North•ldaho•College Popcorn Forum Symposium Presents
ism:I prejudices & progress September 23-27, 1985 NIC Communication-Arts Auditorium and Student Union Bldg. Bonner Room
In cooperation with the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations
Recognizing that . . ..
Every person has the inalienable right to be recognized and treated as a unique, inviolable and equal being, a right that distinguishes men and women from the other creatures who inhabit the earth.
Monday, Seotember 23 SYMPOSIUM KEYNOTE ADDRESS 10:00 A.M. Communication-Arts Auditorium The Honorable Julian Bond Georgia State Senator and National Black Leader Topic: "The View of Racism: Prejudices and Progress from the Black Perspective" State Senator Julian Bond has long been in the forefront in the fight for Civil Rights. His propensity for the dramatic confrontation has obscured the monumental politcal changes he has inspired. In 1968 his name was placed in nomination for Vice-President at the National Democratic Convention - the first Black to be so honored. He was elected to the Georgia State House in 1965. February 1966 and November 1966. but was denied his seat each time until the United States Supreme Court seated him. In 1974 Bond was elected to the State Senate where he now seNes. Senator Bond Is President Emeritus of the Southern Poverty Low Center. p resident of the Institute for Southern Studies. president of the Atlanta chapter of the NAACP. while retaining a seat on its national board. and an active member of the Atlanta BlackJewish Coalition. He also writes a national syndicated weekly column for Newspaper Enterprise Association.
Tuesdav, Seotember 24
SYMPO~UM KEYNOTE ADDRESS 10:00 a.m. Communication-Arts Auditorium
Wednesday, Seotember 25 SYMPOSIUM KEYNOTE ADDRESS 11 A.M. Communication-Arts Auditorium
Speaker: Assistant Attorney from the United States Justice Department. Civil Rights Division Topic: "The View of Racism: Prejudices and Progress from the Public Policy Perspective" Civil Rights Division The Civil Rights Division. headed by an Assistant Attorney General. was established in 1957 in response to the need to secure effective Federal enforcement of civil rights. This Division is responsible for enforcing Federal civil rights laws which prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, national origin. religion. and. in some Instances, sex. or handicap in the areas of voting. education. employment housing. credit. the use of public facilities and public accommodations. and in the administration of federally assisted programs. The Division also is responsible for the implementation of Executive Order 12250 of November 2. 1980 which requires coordination of efforts of executive agencies and departments to eliminate discrimination based on race. color. national origin. sex. religion. and handicap in programs receiving Federal financial assistance and discrimination based on handicap in federally conducted programs. The Civil Rights Division also has the obligation to enforce specific criminal statutes including those concerning willful deprivation of constitutional rights under color of law or through consplriacy and violent Interference with federally protected activities (18 u.s.c. 241. 242. 245).
The Honorable Julian Nava Former U.S. Ambassador to Mexico and President of the Greater Los Angeles Board of Education Topic: "The View of Racism: Prejudices and Progress from the Hispanic Perspective" Ambassador Julian Nava seNed as American ambassador to Mexico in 1980and 1981. Prior to his diplomatic seNice. he served twenty-five years as a researcher. scholar. professor of history. university administrator and author of books. Ambassador Nava gained election to the Los Angeles Unified School District Board of Education where he served three 4-year terms. For two periodts he was chosen President of the Board. Dr. Julian Nava earned his Ph.D. in History from Harvard University. He was a professor of history at California State University, Northridge. Dr. Nava is well known as a prominent leader within the Hispanic community of California.
RESPONSE PANEL - 1 p.m. Student Union (Bonner Room)
RESPONSE PANEL - 1:00 p.m. Student Union (Bonner Room)
Moderator: Father BIii Wassmuth, St. Pius Catholic Church & President of the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations George Critchlow, Attorney for the Ame:rican Civil Liberties Union - Pacific Northwest Norman Gissel, Coeur d 'Alene Attorney and member of the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations
Moderator: Mary Lou Reed, Idaho state Senator Ray Givens, Civil Rights Attorney
Skip Roland, Administrative Assistant to the Mayor of Spokane Dr. Lionel Thomas, Director of Minority Affairs of the Spokane Community College District
Glen Walker, Kootenai County Prosecutor
Sandi Patano, North Idaho Field Representative for U.S. Congressman Larry Craig Dr. Dennis Conners, N.I.C.Associate Deon of lnstruc· tion and professor of Business Law Dr. Elvera Barlow, Associate Deon of Students at Spokane Community College Chuck Lempesis, Kootenai County Public Defender
RESPONSE PANEL - 1:00 p.m. student Union (Bonner Room) Moderator: Dr. Owen Cargol, N.I.C. Dean of Instruction Dr. Vlctor Duarte, N.I.C. Department of Psychology Humberto Fuentes, President Idaho Migrant Council Sandy Emerson, Executive Director of the Coeur d'Alene Chamber of Commerce and member of the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations Dr. Don Barlow, Spokane School District #81 Arthur V.N. Wint, Directo r of Washington State University Office of Affirmative Action
Thursday, September 26
Seotember 27
SYMPOSIUM KEYNOTE ADDRESS 9:00 AM. Communication-Arts Auditorium Ms.Ada Deer
SYMPOSruM KEYNOTE ADDRESSES 9:00 - Communication-Arts Auditorium
The Honorable John V. Evans, Governor of Idaho
Topic: "The View of Racism: Prejudices and Progress from the Native American Perspective"
Topic: "Idaho Human Rights and the State Human Rights Commission"
Ada Deer at age 19 moved to Washington, D.C. a s a lone lobbyist with the United States Congress in on effort to save the land of her people, the Menominee Tribe. Against great odds she succeeded in winning legislative approval to protect their la nds. Upon her return to Wisconsin. she was later chosen as Chief of the Menominee Tribe.
John V. Evans entered public service at age 27 after attending Idaho State University and graduating from Stanford University. Evans became a member of the Idaho Senate In 1953. Senate Mojorityleader 1957-59, Moyorof Molod 1960-66ond State Senate Minority leader 1969-74. He was elected Lieutenant Governor In 1974 and became the 26th Governor on January 24. 1977 when Governor Cecil D. Andrus become Secretory of Interior. Governor John Evans wos elected Chairman of the Western Governo(s Conference In 1978. Governor John Evans was reelected the stole's chief executive In 1978 ond 1982. Governor Evans become the host governor for the 1985 session of the Notional Governor's Conference In August. 1985.
Dr. Deer holds a doctorate in the field of Sociology and is a member of the faculty at the University of Wisconsin (Madison). Dr. Deer is a political activist and was once a candidate for Wisconsin Secretory of State.
NOON - Communication-Arts Auditorium
Dr. Ado Deer is on author, lecturer and notionally recognized speaker on behalf of American Native issues.
David A. Lehrer, Counsel to the Anti-Defamation League of B'noi B'rith Topic: "The view of Racism: Prejudices and Progress from the Public Policy Perspective" David A Lehrer is the Western States Counsel ond Fact-Finding Director of the Anti-Defomotion l eague of B'noi B'rith. Mr. Lehrer is o Phi Beto Koppa graduate of UCLA with o BA In PoliticoI Science. He attended UCLA Law School ond earned o Juris Doctor degree In 1973.
RESPONSE PANEL - 1:00 p.m. Student Union Bldg. (Bonner Room) Moderator: Fran Bahr, N.I.C. Department of English Idaho State Representative Jeanne Givens, Coeur d'Alene Tribe Darlene Peters, Education Consultant and participant in Title IV Indian Education Southwest Region Sharon Boswell, N.I.C. Department of History Clifford Si John, Administrator for the Coeur d'Alene Indian Tribe
Mr. Lehrer directs the Anti-Defomotion League's foci-finding ond civil rights activities in the thirteen Western States Lehrer hos been Interviewed on his activities by such diverse publications os the "Los Angeles Times." the "New York Times." the " Londo n Times." the "Woll Street Journal." " Business Week." ond " Newsweek." He hos appeared on numerous news broodcosts inc lud ing the ABC network programs "Nightline" ond "Good Morning America ." He wos appointed by former Colifomla Governor Edmund Brown, Jr. to the Governo(s Task Force on Civil Rights which examined the causes. scope. and p revention of racial. ethnic ond religious vier lence in California.
RESPONSE PANEL - 1:00 p.m. Student Union Bldg. (Bonner Room) Moderator: Kristine Abbott, N.I.C. Department of Academic Resources Rabbi Yitzchak Nadler, Spiritual Leader of Temple Beth Shalom, Spokane, Washington David Cohen, N.I.C. Department of Sociology Scott Reed, Civil Rights Attorney