2013 Missouri Spring Show
March 27, 2013, 10 am Judge, Rick King, MO
Corporate Sponsors for 2013 College of the Ozarks Jerden Dairy Supply Select Sires, Mid-America University of Missouri - Foremost Dairy
Individual Sponsors for 2013
Dr. John Underwood Borman Farm Dr. Barry Steevens Mike Hackman Family
Robthom Farm South Central Holstein District Mike, Meagan, & Thomas Ley Southwest District
Jerden Dairy Co. 111 Fishel Way Marshfield, MO 65706
417-859-5283 • Carries quality GEA WestfaliaSurge equipment • Carries quality GEA WestfaliaSurge & DairyStar Hygiene Supplies - With on-farm route deliveries • 40+ years of combined service expertise - 24/7 service To support the Dairy Farmers of Missouri
03_13_AA_Heifers_LM_MAKY.indd 1
3/28/2013 8:39:37 AM
Providing the opportunity to graduate debt-free through the College of the Ozarks work-study program.
College of the Ozarks - Dairy Science, Point Lookout, Missouri
Serving as a Christian based learning environment to effectively teach and demonstrate, using both vocational and academic settings to instill sound dairy management and well executed animal husbandry practices that are required to successfully operate a dairy in a sustainable and practical sense.
(417) 690-3353 www.cofo.edu PO Box 17 Point Lookout MO 65726
Dave Prigel, DVM Dairy Farm Manager Asst.Professor of Agriculture
College of the Ozarks W. Alton Jones Dairy
JUNIOR NEWS - Updates you need to know! NEW OFFICERS: President: Breezy Gardner; Vice-President: Kristin Luttrell; Secretary: Lora Wright; Historian: Lora Wright; Reporters: Dalton Smith; Sophia Geppert; Holstein Princess: Bailee Whitehead, Holstein Miss: Lauren Whitehead PENNIES * Penny Wars: Missouri WON Penny last year at the National Convention in Springfield. Penny Wars is a Holstein Foundation fund-raiser that helps national junior activities. Last summer at the National Convention in Springfield we saw first-hand how these donations are used. We will be participating in Penny Wars again at the National Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana this summer. We would love to be able to keep Penny in Missouri. Sylvia will have a Penny bucket at the Spring Show - so remember your pennies!! Thanks for your efforts and I look forward to this challenge! JUNIOR ALL-MISSOURI POINTS: There are three shows that constitute the winners: District Show, Spring Show, & State Fair. The weight of the shows will increase with each show in the order listed. Check and see when and where your district show is. State fair points come from the open show placings and NOT the junior show. REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Jr animals need to be in jr name by June 1. Application has to be in Brattleboro by June 1. NATIONAL CONVENTION: This year’s National Holstein Convention will be July 7 – 11, 2013 in Indianapolis, Indiana. Anyone interested in going please let Sylvia know. Currently Missouri has juniors that have formed a Junior Dairy Bowl team. There were five (5) people that signed up for a Speech. Missouri is only allowed three (3) contestants, so there will be a run-off , the top three will advance. Anyone interested in submitting a Folding Display in either the Scientific or Creative category needs to submit their topic and name to Sylvia by April 22. There is no limit on the number of Folding Display’s MO can enter & jrs may enter both categories the same year as well. Digital Scrapbook: Lora Wright made last year’s digital scrapbook and won 1st place at National Convention. She is working very hard again to make an even better scrapbook. Please send any photos or news paper clippings to Lora at leroyw2@mowisp.net or mail to 3259 Jasmine Rd, Clever 65631 and she’ll return photos. She needs input from everybody to make our entry a success. JUNIOR FACEBOOK PAGE: The Juniors have revived an old Facebook page, and are planning on keeping you up-to-date on the latest junior happenings through this additional medium to the state Junior Page on the website. If you are on Facebook search Missouri Holstein Juniors and ‘Like’ the page. A great place to exchange information, post photos, and relate news. You can also type in the following link: http://www.facebook.com/#!/MissouriHolsteinJuniors
JUNIOR CALF RAFFLE Donated by: Groves-Vu Dairy, Todd & Brad Groves Calf to be generously donated by Groves-View Dairy The tickets available at Spring show The tickets are $5 each or 6 for $25. Born January 4, 2013 Sire: Lotta-Hill Shottle 41-ET (Hill - Genex) GTPI +2239 Dam: Groves-Vu Jeeves Blessing GP-82 2-04 2x 328d 24,770 4.4 1102 3.1 772 First test on Second Lactation 114 lbs.
Junior Advisor: If you have any questions please contact
The drawing will take place during the State Fair. Winner need not be present but must get within 2 weeks Choice of calf or $500 cash. Gr’dam: Groves-Vu Goldwyn Barb-ET 2E-90 3-05 2x 365 32,200 2.9 942 3.1 984 Lifetime: 1430 127,200 3.6 4569 3.0 3842 3rd Dam: Palmcrest Morty Blend-ET VG-86 3-08 2x 365 38,800 3.1 1189 3.0 1166
Sylvia McClellan 417-252-1226 3577 County Road 5360, Willow Springs, MO 65793
100 Years of Missouri Holstein History & MFA Sires of Distinction Both books: the Missouri Holstein 100th History Book and the MFA Sires of Distinction Book are still available. These make great gifts, and memorial books for a library, they are also great resources for FFA Chapters. You may order off on the Missouri Holstein website, call Jodi Wright, or pick up. The costs of the books are: History Book $43 and MFA Book $30 (without shipping). To Order contact: Jodi Wright, 3259 Jasmine Rd, Clever, MO 65631 or e-mail: jwright@missouriholstein.com, Phone 417-743-2921 or www.missouriholstein.com
~ New Missouri Website ~
Missouri will be revamping their website this year and we would like your opinion. What are some items you would like to see on the new site? Give us your suggestions and comments by May 1st at: Mramaeker@yahoo.com
Webinars - Free to the Public! These webinars are geared toward bringing pertinent information to dairy producers, extension educators, allied industry professionals, and veterinarians across the United States. Sessions will be recorded and archived. All of our live sessions will be conducted via Adobe Connect. To attend a live session you will need to: 1.Go to Connect at the appointed time for the webinar you wish to attend 2.Select “Enter as a Guest” 3.Type your name in the box; if you are attending as part of a group, please indicate at the end of the name how many people are in the group, including yourself. 4.Click “Enter” to join the webinar 5.Once you enter the meeting room, the audio portion of the webinar will come through your computer speakers. All you will need to do to hear the presentation is enter the meeting room and ensure that your speakers are on. Note: You may use test link at any time before the meeting to confirm your computer’s ability to connect to session. All of our currently planned webinars have been approved for one credit of CEU from ARPAS. To obtain the credit, you will need to apply for it on www.arpas.org after attending the session. 1. 2. 3.
Far Off to Fresh Cow – Opportunities to Improve Transition Performance; Dr. Mike Overton, Elanco March 18, 2013; 12:00-1:00 PM Central Time Economic Analysis Tools for Dairy Reproduction Programs; Dr. Victor Cabrera, University of Wisconsin-Madison April 8, 2013; 12:00-1:00 PM Central Time New Tools for Dairy Reproduction Programs; Dr. Paul Fricke, University of Wisconsin-Madison April 22, 2013; 12:00-1:00 PM Central Time
Link for Webinars: