Bogamagazine #6

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Bogamagazine The English Magazine at Bogatell School

Issue #6 School Year 2015-16

Benvolgudes famílies, Aquí teniu la sisena entrega de la nostra revista digital en anglès Bogamagazine, realitzada pels alumnes de l’escola en col·laboració amb les mestres especialistes d’anglès. El tema que hem escollit enguany és la diversitat, referida a la distinció entre persones, animals o coses, cultures, etc. Aquesta és una revista feta amb molt esforç, dedicació i afecte. A més, és una eina molt motivadora per als alumnes. Com ja sabeu, la revista només està disponible en format digital, ja que és l’opció més econòmica i ecològica. Esperem publicació.




Que tingueu un bon estiu! Happy Summer! Escola Bogatell



All different

all scary!



Jungle animals




Even more

jungle animals!


1st grade

We may all be

different kinds of fish

kinds of fish ‌

1st grade

1st grade

‌ but in our class

we all swim together

kinds of fish ‌

1st grade

2nd grade

We are each unique

and beautiful

2nd grade

2nd grade

‌ but together

we are a masterpiece

2nd grade

3rd grade

Simon Says‌ ance d t ges n a r of. e st k h n i t Do n th a c you

Pretend to a car.

lift oot. f t f e l r u H op on y o

Pretend to jump rope.

Pretend to ride a horse.

get moving!

3rd grade

Take th e bigge st step forwar d that you can .

Do the somers ault.

le f r u yo

on e c n . Bala foot

Pretend to a cow.


milk Sh o w o ff the m uscles in your a rms.


3rd grade

oot a h s o t d n e t e Pr basketball.

nees. Walk on your k

Spin ar ound in circles.

Wave your arms above your head.

n. Jump up and dow

Hop like a frog.

is lots of fun!

3rd grade

Lay on your back and pedal your legs in the air.

Hold your left foo t with your right hand.

all n o r a be a e k i l W a lk s. 4 r u o y

Lay on the floor and stretch out as far as you can.

H op a r ound lik ea bunny.

4th grade

Great characters

in literature

4th grade

4th grade

Great characters

in literature

4th grade

4th grade

Great characters

in literature

4th grade

4th grade

Great characters

in literature

4th grade

4th grade

Great characters

in literature

4th grade

4th grade

Great characters

in literature

4th grade

4th grade

Great characters

in literature

4th grade

5th grade

All about


5th grade

5th grade

All about


5th grade

5th grade

All about


5th grade

5th grade

All about


5th grade

5th grade

All about


5th grade

5th grade

All about


5th grade

5th grade

All about


5th grade

6th grade



6th grade

6th grade

Cooking around the world


Agraïm la participació dels alumnes de P4 fins a 6è

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