'~aA§aamHAdieA~and.H'~'' MARCH 27 - APRIL 2, 1995
As North Idaho College celebrates fiie Silver Anniversary of the North Idaho College Popcorn Forum, the campus community cordially invites you to join us in examining and experiencing the works of pre-eminent artists and humanists during a week-long symposium titled, "An Affair With the Arts and Humanities." The week's , program will include lectures, readings, workshops, exhibits, plays, juried shows, handson demonstrations and an evening in concert with the renowned Pulitzer Prize winning conductor Gunther Schuller. All events are free except where noted. During this special week of activities, visitors may park {without a permit) in the lot along River Avenue north of the Library. The goal of the symposium is to awaken or rekindle the ideas of the Renaissance in all our lives. The week's events will include a great range of the arts and humanities to further this goal. It is our hope to meet the interests of everyone in some area of the arts and humanities. The 1994-95 NIC Popcorn Forum is co-sponsored by the North Idaho College Convocation Series, the Associated Students of North Idaho College and the Kootenai County Arts Council.
The North Idaho College Popcorn Forum presents an annual symposium for the purpose ofexamining a broad range ofquestions, issues and problems. The Popcorn Forum provides both the college campus and the wider community a platform for the free expression of divergent viewpoints. The Forum also seeks to awaken in each of us our full potential as thinkers and doers. Special Thanks to James R. Watson Consultants for financial support of this special event. Popcorn Forum 25th Annivenary logo cle$ign by NIC 1rudenr Dave Johnton
All week
George Wray Exhibjt, Union Gallery, SUB
All week
Mary Frances and Gary Hall Exhibits, NIC Library, First Floor
All week
Coeur d'Alene Art Association Juried Art Show Exhlbit, Emery's Culinary Arts Dining Room, Hedlund Building, Room 225
Opening Ceremony and Welcome, NIC President, Dr. C. Robert Bennett and ASNIC Presjdent, Ryan Higgins, Boswell Auditorium NIC Madrigal Singers, directed by Todd Snyder, piano perfonnance by Todd Snyder.
11 a.m. to Noon
''Three Forms of Censorship," Keynote Address by Harold Balazs, Boswell Auditorium Harold Balazs is one of the premier artists of the Pacific Nonhwest, his works grace numerous public spaces; including the enameled panel of colorful Oowers gracing the Coeur d'Alene Resort lobby, the huge floating stainless steel sculpture at Spokane Riverfront Park, plus many, many more. ln 1988, he received the Governor's Award for Art. Balazs lives in Mead, Washington.
"25 Years mReview," A Panel Discussion of the Popcorn Forum's History, SUB SW Dining Room
Noon to 1 p.m.
Join us as we reminisce through 25 years of history with Leona Hassen, past chair of the NIC Convocations Committee; Richard "Duke" Snyder, longtime member of the NIC Popcorn Forum Committee; and Tony Stewan, Chair of the Popcorn Forum Committee.
1 p.m. to 2 p.m.
T he Lake City Playhouse presents highlights from 'The Secret Garden," "Bye, Bye Birdie," and others, Boswell Auditorium
9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. "Performance Poetry of the Old West," John Jay Kulm, Cowboy Poet, Boswell Auditorium Come listen to an old Western tradition come to life. John Jay Kulm has appeared on National Public Radio and USA Cable Network, and has performed concerrs and readings throughout the Western states. Cowboy poetry is an oral tradition, passed on around bunkhouses, campfires and down the trail. Kulm grew up working cattle and driving tractors on a farm in Qiincy, Washington.
1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
"Little Altars Everywhere," Rebecca Wells, a one-woman, 90-minute show, Boswell Auditorium Rebecca Wells of Seattle, Washington, bas toured nationally performing her original work. ln 1992, Ms. Wells received the Western States Arts Award (fiction) for her novel "Lillie Altars £'1Jerywhf:re. "which she bas adapted into a onewoman show. Intimate, intuitive and funny, 'Litt/ell/tars Ewrywhf:re"is the story of a tender, confused, and magically rambunctious Thornton, Louisiana family, and its complex and humorous life. Her plays and sto.ries are packed with laughs, and her performances are graced with a skilled comedian's perfect sense of timing.
3:30 to 4:30 p.m.
"Liber Mundi/Liber Vitae, The Book of the World/The Book of Life." A slide lecture presentation by Dennis Evans, Artist of Computer Designed Art, Boswell Auditorium Dennis Evans of Seattle, Washington is one of the most outstanding computer artists in the country. He has had over 70 one-person exhibitions throughout the U.S. and Mexico. His work is included in 27 selected public collections such as the Metropolitan Museum of Arts. 1n 1980, Evans won the National Endowment for the Arts, Artist Fellowship Award.
5 to 6 p.m.
Readings by the Idaho Writers League and Patrons of the Pen, Emery's Dicing Room, Hedlund
6 to 7 p.m.
Reception to honor Karen Swenson, New York City Poet, Emery's Dining Room, Hedlund
7 to 8:30 p.m.
Karen Swenson, "Readings from Karen Swenson's Works," Emery's Dining Room, Hedlund Karen Swenson, a noted poet and author from New York, is the 1993 winner of the National Poetry Series Prize for her work titled, The lady in BangMk. "Her work has also won acclaim from the Pushcart Prize, the Arvon Foundation in England and the Ann Stanford Award. Her individual poems have appeared in such leading magazines as The New Yorkr." 'Saturday &view,' "])enwr Quarterly,· and others.
NIC Campus-Wide Open House Sponsored by the NIC Board of Trustees Join us for a tour of campus and numerous hands-on activities presented by our faculty and staff. Numerous activities are planned so that you can see first-hand the inner workings of our programs and our talented faculty and staff. 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Art in Technology, Machine Shop, Hedlund 109, Jim Straub and Tom Price, Instructors Tour the NIC Machine Shop and obsesve studems making medallions. Visitors will receive their own commemorative medallions of the 25th Anniversary of the Popcorn Forum.
8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Art in Technology, Drafting Shop, Hedlund 241, 241A, Leonard Cope and David Schumann, Instructors Tour the NIC Drafting facilities and observe a variety of displays of student projects.
8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. "Figures and Other Things: A Sculptural Demonstration Using Clay," Marilyn Lysohir, Boswell
Hall, Classroom 141 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Community Canvas Art Project, leave your artistic mark. Campus Grounds, South of SUB Visitors are invited to paint their own section of a community can\lllS.
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Campus Tours, on the hour, each hour. Meet in the lobby of the NIC Library.
11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Art in Technology, Culinary Arts, Hedlund 225, Rick Schultz, Instructor The Culinary Arts students will provide a variety of free phylo pastries, appetizers and desserts.
11 a.m. to Noon
"Art in the Environment: Confronting Ecological Issues," George Wray, Boswell Auditorium Professor of Art at the University ofldaho since 1969, Wray will present a slide/lecture presentation on art in the environment. In recent years Wray has concentrated on the use of neon as a medium in light sculptures and installations. He has 14 permanent insrallations throughout the Pacific Northwest, including the installation above the staircase leading 10 the NIC Union Gatery. His light sculptures arc architectural in nature, while the installations are about perception and how light cm influence the way we perceive space.
Noon to 1 p.m.
Closing Reception, Guest of Honor George Wray, Unjon Gallery
Noon to 1 p.m.
Poetry Yelling Contest, SW SUB Dining Room or outside if weather permits
1, 2 and 3 p.m.
Poetry Writing with NIC English Instructors Fran Bahr and Lisa Kilczewski, 2nd floor lobby, Boswell Hall
1, 2, and 3 p.m.
The Art of Photograms with NIC Photography Instructor Phil Corlis, Boswell Hall, Room 155 Darkroom magic! How to make prints without a negative or camera. Each session is limited to the first 16 persons to arrive.
1, 2, and 3 p.m.
Music Writing on Computers with NIC Music Instructor Gerard Mathes, Boswell Hall Lobby
2, 3, and 4 p.m.
Oral Literature with regional storytellers, Kootenai Room, Student Union Building Come listen to Rodney Frey, Lawrence Aripa and Cliff SiJohn tell a variety of Native American stories.
"Camp Logan" A theatre production crew and acting cast from San Antonio, Texas Boswell Auditorium, Tickets are S7. Phone (208) 769-3415 for information. The play "Camp Logan" is a gripping theatrical drama based on the 1917 execution of 19 black soldiers of the 24th infantry. The powerful play blends fact with fiction in exploring the largest mutiny and court martial in U.S. lustory. In three years of touring, "Camp Logan,· bas been performed over 100 times at universities and colleges across the country as well as at the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. "Camp Logan" in 1994 received the "NAACP Play-of-the-Year" Award.
"A Ragtime Concert with the Internationally Renowned Pulitzer Prize Conductor, Gunther Schuller" 2 p.m., Boswell Hall Auditorium, Tickets SlO, phone (208) 769-3415. Join us for a very special afternoon concert featuring Gunther Schuller and members of the Spokane Symphony Orchestra presenting a concert of ragtime music. Ragtime, one of the foundations of American popular music, will be celebrated ,vith a concert/lecture hosted by Schuller, wotld renowned composer, conductor, historian. Come learn about the music that slllrted the 20's roaring! This is a unique opportunity to not only enjoy ragtime music, but to learn how it is truly America's melting pot from the expert himsel(
10 a.m. to 11 a.m.
"The Glorious Diversity of Today's Music," by Gunther Schuller, Pulitzer Prize Award Winning Conductor Boswell Auditorium Gunther Schuller bas developed a musical career that ranges from composing and conducting to his extensive work as an eduator, administrator, music publisher, record producer and author. As a conductor, Mr. Schuller travels throughout the world, leading major ensembles in a widely varied repertory. In 1967, Mr. Schuller was appointed President of the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston. He was recogniud in 1991 by the McArthur Foundation with one of the coveted McAnbur Awards. Schuller's composition 'OfReminiscenw and Refle,tiG11s, 'written for the Louisville Symphony, won the 1994 Pulirur Prize in Music. His other awards include two Gugcnheim Fcllowships, the Carius Milhaud Award, the Rodgers and Hammerstein Award and numerous honorary degrees. Mr. Schuller is Editor-in-Chief ofja:a MastlT'WOrlu Editions and co-director of the Smithsonian Jazz Masterworks Orchestra in Wa,hington, D.C.
1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. The Eastern Washington University Percussion Ensemble, Boswell Auditorium Wmner of the percussion ensemble and mallet keyboard competition at the Western Stares PAS Festival Competition in California, the EWU Percussion Ensemble is well known for its exccllcnce. The ensemble is directed by Martin Zyskowski, principal timpani with The Spokane Symphony Orchestra, The Sandpoint Music Festival and The Northwest Bach Festival Orchestra. Zyskowski is a graduate of the University of Michigan. He bas appeared with the Ann Arbor Symphony Orchestra, the Toledo (Ohio) Symphony Orchestra and taught for one year at the famous lntcrlocben Arts Academy.
For information on any events call the College Relations Office at 769-3316.
9 a.m. to 10 a.m.
"Mathematics: A Key to Education for Life," Tom C. Farley, Boswell Auditorium Tom Farley has been a teacher or education administrator since 1971. He holds a B.S. degree in Secondary Education in mathematics and geology from Lewis-Clark State College and a M.S. degree in Education Administration from the University ofldaho. Farley is the Mathematics Coordinator for the Idaho State Department of Education and also serves as the State Coordinator of the Federal Eisenhower Mathematics and Science programs. Farley has written several articles and grants and is a regular presenter ar regional and national conferences. He is an eight-time Appreciation Honoree by the National Science Teachers Association's Presidential Awards program.
Video: "Chronicles of25 Years of the NIC Popcorn Forum," Boswell Auditorium
11 a.m. to Noon
Lunch in Emery's with Guest Artists. Phone Ext. 3436 for reservations
Noon to 1 p.m.
Lunch in Emery's with Guest Artists. Phone Ext. 3436 for reservations
1 p.m. to 2 p.m.
"Usual and Unusual Ways of Approaching Education," Marilyn Lysohir, Boswell Auditorium Marilyn Lysohir bas given workshops and lectures throughout the United States as well as in Australia, Canada, Denmark and Kenya. She is a distinguished artist and college professor with a Master's in Fine Arts degree from Washington State University. Her work bas appeared around the world. She primarily uses clay, bur other materials such as wood, plaster, lights, and metal are brought into many of her works. Her art often bas a surreal quality influenced by painters such as Magritte and Chagall. Her recent work has focused on extremely complex large-scale ceramic sculptures. She has won a number of selected awards including the Sudden Opportunity Award from the Idaho Commission on the Arts.