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f i119 of lts le&ding lle.ple Court St.3r.; Of the · five , three are !'rom Amu•uie~n
'.'.'1.1.9 ~North I daho
J1.mior College Glee Club has plans for a full schedule of mua~cal event, according to. Hele::i. 'Finch, dir, ctor . One important date has been s t for December 5 in th~ Isehello aoo:n ~t the Davenport Hotel iL Spokane. ;t\e~o the group will appecr before the i.fo•·thwest Acsociation of Seoonder y and 'l:"gher So ~ools . Prior to the Spokane epr>eA:.-snce the group's initial oo~cert >T.11 be given in ~he NIJC audito~~um h~Ecre the traditional Thc.nlcsgi ving prog:·e:I!, sponsored for the benefit of collets student body and local citizens . Approximately 35 voices ere in the or ganitation , Mrs . Finch said . A Glee Club council , comprised of Sue Kildow, Oen "ay, Patti Gustafson, Bob Le CBi.;l, end Bonita Burroughs , will direct the g£o~ral activites for the orl llnization . 0
[ qlTlPUS
The male students will have a hard time getting ds~ea this year as there are a mora 41 women onrollod to a grand tota l of 100 men in the doy courses . or the 141 r egular students there ere Bl freshmen while only 28 sophomores , 5 taking special oouroes and 27 enrolled for vo-
~DUE~.fl~Ji~s . MA JUR S
ST!-\ I~ T FI ELC T1?-11: S
Member s of the Technlques and Ooservution Class of North Idaho Junior Colloge , po.rt of the Education Dopertmont made field trips to Bryano.nd Winton Pubir ~chools r ecently to study theories ~f teaching ns they are put into practi~bl idea of the problems of teaching . They ere a requir ed pert of the. ftt:.ul'le e1ucator ' s training, Dr . Eva S, Ogg, instruooor tn Education, reported ,
r=u CJch Linr I< Drows Sr.-: : r-:; Frcrn Ovtr Noc10 n Co11oh Bob L1DQk 1 s promising basketball team lists fourteen aspirants for positions on the V11.r isty. Under the new r egime Junior College fans can expect a 'l'1inning season for a change . Three sections of thEt oountry are represented by tho 11 thletos .. From the eastern seaboard co.~es Bob Burr o~ghs , former Irvington, Nen Jer sey High School star . Bob, a 6 foot 3 inch fast moving forward, was one of the leading scorers in the state of Kew Jersey.
High School . They are Arne Th\.ll1 ~ :~.Y:l·. d'ohn Vesowick and Dick Saigis. Thu.::.r.:...· '·:: a fleshy lert-h~ded foM'lar d who GtfJ.ir: 6 font 3 i nches end tips the scale& ~~ 201, C~r~ lned his high school team eu.-ing Ms .:; .•a l two ~ers there . Thun'1·i:l 1r also !J1. ~yo ~ for Ba'iitche ' s BBX'O fil·~~ an o·.-t ::"1;a111.· ng oe-:d- pro outfit. Al:.o fr~ m..;.-,..:r...- n P..:'..>}1 io John V~i!'l\'t·.:.:. 6 foot 5 i uch pivot man who topped h::.Jnisen :.c. sco!"ing du?"ing his senior ~·~ar . Jor.~ ~ s r are tine ~as spent pla~'in£: f or Yps ~!anti 1 s ~\..<>aian Five . The · '.r.l.:d p~ eyer for L;a-...Jld:-en High to msk-3 the t rek we d is ditl:i·aive Dick Sar gis , a high s coring gui.:·-3 , Sar gis played for Irv Benjamin ' s Hardware where he was leading scorer for the past t'fi'o seasons . From Von stel:.ben High Sohool m:c~cs.• go com.es Eddie Keegan, a brilliant guard and floor can . Keegan is out at present as the result of a recent appendeu~c;:iy~ The fif'th per son to oore from Chicago brings per naps the most outstandin; r ecord of all . Th:s is \lilliam .Min!~a, a clever guard Tiho r.es All South State Street his final two yearo in school . From Salem, O~egon , B1gh School comes two of their outst andint athletes , Wayne Walling and Gene Jones . T.alling is a r ugged 6 fcot 5 inch center who was a me~ber of All Big Six squa1 1u::j ~g hlQ sen' or year , Bon<!eome Gene Jonas 4 a teai:cna te of Wa:ri.,... s ~ a :s onv o!' Sa~ta great all - round ethletes F.· om Moscow Wt' have tlro !l.aple Court specia lists in Kieth Bi 6r e.n and Kenneth Stee:nsma . Kieth was both high scorer and cnptain in both his jUnior and . year while Kenny \V!ls a m6l:lber at the al ...district tel!Il for two years . ( ~~ Cont. P•• •, J
rurnBunrj OO\.l1
The North Idaho Junior Coll e~e h.ns organiud a tumbling team for the currert year i t was announced today . The tetlL. first in N. I . J . C. HI.story, is under tile dir ection of Fr ank Evans. Biology ~ structor . Those turning out for instruction 6lld fundamental drills are Ron Booths , John Davis , Allen De!ongchamp, Ron cr ickson, Paul Jones , Stanley Oldow, Richar d Orooby, Phil Poole. Dave Presley, and J \ cx Russell . Mrs . I.ante Krider · and lira . Earl Ogg enter tained the Women's College Club at Mrs . Krider ' s home recently.
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Published infreque~tly by the Jouralism class of i·orth Idaho Junior Collebe as a ser vice to those of low mentality. :::cl i tor Jae!:: L;cr.voy Associated Editor Louise 3elt Spor ts Editor Dave Fra de~berg Roporters Bob Ogg . Don Gill Ver n Underwood , ~llen Delongchamp Staff Typists Dorothy Cla~son ':lilma Goff , Gwen Bretzer James L. Rhodes Advisor The ne.mo "Peep- Squeak" i s the outgrowth of the ol der paper - The Ce.rdinP.l C:·y . We 're not as strong this year , you see .
LD I r~ ·
rz I A L
Col lege l ife should be one i~ whioh peopl e lear n how t o deve l op and enjoy being with var i ous gr oups of people . Undoubt edly it is inher ant in sma ller school s and college s anywher e to deve loo cliques and sa t s , but it also is one of the har dest blO\~a that can be dealt t o a community spir it , which is essentia l for a heal t hy collsce life . Cer tainly it is more pleasant to talk to someone whom you know has a oorn~on intere6t but each person s hould be abl e to find ao'llethir.g worth while in ever y personal i ty . Her e at the colle£e , althouGh ther e are Gr oups interested in cer tain courses of study we are al l on the a ~me campus , drink pop at the onme S U, and ar e interested in an education . rhat ' s enough common int or eot for anyone . A speoifio instance that might be noted is the habit of the academic students to for get that the trade depo.rtment i s an 1nter ra l part of the college . Al though the t r ade department is in another buildinc this should not build a wall aeninst a Greater interest in people . That should be de ve loped throuch extr~ curricular activity and just plain courtesy . Let 1 s not thin•· BllY one t;roup has a :!tain on ito record . \'iithin the various aectione of the academic department such is the case . From now on let ' s all smilo and aay hello to that CUY \"le don ' t know. Be might be human after a 11 .
Calling a l l students ! Ca lling al~ Yours is the chance of ~ lifetime , nOTI to find out about for~!t 1 affairs . And it ' s easy, too--just joi~ stude~ts !
I. R.
I .R. c . stands for "Internatio:r.al Relations Club" rhich means just thai; Discussions on internationa l r e l a tion; are held twice monthly , led by ircmincn: S?Oa~e r s . Problems which directly a1l'a;'~ you , though per haps not completely::;:ih:xi are at least made mar e unde rstardabl~.
Students and faculty attended ~ ~1 annua l mixgr of the school year . ~1·~ event , sponsor ed by the f aculty, is ~ means of ge tting the student s be tter acqua!~ted .
Tne evening started off with a gamo of volley ball par t i cipated in by mos·i; of the students end sever a l facul ty members . During the evening dancing and pingpong rere enjoyed, ard Ur . and ~s Orr in Lee r ave instruct!ons i n square dancing. Ice cream , cake and pop were served by instructors of the college .
rlOCP STAR.) AT JC. (.,.·
Getting nearer home m have Di.vs Fredenber g , a fon:ie r perfor mer for Rathdrum High School , District Champs during tl:e 1950- 1951 season . Fredenberg captained his team during his senior year and was second in scoring . Three former stars of Coach Elmer Jor den 1s C~e ur d 1 Alene Vikings ar e at UIJC . ~n Vlil so~ , Dale Anderson and IDb HoWtl.rd all W"!re ciember.s of CDA 1 s championship team . •i.nde rson is a r e turni ng let terman at J . C., the only one of t he fourteen turning out and was the buhlark of last yee.r 'a team. Both Don Wi l s on and Bob Howard are freshman gr aduat i ng from Coeur d 1 J.lene last year . Curly headed ·iilaon was a oember of the '."!e s t team during the Icaho East- •est £8.l!la • Upon r eviewiIJ6 the squad it looks as 1f C~oh Linck will field an ag&resivu, high- soorill6 coachin~ , against so:le cf the tourher tea!ll3 of the northwest .
PA-RO''J il[ THE EOCl<...:101<_: Don ' t forest the college cookstore when you need sup!J lies . It carries a COT.plate line of paper , penci l s , and other echool noeds . The hours are from 8100 u .m. to 9 130 a .m. and from 11: 30 a .m. to 1130 p.m.
Caigratulat~ns to the fir st studentpnpa of t he year ! Be is Aar on Johnston, a sopu,mor e major ing 1n educ ation Aaron &.nd his rife , the forme r Betty l1ibarger of Post Falls , a.re parents of a nine oound baby boy born Oct. 9 1n Spokane . Aar on says they 'll name him Rona l d .
··- --~
~ . Christianson the instr uotor , l 'r. Christianson tJ-.e dean, and now ?.:.~ Christianson the Hunter! . f.las , tho1~h. he didn ' t briDB home the bacon-~elk, ei t her . After almost a week of perfect hunting weather- - snow, r ain, and f og--he came out of the wild LocksalT r eg ion of Idaho a beaten man . Some consolation, though , he says he saw one , but didn ' t hit , that is , shoot i t .
' ttQ.~l....et .
LIBRARY CATALOGUES NEW BC OKS Thirty new books ate being catalogued in the library, hrs. Lanta Krider, Libral'ian, announced today .
st ructs two courses :
~.r .
Linck :in-
P.E. f or Sle1cn-
tary Schools and Introduction to F.E. the past year he was assis":.ant coach at ~he Univer sity of I daho, During
Among them : His Eve Is on the Soaris an autobiogra;hy by the famOu'S ;.;.._,ro actress, Ethel \/aters. ?or all r•i_ ; ing young psychiatrists there is ,. -'E"W Buttons M5.seing, a psychiatrist ' s c:,·.-:""£00kby James T. Fisher anQ. Lowell rot:1
BR.AINS AK.t TAPPED Phi Theta Kappa, the honorary scholastic
Go,Een Bough, by Sir James George '.'r.11 ... : , ie an antho~1 ogy of pri::u.tive 1tJ.::· 3 cu~t oms , ritua:: .- , and r:agic. It w1 ; .:i:-igi.r.? lly a twelvE': volume set / but nt 1 the library hae the new edition of all volumes condensed into one. ~-h'3
The library also has a new set of Encyclopedia Americana.
Introducing t wo new instructors, Miss Ge:·t!'Ude Gilbert of the business depa.-1:.illcnt and 51.r. Robert Linck, coach , !'J.ss Gilbert ie f r om 1·.orris, J..inn13soShe g:-aduated fro.:n the University of l.U.nnesota with a bachelor's degree i.1 business administration . Later she tn~.' her master's degree f r om the Univar sity of I ru:liana, ta.
After teaching mostly inhi!tt schools, l·:ise Gilbert says she likos college b~t tor . She states that the business d'partmont at J , c. is the be::t:. equipped a:.o i1as ever seen. L1~t
air force claimed
hr.,.. • '.l,'vi ces in Silver City, Hew Mexico . WI" ' • t.here sh e taught businCf.:l English
"'· -'
correspondence as well as advanced ng to member s of the air force on ' • " cruncue of New Me.xico Western Col-
.L.eg~ 4'
.t·: .!~ r.ilbert teaches advanced q,i/lg, p:-·. ·.• J ' ·••cs or accounting, office mac!. . • s and introduction to busine ss , Sbe also teaches typing in tho night BCh')Ol , ~.r.
Linck is a graduate of the Univer sity of Idaho where he majored in physi cal education. Earlier he had attended Sacramento Junior College and U.C. L. A. und had spent four years in t he Karine Corps. Coach s.eys he likes it around herelikes it because eve ryone is so friendly, He says, too, that the J . C. gymnasium is among the finest he has seen in this part of the country,
I daho Ju."l.l.')::"
e, has rece."l'...ly ta ~ped two m= ,.s
of the J . C. st.u.de::t body. Ca'·~!e Lavigr.'!! an1 Roy Carson a r e the twc :;elec ted bec.E.:lse of their outstan~ng grade s at NJ.JC , 10.ss Lavigne is the daughter of ~.r. and Lrs. \ ill.iam J . Lavir.5e of Harrison, Idaho. ?.r. Carson's oarents are t·.r. and J..rs . C. L. Carson, - Vallejo, California . The society lists nine members with Jack J..cAvoy presiding over the gr c·.:p . Carol Atkinson, 7ice ?resident ; Helen J.iarie !Jielson, Secretary; and Don b.ay, Trea~urer complete the roll call of officers. Other members of Phi Theta which is ~ted to ten per cent student body or less, are ~on Larry Hendrickson , Lorene ~.oore, Belt, and Al Somr..iers ,
V i
Kappa, of the Scott, Louise
A Dixieland Band was recently organized a t the North Id:Ulo Ju:rl.or College by R. J . Fahringer, '3and and Orchestr a Director. l•.uch enthusiasm has been voiced by t.he members who expect to play for dances and various other occasions . }.embers of t he ba..rid are : Tim Kusl..- . John Davis - baritone horns : Ga.q Collier, Ron Erickson and Don Barber-· truu:pets: uancy Swank, Laura Thie::ie!''l1 and Virginia Jessen, clarinets: J2 ' '-c Russell - base drums : Bonita BurrolJ8hs snare drums.
uorth ldaho Jwlior College Associated Homen Students met recently for the purpose or electing officers and planning their agenda for the 1951- 52 school year. The "ssociated \;omen Students during previous years have been active lll planning and sponsoring social evente (continued page ~)
.1o~ccontinued from page 4
throughout the year end also a style show in the sprinB• Lorene t:oore was elected ident Bonita Burroughs, "111 I • _ma Go -f'f I Secretary, and Dorothy Clawson, Treasurer . Pre S v1ce Presi' d ent
Sponsors of the organization are Urs . Eva L . Ogg , :>een of 1''omen, and Mrs , Llarie Krider , Librarian .
GtOG i<.APHE RS LEARN WEA-;-f-1EI~ FORC/\Si·INS Fernan Ranger Station was recently invaded by a group of NIJC students . The Elements of Geography class , under the supervision of Mrs . Mercy J . Gridley , made the trip in order to ac quaint themselves with the equipment used to forecas t and record the weather . Ranger John Herron conducted the tour and gave a lecture on the procedure of v1eather fore castinp; . "The students enjoyed the trfp , 11 said Hrs . Gridley , 11 "and it \'/BB educational to all .
ENSINrEl\S Hl:AR WAl"E:Fltll)
AT DINN[!<. MtLT1NG The =:..~gineers Cl ub was entertained at its ~irst dinner meeting ·· ednesdey, October 24 . Ne"'lton ...akefield , manai;er and ovner of the ·· akefield EnE;ineering Co . , Coeur d'Alene , was the f eatur ed speaker, according to Dexter H. Moser, club sponsor . Recently the fol l o\Ying offi c i&rs were elected : ?resident, Don Scott ; vice - president , Larry Hendri ckson ; secretary , Tom Hoiland; treasurer , Bob Lecai n . Herold Geren was appointed sergeant - at - arms . Tier member pledges ere ; Don Berber, Leonerd BPrrett , Ronald Boothe , Keith Cain, John Davis , Ronald Erickson, HowElrd Fleshman, Clifford Golden , James Hanks , Paul Jones , Stanley Ki l dow , Tom Koep , Jim LePard, \""illi am Uanika, Richard Ormsby, Kurt Potrat z , David Presley , Alan Robertson, Jack Russell , Robert Thompson .
ADVISED TO )U81"\IT SSCOT APPLICATIONS NOW Applications for the December
1 3 , 1951 and the /pril 24, 1952
administrations of the College Qualification Test are now availThe enrollment at !forth able at Selective Service System Idaho JUnior College for the cur - Local boards throughout the rent somester is approximately country . the samo as last yoar 1 s , Dr . o. o. Kildow, president of the Eligible students who intend college , said today . to offor this test on either date should apply at once to the near 11 In view of the fnot thot est Selective Service local board collo~ee evorywhere have taken a for an application end bull etin of 10 per cent reduction in their information . student bodies , we are of the opinion that we are more than Follo1.,ing instructions in the holding our own, 11 President bulletin, the student shoul d fill Kildow said . out his application and mail it immediately in the envelope pro The total number of students vided . Applications for the to date is 241 , Dr . Kildow said . December 13 test cust be po~t In addition, there are several merked no later than midnight , student ~roups meeting under the November 5, 1951 . auspices or the University of Idaho , whereby NIJC fUrnishes According to Educational Te~t the instructor and classrooms . ing Service, r.hich prep~res and The so students , along v:i th a administers the College Qual ificagroup of Coeur d 1 'lene High tion Test for the Selective SerSchool seniors taking avi~tion vice System, it ~111 be greatly t o mechanics, are not counted in the student • r advantase to fi le the total enrollment . his application et once, regardless of the testing dete he se11 ' .. e are pleased with the res lects . The results r1i l l be re :ponse in night school business ported to the student's Sel ective 11 11 courees , Dr . KildoTI said . In Service loca l board of jurisdic fact , we had to cease adr.ti tting tion for use in cor.sidering h i s students in this department bedeferment as a student . cause all of our equipment is in use . 11