Mohsen Khanmohamadi - Architecture Portfolio - Oct 2021

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Mohsen Khanmohamadi Architecture Portfolio Selected Projects 2014 2021


CV 04 ACADEMIC 01. Urban Farm 08 02. EmulCITY 12

PROFESSIONAL 03. Kinder Und Jugendliche Theater Frankfurt 18 04. Berlin TXL, The Urban Tech Republic 24 05. Guangzhou Pearl River Julong Bay Project 30 06. Darband Event Hall 34 07. Chenaran Commercial 38 08. Lybra Cafe 42 09. Bamian Cultural Center 46 10. Eilkhaneh Apartment 50


Mohsen Khanmohamadi

15.05.1990, Tehran, Iran

Goerzallee 135, 12207 Berlin, Germany +49 17647175284

EDUCATION 2019 - Present Berlin, Germany

M.Sc. Architecture-Typology

2008 - 2012 Tehran, Iran

B.Sc. Architecture


WORK EXPERIENCE March 2021 - Sep 2021 Tehran, Iran

GMP Architekten

Nov 2018 - Aug 2019 Tehran, Iran

Hadi Teherani Architects

Apr 2016 - June 2017 Tehran, Iran

Beta Studio

Jul 2015 -Jan 2017 Tehran, Iran


Apr 2014 - Jun 2015 Tehran, Iran

Shift Process Practice

Dec 2012 - Jan 2014 Tehran, Iran

L.E.D Architects

4 months working student, 3 months internship Project Architect Architect / Co-founder Architect / CG artist Project Architect Junior Architect

EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Apr 2019 Tehran, Iran Nov 2017 Isfahan, Iran Apr 2015 - Sep 2015 Tehran, Iran Sep 2014 - Feb 2015 Tehran, Iran


Tehran Urban Innovation Center Workshop Tutor - WeBridge Workshop - Activating the leftover spaces under the intracity bridges in Tehran

Maane Memaran Workshop Tutor - Solving sanitation problems for villagers of Aliakbar village in the poor area of Systan in Iran

vv Teacher Assistant - Architecture Without Pre-Conception Design Studio - Prof. Nashid Nabian

IAUCTB Teacher Assistant - First-year graduate design studio Profs. Nashid Nabian, Rambod Eilkhani

HONORS AND AWARDS Oct 2016 Tehran, Iran

1st place in Memar Award

Oct 2016 Tehran, Iran

2nd place in Memar Award

Oct 2016 Tehran, Iran

Honorable mention in Memar Award

Oct 2015 Tehran, Iran

Honorable mention in Memar Award

Oct 2014 Tehran, Iran

2nd place in Memar Award

Sep 2012 Tehran, Iran

2nd place in Designing the monument of martyrs

Apr 2012 Tehran, Iran

1st prize in Mirmiran Concept Design - Wind and Architecture

Public category for White Gallery, as a member of Shift Process Practice Residential category: individual dwellings for In/Exterior Falahatian Yardhouse, as a member of Shift Process Practice Residential: Apartment Buildings category Apartment, as a member of L.E.D Architects



Renovation category for Lybra Cafe, In co-operation with Hoya Studio Residential: Apartment Buildings category for Eilkhaneh Apartment, as a member of Shift Process Practice office In cooperation with Mohamadali Khanmohamadi and Hosein Khanmohamadi

In cooperation with Alaleh Sakhaeifar and Mahdi Ghotbi Dec 2011 Tehran, Iran

Honorable mention in Designing Mashhad City’s Entrance Gate Cooperated with Mahdi Ghotbi, Siavash Ghorbani, and Shahab Towliat


New Year In Historical Districts of Tehran Journal of Architecture and Urbanism (pp. 97-100), Great Tehran Municipality

LANGUAGES English Fluent German Basic (B1) Farsi Mother’s tongue Azerbaijani Basic

COMPUTER SKILLS CAD, 3D Modeling Rendering Graphics Micorsoft Energy Analysis Other

Autocad, Revit, 3Ds Max, Rhino, Sketchup, T-Splines, Vray, Corona Renderer, Lumion, Enscape Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign Word, Excel, Powerpoint Sefaira QGIS, Grasshopper


CG art, Photography, Origami, Yoga, Running, Biking, Podcasts, Music, Travelling, Reading


CV 04 ACADEMIC 01. Urban Farm 08 02. EmulCITY 12

PROFESSIONAL 03. Kinder Und Jugendliche Theater Frankfurt 18 04. Berlin TXL, The Urban Tech Republic 24 05. Guangzhou Pearl River Julong Bay Project 30 06. Darband Event Hall 34 07. Chenaran Commercial 38 08. Lybra Cafe 42 09. Bamian Cultural Center 46 10. Eilkhaneh Apartment 50


01 URBAN FARM Academic project, Berlin, 2020 Design Studio 01, M.Sc. Typology, TU-Berlin Supervisors: Finn Geipel, Germain Chan, Ali Saad Design team: Galina Grinberg, Weronika Kessler, Mohsen Khanmohamadi, Hanieh Norouzzadeh

Typology-finding process

Conceptual diagram

X3 Vertical Production

Existing Typology

Underground Operational Zone



2 Commerce



4 Glass towers as light sources


Sticking Tower

Lifting the Mass

Offices School Production Showcase

Open Ground Floor





Circulation isometric

Program isometric


20.00 +16.00 +12.00 +8.00


Isometric view


Section B-B

Isometric view


Green Column Stacker crane technology


Fully automated picking and retrieving Culinary School

ProductionTowers Vertically stacked Compact and modular Tailored climate control


Rooftop Farm


Lobby Living Walls

Plantation distribution


Main entrance view

Ground floor plan

First floor plan

The unremitting trends of increasing population, urbanization, diminishing water supply, continuing climate change, and declining stocks of arable land per person force us to rethink the way we grow and produce food, and seek new solutions for ensuring future food security.

various services for the neighborhood, providing new jobs, education opportunities, recreation, and commerce facilities.

The project is situated on the edge of an industrial district. The existing typology in the area is land-consuming, monofunctional, non-permeable, and non-sustainable. Urban Farm proposes a diverse program that integrated a clean industry with


Three farm towers are places within the programmatic cluster and serve as light wells for the rest of the site. They are operating on the underground level and thus releasing the ground floor for the public. The project exposes the public to the different facets and stages of food production and brings back this basic human practice into the city.

Lobby view

South view


02 EmulCITY Academic project, Berlin, 2020 Bio-Inspired Modular Morphologies, Master of Typology, TU-Berlin Supervisor: Liss C. Werner, Valmir Kastrati Team: Mohsen khanmohamadi, Joanna kowalik, Hanieh Norouzzadeh, Sebatian von Stosch


Emulsion experiment

Side view

Gordon Pask in his article “The architectural relevance of cybernetics” writes: “[…] the structure of a city is not just the carapace of society. On the contrary, its structure acts as a symbolic control programme on a par with the ritual constraints which are known to regulate the behaviour of various tribes and which render this behaviour homeostatic rather than divergent.“ Our proposal is an ever-growing and ever-changing organism which follows a set of rules that regulate its growth but also informs the workings of the society within it. It tackles the problem of water deficit and pollution in the area of Bayiang lake by introducing algae water treatment, sustainable energy, and food production for the inhabitants of CityX. Inspiration: Emulsion and Algae Our two inspirations come from the organic world of algae and from experiments with oil, water, and turmeric. During those experiments, we discovered that the density of turmeric influences the behaviour of oil and creates fascinating

top view

Floating bubbles

morphologies subjected to opposing forces of gravity and buoyancy. In the side view, the emulsion grows and changes, forming landscapes of tower-like blobs and bubbles. From the top, it forms circle packing geometry. The algae we have researched are: volvox algae, with its circular shape and hexagonal surface; and water net algae, which is characterised by a penta- and hexagonal network of filaments. CityX The area of CityX is characterised by vast wetland areas around Bayiang lake. A common inhabitant of this environment is algae, one of the two inspirations to our project. Algae (volvox) reproduce by building up cell colonies inside of a specimen and releasing them into the waters around it. Algae bloom on the border between water and land and gradually spreads further into the water. Similarly, our urban spread starts on the coastline and around the existing towns. Hexagrid The hexagonal grid system we chose originates from the geometry of cell connections within an algae unit. Each side of a single hexagon is 1 kilometre long and its diameter is 2 km.

Emulsion sinks to the Force of buoyancy push- Trunk of the droplet nar- Droplet releases the top Remaining emulsion eibottom of the vessel es a droplet up rows down bubble which travels up ther follows to the top or to the surface sinks back down 12

water existing towns Masterplan of the area





service cell

molecule comunity center

Process diagram


I size

II water

III existing towns

- accessibility - population density - functions - human community

- through service cells


Each neighbourhood is divided into blocks by a network of streets inspired by water net algae. Within each circular neighbourhood, there is a selection of functions, rendering the district as a (partially) self-sustaining entity. The cells fill out one by one, similarly to the reproduction process of the volvox algae- when one cell matures (or a neighbourhood densifies), it releases the daughter colony (or the main attractor- public space) into the neighbouring district. Each neighbourhood has a service cell (or multiple) attached to itself that contains an algae farm fueling the

Urban Scale

Droplet-inspired habitat development


V water treatment

- always more than 2 service cells

This is also the size limit of neighbourhoods that originate on the coastline and populate the area, following the geometry of circle packing. The initially regular hexagon contains one circle which outlines a single administrative district of CityX (neighbourhood).The size of the circle is then affected by one or few of the rules of urban organization (Fig. 13).

Regional Scale

IV neighborhood molecule

neighbourhood with food, power and clean water, or a natural biotope area (Fig. 12). Habitats The smallest building unit consists of a living space for a single human. It is also a building module for the large habitat clusters. The clusters consist of a hexagonal or pentagonal framework inspired by water net algae, made up of filaments that branch out and create intricate networks, filled with algae and constantly providing clean water and shading for the habitants. The framework is constantly expanded and updated by AI analysing the density of each urban cell, creating towerlike structures inspired by the emulsion geometries. The morphologies derived from those geometries are translated into functional typologies and mixed together to create a rich and diverse urban fabric of each district.

Architectural Scale

Section cut


View towards a neighborhood

EmulCITY bird-eye view



CV 04 ACADEMIC 01. Urban Farm 08 02. EmulCITY 12

PROFESSIONAL 03. Kinder Und Jugendliche Theater Frankfurt 18 04. Berlin TXL, The Urban Tech Republic 24 05. Guangzhou Pearl River Julong Bay Project 30 06. Darband Event Hall 34 07. Chenaran Commercial 38 08. Lybra Cafe 42 09. Bamian Cultural Center 46 10. Eilkhaneh Apartment 50



03 Kinder Und Jugendliche Theater Frankfurt Competition, Berlin, 2021 GMP Architekten Cooporated in: Concept design, design development, planning, 3D modelin and presentation

The aim of the competition was renovation and adaptation of historical Zoogesellschaftshaus building. For that improvement of the circulation and repositionning of some functions should have been taken effect and some minor and major changes needed to be done in the building interiors. Original design (Josef Durm and Adam Friedrich Kaysser) dates back to 1875. Zoogesellschaftshaus suffered from war demolitions, and underwent two major interventions (1960‘s and late 1980’s). Currently, the building potential is not fully used. Two main functions are to be placed in the building: Children’s Theatre (Kinder- und Jugendtheaterhaus) and the Administration of Frankfurt Zoo. This emerged the need of separation between circulation and function of different areas in the building. The main design concept focuses on creating an ‚Open House ‘– inviting all the citizens. Central big hall serves as main performance venue for 450 people. It is also possible to divide it into two smaller halls, 200 spectators each.

East-north bird view

Site plan


West bird view

One of the main issues of the competition was how to avoid unwanted circulation between the children theatre (Kinder und Jugendtheaterhaus) and the administration of Frankfurt Zoo. This happens differently in every floor depending on the quality of the rooms and a study on requirement of the space (area and height) for each room, and connection between the different functions. the main idea was to have the functions related to zoo closer to the east facade (facing zoo) and to allocate the rest of the areas to the theatre. In some cases, these two functions share a room, mostly when there is the common gathering or exhibition area.

Ground floor plan

the first and the last floor are where most of the public functions are taking place, and where most visitor will use. To have the good quality space in the last floor a new roof design, by having an eye into historical roof is done. This historic roof was made out of wooden beams and columns and was almost completely destroyed and replaced with the new flat roof later. 4th floor plan

Latitude section


East-north prespective The newly designed roof is symmetrical and offering a more generous place for practise rooms for theatre and for the visitors of the theatre. They can also enjoy the view to the city from the highest point of the building. The west facade, facing city side and having the main entrance of the building (theatre zone) is filled with public functions: Children’s Theatre Foyer, Multifunctional Balcony Hall and Foyer for Workshop and Rehearsal Stages on the top, with the view of famous Frankfurt Skyline. They are connected by generous stairs, that can also serve as auditorium seats. Administration of the Zoo is located on the other side, facing the green areas of Zoologischer Garten. The office and exhibition functions are placed behind new, glazed facade.

East facade


Two of the facades of the building is supposed to be kept and the east and south facade where subject to the new design. (They were changed several times during the intervention phases. The main concept for facade design was to represent the original classical design of the building. It’s slender columns, and classical rhythm, correspond with the original state and order, which was changed during the late 80’s renovation.

Interior render, showing the stairs and balconsaal

Program distribution diagram

Theatres are place in a cube in the heart of the building. this box is visible through having a distinguished volume extruding out of the building. and also having a different covering

material for the interior walls. the white straws are showing the position of the box in the building and making it more pleasant for the children theatre.

South Facade



Longitude section


04 Berlin TXL – The Urban Tech Republic Professional Project, Berlin, 2021 GMP Architekten Cooporated in: Planning and 3D modeling of watchtower, maker space and confrence rooms.

Tegel airport bird view Opening at 1948 and having its last flight at Nov 2020, Tegel is one of the most memorial places for all berliners. The whole airport is among national heritage now and should preserve. In August 2021 the grounds were handed over to Tegel Projekt GmbH, where they want to make the Urban Tech Republic Of Tegel. In the Urban Tech Republic as many as 1,000 large and small businesses with 20,000 employees will work in research, development, and production. And more than 2,500 students will move into the former terminal building along with the

prestigious Berliner Hochschule für Technik University. In total around 5,000 students will populate the Berlin TXL campus. Berlin TXL will focus on what keeps the 21st century’s growing major cities alive: the efficient use of energy, sustainable construction, eco-friendly mobility, recycling, networked control of systems, clean water, and application of new materials.

Tower section

Tower image


Amphitheaters, conference rooms Watch Tower

Maker Space

Site plan, showing the position of tower, amphitheters, confrence rooms and maker space

Ground floor plan


Floor plan +26m

Floor plan +30m

Interior image

Interior image

Interior image


Upper terrace

Floor plan +34m (terrace) The watch tower of the airport has 1438 square meters of area in total where its mostly stairs and circulation to the upper floor and at the end there are 350m² of usefull floor area. After studying the plans, GMP offered several options for how to use this area, Office tower, Lounge tower, Suite tower, Event tower and gourmet tower were among them. For all the options a study about the requiremnts of the space has been done and then plans and 3D models were developed to check with the existing situation of the walls and ceilings. The idea is to keep the original outlook of the tower and so no window will become blind and that makes some limits into where the new interior wall could be located and about the proportion and area of the new rooms. Another challenge in changing the function of this tower is the fire escape regulations and provision of access for all users, where the space is so small and client wants to have the maximum usable space.

Floor plan +42m


At the end it was super interesting to work on a watch tower of such a nostalgic and prestigues place and thinking about how this tower have a new life and how to plan it for the new usage! Last floor exhibition room


Entrance area to the maker space (at right) and confrence rooms (at left). Conference rooms and the maker space are located in front of each other, forming a big entrance area in front of them. from this entrance a corridor goes to the loop area behind these buildings (where the check ins and airplains used to be). To make a better quality entrance stairs were relocated. This provides a wider area, plus opens up the facade for the maker space and lets it have big glass windows. (above picture on the left). Many different variations have been studied for the arrangement of seats and location of walls in the confrence rooms to provide the maximum number of the seats and make it financially logical for the client to make

Maker Space. Varient 1

Maker Space. Varient 2


amphitheatres and confrence rooms there. For the maker space and the corridor next to it different options for the use of space and the interior look were designed. keeping an eye on the old proportion and geometry of the building and trying to integrate the design principle into the new design. Among these principle is the triangular ceiling panels of the old airport which was translated into the new forms of suspended ceiling and lighting for different rooms in the new TXL project. In total 2250m² of confrence rooms and 1200m² of maker space, workshops and offices next to them where design in this part of the old airport.

Corridor’s suspended ceiling Varient 1

Corridor’s suspended ceiling Varient 2

Corridor’s suspended ceiling Varient 3

Corridor’s suspended ceiling Varient 4


05 Guangzhou Pearl River Julong Bay Project Professional Project, Berlin, 2021 GMP Architekten Cooporated in: Volumetric study, facade design, planning, 3D modeling, presentation

Circulation flow The project contains of one office tower (150m), four residential buildings (150m, 130m, 120m, and 100m), Podium, HQ of some offices, four villas, two floors of underground parking for 1475 cars and MEP etc., and landscape. Located next to the Zhujiang River and having a unique view to that, it was important to provide a good view for all the buildings, and to avoid shadowing other buildings. The project is located in Guangzhou, China, in Bai’etan JVLONGWAN DISTRICT which is having many historical and nationally preserved areas and buildings that need to brought into consideration when

View from residential yard


designing, and were adding some height limits to the project site. Podium is housing shops, and commercials, public facilities, sport facilities, entrance lobby of the residentials and offices.

Site plan

First floor plan


View to the office facade. Option 01

View to the office facade. Option 02

View to the office facade. Option 03

View to the office facade. Option 04


This complex is targeting three main group of users, Office staff, Tourists, and Residents. Office tower is located at the west corner of the site where a 150m heigh building is housing 60,000 square meters of offices in 37 floors. Office staff can visit 11 buy bagels located close to the office, or have a meal after work or during their free time in the restaurants on site. Tourists can cross the historical bridge on the north site of the project and access the shopping street, going through the whole site north to south and have a drink or a meal there, go on top of the roof gardens on the third floor and take a walk there or just enjoy spending sometime there. Residential area is 102.800 square meters and is located in four residential towers (37floor, 33floors, 30floors, 25floors). These fours towers are having a separate entrance each but being connecting with each other through a common podium, forming a private yard for the residentials and separating it from the main commerce axis (touristic access). Residents can enjoy the private club or spend their time on the roof gardens or walking in the area. There are some extra options for the residents they can benefit from, namely pet shop and swimming pools. And of-course if someone prefers can stays at home and enjoys the view inside their flats or from the balcony.

Residential facade study. Option 01

For locating the towers and volumetric study and view and shadow study was made, keeping into consideration meeting the area requirements and local design code and market needs. Many different volume and facade options were studied to fulfill the clients team. the main concept is to have a modern facade, similar for the whole complex while distinguishing between the residentials and the office building. Residential facade study. Option 02

Bird view


06 Darband Event Hall Professional Project, Tehran, 2019 Hadi Teherani Architects, Architecture, Interior Cooporated in: Interior design, planning, drawing technical plans and layouts, production of mood boards, co-ordination with 3rd parties and vendors.

Roof-terrace restaurant The project is an event hall, mostly being used for weddings and related ceremonies. However, these halls are hosting other kinds of ceremonies and parties as well. After finishing the architecture design stage, the client decided to hand over the interior design to Hadi Teherani Architects. The building was a four-story building on top of two parking floors, almost 5000m² overall. Construction of the structure and main walls were almost done. However, the interior design team realized major problems in

Central staircase enlargement


the existing plans. Therefore we took one step back and started rethinking about the quality of every interior space and made significant changes in the location of inner walls and planning of the whole complex. This process was going on parallel to MEP design and the consideration of the municipality and financial issues. These factors were considered in interior design during several meetings with clients and third parties.

Layout 03

Main lobby

Wedding hall no.2

Special ceremonies room


Wedding hall no. 1


Louver-wall layout To make a unique and memorable atmosphere, space is designed in a minimalistic mood, made from different materials in a gradient of white to grey colors. Wedding halls are enjoying from iconic qualities such as special lighting objects and detailed walls and claddings. As an instance, the curve louver wall in the ground floor wedding hall is designed in a way that visually connects the back corridor to the wedding hall. By adding curvy items and reaching a smoother design, the design got closer to the pleasant feeling of the wedding itself. Louver types index

Ground floor plan


07 Chenaran Commercial Professional Project, Tehran, 2017 Beta Studio, Renovation, Reinforcement Cooporated in: Architecture design, planning, 3D modeling, rendering, presentation

This building was an apartment, not being used for decades, therefore faced lots of architectural destruction, it had also an inefficient structure system. During the time the neighborhood has changed and turned into a high demand commercial zone. Therefore the goal was to change the apartment into a commercial floor and two administrative floors. Also by changing the floor heights a floor dedicated to stores has changed the function to parking. Because it was not clear which company or organization is going to take over the building after renovation, the idea was to designed open-plans that can host a wide range of different kinds of programs. West facade



Commercial access, after renovation

Main access, before renovation

Office access, after renovation

Back access, before renovation

By relocating the staircase the facade facing the main street is allocated for commercial purposes and it also provides second access for the upper floors. By removing the souther wall and replacing it with flower boxes the private backyard has changed into pleasing access for the office entrance.

New location of staircase

west facade

round corner facade

Previous location of staircase

South facade Unwrapped facade-west and south facades


West-south view from the main street We wanted to make a modern-looking building, with the most possible visibility from the street. This could improve the commercial floor’s value (GF) and provide light and view to the nice surrounding neighborhood and trees for the upper floors. Therefore, a high percentage of the facade is made of a doubleheight curtain wall. By doing so the two upper administration floors are grouped together. It also makes the whole building looks higher and proportionally better.

The Interior concept was to make the space in a way that it can respond to different programs, from office to gallery or a place to hold seminars or gatherings. To achieve that, it has the main necessities and infrastructures everywhere, but no further architectural decision has been made to have a flexible space.

Possible scenarios for open-office floor



Game and recreation





Open-office interior

Open-office interior

Open-office interior

Open-office interior

Ground floor plan (commercial)

First floor plan (open-office)


08 Lybra Cafe Professional Project, Tehran, 2015 Freelance architect, collaboration with Sarvenaz Kalhornia, Saman Yamini Construction management, Design development, drawings, presentation. Shortlisted project in Memar Award 2016

Lybra Cafe is a renovation project. In this project we turned an unprofitable restaurant, built inside an old building into a cafe. The building is located in a cultural zone, surrounded by lots of universities and cultural spaces, as well as commercials and residentials. Therefore the aim was to make a gathering point for every kind of customer. We were seeking a modern project, still cozy and cool-looking to attract its main target group, university students. Flower pots on the entrance area’s wall

mixing the concrete

Filling the molds

Adding a mesh palte to concrete

Adding hole hoders

Letting the panels dry

Installing concrete panels on wall, same method used for installing stone on wall


First floor Lybra is a very low budget project, the client could not spend so much on the materials and highly skilled construction forces and workers. Never the less design team and client wanted to meet high standards and were not eager to satisfy the quality. To cut the prices design team decided to make some materials at the site and by ourselves. Therefore we invented some techniques to make a kind of prefabricated concrete panels. By inventing this new material we could make it at the site by teaching how-to to our workers and by providing the very initial instruments. Later we installed the panels on walls by

using the common method for installing stones in Iran. All of these factors ended up having a considerably cheap material and construction, compared to buying panels and hiring someone from the providing company to install them. To make it more interesting some of the wall panels are flower pots and electricity sockets. The same idea applied for rusty iron on the facade. It’s done by first learning the technique by ourselves, and then transferring this knowledge to workers and doing it at the site by our team.

Costly services Free of charge services

Variation of activities happening in different spaces




Lybra is designed in a way that can respond to the variable needs of different customers. By constructing different zones in the cafe; each with a different purpose. The majority of consumers are students from nearby universities. therefore, the first floor is dedicated to them; offering a variety of different accommodations. They can enjoy free electricity and are welcome to bring their laptops here and do their work for as long as they want and they will not be charged for being in the free zone unless they order something.

The entrance is allocated to takeaway customers. They can order a cup of coffee and take it with them or instead have a short rest on the exterior bench and enjoy their time. They won’t be charged for using this bench as well. This zone can also be a stage for street musicians; mostly students of art schools in the neighborhood. The upper floor is the smoking area for the people who want to smoke while eating food or having a drink. They can also use the beautiful view of the balcony if they wish.

Entrance and facade is designed in a way that grabs attention of the passing people. They can have a take-away coffee.

People or musicians can have a short rest in the triangular entrance zone while drinking their coffee.

Those who don’t want to spend much time in the cafe but would like to enjoy interior atmosphere of cafe can sit here

First floor is dedicated mostly to students who want to sit and work on personal project in their free time or between classes.

Upper floor is the smoking area and contains a big table for bigger gatherings which require more time. 45

09 Bamian Cultural Center for UNESCO Competition, Tehran, 2015 Shift Process Practice Cooporated in: Developing design and drawings, presentation, diagrams, 3D modeling and rendering

View to bamian monuments

Ground floor plan

Section Prespectives


South view

View from landscape


On High-Level Concept: The Extruded Space and the Positively Charged Void. For over fourteen centuries, the two colossal Buddhas of Bamiyan had been the objects of religious devotion of pilgrims and shared fascination of visitors. By the end of the twentieth century, they had endured more than a millennium of natural degradation and human neglect, but, they were still exceptionally impressive monuments. Yet, they were not allowed to remain untouched for ever. With the catastrophic events of March 2001, for many of us, the story of these enigmatic statues, began at the end.

Bamian statues

Bamian statues void

Representation of the voids

Section of the voids


This brought the subject of their existence to the front line of the collective consciousness of the world: One may think that they are even more alive in the mindset of the global community now that they do not physically exist anymore. What none of us now have the opportunity to do is actually experience the Buddhas of Bamiyan in person! Yet, the remaining vast voids, towering over their remote mountain valley, amaze and mystify the visitors. The disturbing presence of these two empty niches, contributes to an arresting sight and an almost intense religious experience of what can only be characterized as a “positively charged void!”

Finding volumes based on combination of different sections

Section catalogue

View from landscape


10 Eilkhaneh Apartment Professional Project, Tehran, 2014 Shift Process Practice Cooporated in: Developing drawings, presentation, graphics

2nd place in Memar Award 2014

Eilkhaneh is a four-story building that houses three residential units for members of one big family. Eilkhaneh examines the possibility of designing for real homes within the framework of erecting an infill apartment. Certain traditions in conception and erection of domestic space was lost in this process, including the connection of the house with the garden, and the intrinsic complexity of interior spaces that was the product of well-crafted sectional and planar connections. South-west facade

First floor plan

Second floor plan

Apartment House Eilkhaneh in Comparision between common apartments and section


Third floor plan

Fourth floor plan

Comparision between scenarios of living in aHouse common apartApartment ments and Eilkhaneh

Fourth floor living room and kitchen

In the southern façade, the volumetric composition of a series of spatial pockets that are the result of localized extrusions and intrusions of the structural roof plates has created a series of connected balconies. Most of the interior spaces that are located at the southern part of the building look into these balconies laterally as opposed to opening up to the street. Theses connected balconies are envisioned as little green pockets. In parts of the southern façade, a semi-transparent and porous brick wall functions as a second skin. The brick shades are partially operable, allowing for transformation of the façade composition, in terms of access to view and natural light, based on desires of the occupants. The northern façade is punched with a series of openings with installed flower boxes that creates a vegetated view for the inner lot in the north. This punched green wall is the only view that the residence of the inner lot have from the outside world. The punched northern façade also allows for ample natural light for the staircase of the building.

Different methods to increase privacy in Eilkhaneh


Eilkhaneh is a try in re-evaluating the lost values of Iranian domestic space. During the twentieth century, Iranians were rapidly modernized without actually understanding or going through the essential steps of modernity. Certain paradigms of domestic life was lost in this transition. In the capital, the city of Tehran, the city was rebuilt substantially in the span of a century. The two-story homes were substituted with four to five-story apartment buildings and urban life style was modified accordingly. In the design of the southeastern corner of the project, a series of extrusions and protrusions, allow for lateral access of the interior to the somewhat prime view in the east, which is the view of one of the urban parks. Since the building is considered an infill and is not allowed to have openings in the east, the volumetric composition of the southeastern corner allows to get partial access to this view laterally. In section, the project is a composition of continuous folded structural slabs as well as disconnected hanging surfaces. The sectional composition of the project allows of in-between spatial pockets and vertical surfaces to become partially inhabitable. In maximizing the inhabitable surfaces of the project and including the vertical architectural surfaces in the programing of the daily-life of the inhabitants, the western interior surface is designed as a composition of shelves that is produced based on exact dimensions of the day-to-day objects of the domestic life in its contemporary version. Some of the shelves are to house ordinary domestic appliances such as the TV set and the Stereo, while the others are to be used as work stations and even children’s bed. In staircase, located in the northern part of the building enjoys ample natural light due to indirect accesses from northern and western sides. Hence, unlike many apartment buildings, in Tribe House the staircase is the social nucleus of the building where residents meet and greet. The interior space that are located in the northern part, look at this social space as well.

Isometric section


South facade

Third floor‘s kitchen

Section B-B

Staris enlargement



CV 04 ACADEMIC 01. Urban Farm 08 02. EmulCITY 12

PROFESSIONAL 03. Kinder Und Jugendliche Theater Frankfurt 18 04. Berlin TXL, The Urban Tech Republic 24 05. Guangzhou Pearl River Julong Bay Project 30 06. Darband Event Hall 34 07. Chenaran Commercial 38 08. Lybra Cafe 42 09. Bamian Cultural Center 46 10. Eilkhaneh Apartment 50


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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.