Molly Culbertson | Design Portfolio

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HELLO. My name is Molly Culbertson.

Here is a sample of my work & this is what I used to complete these projects:

· Critical thinking · Collaboration · Leadership · Rapid iteration · Interdisciplinary partnerships

· Research & analysis · Hand rendering · Model making (woodworking, laser cutting, CNC milling) · Rhinoceros · Sketch Up · Revit · AutoCAD · 3ds Max · Vray · Photoshop · Illustrator · InDesign

CONTACT ME. 509.386.0872 6942 NE Graham PL. PDX, OR 97213



wellness & youth center 4

st. croix

aquatic research laboratory 6

coeur d’alene

after the reign 8


serpentine pavilion charette 10


hand rendering & collage 12


graphic design 14

university of idaho

teaching art & design 16

skid row, los angeles

interface l.a. 18

Kamiah Wellness & Youth Center

*2nd Place Recipient: Univ. of Idaho Innovation Showcase

Kamiah, Idaho asked our 4th year studio to create different design solutions for a community center, for which they had recently received a government grant. The community members requested a design that could provide a place for children, teens, and families to gather during the day. An outdoor swimming pool and a CMU locker room facility sat on the site prior to the project. The suggested program included an indoor swimming pool, gymnasium, locker rooms, teaching spaces, multi-age gathering spaces, and outdoor skate park. This was a joint project with the interior design program. K.W.A.Y.C. is proposed as three phases—each phase was planned in accordance with the funds Kamiah received from the grant and future resources. Open floor plans allowed for supervision over the center’s users. Idaho timber, milled across the river, is used in expressed wood trusses to celebrate the community’s main economy and heritage. Passive design solutions were used to propose how the city could save on future maintenance costs.


Molly Culbertson

arch 454 // kamiah, idaho

phase 1: community center

phase 2: cover swimming center gym extension, skate park 1.0

phase 3: skate park 2.0, amphitheatre, additional interior spaces


St. Croix Aquatic Research Laboratory

The goal of this aquatic research laboratory design was to create minimal impact on the existing site and its delicate ecosystem. The main research laboratory (designed in detail) was part of larger master plan design. Facilities for fresh and salt water were required in the program as well as being carbon neutral.

climate control. Communal and transition spaces are outside bringing the scientists outside the lab and closer to the site’s ecosystem. For an optimal passive response, each pod adapts to sun and wind exposure by changing the form of its envelope.

The laboratory is separated into three pods. This scheme allows for different passive needs to be locally addressed. Controlled lab spaces are contained within the pods for security and


Molly Culbertson

arch 553 // st. croix, u.s. virgin islands

rainwater collection through faรงade folds

steel frame supporting moveable faรงade panels wall panel profile

water retrieval system through stilts



water retrieval through stilt structure

rain water collection through building folds

adaptable wall panel system for heating/cooling


Coeur D’Alene After the Reign

*3rd Place Recipient: ILBI Living City 2035 Competition


This is Coeur d’Alene, ID when gas prices reach $7/gallon in the year 2035. Coeur d’Alene, a suburban community that used to be a mining town receives the majority of its economy from tourism. The north Idaho town is composed of a resort and many tract home communities-many of the residents rely on cars.

into mixed-use buildings. The spaces between homes and previously dedicated to automobiles will be transformed into community meeting spaces and gardens. This solution focuses on a bottom-up approach to the future of sustainable communities, not top-down.

In 2035, when gas is too expensive to drive, Coeur d’Alene will adapt from a commuter and tourist community into a localized cluster community. Existing cul-de-sacs will become community centers. Tract homes will be adaptively reused

Press links: · ArchDaily Article · Living Building Institute

Molly Culbertson

arch 453 // coeur d’alene, idaho




Serpentine Pavilion

*One-Day Charette with Arup Foresight

The charette for the serpentine pavilion was conducted at Arup’s HQ in London. My design team worked directly with Arup Foresight to develop a design of the Serpentine Pavilion for London’s Hyde Park. The aim of the pavilion is to educate visitors about a sustainable built environment. Using Arup Foresight’s Drivers of Change cards, the topic of mitigation vs. adaption was chosen as the most significant concept to teach the public. This idea stood out because it could be implicitly expressed in the pavilion design.


Mitigation vs. Adaption, or “who’s taking your space?”, is illustrated through the design of a central pivoting wall. This wall divides the pavilion into two spaces: one for gathering and one for self-reflection. The gathering side is able to push and pull the wall to mitigate the space per the amount of people in the space; the other side cannot move the wall and must adapt to these changes. More explicit sustainable strategies in the design included a green roof, water collection and filtration, xeriscaping, and local recycled materials.

Molly Culbertson

arch 554 [summer abroad studio] // london, u.k.

sod displaced from site is used as the green roof material

circulation from gallery (west) and road (east) move the pivoting wall


Hand Rendering & Collage

“The creative process is a cocktail of instinct, skill, culture and a highly creative feverishness. It is not like a drug; it is a particular state when everything happens very quickly, a mixture of consciousness and unconsciousness, of fear and pleasure; it’s a little like making love, the physical act of love.” -Francis Bacon

Moscow Hotel building (top)


Molly Culbertson

// here, there, & everywhere

memory map from London (left), London National Portrait Gallery (right) mixed media diagram illustrating the process of a homeless shelter (bottom)


Graphic Design

The 2013 Un v o daho M A ch ec u e exh b on pos e oppos e used mu p e med ums s m a o he p omo ona ma e a o Ma y anesFa m o p omo e he p esen a ons The QR code nked he eade must-haveve guide forsoc adding glamour to o an n e Aac a med a page s ng outdoor pursuits for the back yard and beyond ... de a ed n o ma on ha was no s ed on he pos e A sh p n was des gned us ng he vec o des gn and on s In her fourth book, MaryJane offers specifics on everything from how to shop for, fix up, hitch up, and back up a trailer to campfire cocktail parties to savvy safety to WiFi on the road. Drawing from her diverse background, she’ll show you how she turns the great outdoors into a whimsical living space.

Wholesale customers may order directly from the publisher at a 50% non-returnable discount with a minimum purchase of 10 books. Contact Kim Eddy at 801-921-2147 or If you have other questions, please contact also and bookstores worldwide

www.mary janesfar

Autographed (and kissed) copies available at:

This featured graphic design set includes some of the promotional material for Glamping with MaryJane. Following the mailing release of the pamphlet (bottom right), the book reached a #1 position selling on Because the book is about glamping (glamour + camping), the selected design imagery included a mix of woodsy textures and bright colors pulled from the book cover. A letter template and Facebook page were later designed, completing the family of promotional material. Each design required an interdisciplinary design approach; I worked with writers, photographers, and web developers to complete each piece of the design set.

Join the ranks of happy glampers who have added glamour to their camping trips while traipsing “outside” the norm.

hitch up your trailers and fill your canteens It’s time to explore the fun and frilly world of

GLAMPING with MaryJane

a new book from MaryJane Butters

How-to’s for …

… back yard glamping … vintage trailer shopping & restoration

it’s glamour

… glamping gear … savvy safety … eats & entertainment

it’s camping

GLAMPING with MaryJane

In her fourth book, MaryJane offers specifics on everything from how to shop for, fix up, hitch up, and back up a trailer to campfire cocktail parties to savvy safety to WiFi on the road. Drawing from her diverse background, she’ll show you how she turns the great outdoors into a whimsical living space.

’s amp ng • ’s GLAMP NG

Neato! Nebo baby flashlight plugs your vehicle’s into power supply. Never needs batteries.

What to Pack When it comes to glamping,

Before you embark, check your list twice, because planning ahead makes everything nice! ... and you'll use

preparation is paramount,

the lace tablecloth,

my dear.

Food Staples

A well-equipped wanderer style and comfort—dare travels in I say she’s a pampered glamper?

� Parties Casual Cocktail

After all, who wants to end up crouching beside a campfire with tussock for the no tushie, or—heaven forbid—no marshmallows � Tent for roasting? Not --------------------------------this glamporous girl; I want the works. � Bedding --------------------------That’s the beauty (pillows, blankets, --------------------------------of trailer traveling: sleeping bag) you can pack � Sleeping essentials and the pad (p. 66) ----------------------------------------------------------the extras. � Multi-tool --------------------------or knife --------------------------------So, let’s get it all out on the � Daypack table. --------------------------I’ll share my own for hiking --------------------------------list of nomadic necessities (as � Collapsible well as little luxuries camp stools--------------------------I love like an ironing-board (with cushions, (p. 104) ½ banana, mashed --------------------------------vodka of course) “table”; ozs whipped-cream-flavored umbrellas for 3 shade; � Flashlights apron; pretty linens; a hostess (with extra --------------------------ozs heavy cream--------------------------------batteries and and bling, of 4 (right) course). Use it, simple syrup� bulbs) Lanterns (with --------------------------own it, and add 1½ ozs --------------------------------mantles, if oz lemon juice as you wish. It to needed, and garnish � extra batteries) will be your passport1it Lanternforfuel cinnamon whipped cream and--------------------------------to pampering. or batteries--------------------------� Water filter --------------------------ice. --------------------------------the top withor treatment Fill a pint-sized glass to tablets, just � Fishing syrup, and cream, in case --------------------------gear (and Combine banana, vodka,

Camp Basics


The three-martini lunch is the epitome of American efficiency. Where else and a can you get an earful, a bellyful, snootful at the same time?


– Gerald Ford

Jalapeño Margarita


� Crackers/chips -------------------------------------� Chocolate/sweet treats --------------------------------� Marshmallows -------------------------------------� Salt and pepper --------------------------------� Herbs and spices --------------------------------� Condiments

license) ice. Garnish with lemon juice and pour over of cinnamon. whipped cream and a sprinkle



Whiskey Sweet & Sour

Banana Cream Pie Cocktail


Kitchen Supplies

� Camp stove (if your trailer -------------------------------------won't you, Mother? isn’t equipped) � Stove fuel ----------------------------------------------------------� Matches ---------------------or lighters -------------------------------------� Collapsible camp table (p. ----------------------------------------------------------106) � Tablecloth (lace, of course!) ----------------------------------------------------------� Candles -------------------------------------- ---------------------� Vase for ---------------------a wildflower -------------------------------------centerpiece � Pots and ---------------------pans � Coffee/tea (remember -------------------------------------to grind coffee at --------------------------------------------------------� Hot pad home) ---------------------� Cereal (hot/cold) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --� Portable ---------------------coffee maker � Eggs (fresh, YES!) ---------------------------------------(I love a French --------------------------------------------------------press) � Thermos � Granola bars -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------� Bottle opener/corkscrew ---------------------� MaryJanesFarm ---------------------------------------Budget Mix (p. 162) --------------------------------------------------------� Camp cooking � Maple syrup recipes and ----------------------------------------------------------ingredients (p. --------------------------------------------------------- --� Food storage 149) containers ---------------------� Butter ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --� Trash bags ---------------------� Jam/honey ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --� Cooler with ---------------------ice � Bread ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --� Stainless-steel � Meat (organic jerky -------------------------------------water bottles-----------------------at --------------------------------------------------------� Plates, bowls, � Soup mixes mixing bowls------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --� Cups and ---------------------glasses � Prepared or freeze-dried -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------meals � Measuring 3 ozs simple syrup (left) cups and spoons---------------------� Cooking oil (my ---------------------------------------favorite is organic --------------------------------------------------------2 ozs tequila � Utensils olive oil) � Milk (powdered -------------------------------------- ---------------------1 oz lime juice --or fresh) --------------------------------------------------------removed � Paring knife ---------------------5 jalapeño slices, seeds � Fruit (dried and ---syrup (below) -------------------------------------fresh) 3 ozs simple --------------------------------------------------------� Spatula and lime juice. 2 ozs whiskey � Vegetables (dried -------------------------------------- ---------------------Combine syrup, tequila, --and fresh) slices. -------------------------------------lemon juice � Whisk 1 oz lemo Pour over ice and add jalapeño ---------------------cherry for garnish � Cheese orange slice and fresh ---------------------------------

Wholesale customers may order directly from the publisher at a 50% non-returnable discount with a minimum purchase of 10 books. Contact Kim Eddy at 801-921-2147 or If you have other questions, please contact

g amour •

-------zing ----------------------------------------------------------------------


you will need To make lemon twists,lemon into thin

a straw and two pins. Cut or a sharp knife. strips with a lemon zester around the straw, Spiral the lemon strips a pin. securing each end with

Happy Glamper juice

How-to’s for …

3 ozs lemon 10 mint leaves 10 raspberries 1½ t dark brown sugar 2 ozs white rum

DIY Canvas Cabin Retreat Combine lemon juice, mint, in a cocktail raspberries, and sugar jar). Muddle shaker (mine is a Mason crushed and until the raspberries are rum and a the mint is fragrant. Add Shake for small handful of ice cubes. the ice cubes about 2 minutes, until a glass. Garnish melt a little. Strain into mint leaves. with a lemon twist and

M mm m

m mm



Before you embark, check your list twice, because planning ahead makes everything nice!

... and you'll use

preparation is paramount,

the lace tablecloth,

my dear.

Food Staples

A well-equipped wanderer style and comfort—dare travels in I say she’s a pampered glamper?

� Parties Casual Cocktail

After all, who wants to end up crouching beside a campfire with tussock for the no tushie, or—heaven forbid—no marshmallows � Tent for roasting? Not --------------------------------this glamporous girl; I want the works. � Bedding --------------------------That’s the beauty (pillows, blankets, --------------------------------of trailer traveling: sleeping bag) you can pack � Sleeping essentials and the pad (p. 66) ----------------------------------------------------------the extras. � Multi-tool --------------------------or knife --------------------------------So, let’s get it all out on the � Daypack table. --------------------------I’ll share my own for hiking --------------------------------list of nomadic necessities (as � Collapsible well as little luxuries camp stools--------------------------I love like an ironing-board (with cushions, (p. 104) ½ banana, mashed --------------------------------vodka of course) “table”; ozs whipped-cream-flavored umbrellas for 3 shade; � Flashlights apron; pretty linens; a hostess (with extra --------------------------ozs heavy cream--------------------------------batteries and and bling, of 4 (right) course). Use it, simple syrup� bulbs) Lanterns (with --------------------------own it, and add 1½ ozs --------------------------------mantles, if oz lemon juice as you wish. It to needed, and garnish � extra batteries) will be your passport1it Lanternforfuel cinnamon whipped cream and--------------------------------to pampering. or batteries--------------------------� Water filter --------------------------ice. --------------------------------the top withor treatment Fill a pint-sized glass to tablets, just � Fishing syrup, and cream, in case --------------------------gear (and Combine banana, vodka,

Camp Basics

m m m m m m m





The three-martini lunch is the epitome of American efficiency. Where else and a can you get an earful, a bellyful, snootful at the same time? – Gerald Ford


Jalapeño Margarita


� Crackers/chips -------------------------------------� Chocolate/sweet treats --------------------------------� Marshmallows -------------------------------------� Salt and pepper --------------------------------� Herbs and spices --------------------------------� Condiments

license) ice. Garnish with lemon juice and pour over of cinnamon. whipped cream and a sprinkle



Whiskey Sweet & Sour

Banana Cream Pie Cocktail


Kitchen Supplies

� Camp stove (if your trailer -------------------------------------won't you, Mother? isn’t equipped) � Stove fuel ----------------------------------------------------------� Matches ---------------------or lighters -------------------------------------� Collapsible camp table (p. ----------------------------------------------------------106) � Tablecloth (lace, of course!) ----------------------------------------------------------� Candles -------------------------------------- ---------------------� Vase for ---------------------a wildflower -------------------------------------centerpiece � Pots and ---------------------pans � Coffee/tea (remember -------------------------------------to grind coffee at --------------------------------------------------------� Hot pad home) ---------------------� Cereal (hot/cold) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --� Portable ---------------------coffee maker � Eggs (fresh, YES!) ---------------------------------------(I love a French --------------------------------------------------------press) � Thermos � Granola bars -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------� Bottle opener/corkscrew ---------------------� MaryJanesFarm ---------------------------------------Budget Mix (p. 162) --------------------------------------------------------� Camp cooking � Maple syrup recipes and ----------------------------------------------------------ingredients (p. --------------------------------------------------------- --� Food storage 149) containers ---------------------� Butter ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --� Trash bags ---------------------� Jam/honey ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --� Cooler with ---------------------ice � Bread ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --� Stainless-steel � Meat (organic jerky -------------------------------------water bottles-----------------------at --------------------------------------------------------� Plates, bowls, � Soup mixes mixing bowls------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --� Cups and ---------------------glasses � Prepared or freeze-dried -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------meals � Measuring 3 ozs simple syrup (left) cups and spoons---------------------� Cooking oil (my ---------------------------------------favorite is organic --------------------------------------------------------2 ozs tequila � Utensils olive oil) � Milk (powdered -------------------------------------- ---------------------1 oz lime juice --or fresh) --------------------------------------------------------removed � Paring knife ---------------------5 jalapeño slices, seeds � Fruit (dried and ---syrup (below) -------------------------------------fresh) 3 ozs simple --------------------------------------------------------� Spatula ---------------------and lime juice. whiskey ozs 2 � Vegetables (dried -------------------------------------Combine syrup, tequila, --and fresh) slices. -------------------------------------lemon juice � Whisk 1 oz lemo Pour over ice and add jalapeño ---------------------cherry for garnish � Cheese orange slice and fresh ---------------------------------




… eats & entertainment

a new book from MaryJane Butters

Neato! Nebo baby flashlight plugs your vehicle’s into power supply. Never needs batteries.

What to Pack When it comes to glamping,


… glamping gear – REE DRUMMOND … savvy safety

It’s time to explore the fun and frilly world of

m m

… vintage trailer shopping & restoration

The New York Times Best-Selling Author of The Pioneer Woman Cooks and Food Network’s The Pioneer Woman

GLAMPING with MaryJane

m m



3" deck 3" dee k scr sscrews eews wss

p pla la lated ed d wood wo w ood o od d sc cre rews ew ews wss with wit w ith th h ffender ender ende een nder nd der d eerr washe w wash wa a ers ers (to (to atta att tacch ta h the hee lowe low wer sid side de wal de allllls a plated screws washers attach lower walls off the o the tent ent ntt to to the th the outer ou oute uter err edge edg ed edges dggees of tth the hee de eckk along a alo llo ong th o tthe hee 14' 4'' leng 4 lengt len ng h) h) deck length)


m m m

pound pounds p ounds ound o nd 2"" 2

hitch up your trailers and fill your canteens





t’s camp ng



16-p 1 16-pen 1616-pe 16-penny 6-pe penny en nn ny ga ggalvanized allvanized vanized vaniz vva nized d na n ailiils llss nails

57 57


gu guy guyy line lilin l e railss

Join the ranks of happy glampers who have added glamour to their camping trips while traipsing “outside” the norm.


d decking deckkin king bo b boards oa o ard dss d

guy gu g line lillin iine ne rrail ne a ssupp suppo sup uppo ppo p pp p rts ttss and and an d bra b br racing ci g supports bracing

2x 2 xx4 4 x 16 6' 2x4 16' pound po p ound ounds o unds und nd pounds

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m m

2x6 2 xx6 6x1 12' 2'' 2 2x4 2 xx4 4 x 12 1 12''

2 4

Autographed (and kissed) copies available at:

40 5


The T h hee woodst woodstove: woodsto woods w woo wo oodsto o oo odsto dssttto d ove vve: ee:: TThe he he installed wo woodstove wood w oodstove dstove ove vvee in iinst n alle alled lled e in myy tent ten en ntt iss manufactured man an nufactu u ctured ufactured byy Cyl Cylin Cylinder Cy Cyli Cylind yyll er Stoves. St So oves. The oves Thee stove stove o p ove package packag packa pac ackage iss a ackag an design ingeniou ingenious iingenio ngenious ngeni nious nio ious ouss d desi de esi siggn n meant mean mea e portable tto o be be vvery ve y p po por t ble table blee option with w tth the he op optio opti p on n ffor fo o orr a an pieces oven! ven! n!! All A pi piec pie cess off th the h he chimney, himney, imney, mney, th mney the he llegs, h egs, gss, and gs, an a shelf, the hee warming h warmin in ssh helf elf, el f, as as detachable well w ellll ass the t ed de ettac tachable tacha ta achable chable able stainless-steel stainless-s stainlessstainless-stee tai ai esss-ste a ste tee eeel hot ho ot wat water ater at ter err nest reesservo n res reservoir, nes est n ne nea neatly neat attly atly iinside nside id ide de the h fir ffirebox reebox box for ffo or transport anspor ansport an a nsport po t or p or sstorage. torage tora torage. orage. o or orag rage rage. agge.. T Tryy CylinderStove CylinderStoves C Cy yylinderS nderStoves n nderS nd derStoves d erS erStov .co .com om

t’s glamour




… back yard glamping

One busy, hectic afternoon in my house, I sat down to O ttake a quick peek at Glamping. Over two hours later, I was still reading, blissfully lost in MaryJane’s beautiful world. I’m dying over this book. I absolutely, positively LOVE IT!

se plans plan ns ffit ns it it the th thee 12 2' x 14' 14 4' wal wa w a l tents te Ip urchas urchased u chase ch hased sed fr from om om These 12' wall purchased orado Yurt Y Yu urt rt Company Compa Co y (, (ColoradoYu (Colorad ColoradoYu Colora olorado o loradoYu radoYu a oY oY,, rt om), ), but but you b ou u can cca an a Colorado chase ase premade pre pr rema emade em mad m ade de tents tent ten nts tss to to ttop op p you yyo ou our fra frame ffram ram rame ame me in n a numb numb number num umber umbe mber er o off purchase your es; or o from frro om o mo other err m anufac anu anufactu a nufact nu nufa ufac ufac act actur ac cttur ctur ur urer ure rrer eerrss;; just j t adj ju jus a ad djust dj ussstt tthe th he di he d dim im imensions ensio en ensi eension nsions n ns nsio nsi siions ssio sions io ion on ons nss sizes; manufacturers; adjust dimensions

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in ½

nt platform platttfo tfffo orrrm orm o m job jo ob ttook ob ook o okk 1 12 hou hour h u s total to otal tall fro fr ffrom m start tart rtt to finish, finish ffi inish n My tent hours he materials mat atteri ria als lss cost cos cco ost a about bou bout b out $750 $75 750 0.. Because Be usssee ssome ome me off the m the and the $750. en boards boa arrrd a ds you’ll ds y u’ b bee b buyin buying ying n a ar longer g r th ger han n what wha you y can an n wooden aree longer than n a picku icku up truc truck, tru ruc ruck, rru uck, uck u cck ck, k, k, I re recommend ecomme ecommend cco ommend omm o omme mmend mm mmen m mend m eend nd tthat hat att you y um ma mak easilyy haul iin pickup makee arran nggeeem ments m me ents e tss for f de delivery d delivery. elivery. elivery eeliver lliver liv lilivery ivery iv iivery. ive vvery. ve ery erry. er ryy. Most Mos M Mo ost o ossstt building-supply bui b bu build buildi buil uiild ildi diingd ing ng-sup ng-s ng-su ng-supp n gg-supp g-sup g-supply g-su -supp --supply su ssupply suppl up upp u pply pp p plllyy yards ply p yards ards ar ard dss otherr arrangements deliiv iver ive veerr y service ser se servi servi rv ce for orr a reasonable o rrea asonab as asonable sonab sonable onab onable nable na ab blle b ble le fee. fee. fe e. offer a delivery

also and bookstores worldwide


egg, and bread crumbs. honey, salt, sesame oil,

tent that at is stre stretched ttrrret etc eet ttc tche che ch cched hed h e over ver ve er a woo w wooden dee frame and a raisedgarlic, d floor. or. If Shape into 16 meatballs. pieeec ece ccee o off far ffarm fa arm ground, ar arm ground grou rou tthis hi is a great way to stay on you buyy a piece heat, fry half of meatballs 2. In a skillet over medium opertyy while wh wh hile ilee you ile y build ild d a ho h ouse u us the property house. remaining meatballs. T peanut oil. Repeat for

15 4

www.mary janesfar



A must-have guide for adding glamour to outdoor pursuits for the back yard and beyond ...


-------zing ----------------------------------------------------------------------


you will need To make lemon twists,lemon into thin

a straw and two pins. Cut or a sharp knife. strips with a lemon zester around the straw, Spiral the lemon strips a pin. securing each end with

Happy Glamper juice 3 ozs lemon 10 mint leaves 10 raspberries 1½ t dark brown sugar 2 ozs white rum


m m


DIY Canvas Cabin Retreat

M m

Combine lemon juice, mint, in a cocktail raspberries, and sugar jar). Muddle shaker (mine is a Mason crushed and until the raspberries are rum and a the mint is fragrant. Add Shake for small handful of ice cubes. the ice cubes about 2 minutes, until a glass. Garnish melt a little. Strain into mint leaves. with a lemon twist and

15 4

egg, and bread crumbs. honey, salt, sesame oil,

tent that at is stre stretched ttrrret etc eet tche ttccched che ch hed h e over ver ve er a woo w wooden dee frame and a raisedgarlic, d floor. or. If Shape into 16 meatballs. pieeec ece ccee o off far ffarm fa arm ground, ar arm ground grou rou tthis hi is a great way to stay on you buyy a piece heat, fry half of meatballs 2. In a skillet over medium opertyy while wh w h hile ilee you ile y build ild d a ho h ouse u us the property house. remaining meatballs. T peanut oil. Repeat for in ½

nt platform platttfo tfffo o orrrm orm m job jo ob ttook ob ook ookk 1 12 hou hour h u s total to otal tall fro fr ffrom m start tart rtt to finish, finish ffi inish n My tent hours he materials mat atteri ria als lss cost cos cco ost a about bou bout b out $750 $75 750 0.. Because Be usssee ssome ome me off the m the and the $750. en boards boa arrrd a ds you’ll ds y u’ b buying b ying n a ar longer g r th ger han n what wha you y can an n wooden bee buyin aree longer than n a picku icku up truc truck, tru ruc ruck, rru uck, uck u cck ck, kk,, I re recommend ecomme ecommend cco ommend omm o omme mmend mm mmen m mend m eend nd tthat hat att you y um ma mak easilyy haul iin pickup makee arran nggeeem m me ments eents tss for f de delivery d delivery. elivery. elivery eeliver liver lilliv livery iivery. ivery iv ive vvery. ve eery errry ry. y. Most M Mos Mo o ost ossstt building-supply b bui bu build buildi buil uild iildi d diinging ng-sup ng-s ng-su ng-supp n gg-supp g-sup g-supply g-su --supp -supply su ssupply suppl up upp u p pp pply p ply plllyy yards yards ards ar ard dss otherr arrangements deliiv iver ive veerr y service ser se servi servi rv ce for orr a reasonable o rrea asonab as asonable sonab sonable onab onable nable na ab blle b ble le fee. fee. fe e. offer a delivery

One busy, hectic afternoon in my house, I sat down to O ttake a quick peek at Glamping. Over two hours later, I was still reading, blissfully lost in MaryJane’s beautiful world. I’m dying over this book. I absolutely, positively LOVE IT!

se plans plan ns ffit ns it it the th thee 12 2' x 14' 14 4' wal wa w a l tents te Ip urchas urchased u chase ch hased sed fr from om om These 12' wall purchased orado Yurt Y Yu urt rt Company Compa Co y (, (ColoradoYu (Colorad ColoradoYu Colora olorado oloradoYu radoYu a o oY Y,, rt om), ), but but you b ou u can cca a an Colorado chase ase premade pre pr rema emade em mad m ade de tents tent ten nts tss to to ttop op p you yyo ou our fra frame ffram ram rame ame me in n a numb numb number num umber umbe mber er o off purchase your es; or o from frro om o m other o err m anufac anu anufactu a nufact nu nufa ufac ufac act actur ac cttur ctur ur urer ure rrer eerrss;; just j t adj ju jus a ad djust dj ussstt tthe th he di he d dim iim mensions ensio en ensi eension nsions ns nsio nssions nsi siions sio io ion on ons nss sizes; manufacturers; adjust dimensions

40 5

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2x4 2 xx4 4 x 12 1 12''

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2x 2 xx4 4 x 16 6' 2x4 16'

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57 57




m on



The New York Times Best-Selling Author of The Pioneer Woman Cooks and Food Network’s The Pioneer Woman


Molly Culbertson

MaryJanesFarm + UofI CAA


Teaching Art + Design

I had the opportunity to teach art and design studios for two years while attending graduate school at the University of Idaho. My teaching pedagogy directed students to have an explorative, diverse, and thorough design process. Model making, site analysis, and rapid, iterative process development were taught in addition with beginning design principles. This gave my students a well-rounded and inquisitive approach to problem solving in all areas of art and design. Lesson planning and leading critiques made me excellent in time management, public speaking, and being a team leader.

various students, continuous process model

marc lapointe, spatial deception, ink on brisol board

corey stidham, book sculpture, books and glue


Molly Culbertson

2011–2013 // university of idaho


Thesis Project: Interface L.A.

With our current economic system, someone will always be at the bottom of the scale. This often leads to homelessness. Skid Row, Los Angeles contains the highest population density of homeless people in the United States. Currently, the 50 city blocks that make up Skid Row contain large (mostly vacant) warehouses, single-room occupancy hotels, and various homeless shelters. The communities adjacent to Skid Row are being gentrified. Skid Row will be gentrified within the next 20 years if current development trends continue. Interface L.A. offers a solution for how Skid Row can be gentrified successfully without erasing its existing systems (in this case, the homeless).

and upper class residents, and lower class and homeless residents. The overall system relies on a steel truss structure to be added into the shell of an existing warehouse. Within this structure, residents of various economic standing can purchase space and infill it with commercial and residential units. Each building adheres to a certain ratio of residents based on an adjusted income scale. This prototype was spread over a 20 block area of Skid Row in my analysis.

A vacant warehouse is used as a prototype to illustrate this new concept of inclusive gentrification. An economic system was developed to include multiple parties: the city of Los Angeles, the developer, middle


Molly Culbertson

arch 556 // skid row, los angeles, ca




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