Missouri Pulsator Newsletter - Jan 2017

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OY ‘16 C t Ballo d ose Encl

Jodi Wright - Secretary/Manager ♦ Verona, MO 65769 ♦ Phone (417)743-2921 ♦ Website: www.missouriholstein.com

Missouri Holstein Association State Convention Missouri Holstein Convention Schedule

FRIDAY, JAN 20 4:30 PM: MHA Committee Meetings 6:00 PM: Sale Hospitality 6:30 PM: All-MO Awards & Cow of the Year 7:00 PM: State Convention Sale 7:00 PM: Junior Pizza Party & Games

SATURDAY, JAN 21 8:30 AM: MHA Board Meeting 9:00 AM: MHA Annual Meeting 9:00 AM: Princess & Miss Interviews 10:00 AM: Jr Holstein Annual Meeting

100th History Book - This was a huge undertaking and a spectacular book. Which has garnered huge praise from many elite industry individuals and other states. If you haven’t gotten your copy, be sure to add this to your library! More information or to order a book contact Jodi Wright 417.743.2921

OFFICIAL NOTICE Annual Membership Meeting & Convention Missouri Holstein Association - 101 Anniversary January 20 - 21, 2017 Ramada Oasis Hotel & Convention Center Springfield, MO. 2017 DISTRICT OFFICERS


Please make room reservations directly to Ramada Oasis Hotel & Conv. Center, 2546 N. Glenstone, Springfield, MO. Room rates are $71.50 + tax per night, single/double. FREE hot breakfast with room. Call the Ramada for your reservation, 888-532-4388 Ask for Heart of America Dairy Expo rate. Cutoff date is 1/6/2017.

Northeast Central: James Penn, president; Al Brandt, vp; Judy Borman, sec./treas.; Harlan Borman, director. Northwest: Dallas Cornelius, president; Dan Hegeman, vice-president; Debby Cornelius, sec./treas.; Kirby Hanson, director. Southwest: Nelson Hostetler, president; Janice Perry, vice-pres.; Shannon Wilson-Kleiboeker, sec./treas.; Larry Wright, director. South Central: Tommy Scrivner, president; Justin Nelson, vice-president; Andrea Scrivner, sec./treas.; Becky Durst, director. Southeast: John Schoen, president; Melinda (Schoen) Morrison, vice-pres.; Cliff Strieker, sec./treas.; Corvin Schoen, director. West Central: Jay Moreland, president; Matt Moreland, vice-president; Marilyn Moreland, sec./treas.; Ed Steele, director.


Juniors: Shannon Kleiboeker, chm; Janice Perry, Brad & Gail Groves, Susan Brooks Sale: Jason Ewing, chm; Nelson Hostetler, Mike Wilson, Brad Groves, Larry & Jodi Wright, Tim Ewing Show & Futurity: Becky Durst, chm; John Denbigh, Eric Adkins, Janice Ling, Mike Hackman, Eric Ling Finance: Harlan Borman, chm; Larry Wright, James Penn, Jay Moreland Nominating: Alfred Brandt, Chair; Tommy Scrivner, Robert Perry Resolutions: Ed Wittorf, chm; Ed Steele, Barry Steevens History: John Underwood chm; Ann Lenz, Marilyn Moreland, SueAnn Steele Awards Committee: Roy Parsons, chmn; Dallas Cornelius, John Underwood, Marianna Thompson, Cliff Strieker Website Committee: Jodi Wright, chmn; Shannon Kleiboeker, Matt Moreland, Corvin Schoen, Candy Durst, Hope Bohannon, Hannah Jackson, Katie Wantland, Brittany Groves, Jessica Crawley, Lora & Blake Wright



Great time to empty the extra change jingling in your pockets!! We will be collecting pennies for Penny Wars at the MO Junior Holstein table! Help us get Penny back in MO and support the Holstein Foundation!

The juniors are going to try something a little different this year. Come for the pizza stay for the FUN! PLACE: Ramada Inn Oasis Hotel, Springfield, MO WHEN: Friday, January 20, 7:00 PM (Following awards presentation) WHERE: Coco & Maui halls WHAT: Join your fellow Junior Holstein Members for a pizza party, games, and activities. We plan to have a lot of FUN and play games that gets everyone involved!



Juniors still have T-shirts available! Stop by the office during convention to get yours! Adult sizes $12; 2x $14. Shannon 417.737.2876

Friday, Jan. 20, 6:30 PM (prior to sale): Junior All-MO Awards Saturday, Jan. 21, noon: Jr Awards, Scholarships, MO Princess


Friday, Jan. 20, 6:30 PM: All-MO Awards & Cow of the Year

National Convention 2017 - Seattle, Washington!!

We will have sign-ups for National Convention Contests during our annual Junior meeting. Join us this summer on our trip to Bellevue (suburb of Seattle), Washington!!! It provides opportunity to compete against and meet dairy youth from around the country. Competition categories include:

Dairy Bowl: Jr & Sr team events Scrapbook: scrapbook of yearly events Banner: representing our state and theme Public Speaking: industry related speech topic

Dairy Jeopardy: individual event of dairy knowledge Digital Scrapbook: Slideshow presentation of yearly activities Folding Display: Scientific or Creative related to dairy industry

Outside of competing some extra activities planned include, whale watching, farm tours, dinner at the Space Needle, and a family night at the Museum of Flight.

These trips always prove to have plenty to do and see. So get involved and join us on this exciting trip!

JUNIORS ~ Jr. Convention Meeting


Once again Missouri Holstein will have a Hospitality Room available to adults to relax and catch up with fellow members between meetings, sessions and after the sale. This is a great place to connect, relax and just have a great time with your fellow breeders.

Please make plans to attend our Junior Meeting Sat Morning at 10:00 during State Convention. This is where a lot of decisions are made regarding the junior association‛s actions throughout the year. There are numerous items to discuss and we need everyone‛s thoughts and opinions to help make it a wonderful year!

The Great Holstein Roundup

Pulsator Advertising


November 21 - December 28, 2016

Transfer SALE!! For a limited time, Holstein Association USA is offering transfers for $5 per animal. This reduced rate applies to any Registered Holstein, regardless of the sale or purchase date. Contact Holstein Association or Regional Representative, Tim Ewing TODAY if you are interested in building additional value in your herd by filing an ownership transfer. All transfers must be received at 1 Holstein Place by December 28, 2016!

Missouri Holstein is excited to announce we will provide advertising in the Pulsator Newsletter. Both full color and Black & White ad options are available. Circulation is over 200 MO dairy farmers. Do you have seed or hay to sell? Cattle that you would like to move? Bulls to sell or are you needing some springers? This is the place for you. We will design your ad. Four issues annually.

versary om 1 - 2015 - 100th Anni Vol. 46, No. issouriholstein.c CIATION : www.m IESIAN ASSO 6-2679♦Website STEIN-FRMO 65711 ♦ Phone (417)92 OURI HOL ♦Mtn. Grove, y/Manager THE MISS ne- Secretar

Michelle Eilensti

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100 Years Turns 100 Years Old!! red Holstein Turns ing the Registe Missouri uri Holstein has been benefit d, so we’d love to ration! Missothat our association are being planne

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events 100 years It’s a Celeb It has been beyond. Some special . believe it? and



Full Page - $100 Half Page - $50 Quarter Page - $30

Full Page (8.5” x 11”) - $80 Half Page - $40 Quarter Page - $20

ri sale to Can you e. Plan to attend rs in Missou g before the Holstein breede us celebrate as possibl us Friday evenin be a fun time. help Be sure to join It is sure to have as many tion and cake.cake and festivities! with Misses calls for a celebra ay A birthday, year-long birthday party , and Pasttake place on Saturdword. will Princesses the kick-off our ses and Misses dents, Past e, please spread Past Presistate Presidents, Princes attend as possibl Calling all cular to have as many all of our past and a specta A reunion ofbanquet. We would love undertakingindustry individuals huge the a was during This many elite to add this to your ry Book -huge praise from be sure ed 100th Histo has garner haven’t gotten your copy, NS book. Which da Oasis ERVATIO If you ne 417.926.2679 ly to Ramagfield, MO. and other states. ROOM RES Michelle Eilensti ations direct Sprin library! a book contact room reserv N. Glenstone, le. FREE tion or to order Please make Center, 2546 night, single/doub for your More informa Conv. da today tax per NOTICE Hotel & ention ica Dairy the Rama are $71 + OFFICIAL ng & Conv y Room rates with room. Call for Heart of Amer ership Meetin 100th Anniversar fast 88 Ask hot break Annual Memb 888-532-43 Associatio 2015 ein ation, Holst reserv 24, Missouri January 22 & Conv. Center Expo rate.

Call Today:

800.952.5200 Tim Ewing 417.818.6455


Hotel , MO. Ramada Oasis Springfield

, director. n, director. r. Kirby Hanso eas.; Eric Adkins directo Borman, sec./tr Cornelius, sec./treas.; eas.; Larry Wright, r. t, vp; Judy ERS Durst, directo eker, sec./tr ent; Al Brand an, vice-president; Debby ICT OFFIC eas.; Becky r. on Wilson-Kleibo 2015 DISTR l: James Penn, presid res.; Shann Michelle Eilenstine, sec./tr Schoen, directo r. ent; Dan Hegem Marvin nt; Northeast Centra Cornelius, presid ent; Janice Perry, vice-p Dallas , vice-presideCliff Strieker, sec./treas.; eas.; Ed Steele, directo Northwest: Nelson Hostetler, presid ent; Justin Nelson sec./tr on, v.p.; Moreland, presid Morris n est: n) er, Marily Scrivn Southw l: Tommy president; Melinda (Schoend, vice-president; n, South Centra ent; Matt Morela John Schoe tine Eilens Southeast: l: Jay Moreland, presid lle Brooks Ewing, Miche West Centra Groves, Susan & Jodi Wright, Tim Ling Brad & Gail Larry Eric ITTEES Janice Perry, Wilson, Brad Groves, Ling, Mike Hackman, 2015 COMM on Kleiboeker, chm; , Janice ler, Mike Nelson Hostet Denbigh, Eric AdkinsMoreland Juniors: Shann r John Ewing, chm; Jay Cliff Streike Sale: Jason y: Becky Durst, chm; Wright, James Penn, na Thompson, Show & Futurit Borman, chm; Larry , Barry Steevens John Underwood, Marian chm; Ed Steele Dallas Cornelius, Finance: Harlan Ed Wittorf, chmn; Resolutions: ittee: Roy Parsons, er, Robert Perry Scrivn y Awards Comm t, Chair; Tomm Alfred Brand Nominating:

To schedule: Jodi Wright 417.743.2921 or e-mail: jwright@missouriholstein.com

Junior Auction

Juniors need to please bring an item for the Junior silent auction. Items need to be turned in to Shannon by 5:00 on Friday. The auction will be set up Sat morning and end 30 minutes after start of the awards banquet.


Name: ________________________________________ HFA# ____________________ Phone (____) ____________________ Address _______________________________ County _______________ City ___________________ State ______ Zip ______ Prefix: ___________________________

Email: (I send website update info): ________________________________

Mid-States Holstein News NOT included in Membership fee - Must add $5 to receive subscription ADULT Dues - Flat Fee Additional Member Associate Member $50.00 / Herd Prefix per Prefix = $25.00 $25.00 = 0 cattle ownership Junior membership, $5.00 per junior per year (those under age 21). Please list names & birthdates of Jr. Members:________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ RETURN TO: Missouri Holstein Association Jodi Wright 11449 Lawrence 2220 Verona, MO 65769 417-743-2921

Membership Dues per Prefix (Mid-States NOT Included)@ $50: Additional Member / herd or Associate (Mid-States NOT Included)@ $25: Junior Member Dues (Mid-States NOT Included) @ $5: Mid-States Hol. News $5 - must have current address to receive magazine: LATE FEE / ADULT if paid April 15 or Later: - Please answer questions on reverse side Total Enclosed:

__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ _________________



Voting Deadline: Friday, January 6, 2017 The MO Cow of the Year will recognize an animal which is bred & owned, at least 87%RHA, and was alive on January 1, 2016. Each cow had to be nominated through an ad in the Mid-States Holstein News. The award recognizes the animal you consider to be most worthy based on their overall performance. The winner will be awarded at the State Convention. Voting Rules: Each paid MO Holstein membership receives ONE vote. Each paid junior member (age 9 by Jan. 1, 2016) also receives ONE vote. Make copies of this ballot if need be. Mail to address on reverse.

NOMINEES FOUND IN MID-STATES HOLSTEIN NEWS (Indicates issue nominated) Vote for only one

Groves-Vu Outside Cherish, Groves-View Dairy (Dec.) Karing 571 Dezi, Karl Wilke (Dec.) __________________________________________________________________________

Print Name Legibly & Birthday (If Jr. Member)



Any unsigned or unlegible ballots will not be counted.

___________________ I would like to be contacted regarding consigning to the Missouri Convention Sale ___________________ I would like to sell some Holsteins privately through the Missouri Association ___________________ I would like more information on advertising in the Mid-States Holstein News or the Pulsator ___________________ JUNIORS: Would you like to compete at the National Holstein Convention? ____________ Yes __________ No Would you like to serve on a committee of the Missouri Holstein Association?

March 15: Name in Membership Directory April 15: $10 Late Fee/Adult June 1: No Longer qualify for state awards Dues are delinquent after March 15 and your name will be removed at the National Holstein office, therefore INCREASING your registration rates. Please make sure your address is complete. What suggestions do you have to improve your Missouri Holstein Association?: __________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________

You can also pay online at www.missouriholstein.com FOLD & MAIL DUES and BALLOT

_____________________ _____________________ _____________________

Place Stamp Here

Missouri Holstein Association 11449 Lawrence 2220 Verona, MO 65769




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2017 Schedule

Join us in 2017 with all new programing!

SWMO = Southwest Missouri group SCMO = South Central Missouri group









10:00 - 1:00 11:00 11:00 10:00 - 1:00 10:00 - 1:00 11:00 11:00 10:00 - 1:00 10:00 - 1:00 6:00 PM 10:00 - 1:00 10:00 - 1:00 10:00 - 1:00 11:00 11:00 10:00 - 1:00 10:00 - 1:00


“Telling Your Farm’s Story on Social Media—Tips and Tools for Success” Presented and sponsored by Midwest Dairy Assn Heart of America dairy expo, Sahara Room A&B Calf care - Nurturing your future MU Southwest research center, Mt. Vernon Social Lunch TBA Social Lunch Maggie Mae’s Tea Room, Miller MO Calf care - Nurturing your future Fruit Experiment station, Mt. Grove Udder Dissection MU Southwest research center Social Lunch TBA Social Lunch Red Barn, Mt. Vernon, MO Udder Dissection Fruit Experiment station, Mt. Grove DAIRY MONTH - PUBLIC OUTREACH TBA FAMILY PICNIC Springfield Botanical Garden Getting back into the school rhythm Greene County Extension Center, Spfld Farm Field trip TBA Breeding - Get ‘er done! MU Southwest research center Social Lunch TBA Social Lunch Hanger Café, Miller MO Breeding - Get ‘er done! Fruit Experiment station, Mt. Grove Wreath Making Greene County Extension Center, Spfld

8-Mar 12-Apr 10-May 14-Jun 12-Jul 9-Aug 13-Sep 11-Oct 8-Nov 13-Dec


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2017 Heart of America Dairy Expo Ramada Oasis & Convention Center, Springfield, MO

Thursday January 19, 2017 1:30-5:30 p.m. Trade Show Set Up (Grande Ballroom) 6:00 Grand Opening of Trade Show with Buffet Reception (Grande Ballroom) 7:30 Early Bird Seminar in Trade Show 8:30 Recess

presented by

Friday January 20, 2017 8:00 a.m. Registration Open & Trade Show Open (Grande Ballroom) Coffee, Milk & Pastries sponsored by Southwest Dairy Farmers and Phileo Lesattre Animal Care 9:25 Expo Welcome--Ted Sheppard, Conference Chairman (Grande Ballroom) 9:30 Speaker to be determined, sponsored by Alltech 10:10 Speaker to be determined 10:50 Refreshment Break sponsored by Missouri Dairy Association, Missouri Trucking Association, Missouri Soybean Merchandising Council and Southwest Dairy Farmers 11:00 ‘Telling your farm’s story on social media - tips & tools for success.’ Women in Dairy Meeting sponsored by Midwest Dairy 11:20 “Feeding Strategies with 2017 Milk and Feed Prices” Dr. Mike Hutjens, sponsored by Multimin USA Noon Pork Chop Luncheon sponsored by Hiland Dairy Foods Company, Missouri Pork Association, Keynote Speaker: ‘What Top Dairy Producers Do Every Day’ Gary Sipiorski, Dairy Development Manager, Madison, Wisconsin sponsored by Central Life Sciences 1:30 Producer Panel with moderator Reagan Bluel , University of Missouri. 2:10 Speaker - Cindy Sorenson, Sr. Vice President Business Development, Midwest Dairy Association, sponsored by Midwest Dairy Associaition 2:50 President’s Ice Cream Social sponsored by Hiland Dairy Foods Company, Missouri Soybean Merchandising Council, F&H Food Equipment Company and Southwest Dairy Farmers 3:00 Sho-Mo Dairy Heifer Growers Association Annual Meeting (Bora Bora Ballroom) 3:15 Missouri Dairy Association (MDA) 32th Annual Meeting with Policy Development Session (Grand Ballroom) 4:30 MDA 32th Annual Meeting adjourns 4:30 Missouri Holstein Association (MHA) Committee Meetings (Coco & Maui) 5:00 Missouri Guernsey Breeders Association (MGBA) Committee Meetings (Sahara) 6:00 Missouri Holstein Association pre-sale hospitality in trade show 6:30 MHA 2016 All-Missouri & Jr. All-Missouri and 2016 Cow of the Year Presentation 7:00 Missouri Holstein State Convention Sale in trade show 7:00 Missouri Holstein Juniors Fun Party 7:00 Missouri Guernsey Association Board Meeting Saturday January 21, 2017 7:00 a.m. Registration/Check-in & Trade Show Open (Grande Ballroom) Coffee, milk and pastries sponsored by FCS Financial 8:30 Missouri Holstein Board Meeting 9:00 Missouri Holstein Princess/Little Miss Interviews 9:00 Missouri Holstein Association Annual Meeting (Grande Ballroom) 9:00 Missouri Junior Guernsey Breeders Meeting (MGBA Annual Meeting immediately following) 10:00 Missouri Brown Swiss Association Annual Meeting 10:00 Missouri Holstein Junior Association Annual Meeting 10:00 Missouri Jersey Cattle Club Annual Meeting 10:30 Midwest Milking Shorthorn Annual Meeting 12:00 Trade Show Closes 12:00 Luncheon sponsored by Association of Missouri Electric Cooperatives Missouri Holstein Association Junior Awards, Scholarships & Crowning of Holstein Princess & Little Miss 1:00 p.m. MHA Annual Meeting and Missouri Holstein Junior Association Reconvene (if neccessary) 1:00 Missouri Ayrshire Association Meeting

REGISTRATION FORM Ramada Oasis Hotel & Convention Center Springfield, MO • January 19-21, 2017 Registration is free for dairy farmers and their families but we do require meal reservations for planning purposes. Allied industry registration is $40.00 for the Expo (includes Thursday reception, both luncheons, breaks and handouts).

Registration Names (please list all attending) Primary Registrant ____________________________ 2) ___________________________ 3) ___________________________________ 4) ___________________________________ 5) ___________________________________ 6) ___________________________________ Farm/Business Name __________________________________________________________________________________________ Street Address _______________________________________________________________________________________________ City _____________________________________________________ State ____________________________ Zip ______________ Phone _____________________________ Fax ______________________________ Email _________________________________ Your Veternairian’s Name ______________________________________________________________________________________

Dairy Farmer and Family Members Number Number Number Number

of of of of

free free free free

reservations for Pre Conference Midwest Dairy Seminar Thursday, January 19 _____ reservations for Grand Opening Reception Thursday, January 19 ______ lunch adult reservations for Friday, January 20 ______ Number of free children’s meals ______ lunch adult reservations for Saturday, January 21 ______ Number of free children’s meals ______

Allied Industry Registrants Number of Allied Industry Registrants ______ @ $40 each = $ ______ Number of Allied Industry Grand Opening Reception reservations for Thursday, January 19 ______ Number of Allied Industry lunch reservations for Friday, January 20 ______ Dinner Friday night is on your own before the Holstein State Sale in the Trade Show. Number of Allied Industry lunch reservations for Saturday, January 21 ______

Payment Please make check payable to MDA. We are not able to accept credit cards at this time. Mail to Heart of America Dairy Expo at 1954 Sumter Ridge Court, Chesterfield, MO 63017

Mail, Email or Fax registration form

Heart of America Dairy Expo, 1954 Sumter Ridge Court, Chesterfield, MO 63017, email dairystl@aol.com or FAX 636.519.1403 Dairy farmers may also call in reservations to Dave at 636.519.9300 and leave their name(s), phone number and number of luncheon reservations for each day.

heartofamericadairy.org Gold Level Sponsors

Central Life Sciences

Silver Level Sponsors

Bronze Level Sponsors

ELIGIBILITY: Any Registered Holstein female (87%RHA or higher) born in Missouri and bred by a member of the Missouri Holstein Association that was born between Sept. 1, 2015 and Aug. 31, 2016 is eligible for the 2019 3-Yr Old Sho-Me Futurity. FEES: One-Time Nomination Fee of $25.00 Due February 1, 2017 Renomination and futurity entry due August or September depending on sale date. SHOWING: In order to be eligible for any part of the purse, fees must have been made by the required date and the animal must be exhibited in a special 3 Year-Old Futurity Class to be scheduled during the year 2019. PURSE: The purse in this 2019 Three Year-Old Futurity Class shall consist of all monies received by the Missouri Holstein Association as Nomination Fees, less any incidental expenses incurred for its promotion and management. The purse shall be divided as follows: 1. Production Awards - $100.00 will be taken from the purse and divided among the top three cows shown in the 3-Year-Old Futurity Class on the basis of their 305 day 2-YearOld Milk production. Only official DHIA or DHIR records will be considered and these records must accompany the animal and be checked by the committee before the show. The $100.00 will be divided as follows: $50.00, $30.00, $20.00 to the cow with the first, second & third highest actual 2-Year-Old milk record respectively. 2. Showing Awards - The purse minus the $100.00 production award - minus any other authorized expense shall be divided among the first twenty placings in the special 3-YearOld Sho-Me Futurity Class: 1st Place............................................................................... 20 percent 2nd Place.............................................................................. 12 percent 3rd Place.............................................................................. 9 percent 4th Place ............................................................................. 8 percent 5th Place ............................................................................. 6 percent 6th through 10th Place ........................................................ 4 percent each 11th through 15th Place ...................................................... 3 percent each 16th through 20th Place ...................................................... 2 percent each If less than 20 animals are shown, the remaining money shall be equally divided among the animals exhibited. NO REFUNDS: All nomination fees are committed to the purse and no refunds will be made unless for some reason the Futurity Show is cancelled. TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP OF ELIGIBLE ANIMALS: Any animal sold after being nominated initially will remain eligible provided the subsequent fees are paid as specified. In all cases, the responsibility of making required payments is the responsibility of the owner. GENERAL: The Missouri Holstein Association through its elected officers is sponsoring and governing the Futurity and will make all decisions not covered by these rules. However, they will not be responsible for accident or injury to animal or person in connection with the show.


Phone: _________________ E-Mail: ________________________

Address: ____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Name (Farm or Individual): ______________________________

Mail completed entry and payment to: Missouri Holstein Association Jodi Wright 11449 Lawrence 2220 Verona, MO 65769 417-743-2921

PROCEDURE: Fill out entry blank on inside of form with animals in eligible age range. Fill out Payment Summary as to total number of animals entered and submit check made out to: Missouri Holstein Association by entry deadline. Entry form will be returned to you prior to the deadline for the renomination of entries.

FEES: One-Time Nomination Fee of $25.00 Due February 1, 2017 Renomination and futurity entry due August or September 2019 depending on show date.

ELIGIBILITY: Any Registered Holstein female at least 87%RHA born in Missouri and bred by a member of the Missouri Holstein Association that was born between Sept. 1, 2015 and Aug. 31, 2016 is eligible for the 2018 3-Yr Old Sho-Me Futurity.

PURPOSE: The Missouri Holstein Futurity is a segment of the Missouri Holstein Association to stimulate interest in the breeding and exhibiting of outstanding Registered Holsteins in Missouri. Recognizing the accomplishments of the large and small breeder, and those of junior association members.

2019 3-Yr Old Sho-Me Holstein Futurity Nomination & Re-entry Form














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Ear Tag or Tattoo

Ear Tag or Tattoo

Ear Tag or Tattoo

Ear Tag or Tattoo

Ear Tag or Tattoo

Ear Tag or Tattoo

Ear Tag or Tattoo

Ear Tag or Tattoo

Ear Tag or Tattoo

Ear Tag or Tattoo

Ear Tag or Tattoo

Ear Tag or Tattoo


Due February 1, 2017. Show entry due Aug. or Sept. 2019 depending on show date 2019 Futurity One-Time Entry Fee due 2/1/17

2019 Futurity Selected to exhibit in 2019

Renomination:____ head are to be exhibited in the Futurity

Enclosed is $____ in One-time Fees for ____ Nominations


Payment Summary

Signature of Owner: _______________________

OFFICIAL NOMINATION FORM - MISSOURI THREE-YEAR OLD HOLSTEIN FUTURITY 2019 Farm Name: __________________________ Fee Schedule -- Nomination and Entry Fee = $25.00 each entry

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