Tamu type assignment 01

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ART 463, ADVA N C E D T Y P O G R A P H Y A S S I G N M E N T 1

texas a&m commerce spring


m o l ly h aw t h o r n e

molly@digitalcase.net www.tamutype.tumblr.com/

R A P I D P R O T O T YPI N G A D I A L O G U E Find a dialogue, a conversation implied or directly evident, from a source of your choosing. You can source a novel, poem, interview, movie or play script, lyric, recording, etc.—nothing too random—but there must be two distinct voices. Be sure to maintain any citation information upon choosing your source.

office hours

By appointment and for special occasions only class times

6:30 pm–10:30 pm Tuesdays, Room 320

Create a typographic composition using your chosen dialogue that emphasizes the existence of more than one voice within the text while also working within the limitations to highlight meaning or tone. L I M I TATI ONS • c o l o r : Solid black only. No tints of gray. White paper. No outlined type: Type should have solid fills with no strokes. • f o r m at : 18 x 24 inch, portrait orientation poster with exemplary trimming • t y p e fa c e : Roman weight of Helvetica, Futura, Caslon, or Garamond. Choose only one! Remember to use only the Roman weight! • l e t t e r c a s e : You cannot rely on letter case to distinguish one voice from the other! • s c a l e : Choose two point sizes—one body and one display. Use no other point sizes! You cannot rely on point size to distinguish one voice from the other! • a d d i t i o n s : You cannot add other elements such as boxes or lines. You cannot over emphasize punctuation by using puctuating characters as shapes. You cannot draw or illustrate using letters. • s u b t r a c t i o n s : You can omit lettters or substitute letters. • c o p y l e n g t h : The length should be no shorter than three paragraphs. TI M EL I N E • ja n ua r y 21 : Bring in a mock-up of your composition in progress to class for critique. The thinking behind your typographic composition should be clearly evident, mostly blocked out and ready for finesse. Your mock-up may be rough—think tiled paper, scotch tape and scissors. We’ll review citation formatting for the assignment. You will have some overlap with the second assignment, pace yourself accordingly. • ja n ua r y 28 : Bring in your final piece, crafted to the specifications within the limitations above, and a typed bibliographic citation of your source as discussed during the previous class. G RAD I N G This assignment will be weighted at 40 points with 10 points put toward each grade criteria. It will be combined with another rapid prototyping assignment later in the term.

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