ECHO Project

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Initiated by: Architect & Artist Muhammed Abbas 2020 c All rights reserved



Project Description0 1  Artworks0 2

Art is the most effective mode of communications“ that exists.” John Dewey

01 VISION 01 Art has the power to revolutionize the world. It reflects our ever changing culture and has the ability to alter society’s values. Moreover, art brings meaning into people’s lives. It is a manifestation of society and a .reflection of people’s intricate identities

INSPIRATION 02 The story which inspired me to link the architectrual skills and artworks is “Les demoiselles d’avignon” painting by Piccaso and how it was a revolution for a new era in art which is Cubism and how that art movement had a great ECHO in different disciplines .like literature, music, and architecture THEME 03 Collage is more than an aesthetic—it helps reconceive .space in new, often scenographic ways Collage technique has it’s own dramatic taste. and engages all senses to define the experience of the .scene. It also has the ability to manipulate information TACKLED ISSUES 04 I believe that architecture is a storytelling and ECHO for different sides of life. So in this project I tackled social and political issues in sarcastic way like capitalism, office cycle life, retirement, informal housing, and life .patterns

PROJECT DESCRIPTION 05 The name of this project is “ECHO” consists of comic illustrations tackling social and political issues through .architectural comics in sarcastic way

Project Description


Artworks Life Patterns0 1  Capitalism0 2  Time Machine0 3  Informal Settlements0 4  Active Ageing0 5

Life Patterns With age comes perspective. you can look back on your life and begin to see patterns emerging from the chaos and pain. Patterns that are natural and inevitable. Resistance didn’t stop them from eventually forming. In fact, .resistance only prolonged the pain and delayed the next stage in life that was coming Here is the scene you can find many frames narrow frames, corridors and stairs without handrail and each one of it is a life pattern which must straighten you even you lost some patterns. But if you are lucky, you should find a .mentor who is supportive and wise to guide when you need him At some point, you will hit a ceiling in your career. You will have either “made it� as a C-level executive or missed !your window of opportunity. But the most important thing is to gain new experience

Capitalism This scene represents a category of employees’ life. Things are not on the place they supposed to be. the boss who is full of complicated unexplained thoughts, and it’s quite chaotic inside her head. and she is sitting on a chair that doesn’t seem like a boss-like chair, while the suitable chair for a boss in on the other side of the table. This blue lady has a head and can be a very good boss but she is drained. With boring life is just a repetition of everything over !and over till they run out of passion, ending up with a dead soul

Time Machine Recently I heard someone talk about his job with absolute enthusiasm? His work excites him. It winds him up. He seems to love what he does. And, as he explains how exciting his work is, I was thinking, “Wow, I wish I had that level of passion for the work I do.” Sometimes when we hear these enthusiastic people talk about their work, our minds naturally start to think about the negative aspects of our jobs. We might start to think about our lulls, or even reminisce about times in our own careers where we might have been extremely passionate about our work—but as the years passed, the enthusiasm faded. So I believe we should stop pushing ourselves so much. And let’s try and learn something new everyday before it’s too late

Informal Settlements In this scene we can figure out these informal settlements based on the urban code But to be honest it looks nice and has its own identity which is formed over the years. and I am not discussing this issue now. My message to the upper hands and want inform them that these kind of cites are produced by the .people and the urgent need is to understand it and support it So as make their place, you need to involve people driven and people-centered processes to produce and manage housing, services, and community infrastructure. In other words, processes of practical problem solving for achieving human dignity and a better quality of life. And not to be like the one who want to add value from his !office without the stakeholders’ participation. Because they are not a Marionette

Active Ageing From my point of view I don’t like the idea of traditional retirement. in this scene you can see the old man sitting on a sofa with very old clothes which is presenting his bad feeling that he is doing nothing and going to be faded .although he is full of great experience which is needed to be shared to the young generations I believe they love putting the skills and knowledge they’ve learnt over the years to good use and they want to .continue contributing to the society in their own way !I think all they need to feel is being appreciated and still have a role to participate even minor one


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