2011 State Convention Book

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University Plaza Hotel Springfield, Missouri Sponsored by: Missouri Dairy Association & Missouri Holstein Association

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2011 Missouri Dairy Forum

Sponsored by Missouri Dairy Association, Missouri Holstein Association, Missouri Brown Swiss Association, Missouri Guernsey Breeders Association, Missouri Jersey Cattle Club, Missouri Dairy Growth Council, and the Sho-Mo Dairy Heifer Growers Association

University Plaza Hotel, Springfield, Missouri

Thursday January 27, 2011 10:30 a.m. Missouri Dairy Growth (MDGC) Annual Meeting and Board Meeting (Colorado A) Noon MDGC Luncheon sponsored by Missouri Corn Merchandising Council and Missouri Soybean Program (Colorado A)

Friday January 28, 2011 8:00 a.m. Coffee, Milk & Pastries , sponsored by MFA & Waikato Milking System (Oklahoma-IL) 8:30 Registration and visit exhibitors (Oklahoma-Illinois) 9:25 Call to order--Larry Purdom, Missouri Dairy Association (MDA)President (Oklahoma/IL) 9:30 “Minor Study on the Effect of Clarifly on Fly Populations”-Doug VanGundy,BCE, Director of Specialty Products Development, Central Life Sciences, Dallas, TX sponsored by Central Life Sciences 10:10 “Why is Milk Quality Important to the Cow, the Producer, and the Consumer”- Dr. Scott Poock, DVM, University of Missouri Dairy Extension Veterinarian sponsored by Pfizer Animal Health 10:50 “Using Science to Dictate Deworming Dollars”—Dr. Donald H. Bliss, Veterinary Parasitologist, MidAmerica Ag Research, Verona, Wisconsin sponsored by Intervet Schering Plough Animal Health 11:30 Break and visit with exhibitors Noon Luncheon, sponsored by Hiland Dairy Company & Purina (Colorado) “Driving Rumen Efficiency-A Road Map For Dairy Performance”-Randy Cragoe, private consultant from South Dakota, sponsored by Alltech 1:30 p.m. “Foundation for the Future”-Randy Mooney, National Milk Producers Federation Chairman (Oklahoma-Illinois) 2:10 MDA 26th Annual Meeting with Policy Development Session 2:15 Sho-Mo Dairy Heifer Growers Association Annual Meeting (Texas) 3:00 Holstein USA Region 7 Meeting - Holstein USA CEO John Meyer, Regional Holstein Representative Callie Unruh & Holstein Director Kate Geppert (Kansas C) 3:15 Milk Break sponsored by Turner’s Special Supply & F&H Food Equipment Company (Oklahoma-Illinois 4:30 MDA 26th Annual Meeting adjourns--visit with exhibitors 5:00 Missouri Guernsey Breeders Association (MGBA) committee meetings (Colorado B) 6:00 Missouri Holstein Committee Meetings (or immediately following Regional Meeting) (Kansas A,B,C, Colorado A and John Q) 6:00 Missouri Holstein Juniors Pizza & Pool Party (hotel pool) 7:00 MGBA Board Meeting (Colorado B) Saturday January 29, 2011 7:00 a.m. Missouri Holstein Board Meeting (Arkansas B) 7:00. Coffee, milk and pastries sponsored by FCS Financial and S&L, LLC (Oklahoma-IL) 8:30 2012 National Holstein Convention Committee Meetings (Oklahoma-Illinois) 9:00 Missouri Junior Guernsey Breeders Meeting (Kansas B) (MGBA Annual Meeting immediately following) 9:00 Missouri Holstein Princess/Little Miss Interviews (Bull Shoals) 10:00 Missouri Brown Swiss Association Annual Meeting (Kansas A) 11:00 Missouri Jersey Cattle Club Board Meeting (Kansas C) 11:00 Missouri Holstein Association Junior Awards & All-Missouri Awards Presentation, Fun auction, and Crowning of Holstein Princess & Little Miss (Colorado) Luncheon sponsored by Association of Missouri Electric Cooperatives, Missouri Soybean Association and Pfizer Animal Health (Colorado) Trade Show Closes 1:00 p.m. Missouri Holstein Association Annual Meeting (Oklahoma-Illinois) Missouri Junior Holstein Meeting (Kansas A) PAGE 2

Missouri Dairy Forum Speakers Dr. Donald Bliss is owner/director of MidAmerica Ag Research, a contract research management firm and diagnostic lab near Madison, Wisconsin. He received his BS in Dairy Science and MS/PhD in Veterinary Parasitology at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. After spending eight years with Pfizer, Inc in Terre Haute, Indiana and Sandwich, England, Don moved back to Wisconsin to establish MidAmerica Ag Research, Inc. specializing in product development and establishing strategic timed deworming strategies for dairy and beef cattle, swine, equine, small ruminants and wildlife. Over the past 30 years, Dr. Bliss has conducted cooperative parasitology research with nearly every major agricultural and veterinary school in North America and Europe.

Scott Poock, DVM graduated in 1987 from the University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine and then practiced for 19 years in Central Wisconsin. For the past five years, he has served the veterinary extension department at the University of Missouri. Poock is board certified by the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners in both Beef and Dairy Cattle Practice. His primary responsibility in practice, as well as with extension, has been with dairy cattle. During his tenure, Poock has worked with two herds that have received national milk quality awards from the National Mastitis Council. In addition, a herd from Missouri was a Platinum winner for a reproductive award from the Dairy Cattle Reproduction Council. Poock is married and has three daughters.

Randy Cragoe grew up on a dairy and beef farm in southern Minnesota. Although he has been involved in the dairy industry his whole life, he pursued a business degree. He finished his education with a mini MBA from the Smurfit School of Business. Randy left United Stockyards to join Alltech in 1987. After 20 years serving in various capacities at Alltech, Randy has started his own consulting company focusing on training feed sales people across the United States. He is based in South Dakota.

Doug VanGundy is Director of Specialty Product Development for Central Life Sciences (CLS) located in Dallas, Texas. VanGundy is Board Certified Entomologist and oversees development of products for CLS’s specialty business unit. His professional career spans thirty years, twenty-five of which have been with CLS. He has dealt with a diverse group of pest complexes ranging from agronomic/cattle pests to urban landscapes. His area of expertise is in the functional relationship of Insect Growth Regulators and conventional insecticides effects on insect pests in their environment.

Randy Mooney was elected Chairman of the Board of Dairy Farmers of America, the nation’s leading dairy farmer-owned milk marketing cooperative and food company, in 2010. Mooney serves on a number of boards, including National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF), where he currently serves as chairman of the board. NMPF’s charge is to provide a forum through which dairy farmers and their cooperatives can formulate policy on national issues that affect milk production and marketing within the United States. He also is a member of the Missouri State Milk Board, Hiland Dairy board of directors, the Southern Marketing Agency and the Dairy Cooperative Marketing Agency. He is currently serving his second term on the Fluid Milk Processor board of directors (MilkPEP Board) and is the only dairy farmer to have ever served on this board.


Draft Minutes

Missouri Dairy Association 25th Annual Meeting The Resort at Port Arrowhead Lake Ozark, Missouri January 29, 2010

President Larry Purdom called the 25th annual meeting of the Missouri Dairy Association (MDA) to order at 2:10 p.m. in the Lakeside North/Center room of The Resort at Port Arrowhead at Lake Ozark, Missouri. One hundred members and friends attended the meeting. The 24th annual meeting minutes of January 30, 2009 were presented. The minutes were approved as written. Treasurer Fred Martin presented the annual financial report and audit which showed a total income of $135,949.00, total expenses of $181,674.00 for a negative balance of $45,725.00, and a total liabilities and net worth of $139,365.00 as of December 31, 2009. It was moved and seconded to approve the treasurer’s report and the annual audit. Motion carried. Larry Purdom gave his president’s report and Dave Drennan gave his Executive Director’s report. There being no old business, the meeting turned to new business. Kevin Frankenbach presented the nominating committee report of District 1, Larry Schmidt; District 3, Paul Heins; District 5, Freddie Martin and District 7, Larry Purdom. It was moved and seconded to accept the nominating committee’s report by acclamation. Motion carried. The following MDA members were present and served as voting delegates during the Policy Development Session: District 1: Dallas Cornelius, Eason and Fritz Hegeman, Cosby; MDA Director Larry Schmidt, Laredo District 2: Charlie Voelker, Perryville and Marvin Schoen, Oak Ridge; MDA Director Kevin Frankenbach, Hannibal District 3: Ed Nierman, Concordia and Paul Freund, Concordia; MDA Director Paul Heins, Higginsville District 4: Tom Oelrichs, Mora and Alfred Brandt, Linn; MDA Director Kenny Lenz District 5: MDA Director Fred Martin, Humansville District 6: None available District 7: Marilyn Calvin, Mount Vernon; MDA Director Larry Purdom, Purdy District 8: Wayne Whitehead, Conway; MDA Director Lloyd Gunter, Conway At Large: Mark Chamberlin, Mora and Darrell Melton, Mountain Grove; MDA Director David Melton, Mountain Grove At Large: David Braun, Jefferson City and Bill Siebenborn, Trenton A total of 22 voting delegates were seated The delegate body reviewed the current resolutions starting with State Issues. Moved and seconded to “support Missouri’s current statues on the sale of raw milk and encourage the Missouri State Milk Board to inspect facilities of producers who sell raw milk.” Motion carried. Moved and seconded to “support joining the new coalition of Missouri farm groups.” Motion carried. Moved and seconded to “oppose efforts to increase property taxes on agricultural land in Missouri.” Motion carried. Federal Issues: Operations and Marketing: Moved and seconded to “raise the MILC payment utilization rate from 45% to 79% of the Class I price.” Motion carried. Moved and seconded “any supply management program to be considered should include participation by all dairy farmers.” Motion carried. Moved and seconded to “support modifications to the current Federal Milk Marketing Order structure and the formulas and price classes used to compute milk prices to better reflect current market conditions.” Motion carried. Federal Issues: Pubic Policy and Government Relations: Moved and seconded to “oppose the removal of the word “navigable” from the Clean Water Restoration Act SB 787.” Motion carried. Moved and seconded “oppose Cap and Trade legislation that would drive dairy production costs up now or in the future.” Motion carried. PAGE 4

Moved and seconded to “support the exclusion of dairy in the Southeast Asia Free Trade Agreement which would allow unrestricted imports of dairy products from New Zealand.” Motion carried. Moved and seconded to “support Congressional authority on the CO2 decision and other environmental issues.” Motion carried. Moved and seconded to “support the review of IRS tax exempt status of non profit groups who do lobbying.” Motion carried. Commendations: Moved and seconded to commend Wilbur Feagan for his service and leadership to the Missouri dairy industry and other boards.” Motion carried. Moved and seconded to approve the 2010 resolutions as presented. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m.

MISSOURI DAIRY ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS Larry Purdom (Alice) Kenneth Lenz (Marian) Kevin Frankenbach (Sue) President Vice President Secretary Rt. 2 Box 245 8101 Quarles Drive 6207 County Road 258 Purdy, MO 65734 Bunceton, MO 65237 Hannibal, Missouri 63401 417/442-3846 660/427-5362or5379 FAX 573/221-6843 cell 573/248-9309 Cell 417/235-9650 Farm 660/838-6438 District 2 Director 417/442-7009 FAX Cell 660/621-3019 kfrank@rallstech.com District 7 Director District 4 Director malenz@iland.net Freddie Martin (Mary) David Hutsell (Tamme) Pat Wheat Treasurer 4536 Indian Grove Road Box 485 Rt. 2 Box 48 Hartville, Missouri 65667 Van Zant, MO 65768 Humansville, MO 65674 417/741-6793 cell 417/464-3135 417/948-7321 417/428-3522or3554FAX District 6 Director At Large Director 417/428-3202 Barn d.hutsell@yahoo.com NO EMAIL/FAX Cell 417/327-4854 District 5 Director martinpftlibasic.net Larry Schmidt (Carolyn) Paul Heins (Cindy) Lloyd Gunter (Jane) 216 Hwy JJ 9788 Hwy T 1148 State Hwy WW Laredo, MO 64652 Higginsville,MO 64037 Conway, MO 65632 660/286-2781 660/584-7862 home 417/589-6845 or 660/654-2156 cell Cell 660/238-7862 417/533-8009 cell 417/259-0395 660/584-5330 FAX 417/589-2595 FAX District 8 Director District 1 Director District 3 Director mooocows@grm.net pcheins@msn.com gfswiss@yahoo.com E David Melton (Becky) Arlen Schwinke (Kay) x-Officio Rt 1 Box 47-G Director Emeritus Dr. Barry Steevens Mountain Grove, MO 65711 Route 1 Box 228 University of Missouri 417/948-2631 Home Morrison, MO 65061 S134 Animal Sciences Center 417/926-4790 FAX 573/294-6203 Columbia, MO 65211 417/259-0395 Cell 573/291-3263 cell 573/882-7327 office At Large Director arlenkay@dishmail.net 573/882-3459 direct line cell 573/864-2311 davidm@lonestarmt.com 573/884-5540 FAX SteevensB@missouri.edu Executive Director/Assistant Secretary Dave Drennan (Karen) 1954 Sumter Ridge Court Chesterfield, MO 63017 636/519-9300 office 314/712-6565 cell 636/519-1403 FAX dairystl@aol.com PAGE 5

2010 MDA RESOLUTIONS (ratified 1/29/10)

1. Mission Statement: The Missouri Dairy Association, an organization of dairy producers, is 2.committed to promote, protect and enhance the Missouri dairy industry by working to insure the 3. profitability of dairy producers. State Issues 4. Oppose regulations on volatile organic compounds, dust, noise, odor on ag operations in Missouri. 1/26/07 5. Support voluntary country or state of origin labeling on fresh meat, dairy and other agricultural products. 2/07/03 6. Support the Missouri Unfair Milk Practices Act in its present form. 10/21/98 7. Support the regulation of agriculture being limited to state jurisdiction and we 8. do not believe local jurisdiction, such as county commissioners and county 9. health ordinances, should be allowed to regulate agriculture. 10/22/97 10.Continue to oppose any regulations, environmental or health, that are more strict than 11.Federal regulations and educate County Commissioners. 1/25/08 12.Oppose any legislation or ballot issue that restricts or diminishes livestock 13.production in the state of Missouri, and support new initiatives concerning 14.livestock security and Bio and Eco-terrorism, to: 15.Strengthen the penalties for anyone involved in livestock theft and terrorist activities 16.affecting the agricultural industry. 17.Provide increased coordination of local, state, and federal officials 18.to more effectively monitor and respond to these threats. 19.Give producers increased protections against false and derogatory 20.statements or ballot issues that would damage or endanger a 21.producer’s livelihood, product, property, or diminishes livestock 22.production practices. 1/25/08 23. Support incentives for new and existing dairy producers in the Missouri 24.Department of Economic Development’s programs. 2/25/00 25. Oppose efforts to increase property taxes on agricultural land in Missouri. 1/29/10 26. Solicit political support for economic development assistance for dairy in 27. Missouri. 9/17/00 MDA Board 28. Support all Agriculture related initiatives (crop or livestock) that will result 29. in economic development in Missouri be eligible for state tax credit 30. programs. 2/07/03 31.Support and join “The Coalition to Preserve the Missouri River”. 6/15/00 MDA Board 32.Request DNR to develop a general permit which would cover small milk 33.processing operations in Missouri. 3/23/00 MDA Board 34.Enhance the management knowledge of dairy farmers by focusing on new and 35.innovative production practices and technologies. 2/25/00 36.Support management education opportunities at dairy meetings. 2/25/00 37.Support purpose and activities of the Missouri Dairy Growth Council, to formulate 38 an action plan to build the dairy industry in Missouri, 39.utilize a broad coalition of stakeholders, provide the resources to implement 40.the plan, and gain the authority to proceed. 2/6/04 41.Support the concept of establishing a service to help match beginning 42.farmers with retiring farmers to continue the family farm business. 2/23/01 43.Support increasing minimum milk solids to current California 44.standards.2/23/01 45.The University of Missouri Extension Commercial Agriculture 46.Program is providing valuable information for agriculture and the PAGE 6

47.Missouri dairy industry. We recommend increased funding and 48.support of this valuable program. 1/27/06 49. Support the Missouri REC position on annexation. 1/28/05 50.Support establishing standards for acceptable levels of stray voltage. 2/01/02 51.Support policy which improves Missouri’s competitive advantage in 52.retaining and attracting agriculture and ag-related businesses and enhances 53.Missouri’s position in the global marketplace. 2/01/02 54. Support retaining positions for state and regional dairy Extension specialists. 55. Support joining the new coalition of Missouri farm groups. 1/29/10


56.Support state environmental rules and regulations must be based on sound 57.scientific evidence and not put into effect without a cost-benefit, economic58.impact study. The burden of proof shall be on the governmental entity 59.promulgating the rule or regulation to prove the rule or regulation is 60.necessary to prevent specific circumstances or conditions causing harm to 61.human health or the environment. 2/01/02 62.Support MASBDA issuance of tax credits for individuals pursuing value 63.added agriculture opportunities and we feel livestock conversion of grain 64. to milk and other food products should be regarded as value-added for funding. 1/27/06 65.Support the development of animal disease research facilities and diagnostic 66.biosecurity level III capabilities to help protect our livestock and support 67.the efforts to increase diagnostic and animal disease research for the 68.protection of our livestock. 2/07/03 69. Support General Revenue funding of the state’s Johnes program. 1/26/07 69a. Support Missouri’s current statues on the sale of raw milk and encourage the Missouri State Milk Board to inspect facilities of producers who sell raw milk. 1/29/10 Federal Issues: Operations and Marketing 70.Support counter cyclical payments for dairy. 1/27/06 71.Support raising the Milk Income Loss Contract (MILC) payment utilization rate from 72. 45% to 79% of the Class I price. 1/29/10 73.We support the production of quality milk while we oppose lowering, under current 74.formulas, the somatic cell count regulatory limit for Grade A milk from 750,000 cells to 75.400,000 cells. 2/6/04 76.Encourage dairy farmer support of the Beef Checkoff Program. 2/25/00 77.Support labeling of reconstituted Class I milk. 2/1/02 78.Continue support for the Federal Milk Marketing Order Program and tightening 79.pooling regulations. 2/6/04 80. Oppose voluntary participation in the sharing of higher use pool funds. 1/28/05 81.Adjust upward the make allowance for dairy products purchased by USDA 82.under the price support program, so that the prices announced under the 83.the Federal Milk Marketing Order program are not less than $9.90. 2/07/03 84.Oppose the labeling of soy-based beverages as “milk”. 2/25/00 85.Oppose the use of imported dried milk proteins in cheese production. 2/1/02 86.Support stronger regulations regarding performance standards of pooled 87.plants. 2/1/02 PAGE 7

88.Support the extension of the dairy price support program at a higher level. 1/29/10 89.Any supply management program to be considered should include participation by all dairy farmers. 1/29/10 90.Actively oppose any change by USDA for the purchase prices of butter, 91.nonfat dry milk, and cheese under the Milk Price Support Program if the Page 4 MDA 2010 Resolutions 92.change results in lowering producer income. 2/01/02 93.Encourage USDA to aggressively find new markets for the inventories of 94. dairy products. 1/26/07 95.Support the maximum utilization of the Dairy Export Incentive Program (DEIP). 1/26/07 96.Oppose supply management programs that would hinder the ability of 97.existing dairies to expand or new dairies to be constructed. 2/01/02 98.Support modifications to the current Federal Milk Marketing Order structure and the formulas and price classes used to compute milk prices to better reflect current market conditions. 1/29/10 99. Support changing the Federal Order System to pay on components for 5, 6 and 7. 1/25/08 100.Support the current dairy checkoff program and oppose a mandatory 101.referendum. 2/07/03 102.Oppose the introduction of raw milk from Canada into the U.S. 2/07/03 103.Support correcting the “loop hole” in the U.S. tariff schedule for trade in 104.certain articles classified as milk protein concentrates (MPCs) and casein 105.products. 2/07/03 106.Oppose a Free Trade Agreement with New Zealand that allows more New Zealand 107.dairy products to be imported into the U.S. 1/28/05 107a. Support dairy trade with Cuba, Columbia, Panama and South Korea. 1/30/09 Federal Issues: Public Policy and Government Relations 108..Support tax laws that provide: fair and equitable treatment to farmers; 109.inheritance taxes which allow farmers to pass their business to family 110.members; protection to farmers on the necessary tangible components of a 111.dairy operation; enhanced capital gains treatment on family farm assets; for 112.farmers to use income averaging; and, a permanent 10% Investment Tax 113.Credit (ITC) targeted to equipment and livestock. 8/19/99 114.Support voluntary Johnes eradication with federal funding. 2/23/01 115.Oppose any attempt to eliminate any part of the current funding in 116.the Farm Bill for Johnes eradication. 1/27/06 117.Support an increase in funding for Johnes Diseases. 1/27/06 118.Favor an accelerated national eradication program for brucellosis. We 119.support a research program to develop a better vaccine for both cattle and 120.calves. We oppose reducing available funds from the state or national 121.eradication programs. We commend the Missouri Department of 122.Agriculture for its efforts in obtaining a Class free brucellosis rating for 123.Missouri.. We encourage producers to voluntarily vaccinate. 1/27/06 124.Support Senate Bill 2008, National FAIR Act and similar legislation. 2/6/04 125.Support the Electoral College process of electing our U.S. president and vice-president. 2/23/01 126. Oppose the EPA greenhouse tax proposal on all livestock. 1/30/09 127.Support increased funding for the Environmental Quality Incentive Program PAGE 8

128.(EQIP) part of the Farm Bill and maintain at least 60% of the funding in 129.Missouri for the livestock industry. 2/07/03 130.We are concerned over the loss of approved modern technologies for dairy production and therefore feel 131.that dairymen should be compensated for this loss. 1/25/08 132.Oppose deceptive marketing and promotion and/or label claims pertaining to dairy and other food 133.products, without scientific proof and testing, implying superiority when compared to other products not bearing such claims. 1/25/08 134.Support strict enforcement of the federal Packers and Stockyards Act. 135.Furthermore, we oppose any further restrictions on livestock marketing in 136.Missouri that could adversely impact marketing options for livestock producers. 137.Support Congressional authority on the CO2 decision and other environmental issues. 1/29/10 138. We appreciate the dairy producers who have participated to date in the Cooperatives Working Together (CWT) program. Their efforts to produce a safe, wholesome, product at reasonable profit levels are to be commended. We support 100% participation in the CWT working program. 1/30/09 139. Support clean burning coal and nuclear plants. 1/26/07 140.Support the Vision and Mission of the American Farmers for the Advancement and Conservation of Technology (AFACT). 1/25/08 141. Oppose Cap and Trade legislation that would drive dairy production costs up now and in the future. 1/29/10 142.Support legislation to clarify that livestock production was not intended to be included in CERCLA or EPCA. 1/27/06 143. Oppose the removal of the word “navigable” from the Clean Water Restoration Act SB 787. 1/29/10 144.Support legislation that would indemnify dairy producers with aflatoxin in their milk 145.if it is not marketable. 1/27/06 146. While we feel milk is safe and nutritious, we oppose marketing of milk from cloned cows and thus the necessity of using 147. promotion funds to combat consumer resistance to dairy products associated with 148. milk from cloned dairy cattle. 1/30/09 149. Encourage the processors to be more aggressive in the introduction of milk vending machines and single 150. serve enhanced containers. 1/26/07 151. Support the exclusion of dairy in the Southeast Asia Free Trade Agreement which would allow unrestricted imports of dairy products from New Zealand. 1/29/10 152. Support the review of IRS tax exempt status of non profit groups who do lobbying.


Commendations 153.Commend Wilbur Feagan for his service and leadership to the 154.Missouri dairy industry and other boards. 1/29/10



Thank You to These 2011 Missouri Dairy Forum Sponsors:

Alltech—Speaker support Association of Missouri Electric Cooperatives—Saturday luncheon Central Life Sciences—Speaker support Elanco Animal Health—Program printing FCS Financial—Saturday morning break and Program Printing F&H Food Equipment Company—Friday afternoon break Hiland Dairy Foods Company—Friday luncheon Intervet Schering Plough Animal Health—Speaker support MFA, Inc.—Friday morning break Missouri Corn Growers Association—Signage Missouri Department of Conservation—Program printing Missouri Soybean Association—Saturday luncheon Mycogen Seeds—Program printing Pfizer Animal Health—Speaker support and Saturday luncheon Purina—Friday luncheon S&L Sales LLC—Saturday break Turner’s Special Supply—Friday afternoon break Waikato Milking Systems—Friday morning break, Program printing

Missouri Dairy Forum Exhibitors:

ABS Global Accelerated Genetics Agri Light Alpharma Boeuf & Berger Mutual Insurance Co. Central Life Sciences Commercial Agriculture Program DTN Energize Missouri Agriculture Genex Cooperative Green Forest Composites-Pasture Pro Hiland Dairy Foods Company Intervet Schering Plough Animal Health KABA/Select Sires MASBDA MAESTRO Program Missouri Beef Council

Missouri Corn Growers Association Midwest Dairy Association Missouri Dairy Association Missouri Dairy Growth Council MO Dept. of Ag, Div. of Animal Health Missouri Department of Conservation Missouri Farm Service Agency Missouri Holstein Association MQT Lab Services Mycogen Seeds National Dairy Shrine Natural Resources Conservation Service Southeast Market Administrator S&H Farm Supply S&L Sales LLC USDA-Missouri Agricultural Statistics Service

2011 Missouri Dairy Profit Seminars Sponsored by Missouri Dairy Association, Commercial Agriculture Program and University of Missouri Extension

February 14-18, 2011 9:30 a.m. Registration and visit exhibitors Coffee, milk and pastries—sponsored by KABA/Select Sires and the Missouri Corn Merchandising Council 10:00 a.m. Welcome 10:05 a.m. “Corn Silage-From Field to Feed”--Matt Waldron, University of Missouri, Animal Sciences Division, Dairy Nutritionist, Columbia, MO 10:45 a.m. “Nutrition Navigation Technology – your destination is optimum performance”--Keith Schwinke, Area Sales Manager, Alltech, sponsored by Alltech 11:30 a.m. “What’s Next After Prop B?”--Dave Drennan, Missouri Dairy Association, Chesterfield, MO Noon Lunch and visit with exhibitors (*Bring along a sample of your TMR and UMC will do a free particle sort evaluation.) 1:15 p.m. “400,000 and Below: It is being accomplished in Missouri”--Dr. Scott Poock, University of Missouri, Commercial Agriculture, Columbia 2:00 p.m. “What is Your #1 Resource on Your Farm?”--Lewis Anderson, National Sales Manager & Calf Management Consultant, Calf-Tel by Hample Corporation, Germantown, Wisconsin Sponsored by Calf-Tel by Hample Corporation 2:45 p.m. “Using Rumensin in Lactating Dairy Cows to Increase Milk Production Efficiency”--Dr. Kelly Perfield, Technical Consultant, Elanco Animal Health, Sponsored by Elanco Animal Health 3:30 p.m. Adjourn Registration fee is $20.00 payable at each location. Lunch reservations are needed. Call the Extension office listed below TODAY for lunch reservations. Registration fee is $20.00 payable at each location. Lunch reservations are needed. Call the Extension office listed below TODAY for lunch reservations. Locations: Monday, February 14, Pork Place, State Fair Grounds, Sedalia Tuesday, February 15, Holiday Inn Hotel and Suites, Springfield, 2720 North Glenstone just off I-44 Wednesday, February 16, Laclede Electric Coop Office, Lebanon Thursday, February 17, Knights of Columbus Hall, Hwy 50 West, Union Friday, February 18, Cape Girardeau County Extension Office, 684 W. Jackson Trail, Jackson

Meal Reservations: Judy Elling


Tony Richard 417/847-3161 Ted Probert


Ken Bolte


Call Extension Office 573/243-3581



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ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING: This is the official notice to all members of the Missouri Holstein Association that the annual membership meeting will be held Saturday, January 29, 2011, at The University Plaza Hotel & Convention Center, Springfield, MO, beginning at 1:00 PM, with president Fritz Hegeman presiding.

National Holstein Convention June 22 – 25 – Richmond, VA

Delegates Barry Steevens & Eric Ling

OFFICIAL NOTICE Annual Membership Meeting & Convention Missouri Holstein Association January 28 – 29, 2011 University Plaza Hotel & Conv. Center, Springfield, MO

2011 DISTRICT OFFICERS Northeast Central: Crystal Rademacher, president; Roy Parsons, vp; Judy Borman, sec./treas.; Eric Adkins, director. Northwest: Dallas Cornelius, president; Dan Hegeman, vice-president; Debby Cornelius, sec./treas.; Kirby Hanson, director. Southwest: Stacy Dohle, president; Mike Wilson, vice-president; Susan Day, sec./treas.; Matt Day, director. South Central: Joe McClellan, president; Susan Brooks, vice-president; Michelle Ramaeker, sec./treas.; Justin Nelson, director. Southeast: John Schoen, president; Melinda (Schoen) Morrison, v.p.; Cliff Strieker, sec./treas.; Marvin Schoen, director. West Central: Jay Moreland, president; Matt Moreland, vice-president; Marilyn Moreland, sec./treas.; Ed Steele, director. 2011 COMMITTEES Juniors: Janice Perry, chm.; Marvin Schoen, Sylvia McClellan, Kim Wilson, Gail Groves, Suzanne Lenz, Heather Moreland Sale: Dean Dohle, chm; Eric Ling, Ed Steele, Betty Voskamp, Lynn Martin, Shirley Best, Matt Day Show: Mike Wilson, chm; Nancy Hamner, Justin Nelson, Jeanne Luttrell Spring Show: John Denbigh, chm.; Mike Hackmann, Eric Adkins Futurity: Becky Durst, chm; Michelle Ramaeker, Janine Staiger, Tara Kocher Finance: Fritz Hegeman, chm; James Penn Nominating: Barry Steevens, Chair; Dallas Cornelius, Jay Moreland 100th Anniversary: John Underwood, chmn; Ed & SueAnn Steele, Marilyn Moreland, Marianna Thomson, Becky Durst, Shannon (Wilson) Kleiboeker, Sonya Brandt, Janice Perry National Convention Executive Committee: Barry Steevens, chmn; Kate Geppert, Jodi Wright, Janice Perry, Tony Whitehead, Ron Shaver, Roy Parsons, Ed & Sue Ann Steele, Fritz Hegeman, Eric Ling 2012 NATIONAL CONVENTION COMMITTEES: Banquet: Marilyn Moreland & Pam Probert co-chairs; Kay Steevens, Karla Grimm, Clejo King, DyAnna Shaver and Jeanette King Dariy Bar: Stacy Dohle & Al Brandt co-chairs; Finance: Rex Ricketts & Jerry King co-chairs; Noel Boyd, Karla Deaver, Nancy Hamner, Mary Ling, Nikki Whitehead Hospitality: Kate Geppert & Sherri Peters co-chairs; Harlan/Judy Borman; Chris/Suzanne Lenz; Sonja Brandt; Cathy Hemmann; Betty Voskamp, Lynn/Paula Morgan Host Day: Brad Groves & Shirley Best co-chairs; Rick King, Becky Durst, Sandy Thornhill, Ken Deaver, James Pen, Kevin Phillips, Lance Davidson, Janine Staiger, Ray Schooley, Ron Shaver, Justin Nelson Juniors: Robert & Janice Perry chair; Nathan/Jess Miller, Sheila Groves, Karla Deaver, Crystal Rademacher, Susan Brooks, Mike Nelson, Kim Wilson, Jeanne Luttrell Non-Delegate: Patty DeLong & Betty Voskamp co-chairs Pre-Convention: Roy/Daisy Parsons, Fritz Hegeman co-chairs; Dallas Cornelius, Mike Hackman, Matt & David Day, John Denbigh, Jay Moreland, Richard/Ann Lenz Publicity: Mary Angelo & Jodi Wright co-chairs Registration: Jodi Wright & Mark Witherspoon co-chairs: Nancy Kunkel, Kate Geppert, SueAnn Steele Sale: Larry Wright chair: Tony Whitehead, Eric Ling, Michelle Ramaeker, John Miller, Neal Longan Transportation: Ted Probert & Tony Rickard co-chairs PAGE 14

MISSOURI HOLSTEIN-FRIESIAN ASSOCIATION STATEMENTS OF ACTIVITIES For the Years Ended November 30, 2010 and 2009 2010 INCOME Membership Dues Interest Income Know What You Buy Sale Sho-Me Futurity and Fall Sale Sho-Me Futurity Sho-Me Fall Sale Field Day Junior Activities Convention Auction Spring Show Spring Calf Sale Web Page Advertising

8,547 1,724 200 1,700 1,700 0

Total Income EXPENSES Accounting Administrative and general 100th Anniversary Depreciation Expense District Membership reimbursement Field Day Junior activities Junior member dues Junior Advisor Stipend Management Fees 2012 National Convention Printing Scholarships, awards, and gifts Awards and gifts Jr. Awards Judging Team sponsorship Princess Scholarship Spring Classic Scholarship Cow Camp YDLI Sho-Me Futurity and Fall Sale Sho-Me Futurity Sho-Me Fall Sale Spring Show Spring Calf Sale Subscriptions (Mid-States) Travel and Office Expense Travel Office & Phone Postage Web Site

8,869 2,651 598 2,875 2,875 0

4,370 2,687 1,318 1,690 6,950 600

2,125 969 2,486 0 0 450



225 326 149 127 214 2,778 6,993 226 1,000 $8,200 2,131 201 2,386

325 584 597 126 216 1,606 4,587 238 1,000 $8,200 7 317 2,299

986 75 500 125 400 300 0

724 75 500 250 0 300 450 3,065

2,750 315

2,490 2,175 315

2,853 6,533 1,226 3,779 2,714 901 164

Total Expenses Change in net assets Net assets, begging of year Net assets, end of year


611 0 1,332 3,361 2,275 710 376







121,939 $


129,839 $




Cash Cash - Juniors Certificates of deposit Certificates of deposit - Juniors I Bonds - Juniors Total Current Assets



$12,592 955 85,740 1,172 6,905 107,364

$17,014 260 90,666 5,821 6,786 120,547

0 0 0

191 65 256


National Conv. Gifts for 2008 & 2009 Kay Bacon award 2009 & 10 Total Prepaid Assets


Equipment (Junior Contest Buzzers) Fully Depreciated in 2009 Equipment (Junior Camera) Fully Depreciated in 2010 Equipment (Junior Food Grill) Equipment (Junior Computer) Equipment (Adult Computer) Less: Accumulated depreciation Total Fixed Assets

620 650 199 400 886 (1,619) 1,136

650 199 400 886 (1,341) 794

Total Assets




Prepaid Membership


$0 0

Total Liabilities

Total Liabilities and Net Assets

$0 0





MISSOURI HOLSTEIN-FRIESIAN ASSOCIATION SPRING SHOW & CALF SALE ~ SUPPORTING STATEMENTS OF ACTIVITIES For the Years Ended November 30, 2010 and 2009 INCOME Spring Show Class Sponsors Entry Fees Spring Calf Sale Calf Sale Fitting Services

2010 900 790 6550 400

Total Income EXPENSES Spring Show Awards & Printing Facilities & Insur. Judge Spring Calf Sale Calf Sale

Fitting Services Total expenses

Change in net assets PAGE 16

$1,690 6950

2009 0 0


654 1999 200 5958 575



$0 0


296 315 0








JUNIOR ACTIVITIES ~ SUPPORTING STATEMENTS OF ACTIVITIES For the Years Ended November 30, 2010 and 2009 INCOME I Bond Interest CD Interest Fundraisers Alluminum Cans Bonnie Mohr Notecards Donated Calf Food Booth Hoodies Junior Dues Other Donations: Silent Auction Cash Donations

2010 $119 $61 1,732 27 1094 551 60 547 0

Total Income EXPENSES Activities National Convention Fundraising Expenses Food Booth Office supplies and postage Jr. Advisor Stipend Awards & Gifts Princess Jr & Res All-MO Other Awards & Gifts Printing 4-H Dairy Cow Camp Depreciation Expense (Computer, Buzzers, Camera, Grill) Total Expenses



321 565 507

228 547

$353 $161 25 0 25 0 0 17 175

238 192



74 3,371 300

0 3,051 0

467 1,000 1,393

73 100 215


434 604 86

11 0 1,124

0 100 301





Net assets, beginning of year



Net assets, end of year



Change in net assets


JUNIOR ACTIVITIES - NATIONAL HOLSTEIN CONVENTION Supporting Statements Of Activities For the Years Ended November 30, 2010 and 2009 INCOME Award Money Convention Fees Total Income EXPENSES Contests Gifts Lodging Registration Fee Travel Extra Activities Total Expenses Change in net assets


2009 0 $0

0 $0



206 322 179 1,755 909 0

131 192 1,781 600 347 0







CURRENT ASSETS Cash Certificates of Deposit I-Bonds Total Current Assets

2010 $955 1,172 6,905

$260 5,821 6,786



0 0

191 65



PREPAID ASSETS National Conv. Gifts for 2009 Kay Bacon award 2009 Total Prepaid Assets FIXED ASSETS Equipment - computer Less: Accumulated depreciation Equipment - Buzzers (depreciated '09), Camera, Grill Less: Accumulated depreciation Total Fixed Assets Total Assets

LIABILITIES Total Liabilities


400 (171) 849 (790)

400 (114) 1,469 (1,252)












NET ASSETS Total Liabilities and net assets


Supporting Statements of Activities ~ For the Years Ended November 30, 2010 and 2009

2010 INCOME Spring Show food booth State Sale food booth Other food booth's


$551 0 0

$0 0 0

Total Income



EXPENSES Spring Show State Sale Other food booth's

300 0 0

0 0 0





Total Expenses Change in net assets



Spring Heifer Calf AM Golden-Dream Rambo Cheyanne RAM Mik-Nels Domino Darcy JAM Golden -Dream Rambo Cheyanne RJAM Mik-Nels Domino Darcy RJAM J-Lean Kyle Stripes

Trenton Harker Steven Nelson Trenton Harker Steven Nelson Jessilyn McLean

Senior 2 Year-Old Cow AM Indies-View Lulu Jasper RAM Ram-Elle Turbo Venus JAM Indies-View Lulu Jasper RJAM McClellan Mawson Hope

Bailee Whitehead Michelle Ramaeker Bailee Whitehead Hope McClellan

Winter Heifer Calf AM Mik-Nels Domino Dimples RAM J-Lean Ely Dutch JAM Mik-Nels Domino Dimples RJAM J-Lean Ely Dutch

Steven Nelson Kristin Luttrell Steven Nelson Kristin Luttrell

Junior 3 Year-Old Cow AM Robthom Nissen Moscow RAM JL-Kel-Land Diamond JAM JL-Kel-Land Diamond

Janice Ling Ellie Wantland Ellie Wantland

Fall Heifer Calf AM Whitehead Astro Coco RAM Ram-Elle Durchan Jaylo-ET JAM Sipka PG Adrnln Song-ET RJAM MS Golden-Dream Annie Red

B,L,T Whitehead Michelle Ramaeker Blake Wright Brandon Andrus

Senior 3 Year-Old Cow AM MS Hack SS Ella Rae-Red-ET RAM Swan-Creek Mr Sam Giselle JAM Mik-Nels Dundee Ashley JAM Plain O Roy Daphne 3103

Nora Hackamann Alfred Brandt Steven Nelson Jacob Peters

Summer Yearling Heifer AM Budjon-JL Talent Eaddy-TW RAM Dawning-Day Pundit Reece JAM Budjon-JL Talent Eaddy-TW RJAM Dawning-Day Pundit Reece

Steven Nelson Nora Hackmann Steven Nelson Nora Hackmann

4 Year-Old Cow AM Mik-Nels Gibson Marcy Steven Nelson RAM Robthom Sakarya Modest-ET Janice Ling JAM Mik-Nels Gibson Marcy Steven Nelson RJAM Viethson Outside Sheryl Katie,Ellie,Lila Wantland

Spring Yearling Heifer AM Robthom Tillie Moscow RAM Whitehead Pronto ATM JAM Whitehead Pronto ATM RJAM Budjon-JK Jasper Elissa-ET

Mark Thomson B,L,T Whitehead B,L,T Whitehead Steven Nelson

Winter Yearling Heifer AM Robthom Blake Lou RAM J-Lean Sam Casey JAM J-Lean Sam Casey RJAM M-M-T-Ley Princess Moo-Moo

Janice Ling Kristin Luttrell Kristin Luttrell Meagan Ley

Fall Yearling Heifer AM Wrightvale JL Jasper Persy RAM Aragorn-DW Skylight JAM Wrightvale JL Jasper Persy RJAM Andrus-F Zander Ranae

Lora Wright David Wolf & David Day Lora Wright Brandon Andrus

Junior Best 3 Females AM Robthom Farm RAM Dustin & Kristin Luttrell

5 Year-Old Cow AM Mik-Nels Durham Doodle RAM Gloryland Lily Rae-ET JAM Mik-Nels Durham Doodle

Steven Nelson Jerry Gall Steven Nelson


Janice Ling Justin & Cody Nelson Brandon Andrus

Robthom Carolina Boss-ET Rekab Wade Giant Perkie Best Sunrise Roy Cathy

125,000 lb. Cow Class AM Robthom Sophie Integrity RAM Apple-Hill Titan Mari

Monica Ling Carol Brooks

Produce-Of-Dam AM MS Hack SS Ella Rae Red RAM J-Lean Crown Prince Key

Nora Hackmann Dustin & KristinLuttrell

Daughter-Dam AM Ella Rae / Durham Ethel Rae Nora Hackmann RAM Durham Doodle / Domino Dimples Steven Nelson

Dry Aged Cow AM S-M-E Distri Scarlet-Red-ET

Cody Nelson

Dry 3 & 4 Year-Old Cow AM Mik-Nels Lheros Joett RAM Bricky-Creek Dundee Dot JAM Mik-Nels Lheros Joett RJAM Mc-Wes-Lyn Lyndell Clover

Steven Nelson Crystal Chamberlin Steven Nelson Max McGowan

Junior 2 Year-Old Cow AM Angelo Linjet Vodka RAM Rose-Vue Dstrgene Julia-Red

Mikala Angelo Tara Kocher/Jeff Conrad

2009 Cow of the Year:

Best 3 Females AM Robthom Farm RAM Steven Nelson Dairy Herd AM

Robthom Farm

Breeders Herd AM Robthom Farm RAM Jerry Gall

Groves- Vu Mtotto Rashida, Groves- View Dairy, Billings PAGE 19


1 Place 2nd Place 3rd Place 4th Place, Prod Winner 5th Place 6th Place 7th Place 8th Place 9th Place & 1st Jr. 10th Place 11th Place & 2nd Jr. 12th Place & 3rd Jr.

2010 Sho-Me Holstein Futurity ~ 3-Yr Olds Gatton Pro Joy GP83 Robthom Nissen Moscow VG87 Gatton Toystory Destiny-ET VG85 Robthom Summer Toystory VG85 Gatton Toystory Jubilee VG87 Toecky Talent Tiesha GP82 Toecky Maurice Selita U-Wing Damion Britta-ET J-Lean Zenith Spring Toecky Terrina Reeves GP84 J-Lean Izzr Chloe J-Lean In Lacey

Jessica Gatton-Dixon, Conway Janice Ling, Springfield Jessica Gatton-Dixon, Conway Janice Ling, Springfield Jessica Gatton-Dixon, Conway Becky Durst, Huggins Tom Durst, Huggins Jason Ewing, Fordland Kristin Luttrell, Republic Becky Durst Dustin Luttrell, Republic Kristin Luttrell, Republic

National Junior Holstein Convention Awards 2010 Junior Dairy Bowl Team 2010: Captain Jacob Peters, Holt, Austin Moreland, Harrisonville, Steven Nelson, Grovespring, Jake Lenz, Prairie Home. Coach Sheri Moreland Peters National Folding Display Contest 2010: Rosie Lenz, Prairie Home – Ricotta Cheese; Kristin Luttrell, Republic – Kinds of Cheese, & Blake Moreland, Harrisonville – Milking Parlor Movement National Junior Jeopardy Contest 2010: Bailee Whitehead, Conway 2nd Place National Banner Contest 2010: Taylor & Kiera Groves, Billings, MO 2nd Place National Scrapbook Contest 2010: Brittany Groves, Billings, MO Prepared Public Speaking 2010: Jr. Division: Bailee Whitehead, Conway, Karlin Peters 4th Place, Holt & Lora Wright, Clever

Missouri State Junior Awards Missouri Holstein Princess 2010: Hannah Hegeman, Cosby Missouri Holstein Little Miss 2010: Lora Wright, Clever Spring Classic Scholarship 2010: Hannah Hegeman, Cosby Kay Bacon Memorial Award (9th): Lora Wright, Wrightvale JL Jasper Persy Junior Grand Champ 4-H/FFA State Fair Mark Highfill Memorial Award (7th): Steven Nelson, Mik- Nels Durham Doodle Senior Grand Champ 4-H/FFA State Fair

2010 Membership Report Northeast District Northwest District South Central District Southeast District Southwest District West Central District TOTAL

2010 45 12 43 6 93 26 225

2009 42 13 45 6 92 24 222

2008 42 14 50 7 99 27 239

2007 44 11 47 6 88 24 220

2006 47 13 52 6 105 26 249

2010 Progressive Breeders Registry Awards Best Sunrise Dairy Borman Farm Groves- View Dairy Robthom Farm

Years Qualified 15 14 1 55

% Homebred 100.0 83.3 86.5 93.5

BAA 106.7 107.4 107.0 108.7

Milk 26515 36347 33579 29667

2010 Progressive Genetics Awards Borman Farm Groves- View Dairy Wilson Martin PAGE 20

Years Qualified 14 9 1

Average CTPI 1542 1548 1506

Fat 905 1380 1290 1011

Protein 789 1103 1004 880

MEMBERSHIP MEETING Missouri Holstein Association Saturday, January 30, 2010, Lake Ozark, MO Dave Drennan welcomes attendees to Missouri Dairy Forum. President, Fritz Hegeman calls the meeting to order at 8:15am. Approximately 25 members present. Sandy T. moves, Roy P. 2nd to accept 2009 minutes. Motion passes. Jodi Wright reviewed financial statements. Approved as presented. Fritz gives presidents report. The difficult year is nothing new to anyone and the association is planning to rebound in 2010. Ask that members remember the family of Alton Ling and others who are ill. Fritz thanked Dave and MDA for organizing the conference. Ray Schooley spoke on behalf of the National Dairy Shrine. Encouraged everyone who isn’t a member to pay $50 lifetime member fee that funds scholarships for young people. DISTRICT & NATIONAL REPORTS Northwest: Dallas Cornelius reported in district show with Andrew County fair. Had Jr member who had internship in Maine. Southwest: Janice Perry reported district show at Marshfield. Groves dairy had 2008 Cow of the Year. West Central: .Jay Moreland reported district show held at Butler and they all survived the tornado during the show. South Central: Sandy Thornhill reported they had a great district show, dinner and live auction. Thank Richard & Shirley Best for an outstanding Field Day. They went above and beyond. They are thankful for everyone who was able to attend and enjoyed the dunk booth for the kids. Southeast: Marvin Schoen had great attendance at their district meeting. Northeast Central: Eric Adkins reported the district show was moved to state fair this year and the University had Grand. University Extension: Barry reported state cuts but things are status quo for now. Stacy, Ted, Tony & Barry on staff. State Fair: Kate G. reports dates Aug 12-22; premium cut of 20% from 2008 (10% from last year). Entry fees raised to $25. Youth show: dairy will show together as one youth show in 2010. Ag limit must be 8 and cannot be 22 by Aug 1. No separate 4-H/FFA winners. 4-H & FFA have agreed to support the show and are allowing their volunteers to help and give students credit for missing school. Jr show to start at 5pm. Youth will receive 1st, 2nd, & 3rd instead of Gold, Silver, etc. Judging Contest will continue as in the past. Judges will not be listed in book and Kate will not announce. Holstein/Jersey judge was top vote getter. Brown Swiss/Guernsey – 3rd vote getter & a more colored breed person. Butter Sculpture – looking into selling the butter sculpture in the Sale of Champions. Some dairy kids have won the scholarship. Dairy breeders need to contact Steve Leaker, commissioner, to encourage dairy products in Sale of Champions. Banners not sponsored by fair this year. Decided to leave up to board if Assoc. will sponsor for this year. Dairy Hall: Awards given February 5th, Columbia. Awards are as follows: Dairy Leader-Randy Mooney, Rogersville; Distinguished Dairy Cattle Breeder- Mike & Bobbi Rauch, Marionville; Meritorious Service-Mike Grave, St. Louis; Pioneer Leader – F. Gale Stevenson and Melvin Kenley both for work in AI industry. Going to suggest that move the awards presentation during the Spring Show. The mural artist passed away this past year from cancer and there still is some painting that needs to be done. National Director: Kate Geppert announces new Holstein Field Rep is Callie Unruh, Walton, KS. Her area is MO, IL, AR, she has recently moved to southern IL. Will elect replacements for Gordie Cook, John Kalmay & Bill Peck. One At-Large open – interested contact Michelle Ramaeker. Year end numbers are in and they are down and accounts receivables are up. There was a base change and changes in TPI and New Merit formulas for January proof run with more emphasis on Health & Fertility traits. Final PTAT score reduced to try and have impact on stature. Genomics – working on new smaller chip that would cost $40 to run, might be out this year. Staff working to bundle tests. Holstein working on Price Stabilization plan. Most likely have regional meeting next year in conjunction with state meetings. Holstein Field Rep: Callie Unruh has firm territory of MO, IL, AR and recently moved to Jerseyville, IL. Let her know of friends or neighbors who are not members so she can go visit. Holstein has revised EasyID system and she can help and setup. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Spring Show: John D. reported show date of Saturday, March 27th. The sale will be at noon, show at 2pm. Entry fees the same at $10, $15 late, $35 sponsor. Melissa Kron will assist with railbird. Straw available for $3/bale. Judge, Lucas Clanton, IL and entry deadline March 13th. NW will have donation calf. Univ. will donate hay & straw for calf sale. Might be a small issue w/parking on Fri. but should be OK. Need to let local 4-H/FFA & Ag Ed teams know of judging contest. Recommending assoc. hire 1 fitter for Fri & Sat assuming costs $175/day+room+travel. Allow for their services to be hired out by show attendees for a per item cost (ie: topline fee, body clip fee, etc). This payable to association to help offset costs. Suggestion – people can reserve services ahead of time. Put something on entry form if want services. Then could look into 2 if need be. Al B. moves for board to entertain cost of 1 fitter with additional individuals at the discretion of the executive committee. Matt Day 2nd. Passes. Look into combining Spring Show with Dairy Profit Seminars next year. MDA stated that maybe they could add a profit seminar in March in addition to the ones in February. Mention of inviting the Jerseys to join Spring Show as long as they accept prorated expenses for the show given number of head that participate. Show: No show committee members were present. Matt Day proposed changing All-MO to a point system. State Fair=20; Spring Show=15; District show=10. District points only received in home district. It was discussed that NE gets two sets of points off of one show. It would be unfair to have a bonus point for making all three shows. Eric Ling is going to keep track of the points. Matt Day moves to change All-MO to a point system. Joe McClellan 2nd. Motion Carried (not unanimous). Futurity: Sandy Thornhill reported Mary Angelo wants to step down as chairman, will ask Becky Durst to chair. Had a good turnout for Futurity only this fall and lots of food and fun, even though very cold. Sale: Eric L. announced Oct 16th date for fall sale in Marshfield. He would like to ask Dairy Agenda for a sale proposal containing 20 choice lots and 50-60 live lots. Choice lots receive 5% commission. Planning on improving the quality of the sale and positioning MO for the national sale. Board will revisit in March when proposal is obtained. Know What You Buy sale – last year had an issue with a breeder not paying transfer fees. Propose PAGE 21

a flat rate of $20/head+$10/hd transfer fee to be taken out up front. Also to allow open, bred and 1st or 2nd stage lactating animals (dry or milking) to the sale. Sale to be April 27, Springfield Stockyards. Dallas C. moves to accept sale proposals. Brad Groves 2nd. Passes. National Conv: Barry announces dates of June 25-30, 2012, with goal to attract 1500 visitors. Encouraged all to attend MN National convention this year and vote on themes. Finalized 12 committees & working on descriptions. Two have chairs: Sale-Larry Wright, chair; Tony Whitehead, Eric Ling, others; Finance-Jerry King & Nikki Whitehead co-chairs, Noel Boyd, David Buckmann, others. Other Chairs will be finalized in the next few months. Plan to have a low level table display in MN. 100th Anniversary Book: John Underwood has worked the last 7 months gathering information. He has established a rough timeline and table of contents. Goal this year to find herds no longer in business and get herd histories. Asking people in districts to help get info. Discussed need to buy a scanner. He can use Jodi’s laptop when he travels. John would like to have people take over sections they are interested in and do the writing. Janice Perry will work on the junior section. Some information is coming in but slow, breeders need to go over lists to make sure complete. Need to have info ready to print 2 years from now. Could be 300-400 pages. Barry offered the University’s scanner for use. Kate going to find out if Holstein will run some lists & see what cost is. Juniors: Bailee Whitehead gave Jr report. Most of the activities will remain the same. The Jr summer activity will be held in conjunction with Field Day. Large group working towards attending National convention in MN. They plan on keeping same fundraising activities. Adding a Showmanship award to the Jr. All-MO list. New officers: President, Bailee Whitehead; Vice-Pres, Steven Nelson; Sec, Kristin Luttrell; Co-Reporters, Karlin Peters, Lora & Blake Wright: Historian: Brittany Groves. OLD BUSINESS: Paul Selken Award: Not sure what happened to award. Need membership help in locating? NEW BUSINESS: Cow of the Year: Cleaned up rules to avoid questions: Rules changed. #4: The animal must be nominated in any one of the four issues of the Mid-States Hol. News. (rest of rule unchanged) #5: The animal must be a milking age female. Combine #8 & #9: Each paid adult or junior member, age 9 and up by January 1st (the year of the nominations) can vote. The ballots will include birthdates. Sandy T. moves to adopt new wording. Brad Groves 2nd. Passes. Field Day: Groves-Vu, Billings volunteered to host in 2010. Matt Day moves, 2nd, Passes. Jay Moreland for 2011. Dairy Hall of Honors Nominations: Recognizing the need to have a committee to get worthy recipients nominated. Board delegated this duty to the nominating committee for the following year. Adding John Underwood to this comm. Suggestions: Pioneer: TA Burgeson, Paul Selken, Alton Ling; Breeder: Groves, Richard Veraguth. The more support letters for the candidate the better chance they have of receiving award. Eric Ling moves, Sandy T. 2nd. Passes Budget Report: Al Brandt reports on the budget. Budget as follows. Al moves to accept 2010 budget, Kate 2nd. Passes. Resolutions: Roy Parsons read 2009 resolutions. Roy moves to accept. Sandy T. seconded. Passes. Announcements: Announced awards by National Holstein Distinguished Young Holstein Breeder award due Feb. 28. Nominating Committee: Proposed current slate: Fritz Hegeman, Al Brandt, Jodi Wright, Eric Ling. Report accepted. Jr. Awards and meal: Jr. awards given: Holstein Princess, Hannah Hegeman; Holstein Miss, Lora Wright; Jr. All-MO & Res. Awards.; Spring Classic-Hannah Hegeman Cow of the Year: Groves-Vu Mtoto Rashida, Groves-Vu Dairy, Billings. Fritz thanks everyone for coming. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully Submitted, Jodi Wright

2010 Missouri Holstein Budget

INCOME Membership $8,9000 Interest 2,500 Fall Sale 198,000 Futurity 2,000 Field Day 2,000 Spring Show 2,000 Spring Calf Sale 12,000 Web Page Advertising 500 Know What you Buy Sale 600 Convention Auction 2,500 Total $231,000

EXPENSES Management & Jr. Advisor Travel & Office Accounting, Postage, Admin. Mid-States Subscriptions Scholarships, awards, gifts Fall Sale and Futurity Field Day Spring Show & Calf Sale History Book Website


$9,200 3,500 1,750 1,300 2,750 196,000 1,500 13,500 500 1,000 $231,000


2011 Richmond, VA PAGE 22



2009 RESOLUTIONS MISSOURI HOLSTEIN ASSOCIATION Annual Meeting, Saturday, January 29, 2010 Lake Ozark, MO The committee met and recommends following resolutions for your consideration at the 94th annual convention of the Missouri Holstein Association. Be it resolved: The Missouri Holstein Association expresses its sincere appreciation to the MDA and Dave Drennan for their work and organization of the 2010 Misssouri Dairy Forum with special thanks to each and every member who has volunteered their talent and time for the success of the past years activities. Be it resolved: The Missouri Holstein Association express thanks to each and every member who has volunteered their talent and time for the success of the past years activities. Be it resolved: That Sue Ann Steele, Mid-States News editor; Kate Geppert, associate editor, and Jodi Wright, secretary treasurer be commended for their hard work and diligent efforts. Be it resolved: That the Missouri Holstein Association fully supports the national ID system such as National FAIR and strongly recommends that each member obtain a premise ID as soon as possible. Be it resolved: That the Missouri Holstein Association expresses thanks to Richard & Shirley Best, Best-Sunrise Dairy for hosting the 2009 Field Day. Whereas the Missouri Holstein Association is sincerely interested and considers itself a vital part of the dairy industry in the State of Missouri, be it resolved that the members individually and the corporate associations pledge to support and offer its leadership to the following: 1. Mark Witherspoon and Mid-South Dairy Records 2. Dave Drennan and Missouri Dairy Association 3. Missouri State Dept. of Agriculture, under the direction of Jon Hagler and his staff,including the animal health department, the director of the Missouri State Fair, and especially Kate Geppert. 4. The University of Missouri, College of Agriculture Food and Natural Resources: Rex Ricketts and the Commercial Ag Program, and the entire dairy extension specialist, especially Dr. Barry Steevens. The Midwest Dairy Association and the National Dairy Board with special commendation to Mike Kruger and Stacy Dohle. Be it resolved: That the Missouri Holstein Association support and encourage Dr. Barry Steevens as he chairs the 2012 National Holstein Convention. 5. The 4-H and FFA youth organizations through their educational and leadership building experiences. 6. Be it further resolved that our Association continue to underwrite and support and encourage participation in the district shows, fall sale, futurity and the spring show. 7. A special thanks to Robthom Farm for hosting Cow Camp for the juniors, understanding that the future of our organization, breed and industry is dependent on the interest, training and leadership development of our youth. Be it resolved that our association continue to support and encourage the Missouri Junior Association for the excellent job they are doing. Special thanks are given to Charlotte Jackson for serving as our Holstein Princess and Karlin Peters as Holstein Miss. 8. Be it resolved: A special thanks to Robert and Janice Perry on their outstanding job as junior committee leaders, and all those who helped them. 9. Be it resolved: A special thanks to Mary Angelo for chairing the Futurity. 10. Be it resolved: The Missouri Holstein Association express special thanks to this years officers, for their many hours of work and dedication to the cause of Registered Holsteins in the State of Missouri. Fritz Hegeman, president; Al Brandt, vicepresident; Eric Ling, Director-at-large; Jodi Wright, Secretary Manager. 11. Whereas, the MO Holstein Association believes food safety, animal health and security are animal agriculture issues that cross state lines and affect the entire country; therefore, be it resolved that the MO Holstein Association supports collaborative efforts of industry, state, and federal animal health officials to develop an identification system for livestock. We strongly encourage MO to join forces with evolving programs that are national in scope and oppose development of individual state identification initiatives. 12. Be it resolved: The MO Holstein Association commends Mark Tempelton, Director of the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, for his cooperation and common sense approach to dairy farming and the environment in the State of Missouri. 13. Be it resolved: The MO Holstein Association express its sincere sympathy to all the families who have lost loved during the past years. 14. Be it resolved: The MO Holstein Association commends Kate Geppert for her work and dedication in the role on the National board of directors of the Holstein Association. The association also supports the Dairy Price Stabilization plan proposed by Holstein USA. 15. Finally, be it resolved that in recognition that the education of present & future generations of producers is vital to the growth and well being of the dairy industry in Missouri. The Missouri Holstein Assoc. urges the University of Missouri administration to fund and staff the positions being vacated through retirement. Respectfully submitted, Roy Parsons, chairman, Dallas Cornelius and Jay Moreland PAGE 23

Missouri Holstein Districts

Northeast Central


Southeast Southwest South Central

The Missouri Holstein Convention Host District Schedule 2012 – Southeast 2013 – Northeast Central 2014 – Southwest 2015 – West Central 2015 – Northwest 2016 - South Central


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Continuing a tradition of financial strength. As a member of the rural Missouri community, FCS Financial is vested in the past, present and future of our member customers. Our heritage as a cooperative organization, allows us to maintain our growth and stability. Agriculture has survived many financial fluctuations over the last century, and FCS Financial has been there to help since 1916. Since we understand market challenges, we can provide better help to our customers and their farming operations. Contact us to learn more about how we can help provide products and services that fit your business needs. Please call 1-800-444-3276, visit myfcsfinancial.com or stop by any FCS Financial office, and let us put our experience to work for you. Experts in rural financing since 1916

Ag & Business is a registered trademark of FCS Financial, ACA. FCS Financial is an Equal Opportunity Provider. Current life insurance carriers available at myfcsfinancial.com. *Certain terms and conditions apply to these accounts. Farm Cash Management is a registered trademark of AgriBank, FCB.

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