groveport-Madison, 37.64. ~ Chrls Stokes, 15.07.13, Rochelle Parent, Cqpley, 15.14._7~ Canton McKinley,37.87. S. Alex Bannister, Jennifer caldwell (East Cli_nton) 15.47. "'~1 Cin. Hughes, 38.63. . , 100-1. Lucretia Corbln,:Urbana, 12.:!11 800-1. Brandon Smith; Massillon Per~ 2. Jod( Bates, Byesville :MeadowbroOX~ ry, 1:52.55. 2. Tirrell Sfrudivant, Tol. Cent. 12.37.:3; Dana Talbert, Cols.-Har~!ey, 12.48.! CatIt, 1:54.17. 3. Brian Penn, Dublin· Scioto, 1:54.59. a. Kevin Burns (Sf.'Xavier) 1:56A7. , 8_01) Relay-1. Ga!lipoHs Gi;311a ·A cad. 14. Jason Porter (PrincetOn) 2:01.18. 1:43.6$ ~Ktis1y..Car.ter; Tessa Sibley, Shanmi 200-1. LeShaunfe Edwards, · Cleve. carter. ,-Amy· Wilson). ·2. Cleve.· Hts. Beauj Rhodes, 21.34. 2. Mike Blevins, Mansfield mont .1:44.06. 3..Copley ·1:44.25. 4. Wyoming Madison, 21.53. 3. Chris Chambers, Bed(Robln:Fulton,·Brooke Fulton, Angel FuP ford, 21.82. ' ton, Jilt Westerfeld} 1:44.55., ' . , ' 3200-1.- Ernie Ziegler, Harrison 1 1600-1. undS:Sy Nemastil; Cleve. HtS! 9:19.03. 2. Chris Carrifield, Fairborn,:9:23.20. BeaumOnt, 5:04.47. 2. Bobbie .Hardbargeri 3. Pat Keller, Centerville, 9!26.32. Johns-triwr~ Northridge, 5:04.59. 3. Jenny SlH 1600 Relay-1. Thomas Worthington terley, Lancaster Fairfield Union, 5:08.13. 4; 3:16.73 (Shannon Wheatley, Jeff :KleselJessica_St:--icker,-Galion,_5:10;03. ! bach, J.R Niklos, Adrian Wheatley). 2. 400 Relay-1. Cleve. Hfs. Beaumont aeve. · Hts. 3:17.79. 3. Westerville' North 49.66.· (Nycole West, Simone Simmons, Eri: 3:18.51. 4. Princeton (Curt Karim, Terca Board, Akua,Soadwa). 2. Cols;- Hartley1 rnaine Washington, Fred . Price, Ken 49.87. 3. Millbury Lake 50.08. 7. Finneytaw~ Brown) 3:20511. (Tameka Martin, Eliza.Rot1erman, Uzo'\ Division 11 Ezahi Tina Haltl 5~89. • Team Standings: 1..Cleve. Benedic· 400-1. _Vonnie Downing, Cleve.·- Hts! tine 40; 2. (tie) Kettering Alter, Sandusky . Beaumont, 57.09. 2.. cral Weeden, Cleve! Perkins 32; 4. Leavittsburg LaBrae 28; 5. Hts. Beaumont, 57.87. 3. Lori Parfhemore! Bay Vnlage Bay 21; Lo~als: 11.1tie) Cler· Marlilri River Valley, 58.20. 4•. Jill wester-! mont Northeastern,. 12; 49. Middletown feld, .wyoming, 58.44. . -. :. 1 Madison ~lh. ' 300 Hurdles-1. Chris Helm, Hanover-! 110 Hui-dles-1. Ryan Grear, Barneston United, 43.75. 2. Rochelle Parent, CopleY1 ville, 14.~. 2. Eric Yearly, Oberlin Fire-44.os; 3. Andrea McCray, Dover; 44.22; "6,a lands,_ 14.69. 3. Chaz Price, Sanduslty Per~ Jennifer Caldweii-{East Clinton) 45.54. 1 kins;. -14.75. 4. Mark Slagle, Clermont 800-1. Cicely campbell, .Qeve. Hts~ Beaumont, 2:13.26. 2.- Stephanie Moss. Man-. ·. Nort~O~a_:t1~~~b~Y~ruse, Leavitts~Urg Latua<;:r,estwood, 2:14.41. 3. Michelle Rizzo,; -B rae, 10.73. 2. Chad Bullett, Warren OlarrtPerry,,2:14.76. 4. Karla Klosterman, 2:17.56 .• p1on,J0.84, 3. Sam Crenshaw, Youngs. Ray~ 200-1. Jodi Bates, Byesvllle Meadow-'' en, 10.95; a. Mark Slagle (Clermont brool!:,; 24.87. 2. Lucretia Corbin, Urbana} Northeastern) 11.35. 25.06; 3. Sbelia Spotts; South Po'i'lt, 25.09, 7.1 .1600-1. Josh Mears,.:Ketterlng Alter, 0 Jilt Westerfeld (Wyoming) 2&.?1. 4:19.96. 2. Andy Grelcius, Ashtabula Edge3200-1. Lindsay NemasfO, Cleve. Hts.J wood, 4:23.01. 3. Rob MYers, Lancaster Beau·mont, 11:14.30. 2. Katie Fiala; Rocky! Fairfield Union, 4:23.56. , -, ' River, :11:29.22.3. Erin Nehus, Gallipolis Gal~~ t40Q Relay-1. Youngstown·. Ray en !ia ACad., 11:29.90; 11. Anne Whittaker (lndi·' 42.93; 2. deve. Benedictine'42.95. 3. Sandus-an Hill) 1151.13. 1 ky Perkins 43.34. 4. Norton 4143. 400-1: David Dingeman, 'Dayton 1600 Relay-1. Oeve. Hts. Beaumonh Christian, 48.24; 2. Bobby .Cruse, Leavltts· 3:55.63, (Vonnie _Downing, Cicely Campbell,, burg_LaBrae, 48.26. 3. Bob Gay, Pember· 'C'rai ':'Veeden, Melissa Robinson). 2.. Cold~ 1 ville EaStwood, 48.87. · water 3:57.80. 3. Newark. Licking Valley 1 ' 300-Hurdles_-1. Ryan Grear, Barnes· 4;01.91~ 4. Wyoming (Katie Ebersold 1 Lola 1 vlHe. .37.84. 2. Mark Slagle, Clermont c ~:~~sl, Julie. Knapke, :Jill Westerfeld) 1 Northeastem, 38.23. 3. Ryan Wiggington, Cols. Centennial, 39.09. 200-1. Bobby CruSe,. Leav!ttsbiJrg Division Ill ,;.l LaBrae, 21.50. 2. Chad :Bullett, ·warren ;Team S1aridings: l. Rawson Cory~-~ Champion, 21.59, 3. Lewis .Danle!s, Youngs. Rawson 38;. 2 _.(tie), Bluffton, Defiance AY::~ Llbei"ty,22.16. . : .;' .-' .. ersvltle 32; 4. _(fie) Gates Mms Hawk~', 800-1. Josh Mears,i Kettering Alter, Heaf.hi30; 6. Minster 28; 7. Ffndlay Liberty~·· 1:53.18;.-2. Eddie Nehus,! Gallipolis Gallla Benf~!'l25; 8. casstown Mlami,.East24; 9. 1 Acad., 1!53.89.. 3. Rob Myen, Lancaster Attica Seneca E;ast 23; 10. Lancaster Fisher 1 Fairfield Unlon, 1:5199. Cath'. ~2. Locals: 15. (fie), seven Hills 11; 23.t 3200-t Jason Muener, -shelby, Madeira7;24. (f1e),Summ!tCountryDay6.1 9:24.23. 2~ Pat Petty, Ashville Teays Valley, :'o'iscus-1. Beth Weyer, Sandusky Sf. 1 9;29.66.. 3. Bill: Huffman, Rocky River, MarY's, 139-0, 2. Hilary Wilson, Gates Mills' -9:31.57. Haw_ken, 135·0. 3: O_llvla P.plmer, Greenwich.~ 1600 Relay...;.l. Cleve. Ben'edictlrie Soufh! C~tral, 132·10.. -10. Brandy_.Davis, 3:22.20 !Tim ,Jackson, Tim Lorber, Jim (Madeira) 111·7. , , !High Junip-1. ·Ann Stechschulte,, Lorber, Oran Bell). 2. Youngs. East 3:22.56. 3. Sunbury Big Walnut 3:23.64. Blufff¢n. H .. 2. Tara Laukhuf, Haviland Division 111 Waljn"e Trace, 5·4. 3. Beth Klliany, Leetonia,~ . Team ·standings: :1. (1le)~ SoUth 5-4.: i.. .. _ .: '· . • Charleston Southeastern,: Yellow:: Springs· ltlong Jump-1. Kellie Griffin, Lancas~' 24; 3•.Warren Kennedy l~; 4. (fie); Morral fer fTlSher.cath., 18-2.2. Trish Walters, Coat.• Ridgedale, oberlin 18; 6. (tie) Holgate, Lib· GroVe Dawson-Bryant, 18-DIA .. l Sara De- I erty center, Worthlngtori Chrlsfllin 16; 9. Wolfe~ Defiance Ayersvllle,.17-61Jol, 6. Linise I FOstoria St. wendelln 1~ 10,.Biuffton 13. Got-aon,-Cin. Seven Hills, 17.0'h; 15 .. Julie,• Loca,ls:_V. (tiel, Cin. CoUntry Dey, Bi 34. TissDt {Madeira) 15-5'1•. (tie),_Cin. Christian 7. · · i100 Hurdles-1_. _M_elody-. Royster,,· --==="'1;etn]T':fump-1:-TirwBuchanan;War·------·HeaJiy-l~O {break-s-meet~ record-of 14 59 •-~"' ren Kennedy, 23-11. 2. Nick Senter, Cin. set by Erin Ebner, N. Robinson Col. Craw··~ Country Day, 22-9. 3. Jessie Smlth,-Liberty ford in 1992). 2. Kellie Griffin, Lancaster ~ ~~~l~i~;~ ~-a~)~~F~funders:(Cindn· ~:~rc~f~~-i~.~i3. _3. Kate C~ristoff, Lima p ~ole vault-1. Tim 9'Grady; Shadysi 100-1. s.ara DeWolfe, Defiance Ayers~ ' Ide, ·13~9. 2. Matt O'Diam, W. Alexandria viUeJ 12.26. 2. Jana Dearth, Cory·RawsOlt""" Twin Valley South, 13·6. 3. Tim Rubel, 12.30. 3, Brittany Barker, Versailles, 12.59.•'1.'."' Bloomdale Elmwood, 13-6. . Boo Relay-1. -Findlay Liberty-Benton~ Shot Put-1. Mitch Eble, A~ple Creek ·1:44!45 (Becky Wi!leke, Amanda Wa!sh, Ad· t Waynedale, 54·113/~. 2. Jam!~ R1chardson, dle BUsching, Bree Reed); 2. Sidney Lehman t Dola Hardin Northern, 54-9/4. 3. ~aron 1:45)41. 3. casstown Miami East ~:46.28. , Maye.r, ~enlnsu!~ vyoodr!dge, 52· 10/'4. n. 1 Shot Puf-1_ Jodi Borges, Minster, 41· I . r~~ri4.WrJght (CinCinnati Country Day} 103.4. ~· Mim) ~ei-rlll, Zoar"-JIIIe Tuscarawas ! 110 Hurtles-1. Ricardo Franklin, Bed~ Valley, 38-10 ~· 3. Beth Weyer,_Sanduskx St. , ford Chane!, 14.52. 2. Jim Hunt,; Hannibal Marrs, 38-3, 11. Brandy Dav1s (Madeira) , River, 14.55. 3. Nate Schmidt, Columbiana, 3 5 ·1~ i&l. _' 14.97. 4. Kyle Brown, Morral Ridgedale, .' 1600-1.· Ann S!echschulte, Bluffton, , 14.99. :. _. S:OS..0_7. 2. Kaf!e Sabmo, Peninsula ~ood~ • · ~ 180-l. JeJ1u Anders.on, Ober!ln, not ridge; _5:12.13. 3. Amanda ~lackwelder, Cin .• 2. Todd Bailey, s. Charleston Southeastern, Ma~e1ra, 5:14.60. 11.,Andnan Beech (CCD) . 11.03. 3. Stephen Appenfelder, C!n. Chris~ 5:32.63. , _tian, 11.19. 4. Ben Burk~; Bainbridge Paint : ~OD Relay-1. Cory·Rawson 49.98 (Tif~ ·valley, 11.20. . fany Thompson, MeKssa Boehm, Megan ' McGinn, Jana Dearth),.2. Gates Mills Haw· '. Discus-1. Chad Stein, Norwalk- St. Paul, 176--5. 2. T.J. Koniosky, l\1cDonald, ken ~0.32. 3. Heath 50.40; 7, Mariemont ' 175--3. 3. Aaron Mayer,; Peninsula Wo-od· (St_eP,hanie -Frietsch, _Suzan_ne Harbison, '. ridge, 16D-9. 4. Max Francis, Frankfort Erllca Howland, Jenn1fer Fr1etsch) 51.43. , Adena, 159-4. . . ·. . 400-1•. Linise Gordon, Cin. Seven ;High Jutrip-l.·Ri~ Purdy, ·JacksonHills/ 58.28. 2. Sara DeWolfe, Defrance Ay· ; Milton, 6-7. 2. Aaron Bo.dart, Fo.storia st. ersville, 1:00;11. a. Jessica Agne, Casstown wendelln, 6-6. 3. David ~aines, s.- OlarlesMiami East,·1:00.3l. "ton Southeastern, 6·5i 7o Jon Lange (Cin300 Hurdles-1. Wendy Roberts, Tol. cinnati Country Day) 6-4. .. · ottawa Hills, 45.38. 2. Abby Thompson, N. 1600-1. Kurt Michaelis, .:Holgate, Baltiinore, 45.44. 3..Suzi Ramsey, Summit Country Day, 4SA9. 4:20.n. 2. ~hil Ranly, Ft. Recover_y, 4:22.90. 3. Matt Steele, Bellaire ~f. John, :~:24.63. 4. . _ 800-1. Ky!ee sfuder;Edgerton, ?.11.64. Jon: Burrou£!hs, Fremo~t S-t. Joseph, 2. 'Ann Stechschulte, Bluffton, 2:17.73. -~-' ' 4:25.32; 7. _Andy Gr'ay (Mar!emonf) 4:30.25._ Jessie Barhorst, Minster, 2:19.42; Provosi~-~-10. Aryeh Edwards t!'4a~e1ra} 4:37.68. (Seven HillS) 2:25.0. 14. Jenny Winkleman;;. 4-00 Relay-1. Uma-Cent. Cath. 43.13 (Madeira) 2!30.39. "',_:t·/ (Jason Pqtts, Louis ·Jennings, Andre. - ' 200- 1 Jana Dearth, cory-Rawson,t·c~· Manley, Charles Barnetp. 2. Co IS. Hartley 25 24 2 Saia DeWolfe Detlance-Ayersville<' 43.44. 3. Bainbridge Palrt Valley 43.75. 4. •n=·35.·3·CialreSamue!'GatesMIIIsHawken';:t 1 Liberty Center 44.20. __,., _ -'"'· · . • • . 0 400-1. Andrew :·Pierce,· Yellow 25.55. 8.l.:.m1se G_ordon (Seven H•lls] 27.02.. -4,"::: springs, 47.83. 2. Paul: Ncgele,; Newark 3200-1. Bnana Shook, Attica Seneca,r1: cath., 49,97. 3. Matt Mca:ride, Dalton, 50.01. East, 10:59:81 (bre,a~s me~t . record ~f-.1-: JOO Hurdles-1. Jeff Youngstrum, 11:02.10 by- ~rchb?,d s :Racliel_ Sauder m ~ Cuy. Valley Christlan Acad., 39.13. 2. Kyle 19~0). 2. Came s;mth, F1ndlay Liberty-Bel}, Brown, Morral Ridgedale, 39.45. 3; Michael ton, ~1:04.98. 3: T1ff~ny Monegan, Peninsu!p ; Bodard, Fostoria St. Wendelin, 39.59. W~odnd9!", 11.08.70,6, Amanda ~~~ckweld; .. ao0-1. "Luke Fields, Worthington er I Madeira, 11:3t74; 16. Erin Phllhps <M;;-. Christian, 1:55.00. 2. Rob Bambauer, New nempnt) 12:41.08. ~ Bremen, 1:56.81. 3. Matt Hammer, Tiffin , :1600 Relay-1. cary-Rawson .3:59.7:5: Calvert, 1:57.58. 13. Aryeh EdWards (Ma• (Melissa Boehm, Held! WestalL Ashlev. deira) 2:02.48. Buc~er, Jana -Dearth). 2. Casstown Miami 200-l. Todd Bai!(w, s. 01ar1eston East 4:00.15. 3. Sidney Lehman 4:02.06. ."'' Southeastern, 22.01; 2. Jel'u Anderson, e' ~ cPm.. us Oberlin, 22.15, 3. Andrew Pierce, Yellow uiliSE!lJYJa U ~~~nfhJ.i~:i·!~·, ;2.s~~ephen ~pp:enfel~r, Semifinal Results 3200-1. lan Connor, Ganori Norfhmor, Division Ill 9:25.89. 2. Maff McDona]d, CaldWell, 9:29.56. Day. Oakwood 4, Uma cath. 1 3. Josh Ordway, Holgate, 9:30.49. Marlon River Vall. 12; Elyria Cath. 7 1600 Relay-1. Columbus· Academy Division'IV 3:24.69 (Justin Stewart, Mahon Brown, · Ayersvllle 10, McDonald 8 ~=~~w M~~~~·a"J: 2 ~~~eo3~ ~~~~~i~~to~ Tipp Ciiy Bethel 3 Mogadore (I Christion .3:25.99. ,

Boys Track '-8,.-eCf?




Girls Track

State Finals Division I \State Fii1als Pickerington l, Ashlarid 0 (At Ohio State/Columbus) Division n Division 1 Ta~madge 8, Minford 0 Team Standings: 1. Cle"-Je ..CollinWood Division Ill ,. 56; 2. Springfield South 34i 3. Thomas WorLoudonville 5, Old Fort 0 thington 21; 4.(fle) Cleve. Hts.,:Mansfield, Westerville South 20; 7; Akron Buchtel 18; Fast~Pitch 8. Tol. Cent._ Cath 16;~ 9.(fie) Lancaster, Regional semi·final Pickerington, Lakota,! Westerville North (At Jac-cen·DeiJ 14. Locals: 22. (fie) c9teraln, 8; 30. (tle), : i:l'lst Centrall2, ·Franklin_ County 1 Walnut Hills, Harrison,: 6: 35. Seton 5; 42. EaSt Central H·~-· --901 11-12 1 (tie), Nor.thweSt 2; 50. (tie), Princeton 1. FrS:nklin county ----000 10- 1 4 6 LOng' Jump-1.: Camee'· Williams, . WP-Richfer. LP-Ferre!l .. Hittiilg Springfield .south, 19-9ih. 2. Desiree Jones, le8ders: E!:..:...Hall2·3; Distler 2·4, 2B, 2RBI. Akron Buchtel, 19-llh..' 3. Miranda Back, Records: FC 13·11, EC 27'1. Harrison, 18--0; 13. AmY! Mobley (Harrison) .~ 36-91/.J. . Shot Put...;l. Krista Keir, Westerville SoUth, 50-43.4 (breaks ·meet reCord df 46Baseball (' 31/2 set by Logan's Kafle Sm!fh',in 1992). 2. Ohio State Tournament · Desiree Jones, Akron· iBuchteL 43·0¥s. 3. Finals Kelly Plummer,- Huber Hts. Wayne, 41·8 1A. , Division I : 4. Cindy Trzcinski, Rocky River ~agnificat, At Thurman Munson Memorial Stadium 41-4'h:. ;; : in . Canton 100 Hurdles-1.- Donica :Merriman, Sunday, June 8 Trtifwood·Madison, 13.84.·2. Ericka Haney, Toledo Start (27·1) vs. Hamilton · Tot Cent. Catlt, 13.87.: 3. Camee Williams, (2'1-2), 1 p.m. Springfield South 14.32; Division 11 100.:..1,-Shonda Robinson, Oeve: Collin· At· Bill Davis Stadium, The Ohio State wood. 11.92. 2. Charlyn Ray, Hilliard, 12.05, University in Columbus 1 3. Danelaka Howard, Mansfield Sr., 12.10. 7. Columbus Watterson (28-2) vs. Can-. 1 . ·· _Kiesha Cowin (Wilmington)_12.27. ton Central Catholic (29·2), 1 p.m. BdO Relay-1. ;aev~. ,Collinwood Division Ill 1:38.34 (Donifa Scott/ Rhondaiynn CrciwAt· Blil Davls·Stadium, The Ohio State ford, Rashlda- Cameron, Shonda "Robinson) University fn Columbus (breaks meet mark. Of 1:39.74 set in 199l Marion River Valley (27-3) vs. DBytory bY Cleveland His.) 2. Pickerington 1:40.58. Oakwood (19~10), 4 p.m. - ,.~, ' 3. Cleveland HtS. 1:41.28. 7. Princeton (Dan· DIVISION IV "~· ; lelle Spurlock,· Alex Oelafour, .Kelly Jack~ At Thu~man·Munson Memoria: Stadium.,.,. 1 son, Megan_Palm) 1:44.16. In Canton . l• · 1 1600-1. Corl Kill, Dublin SCioto, 5:01.51; Ayersvllle (25-3) vs. TiPP. City BetheL; i 2. Melissa Belcher, Dayton Carroll 5:02.02. 127·4), 4 p.m. · "· 1 3.- Christine Thompson, Amherst steele. Kentucky 1 ·'f'l i 5:03.95, 4. Katie 5eklnger, Oregon Clay, sunday, June a ·~ t 5:05.74; ll3. Andrea: Morgan (Amelia) section 3 semi-Finals ' -· ~., ' 5:26.18. . ' : ·:. (At McCre:ary Central) ..-_ 1 400 Retay-1. Mansfield Sr: 47.72 8ighlands. (26-9) vs. Harrison Co. p6-1), 5_.a..:, tSha~ntpya_ Jones, Teaka _Davis, Deklla Taylor,· Daneiaka HoWard>.-~.: Cleve. Hts. ·: 48.20. 3. Pickerington ,48.24. 4.- aeve Collin- . E'fxlnglan Lafayette (33-4) vs. Boyleca. _,) ; ~2~·13), 7:30p.m. . .... Jl wood 48.48.






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