Al Amine Foundation Booklet

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“Each and Everyone can be a philanthropist” AL Amine Foundation 2012

Background: Al Amine Foundation is a young initiative that has seen light during the summer of 2012. During the Future Moroccan Entrepreneur conference, Mohamed Amine Belarbi attended as guest of honor and participant. During the one week conference, our founder had the chance not only to communicate his experience, aspirations and inspirations to the ambitious young participants, but had the opportunity as well to interact with them closely and observe the motivation they expressed in pursuing their projects and entrepreneurial ventures. When asked why they consider their dreams and projects unattainable, the young participants put forth the lack of orientation, resources and mentorship as key factors in discouraging them from implementing their projects. Noticing with concern the relevance of the fears and deterrents that disable youth from turning ideas into operational projects, Mohamed Amine Belarbi decided to launch an initiative that will supply these young people with the necessary support and resources in order to enable them to unlock their potential and realize their ventures. Al Amine Foundation was born not out of luxury and fantasy, but out of necessity. Since entrepreneurship, the main theme of the conference during which Al Amine Foundation was announced, is mainly about detecting a need and establishing a model or a plan to remedy to it, Al Amine Foundation is a true example of entrepreneurial ventures that invest in human capital, a patient capital that bears tremendous revenues on social and economic flourishing of society.


Al Amine Foundation upholds a revolutionary vision that constitutes a paradigm shift in the world of philanthropy. Al Amine Foundation’s vision is to redefine and rethink philanthropy and charity into a concept not based solely on financial capabilities. Philanthropy is usually tightly linked to monetary donations and financial support, yet what our foundation attempts to do is to substitute financial resources with human capital and potential. Our resources are structured into services ranging from mentorship, consultancy, marketing strategies and networking. Our foundation manages a database of “philanthropists”, young and ambitious students with various skills and interests. The interests and capabilities of these young philanthropists are matched with our sponsored pool of individuals who are seeking support and advice in a specific area pertinent to their project.

AL Amine Foundation 2012

Mission Statement: Believing staunchly in youth, Al Amine Foundation reshapes philanthropy into an affordable, accessible and inspiring act of assisting the generation Y through consulting, orientation and financial help in order to turn what were once dreams into lifetime achievements.

Al Amine Foundation Laureates:

Al Amine Foundation sponsored this year of 2012 five Moroccan students, all participants in the Future Moroccan Entrepreneur edition of 2012 in which our founder attended as guest of honor. The five sponsored students were selected based on their motivation, quality of project and commitment to work extensively in turning their blueprint into an operational project. The timeframe set for sponsoring the five laureates is one year, at the end of which the Al Amine Foundation aims at achieving its goals in assisting its laureates in fully implementing their projects and ventures.

Our 2013 laureates are: Abderrahman Ezzahed Adam Oujnati Imane Bounana Riadh Rebei Hanane Anzali

Al Amine Foundation 2013 sponsored projects: Our 2013 Laureates have diverse projects with which they intend to induce a lasting impact on their communities. Ranging from design social startups to Ecology oriented initiatives, our 2013 Laureates' projects are a true opportunities pool to tap into and invest in. Ecology Magazine Imane Bounana's passion for ecology motivated her to launch a magazine on the topic in Morocco, a nation where ecology is still struggling to make its way to the public. Putting her passion to the service of the greater good, Imane is ready to devote time and effort to make from her magazine a milestone in Moroccan ecological culture!

AL Amine Foundation 2012

Design and Graphics startup Abderrahman's skills in drawing, design and graphics have made him believe in the necessity to push further his talent and couple it with an entrepreneurial competitive spirit. Dreaming of starting his own online company, he is ready to deploy all the effort needed to succeed! Conference on the Arab World major challenges The Post-­‐Revolution Arab World challenges conference is a step Adam looks forward to take, laying the foundations for a true intellectual forum to take place and tackle the pressing issues relevant to our today's world! Logo Design & Graphics Startup Launching Key R Graphics recently, Riadh Rebei aims to transform what was commonly regarded as personal skills into a marketable and socially profitable venture. Providing services to NGOs, student initiatives and awareness actions, Key R Graphics is helping the grassroots movements sail off!

Message from the Founder:

"We all lure ourselves that money is key to all changes, and that our dreams are myths, fantasies and far away aspirations not meant to see the light of accomplishment. Al Amine Foundation is here to proclaim that dreams are not to be constrained to the cage of our inner fears of failure and lack of faith in our potential, dreams are to be accomplished and achieved because it is not only great, but necessary for mankind to flourish and progress." Mohamed Amine Belarbi


Independent Skies Magazine Independent Skies Magazine was founded on the premise of displaying the voice of today’s youth. Initiated and maintained by high school graduates and college students, this magazine will aim to shift the attention of elderly decision makers. The young population deserves opportunities to prove they are worth the respect and acknowledgment. Together we are establishing a platform for free exchange of ideas passion and Innovation.

AL Amine Foundation 2012

Future Moroccan Entrepreneur Future Moroccan Entrepreneurs is a leadership and entrepreneurship summer program for Moroccan youth aged 15-­‐19 years that envisions to create a proactive generation of youth who take action to address the society’s needs instead of waiting others including the government to do so. Kerstner Foundation The Kerstner Foundation was formed in early 2006 when successful young entrepreneur Chris Kerstner had an epiphany: “Why did the nonprofits that often needed a great website and or great marketing – always get the short end of the stick due to budget limitations?” Chris realized this was because complex high quality interactive websites can often cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to build; and it would be unethical for these nonprofits to spend that type of money on marketing and website rebuilds when it met capital was being redirected from saving and improving lives to writing computer code. Chris then began to approach colleagues through EO to help him spread the word that his newly formed foundation was ready to help! Three years later The Kerstner Foundation continues to push the boundary of what a “free website” is perceived as. Starting in mid 2007 The Kerstner Foundation started to also give cash donations on top of its already donated time and expertise. We now give hundreds of thousands of dollars to charities across the globe every year.

Contact Information:

Email: Landing Page: Website: (Under Construction) Facebook Page: YouTube Channel:

AL Amine Foundation 2012

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