1990 Popcorn Forum program

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CONFlicT: J.tosTiliTy OR J.iARMONY

20th Anniversary

North Idaho College Popcorn Forum 1000 W. Garden Ave.

Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 (208) 769-3300

OS Pl>stage

PAID Permit No. 61 Coeur d'Alene Idaho 83814

NoR1li ldA'1o CollEGE PopcoRN FoRu M 2011-i ANNiVERSARY ApRil 16--20, 1990 CoNFlicT: Hos1iliry OR HARMONY CoNFlicT .. CoMMUNiry .. CENTENNiAl Conflie1 ollecis us personally and collecfrvely. Mechanisms and processes lo resolve con Aid determine whether we hove harmony or hoslilily • andiv,duolly, within our families, and within the community. As Idaho celebrates its Centennial, the North Idaho College Popcorn Forum provides students and community members on opportunity to examine conflict resolution in those ports of life affecting us mos! closely- family, education, church, and the courts. We examine how resolving disputes results in people who con gel along peacefully, even though they disagree, instead of angry people who find no peace (or angry people who hove no sense of place within the community). Four experts in dispute resolution will highlight the week-long 5¥mposium. The conference concludes Friday with a town meeting, so townspeople may discuss dispute resolution processes in our community. Awareness of woys to solve conAiels could assist our community to a future of greater cohesion, peoce ond harmony.

•K£)1NO!E SpEAkERS: DAily, I O on I I • .M., NIC CoMMUNICA1ioNs/FINE ARTS AudlroniuM, BoswEll H•ll* · R,sp01<Sc PANEis: D•lly, I :} 0,} p.M., BONNER ROOM, NIC SrudENr UNION Buildl•G• •r ow• M~al•G: FoldAy, Apoil 20, 9, l I ,JO A.M., Bo••c• RoaM, NIC s,udcNT UNION Buildi•G* *CoNrlicr R£Solu1ioN Public TAAINING SmioN: Fnid•y, Apnil 20, I :JO,} p.M., BONNER RooM, NIC S,udc,n UNiON BuildiNG•

DAy 1: MoNdAy, Apnll 16 D•y 2: TuESdAy, Apnil 17 O•y }: WcdNESdAy, Apnil 18 DAy 4: Tkunsd•y, Ap•il 19 0Ay 5: FnidAy, Apoil 20

D•ily Topics CRIME ANd Soclay: ViolE«CE OR Oodcn fAMily ANd Soclay: fRAG .. Cl<nd OR FuNC!IONAl EduCAtiON ••d Soclay: Cocncio• on P••••mskip RdiGiox Sociay: Do<;M.,ic on TolERAN1 CkoicES fan ld•ko's Stco•d C,,nuny


A specl•I th•11ks to •II who Auocf•totl ....._ ,••, N..tl, .... h. c.11.;. s- Fl•••t.

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NIC Nu•- •11-llty c,... a.a, Sl119lotury

....... Lu..ku Lott Mattel

RlchanlS,ry ..or To,ry Stewart . Popcon, Fon• c..rtll.......


DAy 1: MoNdAy, Apnil 16 Welcor.,e by On. C. Roben, Bermm, Nonrli ldAHO ColleGE PnesideNr

CRiM E ANd SociETy: ViolENCE OR 0RdER DR. RoNAld MARkMAN "HoMicidE: A UNiQuE CRiME:"



NIC CoMMUNicArioN,FiNE ARTS AudiroRiuM, BoswEll HAlL Host: LEN MAn Ei, FouNdiNG MEMbER of d-te NoRrl-t ldAl-to AlliANCE foR WoMEN Dr. Markman will explore Crime and Society: Violence or Order by addressing the topic of 'Homicide: A Unique Crime.• Dr. Markman hos known dozens of murderers intimately and wi11 attempt to toke the audience into the mind of a murderer. Dr. Markman is a lawyer, medical doctor, board certified psychiatrist, forensic psychiatris1 and neurologisl. He hos teslified in more than 20,000 coses, including such celebroted coses as the Hillside Strong/er murders, and the slaying of musician, Marvin Gaye. In addition, he hos published the book, ~

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••-Id Mark•••

Nottonal Ex.per! on Crime TOM

C•NIP...ne11 Director of the Kootenai County Juvenile Diversion Progrom


Jo•11 Det1- IMlth

One of Idaho's Leading Defense Attorneys

Social Activist for Combating Domestic Violence

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Latah County, Idaho Prosecutor

Troiner for Law Enforcement Agencies on Prejudice Reduelion

Ernie P•ckeltush Superintendent of the Eostern Washington Pre-Release Center

DAy 4: TltunsdAy, Apnil 19

REliqioN ANd SociEry: DoqMATic OR TolERANT DR. JOHN K. ROTH 11


NIC SrndENT UNioN BuildiNG, BONNER RooM HosT: Ricl-iARd SNydER, NIC ANTl-iRopoloqy FAculry M EM bER Or. Roth Is o professor in the Deportments ol Religion ond Philosophy of Cloremont McKenno College in Claremont, Colifomio. In 1988 he wos named Professor of the Year in Conodo and the United $totes, by the Carnegie Endowment for the Advancement ol Teoching ond the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE). Roth's expertise in American studies and Holocousl studies, as well as in philosophy and religion, qualify him to speak on the topic of religion and our society. He will explore the history of conflict and religion while discussing better mechanisms to peacefully resolve our problems. In oddilion to lecturing widely throughout the United Stoles ond around the world, Roth hos published over 150 articles and reviews, ond sixteen books. His most recent books ore Approoches to Auschwitt· The Ho!ocoust and its Legacy. The Guesfjans al Pbilasaphy. and American Ground· Vistas Visions ond ~


':JO,} p.M. BONNER RooM, SrudcNr UNION BulldiNG

Dr. .lohn Roth

The Revorond Marilyn Muehlbach

Professor of Religion ond Philosophy

Pastor, Unity Church of North Idaho

Tho Rovoroncl Dkk Ho rmstad

Mauroon O'Sullivan

Poslor, Trinity Lu1heron Church & Ac1ivis1 for the Issues al Hunger and Homeless in North Idaho

Director, Spokane Becoming Program

Dr. Wllllam WIiiia•• Religion and Philosophy Instructor, Eastern Washington University

DAy ~: FnidAy, Apnil 20


9:00 • 9:30 o.m. 9:30 • 10:00 o.m. 10:00 · 10:30 o.m.

l 0:30 - 11 :00 o.m.

Instructions for the Doy's Town Meeting Audience Specks Out on Crime and Society Audience Specks Out on Family and Society

11 :00 • 11 :30 o.m.

Audience Specks Out on Education and Society Audience Speaks Out on Religion and Society


Fort Sherman Days Noon - 4 p.m. Noon 12:30 1:15 1:4-0 Noon-4

p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.

Historic Processlon and Opening Ceremonies Concert by the Spokone Fotfs Bross Bond Scenes or North Idaho, Bryon Elementory School, Third Grade Idaho Folk Dances, Seltlce Elementary School, First and Fourth Gracie Chuck Wagon BBQ Lunch, by Rustler's Roost

10:00a.m. -


Technology Thro1,1gh the Ages NlC Vocational/Tecl,nical School Open House



Museum of North Idaho Centennial Photo Display First Floor Lobby. NlC Srudent Union Building Rides on the Gieseu Freight Wagon

SpEciAl SEssioN CoNFlicT REsolu1ioN lRAiNiNG l :}0,} p.M.



Tl-IE Public FREE~of~Cl-iARGE

The public is invited to receive training on methods and techniques for peaceful settlement of conflict The audience will will ollempt to resolve selected hypothetical conflict siluotions through role ploy.

be broken into lour groups, ond

DAY 2: luEsdAy, Apnil 17

FAMily ANd SociEry: FRAGMENTEd OR FuNcrioNAl DR . Jo~N M. HAYNES l O A.M. N IC CoMMuN iCATioNs,FiNE Arns AudirnniuM, BoswEll HALL HosT: Sue FlAMMiA, ATTORNEy, SpeciAliziNG iN FAMily I.Aw Or. Haynes is one of lhe Notion's leading mediation experts. In the lost live years he hos trained over 4 .000 professionals in mediation conflict management ond negofioflons in the United Slates, Conodo. England. Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand . Over the losl ten yeors, he hos mediated 2.000 div01Ces and other interpersonal disputes including business dissolution and infer-corporate differences. Haynes hos appeared on such notionol lV programs os The Today Show, David Sussklnd Show. Nlghtline, CNN Newswotch. and the Woll Street Journot Report. He hos also been the subject of articles ,n the New York ]roes. Woshjngton Post USA Today, Newsweek Ms., and New York Mogazme.

RespoNse PANEL I :}0,} p.M.


Dr. John Haynes

Dr. Jack Oakwrlttht, Ph.D

lnternotionol Expert on Negotiation and Arbitration

Licensed Psychologist Speciolizlng in Counseling Victims of Battery


Dr. Karolyn• S. Ro9on, Ph.D

Political Activist ond Pomcipont in International Peace Walks

Psychologist in Private Practice

Madollno Kardon9

Anno Solo•on

Co-Director of lhe Spokane Oispule Resolution C enter

Idaho Attomey Specializing in Family Low

EducArioN ANd SociEry: CoERcioN OR PARTNERsHip CHERRY A. McGEE BANks l O A.M . NIC CoMMuNiCATioNs,FiNE ARTS Aud iTORiuM, Boswell HALL 1

HosT: CAROL LiNdsAy, DiRECTOR, NIC C~iLdnEN s CENTER Ms. Banks is the president o f Educational Materials and Services Center, o research ond information center for educolionol curriculum. The center hos o nationwide board of advisors. Banks is on educational specialist with the Seattle Public Schools and o sloff associate w~h lhe Citi1ens Education Cenler Northwesl (project ACCESS) . She also conducts numerous lectures and workshops addressing such issues os increasing the academic achievement of minority students. education in plural societies and children's literature.



C...ny A. McGee Banks

Cathy Canffold-Dms

Nolionol Expert on Educolionol Moleriols and Issues

Superintendenl of Post Foils School District, Idaho

Raina Bohanolc

Dr. Rodney Froy

Teocher, Hording School, School District 2 71, Idoho

Director. North Idaho Educational Center for lewis,Clorl< Stole College

Gretche n Holler Former University lnslurctor Co-owner of Available Hordword, Inc.

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