Vol. 47, No. 2 - 2016 THE MISSOURI HOLSTEIN-FRIESIAN ASSOCIATION - 100th Anniversary
ber Mem s Due ! ble Paya
Jodi Wright-Sec. ♦ 11449 Lawrence 2220 Verona, MO 65769 ♦ Phone (417)743-2921 ♦ Website: www.missouriholstein.com
Spring and Summer Happenings
Schedule of Events March 14 March 15 March 18
Women In Dairy, Mt.Vernon SW Center “Calf Care” & Lunch MHA Membership Dues PAYABLE Southern National Show Entries Due
April 4 - 9 April 6 April 11 April 15 April 15
Southern National Holstein & Jersey Show & Sale, Stillwater, OK Work Force Development - Dairy Employee Options & Solutions, Contact Reagan Bluel 417-847-3161 for details. Women In Dairy, Mt. Grove Fruit Station, “Calf Care” & Lunch Dairy Cow Camp registration deadline MHA Membership Dues - $10 late fee / adult member
May 9 May 25 - 27
Women In Dairy, Mt.Vernon SW Center “Taking care of You” & Lunch MO Dairy Cow Camp, Robthom Farm
June 3 - 5 June 8 June 13 June 13 June 27 - July 1
4-State Dairy Days, Bentonville, AR South Central District Show, Houston, MO Ad deadline for July Pulsator Women In Dairy, Mt. Grove Fruit Station, “Taking care of You” & Lunch National Holstein Convention, Saratoga Springs, New York Delegates: Brad Groves & Kate Geppert
July 1 July 6 July 6 July 13 July 20 - 21 July 28 - 31
MO State Fair Entries Due Holstein Field Day, Nel-Rose Holsteins, Louisburg Northeast District Show @ 12:30pm, Lewistown West Central District Show, Pleasant Hill Webster County Fair, Marshfield Ozark Empire Fair Dairy Show, Springfield
August 8 - 10 August 16 - 21 August 20
4-H State Dairy Judging Camp MO State Fair Dairy Show & SW District Show State Dairy Judging Contest, Sedalia
September 12 October 6 October 19 November 1
Ad deadline for Pulsator National Dairy Shrine Annual Meeting NEMO Dairy Production Sale, Memphis Missouri Dairy Hall of Honors Nominations Due
Junior News State Convention Summary:
Thank you to everyone who donated or helped out our juniors this year. Thank you to Gail Groves who made two adorable quilts that were auctioned off before the sale. You are very talented and the juniors raised some funds to help them travel to New York this summer! Special Thanks to Charles & Lynn McLean who purchased the adult quilt for $300 and Tim & Jeannie Ewing who purchased the baby boy quilt for $220.00 There was also a great assortment of items donated to the silent and live auctions on Saturday. Thank you to our auctioneer, Justin Boyd. He did an outstanding job. The Juniors gave out several awards during the two day event: - 2016 MO Holstein Princess - Audrey McClellan, Willow Springs - 2016 MO Holstein Miss - Katelyn McClellan, Willow Springs - New Officer team: Reporters, Julie Griffin & Blake Wright; Secretary, Katie Wantland; Reporter, Kylie Scrivner; Vice President, Dalton Smith; Reporter, Sophia Geppert; President, Lora Wright
National Convention 2016 - New York!!
June 27 - July 1 Last Call for Competition Sign ups: Dairy Bowl Team - Junior & Senior Dairy Jeopardy - Junior, Intermediate & Senior Public Speaking - Junior, Intermediate & Senior Folding Display - Scientific & Creative State Banner & Scrapbook The juniors are planning to take a van and do some sight seeing on the way up and back to New York. It sounds like it will be a memorable trip. If you want to be a part of this experience contact Shannon 417-737-2876 right away. Plans are being finalized.
T-SHIRTS Juniors still have T-shirts available! Our stock is limited so get yours now! Adult $12 2x $14. Shannon 417.737.2876. Only have adult sizes left.
SAVE YOUR RIBBONS THIS YEAR! Juniors are making a Ribbon Quilt and need old / unwanted ribbons (straight or rosette). So look around at the shows this summer and if people don’t want their ribbons grab them and turn them in to Shannon Kleiboeker or Gail Groves. Gail Groves 2937 State Hwy 413, Billings, MO 65610
Great time to empty the extra change jingling in your pockets!! We will be collecting pennies for Penny Wars to try to keep Penny (the Cow) in Missouri another year. Missouri won her last year at the convention, so help us keep her here! Contact Shannon, Janice Perry, or anyone going to convention to deliver your pennies to before we leave for NY! THANK YOU!!
Membership Dues - CHANGES IN DUE DATES! Bylaw changes to membership approved at state convention: 1. March 15 - Initial due date. Following this date unpaid members will be removed from Holstein USA rolls, increasing registration fees. 2. Mid-States News subsciption is an added $5. 3. April 15 - A late fee of $10 will be added to every adult member. 4. June 1 - Members paid after this date are not eligible for association awards. NOTE: Memberships can be received at any time and Holstein USA membership will be updated at that time. If you have any questions regarding new rates please feel free to give me a call: Jodi Wright 417-743-2921.
Formerly Taurus Service
Ray Schooley Semen Sales 417.859.2594
470 Forest Drive, Marshfield, MO 65706 e-mail:rayschooley@centurytel.net
Contact me for all your semen needs
State Convention Summary
Dear fellow Holstein breeders, there has been some confusion and questions about what happened last fall with the Missouri Holstein Sec./Manager. At the fall board meeting a motion was approved to replace Michelle Eilenstein as Sec./Manager. To get a new Sec./Manager in place before the annual convention I held an e-mail vote of the Board to hire Jodi Wright as the new Sec./Manager. If you need more information please feel free to call me at 816-258-3353. Respectfully Jay C. Moreland, President Other Meeting Highlights: •MU is forming a search committee to replace our state Dairy Extension Specialist. •Spring Show, Columbia, has been cancelled this year. •2016 3-Yr Old Futurity - show moved to MO State Fair •MHA Distinguished Service & Master Breeder Awards Comm: Only 1 letter of recommendation needed to nominate. •History Committee: Recommends sending 100th books to Universities for their libraries. John Underwood is willing to pay postage. •Hospitality Room: Association along with MDA hosted a hospitality room for members to gather and socialize. This was well received and we hope to continue this tradition next year!
MEMBERSHIP AGREEMENT - MISSOURI HOLSTEIN ASSOCIATION Name: ________________________________________ HFA# ____________________ Phone (____) ____________________ Address _______________________________ County _______________ City ___________________ State ______ Zip ______ Prefix: ___________________________
Email: (I send website update info): ________________________________
Mid-States Holstein News NOT included in Membership fee - Must add $5 to receive subscription ADULT Dues - Flat Fee Additional Member Associate Member $50.00 / Herd Prefix per Prefix = $25.00 $25.00 = 0 cattle ownership Junior membership, $5.00 per junior per year (those under age 21). Please list names & birthdates of Jr. Members:________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Membership Dues per Prefix @ $50: __________________ Additional Member / herd or Associate @ $25: __________________ Junior Member Dues Mid-States NOT Included) @ $5: __________________ Mid-States Hol. News $5 - must add $5 to receive magazine: __________________
RETURN TO: Missouri Holstein Assoc. Jodi Wright 11449 Lawrence 2220 Verona, MO 65769 417-743-2921
Late Fee: April 15 & later $10 / adult: __________________
- Please answer questions on reverse side -
Total Enclosed:
Remove and Mail Membership with Payment
Dues are now PAST DUE - Late fee applies after APRIL 15! 2016 Southern Spring National Holstein and Jersey Show April 4-9, 2016, Stillwater, Oklahoma Entries due March 18, 2016 Entries accepted after March 18 with Late fee
Wednesday, April 6 Thursday, April 7 Friday, April 8 Saturday, April 9
12:00 p.m. - Cattle must be in place 10:00 a.m. - Southern Spring National Jr Holstein & Jersey Show Judge: Robert Teixeira, Keyes, CA 7:00 p.m. - Junior Social (Pizza Party) 8:00 a.m. - Youth Judging Contest (18 yrs and younger) 12:00 p.m. - Oklahoma State Holstein Sale 8:00 a.m. - Southern Spring National Open Holstein & Jersey Show Judge: Chris Lahmers, Marysville, OH
For more info or entry forms contact Todd Mason 405-298-0082 or LeeAnn Bowman bowmanfamilyfarm@yahoo.com
Pulsator Advertising
versary om 1 - 2015 - 100th Anni Vol. 46, No. issouriholstein.c CIATION : www.m IESIAN ASSO 6-2679♦Website STEIN-FRMO 65711 ♦ Phone (417)92 OURI HOL ♦Mtn. Grove, y/Manager THE MISS ne- Secretar
Michelle Eilensti
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Old 1915 100 Years Turns 100 Years Old!! red Holstein Turns ing the Registe Missouri uri Holstein has been benefit d, so we’d love to ration! Missothat our association are being planne
- 2015
It’s a Celeb
Missouri Holstein is excited to announce we will provide advertising in the Pulsator Newsletter. Both full color and Black & White ad options are available. Circulation is over 200 MO dairy farmers. Do you have seed or hay to sell? Cattle that you would like to move? Bulls to sell or are you needing some springers? This is the place for you. We can take your ideas and design your ad. Four issues annually. To schedule: Jodi Wright 417.743.2921
100 years special events it? It has been beyond. Some . sale to Can you believe rs in Missouri and e. Plan to attend g before the Holstein breede us celebrate as possibl us Friday evenin be a fun time. help Be sure to join It is sure to have as many tion and cake.cake and festivities! with Misses calls for a celebra ay A birthday, year-long birthday party , and Pasttake place on Saturdword. will Princesses the kick-off our ses and Misses please spread dents, Past as possible, Past Presistate Presidents, Princes many attend as past Calling all cular our have of to all specta aking and a y individuals A reunion ofbanquet. We would love huge undert during the This was a from many elite industr this to your ry Book -huge praise be sure to add ed 100th Histo has garner haven’t gotten your copy, NS book. Which da Oasis ERVATIO If you 417.926.2679 states. ne ly to Ramagfield, MO. other Eilensti and ROOM RES Michelle ations direct Sprin library! a book contact room reserv N. Glenstone, le. FREE tion or to order Please make Center, 2546 night, single/doub for your More informa Conv. da today tax per NOTICE Hotel & ention ica Dairy the Rama are $71 + OFFICIAL ng & Conv y Room rates with room. Call for Heart of Amer ership Meetin 100th Anniversar fast 88 Ask hot break Annual Memb 888-532-43 ein Associatio 2015 reservation, rMissouri HolstJanuary 22 - 24, Cente rate. . Expo Hotel & Conv
, MO. Ramada Oasis , director. n, director. r. Springfield Kirby Hanso eas.; Eric Adkins directo Borman, sec./tr Cornelius, sec./treas.; eas.; Larry Wright, t, vp; Judy director. sec./tr Debby ERS ICT OFFIC Penn, president; Al Brand an, vice-president; on Wilson-Kleiboeker, sec./treas.; Becky Durst, r. n, directo l: James res.; Shann Michelle Eilenstine, ent; Dan Hegem r. Marvin Schoe nt; Northeast Centra Cornelius, presid ent; Janice Perry, vice-p Dallas , vice-presideCliff Strieker, sec./treas.; eas.; Ed Steele, directo Northwest: Nelson Hostetler, presid ent; Justin Nelson sec./tr Morrison, v.p.;nt; Marilyn Moreland, Southwest: l: Tommy Scrivner, presid a (Schoen) reside Melind vice-p ent; Centra nd, n, presid South ent; Matt Morela John Schoe tine Southeast: l: Jay Moreland, presid , Michelle Eilens Brooks Ewing Susan Centra Tim s, , West Grove Wright Brad & Gail Larry & Jodi Eric Ling ITTEES Janice Perry, Wilson, Brad Groves, Ling, Mike Hackman, 2015 COMM on Kleiboeker, chm; Mike , Janice ler, Nelson Hostet Denbigh, Eric AdkinsMoreland Juniors: Shann r John Ewing, chm; Jay Cliff Streike Sale: Jason y: Becky Durst, chm; Wright, James Penn, na Thompson, Show & Futurit Borman, chm; Larry , Barry Steevens John Underwood, Marian chm; Ed Steele Dallas Cornelius, , Finance: Harlan Wittorf Ed chmn; Robert Perry Resolutions: ittee: Roy Parsons, y Scrivner, Awards Comm t, Chair; Tomm Alfred Brand Nominating:
2015 DISTR
Ad Deadlines
Full Page - $100 Half Page - $50 Quarter Page - $30
Full Page (8.5” x 11”) - $80 June 13 Half Page - $40 September 12 Quarter Page - $20 December 12
or e-mail: jwright@missouriholstein.com
___________________ I would like to be contacted regarding consigning to the Missouri Convention Sale ___________________ I would like to sell some Holsteins privately through the Missouri Association ___________________ I would like more information on advertising in the Mid-States Holstein News or the Pulsator ___________________ JUNIORS: Would you like to compete at the National Holstein Convention? ____________ Yes __________ No Would you like to serve on a committee of the Missouri Holstein Association?
For your name to appear in the Membership Directory dues must be paid by March
15. Late Fee of $10 / Adult Member after April 15
Dues are delinquent after that date and your name will be removed at the National Holstein office, therefore INCREASING your registration rates. Please make sure your address is complete. You can also pay online at www.missouriholstein.com What suggestions do you have to improve your Missouri Holstein Association?: __________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Remove and mail membership and payment
District Shows North East District: July 6 12:30pm, Lewistown, MO Arkansas Juniors: June 3 - 5, 4-State Dairy Days, Bentonville South Central District: June 8, Houston, MO West Central District: July 13, Pleasant Hill Southwest District: August 19, MO State Fair
~ 2015 Cow of the Year ~ Winner: Groves-Vu Goldwyn Barb 2E-90
40-Year Holstein USA Members Mike Hackmann, Marthasville
Robert Wilson, Neosho
Holstein USA - Clarified Plus March 1 brought a new and exciting product from Holstein USA and Zoetis. Clarifide Plus is a genomic test that will give dairy producers the ability to directly identify disease risk. •Clarifide® Plus, is the first commercially available dairy genetic evaluation specifically designed for wellness traits in U.S. cattle •Clarifide Plus genomic predictions for wellness traits provide reliable assessments of genetic risk factors for economically relevant diseases in Holstein cattle •Clarifide Plus is the only genomic test that allows producers to rank animals with the new Dairy Wellness Profit Index™ (DWP$™) that is based on traits that affect health, performance and profit •DWP$ describes more genetic variation in profitability than other indexes, allowing for faster progress toward profitability Clarifide Plus will provide reliable assessments at an early age for the following six common dairy health challenges, including mastitis, lameness, metritis, retained placenta, displaced abomasum and ketosis. Combined this information will provide producers the most comprehensive package of trait predictions for Holstein cattle, enabling the use of genetic selection along with good herd management to help reach their herd health and profitability goals. There is no cost for Clarifide Plus if a member is already enrolled in Enlight. Contact Tim Ewing, Holstein USA Field Representative for more details. 417-818-MILK.