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Spring came in wi th a blas t at tlIJC on March 21 . The activi t i es commenced with Kan~&ro o Court dueing activity period r Larry Leahy won the ~ary Sparber Beard Growing Contest for the best growth of beard . Al Ergen won a prize (baby bot t le) for t rying tho harde st to £row a beard . Those students s entencud 1n Kangaroo Court by jutlg s Charl ~ s Best , Gery Sparber , a~d Al Engen wer e Don Schierman and Mar vin Fischer who s howed their talent s as bubble dancers in t~e m1~dle of Fourth and Sher man . They stopoed traffic by t heir terrific show . Also sen tenced were Mrs . Ogg and Mr . Prid11y who had . buy coffee for the s u 'ert body . Next time they w11- co~a oroperly att ired l Tho rest oD t h o day the students f ound diff erent w~ys t o entertain themselv es o t her than roinF to classes . The day ' s activities were completed with a donco in the Student Union thot evening . There were many in attendance who helped to make 1 t a hig success .
PH I THET A KR PPR Th~ n1n~ a
or rlodping
for the
Page I
HriS THEIR 'OWN SK.l e ~-,~y
PLRNS BANQUE T Phi Theta Koppa is
mrmb~rs .
The banquet will bo held in the Flami?l!'o Room of the A thlet1~ Round rable ea rly in April . Those w110 are being pledged are Roy Sch~nk~nberger , Dale Rosko , ~Obe rt Westover , Helen Waldd. , ~c il la Dolan , Rita Pittman,Mernc ondi e , Weyne Goodson, an•' "Robort ·ar sons .
Atter.ti 11 1 1 ! f you have en ~ r u:nmage t.ha t you are not wer~· ing , th e FrA wants i t . ~a rch ~ is the datu ; the Presbyter! churoh bas1ment is the olace !o tbe r ummt:1ge sale spo~sored by the Future Teachers of America, t or the puroese of ra i sing money to send two d legater to the FTA convention ~n Boise . This i s :"/bet '";)U can brtn~. magazines, book~ , comic books cloth in~ -- es pecially children l 3 and men's - - or any white elephant s in reasonably good condition , (No pi nk e l e ohants allowed . ) The c lothe~ should be clean end pr esse1 , snJ should bo taken to M1·s . 0-1" 1 :- office , A lar ge box w:ll be r :ncod in the main hall fo.,. 'hi c th"r articles . So dig into ttat closet and br ing your rumi.~a~o
t ~d ay t
F .>ul'te ~ r. adde d to th~ s~e?ves of the NIJC l i brary this :.1onth. They are : Age of Feith, Will Durant ; Haaven In Ml:~ and Angels In Pinafores , Alice Lee Humphreys; I~t e rnational Politics Norman Judson Paddl eford ; Wpl Die ta tors? , George V,'olfgang He.1111 sar~en ; W6l~ing £!! Borrowed
~round ,
Wt:liem A. PrLf~~once ,
Peter Que-
nell ; Die t!£!_:"1rV rf ~£_1c~ Proverbs , Javi• Kin ; Aoer i ca Sings , ·;a+. io:1.Jl Poetry Assoc1Lt1on · Hu"ll L!Y Cullen, Ei Kilman ar.d Thec;n- ·11att ; }-~ -nf't ~ ~ Pook , Ar.gl - A":l ... 1ca· T n ... ttcs InC:'; Pc; _..: c ·. ..rou -~ ; _ .i..!18..:.'1!.1 Bern<trd - .ru.:·, ; ~ ..!!. un Trial , ~ •:cy nr.d ja~ue · Wo~ ~s, ~. D. ~e ss , Edi: ~ . Vie 1 ll sc ... yc...i in the 1. >rar..,. .
Staff Goodson-Sneclal ivent s Rucilla Jolan-Ty?ist Bernice S~-th-TYJ1St Pat Ga~ble- Tyoist 11-ax Nettleton-Typist .. hinnie Hi6 "'ins-Tyoist ~ayne
FR:ULTY 1dt /1rt~S GIVE LU Crl b.h~. I l1r' C'H rv1 LS
The Acer1can Co llege Dictiona r y d:1'1nes the ll'o rd cran:m1"6 as: p reuar1~ a ?erson, a s ror an , exattir.a t ion, by has.H~· a ~carl.ng O~~ttlilll 16 the houie econcmial r-1s me~or~ ~1th ractgi"'e~ceedi n~~ rtom ~a s~~ scene o{ •~deli~ht t he 8.ltount it can tmerlt..Iy, tUl. lunchl!~ g J,ven.' bf... femihold . Cramroln~ is so ~ that nine memb~r~ of the school ·racis common amon0 colle~e studerats. ulty for the Dames club . The It is so easy to let your s tud.lee tneme of. the luncbeon was carried go durin 6 the semester because out ln the 9orln6 mot if . The there are so many other t . i~ 6 s center p i ece on the table wa s a you "'ould rathe r do tha n s tudy . bouquet of yeliow daffodils . The Howeve:-, you -:.ay the oonsemenu consisted o f: tuna cassequences at the end o f,. the serresrole, molded salad , hot rolls, ter . ..hen the stu'ient has not cherry caK_e desser t wi t h sauce, kept u ~ with his ~ork, he must and cpffee . sit uv s~vera l ni.gnts in a row The membe rs of the club ~ho getti!\:, cauc..r. t u-, on back work were '!) re sent were Mrs . 11a rie ancl cramc:in0 for the tests . Ho lman , Mrs . Ruth ;1 estover , !"Ire . I think 'A'e are all 6Ullty of Lyons 1 i.frs . H&.ze l Clarlt , Mrs . cra mmi~ to a c~rtain extent . ~lma ~}Jlo ff , Mrs. Shir 1 ey How much easier it is to work a U"oo re, a nd Mrs . Mar jorie P t ters .. f ew hours each ni~h~ tha n to ~o The member s of the faculty a semesters work 1n one iinal oresent ~ere : Mr s . ~ va Og6 , Mre . weeK . Learnin6 to coi;: ~ lete •·ork··~·h~'rc y \}riil ey, \-lho 1s sponsor of as i t is assi 6 ned ls a very imthe club, l·11ss Beryl Johnso n, oortant 'OS.rt of our ed.ucatio n. 1Uss Loretta Dunnie;an, Mi'" S Gertrude Gil~~ rt, a~l Mrs . Chris tiansen . Thos~ unable to att end were Miss I t sulto ll l sn1o and l.. rs . ;.i.a rie Krider . • '!'h!• ~~b was or6an1zed this ,year ror· the benefi t at the married women stuC:.e rtt:s. Mrs . Ruth Jestove r is pres i dent of this r A""" or~ani zati~n . At Christmas the members 01 tne club were a~on sors of a luncheon uiven for the me~be rs of the faculty .
It seems tnat Miss .;,-l ·.Iobnaon was quite em::mrrass ed tne otner morn1ri6 wnen she went out to t'.et the ~ary~r . She was attired only in a housecoat . The wind blew the door shut while she was out there~ I t tooA some real effort f or ne r to wake up Miss Gilbert t o let he r back i nto the house .
19 55
~. cl1ke l'brockmo rt~n ot the Idaho state 1"1ab and Game IJep&l"toieot at Boise came to the Calser-vetion Education class and gave and 8 corr.bined talk on teaching conservation. Mr. Throckmorton travels ~t the state v1.ait1ng aid talking t o chases on state resources. He stated t hat teaching 1s a wonderful fi eld tilled ~ 1th i n..... , and beauty. Alao h e told about tbe scholarabi ps various acboola otter to 1m;Jrove the interest in conservation. Mr. 'lbrockmorton went on to d1acuaa the roles erosion end overgrazing bave played in our land . People are using tbe resources to their utmost and attar these are used t h ey move en t o some new place. He said we bave to stick in the roots 1Dgii1n 1 lead on our res ources. The cb1ldren ' ere these r oots . A movie was shown celled -in.rs 11 the I.ana. 11 Thia movie showed •1v1dly bow lend is started and bow plants develop in forests,a>d bow our plants and animals deJm)d upon one another throughout tbtr lives. Three-fourths or b earth 11 water and the ot her third is land divided into t our t ypes of climate. '!'base f our types ere tither too bot, too cold , sub1tandard, or productive. Also it ahowed that tor ever y ho tre es vlanted tour are d es troyed by rot, 11w1, or fire. The production ~ our land is a "chain ot life" • ITerfthing dependent on the next
The future ot our lend 11es 1n our bands. Vte are prepar ed , by ucb1nes and science, to pu t our land back in the prcx..uc tive c on41tlon. Theref or e , we must star t •ltb the r oots of 11fe,ard:4ldre1Mr. Jack Costello, e ame11Br c en for tbe Coeur d ' Alene area , and )Ir. Price, head or the Coeur d I Alene Soil Conservation Servic e department were guests of the •eet1ng.
CR Lt N0 RI~ !larch 30 - Dance Cl.ass •pr1l 2 - DeKol ey De.nee 6 - Dunce Class 8-11 E.aster Vacatlon
The port ra1 t in tlle lr.st 1s•ue was Al
c:~ ·n l.!lt>~ ·e ~n!.1-_ _
EVANS l~ETURNS FI~ 0M C0Nc EI~ ENC t t.r. Evans returned Monday, March 21, rrom the .f'ourtb b1enn1a l W1 l c ernesa Conference held 1n Berkeley, California. This two- d ay con f erenc e. which was sponsor eo oy the Sierra Club, had as its purpose a rormulat1on of a Nat ional Wilderness ~o llcy . It bope a to t r in~ s tout the enac twent of fete ral laws nwh icb will prot9ct a ~o rt1 on or our nati onal her itege 1n its pr1Jr.evsl cono ition tor recreati onal, educational, and scientific pur!;)Oses." Mr. Evans reported that t h ere were represented many such clubs and or .... anizetions as the "'ild erness Society, Nat i onal Perk Ass oc i at ion, and astern Federation of Outdoor Clubs . However, Mr. Lvens was tbe only person from the Idaho and ~on tana region.
6001\ REVIEWS Slave L'utiny by .illiam A. Owens Given by Charles A. Best J r.
Slave ~ tiny is a s ocial prot est wor k. It deals wi th a group of A!ricena with the aon ot a tribe 's beadsmen as their leader (a prince) . I t takes this group , the stor y built around tb9 injustices don e t o these ~cena, from the slave f actories on the shores ot their native lend to the p1t1ful , s ruel1ng stench and unbearable hard ship s end siclcess of the midd le passage to tt:e al.ave mart s of Cub a to a mutiny on a tine schooner , ultimately to 1he shores or f r eedom b y virtue or ver y .e vol ved le&a l procedure in tbe courts of America . The Four Winds by David beaty Gi ven by Dean ReGmond ·f'J.Jis is a s tory ct a va st , .::odern ai:'l1ne anc: the com;>lcx ooerat1 ons ca~r1eG on within it. It is a st or y or th e men ¥tl o fly the c ient eir llnera and or toeir f ami lies . The author ~eeds you ln to a section of each cl:Jaracter 1 s life , to an i nevitable and i nter esting oli!118.:....;:.;X~·---
30, 1955
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! At 6:30 A • .M. last ·- "!l'U"esday about fifty bleary-eyed muslo student.s boarded a school · bus a nd three cars and left for an ~ll-day tour of Kellogg , Wallace, a nd Mullan . The purpose of the t rip was to oromote interest 1n tne Junior college and also to adverti se the Sprin6 Festival to oe held here March 25-26 . The performers were accoaroanied by h r. Gilbert Burns, :Mr. _Qoyne Qarnett, l!.ns . •iar y He le~ MacDonald , a nd J.:rs . Charles 3est . ~he group o res en~cd a 45-~ln u te 1rogram which consisted of the G)'t)sy scene ~ro m the revue along With several other numbers . ~veryone wo re t yoical Gyrsy at~lre ..:hicil ' re sented a very colorful picture t o the aud ience. 'l 'he scene ooened with a violin solo oy Janet Best . Thls was follu•ed by the Gyosy dance consis ting of seven girls: Mona Carlson, Yvonne Dietz , Barba ra .ontieth , Bonita Plante, Judy ~\cks, Janet Best, and Sb..1.rley St even s . After the Gyosy dancers recovered their Jewelr y from the gym floor (those Gyosy dances a re really w1ld l) t he chorus sang ~ Play GJPsies , Dance Gypsies . " FolloV1ng this number tne violin t rio, accocroan ied on the accordion by 1-!ona Carlson , played "Dark Eyes . n A number from the I-iar di Gra s scene, "Italian StreErt Song 0 wa s next with a vocal solo by Hona Car lson, accompanied by the ohorus and or chest ra. The t r umoet trio then nlayed "Triplets of the Fihest . n This vaa f ol lowed by an instrumenta l ensemble from the high school , and t he Paris Cafe scene done by five danc ers: Barba ra i·iontieth, J udy Wicks, Bonnie Plante , Janet Best , and Shirley Stevens . K~l logg was the first stop and the en tire ?rogram wa s very well rece i ved. The enthusiasm of the audience carried over to the perforoers, and everyone thorO~ly enjoy ed hil::!self. lt is on good authority .tbat Cra ig Kosonen made qu1te a hit with some of the Kel:!.og~ 6 1rla. One of the~ even took his oiciu. ture . And with a bea r :i yet l The gr oln> a rrivedat\iallace 1 s chilly auditorium ri!{,ht on schedule, and a~a in ....as well rec eived. ~he can-can dancers br ought down the house . ' Full your eyetalls back in, boys 1) ~veryone ..:as allo~" ed a n hour for lunch so the gr ouo disba nded and de~arted to the various eating places . The high school students, who , you remec:iber, still
Nl J [ HP~ . ih EI !~ ~~ ~V
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Ttu brilliant tones, which come float1ng from the mus1c deoartment every eo often, are produced by Bob Adams, Crai~ Kosone n, and Clark Frandsen, the trumoet trio of NIJC . Crai~ and Clark attended the Co eur d ~lene H~.gh Sohool last year . They have taken par t 1n many music activities. Both have ~layed 1n ma ~y oontests and have received hJgh honor s in mo st ot t neo. Bob Ad3Q<" att1:•1.ied Seattle hlgh schoeil a~· "> ~evelt. He was a mus~.c m~jor a nd took part in many musio&l a ctivities. The trio l a sch eduled to play a t the All-t" T·'J Muslo Festival a nd 50 on t t•r to Wallace, Kellogg , and •.1..j ian.
•~ , I
A very outstanrling singer at our college _1s Mona Carlson.' She ia a member or the ohor:us, ac companist for the str i ng t r lo, a memb er or ~irls quartet, and olays the acco r d ion and string ba ss as well as the piano. · She is a muslo major and also a member or the advanced harmony class. In the recent Spring Festival p rogram, she had a major r ole. · As Marietta in the Mardi &rae scene, she stole the show when she sang "Italian Street Song.•
Peo~ le who live in gall bladd ers shouldn't throw stones .
l:Bve money, oreered large dinners, while some of t he colle~ e students or dered sometning to drink and pulled out sack lunches . &h 1 To be young and rich ae;a in ! ~ul la n was the l as t stop, and everyone t::nJoyed per.!orm.lng there; the people in the audience were wond erful listene rs. The auditorium wa s a little small, however, a nd Bonita Plante apolc.gized as she lan.led on someone's r.oe in the audience in the Can-can. The students arrived 'back at the colle6e about 3 P.M. , tired, bu t filled with the memories of the fun they .oad bad.
:!arch 30
THR=iCKt~~nRTON SFE~KS TO ,}J SER~ RTlfl I ~U~)S The conservation education cl ass went to the s:1erman sc ..1001 to :'le3r ·r . T..trockmorton , '>tate ,P!s·1 and Ca:ne !'.lepartment , talk to the c losg es . ~e pointed 01t the important v:ilues of c:>nservgt ion ?f 0·1r anlnals . Sis displav incl~ded several birds and also the skins of a few ani"lals n:itive to Idano . lie had a 11ovie on the 11 ves <:£ beavers . In t~is novie it shoffed h:)w t'1e b9aver 1s boch beneficial and nonbenef 1 cial to $an . The c lass reallv enjored ~r . Throcknorton 1 s program . 1 r . Jack Costello as3isted \n sett\ng up the ~ovie and display of skins .
\ vF. TC H1v1 AI< I Nf. t~ EWS Gay Thonpson , our ne1est 3tudent, bore •nto a ~3ntel c l ock and found 0 1t , after a few chosen ~ords , t1:it it is ~arder to ~ut t~1em b:icl~ together ar::gln t!'lan it is to t3ke t~e, ap rt . Ralph Clark, one of our for:n e r students , 1ns ::>bt~i,.,ed a job in a Je~elr st~re in Lewi3ton . Ye likes the job and receives a sood sal<ir·· . Srnie Do'ioet and Sill 0 1 r"lrd report t~e c::>~ing or a blesned event to their h::>~es . Ithas been a little d1ll ::>ver here evcept for the b~ne JOrk , and that is alP1 s fun . Bv Ernie DeRoet 1
TEN TOF 1. 2.
1. 5.
6. 7.
a. 9. 10 .
Sincerelv b•· the 1cG i1re slsters . ~elodv of Love bv the Four Aces . Ko Ko .10 (I Love vo'l So) bv Perry C,.1rn:> . Henrts of <;t~ne by the Fontaine 3lsters . En.rth Anr-e l b" the fenµins T eed l e Dee by Georg a
Open US "our ~ieart by the Co• o\· Ch•.irch c:;..ir.da.,... Sc"lool. No '.4?re bv the .!cCuire Sister s . Ho.v I 11 )Ort~m t C'ln i t '1e • b·r :.'hrah V:iut;han . .:r . <;andJ'lan b•r t 1e Chort4ettes
The eighth annual "Borah Fo•.ndat i on C?nference for the Out lawr; of War , " was held in 'foscow ·~arch 16 - 17. The t'1e11.e of · tliis -e<irs c::>nference ·.1as "The Un ited Nations --Is It t3e Road to ?eace?" Representine N I J C at this function were 'l r . G. O . "'endt , Ron ~eber, C'1arles Best , Dick ~loo re , 3a·· Libe rg, and Don Schierman . • Jr . !endt pla\Ted an active part in one of the forums . T"le fo1rt·1 session ·1as held 'n the 'e11or· al Gmmasi·un at \1hich Dr . D. R. T~eophilu s, Pr es id ent of the 1n ·vers it7 ofidaho opened tbe conference . This 1as fol lo,ed b7 an acdress entitled , 11 The United ~i'ations and Charter Revie~ . ·· It t1as t;i.ven b•• Dr. ~u~nc~ rtb,t , ?rofess::>r of ?o li tical ~c:ence at t ~e Univer sit · of Ch:c~go . This address •as imueo 4 atel" follo~ed b'r t hree c?rre sponr'ing for•.lm discussions given simultaneously . ednesd'3V evening a ban11'1et as held in t'.1e ballroon of the Student ,nion ~~ilding . nr . Ronald 3 . Levinson , He9d of the De~artment of ?bilosophv at the un• versit- or '11ine , :ind also the oon ?f t1e fo1nder of the Borah " 0 mdac ion, a:ave m address on the ''0•1tla "r·· of \'l ar and the Vature ~r an . " ~1s · cal entertain~ent as rovid~ bv the Vand!lleers . Thursda·· norning Dr . Carlos Devila , ~ecretar-r General of t~e ~rsanization of ·~eric31l ~tates nqde the topic of his addre~s, "Re[!onal Jrginizations and t1e Roads to ?eace . " This ~as fol lo ed bv ttree forums , one of .,hich r . ·:,endt .,.,as a panel ~einber .
:'he f? 1rth session , Thursda•r afternoon , had as :~s princiole S"ea':er ':'ho~as Jefferson Re:!ilton of tl-?e ~e., ":>rk Ti ~es . 'Iis soeec·1 ""ii$ " .t'racftJonal Di?lOU3CV Collactive -3~1~1t~ in ~he Conte=porarv ~?rld .''':'his address .t'lS !ollo ec b"' t"lree f?r ..l!'lS and a "Con:'erence on I::ior o•1ing t'1e Level of :~ror,1tion for Con~'1n i tv art'c1pat!:>n :n Forelcn oolic- . " The~ ~ere all held s''lultaneo.!sl•· . Tl:te Conference "r'lS c::>ncl·1rled ,1th a dinner and a"discus~ion of "Steps :o..,ard thP. -ut ire .
vs .