1991-92 NIC Popcorn f orum Symposium was brought to you by North Idaho College and the NIC Associated Students. The 1991 -92 planning committee consists of:
Fran Bahr, English Department Jun McLeod, English Department Rocky Owens, President Associated Students Bill Richards, Physical Scicnt-eDepartment Robert Singletary, H,istory Dep-artmcnt Richard (Duke) Snyder, Anthropology Dep-mment
Tony Stewart, Chair NIC Popcorn Forum Trinh Vo, Vice-president Associated Students
The Great Mysteries
of Our Time
The NIC Popcorn Forum presents an annual symposium for the purpose ofexamining a broad range of issues and questions. The Popcorn Forum provides a platform for free expression ofdivergent viewpoints. TI1e 1991-92 topic 1ne Great Mysteries of Our Tune" is a special opportunity to hear some ofthe preeminent authorities on the mysteries surrounding our lives.
Monday, March 30 The Phenomenon of Mysterious Places and Events In the United States Dr. Lore,, Coleman
Speakers/Topics at a Glance
10 a.m. Communications.fine Arts Auditorium
Welcome-Dr. C. Robert Bennett, President North Idaho College and Rocky Owens, President Associat:ed Sn,dcnts of North Idaho College Introduction ofSpeaker-Jim McLeod, NIC English Dcpaitmcnt Sj>eaker-Dr. Loren Coleman, Research Consultant, Human Sctvices Dwdopmcnt Institute, The University ofSouthern Maine A recogni7.ed expert in aypt<Yl.OOlogy, Coleman le<.1Ures frequently and has spoken at America University, the University of Mruyland, the University of Nebraska and MassachUSCttS Institute of Technology. Excerpt ti-om Colem:m's book, Mysteriou.rAmeriar. "From spook lights and lake monsters to gi.wt snakes and UFOs, Loren Coleman's Mpterio,,r America digs deeply imo the rich lore of the stmnge and unexplained and comes up with a mind-boggling harvest. 'Join Coleman on his ,cxcursions across America. Experience Route 66's Blue Phantom, d1e 11ungi; that Go Bump in d1c Bay St.i.te, Kelly's Little Men, The Jersey Devil. The Name Game, Champ, and a host of other creatures and phantoms. "1n addition ro oo-authming two books (The Unidentified and Cr,·ahrres oftbe Outer Edgt:), wren Coleman has published over 100 articles oa natural history, anthropology, wology, and animal folklore." On February 12, Coleman was interviewed on NBC's TV show ''Unsolved Mystcries.tt Coleman commented on explorer Tom SJick's search for the Himal.'lyan abominable snowman.
Monday, March 30 10a.m.
The Phenomenon ofMysterious Places and Events In the United Slates: Dr. Loren Coleman, (-FA Auditorium
1 p.m.
Response Panef, Edminster Student Union, Bonner Room
Tuesday, March 31 11 a.m.
1 p.m. 2:30p.m.
The Phenomenon of UFOs: Aleuti francesca, C-fA Auditorium Response Panel, l:dmioster Student Unioo, Bonner Room
UFO Movie: "Contact", Bonner Room
Wednesday, April 1 9am.
The Phenomenon of Bigfoot (Sasquatch}:
John WiUison Green, (-FA Auditorium
1 p.m.
Response Panel, Edminster Student Union, Bonner Room
Thursday, April 2 10am.
The Phenomenon ofNear-Death Experiences and Life After Death: Dr. Raymood A. Moody Jr., M.D., C-FA Auditorium
1 p.m.
Response Panel, Edminster Student Union, Bonner Room
friday, April 3 11 a.m.
T/,e Scientific and Critical Review ofthe
1 p.m.
James Randi, C-FA Auditorium Response Panel, fdminster Student Union, Bonner Room
World~ Mysteries:
1-2:30 p.m. Response Panel Day 1, Edminster Student Union, Bonner Room
Modcmto,- Judy Whatley, Community Activist Linda Erickson, NICSSO President Dr. Rodney Frey, Director North Idaho Prograrru, for Lewis Cbrk State College Jeanne Givens, The Coeur d'Alene Tribe Jim McLeod, NIC Department of English John T. O'Dell. Vice-Presidenr NIC Chapter ofPhi Theta Kappa Ema Rhinehart, NIC Dcpa.rtment of College Relations Roberr Singletary, NIC History Department
Friday, April 3
Thursday, April 2 The Phenomenon of Near Death fiperiences and Ufe After Death
The Scientific and Critical Review of the World's Mysteries
James Randi {"The Amazi.ng Randi'J
Dr. Raymond Moody
10 a.m. Communicaliens-Fine Arts Auditorium
!11trod11dio11 oJSpenher-Len J'vlatrei, NIC English Department
Dr. Raymond A. Moody,Jr., M .D. is :m inrcmationally known author on near death experiences and author of the book, lifa/1.fl<tr L!Je Dr. Moody received I.is BA., •lA t111d Ph.D. &om the University ofVuginia. A.fu:r teaching philosophy at Easr Carolina University, he received his M.D. from the Medical College of Georgia in 1976 and then served his residency at the UnivcrsityofV1rginia Medical School Excerpt from Dr. Moody's book, Lift After life ''Ille: multimillion copy best-selling author of Lift After Life, Reflections on Lift After Lift an.cl Tix Light Beyo11d, Dr. Moody is the acknowledged C).pcrt in the ficld of near death e.,'JlCricncc research. His books ofter both answen; and peace of mind to those who wondrr about death as well .'5 the over 8 million men and women in this row1try who have crossed the bridge between lifu and de:ath-:U1d returned to rcll us what lies 1tl1ead.ff
Traveling with Dr. loody will be Dann.km Brinkley, Moody's most famous case. Fox television recently spent eight hours inrer:viewing Dr. Moody and Brinkley for :m upcoming TV how. Brinkley and Dr. Moody will speak on Brinkley's experience during the afu:moon punel response. Brinkley and Dr. Moody will present a special, two-hour, indepth workshop on "The ear Death Expe.riencet 2-4 p.m., SaturJay, April 4 at the Body, Mind, Spirit & Earth E."o:po, pokane Convention Center. The F.xpo features 150 spcakt..-rs and Exhibits and is open to the public. General adnussion to the Expo is S5. Rcgiscmtion foe for the workshop is S20. NIC snidcms will be admitted free to tl1e Expo, but must pay the workshop registration fee. Ccl.l Anne Marie Lewi at (509) 747-1772 for information. 1-2:30 p.m. Response Panel Day 4, l:dminster Student Union, Bonner Room
Matkrato,-Mona Klinger, N1C Speech Department
Dannion Brinkley, Dr. Raymond Moody's most famous subject Joan Brogan, Director IC Nun;ing Department Dr. Roger Ehlert (Ph.D.) Pb.i.losoph Rev. Richard Hennsra.c.\ Pastor, Trinity Lutherru1 Church
Joan rvlcEvcrs, Two near death experiences Rev. D,1vc hancr, Pastor, Church of Christ, Coeur d'Alene Dexter Yates, Fwiernl Direcror and Lecturer to De-ath & Dyu1g classes
11 a.m. Communications-fine Arts Auditoril.llll
lntroductio11 ofSpealw-Tony Stewart, IC Political Science Department James Randi is a famous debunker of:fuith healcrs, channeler;, and assoncd psychics.
Excerpt from Randi's book, Tix Mask q/Nrgtradam11s: A Biogmphy ofthe Worltfs Most fonwus Prophet: Time magJZine sa.ys, "Ir was for his exposes of faith healers, channelers, spoon benders, assorted psychics and others who prey on the gullible tlmr Randi, in J 986, bec;unc the first magician to receive a prestigious genius award from the MacArthll! Fowidation. 111c $272,000 tl1at came with the honor... cmlhlcd Randi ro step up his cravcls. He logged 45,000 miles, traveling fur from his home in Plantation, Florida. (He tra.velcd to) Australia, demonstrating the fraudulence of channeling, vvhich iJ1VOlves a supposedly long-dead Sll!,11! uttering words of wisdom tbrougb the mouth of a modem-day proxy. (He movcd on ro) China, invited by a science journal to help ~tern what the editor called 'growing confusion between science and superstition.' In an Francisco and Des Moines, Dallas and New York City, Randi has spoken out for rationality in what he sees as an increasingly irrational wodd. 'It's like sl1ovcling warcr uphill, bllt it's got to be done,' he says with mii;sioruuy Wll ... .'' "We may dis.-igrre with Randi on peci.6c points,'' says Carl agan, ''bur we ignore him at our peril" "He's a national =sure," says author lsaacAsimov. 1-2:30 p.m. Response Pane.I Day 5, l:dminster Student Union, Bonner Room
Modemtor-AnnieJ. McKinley, N1C Speech Department Tom Fl.int, Chair N1C Social Sciences Division Dr. Charlie Glock, Retired. Professor of Sociology, University of California, Bc.rkcley Michelle Klassen. President NIC ChapterofPhi 11,em Kappa Rocky Owens, President Associated tudents ofNIC ls. Lee R.,y, Community Activist
ls. Kelly hive.ly, Dirccror North Idaho Revelations Don Sprague, J\flC Psychology Department
Tuesday, Man:h 31
Wednesday, April 1 The Phenomenon of UFOs
The Phenomenon of
Ms. Aleuti Francesca
John Willison Green
11 a.m. Communications-fine Arts Auditorium
l11trrxl11ction ofSpeaker-Fran Bahr, NIC English Department Aleuti Francesca was born in London, England and studied fur many years for a career as a concert singer and poet. From the age of sixteen she read and researched widely the ancient esoteric tcaching...ESP, metaphysics and UFO phenomena. She has unde.rraken ex-tensive tours to many parts of the United States and Canada where she has lectured, ttugbrand appeared on radio and TV shows. Since 1983 she has participated in phone-in interviews on the subject of extra terrestrial contact. lnJanuaty 1992, Francesca participated at a World UFO conference held at the Great Pyramid in Egypt. John Howard, past president of lewis and Clark College (Oregon) said of Francesca, "H er experiences and insighl'S into phenomenon which arc otherwise unexplainab1e...are valuable to the general public and the serious student of parapsychology." Francesca is currently booking an August 1992 English tour with Brad Steiger on the UFO experience.
Bigfoot {Sasquatch}
1-2:30 p.m. Response Panel Day 2, Edminster Student Union, Bonner Room
Moderato,-Sandra Brashears. NlC Speech Department
T rinb Vo, Vice-president Associated Students of North Idaho College 2:30-3:45 p.m. UFO Movie-"Contact," Edminster Student Union, Bonner Room
Introthicti011 ofSpeaker-Dr. Vuginia Tmsley Johnson, Chair,
NIC English Department Jolm Willison Green :is a Canadian Journalist and specialist on tbe history ofSasqua tch. Excerpt from Gn.'Cn's books, 011 thi: Tm& ofthe Sa..rquatm and Year ofthe Snsquntch: john Green is the pre-eminent authority on the fascinating qucstio11 of whether mankind shares North America with another upright-wallcing primare, having researched the subject fur more than 20 years and assembled a file of more than 2,000 reports. A graduate of the University ofBritish Columbia and the Columbia University Graduate School ofJournalism in New York. and a ncwspapennan of more than 30 years experience, he is uniquely qualified to be the chronicler of the investigation as well as one of the le-J.ding particip:mts, and his pn.'VioUS-books have sold close to 200,000 copi~.... He worked on daily newspapers in Toronto, Victoria and Vancouver before buying the weekly Agassiz-Hamson Advance at Agassiz, British Columbia, in 1954.n 1-2:30 p.m. Response Panel Day 3, Edminster Student Union, Bonner Room
Fran Bahr, NIC English Department
Larry Broadbent, Fonner Undersheriff of Kootenai County Phyllis Klein, NlC Chapter of Phi Bem Kappa Ms. Dale Snipes, Witness to UFO Sighting Richard (Duke) Snyder, NICAnthcopology Depamncnt
9 a.m. Communications-fine Arts Auditorium
Moderator-Karen Streeter, NIC Registrar Dr. C. Robert Bennett, President ofNIC David Foster, NIC Physical Science Department Kaci Hailey, NIC Llbrruy Staff&srudent Sandi Palmer, NIC College Relations Wayne Rasmussen, Wi1ness co Bigfoot Prints Bill Richards, NIC Physical Science Department Richard (Duke) Snyder, NICAnthropology Department