ISSN 0601/992017 - BIL 73 • MAC 2017- JULAI 2017
ISU 73
Islam, Reinassance dan Penipuan Barat Ibn Khaldun dan Kewartawanan Muslim
6 3 M an U I K n a O L w a O t K war s a h e K K a , n m n a a t a g u k A p k Li indu tiviti Ke Sensi EMERGENCE OF & SALAFISM Hollywood, Walt Disney dan Imperialisma Media Zionis 1 magazine compile.indd 1
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LAYARI SASARAN VERSI DIGITAL Majalah SASARAN edisi ke-73 adalah majalah makmal yang diterbitkan oleh Pelajar Semester 5 Jurusan Ijazah Komunikasi dan Pengajian Media (Kepujian) Kewartawanan, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM). Mana-mana bahagian penerbitan ini tidak boleh dikeluar ulang, disimpan di dalam sistem dapat kembali, atau disiarkan dalam apa-apa jua cara. Sama ada secara elektronik, fotokopi, mekanik, rakaman, atau lain-lain, sebelum mendapat keizinan bertulis daripada penerbit. Majalah ini bukan untuk tujuan komersial. Hak Cipta Terpelihara. SASARAN magazine is a lab magazine that is published by Semester 5 students of Bachelor of Communication and Media Studies (Hons.) Journalism, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM). No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent to SASARAN publisher. This magazine is for non-commercial use. All rights reserved.
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Prof. Dr. Azizul Halim Yahya
Penasihat & Perunding: Ketua Pengarang:
Aldgra Fredly
Timbalan Ketua Pengarang: Pengarah Grafik:
Editor Bahasa Melayu: Editor Bahasa Inggeris:
Mohd Amirul Akhbar Mohd Zulkifli
Alia Mior Azhar Ariez Nasha Abdul Rahman Faizatul Sofia Sabri Nurul Firzahashiba Mohd
Nor Azyan Shorlokman Hafidzatul Hanis Abdul Razak Nurul Ayuni Hilmi Siti Nursyazwani Shaiful Sham
Pembaca Pruf Bahasa Melayu: Nor Ainn Mohd Pandi Nur Afiqa Muhammad Sarif Pembaca Pruf Bahasa Inggeris: Editor PSA:
Mukhriz Mat Husin Nor Syahirah Shahnun Herizal Amriz Hismat Alang
Editor Kritikan Media: Editor Ulasan Buku: Wartawan:
Ahmad Aizam Afifi Manaf Fatin Nur-Airina Kamaruddin
Fairul Nazrul Khairuddin Nur Sakinah Ramli
Amalina Sofia Hamka Normalissa Rosli Muhammad Afiq Aslam Md Arif Muhammad Alif Aidil Amar Ramli Mohd Aqmal Ezany Zainal Rashid Nur Malahayaty Ridwan Muhammad Izran Saberal Mulisi Nurhidayu Othman Nurul Huda Mohamed Abhar Qistina Balqis Rohaimi Siti Nor Aida Ariffin Noor Nasrin Salsabila Othman Nurfazleen Safina Abd Jamil Mohd Wahyuddin Jamil Khair Amir Luqman Akalil Mohd Noor
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isu kewartawanan & agama
10 15
Human Trafficking At Sea, Who is at Fault? LGBT: Lesson to be Learned
20 28
The Risk of Using Fingerprint Sensor Penggunaan Drone dalam Pertanian
32 39
Ipoh Bandar ‘Hipster’ Sipadan the Oceanic Island
50 54
Islamophobia: Pen is mightier than swords Tragedi Berdarah di Belgium
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Tinjauan Pelajar
Eksklusif 63 Temubual Panel Kolokium
MEDIA & KOMUNIKASI Khaldun & 74 Ibnu Kewartawanan Muslim Conspiracy to 83 Zionist Remake the World
96 Electronics sports @ E-sports Braces New Status 100 Fake Symbol for Asian Teenagers sejarah
105 Malaya, Merdeka! Merdeka! 107 Japan vs Russia War
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When journalism meets religion “I believe that the human element and moral element should not be left out of news coverage especially when it comes to religion.”
edia often place news value on stories that are surprising, impactful and current. Because these are the news that people will be interested to know about. Today, when we read the newspaper, or maybe the online articles in any official news portal, we barely get to read about religion, and when we watch the news broadcast in television news channel, we barely get to watch or hear about religion. Unless, if it is related to a conflict, a violence, a scandal or a misguided fanatic groups promoting the name of the particular religion. Religion is and should be a sensitive subject to each and everyone of us, and there are times when media failed to portray religion correctly when it should be handled delicately in journalism. Instead, the media tend to raise the assumptions among the people about the religions that are embedded in our problematic culture, but they often do it unconsciously. Thus, people end up being stereotypes and begin to misinterpret billions of people and their religious beliefs when the media
highlights on the crisis stories about a religion. This misinterpretation will then lead to suspicion and doubt among the communities, in which these tensions will be most harmful to the lives of those who are least able to affect the way their beliefs are portrayed. Malaysia is a country that consists of the multiracial communities, a country where freedom of religion is being practiced. The uniqueness of the country should be developed with peace and unity between the multiracial communities, in which it becomes a responsibility for the media to promote it due to the power of mass media in influencing the public’s perceptions. In 2012, the Pew Research Center Survey found that there were around 84% of the world’s population religiously affiliated. This group of believers’ beliefs and life experiences deserved to be represented and investigated, in a way that it reflects the facts and truths. For instance, it becomes a necessity to strengthen journalists’ knowledge and sensitivity because when a crisis, a violence, or a scandal happens, the religion should not be the highlight of the
story, it is the main issue of the crisis that should be highlighted. I believe that the human element and moral element should not be left out of news coverage especially when it comes to religion, because it is a central to the human response. Journalists should be encouraged to be thoughtful in their ways of shaping the perceptions of the people through news reporting on religion therefore we can make the image of the religion more accurately as it should be. In fact, this is an outcome that will benefit each and everyone of us. Every journalist, including those who are religion journalists and even those who are just a journalist, we need to understand the roles of religions that play in diverse places in all around the world right now. We must not take religion story lightly, because it is an important story, and it always has been. Therefore, journalists should never avoid the religious aspects when reporting news, instead they should rather report with sensitivity and diligence regardless of what beliefs they practice.
ALDGRA FREDLY Ketua Pengarang
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n o n o i g i l Re t h g i l t o p s the T
he media has been at the forefront in reporting conflicts and issues afflicting the country, and is applauded for its journalistic integrity in the course of such reporting. Very recently, the issue of religion have been of great importance within our society, with racial slurs being hurled from each spectrum of society, all largely at the pretext of religion. The question now lies, to what extent is the sphere of journalism responsible for religious reporting? Is there a limitation or a restriction imposed upon the media in reporting news related to religion? Or should there be? Vital question of all is this: is the media responsible for exacerbating racial tension within the country for its excessive (even if truthful) coverage of issues pertaining to religion? When discussing religion, we must bear in mind that Malaysia practiced the freedom of religion. As was agreed by our forefathers, the religion shall coexist peacefully and as such were articulated in our Federal Constitution wherein the religion Islam shall be the official
religion of the country, alas, with other religion being freely practised. This has been the foundation of the religious landmark that has been so valiantly defended, lest the events of May 1969 recurred once again. Recently, however, we see the subtle cracks of this foundation; we see dangers of populist movements championing a single religion above the others, at the detriment of the others and with that, I believe, the media shoulders an underlying, heavy responsibility in sustaining, or even elevating, the peace that is now being enjoyed by all aspects of society. We must steer clear of any religious reporting that might harm the harmony of our society. It is my contention that the media, with all of its reporting, should be held responsible for our undertakings if we were to ensure that no abuse shall take place and no unfavourable circumstances occur as a result of our reporting. In a nutshell, religious sensitivity is a principle that is crucial to be upheld in the world of the media.
Of course, it is trite law that the Code of Ethics is sacrosanct to the lives of journalists in the course of their reporting. It is encapsulated in this Code that journalists enjoy freedom in terms of the press, speech, thought, belief and opinion and that the truth, accuracy and impartiality must be honoured. But special consideration must also be given on the area of the Code that relates to respecting the ‘cultural codes of our community except where it conflicts with the public interest and the truth.’ It is important then, that journalists practice absolute honesty and impartiality but be cautious. Henceforth, I urge my peers and my future journalists to abide by this code and this responsibility of maintaining our social peace and uniformity. We bear a bigger role than we realise when it comes to the society and every words uttered and printed must be thought of over to the best of our ability.
ALIA MIOR AZHAR Timbalan Ketua Pengarang
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rafficking is an ugly trade that robs others’ dignity and rights to live. It unleashes terror and unspeakable violence against the victims, particularly women and children. This is a serious problem that has affected millions of people throughout the years and it has been going on for far too long and realistically speaking, it is time for us to put an end on it. However, it is undeniable that human trafficking still runs rampantly in many nations like in Southeast Asia (SEA) primarily Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia. In United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) reported that there were approximately 10,000 people being forced into slavery every year in Southeast Asia. The worst thing about these countries is that they have become dependent on human trafficking as a source of labor and for tourism. On top of that, human trafficking has become so engraved in these societies due to their actions in not seeing another way to improve economically with the world after being colonized and held back from growth for so many years.
In the modern world we live today where people are actively fighting against human trafficking especially on labor and sex slaves, it begs the question, why does this activity deems as common in this part of the world? Some could argue that the government of these countries have done very little to combat this heinous act throughout the years and the fact that the police seem to be careless about this issue. The corrupted politics let heads of human trafficking to have police in their pockets which consequently make traffickers to disregard the laws. Take Malaysia for instance, the government themselves do not fully comply with the minimum standards when it comes to curb human trafficking although they do make some efforts to do so. Although, it is worth to note that senior government officials, including the Prime Minister of Malaysia acknowledged this very issue and in turn have increased investigation related to human trafficking and have filed an increased number of criminal
charges against traffickers. As quoted in the official blog from Law Library of Congress, Malaysian government has also collaborated with various NGOs and international organizations to improve the current situations. Besides that, the Malaysian government has also conducted a public awareness campaign on human trafficking and opened three additional shelters for the victims of human trade. Malaysia should also revise their law because the current law might not provide immunity for the criminal acts committed as a result of being trafficked. Malaysian government treated the victims of human trafficking as illegal foreignersand turned them over to immigration authorities for deportation after they have provided evidence to the prosecutors. Meanwhile, based on the US Department of State’s report, Cambodia government is lacking the comprehensive data on law enforcement efforts but reportedly there are small progress in prosecution and convictions. Based on the Law on the Suppression of Human Trafficking and Commercial
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sexual exploitation prohibit all forms of trafficking and prescribe penalties that are sufficiently stringent with other serious crimes. According to the US Department of State’s report, in 2015, a Cambodian NGO reported that the officials rarely pursue prosecution in cases like cross-border trafficking, despite the victims’ willingness to cooperate with the officials. It shows the corruptions at all levels in Cambodian government that severely limits the ability of the authorities to make progress in holding traffickers. Meanwhile, the report also stated that Indonesia has enacted a law in 2007 criminalizing all kinds of human trafficking at home and overseas. The country has a high rate of unemployment and poverty which makes it easy for traffickers to recruit more victims. As quoted in the US Department State’s article, most of the human trafficking victims in Indonesia were forced into the sex trade for sex
tourism destinations across the country namely Bali and Lombok which will be catered to tourists. It caused the country to implement a policy of tracking tourist that visit Indonesia for sex tourism purposes. However, the effots made by the Indonesian government had shown a slow progress. They have yet able to protect both women and children from being the victims of human trafficking and this stems from its corruption.
“THE GOVERNMENT MUST LOOK AT WAYS TO CURB THIS COMPLEX INDUSTRY.” -Charles Santiago, a member of Parliament Klang
Corrupt and weak enforcement of laws in dealing with trafficking cases in Indonesia has discouraged victims from seeking protection and the prosecution of their traffickers. NGOs have reported various cases
in which police demanded fees from victims’ families before they agree to investigate the allegations. A member of Parliament Klang, Charles Santiago said in an interview with a MalaysiaKini’s journalist, all Southeast Asian nations must look at weeding the corruption amongst its officers in uniform and particularly immigration officials. It is an open secret that immigration officers are on the take from traffickers and even from fleeing refugees or desperate migrant workers. “Instead of sweeping this issue under the carpet fearing an international outcry, the government must look at ways to curb this complex industry, which has a strong network among the ten ASEAN countries,” he said. He strongly believe that as a responsible citizen we must take the blame for the victims of human trafficking and we must do our part in curbing this issue.
The 2016 Global Slavery Index estimated, 45.8 million people were subjected to some form of modern slavery in 2016.
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erdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak m e m p e r k e n a l k a n wawasannya sendiri yang dinamakan Transformasi Nasional 2050 (TN50). TN 50, yang merupakan satu inisiatif pembangunan negara yang merangkumi tahun 2020 hingga 2050. Inisiatif ini akan dipacu oleh matlamat dan sasaran yang jelas selama 30 tahun, yang akan dibangunkan melalui proses perundingan dalam fasa persediaan dari tahun 2017 hingga 2019. Bidang pertama dalam asas perbincangan ialah matlamat untuk mempunyai masyarakat inklusif, terbuka dan bersemangat. Melalui bidang ini, ia membincangkan mengenai nilai dan identiti Malaysia dalam era kecemerlangan dan kesejahteraan pada masa hadapan. Perbincangan ini juga berkait dengan matlamat kesejahteraan sosial, pemacuan ekonomi, inovasi teknologi dan peranan kerajaan dalam pentadbiran digital. Kerajaan menggariskan tiga sebab untuk menjayakan pelaksanaan program TN 50 sebagai landasan
hala tuju negara ke arah membentuk kejayaan Malaysia. Menurut Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak, sebab pertama pelaksanaan visi itu ialah sebagai kesinambungan terhadap dasar dan wawasan terdahulu seperti Dasar Ekonomi Baru (DEB) diikuti dengan Wawasan 2020 dan kini TN 50. Beliau menjelaskan bahawa perlaksanaan program ini bertujuan untuk mempersiapkan Malaysia menghadapi perubahan dunia yang serba mencabar seperti jumlah penduduk yang semakin bertambah, jangka hayat manusia lebih panjang, pewujudan bandar raya mega kesan daripada penghijrahan penduduk selain kemajuan sains dan teknologi yang mengurangkan keperluan tenaga manusia.
alam sesebuah negara, pemimpin negara melihat kepentingan masyarakat ini sebagai satu keutamaan. Ini kerana, masyarakat merupakan akar kepada
tunjang kepemimpinan. Mereka merupakan nadi penggerak, yang menyumbang kepada pembangunan negara. Manakala, masyarakat yang sejahtera dapat membantu dalam proses permodenan negara. Menurut Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, sejahtera merupakan perkataan daripada istilah kesejahteraan iaitu, keadaan yang aman dan selamat. Kesejahteraan ini penting bagi sesebuah negara kerana ia dapat menyumbang kepada pembangunan aspek sosial, ekonomi dan negara. Aspek untuk mewujudkan masyarakat yang sejahtera sering menjadi keutamaan kepada Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak. Dalam setiap pembentangan bajet, kerajaan tidak akan lari daripada menyediakan peruntukan untuk tiga perkara yang disifatkan sebagai keperluan utama negara iaitu pendidikan, kesihatan dan keselamatan. Ketiga-tiga perkara ini merupakan elemen utama untuk masyarakat
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“Hasrat TN 50 adalah mahu mengemukakan sebuah rekod aspirasi Malaysia yang meluas liputannya, namun digabung rapi untuk panduan masa depan negara ke arah 33 tahun akan datang yang diperoleh daripada pelbagai platform� sejahtera. Pembentangan Bajet 2017 yang dibentangkan oleh Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak juga menitikberatkan perkaraperkara yang berkaitan dengan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Beliau percaya bahawa negara yang mempunyai masyarakat sejahtera adalah teras utama bagi membina negara yang maju dan berjaya.
erdapat cabaran yang menghalang kepada pembentukan masyarakat Malaysia yang sejahtera seperti faktor kesihatan masyarakat. Tahap kesihatan merupakan faktor penting
yang harus diberikan keutamaan dalam penjagaan kesihatan yang boleh membantu kesejahteraan dan keseimbangan sesebuah masyarakat Kehidupan sesebuah masyarakat yang sejahtera berkait rapat dengan kesihatan keluarga dan individu yang mendiami sesebuah negara. Menurut jurnal Keluarga Sihat Melahirkan Komuniti Sejahtera: Satu Ulasan daripada Hassan, Yusooff dan Alavi komuniti yang sihat akan menghasilkan sebuah negara yang produktif serta melahirkan individu yang berada dalam keadaan tenang secara fizikal dan mental. Kesejahteraan individu secara dasarnya boleh membantu membina komuniti masyarakat yang makmur dari segi sosial, ekonomi dan
kesejahteraan ekologi manusia. Rata-rata kita melihat komuniti kita hari ini sudah jauh terpesong sebagai komuniti yang sihat. Pelbagai kes yang tidak dijangkakan berlaku sewenang-wenangnya sehingga menjadi satu budaya keganasan yang melampau. Sikap dan tingkah laku positif sebagai seorang individu yang bermoral sudah jarang ditemui. Masing-masing menunjukkan unsur keganasan seperti pembunuhan, kekacauan, pencabulan, perogolan dan beberapa perkara yang sukar diterima oleh akal fikiran waras. Hakikat ini menunjukkan bahawa keadaan kesihatan mental komuniti kita tidak berada dalam kenormalan, dan perlu dirawat secepat mungkin bagi mengelakkan sebarang isu-isu sebegini berterusan.
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Dialog Perdana Transformasi Nasional 2050
elain itu, penguasaan ilmu melalui proses pendidikan amatlah penting dalam pembentukan masyarakat sejahtera. Ini kerana ia telah disepakati umum bahawa ilmu pendidikan merupakan penghubung antara manusia dahulu, sekarang dan akan datang. Pendidikan mempunyai impak yang besar ke atas pelbagai peluang kehidupan manusia untuk memperolehi dan mengekalkan kualiti kehidupan. Pendidikan boleh menjelaskan keupayaan seseorang individu dalam mengurus hidup yang berkualiti kerana faktor ekonomi dan sosial bergantung kepada pendidikan yang diterima. Malah usaha ini disokong dengan langkah kerajaan yang membelanjakan berpuluh juta ringgit bagi menaiktaraf dan memperbaiki serta meningkatkan lagi infrastruktur dan sistem
pendidikan negara. Kajian daripada C.Ross dan C.L Wu dalam “Education, Age and The Cumulative Advantage in Health Journal” menyatakan bahawa pendidikan adalah kunci utama ‘pengeluaran’ atau ‘hasil’ kehidupan yang lebih baik. Pelaburan dalam pendidikan yang bermula daripada peringkat prasekolah hingga ke peringkat pendidikan tinggi mampu memperbaiki dan meningkatkan kualiti hidup seseorang. Justeru itu, persediaan seseorang sebagai individu yang berguna dalam masyarakat merupakan agenda utama dalam pendidikan.
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lgbt: lesson to be learned Text By: Siti Nursyazwani & Muhammad Izran
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lgbt: lesson to be learned “The people refused to give up on the perversion as they were warned by God..”
e are granted rights to do whatever we want in life.The freedom should not be teased by any other party, in order to keep the sensitivity in a good state. The rights that a person hold can be categorized in several terms, like the freedom to practice any religion or to decide his or her way of life. In Islam, there are such freedom but there are some preservation, as long as it does not go against the Islamic teaching. Homosexuality is very popular nowadays. Homosexual behavior occurs in people who have sexual attraction with the same gender. They are consist of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender or might also be known as LGBT. People who practiced homosexuality are the minority group that used to be neglected by the society and get abandoned because of their deviancy. As for fact, this moral problem is not a new thing to human kind because this immoral behaviour is already being practiced by the ancient civilization of Prophet Luth’s people, thousands years ago. As quoted in Imam Reza’s article in his blog, the people of Sodom were openly practiced a perversion that was unknown to the world at the time, it was called ‘sodomy’. It was stated in the article that the people of Sodom refused to give up on the perversion even after they were warned by God, they also denied Lut’s prophethood thus the outcome of their actions turned into chaos. Today, the minority once again want to repeat what have been ended. The reversed sexual deed was silently practiced by some community until they found out that they were actually had a number of followers who shared a common ideology. Not just that, they are even being popularized as icons and characters in movies. In this era, LGBT seems to be a kind of sexual orientation that started to be accepted by the society. Some huge profitable organizations decided to sponsor LGBT associations within a long period of time. Plus, there are individuals who had led the spread of these organizations and managed to influence the youngsters.
Currently, they are slowly being practiced in the modernization of the world. In some country, they are rejected but in other states, they are welcomed. Hence, it is not a surprise that they are included in a constitution of a state especially when there is law that was enacted to protect their rights and freedom. According to the Pew Research Center’s article that was posted in 2013, LGBT people might be discriminated with violence regularly by the society as perversion is against the society’s belief. Discrimination might take place in their schools, workplaces, hospitals and in public areas just because they are being who they are. LGBT people are now seeking for assistance and they want to fight for justice especially when there were violence involved during the discrimination. Even though many people have accepted the idea of LGBT, yet they still find it hard when their children or family members are in need of supports to be whom they truly are. Some may say that people who support LGBT should stand by the belief of human rights as anyone or everyone should be treated equally even though they are not in the same beliefs. However, some may say that LGBT people deserved to be punished, face and accept the gross discrimination along with the violence by others as what they are doing are completely wrong. Some authority are also concerned about the risks that they may face if they being part of the LGBT group. Malaysia is a member of the United Nations and is a must for the country to uphold the standards for international human rights. Recently Newsweek posted an article which quoted that due to the conservative interpretation of Islam in Malaysia is increasing, human rights organization begin to concern that discrimination against might get LGBT worst. Thus, Malaysian authorities campaigned to prevent LGBT behaviors among the society, and that homosexuality is still illegal and unrecognized in Malaysia, those who gets accused might face penalties, detention or corporal punishment.
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TEXT BY: MUHAMMAD IZRAN SABERAL MULISI oreign workers in Malaysia are not strangers anymore among the local citizens. Malaysia is one of the most populated foreign workers who served the nation as labor workers. But eventually, the foreigners had seem to evolve in term of their jobs as they are now getting involved in the business industry. They have nothing when they first stepped into the country, but now they own a business, and have the locals to be their workers too. But what questions most of the people is, how come they can start their own business? How do they get the permit and license to run a retail shop? And serve in places to sell their products? While at the same time the locals find it hard to start up a business and to survive in the market as the competitions nowadays seem to be very stiff. They have achieved so far that some of them became richer than the local citizens and also able to hire local citizens as their employees to look after the premises.
were only allowed to work in five sectors which are the manufacturing sectors, agricultures, farming sector, constructing and 15 kind of jobs in services sector. Based on the lists above, none of them have what it called as business sector, or related to it. Hence, foreign labors are prohibited from running their own business and should not be involved in the particular sector because their nationality status prevent them from doing so and there should be no license can be issued to the foreigners. Yet, if we go to the market we can see a lot of Bangladeshi’s retail shops, Indonesians dominate the food and beverages sector, while Pakistani control the furniture businesses rather than the locals citizens. To be exact, you can see it clearly in the city like Kuala Lumpur where all these foreign workers are doing business. While the Malaysians are the consumers, supporting others’ businesses.
THEY STARTED AS LABOR, TURNED TO BE THE OWNERS To recap, let us look back at the history of the foreigners in Malaysia. According to the Foreign Worker Application System (SPPA), foreign workers
KEY SUCCESS, CUSTOMER-FRIENDLY SERVICE Customer-friendly is the ultimate reason why foreign hawkers are able to survive in the economic condition in this country, compared with the local hawkers who seem to be less friendly. Besides, the foreigners are
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FOKUS willing to take any risk to keep the consumers coming. For example, foreign hawkers often offer cheaper prices. Compared with the local, foreigners know how to grab opportunity where they find opportunity to make more income. ISSUED LICENSE FROM LOCAL CITIZENS To get the information regarding the business license issued to the foreigners, they claimed that it was the local citizen who gave it to them with a price they must pay. Based on the guidelines posted in Work Permit Travel Malaysia’s official webpage, 100% foreign owned company licenses require a local citizen’s participation in the application. Therefore, it is now clear that the permit is actually obtained with the help of the local citizens themselves who might plan to earn money without doing anything. Although the foreigners might need to pay more for the business permit, they will agree as they can still gain profit from the business that they are running. THEY ADAPT WELL WITH THE MALAYSIANS’ CULTURES The phenomenon of foreigners into the business
sector in Malaysia had led to the shrinking in number of the local citizens in the particular sector. This is caused by the quality offered by the foreigners in terms of prices and relation with the consumers. They are willing to learn and adapt well to our culture. In a big city like Shah Alam, most of the restaurants are managed by Indonesians, including the chefs. Yet, the food that are offered in the menu are mostly local food. This shows that they understand well our culture and realized that there is an economy value for it. In a nutshell, the adaptation of foreigners’ behavior towards the commitment of their businesses should be followed by the local entrepreneurs who want to get involved in the market. Not only that, the existing local entrepreneurs should learn how to attract new consumers through a good relation that should be built between two parties. The crowd of foreigners who entered the business have now become a national issue as they seem to put local people in the field a dead end because they seem to dominate the sector. But to put the blame on foreigners only is not an accurate action, because they only took the opportunities to survive in this nation.
Foreigners are only allowed to work in five sectors including the construction sites.
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Sains & teknologi
“...some researchers found that fingerprints sensor is not as secured TEXT BY: ALDGRA FREDLY as we thought it would be.”
ack in the times during the ancient Babylon, fingertips were pressed into wet clay to seal business transactions. Then, at the end of nineteenth century fingerprints became useful especially in criminal investigations and still being used in identifying suspects’ and victims’ identities. Today, as we lived in the generations of modern technology, fingerprints have been widely used in securing smartphones and at the same time made smartphones more convenient to be used. Touchscreen was invented and passwords are no longer needed, all it takes now is a touch of a finger and the phone will be successfully unlocked. A fingerprint enables us to buy groceries, laptop or even a million dollar luxury stuff by only using services like Apple Pay and Android Pay. Plus, even banking applications allow their users to pay bills, safeguard accounts and proceed transactions with only a press of finger in the applications, due to their acknowledgement that passwords are burdensome and somehow less secure than fingerprints. Fingerprints seem to be more convenient over passwords, all you have to do is swipe your finger on the screen of your phone and it gives a better secure for your phone than typing in some secured passwords because there is no way you can forget your fingerprints like you would forget your passwords. Nevertheless, some researchers found that fingerprints sensor is not as secured as we thought it would be. It has vulnerability and that there are numerous ways to defeat fingerprints sensor protection.
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This illutration indicates that our fingerprints are our identity.
There is a possibility that anyone can obtain our fingerprints by scanning any surface of objects that we have touched and use it to unlock our phones which been demonstrated through a video by a fingerprint sensor company Vkansee president, Jason Chaikin, on lifting an individual’s fingerprint with a dental mould and a small amount of Play-Doh. Surprisingly, he replicated the fingerprints perfectly and successfully unlocked an iPhone in just a few attempts. Recently, the New York Times reported that another problem about fingerprints sensor is the fact that the skin of the elderly can lose their elasticity, and the rare condition of some people having smooth and featureless fingertips which can lead to a ‘human error’ when an expert trying to identify the identity of the owner of a fingerprint. In fact, fingerprints are definite, because unlike passwords, it cannot be changed. Everyone’s fingerprint is unique. So once it is compromised, it stays the same for a long time, perhaps forever. Yet, it is quite easy to print the fingerprint images on surface into hardcopies and can be used to swipe any smartphones. Even though fingerprints contain arches, loops and whorls that are complex and unique enough to identify the owner, but the finger scanners on the phone can read only partial of the fingerprints due to the small size of the finger scanners. As the New York Times
reported, when a user created fingerprint security on an iPhone or any Android, the phone usually takes 8 to 10 images of a finger in order to match them easily. Hence, the system seems to be vulnerable to false matches because a finger swipe has to match only one stored image to unlock the phone. Apple’s company spokesman, Ryan James said in an interview with a New York Times’ journalist, the company has tested numerous attacks in developing its Touch ID system, other than incorporated with other security features, so that the chance of a false match in the iPhone’s fingerprint system is 1 in 50,000 with one fingerprint enrolled. However, the risks of the fingerprints sensors are difficult to measure because the fingerprint technology of Apple and Android phones that use Google’s software have been kept secret and confidential. Indeed, the security of fingerprint sensors can be improved by making it harder to match the partial fingerprint and produce larger fingerprint sensors, in which the smartphone companies refused to implement because they believe such procedures might irritate the users themselves. Just imagine that you have to swipe your finger six times before getting a match, would you prefer that? Obviously no, because we would have demand to get a user-friendly applications.
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Source: Getty Images
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TEXT BY: SOFIA HAMKA We are living through the dawn of a new age in our planet’s history which is called the Anthropocene. Human has always shaped the aspects of their environment, from fire to farming. From fragments of plastic at the bottom of the ocean to air pollution in the upper atmosphere, it is almost impossible to find a place in our planet that humankind has not touch in some way. Well, over 99 percent of the species that have ever existed on Earth have extinct, most during cataclysms of the sort that killed off all of the dinosaurs. THE END IS APPROACHING Human extinction, many experts be certain of it is not a matter of ‘if’, but ‘when’. According to Frank Fenner who is an emeritus professor of microbiology at the Australian National University (ANU) in Canberra when he was interviewed by The Australian’s journalist, humans will probably be extinct in the next century nevertheless with the overpopulation, environmental destruction and climate change, our planet will still last. Definitely, the earth can survive sufficiently without human. Life will continue and the marks we have left on the planet will diminish sooner than we could ever think. Our cities will crush, the bridges will fall and the fields will overgrow. Before too long, the only humanity that might remain will be a thin layer of plastic or radioactive. This can be proven by just looking at the areas that have been forced to be exiled by the human race. A study funded by the Natural Environment Research Council found an abundant wildlife populations in the Ukraine, suggesting that humans are far more a threat to the local flora and fauna than the 30 years of chronic radiation exposures. In the 19-mile exclusion zone around the site of Chernobyl power plant in Ukraine, where seems to be severely polluted following the 1986 reactor meltdown, animals and plants are prosperous in a way they never did before. When Europeans first saw the rainforests in Brazil during the year 1542, they reported that there were cities, fields, and roads along the banks of major rivers. Then the population became devastated by the diseases that came from the explorers who came to explore the place. However, these cities were quickly reclaimed by the jungles. Only now that deforestation
“Life will continue and the marks we have left on the planet will fade faster than you could ever think” and remote sensing techniques are being offered to be used as an indication of what came before. CONTAMINATED PLANET Even if all of us would have been vanished by tomorrow, the greenhouse gases that we have pumped into the atmospheres will take tens of thousands of years to return to their pre-industrial levels. Some scientist believe that we have already passed the critical tipping points in the polar region that will speed up climate changes. There are issues of the world’s nuclear plants. An evidence shows that the ecosystems can bounce back from radiation releases but there are about 450 nuclear reactors around the world that will begin to melt as soon as the fuel runs out in the emergency generators that supply them with coolant. There is just no way of knowing how much a massive, unexpected release of radioactive material into the atmosphere might affect the planet’s ecosystems and that is before we even started to think through other sources of pollution. By the following decades, human and explosions will turn into like the ticking time bombs that have left humanity behind. THE FINAL DASHES Some traces of humankind will remain, regardless tens of millions of years after our end. Microorganisms will take time to grow to consume the plastic that have been left behind. Roads and ruins will be noticeable but will eventually be buried by the natural forces. It feels reassuring that our work of arts will be the last indication that we ever existed. The Voyager probes launched in 1977, are speeding out of the Solar System at a speed of almost 60,000km per hour. As long as the solar system do not hit anything, which is pretty improbable, then they will live longer than the Earth’s deadly encounter with an inflating Sun in 7.5 billion years. They will be the last remaining legacy of human race.
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Sains & teknologi
ce ur
b om
space exploration
t is common knowledge to know that the Earth is dying as the global warming is getting worse, pollution is everywhere, the extinction of many flora and fauna species; we are at a state of critical condition. Not to mention when Donald Trump denied the whole movement of global warming and claimed it was a myth, a political movement invented by fellow human beings. He later stopped all the funding that goes to actually help the Earth to recover. Elon Musk, a South-African born who migrated to United States in order to land himself the golden opportunity, a platform for him to get his chance to change the world for the better. A man with visionary thinking, ideas that often seems so absurd to conquer yet he does it so eloquently. He once stated his wish to not die on Earth, choosing planet Mars as his location to breathe out his last humble breath. Mars known as the Red Planet, for a fact, is the nearest planet from Earth after Venus and has the most hospitable climate because it is once believed to have primitive, bacterialike life on the surface of the planet. As the power and the technological advancements increase year by year, space travelling is still a complex industry that requires expensive funding in order to achieve something and it is run by the government.
With SpaceX, Elon Musk dreamed big, take a shot and by perseverance and maybe a bit of luck, he succeeded. During early years of 2000, young Musk travelled to Russia to connect with the members of Russia Space Programs in order to buy himself a rocket to start venturing in the aerospace industry. Sadly, even after three times of proposing, the deals were falling through and he did not get the rocket he wanted. But being an individual with the lack of seeing failures, Musk later established a company that focused on space exploration and called it SpaceX. For him to venture into an unknown world of aerospace industry, Elon has gathered all his knowledge about rocket science by reading books. He knows that in order for him to make any real progress and create a better integration within the industry, he needs to organize the streamlining of the process of unfamiliar concept of privatized space travel, from the engine, the design, the risks and how to fully operate the company. His vision includes creating a commercial rocket with the same concept as commercial airlines. It basically adapts to the concept of sending a ship to the space, complete with cargo and passenger or any other payloads, and then reenters the Earth’s atmosphere all within the span of few hours. In 2011, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has given SpaceX the contract to develop and demonstrate a human-rated rocket called Dragon to transport astronauts to International
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Space Station (ISS) and back to Earth safe and sound. During the same year, the company launched the System Technology Development Program, and in December 2015, the first stage of the project has been launched into space and successfully vertical-landed back at the launch site. SpaceX’s main mission is to ensure human beings can be transported outside of the Earth and live in different planets in the Solar System. For now, Musk is focusing on colonizing Mars. His ideas may seemed a bit far-fetch, but only time and technological advancement will tell about whether he can actually succeed in transporting 1 million humans to live on the Red Planet. 2016 showed Musk announcing the public about the Interplanetary Transport System (ITS) Program, an idea that may seem quixotic to some, but it actually involves SpaceX to develop spaceflight technology to have manned interplanetary spaceflight, and also to achieve a sustainable life outside of Earth, focusing on the colonization on Mars; enabling human to become a multi-planet species. The spaceship that will be used for this project is capable of being used for almost 1000 times of launches. The project is still in its infancy development but the buzz created helps in busking in the excitement. It has become his life mission to ensure humankind has other choices to live on, other than planet Earth, his
“What I’m trying to do is to make a significant difference in space flight and help make space flight accessible to almost anyone,” -Elon Musk interplanetary project shows just that. In order for space exploration and travelling to be commercialized, the cost of transportation needs to be drastically reduced. Elon managed to cut the cost of the overall project from the usual standard of NASA’s rocket launches that cost from 100 to 260 million dollars to only 57 million dollars (Falcon 9). The fuel consumption is also lowered to 200 thousand dollars’ worth of fuel per rocket launch. But great success does not come without great failures. The first three rocket launches by SpaceX failed miserably. Elon himself said, “There is a thousand ways the rocket can fail and only one way it can work,” It is impeccable knowing how one man who has no background in space science could come into the industry, disrupt it and change the way the whole world has been looking at it. He has achieved so many milestones with SpaceX, making history in aviation and aerospace industry.
SpaceX Achievements
SpaceX achievements throughout the years since its establishment
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Sains & teknologi
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rgan is a part of an organism that is typically selfcontained and has a specific vital function. In human bodies, every organ has its own function. For an example heart is an organ that pumps the blood to flow through all over the body via the circulatory system plus supplies oxygen and nutrients to the tissues of the body. Liver helps in breaking down of food, cleaning the blood, making proteins, and store energy to the body. Bile also aid in the digestion of fats in the duodenum. The most important organ in our body is lungs. The function of lungs is for respiratory system but in March 2017 scientists found a new function of lungs. From the result of the investigation, scientists had proved that lungs have new function, it can produces blood! Blood is the red liquid that circulates in the arteries and veins of humans and other vertebrate animals, carrying oxygen to and carbon dioxide from the tissues of the body. Furthermore, there are three part of cells in the blood which are the red blood cell, white
blood cell and platelets. White blood cell is one of the cells which help to fight infections and there are several types of white blood cells (leukocytes). The two most common types are the lymphocytes and neutrophils (also called polymorph nuclear leukocytes). The function of platelets is to release the fiber which is a strands to form the blood clots. Lungs are the main organs in producing 10millions platelets of blood per hour. The previous research stated that only bone marrow can produce all the blood cell, but this statement was not accurate because lungs also can produce blood cell. The study was made from a few researcher from the University of California and has been published in ‘nature letter’. The experiments has been conducted in a laboratory mice that proved that lungs are able to produce platelets of blood at a rate of 10millions cell per hour. Platelets are a part of blood cell that flow in the blood stream and help in forming coagulation of blood to heal minor wound or serious internal bleeding.
One of the tools that helped the scientists to find the new function of lungs is the latest technology that called two-photon intravital imaging and the same technology are also used in research of function of cerebellum (the part of the brain at the back of the skull in vertebrates) that has not been confirmed at this time. Recent findings in two-photon intravital imaging for the physiology and pathology of the immune system were discussed. The immune system configures highly dynamic networks, where many cell types actively travel throughout the body and interact with each other in specific areas. Hence, real-time intravital imaging may be a powerful tool for dissecting the mechanisms of this dynamic system. Finally, the scientists found out how lungs and bone marrow are closely related to each other in producing the blood cell. Thus, this latest discovery by scientists will change the society’s knowledge about treatment that related to blood such as anemia and leukemia.
“Lungs have new function, it can produce blood!”
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Sains & teknologi
Sumber: Financial Times magazine compile.indd 28
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ada tahun 1990-an, sektor pertanian mengalami kemerosotan apabila pihak kerajaan lebih memberikan tumpuan kepada sektor industri dan perkhidmatan. Sektor pertanian pada tahun 1980-an merupakan salah satu sektor yang memainkan peranan penting dalam menyumbang kepada pertumbuhan ekonomi negara. Ia juga berperanan untuk membasmi kemiskinan dan keselamatan makanan negara. Walaubagaimanapun, dalam Rancangan Malaysia ke-10, sektor pertanian dianggarkan mencatat kadar pertumbuhan tahunan dengan purata sebanyak 2.4 peratus. Manakala dalam Rancangan Malaysia ke-11, sektor pertanian yang terdiri daripada subsektor agromakanan dan komoditi industri akan ditransformasi supaya menjadi sektor berpendapatan tinggi. Sektor pertanian dijangka berkembang pada kadar 3.5 peratus setahun dan menyumbang sebanyak 7.8 peratus kepada Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar (KDNK) pada tahun 2020.
Drone Pesawat kecil ataupun drone merupakan teknologi kenderaan udara. Berbentuk seperti pesawat terbang, drone mudah dikendalikan kerana ia merupakan pesawat tanpa juruterbang. Pesawat kecil ini dikendalikan dari jarak jauh dengan alat kawalan yang direka khas dengan skrin bagi memudahkan pemilik untuk melihat perjalanan drone tersebut. Direka khas pada awalnya untuk kegunaan pihak tentera dimana saiz pesawatnya lebih besar dan dilengkapi dengan senjata sebagai pertahanan sekiranya drone tersebut diserang. Antara kegunaan drone adalah untuk menghantar barang dan dalam trend sekarang, drone digunakan untuk menangkap video permandangan dari tempat yang tinggi atau sukar dicapai. Penggunaan drone juga telah pun diapklikasikan dalam dunia pertanian. Drone dalam pertanian Keterbatasan mata manusia untuk mengawasi kawasan yang luas telah diatasi dengan pengunaan kamera drone
yang mampu memberikan permandangan dari atas lantas memberikan informasi penting mengenai keadaan tanaman. Gambar atau video yang dikeluarkan adalah sangat jelas untuk dibandingkan dengan gambar dari satelite namun, kejelasan gambar tersebut juga berdasarkan kecanggihan kamera yang digunakan. Semakin canggih drone tersebut maka semakin jelas gambar yang dikeluarkan maka, semakin mahal harga drone tersebut. Dalam pertanian drone digunakan untuk memantau kesuburan tanaman dengan menggunakan Normalized difference Vegetatif Index( NDVI), hasil pemantauan dari drone boleh dinilai sama ada tanaman tersebut subur ataupun tidak melalui warna tanaman tersebut. Tanaman yang sakit ataupun tidak subur akan menunjukkan warna yang berbeza. Apabila titik penyebaran penyakit itu dikenal pasti, pencegahan akan segera dilakukan. Selain itu, ia juga digunakan untuk mengawal pengairan ladang. Pengairan atau lebih
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dikenali sebagai irigasi merupakan faktor utama dalam pengurusan taman. Pengawasan daripada drone dapat memudahkan kerjakerja penyiraman tanaman kerana apabila drone lalu di atas kawasan tersebut, sistem pengairan akan tercetus lantas memulakan aktiviti penyiraman tanaman. Malah, kawasan yang kekurangan air juga dapat dikesan dengan mudah.
Tahap kesuburan tanah juga dapat dikenalpasti dengan teknologi ini. Malahan aplikasi semburan nutrisi dan racun perosak dapat dilakukan menggunakan drone. Penyemburan biasanya dilakukan secara manual tetapi dengan pengunaan drone ini perkara tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan lebih mudah dan cepat.
Penggunaan drone ini masih lagi tidak mendapat penggunaan yang meluas dalam sektor pertanian di Malaysia. Justeru itu, kajian hendaklah dilakukan bagi memastikan Malaysia tidak ketinggalan dan menggunakan teknologi moden bagi menjana pendapatan yang lebih tinggi di masa hadapan.
Lain-lain kegunaan drone:
Penghantaran barang perubatan
Pengesanan dan navigasi
Penyelidikan sains di tempat merbahaya
Gambar dan pengambilan video
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ar ‘h
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a di
poh merupakan ibu negeri kepada negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan dan juga antara tiga bandar yang terbesar di Malaysia. Terdapat banyak keunikan dan keindahan yang ada di ipoh sehingga bandar ini diangkat sebagai sebuah bandar ‘hipster’. Pendekatan kerajaan negeri Perak menjadikan bandaraya Ipoh sebagai ‘pekan Hipster’ membuahkan hasil apabila ia diiktiraf sebagai salah satu daripada 10 destinasi menarik di rantau Asia. Sebuah portal ‘Lonely Planet’ telah menyenaraikan Ipoh sebagai salah satu bandar hipster di serantau Asia. Ipoh yang berada di kedudukan yang keenam telah menaikkan nama negeri Perak serta Malaysia dan kini menjadi tumpuan para pelancong dari seluruh dunia. Jika orang ramai mendengar perkataan hipster pastinya mereka menganggap ianya sebagai budaya remaja masa kini yang agak sukar difahami kerana gaya hidup golongan itu berbeza daripada kebiasaan. Gaya dan budaya hipster sebenarnya bukan hanya dari segi pemikiran tetapi juga dari segi fesyen atau pemakaian, genre muzik, seni dan juga makanan. Untuk digelar bandar hipster, penduduk di bandar itu sendiri perlu mempunyai gaya atau cara hidup yang berbeza daripada orang lain. Selalunya pilihan pakaian atau fesyen bagi golongan hipster ini adalah fesyen vintaj.
Mereka lebih menyukai pakaian-pakaian lama yang diolah mengikut citarasa sendiri sehingga menjadi trend. Sesetengah orang mengaitkan hipster dengan golongan yang tidak menjaga kebersihan diri tetapi sebaliknya golongan ini amat mementingkan kebersihan dan juga keterampilan diri. Mereka amat mementingkan gaya rambut yang kemas dan rapi. Perbezaannya adalah golongan hipster ini tidak mahu keluarkan wang untuk aktiviti seperti sesi spa, rawatan kaki atau kuku, dan sebagainya kerana mereka ada cara yang tersendiri untuk tampak kemas serta menepati budaya mereka. Boleh dikatakan, golongan hipster tidak begitu berminat untuk “membuat sebahagian besar aset mereka” kerana mereka melihat seluruh diri mereka sebagai aset; dari sudut harga diri pandangan, ini sebenarnya pandangan yang agak sihat. Keunikan bandar ini dapat dilihat menerusi pelbagai perniagaan yang wujud seperti cendawan tumbuh di kawasan itu termasuk cafe, hotel butik, seni jalanan, kedai barangan antik serta kedai gunting rambut yang menonjolkan budaya hipster. Menurut Menteri Besar Perak, Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abd Kadir, pihak kerajaan negeri telah menaikkan semula tempat yang mempunyai usul-usul sejarah dan mempunyai keunikan tersendiri untuk menjadikan
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ipoh bandar yang unik. Bangunan-bangunan lama yang tidak digunakan telah diubah suai untuk dijadikan sebagai restoran-restoran yang digelar kafe hipster. Zambry turut berkata bahawa seramai 7.96 juta pelancong domestik mengunjungi Perak pada tahun 2015, berdasarkan laporan Jabatan Perangkaan, iaitu yang tertinggi di Malaysia. Sebuah kafe bernama Burps and Giggles adalah salah satu tempat hipster terawal di Ipoh. Kafe ini terletak di Jalan Sultan Yusuff dan merupakan kafe yang sangat penuh dengan seni artistik. Mereka menengahkan konsep makanan western dan bagi penggemar kopi, disini merupakan tempat yang patut mereka kunjungi. Terdapat banyak lagi kafe hipster yang terdapat di Ipoh antaranya ialah Konda Kondi Café, Mat Periuk, Gomok, Plan B Café, Chokodok Reggae House Café. Bagi pengunjung atau pelancong yang mahu mencuba makanan tempatan, mereka haruslah pergi ke Restoran Nasi Lemak Ayam Kampung. Disini mereka bukan sahaja boleh memakan makanan barat tetapi makanan tempatan sepert nasi lemak, nasi ayam, ikan bakar serta gulai tempoyak yang sangat lazat. Penduduk Ipoh menyukai dan menghayati seni 7 lukisan mural telah dilukis oleh Ernest Zacharevic, lelaki yang sama melukis lukisan mural di Pulau Pinang. Gaya lukisan 3D beliau memperlihatkan perincian yang halus dan teliti dan ada daripada lukisannya kelihatan realistik. Lukisan-lukisan ini boleh didapati di lorong-lorong kecil sekitar Jalan Bandar Timah dan Jalan Tun Sambanthan. Di ipoh terdapat banyak lukisan seperti mural kerana
banyak anak muda yang sangat menyukai seni dan telah melukis di jalanan dengan hasil yang unik serta menarik. Jika anda merupakan orang seni, tempat yang wajib dikunjungi adalah art café iaitu Khizanat. Terletak di Jalan Dato Onn Jaafar, kafe ini bukan sahaja menjadi tempat makan malah menjadi tempat komuniti seni berkumpul dan juga pentas bagi persembahan seperti nyanyian, teater, penyampaian sajak dan juga puisi. Kunci utama bagi pengunjung yang ingin datang ke Ipoh adalah dengan menjadi ‘backpackers’ sambil membawa peta dan berjalan kaki mengelilingi bandar Ipoh. Keindahan seni dan ‘street food’ akan menanti anda yang mahu mencuba mendalami bandar Ipoh dengan lebih dekat.
Carta penuh Lonely Planet’s Best in Asia 2016 adalah seperti berikut: 1. Hokkaido, Japan 2. Shanghai, China 3. Jeonju, South Korea 4. Con Dao Islands, Vietnam 5. Hong Kong 6. Ipoh, Malaysia 7. Pemuteran, Indonesia 8. Trang Islands, Thailand 9. Meghalaya, India 10. Taitung,Taiwan
Burps and Giggles yang terletak di Jalan Sultan Yusuff merupakan antara kafe hipster yang terawal di Ipoh
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Antara pentas musik Indie atau medan penyebaran fahaman anarki TEKS OLEH: AIZAM AFIFI erjalanan yang hanya mengambil masa dua minit berjalan kaki dari Stesen Sistem Transit Aliran Ringan (STAR) Ampang,bakal menemukan anda dengan tempat tersebut. Sebuah tempat yang dikatakan bebas untuk mengekpresikan apa-apa sahaja yang dirasa dengan bebas dan tanpa batasan. Berpegang teguh kepada prinsip komited dalam keadilan sosial, kesaksamaan, anti-autorotarian, autonomi, proses kolektif serta pembangunan struktur dan institusi yang beroperasi secara alternatif. Tempat yang dimaksudkan ialah Rumah Api atau Gudang Noisy. Rumah Api merupakan sebuah ruang yang diusahakan oleh puak Punk ini secara dasarnya beroperasi sebagai pentas kepada pemusik ‘indie’ terutamanya bergenre ‘Punk’ dan ‘Hardcore’ untuk mengetengahkan seni mereka kepada orang ramai. Ternyata genre musik ini mempunyai pengikutnya yang tersendiri dan mendapat sambutan yang menggalakkan. Ramai artis atau band popular masa kini bermula di Rumah Api antaranya ialah Liyana Fizi, Butterfngers dan Sekumpulan Orang Gila (S.O.G). Kumpulan Punk ini mengusahakan tempat ini hasil daripada konsert kecil (gig) serta sumbangan daripada individu. Tempat ini tidak diuruskan oleh mana-mana badan organisasi khas tetapi tetap berdiri teguh diatas komitmen dan rasa cinta golongan Punk akan tempat ini. Rumah Api mengalu-alukan kepada sesiapa sahaja untuk menunjukkan
bakat mereka dalam apa jua bentuk seni sama ada nyanyian, sajak, pidato, teater atau komedi berdiri (stand up comedy). Tiada batasan untuk berkarya di sini. Gudang Noisy nyata terkenal dimata dunia kerana pentasnya yang seringkali menerima kunjungan band-band daripada luar negara seperti Indonesia, Australia dan Jepun. Kebebasan berkarya ini telah menarik minat para remaja untuk mengekspresikan perasaan mereka yang sedang bercampur baur kerana pada peringkat ini mereka sedang mencari makna hidup sebenar. Terdapat beberapa larangan ketika berada di Rumah Api ini antaranya katakan tidak kepada rasis, aktiviti sumbang, penyalah gunaan dadah, alkohol dan keganasan. Ternyata pelbagai nilai murni yang cuba untuk diterapkan demi menjaga
kemurnian tempat ini. Akan tetapi, disebalik pentas mengetengahkan seni, Rumah Api juga secara tidak langsung juga bertindak sebagai pusat penyebaran ideologi fahaman kiri. Hal ini berlaku akibat tiada batasan untuk bersuara serta boleh melakukan apa sahaja yang dirasakan benar. Seperti kita sedia maklum, golongan Punk ini adalah satu puak yang anti kepada kerajaan dan juga pihak berkuasa. Mereka ingin hidup dalam keadaan bebas dan tidak dikawal oleh manamana pihak. Selain itu, mereka amat suka akan keganasan seperti vandalisme dan gangsterisme sebagai tanda untuk menunjukkan protes terhadap segala sistem yang telah ditetapkan di dunia. Hal ini telah memberi ancaman besar kepada Negara kerana secara tidak langsung golongan
Rumah Api juga menyediakan pentas untuk kumpulan band Indie membuat persembahan.
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Sumber: Guy Berresford Photography 'Really Really Free Market' merupakan program amal yang dijalankan dirumah api dimana kesemua barang dijual dengan percuma untuk membantu golongan yang memerlukan
ini telah menyebarkan fahaman nihilistik dan anarki. Nihilislik bermaksud suka akan kemusnahan tanpa memikirkan untuk penstrukturan semula dan lebih kepada perbuatan suka-suka. Manakala anarki bermaksud menolak kedaulatan kerajaan dan tidak berasaskan undang-undang. Golongan ini menggunakan Rumah Api sebagai platform untuk menyebarkan fahaman mereka di dalam bentuk lagu dan pidato. Lagu-lagu mereka dipenuhi dengan lirik-lirik anti-kerajaan dan bencikan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Individu juga diberikan ruang untuk mengutuk kerajaan secara terang-terangan dan mendapat sokongan padu daripada para pengunjung Rumah Api. Sebagai langkah berjagajaga, pihak berkuasa seringkali menyerbu Rumah Api ini disebabkan oleh penyebaran fahaman anarki. Sebagai contoh, satu serbuan telah dilakukan pada tahun 2015 kerana telah
menganjurkan sebuah pidato bebas mengenai Bersih, sehari sebelum perhimpunan itu berlangsung. Hal ini bertujuan untuk memelihara imej dan kesejahteraan negara. Kita faham apa yang mereka inginkan adalah keadilan dan kesaksamaan terhadap semua golongan. Mereka ingin suara mereka didengari oleh kerajaan walaupun puak ini hanyalah golongan minoriti akan tetapi kita mempunyai pelbagai saluran yang betul untuk meluahkan ketidakpuasan hati dan keganasan bukanlah jalan penyelesaiannya. Adakah dengan cara memberontak dengan melakukan keganasan terhadap orang ramai serta merosakkan harta benda awam dianggap memperjuangkan keamanan? Tidak sama sekali. Malah, akan menyebabkan masyarakat hidup dalam ketakutan dan menggugat kesejahteraan negara. Ini hanya akan merugikan dan memburukkan imej negara Malaysia sebagai
sebuah negara demokrasi. Kesimpulannya, penulis amat memuji tindakan golongan Punk ini menguruskan tempat ini dengan penuh rasa cinta dan sayang. Rumah Api ini bukan sahaja tempat mengembangkan bakat seni tetapi juga melambangkan semangat kekitaan yang utuh. Ini kerana, pelbagai aktiviti untuk meningkatkan jati diri anak muda juga berlaku disini. Mereka diajar untuk menguruskan program serta disediakan tapak untuk berniaga. Rumah Api juga dijadikan tempat perlindungan bagi mereka yang tiada tempat berlindung. Segala usaha murni yang dilakukan meyebabkan tempat ini wajar dikekalkan serta perlu diberi perhatian oleh kerajaan untuk menambah baik struktur tempat tersebut. Sesetengah individu telahpun menganggap Rumah Api ini seperti rumah mereka sendiri.
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Hipster Cafe You Must Visit in Klang Valley
ipster? What does that even means? Does drinking RM13 coffee at a hipster cafe makes you a hipster? It is hard to describe what does hipster means because it brings so many definitions toward different types of groups.
Originally in 90s, hipsters tried to go against a culture or a group that are against the norm, whereby indie and bohemian style were merged to be different and innovative. These groups will avoid any culture that were dominated by the mainstream. According to the online slang, hipster is defined as being cool, current and a person with certain fashion and music sensibilities. Meanwhile, The Urban Dictionary defines hipsters as “a subculture of men and women typically in their 20s and 30s who value independent thinking, counter-culture, progressive politics, an appreciation of art and indie-rock, creativity, intelligence, and witty banter.”
How does it relate to coffee shops? The ambience of the hipster cafe with a modern design and cool arts with a creative menus created by the hipster cafe owners which makes these cafe look more aesthetic. Nowadays, ironically coffee shops had become mainstream because too much of hipsters visiting these coffee shop or a place where they can eat and hangout with their friends and families while having some coffee and light meals. So here is the list of hipster cafe you can visit in Klang Valley. Photo credit: theparquecafe Facebook page Grafa Facebook page KOPIMEO Facebook page Tipsy Brew O’ Facebok page Cake Jalan Tiung Facebook page Foodsbury Facebook page
The Parque Cafe, Kota Kemuning If you want to experience a cafe outside of a town, you may want to visit The Parque Cafe. The interior and exterior design of this cafe will make you feel like you are somewhere far from the hustle bustle of a city while feeling the breeze of a nature and having a cup of coffee with a slice of cake. Gives their Matcha Latte a try, it’s definitely worth it. It’s healthy and rich of antioxidants. Don’t forget to try out the famous Mango Mousse Cake and their Lemon Cheesecake too.
Location: EcoWorld Gallery @ Eco Sanctuary, Lot 41296, Persiaran Eco Sanctuary, 42500 Telok Panglima Garang, Selangor. Opening Hours: Opens everyday from (10am- 7pm) Contact: theparquecafe (Official Facebook)
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Grafa, Subang Jaya
They create a variation in their menu choices as they serve rice, Asian noodles, barbeques, pastas, burger and sandwiches with beverages like fresh juice, ice blended and also coffees. You just name it, everything would taste great.
Located at SS15, Subang Jaya, this cafe is a cozy place for a cup of cofee and during tea time but usually get packed at dinner time as it closes at midnight every day.
KOPIMEO, Shah Alam
Location: 29, Jalan Tengku Ampuan Zabedah B 9/B, Seksyen 9, 40100 Shah Alam, Selangor. Opening Hours: Monday- Thursday (12pm-10pm), Closed on Friday Saturday- Sunday (8am10pm) Contact: 03-58862643
Their Asian noodles have various types of choices, the famous one is their mee hoon goreng tomato cili api. If you love spicy food you can try this out!
Location: 55, Jalan SS15/4B, SS 15, Subang Jaya, Selangor 47500 Opening Hours: Opens everyday from (12pm- 12am) Contact: 03-56117600
The KOPIMEO spicy salted fish spaghetti is one of a fusion pastas in their menu, if you like spicy and new taste of pasta you might want to try this one. Or try their spaghetti gulai lemak udang, the fusion of Malaysian and Italian cuisine. They have lambs, snacks like churros and pancakes on their menu. Besides that KOPIMEO serves breakfast during the weekends. On its menu also included various types of cakes. You do not want to miss their baked banana bread cheesecake, ondehondeh cheesecake and coffee as well
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Cake Jalan Tiung, Shah Alam
Tipsy Brew O’, Puchong
The interior are not much different than other hipster cafes, bricks and wooden walls But you might get surprised by the books hanging on their lights on top of the ceilings.What makes coffee fancier here is that they serve a handcrafted coffee from different origin like Kenya, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, Sumatra and many more using syphon techniques of brewing coffee that makes it more impressive.
This place is perfect for some me time and to hang out with your friends and families, and some people even have their meetings here. They also serve breakfast, and cakes too!
Location: No. C-07-G, Block C Setiawalk, Persiaran Wawasan, Pusat Bandar Puchong, 47160 Puchong,Selangor Opening Hours: Tuesday– Thursday,Sunday (11am – 11pm) Friday– Saturday (10am – 12am) Contact: 03-58790790
Foodsbury, Shah Alam
This cafe is located With a glass window, Don’t forget to try their in residential area at white brick wall and famous berry and vanilla Seksyen 9, Shah Alam. wooden bench you will cappuccino if you visit It serves western food definitely feel like you are Foodsbury. Make sure to like pasta, burger, and in hipster cafe. They also call to make a reservathey also serve coffee, use colourful plates as tion because usually this and also many types of a wall art and you could cafe is packed especially dessert which the most also find a wall with an during lunch and dinner popular one is milled- old school “dulang”. time. crepe almond salted caramel. Location: Wisma Faiz Azrina, 24, Jalan Tengku Ampuan Zabedah A9/A, Shah Alam. Opening Hours: Close on Monday. Tuesday- Thursday (12pm- 10.30pm) Friday- Sunday (12pm- 11pm) Contact: 03-55235213
Sweet tooth? You must definitely come and visit Cake Jalan Tiung. They have opened second branch of their cake shop in Section 13, Shah Alam. The first branch is located at Section 9. They offer various types of cakes, from cheesecakes, chocolates, pavlova, and many more. There are more than 30 types of cake serve here. The types of cakes might be different on your every visit. Their glass windows, the usage of pastel colours in their interior design will make you feel so relaxed, but it can get a little crowded as their space is rather limited. You can have your cakes with latte, flat white, cappuccino, or you can try their hot chocolate if you are not a caffein fan. Location:Cake Jalan Tiung, Menara Naza TTDI, Section 13, 40100 Shah Alam (Second Branch) Opening Hours: Monday- Friday (10am-7pm) Contact:012-878 7258
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SIPADAN theOceanic Island “...the late celebrity Jacques Cousteau described Sipadan’s diversity of marine life as an ‘untouched work of art’.” TEXT BY: ALDGRA FREDLY
overed by the untouched rainforest, formed by the living corals on top of the lost undersea volcano that rises 2,000 feet from the seabed, home of the thousands species of fish, coral, abundance of rays and sharks and large populations of green and hawksbill turtles, Sipadan island is definitely one of the most oceanic island in the world. The 12 hectares island situated at the east coast
of Sabah, where visitors can reach there by flight from either Kuala Lumpur or Kota Kinabalu to Tawau. Afterwards, you can ride a taxi or minivan from the airport to the port town of Semporna then catch a speedboat to Sipadan. However, there is no easy access to the island since the regulations only permit 120 dives per day. Tourism Malaysia Board stated that only a small number of divers are allowed to dive there.
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Walled by the crystal clear waters with tropical scenery, especially below the surface where this island really excels as divers would treasure some of the most amazing species of marine life. Barracudas, large schools of jacks, marauding bumphead parrotfish and other species of fish, made the list of attractions became more astonishing as it involves plenty of big fish capitals of the world. Meanwhile, sea turtles and white tip reef sharks would appear on almost every dive, on some rare days, even hammerhead and leopard sharks can be spotted. The steep drop-offs where the sights of a bustling tropical reef with blue water are mixed together, enable the divers to have the best of both aquatic worlds. When people search about Sipadan Island, the beauty of it seems more convincing as we found multiple numbers of good reviews from the divers who had explored the place.
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It seems to be an island that has all the things that any divers could ever dreamed of. Moreover, the fame of the island as one of the top dive spot on earth escalated when the late celebrity Jacques Cousteau described Sipadan’s diversity of marine life as an “untouched work of art”. There is another option than diving, especially for the non-divers, and that is snorkeling. The most suitable snorkeling area in Sipadan is the buoyed-off area from the safe side of the jetty. Plus, non-divers also have easy access to the reef from the beach and parts of the reef can be reached by boat too. Sometimes, the sharks, barracuda and turtles can be seen without leaving the surface, but of course, anyone who wish to see them probably would need a bit of luck to watch such phenomenal things to happen. Sipadan is like a virgin state, therefore it is strictly protected by the
government because they want to preserve the beauty of the existing marine life. In Malaysia, turtles are listed as one of endangered animals in the country, but there is large quantity of turtles in this wellprotected island. Plus, all resorts in the island have been closed. However, visitors may stay at the nearby islands like Mabul island which is 15 km away from Sipadan. Meanwhile, people can find interesting mix of dive resorts in Mabul where they will meet the friendly locals, specifically the Bajau called the “sea gypsy” communities that is now the backbone of the tourism industry at the island. Sipadan is truly a nature escape to go and I can assure you that your eyes will feast on a glory of nature beyond the most vivid dreams once you stepped into this oceanic island. Though it is hard to describe in words of the wonders and beauty in Sipadan island that you will have to experience it on your own.
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Islam, Renaissance
enaissance merupakan satu waktu kelahiran atau era kebangkitan semula golongan Barat setelah ‘terlelap’ lama pada masa sebelumnya iaitu ‘zaman kegelapan’. Istilah Renaissance berasal daripada perkataan Itali iaitu ‘renascimento’ yang membawa erti ‘kelahiran semula’ dan istilah ini merujuk kepada penghargaan kepada ilmu yang telah disumbangkan oleh cendekiawan dan pejuang seni dalam Tamadun Yunani dan Rom. Ketika peradaban Islam mulai goyah, dunia Barat iaitu Eropah mulai bangkit dan berlumbalumba menterjemahkan karyakarya ilmuwan Islam ke dalam bahasa Latin dan menjalankan kajian ke atasnya. Kemegahan peradaban Islam pada pertengahan abad ke lapan hingga ke awal abad 12 Masihi telah mencapai puncak kegemilangannya. Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan peradaban ini dipelopori oleh dua kerajaan Islam iaitu Abbasiyah di Timur yang berpusat di Baghdad dan juga kerajaan Islam di Barat iaitu Umayyah yang berpangkalan di Cordoba.
Kedua-duanya dilihat sebagai “Mutiara Dunia” yang berharga kepada nilai-nilai sejarah. Pada waktu itu, peradaban Islam sangat unggul dan berpengaruh kepada peradaban-peradaban negara lain. Oleh itu, tidak hairanlah apabila peradaban Islam menjadi kayu pengukur corak kemodenan sesuatu bangsa dahulu terutamanya di benua Eropah. Seperti yang dapat dilihat, ironinya ‘kebangkitan’ dunia Barat itu adalah disebabkan kajian mereka terhadap dunia Islam itu sendiri. Mereka yang menyedari kekuatan yang ada pada Islam datang menuntut ilmu hingga ke Timur. Buku-buku yang pada asalnya ditulis dalam bahasa Arab diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Latin. Yang pasti, tiang asas kebangkitan Eropah iaitu Renaissance sedikit sebanyak dipengaruhi oleh pengaruh Averroisme iaitu Ibnu Rusyd selain pengaruh daripada penterjemahan karya-karya ilmuwan Islam ke dalam bahasa Latin. Perkembangan ilmu ini ataupun boleh dikatakan juga pemindahan ilmu Islam ke
bahagian Eropah ini berlaku pada abad ke 12 Masihi dan seterusnya tersebar dengan luas di sana. Peradaban Islam telah mencapai puncak kejayaan terutamanya dari aspek ilmu pengetahuan dan kebudayaan yang mana telah berkembang dengan pesat. Dalam jangka masa tersebut, sejarah telah merakamkan bagaimana tamadun Islam telah melahirkan ramai sarjana ulung dalam pelbagai bidang ilmu pengetahuan. Pada ketika itu, kemajuan ilmu sains dan teknologi serta ilmu-ilmu yang lain dimiliki oleh dunia Islam tidak dapat ditandingi oleh mana-mana bangsa atau negara. Jika dilihat Islam mendominasi pemerintahan di setiap ibu kota khususnya di Baghdad, Cordova dan Iskandariah. Ini dapat dilihat menerusi kegiatan keilmuan dan kebudayaan berlaku dengan maju dan disertai oleh segenap lapisan masyarakat. Kebanyakkan para sarjana dan pelajar dari negara luar khususnya dari negara Eropah datang mempelajari serta memahami pelbagai cabang ilmu pengetahuan.
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Seperti yang dinyatakan, pencapaian tamadun Islam dalam pelbagai bidang ilmu pengetahuan telah lahir daripada ajaran Islam itu sendiri yang diolah oleh pemikir Islam yang bijak pandai. Telah menjadi kelaziman oleh para sarjana barat khususnya dari blok Eropah dalam mempelajari segala ilmu berkaitan dengan teknologi dan sains. Sebagai contoh, penggunaan istilah Arab atau Islam dalam istilah saintifik di Barat. Para ilmuan Barat banyak menggunakan istilah-istilah Arab dan Islam di Pusat Pengajian mereka di Barat kerana mereka pernah menuntut ilmu dari para sarjana Islam dan mempelajari buku-buku yang ditulis oleh mereka. Kebanyakan istilah saintifik yang digunakan kekal dipraktikkan sehingga ke hari ini.Selain itu, penubuhan Universiti pertama di Eropah yang merupakan inisiatif daripada pelajar-pelajar Kristian Eropah yang telah tamat pengajian mereka di Baghdad dan di Barat. Penubuhan universiti tersebut mempunyai kaitan dengan Perang Salib kerana berlakunya pemindahan ilmu pengetahuan dan kebudayaan Islam serta bahan-bahan ilmiah yang lain dibawa oleh tentera-tentera Salib pulang ke negara mereka. Model universiti yang dibangunkan di negara mereka adalah merupakan tiruan daripada
Lukisan yang menggambarkan kehidupan pada waktu Renaissance.
institusi-institusi pengajian tinggi Islam di Sepanyol. Semenjak dari zaman Renaissance pada akhir abad 15 atau 16 Masihi, terdapat beberapa kemunculan aliran-aliran pemikiran barat terutamanya di negara England, Perancis dan Jerman. Aliran pemikiran barat yang terbahagi kepada tiga itu dapat membantu mereka untuk berfikir pada zaman tersebut. Pertama, Rasionalisme yang mengatakan bahawa akal adalah sumber utama ilmu pengetahuan. Kepercayaan terhadap kemampuan dan autoriti akal fikiran untuk menyingkap ilmu dan kebenaran merupakan konsep utama pegangan ini. Rasionalisme mengangkat akal sebagai sumber yang pertama untuk mendapatkan kebenaran dan mendapatkan segala ilmu pengetahuan. Kedua adalah Emperikalisme.
Emperikalisme berasal daripada perkataan Yunani, ‘Empirikos’ yang membawa maksud pengalaman. Penganut ini berpendapat bahawa pengalaman merupakan sumber utama bagi manusia dan bagi mengatasi akal fikiran manusia sendiri. Pengalaman pancaindera berbeza mengikut sensibiliti organ-organ tertentu dan mempunyai keistimewaan yang tersendiri. Ketiga, Humanisme merupakan agenda yang berpusatkan kepada cara manusia dalam membuat keputusan. Aliran pemikiran ini adalah serangan ke atas agama yang menolak agama dan kepercayaan bahawa Tuhan yang mencipta mereka. Kehendak manusia diletakkan sebagai matlamat utama untuk aliran ini. Dalam kemajuan teknnologi pada masa kini, aliran pemikiran ini kembali berkuasa terutamanya untuk kerajaan dan agama bagi memberi ruang kepada kehendak manusia. Aliran pemikiran barat ini telah mengubah corak pemikiran yang berlaku pada zaman tersebut. Mereka lebih mengikut aliran pemikiran tersebut walaupun terdapat aliran pemikiran Islam pada zaman tersebut.
Sumber: Gambaran situasi di istana pada zaman Renaissance.
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The Ascent of Islam
Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. rophet Muhammad is the most special man in the history of Islam. A man who is respected by all of the God’s creatures in every corner of the earth. Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. was born in Mecca around the year 570 and is derived from the tribe of Bani Hashim. Since childhood he became an orphan and was looked after by his grandfather, Abdul Muttalib and subsequently by his uncle too, Abu Talib bin Abdul Muttalib. He worked as a shepherd and married at the age of 25 years old with Khadijah Khuwalid aged over 40 years old. He was the last Source: danieltoker prophet for the Muslims. He is best
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Wto b
known as the leader who managed to unify the Arabian Peninsula under Islamic rule. At the age of 40, he received a divine revelation from the Jibrail when he was “bertafakkur” in the Cave of Hira'. From there he began to conduct missionary activities in secret with his brother and then openly trying to attract the pagan to accept Islam. During propagation, his prophet faced many obstacles, but he was shielded by his uncle Abu Talib. In 622 M, there was a violence that happened to the Muslims of the Quraisy tribe, which led the migration of the Prophet Muhammad and his followers to Madinah. The migration marked the beginning of the reign of the Prophet Muhammad as a political leader and a religious leader. Prophet Muhammad subsequently heard that the Caliph trade which was headed by Abu Sufyan and escorted by 30-40 people departed from Syria to Makkah. Caliphs were supplied with money left by the Muslims when migrated to Madinah. He was aware of the tactics used by the Quraisy to fool the Muslims by sponsoring the Khalifah expenses and sell all their goods to use the money for fund. With it, he collected a total of 313 people armed forces consisting of 82 Muhajirin and 231 Ansar, which was the busiest military power collected by the Muslims at the time. The next day, the prophet Muhammad himself led the armed forces. Including the major commander Hamzah and Caliph Abu Bakr, Umar Al-Khattab, Uthman ibn Affan and Ali ibn Abi Talib. They brought some camels and three horses to accommodate three to four people per camel. However, according to the authentic sources of the Qur’an, it is stated that Uthman did not join them because
his wife was sick. Badr was the scene of the first battle of Badr in Islam, namely the Battle of Badr. This battle took place on the 17th of Ramadan second year of Hijrah equivalent to 17 March 624 AD. It is an important battle in the early days of Islam and was a turning point in Muhammad’s struggle with his opponents among the Quraysh in Mecca. The battle shows the victory of Islam because of the ingenuity of the Prophet Muhammad as a leader.
Source: warfarehistorian
Charge of the Muslims at Badr by the Persian historian Rashid-al-Din (b.1247-1318)
Based on the story of the battle of Badr, Imam Al-Bukhari listed that there were as many as 70 people were killed and the Quraisy tribe of 70 people into captivity. Ali alone killed 18 of them. Only 14 people among the Muslims were killed in this battle. The victory became a sign to the other tribes that the new power in the Arabian Peninsular has risen since then Mecca is “Kota Jahiliyyah”, one of the most rich and powerful in the Arabian Peninsula. It also gives power to the Prophet Muhammad as head of the community of Medina who had often been at the loggerheads. Local Arab tribes began to embrace Islam. It is described in Sura Al-Imran
3: 123. When the battle of Badr, the Muslim army have discipline and commitment. Badr also became the title of Surah Al-Anfal, which details the implementation and conduct of the war and how the discussion about the division of the wealth war. After the war, Badr suggested an effect on the two individuals, the Prophet and Abu Sufyan. Prophet Muhammad was appointed to be the leader of the Muslims and Abu Sufyan became the leader of the Quraisy after the death of Abu Jahal. As a result, Abu Sufyan became the main negotiator on behalf of the Quraisy when the Prophet opened Mecca six years later. Abu Sufyan subsequently became a top official in the Islamic Empire and his son Muawiyah became the founder of the Umayyad Caliphate. 4 CALIPHS Khulafa'Ar Rasyidin is the title of four friends who hold positions in the country .They were the heir to the leadership of the Prophet Muhammad after his death. Rasulullah did not specify any successor after his death. “Syura” was made for the discussions between the friends and to nominate the early caliphs. Then, they were replaced by the Bani Ummayyah. Khulafa’ Ar Rasyidin consists of the four caliphs Abu Bakr, Umar AlKhattab, Uthman ibn Affan and Ali ibn Abi Talib. Abu Bakr, whose real name is Abdullah bin Abi Quhafah is the first caliphs in Khulafa'Ar Rayidin. He was a descendant of Bani Tamim and As-Siddiq held for admitting the truth of the Prophet Muhammad in the event of Isra 'and Mi'raj. He was the first to convert to Islam. When the Prophet Muhammad was ill, he asked Abu Bakr to lead the Muslims during prayers. After his death, an event called As Syura, which was attended by calpi
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the Emigrants and Helpers was founded to elect a caliph for the Muslims and the results lead the discussion, and Abu Bakr was appointed to be the first Caliph at the time. The discussion was to appoint Ali ibn Abi Talib as the caliph whom the Khawarij. But it was ended when Ali Abu Bakr was released. Among the success achieved during the reign of Abu Bakr’s group launched a campaign to eliminate Riddah and the false prophet in IslamRiddah Warfare series, collecting the Qur’an and captured some territory belonging to the Persian Empire and Byzantine. He died on 634 Masihi. After the death of Abu Bakr, Umar was appointed as the second caliph. Umar bin AlKhattab bin Naufal guided Abu Bakr during his administration. Born 13 years after the birth of the Prophet Muhammad was a descendant of Bani A’dy and called Al-Faruk, means separation between the truth and falsehood. Actually, before the death of Abu Bakr, he nominated Umar as his successor. Umar became caliph through a will made by Abu Bakr to avoid the split among Islam. Thus Umar Kantik became the second Caliph of Islam. During the reign of Umar, the Islamic empire expanded rapidly and captured some territory Mesopatamia and Persians and conquered Egypt, Palestine, Syria and Armenia from the Byzantines. Then in 638, Muslim armies conquered the city in clashes Baitulmaqaddis relatively. Saidina Umar made changes in the system of Islamic government such as setting up a new administration in the newly
conquered areas, provide salaries to the military to coordinate the flow of rivers for agricultural purposes and appointed some captains. Basra and Kufa were also built during his reign. He died in the year 644 after assassinated by a Persian slave named Abu Lu’lu’ah. Subsequently after Umar was killed, Uthman bin Affan was appointed to be a caliph. Given the title of ‘Zunnurain’ as married to two daughters of the Prophet and the descent of the Bani Ummayad. He reigned for twelve years and became the longest reigning Caliph, from 644 years until the year 656. Among the reforms made by him was set up naval forces led by Muawiyyah and introduced open ground in the political system and trade affairs. He also managed to reproduce verses of the Quran. He was known as the Mushaf of Uthman. During his rule, the entire territory of Iran, part of North Africa and Cyprus became part of the Islamic empire. He was eventually killed by the rebel groups who were dissatisfied with his rule and died in the year 656. After the Caliph Uthman's death, some people suggested that Ali should became the next caliph but Ali rejected. After being pressured then finally he agreed to become a caliph. His full name is Ali bin Abi Talib bin Abdul Muttalib ibn Hashim. Born in the 10th before the prophethood of the Prophet Muhammad. He was the first child to embrace Islam. He was brave, resolute and masters a variety of in-depth knowledge. During his reign, there has been two civil wars among Muslims that the war of Jamal (camel brown) between military leaders and followers Saiditina Ali Aisha bint Abu Bakr.
During the war, Zubayr ibn alAwam and Talhah was killed and by the next war Jamal was removed by the Caliph Ali. This opposition successfully terminated when the Islamic empire split into two. He later died in the year 661 AD after being killed by Abdul Rahman bin Muljam when he and the others were on their way to the mosque to perform dawn prayers. With the death of the fourth caliph 'Ali bin Abi Talib, the end and the beginning of the reign of Khulafa'Ar Rasyidin, Umayyad founded by Muawiyyah. THE UMAYYAD Islamic Empire’s first government was centered on the caliph. They were considered as the successor of Muhammad. The caliph can be considered as both the spiritual and political leader of the Islamic country. Their authority as the supreme leader of the ummah cannot be denied. The government during the time was implementing the Islamic theocracy, a government in which religious rulers govern in the name of God. Between religion and government, there was no separation. Quran, the example that was set by Muhammad (sunnah) and the rulings of the caliph are their guide to administer the government. Sunni Muslims believed that the first rightly guided caliphs are the set example for all rulers and leaders after them. They were all Arabs from Muhammad’s tribe and most of them were chosen by a council of leaders who represented the entire ummah. However, this example was rarely followed after the first four caliphs. That is why although the Umayyad leaders continued to call themselves caliphs, but some
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the world learned to make paper from linen.
experts consider the Umayyad dynasty more like a kingdom. Muawiya was the first Umayyad caliph, he made his dynasty like a king. He began the concept of putting himself as the leader to a higher class in the empire’s social structure. During the caliphs dynasty, although ordinary citizens could approach and speak directly to the first caliph but Muawiya began to act in a more royal manner. A doorkeeper was appointed by him to decide who could or could not Scholars at an Abbasid library, from the Maqamat of al-Hariri by Yahya ibn Mahsee him. The first Umayyad caliph mud al-Wasiti, Baghdad, 1237 AD also created royal bodyguards, made up of soldiers who In most cases, the caliph chose to accompanied him everywhere he rotate the governors. For example, went. in some regions the governors were The Umayyads can be said as replaced almost yearly to keep the first caliphs who had to deal them under control and that they with a newly expanded empire. would not become too powerful. Islamic Empire grew to be the Syria was the first region outside largest size under their ruling. of the Arabia that was conquered At the time when long distance travel and communication was by the Muslims and they moved to slow and difficult, it was a great Syria as the heart of the new empire. From Syria the caliph challenge for them to personally was able to administer and keep the firm in control of his control all of his provinces. empires to make sure things The Umayyads started a number continued to run smoothly of new innovations, for example they in the conquered lands, the set up a postal service, and riders local system of government on horseback to deliver messages was usually left in place. from one part of region to another. Then, to ensure the They also started a bureau of smoothness of administration in registry to record births, deaths all of the ruled lands, the caliph and other important events. divided the empire into regions The Umayyads also were and appointed capable, strong the first Islamic rulers to governors to oversee them. mint coins in silver and gold. At the beginning, the governors were appointed among the caliph’s relatives or the upper class THE ABBASID Abbasid Dynasty, the second great Arabs. Later, the position also dynasties of the Muslim Empire of given to army commanders and the caliphate after the Umayyads. others who had showed abilities. There were cases which the The Umayyad was overthrow by governors were appointed for their the Abbasid in AD 750 and reigned whole life or were allowed to pass as the Abbasid caliphate until on their positions to their relatives. destroyed by the Mongol invasion
in 1258. After the Umayyads era, science, technology and others fields of knowledge developed rapidly during the golden age of Islam from eighth to the 13th century and beyond. The new discovery on scientific and philosophical works from eastern and western world was embarked by the Abbasids. The capital of the Abbasid on that time was Baghdad, became the center of intellectual and scientific activity. Bayt al-Hikmah (House of Wisdom) was the first academy established by the Abbasid caliph Harun al-Rashid and expanded by his son the caliph al-Ma’mun. By the ninth century, Baghdad had become the center of political prestige and financial power. Colleges, schools, hospitals, mosques and libraries started to build as proof of knowledge and education appreciation. Baghdad became famous when the place attracted visitors, ambassadors and students from all parts of the empire. New and easier writing system and the introduction of paper made communication and knowledge transferred easily, it became possible to make a living from simply writing and selling books. The use of paper spread technology from China on that time was very popular since it was easier to manufacture it rather than parchment, it could absorb ink, making it difficult to erase and suitable for keeping records. Islamic paper makers produced essembly-line methods of handcopying manuscripts to increase the production than any available in Europe for centuries. It was from these Islamic countries that the rest of the world learned to make paper from linen.
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The Emergence of Salafism
he term Salafism originated from the Arabic word ‘Salaf’. The word “Salaf” means ‘which has passed’. Meanwhile in the Islamic context, the term salaf refers to early Muslims who were the companions of Prophet Muhammad, those who followed them and the intellectuals of the first three generations of Muslims. These early Muslims are known as Salaf al-Salih. Their closeness to the time of the Prophet implied that they were nearer to the first lessons and as a result they were less immoral. The Prophet’s mates acknowledged immediate learning from the Prophet and saw both the discovery and the specific context, while the following two generations got the knowledge of Islam based on the understanding of the acquaintances. Salafis practice the teachings that were known as Salafiyyah. In the present day context, the word Salaf refers to the practitioner of salafiyyah. In language term, Salaf means an attribution to the Salaf. A person who is a Salaf is one who assigns himself or herself to the way and teachings of the Salaf. Unlike Islamism, the salafists claim that party politics is an appearance of polytheism. In place of it utilizes Islam as a tool to set up obsessive groups with specific political interests that lead to the break and
Muhammad Abduh is regarded as one of the founder of Islamic Modernism.
weakness of the Muslims. Al-Ikhwan al-Muslimin which represented the Muslim Brotherhood was a movement that was often criticized by the most vital salafists and it was the first Islamist movement in recent times. They accused it of bid‘a, the sunna and the example of al-Salaf Salih. Even Salafis scholars of the gauge of Bin Baz, Muhammad Nasir alDin al-Albani, al- ‘Uthaymin, and Salih Fauzan alFauzan issued fatwas prohibiting salafists to show any sympathy for Ikhwan alMuslimin and to the similar Islamist movements. From the Salafis’ point of view, the Ikhwan al-Muslimin’s journey for the restoration of caliphate was political in nature and risky to unadulterated Islamic
da’wa, which will bring about horrible clashes among Muslims. MODERN SALAFISM Modern Salafism is about religious tendency towards a set of ideas and identity. This includes the belief system, ideas, values and meanings that reflect good, social and political interests and commitments of the modern Salafis and establishes their ideology of how the world and its system should work. This belief structure is based on pure, undiluted teachings of the Quran, the sunnah (Prophetic practice) and practices of the early Muslim generations (the salaf). The modern Salafis are viewed as people who make progress toward
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Osama Bin laden (left) and Ayman Al-Zawahiri (right) are often linked to Salafi-jihadist group.
the historical legacy of Prophet Muhammad, his Associates and the early Muslim eras through developing the genuine past in the recent times and future. Modern Salafism is different. It consists of numerous aspects and angle from moderate to extreme and from quietist to political activist to jihadis. The four groups of modern Salafis include the Modernist Salafis, Islamist Salafis, Puritanical Salafis and Militant Salafis in the contemporary period. Modernist Salafism represents the ideas that rose in late nineteenth century in Egypt and Damascus as a feedback to the main spread of European ideas. It is required to expose the origins of modernity within Muslim evolution. This type of Salafism is recognized with modernist reformers such as Muhammad Abduh. Living in mid nineteenth century of Egypt, Abduh witnessed a period of Western infringements upon the Middle East that were becoming more widespread. Abduh with the other reformers in his time, namely Jamal al-Din alAfghani, Muhammad Rashid Rida, Muhammad al-Shawkani and
Jalal al-San’ani suggested that the solution lies in revising the original sources of the religion. Meanwhile the Islamist Salafis are the Salafis who highlighted the application of the Salaf belief to the political field. This group of Salafis include the Muslim Brotherhood and the Hizb Al Ummah Party in Egypt. Militant Salafs are also known as Jihadi Salafs. These Salafs take a more militant method that argues that the current context calls for violence and revolution. These Salafs are often linked with individuals such as Osama Bin
laden and Ayman Al-Zawahiri. Puritanical Salafsm is more traditional type of Salafism which linked with the Saudi Arabia and believed to have been recognized by Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Wahhab. The believers of this particular form of Salafism follow a rather accurate, straight-forward and sometimes inexible form of Islam. These Salafis do not look to the nineteenth century figures of Muhammad Abduh, Al-Afghani and Rashid Rida but Ibn Taymiyyah.
Source: Google
The believers of Puritanical Salafism look up to Ibn Taymiyyah.
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ISLAMOPHOBIA “Over 60,000 of anti-Islamic books were circulated to the world’s market.” TEXT BY: NOR AINN MOHD PANDI
n the recent years, people dare to write about the issues that contain islamophobia issues. As we look back, over 60,000 of antiIslamic books have been circulated to the world market. According to Edward who is a writer at Times magazines, a total of anti-Islamic books are published increasingly over the years. In other countries, they are able to write anything and publish their books due to the existing freedom of speech. Everyone has their rights to do anything they want and share their ideas to others. However, there are some ideas that might be blunder and could threaten life. One of the examples is Charlie Hebdo’s attack in French satire press that is continued from critical long history. It is not a new issue. It keeps reoccurring within every civilization. This weekly magazine featuring
cartoons which contains racism, islamophobia and prejudice towards Muslim. Due to the published of the Charlie Hebdo’s magazines, France experienced its worst terror attack on 7th January 2015 when two brothers, Said and Cherif Kouachi forced the armed with assault rifles
and other weapons that killed 12 people and 11 others were injured. However, after the assault incident, media in the West announced their desire to reprint controversial caricatures, including caricatures that insult Prophet Muhammad SAW.
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Due to that, Islam followers throughout the world began to protest and carry out mass demonstration. In Pakistan, at least two persons were injured and accidentally shot in struggle between the Pakistan police and anti-demonstrator Charlie Hebdo’s magazine in front of the consultant office in Karach. Charlie Hebdo had also published a magazine that characterized as racism towards races. It became visible after Michael Jackson’s death which displayed Michael Jackson’s cartoon framework that is white, entitled “Michael Jackson finally in white”. Charlie Hebdo also had attacked Muslims in September 2012. They made a cartoon of Prophet Muhammad SAW that is naked. Several years before that, contempt that had many times carried out has forced Islamic cluster in France bring the case to court. However, former French President Nicholas Sarkozy upholds Charlie Hebdo and allow the newspaper’s action as part of freedom of expression. Charlie Hebdo’s caricature that insults Prophet Muhammad SAW instantly aggravate global tension about the film titled “The Innocence of Muslims” which seems to be an insult to the religion of Islam. Charlie Hebdo’s tragedy should be taken seriously by the whole world communities because it is proven by the tragedy that nobody should stand up for the anti-Islamic. Sentiments were increasingly thicken in the West and we know that after so long, there were various propagandas and actions of the antiIslamic was carried out by France. In Islamic history itself, we can see Mansur Al Hallaj’s was also murdered murder due to his beliefs. Nusantara world have lost a total of Hamzah Fansuri’s book, they were burned and annihilated from the world today. In the west
Protest of the Charlie Hebdo magazine
“Charlie Hebdo is a French satirical weekly magazine that featuring cartoons which is contains racist, islamophobia and prejudice towards Muslim.” we can observe the Martin Luther’s note in Gothenburg University wall that had killed innocent people. Provocations that were done continuously by Charlie Hebdo towards Muslims through his contempt on Prophet Muhammad SAW almost doubtlessly caused an attack. Thus, anyone that condemn the attack, he should first condemn Charlie Hebdo much harder because of the newspaper’s action that unremitting the insults of Islam and Prophet Muhammad SAW. From these incidents, everyone who wants to share their ideas
Charlie Hebdo’s Magazine
need to think twice either their idea is constructive or not before getting published. Cartoonist also needs to draw and channels their painting ideas to shape social humor and social science. A lot of other issues that can be done apart from insulting other religions, they can draw and joke on everyday’s life, society’s culture and others as long as it is not threatening others.
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ada 24 Mac 2017, London dikejutkan dengan serangan penganas yang telah menyebabkan empat orang awam terbunuh. Kejadian ngeri yang berlaku di Westminster baru-baru ini, menimbulkan rasa takut dalam kalangan masyarakat di London. Serangan itu bermula apabila pengganas tersebut memandu laju kenderaan dan merentasi Westminster Bridge lalu merempuh orang awam, menyebabkan kecederaan kepada beberapa orang termasuk tiga orang pegawai polis. Kereta yang dipandu itu merempuh pagar perimeter sekitar Majlis Parlimen (Houses of Parliament). Pengganas itu kemudian berlari ke pintu masuk Parlimen, lalu bertindak untuk menikam seorang anggota polis yang tidak bersenjata. Kejadian itu berakhir apabila seorang anggota polis bertindak untuk menyerang balas dengan menembak mati pengganas tersebut.
Ketika kejadian tersebut berlaku, Perdana Menteri United Kingdom, Theresa May dipindahkan dari Parlimen pada masa yang sama. Ahli-ahli Parlimen yang berada dalam Istana Westminster juga dipindahkan ke bilik perlindungan. David Lidington, Ketua Dewan Rakyat, memberitahu bahawa seorang pegawai polis ditikam dan seorang penyerang ditembak. Beliau menambah bahawa ambulan sedang mengeluarkan mangsa dari tempat kejadian. Ahli Parlimen diberitahu untuk kekal di dalam bilik perlindungan dan jauhkan diri dari tingkap. Selepas kejadian tersebut, Westminster diletakkan dibawah perintah berkurung, termasuklah jalan raya dan bangunan Parlimen. Pegawai Polis London menyifatkan serangan itu sebagai “insiden pengganas�. Pihak berkuasa memberi amaran kepada orang ramai untuk mengelakkan daripada melalui kawasan di sekitar bangunan Parlimen.
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nsiden yang melanda Westminster menimbulkan tanda tanya pelbagai pihak tentang penglibatan kumpulan pengganas dalam kejadian tersebut. Kumpulan pengganas ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levenant), merupakan kumpulan militan jihad yang berpangkalan di Iraq dan Syria. Agenda utama ISIS adalah untuk mewujudkan sistem pemerintahan Khalifa dan berjihad dengan menggunakan nama Islam. Walaupun kumpulan ini mendakwa mereka mewakili Islam serta berjihad memperjuangkan Islam namun sebenarnya mereka tersasar jauh dari ajaran Islam yang sebenar. Konsep jihad yang sebenar adalah umat Islam perlu berjuang di jalan Allah dengan mematuhi syariah dan etika, melindungi serta menegakkan kebenaran, bukan dengan membunuh manusia yang berdosa dan merosakkan harta benda. Kumpulan ini melakukan keganasan dan kekejaman sesuka hati dengan mendakwa mereka melakukannya demi Islam. Pelbagai taktik ganas yang dilakukan oleh mereka seperti penculikan, pengeboman serta pembunuhan beramai-ramai. Kumpulan militan ini turut mendakwa bertanggungjawab terhadap serangan Westminster. Namun begitu, mereka tidak menawarkan sebarang bukti yang berkaitan dengan penyerang, Khalid Masood. Agensi berita ISIS, Amaq, melaporkan bahawa penyerang itu adalah “askar negara Islam.” Namun, terdapat pandangan yang membangkang kenyataan itu.
Salah seorang ahli militan, ISIS memegang senjata.
PENGGANAS INSIDEN WESTMINSTER, KHALID MASOOD Khalid Masood, 52, dilahirkan di Kent, England pada tahun 1964. Sebelum insiden serangan itu berlaku, dia dipercayai telah menetap di West Midlands. Khalid mempunyai rekod jenayah lampau. Pada bulan Disember 2003 dia disabitkan bersalah kerana memiliki pisau. Namun, Khalid tidak pernah disabitkan dengan kesalahan keganasan. Khalid telah berdaftar di daerah Dartford tetapi namanya telah diberikan sebagai Adrian Russell Elms. Dua tahun kemudian, ibunya berkahwin dengan seorang lelaki yang bernama Ajao, Khalid menjadi anak tiri Ajao dan mula dikenali sebagai Adrian Russell Ajao. Dia menggunakan kedua-dua nama Ajao dan Elms sehingga dia memasuki Islam dan menggunakan nama Khalid Masood. Khalid menghabiskan beberapa tahun bekerja di Arab Saudi mengajar bahasa Inggeris sebagai bahasa kedua di Lembaga Penerbangan Awam, Jeddah. Dia menggunakan identitinya sebagai “guru” ketika menyewa kereta yang digunakan untuk melakukan serangan di Westminster.
PANDANGAN PERDANA MENTERI, THERESA MAY Perdana Menteri United Kingdom, Theresa May mengutuk serangan itu dan menyifatkannya sebagai ‘memualkan dan keji’. “Lokasi serangan ini bukan kebetulan. Pengganas ini memilih untuk melakukan srangan di tengah-tengah ibu negara, di mana orang ramai daripada pelbagai warganegara, agama dan budaya bersama-sama meraikan nilainilai kebebasan dan demokrasi.” katanya. “Sebarang percubaan untuk mengalahkan nilai-nilai itu menggunakan keganasan adalah ‘ditakdirkan untuk gagal,” ujar beliau. Beliau menegaskan bahawa negara mereka tidak akan tunduk dengan ancaman keganasan oleh mana-mana pihak. Sementera itu, beliau juga tidak lupa memberi penghormatan kepada kepada semua mangsa yang terkorban dalam insiden tersebut.
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SIS mengaku bertanggungjawab atas serangan pengeboman yang paling dahsyat sepanjang sejarah Belgium pada 22 Mac 2016 lalu sehinggakan tragedi berdarah di ibu negara Belgium tahun lalu meyebabkan kerajaan Belgium mengisytiharkan, tiga hari berkabung. IS lebih dikenali sebagai Negara Islam Iraq dan Jajahannya (ISIL) di Iraq atau ISIS di Syria sebelum pemimpinnya, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi mengisytiharkan pembentukan sebuah Negara Islam (IS) yang merangkumi Syria dan Iraq. Serangan ini berlaku kerana Belgium merupakan peserta dalam usaha campur tangan ketenteraan Negara Islam Iraq dan Jajahannya (ISIL) di Iraq sepanjang Perang Saudara Iraq dan pada 5 Oktober 2015, sebuah pesawat F-16 Belgium telah menjatuhkan bom pertamanya ke atas sasaran Negara Islam Iraq dan Jajahannya (ISIL) di timur Baghdad.Sehubungan dengan itu, letupan yang berlaku di ibu negara Belgium mengakibatkan kira-kira 35 orang terbunuh termasuk tiga pengebom berani mati dan lebih 300 orang tercedera di Lapangan Terbang Brussels di Zaventem, dan satu lagi di stesen metro Maalbeek di Brussels. Letupan dua bom meletup di Lapangan Terbang Brussels di Zabentem pada pukul 8 pagi, mengakibatkan 17 orang dekat kaunter daftar masuk terbunuh. Satu di sebelah kaunter daftar masuk British Airways dan Iberia, dan satu lagi letupan di antara kedai kopi Starbucks dan kaunter daftar masuk Brussels Airlines. Kemudian, bom yang ketiga meletup lebih sejam selepas itu pada pukul 9.19 pagi di stesen metro Maalbeek kereta api bawah tanah, di gerabak tengah tren tiga gerabak yang mengorbankan 14 orang.
Selepas kejadian, pada 12 November 2015, Iraq memberi amaran kepada para peserta campur tangan bahawa serangan balas terhadap negara pencampur tangan akan di lakukan atas arahan pemimpin Daesy.Keadaan di dalam rakaman video menunjukkan kemusnahan berlaku di dinding dengan jubin siling dan kaca bertaburan di lantai. Beberapa penumpang yang keluar dari terminal dengan darah berpercikan di pakaian mereka. Asap turut kelihatan dari bangunan menerusi tingkap yang pecah dan para penumpang melarikan diri ke landasan kapal, beberapa daripada mereka masih lagi menarik beg-beg mereka. Selepas 90 minit letupan berlaku di lapangan terbang, polis Brussels menutup kawasan sekeliling apartmen di Schaebeek sebuah daerah utara Brussels, kemudian pihak berkuasa menerima risikan daripada seorang pemandu teksi sebaik sahaja menyiarkan gambargambar suspeknya beberapa jam selepas serangan yang diambil dari litar televisyen tertutup (CCTV) Selain itu, polis menemui sebutir bom paku, 15 kilogram (33 lb) aseton peroksida, 151 litre (33 imp gal; 40 US gal) aseton, hampir 30 litre (7 imp gal; 8 US gal) hidrogen peroksida, bahan-bahan lain untuk letupan, dan sehelai bendera ISIL di dalam apartmen tiga orang suspek yang turut dikatakan turut terlibat dalam serangan Perancis 13 Novermber 2015 lalu yang menyebabkan sehingga 130 orang terbunuh dan 368 orang cedera ringan. Apakah serangan balas membalas akan berterusan dan rakyat yang tidak bersalah menjadi mangsa politik? Perbincangan pendamaian harus dilakukan segara untuk mengelakkan serangan berterusan.
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The fundamental of astronomy and how they shaped the basis knowledge of celestial beings
Source: Mitchell Teachers
e as human beings often find ourselves glancing or rather, staring at the night sky filled with gleaming stars and moon; wondering about the meaning and the order of the universe around us because it makes us feel miniscule, like a speck of dust floating relentlessly in a vast space. Astronomy is the study of all things celestial, like the stars, the planets, the space and other Earthly, non-Earthly bodies and spectacles as a whole. This branch of science has been one of the most celebrated fields during the Golden Age of Islam where Muslim scholars fearlessly tackle the unknown in search of the depth of knowledge. Before the blossoming of scholars during the Golden Age, Aristotle’s (384 – 322 BC) model of universe that implied the Earth is in the centre of the universe and the Sun, the moon and all the planets in the Solar System is circling in Earth’s orbit has been the core belief of ancient astronomy.
On the contrary, the work of Ptolemy (85 – 165 AD) served as a purely hypothetical and geometrical depiction of the cosmos with precise annotations of it. In Islam, the astronomers have given their expertise in determining the time for daily prayers and the direction of Makkah from any location on Earth, figuring out the lunar calendar to determine the dates for Ramadhan and Hajj. This body of knowledge was refined because it is the requirement of Islam for its believers to have the capability to know the exact way to decide the time and the direction of the Qiblat. It resulted in the creation of new calendrical structures. For other societies, astronomy is used to determine the length of the year, seasonal lands for successful cultivation of crops and created accurate tools of measurement for expeditions on land and sea. The birth of Islam increased the value of knowledge in the Middle East about the study of the universe, while Europe is commencing the Dark Ages. There were a few pivotal pioneers in incrementing the treasure of knowledge and pushed astronomy to a magnificent extension of understanding.
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AL-FARGHANI AL-BATTANI Al-Battani (or Alabategnius in Europe) was an astronomer and mathematician that have played the key role in today’s astronomy. Born in southern Turkey in 858, he moved to Baghdad to pursue his career; there, he managed to compiled data about the predictions of new moons and eclipses. He had successfully calculated the length of the year, which is only two minutes of a difference compared to modern observation from National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), which was 365 days, 5 hours, 46 minutes and 24 seconds. He discovered the precise duration of night and day by translating a 700-year old Greek text, discovering the exact day on which its author had also measured the equinox. Based on the two vital piece on information, first being the number of days between the two observation and second, the number of years that the observation has been made; he came out with an astonishing result of knowing the length of time during a year. Therefore, he has managed to discern the existence of the equinox. He published a book called Kitab az-Zij that later become a crucial reference and repeatedly quoted by other medieval astronomers such as the famous Polish astronomer, Nicolas Copernicus. What is remarkable about this discovery is that during that time, there is no telescope for him to observe the far objects in the sky yet he managed to find the accuracy in his calculation using only armillary spheres, astrolabes and the naked eyes. His contributions did not stop there, he explained greatly on the phenomenon of parallax, which is the difference in measuring the distances to the closer stars based on whether they are observed when the Earth is on the opposites sides of the Sun in its orbit. Al-Battani also recognized that solar system moves through space and as an outcome made noteworthy alterations to Ptolemy’s observations.
Next in line is Al-Farghani (or Alfraganus in the West) from Transoxiana (now Uzbekistan) who was a wellknown surgeon and astronomer. He has published The Elements of Astronomy that has been a staple text for studying the field until 15th century. The book argued about some of information shared by Ptolemy, which is there is an empty space between the planet Venus and the Sun. Al-Farghani simply stated that there is no space between those two celestial beings in his book. The Elements of Astronomy became his most important and notable work that focused on the details and the summary of Ptolemy’s Almagest. The book had acted as an efficient medium to spread Ptolemaic astronomy understanding until 15th century. But between the 9th and 11th centuries, Muslim astronomers were fixated on analysing and refining the models suggested by Ptolemy. He was the first to explain the mathematical basis of the functioning of the astrolabe and connected errors in earlier astrolabes. He also calculated the distances of planets, the moon and stars from the Earth.
AL-MAMUN AL-RASHID Caliph Al-Mamun Al-Rashid. He had gathered his man to collect any piece of information from all over the world and bring them to Bayt al-Hikmah (House of Wisdom) in Baghdad where the knowledge is catalogued and translated for further references. All of it is put into manuscripts and translated into Arabic to be studied, amended and extended among the scholars. He had created the central building in observing astronomy, the first formal observatory on the land of Shamsiya, near Baghdad at Mount Qasiyun, complete with a library, study, accommodation and instrumentation workshop. This effort has opened a space for Muslim scholars to gather and work solemnly on the discovery of the heavenly bodies. Baghdad has become the centre of research and knowledge under the patronage of Abbasid reign.
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ABDUL RAHMAN AL-SUFI Next is Abdul Rahman al-Sufi (known as Azophi in the West) had the primary idea of describing the nebulosity of our universe as he designated another known galaxy outside the Milky Way in his book of constellations and named it Andromeda. Al-Sufi furthermore equipped tables of the heavens from his own annotations and carefully declared the magnitudes of each star. His book, ‘Kitab al-Kawatib al Thabit al Musawwar’ included a catalogue of 1,018 stars, comprised with their approximate locations, magnitudes and also colours. He wrote extensively about the usage of astrolabes, he also succeeded in cataloguing a southern celestial element, the White Bull, which is known as the Large Magellanic Cloud today. Al-Biruni, an Iranian born scholar that has expertise on mathematics, geography, pharmacology and physics just to name a few, was one of the pioneers of astronomy. He prospered in computing the Earth’s circumference and correctly defines the direction of Makkah from any point on the globe. He also transcribed an exhaustive study and explanation on the working of an astrolabe in astronomy discoveries. Furthermore, he elaborated on the drawings of plethora of instruments that can be considered as the predecessors towards many modern objects such as clocks and modern astrolabe. His views impacted the inventions of these said objects by other scientist in the coming years. To proof that his discovery does not aged with time, in 1749, his data on Eclipse were used to assist in the progression of the acceleration of the moon and the records from the event is still being used today in astronomy and also geophysics. Even though he cannot prove the fact that the Earth is not static, he favoured the idea of the Earth is actually rotating in its orbit.
“Astronomy compels the soul to look upwards & leads us from this world to another,” -Plato So how influenced were these Muslim astronomers in moulding the basis of astronomy? Johannes Kepler, a German astronomer had utilized several Islamic astronomers in the development of his laws of planetary motion. Tycho Brahe, a Danish astronomer famous for his accuracy on planetary observations, discovered the third equality of the moon’s motion, 600 years after Al-Bustani had made the same observation. Galileo Galilei and Isaac Newton had used the early theories from Al-Biruni and Al-Haytem in order to construct their basic concept of gravity. In Quran, 14:33 has stated that ‘He subjected for you the Sun and the moon, continuous in orbit, and subjected for you the night and day’. It shows that the universe is for human being to explore and dissect thoroughly while collecting knowledge and appreciating the beauty of God’s creation. Today’s astronomy owed much to these early pioneers of astronomy and their courageous endeavours for knowledge that they had set the fundamental elements of modern day astronomy and space sciences. Their names live on the 13 features of the moon, among 165 stars with Arabic names and several other astronomical terms known globally.
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kolokium ke-37
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KOLOKIUM KRITIKAN MEDIA KE-36 Teks oleh: Nurul Ayuni Halimi
Suasana Kolokium dalam Dewan Seminar Menara SAAS.
olokium Kritikan Media ke 36 yang dianjurkan oleh pelajar kewartawanan semester 5 Fakulti Komunikasi dan Pengajian Media Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) membawa tema yang berbeza pada kali ini. Kewartawanan, Keindukan dan Sensitiviti Agama adalah tema yang diangkat bagi merungkai pelbagai isu yang berkaitan dengan profesion dan dilema wartawan pada masa kini.Tema kali ini mengupas peranan utama wartawan sebagai pengamal media di Malaysia yang banyak memberi cabaran dari pelbagai aspek termasuk agama yang menjadi isu sensitif di negara ini. Kolokium kali ini juga menbentangkan isu seperti keindukan yang banyak dipengaruhi oleh nilai-nilai etika wartawan itu sendiri. Fungsi wartawan pada masa kini dilihat lebih mencabar dengan adanya pelbagai kekangan yang dapat menghadis kredibiliti wartawan untuk menyampaikan berita dengan tepat dan tuntas. Muhammad Yusuf Amin, wakil dari Primeworks Studios Sdn Bhd menyifatkan fungsi wartawan kini semakin tercabar kerana adanya teknologi yang membawa kepada penyebaran berita tidak sahih yang disebarkan oleh orang awam. Dr. Siti Zobidah Bt Omar, pensyarah kanan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysa (UKM) selaku panel kedua pada kolokium kali ini menerangkan kebanyakan angkubah teori Barat hanya pada permukaan, tidak berlandaskan nilai, mahupun pegangan agama. Isu sesitiviti agama telah dikupas oleh Dr Fathul Bari dengan pelbagai informasi yang dapat membuka mata pengamal media kini. Penampilan panel-panel yang kolokium kali ini antara kolokium yang boleh dibanggakan. Informasi yang padat dan komprehensif telah dikongsikan oleh panel-panel pada kali ini.
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Beliau juga berpendapat bahawa topik Kolokium kali ini lebih menarik berbanding sebelumnya kerana mengangkat isu semasa yang sememangnya menjadi perbualan hangat pada masa kini, antaranya
tentang isu buku Hannah Yeoh yang mengundang kontroversi, serta isu larangan perhimpunan Yahudi di Melaka. “Kolokium pada kali ini bagi pendapat saya adalah kolokium yang berjaya kerana input-input yang diberikan sangat berguna dan dapat dimanfaatkan oleh para pelajar,” jelas beliau. Syahir turut berpendapat bahawa ilmu atau pengetahuan tentang isu yang ditekankan pada Kolokium kali ini perlu didalami oleh para pelajar agar mereka dapat menjawab isu-isu tersebut berdasarkan fakta dan bukan persepsi. Manakala bagi Aisha Hani Nor Azmir, panelis kolokium kali ini sangat menarik kerana dapat mendengar perkongsian ilmu yang berbentuk ilmiah dari segi bidang kewartawanan. Malah kupasan isu-isu semasa yang dibincangkan juga mampu menjawab segala persoalan yang mungkin menjadi dilema setiap wartawan. “Panel kali ini berjaya menarik minat pelajar serta berjaya menyampaikan input ilmiah,
pencerahan kepada pelajar melalui diskusi atau kupasan isu-isu semasa berkaitan topik Kolokium terutamanya semasa sesi soal jawab”, ulas Aisha. Aisha berpendapat bahawa kolokium merupakan platform perkongsian ilmu yang berkesan dan perlu diteruskan agar para pelajar dapat memperolehi perspektif daripada golongan profesional. Para pelajar khususnya pelajar kewartawanan dapat memprolehi input yang pelbagai melalui perkongsian pengalaman serta perbincangan antara panel-panel dalam kolokium. “Dapat input baru daripada panel yang berlainan latar belakang. Selain itu, kami dapat mengambil pengajaran daripada pengalaman yang dikongsi oleh panel-panel,” ujar Farah Adibah Mohd Fadzli. Farah juga berpendapat bahawa program ini perlu diteruskan untuk memberi pendedahan yang lebih jelas kepada para pelajar kewartawanan mahupun pelajar aliran lain tentang dunia kewartawanan.
Syahir Ridhwan Mohd Yusof, pelajar Kewartawanan semester 4
Aisha Hani Nor Azmir, pelajar Kewartawanan semester 4
Farah Adibah Mohd Fadzli, pelajar Kewartawanan semester 3
agi mendapatkan maklum balas serta pendapat para pelajar tentang topik yang dikupaskan dalam Kolokium ke36 kali ini, kami sempat menemu bual beberapa orang wakil pelajar khususnya daripada kursus kewartawanan. Bagi pandangan Syahir Ridhwan Mohd Yusof, kolokium kali ini memberi banyak manfaat serta pengetahuan tentang sensitiviti agama dalam dunia kewartawanan, bukan sahaja kepada pelajar kewartawanan malah kepada semua pihak.
“Kolokium pada kali ini bagi pendapat saya adalah kolokium yang berjaya kerana input-input yang diberikan sangat berguna.” - Syahir Ridhwan
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kolokium ke-37
edia berperanan untuk mencari maklumat, menulis berita dan menyebarkan berita kepada orang awam. Orang yang tidak bekerja di bawah sektor media beranggapan bahawa sektor media merupakan sektor yang sangat menarik dan boleh menaikkan populariti seseorang sebaris dengan selebriti-selebriti seperti pelakon dan penyanyi. Namun, realitinya tidak seindah seperti yang dijangka, Ternyata, bekerja dibahagian media sama ada media cetak, media sosial, media online malah media penyiaran sangat mencabar, terutamanya kerjaya sebagai seorang wartawan, editor dan bagi yang bekerja di bilik berita.
Bagi seseorang wartawan, adalah penting untuk beliau mengutamakan etika-etika kewartawanan ketika menjalankan tugas seperti tidak berat sebelah terhadap penulisannya, menjadi seseorang yang mempunyai objektif, memastikan ketepatan berita yang ditulis mengikut sumber yang betul serta mengelakkan fitnah. Persoalanya sekarang, adakah wartawan tesebut cukup berilmu dan bijak untuk menetapkan pendirian agar tidak berat sebelah dan boleh mengawal diri daripada menjadi seorang yang sukakan kehancuran sesuatu bangsa dan masyarakat? Ketika sesi Kolokium ke-36 yang berlangsung di Dewan Seminar, Menara Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah (SAAS)
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Muhamad Amin Yusuf ketika membuat pembentangan dalam Kolokium ke-36 di Dewan Seminar Menara SAAS.
pada 20 Mei 2017 yang bertemakan Kewartawanan,Keindukan dan Sensitiviti Agama, salah seorang panel yang hadir merupakan Penerbit Eksekutif kandungan Islam Jabatan Faktual PrimeWork Studios, Muhammad Amin Yusuf. Beliau yang membincangkan topik Cabaran Media dalam Memberikan Pelaporan Berita dan Masyarakat dalam Memastikan Kestabilan dan Keharmonian dalam Masyarakat sempat ditemubual oleh wartawan Kolokium.
“Kita perlu ada cara yang sesuai dan bijak untuk menyampaikan sebarang maklumat atau berita.” Dalam perbincangan, Muhamad Amin menyatakan bahawa kita perlu menyebarkan berita yang sahih serta menyebarkan ilmu pengetahuan kita kerana itu adalah sebahagian daripada dakwah. “Kita perlu ada cara yang sesuai dan bijak untuk menyampaikan sebarang maklumat atau berita,” ujar Muhamad Amin. Walaupun begitu, seseorang wartawan itu tidak digalakan mengabaikan keselamatan mereka ketika melaporkan sesuatu berita. Menurut Muhamad Amin, dalam
industri, kita ada peraturan yang menetapkan bahawa kakitangan akan diberi perlindungan bagi menghadapi risiko dalam proses untuk melaksanakan tangungjawabnya. Ujar beliau lagi, ketepatan maklumat dan fakta adalah perkara yang paling dititikberatkan oleh seorang wartawan dalam melaporkan berita. Dalam pada itu, sekiranya sesebuah organisasi berita atau seseorang wartawan itu dikecam terutamanya di media sosial, maka hanya pihak atasan organisasi yang berhak untuk membuat sebarang keputusan atau tindakan selanjutnya. “Tetapi, dalam kes seorang wartawan yang mewakili syarikat, tidak semestinya wartawan tersebut akan memberi jawapan terhadap kecaman tersebut. Jadi, akhirnya ia akan berbalik kepada syarikat tersebut semula kerana dia bekerja untuk syarikat tersebut,” katanya. Oleh itu, jika ada kes yang berkaitan dengan kecaman terhadap syarikat terutamanya di media sosial, wartawan tersebut tidak boleh sewenang-wenangnya menjawab kecaman tesebut kerana dikhuatiri jawapan yang dibalas itu akan menjejaskan reputasi syarikat atau organisasi tersebut. Beliau
berkata, sekiranya wujud sebarang kecaman,wartawan itu perlu dirujuk kembali kepada syarikat. Selain itu, sepanjang bekerja di bawah syarikat PrimeWork Studios sebagai penerbit, Muhamad Amin memberitahu bahawa cabaran yang paling besar ialah beliau tidak boleh menyampaikan maklumat disebabkan pelbagai kekangan seperti bajet untuk projek dan keterhadan maklumat serta yang paling mencabar ialah kehilangan daya kreativiti dalam menyampaikan maklumat yang seharusnya perlu dielakkan. “Cabaran lain yang besar adalah, anda perlu terus bercerita walaupun terdapat kekangan seperti bajet kena potong dan harus memastikan rating sentiasa ditahap yang selamat, jika rating jatuh, ini bermakna penonton kurang menonton rancangan anda,” ujarnya. Sebagaimana yang kita sedia maklum, Malaysia ialah sebuah negara yang mempunyai pelbagai kaum dan kaum majoriti ialah kaum Melayu. Menurut beliau, media dapat seimbangkan penerbitan sesuatu berita atau program supaya semua kaum dapat hak yang sama rata dan tidak berasa tersisih dengan kaum majoriti dengan wujudnya kepelbagaian jenis stesen televisyen yang terdapat di Malaysia. “Media bias” atau media berat sebelah adalah perkara sensitif yang melanggar etikaetika kewartawanan walaupun dalam masa yang sama, ia tidak melanggar undang-undang. Kewujudan media berat sebelah adalah patut dielakkan kerana ia mengundang perasaan tidak puas hati daripada sesetengah pihak kerana wartawan atau media itu sendiri melebihkan pihak yang disokong dalam penulisannya dan secara tidak langsung menganaktirikan pihak yang lain.
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kolokium ke-37
engajian komunikasi di Malaysia sudah bermula sejak 46 tahun yang lalu. Tahun 1970-an menunjukkan perkembangan bidang komunikasi yang pesat dan meluas di samping pengajiannya. Komunikasi menjadi semakin signifikan apabila ia muncul sebagai satu cabang pengajian di universitiuniversiti awam mahupun swasta di Malaysia malah, ia berjaya muncul sebagai salah satu bidang komersial. Pada peringkat awal hampir keseluruhan pusat pengajian tinggi awam di Malaysia menawarkan pengajian komunikasi massa. Namun senario 1990an dengan perkembangan bidang perniagaan maka komunikasi di Malaysia telah memperlihatkan
kemunculan bidang-bidang baru seperti komunikasi keorganisasian, komunikasi korporat, pengiklanan, teknologi komunikasi dan telekomunikasi di universitiuniversiti awam. Ekoran daripada program Kolokium 36: Kewartawanan, Keindukan, dan Sensitiviti Agama, Pensyarah Jabatan Komunikasi Fakulti Komunikasi dan Bahasa Moden, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Profesor Madya Dr. Siti Zobidah Omar menekankan bahawa pengajian komunikasi di Malaysia sepatutnya sedar akan cabaran korpus bidang ini dan status MASSA 46 tahun di Malaysia adalah satu penanda untuk bidang komunikasi di Malaysia menjadi lebih maju.
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Korpus didefinasikan sebagai perbincangan berkenaan dengan bahasa, ia termasuklah perkataan, penulisan, emotikon, dan bahasa isyarat. Secara menyeluruh, korpus ialah perbincangan secara linguistik mengenai bahasa, dan isu-isu dalam konteks komunikasi yang menjadi perbincangan hangat. Beliau menekankan cabaran korpus adalah termasuk permintaan global, penggabungan teori barat dan timur, teknologi dan cabaran budaya. Media pada masa kini terperngaruh dengan ideologi barat, ianya berlaku apabila golongan pendidik kita yang terdahulu menerima ajaran daripada barat lalu karya pengajian barat dibawa masuk ke Malaysia dan diajar kepada kita. Ia sedikit sebanyak mempengaruhi penerimaan dan aplikasi pelajar apabila sudah masuk ke industri media. Sebagai contoh, pengajian barat akan mencari kesalahan dalam proses komunikasi apabila berlaku kegagalan semasa menyampaikan sesebuah mesej. Mereka telah mencipta angkubah-angkubah dalam proses komunikasi, bermula dengan komunikasi daripada penyampai dan penerima sehingga kini berlaku penambahan angkubah seperti medium, dan faktor-faktor lain. Siti Zobidah menekankan media kita seharusnya mengambil kira kegagalan berlaku dengan
“Bahasa yang kita belajar dari lahir akan menentukan apa yang kita akan tunjukkan dalam percakapan dan juga penulisan terutama sekali sebagai seorang wartawan.”
menilai semula mengapa sesebuah komunikasi tersebut berlaku berbanding menyalahkan proses semasa komunikasi itu sendiri. “Cikgu-cikgu kita dahulu daripada barat, kita belajar daripada barat namun sekarang ini kita perlu lakukan perubahan untuk tidak terpengaruh dengan ideologi mereka dan sesuaikan dengan konteks masyarakat kita sendiri,” ujar Siti Zobidah. “Bahasa yang kita belajar dari lahir akan menentukan apa yang kita akan tunjukkan dalam percakapan dan juga penulisan terutama sekali sebagai seorang wartawan,” tambah beliau lagi. Siti Zobidah juga turut menekankan supaya pelajar-pelajar kita untuk mencari kelainan dengan melakukan kajian mengenai kerohanian, akhlak dan agama. Tiba masanya untuk kajian kita perlu rasa dekat dengan realiti masyarakat di Malaysia sendiri dan menjadikan masyarakat Malaysia lebih holistik. Dengan menggiatkan kajian mengenai kerohanian, akhlak dan agama ia akan dapat memberi kemajuan kepada rakyat Malaysia semula. Beliau menepis kenyataan yang mengatakan bahawa media di Malaysia tidak konservatif. Cuma cabaran bagi wartawan-wartawan ialah untuk menyampaikan maklumat tanpa mengguris hati pihakpihak lain. Justeru, wartawan-wartawan seharusnya menjadi lebih kreatif dalam melaporkan berita. Akhir kata, seorang wartawan sepatutnya menguatkan dalaman mereka dengan fokuskan nilainilai murni. Apabila kita melakukan sesuatu tugas dalam industri ini, ia seharusnya dilakukan dengan sebaik mungkin. Beliau turut menekankan konsep usaha dahulu dan menyerahkan selebihnya kepada Allah S.W.T nescaya akan ada perkara baik menunggu.
Moderator Mahathir (kiri), menanyakan soalan kepada Prof Madya Dr Siti Zobidah Omar semasa Kolokium ke-36 sedang berlangsung. Manakala Muhamad Yusuf (kedua dari kiri), dan Dato Dr Fathul Bari (keempat dari kanan).
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kolokium ke-37
olokium Kritikan Media ke-36 yang bertemakan “Kewartawanan, Keindukan dan Sensitiviti Agama’ telah berjalan lancar dengan kehadiran panel-panel jemputan yang terdiri daripada pendakwah islam seperti Dato’ Dr Fathul Bari Mat Jahya bagi mengetengahkan pendapat, mengulas dan mengutarakan pandangan beliau. ‘Kewartawanan, Keindukan dan Sensitiviti Agama’ yang bererti teras kepada agama islam. Contohnya sebagai seorang wartawan islam, seorang muslim, pertama sekali mereka perlu mempunyai garis panduan dan perlu menjaga adab dan etika semasa melaporkan berita. Seorang wartawan yang menulis, memberi
pendapat, mengulas , dan menyebarkan berita perlu ada adab untuk mereka berkomunikasi dengan orang lain. Keduanya, keindukan juga merujuk kepada perlembagaan negara Malaysia yang menggariskan isu yang kita bangkitkan. Dimana ianya menyatakan kepentingan dan keperluan berita yang kita sampaikan bersesuaian dengan keadaan semasa dan supaya tidak mencetuskan huru-hara. Ini semua termasuk dalam erti kata perundangan dibawah perlembagaan kita. Wartawan pada hari ini lebih memikirkan kepantasan maklumat yang disebarkan tanpa memikirkan
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Dato Dr Fathul Bari (keempat dari kanan), ketika sedang membuat pembentangan dalam Kolokium ke-36 bersama panel-panel lain.
kesahihan dan ketepatan sesuatu berita. Hal ini demikian kerana mereka hanya memikirkan populariti dan menaikkan rating sesuatu berita dan akan dikongsi oleh orang ramai. “Sekarang kita bercakap tentang siapa cepat dalam melaporkan berita. Siapa yang cepat sebarkan maklumat dialah yang dikira sebagai pemenang”.
“ Manusia pada hari ini penting diri sendiri, dia tak fikir sensitiviti orang lain, dia hanya memikirkan cara untuk berita jadi popular tanpa memikirkan implikasi, tanpa fikirkan aib dan maruah orang.”
Dalam islam, memang yang terbaik itu sudah pasti ilmu yang cepat ataupun segara kita sampaikan, tetapi perlu ada disiplinnya dalam menyampaikan sesuatu berita. Dalam islam kecepatan bukanlah sesuatu keutamaan, tetapi yang menjadi keutamaannya adalah sejauh mana kebenaran sesuatu maklumat itu disampaikan. Selain itu, dalam menyampaikan berita, wartawan juga perlu memikirkan kesesuaian waktu supaya tidak timbul salah faham antara satu sama lain. Sebagai contoh, berlakunya krisis penggunaan kalimah Allah,
secara tiba-tiba berlakunya kes pergaduhan antara orang islam dengan orang kristian. Beliau menekankan bahawa sebagai seorang wartawan, kita tidak boleh sama sekali menerangkan isu tersebut kerana masa dan waktu yang tidak sesuai dan kita juga boleh menjadi penyebab kepada huruhara. Sebaliknya, kita sebagai orang media perlu mensejahterakan dan mengharmonikan keadaan, bukan menegangkan lagi keadaan. Jadi cara penulisan perlulah mengikut prinsip iaitu mengharmonikan dan tidak menghuru-harakan negara. Sesuatu berita yang hendak disampaikan perlulah diteliti ketepatannya supaya tidak berlaku salah faham, fitnah menipu dan memburukkan seseorang yang lain. Seorang wartawan itu sendiri perlu belajar dengan teliti sesuatu perkara supaya maklumat yang disampaikan itu benar dan tidak ada unsur manipulasi dalam memberi maklumat. “Manusia pada hari ini penting diri sendiri, dia tak fikir sensitiviti orang lain, dia hanya memikirkan cara untuk berita jadi popular tanpa memikirkan implikasi , tanpa fikirkan aib dan maruah orang,” ulas beliau. Oleh itu, mereka yang ingin sampaikan maklumat, wartawan khususnya perlulah berpandukan kepada mereka yang lebih arif mengenai sesuatu perkara. Sebagai contoh jika seseorang ingin menerbitkan filem keagamaan, maka mereka perlu mendapatkan pandangan dan pendapat para agamawan terlebih dahulu supaya tidak mendatangkan sebarang kesulitan di kemudian hari.
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For the bullied this is
the way out
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journalist has to convey truth to the public no matter how difficult the situation is. Their main task is to let the public know what matters to them and provide as much information as possible. It has been a responsible for journalists to seek truth and report. It does not matter if it is complicated, time consuming or even risking lives, they are willing to do their jobs whole heartedly. However, some might not realize that journalist is one of the deadliest profession in the world. Recently, a report from BBC claimed that journalists risked their lives capturing images to tell the world what is happening in Aleppo, the besieged city. According to Mustafa al Sarout, journalist from Aleppo media center said, a camera is a powerful weapon to let the world know what is going on in Aleppo. In order to let the world know what is happening, Hasan Katan another journalist from Aleppo Media Center said, “if I don’t take the camera and document this hell being committed by the Russians and the Syrians regime against the people, it will disappear from the history.” They are willing to go through risky moments in hopes that the images that were captured
can make a difference by the international community. In order for journalists to grasp more people and improve their careers, they will go through daring adventures in reporting in order to expose the public about war, rebellion, and political disruption. Journalist could end up in aggression, kidnapping and even death for doing their duty to serve the public. Some party might think the media interests’ in telling story is seen as a threat. Therefore, they will take actions towards the journalist. According to the National Geographic, their Tv Blog series, Locked Up Abroad tells us that their journalists, Nigel Brennan and Amanda Lindhout believed that if they want to build their names as a journalist they should have a journey that would open the eyes of world to the terrors. They went to Somalia, one of the poorest and most violent country that is known in the world. Nigel and Amanda were kidnapped during their assignment at the largest city and capital of Somalia, outside of Mogadishu and spent 15 months being threatened, assault, tortured in an unsanitary condition. They managed to pay $1 million ransom demanded by the kidnappers and was finally
free from their nightmare. Not all journalists manage to document and film their assignments as some might have to face such nightmares to let the public know the truth. Cardiff school of Journalism reported that in the first half of 2012, at least 70 journalists and support staffs died during assignments. They were victims of typical methods used to cover the media which were bombings and shootings. Nowadays, journalism has become an increasingly dangerous job whether they are targeted or caught in crossfire specifically among journalist that are covering political unrest. Organizations such as United Nations Educational, Scientifc and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) have asked for protection and fair treatment of journalists reporting in dangerous situation. UNESCO came up with The UN Plan of Action on the safety of Journalists that was endorsed by the UN Chief Executives Board. It aims to create a safer environment for journalists and media workers whether they are in a conflict situation or the other way round. It recommends to conduct awareness of various practical guides on the safety of journalists by working with governments,
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Photo: Reuters.
French photographer, Remi Ochlik in this picture taken in Cairo, Egypt November 23, 2011.
media houses, professional associations and NGOS. However, in Mexico, it is claimed that it is one the most dangerous country for journalists to work for. El Norte, a Mexican newspaper was shut down due to its dangerous and too difficult to get balanced and critical journalism in that country. In March 2017, five Mexicans journalists were attacked and three were shot dead. Mexico is not the only country that are dangerous for journalists to gain information, Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Russia and Philippines are other countries that are risky for journalists to go for assignments. AJ Plus reported that only the government has the
power to change the dangerous level for journalists to do their job properly. Even though it comes with a high cost, at least journalists could do their work by risking their lives for speaking the truth. In Malaysia, Zan Azlee from Astro Awani claimed that many journalists were arrested, questioned and intimidated for risking their lives by providing news. Along with many newspapers and online news sites that were shut down for being suspended in reporting. He shared in an article that he was threatened and warned when he was doing his job during the 13th General Election. He was arrested by the police and was
not allowed to shoot any videos. Hate mails that consist of violent threats was usual for him. He said that he is glad to play the role in being a journalist when freedom of speech and the media is needed more than ever. Even though Malaysia is not one of the dangerous countries in reporting, it is known as its limitation in reporting. There are boundaries for journalists in Malaysia to tell the truth and has restrictions in reporting. However, if journalists are being murdered, summoned, detained and threatened for providing the truth to the public, we should be worried when there are no news reported at all.
“They went to Somalia, one of the poorest and most violent countrIES that is known in the world.� 71 magazine compile.indd 71
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Kumpulan pelajar pertama Dewan Latehan Rida.
Tun Abdul Razak Hussein semasa Kongres Ekonomi Bumiputera , Kuala Lumpur.
Rural Industrial Development (RIDA) ditubuhkan dengan objektif untuk pembangunan kawasan luar bandar secara lebih tersusun melalui kaedah skim latihan belia luar bandar khususnya kepada individu yang mengikuti aliran Inggeris.
Dalam Kongres Ekonomi Bumiputera, RIDA telah dipersetujui untuk ditukar kepada Majlis Amanah Rakyat atau dikenali sebagai MARA. Akta Majlis Amanah Rakyat juga digubal, dibahas dan diluluskan oleh Parlimen Malaysia.
1965 1956
Tertubuhnya Dewan Latehan RIDA aspirasi cadangan yang dikemukakan oleh Dato’ Onn untuk mewujudkan latihan formal yang lebih sistematik.
Acara perletakan batu asas disempurnakan oleh Tun Abdul Razak di Shah Alam sebagai tanda permulaan kampus Maktab MARA di kawasan seluas kira-kira 300 ekar pada 14 Oktober 1967.
Pengetua pertama, Tuan Syed Alwi bin Syed Syeikh Al-Hadi
Acara perletakan batu asas yang disempurnakan oleh Tun Abdul Razak di Shah Alam
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ALUR UITM Pada awal pembinaan ITM.
Pertukaran nama Maktab MARA kepada Institut Teknologi MARA (ITM). Pembinaan bangunan baru di Shah Alam telah dimulakan pada awal tahun 1968.
Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad semasa majlis ITM di Stadium Melawati, Shah Alam.
Satu perjumpaan telah diadakan di Stadium Melawati, Shah Alam yang melibatkan semua pentadbir dan pelajar-pelajar. Ketika itu juga, Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad mengumumkan nama ITM ditukar kepada Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM).
Pembangunan ITM berkembang pesat ekoran perkembangan program pembelajarannya yang sejajar dengan peningkatan keperluan tenaga kerja pada masa itu. ITM telah banyak menerima kerjasama dengan institusi antarabangsa dan menawarkan program-program diploma dan ijazah.
Sehingga kini, UiTM telah memperluaskan cawangan ke seluruh negeri di Malaysia.. UiTM kini menjadi antara universiti yang terunggul di Malaysia kerana mampu melahirkan penuntut yang berkualiti serta dapat bersaing di pasaran dunia pekerjaan selepas tamat pengajian.
Majlis Konvokesyen ITM pada tahun 1973.
Bangunan Canseleri Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin, UiTM Shah Alam, Selangor.
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“...Manusia pada dasarnya bodoh dan menjadi terpelajar dengan memperoleh pengetahuan.” -IBN KHALDUN
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bdul Rahman Ibn Muhammad Ibn Khaldun atau lebih dikenali sebagai Ibn Khaldun merupakan salah seorang pakar Ilmuan Muslim yang pertama. Beliau dikenali sebagai tokoh pendidikan, sejarahwan, politik, sosiologi dan ekonomi. Memiliki ilmu intelektual yang tinggi beliau telah menghasilkan beberapa karya. Antara karya yang terhebat beliau ialah Muqadimmah. Kitab Muqadimah merupakan kitab terbesarnya dan dalam persuratannya, ia adalah mengenai sejarah, falsafah, sosilogi dan pendidikan. Di dalam kitab ini Ibn Khaldun menerangkan bahawa pendidikan amatlah penting untuk dituntut oleh semua manusia, kerana pendidikan membolehkan seseorang itu membuat sesuatu perkerjaan, berfikir, dan aktif. Beliau juga menekankan pembangunan sebuah negara yang maju di mana penulisan amatlah penting dalam membangunkan sesebuah negara. Apabila sebut sahaja mengenai penulisan, ia akan melibatkan bidang kewartawanan kerana wartawan merupakan golongan profesional yang boleh mempengaruhi pandangan atau sikap masyarakat melalui berita dan laporan. Kepentingan kewartawanan tidak dinafikan dan sentiasa mendapat tempat dalam masyarakat. Kehebatan wartawan juga menyumbang dalam perkembangan masyarakat dan negara. Tambahan pula, penulisan mereka boleh memberi impak yang positif dan negatif kepada
sesuatu negara. Sepertimana yang sering kita dengar bahawa media memegang kuasa yang besar kerana media dapat mempengaruhi masyarakat dalam membuat keputusan. Wartawan memainkan peranan yang sangat penting dalam membangunkan negara. Dengan itu, untuk mengubah negara ke arah lebih maju, kita memerlukan kewartawanan muslim untuk membuat pembaharuan didalam dunia kewartawanan. Etika Kewartawanan Wartawan muslim yang dimaksudkan adalah wartawan yang mematuhi segala perintah agama dan mengikuti kod etika kewartawanan yang ditetapkan oleh Kesatuan Wartawan Kebangsaan Malaysia (NUJM) dalam melaksanakan segala tanggungjawab. Menurut prinsip Islam, ketika menulis sesuatu berita seseorang wartawan perlulah jujur dan amanah, mereka tidak boleh menambah pendapat sendiri. Ia bukan sahaja ada dalam prinsip agama tetapi juga berada di dalam kod etika kewartawanan yang ditetapkan oleh NUJM . Islam juga melarang penulisan yang membolehkan berlakunya fitnah dan perpecahan kaum. Apabila penulisan berunsurkan fitnah disebarkan, ia akan menruntuhkan silaturahim sesama manusia dan impian untuk memiliki negara yang maju pada masa hadapan tidak akan tercapai. Oleh itu, sesebuah negara perlu memiliki wartawan muslim dan wartawan yang professional.
Ciri-ciri wartawan yang professional memiliki kepakaran, iltizam, autonomi dan tanggungjawab. Untuk memiliki keempatempat ciri tersebut seseorang wartawan mestilah mempelajari ilmu mengenai kewartawanan yang lebih mendalam. Mereka juga perlu mengenali tanggungjawab yang perlu dipikul dan perlu memahami setiap undang-undang yang ditetapkan ketika melaporkan sesuatu berita kepada masyarakat. Menimba ilmu amatlah penting kerana ilmu dapat melahirkan manusia yang mampu untuk berfikir secara waras. Dalam penulisan Ibn Khaldun, beliau menyeru masyarakat untuk menimba ilmu demi masa hadapan. Daripada perspektif kewartawanan muslim juga menyarankan seseorang wartawan harus memiliki ilmu dalam bidang kewartawanan. Ilmu harus dipelajari kerana ia membolehkan kita membezakan yang mana baik dan buruk. Kesimpulannya, wartawan memainkan peranan penting dalam menyampaikan berita kepada masyarakat. Wartawan perlu sentiasa memikirkan sensitiviti masyarakat ketika melaporkan sesuatu berita kerana Malaysia mempunyai masyarakat yang berbilang kaum, agama,dan bangsa. Wartawan juga haruslah mengekalkan keharmonian dan menghormati hak asasi manusia. Sewajarnya, semua organisasi media perlu mengadakan kursus kewartawanan muslim untuk menjadikan wartawan lebih peka dan bertanggungjawab.
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TEXT BY: AFIQ ASLAM A journalist is someone who gathers, composes, or disperses news or other current data. A writer’s work is called journalism. A journalist can work with general issues or have practical experiences in specific issues. Be that as it may, most columnists have a tendency to practice, and by participating with different writers, create diaries that traverse numerous subjects. War news coverage is news coverage about clash that has an esteem predisposition towards savagery and brutal gatherings. This is known to be the consequences of recording and revealing the news. War reporting is inherently dangerous. Indeed, it could arguably be one of the most dangerous occupations in the world. Still, out of sense of professional duty, many journalists and media professionals make the courageous choice to go to conflict zones, so as to tell the world about the stories of armed conflicts and the human cost they entail. Amidst the so-called ‘fog of war’, they play a vital role in keeping the world informed and ensuring that our responses are based on the facts and truths unfolding on the ground.
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WAR AND CONFLICTS IN WORLD TODAY War reporters have always tested the confines of what is safe and what isn’t. It’s called risk minimization. That can also be something you tell yourself as reassurance when the stakes are too high and the near misses too close. “Somebody said to me, ‘If you go and get your story, you’re a hero. If you go and get your story and get killed, you’re an idiot.’ And the line between those two things is really, really close,” said Deborah Amos, a correspondent for NPR who continues to cover the Syrian conflict. Amos has been reporting from conflict zones for decades. She has been a fixture at refugee camps, funeral scenes and dodgy neighborhoods across the Middle East, the Balkans and Afghanistan. Her first foray was to Beirut in 1982. Besides the story of Amos, a Malaysian war journalist named Razlan Rashid had his own story as a war journalist. Announcing from struggle zones has dependably been a tricky and dangerous thought. It resembles bamboozling passing, a story at any given moment. Since his first task in Banda Aceh around 11 years prior, his assignments have conveyed him to the Philippines to cover the Guinsaugon disaster, the common turmoil in Timor Leste and all the more as of late, the progressing Syrian clash and Palestinian-Israeli clash in Gaza which has had a deluge of stories these current years. All of which illustrated the field of news coverage where death is ever present. “The Syrian war has been going on for quite a long time now and it is saddening to see how it is only
Razlan Rashid, (right) is a Malaysian war journalist
Source: UniDigest
when a picture of a dead baby lying on the shore, that the world is now only paying more attention to dire situation in Syria. It is only when something extraordinary surfaces, that people start paying more attention to it,” said Razlan. Although it is saddening, but it is also a necessary story to be published to start a ripple of awareness and attention towards this long war in Syria, in hopes of some change. Razlan also stated that he believes that death can happen at any time but he know if
it is meant to be, it is meant to be. His family was supportive because they know that it was his passion. Despite its demanding work hours, being a journalist also means being at the front line of future history and being the one communicating it to the rest of the world. A photograph or a piece of reportage has the potential to change perceptions, constantly inform the masses and make an impact towards society.
“I believe that death can happen at any time and if it is meant to be, it is meant to be.” - Razlan Rashid
In some countries, journalists can be thrown into jail only because of a single photo or offending word. Jailing or killing a journalist removes a vital witness to events and threatens the rights of us all to be informed. Reporters Without Borders (RSF) fights for press freedom on a daily basis. Covering news in place like hostile
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environments: dictatorships, zones of conflict, insurgency or high crime, and also regions of extreme climate or terrain (jungle, polar regions, desert) can lead to death and physical harm towards the journalists. Since 2005, more than 750 journalists have been killed in the course of their work. They have been focused in light of the fact that they are journalist and their stories and examinations are a risk to the promulgation of one side or the other. Preparing mentally and physically also important before
setting off on an assignment in a dangerous area. Then, journalists must do a research about the local area as they will know about the culture, local behavior and way of communication. A journalist also must prepare their own medical kit as the precautions if there are any injuries of illness occur. According to Stephanie Perez, senior reporter for France 2 televison, “Don’t trust anyone and always remain on guard. Even the seemingly nicest people can turn against you. Don’t tell your driver in the evening where you are going
the next day, which might allow time for him to tell those around him. Last but not least as a war journalist we must have respect and show humility. Don’t show your discrimination on any races or religion because we live in the same world. Respect other people’s life and try to immerse with others’ life. “Being humble means recognizing that we are not on earth to see how important we can become, but to see how much difference we can make in the lives of others,” said Gordon B. Hinckley.
Goran Tomasevic, a Reuters photojournalist, with M23 rebels, left, near the town of Sake in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 2012 Source: Al Jazeera
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Sumber: Google
ollywood dan Walt Disney. Dua nama besar yang mampu memberikan impak yang kuat dari segi pengeluaran filem yang hebat dan juga kaedah penyuntingan filem yang sering kali lebih maju daripada produksi lain. Hollywood merupakan tempat yang tidak lagi asing bagi mereka yang ingin memenuhi impian sebagai seorang pelakon yang hebat. Walt Disney atau nama sebenarnya Walt Elias Disney seringkali dikaitkan dengan filem-filem kartun yang penuh dengan magis dan fantasi. Kartun Walt Disney juga
diperkenalkan sejak era 1920 jadi tidak hairanlah Walt Disney terkenal di seluruh dunia tetapi ramai mengenali Walt Disney adalah sebuah rancangan kartun dari barat. Namun, apakah rahsia kejayaan sebenar yang membolehkan mereka menempa nama yang terlalu hebat diseluruh dunia? Zionis atau yahudi seringkali dikaitkan dengan kepercayaan freemason. Kepercayaan ini telah pun diamalkan sejak berkurun lamanya. Zionis mempunyai pengaruh yang kuat sehingga mampu dan berjaya merekrut ahli-ahli yang terdiri
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daripada jutawan-jutawan dan juga orang berpengaruh. Gerakan mason dibimbing oleh ahli genius yang telah mendominasi segalagalanya di dunia termasuklah ekonomi dan politik malahan bidang perfileman. Yahudi zionis berusaha untuk menghuruharakan pemikiran masyarakat global dari pelbagai aspek dengan menyebarkan maklumat yang tidak benar malahan bercelaru. Mereka juga menghuruharakan pemikiran rakyat marhaen (murba) melalui penggunaan media massa dan media cetak dengan menyogok racun pemikiran liberal. Zionis menggunakan pelbagai cara bagi menarik seseorang untuk terlibat dalam sesebuah organisasi mereka bagi bekerja dibawah gerakan ini. Hollywood sebagai Penyebaran
Selain itu, mereka menggunakan Hollywood sebagai agen penyebaran filem-filem illuminati. Sesetengah filem menggunakan aspek illuminati sepenuhnya, selebihnya hanya menampakkan sedikit element illuminati. Antara filem yang menggunakan elemen illuminati secara menyeluruh ialah filem The Da Vinci code.Diadaptasikan dari sebuah novel karangan Dan Brown seorang penulis Amerika dan diterbitkan oleh Doubleday Fiction. Buku ini adalah salah satu buku terlaris di dunia dengan 36 juta naskah terjual (hingga Ogos 2005) dan telah diterjemahkan dalam 44 bahasa. Selain itu, filem yang mengangkat nama Angelina
Jolie iaitu filem Lara Croft Tomb Raider yang diadaptasikan dari permainan video oleh Simon West dan filem 300 arahan Zack Synder juga merupakan antara filem yang menerapkan elemen illuminati secara menyeluruh. Asal-usul nama Hollywood (Pokok Suci) itu sendiri sebenarnya adalah
sendiri. Ini memudahkan kerjakerja penyebaran illuminati kerana tidak akan ada orang yang akan membantah sebarang idea illuminati dalam filem tersebut. Penyebaran ini tidak terhenti disitu, seperkara lagi yang tidak disangka merupakan ajaran Yahudi ialah konsep “Binah� atau heroin dalam perfileman. Binah dalam konsep Kabbalah ini lebih merujuk kepada prinsip wanita. Manamana filem barat akan dilengkapi dengan heroin (pelakon wanita utama) yang dianggap penyeri kepada unsur-unsur Zionis menggunakan seksual dalam filem. Ia pengeluar-pengeluar juga boleh dinisbahkan filem Hollywood untuk memanipulasi pemikiran sebagai konsep intipati penonton melalui filem. seksual secara tersurat dalam sesebuah filem. Terpengaruh dengan agenda yahudi, sesetengah pengarah filem di Malaysia turut menggunakan konsep yang sama kerana mereka berpendapat bahawa unsur seks di dalam filem mampu membawa filem-filem mereka ke peringkat antarabangsa walhal, dengan adanya adegan seks, filemdaripada sebuah ajaran kesufian filem tersebut masih lagi ditakuk agama Judais iaitu Kabbalah lama kerana ideologinya tidak yang bermaksud Tasawuf versi memberangsangkan. Judais. Ajaran Kabbalah ini Ini merupakan contoh bahawa berasaskan satu simbol pokok modus agenda illuminati dan yang menggambarkan perjalanan yahudi bagi menerapkan istilahseorang yahudi bagi mencapai istilah sebegini berjaya dimana darjat yang tertinggi ke arah alam illuminati mendidik pengarahketuhanan yang bernama Hashem pengarah filem yang selepas itu (Tuhan Yahudi). Penerbitan filem mendidik masyarakat dengan itu sendiri merupakan hasil buah penerbitan filem-filem sebegitu. fikiran zionis. Ini kerana, kru-kru Justeru itu, tidak mengejutkan jika penerbitan dari penerbit, penulis filem-filem di Malaysia kini lebih skrip sehinggalah jurukamera kearah mengutamakan seksualiti merupakan ahli freemason itu dimana sama lelaki atau
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perempuan sanggup membuat apa sahaja demi menghayati lakonan mereka. Dalam istilah lain secara konsep binah yang dipromosikan oleh yahudi ialah, pembikinan filem merupakan tempat aktiviti maksiat dihalalkan oleh pandangan mata masyarakat. Penglibatan Walt Disney dalam penyebaran ideologi freemason Ideologi freemason juga berjaya meluaskan pengaruhnya bukan sahaja pada industri perfileman non-fiction malah berjaya mendapat sokongan daripada industri perfileman kartun iaitu melalui perfileman animasi, Walt Disney. Illuminati menggunakan latar belakang Walt sebagai anak tidak sah taraf untuk mengugut beliau agar menyertai gerakan itu. Walt disney yang pernah diisytiharkan bankrap oleh bank pada Julai 1923 hanya selepas menerbitkan bahagian terakhir Alice in Wonderland. Tidak lama kemudian, Walt dan abangnya, Roy Disney mengambil keputusan untuk membuka studio baru yang diberikan nama Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio. Langkah tersebut dibuat selepas terdapatnya penerbit besar yang mahu mengeluarkan dana bagi menerbitkan kartun terbaru mereka iaitu Alice Comedies. Salah satu siri dari Alice Comedies ialah bertajuk Alice’s Wonderland. Pembukaan semula studio milik Walt Disney menimbulkan pelbagai tanda tanya sehinggakan ramai pengkaji konspirasi mengesyaki bahawa segala gerak kerja Walt dalam industri animasi kanak-kanak adalah dibantu dari belakang oleh ahli-ahli freemason. Hal ini diakui oleh Walt secara tidak sengaja malahan menganggap ia satu penghormatan terhadapnya
kerana bantuan yang telah diberikan oleh Freemason sepanjang beliau meneraju dunia filem animasi hollywood. Walt juga dikatakan merupakan ahli tertinggi dan ahli lapisan pertama gerakan itu yang dianggotainya ketika beliau berumur 19 tahun. Kartun terunggul yang menaikkan nama Walt Disney sehingga ke hari ini iaitu Mickey Mouse juga sedikit sebanyak meliputi aspek illuminati malahan, gerakan tersebut juga menolong melonjakkan lagi nama Mickey Mouse. Kos keseluruhan kartun tersebut hanyalah sebanyak $4986 dan tiada promosi secara besar-besaran dibuat malahan hanya ditayangkan di pawagam kecil persendirian. Namun, pada keesokan harinya, kebanyakkan akhbar-akhbar utama di Amerika membuat liputan menyeluruh mengenai kartun tersebut seakanakan ianya sebuah filem yang luar biasa. Menurut Fritz & Cisco dalam buku mereka bertajuk “The Illuminati Formula” hal tersebut terjadi atas rancangan rapi kumpulan illuminati untuk menaikkan nama Walt dalam arena animasi kartun ke peringkat antarabangsa. Dengan adanya ulasan-ulasan tersebut, Walt diangkat sebagai ikon positif kepada dunia baru perfileman Hollywood. Illuminati menggunakan kedua-dua platform ini bagi mencapai sasaran yang lebih besar. Ini kerana, manusia lebih mudah dipengaruhi melalui media massa. Daripada 100% yang menonton filem tersebut, setengah daripadanya mungkin akan terpengaruh lantas menyokong agenda freemason ini. Gerakan ini menggunakan kanak-kanak sebagai bahan kajian kerana pola pemikiran
mereka lebih senang dipengaruhi dan dimanipulasikan mengikut kehendak illuminati. Kanak-kanak tersebut akan membesar dengan pegangan tersebut dan masih akan terus menyokong apa sahaja produk kesukaan mereka sehingga mereka meningkat dewasa lantas mempengaruhi orang lain pada masa yang sama. Amatlah penting bagi seseorang individu untuk membuat kajian malah perlu bersikap rasional ketika memilih filem untuk ditonton. Ini kerana kemampuan berfikir di luar kebiasaan bermula dengan sikap “kesedaran”. Golongan yang mampu berfikir di luar kebiasaan merupakan golongan yang merbahaya bagi mereka.
“Saya merasa sungguh
terhutang budi sepanjang bersama dengan Order of De Molay (Freemason) yang memainkan peranan penting dalam hidup saya. Segala ajarannya tidak dapat nilai khususnya ketika membuat keputusan,menghadapi dilema dan krisis. DeMolay tegas menyatakan ia baik untuk keluarga dan negara. Saya sungguh beruntung menjadi sebahagian ahli DeMolay.” – Walt Disney
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ionist comes from the word “Zion” which is referring to Jerusalem in Israel. Zionism can be defined as the national movement for the return of the Jewish people to their homeland which in Land of Israel. The ideology of the Zionism was implemented in Eretz Israel where it was the land which identity of the Jewish people was formed. Carl Berstein is the respected and successful investigative journalist and author in USA. A 73-year-old Carl Bernstein, told Joe Scarbrough at MSNBC in 2013 that Jewish neocons pushed President George W. Bush into the 2003 war on Iraq. He has opened up and giving his factual opinion about how the government of the USA was totally influenced by the Zionism. He also stated that Jewish Neocons had the one who to be blamed as the war between US and Iraq had started. CarlBerstein claimed that the Iraq War in 2003 was a war created by the Jewish Zionist of Israel not for the United States. However, the remake had being offensive to the Jews and some people. “We went to war against a guy who had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11. It was a total pretext! It’s inexplicable and there you go to Cheney, there you go to Bush, there you go to the Jewish neo-cons who wanted to remake the world. Maybe I can say that because I’m Jewish. To bring about a certain result…” The Invasion of Iraq in 2003 happened after US President,
George W Bush and United Kingdom Prime Minister, Tony Blair claimed to disharm Iraq from weapons of mass destruction and to end Saddam Hussien’s support for terrorism. According to Dr. David Luke in this write up title “Horrors of ISIS Created by Zionist Supremacy” the invasion of Iraq was presented by the same Jewish neocons who generated the war against Afghanistan because Saddam Hussein was purportedly involved in the attacks of 9/11. Saddam Hussien was accused for having “nuclear weapons and chemical weapons” and other “weapons of mass destruction.” Dr David Luke stated that Saddam had none of these weapons and had nothing to do with 9-11 incident. According to Joy Karega, a professor in Oberlin College claimed that Jewish or Israel was the one behind the attack of 9/11 in 2004. He also claimed that Israel was the
one who responsible for the rises of ISIS.Karega, who received a PhD from the University of Louisville in 2014, publicized claims that “Israeli and Zionist Jews” were behind the attacks on the World Trade Center. There were many evidences to prove that all the attack towards the Middle-East or in United States respectively were made by Jewish. In the year of 2015, The Washington Times reported that The Rev. Louis Farrakhan told churchgoers that Israelis and “Zionist Jews” played key roles in the Sept. 11, 2001. Farrakhan claimed that many Israelis was arrested after the attack but was sent back to Israel immediately. 9 September 2001 was the incident that killed 3000 innocent people. The US claimed that the attack was caused by Muslim terrorist, Osama bin Laden. However, the Zionist conspiracy will continuously has been an issue if the Zionist ideology still implemented in the United States.
“We went to war against a guy who had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11. It was a total pretext! Carl Berstein
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kritikan Media
SUMBER ‘SONGSANG’ MEDIA SOSIAL Oleh : Mohd Nasif Badruddin Kuala Lumpur: Sultan Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah menyeru masyarakat supaya tidak hanya bergantung kepada media sosial yang bukan pengetahuan sebenarnya. Baginda menasihatkan masyarakat supaya terus tetap membaca buku, majalah dan akhbar yang benar-benar memberikan maklumat betul serta tepat. “Jangan hanya bergantung kepada bacaan daripada media sosial yang banyak mengandungi khabar angin dan berita sensasi saja bukan pengetahuan sebenar-benarnya. “Perkara ini sekiranya tidak dibendung akan menjadi parah dan boleh mengakibatkan negara menjadi huru-hara akibat daripada fitnah dan khabar angin yang berleluasa,” titah baginda ketika berucap melancarkan buku biografi Sagiyah Salikin: Tahu Menjaga Tuah tulisan Ruhayah Mahmod di sini, semalam. Toh Puan Sagiyah Salikin adalah isteri bekas Ketua Setiausaha Negara Tun Ahmad Sarji Abdul Hamid.
Sultan Sharafuddin bertitah, baginda bangga kerana kini ramai orang Melayu dan bangsa lain di negara ini yang menulis buku untuk bacaan generasi akan datang, sekali gus menjadi panduan dan teladan. Titah baginda, berbanding dengan zaman sebelum merdeka, terdapat ramaipenulis berbangsa Inggeris dan bukan orang tempatan yang merekodkan peristiwa serta maklumat, namun ada kalanya terdapat beberapa fakta tidak tepat serta dimanipulasikan mengikut agenda penulis kerana mahu mempengaruhi generasi masa depan untuk kepentingan politik dan ekonomi sesuatu bangsa yang menjajah. “Ini menyebabkan bangsa Melayu yang kaya dengan adat dan budaya sedikit demi sedikit dipengaruhi oleh pemodenan tidak seimbang. “Amalan yang tidak beretika dalam penulisan buku perlu dicegah dan dipantau pihak-dicegah dan dipantau pihak berwajib supaya generasi akan datang memperoleh fakta benar dan
bukan sekadar cerita dongeng sedap dibaca saja,” titahnya. Sultan Sharafuddin bertitah, baginda sentiasa menggalakkan penulisan buku bersifat biografi kerana menerusi buku itu, masyarakat boleh mengambil pengajaran daripada nilai dimiliki seseorang yang menjadi pilihan pengarang. “Beta berkenan supaya amalan penulisan buku ini dijadikan budaya supaya mereka yang dahagakan ilmu pengetahuan tidak berkurang idea dalam menghasilkan ciptaan dan inovasi, seiring dengan keperluan teknologi masa kini,” titahnya.
“Jangan hanya bergantung
kepada bacaan daripada media sosial yang banyak mengandungi khabar angin dan berita sensasi saja bukan pengetahuan sebenar-benarnya.”
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By: Ahmad Kushairi Technology starts with good intentions. In fact, the evolution of technology has really helped mankind in numerous ways. Unfortunately, technology has its downside too when used incorrectly. Social media for instance, started out as place to connect with people all over the world. It allows individuals to share their expressions via virtual communities such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, YouTube, Tumblr and more.
“social media is abused, it can backfire, disrupts live and intergrity” It is powerful and fast. We probably could even say that the social media’s viral power is faster than a speeding bullet! It has become very influential in the lives of many today. In fact, many thrive on social media feeds. It feeds the attention that many crave and those who are constantly curious. It connects people all over the world through visuals and words.
But, when social media is abused, it can backfire, disrupts lives and integrity. Take the recent example of the girl who did extremely well in her examination, but her jealous peers about her and made negative stories about her and posted them on social media. The fake news caused the girl and her family much distress. There are many other examples of unsubstantiated news which go viral and shared by Netizens Social media is also said to be addictive as many people spend too much time on these platforms. The extreme use of social media is said to reduce the level of human interaction. Too much time spent in the virtual instead of the “real” world. It’s not all as bad as it seems with social media though. There are many fruitful outcomes, too, when used in the right context. Like I said before, technology is not to blame for the negative outcome, but rather on how it is being used. We are now better connected all over the world than ever before. You might have just found you long-lost school mates through Facebook or Twitter. Though everyone is busy with their lives, we are still able to keep in touch through social media. Social media has the power to convey
the messages across continents within seconds on anything one wishes to share. Many are also learning to express themselves more with social media. It is a great universe for expressions, whether its art, music or beauty. It is also a great stress reliever as one can share and let out their emotions. Social media is a great place for entertainment after a long day at work. When sharing positive and informative news, information or data, social media is great for business, too. Many are now using social media to promote their products and services, simply because it is the fastest way to communicate and send a message across globally. It is cost effective, too. It even levels the playing fields for small-medium-sized businesses as they can now have a wider reach despite their tiny budget. Social media is our superhero in some ways. There will always be the few villains who abuse the social media, but the good definitely supersedes the bad. Social media has come a long way and it’s certainly here to stay. So, it’s up to us to make the best of its justice league points to overcome the bad ones in our world today.
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kritikan Media
GAJET BERINTERNET JEJASKAN MASA BERKUALITI PEKERJA PERKEMBANGAN teknologi maklumat masa kini sememangnya membawa banyak kebaikan dalam kehidupan seharian pekerja. Malah, banyak tugasan dapat dilakukan dengan mudah. Bagaimanapun,terdapat kebimbangan dalam kalangan masyarakat terhadap perkembangan ini. Kemajuan teknologi informasi itu didakwa telah menyebabkan pekerja membawa pulang kerja pejabat ke rumah dan masa berkualiti bersama ahli keluarga terjejas. Keadaan ini merupakan satu perkembangan yang tidak sihat dan boleh mengganggu keharmonian rumah tangga serta pembesaran anak-anak. Kajian mendedahkan, kira-kira 63 peratus daripada pekerja Malaysia kurang menghabiskan masa bersama keluarga kerana waktu kerja yang panjang. Pandangan ini turut disokong oleh dapatan kajian yang dijalankan oleh Keseimbangan Dengan penyertaan 954 pekerja daripada pelbagai industri di Malaysia, hampir 70 peratus pekerja pada zaman digital ini menghabiskan masa antara dua hingga lima jam bekerja setiap hari di rumah. Perkara ini perlu dielakkan kerana ia mengganggu keseimbangan kerja dan kehidupan.Bagi mengurus perkembanganteknologi informasi dalam organisasi, mereka perlu meningkatkan strategi keseimbangan kerja dan
kualiti kehidupan para pekerja. Langkah ini merupakan salah satu cara paling mudah dan jimat untuk memastikan mereka yang terlibat bermotivasi dalam urusan seharian. Jika tiada usaha dilakukan, pekerja akan keletihan dan ketidakhadiran boleh mengurangkan produktiviti serta prestasi mereka dalam syarikat. Masalah utama pekerja membawa pulang bebanan kerja ke rumah disebabkan tarikh akhir yang tidak munasabah dan bebanan kerja. Penggunaan berterusan aplikasi WhatsApp, tekanan yang lebih besar pada pekerja untuk menyelesaikan tugas mereka dan masa bersama keluarga semakin sedikit. Kebanyakan para pekerja pada zaman teknologi digital memilih untuk berada lebih lama di pejabat bagi menyelesaikan kerja mereka dengan majoriti menyatakan mereka tidak dibayar untuk masa tambahan tersebut. Majikan mereka tidak menjalankan sebarang inisiatif untuk menggalakkan keseimbangan kerja dan kehidupan. Arahan Kaji selidik itu mendedahkan, 54 peratus daripada responden gagal mengoptimumkan cuti tahunan mereka dan hampir semua responden menjawab bahawa mereka masih mendapat teks kecemasan daripada ketua melalui aplikasi seperti WhatsApp sewaktu bercuti mahupun cuti sakit. Kemajuan teknologi komunikasi
pada hari ini telah mengikis sifat kemanusiaan dan menukar cara seseorang berhubung dengan rakan atau ahli dalam organisasi mereka daripada bersemuka kepada memberi arahan melalui penggunaan teks melalui skrin. Masa yang banyak dihabiskan di skrin menyebabkan rakyat Malaysia semakin kurang melakukan aktiviti bersama-ahli keluarga seperti memberi tumpuan kepada anakanak yang sedang membesar. Permintaan yang tinggi terhadap media baharu dan gajet berinternet menyebabkan para pekerja menerima arahan majikan 24 jam seminggu atau 24/7 tanpa memikirkan waktu privasi seseorang pekerja. Dengan jumlah masa yang banyak digunakan untuk media berskrin, maka ia juga menyebabkan masa yang berkualiti untuk bersama-keluarga dan rakanrakan semakin berkurang, sekali gus mengganggu perkembangan sosial sesebuah masyarakat. Jika diperhatikan, ramai dalam kalangan eksekutif muda khusyuk dengan telefon pintar walaupun ketika waktu makan bersama keluarga. Keadaan semakin buruk jika mereka menggunakan internet di dalam bilik tidur. Kita tentunya tidak mahu melihat keruntuhan institusi kekeluargaan dalam masyarakat terjadi akibat bebanan kerja yang melampau akibat perkembangan teknologi komunikasi ini.
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Kuala Lumpur: Datuk Seri Najib Razak berkata, kerajaan tidak akan berkompromi terhadap pihak yang membangkitkan isu sensitif menerusi penyebaran berita palsu yang boleh mengugat keharmonian kaum dan agama. Perdana Menteri Malaysia berkata, berita yang disebarkan dalam apa juga bentuk perlu bersikap adil kepada rakyat dengan tidak mengulas perkara yang boleh memecah –belahkan perpaduan di negara ini. “Dengan berleluasanya berita palsu yang sengaja disebarkan untuk mengelirukan orang ramai, siaran berita terutamanya peyiaran tempatan perlu pantas menangani penipuan dengan menampilkan berita sahih,” katanya pada majlis perlancaran aplikasi Njoi Now di Kompleks Sukan Desa Tasik, Bandar Tasik Selatan, di sini semalam. Teks ucapan beliau dibacakan oleh Kementerian Komunikasi dan Multimedia, Datus Seri Dr Salleh Said Keruak.
Tak pernah kebebasan bersuara Najib berkata, kerajaan tidak pernah menyekat hak bersuara rakyat Malaysia, terutama dalam kalangan media walaupun tidak sealiran pendapat. Katanya, ini terbukti apabila kerajaan membenarkan penerbitan media pembangkang sejak dulu sehingga kini. Bagaimanapun, beliau berkata, apa juga berita yang dilaporakan dan pendapat diberikan perlu mengelak menyentuh isu sensitif yang akan membangkitkan kemarahan rakyat, terutama antara kaum. Dalam pada itu, Najib berkata, generasi belia yang menjadi pengguna terbesar digital perlu merebut peluang ekonomi digital seperti Zon Perdagangan Bebas Digital (DFTZ) Katanya, ini membolehkan mereka menerokai program pernyiaran berbentuk keusahawan kearah digital. “Dengan adanya kandungan
tidak akan berkompromi terhadap pihak yang membangkitkan isu sensitif” yang membolehkan peniaga berkongsi pengalaman, ia membantu mereka yang baru mula berniaga mengelak kesalahan yang pernah dilakukan dan terus dibimbing sehingga mendapayt pulangan lebih besar,” katanya.
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kritikan Media
Semua akhbar yang berlesen di bawah Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN) diberi amaran supaya tidak menerbit atau menyiarkan perkara yang boleh mengancam keselamatan negara atau menyakitkan hati penganut agama lain. Timbalan Menterinya, Datuk Nur Jazlan Mohamed berkata, tindakan akhbar Nanyang Siang Pau baru-baru ini perlu dijadikan pengajaran, sekali gus mengingatkan pihak lain tidak mengambil langkah yang sama kerana boleh mencetuskan ketegangan dan menyakiti penganut agama lain. Menurutnya, kerajaan tidak akan berkompromi dalam perkara seumpama itu selepas ini, sebaliknya akan mengambil tindakan tegas. “Memandangkan Nanyang akhbar yang sudah lama beroperasi, banyak tanggungan staf, kerajaan juga berhati perut dan jaga kepentingan mereka.
Cuma satu diingatkan jangan buat hal lagi dan ini juga amaran kepada akhbar yang dapat lesen daripada KDN. “Jangan ambil sikap atau melakukan perkara yang boleh ancam ketenteraman negara, sakitkan hati orang atau penganut agama lain dan selepas itu minta maaf. Kita tak akan beri peluang lagi kerana itu perbuatan tidak bertanggungjawab,” katanya kepada pemberita selepas merasmikan Program Ekspresi Negaraku:Sejahtera Tanpa Dadah di Kompleks Tan Sri Mohamed Rahmat, di sini hari ini. Akhbar Nanyang Siang Pau baru-baru ini menyiarkan karikatur menghina Presiden Pas, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang berkaitan Rang Undang-Undang Mahkamah Syariah (Bidang Kuasa Jenayah) (Pindaan) 2016 atau RUU 355.
Walau bagaimanapun, akhbar tersebut sudah mengemukakan permohonan maaf dan mengakui penyiarannya tidak wajar untuk tatapan umum. Mengulas lanjut, Nur Jazlan yang juga Ahli Parlimen Pulai berkata, kerajaan tidak akan mengambil tindakan ke atas akhbar tersebut sebaliknya menyerahkannya kepada syarikat tersebut untuk mengambil tindakan dalaman ke atas mereka yang terlibat. “Media patut ada etika yang tinggi dan tidak boleh tulis apa nak tulis lepas itu minta maaf, kita tidak akan kompromi lagi selepas ini,” katanya.
“Jangan ambil sikap atau melakukan perkara yang boleh ancam ketenteraman negara, sakitkan hati orang atau penganut agama lain dan selepas itu minta maaf.”
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Raja Perlis, Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin Putra Jamalullail menyaran pengamal media tidak melayani sebarang publisiti dengan menyediakan laporan yang mencerminkan kejahilan, provokasi, tahyul dan informasi tidak berkualiti. Baginda bertitah sebaliknya media berperanan menyediakan berita yang memberi fokus kepada informasi yang mampu mendidik masyarakat menjadi berilmu, bersahsiah dan memberi inspirasi ke arah generasi yang berminda kelas pertama. “Berita dan publisiti yang tidak berkualiti banyak merugikan masa rakyat, memalukan negara, dan mencetekkan akal fikiran manusia sehingga dunia sekarang banyak berlaku salah faham. “Salah faham itu juga termasuk yang melibatkan kesucian dan kebenaran agama Islam. Ia bukan sahaja ditimbulkan oleh musuhmusuh Islam, malah diburukkan lagi oleh informasi yang tiada nilai lalu menjadikan rakyat jahil, pemimpin serta manusia yang rosak dan mengikut hawa nafsu,” titah baginda.
Baginda bertitah demikian ketika merasmikan program Perkampungan Sunnah siri keempat di Masjid Alwi, di Kangar malam tadi. Turut berangkat pada majlis tersebut Raja Muda Perlis, Tuanku Syed Faizuddin Putra Jamalullail dan Raja Puan Muda, Tuanku Hajah Lailatul Shahreen Akashah Khalil. Hadir sama Menteri Besar, Datuk Seri Azlan Man, Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Dr Shahidan Kassim dan Exco Agama dan Sumber Manusia Negeri, Khairi Hassan. Program itu bertujuan memberi peluang kepada rakyat untuk sama-sama menimba ilmu dalam suasana harmoni dan sejahtera selain memupuk nilai masyarakat dengan ketinggian ilmu dari aspek kehidupan, sama ada dari sudut ibadah khusus mahupun sains.
“Berita dan publisiti yang tidak berkualiti banyak merugikan masa rakyat, memalukan negara, dan mencetekkan akal fikiran manusia sehingga dunia sekarang banyak berlaku salah faham.”
Program itu bertujuan memberi peluang kepada rakyat untuk sama-sama menimba ilmu dalam suasana harmoni dan sejahtera selain memupuk nilai masyarakat dengan ketinggian ilmu dari aspek kehidupan, sama ada dari sudut ibadah khusus mahupun sains. Baginda bertitah program perkampungan sunnah kali ini juga mengangkat martabat keilmuan dan sarjana para imam mujtahid terdahulu yang telah mencapai tahap yang tinggi dalam menyelesaikan pelbagai masalah umat. “Semua kaedah, tafsiran, pandangan, dan hujah imam mujtahid ini kita raikan dan kita nilai secara kritis dengan melihat perkembangan ilmu dan teknologi semasa untuk diterima pakai sesuai dengan situasi dan masalah umat pada hari ini. “Dalam meraikan kepelbagaian mazhab, kita hendaklah bebas daripada sikap melampau dalam beragama kerana walaupun agama Islam tegas dalam prinsip dan akidah, tetapi ia sangat fleksibel dan memberi kemudahan kepada keperluan umatnya,” titah baginda.
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By: Jo Timbuang PETALING JAYA: Traditional media remains relevant and trustworthy in the wake of fake news and inaccurate information flooding social media, according to media experts. Readers still turn to print and credible electronic news agencies for verified information, they said when asked to comment on how shorter news cycles have made it harder to tell fact from fiction. This is especially difficult during breaking news events like the March 22 terror attack in London. According to an article in The New York Times, online “sleuths” were quick to identify the suspect as radical British cleric Abu Izzadeen – who was in prison at the time – before authorities later named the correct man, British-born Khalid Masood. But Izzadeen’s name had already gone out on social media and even on a British news programme. The broadcaster later apologised for the error. “Inaccuracy happens because of too much emphasis on speed and this can be avoided by taking some time to fact check,” said former journalist turned academician Dr Faridah Ibrahim.
The occasional fumble aside, mainstream media still places more emphasis on getting the information right over being fast, she said, because journalists are trained to be accurate, professional, responsible and ethical. “This differentiates them from content creators who are technologically savvy and have the flair but lack responsibility and ethics,” said Dr Faridah, who is executive dean of Infrastructure University KL’s Faculty of Arts, Communication and Education. Part-time lecturer and former executive director of the Centre for Independent Journalism and the Southeast Asian Press Aliance, Gayathry Venkiteswaran, said many people still believed that only journalists have access to relevant sources for verified information as opposed to what is plucked from social media. She added that media credentials “give journalists the chance to get in touch with authorities or other sources to verify facts, and readers expect that because it isn’t something they can do for themselves”. Gayathry said getting the news out quickly and accurately is
tied to a news agency’s business model and there has always been a need to balance the two. “The key to doing this today is for editors and journalists to be well-prepared. That would require ongoing training not only in reporting but also in making quick value judgments, so journalists can quickly and ethically verify any information they receive,” she said. Both Gayathry and Dr Faridah said there was a difference between fake news and inaccurate information, with the former being a conscious act and the latter, an unwitting one. “It is wrong to generalise. Unless we can pinpoint the source of information or prove that it was created out of an intention to mislead the public, it is unfair to mark it as fake news,” Gayathry said. However, she noted, there are sensible readers who have developed the habit of checking before sharing. “As much as people are sharing information without even checking, there are also others who respond by urging their peers to be careful with their content,” she said.
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By: Dr Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki Al-Hujurat yang merupakan surah yang ke-49 dalam al-Quran. Surah ini diturunkan di Madinah dan mengandungi sebanyak 18 ayat. Al-Hujurat bermaksud bilik-bilik iaitu merujuk kepada rumah-rumah kecil Rasulullah SAWyang didiami para isteri Baginda dan terletak di sekitar Masjid Nabawi di Madinah. Konteks makna Al-Hujurat difirmankan oleh Allah SWT berfirman dalam ayat ke-4 dan ke5: “Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang menyeru kamu dari belakang bilik-bilik kebanyakan mereka tidak menggunakan akalnya. Jika mereka bersabar sehingga kamu keluar kepada mereka, sesungguhnya itulah yang terbaik bagi mereka”. Kedua-dua ayat ini merujuk kepada kisah tentang bagaimana Rasulullah SAW didatangi oleh seorang lelaki Badwi bernama Al-Aqra’ Al-Tamimi yang datang untuk bertemu tetapi berteriak dengan kuat dengan panggilan: “Wahai Muhammad! Wahai Muhammad! dari luar bilikbilik Baginda. Perbuatan ini dilihat tidak beradab dan mengganggu Rasulullah yang sedang berehat serta tidak menghormati waktu peribadi Baginda.” Manakala ayat 1-hingga 3 dalam surah ini menjelaskan tentang perimeter umat Islam untuk menjaga kelakuan dan membina sikap yang beradab. Kelakuan dan sikap ini jika diuruskan dengan betul boleh melonjakkan umat Islam dan seterusnya mencipta peradaban. Adab merujuk kepada kelakuan dan sikap yang ditunjukkan individu Muslim degan Muslim yang lain, khususnya dalam konteks berkomunikasi.
Namun, prasyarat untuk mencapai sifat Muslim yang beradab ini dijelaskan oleh Allah SWT dalam ayat 1 dan 2 dengan firmanNya : “Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, janganlah kamu mendahului Allah dan Rasul, dan bertakwalah kepada Allah sesungguhnya Allah maha mendengar lagi Maha Mengetahui. Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, janganlah kamu mengangkat suaramu mengatasi suara Nabi dan janganlah kamu berkeras kepadanya dengan kata-kata sebagaimana berkeras kepadanya dengan katakata sebagaimana berkerasnya setengah kamu dengan yang lain itu akan menghapuskan kamu dalam keadaan kamu tidak menyedarinya”. Pada ayat tersebut Allah SWT melarang orang-orang Mukmin bagi memberikan pandangan yang bertentangan dan berlawanan dengan apa yang diturunkan oleh Allah SWT dalam al-Quran yang dinyatakan dalam hadis dan Sunnah Rasulullah SAW. Ertinya Islam tidak menegah umatnya memberikan pandangan dalam apa jua bidang selagi pandangan tersebut tidak menyalahi dan bertentangan dengan apa yang diturunkan dalam al-Quran dan Sunnah Rasulullah. Kebebasan berfikir dan memberikan pandangan dalam Islam diikat oleh parameter yang ditetapkan oleh Allah dan Rasul. Manakala pada ayat ke-2, Allah SWT meletakkan batasan had berkomunikasi bersama Rasulullah sebagai contoh kepada cara yang betul untuk berkomunikasi dengan individu Muslim yang lain. Meninggikan suara dan berkeras dengan lantang mempertahankan pandangan bukanlah tergolong dalam adab Islam. Lantas bersuara
tinggi dan keras sebenarnya hanya membuka ruang kepada seseorang individu muslim itu untuk menggunakan perkataan-perkataan yang tidak enak didengari. Kedua-dua ayat di atas sangat signifikan untuk direnungkan. Lantaran kemajuan teknologi komunikasi pada hari ini menyebabkan kebebasan bersuara dan memberikan pandangan sangat terbuka. Kewujudan media sosial seperti WhatsApp dan Facebook sebagai contoh, menjadi medan terbuka bagi semua pihak melepaskan geram, memberikan komen tajam, sinis dan penuh sindiran serta menggunakan pelbagai perkataan yang tidak enak. Meskipun tiada suara yang mampu ditinggikan dalam media sosial, tetapi setiap baris ayat yang ditulis boleh menjadi lebih tinggi dan negative dari suara yang dikeluarkan. Pada ayat ke-3 pula, Allah SWT berfirman : “Sesungguhnya orangorang yang merendahkan suara mereka di sisi Rasulullah adalah orang-orang yang diuji hati mereka untuk bertaqwa, merekalah orangorang yang diampunkan dan mendapat ganjaran yang besar”. Dalam konteks ini, umat Islam perlu menjadikan wadah media sosial yang ada pada hari ini sebagai tempat untuk mengubah persepsi dan pandangan negative yang dilontarkan oleh saudara Islam yang lain. Merendahkan suara dalam konteks ayat ini boleh difahami sebagai membalas katakata nista, ugutan dan sumpah seranah dengna kata-kata yang baik , penuh hikmah dan peringatan. Sesungguhnya Allah menjanjikan pahala dan keampunan kepada orang-orang bertaqwa.
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: n a r o t o m r e P Dilema Peminat Motor
ejarah pembinaan motosikal bermula melalui cubaan manusia memasang enjin pada basikal dan buat pertama kalinya pada tahun 1885, dua tokoh automotif Jerman, Gottlieb Daimler dan Wilhelm Maybach telah membina motosikal pertama dengan hanya menggunakan rangka kayu dan dikuasakan oleh enjin petrol primitif dan disokong oleh sepasang ‘roda latihan’, dengan tempat duduk penunggang yang tinggi pada kulit pelana nipis. Pada tahun 1894, motosikal mula dijual pada orang ramai, model pertama yang dijual adalah Hildebrand & Wolfmüller buatan Jerman dipadankan dengan enjin bersesaran 1500cc silinder berkembar empat injap dengan sejukan cecair dimana ia mampu menjana sebanyak 2.5 kuasa kuda pada 240 RPM. Sementara itu di Amerika Syarikat pula pada awal kurun ke 19, William S.Harley yang merupakan pengasas kepada pengeluar motosikal ternama Harley Davidson telah bekerjasama bersama rakannya Arthur Davidson, Walter Davidson serta William Davidson dalam pembinaan motosikal pertama mereka. Pada 1905, motosikal Harley Davidson mula dikeluarkan dengan hanya enjin silinder tunggal bersesaran 26.84 cc. Pada 1907 Harley Davidson mula membangunkan model prototaip enjin silinder V berkembar 45 darjah yang menjadi
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kesinambungan kepada motosikal Harley Davidson hingga ke hari ini, dengan bersesaran 53.68 cc, ia mampu menjana 7 kuasa kuda dan mencapai kelajuan maksimum sebanyak 100 km/h. Motosikal pada hari ini Pada hari ini penggunaan motosikal bukan hanya sekadar sebagai kemudahan pengangkutan, tetapi ia turut menjadi trend dalam kalangan masyarakat. Praktikal dari segi ekonomi, penjimatan masa dalam meredah kesesakan lalu lintas di kota serta keseronokan dan kepuasan menunggang sememangnya menjadi pemangkin kepada masyarakat untuk menjadikan motosikal sebagai salah satu pengangkutan pilihan utama bagi masyarakat baik di Malaysia mahupun di seluruh dunia pada hari ini walaupun ianya lebih berisiko berbanding kenderaan lain. Selain itu ditambah dengan pengaruh daripada sukan permotoran dunia dan tempatan seperti Kejohanan Grand Prix Motosikal Dunia (MotoGP), Kejohanan Superbike Dunia (WSBK), TT Isle of Man, Macau Grand Prix, Kejohanan Cubprix, Kejohanan Superbike Malaysia (MSC) KBS MAM Kapcai Endurance dan sebagainya. Pengaruh dunia permotoran dalam kalangan anak muda tempatan dikuatkan lagi dengan pengaruh daripada idola permotoran dunia seperti Valentino Rossi, Marc Marquez, Maverick Vinales, Mick
Doohan di persada Grand Prix, Tom Sykes dan Jonathan Rea di persada Kejohanan Superbike Dunia serta kejayaan beberapa anak tempatan di persada sukan permotoran seperti Khairul Idham Pawi dan Zulfahmi Khairuddin. Dilema dalam pemilihan motosikal Biarpun motosikal mampu menjadi salah satu benda yang menyeronokkan dan memudahkan pengguna, namun terdapat isu yang menjadi persoalan iaitu adakah pengguna membuat kajian terlebih dahulu sebelum mereka memilih untuk memiliki motosikal idaman mereka serta apakah tujuan mereka memilih motosikal sedemikian. Adakah motosikal yang dipilih mereka bersesuaian dengan tujuan penggunaan mereka serta tahap ekonomi mereka? Biarpun wujudnya pelbagai teknologi kini, ia seakan tidak mendatangkan sebarang makna bagi sesetengah golongan dimana mereka akan mempersoalkan mengapa motosikal ini dijual pada harga sedemikian tetapi hanya mampu mencapai kelajuan yang rendah serta rupa yang adakalanya tidak menepati citarasa. Seterusnya yang menjadi persoalan adakah motosikal yang mereka pilih itu bersesuaian dengan tujuan dan cara penunggangan mereka, ianya seperti dalam situasi ini dimana mereka memilih motosikal ‘sport’ untuk perjalanan, melalui kesesakan lalu lintas ke tempat kerja mereka Sumber gambar:
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Harley Davidson yang gah di jalan raya di kota tetapi akhirnya mereka merungut gara-gara sakit badan berikutan posisi penunggangan pada motosikal sport yang membongkok dan tidak ergonomik, tetapi harus diingat, motosikal ‘sport’ berkarakterkan motosikal perlumbaan mementingkan prestasi dan aerodinamik berbanding keselesaan. Sementara itu bukan sahaja motosikal jenis ‘sport’ yang mendapat rungutan antara pengguna tetapi motosikal yang berkonsepkan keselesaan seperti jenis sport touring, dan naked juga mendapat rungutan daripada pengguna dimana
mereka tidak berpuas hati dengan prestasi motosikal tersebut, dan bagi motosikal naked pula, pengguna yang memilihnya sering merungut mereka terpaksa melawan rintangan angin ketika ingin memecut di lebuhraya. Dalam hal ini, pengguna sepatutnya peka bahawa motosikal tersebut direka untuk keselesaan dan bukannya untuk prestasi seperti motosikal ‘sport’. Akhir sekali permasalahan yang menjadi dilema dalam kalangan pengguna adalah keadaan ekonomi semasa mereka. Berbeza dengan era 80 hingga 90-an serta tahun
2000 dimana motosikal besar hanya mampu dimiliki golongan berada, pada hari ini, motosikal berkuasa tinggi mudah dimiliki oleh semua jenis golongan berikutan harga yang semakin mesra pengguna serta kemudahan untuk mendapatkan pinjaman bagi memiliki motosikal idaman mereka. Apa yang menjadi permasalahan dalam kalangan pengguna ialah apabila mereka mampu memiliki tetapi akhirnya menjadi suatu masalah apabila mereka tidak mampu menanggung kos penyelenggaraan dan baik pulih motosikal mereka dan akhirnya menyusahkan mereka di hari akan datang. Secara konklusinya, penulis menasihatkan agar pengguna atau bakal pemilik motosikal untuk membuat kajian dan mengenal pasti sama ada motosikal yang hendak dibeli bersesuaian dengan kegunaan dan keadaan ekonomi, serta mempertimbangkan kelebihan dan kelemahan dalam setiap jenis motosikal yang dipilih, hal ini penting agar kemudahan ini tidak akan menjadi sesuatu yang akan menyusahkan diri mereka di hari akan datang, seperti pepatah Melayu yang menyebut ‘ukur baju di badan sendiri’.
sumber: Koleksi Fotografi Penulis
Selain dari keperluan, pengaruh dari sukan permotoran juga menjadikan aktiviti bermotosikal sebagai salah satu trend
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Electronic sports @ E-sports TEXT BY: AQMAL EZANY
or the parents who have children that loves to play computer games or video games at home, they shall never be worried anymore because in this technological era, their children could have a bright future in the gaming industry as a professional gamer in the international stage. Many of us might not know what this gaming industry consists of. So basically, e-sports is simply the short name for electronic sports. Just like the football players play football together, e-sports players play computer of youth and sports. Our Sports Minister Khairy Jamaluddin also supports this sports industry because he believe that sports can
make Malaysia to be more wellknown in the world. To prove his support, the Ministry Of Youth and Sports has organized a tournament called ‘Taring’ on 2015. The objectives of the tournament is to find a player or a team that will represent Malaysia to compete in the international stage. He also believes that our country have so much talent in this gaming industry to compete with other professional players around the world in the international stage. E-sports consist of many games that take place in the international stage tournaments such as FIFA, Counter-Strike (CS:GO), League of Legends (LOL), Overwatch, Call
of Duty (COD), the arcade games Street Fighter V also take place on the international stage using arcade machine. The most famous online game that have been played all over the world and comes with a different background of players is the Defense of the ancients 2 (DOTA 2). This game offers every gamers in the world to dare themselves in cooperative mode because this game should be played with 5 players who have their own role in the team that must are consist of the damage hero, support, roamer and many more. Every year, DOTA 2 will held a huge tournament for every player all over the world
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to take part in it which called The International. For this year, The International has reached their 7th edition of the tournaments that will be held on early August 2017. The International has break the record for the world biggest prize pool that is 19 million USD last year. For this year, it is predicted that the prize pool will increase more than last year edition of The International. Every games that take place in the huge tournament comes with a big crowds and fans from all over the world. Every player or gamer has his or her own fans that contribute to their pay check and sponsorships. E-sports have become extremely popular over the past few years and many companies all over the world realized that they can make a lot of money from this industry. According to Newzoo, a computer game research company, gamers in the UK spent almost 3.3 Billion Pound Sterling on computer games in 2016. This proves that gaming industry is a serious business matter
right now. That means, whoever has the talent or skills that required by the gaming company can be part of their staff as a commentator or analyser for the competition. It can be a full time job for those who have serious interest in gaming. For the players, the winners of e-sports competition can go home with a huge amount of money that they have won in the tournament, so there’s a serious cash involved. To make it more interesting, French football club Paris StGermain (PSG) and some English clubs including Manchester City has created an e-sports team. This was to prove that the gaming industry is a serious matter now and will be more advance in the future. E-sports generated $493m (£400m) in revenue in 2016, with a global audience of about 320 million people. Moreover, playing a computer games as a job might sounds good and also might be a dream job to many of us. However, it is not as easy as we look because
to become a professional e-sports gamers takes a lot of hard work, time and training. Some players might train for up to 14 hours a day to make sure they have extremely quick reflexes and reactions. Players might make more than 300 “actions” per minute, so they have to be able to multi-task extremely well. Professional gamers need to practice for hours. If there’s an update, they need to make sure they have mastered any changes, so that they can still be the best at it. However, not everyone agrees that computer gaming should be considered as a sport because some people think that sports should involve in being more physically active. But others think even though it has nothing to do in physical contact, e-sports require the players to have a skills, plan a tactical and training just like other athlete’s routine. Therefore, it can be considered as a type of sportstoo.
Source: The Oddyssey Online E-sports players working their way in the compatition.
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Online Shopping
embeli belah dalam talian menjadi trend masyarakat kita hari ini dan ia bukanlah fenomena baharu di Malaysia. Sesuai dengan perubahan gaya hidup yang semakin sibuk, kaedah pembelian secara atas talian semakin mendapat tempat dihati pengguna. Kaedah ini dikatakan paling mudah buat golongan kaki shopping bagi mendapatkan barangan yang diidamkan tanpa perlu terburu-buru ke pasar raya. Saban hari ada sahaja produk baru di yang dimuat naik bagi menarik minat pelanggan. Dianggarkan hampir 40 peratus lelaki dan perempuan membeli barangan atas talian menggunakan telefon pintar, computer, tablet, computer riba
dan desktop. Bahkan pertumbuhan laman sesawang seperti Zalora, Lazada, Carousell dan sebagainya turut mempengaruhi trend membeli-belah dan menjadi kegilaan bagi penggemarnya. Ia sedikit sebanyak mendorong perkembangan luas perniagaan ini termasuk perusahaaan kecil dan sederhana (PKS). Perniagaan online boleh dikatakan berkembang seperti cendawan tumbuh selepas hujan. Hanya dengan menggunakan internet, segala transaksi dilakukan dengan pantas dihujung jari. Di negara maju, pembelian melalui internet sudah lama diamalkan. Di negara kita sudah pasti kaedah pembelian secara maya ini begitu
rancak dan berkembang khusunya golongan wanita yang mempunyai kuasa beli yang tinggi. Membeli barangan-barangan fizikal melalui internet telah menjadi satu gaya hidup yang biasa oleh pengguna internet di Malaysia. Menurut kajian Open Mind, 29% daripada pengguna internet di Malaysia lebih suka menghabiskan masa sekurang-kurangnya 1-2 jam untuk membeli-belah di internet.Lebih mengejutkan lagi, para pengguna tidak kisah berbelanja kerana terlalu leka dengan pelbagai promosi serta jaminan yang memuaskan malahan sangup menghabiskan sehingga RM 300 untuk membeli belah di atas talian. Kebanyakkan
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daripada mereka gemar membayar barangan yang dibeli menggunakan kad kredit dan perbankan online. Ini menjadikan aktiviti jual beli secara online di negara kita mencatatkan perkembangan yang memberangsangkan dari semasa ke semasa. Online shopping juga adalah salah satu cara pantas untuk membeli dengan mudah dan anda juga berpeluang mendapat barangan edisi terhad atau yang tidak dijual di negara kita. Jika anda bernasib baik, mungkin dapat membeli sesuatu yang diminati pada harga yang lebih murah berbanding di pasar raya. Mereka yang menggunakan kaedah pembelian online ini tidak perlu mengeluarkan kos tambahan seperti bayaran petrol, tol, letak kereta, dan tidak perlu beratur bagi mendapatkan barangan yang diingini. Hanya dengan menekan butang tetikus, barangan tersebut akan dihantar kepada pembeli dengan hanya dikenakan cajn penghantaran yang murah serta adakalanya diberikan secara percuma mengikut strategi pemasaran. Pengguna hari ini ternyata bijak dalam memilih serta membandingkan harga dan tawaran ke atas sesuatu produk bagi mendapatkan nilai yang lebih berbaloi atas setiap perbelanjaan. Di tambah dengan desakan gaya hidup serta kos yang semakin meningkat, ramai dalam kalangan generasi hari ini lebih gemar melakukan aktiviti membeli belah atas talian berbanding berkunjung sendiri ke kedai yang tertentu. Para peniaga online tentunya akan membuat promosi besar-besaran secara kreatif bagi mempromosikan kedai mereka menerusi aplikasi sosial yang popular sekarang ini seperti Facebook, Instagram yang
mana menjadi medium sosial kepada masyarakat kita pada hari ini. Selain itu, pernahkah anda melihat kaunter-kaunter tiket penerbangan penuh ketika musim promosi tambang murah diadakan? Situasi ini mungkin jarang berlaku kecuali ketika musim pameran atau melalui ejen-ejen syarikat pelancongan yang menawarkan pakej percutian ke luar negara. Ternyata para pelancong dan pengguna lebih gemar menempah tiket melalui online berbanding ke dahulunya terpaksa ke kaunter bagi menempah tiket. Syarikat penerbangan kini semakin giat menjalankan promosi menerusi kaedah dalam talian. Hampir setiap hari ada sahaja kiriman emel daripada mereka berkenaan promosi yang ditawarkan. Ini sekaligus dapat memudahkan pengguna merancang percutian lebih awal, di samping itu boleh juga mula menabung untuk ke destinasi pilihan masing-masing. Tambahan pula, dengan sistem pembayaran dan logistik yang semakin bertambah baik, disokong juga dengan kemajuan komunikasi dan jalur lebar serta peningkatan jumlah penggunaan telefon pintar dan aplikasi beli-belah yang mesra pengguna merupakan faktor yang menjadikan beli-belah dalam talian lebih mesra berbanding secara offline. Laman sosial seperti Facebook dan Instagram juga menjadi medium kepada peniaga untuk mempromosikan barangan yang dijual sekaligus membolehkan pengguna memilih apa jua yang dikehendaki tanpa perlu bersesaksesak terutamanya apabila tiba musim perayaan.pengguna juga boleh membuat perbandingan
harga dan bebas memilih pelbagai rekaan dengan masa yang minima. Namun,tidak kurang juga ada kelemahan dan keburukan dalam melakukan transaksi atas talian ini. Pembelian online sering juga dikaitkan dengan penipuan. Banyak kes-kes yang melibatkan penipuan bernilai ribuan ringgit sehingga menjadi kes mahkamah. Seharusnya sebagai pengguna lebih peka dalam membuat sebarang transaksi. Pastikan terlebih dahulu laman web yang dilayari itu boleh dipercayai dan sekiranya membeli di laman sosial Instagram,lihat dahulu jumlah pengikutnya. Anda juga boleh memeriksa senarai scammer online di internet. Ini bagi mengelak dari anda yang menjadi mangsa seterusnya. Teknologi maklumat (ICT) khususnya transaksi online dijangka menjadi budaya dan cara hidup masyarakat Malaysia ke arah digital menjelang 2020 hingga 2025. Pada masa akan datang orang ramai akan terus menggunakan online sebagai medium melakukan apa jua transaksi. Kemungkinan pada masa akan datang, pasar raya juga akan menjadi online sebagai medium untuk penjualan produknya sebagai salah satu nilai tambah kepada pengguna dan akan menjadi satu budaya masyarakat Malaysia tetapi apapun rakyat disarankan supaya lebih berwaspada dan berjimat cermat terutamanya dalam ekonomi yang tidak menentu sekarang ini. Bak kata pepatah, berbelanja mengikut kemampuan, ’ukur baju di badan sendiri’.
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FAKE BRACES New Status Symbol for Asian Teenagers
ccording to the American Dental Association’s article, there are several reasons why patient are recommended to wear braces. Among of the reasons are, it is used to correct a malocclusion which is known as the bad bite, where a condition caused by crowded, crooked or protruding teeth also known as teeth that are out of alignment or jaws which do not fit properly with it place. This condition sometimes might be inherited or it perhaps the result of thumb sucking or also the possibility caused by the premature loss of teeth and certain cases by an accident. The result from wearing braces may give better result in oral health since crooked and crowded teeth can make difficulty in taking care our daily oral hygiene. Overtime, it may contributes to tooth decay, gum disease and the scariest thing where, the person might lose their tooth. Apart from that, it will also affect when we chew or bite, and also the approach of the individual might verbalize, in view of the fact that it may lead to
nonstandard wear to tooth enamel and jaws troubles. Unfortunately, these days individuals have a tendency to have assorted motivations to wear braces and a few of them swing up to utilize fake braces without knowing the outcomes. It has been well thoroughly considered as an image of status, riches, and style. The issue with the pattern is that individuals are utilizing non-orthodontic or fake braces, it become their props like just got it from the saloons and market. The retribution is genuinely obvious since orthodontic braces are extremely costly. According to data collection from Vice site claimed that, in Bangkok, as for the example, a set of tinselteeth will cost among £750. “Hence, all the kids want to wear this thing, because no matter young or rich, it is apparently super cute,” the Vice site reported. Meanwhile according to the Concerning Oral Care Center, fake braces are produced by using a bit of wire with sections that are stuck to the wearer’s teeth where the clips are clipped around the two back molars for support.
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The braces are made with varieties of rubber bands, and usually the brackets are often smaller plastic or metal shaped. This kind of support is distinctive where it fitted personally to the wearer’s teeth. In addition, according to Shinagawa Lasik and Aesthetics site, it is stated that orthodontics or also known as fake braces became a fashion trend and a symbol of status for the teenagers in recent years, some of them do not mind to wear fake braces that can easily be purchased online, streets vendors or from a non professional orthodontics to keep up with the emerging trend. If the price at the salon is expensive and they cannot afford it, they have other choice where these kind of teen can get even cheaper pairs, where they can apply at home or even at open-air stalls in local markets. It comes nearly every color under the sun, with the themes such as Mickey Mouse or Hello Kitty. Young people who favored fake braces rather than genuine braces have uncovered themselves in risk. The wearer has the possibility to harm regarding to the conceivable poisonous chemicals utilized as a part of the elastic groups or lead that situated in the metals. Notwithstanding of that, it likewise
may bring about tooth rot and stain towards individual because of the glue used to append the braces.
“Vice site also reported that, to follow the trend, it has cost the life of two Thai teens, a 17 year old from Kohn Kaen located somewhere in Thailand, who reported has contracted a thyroid infection which believed from a defective pair of fashion braces...” Thus, the scariest thing here is where severe possible inflammation and infectivity can occur when the blood supply to gums have discontinued.
Furthermore Vice site also reported that, to follow the trend, it has cost the life of two Thai teens, which a 17 year old from Kohn Kaen located somewhere in Thailand, who reported has contracted a thyroid infection which believed from a defective pair of fashion braces and the condition eventually evolved to fatal heart failure. Meanwhile, the other case involved a 14 year old whose death was linked to a pair of illegally purchased braces. In Thailand, even the punishable with prison time has been enactment towards the seller and the production of these braces but the products are still being offered in the market. To sum up, health experts have now warned young people about the danger of wearing fake fashion braces, and the experts believe that the fake braces are very dangerous and should be banned. For example, in Thailand, people who are being caught selling fake braces might be punishable by up to one year in jail and a £815 fine, according to CBS.
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Source: Emotive Brand
illennials are often misunderstood especially by the media and this all stems from the plentiful of negative stereotypes when it comes to millennials. Millennials is simply the name of generation of those born in between 1980-1995 and the term was first coined by William Straus and Neil Howein in 1987. It was made popular when Joel Stein, a journalist of the Time magazine published a cover story calling out the millennials as “The Me Me Me Generation”. In his article, he painted a negative picture of millennials by implying that this generation is lazy, narcissistic, entitled and the list goes on. For example, he said that because millennials are so used on getting participation trophies growing up, millennials believe that that they are entitled to be promoted every two years. This has since directly affected the image of the millennials. It has
been proven by various research that millennials have different tastes and priorities compare to the preceding generations. Millennials, for example, tend to prioritize activities over physical purchases, with 71% of 18- to 35-year-olds in a recent research citing experiences as the most important thing in their lives. Interestingly enough, according to a study by Merril Edge, millennials are saving more money than any other generation and what really set them apart from older generations is what they are saving for. It is worth to note that, millennials are living under the weight of burdensome student loan debt and less than ideal job market. MILLENNIALS ON WORKING Probably one of the biggest complains when it comes to millennials’ ‘unique’ way of working. They are called lazy and job hoppers by the previous
generations. Milennials who are used to work on the move do not see the point of being anchored to their desk when you can easily reply to those e-mail and drafting notes on the way to work or even, in a cafe? To millennials, this is not laziness but working smarter. Studies have shown that employees in a flexible workplace can be more productive and happier with their careers and this has led to an influx of millennials employees asking to work from home at least once a week. These shift in working traditions has led to the death of the outdated norms such as working in a traditional 40-hours workweek. More and more millennials have admitted that they do not unplug to come at 6 pm as they constantly check their e-mails even at home. In order to face the very challenges in managing millennials’ employees, companies need to understand their motives and
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recognize their expectations when it comes to their careers. Head of human resource department of BSN, Syanorida Bahari, said in an interview that millennials are only loyal to their profession which is the complete opposite of the older generations who tend to be more loyal to organization instead.
“Millennials are more motivated by personal fulfillment opportunities on the job rather than traditional monetary rewards,” While books such as Generation Me by Jean Twenge and Not Everyone Gets a Trophy by Bruce Tulgan suggested that millennials are the worst possible employees, this does not necessarily mean true and that if it is true, it simply means that companies now have to change and adapt to the new workforce. However, it is worth to note that is not exceptional to millennials as figures has shown that people in
their 20’s today are almost exactly the same as they were in the 1980s. Job hopping it appears, is a common feature of being a young worker and not specific to this particular crop. MILLENNIALS ARE AWARE This is something that the media refused to highlight and that is millennials are more socially and political aware compared to the older generations. 61% believe in equality and 75% feel the economic and political state of the world will have a big impact on their generation. Editor at the Large Inc Magazine, Leigh Buchanan said, “One of the characteristics of millennials, besides the fact that they are masters of digital communication, is that they are primed to do well by doing good. Almost 70% say that giving back and being civically engaged are their highest priorities.” MOVING FORWARD While millennials are certainly not the first generation to be misunderstood by the proceeding generations, media should stop with the sweeping generalities as it
is counterproductive. Instead, why not get to know us better? When the media decided to pinpoint all the blame on the millennials, the general public will generate a negative perception towards the millennials. In fact, no one hates the term “milennials” more than millennials. According to the research conducted by Pew Research Center, it stated that the millennials themselves hold a more negative view of their generation than Generation Xers, baby boomers or other age groups do of their own peer group. In a poll, 59% of 18- to 34-yearolds described their generation as self-absorbed, 49% said they were wasteful, and 43% described their generation as greedy. On top of this, only 36% of millennials see themselves as hardworking and 24% see themselves as responsible. All of this have showed that the millennials are never the problem but the potrayal of millennials in the media is. It is vital for all of us to remember that millennials are more than what is being potrayed in the media. Source: Adweek
Millenials are more than just a generation that are deemed narcissistic.
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MALAYA ! a k e d r e M erdeka! M
“Orang Melayu, Cina, India dan lain-lain kaum yang hendak menumpukan taat setia dan tinggal bersama serta menumpu dab menumpahkan darah serta bekerja membanting tulang di negeri ini, tinggallah dengan baik antara satu dengan lain kerana negeri ini adalah berlainan dengan mana-mana negeri yang ada di dunia ini.�
Tunku Abdul Rahman di London untuk perbincangan kemerdekaan
Parti Perikatan mengemudi sebagai simbol kepada kemerdekaan
undingan kemerdekaan yang diperjuangkan oleh Tunku Abdul Rahman bukanlah sesuatu yang mudah dan tidak boleh dianggap remeh. Rundingan kemerdekaan bersama British di London tidak semudah yang disangka kerana ianya memerlukan perbelanjaan yang tinggi untuk sampai ke sana. Percubaan pertama Tunku Abdul Rahman bersama sekumpulan perwakilan ke London pada tahun 1954 untuk memperolehi kemerdekaan Malaya tidak berjaya. Namun setahun selepas rundingan
kemerdekaan itu gagal, Pilihanraya Persekutuan Pertama telah diadakan iaitu pada 27 Julai 1955. Parti-parti politik seperti Pertubuhan Kebangsaan Melayu Bersatu (UMNO), Persatuan Cina Malaysia (MCA), Kongres India Se-Malaysia (MIC), Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS), Parti Negara dan Parti Buruh telah mengambil bahagian untuk bertanding bagi merebut 52 kerusi yang dipertandingkan. UMNO telah menjalinkan kerjasama dengan Parti Politik lain iaitu MIC dan MCA bagi
membentuk Parti Perikatan untuk bertanding dalam pilihanraya yang akan berlangsung. Hasilnya, mereka telah berjaya memenangi 51 daripada 52 kerusi yang dipertandingkan dalam pilihanraya tersebut dan Tunku Abdul Rahman telah dilantik sebagai Ketua Menteri dan Menteri Hal Ehwal Dalam Negeri serta membentuk kabinet yang dianggotai oleh ketiga-tiga perti iaitu UMNO, MIC dan MCA. Mengimbau kembali peristiwa semasa di Melaka dalam Persidangan UMNO yang diadakan di Dewan Hang Tuah Bandar Hilir
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LATAR BELAKANG INOVASI DI MALAYSIA MELAKA Nama Melaka dinamakan sempena nama sebuah pohon Melaka tempat dimana Parameswara iaitu raja dari Palembang bersandar ketika beliau terlibat dalam peperangan merebut takhta kerajaan Majapahit pada akhir abad ke-14.
SISTEM RESIDEN 1874 sumber: google
Kepulangan Tunku dari London.
sekitar tahun 1955. Tunku menyatakan hasratnya, ”Saya ni nak pergi ke London. UMNO tak ada duit, saya pun tak ada duit. Saya jual istana, ayahanda murka. Ayahanda suruh saya jadi raja, saya tak mau, saya nak jadi Presiden UMNO, saya nak bagi Malaya merdeka”. Bergenang air mata orang ramai apabila mendengarkan kenyataan Tunku. Mereka membantu dengan menyerahkan segala yang termampu seperti barangan kemas serta jam tangan bagi membantu membiayai perjalanan Tunku ke London. Walaupun nilai barangan tersebut masih tidak mencukupi, tetapi semangat orang-orang melayu yang sanggup berkorban harta benda demi mencapai Kemerdekaan Tanah Melayu amat disanjung dan perlu dicontohi. Pada 1 Januari 1956, Tunku bersama rombongan kemerdekaan bertolak ke Karachi, Pakistan dengan menaiki kapal laut MV Asia dari Singapura. Dari situ, mereka telah meneruskan penerbangan ke Kaherah seterusnya ke London. Rombongan tersebut telah sampai di London pada 14 Januari 1956. Mereka kemudiannya membuat rundingan dengan perwakilan kerajaan British, Setiausaha Negara bagi Tanah Jajahan,
Pesuruhjaya Tinggi British di Persekutuan Tanah Melayu dan lain-lain. Rundingan tersebut berjalan dari 16 Januari hingga 6 Februari tahun yang sama. Akhirnya kerajaan British memberi kemerdekaan kepada Tanah Melayu. Satu perjanjian yang dinamakan sebagai Perjanjian London juga telah ditandatangani pada 8 Februari 1956. Mereka juga telah sebulat suara menetapkan tarikh 31 Ogos 1957 bagi Persekutuan Tanah Melayu mencapai kemerdekaan yang mutlak. Selesai rundingan di London, Tunku Abdul Rahman telah pulang ke Tanah Melayu dengan membawa perkhabaran yang baik buat penduduk Tanah Melayu. Rombongan Tunku dari London ke Melaka. Satu sambutan besarbesaran melibatkan kira-kira 100,000 orang diadakan di Padang Bandar Hilir yang kini juga dikenali sebagai Dataran Pahlawan Laungan “merdeka! merdeka! merdeka!” buat pertama kalinya telah berkumandang di Padang Bandar Hilir ini pada 20 Februari 1956. Bermula dari saat itu, pelbagai persiapan telah dilakukan untuk pengisytiharan kemerdekaan pada 31 Ogos 1957 termasuklah pembinaan Stadium Merdeka, Kuala Lumpur.
Sistem Residen mula diperkenalkan di Perak pada 1874 melalui Perjanjian Pangkor yang merupakan sistem pemerintahan British secara tidak langsung. Sultan akan memerintah negerinya mengikut nasihat daripada Residen British.
PERJANJIAN INGGERISBELANDA 1824 Perjanjian Inggeris-Belanda 1824 merupakan perjanjian yang telah ditandatangani untuk mengatasi masalah yang berlaku antara Inggeris dan Belanda.
Malayan Union diperkenalkan di Tanah Melayu selepas Perang Dunia Ke-2. Mengikut perlembagaan ini, Tanah Melayu akan disatukan dan diletakkan di bawah kerajaan pusat di Kuala Lumpur dan akan diketuai oleh seorang Gabenor secara rasmi pada 1 April 1946.
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“At the end of the war, Japan has succeeded in establishing itself as an Asian power to rival Western powers...� TEXT BY: NASRIN SALSABILA
t is believed that the battle between Japan and Russia in the nineteenth century, was the reason how European powers try to manipulate the East Asia. Due to the superior power of the westerners, the East Asia was conquered easily with the aid of European imperialism due to the fact that the European claimed the portions of Asia for themselves, which caused the Asian power to emerge which attempted to mimic the imperialist motion. Since then, Japan began to struggle with Russia which turned into armed conflict in 8 February 1904. In addition, Japan and Russia fought for years to have power over Korea and Manchuria, which were both regarded as strategically and economically crucial. According to the research conducted by D. Schimmelpenninck, Japan versus Russia war can be claimed as a major war in Manchuria as they fought for
power in northeast Asia. The conflict began when the imperial of China turn them down, causing them to be more defensive for more power. The conflict between these two countries developed between Japan and Russia to conquer Korea and Manchuria. In 1898, Russia had pressured China to compromise a lease for the Port Arthur which located at the tip of the Peninsular in southern Manchuria. Russia entered the peninsula despite the fact that in partnership with other European powers. Then, Japan landed their army in Korea that quickly overran that country. In which, Japanese military landed at the Liaodong Peninsula, but it reduced off the Port Arthur garrison from the main body of Russian forces in Manchuria. According to study conducted by Janet Hunter, there are many reasons contributed to the war between Japan and Russia in February 1904 and
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Illustration that depicted the war between Rusia and Japan.
September 1905. One of the reasons was that foreign observers overstated the Japanese military’s strength, while Japanese commanders was paying attention on areas of disunity and weakness. As opposed to those individuals who trusted Japan plotted vengeance against Russia after 1895 and dependably hope to conquer the Korean peninsula, where Yamagata as leader amid that time had really mulled over surrendering all enthusiasm for Korea. If this were important to avoid the war against Russia, then late in December 1903 had he been compelled to yield that war could never again be avoided. In 1898, a tradition was held to discover an answer for the issues emerging in Korea. The tradition named Nishi-Rosen Convention. Day by day, a consensus to be accomplished is not fruitful when Russia still demand a need to merge its position in Korea. Along these lines, Japan was not ready to withstand the requests postured by Russia and in 1904; Japan has cut strategic ties with Russia after talks in St. Petersburg neglected to meet the objectives to be accomplished. Indeed, Japan still try to figure out how to stay away from war or endorsement is legitimate in condition that it is not inconvenient to Japan. Russia try to keep up predominance in Manchuria but neglected. It led Japan to dismiss the conditions that were set forward by Russia. During the two years of Anglo-Japanese cooperation was marked, war
began in which it was the Japanese who began the war against Russia. In a nut shell, at the end of the war, Japan had succeeded in establishing itself as an Asian power to rival Western powers. This success is related to the ability of governments in Japan. Their ships spent much of the time in harbor before trying to escape on 10 August 1904 round the Korean peninsula to Vladivostok in Russia’s far eastern provinces. Due to this result, the image of Russia as an European power scratched because of lost in this war. This war also proved that the Japanese managed to take back their rights from being challenged by Russia. It is believed that the Treaty of Portsmouth was the dividing line between the ruled areas between Japan and Rusia in China which have been changed after the war ended. The success of this had affected Japan in the international political movement. The war gave a historical significance where the Japanese victory greatly encouraged nationalism in Asia and Africa. It was the first war in which a non –European nation had defeated a great European power using all the resources of modern technology. The war also showed that Japan was bent on imperial expansion in Asia just when the European powers were starting to appreciate the nationalist threats to their empires. The Japanese able to assert their control over Korean after the war but only in the face of stiff guerilla resistance by the Korean people.
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RAFALE FIGHTER JET: The Symbol of Power in the World of Security
he French Air Force Rafale is the symbol of national pride for French country, in other words this fighter jet also brings the symbol of strength for French military. In French, ‘Rafale’ poetically means a ‘sudden gust of wind’. This sophisticated fighter jet was build with high and excellence technology from the country. In April 2011, the IAF shortlisted the two birds, the Rafale were produced by Dassault Aviations and the Eurofighter (the ‘Typhoon’ of Europe) from EADS, the European consortium. Dassault Aviation was the French aircraft manufacturing company of military, regional and business jets, since 1949. The strength of this fighter jet has been proven when the country military deployment in Afghanistan, Libya and Mali. It was well-known in many countries such as in India. It was one of the six fighter aircraft in competition for the Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft, MMRCA, when the Indian Air Force wanted to acquire 126 polyvalent fighter planes. Rafale was not India’s only choice. Several international aviation manufacturers expressed interest upon knowing the Indian government’s massive plan to revamp its Indian Airforce fleet by presenting MMRCAs. Six renowned aircraft manufacturers competed to get the contract of 126 fighter jets, which was touted to be the largest-ever defense procurement deal of India. This aircraft has equipped with the latest avionics and intelligent sensor system that is capable of firing 30mm cannon, air to air missile and air to surface missile. It is bulletproof anti-ship missiles of various laser guide bombs and ammunitions for ground attack.
There are three types of Rafale jets which are Rafale C with only one chair, Rafale B with double chair and Rafale M. Rafale is now operated by the Air Force and Dassault of France. The technology owned by the aircraft is capable of ensuring the continuity of a robust air defense system up to 40 years. The Rafale fighter jet is undoubtedly can be the most strategic weapon that can be used for any country in this world, because it is the perfect combination of combat effectiveness and shown that the critical technologies implemented. Besides that, the Rafale constructions does not involve the physical sketch, digital sketch instead, it uses the virtual three-dimensional (3D) entirely through the software Catia. The software has been developed by Dassault System, the software Catia or also called as “Computer Aided Three-dimensional Interactive Application” is the 3D software that has the ability to share the information and development in aircraft construction with the other stakeholders. This aircraft can achieve until double-speed sounds, it is not only show the strength of air defense, it also brings the success to the industry of development and of course the successful of this fighter jet being among the contributors of growth in the Gross National Development. This fighter jet also has Omni role capability which means that it can do more than one mission in one particular time, with this capability it can be used to carry out the widest range of roles with the smallest number of aircraft.
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This fighter jet was build with high and excellence technology.
Malaysia and Rafale Rafale jet fighter has been participate in Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace Exhibitions (LIMA’17) which held at Langkawi from 21st – 25th of March. According to people that attended the exhibition, they feel are excited to see the exhibition. According to the article from Utusan online, Malaysia is considering the purchase of defense equipment from France including the multi-role combat aircraft (MRCA), which is the Rafale jet fighter made by the Dassault
"The Rafale is a twin-engine multirole fighter aircraft that is able to carry out a wide range of mission such as air policing and defensive counter air, air-to ground precion attack, airto-sea strike, nuclear deterrence, and air reconnaissance without having multiple fighter aircraft in an operation." -Bernama
Aviation. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said Malaysia is now looking at the matter but still not ready to make decision about it. With the specialties and uniqueness of this fighter jet we can say that, it can meet the needs of the Malaysia defense department. The Dassault Aviation product is totally different from other competitors, it is because of the status Omni role fighter aircraft which already proven in the battlefield against the aircraft of other companies that are still in the prototype stage, in other word we can say that it can be the best choice if Malaysia wants to buy the new fighter jet. The word Omni role capability has been used to describe the ability as a fighter air to air, air to ground attacks, air strikes into the sea and counter nuclear attack. It was one of the six fighter aircraft in competition for the Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft, MMRCA, when the Indian Air Force wanted to acquire 126 polyvalent fighter planes.
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Seni Khat
ulisan jawi merupakan tulisan yang telah wujud sejak zaman dahulu lagi. Rata-rata nenek moyang kita pada zaman ini pasti mahir dalam penggunaan tulisan jawi. Ini kerana semenjak kecil lagi sebelum Malaya mencapai kemerdekaan, mereka telah dididik dan diajar menggunakan tulisan jawi. Malah, tulisan jawi merupakan medium komunikasi utama dalam kehidupan seharian mereka. Terdapat sesetengah rakyat yang bukan Muslim juga mahir membaca dan menulis jawi pada zaman itu. Malah, akhbar dan bahan-bahan penulisan lain turut menggunakan tulisan jawi. Jadi ternyata tulisan jawi bukanlah sesuatu perkara yang asing lagi dalam kalangan kita semua kerana ianya telah dipelajari sejak turun temurun lagi. Pada hari ini, ternyata tulisan jawi telah dinaik taraf dalam bentuk seni tulisan khat. Dapat kita lihat kebanyakan seni tulisan khat digantung atau ditampal di dinding-dinding masjid. Seni tulisan khat telah menjadi salah satu bisnes yang tidak asing lagi di negara ini. Ini kerana seni khat yang unik dapat menjadi tarikan orang ramai. Rata-rata membeli tulisan khat untuk dijadikan perhiasan di dalam rumah mereka. Antara ayat suci Al-Quran yang sering mendapat sambutan pasaran khat di Malaysia ialah Ummul Kitab, Ayat Kursi, Ayat Seribu Dinar, Surah Yasiin, 3 Qul dan selebihnya ditempah mengikut permintaan pelanggan.
Harga sebuah seni khat mungkin sedikit mahal tetapi ianya berbaloi kerana penulisan khat bukanlah sesuatu yang mudah. Ia amat memerlukan ketelitian dan kesabaran yang tinggi. Pada zaman yang serba moden ini, seni penulisan khat yang kian popular telah mendapat permintaan tinggi. Khat kufi bukan sahaja mendapat permintaan yang tinggi untuk dijadikan hiasan semata-mata malah ada pelanggan yang menempahnya dalam saiz yang lebih kecil untuk dijadikan ‘door gift’ majlis-majlis keramaian. Jika kita lihat seni khat kufi pada pandangan pertama, ianya agak sukar untuk dibaca malah mengelirukan kita. Lebih-lebih lagi tulisannya yang berbentuk petak dan berwarna-warni. Setelah diamati dengan teliti dan ketahui cara pembacaannya, khat kufi tersebut merupakan sambungan petak tulisan jawi yang disambungkan untuk menjadi ayat suci Al-Quran. Seni khat kufi ini merupakan salah satu seni kaligrafi Islam dan ia sangat unik. Seni Khat kufi ini telah wujud tidak lama dahulu tetapi ramai yang tidak mengetahui kewujudannya kerana rata-rata lebih menggemari penggunaan seni khat yang biasa terdapat di pasaran. Khat kufi ini dikatakan berasal dari Iraq di mana ia turut memainkan peranan dalam menyebarkan Islam keseluruh dunia tanpa kita sedari. Malah khat kufi ini dapat membantu kita untuk memperingati Allah SWT
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dan juga Nabi Muhammad SAW. Dengan wujudnya tulisan seni khat kufi ini, kita dapat melihat ia terpahat di dinding salah sebuah masjid terkenal di dunia iaitu Masjid Nabawi. Jelaslah bahawa tulisan ini telah wujud sejak ribuan tahun yang lalu malah khat kufi ini turut digunakan beberapa pembesar di Tanah Besar China untuk dijadikan sebagai tandatangan dalam cop mohor mereka. Maka terbuktilah bahawa khat kufi ini telah bergerak seiring dengan penyebaran Islam di seluruh pelusuk dunia. Seni khat kufi yang berbentuk petak ini mempunyai cara yang tersendiri untuk dibaca. Ramai yang keliru dengan bagaimana untuk membacanya kerana ia berbentuk petak tetapi setelah mereka mengetahui cara pembacaannya ternyata ianya mudah sekali. Sesuatu benda yang sukar akan menjadi mudah apabila kita pelajari dan ketahui tekniknya, justeru inilah sebabnya
seni khat kufi dikatakan unik. Cara pembacaan seni khat kufi ini ialah ia dibaca dari hujung kanan bawah sekali. Kemudian, dari hujung kanan bawah, ia harus dibaca ke kiri dan bacaan seterusnya ke kiri atas. Selepas itu, teruskan pembacaan khat kufi ini dengan ke arah kanan atas dan teruskan bacaan hingga ke penghujungnya dengan cara yang sama. Serikanlah rumah anda dengan seni khat kufi ini kerana ia akan memberikan satu perasaan yang tidak dapat digambarkan. Seni khatnya yang unik dan menarik boleh juga dijadikan sebagai hadiah buat saudara mara dan sahabat handai untuk dijadikan sebagai kenangan. Seni khat kufi ini bukan sahaja dapat memberikan satu cita rasa baru yang kontemporari malah dapat mengangkat martabat tulisan khat kufi itu sendiri.
Kiri: Contoh Khat Kufi yang menggunakan Surah Al - Fatihah. Kanan: Cara pembacaan Khat Kufi.
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CHARLES DARWIN: POCKET GIANT Publisher: The History Press
Author: Stephen Webster Published Date: 1 August 2014
Before his great work, humans were comfortably different from other life, a special creation. By showing how life on Earth evolved, Darwin told us that humans too are part of nature. His decisive experience a five-year roundthe-world voyage on the Beagle set him thinking about the diversity of life, ideas that would challenge the scientific establishment and Victorian society. This book gives a concise account of Darwin’s life and work, and makes vividly clear why his work continues to influence us all. Charles Darwin born in February 12, 1809 in England and died on April 1882. He study specimens around the globe which has led him to formulate his famous theory about human.
ANATOMY 101 (HB) Publisher: Adams Media
Author: Kevin Langford Published Date: July, 2015
An all in one guide to the human body! Anatomy 101 offers an exciting look into the inner workings of the human body. Too often, textbooks turn the fascinating systems, processes, and figures of anatomy into tedious discourse that even Leonardo Da Vinci would reject. This easy to read guide cuts out the boring details, and instead, provides you with a compelling lesson in anatomy. Covering every aspect of anatomical development and physiology, each chapter details the different parts of the human body, how systems are formed, and disorders that could disrupt bodily functions. this book also covered cell chemistry to the respiratory system, Anatomy 101 is packed with hundreds of entertaining facts that you can’t get anywhere else!
Author: Antony Beevor Published Date: 6 October 2016
On 16 December, 1944, Hitler launched his ‘last gamble’ in the snowcovered forests and gorges of the Ardennes on the German border. He believed he could split the Allies by driving all the way to Antwerp, then force the Canadians and the British out of the war. Although his generals were doubtful of success, younger officers and NCOs were desperate to believe that their homes and families could be saved from the vengeful Red Army approaching from the east. The Ardennes offensive, with more than a million men involved, became the greatest battle of the war in western Europe. Many were exultant at the prospect of striking back. ‘His book is the definitive history. This is World War II as Tolstoy would have described it - the great and the small’ Gerard DeGroot, Washington Post (on The Second World War). In January 1945, when the Red Army launched its onslaught towards Berlin, the once-feared German war machine was revealed to be broken beyond repair. The Ardennes was the battle which finally broke the Wehrmacht.
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ISIS: INSIDE THE ARMY OF TERROR Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Author: Michael Weiss & Hassan Published Date: 31 March 2016
American journalist Michael Weiss and Syrian analyst Hassan Hassan explain how these violent extremists evolved from a nearly defeated Iraqi insurgent group into a jihadi army of international volunteers who behead Western hostages in slickly produced videos and have conquered territory equal to the size of Great Britain. Weiss and Hassan explain the key players and their origins, and how the movement has gained support. This new edition is fully revised and updated, covering events that took place in 2015. With brutal attacks in last year across the globe—Brussels, Paris, Beirut, Egypt, Turkey—the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has proved itself the greatest terrorist threat in the world today. They have conquered massive territories in Syria and Iraq in a bid to create a new Muslim caliphate under the strict dictates of Sharia law.
Author: Richard H. Thaler & Cass R. Sunstein Published Date: 24 February 2009
Every single day, we will be facing with some decisions that should be made to pursue our life beautifully. The author stated that mistakes in making decisions would be lead to a poorer and less healthy of life which ranging in education, finance, health care, personal problems, and so forth. This publication of 300 pages intended to guide us in making wise decisions which could benefit us in many aspects of our life. The book highlights, better choices are vital for society without removing their rights to choose and give us different perpective on how to tackle the right choices by knowing how people think which could lead us to pick choices that also would be bestsuited for them. Then, the authors demonstrate on how thoughtful of “choice architecture” could be established in order to nudge us to the beneficial directions without restricting freedom of choice. This context also could help putting a smiley faces on the people that consuming more than the average, and sad faces given to those who consuming more.
WHY NATIONS FAIL Author: Daron Acemoglu & James A. Robinson Publisher: Crown Pub (United States) Published Date: September 2013
An imbalance developement of the various countries explained by distinctive achievement of their nations. Why Nations Fail has outlined the provocative perspectives yield to the importance of institutions. The political and economic institutions in the country will shaped economic prosperity for the citizens. The relations between power, prosperity and poverty are well-explained in the sense of contributing to the societal developement. The author came out with ignorant hypothesis, those who have power make choices that create poverty on purpose which affected the proletariats in the country. The authors simplified society in theoretic model in a way that they are divided between small rich class and large poor class. Then, people preferences in society are determined by monetary redistribution from rich ruling class. The middle and poor class society will get benefit from monetary, and they will prefer the ruling class as much as they gained the benefits.
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Fakulti Komunikasi dan Pengajian Media Ijazah Sarjana Muda (Kepujian) Kewartawanan Universiti Teknologi MARA Mac 2017- Julai 2017
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