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Erratic By: Amanda Herbert

Erratic Amanda Herbert

BDF 3-4 Table of Contents #1 A Letter of Introduction #2 What's in a Name

#3 Personal Alphabet #4 Likes/Dislikes Lists

#5 Sensory Experiences #6 Metaphorical Definitions #8 Color Your World

#9Room Sweet Room

#1o Personal Metaphors #11 Extended Metaphors #12 Symbolic Recipe

#13 The Ultimate All-Purpose Excuse #14 Unfinished Sentences #15 Personal Symbol #16 Map of Life #18 Synectics

#21 In Other Words #23 Remembrance of Things Present #25 My own Lists of Lists

#27 Cheer Yourself Up #28 Metamorphosis

#31 One Medium Suitcase #32 The Perfect Present #35 Family Influence #37 How to&

#39 Advise to the Young #47 Extraordinary Pet #52 Deck of 52

#53 The Examined Life #57 Free Choice Assignment- What's on Your Mind? #59 Free Choice Assignment- Magick Poem

The title of my Autobiography is Erratic. Erratic is a word that

means unique or unpredictable. Like me, my autobiography is erratic. I had chosen erratic because it describes me. This project is a way to

express myself using words as my actions. Using both sayings actions speak louder than words and the pen is mightier than the sword. As I

write I grow, like baby hedgehogs or baby ostriches. Always growing and always learning. I learned a lot about myself while writing this, things I knew but didn't understand.

1. A Letter of Introduction To: Future reader I would like to inform you about me. I am a daughter to my mother, Lena, and my father, Roland, but I call him Bob. I have a sister, Jenna, but I call her Billtosh. I am unique, I am not the normal person. I have a wide r ange of friends, they are all different. I also have a wide range of music that I liste n t o . F r om rock to pop, and from alternative to acoustic. I also have a weird fascination with pineapples and pickles. Overall I am a person that is like no other. I can have different feelings, but I am still the Amanda Everyone knows and loves.

From: Ninja QK

2 . W h a t 's i n a n a m e ?

Amanda is such a common name, but

s t r a n g e l y t h e r e a r e n o t m a n y f a m o u s A m a n d a 's . T h e r e a l s o i s n 't a r e a s o n I w a s n a m e d A m a n d a ,

The only reason is that my dad wanted to name me Amanda. As boring as that sounds I like my name. Amanda has a Latin origin, it means

worthy of love. My middle name, Marie, is shared with a few famous people. Some of them being

Marie Currie and Marie Antoinette. Overall I love my name, it stands for what I am. I love my n a m e a n d I w o u l d n 't c h a n g e i t .

3. Personal Alphabet

A- artistic B- benign

C- cryptic D- deep E- emotional F- footloose

G- good-natured H- halfway I- illogical K- knotty L- latent M- mock

N- nocturnal O- obstinate P- pale

Q- quirky R- rabid

S- strange T- tender

U- uncalled-for V- vexatious W- wry X- xiv

Y- yare Z- zoological

4. Likes/Dislikes List Likes -photography -music -art

-Ulquiorra -Bleach

-Vampire Knight -Naruto

-The House of Night series -Fearless series -Immortal series -friends -


-magick -archery -everything Japanese


-people who think they are better than everyone -adults who talk down to teens -pink

-child abuse

-animal abuse -people who kill nature -annoying bugs

-people who talk in monotone -racists

-people with no common sense -when people have no idea what I am talking


5 . Sensory Experieces Thousand IslandPark, a place I have been to ma ny times. I love it there. Whenever I think of it, I can s e e t h e r i v e r o f f o f the dock. I also see the hiding place we had under the dock, we called it our little house. I can smell the air after it

rained, and the exhaust from the golf cart. I can feel the water around my body and the seaweed between my toes. I can hear the bell from the

church that goes off every hour. I also hear the water hitting the side of the boat. I can taste the sandwiches we made to go fishing and the corn I hit you with, sorry.

6. Metaphorical Definitions Music is my heartbeat. Happiness is archery. An iris is physical happiness. Life is a knot. The truth is a monster. Sadness is death. Peace is a forest. Energy is a flowing river. A book is a solid imagination.

8. Color Your World

Order, I call order to my court, Brown, the judge of

Rainbane, said. Now Red, tell us just exactly who you are? Okay, I said I came here from Shuyou na, a town near Tokyo. My real name is Akai, but at home my friends call me Katai. I was sent here to inform your town that the mix in your blood color will kill you off. My towNow hold on Red. J- interrupted the judge. My name is Akai, sir. I interrupted the same way. Right, Akai. Anyway the last time our towns came in contact, it was to tell us of a bad fortune of the future. Is this what you were talking about? The judge said, rather annoyed. Yes, I replied, like I was saying before I was interrupted. My town leader wants me to tell you that the different colors made by your people could affect your health. I stopped there knowing that Brown would say something. So you are telling me that because we brought color to this world, we will die? We are being punished for coloring this dull world? The judge asked. I don't want this to happen, but because all of you aren't one of the primary colors. In a few generations you will die. I told everyone in the court room. A silence then fell upon the court room. I was told to leave Rainbane, never to return. A few generations later all of the colors died, leaving

Rainbane, the colorful town. Although the colors in the town was the blood of all of the townspeople. The world became colorful, at the price of the townspeople.

9. Room Sweet Room

A room can show a lot about someone. Like the color of the walls,

it can show the favorite color of that person. Like in my room, my walls are

purple, and purple is one of my favorite colors. Also in my room, there is a fabric poster of Inuyasha. I also am putting up posters of Avatar and

Panic At The Disco. I have bookshelves in my room too, all on one wall. They are also purple, and one is already full of books. I love my room, it is similar to me. If I could change it, I would only want to splatter dark purple paint on my walls. My room makes me feel safe, like I live in my own little world.

10. Personal Metaphors Animal- bat

Car- hybrid

Article of Clothing- hat Day of The Week- Tuesday Food- watermelon Color- green

Movie- Guardians of Ga'hoole Fragrance- dragon's blood Type of Building- tower Plant- Japanese iris

Musical Instrument- piano Geometric Shape- star

Piece of Furniture- futon Song- Autumn's Monologue

Season of the Year- Autumn Television Character- Prue

Cartoon/Comic Character- Ulquiorra Appliance- blender

Natural Phenomenon- tsunami Word- OSFM

11. Extended Metaphors

If I were a car I would be a Hybrid. I would be a Hybrid for a few

reasons. One reason would have to be because I am a mixture of

personalities, so I would be a Hybrid of personalities. Another reason is because when I can be, I am green. I want to save Earth from spiraling down to nothing but a dump.

If I were an article of clothing I would be a hat. I would want to be a hat because I like to be able to express myself. If I was a hat I would be

able to say anything I wanted to. I also like to be on top of things. I would like to be a top hat, they are awesome. If I were a movie I would be Guardians of Ga'hoole. It is a movie

that is coming out on September 24, 2010. It is a movie that is based on one of my favorite book series. It is about owls, one of my favorite birds. So being that movie would be one of the best things ever.

If I were a comic character I would be Ulquiorra Schiffer. He is a character from an anime/manga that I like, Bleach. He is strong and, if he was real, the perfect guy for me. Sad, I know but it is true.

If I were a word I would be OSFM. OSFM is the way me and my sister say awesome. It stands for one size fits most, like for gloves. We just like

the way it sounds, and we have used it for awhile. Also every time we say it we smile a little bit.

12. Symbolic Recipe 1 cup of sarcasm ½ cup of irony

2 cups of averageness ¾ teaspoon of oddness ½ pinch of magick

2 tablespoons of caffeine First, add together the sarcasm, irony, and average (don't add extra

sarcasm). Then, add the oddness. If you don't add this by itself it won't

have any affect. After, add the magick, remember a little goes a long way. Last, add the caffeine.

WARNING: If you add the caffeine you will have to deal with a hyper Amanda (don't worry, it's normal). Note: All of these ingredients are used to make Amanda, if any of

them are missing she will not be herself.

13. The Ultimate All-Purpose Excuse Dear Fiozzo, Sorry for missing your class. Well you see, when I woke up the

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were attacking my house. I Had to fight them off before anything, so I got my ninja pterodactyl. After five hours of fighting off the ninja turtles, I went outside and went on my way to

school. On my way, a huge gust of wing blew me over, blew off my bag,

and sent my papers flying. When I went to get them, they spontaneously combusted. After walking the rest of the way to school, with my papers as ashes, it was two o'clock by the time I got to school. So I figured I should just wait for the bus, get home, and relax after a long day. When I got

home, my ninja pterodactyl had eaten my homework for the rest of the week. So, I spent the rest of that day redoing my homework. Sorry again,

Amanda Herbert

14. Unfinished Sentences

I usually worry about what book I am reading. Most of the time I am reading a series of books, and I worry what will happen in the books.

I feel angry when people don't put effort into things. Like in art, one person that sits at my table doesn't even try to be good. They just draw without trying, it makes me so angry.

I'm moody when I have a lot of things to do. When I am stressed, I get moody. Like when I have a lot of homework.

I'm happiest when I am with my friends. She loves me so much, it makes me so happy.

I feel confident when I am with my friends. They make me feel like if I say the stupidest thing, that I am not wrong or weird. They allow me to do anything.

I feel frustrated when I can't think of something to write or draw. When I feel creative , I can't think of something to do. It frustrates me.

I feel depressed when I am not listening to music. I love music, and it makes me free. When I'm not listening to music I feel like the life has been sucked out of me.

I feel comfortable when I am in my room. It's my area of me. I can do anything I want there.

I feel nervous when I am about to do something big. The nervousness inside of me swells into something unbearable. I hate being nervous.

I feel sentimental when I wear my grandmother's necklace. We had a close bond. I love that necklace, I always will.

15. Personal Symbol

My personal symbol is a witch's knot. A witch's knot is a symbol of

protection, used as an anti-witch symbol (hello irony). It was a symbol

used by witches. It is make of four interlocking vesica piscis with a circle around the center. It symbolizes me because it was used to control the

weather, and I love to control the weather. If I could I would make it rain five out of the seven days in the week. It is also used as a love charm, but I don't use it as one.

16. Map of Life

Places: •

Home #1- My first home, I only lived here for a few months.

Home #2- My second home, we moved here after 908 Altamont Ave. My dad still lives here.

Home #3- My mom, my sister, and I moved here after 17 Dover Drive.

• •

Home #4- We then moved here after Carman Road.

Home #5- We moved here after Mariaville Road, and we live here

now. •

Universal Studios- I went here with my sister for a school orchestra trip.

Niagara Falls- I went here twice. I stayed near the falls. I went shopping in Canada and in the U.S.

Rochester- I have been here many times, I have hade a few injuries here, but it was all fun.

Parc Safari- We went here when I was really young, it is the first trip that I can remember.

Footbridge North Motor Inn- We would stay here whenever we would go to Maine. We would go swimming, shopping, and sun bathing.

Thousand Island Park- We used to go here. We would catch fish, ride in the golf cart, and go swimming. I wish we could go back.

Goose Creek, South Carolina- My aunt lives here. We went once, fun in the sun.

Virginia- We went to visit one off my mom's old friends. It was fun, and we wrote I love NY in the sand.

Hershey Park- We went here twice for girl scouts. It rained both times, but we managed to have fun in the rain.

18. Synectics

Which is wiser? A pen or a pencil? A pencil is wiser. If you think about it, a pencil has a point. That means you are wiser.

Which is easier to forgive? A street or a sidewalk? A sidewalk is easier to forgive. Kids fall down on sidewalks all the time, those who fall on the street don't normally like that street afterwards.

Which is smarter? A clock or a calendar? A clock is smarter than a

calendar. A clock can tell time for over a year, while a calendar can tell time for only a year.

Which is easier to teach? A question or an answer? A question is easier to teach. You can say a lot of things as a question, but only one thing can be an answer.

Which is like a contest? A cloud or a sunset? Clouds are like a contest. They race across the sky to get to the horizon.

Which is more fearful? New or old? New is more fearful. New things are weak and fragile, people don't want to hurt them. So they fear them.

Which is like a promise? Mathematics or science? Math is like a promise. Numbers are true, with science not everything is accurate.

Which is more difficult? A dream or a nightmare? A dream is more

difficult. They are harder to figure out. While nightmares are a fear, and easier to figure out.

Which is braver? An hour or a year? An hour is braver than a year. People have less time to do things in an hour, having such little time makes

someone braver. During a year you have more time, and won't be as brave. Which has more pride? An entrance or an exit? An exit, it gets to see everyone before they leave.

Which is easier to close? A road or a map? A road is easier to close. You can block it off and it won't open for a while. A map can be reopened whenever.

Which is like a legend? A mirror or glass? Glass is like a legend. It doesn't break down in a person's lifetime. So it will last forever.

Which is more respectful? Rain or snow? Snow is more respectful. It knows that kids don't like school, and it causes a snow day.

Which has less charm? A signature or an autograph? A signature has less charm. When someone autographs something, people love it more.

Which is more trustworthy? History or literature? Literature is more

trustworthy. What was written won't change. While history can be proven wrong.

Which is more useful? A friend or an enemy? An enemy, they give you purpose. Friends are just there.

Which is sadder? Seek or find? Seek is sadder, you might not find what you need. When you find you are happy.

Which costs more? A home or a house? A home costs more. A home is where you have a family and a life. While a house is just a place.

Which is happier? Music or Art? Neither is happier. You can be happy through both, just like you can be sad through both.

Which like a valentine? The truth or a lie? A lie is like a valentine. The truth isn't always pretty, but a lie can sound nice. Like a valentine, nice.

21. In Other Words

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may

not follow. Just walk beside me, and be my friend."

~Albert Camus

"I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not

sure you realize that what you heard is what I meant." ~Robert McCloskey

" You grow up the day you have your first real laugh- at yourself." ~Ethel Barrymore

"Tell a man there are 300 billion stars in the universe and he will believe

you. Tell him the bench has wet paint and he'll have to touch it to be sure."

~Murphy's Law

"The odds of going to the store for a loaf of bread and coming out with

just a loaf of bread are 3 billion to 1."

~Erma Bombeck

"Everything is funny as long as it happens to someone else."



"Keep a thing for seven years and it's bound to come in handy." ~Russian Proverb

"People who share their religious views with you almost never want you to share yours with them." ~Dave Barry

"Don't worry about the world ending today, it's already tomorrow in


~Charles Schulz "If anything can just not go wrong, it will anyway."

~Murphy's Law

23. Remembrance of Things Present

Time is passing by me at speeds unimaginable. I hate to go forward,

but at least I could remember the things now. Some of the things I want to remember are my friends, Michelle, Ryan Aaron, Jen I, Jess, Marissa,

and so many more. Most of my friends will graduate a year before I do, so I won't be able to see them when they leave. I want to spend as much time

with them as I can. I hope that I remember the fun times I had at school, the anime convention, and the moments I spent with my friends and family. I value the honesty that my friends have with me. Also I value my family.

25. My Own Lists of Lists

1 . People who have influenced me: My sister, Jenna My friends, Marissa, Aaron, Jen G, Ryan Adam Savage My family

Ryan Ross

2. Places that make me happy: Thousand Island Park Hot Topic

Places I am with my loved ones

School, when I am not learning My room

Wherever I am when I read

3. Places I would like to go: Japan Italy


Maryland Toledo

Anywhere fun

4. Things in people which I like: Creativity

If they are sad once in a while Kindness

Knowledgeable Artsy


5. Things in people which I dislike: Snobs

When they think they are better than others Perfectionists Perkiness


6. Things that worry me: When loved ones are injured When I see people who are choking When I see people almost drown

When I am overwhelmed with work

When a fire or an oven is on with no one near it

7. Things I would like to know how to do: Be a better archer

Explain what I am thinking Read Japanese

Write Japanese Be magickal

Be more clever

8. Things that move me: Death Life

Mystery Music Art


9. Ideas that intrigue me: Magick

Creation Death

Destruction Possibilities Evolution

10. My Personal Favorites: Friends Water Fire

Earth Air


Bruin (my bow) Pterodactyls (for some reason)

27. Cheer Yourself UP! Talk with my friends Listen to my music

Sit upside-down in a chair Play with a candle

Watch Mythbusters Do some archery

Say things no one understands BAKA Watch anime or read manga

28. Metamorphosis Over time we change,

It could be from a seed into a tree.

But for me it could be even more wonderful.

I once was a match, But now I am a fire.

I used to be a light bulb, And now I am a lamp.

When I was younger I was a cat, As I grew I became a tiger. Over time we change,

Dramatically or very little. Change happens,

We can't change it.

31. One Medium Suitcase

Leaving home is something I have waited for, just to see how I will

do. If I could only take one suitcase , I would take things I would need. I

would need money, I hate to say it, but I would. I also would take books. Only a few books, just to keep me occupied. I would also take a few extra outfits. I would also take things I want. I wouldn't want to take a map. I

wouldn't need a map because I would want to just go, with no directions and no limits.

32. The Perfect Present

I think that the perfect present for me would have to be courage. I

have the ideas to do fun, wild things, but lack the courage. I think courage

would help me do the things I want to do, and push me to do them. It would be the perfect gift because I lack a lot of courage, I have some, but not as

much as I would like. If I had more courage I would be able to do the things I want to do. For example I want to be a clever person who can say something funny, and it will actually be funny.

35. Family Influence

I am influenced by all of my relatives, but the one I am influenced by

the most is my sister, Jenna. It's just the amount of time we spend

together. We have an influence on each other.. We have a bond that most people don't5 have. Yes, we get of each other's nerves, but that is what

sisters do. Even if we will live far apart in the future, we will be able to stay close. That is what sisters do, that, other than annoying each other, is our job.

37. How to...

How to be a ninja QK: First, get a pure black ski mask.

Then, get all black pants and shirt. Now put everything on.

Once you have everything on, go around and play tricks on your siblings and/or parents.

If they assume it is you, run to your room, change, grab a book, and jump on the bed like nothing happened. NOTE: I an not responsible for any possible trouble you might get into.

39. Advise to the Young

This is for the younger person that is reading this. Don't be a

person who pretends to know nothing. They are annoying and completely useless. If you can avoid it, please. People won't like you if you are. It's

better to just be yourself, trust me. I know some people who are like that, and they aren't getting very far. You will be better than that. I just know. Actual knowledge is one of the best gifts, so don't keep it wrapped up and stored away.

47. Extraordinary Pet

My pet's name is Ari. She is my cat, and she is like a ninja

sometimes. She is sneaky and she can hide herself. She is black and

white, she is black on her top half with white on her lower half. She has a white wishbone shaped area above her nose. We got her and her brother

and sister, Salem and Baby, when they were only a few weeks old. When she was younger she used to hop when she walked, she would hop and follow me around the house. Ari is good towards my family, not my

grandpa, and some others.; she doesn't like people who don't like cats,

she hisses at them. When I hold her she climbs up onto my back. Most of the time, she will come when I call her. In some ways she is like me, we both have a unique way of expressing ourselves. She expresses herself with

her actions, and I express myself with what I wear. I think Ari loves me, and I love her too.

52. Deck of 52

52 fun random sayings •

Flappen hoogen

Gargle haggius

Haggus flippio

Iy iy fliggle



Yaggen flappen

Floople de hig

Claaffle bloggy hoofen doof

Flabber wocked

D-E-D ded

Yuzu kotsu




Limon pombu

Treded flab

Pedpen guffen


Misa miso


Oy with the poodles already.

Golly gosh

Mitzy musa

Llama llama duck

Iya midi

Pickle doofen hazen flaffen


Rather Average Nighttime Duck Of Mine (random)


Om nom nom

Mathius deathicle

Randomness sayingness

You smell like beef and cheese, you don't smell like Santa.

I kill you till your dead, that's worse.


Have I possibly gone daffy?

Holy avocado

Japanese mayonnaise

Sardine face

Those aren't beans, those are intestines.

Who are these People?

Butt-faced miscreant.

What the fish paste

Clam juice

It's okay, blame the voices

The answer is no!

If I hadn't just been sitting in it, I would say you have lost your mind.

Blaffen haffle

Do a little tap dance, and we've got salsa.

Meny ogay

Fish face

53. The Examined Life Good





-quiet (yes , both)




-I have flaws


-get annoyed easily



-bad eyesight -obnoxious

57. Free Choice Assignment What's on Your Mind?

Why do people always complain about things? I mean some people I know will complain about something I did too. Like earlier today, someone was complaining about how they only got four hours of sleep, and I only got three and sit there like nothing if wrong. I don't get how people can

think that complaining about something could make you more popular. I don't get it, it doesn't make any sense. Sometimes I wish people would just find a creative, artistic way to deal with their problems.

59. Free Choice Assignment Magick Poem

The power that's in me' The power that's not. It's everywhere'

And it's everything

The flow of the water, The sound of the wind, The crackle of the fire,

And the warmth of the trees. Feel the magick within.

Epilogue I, the author, would like to comment on the work I have presented. This work shows a person who doesn't normally find ways to express herself. She has done a good job and learned a lot about herself. The person

expressed in this piece of literature has been poked and pried at to open up (mostly I poked at myself to open up).

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