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Vol. 42, No. 1 - 2011 THE MISSOURI HOLSTEIN-FRIESIAN ASSOCIATION Jodi Wright - Secretary/Manager

♦ Clever, MO 65631 ♦ Phone (417)743-2921 ♦ Website: www.missouriholstein.com

OFFICIAL NOTICE Annual Membership Meeting & Convention Missouri Holstein Association January 28 - 29, 2011 University Plaza Hotel & Conv. Center Springfield, MO.

ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING: This is the official notice to all members of the Missouri Holstein Association that the annual membership meeting will be held Saturday, January 29, 2011 at the University Plaza Hotel, Springfield, MO beginning at 1:00 PM., with president Fritz Hegeman presiding.

ROOM RESERVATIONS Please make room reservations directly to The University Plaza, 333 John Q. Hammons Parkway, Springfield, MO. Room rates are $69 + tax per night, single/double. FREE hot breakfast with room. Cutoff date is January 12, 2011. Call the University Plaza today for your reservation, 417-864-7333 Ask for Missouri Dairy Forum rate. Or go online at: https://reservations.ihotelier.com/crs/g_reservation.cfm?groupID=158787&hotelID=17728 2011 DISTRICT OFFICERS Northeast Central: Crystal Rademacher, president; Roy Parsons, vp; Judy Borman, sec./treas.; Eric Adkins, director. Northwest: Dallas Cornelius, president; Dan Hegeman, vice-president; Debby Cornelius, sec./treas.; Kirby Hanson, director. Southwest: Stacy Dohle, president; Mike Wilson, vice-president; Susan Day, sec./treas.; Matt Day, director. South Central: Joe McClellan, president; Susan Brooks, vice-president; Michelle Ramaeker, sec./treas.; Justin Nelson, director. Southeast: John Schoen, president; Melinda (Schoen) Morrison, v.p.; Cliff Strieker, sec./treas.; Marvin Schoen, director. West Central: Jay Moreland, president; Matt Moreland, vice-president; Marilyn Moreland, sec./treas.; Ed Steele, director. 2011 COMMITTEES Juniors: Janice Perry, chm.; Marvin Schoen, Sylvia McClellan, Kim Wilson, Gail Groves, Suzanne Lenz, Heather Moreland Sale: Dean Dohle, chm; Eric Ling, Ed Steele, Betty Voskamp, Lynn Martin, Shirley Best, Matt Day Show: Mike Wilson, chm; Nancy Hamner, Justin Nelson, Jeanne Luttrell Spring Show: John Denbigh, chm.; Mike Hackmann, Eric Adkins Futurity: Becky Durst, chm; Michelle Ramaeker, Janine Staiger, Tara Kocher Finance: Fritz Hegeman, chm; James Penn Nominating: Barry Steevens, Chair; Dallas Cornelius, Jay Moreland 100th Anniversary: John Underwood, chmn; Ed & SueAnn Steele, Marilyn Moreland, Marianna Thomson, Becky Durst, Shannon (Wilson) Kleiboeker, Sonya Brandt, Janice Perry National Convention Executive Committee: Barry Steevens, chmn; Kate Geppert, Jodi Wright, Janice Perry, Tony Whitehead, Ron Shaver, Roy Parsons, Ed & Sue Ann Steele, Fritz Hegeman, Eric Ling

2010 MISSOURI HOLSTEIN CONVENTION SCHEDULE OF EVENTS University Plaza Hotel & Convention Center - Springfield, Missouri Sponsored by Missouri Dairy Association, Missouri Holstein Association, Missouri Guernsey Breeders Association, MO Dairy Growth Council, and Sho-Mo Dairy Heifer Growers FRIDAY, JANUARY 28, 2011 8:00 AM Coffee, Milk & Pastries 8:30 Registration and visit exhibitors 9:25 Call to order - Larry Purdom, Missouri Dairy Association (MDA) President - Oklahoma / Illinois 9:30 “Minor Study on the Effect of Clarifly on Fly Populations”, Doug VanGundy, Central Life Sciences 10:10 “Why is Milk Quality Important to the Cow, the Producer, and the Consumer”, Dr. Gary Neubauer, Pfizer 10:50 “Using Science to Dictate Deworming Dollars”, Dr. Donald H Bliss, Veterinary Parasitologist, MidAmerica Ag Research, Verona, WI. Sponosored by Intervet Schering Plough Animal Health 11:30 Break & Visit with Exhibitors Noon Luncheon - Speaker Congressman Billy Long, MO-7th District (Invited) 1:30 PM “Driving Rumen Efficiency-A Road Map for Dairy Performance”, Randy Cragoe, private consultant from South Dakota, sponsored by Alltech 2:10 MDA 26th Annual Meeting with Policy Development Session 2:15 Sho-Mo Dairy Heifer Growers Association Annual Meeting 3:00 Holstein USA Region 7 Meeting - Holstein USA CEO John Meyer, Field Representative Callie Unruh and Holstein Director Kate Geppert - Room Kansas C 3:15 Refreshments 5:00 Missouri Guernsey Breeders Association committee meetings 6:00 Missouri Holstein Association Committee Meetings (or following Regional Mtg) - Kansas A,B,C, Colorado A, and John Q 6:00 Missouri Holstein Juniors pizza and pool party (Hotel pool) 7:00 Missouri Guernsey Assoc. Board Meeting SATURDAY, JANUARY 29, 2011 7:00 AM Coffee, milk and pastries 7:00 Missouri Holstein Association Board Meeting Board members are all district presidents and directors-Arkansas B 8:30 2012 National Holstein Convention Committee Meetings - Texas, Arkansas, and Kansas rooms 9:00 Missouri Holstein Junior Princess & Miss Interviews - Bull Shoals Room 9:00 Missouri Junior Guernsey Breeders Meeting (MGBA Annual Meeting immediately following) 10:00 Missouri Brown Swiss Association Annual Meeting 11:00 Missouri Jersey Cattle Club Board Meeting 11:00 Missouri Holstein Association Jr Awards, Crowning, fun auction & Lunch All-Missouri Awards & Cow of the Year presented - Colorado 1:00 Missouri Holstein Association & Jr Association Annual Meetings - OK/IL-adult; Kansas A-jrs Luncheon reservations both days are required by Jan. 25, 2011. Reservations can be made by calling MDA at 636-519-9300 or the MO state office at 417-743-2921. 2012 NATIONAL CONVENTION COMMITTEES: Banquet: Marilyn Moreland & Pam Probert co-chairs; Kay Steevens, Karla Grimm, Clejo King, DyAnna Shaver and Jeanette King Dariy Bar: Stacy Dohle & Al Brandt co-chairs; Non-Delegate: Patty DeLong & Betty Voskamp co-chairs Publicity: Mary Angelo & Jodi Wright co-chairs Finance: Rex Ricketts & Jerry King co-chairs; Noel Boyd, Karla Deaver, Nancy Hamner, Mary Ling, Nikki Whitehead Hospitality: Kate Geppert & Sherri Peters co-chairs; Harlan/Judy Borman; Chris/Suzanne Lenz; Sonja Brandt; Cathy Hemmann; Betty Voskamp, Lynn/Paula Morgan Host Day: Brad Groves & Shirley Best co-chairs; Rick King, Becky Durst, Sandy Thornhill, Ken Deaver, James Pen, Kevin Phillips, Lance Davidson, Janine Staiger, Registration: Jodi Wright & Mark Witherspoon co-chairs: Nancy Kunkel, Kate Geppert, SueAnn Steele Ray Schooley, Ron Shaver, Justin Nelson Juniors: Robert & Janice Perry chair; Nathan/Jess Miller, Sheila Groves, Karla Deaver, Crystal Rademacher, Susan Brooks, Mike Nelson, Kim Wilson, Jeanne Luttrell Pre-Convention: Roy/Daisy Parsons, Fritz Hegeman co-chairs; Dallas Cornelius, Mike Hackman, Matt & David Day, John Denbigh, Jay Moreland, Richard/Ann Lenz Sale: Larry Wright chair: Tony Whitehead, Eric Ling, Michelle Ramaeker, John Miller, Neal Longan Transportation: Ted Probert & Tony Rickard co-chairs


PLACE: University Plaza Hotel, Springfield, MO WHEN: Friday, January 28, 6 PM WHERE: at the indoor pool on ground floor of the hotel WHAT: POOL PARTY complete with pizza and drinks. WHY: FUN for all Junior Holstein members Adult supervision will be provided throughout the activity.

JUNIORS ~ Jr. Convention Meeting Come and participate in the Junior meeting. Bring ideas for the coming year for prizes, activities, and contests! We will also be electing new officers - so come prepared to have fun!

All-MO Awards given during Saturday Banquet!

MEMBERSHIP AGREEMENT - MISSOURI HOLSTEIN ASSOCIATION Name: ________________________________________

HFA# ____________________ Phone (____) ____________________

Address _______________________________ County _______________ City ___________________ State ______ Zip ______ Fax#: (____) _____________________ Farm Name: ___________________________ Prefix: ___________________________ Farm Email: (I send website update info): ________________________________ Website: ____________________________________

Membership dues are based on the number of Registered 87% or > RHA (or eligible) cows & heifers in the herd. 0-10 = $25.00 11-50 = $40.00 51-100 = $50.00 over 100 = $60.00 Junior membership, $2.00 per junior per year (those under age 21). Please list names & birthdates of Jr. Members:_______ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ RETURN TO: Missouri Holstein Association Jodi Wright, Sec.-Treas. 3259 Jasmine Rd, Clever, MO 65631 Ph. (417)743-2921

Membership Dues (Mid-States Magazine included):


Junior Member Dues (Mid-States NOT included):


100th History Book -Reduced Preorder rate $35:

_______ $35______

(see explanation on History page)

- Please answer questions on reverse side -

Total Enclosed:



Pay Annual Dues Online with your Credit Card!! You may go online at www.missouriholstein.com to the membership section and click Pay Dues Online. There is a small fee for this service. This is a fast and easy way to pay your state dues without all the paperwork!


The MO Cow of the Year will recognize an animal which is bred & owned, at least 87%RHA, and was alive on January 1, 2010. Each cow had to be nominated through an ad in the Mid-States Holstein News. The award recognizes the animal you consider to be most worthy based on their overall performance. The winner will be awarded at the State Convention. Voting Rules: Each paid MO Holstein membership receives ONE vote. Each paid junior member (age 9 by Jan. 1, 2010) also receives ONE vote. Make copies of this ballot if need be. Mail to address on reverse.

NOMINEES FOUND IN MID-STATES HOLSTEIN NEWS (indicates issue nominated) Vote for only one

Best-Sunrise Emerson Sky, Best-Sunrise Dairy (Dec) Groves-Vu Morty Doughnut, Groves-View Dairy (Dec) MK-Jayln Jennys Valentine, Cedar Ridge Dairy (June) Radine Durham Dart, Borman Farm (Dec) Robthom Carolina Boss, Robthom Farm (Dec)


Print Name



Birthday (If Jr. Member)


Any unsigned or unlegible ballots will not be counted.

______________ Milking Herd size (Holstein) ______________Reg. _________________ ID Holsteins _____________Grade Total Animals, including heifers ______________________ Production Testing: ________________ DHIA _______________ DHIR ______________ Other ____________ Not on Test

___________________ I would like to sell some Holsteins privately through the Missouri Association ___________________ I would like more information on advertising in the Mid-States Holstein News _________________ I would like to consign to Association sponsored sales ____________ Yes __________ No Would you like to serve on a committee of the Missouri Holstein Association?

For your name to appear in the Membership Directory your dues must be paid by March 15. Dues are delinquent after that date and your name will be removed at the National Holstein office. Please return this card with your check today. Be sure your address is complete. If you have an email please write it on the front. I only use it to send Holstein information. Thank you.

_____________________ _____________________ _____________________

Place Stamp Here

Missouri Holstein Association 3259 Jasmine Road Clever, MO 65631

Let Us Show You: 100 Years of Missouri Holsteins We Need your HELP!! Let Us Show You: 100 Years of Missouri Holsteins, the Missouri Holstein history book will soon be a reality. There is still time for you to submit more information and photographs, but time is running out. Layout has begun and photos are desperately needed along with herd biographies. This book will cover all aspects of dairying in Missouri. Topics will include: History of the dairy industry in MO from Civil War to WWII, the number of cows, production levels and advances in dairying; History of dairy industry post-WWII in Missouri; Early history of Registered Holsteins in MO with a profile of M.E. Moore; the Formation of MO Holstein Association highlight the major people behind the movement. Another section will feature the state and national Holstein leaders from Missouri. All former and the current president of the association will be listed, along with any Holstein USA officers and directors from Missouri, and those who have served as a Holstein USA National Director from Missouri. There will be details of those from Missouri who have been recognized by the National Dairy Shrine, World Dairy Expo and the Missouri Dairy Hall of Honors. One of the more entertaining sections will be a question and answer chapter from various Missouri members of their experiences through the years. For some of the former classifiers, the topics will cover the adults who influenced your judging ability while a youth, years of being classifier, best animals scored, and memorable stories while classifying. Darrell Robertson, a former program director for Missouri has written many of his experiences in a section entitled, “Do I have Tales to Tell You!” Others who spent time in Missouri will also share their thoughts. They include Morris Ewing of ABS, Dr. Robert Rumler and Dick Nelson of Holstein USA, Dr. Fred Foreman, Darrell Pidgeon and Ken Melvold along with many others. Cows who have called Missouri home will be a predominant feature of the book. Efforts are being made to obtain as many photographs of these cows as possible. World Record cows such as Missouri Chief Josephine and Robthom Suzet Paddy will be highlighted. Other sections will include Cows of Distinction with names such as Round Oak Ivanhoe Lady, C Woodfield Inspiration Lou and Hegeman RORAE May; Gold Medal Dams, 200,000 lb cows; Cows and bulls classifying EX-94 or higher, cows earning 4E distinction, cows with 5 or more Excellent daughters, and Missouri animals which have earned All-American honors. Missouri was on the forefront of the A.I. industry and those efforts will be profiled. An article from A.C. Ragsdale on early bulls in Missouri will be included, along with information on some early studs such as MFA Dairy Breeders and Midwest Breeders Service. Bulls from Missouri which have made an impact and those who can trace their lineage back to Missouri will also be featured. The outstanding juniors and former junior members have their own chapters. Distinguished Holstein Members, both Missouri and National, will be featured along with Junior All-Americans from Missouri. The former and current Holstein Princess and Holstein Miss will be included, as will the scholarship winners. Of interest to all will be the biographies of Missouri dairy herds, both past and present. Missouri breeders have been working and submitting their bios and photos. Efforts are ongoing to capture the details of herds who are no longer with us. FARM HISTORIES We are looking for all past and present herds to write up their history. Every herd in Missouri is worthy and has a story to tell. This winter is a great time to get this project done and dig out those photographs. Please encourage neighbors or others that might not receive this to do their history as well. Following is a rough list of what owners can include in biographies: year farm was established, early years of dairying, principal owners and workers, year registered Holsteins came to farm, year prefix was reserved, acres owned and crops grown, feeding program, milking setup used, herd production, classification scores, noteworthy cows bred and/or developed, bulls that worked well in herd, how herd ended or in present herds, and future plans. Note: Please send the sharpest photos you have for the best quality. For most herds, a 1 to 2 page biography with pictures of their main cows should suffice. Others might be longer. Right now, there is no restrictions on length. PHOTOS NEEDED Following are the list of photos that are needed to make the book complete. Photographs are what is going to make the book interesting and complete. BUT, we need your help in getting them. Please review the following pages to see what is needed. Please send labeled photos to the following address. They will be returned to you. Please send photos by March 1st, or let us know if you don’t have your photos so we can try and find them elsewhere. Help us also by contacting others on this list that might not receive the Pulsator, so they can be included. Photos not on these lists can be included in your personal herd biography.

Please mail your information and photos to John Underwood, 521 South Ave, Sparta, MO 65753 or email: montvic_246@hotmail.com. Once information is scanned the photos will be returned to you. Please label any people and animals in the photos.

MISSOURI MEMBERS GET TO PRE-ORDER HISTORY BOOK AT A REDUCED PRICE: Missouri Holstein is asking that all members pre-order the Missouri 100th Anniversary History book this year with their membership. Our state is hosting a National Convention and publishing an extensive book at the same time. We realize that not everyone will be able to help with the convention, but every member can help by purchasing a book. You are not just donating your money, you will receive a great book when it is published. This allows our whole state to support the convention and our history. If you don’t need all of your copies you could donate it to the local library, give one to your FFA chapter or 4-H extension office, or use it as a prize at a local or district show. What a great way to share the history of dairying in our state with future generations. The book will also be cheaper now at the $35 price. It will be sold for more at the Missouri National Convention. Thank you for your support! Missouri members can pre-order this book for $35 with their 2011 annual Missouri dues.

Name Adamson Lane Adkins Eric Angelo Ryan/Mary Anyone Arbuckle Wendell Atkeson FW Ball Harry Bennett Roger Best Richard/Shirley Binder Howard Binder Howard Blansit Earl Bodenhausen Mike Borman Harlan Borman Harlan Borman Harlan Borman Harlan Borman Tim Borman Harlan family Boyd Lloyd Boyd Lloyd Boyd Lloyd Boyd Lloyd Boyd Lloyd Boyd Lloyd Boyd Lloyd Boyd Lloyd Boyd Lloyd Boyd Lloyd Boyd Lloyd Boyd Lloyd Boyd Brothers Braswell Robert Brian Gier Brody Samuel Brouk Mike Brown Julie Brown Julie Brown Julie Dotson Brown Julie Dotson Brown Phyliss Buckman David Buckman Greg Buff Adrian College of the Ozarks College of the Ozarks College of the Ozarks College of the Ozarks College of the Ozarks College of the Ozarks College of the Ozarks Cornelius Dallas family Cowherd Ernest Cowherd Ernest Cowherd Gene Cowherd John Curtis Pam Dae-Py Davis Jennifer Davis Kimberly Deaver Karla Deaver Karla DeLong Marc DeLong Marc DeLong Marc


Picture Portrait Portrait Angelo Linjet Augusta Scott Meyer pictures Portrait Portrait Portrait Portrait Best Sunrise Jed Cassie C Glenafton Crista Vicky Langacres Mark Olivia Portrait Portrait Radine Blitz Peppy Radine Durham Pal Radine Blitz Bee Portrait Portrait Portrait Dixie-Lee Limousine Bode-Acres AC Mary @2Y Latuch Sensation Linda Horsepen Queenie Elevation Dot Dixie-Lee Ivanhoe Lavish Dixie-Lee Suzann Locust-Creek KP Sandy Star Dixie-Lee Aaron and 3 daughters Portrait Dixie-Lee Burke Governor 1959 Pleasant Hope Dairy team 1976 Pleasant Hope Dairy team Portrait Portrait Giers Simon Samantha Portrait Portrait Portrait Produce of Dam Portrait Son-Dot Charles Kassy Portrait Portrait Portrait Portrait S of O Elevation Standout Ella S of O Triune Royal Hyacinth P-F Burke Intense & avail dtrs S of O Heritage Sale any pics Seluhm Triune Princess Produce S of O Citation Hyacinth Fairview-Crest Marquis Joan Portrait DeWitt Fury Rocket Lucky Cowherd Fancy Violet Portrait Cowherd Sampler Astro Roxy Portrait Vitosh-Vue Tony Krissy Portrait Portrait Portrait Portrait Portrait Ronde Blueprint Pet Ronde and Spivas Corvette

Category Junior MU Futurity Leader MU Former Resident MU MU Futurity Southern National Southern National Sale manager Program Director 40,000 lb cow 40,000 lb cow 40,000 lb cow DHIA Junior Mo dairy hall 94 points or higher 94 points or higher 94 points or higher 94 points or higher 94 points or higher 94 points or higher 4E and higher AI bull Classifier AA Nom. Junior Junior Mo dairy hall Sale manager JR AA MU MU Secretary AA Winner Junior JR AA Junior Junior Junior Junior 4E and higher 4E and higher AI bull Early 1970s AA Nom. AA Nom. HM AA Mo dairy hall 94 points or higher JR AA Junior JR AA Junior Southern National Junior Junior Mo dairy hall MU Junior JR AA JR AA

Name DeLong Ron Denbigh John DeWitt Jackie DFA Donigan Gary Dreamstreet Dryer Wilbert Easterly Julie Echelmier Jeff Echelmier Steve Echelmier Tim Echelmier family Edmondson Marc Eggert John Ellis Johnna Ensign Ralph Entlicher Ronald Entlicher Ronald Entlicher Ronald Entlicher Ronald Ewing Jason Ewing Morris Ewing Richard Farmer Don Farmer Don Farmer Don Farmer Kameron Farmer Keith Feak Susan Feath Marjorie Fleak Lewis Foreman, C.F. Foremost Dairy Fortner Joyce Foster Richard Frank Emily Frank Jane Frank Mary Ann Frank Susan Gardner Mike Garnett Rodney Garrett Jennifer Garverick Allen Gatton Randy Gatton-Dixon Jessica Gatton-Dixon Jessica Gatton-Dixon Jessica Geisert Rodney Genex Strafford Gerken Judy Glasshof Kathleen Glidewell Mary Beth Grier Marvin Groves Brad Hackmann Mike Hager Harlan Hamby Kathleen Hamilton Stacy Hamner Phil/Nancy Harry Herman Hartman Dennis Haynam Frank Hays Crystal Hays Crystal Hays Crystal

Picture Portrait Portrait Portrait Logo Portrait Millervale Ultimate Rosalyn Portrait Portrait Portrait Portrait Echo-L Brianna Portrait Portrait Portrait Portrait Ensign Sales any pictures Jaggers Fond Anissa Portrait Portrait Montboise Marquis Ideal Portrait Portrait Hack-U Wing Melvin Beauty Willadon Sales any pictures Marcliff Ridge Marriot Willadon Elginvue Copyright Helen Ms Willadon Ivory Riddle Willadon Citation Fury Jel-Red Portrait Portrait Portrait Portrait Picture Portrait Rich-Sand Bell Ella Portrait Portrait Portrait Portrait Portrait Portrait Portrait Portrait Portrait Portrait Gatton Progress Missy Gatton Pro Joy Portrait Logo and facility picture Portrait Feather Fields Prophet Rejoice Portrait Portrait Portrait Althaven Fury Prince Portrait Portrait Portrait Golden-Dream Eye Jilly Portrait Portrait Hayson-Jason Stewart Eva SLH Astre Jessie SLH Algonquin Topper SLH Counselor Lady

Category Classifier MU Junior Allied Industries Junior Southern National President Kildee winner President Junior 40,000 lb cow Mo dairy hall Junior Junior Junior Multiple sales 94 points or higher Classifier Junior AA Nom. Junior Former Resident JR AA Multiple sales AA Nom. AA Winner JR AA JR AA Junior Junior Junior Former Resident MU Junior 40,000 lb cow Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior MU MU Junior Program Director Futurity Futurity MU Allied Industries Junior Southern National Junior Junior Junior HM AA President Junior MU Futurity MU Junior 94 points or higher JR AA JR AA JR AA

Name Hays Crystal Hedgpeth Chris Hegeman Fritz Hegeman Hannah Henderson Mike Highfill Holland Staci Hook Cris Hossman Leslie Huff Dana Huff Jana Jackson Nancy Jungling Brenda Jungling Marla Jungling Mike Kapp Stan Kassebaum Marvin Keevan Pat King Jerry King Joe King Joe King Joe King Julie King Mike King Mike King Pam King Pat King Rick King Rick Kinney Mark Kohler Daryl Kohler Phil Krueger Charles Laderoute James Laney Larry Lenz Greg Lenz Kenneth Ling Monica Little Richard Little Richard Little Richard Little Richard Little Shirley Little Richard Little Richard Longan Bob Lucy Matt Luecker Steve Luttrell Kristin Marshall Robert Martz Fred McClanahan Amy McClanahan Marsha McLean Brenda McLean Janice McLean Jeanne McLean Jeannie McMullin Clint Meinershagen Fred Melvold Ken Meyer John MFA Miller Nathan Missouri 1984 Convention Missouri Dairy Association

Picture SLH Counselor Glitz Portrait Portrait Portrait Portrait Highlane Astre Lance Portrait Portrait C Gerdoth Broker June Portrait Portrait Portrait Portrait Portrait Portrait Portrait Portrait Portrait Portrait Portrait Joki Marquis Claudia - mature pic Mayers Duchess Romey Portrait Portrait Ho Mo Marquis Fancy Portrait Portrait Portrait Portrait Portrait Portrait Portrait Portrait Portrait Coyne Farm Apache Bonny Portrait Portrait Portrait Royal Shady Spruce Madge Chickaree Black Eagle Dan Muroc Apache Niki Salesman Marquis Carol Little Bros. Black Magic Bristol Baron Laddie and daughters Little sale any pictures Portrait Portrait Althaven Fury Aggot Portrait Portrait Portrait Portrait Portrait Portrait Portrait J-Lean Round Oak Matilda Portrait Portrait Portrait Portrait Portrait – HFA & son of Scott Meyer Logo Tex-Stein Skybuck Stori Any pictures from that event Dave Drennan

Category JR AA Junior President Junior Junior HM AA Junior Junior JR AA Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior President President Junior National Director President Brood cow 4E and higher Junior Junior JR AA Junior Junior President Junior Former Resident Junior Junior Junior Junior 5 or more Ex dtrs Junior Mo dairy hall Junior JR AA AA Nom. AA Nom. Reserve AA JR AA AI bull ’70s & ’80s Junior MU AA Nom. Junior MU MU Junior Junior Junior Junior JR AA Junior Junior MU Former Resident HFA Allied Industries JR AA 84 Ntl Conv Allied Industries

Name Monger Angela Monsanto Moreland Charles Moreland Charles Morgan Robin Mouse Wayne MU Columns NAAB Needer Richard Nelson David Nelson Richard Nichols George Nicholson Nold DeAnn Oetting Marvin Overstreet Larry Page Derrek Pauck Diane Paul Mueller Penney J.C. Peters Karlin Pidgeon Darrell Pilot Kristi Pinehurst Pretz Pretz Probert Kate Probert Kate Probert Kate Probert Kate Probert Marvin Probert Ted Purdom Larry Purdom Larry Purdom Larry Purdom Rhonda Purdom Teresa Purdom Teresa Purdom Teresa Purina Pursley Richard Ragsdale AC Ramaeker Michelle Regan WM Rickard Tony Rose Mike Rose Phillip Rumler Jean Rumler Robert Sanborn J.W. Sanborn Field Sandy Dale Sandy Dale Sandy Dale Sandy Dale Schear Katie Schoen Cathy Schoen Martha Schoen Marvin Schoen Melinda Schwinke Arlen Shaver Ron Shaver Ron Shaver Ron Shaver Ron

Picture Category Portrait Junior Logo Allied Industries Portrait President Ho Mo Wis Burke Memory dtrs AI bull Portrait Junior Portrait Junior Picture MU Logo Allied Industries Portrait Junior J-Nel-Imperial Astro Bridgitt JR AA Portrait Former Resident Portrait Former Resident Mel Arlinda Sexation Boots Southern National Portrait Junior Portrait President Portrait Junior Ell-Bar Eddie Petal JR AA Portrait Junior Logo Allied Industries Portrait Former Resident Portrait Junior Portrait Former Resident Lar-a-Do Valiant Don Lucinda JR AA Ernlo Fancy Faithful Southern National Ti-Ro Milestone Star Southern National Kiefs Otto Venus Southern National Probert Astre Sandy Futurity Probert Juror Danielle JR AA Probert Astre Danea JR AA Ozark-Royal Triple Ivory Jo JR AA Portrait Junior Portrait MU Freeway-Vue BE Beth 94 points or higher Macksimum Fond Fanchon Brood cow Portrait Mo dairy hall Indianhills Concord Ina JR AA Indianhills Samson Hilda JR AA Fay-Ark Majesty Dee JR AA 1978 Purdy Dairy team Junior Logo Allied Industries Pursley Starbuck Marcia JR AA Portrait MU Portrait Junior Portrait Former Resident Portrait MU Portrait Junior Portrait Junior Portrait Wife of Robert Portrait Former Resident Portrait MU Picture MU C Hillrise Counsel Kimberly Southern National Altagen Jackpot Shady Southern National C Mardonholm Counsel Tania Southern National Vali Rill Animation Ida Southern National Portrait Junior Portrait Junior Portrait Junior Portrait President Portrait Junior Portrait Mo dairy hall Shaverside Apollo Sherrn 94 points or higher Shaverside Bootmaker Papoose 94 points or higher Shaverside Fury Z-Lou - mature pic Well-known cow Shaverside VeedictionKing,Zoie,Mary AI bull

Name Shaver Ron Shaver Ron Shaver Ron Sheppard Leslie Sheppard Trena Shupe Emily Sikes John Silverthorn Elaine Silverthorn Ron Simpson Shelly Simpson Shelly Simpson Shelly Smith Mike Smith Tom Spain Jim Spencer Meleah Staiger Gene/Ann Staiger Janine Staiger John Staiger John Staiger John Steele Ed Steele Ed Steele Ed Steele Ed Steele Sue Ann Steevens Barry Steevens Barry Stookey Storck Harold Storck Harold Stowell Anita Stowell Joe Tag Amy Tag David Thomas Danny Thomas Lexie Thomas Kayla Thomson Carol Thomson Janice Thomson Janice Thomson Mary Thomson Mary Thomson Mary Thomson Robert Thomson Robert Thomson Robert Thomson Robert Thomson Robert Thomson Robert Thomson Robert Thomson Robert Thomson Robert Thomson Robert Thomson Robert Thomson Robert Thomson Robert Thomson Robert Thomson Robert Thomson Robert Thomson Robert Thomson Robert Thomson Robert Thomson Robert Thomson Robert Thomson Robert

Picture Shaverside Sales any pictures Portrait Le-Del Royal Design Carrie Produce Portrait Portrait Tex-Stein Fancy Paul Dixie Portrait Portrait Portrait Portrait King-Arts Olivetta Jr heifer picture King-Arts Olivettta Jr Ylg picture Portrait Portrait Portrait Portrait Staiger Lassie Leader Portrait Poverty Hollow Gay Man & dtrs Provn Mtn Ivanhoe and dtrs Portrait Portrait Portrait S and K Chapel Speck S and K Mark Reba Portrait Picture of ASRC Portrait C Paullyn Astro Katie Portrait Portrait Portrait Portrait Portrait Portrait Hedgpeth Chairman Kim Portrait Portrait Portrait Portrait Robthom Gypsy Tippy Robthom Keke Mars Robthom Vicky Valiant Robthom Lauren Starbuck Portrait Robthom Lulu Lochinvar Robthom London Innovation Robthom Marita Sultan Robthom Philly Jake Garnet Starbuck Toni Robthom Bess Segis Robthom Gay Voyageur Robthom Thelma Elevation Robthom Amber Elevation Robthom Gay Supreme and 4 dtrs Robthom Moscow and 3 dtrs Every available dtr of Veediction Robthom Royal Veematt Robthom Integrity and 3 dts Robthom Monarch Voyaguer Robthom Denise Royal Robthom Vicky Valiant Robthom Priscilla Warden Robthom Sadie Starbuck Robthom Missy Astro Jet Robthom Emerald Mark

Category 2 sales Classifier HM AA Junior Junior AA Nom. MU Junior Classifier Junior JR AA JR AA MU Mo dairy hall MU Junior First 300,000 cow Junior AI bull AI bull Junior President Junior Futurity Futurity Editor MU MU Southern National Mo dairy hall Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior 94 points or higher Junior Junior Junior Junior JR AA JR AA JR AA JR AA President 5 or more Ex dtrs 94 points or higher 94 points or higher 94 points or higher 94 points or higher Brood cow Brood cow 4E and higher 4E and higher AI bull AI bull AI bull AI bull AI bull AI bull Futurity Futurity Futurity Futurity Futurity Futurity

Name Thomson Robert Thomson Robert Thomson Robert Thomson Robert Thomson Robert Thomson Robert Thomson Robert Thomson Robert Thomson Robert Thomson Robert Thomson Robert Thomson Robert Thomson Robert Thomson Robert Thomson Robert Thomson Robert Thomson Robert Thomson Robert Thomson Robert Thomson Robert Thomson Robert Thomson Robert Thomson Robert Thomson Robert Thomson Robert Thomson Robert Thomson Robert, Sr. Thornhill Patty Tindle Feeds Tobin Marla Tribble Linda Turner Harry VanderFeltz Joe VanderFeltz Joe Veraguth Jeff Voskamp Calvin Waldren Matt Warren Stanton Watterson Johnny Watterson Tiffany Weatherly Lonnie Weatherly Lonnie Weatherly Lonnie Weatherly Lonnie Weldy Jerry Wesselschmidt Connie Whitehead Bailee Whitehead Stacy Wichern Mark Williams Evan Williams Juliette Williams Logan Williams McKenzie Williams Norman Wilson Kim Wilson Mike Wilson Shannon Witherspoon Mark Wright Elizabeth Wright Elizabeth Wright Larry Wright Larry Wright Larry Wright Mark Wyckoff Kristin Zerr Kay

Picture Robthom Poppy Rudolph Robthom Peony Leader Robthom Kamille Outside Robthom Agatha Eland Robthom Shelby Durham Robthom Alexis Counselor Best 3 Best 3 Robthom Johannes Robthom Patty Royal @2Y Produce of Emerald Best 3 Best 3 Robthom Philly Jake Robthom Jade Robthom Juliet Integrity Robthom Johanna Astre Robthom Loreal Robthom Glitter Prelude Robthom Silver Jackpot Robthom Emmylou Mark Robthom Zima Integrity Robthom Georgia Integrity Robthom Vienna Veematt Robthom Venetia Portrait Portrait Portrait Logo Portrait Portrait Portrait Portrait Van-Fel Clyde Hill May Pontiac Portrait Portrait Portrait Facility picture – Trans Ova Mans-Mo Senator Irene Portrait Lu-Cen Bob-Lo Astronaut Diane Anacres Apollo Sears Weathervue Elevation Patches Weathervue Black Beauty Weldy Citation Mary Marquis Portrait Portrait Portrait Portrait Portrait Portrait Portrait Portrait Hayssen Citation Rosanna-Red Portrait Portrait Portrait Portrait Portrait Wrightvale Silver Denise C Cherown Go-Go Cherown Jake Cherown SC Glamour Boy Portrait Portrait Portrait

Category Futurity Futurity Futurity Futurity Futurity JR AA AA Nom. AA Nom. AA Nom. AA Winner Reserve AA HM AA HM AA 40,000 lb cow 40,000 lb cow 40,000 lb cow 40,000 lb cow 40,000 lb cow 40,000 lb cow 40,000 lb cow 40,000 lb cow 40,000 lb cow 40,000 lb cow 40,000 lb cow 40,000 lb cow President President Junior Allied Industries Junior Junior Junior Junior JR AA President Junior MU Chillicothe 4E and higher Junior 94 points or higher 94 points or higher Futurity Futurity AA Nom. Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior 4E and higher Junior President Junior DHIA Junior JR AA AA Nom. AA Winner AA Winner Junior Junior Junior

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