Mohamad AlSharif Professional & Academic Work

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Southern California Institue of Architecture

Architectural Designer

213 562 8557



Rhino AutoCAD Blender Zbrush

Unreal Engine Lumion


Photoshop Illustrator




SAK - Soleiman Abdullah Kheirji

Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

March 2021 - June 2022

Mohamad was involved in a variety of projects generally focused on Hospitality as well as healthcare. Mohamad was involved in a flagship hospitality project. Mohamad was involved since the inception of project aiding with the formulation of the concept until Schematic design. Mohamad also was involved in many healthcare projects, which was an emerging market at the time. Mohamad was responsible of planning, and communicating the design ideas to the client, regularly initiating meetings between the client and the firm. Mohamad was also regularly involved in creating concepts for a variety of design competitions that the firm was involved in.

Khatib & Alami

Mecca, Saudi Arabia

February - March 2021

Mohamad was involved in the Thaker city development, which is the largest ongoing development project taking place in Mecca. It is a large masterplan project that aims to improve the quality of pilgrims traveling to Mecca. Mohamad was design consultant working over and supervising the contractor as well as maintaining quality control over the work being done. His day to day involved drafting drawings and annotation them, as well as site inspections.

Blu Architects & interiors

Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

June - July 2019

At Blu, Mohamad was involved in large scale residential projects, ranging from large scale residential apartment blocks to private residential single-family homes, and villas. Mohamad was engaged through the entirety of architectural process for many of the projects starting from the conceptual phase, all the way to issuing construction documents, and construction.

Wandsworth City Council

London, United Kingdom



June - July 2018

Mohamad was generally involved in two adapt and extend project, which he found incredibly enjoyable. Mohamad worked on the extension of Badric court, a large social housing community that was in desperate need of an upgrade, as well as extra residential units. Mohamad was also involved in the extension of the Wandsworth local library.


SCI-Arc Southern California

Institue of Architecture

California, USA

MArch II Program

University of Kent

Canterbury, UK

Honorary Bachelor of Science in Architecture Part 1

American International School of Jeddah

Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Full Circle Desgin

Dubai, UAE

Interior Architecture Course High School Diploma

August 2022 - Sept 2024

September 2017 - Novermber 2020

2010 - 2017

July 2015

tA b LE OF C O nt E nt S

Solaiman Abdullah Khereji

Applied Studies



The MDC Resort, a paragon of luxurious hospitality, is strategically situated within the undulating topography of Abha, Saudi Arabia. This architectural intervention responds to the burgeoning tourism sector, catalyzed by the ambitious Saudi Arabia Vision 2030 initiative. The project’s site selection capitalizes on an exceptional locale, offering unparalleled vistas of pristine landscapes.

The primary objective of this architectural endeavor was to synthesize the programmatic requirements of a six-star resort while maintaining a sensitive dialogue with the site’s prestigious natural context. The architectural massing strategy employs a deliberate nestling of built form within the lower reaches of the valley, minimizing the project’s footprint and visual impact on the landscape.

The resort’s morphology is characterized by a curvilinear, stepped profile that engages in a nuanced negotiation with the surrounding topography.

This formal articulation facilitates a seamless integration of architecture and landscape, blurring the boundaries between the built and natural environments.

The masterplan incorporates a diverse typological spectrum of accommodation units, including townhouses, villas, and apartments, creating a heterogeneous residential fabric. The primary challenge in the site planning process was the reconciliation of two seemingly contradictory imperatives: ensuring a requisite level of privacy for each unit while simultaneously maximizing exposure to the site’s panoramic vistas.

This project exemplifies a contemporary approach to luxury resort design that prioritizes contextual sensitivity and environmental stewardship, while still delivering an uncompromising standard of opulence and comfort. It serves as a case study in the delicate balance between architectural intervention and landscape preservation in the context of emerging global tourism markets.

MohaMad alSharif Southern California inStitue of arChiteCture

The Masterplan called for planning for a upscale retreat resort that inlcuded a five star hotel, as well as less transient mode of living such as hotel apartments, townhouses, and villas. The resort was planned from a biophillic point of view, drawing inspiration from the dew drops that formed on leaves in the early hours of the morning that occured on site.

MohaMad alSharif Southern California inStitue of arChiteCture
MohaMad alSharif Southern California inStitue of arChiteCture




Ground control is a proposed highrise tower in down town Los Angeles. Standing at aroud 1800 feet tall, it is an unconventinal looking tower, due to it tripod aestheic as well as suspention of tower below. As a result an an unconentional apporach was taken when thinking about making this building a buildiable volume. The legs are made up of large trusses that are then covered using prefabricated panels that are simply clipped onto the trusses that make up the leg strcuture. The leg strcuture is programatically filled with non human occupied space, allowing for farming robots to free move along rails in order to water and harvest crops. The rest of the building is a mixed used tower, featuring residetnial, office as commericial spaces. The high rise is clad in a number of facade system. Where the panels are rather intesne a double layer facade is employed. A simple curatin wall makes up the first layer of the facade allowing light penetraion, and visibility. A second layer of prefabicated aluminium panels are place, on standoffs coming from the building to create the overall paneling effect of the building.

On the other hand where the paneling of the building is not so intense a conventional rain screen wall system is used, and simply punched windows puncture the facade in order to let light in. In terms of structure, a large transfer slab, nicknamed the hull forms at the center of the project. It is what allows the building to remain true to its form. At the center of the project just below the lobby level. A massive string of trusses, connect all of the legs together, and then therefore connection the lobby level to the rest of the towers


DESign DOCUMEntS aS 3222

hErwig baUMgartnEr inStrUCtOr


bEn ELMEr. StUti ChanDra, JiaShUn gaO, Shayar MahbOUbian, raUnaUk ChaUDhary, ShEng-Lin hSU, CharVi Parakh

DatE faLL 2023

MohaMad alSharif

MAIn LObby CHunk

Yellow Tower Wall Section
MohaMad alSharif

Double Pane Glass Panel Insulated Mulli..on

Terti..ary Structure

Composi..te Panel

Interi..or Closure

Mulli..on Cover Plate Plate Plate

Hollow Square Panel Substructure

Extruded L Bracket Anchor

Extruded Slab Bracket Mulli..on Plate Anchor

Poured Concrete Slab


Hori..zontal Mulli..on

Pri..mary Structure

Beam Metal Sheet

T Secti..on

Extruded L I Plate Bracket

Spandrel Glass


I-Beam Insulati..on

Panel Framing Chunk


Scale: 1/2" = 1'

MohaMad alSharif

Panel Frame Detail

Panel Standoff Connection

Scale: 4" = 1'
Scale: 4" = 1'
Panel B
Panel D

Supporting Leg Chunk Model


Year-round production.

Climate and weather agnostic.

More efficient use of space.

Urban farming.

Lower labor costs.

Minimal water use.

No soil degradation.

No pesticides or herbicides.


High costs

Less pollination

High upfront costs

Tech dependent

Crop may have fewer nutrients


Simple Installation

Full Enclosure System

Custom Indentation


Requires Additional

Structural Support

Low Adjustability

Limited MEP Assembly


Biomass/biofuel is good for the environment

Develops another fuel source

Sequester carbon dioxide

Reduces carbon footprint

Lowers greenhouse gas emissions

Mass adoption could lower urban heat island effect


Needs lots of energy to grow

Large water demand

High Fertilizer Use

Insulated Metal Panels
Vertical Farming
Algae Panel

SCI-Arc AS3222 Design Development Fall 2023

Systems Lab







Structural Consultant:

Structural Consultant:




Herwig Baumgartner SCI-Arc AS3222 Design Development Fall 2023


Herwig Baumgartner




Systems Lab SHEET TITLE Environmental Systems Consultant:



Shaghayegh Ghafari

Shayar Mahboubian

Charvi Parakh

AL g AE p A n EL DE t AIL

MohaMad alSharif Southern California inStitue of






Structural Consultant:

Matthew Melnyk

Environmental Systems Consultant:


Zach Burns Herwig Baumgartner



MohaMad alSharif Southern California inStitue of
MohaMad alSharif
MohaMad alSharif Southern California inStitue of arChiteCture


The project’s genesis lies in the conceptualization of a puzzling object, from which a series of formal translations emerge, driving the architectural discourse. The puzzle’s inherent qualities are predicated on the discovery of intriguing postures through concealed rotational axes. Various elements within the puzzle obfuscate conventional interpretations of their spatial reach and functional role within the overall assembly. Embedded within the schism of the rectilinear puzzle lies an intricate network of interconnected components, traversing hidden conduits and intersecting disparate pieces.

When extrapolated to an architectural scale, this conceptual framework manifests in a dual-programmatic massing strategy, amalgamating museum and hotel functions. The resultant form is articulated through a series of large-scale circulatory armatures that intersect various volumetric components, serving as organizational devices for the overall composition. The indexical nature of these verdant circulation pathways generates a diagrammatic legibility, effectively mapping the internal logic

of the original puzzle’s armatures onto the architectural form. The massing strategy is further refined through an exploration of multiple puzzle configurations. Two distinct states of disassembly are synthesized to generate an ‘L’-shaped morphology, allowing for a programmatic stratification wherein the maritime museum occupies the ground plane, while the hotel program ascends vertically, creating a dynamic interplay between horizontal and vertical spatial organizations


PUZZLing fOrMS Of aSSEMbLy DS 4000 VErt-StUDiO

JEnny wU inStrUCtOr

COLLabOratOr DatE ian fEnniMOrE

SPring 2024

3D puzzLE

The first excersice involved creating a 3D puzzle that holds intricate puzzling assemblies that allow for the puzzle to come apart, or be posed in a multitude of ways. The puzzle featured an intense fulcrum pieces that acted as the main most intense portion of the puzzle as was an essential piece as it connected the entire puzzle together. The puzzle base also puzzles, but was also the first attempt at a scalability excersice. An element of the puzzle was scaled to create the large indentation for the entire puzzle to sit in. The theme of scalability is a reoccruing theme throughtout the studio, that was heavly involved when goes from the puzzle to building scale.

MohaMad alSharif Southern California
MohaMad alSharif Southern California inStitue of


The massing was a result of multiplicty and a posing of the original puzzle. The puzzle was instantiated twice creating an L shaped massing. The puzzling logic was then used to rotate, push and pull the volumes in place, further intergrating their geometries. The last step involved slicing volumes and orienting them to optimize and intergrate them into the cities urban context

MohaMad alSharif Southern California inStitue of arChiteCture


The Sectional model illustractes the way residual puzzling elements translate into the building scale. moments of pivot and lock allow for programs to nestle into each other, and interlock in a sense. Precarious moments of suprise of the puzzle allow for the building to create precarious moment of circulation throught the building, which are specifically highlighted in green

MohaMad alSharif


The drawings, and chunk showcase the residual puzzle assemblies still present in the architecture. Moment of interlock, and inlay are present in the from of program organization and distribution

MohaMad alSharif Southern California inStitue of arChiteCture
MohaMad alSharif Southern California inStitue of arChiteCture


The studio embarked on a profound exploration of circulation, delving into the intricate dance of movement within a building. Unlike mere aesthetic endeavors that superficially translate the concept of motion onto a façade, our focus transcended the visual to spotlight architecture’s profound capacity to underscore the literal ebb and flow of a structure. This became the cornerstone for both form discovery and program generation. Our journey commenced with the crafting of intricate circulation contraptions, akin to marble runs, each embodying abstract manifestations of movement. From this intricate dance, a volumetric run emerged—a nuanced expression exploring novel ways to create volumes, seamlessly fitting within the established constraints of a marble run. This pivotal juncture witnessed a transformative shift, as our study models gracefully transitioned from diminutive marble runs to the

realization of an actual architectural building. Instances were some volumes needed to be thickened were undertaken at this point. The culmination of our endeavors manifested in a final building that bore a striking resemblance to the meticulously crafted volumetric model. The strategies employed for form generation and circulation were not confined to a singular realm; rather, they radiated across diverse facets, ingeniously applied to sculpt a compelling and viable architectural proposal. In essence, our studio’s narrative unfolded as an eloquent testament to the synergy between movement, form, and purpose. DEtAILS

DS 4000 VErt-StUDiO


DwaynE OyLEr inStrUCtOr


DatE Parth PatEL faLL 2023


The Marble run was designed elevationally. The central triple loop was the central feature, therefore creating a mechanical feel to the marble run. Three emerging ring emerge from the center framing & highlighting the intensity taking place at the center of the marble run



The first excersice involved creating a marble run, that would eventually infrom a future volumetric study. the intention with our marble was to create a highly composed, and articualted mechanical marble run. The run was also designed to be deceptive. The stucture not only is designed to hold up the tracks, but also intertwine, and decieve onlookers to where the marble run is heading

MohaMad alSharif

Stu D y MODEL 02


The final volumetric excersice highlights the reverse funtion that took place when using the original marble run as a base for form extraction. The highly composed yet intense center of the marble run, has disapated in this model, instead replacing it with a carved space that would be repurposed for human activity later on

MOhaMaD aLSharif
SOUthErn CaLifOrnia inStitUE

While the main program of the building is a transport connector hub, inline with the main concept of having fast and slow paths to the terminals. It was necceassary to allow for interesting porgrams to exisit along the slow paths. These slow paths are what users are encourages to take when arriving slightly early to the hub. It allows for users to take longer slower yet more interesting strolls throught the building thanks to the program. Since the building is at LAX, and due to the strong aviation ties around the area. It was natural for museum of air & space to take place along the slower circulation paths. pROgRAM



MohaMad alSharif
Southern California inStitue of arChiteCture

The sectional quilaites of the building highlight where the most intense moments of ciruclation interaction occur. On the right side is where a multiude of tracks intertwinde, as well as the train track. The section at that particular moment is a mere reflection of the intensity of the circulation

MohaMad alSharif
Southern California inStitue of arChiteCture
MohaMad alSharif
Southern California inStitue of arChiteCture

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