Mohawk Valley Living Magazine #77 February 2020

Page 32

did you know?

herkimer, ny from Sue Perkins and the Herkimer County Historical Society


Jones Store - Benjamin Jones bought the store in 1916 from George Richards. It was “a haven for East Herkimer youth, like a youth center”

The Trolley Bridge spans the West Canada Creek at the eastern edge of Herkimer, built of concrete in 1903 by Beckwith and Quackenbush.

Construction of the bridge from East Herkimer to Herkimer in 1913. It was imploded in 1999 once the new bridge on Route 5 was completed.

Cheese broker Simeon Osborne Jr. had this Gothic Revival house built before 1850 on the western side of Route 28.

Herkimer County Home was located on the west side of Route 28. Built in 1880, today it is Herkimer’s fire training site.

Donald J. Mitchell (1923-2003) lived on Shells Bush Road. He was an optometrist and served as Town of Herkimer Councilman, Mayor, Assemblyman, and Congressman.


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