2012 Missouri Spring Show March 30, 2012, 10 am Judge, Bruce Tencleve, AR
Corporate Sponsors for 2012 College of the Ozarks University of Missouri - Foremost Dairy
Individual Sponsors for 2012 Dr. John Underwood Robert & Janice Perry Al Brandt Borman Farm Roy & Daisy Parsons Mike & Nora Hackmann Barry Steevens
Larry & Jodi Wright Robthom Farm South Central Holstein District Ram-Elle Holsteins & Jerseys D & D Enterprises Mike Nelson Brian TerHaar
Keep Up-to-date with National Convention News...
The National Convention Website has all the latest information about the convention - there is even a Facebook page for 2012! June 27 - 30, 2012, Springfield, MO
2012 National Convention Sale Update
Selections are now being made for this exciting event. I am looking forward to making it an event that is both fun and profitable for all involved. The Futures sale will be ‘Deal or Real Deal Sale’. This is an exciting new concept that will prove fun and exciting for consignors, buyers, and attendees alike. The National Convention Sale will be held under the lights and red carpet of Juanita K Hammons Hall for the performing arts. A fast paced two ring concept and an unparalleled staff will raise the bar for sales to come! Thank you again for the opportunity to work with each of you for a successful National Convention Sale. Interested consignors contact Dallas Burton at 785-806-9774; dallasburton@cox.net.
Missouri is hosting the National Holstein Convention June 2012! Can you believe it is almost here? There are plenty of opportunities for everyone to help out! Contact Barry Steevens if you would be available to volunteer even just one day. We will need lots of people to make this convention a success: helping serve dairy
products, directing guests, assisting with tours, answering questions, sharing Missouri History as our guests ride to their destinations, and everything in-between. There is a place for you! Contact Barry at: 573-882-3459 or steevensb@missouri.edu to sign up to volunteer.
~ National Convention Ticket Order Forms ~ Ticket order forms will be in the April Holstein World or online at www.holsteinconvention2012.com. Online registration will begin next week. REMEMBER: if you plan to volunteer or attend convention you will need to purchase your own tickets for the events that you want to attend!
Virtual Tour of your Farm for all to See! Would you like to advertise your farm to our National Convention guests in video form? We will have virtual farm tours playing on the tour buses as our guests travel to different destinations and in the convention center. This is a great opportunity for our members whose farms are not on the tours to share your story with our guests. You will fill out a script and send in about 6 photos to create a video of your farm. Contact Mary Angelo, Publicity chairperson, at 417-880-5732 by APRIL 15, if you would like to be included. A $30 fee will apply.
Farm Tour Map Would you like your farm placed on the Missouri Farm Tour Map both in the Souvenir Book and online. This is to show our visitors to Missouri there are many herds they can visit on their way to National Convention? All you have to do is place any size ad in the 2012 National Convention Souvenir book and your farm will automatically be placed on both maps for our driving visitors convenience. Convention attendees will be traveling through different parts of our state. This is a great way to attract them to your location on their way to or from the convention!
2012 MISSOURI SPRING SHOW Class 1: Junior Showmanship Ages 8 - 10 As of January 1, 2012 Class Sponsor: OPEN
Birth Date Sire
Clackholm Fever-ET
Janice Ling
Windy-Knoll-View Pronto-ET
University of MO
Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez
Bob Griggs
2 Radine Sanchez Monique
Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez
Borman Farm
Mik-Nels Domino Keila
Regancrest-Mr Domino
Steven Nelson
Pine-Tree Sid-ET
Sophia Geppert
Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez
University of MO
Scientific Demello-ET
Nora Hackman
Regancrest Baltimore
Bailee Whitehead
Robthom Bellini Braxton
Regancrest S Braxon-ET
Kelsey Ling
Robthom Easter Blizzard
Robthom Moscow Blizzard
Janice Ling
Whitehead Sanchez Charger
Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez
B, L, T Whitehead
Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez
Brian TerHaar
Regancrest EP Mr Domino
Steven Nelson
Entry Sophia Geppert
Blake Wright Taylor Whitehead Lauren Whitehead Will Adkins
Class 2: Intermediate Showmanship Ages 11 - 15 As of January 1, 2012 Class Sponsor: Dalton Smith Lora Wright Bailee Whitehead
Steven Nelson
Class 3: Senior Showmanship Ages 16 & Over As of January 1, 2012 Class Sponsor: Haley Hines
Nora Hackmann
Class 4: Winter Heifer Calf Born December 1, 2011 to February 29, 2012 Class Sponsor: Larry and Jodi Wright VT-Pond-View Adeen-ET
Class 5: Fall Heifer Calf Born September 1, 2011 to November 30, 2011 Class Sponsor: Borman Farm 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 U-MO Pronto Amelia Golden Dew Sanchez Rebel
1 2 3 4
3 Radine Sid Cinderella 4 U-Mo Sanchez Annalie 5 Hack Demmelo Tessy Ra-ET Whitehead Baltimore Lingo
Class 6: Summer Yearling Born June 1, 2011 to August 31, 2011 Class Sponsor: South Central Holstein District 1 2 3 4
1 Free-State Sanchez Giselle
Class 7: Spring Yearling Heifer Born March 1, 2011 to May 31, 2011 Class Sponsor: Ram-Elle Holsteins 1 2
Mik-Nels Domino Ciara
Class 8: Winter Yearling Heifer Born December 1, 2010 to February 28, 2011 Class Sponsor: John Underwood OPEN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Dist. 1 2 3 4 5
Birth Date Sire
1 Hack Talen MS Daisy Rae-ET
Ladino Park Talent-Imp-ET
Nora Hackman
St Jacob Aftrshck Amelia
Ms Atlees Sht Aftershock
Steven Nelson
Lin-Max-JM Pronto Noel
Windy-Knoll-View Pronto
Lora Wright
Robthom Chaning Excellency
Excellency of Fieldstone
Janice Ling
Budjon-JK Fremont Efton-ET
Duckett-SA Fremont
Lauren Whitehead
C of O Alexander Royal 1335
Golden-Oaks St. Alexander
College of the Ozarks
Shaverside GWAtwood Ary
Maple-Downs-I GW Atwood-ET Dalton Smith
Robthom Rae Excellency
Excellency of Fieldstone
Janice Ling
HBD-Jons Braxton Inka-ET Whitehead Advent NikkiMouse
9/26/10 9/6/10
Regancrest S Braxton-ET KHW Kite Advent
Blake Wright Lauren Whitehead
Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez
England Farm
Class 9: Fall Yearling Heifer Born September 1, 2010 to November 30, 2010 Class Sponsor: Mike & Nora Hackman 1 2 3 4
1 2
1 Der-E-Land Sanchez Blk Beauty
Junior & Reserve Junior Champion Class Sponsor: Junior Jr. Champion
Spring Yrlg: Mik-Nels Domino Ciara: Steven Nelson
Junior Res. Jr. Champ
Winter Yrlg: Hack Talent MS Daisy Rae-ET: Nora Hackma
Open Jr. Champion
Fall Calf: U-MO Pronto Amelia-UMO
Open Res. Jr. Champ
Spring Yrlg: Mik-Nels Domino Ciara: Steven Nelson
Dist Jr. Champion
Fall Calf: U-MO Pronto Amelia-UMO
Dist. Res. Jr. Champ
Winter Yrlg: Hack Talent MS Daisy Rae-ET: Nora Hackma
Junior Best 3 Females Class Sponsor: Robthom Farm Robthom
Class 10: Dry 3 & 4-Yr Old Cow Born September 1, 2007 to August 31, 2009 Class Sponsor: Roy & Daisy Parsons 1 U-MO Spirte Camden
Cedarwal Sprirte
University of MO
Gen Mark Stmatic Sanchez
Eric Ling
Claynook Anthony-ET
University of MO
Whitehead Astro Coco
Osceanna Astronomical
Bailee, Lauren, Taylor Wh
Robthom Neon Alexander
Golden-Oaks St Alexander
Janice Ling
England-Ammon Million
University of MO
Ocean-View Zenith
University of MO
Class 11: Dry Aged Cow Born on or before August 31, 2007 Class Sponsor: No Entries
Class 12: Jr 2-Year Old Cow Born March 1, 2010 to August 31, 2010 Class Sponsor: Brian TerHaar Rosalie of Fieldstone-ET
1 2
1 U-MO Anthony Kendal
Class 13: Sr 2-Year Old Cow Born September 1, 2009 to February 28, 2010 Class Sponsor: Mike Nelson 1 2 3 4
1 U-MO Million Tazu 2 U-MO Zenith Kathy
Class 14: Jr 3-Year Old Cow Born March 1, 2009 to August 31, 2009 Class Sponsor: OPEN
Birth Date Sire
No Entries
Class 15: Sr 3-Year Old Cow Born September 1, 2008 to February 28, 2009 Class Sponsor: No Entries
Intermediate & Reserve Intermediate Champion Class Sponsor: Swan-Creek Holsteins, Alfred Brandt Open Int. Champion
Sr 2: Whitehead Astro Coco: BLT Whitehead
Open Res. Int. ChampionSr 2: Robthom Neon Alexander: Janice Ling
Junior Int. Champion
Sr 2: Whitehead Astro Coco: BLT Whitehead
Junior Res. Int. Champio--
Dist Int. Champion
Sr 2: U-MO Million Tazu, UMO
Dist. Res. Int. ChampionJr 2: U-MO Anthony Kendal, UMO
Class 16: 4-Year Old Cow Born September 1, 2007 to August 31, 2008 Class Sponsor: D & D Enterprises 1 2 3 4 5
Robthom Lilah Lou
Jenny-Lou Marshall P149-ET
Kelsey Ling
Coldsprings Stormat 2911-ET
Comestar Stormatic-ET
Grant Dohle
1 Radine Damion Margie-ET
Erbacres Damion
University of MO
Kow-Castle Lheros 1351
Comestar Lheros
K. Farmer & B. Whitehead
C of O Blade Nora
Palmcrest Blitz Blade-ET
College of the Ozarks
MS Hack SS Ella Rae Red-ET
Pursuit September Storm
Nora Hackman
Robthom Rachel Kiel
Robthom Kiel Titanic
Janice Ling
Regancrest-Mr Durham Sam-ETAl Brandt
O-Bee Manfred Justice
Collge of the Ozarks
Robthom Miz Morty
Stouder Morty
Janice Ling
Mik-Nels Lheros Joett
Comestar Lheros
Steven Nelson
Markwell Ramses-ET
Janice Ling
Class 17: 5-Year Old Cow Born September 1, 2006 to August 31, 2007 Class Sponsor: College of the Ozarks 1 2 3 4
1 Swan-Creek Mr Sam Giselle C of O O-Mannie
Class 18: Aged Cow, 6 Yrs and over Born before September 1, 2006 Class Sponsor: Robert & Janice Perry 1 2
Class 19: 125,000 lb Cow Class Sponsor: Barry Steevens 1
Robthom Amarilo Ramses
Senior Champion & Reserve Senior Champion Class Sponsor: College of the Ozarks, Point Lookout, MO Open Sr. Champion
4 Yr-Old: Robthom Lilah Lou: Kelsey Ling
Open Res. Sr. Champion 5 Yr-Old: MS Hack SS Ella Rae-Red-ET: Nora Hackmann
Junior Sr. Champion
Aged: Mik-Nels Lheros Joett: Steven Nelson
Junior Res. Sr. Champio 4 Yr-Old: Kow-Castle Lheros 1351: Farmer / Whitehead
Dist Sr. Champion
5 Yr-Old: MS Hack SS Ella Rae-Red-ET: Nora Hack Dist. Res. Sr. Champion 5 Yr-Old: Swan-Creek Mr Sam Giselle: Al Brandt
JUNIOR CONVENTION NEWS - Updates you need to know! NEW OFFICERS: Pres:Brittany Groves; VP:Breezie Gardner;Sec:Audrey McClellan; Historian:Lora Wright;Reporters:Austin & Blake Moreland,Audrey McClellan, Lauren Whitehead, and Katelyn McClellan. Holstein Princess:Brittany Groves, Holstein Miss: Audrey McClellan
SPRING SHOW FOOD BOOTH (what we need from you): Jrs. will have the food booth at Spring Show. We will serve lunch on Saturday. Juniors need to bring can pop (Coke, Sprite, Diet Coke, Dr. Pepper, Mountain Dew, or Water), pies, and/or desserts and have time to help serve all through the rest of the day. Even if you show, you can find a few minutes to help out. If not, there is always the cleanup after the show. Looking forward to a successful event in Columbia, March 31. PENNIES * Penny Wars * $$$$$$$: Please help our juniors keep Penny the stuffed cow when Virginia brings her here for the 2012 edition of the competition. This Holstein Foundation fund-raiser helps all junior activities on a national level and you can see first hand this summer where your donations go. Come play penny wars during convention and deposit your pennies into our jug and watch us win!! Give pennies to Janice anytime up to convention and she will deposit them for you. How this works---we collect pennies and fill our jar at convention. Whoever has the largest amount in their jar gets to claim Penny. It is called “Penny Wars” for a reason. Pennies are real money in this contest. If we were to get dimes, nickels, quarters or even dollar bills in our jar, they count against us. We would use these other coins and bills to reduce the amounts in our competitors jars. Let’s get down and dirty. If you would like to write a check or give money not in penny form that is OK. I will convert them and use them however it will help us win Penny. Janice will bring her bucket to Spring Show - so remember your pennies!! Thanks for your efforts and I look forward to this challenge!
Thanks to everyone who made the Jr Fun Auction at Convention a Success!!
FUND-RAISERS: District Baskets (2013 State Conv) Food Booths: Spring Show and State Sale Raffle calf Collect aluminum cans at shows and at home to sell. Southwest district has won the basket award this year and will get a pizza party at their district show. Thanks to Sheila Groves for purchasing the basket!
JUNIOR ALL-MISSOURI POINTS: Remember!! Juniors that the Spring Show is the first show of the new year to start accumulating points for Junior All-Missouri awards. There are three shows that constitute the winners: District Show, Spring Show, & State Fair. The weight of the shows will increase with each show in the order listed. Check and see when and where your district show is. State fair points come from the open show placings and NOT the junior show. REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Jr animals need to be in jr name by June 1. Application has to be in Brattleboro by June 1. NATIONAL CONVENTION: Lora Wright made last year’s digital scrapbook and won 3rd place at national convention. She is working very hard again to make an even better scrapbook. She needs your help by you sending pictures and articles to her add to our scrapbook. Contact Lora at leroyw2@mowisp.net or mail to 3259 Jasmine Rd, Clever 65631 and she’ll return photos. She needs input from everybody to make our entry a success. We would like to see juniors and their parents at this year’s convention being held in SPRINGFIELD,MO!!! The dates are June 27-30. This will be a fun and exciting time for our state. Even if you do not have an active role in some activity, come and help make our visitors welcome. Watch the web site and follow us on Facebook for updates. The World will have registration blanks available soon. If you need a room, now is the time to get one. The hotel is over half full already.
Just remember that we will all be needed to run our 2012 convention! If you have any questions contact Jr. Advisor - Janice Perry at 417-861-5958 perrydale@tahighspeed.com
Calf to be generously donated by MU Foremost Dairy The tickets available at Spring show The tickets are $5 each or 6 for $25. The drawing will take place during the State Fair.
Winner need not be present but must take possession of animal within 2 weeks of the drawing or forfeit the prize. All proceeds go towards Junior Holstein Activities, Contests, Awards and Convention.
Grand Champion & Reserve Grand Champion Class Sponsor: College of the Ozarks: Open Grand - Kay Bacon Memorial Award Open Grand Champion
4 Yr-Old: Robthom Lilah Lou: Kelsey Ling
Open Res. Grand Champi 5 Yr-Old: MS Hack SS Ella Rae-Red-ET: Nora Hackmann
Junior Grand Champion
Sr 2: Whitehead Astro Coco: BLT Whitehead
Junior Res. Grand Cham Aged: Mik-Nels Lheros Joett: Steven Nelson
Dist Grand Champion
5 Yr-Old: MS Hack SS Ella Rae-Red-ET: Nora Hack Dist. Res. Grand Champi 5 Yr-Old: Swan-Creek Mr Sam Giselle: Al Brandt
Class 20: Produce of Dam Class Sponsor: OPEN
Birth Date Sire
No Entries
Class 21: Dam-Offspring Class Sponcer: 1
Rachel / Rae
Class 22: Best 3 Females, any age Class Sponsor: 1 2
Robthom Farm
1 University of MO
Class 23: Breeder's Herd Class Sponsor: 1 2
Robthom Farm
1 University of MO
Robthom Farm
YEARLY MEMBERSHIP FEES ARE NOW DUE! If you have not paid you will not receive the lowest registration rates and your name will be removed from the printed membership list. FOLD & MAIL
Name: ________________________________________ HFA# ____________________ Phone (____) ____________________ Address _______________________________ County _______________ City ___________________ State ______ Zip ______ Fax#: (____) _____________________ Farm Name: ___________________________ Prefix: ___________________________ Farm Email: (I send website update info): ________________________________ Website: ____________________________________
Membership dues are based on the number of Registered 87% or > RHA (or eligible) cows & heifers in the herd. 0-10 = $25.00 11-50 = $40.00 51-100 = $50.00 over 100 = $60.00 Junior membership, $2.00 per junior per year (those under age 21). Please list names & birthdates of Jr. Members:_______ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
RETURN TO: Membership Dues (Mid-States Magazine included): _________________ Missouri Holstein Association Jodi Wright, Sec.-Treas. Junior Member Dues (Mid-States NOT included): _________________ 3259 Jasmine Rd, Clever, MO 65631 Ph. (417)743-2921 100th History Book -Reduced Preorder rate $35: _______$35______ (reduced rate until March 16 - then $43) - Please answer questions on reverse side - Total Enclosed: ________________ FOLD
______________ Milking Herd size (Holstein) ______________Reg. _________________ ID Holsteins _____________Grade Total Animals, including heifers ______________________ Production Testing: ________________ DHIA _______________ DHIR ______________ Other ____________ Not on Test
___________________ I would like to sell some Holsteins privately through the Missouri Association ___________________ I would like more information on advertising in the Mid-States Holstein News ___________________ I would like to consign to Association sponsored sale ____________ Yes __________ No Would you like to serve on a committee of the Missouri Holstein Association?
For your name to appear in the Membership Directory your dues must be paid by March 16.
Dues are delinquent after that date and your name will be removed at the National Holstein office. Please return this card with your check today. Be sure your address is complete. If you have an email please write it on the front. I only use it to send Holstein information. Thank you.
2012 National Convention
We encourage everyone to come and participate and enjoy the convention. Take some time out of your schedule to welcome and mingle with our guests from all over the country and around the world. This is an opportunity that doesn’t come around very often. We look forward to our members help in showing everyone Missouri hospitality! It will take all of us to execute a great convention that we can be proud of. Let’s work together to show off Missouri!