Cardinal Press Vol 7 No 4 Apr 14, 1955

Page 1

vol . 7, No . 4


d' 'le ne, Idaho

~d l 0qf1[f


North I daho Junior College will be the setting for t he anneul "Senior ".>sy" , Wednesdry , Anri 1 20. Opening exercis e s wi ll begin et 9 : 30 f . M. At 9: 45 ente rtoinment \71 11 be p rovided by Hrs . Luva Lee 's dance cla ss end t b.e T'us ic Depertment . The Phi Theta Ke~pe Pledges ~ill be initiated . Beginning et 10:45 , Mr. 'lh:m?s G. Youman, personnel men~qer of the Potlr tch Forests , Le":'is ton r.111 be tbe c:uest s~eel{er . ~t 11:00 lunch ~··i ll b e served by tre Coeur d''lene ChPmber of CD':lllll erce .n connection •·1th t h e NIJC Home ::conomics Oenr rtm ent . ' fter lunch the collepe en trr nce exPms "Ii 11 be given . :hese "jll continue until approx1~ t ely 3:00 P . i: . ~rt er this seni "' rs will be gi ven e tour of t'' e collc. p;o by stuc'ent puides .

'11 hirh school 3en1ors from ·:ootenl"i County , Pl11mr.icr , ~ nd ston :?re invit ed to partic 11>r te in this pro ersm . One hundred doll ar sc~o l r rships " i ll be aw.:- r c!ed on t•1e re sults of these · tes ts end h i gh schoo l reco r c's . ~.nnouncement of the winne rs \"i 11 be :ii:J de in June . These scho l •rships cnooJ·. g e t'ie st.uc'ents to rurt.her chei r e.'t•c ·t1on ··crordinr to tn'?· .... 1n':e:rr ~ ts rmd r?. li ties. E lucr ticn is import nt fr":r 1 l::c l:h the 1n~iv1aue. l stend p?i nt r-na elso ~c nrtional st.nd Point . 1

CRLEn ORR Janee ClPSS Ban ?hi Tho tr :·'"P!"tl q•tet. ~ •?'11 20 ))'"'nee Cl!' SS l'il 27 "'lance Cl(' S S 'nr-11 00 .nrinsers i:-0 11 for ~tu ?. ~ol'tin'"tions P: esit:lent d"nt i'ody ·c tivi ty Pe riod. ~y 4 D•nce Clrss ·v 6 'iothers Tetcy 11 Ue.nce Cl PS!' •.ey 16 ~h.c ti ons .:i-y 16 DPnce 1, j_i;> SS 19 Finrls rert n l!ey 27 Gr eduetion "nnual ~ch oo l Picnic

~"!'il ·~ril



J'9rll H , 1 955


idP tion?

do you

think of fluor-

This question ~es esked so~e of the st~dents of NIJC . Tht respon ses rere varied . ;;r . :•a rvi n Hill - "It's been coming up around ~s llace Fnd Ke llop- , and . some of. the doctors ba ck 1n the bi g cities a re voting e e§inst !"t. I don't knot? enough about the p:-o?lem." Cf' role (Lonf John) Baxter - "I ein't de•d yet . " '.rs . "'ro!"cost - " Until it ie proven to be hrr::U"ul , I thlnk it shoul c b~ ciscontinued . I'm no e.uthori ty , fTO er..eed - - drink it. " 11 &ms " Ees t - 11 ! t 1 s uncons ti ~·1 t i ont' 111 . Tom 1oske- "I don't core , c ause I t"on•t l ive .._ere . " ~io rvin ?ischer- 11Duh 1 "'h~ t is it?" Lrrry Gust-fson

thinks it i s

to~ e~ rly

1n the morning . He ' t think :-ret . Llrs . · esto?er will. continue to c r i nk until it is ,raven ~armf'u l . i"rs . Gre~n - ! t'tllOP"O!'ed to fluo rid·tion of o~b lic drinfr1ng v:eter, 'jccause the r-overnment ~ s excredin~ it's authority \hen it not onl·- _,prescribes medicrt ion but mf~es it co~pulSOI7 ·" :trT.1. n:i J<.,ettleton- "I'"ll r'efi nit el y in frvtJr of fluor!det ion. It's b~~n ~ro ven to my sPtis f~ction t~ot ~t is hel~ful to chllc' .. ens teeth . 7he!'e!'ore ·we must t~ke i~to consireration the ~e ll - belng of our chi l dren . " ~ey..,on Tia'! rre - " I h::ove he~rd so m"'ny Q'..:~ l ' !'ied persons on both sid~:: !'c;u.. not'rs ;et drar rn:y def"n 4 te co.•cl"sio:l ~" "Cook' "'" !:'e::t - 11I :"' DC~.1. r.St : :. . No one ~~tJ·l~ be r~rced to do ~omethin,... t.,,_ t they l'-"ve not haa ~ . t ti the ory-.,rt r~tw ~o V? e on . 11



Everyone who has pictures th-t t~e, ~rnt to a?oeer i n the nnurl , o: er e br ing t he~ to the en.'Nf' l st f f as soon es posri ble .

•oril 11 , 1955



·\TR t-F

Don scbi. l"lll' n - ci tor Dupyo Chyun Y:" s born Novembe?' P::.rbarc Ne\·comb- i·anaving E ·120, 1933 in Seoul , Kor eo . Fe tor 1.1. ved here w1 th h i s· 'P"rentl! end Pob scott - Ne~s ~~ itor brothe~s ~nd sisters . D·ryvo h~s Nrncy Ellk:ott-Society "'di tor t'kree brot hers end fo ur sisters . R£"' :.iberr-- Sports :;ditor He is the oldos t. Duoyo ..,.ent to ·vr~ G l,an - Literat ~re ~nd ~rece sch~ol "nd hi~h schbol in Dra:· t1 cs C'eou l end ,.hen the w~r brdm out , -st'ler L nr>sey -• rt <-eoul rrs ev,.cu"tcd md the Ch)'un G. "' · · enc!t - dv'sor f"cily -nove~ to the SCA.11hern oi> rt c: t ... "f .---r '\ore" . - - - tr..,on --PAJ·t.inF from 1he Seil .. cyne Goocs..,n - " ec". i-·cl lll' Dolan- 'l"'"ist Hirh . chool ; n 1951 , nupyo T'ent B;..m ce s.-' t ;1 - T'n>ist to the ~eotil Un1 vers1. ty . He l"ent ~·~x rettleton- Typist here p yeer rnd .- htlf , tli.en, 8S ~e-o" l)e ··• rre - Ty -,is t en interpreter for the F1rst '.'er .. ,,,.,.e B°Jrcll - Typist ine Nvision . Pe v.orked ot thts 1ob for ei rht :nonths . ' Dupyo \' rnted to ro on to E:iITOfil •t school in ,T 11nn or Fr nee, but this \."!' i""pos ... ible . Through the u!'e of the libr"ry , :)upyo found a book, C.uidea to ·f merican Cne· tir.g is certcinlv the Colle5 es and Un~vcrs lt'Ies , ana E::sv .·ay to "e t ones •or': done decided t O-come t o nr. ' meriorn or to r-et e hiph ~-de in c schoo l. Pe •rot" to Or . ~ ileo ·.1 1 t e st . is _ t th~ best '"87" President of NIJC , • n rl through People ~o che-t rnd ~~n•t him , received ~ scholrrship from ~et cr ur-ht rerlly think they are the First Pres~vterir n Chu r ch in put tin t cne over on the te~cher~ Coeur d' ~lene to "ttcnd JC . But actually thcy •re foolin" •·11en ')upyo Prri ved in Se" ttle themselves . Wtshi nF- ton , on the plene, he ~~d onlv " - couTlle of weeks until Those ,.·10 do che t e re de..,r•vschool st"rted . 'ft er he "rr1ved ing t,~~selves of the e~uc-t1on ~n Coeur d' 'lene , he took up thev nt to secure . They -re residence v:ith ';:>r. nnd t.~r s . Hus~eininr no kno~led~e fro~ this ted . pr· ctice ·nd ::--e usu lly on!z. Duoyo • s f"ther h" s a Ur r i ne Po °'n'er, Supryly ~tore ln l°fo·r~e.1i" now . He - fter c good "'r'"de . they don•t seem to reelize that says the people over there a r ess g"od rredes "re """od only when eccorC:in,.. to custom when ho?re, they acco~prny good l"!'!o,..ledge . bu t the men use clot'1es like the The .,erson that c'1eats will •mer1c"' ns •:i'1il'l rt work . The nnd that when he goes o t to entertein:nent in ~area is s1.rn11Pr secure P job th~t '·is former to ours but the chilri,...en " re not methods of "Chieve~ent " re no rllo ·ea' to ~o t.., the ~es until .'.:f'Od to . ·1 . nie e-::i">loy<"?r "ill they ere out of high scho'"'l• soon find out th~ t t'1e new They kno'N th e j1. tterbup , too. e~~1o~ee h"s not the_~rility to The g~cde schools ore b0 t'1 M rls stud ·nd learn recd~ly snd "'tis and boys but in m1<'d l c o r juni or ~ositioni ill be lost . schools ~nd hi"h school , they sJ:et_ies this type of ~ro seper e t e classes . They all behav_or lends to more serious we"r n st nd"r~ uniform . me~horls of a ttaining >e rscnc l Dupyo • s hob~ies Pre svn m::iing ,..a1ns . ~t., l1nr rnd excessive and re"ding . ·•e '>le ns to 1"ork ly1nr- E!'e often the !'es •lts . with the ?orest Service this Is it et'1ic~l fo r one to sumn:er . seer fice his future sec··ri ty for Pr. eusy r.-.., out .,f study in,.,?


Be kind to a 11 dumb ai i :na ls; And :1ve s!?18ll birds a crUJ:lb ; ~e k i nd to 'lucan be!n~s , too . They 're so~etines jretty dumb .

.. wise old owl sat on an oak, The ::iore he saw the less he s'>oke; ~e less he S""'O!<e t'1e "'lore he '1earc . ·.'lhy aren ' t we lilte th3t wise old bird ? ·

- Unknown





VACATI ONUA)S ARE EI~ J0) c0 13Y ~\A "~ ~

TW0 J C L11~ LS 00 \ ELI_ IN C0 NTEST .iorth Idaho Junlo::- Colle;e wm well represented in the recent l1ss Coeur d ' rlle~e contest . One of the five f inali sts was Bonita Plante from the college . She showed her talent by do1nga so.ft toe bellet , 11 Donee of the Clown . 11 The other JC £1rl in the cor. test was Barbara 1.lontieth . As her talent Barbara showed some of the sewing she has accomplished. It i ncluded a dress and short Jacke t and also the white lace for mal she wore in the contest . The winner of the contest was 1'1ss Claudia Vlri~ht , a senior at Coeur d 1 Alene High School .

OEljRTE C L R~~ TO HR Vt T0UI~ NRM ENT Near the end or ADril , t~e Lewi s and Clarie ili l:'h School cbbat <.' team will journey- to !HJC for a tournat:lcnt . There will be four debates in various r ooms duriTl{) the first hour . The :;econd hour they \'1111 change rooos o.nd debate the o lher teaC'ls . The :;orth Idaho Junior Collc""e ~1ebate Souad ,·ill then entertain the visitin0 teams • i th a luncheon .

See the ha opy mor on , He doesn ' t give a damn I I • h h 1 we r e a moran1.y 1osh I Perhsns I am .

Dur i ng ~aster vacation many of the students and faculty cembers took advantage of the four f r ee days they had . 1'he variobs ways in which thev s~ent their vacation were : • Nanc; =llicott exercised her horse . Shi!'le~ -;-3ndt "•cnt tn Spokane and s~ent ~!'1caJ ni ht with a friend,and wor!-.:ed in· oolr.orth ' s store Friday and Snturday • •1ayoon i::>e--orre went to Lewiston and, while t'1ere , he tried to work on his accounting prac t-".ce set . Rucie i)olan scent the days workin- on her oractice s ot . i'i3s rertrude '.Hlbert S'ld Miss Beryl John3on went to Portland , Oregon , to visit . iss Johnson ' s br other. ..r . anc! .:rs . :>ick :.1oore went to Pullman to visit with rela tives . "rs . l'ortirner worked in her yard and she also went to Seo. k.ane . Staying at home and also doing so!:le of her schoolwork were Bern-

adine Batchelder's activities .

!'ax Nettleton slept until noon everyday and she also tried to get some work done on '1er orac tice set . i arvin r:oischer "1orked on his o!'octico ~et so '1is favorite teacher woulJ1 1 t flu~k him out of tne course . llin.'1ie L.i. -lns went 1101:1e to Smol terv llle . Ken ":illians branded cattle st his father's ranch at Beauty Bay on L~ke Coeur d ' Alene . . "; ri ~ley went to '1er sUlllllJ3' ho~e , st:llaquamish Country Club, in western ashington . Larry Leahy went on fnur days H and R, and he also went Easter e-5 hunting . ::u11ene Lee:s r.ent to Coule e Dam. ~r . ~ • . {ildow did as little as he C"ulr. . · r . Perrv C'1!'1st iansen and his family ent to Seattle to visit rela tives . Yvonne D!etz just loafed at ho~e all the tice . Frank ~eleven sleo~ cost of the ti~e, a~d then tried to do soc:e stud~inC": . 3ob 99hbitt ~en t crazier , ar.d he also ~ent to his heme at the Indian )eservat ion (~lu:!ll' . i3e rn1c~ S"lith used job hunting as an excuse for ls:y- day trips to s~okane, "ash ., and Jsrrison .

!.oril 14 , 1955



The ··horth::-nd cl:: sses , tnurht hove by ··1ss Loretta Dunnip:'ln , wi:;cently on mony :-~·.·-r".!s . Those .:.nn!nr r"·-rds 17ere: J·riene Schil~in~ for tr:-ns c-..1b:1.n,. notes tht>t v·ere fictE'tad et 140 ror~s P minut~ . ~ .'.PX rettleton, qi tr Pi ttosn , ra rbara re-:co~b , -nd ·rs . 1 o:-t i~er for tr-nscwibinv not~s die t tcd et 120 • ords ... •inute . : .ax :·c ttleton, Ruci 11:- :Yllen , i"rs • . ortl-:-r, :?erb- ra Ne-1co-b, ·:-ncy ~ llicott , and f:hirley ~r-n1t for tr~nscribin g notes ~ ct t d ~t 100 · ords a minute . ;;-ncy :.E!.cott , Bernadine -. tch-lder, l:'nd Joyce ?.:olstead for trrnscribinr notes dictrted .ct '30 o rds e ilinute . Joyce ~·olste:.d P.nd ~nnette ~ ?"- ood for tMnscribing notes dictE:ted l't 60 wo r ds ., ~ii:i.u te . Those ·:inning tbeir t'-1eory pins for eCCUIStely vTi tirp t~eir shorth-nd cherecters · nd tr ns cri binr the, into lon~h~nd '~re : Joyce ·~olste-d , Pernice Srni th, '°"Erbera Newcomb , :rs • ..orticier , en~ ern::din~ r-tchelder . J-net Dest h&s ,-on '•·crd IV, the hichest <"'Ord .in tr nscrintion . T''lose v:inninr: •.-rd III Darlene ~chill:n~ , rernice fmith , P.uci llr> Dol:>n; "nd :.:ax !lettleton . ft'1f.:rd II has been 1·:on by Rita ?it, · rs . · ·ort imc r , n~ ~::i r bc.rc ~h.wc>;>r-ib . Shirley ~r·nct has ."on ·, nrd I . To · ~n awrr~ I th& notes ·re •'ict·ted t 80 .•ores a minute r.n~ tr~nscribed et t~e r a te of 15 or~s .. "linute . ::'or ,wPrd II the notes r re dictrted et -I) v.crds ~ minute n~ trenscribed - t the re t e of 19 ,1ords a :ni nute . For · 1 crd III the notes are ~ictc·ted ~t 3~ ;ores e oinute nd trens cribed ?t the rate of 20 .ords e ninute \ith c - r bon co?ies . For 'n:rd IV tl)e notes a re dictrted -t 100 1·:or ds £' minute nn(l trens cribed et the r~ te of 25 ~. o:-ds a minute v i th c -: rbon co-pi es .

MISS GILBERT RRUW PRES IOEn T C-ertrude Gilbert, -~iss

?r6s of the locRl chepter of the 'mer1can 'sEoci tion of the ·1n; vers1 tv o'":len , r>nd l.:::-s . Florence Str~n~han , i~~edi ~ te p-st 'O~esi•'en t or the orp:aoizati on , ttenced 8 c o nvent i cn in Kello~~ on •pril l j . This convention is the North Di.strict '"orksbop of the · 1' U'"" . ~dent

o~e .,~,,. ,

,.. '"

Vi' ~tJ~

d • ..,,,

CHRISTIRnsEn Ano PRIDDY RTTEnO BOISE MEE Tl nG In the enrly on rt or "pr1l ''r. Christil".nsen :-nd Hr. P"iddy attended P meeti n g in Boise . Present · e re re >ro::cnt 11 ti ves rm :11 the Liber~l •rts Co ll o~e s ln Id~ho . Those collcrcs n~r tici ­ pRt n~ were the University of Id~ho , Idaho ~t to Colle~e in foe t ollo , "licks Colle~e (~7bur8) Collc"e of Idaho ( Ce l d,•ell) , fJo:-th 1"es t NPzarene ( Nempa ) , Poise Junior Collere , ~nd 1.orth Ic·ho Junior Co lle re . ress ions were hc l ~ FridRy efternoon :-nd .-,. tu1•r1 ry morni ng to d i scuss common problems . Joint ~eetinps , cnm!st1n~ · or the re,rcsent ~ tives from the l ~slish Deprrtmen ts , discussed . Engl18h problems .

FOR M STUOEllT RT BJ C ·· e he · r th[ t J· ckie 0 1 Toole is v·e ll estttbli ~hed at Bois e Junior Col l eva no~ end likes it very ·:1ell there . !:he wr ' tes t~et she h s ch-n;ed her mAjor fron businrss t o educcti o n end fe e ls thrt ~he is better suited to this field . J-clde is t~l.i;:~ nr bov!linp, s t·im"'ing, -nd ro lf, bes'c'es her rer-ul. r ~t..i ·1cs . ci,e i :: r me~ber of tl-ie ne·1ly fonned ?r st Ronored r,.x~en 1 ~ Club . J pckie wc.s Honorer r.-:.1een of ~ ethel ?lo . 7 , Inteni- tionel ' rd er of JoJ ' s Jeu~ters, Coe·Jr ,t' ' l ene, last fall . ~be ·:rites th"t r>ltliou~h she Mis·es lier frteods ~t North Idaho Junior College , she fincl s the students ct BJC very friendl y and l !.keeble .






HOME EC PLRns MOSCOW TRIP The home economics students ot NIJC plan to vlsit the University ot Idaho on Saturday, April 23. Jhile they a re there, they vill go thro!J6h t he new home ec bu1ld1ng, and will me~ the home ec instructors that they will study under next year. Those who are taking part 1n t his field trip are Mrs. St r anahan, Instructor; Olrol Satcnwell; Lenor e Mad~.ox; Barbar a iolont1eth; and Joan Hiendri ck . The foods class of the home economics depar tment ~ill be saving their guest meals starting this nine weeks. Thie will expla in what i s goin~ on in the home eo r oom , and also the fragr ant cooking odor s comi ng from there.

LEIGHTY Rno GOOOSOn FT R DELEGATES Hazel Leighty and.Wayne Goodson wer e chosen by the FTA as their representat i ves to the state I daho Education Associ ation Convention held Jb 5o1ee on npr11 22 and Z5 . They a re going by car with some of the local teachers. At the convention they will at tend open meetings and they will also attend committee meeti ngs . The new offic er s f or next year will be elected. The members will also go to a dele~ate ass~mbly .

Alternates f rom t he local FTA tor t his convention are Myra Gilman and Ron Heber .


There i s a definite need in our comrnuni ty for a g r and o l ano . Ho other )lace i n Coeur d1 .1Hene ia used for as many civic activities as is the Jr I J C c.uditorium . Mr. burnett , with the help of the colle~e chorus, i s s t arting a oocmunl. ty t u nd. Any tcn•ns peoule or students interest ed can donate to this cause . Your donations will be much ao~reciatr e ,, Custome r : I would like some rat pol.son . Clerk : Will you take l.t with you? Cus, omerJ No , I'll send the rat s over after 1t.


MR S. GRIDLEY RCT IVE 1n conFEREnCE Mrs . ~e rcy Gri dley was a oanel cember at the Pacific Northwest Conference on Fam1J.y Relations which was held at Portland State College in Portland on ~.arch 24 , 25 , and 26. The oanel in whiob she oartioipa ted was " Impact of Social Change on Family Life . " The theme of the con~erence was •Is the Family Meeting the Challeng e of the Age?" The main speaker was Dr. Brook Chi shold, Director General of the U. N. World Health Organization . He sooke on °Tne Family: Basic Unit of Social Learnin~.n Father Van Christoph of G. U. Sookane, was elected President of the organization . Next year the meeting will be held in Spokane . The meet ings are open to the public.




weeks ago two


students gave a puppet

show demonstration of"Puncb and Judy . " It was given for the dramatics class, and present for the show were .irs . Grid.ley's class , the French class , Dr . Kildow , Dr . Oe;g , kiss Johnson, 1·.iss Gilbert , ;,iss Dunnigan ,and Mrs . St. r anahan . The college dramatics class ~111 oroduoe five puppet shows in May . These aho,..s are original and the students will makethe!r own pupoets . Producers will be Irene Green, Bob Schmidt, George 1-iarks, . Dic.ll 1'.oore, and Annette Harwood .



Dr . Eva s . C~g ' s education department att,nded a =eeting of the In:Pr.a Zm~ire Edu~ation Assoclat1o:'l 1n S:;>okane on ':bu_;sday the seventt of ~pril. ine soea:ters were .. r.Benjam;.n,' education editor of the ~ "for'£. T1a:es an:l ~he ?resident of Cent~icr.i~ -n Co:lece of Education, woo talAed on "Tte Influence of Teachers. " Those a ttending were : ~~el!IIB. Berthoff, Nrs . Hartnett ,Irj,s Green , ,-iargie Peters . Tne 6roup also attended a Ch1lu ~ducat ion Conference.

EPISODE Ill THE SU BY.\sH.I L.was sitting in

the library during activity oeriod, I decided I would go down to the SU for a cuo of coffee . When I got about halt way across the ~ym , I heard a terrible commotion coming .from the SU. There were a bout ten young men who were bavinB e wonder1'ul time wrestling . I sneaked in the back of the line, tree1bling ell the w~11le • It seeQed the line was not coving at ell . I looked u, at the heed of it and there was : iss Johnson ,ick1ns 25 ? ennies off the counter ; three boys were m.a tchin'"" for o c u"> of coffee and a fourth was tr~·ing to c:o!ce U') his =ind what to buy . Just tben, I was thrust ego inst the wall with someone's nu~ber 11 ">lan ted on c; m kle . Tbe7 didn't seem to not i c e; it wasn't their ankle that had been crushed . As I pulled away from the wall, I was knocked off my feet again by a g irl who was coming throurh to leave her soiled cuo . I gl anced at th!' cup and \fondered when the designs were ,ut on them. I looked a little closer and it wasn't a design after all . Evidently t ~ is ~ lrl didn't have a napkin, so she blotted her li~stick on the rim of the cuo . ·At last the crowd had ">essed and it was my t~rn to order . I was so exhausted that I felt I needed oxygen, but oxygen was not available so I bou3ht a cu~ of coffee . I eccide~tally laid ~y arm on the counter and \Then I lifted it up , it was dri~~ing wi t h coffe e, sugar, and cream . Someone had been very careless and spilled his coffee. Besides the coffe e , sugar , md cream on the counter, the~e was napkiils , milk bottle ca?s , and gum wra? pers . I started down to the SU. My ri ght foot came down on a big blob of ice cream end went sliding out from under ~e . That was the last straw, but I f i gured , since I ~ad 9aid for my coffee , I Oifht as well drink it . I looked for an empty chair . I hoped there would be one na7 beck in t he corner where I could be by myself . Many of t he cha irs were being used as foot-stools so I decided to s tend and drink my coffee . Besides all the tables were so cluttered with ashes, trash , and cigarette butts that I didn't want to sit down al Y71ay .

IllTRA MUl~RL SPORTS 13Y I~. L. With our school year raoidil coming to an end, we are awa111 with many different school activities . Ilowever, intralllUral so ort a are one i:>haae or act1vit? in which we are not to active What is there ava ila ble to tb: students of North Idaho Junior College? There are many ditterent things the t we can do aa far as intramural sports are concern.. ed . Softball , t ennis, golf volleyball , S'l d archery are manj of tho even ts or games which we hove h9d in the ~ost . Lver yone get energetic and create a little enthusiasm f or intranural S"'Orts . This 1s ii~ we lack that would hel p us r.ioke this o !:'lore enjoyable school ··esr .


- ----Mtf.,8[k 1F FACULTY

I< UNS F0R MAY 0I< Mr . Perry Chriotianson na nomi nated We dnesday , March 31 aa can didst e fo r mayor by the Community \'.'elfare Party. The 11LU1io1oal election will be held April 26 . Also nominated at the oarty caucus were four candidatee tor councilmen. A party execu.t i ve coCllllittee of twelve members was r:n:ned . In nominating Mr . Clrl.s tianson, Mayor Cardncr "raised him tor his work on the c itv council saying, "I have found him always willing to look on ho th sides of any and all questions and those who know him and ba ve worked with him know that be is well quali fied to be the chief e::ecut~ vc of our city. • In ecce":tin~ t'i.e nomina tion t.r . Christianson ec!mowledced the ~onor ei ven him and ryledged that , if elected , he \'7ill "carry out the wishes of t he neoole and give them an orderly and honest government . "


-- - -

l'o.,, tunes aroun'~ th1s oart <I the country are : Ballac of DP. vy Crock£tt O~ en Up Your H~art V.elody ot Love Cherr y Pink and Aople Blosle9 '..hite ? ledges ro:y Hear t .

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