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FtUCff II~ 3 -
The 1981-82 N0rth !daho College Co~vocation Series annouu~es a five-day symposiu.~ i n , fiv:J key:iote speakers and. five panels will adfu:-ess the following thesis : Th£J twentieth century ru gh-i=:peed change and growth of te~h."lologr has produced instant w)rldwide telecou..munications, sophisUcat~d. elect:.:-onic r,urvil lance;ent , mi;i.sai•rn ?.ni powP.rful ins ti tu tions, global de structhe potential, and an intellec~ia.l technocratic elite within all industrial s~"l.i;es in.eluding the United States . This new technology ha.a ruoved modern aoolety into th9 post-indnstri aJ. period of computers, :::-obots, a.nd mind. pr,:i"oine; ~"'.Chine::y. Therafore, the question e!llei·gee a2 ·~o whether J.m-:rica. 1 s democratic inati tu.tions a.nd the United S·ts. l.:·:!S S-;..pre~e Cum."& in pc;.r1,1ci..'~lar are adequately prepared and willing to n;Se~d cuch indivio.i..W.l liberties es or \;ill ;:;hese i."'.lsti tutions permit our democra.-tic society to evolve into a state wit.b :'3ig Bro ther" watch'lng every mcve?
The ~ordg of Alvin Toffler in ~cg_,-..§~ should be more than ade~uat~ t~ c~ll ue all forth f o:: the deb& te when he said : 11 U, conili. tions of r....igh-spe.ed cha.n3e a demo~~:, wi.t21c,ut the a.1,ility to e,nticipa.te condemns itself to deatLo"
Keynote Ji.ddross :
Cormnunication-A~ts Auditorium
11: 00 a..m. Tc,p.ic :
!'ec!mology at Wo1:k in "the Future :
Bucl::niruner I'Uller ia a \\"O~ld renowned "futurist" is often d.escrib~d in t erms of tho p.l.~et I s 1c.'j emdly . ~1r.. Fu.J.le::- is an a.rchi tect , author, dasigner, scieni;i3t 9 cc,9'1llog::,nist 1 invenvn:, phllosopller, Amoricr..n th.i.r..ker , educator, and
R. Bu.c1r.:n.iu.:1ter Fulle= ia tre inventor an:i designer of the 1);\•ma.xion House , J)yinaxion car, l'yt'1a..-cion i11a.!l, a:sodoRic dome, e.nd WorJ.d Garue. Be coined the te1m, "Spaceship E3.:.-tb. 1' :ruller discovered S:rnerg-etice as a method for mankind to surviva the u..~rcc~d0~vud threat to ~he world•a existence . Fnller w.s edu.cated at ~r-~rd and. the U. S . Naval Academy , A.nnapoli e , Maryland. In-. Fuller i s profe9sor emo~i~~s of Southern Illinois Univ~r ai ty, University of Pennsylvania 9 a.nd devot~HJ 1Isl..l0h of r_i e time to the World Game ( a. thlnk-ta.n..1< for world problemi) at the Un1?&r3i~y Clt:r Center ~u Pr....iladelpbia. He has been a C.b.arl ~a Eliot Uorton p::x,fecso-r of pea try e "t R.-:..:•raJ:1.
-2Ro~inient of 45 honora.1."Y C1nl)torote degrees aud c.f, er 0·10 hundred national and i nt":r1r.,io:1al '\,~de (e.g. , Vnited Nations l, Citiz.e1.1s Award) , Fuller lH:ca t,:. w;::.;, outside the e:,tabli~h.'!:~nt where his futurist:c thinking ha.o pitted him ace.inst bigncus in S'C)Vornment , business , u.nd finAnce . :Bucky F\1.llor h o au thoren 24 l.ooks, c ")ntr.i.butci sec tionc to 22 other boob::, and 8 boo1<.s h?v·e beon publicll~d alloll.t hi.''\• He hz~s 130 world pah,nt,; r-.Jgiatcred 'tO his invcntionR. Tha extent of this eue1:gy is d mnstrated by the fact that at o ~~ 06, he oi ten i..,id-r..:scer..: e.n auJ.ience for two o ... 1.!1 ~e l:ours at a tine.
Dr. Fuller speak~ to audiences all ovr-1r the world , meets with uorld lc·~ders • and co11J1.11}: s rr- sc::t.'Ot,B ~er..: narc/workshops . De often iiells his audience t 11 :i.: ther\:lforc coIIIJli tted. myself to all humanity. 11 The tneme of FuJ lo,:' i;; a idress uil l be to deoonst::.-.1te the use of technology t o p~vent the des~xuction of the planot .,k T'~r.m
Bonr.,n.- Room
S tudent Uni.on Building
Jack Steve - Inventor/lfanufacturer Herb Webb - Co Zr.gineer Eal.'ry 3:i.mon -
Kcyno-:.e AdJ.ross : :
1:30-3:00 p . m. Instructor , 1ortn Idaho College L
DR. MILTON RQ •. _...~ur Com:nunic~tior..-.u--i;a Audl tc,rimn
9 :00 a.m. T:.lpi c~
Using Tt'll evision t o Influence Viewers' Political Valuis and Eehavior11
MU ton Rokcach is prof"',aor of cociology and psycholof;y at \/e,shington State Unive-rci~y and ni1:~c -0r of ~ 1e Unit c 1 l- '1.:1 Va.luei:, - Social Resea!'C:h Center. He h3~ p:r.cviously ta~t at th;j Un.:.:.rcrsi i;y of Western Ontario a.nd !!id-.: n Ste"' ... Un.ivc~~·3i ty. Hokl'?ach is past p.resJdcnt of the Society for the PBychvL.1&ic:~l Stu,J~· of 3vc:l32. I!:lsu1;?s. Ile received his Ph.D. in social 1.1sycl~ology in 19h'1 fro~l ,:ie Ur.l"\t::rFiity of Califc1rn5a, Berkeley. Rokea(;h ia the autr.or of The Three .;lu:iot!!_ 9.£. YTig_U£•1j.i; ~o ~ ~ CJ..9.E2£ ! ~; ~&"', : ;,tJ.bdos and Val es; ,.r,,., !,o.turo r.,f £~ y.:i.1'.:~~; ~ ![~3rr~i:,r~ falucs : I11d.iviJ.uzil_ §._nl f',ocT£.~l: - - ton Rokeech j c well lcri~vn for hie res~arc} ?nd 3.pplic..itio~. teeting of h1.unan valuer. (36 ;:;pccifh: '\,llueo) . 'E.1.eoe values uned -1-.o rbElc:t·ibe the p,, and E.och l 1ch.·w: or of P'~o ..!.c.
Dx-.. R0}'oach ~ocmtly en.· 11,le teu a thirt-.r minute TV program Hi th ~c. Asner of 1,c,u C::rant" !.\;.,d ttJlcvi•· ..i.:.n pe:rJo"':::l.i ty, Sandy Hill . At trc llIJ 0c::woca.tio: P.erie,., Rok~ach will ::;h-:.,w the J.V !)~ogral!l and then pr-'!sont a one a.o..~'OaD to the a:1dionoc . 11
~'he th~~e of Rokonch ' s speech \Jill be to p1~sent data that indicAte t~levinlon id being uc:id to ob.a?le,~ the a tti tnC:es , v ~.J.u,:;s, r~rni behavior of the AruexJ.rr.n fa:'.llly.
Greek Forum Panel: Do:.:i Sprague - Psychology Instructor,
Bonner Room Student Union Building Time : 1:00- 2 :JO p . m.
North I daho Coll ege
Barby Ei de - Privat e Consultant , Spokane Corky Bush - Admini1:1trator at the University of I daho Wodne'.'lday 1 April 1th
Keynote Ad~os :
Communication-Arts Audi to:r:ium
Noon Topic :
"Technology and Freedom:
J>oes Techr.ology Enhance Human Freedoms?"
Philip i e a professor of social management of technol ogy at the Univertdt y of Washin"ston , an a.ttom~y , and a. member of t he board of directors for the AL1crican Civil Libc~tios Union (Seat~J~ oh.apt e r) . Dr. Bereano hol ds a J3.S~ cl.egreo f rom Cornel l (1 962), a. J.D. Col umbl a Uni versi ty (1965) , a.i i an !·1 .R,P. from Cornell (1 971) .
dagree from
1..m.)ng t he courses taught by Philip Bere' at tho Universi ty of Washington are "Inti-eduction t o '...:'echnology as a Soci al and Pol i Phonomenon" ( dee.l ing with technology and soci a l change anC:. valut:. ;., ) , "Al terna. tive Tec!k"10logy" ( dealing wi th explo~.,;ion of tl1e evolution of tec1u·o.ogica.l forus ara S!Jal.1-scal ed and decentralized), 111.rechnolog:, Assessment licthods and Analysi s , 11 and "Woiilen and Tochnolocr. 11
The t heme of Bereano I s will f ocus on t he idea t hat technology can s erve t o enhance human f 1·eedoms r ather than en<ia.IJ88r these f reedoms . Greek Forum Pane l : Dr. Char l es Glock - Fol."t'ler Prof essor of Soci ology , Universi t y of California , Ber kel ey Peggy Fedje - Counselor /Faculty, N~rth Id.a.ho Coll ege Hay Givens - Coeur d ' Al ene Attorney
Thuzsday 1 Aprj l
Student Union Buil ding Time : 2:00-3 :J O p.m.
Keynot e Address :
Bonner Room
"Count down to 1984:
DR. JERRY ROSENBERG Communio~ti on-Arts Auditoriuo 10 :00 a . m. I s Big Brother Al ready Here ?"
Dr. Jerr.1 Rosenberg, one of t he count:cy 1 s l ea ding futu=ists , i s an expert on the rela.ti onr.;hip of techuology to m-1.n. He has writt e.n four books on the subject, t est ified before povcrnment agencies on the i s sue of privacy and i s presently chairman of the Deoar t.mant of Busircsa Adr'lnistration at Ru,;gers Unive rsity. Rosenberg is also a prcfe s sor a.'J th'3 Graduate School of Management at Rutgers Univeroi ty.
-5Johnson wa.s Adjunct Professor of La.w at Georgetvwn University Law School in Washington 9 D.C . (1 971-73), Visiting Professor of 1a.w at the University of Illinois (Spring of 1976), University of Wisconsin-- Ma.dison (Spring, 1980) , and the University of Iowa La.w School (Spring , 1981 ) . Re was named one of the Ten Outstanding Young Men in America by the Jaycees, received the New Republic Pu~lio Defender Awa.rd and the Georgia American Civil Liberties Union Awardo The theme of Johnson' a add..,:,esa is the re 101u tion within the communications field and the effect that technology is having upon the civil and political rights of individuals. He will relate this sutjact to the role played by the United States Supreme Court. 1
Greek Forum Panel: Frank NeAdham - Former Member FBI and IRS Bob B:ro,ro - NIC Administrator Watt E. Prather - Idaho District Judge
Bonner Room Student Union Building 1 :00-2:30 p. m.
Concl uding Note~ : A.
Each keynote address will be followed by a brief question and answer perio~.
The afteI:1.>on Greek Forums will feature a specially built stage set from the Greek ·period that includes risers for the students and faculty ili. the Bonner Roomo 'I'he panel will face the studcnt/facu.l ty audience and engage in a. particip!l.1,ory dialogue concerning that morning's keynote address.
During the week of April 12-16, 1982, various corporations will display and d&monstr~te aopa.i.sticated equipment (e.g. , compute.cs) that will be loc?..tec1. in the Bonner Room of th~ SU13.
There will be a. display of t!la keynote 8l)ea.ker's books in t he area of the NIC Library plus additional copies on sale in the NIC Bookstore .
For further information: }4-:[C Com.roe a tion Committee members
Tony Stewa.:t't, Ch.airman
Richard Snyder Doryne Rogstad
Muriel Kirkpe.trick Jon Ott Paul Young Doug McLean Wally Young
- 1~Ho bs.s taught at Cornell University and Columbia University. He has also been a visiting professor at the University of »ritish Columbi a and the Israeli Institute of Productivity in Tel Aviv.
Dr. Rosenberg is I!1ost famous fo r bis book, 'I'he ~h. of Privacy, which was bail ed by 'T'he ,rew Jg[k Tj ~ · His other books include J.''2. Cn .=:B.:;_;: Pr.9.~; ~ ~ £2:t & P.enewed GoncuQt..1,Q,n of Te0bnicJ.l 'li':lu(.ation,; an~ l,::1t.~ ••, t,;.i.nuo·rar f1'4 Educa.tion. He receiv~d hie B.S , degree in psychology- and science from the City College of Neu York in 1956, hls ~r.A . d9grce in psycholooJ from Ohio Statf: University in 1957, and Ph . Do degree from J!ew York Universi"tJ' in 1962. As a r...;cipient of Fulbrj~_;!1t z.nd French Gov".:lrr.unent awc:.ra.s, he a tutlied at the Sorbonne ' 3 C~nter of High.?r Studies in Paris in 1957. The t heme of Rosenberg ' s adL...-ess c:m be illustra. ted by his own words when decl a1:ed , ''Knowl edge i s power in the aga of technology. .. . Today man l i Yes in a tmosphere dom,..nated by the machine . Han submits more a...'1.d more as his ability make choices about and. control his future i e ,;:rad taken away from we live i n a. world in which our i nner a.nd outer thoughts a1.--e to be r eveal e d t.o on~ and everyone? 11
GN.ek Fo rum Pa.nel : Scott Reed - Coeur d ' Al ene Attorney Doug Clark - Edi tor , Co~ur
he an to Can any-
Bonner Room Student Un.ton Buil ding Time : 1:00~2:30 p.m.
d ' Alen-a Pracs Glen Walke r - Kootenai Count-y Prosecutor
Keynote Address:
NICHOLAS JOHNSON Communication- Arts Auditor ium
10 :00 a .m. Topic:
"The Communice.tiono Revolution:
Political Decisions to Countdown 198411
Ni chol as Johnson re~oived his B. A. (1956) and LL.B. (1958) from the University of Texas in Austin. He was le.w cl€rk t;O the late Su.J:) '\.'.!!:le Court Justice Hugo L. and Judge John R. Brown (now Chief Judt,"'t:) of tho 5th Ci~cuit - U. S. Court of App~als~ Prior to entering eover1.J1ent, he was a.ssooia. te prof esoo::: of law at the University of Ca l ifornia at Berteley. Professor Johnson was appointed Ad.iu.i.nistrator of the U.s. l-Iari tine Administration At 29 , he was the youngest person to hold tb.::..t positJ.on. President Lyndon J ohnson appointed liicholas Joh'l8on as Co!.1!n.i.Jsioner of the Federal Con:nnmications Commiss5.on for a seven-year term in 1966 . lie quickly bec~e a.n outspoken conrn.:uneradvoca t e . in 1964.
Mr . J ohnson i s the author of the books , !!9..':!. .iQ. ~~ ~ J;.£. ~ Television _;pat t ~ _-,:or Liti,~ ( 1972) > and B.1.-oadc:-.~lli_i .bn .Am~rica ( 1973). He i s presently working on a book dealing ..,i c...ri technological cn~nges a.nd c ::> ti one.
§!1 ( 1970), _'.!:~·· ~