Collected Works of Mohammed Khesroh

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Collected Works By Mohammed Ali


C.V. Contact Information Mohammed Ali Khesroh

Merits and Experiences Peer Mentor for Introduction to Drawing, 2011 +1-(515) 441-2848 Emgergency: +965 99300097 817 West End Ave. Apt 11e New York, NY, 10025

Community Outreach Design/Build - Ghost Lands Studio, 2012 Writer for Architectural Journal DATUM, January 2014-October 2015 Health Care Design Studio, 24 Hour Surgical Center, Sponsored by HDR, Inc. (2014) Islamic Architecture Single Session Lecturer and Byzantine Architecture Research Paper, spring 2013 & spring 2014. Part of Dean’s List 2010-2014 (Year of Graduation)

Knowledge - Rhino 5.0 | Grasshopper for rhino


Biomimetics Research Studio & D3 Natural Systems 2014 Design Competition, Partici pant

- Autodesk Revit 2016 | Vasari Beta 3 - Autodesk 3ds Max rendering through V-ray - Unity 3d 5.0 | C# Scripting - Sketch up | Shader Light Rendering - VREP | Lua Scripting (Intermediate) - Adobe Creative Suite | Microsoft Office `

- Hand Drafting

OPENGAP, A House For... 2014 Design Competition, Participant Representative of Iowa State University in Healthcare Facilities Symposium Design Charrette, 2014 RED/BLUE Gallery Installation, 2014 Multiple Art Gallery, annuals and competition entries 2011-present -

CSI: Construction, Specification Institute & Iowa State University: Depart of Architec ture Annual Competition, Dec. 2014, 1st Prize Winner.

Education - Bachelors of Architecture. 2009-2015. Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa. - Summer Participant. 2013. Beuth Hochschule, Berlin, Germany

IDEC 2015: Interior Design Education Video Competition, Mar. 2015, 1st Prize Winner. Free Lance Designer Jan. 2015- Current. Currently doing client work in Architectural Design & Illustration and Graphic Design.

- Summer Participant. 2013. Universita’ Degli Studi Di Firenze Facolta Di Architettura. Florence, Italy.

Residential Home Architect In Charge, January 2015 - Current ( Project Under Con struction).

- Summer Participant. 2011. kuwait University, Khaldiya, State of Kuwait.

Output Shop, Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation, June 2015 Dec. 2015.

- Masters of Advanced Architectural Design 2015-2016, Columbia University. New York, New York.

Graphic Designer in Charge for Grand Beauty, A cosmetics Distribution Company in Kuwait. December 2014 - Current.


INTRODUCTION A Ret rospe c t i v e

The premise of portfolio is to establish a ground in which my recent journey from a small country in the middle-east led me all the way to the land of opportunity in a micro-city, namely, Ames, Iowa. During my years at the undergraduate level, I have experienced a glaring sensation to question the very notion of the design method and its inquiries into the creation and manifestation of Architecture. What does it mean to build? To hold and control space? In what relationship can we develop, nurture and provide for the human experience and the human spirit?

By pure method of exploration, I have come to understand that there are certain periods that have defined our approaches to architecture, its style and its kind. Though location is slowly losing its edge in the wake of Global Architectural design, architecture remains still in a state where its kind is undefined. We exist in a transitionary state in which architecture is trying to find it self, through algorithims, parametrics, exploration of technology and software. What does yield for us? If tools start to guide through the process of finding our methodology as architects what would foster?

Through questioning, I attained the grand opportunity to experience design in a multitude of settings and through many continents, cities and schools, From New York City to Florence to Berlin and Kuwait.

This collection of works is a mindful exploration of the many facets that is architecture from Virtual reality to a built project,and I hope that who ever views would enjoy it and find something to question or a discovery within these papers.

In the name of Knowledge and The Grand Search of Answers. & To My Parents

Booklet One Academic & Professional Works

Contained W o r k s E d u ca tio n a l W o rks 01 Health Care Addition 02 Terminal-77 03 Terra-Forma 04 Les Tubes 05 Hybrid-Residential 06 Terra Firma 07 Information Modelling 08 Parametric Flow 09 Ultra Real 10 Dream State

Pro fe s s io n a l W o r k s 11 Residential 12 Final Frontier


HEALTH CARE ADDITION A sponsored studio by HDR, Inc. Team: Ashley Seefled & Ebulimiti Aikebai. Development: Eight Weeks

For several years the engineering and Architecture firm, HDR, Inc. through Omaha, Nebraska office, sponsored several multi-disciplinary studio under the leader ship of Cameron Campbell and Jihyun Song. The studio imposed was to study the act of adding a new structured addition to the old existing campus why adhering to a newly proposed medical care act imposed by the Obama Healthcare act of 2014. The call for proposal asks to assess an existing infrastructure that was at a point disserving to the needs of the medical and patient society on local grounds. The added landmark was to be the beacon that represented the moving of times towards a fast and more economical healthcare care society. The studio was also to analyze and research Health Care reform after the Obama Care Act went into effect and the emergence of 23-hour surgical centers.






Define O.R.


language Language

remove extra volume Remove Extra Volume

healing garden Helaing Garden

connect to old Connect to Aid

Shell Space.

Through many iterations, the landscape was manipulated and refilled in order to create a sunken garden condition that existed as a hidden zen garden for patients, doctors and visitors alike.. While that opportunity provided external approaches, it gave a grander hint on how we should approach the interior spaces. as we experimented, we reached a grand where the hightech parametric designed louvers were constrasted by warm low tech panelization and flooring in order bring a sense of calm and serenity to the space, making it a place of healing rather than a hospital.

Waiting Area.

Cafe and Waiting Space.

Diagrams. and section perspective. Developed, rendered and photoshopped by Myself






Ground Floor




The spaces organized inside play to the benifit of circulation and privace above all. Hospitals of old, has this problem with congested corridors, lack of proper office and lounge spaces and improper patient distribution. Therefor, we provided a linear line of circulation for the patient and looping one for the doctors. The linear line means that the patients arrive from a point of entry, go through the process of healing and would depart through a different point away from the eyes of visitors or patients waiting their turn.

Second Floor

Floor Plans developed by Mohammed, Ebulimiti and Ashley.

North Elevation

East Elevation

Through research and multiple settings with structural and civil engineers, we eventually created a structure that allows for a grided orgnaization of columns, while providing and vast open space for the lobby and cafe sections, while bringing adequete light into the premise to challenge the old notion of Health care Construction and interior approaches.

Elevations Developed by myself & Ebulimiti. Photoshopped by myself

Structural research, modelling and axonometric done by myself.

The entry zones leading to the hospital had several issues with parking, far away ambulances entry, no clear sign of entry towards the medical campus and such. Thus, we did some landscape design to allow proper visibility of the medical campus entry zone. The parking depicted in the image above is to show that instead of providing parking for the entire campus, we concentrated on providing parking for those who are in need for it the most. The approach was to blur the line between the hardscape and the softscape to allow for a more relaxing arrival and serene departure.

Perspective rendering developed by Mohammed, Ebulimiti and Ashley. Rendered by Ebulimiti. Photoshopped by Mohammed. Interiors developed and rendered by Ashley













Section detail devloped by myself

Section perspective developed, rendered and photoshop by myself

Physical model, modelled and developed by myself Model pieces readied and modelled through the initial model by Ebulimiti. Assembled by myself and Ebulimiti.


[T-77] TERMINAL - 77 Comperhensive Studio Team: Kevin Stromert, Yan Chen, Nick Dean Cross Development: Ten Weeks

Located near a crowded Highway 77, south of Dallas, Texas, we were challenged to design a fueling station that would serve as a part of the larger whole within the culture of velocity and cars. Through research of vehicular culture we deduce a set of drivers that serve as the project parameters. Which allowed us to make a fueling station that serves the nation of truckers that carry the domestic supply of goods around the nation keeping businesses alive, while challenging the programmatic organization of the architecture allowing the birth of a new two levelled fuel station.

The diagrams show, delibrate manipulation of the existing lot so that it manifests into a intentionally extration path driven approach dictated by two major worst case scenarios, one for a pedestrian vehicle and another for a commercial Semi-truck. The two cases allow us to understand how carve the site as to adhere to a vehicles turn radius and how should the architecture respond to that carving. Per say design from the machines prior to the humans.

Diagrams, section and Bird’s eye Render Developed, rendered and photoshopped by Myself

Site Plan

14.5’ x 7’ long span box truss with 8” members and occupiable center 5’ deep steel truss bolted connection to box truss pe steel bracket for bolt and weld connection between steel structure and precast concrete panel 4” precast hollow core concrete slab panel with #3 re-bar

6” deep top and #5 re-bar 18” o.c. 2” structural glass 1” rubber gasket 18” deep steel truss with bolt connection 6’ deep poured concrete girder

3’ wide poured concrete column unit with #7 bar 1’ o.c. 8” poured concrete floor slab with #5 bar 18” o.c. 1” expanstion joint between floor and column 8” crushed gravel subgrade 18” poured concrete pile cap with #7 reinforcing bar 12”x12” precast concrete pile with #3 bar

Site Plan developed by myself and photoshoped by Yan

Section Detail Developed By Nick

Ground Floor Plan

Underground Floor Plan

Plans Developed by myself & Kevin Photoshoped by Yan

East Section

South Section

Section Developed & photshopped by Kevin

Section Perspective Developed and photoshopped by myself

I organized the Structural basis that was born out the project to accommodate ease of navigation and path guiding for the truckers that would travel to the lower haven within the project, having designed the column in a tree like fashion, allows for natural sunlight to enter in and for exhaust fumes to funnel out. The sectioning of the landscape allows a defining parameter that exuberates the edges of the lower haven and allows for site scaled connection between the levels as daylight comes in during the day and the artificial lights projects upwards during the night. The canopy that serves a tri-purposed existence, guides rainwater into the cistern located on site in the lower level, provides shade above the fuel pumps and the parking space, while providing a hidden sanctuary in which one could enjoy or move forward towards a viewing deck looking towards the heart of Dallas.

Structural axonometric Developed, rendered and photoshoped by myself






1 Entry Render

Developed by myself Photoshopped by Yan.

5 Sunset Highway Perspective Render

Developed and Photoshopped by myself

2 Night Time Ground Level

Developed by myself Photoshopped by Yan.

3 Day Time Ground Level

Developed by myself and Kevin Photoshopped by Yan.


Night Time UnderGround Level Developed and Photoshopped by myself

Physical Model 3d model developed by myself and Kevin Model fabricated and assembled by Kevin and Yan


TERRA FORMA Research Studio in Biomimetic Architecture Individual Work Development: Eight Weeks

In this Project, we were asked to imagine a remote desert research station that sits in the Arid climatic Condition of the Desert, Through personal research and focus, I decided to place the project in the North Western desert of my country Kuwait. Eighty percent of natural wildlife was eradicated due to over glazing, unsupervised human activity and the 1990 gulf war that yielded the burning of 737 oil wells, polluting air, land and water. The aim of the project was to design an architecture that had the ability to terraform landscape in order to restore and revitalize a lost eco-system in the desert while lessening dust storms and allowing researchers to occupy the architecture before its consumption by the desert as part of its healing process.


W I N D T U N N E L A N A L YWS I N S .D T U N N E L A N A L Y S I S .


Wind Sculpting

Wind Sculpting





Body Shape Reflector Body Shape Reflector







C e l l W a t e r R e t e n t i o n SCyes lt le W mater Retention System

W a t e r R e s e r v o i r C o l l eW c taitoe nr SRyeesteem r v o i r C o l l e c t i o n S y e t em

W i n d R e c e p t i o n B a r r i eW r ind Reception Barrier

The Creation of the new shell, will serve as the threshold in which one crosses between the harsh environement to one the offers protection, serenity and calmness, it will also provide nature with the opportunity to terraform and revitalize. Having an extreme solution to a problem that built up through 50 years of human abuse to nature and then suddenly accelarated by the effect of war, needs to be a counter force of equal measure, one where it forces terrformation.

Water Collecting

Wind Harvesting

Solar Shading

Seal: during hotter climate WWThe cells are made of material that are able to expand when the weather is warm, which will be able to seal water that was collected during rainfall. and allows the sand dunes to form while the water is sealed for later use.

Release: during cooler climate During cooler season when the dunes have formed, the cells then open to release the water into the sand and onto the seed blanket allowing plants to start to grow on and within the dune, to prevent the sand from participating in a sand storm.

Secondary Water Collection system The secondary water collection system that runs in between all the cells would, over a long period, continuously absorb and store water much like the saguaro cactus in a reservoir underground to keep water from evaporating due to high heat on the desert surface.

Plant Seed Blanket For Revitalization The mesh- like blanket, would serve as the main element in which plants grow from. It aims to reduce the needed time for seeds to planted or to be transported naturally through air. The blanket carries native endanged plant seed, such as, Arfaj. The hope is that this method of growing protected plants on buildings would be the precursor to revitaliztion of a fragile and damaged ecosystem.

Winter Installation

Rain Collection

Skin Water Retention

Dust Storm Season

Sand Dune Formation & Warer Release in Winter

Desert Terraforming & Revitalization


Heat box for Solar Chimn Solar Panels Algae Biophotoreceptor

Algae Biophotoreceptor Solar Panels


LES TUBES Systems Modeling, Into The future of Renovation & Green Energy Production Individual Project Development:Six Weeks

The project was to create Hybridized living creature that served as either completely newly constructed projects or to be parasites that leeched off an existing structure. This project explores the leeching scenario and its encompossing opportunity to use Bio material in order to generate and harvest energy, while providing the building with adequate Insulation and Weather Barrier as to properly hit two birds with one stone, the newly added envelope is to serve a preservation blanket to the brick facades of Baruch Housing.

Energy Generation Plat

The Location of the building was chosen to be the center, as it is, among the rest of the clusters is exposed to a high amount of solar daylight as the other other buildings dont shade it much. The orientation is proper to New York's Weather Conditions.

The floors from the ground to the second, are designed to add new program to the housing project, to provide opportunities of investment and allowance of occupant count increase along side businusses.


Water + Algae Se ed CO2 Inta ke Water fo r Energy Solar Exchan ge


The process of delivering the building occurs as an environmental processy that engages wind and solar movement in order to create an environmentally conscious building that would allow for the only minor application to be sculpted and updated to maximum efficiency and generate solutions that would allow opportunities to generate electricity, a higher grade of insulation and a new prompted allowance of public grounds in which we can have elevated gardens, shops and even offices.


g in ol Co g/ k in an at d T He ybri H

A Pu ir m p e ga Al ed Se

2 Co

er at W nk Ta


Pu r

e ga c t Al tra x ed E ct lle ass Co iom B

r/ or ile rat Bo ene G

r/ or ile rat Bo ene G

W at er


ca tio


r ge


ch Ex at He

The detailing is aimed to create a light weight add-on for affordable housing units that could be plugged in as need be and allows for the process and execution of energy generation and insulation for the building. Harnessing algae panels that are coupled with transparent solar panels allows the creationg of a green energy system.

Heated Floors/ water tubes In/Out flow tubes DryWall

Air Insulation Algae Panels Insulation Solar Panels

Weathering Membrane Seed Provider Tie Heated Floors/ water tubes

Heat box for Solar Chimney Solar Panels Algae Biophotoreceptor

Algae Biophotoreceptor Solar Panels

Water Tank

Heating Cooling Hybrid Tank

CO2 Pump

Energy Converter

Algae Seed


Boiler / Generator

Water Purification



Algae Extractor

Heat Exchanger

Energy Generation Platform Apartments social areas/ col-de-sacs Elevated Urban Platforms rentable zone for commercial usage


HYBRID RESIDENTIAL A Design Response To The Research Conducted On Squatting Movement Into The Scapes of Rio De Janiero. Team: Mohammad Saddegh Dadash Development: Ten Weeks

The project is an exploration of the squatter movement in Rio-De Janiero. We conducted a substantial amount of resrach at the beginning few weeks to understand the nature in which people that lived in favela situation have struggled, allowed to for new social movements and their eventual return to the city center to re-occupy abandoned buiildings and establish them selves as member of the active society and the new social fabric.




To understand the favelas, we created a diagram that illustrates that unlike the city's approach to ground, the favelas push private spaces to the back of the corridor as their was a job offer. The second diagram that illustrates the city condition of understanding the city's configuration and disconnect from the ground.

While conducting research on favelas, we started to understand that during their chaotic construction and their flower like blooming when there is no farming or seeds, This chaos between the structures, allowed for the realization that there exists a hidden netwrok of connections leading from gound of public or living to one another. This network like condition became a prime interest to us and is the subject of our exploration.

Favela diagrams Developed, modelled and rendered by myself Case Scenrario Diagrams Developed, modelled and rendered by

While studying the city, we came to that opportunity lied in taking the exiting fabric and nullying it to understand the collective zones in which activities are concentrated and per what they are. this would inform us of which buildings are squattable and which ones aren't. These would later inform the design approach of our project also.

Nulli Map Developed and illustrated by Mohammed Sadegh Dadash Site program axon Modelled by myself & Mohammed Sadegh Dadash Rendered by Mohammed Sadegh Dadash

By understanding the squattable areas that exist around our main site at Monoel Congo, we can start to create a infrastructure process in which we can set up a set by set solution allowing for time additions and the possibility of not only expanding, but also, by its modularity, create different opporunities in diverse collective zones, like: Libraries, Class rooms, a running track, etc... The diagrams on the left show the process in which the the infrastructural piece is filled over time. and how the algorithm created allows for diversity spaces in relationship to each other.

Axon and diagrams Model develop by myself and Mohammed Sadegh Dadash Reneder by Mohammed Sadegh Dadash Photoshoped by myself.

By choosing three blocks of operation in the heart of Rio De Janiero's City Center, we are introducing a new type of structure that extends from Monoel Congo, the main building of the Squatting movement and extending from there, The new social ground would extend and support it self on three legs (buildings) that through research we have concluded to be either empty or of attraction to GMO's and Labor Union's. in that regard we allowing the people who have no places to live, an opportuntity to not only be part of the society they are in but also create a top down uproach of negotiation between the squatters and the work force who come to the buildings only during the daytime. Providing proper infraastructure would allow the opportunity of transormability. expansion and mixed used approaches.

Diagrams and Axon Model develop by myself and Mohammed Sadegh Renedered by Mohammed Sadegh Dadash

The modules hosted on the vertical planes facing the streets, follow the same module design explain before, the wall and floor panels that attach to structure serve multiple purposes from insulation to sound proofing to personalized room configurations. The details on the right, not only shows the insides of these panels but also its attachment details.

On this page & on the left page Exploded Detail Axons Model develop by myself Renedered by myself

The upper crust of the platform that caps the structure, was developed in order to create a process to return water and energy back to the city grid while providing gray water use for the inhabitants of the building. the plain panels, use a rotating mechanism within the modules that can be a mean to control their opening and closing as a means for natural daylight & ventillation.

Diagrams and Axon Model develop by myself and Mohammed Sadegh Renedered by Mohammed Sadegh Dadash

Master Floor Plan Model develop by myself Developed, modeled and rendered by myself


TERRA-FIRMA A Landcape Architecture Endeavor Team: Jon Basset, Development: Four Weeks

Through the merging of the soul and the landscape, the research of atmospheric interpretation came to manifest in the study of making. “The work will teach you� was the motto of the studio, which inherently led to the creation of over 80 drawings both 2d and 3d over the course of 5 weeks. The drawings explored possibilities of allowing the land to dictate and shape atmospheric architectural delineation and the process of arriving at the final solution to design in its complete abstracted technicality.

1. Integeration

2. projection

3. connection

4. Healing

During our site visit, we have encountered many surreal moment in which the site advocated its spirit. Nature having taken over the farm provided us the opportunity to seek certain patterns of movements through the site. From the small Bee to the large Deer, each had their own rhythm and cycle throughout the site. Once we approached our project from that lens, we managed to create a set of meandering paths leading to the architecture as a transitionary point back to nature. The ground itself becomes the healer of the occupants who heal other, namely doctors.

Diagrams Developed and photoshopped by myself

Phenomenomical multimedia drawing Developed by: myself Plaster Cast Developed by Jon Basset Carved & tinted by myself

Hybrid Topographical Exploration Developed by: myself


INFORMATION MODELING A Data Analysis Project Team: Zhehui Zhang, Shendao Li, Xiao Gu Development: Eight Weeks

During the age of data driven analysis, the very way architectural design is conducted is changing, Algorithms, mathmatical conduction and the evolutionary design stand point, have forever changed what we call the iterative process. More efficient, precise and driven by logic, this approach allowed for the chance to evaluate existing building to find out if the designs made by other architects and designs, were in fact the very best possible. Thus, bringing us to this project which in a group of Four: Myself, Xiao Gu, Zhehui Zhang and Shendao Li, have conducted analysis on SOM’s Time Warner building at Columbus Circle here in New York City.

Trend study SOM’S Time Warner Center In this study we incurred that we research and analyze trump tower in order to engage all the controversy about the buildings two tower configuration and its effects on central park and such. We analyzed it first occurding to its obstruction to central park, it gross floor area ratio, daylighting, efficiency, its provision of unobstructed views for the sorrounding buildings.

Axons and data analysis by myself, Shendao & Xiao



Environmental Data

Environmental Data



Un-obstructed View

Gross Floor Area

Shadow Casting




Client Objectives

City Objectives

Diagrams Developed by Zhehui

Two Tower Scenario After doing some data analysis on the efficiency scale of the buildings original scale, configuration, obstructed views, floor to site ration, etc.. We have concluded that the only way to measure the actuallity of the claim that the building’s efficiency ratio could be increased if re calibrate the initial inputs of the building, from height, rotation, location, we could possibly re-orient the buildings and gain a different result of the Two Tower Scenario that blocks the sun less and allows for a better distribution of the floor to area ration.

One Tower Scenario In this scenario, we decided to explore the possiblity that the two towers become one. This scenario pits the same criteria of judgement as the two tower scenario, and ask the Algorthimic software to run an evolutionary code in order to see if this scenario allows for better daylighting, gross floor area and allowance of solar movement all the way to central park.

Analysis, scripting, data research and generation with renders Developed and completed by myself, Shendao & Xiao

Comparisons The results we found suggests that the one tower scenarios are substantially at a higher efficiency rate due to the higher gross floor area ration and higher percentage of natural daylight making it to central park. we suspect however that the reason for this result is that the analysis put a rough estimation on elevator cores and fire escapes. The cores for the single tower in reality have to be much larger and substantial compared to two smaller cores in the two tower scenario. This offset, creates a discrepency in the analysis, which causes such a huge difference in between the one and two tower scenario.

Diagrams on left Developed by Zhehui Analysis, scripting, data research and generation with renders Developed and completed by myself, Shendao & Xiao Time and solar exposure diagram below Developed by Shendao Animated by myself


PARAMETRIC FLOWS A Study Into Work Flows Between Rhino & Revit. Individual Project Development: Eight Weeks

` The project places it self into the context of the Affordable houses of Baruch, Located near Franklin bridge at lower South East side of Manhattan. A gray area where both affordability and crime and deterioration exists. The Proposal is aid the sustainability movement and support these relics to become viable and sustainble. This Project will explore taking the buildings down and creating a new “Animal� that sits within the site, one that looks into the parametric ways of the future and into the what can an algorithm generates to term it self with the environment.

The experiments were generate first using Rhino and the plugin Grasshopper as a tool to input environmental data from Energy Plus into the sculpturing system that morphed a rectilinear building block into a smooth bellying structure that responds to solar movement directly absorbed by the structure or blocked by the surrounding buildings. By creating a workflow that links Grasshopper to Autodesk Revit, we are able to feed our resulting structure from Rhino and into Revit, all while instantly inputting adaptive components into the mix, allowing a very complex, environmentally conscious building to surface!

Interior Render that highlights the light wells and the structural shafts that run through the building.


ULTRA REAL A t t a i n ing A N ew R epresentation T e a m : R ui P eng D e v e l opment: S ixteen W eeks

In this experiment, we engaged the opportunity to create hyper realistic archtiectural renderings for made up rural or urban settings of our choosing. My partner and I, agreed early on that we should do ultra realistic rendering of a post-utopian urban setting, one which humanity is scarce and urbanity abandoned and have returned back to its dessimal existence. If one man survived what would be his condition? and how would we he come to peace with his existence? These images are the productions of that endeavorand the result of two highly imaginative minds come together.

In order to create such ultra realistic scenes, my self and my partner Rui Peng, experimented with many possiblities until reaching a solution that offered something surreal yet tangible.

City Model and momnuments Developed, modelled and rendered by myself Interior of temple Developed, rendered and rendered by Rui


DREAM STATE An Exploration of the Unity 3D Engine Team: Yuan Liu, Hasan Deniz, Rui Peng Development: Eight Weeks

This project was done as a challenge to explore thenewly advocate unity 3d engine, in order to create an architectura or spatial design in which people could experience in Virtual Reality, virtually using the engine allowed us to create and generate a vast area of shapes a script that allowed them to behave and function and that will create a set beginning and end for the game.

Principles Environment Rotation

The premise of our game, is to create an endless dream in which you are contained in a box with six different environments. That way the site is diffenrent, the scale and experience of on a different baking what conected The infinite dream state would let you in and never out. , Thus turning into a consistant nightmare that Martin Luther King join you in by spirt of his speeches.

Sound Maker

Chasing Balls

Diagrams developed by Yuan

The dream sequence as it rotates in an unexpected and random pattern, allows several objects for follow the player in an attempt to end the dream. It is, as dreams in randomness, is to illustrate that a contradictory action to survival, death in the game is the means of escape.

Modelling Completed by Hasan, myself and Rui Sound design by myself C# scripting for game mechanics by myself


RESIDENTIAL C o m m i s s ion T o D esign, D evelop and submit pro p o s a l t o C l i e n t. I n d i v i d u al P roject, P rofessional W ork D e v e l o p ment: January 201 5 - Current

This project was done after a RFP arrived after my graduation from Iowa.. The request was to provide adequate floors plans, several interior designs and an exterior design for a residential house in Kuwait. The house currently is underconstruction and its nearing the completion of the interior spaces. Monumentality was needed after explorations into the Modern and classical styles were made. the final results colors was to call upon a methods that allows the building’s own image of beauty doesn’t weather with time. Kuwait has a lot of sandstorm that occur with no prior warning out there. Yet, that is one of the main reasons to which these colors in particular were chosen and how the building was designed in the first place for that reason.

The Ground floor is dedicated to Guests and common spaces that residents from the top two floors could occupy. while the house is intended to a single family, the Second floor is designed to be two identical apartments that would be rented out and serves as a money generator for the family.

Second Floor

First Floor

Ground Floor

Living Room

Main Kitchen


FINAL FRONTIER A r c h i t e ctural R epresention T hrough B iologica l Re s e a r c h , C ommision I n d i v i d u al P roject D e v e l o p ment: O ne W eek

This project was done as a challenge to explore the a realm of scientifically fictional worlds that could manifested through geometric understanding of a hexagonal shape, a stable and powerful form in nature and the microscopic imagery produced by laboratory scientists involved with Biology. By its extrusion, bending, twisting and deformation, we arrive at a set of animals and anomalies that creation the inhibitor (the occupant) and the inhabited (the vessel). The processional movement from beginning to end signifies that exploration has a beginning and an end, an endeavor that set a number of questions and begs the appropriation of their eventual deaths. Exploration no matter what it is, is the final frontier.

Taking precedent from the natural world, I was able to construct these worlds out the notion that buildings unit of them are brought from and understood and the very veins that course through our bodies. Perhaps, the biggest exploration would eventually occur in the one place that is truly dictates us, which is within our own vessels. Biology played a big part of this research as it gave way to grant hints and inspiration of entities underneath the microscope, there exists a world far beyond ours. A beautiful yet dangerous one.

Taking precedent from the natural world, I was able to construct these worlds out the notion that buildings unit of them are brought from and understood and the very veins that course through our bodies. Perhaps, the biggest exploration would eventually occur in the one place that is truly dictates us, which is within our own vessels.

After conducting many experiments with biology and how to find an approachable moment in which the spatial stream could be manifested.Stems of bio-nodes become monumental living entities that give humans the opportunity stream along the designated pathways leading to their eventual obsurption into the natural. From Nature to nature.

Booklet Two Written


Contained W o r k s W ritte n w o rk 01 Virtual Landscape Assessment & Robotic Allocation Within Extreme Envo. 02 The Liaison of Information Exchange in the Wake of the Computer Age.`


Vi r t u a l L a n d s c a p e A s s e s s m e n t & Robotic Allocation Within Extreme Environment. R e se arch I n t o P o t en t i al Ap p l i cat i o n o f R o b o t i cs i n Arch i te c t u r e Individua l P ro j ect Acknowledg emen t: M ark C o l l i n s , To ru Has eg awa Developmen t: 8 Week s , cu rren t l y i n p ro ces s o f b ei n g re- w r i t t e n f o r p e e r- r e v i e w for ASC AAD. This paper describes a system that assesses threedimensional landscapes that would be indicators of ex-treme environments and assess them for degree of viability for deployment of formally geometric robots that would serve as live building blocks for the establishment of foundations and construction planes. The deployment of these building blocks rely on the initial assessment done by a drone robot that uses visual and proximity sensors in order to assess the degree of flatness of the ground. As a primitive study, “flatness� is both a simple and complex criteria to assess. Once the initial assessment is complete these location would be marked and targeted for future automated construction

of orthogonal structures. Using simple and geometrically shaped robots, they conduct their journey to the location marked by the drone. They would move by rotating, toggling, toppling and perhaps even angular momentum towards the beacons laid by the drones or satellites. As they reach the viable zone, they are then able to assess each other in order to form proper building units that are structurally sound and viable for future development of deployable structures or they themselves become the mean of special delineation serving as a tem-porary dwelling for re-search facilities.

Abstract: The paper describes an iterated system, which explores the concept of a surveying, deploying, self-assembling robotic swarm system within an extreme environment, in a virtual robotics platform named, VREP. The pure geometries that are the basis of this species, through study of locomotion in Fauna and energy transformations, produce several iterations of the proposed robot. The created species are used to generate a process in which the robotic swarms are able to make initial scans of landscapes using a series of visual and proximity sensors attached to each exposed face, in order to determine proper deployment zones for the making of a research facility. The explorations in locomotion and transfer of potential to kinetic energy would allow the geometrically pure robot to hop, flap, walk, flip or turn in order to move to achieve the desired location. The intent of such swarming nature of the robots is to create cohesive unit of operation that is able to overcome the journey of deployment and remove the need of site surveyors and construction workers in order to initiate and construct a research facility. In that manner, the robots then would become the very building blocks that constructs these research facilities and are able to purposed to meet certain environmental concerns such as a light construction footprint, reusability and the provision of certain amenities. Having a surveying and deploying robot allows us to venture off to many frontiers that are yet to be fully researched and explored either due to the harshness of the environment or the difficulty of setting up in order to conduct the research. Environments such as the arctic, speaks volumes when pitted against projects such as AECOM’s Hayley VI. The extreme winters and unpredictable change in weather allowed the constructions workers to operate during summer months only until the project completed (Broughton, Tuplin & Ayres, 2005). The advanced nature of the construction and maintenance required to keep operation of the mobile, modular research facility proved difficult and costly especially in times of crisis (Sawer, 2015). With the SDA (Survey, Deployment and Assembling) robots approach, we might finally have an opportunity to mass manufacture smart building blocks that bring about the age of exploration. Into areas like the deep ocean trenches which have only a 0.05% explored (Copley, 2014), or extreme deserts, where finding an appropriate area to study then settle into is difficult might aid us in the understanding of our planet, especially in the wake of climate change. Perhaps even the ability send these robots to the stars to new planets or moons to survey and construct facilities in which astronauts could visit and inhabit upon arrival without the need of construction nor surveying. The mass manufactured nature of these robots would allow a lower cost of manufacturing, while providing a lower risk factor in its line of operation, and unlike very expensive tech like the NASA rovers, these robots are easily replaceable, re-used and relocated and repurposed.

References HUGH BROUGHTON, KARL TUPLIN & PETER AYRES. (2005). Built to last: The construction of Halley VI. Ingenia. 25 (-), 13-18.

JON COPLEY. (2014). Just How Little Do We Know about the Ocean Floor? . Available: http://www. Last accessed 12th Jun 2016.

PATRICK SAWER (2015). The ice station that needs saving from the abyss. Available: http://www. Last accessed 13th June 2016.

1 Introduction The outer world is the final frontier of exploration; it holds secrets to valuable knowledge and information that might lead to the change in the very lives we lead every day. It has always been an evergrowing concern on how to explore these remote environments, who is willing and why is the individual or team truly willing to go as far? With the invention of the robot and the subsequent growth of the artificially intelligent brain many aspects of exploration started to change and our information gathering methods evolved. Surveying robots offer several possibilities that could be integrated into the realm of architectural construction. In that spirit focusing on architecture that would exist in locations far beyond civilizations’ reach and is there in order for certain individuals who could muster the drive for remote research. The entire goal of project is to create pieces of architecture that provide such spaces constructed out of mass manufactured robots that would travel, self-assemble using as few actuators and motors as possible. With the use of a robotics simulation platform , V-REP (Virtual Robot Experimentation Platform),we can start place an environment that serves as the testing ground for these entities and allow for several iterations to run we come to the viability of the proposed solution.

specially if the rays that are projecting are coupled and assessed in a group and operate by methods of triangulation then the degree of 40

Figure 1: Ray Casting and Degree Measurements

flatness could be assessed properly. However the downside of this is that the simulation and assessment time becomes increasingly heavy to calculate as the surge of data flows in.a vision sensor and project a simple 16*16 grid as a plane beneath the drone. The grid’s plane would be registered as pixels, eg pixelThe second method, which is the focus of this study is to use [1] is equal to its position in (1,1) and pixel [2] is equal to its position in (2,1) and so on, these registers would act rebound mechanisms,

2 Methodology


Methodologically, there two approaches that the project explored and will continue to explore, the first is to use existing technology as a mean of investigation into the problem and propose a solution hybridized by a new robot and the second is to propose a new type of robot that would be able to guide itself amongst others to reach vast arenas of possible construction and research sites. The two approaches have certain components that they should be able to meet in order for their criteria to be accomplished: 1. Measure the degree of viability in which the ground that resides beneath holds any possibility of construction. 2. Look at possibilities that the robots are able to register finding the location and have a growth mechanisms in order to be able to construct a viable ground for deployable architecture or for it to become the architecture itself after far amounts of buildup and expansion.

2.1.a Existing Tech & Sensory endeavors Taking example of rough terrain, consideration is given to the degree of which the robot is able to register the ground in a manner fit for construction. For the safe of experimentation, the conduction is made by using the Quadricopter with an attached sensor to measure the ground that exists beneath it. The conduction was done using two type of sensors each with their own challenges. The first experiment was conducted using a Ray type Proximity sensor that was attached, same as the entire one that will come later, on the belly of the drone. The ray casting method uses a simple mathematical script that gives return data in the form of angles. As the ray reflects or bounces off edges or surfaces it can roughly assess the degree in which the ground is flat. Returning a degree of 0 equals a flat plane and other than that is otherwise. Although this method could return very accurate information


Figure 2: Multi-Ray Casting and Degree Measurements

once a certain number of them are registered as touching flatly they achieve their criteria and mark the zone as flat. Though a premitive method, this allows for extremely fast simulation times and quick results in order to test out a the system in its rough stages. The beauty of this system is that it allows a simple cooridinate system to operate and offer a scheme and an orginzational system within a defined area forfuture purposes. As will be seen later the gird like situation allows for the opportunity to pinpoint certain zones within the flat area to conduct further tasks like placing a beacon or a sensor in the area so that it leads other robots to the same location for further analysis, construction or deployment.

Figure 3a: Vision Grid Casting & Measurement

is placed in the drone in order to aid it fixate its height above ground and to counter this issue, this still needs further in order to assess the environment not only in the Z-axis but also the X &Y axis. Just to note, the huge spike seen in the graph is the vision sensor at a wrong proximity of height as it intersect the terrain model and gives off a this spike.

Figure 3b: Vision Graph & Ground Registration

Figure 5: Malfunction of he the vision sensor as it fails to gain proper height and have its laser intersect heavily with the groud

Figure 3c: Vision Grid Casting & Registration of positive points

Positive reading Places Mark for robot.

Figure 6: Moments where the Vision sensor registers the ground properly.

Figure 4: The quadricopter used for the purpose of this paper. the blue value is the vision senesor fo the ground assessment and the read line is a ray type proximity sensor for depth correction

Running the trial in VREP, we can test out this proposition. The vision sensor is linked to a graph that registers its depth a minimum and a maximum. The resolution and range of the sensor is controlled via scripting and adjustments within the VREP interface. The script aids the sensor to have a condition that only on a certain number of pixels at the end of the range of the sensor. Flat end of the of the projection vision sensor conditions the receptor alongside the pixilation that would only register relatively flat planes. Capping the number of pixilation allowed for the emission of anomaly registers from affecting the system. This however has not been very successful at all time. As to the programming, the drone follows an automated moving orb that allows for random sweeping of the landscape to allow for a sense of automation rather than human control. As to this control sometime, the move is too drastic that sensor ends up not at the correct height from the terrain. A ray type proximity senor

Figure 7: The deployment of a cuboid after the condition of several pixels in the vision senor grid was achieve.


Scanning, Deployment & Expansive Attachment.

Within any environment, there exists a set of challenges that might create difficulty for proper equipment or construction elements to reach the site; either due to extreme terrain or weather or simply because of resources and expense. The exploration in mind is to be able to overcome all of those possibilities by providing a system in which smart building blocks are set in motion at locations that are easier to drop off at it. This becomes important in scenarios where the drone itself cannot really do much other than the surveying of land. The robots then are delivered to a designated area and would guide themselves to the beacons or designated areas tagged by the survey drone.

The calling back allows us to basically label and catalogue the robots accordingly, this labelling system aids in later on manufacturing of these elements, that a minor configuration in the script allows for them to be adjusted to fit a certain criteria.

Acting out as if a very simple swarm these robots, would use a simple mechanism to look up, down, left and right in order and assess the neighboring of either solid or another robot. Using the method it would be able to tell where the next step should be and would able to move forward, until the goal is reached. In order to achieve this, a 3 x 3 x 3 matrix is created, from the center the robot reads if it has a neighbor or not and then proceeds to fill. This is of importance as it relies of such a novel system for it to build a foundation later on. Having generated a random seed at the beginning allows for multiple iterations and configurations that are unique from one another and are working to create joint mass that is structurally stable to be established and analyzed.

Figure 8: The robot in the Matrix.

Running a simulation of this system in VREP and place a status displayer allows us to control and document the seeds in order for them to be called back on whenever needed. The center spawn method in the virtual world works well, but would rather fail in the real world, as the spawn in the second piece almost never attach from bottom (Z-coordinate) but would rather do it horizontally to establish a better basis for support. Then the spawning in the second more successful experimentation we used the 0,0,0 origin points coordinates and randomized the spawning procedure after it starts at one unit away from the origin point . Using the origin point as an anchor, it became rather easy to iterate multiple times very quickly and attain accurate readings of the sequences. The below Diagram illustrates the example iteration and it build up.

Figure 9: Example Process Of Filling Up A Single Matrix.

233 223 323 322 231 112 121 221 312 321 331 222 232 123 122 211 213 332

133 231 122 221 223 112 123 131 233 121 322 312 333

311 121 122 231 213 221 223 312 332 212

222 223 113 123 212 322 331 121 332 221 233 211 232 311 312 133 321 323 213 131 122 231 333 313 112

332 232 211 213 322 131 233 123 121 113 133 222 311 313 331 212 231 323 333 223 221 321 122 312 132 112

211 221 231 333 321 133 313 122 131 223 332 322 132 123

133 223 132 333 123 232 312 323 233 322 122 213 112

312 321 122 333 331 131 231 123 332 221 132 121 112 222 322 232 212 113 213 133 311 223 323 313

222 311 223 232 123 221 133 211 322 332 312 233 132 112 331 321

113 131 133 112 323 121 322 222 232 123 213 233 212 122 312 311 223 221 211

Figure 10: Sequesnces of Multiple Iterations of Robot Within The Matrix

232 323 123 311 211 121 212 222 113 333 213

333 332 321 132 331 113 131 133 112 323 121 322 222 232 123 213 233 212 122 312 311 223 221 211 313 231

Figure 11: Multi-iteration of Matrix Spawning

The way this system works is by calling one of the coordinates within the large cube and allowing that coordinate to speak to the robot that was neighboring robots would that coordinate at that time. Even if this seems random, it actually allows for testing of structural stability and rooting our options that work and options that do not work. When these options become known, we can stop the robots from creating such iterations even if the situations allows to (filling in the gaps aimlessly). The challenging portion that at the time of the completion of this paper is not figured out is the reading of a detectable, measurable object other than itself properly in order to fill in according to the changing landscape. This portion is rather crucial, as if the robot manages to do, then much of the reliance on itself or its modules for structural build up becomes removed and a heavier reliance on the understanding and using of its environment to its benefit becomes known.

2.2 Proposed Tech & Operational Logic Looking at the possibility that these robots would be applied to multiple setting including interstellar exploration, drone usage would not be always viable in many situations; the proposed pure shaped robot would have to accommodate the sensing, surveying and construction as a single holistic approach. Using the several iterations that the project evolved from, the robot could then be registered as a combined approach. Being highly influenced by the intelligence made possible by having the many overcome obstacles. In the spirit of continuing with using pure shapes as catalysts to the design, the idea calls for two cube shapes that have latches, one positive and the other negative. These cube are able topple, toggle and flip in order to move and arrive towards a certain goal, attach and construct. Actuators attached to the cube allow it to be able to conduct its motion but that rather what is more important is the sensors the would able to register viable ground rather than the having a secondary system.

Figure 13: Beacon &Arrival of Robots

Figure 14: Process Of Inhabitation of Ground & Subsequent foundational structuring.

Figure 12: Negative and positive sets.

Looking at the possibility that these robots would be applied to multiple settings including interstellar exploration, drone usage would not be always viable in many situations; the proposed pure shaped robot would have to accommodate the sensing, surveying and construction as a single holistic approach. Using the several iterations that the project evolved from, the robot could then be registered as a combined approach. Being highly influenced by the intelligence made possible by having the many overcome obstacles. In the spirit of continuing with using pure shapes as catalysts to the design, the idea calls for two cube shapes that have latches, one positive and the other negative. These cube are able topple, toggle and flip in order to move and arrive towards a certain goal, attach and construct. Actuators attached to the cube allow it to be able to conduct its motion operations but that rather what is more important is that the sensors would able to register viable ground rather than the having a secondary

Figure 15: Situating The Platform Blocks & Using the robots as buildings blocks

system like a drone do the scouting. in that essence all the robots have to do then is to be delivered to a location on site or near if conditions do not permit.

Figure 16: Platform in its Near Completion Stage

Figure 17: First robot and it calling through a widerang proximity sensor

Figure 18: Robots startt o gather and move about survying the land on where they would eventually construct.

Figure 19: Situated robots form and defining the next three base corners. as pices arrive they getting ready to vuild up the platform.

Figure 20: Platform begings to shape the platform with more robots arriving at the sceneand unnecessary ones leaving.

Figure 21: Robots not reconfigure themselves in order to complete the platform

Figure 22: Completed platform

To the right: Figure 22: process of construction and end result.

3 Possible Applications The main intent of the project is that rather than using robots as means to build, a tool rather than the building block, we start to use robots as the builders, the building tools, and building material. The approach it to allow these building block robots to establish research facilities or spaces of occupation in the remote and extreme areas. Enticed by the reinvigorated age of exploration on both Earth and the big upcoming Mars mission. This project imagines the settings where the act of construction, the act of remaining outside difficult and surveying land for appropriate locations of settling grueling. With this in mind, instead of approaching the problem by designing deployable structures/architecture, combining the act of research with the act of settlement on the band of mass produced, geometrically simple robots, brings much possibility in to the proposal of automated construction and smart buildings. The modularity of the units allow for the creation of multiple units all with a designated function of operation. An example would be a unit for solar absorption, the other for sanitation, air filtering, heating, cooling or insulation and so on. Specificity perhaps might take away a bit from flexibility of having these units as purely manufactured building blocks (robotic bricks perhaps) but the outcome allows for these robots build a fully functional space geared to the wellness of man especially in environments that are of extremity.

4 Challenges Ahead Several measures need to be addressed in order to make this robots successful, first is its sensing capability. The simple task of building while surveying from one zone of an area to another can be deceivingly simple, as it offers much complexity in order to function properly, especially if the robot is to rely only on its self without the aid of a surveilling satellite, drone or Quadricopter. As when several tests were conducted there, many calibrations needed in order to configure the sensors correctly via scripting.

Figure 23: Robot test for proximity sensors and motion through a motor.

Since the proximity of the robot to the ground becomes very intimate this needs to configured correctly in order for the robot to understand where to stop, where it should move forward in order to arrive at its destination and start colonizing or building up.

The actuators that rely on these proximity sensors will not function properly even if you place wheels on it. Much incorrect input data and it would get confused on how to act and more than likely end up going haywire. The bottom figure is a good illustration of this.

The approach was to find the most versatile and flexible shape in order to achieve a multitude of configurations, the conclusion that we arrive at, is that the triangle is best suited for flexible adaptive design. It is of course not truly surprising as the triangle is able to give birth to a multitude of other species of shapes. From cubes to hexagons to dodecahedron. The hexagon as we can see, with proper joints and actuators, it can became an extremely malleable and flexible robots, capable of moving by flapping, jumping and if flexed like a muscle, it could have three of its legs lifted and three others point to the ground allowing it run and walk (a tripod animal basically). The beauty of this iteration is that it could serve a large variety of needs and services, from transport, to building blocks and energy harvesters.

Figure 24: Robot iteration to test mobility and sensing capabilities

Coupled with the sensing, the secondary challenge to solve would be the design of the robot itself. For the sake of this study the robot’s shape was kept as a pure shape (a cube), but without methods like angular momentum or actual wheels, becomes rather challenging to moving the robot from point A to point B. During the course of this study, I have conducted several design experiments with different shapes with different ways to latch, move and aid one another to achieve its goal in arriving at site and construct.

Figure 26: Hexagon robot iteration, studying transformation and locomotion possibilities.

Although, the other iteration that was a dodecahedron is not as versatile as the hexagon, it offered a multitude of ways to move and navigate through environment, two notable ways is by rotation and the use of angular motion and peristalsis (a snake like motion). The ability it has to pull or rely on other dodecahedrons allows it overcome vertical obstacles or even stack up in rows without any extra aid, allowing it to create platforms, walls and even columns.

5 Conclusion


Figure 25: dodecahedron robot iteration, study in motion,, flexibility and assembly.

The attempt to allow robots to become our new buildings blocks offers many opportunities and restrictions to design approach and methodology. The research here, limited such approach to architecture of the extreme, in environments where construction would be difficult, the design aesthetic then would become farther away from importance as it offers no justification for culture type nor design restrictions. It is driven by the need and

Necessity to achieve a goal and a task. Such, design problems allow extreme solutions to occur. The heavy reliance of modular selfassembling robots would allow for ease of manufacturing, processing and even assemblage. In that regard, parts could both remain permanent until it needs replacement due to age or malfunction or could a recyclable element that could be used and reused elsewhere when needed. These species then would allow for a future that architecture is automated and iterative by nature’s decree as a robot responds to that environment, bringing us to an age of a new way of sensitive design ruled by the troubleshooting brain of an elemental robot.


The Liaison of Information Exchange i n t h e Wa k e o f t h e C o m p u t e r A g e . R e s e a r c h in a specif ic moment wher e ar chitecture & science intersected. Individua l R es earch P ap er Acknowledg emen t: F el i ci t y S co t t Dal e Developmen t: 8 Week s

Mohammed Khesroh Architecture of sciences Felicity Dale Scott May 12th, 2016 The Liaison of Information Exchange in the Wake of the Computer Age.

Information gathering has always been a task that is associated with power, necessity and control. From census (people, business & economy) data to wartime interceptions, information and its dealing have dictated many of the way that we inhibit our lives, our perception of matters and finally our decree and judgement of things. As times passed, the abundance of information increased and soon became so overwhelming that the archiving of such information, now regarded as data, became ever so difficult. The creation of machines that could receive information, archive it and then interpret it became a pivotal point in which the existence of the machine in space changed, and architecture in itself transformed, perhaps even subconsciously. The paper focuses on a very specific moment in history where the birth of computer sciences caused the very transformation of the spatial design and architectural borders. The nodes of communication through Radiotelegraphy caused many dwellings from military to commercial to become areas with no clear delineation, an invisible world with no borders. Which effectively placed Radiotelegraphy machines as both receivers and senders at the heart of architectural space, forcing an architect to think: is this space for machine or man? Should it be designed to a specific order of locomotive flows or functions and tasks in order to be specialized for the occupant, whether flesh or metal?

Diving into such a realm of questions is quite difficult without going into the historical events that informed them. With that said, it is quite difficult to discern genuine information from the fictional; it is to this paper’s interest that the latter is omitted from the paper no matter how attractive it is. The choice of Bletchley Park to be the home of the Code Breaking School run by the Government Code and Cypher School (GC&CS) was both a matter of luck and matter of appropriateness. The park, which originally was agricultural land for quite some time, in the 18th century and under the custody of Brian Willis toggled between a built estate and a demolished ruin that functioned purely as agricultural land. As ownership transferred from one individual to another, Bletchley Park remained in a state of identity crisis, lost to several architectural styles that usually ended up in ruin until Sir Samuel Seckham proceeded to purchase the land. Seckham, an architect and surveyor, started the design and construction process of the mansion, known as Bletchley palace around 18701. The subsequent arrival of the railway construction brought Bletchley Village much prosperity. As to such, Seckham took to himself to remodel his house in brick and black slate, as well as the landscape that surround his immediate house with several lakes and lanes of trees that shielded the house from the sound the train in its motions and whistles. Wanting to create an estate proper to his stature, there grand schemes continued for a while prior to them coming to a complete halt as Seckham suddenly decided to sell the property in hopes of finding a new haven to relate to. Sir Herbert Leon, a stockbroker with quite the exotic taste in lavish things and an adventurous life style, purchased the house then from Sinclair. As years fled by, Sir Herbert Leon’s failing to secure any political position resulted in the exertion McKay Sinclair. The Lost World of Bletchley Park: The Illustrated History of the Wartime Codebreaking Centre. Aurum Press. 2013


of his energy in the village of Bletchley and mostly his home at Bletchley Park. He worked on transforming the Victorian House from its original state of brick and black slate to a house so many extensive architectural styles, that only a man with a very wild imagination could have conceived. As the estate expanded from the main mansion to include rooms for servants, a library, a ballroom, and a cold storage room, the styles and additions rendered this ordinary place to be quite the eccentric existence at Bletchley Village.

Figure 1: McKay Sinclair. The Bletchley Estate. The Lost World of Bletchley Park: The Illustrated History of the Wartime Codebreaking Centre. Aurum Press. 2013. Location: 158.

Fighting against the modernist movement and the old Victorian approaches, allowed Sir Herbert Leon to justify his need for several collaged pieces such as a copper Cupola residing on one the

sides of the house and a kitchen garden out in the midst of the open fields.2 As the estate grew, Sir Herbert Leon and his Wife Lady Fanny Leon, employed many of the town’s locals, and slowly made the ground as a central hub for village activities such as firework displays, and horse shows. Upon Sir Herbert Leon’s death, which preceded the soon passing of Lady Fanny Leon, gave Sir George Leon, the couple’s son, incentive to sell the estate. The estate, as luck would have it, met many top-secret criteria that led to its eventual purchase by Admiral Sir Hugh Sinclair. Alongside the Foreign office, Sinclair, froze all plans to demolish the estate and resorted to reestablishing it as a center of operations for ‘Station X’, a wireless listening post. During the 1930’s the British Security Service MI5, the Secret Intelligence Service MI6, and Defense Intelligence, initiated a move order for their code breaking operation, GC&CS (Government Coding and Cypher School) to Bletchley Park from its main HQ in London. Little was known about the operation that was a product of World War One’s information war, but both scientifically and politically, the employed technologies and their subsequent movements into their development would not only spell power to their nation but also it would come to be the most defining factor of technological development in the 20th century. Perhaps nothing was more important than Guglielmo Marconi’s advent release of the radio. With the mass production of the radio, initiating the act of wireless transmission broadcasting stories, news, and transfer of information over large distances to a wide range of audiences, became a reality. It probably was one of those moments were both the source (broadcasting studio) and the destination (homes, offices, corporations, government entities, etc…) became intertwined, and perhaps the birth of architecture without border came into light. The transfer of waves penetrated through all both bodies of flesh and bodies of stone. McKay Sinclair. The Lost World of Bletchley Park: The Illustrated History of the Wartime Codebreaking Centre. Aurum Press. 2013


When World War I broke out, the war was still fought using swords, cavalry and primitive tools like telegraph, signs, flags, birds and markings for long distance communication. At the time American Marconi, a British telecommunications company, was pushing its military technology to be adapted into wartime efforts by Britain and Italy against the German forces that used similar technologies to communicate with their tanks and zeppelins. As the adaptation came through after the United States amended its law of war neutrality to allow private entities like the Marconi companies to provide radiotelegraphy as a separate business to broadcasting and cable networking, the landscape of war changed.3 The arrival of Radiotelegraphy on the battlefield meant that much of the war depended on the transmittance, interception, and receiving of information. Fighting something invisible meant clarity in the essence that there no clear border defining where its field of operation began or ended. The case of paranoia that resulted from the information war between the Britain and Germany created an extreme sense of urgency to gain information while keeping one’s own relatively obscure from the other. The razzle-dazzle effect created by the intersection of radio waves created a secondary battlefield invisible from the naked eye and had far more consequence than a single rifle. Radiotelegraphy was not without any weak, in fact, Radiotelegraphy’s main weakness was also its strength, as any soldier needed an antenna in order to communicate with their leading officers transmitted messages could be intercepted. In documents released in Frederick William Winter Botham’s book The Ultra Secret, that relied upon Intel on United Kingdom’s information reception centers that exceeded 300 some centers spread across the country4, shed considerable light on their operations to counter Radiotelegraphy’s weakness. The British communication centers, were not only used to intercept messages, but to also transmit fabricated information to confuse any potential enemies. 3 4

Baker, W.J.. A History of the Marconi Company 1874-1965. Routledge. 2014 Winterbotham, Frederick. The Ultra Secret. Harper & Row. 1974.

This large effort to advance radiotelegraphy aided in the subsequent transformation of the role of technology in our daily lives and in the military where most of its focus was on. The individuals that operated in the intercepting and interpreting transmitter would come under the government’s initiative to create a counter radiotelegraphy encryption force known as the GC&CS (Government Code and Cypher School)5. Their relocation to Bletchley Park was in part an effort to place the code breakers in a location that obscure and unquestionable to the public and to enemy forces. As operations, there commenced, additional spaces became a necessity as the act of code breaking became more viable and important as the Second World War broke. The agency in itself had an operation like a machine as a whole in order for personnel to handle the intercepted messages with appropriate care and complete accuracy. As the degree of importance of the operation increased, the government and Sinclair wanted to increase the operational grounds at Bletchley Park as the estate’s open lands offered enough space for the operation to fully exist and function. Sinclair wanted to organize the additional spaces in a star like formation with the main mansion in the center. The proposed organization was to allow a fixed line of communication in a particular repeating order, in hopes to insure full organization and efficiency in operation. That plan fell to disarray as the organization of the huts became almost entirely random, dotted around the site without any clear logic other than the dictation of the lines of plumbing that somewhat organized the huts for sanitation purposes.

Brunt, Rodney. Special documentation systems at the Government Code and Cypher School, Bletchley park, during the Second World War. Routledge. 2007


Figure 2: Khesroh, Mohammed. Bletchley Park Site Plan, Huts, Blocks and Houses. 2016.

Perhaps like many of the things discussed this also is a product of uncontrollable condition and had to be done the way it was done. Exuberating the conditions of war, the huts were nothing particularly special, but rather rapidly constructed, and assigned at first by need then organized by operation internally with other huts. The huts operations led by a branch of MI6 and under the super vision of Winston Churchill, whom got periodic reports about the developments in the huts, proved to be invaluable to war effort, as it not only saving many lives but also lessened the overall period of war. It is worthy to note that unfortunately, due to the nature of the operation and its extreme secrecy, Peer reviews deem much of the information found about the full extent

and modes of operation in the huts during the war to be wildly fictional. However, with the British government lifting the ban of information on Bletchley Park meant two things. First, that some light might be shed on some of the dynamics of what occurred during the time at Bletchley Park, from data interception to encryption, second Britain has finally found an alternative to the way operations were conducted during World War Two, adding an impressive 70 years resume to the work done then. Perhaps this ban lifting allowed many stories to become known; most important of them was perhaps the story of Alan Turing and his approaches to allow the birth of the computer age. Turing, a mathematician and a fellow at King’s College at Cambridge University, began his career in the turmoil as a young man who suffered at school due to his lack of success in achieving minimum school requirements in both the classics and in the sciences. Turing as a teenager in late high

Figure 3: McKay Sinclair. Alan Turing. The Lost World of Bletchley Park: The Illustrated History of the Wartime Codebreaking Centre. Aurum Press. 2013

school became attached to Christopher Morcom, a fellow student, friend and possible person of interest, whom aided Turing to become more communicative and an academic success. Morcom’s sudden death, while devastating, gave Turing enough incentive to question the authority of the mind and brain and this would later become Turing’s obsession. Winning a scholarship to King’s College in 1929, allowed Turing to tend to a bachelor’s degree in mathematics. During 1933, Turing came across a study in the “Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy” by Bertrand Russel, and that paper mainly, sparked the interest in logical

mathematics, which the same year ironically marked the rise of Adolf Hitler to power, perhaps it is fate’s way to a meeting that would occur in the future, each in their field of expertise. Turing’s interest in logical Mathematics led him to publish a paper with the title “On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the Entscheidungs problem”6 which would become as many students at MIT consider as the very foundation of Computer sciences. In the paper, Turing describes a novel system for a machine that could calculate anything given to it via the provision of a special tape that include special lines of instructions, and then the machine would read it, analyze it and take proper measure to it.


Turing machine." World of Computer Science. Gale, 2007.

As war broke, Turing joined the Code breaking school and took to himself to tackle the German Enigma, regarding the encrypting machine as a wonderful problem to solve, and since no one was attending to it, it would be perfect for him to engage. Turing understood that in order to decrypt and analyze the largest amount of intercepted data, building a machine was required in order to compute every single possibility in the unknown spectrum of randomness that the enigma operated on7. Enigma, a German produced machine that resembled a typewriter was a mobile encryption device that yet requires no architectural space for its operation. The enigma machine had three rotors that controlled letter substitutions for input messages, each rotor would be

Figure 4: McKay Sinclair. The Enigma Machine. The Lost World of Bletchley Park: The Illustrated History of the Wartime Codebreaking Centre. Aurum Press. 2013

setup first then the message is to be input. This methodology of operation created millions of possible combinations that any trained individual could encrypt and send. The individual who usually encrypts the message usually provide a keyword, or a combination of letters that would allow only the sender and receiver to decrypt understand the message and encrypt once again. Taking into account the enormous task at hand the folk at hut 88, were already underway trying to crack the enigma code, with many lives at stake and very limited time, it was quite the dilemma. The apparatus in which they operated was to receive message try to sort them and send them over to the code breakers and WRENS at hut 3 & 4 for analysis and decryption.9 It was

Severance, Charles. Alan Turing and Bletchley Park. University of Michigan. 2012. Calvocoressi, Peter. Top Secret Ultra. M & M Baldwin. 1980. 9 Dakin, Alec Naylor. The Z Watch in Hut 4, Part I in Hinsley & Stripp. 1993. 7 8

difficult trying to discern which message was truly useful or not, or even how to crack it in order to decrypt it properly. Turing started pulling from his thesis work on the topic of computing numbers in order to device the Turing Machine of Everything. Being able to automate the process of running through menus and combinations in order to find the keyword to crack the enigma was the optimum method in which he could see working in order to solve the problem of the enigma encryptions. Perhaps, Turing was doing it not necessarily, because it was necessary but because it was a challenge that no one else cracked yet.

Figure 5: Khesroh, Mohammed. From intercept to hut 8 to its analysis in hut 4. 2016

Unlike the Germans who at the time had mobile orders of operations, the Folk <?> at hut 8 were pretty much set in stone the moment they signed on to tackle the problem, that meant that what they used didn’t necessarily have to move. Developed during the end of the 19th century, the Hollerith machine10 was introduced as a machine that could calculate and save many upon many of person-hours collecting and sorting out consensus sheets in regions around the United States. McKay Sinclair. The Lost World of Bletchley Park: The Illustrated History of the Wartime Codebreaking Centre. Aurum Press. 2013.


The piano shaped machine’s logic of operation revolved around counting consensus sheets numbered in the thousands at a rapid pace. As it read the consensus sheets, several rotating disks had inscribed lettering and codes go through the menu possibilities that print the scores out on a metal punch card sheet. This rapid interpolation allowed for an overall a punch card produced by the machine. Personnel trained in Binary mathematics and semiotic reading take to the task the translating of the punch card into factual data for proper usage. No personnel working in consensus treated the Hollerith more than a mere piano sized object sitting in a space somewhere in order to achieve either an aesthetic or a functional return. Turing’s adaptation of the Hollerith’s mechanism of letter switching, allowed the rotating drums to though multiple combinations of menus and letterings in order to crack the enigma messages. These machines saw their growth and subsequent evolution into a larger much more sophisticated entities used to decrypt naval and air force messages sent from the axis forces during the Second World War.

Figure 6: McKay Sinclair. The Decrypting Women of Bletchley. The Lost World of Bletchley Park: The Illustrated History of the Wartime Codebreaking Centre. Aurum Press. 2013

The Turing machine, was a revolutionary step in that direction as it automated the process in a constant rotation that ran through several thousand combinations of Enigma settings on various German military networks, till it comes to a halt on a correct setting that could be used .11 Upon its stopping, WRENS (Women’s Royal Navy Service) were mainly in charge of using the settings to crack a multitude of intercepted messages. 11

Turing machine." World of Computer Science. Gale, 2007.

With the increase of success of the Turing machine or the bombe many others were constructed to a point where there were huts occupied only by these machines. Here the operation remained as such for quite a while until the fourth rotor of enigma was introduced, which halted operations at Bletchley for ten months till the colossus machine was completed.12 A large sized bombe, which was able to perform Boolean tasks and counting operations. Its existence is probably the culmination of many minds coming together to solve a problem at first not related to the war. Colossus being able to register orders by the use of plugs and several wiring became thus the world’s first Digital and Programmable computer. Thus, a start of a new era of computing officially came to a start. Due to scarcity of information, one has look at this specific moment, not just as Alan Turing

Figure 7: McKay Sinclair. Turing Machine. The Lost World of Bletchley Park: The Illustrated History of the Wartime Codebreaking Centre. Aurum Press. 2013

introducing a course-changing thesis that opened the gate to the world of computer sciences but at the entirety of it. Bletchley Park, perhaps serves no better-condensed example of the transformation of architecture from an entity where an architect-designed space for the sake of space itself not necessarily for the object it houses, was rampant. Dictated by human activity and all the intimacies of life, architecture was defined as an existence that came to be material delineated space within walls and with its out boarder of land, creating a continuum that any man or woman could relate to. The information age brought with it such a grand change that architecture within border seized its existence. Radio technology both in its audible and visual sensations was one of the main causes of this transformation. The act of transmittance through


Copeland, B. Jack. Colossus. Oxford, GB: OUP Oxford, 2006.

walls into open air into other inner spaces meant that information knows no bound, and in our act to receive information as it suited our intriguing, it can to evident means our space within homes are slowly becomes more confined. With the evolution of technology and science, it is evident that the spaces for me would shrink and the space of the machines of information would only get

Figure 8:: Khesroh, Mohammed. Bletchley Park, Flow chart of operations between registry, decryption and analysis. 2016

larger and larger even if its storage increased tremendously. In the case of Bletchley Park, it is rather interesting that at some point in the operations of gathering information, the 24-hour continuous routine started to effect the human as an organism in a machine.13 Data gathering, the cycle of deciphering, re-inputting then determining the validity of the message. After the Paschke, Jean. "The code-breakers of Bletchley Park: where the hens laid golden eggs and never cackled." British Heritage May 2011.


construction of the bombe machine, the brain of the building transferred from its scientists to the extreme reliance on the machine. Tools such as the Turing machine and the colossus, and their subsequent number increase, aided in the deformation of the huts in their either elongation or extrusion in height. Nowhere is this clearer than hut 8, as it became quite elongated. Subsequently these operations led that like the information that travels through the solid obstacle, so do the activity of decrypting, Code Breakers now, have to operate in between several huts as information arrived into hut 8 and hut 4 that specialized in reading the reading of Naval and air interceptions. The machines as the developed and grew larger, they became more situated and unmovable. Unlike the situations before where the machines could be just constructed anywhere or moved if needed, the space itself had to designed and figured out prior to the machine ever being conceived. A clear case of this is the colossus computer in which occupied quite the empty space in the later on constructed Block A. The additions of the new buildings brought in a higher consciousness of the design approach, as specific areas for development and machine placement became quite clear and delineated. Furthermore, as the range and number of machines increased, human presence in between those machines decreased. It became a testimony on how architecture was to become in the future. If anything this outlook, that machine will take over space and leaves the occupant with the minimum due to sheer reliance is in many ways true. Spatially the dictation of machine in space becomes not only important but also necessary. The birth of the computer age also meant the birth of architecture for machine, and this will come to rule our future as computers and the internet come into daily usage, with information remaining as the main dictator and ruler of our proximity and activity. As computers shrink and data banks become wirelessly linked a server beyond our reach, architectural space starts to shrink. Its deformation is a product of our new age reliance on the machine, anchored to our miniature

space, our daily dosage of digitally computed information becomes immediate, without borders and without much control. This constant feed of wireless information, did deform architecture to a degree that its integration is not only vital but necessary for our daily lives to function, but perhaps, what it truly deformed, is not some formwork, but it deformed us into its bidder.

Bibliography: Literature: [1] McKay Sinclair. The Lost World of Bletchley Park: The Illustrated History of the Wartime Codebreaking Centre. Aurum Press. 2013 [2] Winterbotham, Frederick. The Ultra Secret. Harper & Row. 1974. [3] Brunt, Rodney. Special documentation systems at the Government Code and Cypher School, Bletchley park, during the Second World War. Routledge. 2007. [4] Severance, Charles. Alan Turing and Bletchley Park. University of Michigan. 2012. [5] Calvocoressi, Peter. Top Secret Ultra. M & M Baldwin. 1980. [6] Dakin, Alec Naylor. The Z Watch in Hut 4, Part I in Hinsley & Stripp. 1993. [7] Turing machine." World of Computer Science. Gale, 2007. [8]Copeland, B. Jack. Colossus. Oxford, GB: OUP Oxford, 2006. [9]Paschke, Jean. "The code-breakers of Bletchley Park: where the hens laid golden eggs and never cackled." British Heritage May 2011 Figures: Figure 5: McKay Sinclair. The Bletchley Estate. The Lost World of Bletchley Park: The Illustrated History of the Wartime Codebreaking Centre. Aurum Press. 2013. Location: 158. Figure 6: Khesroh, Mohammed. Bletchley Park Site Plan, Huts, Blocks and Houses. 2016. Figure 7: McKay Sinclair. Alan Turing. The Lost World of Bletchley Park: The Illustrated History of the Wartime Codebreaking Centre. Aurum Press. 2013 Figure 8: McKay Sinclair. The Enigma Machine. The Lost World of Bletchley Park: The Illustrated History of the Wartime Codebreaking Centre. Aurum Press. 2013 Figure 5: Khesroh, Mohammed. From intercept to hut 8 to its analysis in hut 4. 2016 Figure 6: McKay Sinclair. The Decrypting Women of Bletchley. The Lost World of Bletchley Park: The Illustrated History of the Wartime Codebreaking Centre. Aurum Press. 2013 Figure 7: McKay Sinclair. Turing Machine. The Lost World of Bletchley Park: The Illustrated History of the Wartime Codebreaking Centre. Aurum Press. 2013 Figure 8:: Khesroh, Mohammed. Bletchley Park, Flow chart of operations between registry, decryption and analysis. 2016

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