June 2014
Mid-States Holstein News
Celebrating 100 yea r s o f M i s s o u r i h o ls tei n s 1 9 1 5 -2 0 1 5 – Ad d i t i o n s
1948 NatioNal HolsteiN A story worth telling CoNveNtioN
Clyde Hill
(Cut here to place in your Mo history Book)
opeN House
Part of the crowd of 800 that were at the Clyde hill open house
n 1948 th e nati o n a l ho l stei n convent ion was held in K ansas Cit y, Mo a n d co - h o s te d
by K an s a s a n d M i sso u r i . As a p ar t of t he convent ion, C lyd e h ill hosted a n o p e n h o u s e.
Clyde hill Farms was owned and operated by the Benedictine Convent of Perpetual Adoration founded in 1875 by a small group of sisters from switzerland. A large herd of purebred holstein cows provided all the dairy products for the institution. nothing could have been further from the sisters’ minds than to raise a fine herd of cattle for the sake of gaining fame. had it been left to their choice, the herd would never have come to public notice. But, some outstanding breeders, after seeing the herd, urged the owners that they owed it to the holstein breed to let others benefit by giving them an opportunity to learn more about the herd and also to improve their own herds through foundation stock. in 1948 Clyde hill Farms had 750 acres that provided all the milk, pork, beef, eggs and vegetables for the institution. During the convention a young man, by the name of horace Backus was in attendance at the open house and recalls his impression of Clyde hill and the cattle he saw that day.
submit ted by, horace backus
y mo st vivid impressio n o f the 19 48 v is it at Clyde h ill was h ow great the o l der cows looked. th ey h ad aged re m ar k abl y wel l and e ve r yon e co mmented o n it as yo u v iewed them ti e d up ou tdo o rs.
At the same time, it seemed as though the younger heifers, 1st and 2nd calf, did not appear to measure up to the standards of the older generation. it should be remembered that i was just emerging from my teens and never been to see a great many herds at that time. As the years rolled by, i became aware that this is true in most herds—the older cows are the “survivors”, the ones that were good enough and strong enough to remain in the herd. the youngsters were immature and the poorer ones had not been weeded out yet as had happened many years ago to the older cows.
those great older cows were some of the greatest i have ever seen and that memory helped when we sold the Clyde hill royal daughters in the osborndale Dispersal in 1957. the top female in that these four cows undoubtedly impressed horace Backus and others that at- sale was by royal. tended the open house. Zuba Amarilla King De Kol eX92, Fanny Zuba rock – recollections of the 1948 national river eX92, elsie Zuba rock river eX92 gMD, Clyde hill Maid Fanny tiddy Convention open house at Clyde hill Farm by horace Backus Vg87 gMD
Mid-States Holstein News JUNE 2014 VOLUME 154
June 1 October 1 December 1 March 1
Sue Ann Steele, Editor 3673 NW St Rte 52 Butler, MO 64730 660-200-5214 Email: holstein1995@gmail.com Kate Geppert, Managing Editor 5803 Redwing Drive Columbia, MO 65202 573.814.3148 or 573.808.5607 Email: dkgeppert@mchsi.com ARKANSAS: President: Bruce Tencelve, Little Rock; Vice-President: Susan Fisher, Beebe; Secretary/ Treasurer: Jim Griffin, 15542 Logan Cave Rd, Siloam Springs, AR; BOARD MEMBERS: James Smith, Doug Herbaugh, Randy Spears, Mike Quattlebaum KANSAS: President: Robbie Leach; Vice-President: Dwight Rokey; Past President: David Rottinghaus; Secretary: Kerri Ebert, 4210 Wam-Teau Drive, Wamego, DIRECTORS: Devon Benfer, Darren Benfer, Ryan Bodenhausen, Harry Clubine, Eugene George, Kevin Fast , Dale Klassen, Carol Keen, Doug Unruh, Kevin Winter MISSOURI: President: Eric Ling, Springfield ; VicePresident: Jay Moreleand, Harrisonville,; Secretary/ Treasurer: Michelle Eilenstine, Mountain Grove; Director-at-large: Brad Grove, Billings, DIRECTORS: Eric Adkins, Dallas Cornelius, Kirby Hanson, Joe McClellan, Jay Moreland, Justin Nelson, Roy Parsons, John Schoen, Marvin Schoen, Ed Steele, Mike Wilson, Larry Wright NEBRASKA: President: Eric Villebro; Vice-President Adam Engelman; Secretary/Treasurer: Diane Ossenkop, 15252 E A Street, Lincoln, NE, DIRECTORS: Jim Hammj, Brandon Esau, Dean Engelman, Kevin Marotz, Erin Marotz, Joyce Racicky, Steve Wolfe, Greg Racicky, Dennis Traeger, NEW MEXICO: President: Andy Vaz, Roswell; VicePresident; Buster Goff; Secretary/Treasurer: Wendy Zens, 190 Dairy Rd, Willard OKLAHOMA: President: Todd Mason, Kingfisher;, 1st Vice President: Tom Meyer, Okarche Secretary/Treasurer: LeeAnn Bowman 341401 E 5300 Rd, Glencoe; DIRECTORS: Norman Bayless, Cody Mitchell, Brett Morris, Jeff Schenk TEXAS: President, Michael Schreiber, Windthorst; Vice-President: Leo Hoff, Jr, Windthorst, Sec/Treas: Elwyn Liggett, 519 Liggett Rd, Bellevue; DIRECTORS: Randy Carpenter, Gerard Hoekman, John Koster, Joseph Osinga, Stanley Haedge, Lindsay Mitchell, Bradly Veitenheimer, Chad Steinberger The MID-STATES HOLSTEIN NEWS (ISSN 08842809) is published 4 times yearly - March, June, September, and December - by the Holstein Associations of Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas. Periodical postage paid at Butler, MO 64730 and at additional mailing offices. Subscription rate, $5.00, included in each state membership fee. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to MID-STATES HOLSTEIN NEWS, Kate Geppert, 5803 Redwing Dr, Columbia, MO 65202. ICAL POSTAL CODE:355240 PAGE 2 - MSHN, June 2014
Inside: Oklahoma State Sale Results Southern Spring National Results Missouri Spring Show Results All-Texas Show Results On the cover Hoff-Hill Dur-Emory Sassy EX-94 proved to be the belle of the ball at the 2014 Southern Spring National capturing Grand Champion titles in both the Junior and Open Shows. In addition, she was the best bred and owned animal in each show for Adam Hoff, Windthorst, Texas. Congratulations to Lora Wright, Verona, Missouri! Lora was selected as one of the Young Distinguished Junior Holstein Members by Holstein USA. She will be recognized at the National Holstein Convention this June in Iowa. Lora is the daughter of Larry and Jodi Wright. Our thoughts are prayers are with the Burdette and Stiles family as Reese and Patricia recover from their injuries. Mrs. Stiles truly exhibited unconditional love as she risked her own health to ensure that her granddaughter was able to escape the fire. The dairy industry has really banded together to support the family through donations and help. It makes you proud to be a part of such an industry. We hope that both of these ladies will continue to improve and will be back home with their family soon.
Regional Representatives: Jenny Elliott Iley Charlie Schiller 1404 Westwood Court 2060 E Harvest Park Ct, Apt 21 Stephenville, TX 76401 Salt Lake City, UT 84121 254-485-8629 320-493-4082 jiley@holstein.com cschiller@holstein.com Nat’l Holstein Director Tim Ewing Roy Buessing 4784 St. Hwy PP 1083 29th Road Fordland, MO 65652 Axtell, Kansas 66403 417-818-6455 785-736-2766 tewing@holstein.com pab@bluevalley.net
Issue June 1 Sept. 1 Dec. 1 March 1
Ad Deadlines Deadline April 22 July 22 Oct. 22 Jan. 22
No ads after May 10 Aug. 10 Nov. 10 Feb. 1
Classification Schedule June September December
Arkansas & Missouri Kansas, Colorado & Nebraska New Mexico, Texas & Oklahoma
Mid-States Subscriptions are available. It’s $5 for those in Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas. For those outside the region, it’s $10. Contact Kate Geppert for more information.
This is How we Roll how S s exa mpion T l a Al d Ch n Gra
KLASSENS SANCHEZ TRIXIE 3783 EX-91 2-04 346 3x 31,313 3.2 987 2.9 914 3-05 136 3x 15,971 3.3 522 2.8 446 Inc
how S s xa mpion e T All d Cha ow n Gra nior Sh Ju
ROCK-HOME GOLDWYN ALANA EX-91 2-02 264 3X 21,875 4.3 940 3.2 710 3-01 103 3X 10,174 4.1 422 3.1 313 Inc Goldwyn granddaughter of Ms Durchan Lady Allana EX-95 (now owned with Danny Zehr)
JMK Holsteins John & Michelle Koster - Jeff & Nina Katy, Aiden & Cason 11000 Hwy 16 - Comanche, Texas - 254.879.2650
MSHN, June 2014 - PAGE 3
From the Field Greetings from the field! June is Dairy Month! It is great to have the opportunity to come to you through this column with the positive market conditions we are currently experiencing in the dairy industry. This is a good time for those of us involved in the dairy business to thank the people involved with dairy promotion, the farmers that make their farms available for tours, and the dairy advocate bloggers, who do an excellent job of giving real facts about dairy farming to the public. I have travelled through much of Missouri and Illinois recently and the corn crop looks good, especially considering the late spring we had. As I write this, the June area classification program is about to begin in Arkansas and Missouri and I’m excited for many of the herds I’ve been working with, including some that are classifying for just their first or second time this month. I also have been helping several farms take advantage of the current economic conditions to catch up their registry work. There are several economical options using HAUSA programs, including Holstein Complete, to catch up ID work. For any farms that are interested doing some catching up and I haven’t yet contacted you, don’t hesitate to call, text, or email me and we’ll find an option that works for you. Jenny is also happy to assist those of you in the southwest area. I’m sure with today’s internet, many of you have heard the story of the farmer and the mule, but I wanted to share it with you again. “This old farmer had a mule that fell into an old well. The water wasn’t very deep, so the mule was able to stand on the bottom. After assessing the situation the farmer sympathized with the mule but decided that neither the mule nor the well was worth saving. The farmer called his neighbors together and told them what had happened and enlisted them to help haul dirt to bury the old mule in the well and put him out of his misery. Initially the mule was hysterical, but as the farmer and his neighbors continued to shovel dirt on his back, the mule soon quieted down. After a few shovels, the farmer noticed that every time a shovel load of dirt landed on his back the mule would shake it off and step up. The mule continued to do this, with shovel after shovel of dirt hitting his back. Shake it off and step up...Shake it off and step up... Shake it off and step up. It wasn’t long before the old mule, battered and exhausted, stepped over the wall of the well. What had seemed would bury him actually saved him because of the manner in which he handled his adversity.” I’m sure many dairymen can relate to the mule and his situation after the past 4-5 years of the dairy business, but more importantly, like the mule, I feel the resiliency of dairy farmers and how they are able to handle adversity is what sets them apart from the rest of agriculture. For this, I salute you all for Dairy Month – and don’t forget, July is Ice Cream Month! In closing, I want to encourage everyone in the Mid-States area to attend the Missouri Field Day July 18 at Larry and Jodi Wright’s new farm. They have an excellent facility for animal care and the cows show it! Come out for a day of fellowship and see the Wrightvale herd. Tim
PAGE 4 - June, March 2014
Welcome to summer! Unfortunately for us that also means the humidity has shown it’s ugly face. Hopefully everyone has received some beneficial rainfall and avoided any severe storms. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Stiles and Burdette families of Pennsylvania as they are recovering from the tragic fire that left Reese Burdette and her grandmother Patricia Stiles badly burned. Contact information for the families is available on the Dairyagendatoday website. We would also like to thank the Page family of Missouri for the donation calf they are selling in the Page-Crest dispersal. This goes to show that being part of Dairy means you are truly part of one big extended family. I hope as many of you as possible will be able to make it to Convention this year. It is in Dubuque, Iowa the last week of June. This is a great opportunity to get involved with your Association. It is also a great way to meet old friends and discover some new ones you never knew you had. It promises to be a strong sale as always and will be a good way to see what new and exciting things are coming from HAUSA. I would like to thank you for your support the last three years on the Board and look forward to serving you for three more years. I always try my best to keep every dairy in mind when issues come up and you are welcome to call any time. Thanks Roy Roy
FFA State Dairy Judging Success
Congratulations to the FFA Dairy Judging Champions in our region. In Missouri, the team from Mountain Grove took 1st place with Tucker Peterson nabbing top honors. Tucker is also a member of the Missouri 4-H Team which will be traveling to Europe in June on a dairy judging trip. Other members of the team are Megan Fry, Morgan Reed and Matthew Owings. In Oklahoma, the Chouteau dairy judging team was state champion for the 3rd year in a row. Paige Chupp was high individual. Team members were Allison Kennell, Elizabeth Bond, Paige Chupp, and Justin Chupp. Good luck to both these teams as they compete in the National FFA Contest this fall.
Mountain Grove FFA
Chouteau FFA Team
Missouri State Fair to Celebrate Kids in Ag
A new event day, Celebrate Kids in Agriculture Saturday, Aug. 16, will commemorate the future of agriculture at the 2014 Missouri State Fair. The day will acknowledge youth currently involved in Missouri’s agriculture industry, and help raise awareness of and encourage an interest in agriculture among Missouri youth. Plans this day will include free gate admission for children ages 12 years of age and younger, free old-fashioned harvest games and new contests in two competitive exhibit categories. In addition, the Youth Dairy Judging Contest will be held that morning at 8:30, followed by the Youth Dairy Show at 5 pm. Two new contests are also being offered to encourage participation in competitive exhibits amongst youth attending this year’s Missouri State Fair, the Largest Homegrown Tomato Contest and the Fun on the Farm Poster Contest. Entries in the Fun on the Farm Poster Contest will be accepted in two age divisions, youth 5-8 years old and youth 9-12 years old. Judging will be based on theme, creativity and adherence to rule specifications. Complete details for the contests are available at www.mostatefair.com/special-contests.
Missouri Spring Show March 22, 2014 Columbia, MO Judge: Amy Schaufelberger, IL
Winter Calf 1. Ram-Elle Masterpiece Emma, Michelle Eilenstine, Mountain Grove Fall Calf 1. Golden-Dream Abe Ribbonet, Dalton Smith, Rolla; 2. RamGrand Champion, Radine Damion Junior Champion, U-MO Sanchez Elle Masterpiece Pansy, Michelle Eilenstine, Mountain Grove Sassy; Res. Jr Champion: Golden- Margie-ET; Res. Grand Champion: Summer Yearling U-MO Sanchez Ariel 1. U-MO Sanchez Sassy, University of Missouri, Columbia; 2. Dream Abe Ribbonet Sr. 3-Yr Old Radine Armani Design, Kate Geppert, Columbia 1. U-MO Ashlar Antoinette, University of Missouri, Columbia Spring Yearling 1. U-MO Gold Chip Neena, University of Missouri, Columbia; 2. Intermediate Champion U-MO Ashlar Antoinette Golden-Dream Abe Jasmin, Dalton Smith, Rolla Res. Intermediate Champion Winter Yearling 1. Jebo Braxton Blissful, Sophia Geppert, Columbia; 2. U-MO C-of-O Braxton Troxy 1351 4-Yr Old Shaquille Libby, University of Missouri 1. U-MO Sanchez Ariel, University of Missouri, Columbia; 2. Fall Yearling 1. M-M-T Ley Gabor Tilly, Thomas Ley, Marthasville; 2. U-MO U-MO Jabez Angel, University of Missouri, Columbia; Aged Cow Atwood Karista, University of Missouri, Columbia 1. Radine Damion Margie, University of Missouri, Columbia Junior Champion Sr & Grand Champion U-MO Sanchez Sassy Radine Damion Margie Res. Junior Champion Res. Sr. & Grand Champion Golden-Dream Abe Ribbonet U-MO Sanchez Ariel Junior Best 3 Females 1. University of Missouri, Columbia; 2.Michelle Eilenstine, Produce of Dam 1. Angel & Antoinette, University of Missouri, Columbia Mountain Grove Best Three Females Sr. 2-Yr Old 1. C-of-O Braxton Troxy 1351, College of the Ozarks, Point 1. University of Missouri, Columbia Lookout; 2. C-of-O Jeeves Annie 1355, College of the Ozarks, Breeders Herd 1. University of Missouri, Columbia Point Lookout
Bodenhausen Honored as KS Dairy Leader of Year
Mike Bodenhausen, Muscutah, Kansas was honored as the 2014 Kansas Dairy Leader of the Year at the Kansas Dairy Association Annual Meeting March 15, 2014 in Manhattan. Bodenhausen has served the Kansas Dairy Commission and the Kansas Dairy Association in many ways from 2006-2014, including Assistant and then Executive Director. He served as a program director and classifier for Holstein USA from 19751981 visiting 42 states and 3 foreign countries. Bodenhausen has been very active in the Kansas Holstein Association. In 1992-1993, he served as President of the Association. For many years, he was a constant on the board of directors as a delegate to the National Holstein Convention. When Kansas hosted the 1982 National Holstein Convention, he was the co-chair of the Junior Activities. Bodenhausen and his family grew and developed the Bodenhausen Hol-
stein herd into one of the top herds in the state of Kansas, until the herd was sold in 2005. One of his many acts with KDA was helping with the Kansas State Farm Dairy Bar. During his tenure, he helped make this the ‘place to be’ at the Fair. A photo and a plaque honoring Bodenhausen will hang with other dairy leaders in Call Hall on the campus of the Kansas State University. Also recognized during the meetings was Royal Dairy Farms, Garden City as the 2014 Kansas Farm Family.
WDE Feature Rokeys
Virtual farm tours will again be presented at the World Dairy Expo 2014 in Madison, Wisconsin. The free tours will be presented daily, Tuesday, September 30 through Saturday, October 4 in the Mendota 1 meeting room in the Exhibition Hall. The presentations will be available for viewing on World Dairy Expo’s website after the show. On Noon Wednesday, October 1, the farm tour will feature Rokeyroad Holsteins, of Sabetha, Kansas. They will focus on the genetic advancement of their 114 cow milking herd. Their program is sponsored by the Kansas Department of Agriculture. Other virtual tours will feature Milk Source- Hudson Dairy and Lepples’ Ridge-View Farm robotic dairy For more information and summaries of the tours, check out worlddairyexpo. com.
Nebraska Honors Dairymen
The Nebraska Holstein Association’s 2014 Annual Meeting was held in conjunction with the 2014 Nebraska State Dairy Convention on March 11th, in Norfolk, NE. The following Holstein members were recognized. Julie and Randy Meier received the 2014 Dairy Industry Award. This award recognizes individuals or business who have rendered outstanding and unselfish service and thereby have contributed to the success and the sustainability of the dairy industry in Nebraska. Diane and Gary Ossenkop, O-Kop Holsteins, received the 2014 Breeder Hall of Fame Award. This award is bestowed on a member, family, or corporation, who has bred outstanding Registered Holsteins for many years and thereby contributed to the advancement of the Holstein breed in Nebraska. Linda and Doug Hodorff, Broken Bow Dairy, were recognized for breeding the 2013 NE Holstein Total Performance Cow, 6 yr. old, Broken Bow 114 Ito VG 87. Dean Engelman, Classic Dairy, received the Philip H. Cole Distinguished Dairyman Award presented by the Nebraska State Dairyman’s Association.
Welcome Nebraska! Nebraska is now a member of the MidStates Holstein News! MSHN, June 2014- PAGE 5
Southern Spring National
April 12, 2014, Stillwater, OK Judge: Chad Ryan, WI With quality from the top of each class to even the bottom animal, the 2014 Southern Spring National was a rousing success. Exhibitors from 10 states enjoyed a week of southern hospitality in Stillwater, including a outstanding shows, a fast and furious state sale, and all food you could eat including a steak dinner and enough ice cream for a year. When the dust had settled, it was a sweep for Hoff-Hill Holsteins of Windthorst, Texas and their homebred Hoff-Hill Dur-Emory Sassy. Following her Champion honors of the Junior Show, she capped with week with another Grand Championship in the Open Show. The Reserve Grand Champion had a successful return to Oklahoma. After being sold as a calf in to Glen Longhorn, Hawarden, Iowa, MDF Sanchez Racey went back through the Oklahoma State Sale ring. This time, she was purchased by Alan Dykshorn, Ireton, Iowa. That purchased paid immediate dividends as the next day she won the 4-Yr Old Class. The Intermediate Champions were also familiar to the arena. On Cloudnine Absolut 136ET sold in the 2013 Oklahoma State Sale and then returned this year to win the Sr. 2-Yr Old Class and Intermediate Champion honors for Dwight Rokey and Jody Goodman, Sabetha, Kansas; Rock-Home Gldwyn Allana-ET followed her win last year as a 2-year old by taking the Sr. 3-Yr Old class and Res. Intermediate Champion for Jeff Koster, Comanche, Texas. In the heifer shows, Aragon Made You Look, the 1st place Fall Yearling was selected as Junior Champion, improving on her HM Junior Champion in 2013 for David Day, Bolivar, Missouri. All the week activities were coordinated by the Oklahoma Holstein Association under the leadership of Todd Mason, LeeAnn Bowman and David Jones. Winter Heifer Calf (5) 1. Overside Carnival Kylie, Esmae Velsen, Hico, TX; 2. Shantine Incharge Tinsel, Shannon Vanderlaan, Frederick, OK; 3. Lin-Crest Unforgettable, Erin, Sophie & Taylor Leach, Linwood, KS; 4. P-Jaybelle Goldwyn Tami-ET, Jayden Pritchett, Rose, OK. Fall Heifer Calf (22) 1. Shadow-W Fever Electric, Addison Goldenberg, McGregor, TX; 2. Fine&Peachy Atwoods Tease, Alyson Philips, Lingleville, TX; 3. Aragorn Silky Satin-Red, David Day, Bolivar, MO; 4. Ms MDF Dempsey 110, David Jones & Todd Mason, Kingfisher, OK. Summer Yearling (9) 1. Solid-Gold DE Gsun Disco, Dusty Schirm & John Weller, OH; 2. Luncrest Atwd Missu 1543-ET, Esmae Velsen, Hico, TX; 3. Budjon-JK Gldchip Eshley, Addison Goldenberg, McGregor, TX; 4. Rokeyroad Braxton Serenad, Dwight & Anita Rokey, Sabetha, KS. Spring Yearling (11) 1. Sandy-C Durable Ruby, Jacy Carpenter, PAGE 6 - MSHN, June 2014
Hoff-Hill Dur-Emory Sassy 2014 Southern Spring Nat’l Grand Champion
MDF Sanchez Racey 2014 Southern Spring Nat’l Res. Grand
TX; BW-EG Atwood Aurora-ET, Brittany George, Baldwin City, KS; 3. Ms Desthaven Ad Phoenix, Green & Heuer; Erbacres Acme Darla, Connor Erbsen, Lanark, Il. Winter Yearling (9) 1. MT-Ararat Goldwyn Ebrill-ET, Alyson Philips, Lingleville, TX; 2. Erbacres HP Delana-ET, Erbsen & Opperman, Lanark, IL; 3. Miss Fortune Margo-ET, Jacy & Kenton Carpenter, TX; 4. On-Cloudnine Addezi Royalty, Dwight & Anita Rokey, Sabetha, KS. Fall Yearling (12) 1. Aragon Made You Look, David Day, Bolivar, MO; 2. Welsh-Edge Atwd Reality-ET, Moriah Goggin; 3. BG-HZ Braxton Laci, Blaine & Dakota Zapalac, Schulenberg, TX; 4. Desthaven-MH Attic Medea, Heuer & Hay, Litchfield, MN Junior Champion Aragon Made You Look Res. Junior Champion Welsh-Edge Atwd Reality Hon. Mention Jr Champ Solid-Gold DE Gsun Disco Dry Aged Cow (1) 1. Kingsmill Aspen Price-ET, Tencleve & Mason, Kingfisher, OK Unfresh Jr. 2-Yr Old (3) 1. Miss Triple-T ENT Lexus, Tencleve & Mason, Kingfisher, OK; 2. Miss-Long-Green S Raven-ET, Taylor & Katelyn Klipp, KS 3. Lindale Braxton Bea-ET, Jayden Pritchett, Rose, OK Jr. 2-Yr Old (3) 1. Sandy-C G-V Braxton 2510, Kendall Osman; 2. Tex-Stein Atwood Kaliana, Chad Steinberger, Windthorst, TX; 3. Tex-Stein Atwood Gisselle, Chad Steinberger, Windthorst, TX. Sr. 2-Yr Old (15) 1. On Cloudine Absolut 136-ET, Rokey & Goodman, Sabetha, KS; 2. Rokeyroad Haven Tara, Benton Rokey, Sabetha, KS; 3. Lexi Sid Glory-ET, Cannon & Coonridge Holsteins, IA; 4. Plain-O Talent Aspen 284ET, Don Rottinghaus, Seneca, KS. Jr. 3-Yr Old (5) 1. BG-HZ Braxton Lexi, Blaine & Dakota Zapalac, LaGrange, TX; 2. R-John Atwood Annie-ET, Mason Dairy Farm, Kingfisher, OK; 3. Vazdale Apple Kenshayla, Andrea Vaz, Rozwell, NM; 4. Rokeyroad Manoman Exotic-ET, Dwight & Anita Rokey, Sabetha, KS. Sr. 3-Yr Old (5) 1. Rock-Home Gldwyn Allana-ET, Jeff
Koster, Comanche, TX; 2. Tex-Stein Pontiac Grace, Grayson Steinberger, Windthorst, TX; 3. Kingsmill Sanchez Tosha, Mason Dairy Farm, Kingfisher, OK; 4. Plain-O Destry Aspen, Don Rottinghaus, Seneca, KS. Intermediate Champion On-Cloudnine Absolut 136-ET Res. Intermediate Champion Rock-Home Gldwyn Allana-ET 4-Yr Old (12) 1. MDF Sanchez Racey, Alan Dykshorn, Ireton, IA; 2. Vazdale Ross Mireya, Andrew Vaz, Hobbs, NM; 3. Hoff-Hill Marion Reagan, Adam Hoff, Windthorst, TX; 4. Royalty Dundee Cerana, Mason Dairy Farm, Kingfisher, OK. 5-Yr Old (9) 1. Schillview Gold Goldanne, Velson & Osinga,Hico, TX; 2. Savage-Leigh Shottle Lea-ET, Rokey & Benfer, Sabetha, KS; 3. Tex-Stein Master Lisette, Grayson Steinberger, Windthorst, TX; 4. Plain-O Champion Emily-ET, Rottinghaus Holsteins, Seneca, KS. Aged Cow (11) 1. Hoff-Hill Dur-Emory Sassy, Adam Hoff, Windthorst, TX; 2. Tri-Day Scherazade-ET, David Day, Bolivar, MO; 3. Sco-Lo Damion Harp, Cael, Chase & Caden Cannon, IA; 4. Castleholm Allen Raina, Mason Dairy Farm, Kingfisher, OK. 150,000 lb Cow (1) 1. Miss-Long-Green Alarm-ET, Brittany George, Baldwin City, KS. Sr. & Grand Champion Hoff-Hill Dur-Emory Sassy Res. Sr. & Grand Champion MDF Sanchez Racey HM Grand Champion On-Cloudnine Absolut 136-ET Best Bred & Owned Hoff-Hill Dur-Emory Sassy Best Three Females 1.David Day, Bolivar, MO Premier Breeder Tex-Stein Dairy, Windthorst, TX Premier Exhibitor Tex-Stein Dairy, Windthorst, TX Breeder’s Showcase David Day, Bolivar, MO Herdsman Award Robthom Farms, Springfield, MO John Cooper Award Roy Buessing, Axtell, KS
2014 Southern Spring National Grand & Res. Grand Champion
2014 Southern Spring National Herdsman - Robthom Farm
2014 Southern Spring National Grand & Res. Intermediate Champion
2014 Southern Spring National John Cooper Award - Roy Buessing
2014 Southern Spring National Grand & Res. Junior Champion
2014 Southern Spring National Premier Breeder & Exhibitor- Tex-Stein Dairy
2014 Oklahoma State Sale
Selling for $10,000 was MDF Sanchez Racey. Selling for $9,000 was MDF Acme Breezed-ET
The interest in high-quality Registered Holsteins was very evident at the 2014 Oklahoma State Sale held April 11 in Stillwater. After a furious day of bidding, 81 live lots went through the day ending with an average of $3968. Topping the sale at $10,000 was MDF Sanchez Racey. Consigned by Glen Longhorn, IA, Alan Dykshorn, Ireton, IA chose this silky white Sanchez from the Audrey Posch family. Two fancy 2013 September heif- Selling for $9,000 was an added lot, Doubleers sold for $9,000. An Acme daughter Eagle Luna-Red of former Southern National Grand MDF Guthrie Roxy 83. This beautiful Champion, RF Outside Breeze-ET 2E- uddered Guthrie from 15 EX dams was 95 was the pick of Mark Erdman, IL. consigned by Kristen Meyer and NorAlso at $9000, Jayden Pritchett of Rose, man Bayless, Okarche, OK. OK added Double-Eagle Luna Red-ET At $6,100 was Farnear-TBR Atwood to her showstring. This fancy red heif- Pom-ET. A fresh Atwood from the Pledge er had just won the Fall Heifer Class family, she was consigned by Andrew & at the Mid-East Spring National R&W Lyn Buttles, Lancaster, WI and was the Show. She was consigned by Borba and choice of Boyd & Amy Schaufelberger, Schirm, Laudonville, OH. Greenville, IL The next high selling animal at The sale was sponsored by the Okla$6,500 was headed to Missouri as Nel- homa Holstein Association and was coson Hostetler, Louisburg, MO selected managed by Dykshorn Sales Service.
KDA Names New Executive Director
After working in the dairy industry for 22 years, Stephanie Eckroat has been named the Executive Director of the Kansas Dairy Association. She was the manager of the Fort Hays State University Dairy Farm for 17 years and managed the cows and taught classes during that time. In addition, she created a mobile milking display that traveled around Western Kansas teaching children how to milk a cow. This mobile display helped children learn the importance of farming and agriculture as well as talking about nutrition. For 17 years, Eckroat was in charge of the milking demonstrations at the Kansas State Fair. This gave children as well as adults the opportunity to ask a “real” dairy farmer questions about cows and milk. The demonstrations were a direct collaboration between Kansas Dairy, the State Fair, Fort Hays State University and Eckroat. She completely loved doing them and will miss them terribly. According to her, “The opportunity to with Kansas Dairy gave me the connection to working for them now and for that I am so grateful.” Eckroat lives on a small farm in Victoria where she is 4-H leader for the Bits N Spurs. In addition her family is very active in their church Parish. MSHN, June 2014- PAGE 7
Spring Show Winners Discuss Their Champions The June Roundtable celebrates the spring show season. Featured are David Day, Bolivar, MO; John Denbigh, Columbia, MO; Leo Hoff, Jr, Windthorst, TX; John Koster, Comanche, TX; and Dwight Rokey, Sabetha, KS. Share some info about your show winning animal. What is her pedigree/production? Do you have any offspring? Are you flushing her? Is she homebred or purchased? Day: Our heifer that was Junior Champion (Aragorn Made you Look) is a Patience Sholine Contender out of a VG-86 Dundee and then an excellent Ransdell Christine Conclusion followed by an EX-92 Dreamstreet Odyssey that is the foundation of my current herd. All but 4 animals here trace to her maternally or paternally or both to the Odyssey daughter. Our winning junior and senior best threes at Stillwater were all direct maternal descendants. Made you look is serviced to Scratchwell Rooney-Red who is also descended from our Odyssey cow Denbigh: Radine Damion Margie-ET born 3-16-08 and is VG-87. Margie is a daughter of the Goldwyn Model cow. The University purchased embryos out of Model from the Borman family. We have attempted flushing Margie, but with no success. She does have a 2yr old Krusader daughter. Margie’s best record to date is 3-8 365 25,147M 3.6F 912 3.2P 804. Foremost Dairy Research Center is home to 177 Holsteins and 28 Guernsey cows. The Holstein herd average is 23,898M 921F and 728P. Full time employees include Richard Myers and Grey Battershell as milking staff, Joe Ancell handles repairs, Eric Adkins Research/Herdsman and John Denbigh Farm Manager. As the case with most University herds, we not only care for the cattle, but we are involved with Teaching, Research and Extension activities. We also try to be involved in community service events. Hoff: Hoff-Hill Dur-Emory Sassy EX-94 is a double homebred animal. Her sire is a Durham son from an EX-93 Emory. Her dam is an unscored Alamo daughter. Sassy calves back every 11 months and has records around 30,000M. She has a December 2013 Atwood daughter that we are pretty excited about. Koster: Klassens Sanchez Trixie was bought at the Klassen’s dispersal sale as a bred heifer. She is a Sanchez out of a Sky Fame out of a Progress. She calved twice with two bull calves. We did not flush her. She scored 91 at 3.10 years. Rokey: ON- Cloudnine Absolut 136-ET, we gave her the name Camry. Camry is owned in a four way partnership between (Dwight and Anita Rokey, Leigha Rokey, Jody Goodman, and Hannah Stiener. She is an Absolute Daughter from EX 92 Starfire from EX 92 Kite Caramac. Fresh at 2-4 her last test she had 90lbs with a 4.4 PAGE 8 - MSHN, June 2014
Hoff-Hill Dur-Emory Sassy
Radine Damion Margie-ET
fat 3.2 protein. Camry freshened in with a Redburst bull. We have one pregnancy. (GoldChip) She is serviced to Armani with plans to IVF her once after she is pregnant. Camry was purchased at the Oklahoma State Sale in 2013 as a bred heifer. We acquired her dam from Devon Benfer after he had flushed her as a heifer. Camry is a maternal sister to the 2013 All-American red and white milking yearling. Rokeyroad Benfer Redman Cutie-ET. What are some of her past show winnings? Day: Made you look was second last year at Stillwater (HM Junior Champion) and junior champion at the 2013 MO state fair. This is only her third show appearance. Denbigh: Margie was Reserve Intermediate Champion of the 2011 Spring show and Reserve Grand for the District that year. She has been more successful in the show ring as a cow than she was as a heifer. Hoff: Sassy has been very successful in the show ring. We began showing her as a 3-Yr Old. She was All-Texas Sr. 3-Yr Old and Intermediate Champion. In 2013, she was All-Texas 5-Yr Old and Grand Champion of the Junior Show. This January just fresh, she was Res. Grand Champion at the Southwest Regional Holstein Show in Fort Worth. Koster: She was 1st 4 year old at the Ft. Worth Stock Show in January 2014 Rokey: The only previous time Camry was shown was the Kansas State Fair where she was the winning Fall Yearling last fall. What are some of her best traits? Day: Her Feet and legs, just try to race her! Denbigh: Her best trait besides her disposition is the deep rib!! Hoff: Her best trait is how easy she is to get ready. With her size and scale, all you have to do to get her ready is let her put milk in her udder. Koster: Her best trait is her dairy strength Rokey: Her overall completeness is what makes her special, but I’d say her frame with her openness and front end. Do genomics have a place in the show ring? Day: I’m sure they do, on the type side they identify tall and skinny which does well in the show ring. I’m not really that knowledgeable on all that, the bulls change so fast that I no longer know pedigrees till they get 3-4 generations back. Denbigh: If the question is; should ge-
nomic numbers determine placing in the show ring, than at this time my answer would be no. Hoff: I hope so. We use genomics. It’s been predicting type pretty good. Atwood was a genomic bull and look how they are turning out. Koster: Genomics do have a place. They are probably more accurate for type than production Rokey: Yes I think they can. A lot of times we think genomics as more on the index side but it also can be helpful with type and the show world. Do you breed for the show ring? What type of bloodlines work best? Day: I breed for DPR followed by components and then strength. I pay no attention to current showring or genomic fads. Our herd is currently bred to Deep-Valley Contender-Red, Sir Browndale Fire-Red and Scratchwell Rooney-Red. Denbigh: We don’t breed for show animals per say. We may try to breed some of our better cows for a March or September calf for example, if we have the opportunity to do so. I would say the Durham bloodlines have had the biggest impact. Hoff: Not really. We breed for good cows and use bulls with good cow families behind them. We hope they might make it to the showring. We’ve had good luck with Durham and Emory bloodlines. Koster: We breed for functional type, not the show ring. Durham and Goldwyn bloodlines work better than Shottle for the show ring. Rokey: Yes I do breed for the show ring. But I like to keep plenty of milk in the pedigree. And every now and then throw in an index bull on the show cows. Durham, Goldwyn, have worked real well. Is there a bull that you feel has been overlooked? Day Entire bloodlines have been left behind that may have had some useful functions. The breed is in need of some strength and fertility injection and less emphasis on dairy, at that this moment. Denbigh: A couple of bulls that seem to be working well for us are Gabor and Atlantic. The Gabor daughters are just solid cows. Not producing the stylish “show cows”, but nice udders and cows you enjoy working with. We just started calving Atlantic daughters. They are a medium size cow for us, good feet and legs and youthful udders.
Klassens Sanchez Trixie 3783
On Cloudnine Absolut 136-ET Hoff: Mich is one bull. He had such great udders, but he died early and there was limited semen available. Koster: I think Gabor might be overlooked a little. He produces good type and shallow udder for a high milk bull. Rokey: Can’t say that I can come up with one right now. Ethics have been a big concern over the years. Do you think show ethics have improved? Day: The ultrasound has leveled it all up and added credibility to the shows. Denbigh: Ethics. I guess if we are talking about it, then it must still be viewed as a problem. We try to display our cows honestly. If they do well great!! We try to enjoy the experience, not only for ourselves but our students as well. Hoff: Yes, they have gotten better, but some places could still use improvement. Koster: Ethics have improved at the National level, not so much at the State level. Rokey: I would at least think or hope they
are improving. People need to really understand they are only hurting themselves spiritually and not helping the breed. You never know who is watching you in the showring or at a show. What is the biggest mistake dairymen make while at a show? Day: Doing or saying anything you wouldn’t repeat on the news. I think this applies at all times on our home operations. If you’re embarrassed if someone saw you do it, don’t do it. Denbigh: Have someone be present with your show string. It’s a good time to interact with the public especially at State Fairs. Koster: The atmosphere is not too kid friendly. A lot of the language and behavior is not that great for our kids. Hoff: With today’s technology, anything you do could be shared on the news or internet. Don’t do anything that you don’t want picked up by the media. It will be bad for our industry. Also, talk to the visitors as they come through the barns. Many people
Arragon Made You Look don’t like to be bothered, but we need to promote dairy. Rokey: Cheating. If you could put one person on the halter of your animal with a chance to win Madison who would it be? Day: I think halter judging isn’t as common as people think. I think any competent showman who can handle the animal will do just fine. Denbigh: Dean Dohle He appears to enjoy showing and gets the most from the cattle he leads. Hoff: I’d like to show my own cows. If I thought my cow was good enough to win, I’d like to be on the halter. Koster: My daughter Katy because she is a good show person. It is a big thrill to see your kids do well in the show ring. Rokey: It’s not all about winning for us. I like to see people lead their own animal. They are the one who owns her and should want to present her the best. I don’t like halter judging.
Re-Elect Roy Buessing to the Holstein USA Board I have enjoyed my past 3 years representing Region 7 on the Holstein USA Board of Directors and appreciate your vote for a 2nd term. Anytime you have a question or would like to discuss Holstein activities, please give me a call.
Roy Buessing Axtell, KS 785.799-4514 pabs@bluevalley.net
MSHN, June 2014- PAGE 9
R. Dale Jones
R. Dale Jones, 83, passed away March 15, 2014, at the Gundersen St. Joseph’s Hospital in Hillsboro, Kansas. He was born March 29, 1930. His mother died after child birth, so he was raised on his grandfather’s farm near Topeka, Kan., by his grandparents, Arly and Lucy Cusic and aunts. After high school, he graduated from the University of Oklahoma, where he also played football. R. Dale then operated a farm in Kansas, where he married Barbara. They had two sons, and later divorced. He later farmed in Indiana, and became involved with a training program on the farm working with Sen. Birch Bayh and involving many Japanese trainees in farming. He also became an honorary member of the Purdue Agricultural Department. After some time, R. Dale was farming near Marshall, Wis., and married Myrna Sue; she later preceded him in death. He was very involved with cattle buying and dairy cattle. He was one of the last surviving members involved with the origination of the World Dairy Expo in Madison. He also was a member of the Wisconsin Holstein Association and the National Dairy Shrine. In 1998, he married Barbara Goodrich and shortly thereafter moved to Hillsboro. He became active in the community, serving as president of the Hillsboro City Council and also was president of Cesky Den for five years. He could also be found with his many friends in the morning at the local café. He enjoyed athletics of many kinds, watching and attending many games over the years and was a supporter of the University of Wisconsin sports and also enjoyed his many friendships over those years. Survivors include his wife, Barbara, of Hillsboro; a son, Robert Dale Jones II in Kansas; and an aunt, Mary Erickson of Antioch, Calif. He was preceded in death by his parents; wife, Myrna Sue; a son, Michael; and five aunts and an uncle. Funeral services were held March 18, at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Hillsboro, with burial in the Greenwood Lutheran Cemetery, rural Hillsboro.
Wilbur Feagan
Wilbur S. Feagan, 100, of Springfield, Missouri passed away March 29, 2014 at his home. He was born September 9, 1913 in Collinsville, IL to George and Dora Skala Feagan. Wilbur graduated from Collinsville High School in 1931, attended St. Louis University for a year before transferring to the University of Illinois where he graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering in 1936. Later Wilbur received his Masters degree in Engineering Management from the University of MO Rolla. Wilbur began his career with the St. Louis Dairy Commission as a farm inspector, later worked as Dairy Plant Engineer and after several years was offered a job as Milk Specialist with the state of Michigan. In 1941, Wilbur moved to Kansas City to work in protecting the public from the harms of raw milk. Following the war, Wilbur became Farm Manager at the Bonne Terre Farming and Cattle Company and then moved to the position of Sanitary Engineer for the Klenzade Company. Following that, he served as Sales Manager for Midwest Creamery and Dairy Supply. Moving to Springfield in 1959, he went into business with Paul Higley and established F&H Food Equipment Company. Wilbur was a member of the St. Louis District Dairy Council, Missouri Dairy Association, Missouri Dairy Products Association, the International Association for Food Protection (sponsor of the Black Pearl Award), Missouri Dairy Fieldman and Sanitarian’s Association, Missouri Society of Professional Engineers and Missouri Dairy Hall of Honors. Wilbur received many awards for his extraordinary commitment, leadership and contributions to these PAGE 10 - MSHN, June 2014
organizations. Wilbur was an Eagle Scout, as well as a Master Mason and member of Abou Ben Adhem Shrine Springfield MO. Wilbur was extremely proud of F&H and the many meaningful business and personal relationships that developed over the years. Wilbur will be remembered for positively impacting the lives of many people throughout his life. His kind heart, passion, determination, loving smile, sense of humor, and caring way will forever be remembered. Until a stroke in December, Wilbur had been driving and going to work daily, said Ed Donnell, who works at F & H Food Equipment Company, in Springfield. He had said that when his own life wound down, his “F & H family” would take care of him, according to Donnell. That is what happened after the December stroke. Although Wilbur had around-the-clock care, which was paid for, Donnell visited daily, as did several other employees. They would take him for drives or take him to lunch I n addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by a brother, Lee Feagan. His wife, Bette Jo McManus Feagan, preceded him in June 2012.He is survived by two step-sons, Mike Chase and Pat Chase; two step-grandchildren, Kelly and Curtis Chase; four step-great-grandchildren; sister-in-law, Mary M. Allen, and several nieces and nephews. Wilbur is also survived by his loving F&H Family. Funeral services were held April 5, 2014 at the Gorman-Scharpf Brentwood Chapel, with burial to follow in Hazelwood Cemetery. Memorials may be made to Boy Scouts of America, Ozark Trails Council, 1616 S. Eastgate Springfield, MO 65809.
Hershel Studdard
Hershel Studdard, 93, passed away March 27, 2014 in Bowie, Texas. He was born November 28, 1920 to Earl and Docia (Faught) Studdard in Wichita Falls, Texas. He served his country in the United States Army in the Philippines and Japan. Hershel married Anna Lee Hefley in 1940 in Fort Worth, Texas. He came to Bellevue and was well-known as a dairyman and lifelong cattleman. Hershel owned and operated Double H Dairy from 1949 to 1971, and retired at the age of 90. He served as a director of the American Milk Producers Incorporated and a representative of the American Federation of Dairymen. He was also a board member of the Dairymen’s Credit Union and Area Farmers Home Administration. In 1998, he married Ruby Deweber. He enjoyed hunting and fishing, and will be remembered of his devoted years of life as a husband, father and grandfather. He was preceded in death by his parents, Earl and Docia Studdard and two brothers. Hershel is survived by his wife, Ruby Studdard of Bellevue; two daughters Nancy Jo McCarty of Bowie and Kay Blancett of Burkburnett, a step-son Tom Deweber of Midway, five grandchildren; six great grandchildren; three great grandchildren and numerous nieces and nephews. Funeral services were March 30 at the United Methodist Church with burial in the Bellevue Cemetery.
Gary Traeger
Gary L. Traeger, 64, of Fairbury, NE passed April 27, 2014. He was born April 5, 1950 at Fairbury, Nebraska to Devo and Velma (Mooren) Traeger. Gary graduated from Fairbury High School in 1968 and from UNL in 1972 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Animal Science. He was a member of the Farmers Co-op Elevator Board, the Extension Board, and the 4-H Council. He was an FFA American Farmer and State FFA Vice-President. He was a long-time member of the Nebraska Holstein Association and served as a Nebraska SE District Holstein Officer. Together with his brother, Dennis operated Traeger Holstein Dairy. Survivors include a son Dana Traeger of Gilead, NE, brother Dennis Traeger of Fairbury, NE and various aunts and uncles. He was preceded in death by his parents.
Right to Farm on the Missouri Ballot
On August 5, Missouri voters will go to the polls to determine the fate of Amendment 1, known as the ‘Right to Farm Bill’. The central theme of Amendment 1 is to protects family farmers and ranchers and ensures that they can pass on their farms to the next generation. The central question from outside of agriculture is what is Amendment 1 and what will it do? Amendment 1, the Missouri Farming Rights Amendment, is a state constitutional amendment to protect family farmers and ranchers. It also protects consumer choice. This amendment is being supported by farmer-led organizations because agriculture is the lifeblood of rural Missouri’s economy and a driving force of the economy on Missouri’s highways, ports, and offices. Family farmers and ranchers work hard to pass their farm on to the next generation and Amendment 1 will help ensure that transition to the next generation by giving farmers and ranchers another “tool in their toolbox” to defend themselves from unwarranted laws and regulations in the future, including ballot initiatives funded by deep-pocketed animal-rights groups. Amendment 1 will not throw out scientifically-based rules and regulations as every right is subject to reasonable regulation and Missouri’s farm families are committed to upholding all laws and regulations pertaining to agriculture. Moreover, by guarding against overly restrictive laws and regulations that limit the ability of Missouri farmers and ranchers to decide what production methods work best for them, Amendment 1 will assure consumers that Missouri farmers and ranchers can provide the choices they want in food and fiber. Missouri’s courts will ultimately determine the scope of Amendment 1, but this amendment gives farmers and ranchers a degree of protection that they do not have now and that they need for future protection. Costly ballot initiatives that promote unreasonable and unnecessary laws and regulations are designed to drain agriculture’s resources and mislead the public. Endorsed by Missouri Farmers Care and agricultural organizations and leaders across the state, Amendment 1 will protect family farms from outside spread interests that want to hard Missouri agriculture. For more information, visit MoFarmersCare.com
Dairy Shrine Names Heisner Guest of Honor
National Dairy Shrine (NDS) is pleased to announce the winners of the Guest of Honor, Distinguished Dairy Cattle Breeder, Pioneer, Progressive Dairy Manager and Graduate Dairy Production awards for this year. These awards were designed to honor past, present and future dairy industry leaders that have contributed to strengthening and energizing the dairy industry. Bernard Heisner is the Guest of Honor, the highest award from the National Dairy Shrine. This award goes to an individual that has had a dramatic impact on the dairy industry and its future. Bernard “Bernie” Heisner, the General Manager of COBA/Select Sires has had a preeminent role in dairy industry not only for his company but for many allied industry organizations. During his over 20 year association with COBA, the company has grown to over 24 million dollars in sales and 130+ full time employees. COBA offices have also been utilized by the American Guernsey Association, Ayrshire Breeders Association, DHI Cooperative, Inc., Purebred Publishing and National Dairy Shrine as headquarters over the years. Bernie has served the industry in many roles and shared his communication and writing skills with numerous dairy groups. Mr. Heisner has previously received recognition from the Ohio State Fair, Ohio 4-H Leadership Award, Ohio PDCA, The Ohio State University Dairy Service Award, Red & White Dairy Cattle Association and the National Dairy Shrine 4-E Award. Bernie Heisner has truly shaped the future of the dairy industry with his great passion for dairy people and cows. The NDS Distinguished Dairy Cattle Breeder is the Paul Chittenden Family from Schodack Landing, New York. The Chittenden Jersey herd carries the Dutch Hollow prefix and is known worldwide for producing high quality genetics and cattle with the popular polled gene. Through an anonymous selection committee, Alton Block, David Gibson, Charles Knigge, Marlowe Nelson and Russell Wirt have been selected as National Dairy Shrine Pioneers. The NDS Progressive Dairy Producers selected for this year are Amanda Stiles Lutz, Chester, South Carolina in the small herd division and Peter Dueppengeiser, Perry, New York in the large herd division.
Missouri Passes Dairy Legislation
Missouri is the first state to pass landmark dairy legislation that enhances the dairy title provisions of the recently passed federal Farm Bill. The Missouri General Assembly approved provisions of the “Missouri Dairy Revitalization Act of 2014”, with strong bipartisan support, in Senate Bill 506, sponsored by Senator Brian Munzlinger, by a vote of 26-0 in the Senate and House Bill 1326, sponsored by Representatives Casey Guernsey and Bill Reiboldt, by a vote of 101-38 in the House. The bills now await the signature of Missouri Governor Nixon to become law. The act requires the Missouri Department of Agriculture to establish a dairy producer insurance premium assistance program for producers who participate in the federal margin protection program for dairy producers. Participating producers shall be reimbursed for 70% of their federal premium payment.
Further, this act establishes the Missouri Dairy Scholars Program. This program makes available 80 scholarships at $5,000 each toward tuition at any college or university in Missouri for students in agriculturerelated degree programs that make a commitment to work in the agriculture industry. Additionally, under this act, the University of Missouri’s commercial agriculture program shall conduct an annual study of the dairy industry and develop a plan for how to grow the dairy industry in Missouri. “Concern for job stability and economic activity in Missouri were the driving forces for support of these dairy provisions,” says Larry Purdom, president of the Missouri Dairy Association (MDA). “A University of Missouri study showed in 2011 that Missouri’s dairy product manufacturing industries directly employed 5,515 workers with a total state payroll of $258 million. Missouri’s dairy manufacturing plants produced an estimated $4.4 billion worth of dairy products.
Join the top dairy leaders of tomorrow. APPLY NOW!
Class 9 will meet February 25 - 28, 2015 and February 24 - 27, 2016 in Phoenix, Arizona. APPLICATIONS ARE DUE BY AUGUST 1, 2014.
Create your leadership oasis in Phoenix, Arizona. For more information and class 9 applications, go to
MSHN, June 2014 - PAGE 11
Juniors - Jot it Down... Southern Spring National Jr Show April 10, 2014 - Stillwater, OK Judge: Jeff Brown, Ohio
Junior Champion 1st Winter Yearling, Mt-Ararat Goldwyn Ebrill-ET Alyson Philips, Lingleville, TX Res. Jr Champion 1st Fall Yearling, BG-HZ Braxton Laci Kaylie & Dakota Zapalac, LaGrange, TX Best Bred & Owned, Heifer Sandy-C Durable Ruby, Jacy Carpenter, Earth, TX Intermediate Champion 1st Sr. 2-Yr Old, Lin-Crest-HBD Braxton Faye Taylor Leach & Annie Holton, Linwood, KS Res. Intermediate Champion Budjon-JK Sid Erabella, 2nd Sr. 2-Yr Old, Jeff Koster, Comanche, TX Senior & Grand Champion 1st Aged Cow, Hoff-Hill Dur-Emory Sassy Adam Hoff, Windthorst, TX Res. Sr. & Grand Champion 2nd Aged Cow, Sco-Lo Damion Harp Cael, Chase, Caden Cannon, IA Best Bred & Owned Hoff-Hill Dur-Emory Sassy, Adam Hoff, Windthorst, TX Junior Showmanship Brandon Rokey, Sabetha, KS Intermediate Showmanship Kaylie Zapalac, LaGrange, TX Senior Showmanship Dakota Zapalac, LaGrange, TX Judy Collinsworth Award Liza Vander Laan
Grand & Reserve Grand Champions
Intermediate & Reserve Int. Champions
All-Texas Junior Show
Junior Champion 1st Winter Yearling, Mt-Ararat Goldwyn Ebrill-ET Alyson Philips, Lingleville, TX Res. Jr Champion 1st Fall Calf, Budjon-JK Total Essence-ET Makayla Osinga, Hico, TX Intermediate Champion 1st Sr. 3-Yr Old, Rock-Home Goldwyn Allana Jeff Koster, Comanche, TX Res. Intermediate Champion 1st Sr. 2-Yr Old, Bayless Sanchez 1538 Jeff Koster,Comanche, TX Grand Champion 1st 4-Yr Old, JMK Gabor 9680, Jeff Koster, Comanche, TX Res. Grand Champion 1st 5-Yr Old, Cee-Acre Master Joan, Jeff Koster, Windthorst, TX Best Bred & Owned Hoff-Hill Durham Gina, Adam Hoff Junior Showmanship Esmae Velsen Senior Showmanship Alyson Philips
Future Junior
Congratulations to Ryan & Kayla Bodenhausen of Muscotah, Kansas on the birth of their daughter Brinley Faith on May 19. Proud grandparents are Mike and Linda Bodenhausen PAGE 12 - MSHN, June 2014
Junior & Reserve Junior Champions
Judy Collinsworth Award Right: Best Bred & Owned
Missouri Spring Junior Show Junior Champion & Grand Champion 1st Fall Heifer, Golden-Dream Abe Ribbonet Dalton Smith, Rolla, MO Res. Jr Champion & Res. Grand Champion 1st Spring Yearling, Golden-Dream Abe Jasmin Dalton Smith, Rolla, MO Intermediate Showmanship: Thomas Ley Senior Showmanship: Meagan Ley
Reaching Their Max!
Tasha & Annie both scored VG-89 (first lactation) in April. It’s the highest score possible!
2nd Jr. 3-Yr Old, Southern Spring National 2014 Due in December 1. (Atwood from an EX-91 Dundee)
MDF GOLDWYN BREEZER 40-ET VG-88 EX-MS Sold for $25,500 in the 2014 JK-Stranshome Luau II
2-02 365 3X 27,600 3.5 959 2.9 803 Due Sept. 1 to Atwood (Sanchez X 2E-91 Roy from the Tobi family)
A Goldwyn from Breeze, we sold her in the 2011 Oklahoma State. She had developed into quite a nice cow. Watch out for our September 2013 Goldwyn daughter of Breeze. She is growing and developing well.
MS MDF DEMPSEY 110 4th Fall Calf at the 2014 Southern Spring National
A Dempsey granddaughter of Amlaird Lee Alice EX-94. Owned with David Jones.
CASTLEHOLM ALLEN RAINA NOW EX-93-2E - 15th Generation EX! Her 1st Milking Daughter: MDF BRAXTON 82-ET VG-86@2Yr
This Spring Jason Ewing joined Mason Dairy Farm as the herdsman. He has done a great job. In addition, he brought along U-WING DESTRY TATUM, the Res. Intermediate Champion at the 2013 Mid-East Fall National. TATUM EX-92 is just fresh with a Damion heifer and looks awesome. Watch for her this fall! BAA: 107.4 70 EX 220 VG 201 G+
Mason Dairy Farm Todd Mason
ph: 405-408-8941
Jason Ewing, herdmsan
Kingfisher, Oklahoma MSHN, June 2014 - PAGE 13
Celebrating Our Champion al tion a N g prin unior S n J ther pen & u o O S 2014
mpi Cha
Grand Champion 2014 Southern Spring National Grand Champion 2014 Southern Spring National Jr Best Bred & Owned 2014 Southern Spring National All-Texas 5-Yr Old, All-Texas 4-Yr Old & All-Texas Sr. 3 Grand Champion, 2013 All-Texas Junior Show Intermediate Champion, 2011 All-Texas Show Thank you to everyone who has helped us get Sassy ready the past few years. We’ve had a lot of fun! Thanks to all the well-wishes and congratulations. Breeding such a homebred champion has been a tremendous honor. Sassy has a December 2013 Atwood daughter that we are excited to watch develop.
April 2014 Classification Highlights:
Hoff-Hill Marion Reagan EX-92 (3rd 4-Yr Old, Southern Nat’l) Hoff-Hill Durham Gina EX-92 (All-TX 150,000 Cow) 8 New Excellents! Several high scoring 2-Yr Olds, including VG-87 Durham
Hoff Hill Holsteins
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Leo, Jr & Donna Hoff, Hilary, Nicole & Adam P.O. Box 185 - Windthorst, Texas 940-423-6342 - 940-733-3511 cell
MSHN, June 2014 - PAGE 15
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2014 Arkansas Membership Directory John Beeman 22438 Harper Ln, Gentry, AR 72734, 479-736-2485 cbeeman4@centurytel.net Monica Colbert 17243 Hwy 412, Alpena, AR 72611 870-437-2448 Crawley’s Valley View Farms LLC 13585 Crawley Road, Gravette, AR 72736 479-291-4552 tlcrawley@centurytel.net Fisher Dairy 232 Ridge Road, Beebe, AR 72012 501-412-5973 milkcow7@yahoo.com Fulacre Dairy Farm Inc 17243 Hwy 412, Alpena, AR 72611 870-437-2448 David Fultz 17243 Hwy 412, Alpena, AR 72611 870-437-2448 Green Acres Dairy 260 Hwy 25N, Greenbrier, AR 72059 501-679-2406 greenacresdairy@hughes.net Jim Griffin 15542 Logan Cave Road, Siloam Springs, AR 772761 479-736-2574 ozarkacres@earthlink.net
Thursday, June 19 Dairy Camp
Kenneth Hall 173 County Line Road, Clinton, AR 72031 501-745-7577 Wade Hall 962 Austin Road Clinton, AR 72031 501-454-7806 Marvin Helms 939 Helms Road, Arkadelphia, AR 71923 870-246-5462 Doug Herbaugh 11124 Keller Road, Centerton, AR 72719 479-633-1607 Dr. Wayne Kellogg 709 Maria, Springdale, AR 479-756-6965
Bill Smith 4791 Tippitt Road, Carlisle, AR 72024 870-854-3157 billinda@ipa.net James A. Smith 4735 Tippitt Road, Carlisle, AR 72024 501-743-1205 msmith1615@earthlink.com Randy Spears 19194 West Hwy 16, Fayetteville, AR 72704 479-841-7390 Bob Spears 13360 Rheas Mill Road, Farmington, AR 72730 479-267-3913 nspears@cox.net
Doyne Potts 890 Leonard Street, Batesville, AR 72503 870-793-2776
Jim Summerfield 24954 Hunters Road, Gravette, AR 72736 479-291-4683 appleglen3@aol.com
Juanda Prelle 24916 Hunters Road, Gravette, AR 72736 479-291-4532 ld.fowler@yahoo.com
Brandt Tencleve 6251 E State Hwy 197, Scranton, AR 72863 479-774-1124 brandttencleve@yahoo.com
April Quattlebaum PO Box 337, Grady, AR 71644 870-850-8800 qcrestholstein@yahoo.com
Bruce Tencleve 13008 Cherry Laurel, Little Rock, AR 72211 501-312-0787 bruce.tencleve@arft.com
Mike & Shelly Quattlebaum PO Box 337, Grady, AR 71644 870-850-8800 qcrestholstein@yahoo.com
Tim Tencleve 5218 E. State Hwy 197 Scranton, AR 72863
25th Annual 4-State Dairy Days Bentonville, Arkansas
Friday, June 20 1:00 Ark. Dairy Ambassador Contest 3:00 Dairy Skill-A-Thon 6:00 Quiz Bowl Contests 6:30 Dinner 7:00 Cattle in Place 7:30 Dairy Olympics 8:00 Ice Cream Social
Saturday, June 21 7:30 8:30 – 9 9:00 Noon 12 - 2:30 1:00 3:00 5:00 6:00
Breakfast Dairy Judging Registration Dairy Judging Contest Lunch Silent Auction Select Dairy Heifer Sale Senior Fitting Contest Dinner All Showmanship Contests
Sunday, June 23 7:30 Devotional & Doughnuts 8:30 Breed Show Begins Lunch Pizza All Cattle Released After Show MSHN, June 2014- PAGE 17
2014 Kansas Membership Directory Darren Benfer 1032 4th Road, Longford, KS 67458 785-388-2063 dgbenfer@eaglecom.net
Dallas Burton PO Box 7, 5001 SE, Dupont, Berryton, KS 66409 785-379-9774 dallasburton@msn.com
Devon Benfer 1891 N 180th, Concordia, KS 66901 785-243-4766 Mike Bodenhausen 2545 294th Road, Muscotah, KS 66058-2283 785-872-3185 mbodie1@hotmail.com
Ed Call 2121 Meadowlark Road, Apt. 229 Manhattan, KS 66502-7503
Ryan Bodenhausen 8593 Bourbon Road Muscotah, KS 66058 785-872-3197 bode_21_04@yahoo.com David Bogner 19019 S Haven Road Haven, Kansas 67543 316-650-5554 bogs5@pixius.net
John Carlin 1208 Wyndham Heights Dr., Manhattan, KS 66503 Carmichael Farms Rex Carmichael 9542 N 135 St W, Sedgwick, KS 67135-9649 Coe Dairy Farm Kyle Coe 1127 286th Road, Soldier, KS 66540 785-834-5147 Delmar Conner 1240 17th Road, Lyons, KS 67554
Phineas D. Borntrager 23444 NW Indiana Road, Welda, KS 66091 785-448-2728
Andrew Deters 3038 Ridge Road, Vermillion, KS 66544 785-382-6884
Alford-Bray Dairy Mike & Sherrien Bray 967 E 1500 Road, Lawrence, KS 66046 785-843-5595
Vernon & Marion DeWerff RR 2 Box 142, Ellinwood, KS 67526
Brent Buessing 2130 E Road, Baileyville, KS 66404 785-336-2496 buessing4@hotmail.com Buessing Dairy Roger & Roy Buessing 1083 29th Road, Axtell, KS 66403 785-736-2766 pabs@bluevalley.net R & R Dairy Russ & Margie Bunnel 16118 SW Maryland Road, Welda, KS 66091 785-448-2465 bunnelfamily@terraworld.net Nick-Hol Farm Kenneth Burgess PO Box 225, Nickerson, KS 67561 620-422-3802 nick-ayr-hol@hotmail.com
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Seth DeWerff 218 SE 100 Avenue, Ellinwood,, KS 67526 Wayne DeWerff 218 SE 100 Avenue, Ellinwood, KS 67526 620-564-3644 Dick Dunham 2412 Rogers Blvd, Manhattan, KS 66502 Kerri Ebbert 10015 Flush Road Saint George, Kansas 66535 kansasholstein@gmail.com Kalli Ehrhardt 2730 Baldwin Mill Road Baldwin, MD 21013 785-760-3450 cowgirlup_kalli@hotmail.com Anthony Enneking 972 80th Road Centralia, KS 66415 785-336-1090 mcnkey_poo_09@yahoo.com
David & Ilene Enneking 972 80th Road, Centralia, KS 66415 Doug & Lois Enneking 2808 N Road, Bern, KS 66408 785-336-2315 Thomas Enneking 972 80th Road Centralia, KS 66415 785-336-1090 ennekingtj11@gmail.com Lauren Enns RR 3 Box 20, Hillsboro, KS 67063 Caleb Ernzen 21761 Millwood Road Easton, KS 66020 913-683-8648 calebernzen@yahoo.com Brian Fast 18419 West Dutch Avenue, Moundridge, KS 67107 620-543-2668 Kevin Fast 16334 West Dutch Avenue, Moundridge, KS 67107 620-386-4306 Robert Fast Dairy Robert Fast 17901 West Dutch Avenue, Moundridge, KS 67107 620-345-8483 Doug Fellers Plum Street, Hays, KS 67601 Kurtis Forsberg 2444 E Mentor Road, Assaria, KS 67416 Foster Dairy Gary & Lynda Foster 1037 Hwy 39, Fort Scott, KS 66701 Daniel Friedrich 431 N Lincoln, Erie, KS 66733 620-244-5103 Al Funk 14629 206th Street, Nortonville, KS 66060 913-886-7161 alinda@embarqmail.com
Eugene George 918 E 1500 Road, Baldwin City, KS 66006 785-843-9466 bcle06@sbcglobal.net Mike & Doug Gudenkauf Nemaha Valley Holsteins 2204 J Road Seneca, KS 66538 785-294-0578 Do-Have Farm Donald Haverkamp 1827 US 75 Hwy, Fairview, KS 66425 785-467-8177 Mervin Headings 2401 West Mills Avenue, Hutchinson, KS 67501 620-662-6286 Melvin Heiman Farms, Inc Melvin Heiman 423 132nd Road, Baileyville, KS 66404 785-336-6538 David & Jennifer Helm Helm Dairy Farm, LLC 30368 207th Street Easton, KS 66020 913-683-5733 Wayne Hermesch 1353 136th Road, Seneca, KS 66538 Holton Brothers Dairy, LLC Kevin Holton 20720 Kansas Avenue, Tonganoxie, KS 66086 913-369-3115 HBDHLFPNT@aol.com Jesse & Joel Houk CAJ Dairy Farms 16733 K-16 Hwy, Oskaloosa, KS 66066 785-863-2318/2431/2913 cajdairy@yahoo.com Kansas Dairy Association Stephanie Eckroat 729 Pfeifer Ave Victoria, KS 67671 785-623-9566 s_eckroat@hotmail.com Brian Kaufman 1789 Buckskin Road, Moundridge, KS 67107-7487 620-345-6409
Warren Kaufman 661 18th Avenue, McPherson, KS 67460 620-345-8510 wjkaufman82@hotmail.com Carol Keen 765 E 1375 Road, Lawrence, KS 66046 785-843-7068 ckeen@kumc.edu Klassen, Inc. Dale Klassen 922 E 240th, Hillsboro, KS 67063-3390 620-947-3383 kdklassen@dtnspeed.net Tim Klipp Four Streams Dairy, Inc. 2962 26th Road, Hanover, KS 66945 785-337-2541 tjklipp@diodecom.net K Bar S Farms Gene Knackstedt 675 Chisolm Road, Inman, KS 67546 620-585-6778 K Bar S Farms Kendall Knackstedt 730 Chisholm Road, Inman, KS 67546 620-585-6563 KBLT@LRmutual.com Lincrest Farm Rob Leach PO Box 117, Linwood, KS 66052 785-691-8015 lincrest@embarqmail.com Lin-Lea Farms, Inc. William Leavitt 6238 Powell Road, Mound City, KS 66056 913-795-2878 wleavitt@kanza.net Lehman Farms, LLC Brent Lehman 5309 Meridian Road, Newton, KS 67114 620-327-2119 Lehman Farms, LLC Byron Lehman 5308 Meridian Road, Newton, KS 67114 620-327-2158 Arnold Lohmeyer 1221 Second Road, Palmer, KS 66962
Robert Lowe 3717 Wattles Road, Prescott, KS 66767 913-471-4603 Lawrence Mayer 98325 S. Gypsum Valley Rd, Gypsum, KS 67448 McCarty Family Farms, LLC 2231 Co Rd 31 Rexford, KS 67753 785-465-9002 McCarty Family Farms, LLC Bird City Dairy 2231 Co Rd 31 Rexford, KS 67753 785-465-9002 McCarty Family Farms, LLC Scott City Dairy 2231 Co Rd 31 Rexford, KS 67753 785-465-9002 Norman Meng 1517 210th Road, Troy, KS 66087 785-985-3779 Chuck Mueller 15126 W US 50, Halstead, KS 67056 316-835-2401 chu.ruth-mue@juno.com Donald Mueller PO Box 62, Tampa, KS 67483-0062 785-965-7153 mueller@tctelco.net Ronald Mueller 202 W 2nd, Tampa, KS 67483 785-965-2652 Laverne Myers 1089 Eden Road, Abilene, KS 67410 785-949-2454 David Myers 1089 Eden Road, Abilene, KS 67410 785-479-2285 Keith Olson 278 S 1000 Road, Alta Vista, KS 66834-9407 785-499-6862 Jim & Ethan Pauly 22601 W 71st Street S, Viola, KS 67149 620-545-7586
Phillips Family Dairy George Phillips 21763 W4 Road, Holton, KS 66436-8456 785-935-2310 Frank Pretz 35105 Moonlight Road, Osawatomie, KS 66064 George Pretz 33961 Cedar Niles Road, Paola, KS 66071 913-294-9122 pretz007@hotmail.com
Dee Ann Shuck 4727 Georgia Terrace, Ottawa, KS 66067 lendee@kitusa.com Cynthia Siemens 9911 SW 36th, Halstead, KS 67056 316-835-2897 cindy_siemens@cargill.com David Siemens 524 Santa Fe, Halstead, KS 67056 316-835-2270
Ben Robinson 21182 Millwood Road Easton, KS 66020 913-306-2430 Ben.Holly@dishmail.net
Sterk Dairy Kent Sterk 470 E 130th, Newton, KS 67114 620-367-2643
Rokeyroad Holsteins Dwight Rokey 2021 F Road, Sabetha, KS 66534 785-284-2669
Timberview Farms Clinton, Curtis, and John Strahm 1732 208th Road, Bern, KS 66408
Jerry Rottinghaus 1005 Castle, Seneca, KS 66538 Walter Rottinghaus 1055 168th Road, Seneca, KS 66538 Rottinghaus Holstein Farm David Rottinghaus 2161 L Road, Seneca, KS 66538 785-336-3993 Don Rottinghaus PO Box 262 Stilwell, Kansas 66085 913-685-4879 Joshua Rottinghaus 505 Amador Seneca, KS 66538 620-952-1354 Joe Schmitz 2912 Limestone Road, Axtell, KS 66403 785-736-2226 schmitz@bluevalley.net
Strickler Dairy Steve Strickler PO Box 365, Iola, KS 66749 620-365-2009 Prairie Sun Holsteins Doug Unruh 6917 N Oliver Road, Walton, KS 67151 620-837-4985 Hendrika Vos 506 EF Road, Cedar Point, KS 66843 620-274-4230 Kevin Winter 2364 Hwy K 15, Hillsboro, KS 67063 620-947-3429 WW Associates Jeff Woods 222 North Midvale Blvd, Madison, WI 53705
Richard Scoby 1702 Graceland Drive, Sabetha, KS 66534 785-284-3512 Robert Seiler 13501 W 85th N, Valley Center, KS 67147 316-796-0173
MSHN, June 2014- PAGE 19
2014 Missouri Membership Directory Northeast Central District
Eric Adkins 4200 E. Lang Drive, Columbia, MO 65202 573-819-8585 adkinse@missouri.edu *Will Harlan & Judy Borman 4704 County Road 240, Kingdom City, MO 65262 573-642-2767 judyborman@gmail.com Alfred Brandt 269 Swan Creek Lane, Linn, MO 65051 573-897-2120 abrandt@osageconnect.net *Kelsey, Lindsey, & Samuel
John & Beverly Denbigh 9617 W. Hwy 40, Columbia, MO 65202 573-445-1275 denbighj@missouri.edu Derek England RR1 Box 101, Edina, MO 63537 660-397-4101 der-e-land@hotmail.com *Tom, Dan, John Kate Geppert 5803 Redwing Drive, Columbia, MO 65202 573-814-3148 dkgeppert@mchsi.com *Sophie Mike Hackmann 10220 Hwy D, Marthasville, MO 63357 636-433-2494 *Nora, Joseph *Joe & Ava Hackmann 16360 Hwy O, Marthasville, MO 63357 Larry Hoelscher 5410 Wardsville Rd, Jefferson City, MO 65101 573-645-4646 larry.hoelscher@kofc.org Loren Huber Rt 1, Box 1-H, Baring, MO 63531 660-892-1308 Wayne Kleekamp 6099 Evergreen Lane, Villa Ridge, MO 63089 636-742-4981 Michael Leinbach 17344 Brookside Lane, Barnett, MO 65011 573-378-4575
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Bruce Lenz 22480 Gilbreath Rd, Prairie Home, MO 65068 660-427-5386 Chris Lenz 21335 Reavis Woods Rd, Prairie Home, MO 65068 660-427-5482 cjmslenz@gmail.com *Jake, Rosie
Lynnford Oberholtzer Rt. 1, Box 3, Rutledge, MO 63563 660-883-5610 Roy & Daisy Parsons 229 Purina Drive, Gray Summitt, MO 63039 636-742-6673 rodapar@netzero.net
David & James Lenz 16039 Lone Grove, Bunceton, MO 65237 660-427-5476 delenz@iland.net
James Penn 702 E Randolph Street Edina, MO 63537 660-342-0250 james.penn@usbank.com Daryl & Crystal Rademacher 1484 Hwy Y, Owensville, MO 65066 573-437-6565 crystal7@fidnet.com *Colton, Mackenzie, Harm
Richard & Ann Lenz 625 Sonya Dr, Boonville, MO 65233 660-537-0181 * Meagan & Thomas Ley 4095 Kopp Lane, Washington, MO 63090 636-390-3704 * Alicia & David Ley 2462 Four Mile Rd, Washington, MO 63090 636-239-2767 williamley@charter.net * Emma Liermann 18200 Suncrest Lane, Marthasville, MO 63357 363-932-4164 LongView Animal Nutrition Center Christopher Joslin 100 Danforth Dr., Gray Summitt, MO 63039 636-742-6151 cjoslin@landolakes.com Ammon Martin Rte 3, Box 100-A Memphis, MO 63555 660-216-6750 Dennis Martin RR3, Box 78, Memphis, MO 63555 660-216-0048 oaktop@nemr.net Wilson Martin RR2 Box 165-2, Memphis, MO 63555 660-216-3558 Missouri Dairy Association 1954 Sumter Ridge Ct, Chesterfield, MO 63017 636-519-9300 dairystl@aol.com Anthony Musser Rt 1, Box 134, Mt. Sterling, IA 52573 660-341-4643
Keith Schwinke 1019 El Dorado Drive, Jefferson City, MO 65101 573-619-4523 kschwinke@alltech.com Barry Steevens 134 ASRC; UMC Dairy Extension, Columbia, MO 65211 573-882-3459 steevensb@missouri.edu University of Missouri 9601 W Hwy 40, Columbia, MO 65202 573-445-4009 denbighj@missouri.edu Ray Zerr 8759 Co. Rd. 151, Williamsburg, MO 63388 573-254-3568
Northwest District
Dallas & Debby Cornelius 2700 NE St. Rt. Z, Easton, MO 64443 816-667-5692 dcornelius@bbwi.net *Holly Hardy Farms 12170 June Dr., Browning, MO 64630 660-244-3542 pahardy@grm.net *Colton, Tawnya, Laura, Derrek Northwest Mo State University 800 University Ave, Maryville, MO 64468 660-562-1097
South-Central District
Richard & Shirley Best 6340 Lilly Rd, Houston, MO 65483 417-967-2465 bsunrise@centurytel.net Carol Brooks 8569 Gourley Rd., Mountain Grove, MO 65711 417-926-3258 Charles & Susan Brooks 8613 Gourley Rd., Mountain Grove, MO 65711 417-926-7407 sbrooks13@lycos.com *Charles II, Amanda Darriel & Debra Brooks 24728 Upton Dr., Richland, MO 65556 417-532-9769 4brooksdairy@centurylink.net Heinz & Vroni Buff RR 1, Box 422, Ava, MO 65608 417-683-4978 hvbuff@hughes.net *Sandra & Kathrin James & Novalee Coats 10901 Lone Pine Rd., Mountain Grove, MO 65711 417-926-4753 Tom & Karen Coats 9902 Willow Rd, Mountain Grove, MO 65711 417-926-5028 klcoats5@gmail.com *Whitney Jeff Conrad 905 Potters Road Willow Springs, MO 65793 617-816-7975 jeffrey.a.conrad@me.com Candy Durst 3126 E Valley Watter Mill, Apt 205 Springfield, MO 65803 417-260-0439 candyld@yahoo.com Crissy Durst 7126 Hwy M, Huggins, MO 65484 417-217-2143 candyld@yahoo.com Gus Durst 7600 Hwy. M, Huggins, MO 65484 417-926-3301 Tom & Becky Durst 7600 Hwy. M, Huggins, MO 65484 417-926-3301
Loren & Michelle Eilenstine 840 Hwy AD, Mountain Grove, MO 65711 417-926-2679 Mramaeker@yahoo.com * Kutler, Chase Don Ely 6693 Ely Road Hartville, MO 65667 417-830-7530 Phillip & Nancy Hamner 905 Potters Rd, Willow Springs, MO 65793 417-962-5941 golden96dream@hotmail.com * Desirae Hickernell 1979 Hwy HH Salem, MO 65560 573-453-2293 love-mee29@yahoo.com Wesley Lebahn 2423 Clouse Rd, Mansfield, MO 65704 417-924-2044 wpleb5@getgoin.net *Jordan Joe McClellan 3577 Co Rd 5360, Willow Springs, MO 65793 417-469-4279 jmcclellan@centurytel.net *Audrey, Katelyn, Hope Travis & Sheryl McGowan Rt 2 Box 437, Norwood, MO 65717 417-746-4151 tnsdairy@centurylink.net *Ty, Emma, Max, Ella, Hunter Cody Nelson PO Box 69, Mountain Grove, MO 65711 417-926-9521 *Hunter Justin Nelson PO Box 69, Mountain Grove, MO 65711 417-926-9521 Michael & Gail Newton 4048 Newton Pass Rd, Mansfield, MO 65704 417-741-6671 minewton@wildblue.net Ted & Pam Probert 3845 Hwy AB, Mansfield, MO 65704 417-924-8574 probertt@missouri.edu Jodi Schmidt 12300 County Rd 5300, Rolla, MO 65401 573-247-1864 docsmith@embarqmail.com *Dalton Smith
Tommy & Andrea Scrivner Rt. 1Â Box 425, Ava, MO 65608 417-683-6684 scrivnerfamily@centurytel.net *Kylie, Zach, Jacob Ron & DyAnna Shaver 5048 Fox Hollow Rd., Norwood, MO 65717 417-746-4342 shaverside@hotmail.com Sheldon Shaver 5048 Fox Hollow Rd., Norwood, MO 65717 417-746-4342 shaverside@hotmail.com Leland & Sandy Thornhill 8101 Thornhill Dr., Mountain Grove, MO 65711 417-926-4015 leland015@centurytel.net Tim Thornhill 8101 Thornhill Dr, Mountain Grove, MO 65711 417-926-4015 Patty Thornhill Pena 8101 Thornhill Dr, Mountain Grove, MO 65711 417-926-4015 Ed Wittorff Rt 1 Box 351-B, Ava, MO 65608 417-683-9187 edwit1@yahoo.com
Southeast District
David & Cathy Hemmann 11797 US Hwy 61, Jackson, MO 63755 573-859-7213 gotmilkh@showmenet.com *Emma Lohmann Farms LLC 1342 PCR 330, Perryville, MO 63775 573-824-5826 lohmannfarms@hughes.net Melinda (Schoen) Morrison 373 Goldfinch Lane, Perryville, MO 63775 573-986-8095 lennie_33@hotmail.com John Schoen 447 Co. Rd. 519, Oak Ridge, MO 63769 573-833-6417 schoenfarms@hughes.net *Corvin Marvin Schoen 339 Co. Rd. 519, Oak Ridge, MO 63769 573-833-6939 Matthew Schoen 12259 Hwy 61 Oak Ridge, MO 63769 573-833-6417 * Corvin
Schoen Farm 447 Co. Rd. 519, Oak Ridge, MO 63769 573-833-6417 Cliff Strieker 1310 Cherokee, Jackson, MO 63755 573-243-1969 cstrieker_kaba@yahoo.com
Southwest District
Ryan & Mary Angleo 10957 North Farm Road 235 Fair Grove, MO 65648 417-880-5732 * Mikala, Lexi, Hunter *Cheyene Anderson 4986 Long Hwy Y Conway, MO 65632 417-838-3613 Boyd Brothers 1851 Hwy KK, Bolivar, MO 65613 417-777-1775 Trevor Cantrell 1863 Cass Road Niangua, MO 65713 417-473-6731 cantrelldairy1@gmail.com Bob & Geraldine Cook 950 Box School Loop, Seymour, MO 65746 417-935-4446 Greg & Jacque Cook 1342 Box School Loop Seymour, MO 65746 417-935-4022 rgcook@centurytel.net Ernest & Mary Cowherd 6923 FR 2115, Purdy, MO 65734 417-442-3369 ecowherd@leru.net Tim & Nikki Crawley 25141 Austin Road Gravette, AR 72736 479-291-4552 tlcrawley@centurytel.net *Jessica & Brittany
Marc & Michelle DeLong 1642 Crumpley Drive Marionville, MO 65705 417-466-5436 Ron & Patty DeLong 1094 Elm Springs Rd, Marionville, MO 65705 417-258-7550 Earl Dotson 24462 Lawrence 2160, Marionville, MO 65705 417-861-2189 sundotnic@aol.com Jule & Judy Dotson 15573 Lawrence 1230, Marionville, MO 65705 417-689-2187 judydotson@hughes.net T. Jason Ewing 4784 State Hwy PP, Fordland, MO 65652 417-689-2016 uwinggen@aol.com Tim Ewing 4784 State Hwy PP, Fordland, MO 65652 417-818-6455 uwingholsteins@aol.com Jessica Gatton-Dixon 19220 Hwy J, Conway, MO 65632 417-844-7217 jessicagattondixon@live.com Nathaniel & Rose Graber 3095 Lawrence 2090, LaRussell, MO 64848 417-246-5749 Jim Griffin 15542 Logan Cave Road Siloam Springs, AR 72761 479-736-2574 ozarkacres@earthlink.net *Julie
Jerry & Jeff Cruise 656 Cave Spring Road Rogersville, MO 65742 417-859-4889 Jeff@illicoinc.com
James, Karla & Ashley Grimm 16512 Lawrence 1210, Aurora, MO 65605 417-258-7761 karlagrimm61@yahoo.com Brad & Gail Groves 2937 State Hwy 413, Billings, MO 65610 417-744-2085 GrovesView@gmail.com *Taylor, Kiera
Lance Davidson 7353 E. Farm Rd 84, Strafford, MO 65757 417-736-2574 lankatdav82@att.net David Day 4394 S 60th Road Bolivar, MO 65705 715-205-0931
Lonnie Groves 3394 State Hwy 413, Billings, MO 65610 417-744-2017 Todd & Sheila Groves 143 Barnett Rd, Billings, MO 65610 417-258-2384 groveskaye@gmail.com *Brittany, Grant, Bailey, Patrick & Samantha MSHN, June 2014- PAGE 21
Joe Hilgenberg 19640 Heron Drive Neosho, MO 64850 417-455-9014 Nelson Hostetler 2380 E 368th Rd, Louisburg, MO 65685 417-327-7001 * Hannah Jackson 16505 Bethel Heights Gentry, AR 72734 843-452-3755 Dallas Kirby 9052 N. Kirby Ln, Fair Grove, MO 65648 417-759-7447 Matthew Kirby 9052 N. Kirby Ln, Fair Grove, MO 65648 417-759-7447 Stanley & Debbie Kirby 9052 N. Kirby Ln, Fair Grove, MO 65648 417-759-7447 debbie_kirby@sbcglobal.net Eric & Mary Ling 5268 East Pacific St, Springfield, MO 65802 417-880-9939 eric.robthom@gmail.com *Faith Janice Ling 4612 E. Farm Rd. 116, Springfield, MO 65802 417-880-7754 janice.robthom@gmail.com Monica Ling 4538 E. Farm Rd 116, Springfield, MO 65802 417-880-8646 monica.robthom@gmail.com *Monique Turner Knial (Allen) & Jennie Manes 928 S Fremont Springfield, MO 65804 417-862-6189 jjjm33@aol.com Scott & Leah Maples 4400 St Hwy M, Clever, MO 65631 417-369-3333 leahmaples@centurytel.net *Kyle & Nick Martin & Meyer David Martin & Cody Meyer Route 2, Box 48 Humansville,MO 65674 417-428-3457 martinpfarms@hotmail.com Allen Miller 3610 Hwy 96, LaRussell, MO 64848 417-437-5825 PAGE 22 - MSHN, June 2014
Mike Monger 16877 Hwy A, Phillipsburg, MO 65722 417-589-2077 Rich Morgan 6849 E. Morgan Ln, Joplin, MO 64804 417-781-4391 Paul & Melinda Needham 1666 E. 405th Rd., Bolivar, MO 65613 417-326-5838 Michael Nelson 9015 Orchard Road Grovespring, MO 65662 417-531-0830 vicki097@centurytel.net *Stephen Leslie Parrigon 7267 Lawrence 2140, Stotts City, MO 65756 417-285-6315 Robert & Janice Perry 7770 W. Farm Rd. 156, Republic, MO 65738 417-861-5958 perrydale@tahighspeed.com Steve & Doug Probert 511 S 3rd, Jasper, MO 64755 417-394-2057 probertcr120@hotmail.com Larry & Alice Purdom 10786 Farm Rd 1075, Purdy, MO 65734 417-442-3846 Autumn Roller 10786 Farm Rd 1075, Purdy, MO 65734 417-442-3846 Ray Schooley 470 Forest Dr., Marshfield, MO 65706 417-859-2594 rayschooley@centurytel.net Elizabeth Wright Short 2338 Farm Rd 1090, Monett, MO 65708 417-235-7681 shortstories@sbcglobal.net Janine Staiger 411 E. Purdy St., Billings, MO 65610 417-744-4318 holsteinstaiger@aol.com John & Jane Staiger 2344 Staiger Rd, Billings, MO 65610 417-258-7292 the6js@mowisp.net
Richard & Joanne Stehle 41210 US Hwy 160, Theodosia, MO 65761 417-785-4426 vj.stehle@gmail.com Ted & Charity Stuber 2533 St. Hwy F, Niangua, MO 65713 417-473-6813 Amos Swartzentruber 5919 Lawrence 1195, Miller, MO 65707 417-461-5088 Dannie & Brenda Thomas 989 Pierce Rd, Billings, MO 65610 417-744-4463 thomasdairyx3@netzero.net *Chase Lexie Thompson E5861 Old Town Hall Road, Reedsburg, WI 53959 608-477-3499 lexie.thompson@wi.usda.gov Marianna Thomson 4803 E. Farm Rd 116, Springfield, MO 65802 417-862-0629 robthom77@yahoo.com Mark Thomson 4803 E. Farm Rd 116, Springfield, MO 65802 417-839-9798 robthomholstein@gmail.com Dr. John Underwood PO Box 633, Sparta, MO 65753 417-278-2308 montvic_246@hotmail.com Jeff & LeeAnn Wantland 1491 Macedonia Rd, Niangua, MO 65713 417-872-6124 katiew635@gmail.com *Katie, Ellie, Lila * Bailee Whitehead 4986 Long Hwy Y, Conway, MO 65632 417-838-3613 whiteheaddairy@gmail.com Wayne Whitehead 6161 State Hwy Y, Conway, MO 65632 417-589-6114 wjwhfarm@msn.com Karl Wilke 7482 Lawrence 2150, Mt. Vernon, MO 65712 417-669-4859 Mike & Tina Wilson 10628 Iris Rd, Neosho, MO 64850 417-451-7236 miwilfarms@yahoo.com
Shannon Wilson - Kleiboeker 17077 Lawrence 1030, Wentworth, MO 64873 417-737-2876 shannonkleiboeker@hotmail.com *Colton Rhonda Purdom Windes PO Box 12, Washburn, MO 65772 417-826-5028 George & Betty Wright 316 State Hwy N, Clever, MO 65631 417-743-2715 Larry & Jodi Wright 11449 Lawrence 2220, Verona, MO 65769 417-743-2921 jwright@missouriholstein.com *Lora, Blake Mark Wright 2070 Steeplechase Ct, Nixa, MO 65714 417-725-7898 * Whitney Yerina 15823 Merchant Drive Phillipsburg, MO 65722 Fred & Diane Zell 465 Zell Rd, Billings, MO 65610 417-744-2055 fdzell@aol.com Craig & Kelsey Zydenbos 10725 County Rd 10, Sarcoxie, MO 64862 417-207-0797 kelsey.robthom@gmail.com
West Central District Roger Bennett 312 SW 5th Street, Blue Springs, MO 64014 816-699-0070 rc.bennett@yahoo.com Crystal Chamberlin 24501 Hi Lonesome Rd, Cole Camp, MO 65325 660-668-3987 chilltop@iland.net Mark & Gwen Chamberlin 24501 Hi Lonesome Rd, Cole Camp, MO 65325 660-668-3987 chilltop@iland.net Leslie Moreland Culpepper 28918 Hala Lane, Harrisonville, MO 64701 816-806-5382 Betty Davis 12232 Davis Rd, LaMonte, MO 65337 660-347-5397
Melody Moreland Dickerson 20382 Hwy EE, Lucerne, MO 64655 660-748-5366 moremel@rocketmail.com *Adeline, Gretchen, Charlie Jeanette King 430 NW Rte K, Butler, MO 64730 660-679-4669 jkingxrep@yahoo.com Rick King 3188 NW Co Rd 5001, Butler, MO 64730 660-200-5315 rking@adrianbank.com Neil & Lorraine Longan 24920 Oakgrove Lane, Sedalia, MO 65301 660-620-5562 *Blake Tom & Sandra McMullin 25659 Bothwell Park Rd, Sedalia, MO 65301 660-826-3297 tsmac@iland.net Kelly Moreland Melzer 22215 S. Jefferson Pkwy, Harrisonville, MO 64701 816-289-3589 *Case, Molly, David Jay & Brenda Moreland 21601 E 227th St., Harrisonville, MO 64701 816-884-3697 moremom4@gmail.com Jayme Moreland 828 Pin Oak Dr, Harrisonville, MO 64701 816-804-3264
Marilyn Moreland 21101 E 225th St., Harrisonville, MO 64701 816-380-4504 moremarilyn@socket.net Mike & Heather Moreland 20901 E 225th St., Harrisonville, MO 64701 816-887-2286 morelandm1@gmail.com *Austin & Blake
Southern National Shots
Lynn Morgan Rt. 3, Box 185, Butler, MO 64730 660-679-5808 lypaul56@hotmail.com O-Rich Dairy 30288 Pacific School Rd, Mora, MO 65345 660-668-4583 ordairy@gmail.com Sherri Moreland Peters 18515 Briar Lane, Holt, MO 64048 816-635-3727 smorepeters@gmail.com *Jacob, Karlin Ed & Sue Ann Steele 3673 NW State Route 52, Butler, MO 64730 660-679-4477 holstein1955@gmail.com
2014 New Mexico Membership Directory John Breedyk 7150 Vineyard, Dexter, NM 88230-9637 505-734-6729
Tim & Austin Hyde 3040 Rio Hondo-9, LaMesa, NM 88044 575-526-6951
Glenell Loper 6510 McNutt Rd, Santa Teresa, NM 88008 575-874-3156
Buster Goff 11015 North Goff Place, Hobbs, NM 88240 505-392-3745
Heath Haedge 14225 SM 2303, Stephenville, TX 76401 817-449-9346
Jordan & Beverly Pareo. 1433 Hwy 304, Veguita, NM 87062 505-864-8103
Jason Goff 11015 North Goff Place, Hobbs, NM 88240 505-390-7489
Ron Jones 52 Carlos Martinez Rd, Vequita, NM 87062 505-864-0607
Kimberly Pravda 190 BO 37, Willard, NM 87063 505-384-0713
George Knight, Jr., 626 E Crockett Rd, Lovington, NM 88260 505-396-0581
Albin Smith 506 State Road 467, Clovis, NM 88101 505-760-9649
Doug & Irene Handley 1201 NM 202, Texico, NM 88135 575-683-0001 Douglas B. Handley. 1461 CR 6, Clovis, NM 88101 575-683-5398
MSHN, June 2014- PAGE 23
2014 Nebraska Membership Directory Kathy Andelt 1665 Old Cheney Rd Pleasant Dale, NE 68423 402-641-7390
Richard & Jennifer James 64614 716th Rd Verdon, NE 68457 402-883-2725
Dennis Traeger 56530 Hwy 8 Fairbury, NE 68352 402-729-2986
Willis Armbrust 16571 Nina Circle Omaha, NE 68130 402-334-5747
Erin & Nancy Marotz 1135 Rd 10 Mead, NE 68041 402-624-2112
Eric Villebro 2469 Buckingham Rd-2A Fremont, NE 68025 402-727-0887
Robert Beavers 708 Rd Y Carleton, NE 68326 402-356-4751
Kevin & Leah Marotz 56371 848th Rd Hoskins, NE 68740 402-565-4402
Michael & Kelly Vitosh 2120 W Walnut Rd Odell, NE 68415 402-766-3811
Russell & Lori Bryant 13003 Hwy 36 Omaha, NE 68142 402-238-2066
Randy & Julie Meier 6409 N Quandt Rd Grand Island, NE 68801 308-387-6913
Robert Weise 57275 718th Rd Jansen, NE 68377 402-300-0767
Adam & Brooke Engleman 71555 Hwy 103 Jansen, NE 68377 402-754-4555
Betty & Tyler Mohr 12101 Pawnee Rd Omaha, NE 68142 402-238-2305
Kevin Wilshusen PO Box 24 Hordville, NE 68846 402-757-3393
Dean & Ann 71465 Hwy 103 Jansen, NE 68377 402-754-4611
The Muellers Vi-View Farm 27268 Rd 14 Hooper, NE68031 402-654-3575
Janet Winter 56995 713th Rd Fairbury, NE 68352 402-729-5707
Brandon Esau 4036 Baldeagle Drive Manhatten, KS 66502 402-806-5787 Brett Esau 10377 W Juniper Rd Beatrice, NE 68310 402-520-9100 Don & Jane Esau 22383 SW 103rd Rd Beatrice, NE 68310 402-228-0264 James Hamm 2612 E Linden Drive Beatrice, NE 68310 402-228-0453 Nicole Hans 601 Emerson Ave Wynot, NE 68792 605-760-4745 Larry Henke 10946 W Aspen Rd Clatonia, NE 68328 402-989-5055 Doug & Linda Hodorff N832 Hwy W Eden, WI 53019 920-477-2481
PAGE 24 - MSHN, June 2014
Gary & Diane Ossenkop 15252 E A Street Lincoln, NE 68520 402-540-2968
Dan & Steve Wolfe 2017 23rd Rd Kearney, NE 68845 308-234-1318
Randall Pedersen 86460 520th Ave Royal, NE 68773 402-893-5501 Greg Racicky 78074 Elk Creek Rd Mason City, NE 68855 308-732-3263 Joyce Racicky 78074 Elk Creek Rd Mason City, NE 68855 308-732-3263 Pam & Randy Schweitzer 828 S 7th Broken Bow, NE 68759 308-872-2166 Todd Serr 93075 Sand View Rd Newport, NE 68759 402-832-5521 Dana Traeger 56530 Hwy 8 Fairbury, NE 68352 402-724-2986
2014 Midstates Dairy Classic June 18-21, 2014 Beatrice, Nebraska For more information contact: Diane Ossenkop 402-540-2968
2014 Oklahoma Membership Directory Norman Bayless Rte. 1, Box 56, Gage, OK 73843 580-334-5289
Stan Covey 6350 S 446 Road, Rose, OK 74364 918-479-8501
Mason Dairy Farm 26289 N 2845 Road, Kingfisher, OK 73750 405-375-3553
Anita, Eric & Wilma Vander Laan 21349 CR EW 181, Frederick, OK 580-335-2269
Walter Bloom (COBA/SS) P.O. Box 144, Tuttle, OK 73089 405-381-2951
Do-Be Holstein Farms 521 County Road 1360, Chickasha, OK 73018 405-222-0363
Tom & Angie Meyer Rte. 4, Box 166B, Okarche, OK 73762 405-298-0082
Shannon & Dorene VadeerLaan 21360 CR EW 181 Fredrick, OK 73542
Don Borneman 17455 SW 89, Union City, OK 73090 405-381-2951
J.A. Fergueson 10085 Lake West Rd, Boswell, OK 74727 580-566-2611
Brett Morris P.O. Box 182, Ninnekah, OK 73067 405-222-2678
Ray Borneman 960 S Manning, Union City, OK 73090 405-483-5501
J.G. Fergueson. 10062 Lake West Rd, Boswell, OK 74727 580-566-2586
Oklahoma State University, 103 Animal Sci Dept., Stillwater, OK 77075 405-372-8272
Tony & Lee Ann Bowman 341401 E 5300 Road, Glencoe, OK 74032 405-338-8692
Leslie & Taylor German 15808 E 80th, Cushing, OK 74023 918-225-6427
OSI Agri-Services, S-2 Dairy P.O. Box 1999, McAlester, OK 74502 918-423-4700 ext 230
Brad Brainard 4100 North Hwy 132, Enid, OK 73703 580-855-2619
Nate Goldenberg 2714 Val Verde Road McGregor, TX 76657 817-848-9125
Owen, Justin 23737 24th St, Purcell, OK 73080
Bill & Pat Bugg Rte. 1, Box 44, Hennessey, OK 73742 405-853-2726
Bobby Griggs 610 Morningside Dr., Seminole, OK 74868 405-382-3338
Donny & Sherry Chapman 8619 E 116, Perkins,OK 74059 918-372-4338
Bill & Shirley Grooms Rte. 1, Box 156, Westville, OK 74965 918-723-5154
Dale Chupp 8464 W 580 Road, Inola, OK 74036 918-543-6652
Jim Grooms Rte. 1, Box 156, Westville, OK 74965 918-723-5154
Stanley Chupp 8470 W 580 Road, Inola, OK 74036 918-638-1157
Johnny & Carol Hanna 5601 S 446 Rd, Rose, OK 74364 918-479-5715
Abe & Trish Cobb Rte. 3, Box 110, Perkins,OK 74059 918-374-2723
Earnest Gene Hall, Jr 346494 E 760 Road Cushing, OK 74023
Coblentz Farm 1907 S 438 Road, Pryor, OK 74361 918-825-2058 Brock Conkling 14306 Hwy 412 E Rose, OK 74361 918-698-1600
Gary & Chandra Hawk 2027 N 2750 Road Hennessey, OK 73742 Steve Koelsch 5500 E 550 Locust Grove, OK 74352 918-479-3745
Wegener Dairy Farm 743 CR 1150, Minco, OK 73059 405-352-5129 Erich Wehrenberg 10175 N 2760 Road Loyal, OK 73756 Barbara & Bryon Yeoman 11296N 2920 Road, Dover, OK 73734 405-828-4338 Robert & Cathy Yeoman 11296N 2920 Road, Dover, OK 73734 405-828-7128
Steve & Sandy Pope 4429 East 710 Road, Loyal, OK 73756 405-729-4662 Richard & Jayden Prichett PO Box 292, Rose, OK 74364 Bryan & Reanna Reedy 740712 S 3450 Road Agra, OK 74824 Dr. Curtis Richardson Rte. 4, Box 484, Stillwater, OK 77075 Kevin & Mason Rickner 34626 E W86 Chandler, OK 74854 405-258-2976 Jeff Schenk 521 County Road 1360, Chickasha, OK 73018 405-222-0363 Jon & Tami Tollenaar 6992 State Road 78 Hendrix, OK 74741 918-684-2389
VadeerLaan Honored by OSU Dairy Club
Anita VadeerLaan of Frederick, OK was named the 2014 Honorary Dairy Science Club Member at April 11, 2014 at the Southern National Steak Dinner in Stillwater. She was honored for all her volunteer efforts with the club.
Brad Unrau 3649 N 435, Pryor, OK 74361 918-825-4484
MSHN, June 2014- PAGE 25
2014 Texas Membership Directory Frans Beukeboom 3541 CR 336 Dublin, Texas 76446
Mike Engle 2857 CR 106 Nacogdoches, Texas 75965
Fabian Almeida 5620 Woodard Ave Cleburne, Texas 76033
Jennifer Elliott Iley 1404 Westwood Court Stephenville, Texas 76457 254-485-8629
Wade Bingham 295 Hill County Road 1418 Grandview, Texas 76050 Joe D Brand 8709 Blessen Road Amarillo, Texas 79119 Ethan Campbell 1637 CR 312 Cleburne, Texas 76031
Stanley Haedge Kow-Castle Holsteins 1265 CR 540, Hico, TX 76457 254-965-2109 Gerard Hoekman 693 Hwy 591 Dublin, TX 76446 325-667-7902
Elwyn Liggett 519 Liggett Rd Bellevue, TX 76228 940-928-2380 Linquinda Dairy 769 PR 973 Dublin, Texas 76446 Joseph Osinga Overside Holsteins 136 CR 231 Hico, TX 76457 254-965-2318 Overstreet Dairy 3364 FM 392 Chilicothe, Texas 79225
JoAnn Hoff 12141 W FM 174 Windthorst, TX 76389 940-423-6430
Kevin & Alyson Philips P.O. Box 22 Lingleville, TX 76461 254-485-9999
Leo Hoff, Jr. Hoff-Hill Holsteins P.O. Box 185 Windthorst, TX 76389 940-423-6482
Mike Schreiber Skeet-Bottom Dairy 1120 Schreiber Rd, Windthorst, TX 76389 940-423-6973
Kainer Dairy 3000 West Sedan, Weimer, Texas 78962 979-263-5330
Lawrence Schroeder P.O. Box 115, Windthorst, TX 76389 940-423-6765
Daisy Farms 4482 Hwy 24 Paris, Texas 75462
Dustin Kirkpatrick P.O. Box 734 Godley, TX 76044 817-309-2408
John & Steve Denton Den-Tex Dairy 626 W Denton Rd, Axtell, TX 76624 254-822-1852
John Koster JMK Holsteins 11000 Hwy 16, Comanche, TX 76442 254-879-2650
Chad Steinberger Tex-Stein Dairy P.O. Box 68, Windthorst, TX 76389 940-423-6288
Capstone Farm PO Box 141 Scotland, Texas 76379 Randy Carpenter 547 CR 625 Earth, Texas 79031 COBA/Select Sires PO Box 1739 Van, Texas 75790 Ted Conrady 1159 C Bar Road Windthorst, Texas 76389
2014 All-Texas Winners
Winter Calf: Kow-Castle Shot Finish, Kow Castle Holsteins, Hico Fall Calf: Budjon-JK Total Essence-ET, Makayla Osinga, Hico Summer Calf: Luncrest Atwd Missu 1543-ET Esmae Velsen Spring Yrlg: JMK Oneshot 1929, Alyson Philips, Lingleville Winter Yrlg: MT-Ararat Goldwyn Ebrill-ET, Alyson Philips Fall Yrlg: Overside Well Rholonda, Makayla Osinga, Hico Junior Champion: Mt-Ararat Goldwyn Ebrill-ET Jr. Best Three: John Koster, Comanche Futurity: Bayless Sanchez 1538, Jeff Koster, Comanche Jr. 2-Yr Old: Tex-Stein Atwood Kaliana, Tex-Stein, Windthorst Sr. 2-Yr Old: Budjon-JK Sid Erabella, Jeff Koster, Comanche Jr. 3-Yr Old: Ms Madisons Glory, Joseph Osinga, Hico; Sr. 3-Yr Old: Tex-Stein Pontiac Grace, G. Steinberger, Windthorst Intermediate Champion: Tex-Stein Pontiac Grace 4-Yr Old: Klassens Sanchez Trixie 3783, John Koster, Comanche 5-Yr Old: Tex-Stein Master Lisette, G. Steinberger, Windthorst Aged Cow:Curtis Haven Rebecca D374, Osinga & Velsen, Hico 150,000 lb Cow: Hoff-Hill Durham Gina, Adam Hoff, Windthorst Sr. & Grand Champion: Klassens Sanchez Trixie 3783 Best Bred & Owned: Tex-Stein Sanchez Chanaye Best Three Females: Tex-Stein Holsteins Dairy Herd: Tex-Stein Holsteins Premier Breeder: Tex-Stein Holsteins Premier Exhibitor: Tex-Stein Holsteins PAGE 26 - MSHN, June 2014
Robert Steinberger Tex-Stein Dairy P.O. Box 56, Windthorst, TX 76389 940-423-6288 Roel & DeeDee Stoker 9543 FM 913 Stephenville, Texas 76401 Jerry Vieth 655 Munchrath Rd, Windthorst, TX 76389 940-423-6374 Scott Vieth 357 Berend Rd, Windthorst, TX 76389 940-423-6804 Frank Wolf 18504 FM 172 Scotland, Texas 76379 Dakota & Kaylie Zapalac 8228 Abbotts Grove School Rd, LaGrange, TX 78945 979-561-8502 Henry & Betty Zapalac 9132 Abbotts Grove School Rd, Schulenberg, TX 78956 979-561-8788 Henry Zapalac, Jr. 6137 Schilhab-Bottom LP Schulenberg, TX 78956 940-423-6404 Karen Zijlstra 6849 CR 132 Godley, Texas 76044
2014 Reserve All-Texas Winners
Res. Winter Calf: Overside Carnival Lylie, Esmae Velsen, Hico Res: Fall Calf: Fine&Peachy Atwoods Tease, A. Philips, Lingleville Res: Summer Calf: Tex-Stein Brax Kylie, Gage Steinberger, Windthorst Res. Spring Yrlg: JMK Gold Chip 1924, Jeff Koster, Comanche Res. Winter Yrlg: Tex-Stein Magnus Landis, Gavin Steinberger, Windthorst Res. Fall Yrlg: Sipka Destry Sheba-ET Kenton Carpenter, Earth Res. Junior Champion: Budjon-JK Total Essence Res. Futurity Hoff-Hill Apple Lacy-Red, Adam Hoff, Windthorst Res. Jr. 2-Yr Old: Hoff-Hill Durham Jeanie, A. Hoff, Windthorst Res. Sr. 2-Yr Old: Tex-Stein Atwood Shameirah, Gage Steinberger, Windthorst Res. Jr. 3-Yr Old: Skeet-Bottom Edward 565, Mike Schreiber, Windthorst Res. Sr. 3-Yr Old: Wilonna Contender Alison-TW, Lindsay Mitchell Res. Intermediate Champion: Ms Madisons Glory Res. 4-Yr Old: Tex-Stein Sanchez Chanaye, Grayson Steinberger, Windthorst Res. 5-Yr Old: Tex-Stein Master Leasia, Grayson Steinberger Res. Aged Cow: Hoff-Hill Dur-Emory Sassy, A. Hoff, Windthorst Res. Sr. & Grand Champion: Tex-Stein Sanchez Chanaye
Brett Morris
Ninnekah, Oklahoma
Ed & Sue Ann Steele 3673 NW State Rd 52 ph: 660-679-4477
Jeanette King 430 NW Rt K ph: 660-679-4669
Rick King 3188 NW Co Rd 5001 ph: 660-200-5315
Jay & Mike Moreland Harrisonville, Missouri - 816-884-4598
David: 785-336-1543
Walt: 785-336-2681
For Sale:
Embryos — Bulls — Heifers Check out our web site: www.rottinghausholsteins.com
M-6 Dairy Farm LLC Tom & Angie Meyer Megan, Lauren, Joshua & Kristen Okarche, Oklahoma 405-263-4920
Strickler Holstein Farm, LLC The Strickler Family PO Box 365 - Iola, Kansas 66748 620.365.2009
BUGG’S DAIRY FARM ‘You’re always welcome at the Bugg House’
Bill & Pat Bugg 8254 N 2810 Road Hennessey, OK 73742 405-853-2726
Tony - 417.838.3613 Wayne - 417.840.1526 Bailee - 417.268.7693
MSHN, June 2014- PAGE 27
DATES TO REMEMBER June 18-21 June 20-22 June 25-28 July 18 July 28 August 15 August 22 Sept. 8 Sept. 26 Sept. 30- Oct. 4 Oct. 11
Beatrice, Nebraska Midstates Dairy Classic Bentonville, Arkansas 4-State Dairy Days Dubuque, Iowa National Holstein Convention Verona, Missouri Missouri Holstein Field Day Springfield, Missouri SW District Show & OEF Show Sedalia, Missouri Missouri State Fair Holstein Show Grand Island, Nebraska Nebraska State Fair Holstein Show Hutchinson, Kansas Kansas State Fair Holstein Show Tulsa,Oklahoma Tulsa State Fair Holstein Show Madison, Wisconsin World Dairy Expo Hutchinson, Kansas KS Fall Holstein & Jersey Sale
Borman Farm ......................................................... IBC Buessing, Roy........................................................ 9, 28 Buggs Dairy Farm ..................................................... 28 Groves-View Farm ............................................. 15, 27 Hoff-Hill Holsteins..................................................... 14 JMK Holsteins.............................................................3 Klassen Dairy ........................................................... 27 M-6 Dairy.................................................................. 27 Martin Prairie Farms................................................. 28 Mason Dairy Farm..................................................... 13 Moreland Farms ....................................................... 27 Morrisland Holsteins.................................................. 27 Robthom Farm........................................................ IFC Rockwin Dairy .......................................................... 28 Select Sires............................................................... BC Select Sires MidAmerica ............................................ 28 Steele & King Farms ................................................. 27 Strickler Holsteins .................................................... 27 Underwood, Dr. John...................................................1 Whitehead Dairy ...................................................... 27 Wrightvale Farms...................................................... 14
Roy Buessing
Region 7 Holstein Director 1083 29th Rd, Axtell Ks. 66403 785.736.2766 cell:785.799.4514 pabs@bluevalley.net
m a rt i n p r a i r i e fa r m s I n c o r p o r at e d
David Martin & Cody Meyer
For Sale
Registered Breeding Bulls, AI Sired & Quality Springer Heifers Contact: Cody Meyer: 573.259.6558 Humansville, Missouri
Breeding Age Bulls for Sale Todd 417-880-7012 Brad 417-224-1427
Select Sires Mid-America For all your Select Sires needs in Missouri, contact:
173 County Line Rd - Clinton, Arkansas 72031 501-745-7577 (office) 501-940-9711 (mobile) PAGE 28 - MSHN, June 2014
Dan Busch, Warrenton, MO
Kent Daniels, Neosho, MO
Matt Drake, Freeman, MO
Cliff Strieker, Jackson, MO
Dazzling Dora
ce r and Bru e Grabe s o Sale R te & ta l oma S athanie h N la k to O s r k Than asing ou nton and for purch asey Cla K to ounty s Tencleve k n Clinton C ts. Tha r n u . e o m g n in ig ll for you rchas cons ey do we ng for pu th e e M p o th h e Kenn ents. We onsignm Classic c
3-08 331 2X 35,044 4.1 1445 3.1 1074 (Sanchez X 2E-93 Durham) Due June 21 to G.W. Atwood Dora’s Daughters: Radine Sid Daria 2-02 145 2x 13,067 5.0 647 3.0 395 Inc Due Jan. 1, 2015 to G.W. Atwood Radine Armani Design, sweet Summer Yrlg born 6/2013
PBR - 15 yrs Progressive Genetics - 16 yrs
BORMAN FARM 4704 County Rd 240, Kingdom City, MO 65262
Harlan & Judy, 573-642-2767 judyborman@gmail.com Tim & Kelly, 573-826-0803 tborman20@gmail.com Kate & Sophia, 573-808-5607 dkgeppert@mchsi.com
Small photos (l to r): Luck-E Guthrie Kleopatra (VG-86), Matt Engel, Hampshire, IL, Herges; Roquet Jasmine Sanchez-ET (EX-91-EX-MS), Arethusa Farm LLC, Litchfield, CT; Warmka Sabathia 1186 (VG-85), Erik, Carrie, Brad & Danielle Warmka, Fox Lake, WI, Erbsen. Large photos (l to r): Ladys-Manor Gc Tonya (VG87), Ladys Manor LLC, Monkton, MD, Heath and BVK Atwood Andrea-ET (EX-92-EX-MS), R. and S. Allyn, J. Lloyd & M. Heath, Canaan, CT, Fisher.
Whether you are looking for show-winning style or functional Type, Select Sires is the place to go. With 10 elite sires over +3.00 for Type you are sure to find sires that fit your breeding program. These elite sires include the breed’s No. 1 for Type, G W ATWOOD, and a hot new release, GOLD CHIP. Contact your Select Sires representative to order these outstanding Type sires!
Type +4.66 +3.86 +3.70 +3.70 +3.19 +3.17 +3.10 +3.02 +3.01 +3.00
UDC +3.51 +2.68 +1.97 +3.31 +2.83 +2.61 +2.54 +2.60 +2.03 +2.81
All bulls on this page qualify for export to Canada. USDA-CDCB/HA Genomic Evaluation 04/14.
FLC +3.74 +2.36 +2.30 +3.16 +1.82 +2.07 +2.48 +2.86 +2.56 +2.34
Rel.% 99 92 98 89 94 93 87 87 99 99