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Letter of Introduction My name is Gabrielle. I’m a freshman in high school. I like hanging out with my friends. I love to laugh. I like going shopping with my dad because he buys me what I want. I like cute Italian guys who are tan and muscular. I love music. I like tanning in the summer and swimming. I care about my family but if I’m around them for to long I get really annoyed with them. I hate drama and people who start it. My favorite colors are yellow and orange. I’m obsessed with facebook. I always have my phone on me because I love to text. I tend to fall for total tools that are cute. I love getting new bags, they are my life. I don’t like sluts who steal boyfriends or go behind your back. (: <3

What’s in a Name

My name is Gabrielle Marie Toscano. I guess it’s an okay name but I wouldn’t have chosen that name or myself. When get older I think my name will be worse because I don’t think that Gabrielle would be a very good name or an adult because it’s more of a kid’s name. If I could have picked my name I probably would have chosen something other than the name Gabrielle. I like my middle name, it doesn’t really bother me. If I got that chance to change my middle name I don’t think I would. I like my last name because it’s Italian and I think that its way better then my mom’s maiden name (Cardinal-Cardinale).

Unfinished sentences 1. I usually worry about failing. I worry about failing because I hate being grounded. 2. I feel angry when I don’t get my way. I’m angry when I don’t get my way because I like getting what I want. 3. I’m moody when I talk to my mom. I’m moody when I talk to my mom because she always thinks she’s right. 4. I’m happiest when I go shopping. I’m happiest when I go shopping because it gets my mind off certain things. 5. I feel confident when I look good. I’m confident when I look good because it makes me feel good. 6. I feel frustrated when I don’t know what I’m doing because I feel like I’m less smart. 7. I feel depressed when nothing works out right because I feel like I did everything to make it wrong. 8. I am comfortable when I’m around my friends and family because I can be my self around them. 9. I feel nervous when something bad is going to happen because I know I can’t control it. 10. I feel sentimental when I think about the old days when every thing was going right because I felt like I was doing every thing right for once.

Ultimate all purpose excuse

I am tardy today because there was a lot of traffic cause by an unusual thing. I was on my way to your class when I came to a stop in the hallway due to kids not moving. I tried to get through every body but then a rap battle broke in the middle of the hall way. When it stopped and the hallways cleared I has just enough time to get to class. So I walked as fast as I could so I wouldn’t be late. I was right out side your door when a herd o zebras came by and as the bell rand I was still standing out side your door. A could seconds later I walk into your class and you gave me detention for being late.

The perfect present The perfect present for me would probably be patience. This would probably be the best present for me because I am not patience at all I can’t wait for anything. If I had patience’s I would be able to wait for the good things in life and not wonder what was going to happen and how things were going to turn out. I also wouldn’t have to rush on everything that I do and I could take my time. I think this gift would help everything out that I do. It would help me do better in school because I would be able to listen better and be willing to learn new things. It would help my life problems instead of wasting all of my time on focusing on one thing when I could just be patience and just see what would happen.

The Examined Life














not open minded


not industrious


not a perfectionist


not very courageous


A day in the life of..

She wakes up at 5:30 to get ready for school. Getting ready for school usually takes her about and hour not including how long it takes her to shower. She walks down to catch the bus at about 7:02. Once she gets to school she walk around with her friends for awhile until classes begin. she stays in school for what it seems to be like an endless 6 ½ hours. When she finally gets home she usually watches TV for a while. If it’s a good day she won’t have to deal with any drama and can do some of her homework. She finally gets to relax after doing her homework and dealing with her daily drama. But the best part of her day is when she finally gets to sleep.

Advice to the young

Be confident in your self to make decisions in you life that you really are sure o. do and take part in activities that you as a person enjoy and don’t fallow in other peoples footsteps. Make sure that you spend time with people that only make you eel good about yourself. Don’t be around people that bring you down in negative ways. Spend time with family because friends are going to come and go in your life and family is the sure thing that stays for ever. Sometimes close family members will not always be there, some may become unhealthy. Make good choices that affect you in positive ways. Learn from your mistakes because everyone makes mistakes and it only makes you a better person. Also try and do your best in school because this may you through life. Do what you enjoy because life is to short.

Cheer yourself up

1. go to the movies 2. go guy shopping 3. swim 4. tan 5. hang out with friends 6. go shopping 7. sleep 8. make fun of people 9. facebook 10.vent to your amazing friends

Color your world

I like bright colors because bright colors give me feeling of happiness. Darker colors give me feeling of sadness. Colors like yellow and orange brighten up my day because they make me feel good about my self and remind me of good memories. When I think of colors like blue and black they remind me of being sad and not so good memories. Black seems like a depressing color because you usually wear black at a funeral or during depressing times in your life. Different colors can describe you different moods.

Extended Metaphors Movie: The Notebook I would want to be the notebook because I think it’s the cutest movie ever. This is one movie I could never get sick of watching it. I’d want to be this movie because every thing in this movie comes out to be a perfect ending.

Natural Phenomenon: Shooting star I would want to be a shooting star because every one would want to see me in there life. Also people could make wishes on me, and I know that I could be the one always making people happy. Everyone on would think I am beautiful. And everyone would hope to see me.

Appliance or Machinery: Cell phone I would want to be a cell phone because every body loves cell phones. I would want to be a phone because I could text and call people as much as I would

want. I could listen to my favorite music. I could go on the internet. I could basically do everything If I was a cell phone.

Animal: sea turtle I would want to be a sea turtle because they see many different things in there life and there always in the ocean. Also they live to be a lot older then 100 and then you wouldn’t have to worry about things so much. Also I love the beach and the ocean and that’s where they live.

Piece of furniture: Bed I would want to be a bed because I am lazy. I love sleeping and I never want to get out of bed. I do most o my thinking when I’m laying in bed. If I was a bed I would never have to worry about being tired again or making important decisions.

Extraordinary pet I used to have a dog about two years ago named Moya. Moya was a brown and red Doberman. I got Moya when I was about three years old. My dad picked her out. She was the runt of the litter. I named her. I named her after my imaginary friend. When she was a puppy she was really crazy but as she got older she got better. Moya was my first pet and I had her for about nine years. She would stay in the yard and wouldn’t run away. When my sister was about three she ran away to the other street and my dad couldn’t find her and my dog was the one who led y dad to my sister. I loved that dog because she was like a big stuffed animal to me. She was there to play with me when I was little and the only child. The day she died was terrible for me. I remember when she ran away because the inside of her stomach was turned and it wasn’t like her to run away like that. When we found her she looked all bloated and fat. She had emergency surgery and after a few days she wasn’t getting and better, and she would need to have another surgery but she wasn’t strong

enough so we had to put her down. I remember that week so clearly and I still miss her. Family expectations.. Offer you… Respect Unconditional love Positive feed back Negative feed back Rules My own space Good foundation Role models Make good choices

Expect from me… Honesty trustworthy I’m going to make mistakes Try my best

Family Influence As I was sitting in the hospital with my family in early April 2010 I remembered all the times I spent with my grandma. My grandma was having major surgery which would change the rest o her lie. I remember all of the small helpful things she would do to help me out. What stands out in my mind is when we baked together at her house. As I have gotten older, I appreciate the time my grandma and I have spent together. She would talk to me and tell me about stories from when my dad was a kid and about he relatives I never got to meet. Now that she is 75 I would like to spend more and more time with her because as I get older I know that she won’t be around forever.

How to…

How you break a heart. The first step would be to make the person fall for you and make them believe you’re trustworthy. Make them believe that you love the. Stick by their side through everything then slowly drift away. Talk to this person less and make up believable excuses for why you haven’t been talking to them as much as you used to or as much as you’d like to. Cheat on the person that your in a relation ship with and dyne it. Lie to them and think of stories to go along with your lies to make them sound believable. Completely make them think that you don’t want them and then take them back three more times. Finally break up with them and move on quickly. If you really want to break there hearts act like you never knew them.







Back stabbers


The word no






being grounded








heart breakers




being alone





Scary movies

My phone TV

Memorable event A memorable event for me was when I went to go see iron man two. This was a memorable event for me because I haven’t been in the greatest of moods lately and this night was a night that actually made me smile. It was also memorable to me because of the people I went with. I went to see iron man with the Hogan’s and my dad. When we were in the movies they just did the most stupid things. The movie theater was really packed because it was the first weekend that the movie was in theaters and my friends dad was just sitting there hitting people in the head with popcorn and plus that’s the only reason he bought the popcorn. When the movie was over we sat in the theater for like 1 minutes waiting for a special trailer for a new movie which we waited for nothing because the trailer was only a minute long. When we left the movies me and my dad walked to the car with this kid matt and his friend and they were all talking about who was more jacked and it was just hilarious. After the movie we went to dunkin donuts at like 12:30. Gabby and I were telling every one that we were going to grow up and me iron man and kill hoes. We were also hitting on some old

creepy dudes. The night I went to go see iron man was one of the best nights I’ve had in a while because of all the drama that’s been going on in my life.

Metaphorical Definitions 1. Happiness is being with you on a warm summer night 2. Trust it being completely honest and not lying 3. beauty is confidence 4. hatred is her being with you 5. patience is waiting on a hot day 6. victory is winning you over her 7. rumor is finding something out about yourself you never knew 8. humor is your face 9. crime is the way you look 10. romance is looking into your eyes

My own list of lists People Who Have Influenced Me Friends Family Enemies TV. Stars Ex Boyfriends Lost Friends Places that make me happy My house My room My friend’s houses My pool Water parks The mall Places I would like to go California Italy Paris Aruba Jamaica Bahamas Things in people which I like Honesty Trustworthy Responsibility Respect When people tell you how the actually feel Love Things in people which I dislike Liars Not trustworthy Promise breakers

Negative thoughts People thinking their god No respect Cheaters Things that worry me Losing the people I love Being lied to Failing Getting caught Deadlines Not looking good Things I would like to know how to do Know how to get him back Snowboard Drive Math Get people to tell the truth Get people to apologize with out asking Forgive Things that have moved me People helping old people Getting good night texts from the person you like Actually working for something Helping other people with there problems Doing certain things for other people Ideas that intrigue me Guys Music Shopping Texting Facebook Swimming Tanning My person favorites Hanging out with my friends Money My phone Computer Good moods

Getting what I want

Personal Alphabet

Amazing Bitchy Colorful Delightful Extraordinary Friendly Gabrielle Helpful Intelligent Jumpy Kind Laughter Mature Nice Opinionated Polite Questionable Respectful Sassy Trouble Unique Vivacious Weepy Xanthippe Youthful Zealous

Personal metaphors Animal- Sea turtle because they live extremely long Car- Cadillac XLR Roadster because there awesome Article of clothing- flip flops because they make me think of nice weather Day of the week- Friday because I love the weekends Food- macaroni and cheese because it tastes yummy Color- yellow because bright colors make me happy Movie- the notebook because it deals with true love Fragrance- sensual amber because I would never get sick of it Type of building- a house on the beach because I love the beach Plant- rose because there beautiful Musical instrument- guitar because hot guys play the guitar Geometrics shape- star because there pretty Piece of furniture- bed because I love to sleep

Song- solo because it describes my mood Season of year- summer because I love the weather and there’s no school Television Character- Lauren conrad because she’s pretty and rich Cartoon character- Timmy Turner because all his wishes come true Appliance or machinery- cell phone because they can basically do anything you want them to

Personal symbol

When I was born my mom gave me a teddy bear. She got it from where she used to work, St. Cathrens center for children. As a young child, baby through elementary school I brought it every where with me and I even slept with it. I still keep this teddy bear in my room. When I was younger I couldn’t fall asleep with out it. This bear reminds me of home. My teddy has been with me though all the times in me life, and all of my memories are with this teddy bear.

Remembrance of things present Mostly it’s the time spent with friends and close family. All of the holidays spent with my family. I know that not all of the people that I spend time with now will be around forever. My parents both lost there fathers so the time that I spend with my father is good. When I am older I would like to remember all the good times that I am having now. I would like to remember all the good times that I’ve had with my friends and family and even times I’ve spent with my old boyfriend. And I really hope that the people in my life now will stick around forever.

Room Sweet Room Every item I have in my room describes me in a different way. The color of my walls are orange because orange is my favorite color I also picked that color cause I hate the feeling of being in a dark place while orange is bright and makes me feel better or happier. I have a bunk bed in my room with a futon on the bottom and a single bed on the top. I chose the bunked with a futon so I could just sit and relax and watch TV, also so there’s a place for my friends to stay when there over. I have posters in my room to describe things I like. I also have picture of me and my friends around my room. I have three mirrors in my room because I’m constantly looking at my appearance. In my room there are many electronics like my TV, ihome, and my house phone. I have a lot of hair products and appliances in my room because I love doing my hair and looking good. I have a lot of space for clothes, I have a pretty big dresser and I have a closet with French doors for even more of my clothes. I’m glad I got to design my own room because it describes me.

Sensory Experiences The touch of our skin on the cold grass on that warm spring night. The warm feeling when our palms touched. The taste of that nice warm cheese pizza I took from your friend after I took the pepperoni off. The taste of that yummy crunch popcorn that, that cool person spilled all over the deck. While tanning, and swimming with one of your best friends the smell of that banana boat tanning oil you use leaves on you. When that light wind blew and that smell you could smell know he was there. Hearing the laughter of everyone around you knowing you’re having a good time. Hearing the cricket sounds at night. Seeing the stupid fights we got in that night and laughing about it in the end. Seeing it go from day to night without even caring because you’re with the people you care about. This reminds me of my favorite night of spring spending time with my friends, and falling in love with you.

Symbolic Recipe Ingredients: Love, happiness, caring, fun, sense of humor, thoughtful, hatred, brains, beauty, self confidence Directions: 5 cups of love 3 ½ cups of happiness 3 cups of caring 4 cups of fun 4 ½ cups sense of humor 3 cups of thoughtfulness 2 ½ cups of hatred 2 ½ cups of self confidence 2 ½ cups of beauty 3 cups of brains Mix all of the ingredients together well and you get me (: Warnings: If not mixed or measured properly I will be a bitch

Synectics 8. A dream is more difficult than a dream because if you really liked the dream then you have to face the fact that the dreams not real and wake up from the dream. 14. An autograph has less charm than a signature because an auto graph because an autograph is just a person’s name on a piece of paper and a signature is someone’s name giving power 20. The truth is like a valentine because you would rather know the value of something then not know anything at all. 12. A mirror is like a legend because you see yourself in the mirror and everything you have been through. 17. A seek is sadder than a find because when you’re seeking you’re looking for something that is lost. 16. A friend is more useful than an enemy because they help you with the bad times and are with you through the good times and are always there for you. 18. A home costs more than I house because I house is just a place to live in and a home is where you feel comfortable and safe and where you have good and bad memories. 6. Old is more fearful than new because you can never go back to your old memories and live them again may forget the things you once loved.

7. Math is more like a promise because it’s stuck in your live forever. 1. A pencil is more wise then a pen because I pencil can fix its own mistakes.

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