Vol. 46, No. 1 - 2015 THE MISSOURI HOLSTEIN-FRIESIAN ASSOCIATION - 100th Anniversary
OY ‘15 C t Ballo d ose Encl
Michelle Eilenstine- Secretary/Manager ♦Mtn. Grove, MO 65711 ♦ Phone (417)926-2679♦Website: www.missouriholstein.com
Missouri Holstein Turns 100 Years Old 1915 - 2015 It’s a Celebration! Missouri Holstein Turns 100 Years Old!!
Can you believe it? It has been 100 years that our association has been benefiting the Registered Holstein breeders in Missouri and beyond. Some special events are being planned, so we’d love to have as many help us celebrate as possible. Plan to attend. A birthday, calls for a celebration and cake. Be sure to join us Friday evening before the sale to kick-off our year-long birthday party with cake and festivities! It is sure to be a fun time.
Calling all Past Presidents, Past Princesses, and Past Misses
A reunion of all of our past state Presidents, Princesses and Misses will take place on Saturday during the banquet. We would love to have as many attend as possible, please spread the word. 100th History Book - This was a huge undertaking and a spectacular book. Which has garnered huge praise from many elite industry individuals and other states. If you haven’t gotten your copy, be sure to add this to your library! More information or to order a book contact Michelle Eilenstine 417.926.2679
OFFICIAL NOTICE Annual Membership Meeting & Convention Missouri Holstein Association 100th Anniversary January 22 - 24, 2015 Ramada Oasis Hotel & Conv. Center Springfield, MO.
Please make room reservations directly to Ramada Oasis Hotel & Conv. Center, 2546 N. Glenstone, Springfield, MO. Room rates are $71 + tax per night, single/double. FREE hot breakfast with room. Call the Ramada today for your reservation, 888-532-4388 Ask for Heart of America Dairy Expo rate.
Northeast Central: James Penn, president; Al Brandt, vp; Judy Borman, sec./treas.; Eric Adkins, director. Northwest: Dallas Cornelius, president; Dan Hegeman, vice-president; Debby Cornelius, sec./treas.; Kirby Hanson, director. Southwest: Nelson Hostetler, president; Janice Perry, vice-pres.; Shannon Wilson-Kleiboeker, sec./treas.; Larry Wright, director. South Central: Tommy Scrivner, president; Justin Nelson, vice-president; Michelle Eilenstine, sec./treas.; Becky Durst, director. Southeast: John Schoen, president; Melinda (Schoen) Morrison, v.p.; Cliff Strieker, sec./treas.; Marvin Schoen, director. West Central: Jay Moreland, president; Matt Moreland, vice-president; Marilyn Moreland, sec./treas.; Ed Steele, director.
Juniors: Shannon Kleiboeker, chm; Janice Perry, Brad & Gail Groves, Susan Brooks Sale: Jason Ewing, chm; Nelson Hostetler, Mike Wilson, Brad Groves, Larry & Jodi Wright, Tim Ewing, Michelle Eilenstine Show & Futurity: Becky Durst, chm; John Denbigh, Eric Adkins, Janice Ling, Mike Hackman, Eric Ling Finance: Harlan Borman, chm; Larry Wright, James Penn, Jay Moreland Resolutions: Ed Wittorf, chm; Ed Steele, Barry Steevens Awards Committee: Roy Parsons, chmn; Dallas Cornelius, John Underwood, Marianna Thompson, Cliff Streiker Nominating: Alfred Brandt, Chair; Tommy Scrivner, Robert Perry
2015 Heart of America Dairy Forum
presented by
Ramada Oasis & Convention Center, Springfield, Missouri Thursday January 22, 2015 10:30 a.m. Missouri Dairy Growth Council (MDGC) Annual Meeting and Board Meeting 1:00-5:30 p.m. Trade Show Set Up (Grande Ballroom) 4:00 Missouri State Milk Board Meeting 6:00 Grand Opening Reception in Trade Show Grande Ballroom) 7:30 Early Bird Seminar: **Speaker TBD** (Grande Ballroom) 8:30 Recess Friday January 23, 2015 8:00 a.m. Registration Open & Trade Show Open (Grande Ballroom) Coffee, Milk & Pastries sponsored by Kraft Springfield,Southwest Dairy Farmers and Waikato Milking Systems 9:25 Expo Welcome--Larry Purdom, Conference Chairman (Grande Ballroom) 9:30 “Stop, Look, and Listen”—More than Just Getting the Chores Done”-Tom Lorenzen, Alltech, sponsored by 10:10 Speaker TBD sponsored by Boehringer-Ingelheim 10:50 Break sponsored by Missouri Trucking Association and Southwest Dairy Farmers 11:20 “How to Reduce Costly Calf Hood Disease through Immune Support”--Dr. Dan Tracy DVM MS, Technical Services Veterinarian, Multimin USA, sponsored by Noon Pork Chop Luncheon sponsored by Hiland Dairy Foods Company, Missouri Pork Association, Missouri Soybeans, S&L Sales,LLC Keynote Speaker: “Future of American Agriculture: Potential and Pressure”--Andy Vance sponsored by 1:30 “Evaluating your Risk Management Options” with a panel of dairy farmers and moderator Joe Horner of the University of Missouri, brought to you by your soybean checkoff 2:50 President’s Ice Cream Social sponsored by F&H Food Equipment Company, Southwest Dairy Farmers and Turner’s Special Supply. 3:00 Sho-Mo Dairy Heifer Growers Association Annual Meeting 3:15 Missouri Dairy Association (MDA) 30th Annual Meeting with Policy Development Session 4:30 MDA 30th Annual Meeting adjourns 5:00 Missouri Guernsey Breeders Association (MGBA) Committee Meetings 5:00 Missouri Holstein Association (MHA) Committee Meetings 4:30 6:30 MHA dinner in trade show 7:00 MHA 2015 All-Missouri & Jr. All-Missouri and 2015 Cow of the Year Presentation 7:00 MGBA Board Meeting 7:30 MHA Social in trade show 7:30 MHA State Convention Cattle Sale in trade show Saturday January 24, 2015 7:00 a.m. Registration/Check-in & Trade Show Open (Grande Ballroom) Coffee, milk and pastries sponsored by FCS Financial and Southwest Dairy Farmers 8:30 9:00 MHA Board Meeting 9:00 MHA Princess/Little Miss Interviews 9:00 Missouri Junior Guernsey Breeders Meeting (MGBA Annual Meeting immediately following) 10:00 Missouri Brown Swiss Association Annual Meeting 10:00 MHA Annual Meeting (Grande Ballroom) 10:00 Missouri Holstein Junior Association Annual Meeting 10:30 Midwest Milking Shorthorn Annual Meeting 11:00 Missouri Jersey Cattle Club Annual Meeting 12:00 Trade Show Closes 12:00 Luncheon sponsored by Association of Missouri Electric Cooperatives Missouri Holstein Association Junior Awards, Scholarships & Crowning of Holstein Princess & Little Miss 1:00 p.m. MHA Annual Meeting and Missouri Holstein Junior Association Reconvene 1:00 Missouri Ayrshire Association Meeting
PAGE 14 - MSHN, Dec 2014
Gold Level Sponsors
Silver Level Sponsors S&L Sales, LLC brought to you by your soybean checkoff
Bronze Level Sponsors
MSHN, Dec 2014- PAGE 15
PROPOSED BY-LAW CHANGES TO MISSOURI HOLSTEIN ASSOCIATION A committee of Alfred Brandt, chairman; Michelle Eilenstine and Jodi Wright meet to review and update the association’s by-laws. Below are the board approved changes to be voted upon by the membership at the 2015 Annual Meeting. Following is only the sections containing revisions. A complete copy can be found on the website or at the meeting. Strikethrough - language that is to be removed Bold, Italic and Underlined - language that is to be added ARTICLE I Section 1. The principal office of the Association shall be at Columbia, Missouri the location of the executive secretary. Any or all of its business, not required by law to be transacted at its principal office, may be transacted elsewhere. ARTICLE II - MEMBERSHIP Section 1. Any person, firm, partnership, corporation, or association in Missouri or nonresident interested in Holstein cattle, or nonresidents of Missouri but owning Holstein cattle in Missouri, when represented by some designated individual member of the firm, partnership, corporation or association, shall be eligible for membership in the Association. Section 2. The members of this Association shall be divided geographically by districts. The number of districts and the boundaries of each may be changed from time to time by the Board of Directors. Each district, upon recognition by the Board of Directors, shall elect and be represented by at least two members of on the Board of Directors. Section 3. There shall be three two classes of members: Active, and Junior, and Honorary. a. Active members shall include those of legal age qualified under Article II, Section 1, who have paid the annual dues and are in good standing. b. Junior members shall be those applicants qualifying for Junior membership in the Holstein-Friesian Association of America. A $2.00 $5.00 fee will be charged for Junior membership. This fee is subject to change upon the approval of the Junior Committee. The junior fee will be transferred to the Junior account. A Junior member wishing to receive the Mid-States Holstein News through this membership shall pay an additional fee equal to the cost of a one-year subscription to that magazine, and shall be furnished such subscription. c. Honorary members shall include those whom the Association may wish to recognize for some single service to or interest in the Holstein Breed. Section 4. Applicants for active membership shall be admitted upon payment of the prescribed dues; provided, however, that the Executive Committee of the Association may in its sole judgment and discretion refuse to accept any application for membership within thirty (30) days after the receipt thereof and order the Secretary to cause to be refunded to such applicant any dues received from him them and to advise him them of such action. The Executive Committee may take such action for any reason deemed material, including but not limited to lack of a good reputation in the registered cattle business and shall not be required to make any explanation to the applicant, or to any applicant or other person of its reasons for refusing to approve any application. If no such action is taken within thirty (30) days, the Secretary shall notify the applicant of their acceptance to membership, and shall send them any necessary credentials. Section 6. The membership dues shall be on an annual basis with the rate schedule being determined by the total number of Holsteins 87% RHA or higher or Holsteins eligible owned by the member, partnership, or corporation. Rate Schedule: 0 – 10 animals $25.00 51 -100 animals $50.00 11-50 animals $40.00 over 100 animals $60.00 The membership dues shall be paid on an annual basis with the rate being $50.00 per membership for members, partnerships, or corporations that own Holstein cattle. Those who do not own Holstein cattle, shall pay $25.00 annually per membership. When more than one person is involved in a herd ownership, all person(s), in addition to the individual designated as the representative agent of the partnership or corporation may hold a membership by paying the minimum membership rate of $25.00. The membership includes a subscription to the Mid-States Holstein News and $1.00 per member to be refunded to the respective District Association. ARTICLE III - BOARD OF DIRECTORS Section 1. The affairs of the Association shall be managed by a Board of Directors made up of the following: a. A President and Vice President (who when elected are presently Members of the Board of Directors), and a Director-atLarge, and a Secretary-Treasurer to be elected by a majority vote of the membership present and voting at the Annual Meeting. b. Each organized District in the State shall be represented on the Board by their duly elected President and one additional Director. for up to the first 100 members in their District. In addition each District will be entitled to an additional Director for each additional 100 members over the first 100. c. The Board of Directors will also include 2 Elected Directors who are members elected statewide by the membership at the Annual Meeting that are nominated by the nominating committee or from the floor. d. There shall be four Ex-Officio Members of the Board: namely State Extension Dairy Specialist; the immediate past President of the Missouri Holstein Association; and the President of the Missouri Junior Holstein Association and the Chairman of the Junior Holstein Committee. ARTICLE IV - OFFICERS Section 2. Officers shall hold office for one year or until their successors shall have been elected and qualified. The president, having served two three full terms of one year each, shall not be eligible to succeed himself.
PROPOSED BY-LAW CHANGES - Continued Section 3. Duties and Powers a. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors and at all meetings of the Association, both annual and special; shall call special meetings of the Board of Directors and the Association; submit reports of activities of the association at the annual meeting; and shall perform the duties and exercise the powers usually incident to the office of chief executive. b. The Vice-President shall, in the absence, disability or refusal of the President to serve, perform the duties of the President and should vacancy occur in the office of President, the Vice-President shall become President. c. The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep a complete and accurate record of all meetings of the Association and of the Board of Directors; shall have custody of the seal of the Association and affix same to such instruments and on behalf of the Association as may be required by the Association on annual meeting or by the Board of Directors; shall receive and disburse monies for and in the General Fund or any Special Funds; shall sign all checks; make deposits of monies of the Association in the name of and to the credit of the Association in such depositories as may be designated from time to time by the Board of Directors; shall keep a full and accurate account of all transactions of the Association in books belonging thereto and deliver such books and records to his properly qualified successor and do and perform such other duties as are required by him by the Association or the Board of Directors. The SecretaryTreasurer shall make an annual report at the time of the annual meeting of the Association. ARTICLE V - FINANCES Section 2. The funds of the Association shall be kept in a General Fund, or in any other accounts deemed necessary by the board, or in any depository where the deposits are insured by the U.S. Government, or as may be designated by the Board of Directors. ARTICLE VIII - MISCELLANEOUS Section 4. The order of business at annual meetings shall be: 1-6. (No Changes) 7. New business. 8. Report of reviewing finance committee. Section 5. The seal affixed on the margin hereof is hereby adopted as and for the official corporate seal of Missouri Holstein-Friesian Association.
Ballot’s Postmarked by: January 16, 2015 The MO Cow of the Year will recognize an animal which is bred & owned, at least 87%RHA, and was alive on January 1, 2014. Each cow had to be nominated through an ad in the Mid-States Holstein News. The award recognizes the animal you consider to be most worthy based on their overall performance. The winner will be awarded at the State Convention. Voting Rules: Each paid MO Holstein membership receives ONE vote. Each paid junior member (age 9 by Jan. 1, 2014) also receives ONE vote. Make copies of this ballot if need be. Mail to address on reverse.
NOMINEES FOUND IN MID-STATES HOLSTEIN NEWS (Indicates issue nominated) Vote for only one
Groves-Vu Goldwyn Barb, Groves-View Dairy (Dec.)
Toecky Kendall Anna-Leigh, Toecky Farm (Dec.)
Print Name Birthday (If Jr. Member)
Any unsigned or unlegible ballots will not be counted.
PLACE: Ramada Inn Oasis Hotel, Springfield, MO WHEN: Friday, January 23, 7:30 PM WHERE: Pool side atrium WHAT: FUN! After the sale meal and awards come to the pool for some games and swimming!
JUNIORS ~ Jr. Convention Meeting
Come and participate in the Junior meeting on Saturday. National Convention competition slots will be filled at convention, We will also be electing new officers - so come prepared to have fun!
It’s a Celebration! Missouri Holstein Turns 100 Years Old!!
Can you believe it? It has been 100 years that our association has been benefiting the Registered Holstein breeders in Missouri. Some special events are being planned, so we’d love to have as many help us celebrate as possible. Plan to attend.
Calling all Past Princesses & Misses
A reunion of all of our past Missouri Holstein Princesses and MO Holstein Misses will take place on Saturday during the banquet. We would love to have as many attend as possible, please help spread the word to anyone you know! We look forward to honoring your service! More information contact Michelle Eilenstine 417.926.2679
Junior Auction
If Juniors have any items that they would like to donate we will sell them at a fun auction at the Sat. luncheon. All the proceeds will go to the juniors. Please turn items in by Friday evening to Shannon. We will also have a silent auction that will close 15 minutes following the close of the Sat. meeting.
Check out the Bonnie Mohr prints in the Sale Section - All Proceeds go to Juniors!
_____________________ _____________________ _____________________
Place Stamp Here
Missouri Holstein Association 840 Highway AD Mountain Grove, MO 65711
ELIGIBILITY: Any Registered Holstein female (87%RHA or higher) born in Missouri and bred by a member of the Missouri Holstein Association that was born between Sept. 1, 2013 and Aug. 31, 2014 is eligible for the 2017 3-Yr Old Sho-Me Futurity. FEES: One-Time Nomination Fee of $25.00 Due February 1, 2015 Renomination and futurity entry due August or September depending on sale date. SHOWING: In order to be eligible for any part of the purse, fees must have been made by the required date and the animal must be exhibited in a special 3 Year-Old Futurity Class to be scheduled during the year 2017. PURSE: The purse in this 2017 Three Year-Old Futurity Class shall consist of all monies received by the Missouri Holstein Association as Nomination Fees, less any incidental expenses incurred for its poromotion and management. The purse shall be divided as follows: 1. Production Awards - $100.00 will be taken from the purse and divided among the top three cows shown in the 3-Year-Old Futurity Class on the basis of their 305 day 2-YearOld Milk production. Only official DHIA or DHIR records will be considered and these records must accompany the animal and be checked by the committee before the show. The $100.00 will be divided as follows: $50.00, $30.00, $20.00 to the cow with the first, second & third highest actual 2-Year-Old milk record respectively. 2. Showing Awards - The purse minus the $100.00 production award - minus any other authorized expense shall be divided among the first twenty placings in the special 3-YearOld Sho-Me Futurity Class: 1st Place............................................................................... 20 percent 2nd Place.............................................................................. 12 percent 3rd Place.............................................................................. 9 percent 4th Place ............................................................................. 8 percent 5th Place ............................................................................. 6 percent 6th through 10th Place ........................................................ 4 percent each 11th through 15th Place ...................................................... 3 percent each 16th through 20th Place ...................................................... 2 percent each If less than 20 animals are shown, the remaining money shall be equally divided among the animals exhibited. NO REFUNDS: All nomination fees are committeed to the purse and no refunds will be made unless for some reason the Futurity Show is cancelled. TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP OF ELIGIBLE ANIMALS: Any animal sold after being nominated initially will remain eligible provided the subsequent fees are paid as specified. In all cases, the responsibility of making required payments is the responsibility of the owner. GENERAL: The Missouri Holstein Association through its elected officers is sponsoring and governing the Futurity and will make all decisions not covered by these rules. However, they will not be responsible for accident or injury to animal or person in connection with the show.
Phone: _________________ E-Mail: ________________________
Address: ____________________________________________ _______________________________________________
Name (Farm or Individual): ______________________________
Mail completed entry and payment to:Missouri Holstein Association Michelle Eilenstine 840 Hwy AD Mtn. Grove, MO 65711 417-926-2679
PROCEDURE: Fill out entry blank on inside of form with animals in eligible age range. Fill out Payment Summary as to total number of animals entered and submit check made out to: Missouri Holstein Association by entry deadline. Entry form will be returned to you prior to the deadline for the renomination of entries.
FEES: One-Time Nomination Fee of $25.00 Due February 1, 2015 Renomination and futurity entry due August or September 2017 depending on show date.
ELIGIBILITY: Any Registered Holstein female at least 87%RHA born in Missouri and bred by a member of the Missouri Holstein Association that was born between Sept. 1, 2013 and Aug. 31, 2014 is eligible for the 2017 3-Yr Old Sho-Me Futurity.
PURPOSE: The Missouri Holstein Futurity is a segment of the Missouri Holstein Association to stimulate interest in the breeding and exhibiting of outstanding Registered Holsteins in Missouri. Recognizing the accomplishments of the large and small breeder, and those of junior association members.
2017 3-Yr Old Sho-Me Holstein Futurity Nomination & Rentry Form
Reg No.
Reg No.
Reg No.
Reg No.
Reg No.
Reg No.
Reg No.
Reg No.
Reg No.
Reg No.
Reg No.
Ear Tag or Tattoo
Ear Tag or Tattoo
Ear Tag or Tattoo
Ear Tag or Tattoo
Ear Tag or Tattoo
Ear Tag or Tattoo
Ear Tag or Tattoo
Ear Tag or Tattoo
Ear Tag or Tattoo
Ear Tag or Tattoo
Ear Tag or Tattoo
Due February 1, 2015. Show entry due Aug. or Sept. 2017 depending on show date
2017 Futurity 2017 Futurity One-Time Selected to Entry Fee exhibit in due 2/1/15 2017
Renominations: _______ head are to be exhibited in the Futurity
Enclosed is $_________ in One-Time fees for _____Nominations
Signature of Owner: _______________________
OFFICIAL NOMINATION FORM - MISSOURI THREE-YEAR OLD HOLSTEIN FUTURITY 2017 Farm Name: __________________________ Fee Schedule -- Nomination and Entry Fee = $25.00 each entry